Painkiller Already - PKN #45

Episode Date: July 2, 2015

Another awesome week of PKN featuring the one, the only... Kyle and Woody....Give it a listen!...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Alright, welcome to Painkiller Nearly episode... Stupid webcam controller went right on your face. Now you can see Kyle. Welcome to Painkiller Nearly episode 45. So... Yeah. Oh, as we record this, a bunch of the audio stuff got uploaded late, I guess? Like, I think, as I say this, Kyle...
Starting point is 00:00:21 Not Kyle. Chiz is just uploading two episodes of Painkiller Nearly and maybe even even a pka he's been on a bus away from the world and uh yeah but those of you guys that are patreon members got all of it so yeah so most of the people hearing this don't have an issue with chiz's old timey travel yes yeah the bad news is on the way back conestoga wagon trail so it could be a while no wi-fi there none whatsoever oregon trail he may even get uh shit it's not leprosy what do you get on the oregon cholera cholera all right typhoid yellow fever something like that i played amazon trail i forget this i want to say dystopia but that's not a disease no it's not um hysteria might be well in any case i wouldn't be surprised if he got something from it was that we were such polar opposites the other day when we were
Starting point is 00:01:22 when we were both traveling it was funny yeah. So you flew in a private plane. Yeah, yeah. They actually came through the private plane and everything. It was a cool little weekend, I guess. So there was this big gun show in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. And the people who put on the gun show, the people who rent out the building and then are paid by the the vendors for the table space they uh they paid me to come uh like do an appearance sort of thing to some more people would show up because you're an attraction i suppose so yeah and uh and so he flew down in his uh in his plane and picked me up like 10 minutes from my house and i was uh i went
Starting point is 00:01:59 from my house to to the place in pennsylvania in like two hours flat so that was great right that was awesome because well Kyle lives by a major airport Atlanta but even just going there is like an it's an ordeal it's an hour and 40 minutes to get to the airport then you've got you know 30 minutes to get to your gate and then if you're lucky you know if there's no lines or anything it could be an hour so if your flight's at noon what time do you leave the house oh 8 45 okay if i'm lucky and with a private plane you just kind of hop on like a car yeah yeah it doesn't matter if you're if you're late or anything and you can use your phone the whole time you can you can eat snacks and drink and like just have a good time there's no there's no bullshit to deal with
Starting point is 00:02:42 you can it doesn't matter what you packed. I literally flew back with this. It doesn't matter. You can have anything you want on a private plane. Just so you know, you're banging the mic and we didn't hear much of that. Oh, I'm sorry. I wonder why it does that. Did it get roughed up
Starting point is 00:03:00 in travel maybe? I'm sure it did. It was in the plane, in the cargo hold. Yeah, Kyle brought his audio equipment with him so we could do a pka from pennsylvania and you know i was going to say is it like even though atlanta is a big airport it might not have a direct flight to was it harrisburg harrisburg yeah they they do it's just it it's just this was so much nicer so uh i did the gun show show all three days of it. Met lots of interesting people. Met a few vendors who were really cool with me
Starting point is 00:03:29 and gave me a lot of cool stuff. One guy gave me this RPG. So this is like the rocket part that actually goes out and kills stuff. Does it work? No. It's just for display purposes and all. So that'll be cool.
Starting point is 00:03:43 But he also gave me... I don't know, these relays and detonators and a lot of wiring that I'm not sure if I should even have. And then he gave me this insert to go in my 37mm grenade launcher here. So I just pop this in, and now my 37mm grenade launcher here. So I just pop this in and now my 37mm grenade launcher will shoot these old school Russian 26.5mm grenades. So now I can just put that in there. And I'm going to have some fun with this later on. Apparently, if you shoot these straight up in the air, as you're supposed to uh it'll it'll light up 15 acres of land well enough to read a book so i'm looking forward to that these things
Starting point is 00:04:31 are really expensive uh they're pretty rare and uh and he gave me a whole bunch of them so i'm gonna have fun with these that sounds cool i want to shoot that thing up around here. That sounds great. Dude, looking at that, that looks simple to manufacture. I feel like you've got a lathe in the shop that could make that thing. Yeah, that little insert? Yeah. But getting these things
Starting point is 00:04:58 is the real problem. These old Russian flares, I think. These are different than the other ones. I'm not even sure what the three red stripes means or what that's going to do. I'm going to are different than the other ones. I'm not even sure what the three red stripes means or what that's going to do. So I'm going to have fun with that too. It just seems like there's business opportunities in firearms and such all over the place
Starting point is 00:05:13 where like, hey, you know, you might not be able to make the AR-15 because there's all kinds of hoops to jump through and high quality equipment it takes to make it. But you can make silencers. You can make silencer adapters you can make that insert thing you can make grips and there's all sorts of like firearms paraphernalia this guy was literally selling potato guns and like like the all the pieces for potato gun
Starting point is 00:05:38 uh like in a little kit like wrapped up for like 50 60 bucks and people were buying them he was selling lots of stuff like that. I met a guy who was he claimed that he'd been abducted by aliens and that they removed his body parts from him and then used them sexually and then put them back on him and would return him to Earth after a night
Starting point is 00:06:00 of terror. He had an AT-4 rocket slung over his shoulder this is a fucking yeah bottom warfare 2 like this is an anti-tank rocket or missile or whatever the fuck and he's got it anyway of course it's just like mine it's display purposes most likely i mean i didn't like check it out or anything but i'm 99.9 sure that's not a legit at4 he's got but uh there were lots of crazies at the show and there are there always are um that guy you posted the picture with was he a crazy or just a fan just a normal guy um i mean he he wasn't normal because you know he's dressed up like it's
Starting point is 00:06:37 world war ii and he's about to defend stalingrad he um you know he's dressed world war ii russian soldier fatigues and everything and you know the weapon and all and i asked him i was like why do you do this can he came up to me speaking russian fucking with me i was like why do you do this why do you dress up like this like what's the point and he was like oh i get so much free shit when i come to these things dressed like this everybody's like oh i got some russian world war ii stuff yeah yeah pin this on and they like they're always giving him free shit. And I think it's just kind of a little...
