Painkiller Already - PKN 448

Episode Date: March 21, 2023


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Starting point is 00:00:00 PKN 448. What's up, boys? How's it going? You're just chatting about wings. The Titan. The heavyweight. Oh my god. Super heavyweight. Yeah. Lord Nurgle himself. Uh-huh. The pestilent one. The hungriest and the biggest. The biggest. The strongest. The hungriest. the hungriest. He's bigger than the current champ, Tyson Fury.
Starting point is 00:00:30 Oh, yeah. Dwarfs him. Dwarfs him. Yeah, literally. He kind of looks like a dwarf next to him because Tyson Fury is 6'7", and mostly muscle, although he's kind of known for not having that pro athlete physique. Tyson Fury should...
Starting point is 00:00:45 Wings is a bigger man, and it's very rare that a professional athlete beats a YouTuber. That's true. It's bad optics. Look at my man's speed here. Look at his hand speed. Look at that. The camera can't even catch it. You know what's not impressive?
Starting point is 00:00:59 Zach's computer. Oh, my gosh. Zach's computer is slower than Wings' redemption. That's 8K video he's buffering, okay? You don't even know. He's basically rendering half of a movie right now just playing this. There it is. There it is.
Starting point is 00:01:14 Boom, boom. Now, on the other hand, I watch Boogie. Man, Boogie's hand speed is just like molasses. And the other thing is Boogie's so fat that he can't move his upper body when you throw a punch how fat is he like your shoulders are part of the punch you're pop you're you're flick it's down to your feet your feet are like you're twisting the ball your foot you're everything's torquing into putting a little pop on that punch if you're talking about like a cross and i watch him and it's just like he's just like a rock'em sock'em
Starting point is 00:01:44 robot he's just the arms actuating you know and so like i cross and I watch him and it's just like, he's just like a rock them, sock them robot. He's just the arms actuating, you know? And so like I could sit there and let him punch me in the face all day. And I would make me so mad. Like, like, like, look how bad that is. See, see, he's, he's like leaned back because he's got so much rocks. He's got such a huge belly that he has to lean back to balance it and so he's back here trying to fight a guy over up in front of him and he's got to be up here
Starting point is 00:02:10 up in front right like he needs to be leaning in and reaching out and touching wings was leaning forward like a fighter would wings is more athletic like i've seen wings move around and it's he's one of those guys who can be surprisingly bouncy for short periods of time and like this is a disabled man strolling is great yeah wings is like here's the problem if you show yourself doing anything on youtube you will be compared to people who are great at it doing on youtube right like if i were to hit a heavy bag everyone would be like woody is slow as fuck i watched mayweather do this and woody looks terrible like okay people would that's true i get it you know i might even be slower than average
Starting point is 00:02:56 or maybe i am average i'm not sure but uh when compared to the greats i look terrible wings of redemption looks like a regular person and boogie doesn't boogie looks disabled handicapped yeah yeah he's physically retarded it looks like nurgle has had his way with him there should be more words for like retarded and so i need there's a slight scale for scale for what each IQ has a word for. Idiot doesn't just mean... We use idiot and stupid and even ignorant. All is the same insult. But those are degrees of...
Starting point is 00:03:33 Taylor said physically retarded. I feel like there should be a word for physically retarded that means that. Other than just disabled. Severely retarded. How about you? We just add new descriptors like this gentleman is bafflingly retarded.
Starting point is 00:03:53 Puzzlingly stupid. There should be a term that means verbally illiterate. This person can read and write, but they can't communicate what they're trying to get to. That's a troglodyte. What? Yes. Yes, a troglodyte what yes yes a troglodyte
Starting point is 00:04:06 also i think i think a philistine is technically someone who has no appreciation for art like troglodyte is a person that lives in a cave they don't speak but but with no um verbal language as well with grunts and i think that's a big part of it i understood it to be i don't actually know i'm taking your person regarded as deliberately ignorant or old-fashioned i'm not seeing the definition i know it's mean i know you don't want it even though it sounds like a dinosaur it's a diss yeah i always i know i i think of the troglodytes from bone tomahawk you know those those indians who lived in that cave those savage cannibal people um but but yeah man he looks savage um if there's a way to bet on this i'll bet on wings for sure this is gonna smash him boogie yeah i keep going back to
Starting point is 00:04:52 that time boogie said he intimidated two grown men at a gas station because it was two right i'm not sure it could have been four at least one grown man in a gas station at least they took one look at how at his mean face and wanted nothing to do with Boogie. A score. My head's going back to that. A score of them. My head's going back to that because I'm thinking, man, does Boogie
Starting point is 00:05:15 believe his own bullshit, right? What's it called? Marking out for your own gimmick? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Let me explain professional wrestling. A gimmick is the iron sheik up there telling you that he's a tough guy and he fights on behalf of the nation of Iran. I don't think he was even Iranian. I think that was Mexican or something.
Starting point is 00:05:34 No, he was Iranian. I think he did Iranian. They're big in the Olympic wrestling. He was big into that. I've seen him work out with those, like, maces. But his gimmick was hating America. And it was, it was during the time of the late eighties after Reagan and the whole thing
Starting point is 00:05:48 with the Shah. So Iran was our number one global enemy. And, and there, this fucking Iranian wrestler was like talking shit on the Hulkster and the Hulkster comes out to live in, in America. He's got a,
Starting point is 00:06:02 he's got an American flag do rag on his, listen here, brother brother i don't care what reagan says or no carter says i'm not gonna take it easy on you brownie or whatever that was right he was iranian um but if he starts believing that he's actually this tough right if he starts believing the nonsense that he says on the mic the nonsense he says on the mic is the gimmick. The guy in the audience, the one that starts crying, ref, ref, turn around, turn around, ref, he's cheating right now. That guy's the mark, right? That guy is the mark. The guy who believes that this shit is real is the mark. And he's up there doing the gimmick. Marking out for
Starting point is 00:06:41 your own gimmick is when you start believing you are that guy you tell everyone you are right that's marking out for your gimmick when hulk hogan thinks that he is the toughest guy in wwe because he's probably not um then he's marking out for his own gimmick it happens to fighters a lot right like you know conor mcgregor when he thinks he is what he says he is then you can possibly mark out for your own gimmick anyway i think boogie marked out for his own gimmick i think boogie when he starts telling us how tough he is believes that bullshit but he's not tough did he take this fight because he thinks he is what he told us he is i mean who doesn't want a hundred thousand dollars and yeah a free trip to to London? I think he needs the money. He did make that YouTube video recently
Starting point is 00:07:28 where he was like, I'm out of money! And like, give me money! Like, something to that effect. We need money! Money me! Money me! It would be better for me if you gave me your money. You can't go like that!
Starting point is 00:07:44 Yeah. No, I'll say this. If I had to guess what's in Boogie's head, A, he wants to promote the fight. He's been told to do that. B, I was going to say custard. He's certainly overconfident in himself, and he's probably
Starting point is 00:07:59 three, not thinking he's going to get hurt very badly, and he's not. He's going to get a little bruised up. He's not going to bleed. The scariest part's going to get hurt very badly and he's not because like you know he's gonna get like a little bruised up he's not gonna bleed he's gonna get all the the scariest part is gonna be him um like being all out of breath and like tuckered out like he could stroke out up there just doing this kind of exertion but he'll get beaten up like like like regular planes are robust they go over the atlantic all the time now like there's no reason for him to fear. Oh, that's wings. And he's not afraid of flying.
Starting point is 00:08:28 He's afraid of the other people on the plane being mean to him if he spills over onto them because he's had that happen. Well, that's fair. It's easily solved. But I have a little bit of inside knowledge. He won't be sharing a seat with anybody this time, so that'll be taken care of. So that was like getting that travel thing taken care of.
Starting point is 00:08:48 Tell me. I need to know. Is it first class or is it two seats? I don't know. I don't know exactly. I would just I would say this. I know. So I think that'll take care of like most of the problem, you know.
Starting point is 00:09:04 Okay. I'm looking forward to seeing it. I don't even know when it is. so I think that'll take care of like most of the problem, you know? Um, okay. I'm looking forward to seeing it. I don't even know when it is. Uh, you know, I, I don't think it'll, it boxing always underwhelms,
Starting point is 00:09:13 but it's going to be funny to see those guys in a ring and under the lights and everything. Will they be shirtless? They have to be. It's boxing. Are they going to do that? What if they were, you know what I do? I'd wear a sports bra. That what i do i'd wear a sports bra
Starting point is 00:09:25 that is funny i'd wear a sports bra tip a free car and i would i dude imagine oh my god i started the funniest thing you remember back in the day woody before they put the kibosh on it mma fighters would sometimes even write logos on their back it would be like condom imagine the billboard space that grabs in a couple of months the amount of qr codes you can plaster all over that back i just googled it taylor's right boxers have to be shirtless to be but but i don't know about exhibition matches bounce outside the country like that that could change things but but i was surprised to learn that was a rule only because i know it doesn't apply to women they should stick to it well they're shirtless they just they have to wear like a uh a top right they don't wear like you can't wear something
Starting point is 00:10:13 sometimes right and boxing though i don't know i guess i can't even picture a lady boxer right now i know in mma you've got all sorts of stuff it It's really like whatever Venom or Reebok is making this week. So, yeah, I look forward to seeing the fight. I think it'll be very underwhelming, if I'm being honest. A first-round victory by reason of cardiac arrest. I think someone will fall over.
Starting point is 00:10:38 Here's what the bet should be. It shouldn't be who's going to win, because that's silly. It's going to be Wings. Will there be a trip slash fall down and have a hard time getting up no the bet is will there will be one of those will there be one of those prior to the beginning of the fight that's wings has fallen and he cannot get up where is he he's in the he's in the back he's in the back i don't want to make him out overconfident, but I hardly ever bet on sports events.
Starting point is 00:11:08 I can't remember the last time I bet on a sports event outside of the $5, $10 things we do here. I want to put notable cash on Wings. That's a silly idea. He's not a proven fighter. I just really like the odds. Oh, the odds are great. Like, and Wings needs to play it up he should try and be a heel have your ring corner person have a life alert so when you knock boogie
Starting point is 00:11:31 down you can go over there and drape it over him that's a good that's good people will like that they'll laugh that was easy button he can play into the mic that was easy wings make a joke about how big the body bag they're gonna need for him is yes who's the fucking fisherman uh yeah come dressed as ahab from like you're there i'm here for the white whale dude have you guys done any cardio lately yeah late what's lately 10 years 15 years yeah 15 years i've added jumping rope to my leg day it is so exhausting for why i partly because i want to get my my broken legs calf back to even again and i feel like jumping rope is the sort of repetitive good yeah um and i wanted a little
Starting point is 00:12:23 cardio and i don't know i'm not trying to build bulk on my legs I'm fine with the shape of them now I just want them to work better for dirt biking and shit like that so I jump rope with a weighted jump rope and it kicks my ass
Starting point is 00:12:39 60 seconds in I've got a pump on my bi's, my tri's my legs, my lungs lungs um fucking wasted yeah it's i like to um with cardio if i'm doing cardio it's to it's to burn calories right so like i'm just trying to get myself in that what do they call it anaerobic range of like 135 beats per minute or whatever it is for me and just i don't if i get 140 i get 140, I messed up. You know what I mean? Like, like you can, you don't want to work too hard because you're going for your hour.
Starting point is 00:13:08 You're trying to get your hour of fucking, um, because it's about burning calories, right? Like, like we can, I don't believe in it. And I'm there.
Starting point is 00:13:19 Like, like, I don't, I don't really believe in that hit cardio stuff. That seems like cardio for people with no attention span. Like, like, like just fucking get on the bike, dude. Not you, but the people who want to sprint three times and lay down. Dude, get up.
Starting point is 00:13:35 Keep going. We're not done. We've got an hour of this. I'm curious how you guys would do it with a weighted jump rope. Or a weighted jump rope at a good pace. I don't know. I might be doing once per second, something like that. I've done it.
Starting point is 00:13:44 It's awful. It's not very fun. It's a real pace. I don't know. I might be doing once per second, something like that. Oh, I've done it. It's awful. It's not very fun. It's a real grind. It knocks the shit out of you. It's not the cardio that I'm accustomed to. I do my slow grind, my jog. I don't sprint. I don't do any of that stuff.
Starting point is 00:13:56 If I'm on a cardio machine, 130 beats per minute, grind it out. Sometimes I think my leg day is too easy. But then I just went up the stairs to get to the here and i was like no it wasn't too easy it was fine yeah sometimes you make that mistake and you're like i'm feeling good today let's do extra legs and it never pans out it's never you're never two days later like man those extra fucking leg extensions man i could tell it's like no you just feel a little shittier like you're not as recovered remember rocky's leg day from rocky four here's
Starting point is 00:14:30 what he did he had a log it looked real it wasn't like a huge log but it was like a big fence post probably weighed 50 pounds or something and he threw that on his shoulder shoulders and he threw his arms over it so he could kind of have it like this on the back of his shoulders and then he starts walking through the snow doing lunges he's like going look he's doing single leg lunges as he goes through the snow and he's like and it's just deep lunges as he goes and it just i remember thinking yeah you'd be some kind of goddamn shaolin monk by the time you were done if you did a hundred yards that every day can you imagine doing regular lunges on like soft grass and at like number five you're like oh I snapped my ankle because I went slightly in a hole on this one like I can hear the music as he's doing them all right that's a good movie it's that's also the one where they have that KGB like
Starting point is 00:15:20 following him while he's training they're keeping an eye on him and I think the KGB car maybe gets stuck in the snow and maybe he like physically pulls it out like he's like sprinting through the snow and the KGB's like oh keep an eye on American as if he's not all roided up to begin with like I don't know what they're watching
Starting point is 00:15:39 he's lunging right for us with his stick I like the Rocky movies. I like the Rocky music more than the movies. Like the first movie's great. It's well written. The rest of them are kind of silly.
Starting point is 00:15:51 But they've got great soundtracks. All of them. Yeah, some of those soundtracks are in my workout playlist. Yeah. But I haven't used it lately. Rising up. Back on the street.