Starting point is 00:07:07 And he enjoys the attention, I'm sure. So that was his thing. Another guy walked up to me. I should grab his product because I thought he was very slick. So there's a very long line to meet me at this thing. I don't know, 60 or 70 people long. And I'm trying to give each person a couple of minutes.
Starting point is 00:07:24 So it's like an hour- long wait to get to see Kyle. It's like Santa Claus, but there's no payoff at the end. And so like this one guy waits in line for probably 40, 50 minutes. And he brings his product and he does a demonstration. I'm going to grab his product really quick. It's just on the stairs. All right. It's the Chiz Show.
Starting point is 00:07:46 La da da da da da Chiz Show. Go to slash PKA. Become a Patreon right away. It's the Chiz Show. La da da da. It's the Chiz Show. Ba ba da da. PKA. Become.
Starting point is 00:08:05 P-K-A. Become a patron right away. It's the cheese show. The cheese show. Go to Netflix.woodie. Even though that's gone. Because it makes me feel like my penis is long. It's the cheese show attack to data the cheese show about but I go to our links and buy stuff and do
Starting point is 00:08:35 things cuz it makes us feel like we're hot shots all right he's almost back all right okay wait wait i don't hear you are you saying things yeah nothing i think you've got a bad cable shake a thing all right i hear you just fine okay we're good now yep that's weird i'll get a new cable so his product is called the Mag Pump. Uh huh. Okay, and at first I was pretty skeptical of this thing. Basically, it's a magazine loading device. I probably am not going to be able to put it together, so this is going to be lame.
Starting point is 00:09:17 But you'll see the pieces. How automated is it not very sometimes I've seen magazine loading devices before where they're like load this plastic thing this plastic thing will load your magazine it's like well that's only a little better this is definitely better than that if I can figure out how to assemble this. There's pieces. That definitely goes there. This definitely goes here. Okay, I'm getting this. Maybe. Does it load any caliber or just.223?.556 or.300 Blackout. Okay. If you don't know,.223,.556, same thing. Effective. Okay. If people don't know, 223, 556, same thing. Effectively. Okay. So,
Starting point is 00:10:09 this is the thing assembled, like, mostly. I'm not sure if I've done this exactly right. The magazine, I'm gonna take a mag I've got and kind of take a few out. What are those? 300 blackout? These are 556. These are 223. They look so big to me. Okay. Yeah. These are 2.23. Oh, they look so big to me.
Starting point is 00:10:26 Okay, yeah, yeah. You're right. Well, obviously you're right. I never really doubted it. Okay, so I got the bullets in this hand. But the magazine, I believe, goes like this. How does it go? The magazine, like, sticks into the thing.
Starting point is 00:10:41 Let's figure out how. So did you buy this or get it because you're special? I got it because I'm special and I was the envy of everyone because they all wanted one. Ah! There we go. Alright. Magazine is stuck in there just like it would an AR-15. And you just
Starting point is 00:10:57 drop the bullets in. It doesn't matter how they're positioned when they go in. Okay. And there's a little handle here yeah and I really hope that this has worked but it may not have oh maybe I've got to do this what do I have to do I'm really fucking this up huh I know this works oh well there we go yeah all right so that was it and it loaded it it did load it I'm not sure how to get the magazine back out I'm working on that part right now you know old-school Kyle school Kyle assassin Kyle would have had us all buying one by now oh I can't hear
Starting point is 00:11:49 you can't hear you there we go yeah mm-hmm so there we go that actually worked um it's I think it would be great for like children if you've got children loading your mags because it really takes very little uh physical effort to do that i know kitty can't load an ar or if you just load a lot like you're um if people don't know when you load a mag you're kind of smushing your thumb i'm trying to do in the camera backwards like that really hard and uh like there's sharp edges and hard things and if you load a mag it's no big deal if you load like five ten mags like, whoa, this is the worst part about shooting. Yeah. It hurts your hands. So, uh, it was a good show. I met a lot of people. Um, somebody gave me a bunch of holsters and gun
Starting point is 00:12:32 belts and shit. Um, but we sold a bunch of shirts. Um, I got, I got paid a bunch of money, uh, flew on a private plane, uh, on the way up there. And then on the last day, we got done with everything. I got out of the arena, got on the plane. The plane is like, it's that part where they really ramp up the RPMs, but they're holding the brakes, and then they let the plane go to take off. We were at that
Starting point is 00:12:58 stage of leaving, and we realized that the front nose tire was flat. It had come off the rim, and that was a major deal uh so we couldn't fly that day we had to spend another night in harrisburg pennsylvania which is just a real shithole uh sorry to anyone who who lives there that you know you know what it is fuck you cindy crosby it was a real shitty place that's pittsburgh damn sorry so the next morning um a friend of uh the people who own the show who
Starting point is 00:13:28 had paid me to come and everything uh they got a friend to come in early at like 8 a.m and fly us back down down here in an even smaller plane so had a really good time uh i enjoyed myself a lot that was a good weekend sounds cool I got a letter from my neighbor. So I haven't talked about this because I know that he watched at least one painkiller already, but I think that PKN is, uh, you know, a little more on the down low.