Starting point is 00:16:00 Yeah, it's good stuff. Even I know that one. Taylor, when is your power supply coming? Hold a little rife. They're supposed to ship it this week and it's supposed to be two day what shipping backstory so the psu is faulty and so i was like dealing with all these issues for like a whole day i was texting kyle because we were talking about like playing warhammer because we'd been playing that and then i hooked up my new monitor with 144 hertz like 4k which is nicer for gaming and then the problems that were kind of there before where it like randomly restarted itself a couple times like went into overdrive and so now
Starting point is 00:16:41 i have my other two monitors off like the lowest power requirement possible because i'm still like it's fine for doing this but like even age of empires like anything that gets it like demanding it will like restart itself and i went through like literally probably eight nine hours of troubleshooting thinking it was a steam thing thinking it was some other thing and eventually like just randomly googling later that night just frustrated i just looked up like symptoms of like a bad psu like and it was every single one it's like oh it randomly restarts uh it makes this noise it like has these warnings and indicators and it's like okay so is it a bad psu or is it not enough power it's a bad psu okay after i talked to him they said it was a bad one. I was like,
Starting point is 00:17:25 it's $1,000. It should be fine, but I'm very not pleased with it. I want to be playing Warhammer 3. You have the $49.90? Is that my right? $14.90, is that what it is
Starting point is 00:17:41 now? $40.90, yeah. Thank you, that's what it is 4090 yeah so that takes a lot of power it does like i looked up like it says it says like 850 is what it can do and so a thousand should be fine for it well keep in mind he's also got the amd uh cpu which might be the most power demanding cpu possible so the combination they do recommend over a thousand for like a google search i think that game is also real demanding um like total war warhammer 3 i can imagine like with all the settings turned up my shit blue
Starting point is 00:18:17 screened yesterday i was so scared i'd never seen a blue screen in my life and uh and i i just assumed maybe i overheated or something because i'm running the game on ultra and i've been playing for five hours so i took the uh pc and like elevated off the ground i've had it sitting on carpet so i elevated off the ground so we can get some air in there and you guys should do stick to games from 1997 that well it didn't work it's still do you know how frustrating it is to be like sorry kyle i can't play warhammer 3 with you on my 3800 computer on my new fucking expensive ass monitor all right let's boot up age of empires i'll practice a build order and i get like to villager number seven and it blue screens and goes out and i'm like and that was what's five days ago and i have only been in here since to do the
Starting point is 00:19:05 show because i'm fucking over it i'm wait i want my new pc i'm not going back to a lower quality uh monitor to try and get it to maybe work for a couple games no i'm not wasting my time i fucking hope it ships tomorrow so it can arrive by friday i've been putting my hours in getting the grind on i've been playing you're gonna be so much better than me i'm on the multiplayer ladder now i'm playing with the fucking real people. I've shit on all of the people that we know so hard that it's not fun for me anymore. No offense to y'all, but that's...
Starting point is 00:19:34 Are any of the Patreons into it that are known to be good at games? Are you shitting on Dirty or Vavity or Larry? These games are real different from shooters. It's RTS. Vavity's not even good at... No no vavity's not good at these games like like like none of those people i recognize it's rts but they also like come on dirty's probably gonna be good he's smart and he has sold his computer he has a knack he has a knack for uh getting into games but I guess he's out of games now. He doesn't have a computer.
Starting point is 00:20:07 Well, I need to... God damn it. As soon as I get my PC, I'm jumping back in and I am grinding because I need to get my practice in so I can get back to your level and then go at it. That game is so much fun. It's great.
Starting point is 00:20:19 I was watching games last night online, that guy Turin's channel, watching the nominations that he uploads. You can watch those. He does a lot. So Turin's channel watching like the nominations that he uploads you can watch those he does a lot so Turin's a nice guy I would like to maybe maybe we'll have him on the show sometime because he's he could speak to a lot more than that little game that he plays he's an interesting guy I know he met his wife overseas and maybe Poland or somewhere like that a few years ago and they had this cute little romance he like brought her home and married her and made her part of his channel and he's's got a whole community over there based around RTS.
Starting point is 00:20:48 And he live cast the tournaments for Total War. If you go to Total War's YouTube channel, he'll often be the guy there like, oh, and Jimmy Crack Corn is coming out with a lot of Marauder, Horse Axeman or whatever. He's the one casting those events. I like to watch those. I like to watch the professionals play.
Starting point is 00:21:07 Not professionals, because it's a smallish game. Nobody's getting paid. There's some cash prizes, but I like to watch the best people in the world play and try to learn from them. They do a lot of skirmishing. It's a lot more micro-intensive. I've been having a lot of fun playing today. But it's a demanding game. New DLC's always coming out. They're always bilking you.
Starting point is 00:21:25 Those guys... The Chaos Dwarves. They're always bilking you. Those guys. The Chaos Dwarves. That's going to be 20 bucks or something. Robot Unicorn was buying the DLC last night to play with me, and he's like, all right, I bought it. $140 down. And he's like, wait. He's like, who should I play?
Starting point is 00:21:37 I'm like, maybe the Lizardmen. They're easy. I don't have them. I'm like, oh, yeah, you need to buy Total War Warhammer 2. Yeah. I was like, instead, play the Dwarves. He's like, I don't have them either.'m like, oh yeah, you need to buy Total War Warhammer 2. Yeah. I was like, instead, play the dwarves. He's like, I don't have them either. I was like, oh yeah, you need to buy Total Warhammer 1.
Starting point is 00:21:53 Good God. Yeah. This is the most expensive game I've ever played that doesn't, that isn't like magic. Like magic is constantly, like you want another card. At least in this game, like once you buy the DLC, you can at random pick any character you want, but like, you gotta buy those characters, and it's constant. Like, you want another card. At least in this game, like, once you buy the DLC, you can, at random, just pick any character you want.
Starting point is 00:22:08 But, like, you got to buy those characters, and it's expensive. From what I can, like, tell also, that's kind of fun with the game, is, like, they don't... They don't seem to care that a lot of the factions are not at all balanced. Like, some of the factions are, like, actively much worse than the other or maybe i'm
Starting point is 00:22:26 wrong because it it seems like the community on reddit and that and everything was talking about how like oh i wish we had the because even like age of empires too like they do balancing in the same way but they try to keep it more more level and like apparently there's some just like apparently the nurgle right now are dog shit they They're too slow. They're like F tier. And I guess the ogres aren't very good. Yeah. Dom's all I ever want to play. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:51 Yeah. No, it's it's a lot of fun. I look forward to getting your shit together so that we play some more. Have you been doing land battle or just Dom? I always do, Dom. I like it. People will fucking run away from you and kite you in land battle and just hide in the woods and do lame-ass shit. You'll spend 35 minutes playing a goddamn game with some piece of shit
Starting point is 00:23:09 because you don't want to lose your stupid internet points. Anyway, fun game. Look forward to playing with you. Me too. When is the Wings fight? Don't know. Hopefully soon so we can see the results because Boogie's going to get shit on by our guy
Starting point is 00:23:28 wings the official pick of pka yeah yeah a hundred percent may they say hmm that's a little he's got so much time i guess you should slim down a bit i don't like the i like it when they say hey there's a fight coming up and then that fight happens in four weeks or less. That's what I like. With probes. Tell me there's a fight coming up for like 16 weeks from now. No, no, no. Kyle, I'm happy to give you a heck, you know, eight months warning to be the best version of you. But don't sell me the fight like months. No, I agree 100%. Like like if i was gonna do a fight let's
Starting point is 00:24:07 say i'm gonna fight taylor and and he and i've decided we can make a lot of money and he'll just take the fall and we'll split all but we'll bet it we'll we'll we'll just scam everybody we'll do it next year i'll be all right the main thing is that we look good while we're at there out there so let's take a year get good like get looking fucking amazing and uh and then but but you wouldn't have to uh i lost my train of thought damn it it was about the length of time to sell the fight oh yeah you know month to sell the fight tops yeah yeah you just need yeah you need to make sure the one thing that people don't understand about the internet and when you've got an audience and when you make videos or do you talk to a group of people at large like getting them all to know a thing has changed is impossible
Starting point is 00:24:46 like let's just say god forbid um what his house burned down okay um the audience wouldn't know that for weeks for weeks and weeks and weeks the whole audience wouldn't know that like like next year someone would be like wait his house burned down like they just wouldn't know that like like their next year someone would be like wait his house burned down like they just wouldn't know like like the same way that people like so everybody knows your kyle now no the majority of people who have been exposed to fbs russia at some point believe he is a russian person the majority of people who have been exposed to him believe that because they watched a thing on facebook one time oh that russian guy and then moved on with their goddamn life they never googled they never looked into it and buy a shirt they didn't fucking show up at a lucky gunner shoot with binoculars like they
Starting point is 00:25:31 didn't do any of that and that's how most listeners to shows are they're not like what are these guys doing in their free time they're like yeah that was a good episode or that sucked and then that's it until the next week at least that's how I think most people... I'd be scared if I was Boogie. If I saw that, I'd be worried. I was going to get fucked up in there. Oh, he is. Boogie's sandbagging, maybe.