Starting point is 00:13:57 It doesn't go on my channel. I don't think he's on iTunes or anything, but, um, when I bought this house, it had a homeowner's association. I swear this gets a little more interesting. But it expired in June of 2015 so I thought,
Starting point is 00:14:09 it's just like not having one. Well it turns out there's some federal law on the books that if there's an HOA they can renew it with the two-thirds vote by in provided it has to be like 10 years old or something like that. Well, that's the deal. So they're trying to keep my home in a homeowner's association. And, uh, the main thing is they don't want it broken up into smaller properties. Like they wouldn't want me to use all this acreage and put like townhouses or condos on it and change the nature of the neighborhood. And yet I, I, I, I'd like to interject, like, that seems like one of the things that makes the property attractive to you that maybe in two or three years, some big real estate developer wants to come in and put a shopping mall there. And there you are ready to
Starting point is 00:14:56 do something like that, right? Yeah, except your timeline. Like in my head, you know, Colin's out of the house at that point, you know fair enough i imagine a future where like colin's 22 and we kind of have a vibe on where he's landing you know is he able to like mainstream and support himself or is he my dependent for life like where are we on this hopes out married etc and this home isn't just a home you know we love it very much but it's also an investment and you know it could be worth millions it's it's it's a an investment. And it could be worth millions. It's a great big property in the city of Raleigh. And there aren't that many big plots of land in the city of Raleigh. So it's an investment.
Starting point is 00:15:34 Well, this HOA, I think, it would just cut off a potential seller, right? Or a potential buyer. We could sell it to another guy like me who wants to live in a nice place. Or we could sell it to who knows who, some guy who wants to turn it into condos or townhouses or shopping malls or whatever.
Starting point is 00:15:49 And they want me to sign a thing that stops me from doing that. And part of me is like, well, the nice guy would do that. But all the other people signing this thing, like it breaks into a couple categories. Like there's one guy with four lots, there's another guy with two lots, and they don't want to sign it, so that's six votes.
Starting point is 00:16:04 And they need 14 yeses and six noes, or 13 and six, something like that. There's 19 total, and they need two thirds. Oh, are you the tiebreaker? I am, like, it's down. It's done. Everyone's voted but me. Oh. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:20 I am literally the guy who determines whether or not this place keeps HOA or not. I like this. I hate it. Or maybe I like it. I don't know. You should be milking this. You should be trying to get free stuff out of this, trying to get favors and like, ah, you know, if I could just get something, some help over here with this and that.
Starting point is 00:16:41 I don't want to start any neighborhood fights or anything. yeah that'd be great get some get some drama going yeah i don't want it but also like i see the thing is a lot of the other people that signed it like the the president of the hoa has already divided his good size lot not as big as mine into thirds so he gets three votes right there's another guy who's getting a couple of votes, etc. I have one vote, which is bullshit. I feel like I should be splitting this thing up seven ways and getting seven votes in this thing. I've got the biggest yard here
Starting point is 00:17:14 and I only have one vote, but it looks like I only need one. When he presented it to me he's like, you know, we've got like 11 people to sign already and we just need 14. uh it just seemed like like oh well shit this thing's a done deal right no because one of the no's has four votes and another no has two and uh it it seems to come down to me well when do you let them know
Starting point is 00:17:41 that you're not voting for that it's due due at the end of June, I think. At the end of June, it's all over. And that's like after that, the old one expires. And renewing is the easy thing. If you want to get a new one, then everyone has to agree. So I could get them to change the terms of it. That's what I was going to go to. Maybe you could make some outrageous
Starting point is 00:18:06 demands. Let's do that. Let's make some outrageous demands. Go on. I don't know. Maybe everyone has to advertise for Woody Craft in their yard. Maybe every mailbox has to be your colors, like that blue and gold. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:21 You see behind you on the Call of Duty thing, the blue and gold Woody's Gamer Tag behind you on the call of duty thing the the blue and gold woody's gamer tech like everything is that theme from now on but like like maybe they have to spot maybe it has to be a woody craft sponsored community now like maybe we rename the community to woody craft then they get their vote i think now that would be worth it if i or maybe maybe the road you live on if we could name that to Woody Craft Lane. My father used to develop property. And sometimes he developed it, but oftentimes all he would do is he'd buy property, get the zoning changed on it, and then sell it. And by virtue of having less restrictive zoning on it, the property would go up in value a lot.
Starting point is 00:18:59 That was one of the things he did. So I don't know if we can hear you. Mic check? One, two, three. You're good. You're good. So I was talking to my dad about it, given that he's an expert in the field. And he's like, basically what they want you to do is sign away some of the rights that you would otherwise have with things you could do to your property in exchange for nothing.
Starting point is 00:19:19 It's like, this is a bad deal. And I was like, oh, when you put it that way. Now, everyone's agreeing to these same rules, but the thing is, these other people have like two-acre lots and they're not giving up anything. They're like, yeah, we're not going to split it up and put townhouses on it. Of course you're not.
Starting point is 00:19:35 Two acres. Your home is beautiful. Your lot is great. Not ripping on you. I'm just saying, you're not giving up any opportunities, and I am. And the letter is something else. Like he's like, man, your real estate taxes are going to go to $12,000 a year.
Starting point is 00:19:50 So, you know, this and that. But in my head, I'm like, nah. If I start getting like taxed outrageously, this is a farm. I'm going to start. I'll sell some eggs. I had one of my little properties over there re-zoned to like, I don't remember exactly what it was. It was like industrial or something like that.