Starting point is 00:25:54 Boogie's pretending he can't throw a punch. Boogie is trying to convince us all he's fat. Yeah, he's lardbagging. Lardbagging. He's lard bagging. Lard bagging. He's grease trapping him. That's good. It's because he's so fat. Oh, I get it.
Starting point is 00:26:16 There's two grease traps. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, that's good stuff. Evergreen. I hope they fight every couple weeks. Recycle the same fat jokes. Is there anyone else who's really heavy is it could could someone take on the champion next oh yeah um uh well edp he's probably in the same weight class that's actually good i was thinking they knock you out and molest you yeah he's scary
Starting point is 00:26:38 is dark side still heavy like that no he's not as he's not in the same class um but what's his name the the guy who like gets memed on for eating gross stuff and he's big oh that's a feeder yes yes what is their size something close to that yes yeah mickey avocado he could absolutely he's in the same the same girth department and so they can exactly he's absolutely throw it down and i think he has a lot of subs right he doesn't strike me as a fighter like he's a little they would have called him metrosexual back in my day i know what they'd have called him they'd have been hitting him while they called him that oh hate crimes dude every time i see that guy's like thumbnail face wherever it is like it is so sad like it it's like you can see in the eyes someone who's like so far from what they want to be. Like, did you ever see the there's like a clip of him that's like, did you know what this guy was before? He was like a like apparently like really into music.
Starting point is 00:27:56 He was like thin, normal way, like a violinist or something. He was attractive. Like he was a very just just a bog standard looking guy, a normal looking dude. And now it's like he's in a cycle of eating despicable filth, gaining more and more weight. That looks awful. It's like ramen rigatoni. That is unreal, that difference. He was in good shape
Starting point is 00:28:26 he was like 18 over there i mean come on that's yeah but still he's he wasn't morbidly obese at that age that is quite the downfall huh yeah that is the downfall the dark side of fame well it's not really the dark side the dark side of I get that on the right, he's kind of hamming it up. Oh, God. That's the best. Can I just say, I think they may have thinned him up in the top picture. He almost looks too thin there. In the top picture, I'm like, dude,
Starting point is 00:28:56 have some of that pasta. But in the bottom picture, I want to... He needs to be put out of his misery, right? If that was an animal, you'd be like, all right, little friend. He didn't make the avocadosados pretty consistent i don't know how old he is there but it doesn't even matter it doesn't ever look like a cute little twink dude honestly on the right there he is almost statuesque like like that perfectly round fatness oh you know what he looks like he looks like uh you know in those fighter games how there'd always be a morbidly obese character who was inexplicably good at martial arts.
Starting point is 00:29:30 He looks like he just has like he's using his power move where he sits down in the middle of fight and like eat some ramen to power up. And then he's screaming because he's going like super fat scion. I underestimated how big it is. Look at the visceral 16. This is no one took the visceral fat. This is... No one took the Trump presidency worse than this guy. Just for the record, that's a gay man. I don't know anything about him other than the eating bits.
Starting point is 00:29:56 I do. He's got the goddamn buttons on that shirt. A man doesn't stand like that. That's a gay man. Now he's out of the... I mean, a straight man doesn't. Clearly, a man can stand like that. A man can stand like that a man can stand like that is he stan howard he might be gay i don't know he does seem pretty
Starting point is 00:30:11 pretty effeminate but that's incredibly good dude have you ever stood in a mirror like that like like where you take he's taking that picture to show to someone the only reason you do that yeah probably his girlfriend man yeah you don't send that to a girl. That's not the picture. She's going to be like, what the fuck's wrong with you? He's got like a fox tail out of his ass. I mean, nothing wrong with that either, but that's just not a straight masculine kind of look that he's rocking there.
Starting point is 00:30:39 And if I were to... I don't know why I'd want to watch content of someone eating. That seems awful to me. I know it's popular. So if I was into watching people eat, I'd want to watch people eat like delicious, good stuff. So I like watching if I watch a lot of cooking videos,
Starting point is 00:30:59 especially like when we were looking for all those like diet options that are like 20% of the calories but don't taste like shit. And I always wanted to see them eat it. For one, I'll get a little bit of a dopamine hit if I watch someone eat it. And for two, prove it's good. Prove it.
Starting point is 00:31:17 Eat it, motherfucker. You said it was good. Your fucking egg white pizza over there. Don't just show it to me and click the video. I'll eat that son of a bitch. Egg white pizza. I have two't just show it to me and click the video. I'll eat that son of a bitch. Egg white pizza. I have two things circling back to that one. Nikado avocado.
Starting point is 00:31:31 I think I might have his name right this time is gay and he's actually married. His husband's name is Olin or something like that. So totally. Also on that dude, when I was in my best cut, I was eating all kinds of things and finding these YouTube recipes that looked like they were good. Strawberry floof was my best example.
Starting point is 00:31:53 That stuff looks delicious. If you blend egg whites, it turns into this cool whip looking floof. And I forget what I added to make it pink. But I even sent pictures of it to you guys one point that's what meringue is i believe you had cream of tartar and maybe lemon juice and obviously like a sweetener of some kind maybe you guys who cook like this wasn't a surprise to you at all like you saw right through this ruse but me as a non-chef i'm like oh if you blend eggs it turns into coolant
Starting point is 00:32:25 i can see it i can see it it tasted so bad the first time and then if you eat it like a few hours later it gets worse it's just but the next day let me tell you you'll vomit it was and it like god i was cut quite a bit daily vomit session from my god i was so vascular i'm so healthy i'm shaking losing so much weight i really like stir fry uh the main thing to me was finding brown sugar substitute it's like this that fake brown sugar and i would dump like half a pound of that into like a grilled like a chicken fry. And it's nothing but like vegetables and grilled chicken and a sweet, delicious sauce that's made out of fake sugar. And it was so good and so few calories. But the crazy one was those brownies.
Starting point is 00:33:14 I think it's 300 calories for a tray of brownies, like eight by eight. Eight inches by eight inch square, 300 calorie brownie. I would eat the whole thing as my carb at a meal. I'd be like, all right, fuck the rice today. We're eating this brownie like a hamburger. See, you had a much higher metabolism, right? And I'm not saying that it was a luck thing. It was probably an earned thing, right?
Starting point is 00:33:36 Just through muscles and exercise and whatever. But I'm trying to hit 2,100 a day. So 300 is a problem. Or if I'm trying to hit 1 hit 1800 and be in a nice deficit, I am a nature's valley granola bar away from like not achieving what I want to that day. I can't have a 300
Starting point is 00:33:54 calorie brownie. I don't have it. You got to give up your 180 calorie nature valley bar. If you wanted to, you could attempt to like speed up your metabolism and you could even measure it with one of those. Oh, I can't remember the machine that i that i that i've used it's the thing that measures your you breathe into it yeah oh two size yeah oh two and vo2 i don't know it it might be they put a mask on you and basically they monitor every all of the oxygen you're taking in and all the co2
Starting point is 00:34:20 you're putting out and so they're able to over the course of an 20 minutes while you lie completely still in a dark room and they measure your metabolism in that way because i wonder what it caught next time i get serious almost fitness really interesting yeah you're not going to drop like hundreds and hundreds of dollars there i think that test in particular is probably like 50 to 75 dollars and then like the dexa scan I bought a package with the DEXA scan where it was like five scans for $300 or something, roughly speaking. I looked into
Starting point is 00:34:52 DEXA scans, but they were more than that. I want to say it was $250 for one or something like that. I was like, yeah. I can just estimate with the mirror. And you want multiples, too. That place that I use, they have three things that I like.
Starting point is 00:35:09 They have the DEXA scan, obviously, where you lie on the table and that scanner goes over you. They have that O2 sensor thing for gauging your metabolism. And if you're trying to speed up your metabolism, which is what I was doing at the beginning, it's like, holy shit, look at it go. They were shocked when I came back after 30 days uh and then the 3d scanner you stand on a pedestal and put your hands on like i don't know hand holders that are suspended in front of you and it rotates you very slowly 360 degrees while this thing fucking scans you like halo or something and you get the i go to my email and there i am scanned out like a fucking 3d image it's awesome and you're you're able to get like visual like changes as well as like the internal like fat change and all the metrics you gathered during your rise
Starting point is 00:35:59 were motivators like that that the information is of some value but the motivation is huge and if they're like holy smokes look what you did in a month then you're like oh shit let's do another month i'd rather have the opposite though it can also it can be demotivating to get to get too much praise that's why derrick's real good derrick derrick doesn't give any praise derrick would be like, he's like a Vulcan. He's like, adequate. That will suffice. God damn, okay. I thought it was pretty good. My whole life is focused around this right now. Yeah, you don't get any compliments from Derek until the last four weeks or something like that.
Starting point is 00:36:42 Derek's just like, okay, okay, continue. Now do this. Okay. I really thought I'd get an attaboy here but all right i guess i'll work harder i like this is how that guy treats women too isn't it i don't weigh 188 in the morning he's gonna cut my calories he's gonna up my fucking cardio too yeah yeah yeah you gotta keep that i don't remember what i was trying to lose a week like two pounds two and a half pounds or something like that but if you don't if you don't lose that two and a half pounds it's time to change something that means more cardio or less calories and after a while like at first when you're like eating 3 500 calories a day and so much of it is white rice you're sick of white rice and you never want to see white rice again but like during that cut i was thinking like god i want a big bowl of rice i just want
Starting point is 00:37:30 a whole i want the whole bowl of rice because they i'm measuring it out and i'm like what the fuck this is all i get like you're in an internment camp carbs are what i miss the most god can't risk a spoon it's all about proteins in the cut you know if you start measuring your macros people who haven't done this you're supposed to have a certain amount of your calories from proteins carbs and fats well let me tell you it is easy to hit your carb and fat goals and if you miss them i don't give a fuck you're fine yeah i've got plenty of fats, so I'll be all right. But protein, that's essential to muscle growth. So you always have to hit your protein macro without blowing your calories through the roof.
Starting point is 00:38:12 And I just start craving the carbs. Carbs are what I really want. Yeah. Yeah. Especially late at night. I just want to munch on carbs. I don't make any good food decisions after 10 p.m. No, but I do make food decisions.
Starting point is 00:38:28 Why shouldn't I? The popcorn was great for that. Those 100 calorie bags of popcorn. I would eat three bags of popcorn sometimes instead of rice. I would just make three whole bags of popcorn and be like this because I just need something. I need more food i need it i need this with my sugar-free jellos to create a paste and oh i'm just going there yeah so i didn't suck them down like kyle did i would like all right i'm hungry okay what do you can have a sugar-free jello you know that was nothing that was a red shot of water
Starting point is 00:39:01 it was a it was water from a shot glass nothing has changed yeah damn you chelton oh that's why it's 10 calories but do you ever do that where you find like a miracle food and then you're like oh fuck i thought i've i reworked reality there for a minute on the other side of it rice cakes i always thought rice cakes were like amazingly low cal philly rice cakes don't do anything rice cakes like 60 or 80 calories like a normal rice cake i'm like oh right you know no one told me they're rice yeah yeah it's just poop right shitty rice why wasn't i informed yeah i don't i think right like yeah but it's decent when it's got 400 calories of peanut butter all over it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:47 Oh, that's the other thing. Like, that powdered peanut butter that I use is just, it's not as good as peanut butter, but it's close enough. I don't use PB2. I use something that's lower in calories even still. It's like a generic brand. It's even cheaper. Maybe Publix has it. But yeah, no, that shit's pretty fun. like a generic brand it's even cheaper that at uh maybe publix has it but um but yeah no that
Starting point is 00:40:05 that's just that's just pretty fun i like the dieting and the uh like the meticulous like min maxing of caffeine and supplements more than the lifting like i like i like um like oh i'm feeling a little bloated we need some dandelion tea. That's all I was drinking. You're just doing a little alchemy on yourself. Yeah, the last couple days, all I was drinking was dandelion tea because it makes you... Diuretic? What's the word?
Starting point is 00:40:36 Diuretic. It's a diuretic, yeah. I'm just trying to lose all that water as fast as I can. Sipping tea that makes you piss more than it has in volume. People who don't do fitness don't know how important the kitchen is. It's like, you know,
Starting point is 00:40:50 I'm lifting. Oh, I'm looking fat. I need to hit the gym. Dude, hitting the gym will not help your fat. Leave the kitchen. That's what will help your fat.
Starting point is 00:40:59 Uh, yeah, the, the, the eating is 75% of the whole thing. You could, if you just have your diet normal and you're, you're already like not fat,
Starting point is 00:41:06 like you don't have a big layer of fat. God, you can work out one day a week and you'll have a six pack and you'll have like defined arms and stuff. You'll be like a muscular ish looking guy. It's a, it's all the food. It's all the food.
Starting point is 00:41:18 Yeah. But it's easy. It's easy to give in on food. That's why those Africans all look ripped. They don't have no food. They don't. That's true.'s why those Africans all look ripped. They don't have no food. That's true. At least most of them look ripped. That's why they all have those runner's bodies.
Starting point is 00:41:31 Or at least the Kenyan. Woody, did you watch the UFC fights? No. What did I miss? Tremendous, tremendous. Justin Gaethje comes in, being thrown to this Russian guy, Fiziz or whatever his name is, a scary guy who seems as strong as Justin but faster and younger.