Starting point is 00:20:11 It was the one with the least amount of regulation. You could just do anything. You could run machinery until 3 a.m. or something or maybe all night. I think I'm able to run machinery 24-7. I think it's part of it. That was really funny. The story won't translate well,
Starting point is 00:20:28 but we were sitting in this zoning meeting, which is a very small, local-level political affair. There's like four or five older people from the community who are on this board, and you sort of come up and you put it very plainly, usually. you don't have to plead your case because they usually don't give a shit what you're doing you're like ah i've got this property on brookberry lane it's two acres and i'd like to be able to put like a strawberry stand there but currently it's zoned for for this which doesn't allow for any form of you know blah blah blah and i wanted to make it this and they're like oh
Starting point is 00:21:02 done and there was this guy there with his son and they wanted to make a paintball field. He was not a public speaker. He gets up in front of these people with this big printed out agenda of stuff. He's like, hello, my name
Starting point is 00:21:18 is Carl Davies. He read it. He read it instead of just saying, my name's Carl Davies. He was like, my name is Carl Davies. And he had these bullet points about this. He wanted to start a paintball field for his son on his farm and they'd run it as a business. And they're just asking casual questions. They're like, will there be water
Starting point is 00:21:36 provided for the players and food and snacks and such? And they didn't give a shit. They were just curious. He's like, well, we'll get them a water fountain in there. We don't want nobody getting dehyd and it just it was like he was sweating bullets like it was the spanish inquisition inquisition and like i said it doesn't translate well but the whole time we're just rolling over there dying laughing trying to keep a straight face because it's like a it's kind of like court you were telling me about like
Starting point is 00:22:01 so there are new people that move into your neighborhood, and they kind of want to upscale a little bit. And they complain about, like, the shininess of roofs and such. Oh, yeah. So that was this crazy thing that went on when I was a kid. I guess what had happened was a lot of people from the Atlanta area had sort of bought some property around in the neighboring county. And it's an agricultural county so there's there's you know there's the smell of chicken shit that's used for
Starting point is 00:22:30 fertilizer there's the there's the poultry houses that have ten roofs and they're shiny and it's just you know it's a smelly agricultural business and they were trying to introduce these these new zoning laws and someone got their hands on all the regulations and everything and printed out this little pamphlet and went and started passing them out to all the farmers and all of the truck stops and the little community hangouts and everything like that.
Starting point is 00:22:54 And they're going to have this meeting to discuss this stuff. They had to reschedule this meeting three times because every time they scheduled it, the venue was way too small and there were too many angry people outside of the room yelling to get in and have their voices heard. So finally they do it at a high school gymnasium, like the basketball gym. And they put the bleachers against the wall. So it's standing room only. There must have been 300 or 400 farmers mostly.
Starting point is 00:23:21 And these people are on the stage. And they clearly weren't from around here and they're just like now you need to listen listen this is gonna make us all of our property worth more and you can just get that dumb bitch off the stage it's just like all these farmers are not hearing any of it because there were things in there that would would change way that their property was given down to their children and what the property could be used for after it was inherited. There were some issues with that and all the stuff about pre-existing structures. It basically was going to make it more difficult to be a farmer and much
Starting point is 00:24:05 easier to be sort of a land developer where you might want to move in move some houses and do something like that and it was getting rough i i distinctly remember hearing a couple conversations where someone mentioned shooting someone in the kneecap someone mentioned like just doing you know doing physical harm upon the people who are trying to make this zoning thing come through but in the end they were literally i guess it's the only time i've ever seen like public opinion sway politics because there were hundreds of angry people who didn't really know each other who got together and was just we're just like no no we don't want this we're not gonna have it huh that's um i think i'm one of those guys right now i'm like yeah i i think i'm gonna go against this HOA.
Starting point is 00:24:45 And even though I like what we have and the HOA would preserve it, you know, it also forces me to... I'm signing away rights in exchange for nothing. You know, and I'm just... It's a collective agreement. Everyone's signing... How much money would have to appear in an envelope before you voted the right way, Woody?
Starting point is 00:25:03 That's what I think your neighbors want to know it'd be a lot like it wouldn't be low six digits no they'd have to they'd have to really pay grease the wheels huh yeah seriously like it I mean if it was a hundred thousand I'd be like nah that wouldn't do it I mean it's seven digits would do it what it was cash though so you don't have to declare that or anything that doesn't make it more attractive if they just slip you like $100,000 in cash? Or just balloons or something? What if all the neighbors let you sleep with their wives? What if that was part of it, too?
Starting point is 00:25:35 No. No. No. I'm not sweet in the pot. These are not young people. Their wives are lovely. I don't mean to knock anybody but uh but um i'm just goofing they're not listening it's a show light up so uh listening you think your neighbors are patreons but um i yeah anyway it would take a lot because i feel like i'm giving away a lot
Starting point is 00:26:04 you know like like, basically... A quarter million dollars. You're going to have to get a quarter million dollars before he's going to sign your piece of paper. You hear that? A quarter million, we'd start talking, yeah. Because, like, and I don't intend to do this. I don't intend to develop on it. As a matter of fact, I intend to put a shop on here and maybe a pool.
Starting point is 00:26:24 Those things would both make my property less interesting to developers, right? There'd be more that they have to break up and fix. But just the same, I don't know why I'd sign away my rights. I agree. I agree. That's a good call. So is everyone assembled, the Woody Craft team? Are they at your home right now, like doing Woody Craft stuff?