Starting point is 00:41:47 At one point Justin's a 3-1 underdog. Justin destroyed him in round 3. Justin starts working his jab in round 3 and tore the guy's face apart. All they were saying was, look at his eye! Look at his eye! Justin's
Starting point is 00:42:01 punching him in the same eye over and over with his jab and every time he hits him, he cuts him. Every time. After the fight, he said, Every punch you throw is so much power! I love that. I love when fighters praise their opponent. I could hear him in the ring say it.
Starting point is 00:42:17 I could hear him in the ring say it to somebody. Every punch you throw is so much power! It was great. Justin ruins him as the co-main event and then the main event comes on and you got the rematch of Kamaru Usman versus Leon Edwards. This is the rubber match.
Starting point is 00:42:33 Yes, for the belt, the long reigning king of the division, Usman, has returned for the rematch to take his belt back. He got that untimely head kick knockout in the previous bout at the very end and a fight he was way ahead in that he was going to win KO lights out. Eye staring at the heavens dead to the world.
Starting point is 00:42:53 It's a great image. He lost, he lost, got his ass kicked every round. Uh, yeah, yeah. I would say, I would say three, three rounds to two. Uh, it was pretty convincing. Um, there was a point deduction for leon grab the fence at one point the way i scored it i scored it a tie i scored it a draw uh and i think it was a draw but they gave leon the nod uh uzman is out he's certainly not and colby is in
Starting point is 00:43:17 because colby fucking covington flew to the uk and made weight telling no one as the backup fighter so if someone can't make the weight or somebody gets hurt he's gonna step in and fight for the belt because he did that they look upon that very favorably because he has kind of he's a top three or four or five guy already you're gonna give him the next shot at leon and i think he kills leon and i'm so excited because colby coven is the maga fighter he's the guy rocking the maga hat hanging out in the with donald trump donald's always calling him after his fights. It'd be beautiful to see him as the champion of that division,
Starting point is 00:43:47 someone who's just a heel, who's hated by all, who talks so much shit, who's so fun. What was he calling? Like, cumshot dogface. Oh, that's what he calls Kamzat Zemaya because he's got that hair lip. He calls him cumshot dogface or something like that. He's just brutal. He's just being mean to be mean yeah yeah oh oh on that like have you watched politics so here's the deal trump is being arrested perhaps tomorrow and uh it's not a super great crime. It has to do with campaign finance.
Starting point is 00:44:25 I guess he paid off Stormy Daniels from the wrong account. It's why Michael Cohen got two years in jail. And it was a combo of that campaign finance fraud that he committed on behalf of Trump and a tax fraud thing. So Michael Cohen went to jail for two years for this. A little way through it, he almost got out. And Trump and his Justice Department were like, no, fuck no, don't let him out, throw him back in. That's the crime.
Starting point is 00:44:51 That's not real, and if he's arrested, it won't be done like that. I don't know. I don't know. I do. I should be more suspicious. It's supposed to happen today. Oh, yeah. This can't be real. I just, yeah. This can't be real. All right.
Starting point is 00:45:08 So, okay. All right. You have me going a little bit. The least political part is how far ahead he was. So here's the scoop. Trump is in Florida, which means he needs to be extradited to
Starting point is 00:45:23 New York, which means that Ron DeSantis, his political opponent for the presidential election, is kind of part of allowing him to be extradited to New York. And the MAGA nation is like, Ron DeSantis, you need to make it so that this doesn't happen. Call the National Guard and protect Trump from these people trying to get him extradited to New York. All right. Yeah. So Ron DeSantis is in like a can't win position almost. He kind of wants Trump to get into trouble for this.
Starting point is 00:45:52 And he also kind of wants not to have the MAGA base mad at him. He would like to get those people to say, you know what? Ron DeSantis is the new Trump. Right. So anyway, he does this sort of both ways. He's like, this is kind of a, I don't know why they're going after him for this. This guy is a Soros back, whatever, which is barely true. And, but then he also takes shot at Trump.
Starting point is 00:46:17 So he's like, yeah, I guess it's for campaign finance violations having to do with paying off a porn star for your alleged affair. Like really reminding everyone what this is about cool so trump replies to that correction a lying prostitute yeah trump by the way has admitted that he fucks stormy daniels but now he's taken back that admission and saying it never happened so really attractive lady uh anyway trump writes shoots back at ron desantis and here's my favorite fun part he puts out a tweet a truth right you know that's what it's called on true social and he writes like hey ron desantis you will soon see what it's like to suffer from these false accusations perhaps they'll go back to your
Starting point is 00:47:05 days when you were a teacher pedophile with young girls and then he removes that tweet which for most people means like if you remove a tweet off social media you're like all right maybe i went too far no no i guess what it meant yeah did he want to include a picture of him with the students he already included a picture of him with the students he forgot to mention possibly gay right so he rewrites the truth rewrites the tweet and says you know you're a pedo after young girls and maybe boys oh dude he's i that might make up for the nft thing and believe me folks he's possibly gay yeah oh no so uh so anyway and i've got a lot more names folks you vote for me in 24 i'll tell you who's gay so gay. This seems like the sort of crime where when someone's
Starting point is 00:48:06 running to be the president of the United States, regardless of who it is, you should just ignore it. No one should be like... Trump was good enough to send Michael Cohen into jail for two years. Well, you yourself just told us Michael Cohen had more complicated
Starting point is 00:48:21 charges and multiple charges involving tax fraud. And also maybe he wasn't the president of the United States or running for the president of the United States. It affects the whole country. So it's like, maybe we don't decide who the nuclear weapons go to based on a minor felony. That's the challenge. I wish it was one of the other things. Like apparently there's more recordings of him trying to get Georgia to overturn the election results. Like that's a good one him trying to get Georgia to overturn the election results. That's a good one to go after him for,
Starting point is 00:48:47 tampering with the election. Everyone I've heard talk about that. They're like, he didn't do anything illegal here. When they listen to what he said. They probably would have hammered him if he had. It's coming out. It's like, that's the other looming case. It took him this long. It has nothing to do with the election.
Starting point is 00:49:05 Yeah, these things come out just surreptitiously. They've been working so hard every day for a year and a half, two years now, and it just happens they're done now. This shit always takes two years. Exactly. Yeah, it usually comes out, like, stuff like this generally comes out
Starting point is 00:49:19 around election time and when people get gearing up. Everything's not true. Everything's, Trump is... Oh, he did it! There's no propaganda here. around election time and when people get gearing up like everything's not true everything's trump is oh he did it like you don't i don't think that there's no propaganda here i put my head in the he did it but but like but but like who cares that's the thing i really don't give a shit it's always like you know you think you got him and everyone is like no no that was baked into the cake i'm cool i still like this it's just not a bad crime but he tried to overthrow the election he tried to do a coup yeah no it's okay i'm okay with that but he tried to you know this or that he had a campaign finance
Starting point is 00:49:53 and these things are all not bad but he you know did this or said that all of these things are okay he's done bad things he's done things that aren't okay um and he't okay. And he's made himself look like a fool. He's made the country look full of times. He lined his own pockets with taxpayer money. I hate that. Oh my God! Trump did that? Yeah. All the other politicians are probably pissed.