Starting point is 00:26:44 Is that what's happening all but one guy uh ice got delayed for personal reasons and uh but but fuzzy is here chiz is here heather's here and uh of course my family's here and today we all went out bowling it's funny so chiz said that he was a bowler right chiz is like i got game he's he said he was good at pool right he said he was good at pool before we played him excuse me in the pka adventure and then um that night or that trip anyway i was like i'm not good at pool you know like i know how to play but i'm not good at pool i was undefeated i won so much that uh i didn't want to play anymore we come here not only am i undefeated i'm undefeated. I won so much that I didn't want to play anymore. We come here.
Starting point is 00:27:28 Not only am I undefeated, I'm undefeated in doubles. Like, you can partner me up with any one of these fools. My team wins. So then we're going to play bowling. I suck at bowling. I'm not good at bowling. I think I got like a 128 or something like that. Beat all of them.
Starting point is 00:27:43 Good enough. Good enough. Good enough. Yeah. Beat everybody. Highest score of the day. Beat all of them. Good enough. Good enough. Good enough. Yeah. Yeah, beat everybody. High score of the day. Highest combined score. Well, we'll see how Putt-Putt goes. I suck at Putt-Putt.
Starting point is 00:27:52 That's the real determining factor. I'm not good at Putt-Putt. I feel like I'm below average at Putt-Putt. I don't remember what happened last time we played Putt-Putt. You probably won. I'm not good at Putt-Putt. But Chiz says he is good at putt-putt but it's just like so far everything you're good at not as good as me so let's see how this rolls
Starting point is 00:28:12 um fuzzy apparently in scotland they don't play much bowling so like midway through the first game i went over and i'm like can we put the bumpers up for fuzzy and uh it was a lot more fun once we put the bumpers up i should have done And it was a lot more fun once we put the bumpers up. I should have done it for Hope, too. But Colin and Fuzzy rocked the bumpers, and it kept them in the game. All right. Yeah. So bumpers are good.
Starting point is 00:28:34 My girlfriend asked for bumpers the last time we went, and I was like, I'd rather not even fucking play the bumpers. That's like admitting you're a bitch as soon as you walk up there. Come on. Well, they were automated bumpers, right? Like you're a bitch as soon as you walk up there come on well they were automated bumpers right like okay so at this place they were glow-in-the-dark bumpers right and the whole place was like neon and when the scoreboard says like you know it goes from like woody to fuzzy the bumpers pop up on the sides and then when it's not his turn anymore they drop back down again oh i see yeah so you okay i oh i could yeah okay that makes
Starting point is 00:29:05 more sense i guess i could do that i just wouldn't personally want to be wouldn't play with the bumpers i guess right i don't feel like the game would be any fun for me but that makes sense yeah well if you play against somebody with bumpers then you got a challenge ah i bet so yeah they just pick up like like what was otherwise a gutter ball is now like three. I'm not very good either. I think I usually score in the low 100s. Like 125 I think is an average score, I think. I think I bowled 180 one time. I distinctly remember I won once.
Starting point is 00:29:37 And it was something like that. But yeah, something about my release. I don't know, my finger flailed. I end up hurting my finger, to make a long story short, every time I fucking bowl. I have chronic injuries at 29 years old from three different sports that I don't even play. So far, a good chunk
Starting point is 00:29:54 of our team building events has been watch Woody whoop your ass at everything. Wow. Maybe that's a bad thing. We're going to play some putt-putt after this tonight. Things should turn around. Someone else should probably. Both Fuzzy and Chiz say they're good at some putt putt after this tonight and uh things should turn around someone else should probably both fuzzy and chiz say they're good at putt putt so are you going to
Starting point is 00:30:10 the same place that uh you and i went to we are actually we're gonna go there yeah i would like to see some video of them climbing through that thing that's i don't know how to it's like concentric rings that just go higher and higher and there's a hole in the middle like a that that prevents you from you know if you fall from falling 30 feet you just fall like three feet i'd like to see them fuzzy 17 there's no reason he wouldn't get in there right yeah totally and he looks like a skinny guy so fuzzy's father called me just before he flew over and he's like woody he calls him ethan ethan and his sister mean everything to me. Take good care of them. And I'm like, you're in good hands.
Starting point is 00:30:47 I'm going to do, like, I get it. I've got kids of my own. I recognize that you're, like, entrusting me with the most valuable thing you've ever owned, right? Like, you might think to yourself, like, he's lending his kids out to a stranger, right? I'm guessing you wouldn't do that to your winter coat, right? And he's doing it with
Starting point is 00:31:05 his children it's not a small thing but every time he does something like i want to let him hold my guns and then text him some pictures you need a picture of him just like yeah exactly i've been texting his father but so far i haven't executed on any of the bad stuff. You need to get some of him drinking alcohol and cigarettes, maybe. The caption on this was making a bomb. It's a little bomb game. So that was a thing. We got him go-karting this is him in the red helmet
Starting point is 00:31:47 that's great yeah so i've been sending him pictures to let him know what he's up to and such but uh here he is you should photoshop one of him like doing drugs with hookers like smoking weed with some really gross hookers like photoshop that together and send it to him that'd be great yeah we've been having fun with this so i showed him how my dog loves him and uh and and he's his dad is like all animals love him we have so many stories with sea lions dogs and monkeys loving ethan monkeys monkeys and i asked et Ethan the story and sure enough like it he says that his ears stick out like like this and he's like you know monkey see me as their peer he's a really nice guy he's a super guy he's always done a great work
Starting point is 00:32:41 at woody crafts so it's a pleasure to have him here well that's cool yeah is bet is this his first time in america it is yeah so oh yeah you got to get a gun in his hands is that going to happen at some point i don't see why not yeah yeah you got to get a gun in his hands that's i always like to see that whenever um athene wins whenever he came over like the first thing i wanted to do is like get those guys uh uh get a gun in their hands and show them some cool stuff it's always that they were they were shocked at walmart i remember walmart they're walking around looking at the guns and ammo and just like blown away by that so that was pretty funny yeah that he would be too we went to target and they don't sell guns as far as i know but which is a marketing mistake if you think about it really there's supposed to be the upscale
Starting point is 00:33:23 thing right so you want to avoid like redneck games oh target oh my god yeah oh or is it a marketing landmine that they've dodged maybe maybe so yeah john oliver would go nuts with it did have we talked about that crazy uh shooter yeah we talked about that in the last pk, right? Yeah. I think so. The one kid that shot all the people in that church. Sure. Yeah, yeah. I saw some stats on this. Did you know that Finland, Norway, and I think Switzerland all have more mass murders per capita than America?