Starting point is 00:50:16 Every politician does that. Nothing that Trump's done that everyone does is going to bother me specifically. Yeah, they all do that shit. And to hear that he paid off his mistress from the wrong account, it's like, if that's what y'all are coming at him with, he's the next president of the United States. That's the big thing.
Starting point is 00:50:34 Oh, did he? Wait, it was a legal payment that she broke. She's the one who came out and told everybody about it. Most of America is absolutely fed up with Trump. Like 70%. Of the voters? Yeah. The problem is it's like 30-20
Starting point is 00:50:49 on the Republican side. So he's going to win the nomination and lose the general. I think he's more popular than DeSantis now. By a good bit. He's always been. Amongst Republicans, he's doing well he's got like
Starting point is 00:51:06 half of them something like that but half of the republicans is a quarter of the voting population desantis uh would lose the governorship to trump of florida if trump wanted to take his job more sure um he would lose to him even in florida i think yeah a hundred percent but i'm not a hundred percent i'm not ever saying i think it's 50 I think it'd be a real tight race. Like DeSantis has... That's interesting. You might be right. Florida loves Trump. They do. They do. The first thing I thought of was that DeSantis
Starting point is 00:51:34 did better in his election than Trump did. DeSantis did better for governor, which is a statewide race, than Trump did for president, which is also a statewide race. Implying DeSantis is more popular than Trump in Florida. However, I don't know that I'd bet against Trump. No, I think, I think like, I'm going to go back on what I said was, I think it's what
Starting point is 00:51:52 I meant to say in the beginning. I think DeSantis would beat Trump in Florida because he won like 60% of that vote. But only Florida. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Well, I don't know. We'll see.
Starting point is 00:52:02 We're about to find out, right? We're going to find out what happens in South Carolina and Arizona. I don't know where they go. California. That's a bet I would make with you. If Trump said, I'm running for governor of Florida, I would make that bet that Trump would win for sure. Yeah, I think DeSantis would win because he got 60% of the vote last time as governor.
Starting point is 00:52:18 He's got that. It's his state. It's been his state for so long now that everything is set up the way he wants it to be set up. I don't know. If anybody's going to lean one way or the other, it's going to be his way. I don't know. DeSantis is just, from what I can tell,
Starting point is 00:52:36 entirely bereft of charisma. He's not good at being compelling on the mic. Ah, come on. I don't think he is. If he were up there in a charisma battle with trump he's going to lose and perception is reality and so like that would sway a bunch of people he's not charismatic i find him to be very matter of fact and it can be refreshing to hear somebody who's not a clown be matter of fact about like i don't know the the um the critical race
Starting point is 00:52:59 theory or um or like when he like he does specifics too i like that he's like no but we had an issue what with was there was a queer studies thing in the african-american like like like classes like why does that belong there it didn't make any sense no i'm not removing funding from african-american like majors or whatever you're you're phrasing it that way and every time he does that never worked on me right and i'm just one guy i don't i only matter i'm one 300 millionth of the population but i i tend to project from that viewpoint like man trump charismatic how does anyone like this guy he lies to me what kind of fucking cuck wants to be lied to like he does you know like what who goes up there and says this guy is just
Starting point is 00:53:45 blasting me with lies but you soak it up like comfort food turns out lots of people love that you love that just not for your politicians when chael sonnen goes up there and says you're in on the joke and you like it we're we're in on we're on on donald trump's joke and we like he is charged you're right i like it i like it when chael sonnen threatened to beat up joe rogan just for the fun of it i was down i just took on a world champion if you don't think i'll kick a chubby comedian's ass right now you're out of your mind joe rogan is that what he said that's hilarious yeah yeah yeah he was that's it that's fun because like you know that joe is used to being I think he's a short comedian. Yeah, middle-aged comedian, he said. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:54:30 That's fun, because you know that Joe is used to being the toughest. Oh, just smiling. He laughs through it. Oh, no, of course he's laughing through it, but that's also got to be funny, to be the toughest of the comedians and then weakling in this other world you live in. And interesting. He had a whole speech prepared,
Starting point is 00:54:42 because Joe's like, how does it feel to be the new champion or what you know to beat this guy that guy he's like i want to ask you how it feels to share the ring with with a man and it's like holy shit like he's got a whole thing here he's not answering joe's questions he's called out um what's the guy's name anderson silva you oh it was vandale so yeah he's like you're six feet tall and until i met you i didn't know they could stack crap that high and it just goes on and on and joe rogan tries to pull the mic away and he's like hold on i'll let you know what i'm done i just took on a world champion
Starting point is 00:55:15 a former world champion and if you don't think i'll take on a middle-aged comedian for the heck of it you got another thing coming something close to that but yeah yeah i soaked it all up kyle's right i do love it like comfort food trump just doesn't tickle me i don't know he's yelling the people that we despise yeah his enemies are our enemies maybe that's why i don't share it i don't like it's like that's a an inverse of like like the 2020 election people are like yeah nobody was like stoked on biden just a lot of people were sick of trump like that's an inverse of like like the 2020 election. People are like, yeah, nobody was like stoked on Biden. Just a lot of people were sick of Trump. Like that's exactly how Trump got elected and how he's still popular with a lot of people is like he is hated by all these institutions that his voters also hate. He's hated by the mainstream media.
Starting point is 00:56:00 He's hated by CIA, FBI, like these powerful institute. He's hated by CIA, FBI, like these powerful institute. He's hated by them very evidently. And these people see it as an avatar of like, oh, well, you know, I, I hate those things too. And if they hate him, then I must align with him on more things. I like how rude he is. I like how rude he is with people who aren't used to being rude. Like all those fuckers who have been like coddled for their entire lives.
Starting point is 00:56:22 And they're so, I think they're so powerful because they are. And Donald Trump is like, get the fuck out of my way. I'm the president of the United States. I'm in the front of the picture, motherfuckers. I love that when he pushed the prime minister of Venezuela or fucking Croatia or wherever the fuck out of the way. He's like, what the fuck are you? You can have tanks?
Starting point is 00:56:40 I invented them. He's in the front of the fucking crowd. He missigned the paper and everybody's like afraid to say anything I love that just fucking whatever I'm like of all my Trump criticisms sometimes I put myself in his shoes right
Starting point is 00:56:55 like if I was president would I do better dude I would absolutely sign on the wrong line sometimes I don't know I could do that under it sometimes in informs i'm like wait is it the box is it under the line or over the line that i i really matters yeah is it last name first you know it says sign your name here print your name here you think i can't foul that up you haven't met me i can foul that up so uh that's two t's and all the other leaders are like how did you do that wrong like i could have
Starting point is 00:57:28 two so that one i i don't doesn't bug me at all but there's other stuff that i'm angrily scribbling out your name misspelled on a fucking like deed did i did i have am i like am i dreaming this or did he ever sign his name like t something 45 like a professional athlete with their number i bet i dreamed that but that would no no i think he adds like like 45 to a lot to it to his shit yeah will he be 45 and 47 if he wins yes that's how they do it yeah because grover grover cleveland in the early 1900s right he He was the only president to be non-concurrent. So two, he counts as two. But if you win twice, you're just 45.
Starting point is 00:58:11 Like if he had won re-election, he'd just be 45. Yeah, you only get one. But with the gap, you get two. Okay. Which is a little, you know, it's fine to have a once in a novelty. He'll change that. He'll fix that. We're ending in 45.
Starting point is 00:58:24 I don't know. Really? Kyle, don't you think 45 and 47 is cooler? Yeah. Yeah. He's champ champ. He's champ champ. Yeah, champ champ. I think that's like Obama's 44, right? Two belts. Yeah. But if he's 45 and 47, I'm like yeah.
Starting point is 00:58:40 It's two fucking belts. People thought it over and decided they wanted more. What does everybody count their first Super Bowl only? Get the fuck out of here. We add them up. We put the banners on the fucking theater. That's true. That's hilarious. We're starting a dynasty.
Starting point is 00:58:59 Because if you're concurrent, you're undefeated. Obama's never been beaten for president. FDR's the GOAT. He's got undefeated. Obama's never been beaten for president. FDR's the goat. He's got four fucking terms. That's true. Yeah. He didn't complete the fourth one. He died.
Starting point is 00:59:13 But how did he get it? There were term limits from the beginning. We needed that man running that war, Woody. He was in it from his wheelchair. You know how I hyper-focus on total war and just live it? He did that for World War II. We needed it. How did it happen, though?
Starting point is 00:59:28 How did he get four terms? I don't think there were. There wasn't a limit yet, only a standard. Oh, I wasn't aware. I thought. Yeah. Everyone had stepped away. And it was a gentleman's agreement, the same way those duels would always end with a pistol
Starting point is 00:59:42 in the air. Unless you're that one you're not all of them andrew jackson was like a renowned duelist wasn't he was he the one that was like fucking good at it i know he was in a lot of them he must have been good to be in a lot of them you know yeah to do a deadly thing many many times means you win a lot yeah if you meet a guy who's a russian roulette professional like he knows what he's doing remember the simpsons episode where uh homer realizes that you can just challenge someone to a duel and they'll back down a hundred percent of the time so he's walking around any he's cutting people in line by slapping
Starting point is 01:00:20 them in the face with a glove i challenge you to do it and he's doing it like nonchalantly dual dual challenge you to dual challenge you to do it. And he's doing it like nonchalantly. Duel, duel, challenge you to duel, challenge you to duel. And everybody's like, no, I don't want to fight to the death. And they just let him do whatever he wants. And then a fucking cowboy goes, accepted! Like, what? And the guy's like, tomorrow at noon you pick the weapon, son!
Starting point is 01:00:38 And as he drives away, his mud flaps say I'd rather be dueling or something. He has like a dueling championship belt buckle. He picked on Yosemite Sam. That's hilarious. How does it end? Homer drives home. He's like, Marge, I don't think he knows where we live.
Starting point is 01:01:01 And he's like, that's okay, son. I done followed you home. I'm here in my camper in your front yard. I'll wait here until tomorrow at high noon. He just sits out front and he doesn't actually kill Homer. How does it end? Homer probably cries and apologizes
Starting point is 01:01:15 and says, this is my family. Please don't kill me. Well, shit, son. Let him go. I think Lee said something to do with it. I don't know. By that point, all the funny bits of the show were over. That probably happened. He's trying to give the moral part now, the boring part.
Starting point is 01:01:32 The worst part, Lisa. The worst part. I like Lisa's bleeding gums Murphy shit. I still remember all that from when I was a kid. I remember thinking, just brush them, man. Just fucking brush them. They'll toughen up. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:01:46 You remember where your mama told you to go to the dentist? Well, I never did. Who Bob? And it was like, I remember watching that episode. This sucks. This is not a good one.
Starting point is 01:01:55 Yeah. I can't remember exactly how he did that joke. He was like, you ever go to the dentist? He's like, yeah, of course. Not me. Not me.
Starting point is 01:02:03 That's why they call me Bleeding Gums Murphy. Yeah. Then he gives them. I might do a rewatch. I've never actually gone back and watched The Sentinels. Oh, you should. I haven't seen it since like childhood.
Starting point is 01:02:12 But I catch a clip every now and then. I'm like, wow, that's really well written. That's a funny joke. That would have worked on any TV show. Oh, yeah. Google did. Well written. Good joke.
Starting point is 01:02:21 Homer and his family flee the country where they become farmers. That's how he got out of the country where they become farmers that's how we get out of this oh is that how they make tobacco do they go make tomato is that it didn't say that that's the that's the first act of the tobacco episode oh it must be yeah that's what that is that's so they're like oh you're right won't nothing grow on that ground you bought son oh something will grow when he's growing like a handful of tomato seeds, handful of tobacco seeds, like not looking. And he grows tobacco because he also puts nuclear waste out there from the plant.
Starting point is 01:02:53 Marge, look at that nice green glow. He's selling his crops. He's selling tobacco on the roadside. And Wiggum and Ralphie come up, take a bite out of the tomato, and it's brown on the inside. They're disgusted but addicted. Give me a whole bushel. Ralphie's like,
Starting point is 01:03:12 Daddy, this tastes like asshole. I need more. He's desperately trying to get more. They almost get bought out by the Marlboro Corporation. I'm going to re-watch more Simpsons while i watch dinner how old is this one oh man this one's yeah probably mid late 90s oh probably season eight i yeah i haven't watched simpsons in so
Starting point is 01:03:36 long everyone says it's gotten worse and i'm just always curious like did it get worse or did it just not continue to get better like people expect it to all the writers left like you gotta keep in mind like like the writers that were writing the early season seasons are like huge names like you would recognize these writers like conan o'brien wrote a lot of the the early seasons um and they lost all that talent and uh a long time i mean you remember they were on tv guide when that meant something like like simpsons was a big thing sure but now the writers suck well that's you can look at the imdb and you can watch it take a shit Remember, they were on TV Guide when that meant something. Like, Simpsons was a big thing. But now the writers suck. You can look at the IMDb, and you can watch it take a shit.
Starting point is 01:04:10 Yeah. I think, like, the first big, like, shift out of their writers was, like, season 10 or 11. Like, the first real big significant one. So, like, seasons pre-10 are all the best. I should watch it, because I often have my own opinion. Like, I didn't think How I Met Your Mother got worse. Everybody else thinks it got worse. I didn't watch that one. But I was opinion. I didn't think How I Met Your Mother got worse. Everybody else thinks it got worse. I didn't watch that one. But I was like,
Starting point is 01:04:28 no, no, no, it didn't get worse. It's just it didn't get better like you want it to. It became the same thing for nine, ten years. Holy shit. Wow. What is Zombie Simpsons? It's just grinding along dead. It keeps going.
Starting point is 01:04:45 Because it still gets good enough ratings for Fox, I guess. And this is five years ago. This is six seasons ago. Because they're on, what, 34 now? It's a little, it's a couple years
Starting point is 01:04:59 older than me. It's a good job. I remember Law & Order used to have a recurring cast you know people would come and go there'd be new attorneys new uh policemen etc but the one policeman was like i'm never leaving this job gray-haired guy yeah he's like he's like as an actor steady job is hard to find i'm not you know they'll have to kick me off the show i'm happier forever ice cube still does that shit, I think. He's still looking for child molesters in New York.
Starting point is 01:05:31 I bet he makes a lot of money and it's steady. He's still baffled by the evil that's out there. 31 years on the job. What is Ice Cube going to go try? I've never seen anything like this before. I've never seen anything like this before. I've never seen anything like this before. That is like his cadence. Well, you guys want to go to dinner time?
Starting point is 01:05:53 Yeah, that's a wrap. PKN 448.

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