Starting point is 00:33:59 I didn't know that. Yeah. So the stats went from 2000 to 2014. And a bunch of those, I said Baltic States before, but I meant something else, but yeah, a bunch of that,
Starting point is 00:34:10 like the Nordic States, they, um, they have more mass murders per capita than the U S does. All right, then that's good to know. And the Mexicans are fatter. So the Mexicans have,
Starting point is 00:34:21 uh, way more. They, they were, I wasn't proud of beating them. Those guys murder like no... It was like five times what we do. So they're pretty legit. I ate a 32-ounce steak the other night.
Starting point is 00:34:36 32 ounces? Yeah, and a baked potato. I've been losing weight. Not super fast or anything, but I'm down seven pounds. Great. It's always good. I guess it's about time for me to go back on a diet since we're getting close to the paintball thing again. It's getting close.
Starting point is 00:34:57 My parents are coming to visit. I don't know if they listen to PKN. I sure hope not. My mom didn't call for Hope's birthday. I called her and I was like, hey, mom. I'm hope not. But there's like... So my mom didn't call for Hope's birthday. And I called her and I was like, hey, mom, you know, not mad. I actually called my dad and said, you know what? Mom's missed Hope's birthday, Colin's birthday and Christmas. So this is a pretty rough stretch here. Like maybe you should like just take a little leadership initiative on this sort of thing. Because and's like right right right yeah we meant that we're gonna take the kids shopping we're gonna take the kids shopping no like these are time sensitive things these are dates that we celebrate and you know you can't just like take them shopping someday in june and be like you remember christmas here we go like that like let's you know we got to be you know we got to be on it so um my mom had some good counterpoints.
Starting point is 00:35:46 I think we went to Jackie's parents for Christmas for the last three years. And that's the thing. But maybe a big family Christmas this year, huh? Maybe everybody comes down to Woody Manor. That would be great, but it won't happen. What if you offered to bring them all down? Just like Christmas vacation. you could be clark i'll rent an rv and load them all up get cousin eddie in there and everything i would love that but it's not a realistic thing like we we can hardly get them
Starting point is 00:36:15 to visit at any time let alone christmas and um there's a concentration of people around new jersey to see and then there's my parents in Florida and no one's in North Carolina but us so it's just not where they'd meet but um but yeah it's kind of a thing and in in the gamertag household here like mom's not feeling loved kids aren't feeling loved and I'm like dude I this is all nonsense to me but you know I'm just I'm just saying, like, you can't forget all the kids' birthdays and then still hope to be in their lives. Like, not that I'm holding them back. That sounded wrong.
Starting point is 00:36:50 But, like, you know. It's not like you're going to remove them from your children's life for forgetting a birthday. It's just that, like, remembering birthdays is part of being in the kids' lives. Exactly. Yeah. You know, when Hope hears my mother's name, it doesn't, like, have, like, these really great loving parents. part of being in the kids lives exactly yeah you know that they the when hope hears my mother's name it doesn't like have like these really great love she's
Starting point is 00:37:09 like yeah I remember her from two years ago right yeah she's the one that always forget she forgot her birthday two years in a row right this is some forget now my mom forgets things she's worse than me that's why i was saying dad step in here help her remember um but you know forgot i don't know i remember i remember i remember my parents and my sister's birthday and i'm not even you know i just know it's april and december and june i know when they all are yeah so and i may not do anything but at least i I know. Yeah. And my mom was like, well, we were out of town for Colin's birthday. Well, then you figure something out. You know, you can have a present shipped in advance, a letter, a thing, you know, like I'm not saying reschedule your vacations around my kids'
Starting point is 00:37:58 birthdays, but you don't just be like, yeah, well, it's okay that we forgot it because we were on a cruise. Yeah. No. So anyway, that's a big thing in my house right now. I had a big talk last night or the night before. So we'll get that sorted out. They're coming to visit after the Woody Craft staff goes. so um after after enjoying that guy's plane over the weekend i i really feel strongly that you should get a plane why me why not you why can't you get a plane now let me say this about
Starting point is 00:38:34 the plane so i don't know how much his plane cost uh it was it was called a commander and it sat seven i think and they had it had enough cargo for like seven people's big bags for sure uh it flew like three or four hundred miles an hour uh it's twin engine turbo and uh it uh he said it burnt like 60 gallons of fuel per hour and it took an hour and 45 minutes to go from georgia to pennsylvania so that's not bad at all it's pretty cheap to operate there's a couple different commanders I'm just looking on here and now this commander had two props right I remember the pictures of it here's one for sale that to my eye looks comparable to the one that you were on and it's just under half a million yeah here's this one says call
Starting point is 00:39:27 that's not even interesting uh-huh yeah there's a single prop variant of the commander which is more like a hundred grand to a quarter million but it's definitely not what you had and whenever I see one that just visually looks like stacks up against the one you were in it looks like it's the half million dollar range maybe maybe it was then i i definitely didn't ask that seemed rude it was very nice though i definitely enjoyed it and uh it was so much nicer than flying commercial it just happened it was like there was no downtime there was no bullshit waiting around or anything like that we drove to the airport which is literally 10 than flying commercial it just happened it was like there was no downtime there was no bullshit
Starting point is 00:40:05 waiting around or anything like that we drove to the airport which is literally 10 minutes from my house he was there we got in and then he just fucking took off there was no bullshit there's no there wasn't even a he was like he gave us like a safety speech that was basically like that's the emergency door i'll take care of that it was great did he fly it? Who flew it? The guy did. The son of the owner of the show. It's his plane. Okay, so the son of the owner of
Starting point is 00:40:32 the show is your contact. The owner of the show was kind of the business lead and he sent his son down to come get you or family business maybe? It's family business. That definitely describes it. Yeah. So yeah, that was cool. He and his buddy, who was also a pilot, who I think also wanted to meet me, they flew down.
Starting point is 00:40:51 And so me, Kitty, and the girlfriend. Sick and all? Bumpier? Hotter? Colder? Like, eh, comfortable. It's a pressurized cabin, so I think the temperature was just fine the whole time. He's got AC and everything. a little bit bumpy at one point. Um,
Starting point is 00:41:10 but nothing too crazy. I flew in a small private plane once, and I want to say like the pilot and co-pilot had AC, but the rest of us really didn't. So if you were close enough, it was all right. But by the back, it was hot and heat and air sickness go hand in hand so people were green by the time we landed and it wasn't long when uh that when we were going to killington that time uh and me kitty and her cousin were all in that shitty tiny little fucking plane her cousin was vomiting in one uh vomit bag and pissing in another. Because he had to piss and throw up at the same time. So he's back there pissing in one and puking in the other.
Starting point is 00:41:50 And the plane's just like gaining and losing 30 meters of altitude at a time. It's just dropping out of the sky and then launching straight up. It wasn't a long flight. He couldn't go that long without peeing? Apparently not. We were up there for a while. We were circling the airport. And then they made us turn around and then go back to Burlington.
Starting point is 00:42:07 Can you jiggle a wire? We got a thing happening here. That fixed it, but we totally need new cabling for you. Okay. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, so the homeowner thing is big for me. We got the team building thing right here. Our last member flies in tomorrow morning. Heather's sleeping in the guest house. So the upside of that was it was like impetus for Jackie to clean it all up. Psych for that.
Starting point is 00:42:33 And things are going good. Oh, I'm watching Orange is the New Black. Are you watching that at all? Did you finish it? No, I haven't. I've never seen an episode. You miss it out on a series there i i like orange is the new black i feel like i'm saving it up i'll uh i'll cash that one in eventually
Starting point is 00:42:51 and watch the whole thing all at once there's three seasons yeah that's like that's that's a good watching period yeah maybe if i get uh i i definitely got sick from shaking all those goddamn hands like i don't know if you can hear my voice right now but i'm very sick right now um so maybe i'll get even sicker and i'll turn to that in the in the days to come because i i purell like constantly and you still got sick yeah yeah i really thought i was on top of it like every time i get done with a group i'd fucking purell and just like get all over my hands but somehow I still got sick. There were some gross people who came to see me. I mean, don't get me
Starting point is 00:43:30 wrong, I appreciate everybody who came out, for sure, but some of those people need to bathe more, and that's all I'll say about that. It was awful. I think I told this before, but the Carolina Hurricanes at this point had just lost the Stanley Cup, right?
Starting point is 00:43:45 So it's just kind of a big deal even to get there and not win. They won a few years later. But the captain of the team at the time was Ron Francis, who's this Hall of Famer, like, super guy. He had won a couple cups with the Penguins. And I was getting my blade sharpened or something, and there's Ron Francis, like, buying equipment with his kids at the hockey store. And I saw him, and I'm and I'm like speechless starstruck I'm not often starstruck but this guy did it to me and his wife is like laughing at me and I'm like that's Ron Francis
Starting point is 00:44:14 and his wife like spotted me spotting him and sort of got the whole deal and I'm like I should go up there and shake his hand I should totally go I should shake up there and shake his hand. I should totally go. I should shake his hand. I should do whatever. But I was sick. And I was like, if I get Ron Francis sick, I'll be letting the whole city down. Like the city's depending on me to keep my cool right now and not go shake Ron Francis' hand. So I just creepily stared at him. Nice. Because I'm that guy. I would appreciate if people would do that to me. Maybe that's what they're doing when there's just a standoff
Starting point is 00:44:46 and I can clearly see they're eyeballing me from somewhere and they don't do anything it's always funny when like oh and my girlfriend got hit on by so many dudes it was hilarious this old guy like 65 years old gives her his card and he's like
Starting point is 00:45:02 what did he say? he said you just call that number if you ever want some meaningless sex and another guy like same thing older guy he was like i got a problem she's like well what's that he's like i got a whole bunch of money and i need somebody to come me down to the riverboat help me spend it i ain't got nobody to come what you doing after a while like she's getting hit on like that all day all three days it's hilarious and she sold a shitload of t-shirts though yeah if you got a lot of money i got a lot of t-shirts a couple hundred t-shirts don't you do a box full not did you come home with many t-shirts
Starting point is 00:45:46 yeah we sold uh i don't know how many we sold i i so i would come in uh twice a day and uh sign autographs and take pictures with people but for the rest of the time i i hid at the hotel and uh and kitty and the girlfriend kind of ran the the shirt selling uh operation so i don't really know uh i spent two hours a day at the show and then like hurriedly got the fuck out uh in between because it was usually i don't know it we had a line of people uh at the booth that kind of went on for an hour to two hours sometimes and once that line was gone i wanted to get the fuck out of there before a new one could start. Yeah. I'm not a big celebrity.
Starting point is 00:46:29 I'm not even as big a celebrity as you. But in certain venues, I am, right? Like if I'm in an MLG tournament or something, a lot of people there will recognize me. Especially at MLG tournaments, I tend to wear clothing with some sort of branding on it. And that double confirms any suspicions.
Starting point is 00:46:47 Like, is that Woody? Well, his shirt says Woody's Gamer Tag right on it. So probably. And it can be like you need a little place to retreat every so often. Like you feel like you're on stage constantly and it's a little draining and you're being nice. But every so often you just want to like be, take your lemonade, and charge up the batteries. They said there was one guy who came by, and he wanted an autograph, and I wasn't there.
Starting point is 00:47:13 But there was already an autographed postcard there that was written to some guy named Dave. And he was like, well, can I just have that one? And she's like, well, that one's written to Dave. He's like, oh, I don't give a shit. I just want his autograph. And he took that one's written to dave he's like oh i don't give a shit i just want his autograph he took that one i thought that was pretty funny um oh i got to i caught up with some people i hadn't seen in a few years who have a huge firearm collection uh you remember
Starting point is 00:47:35 the an94 from a couple of call of duties ago yeah yeah i know the guy pretty rare gun um i don't think there are any in the united states except for one and i met an old gun guy that i i knew from like four years ago he owns a firearms magazine and uh and i think i'm gonna do some work with him because he's got a massive massive collection uh he's got one of his gyrojet pistols uh that the cia made for space it shoots rocket bullets you know in case you gotta take out some cosmonaut agents or something yeah yeah it makes perfect sense it's a fucking space gun he's got the gun and the bullets. I wonder if that gun could pierce a space station.
Starting point is 00:48:08 They're not that tough. I don't know. I bet a regular gun could. Well, it wouldn't work, though. I didn't know that. That's why they had to make the gyrojet pistol for the vacuum of space. That's the whole point. This thing was made by the cia in case they had to
Starting point is 00:48:25 fight the ruskies up in space they got a handgun that works now so when the oh the gunpowder wouldn't burn that's yeah it's a it's a this thing's a jet bullet like every time you shoot it's like a fucking gyro stabilized jet it must come with its own like oxygen source for it to burn or it's compressed or something like that. Yeah, yeah. Because I'm like, why wouldn't it burn? Powder expands even in space, and it would push something forward. But it wouldn't burn.
Starting point is 00:48:54 That's the issue. You can't just strike gunpowder in space. And that makes perfect sense. I took my staff out to dinner the other night, and I got recognized. And the guy asked to take a selfie with me. It's not like I can't go out and not get recognized, but it was cool that it happened in front of my staff. I felt like, his mom comes up, are you a famous gamer?
Starting point is 00:49:17 I'm like, yeah, kind of. My son wants to take a picture with you, so I talked to him for a bit. It was interesting to see the people who didn't know who I was but they saw the line and they were curious um this this one lady she was like oh well i'll go get my kids i'm sure they'd be interested and her kids were not interested at all there was a there was a lot of situations like that where like there was what one guy comes up and he doesn't know there's a there's a line of people to see me i guess and he's just like hey just wanted to say i really appreciate what you do blah blah and uh robbie who's my contact at the show there he's he's standing right there he goes sir i'm sorry but there's a line of people here you have to get
Starting point is 00:49:57 behind the green line and this guy was just incensed he was just like looked at the line of people he was just like fuck it and. He walked away without saying another word. He didn't say shit. He was so angry. It was a good show, though. I had a good time. I came away with a bunch of stuff that other vendors gave me. A lot of incendiary ammo and tracer.
Starting point is 00:50:18 I think I found a new contact for that. It's going to be really good. This loading thing, I think they're $280, this bag loading thing. I'm just vibing that you like this because sometimes people give you stuff and you're like, this is just gun garbage. There's so much gun garbage in the world. But you're excited about this stuff.
Starting point is 00:50:38 Well, this thing in particular, like I've never seen one that works as well as this does. I really do like it. It seems expensive, but he gave it to me. So that's cool. And I mean, this RPG thing, it's a cool little thing to throw on the wall. I've got a law as well. And all that other stuff is going to be really fun for some pyrotechnic stuff I'm going to be playing with. So I really want to, if I weren't here right now, I'd be testing out these flares over at my dad's place. I'm super, he really talked these up.
Starting point is 00:51:04 He was like there's only one distributor i know the guy you can't get these he's like when this goes off this is legit he's like this is gonna light 15 acres up like it's daylight and it burns for like five minutes or something with this asbestos parachute so i'm looking come on over i got some acreage right i would be afraid to shoot it like we're in my own yard i'd be afraid that you know the cops would show up i think so i'm gonna go over my dad's place maybe tonight it depends how i feel after this but yeah so i enjoyed the show yeah i didn't i mean this this stuff isn't particularly cool or anything i'm just glad
Starting point is 00:51:42 the show went well and uh uh we're going to do another one in a month or two in Chantilly, which is near D.C., I think. So that's good. We'll continue this business relationship with these guys, which was very lucrative for me and I think for them as well. So it's a good relationship. It's nice when you find a win-win like that. And that's the thing in business, right?
Starting point is 00:52:03 When you find a win-win like that, you know, and that's the thing in business, right? When you find a win-win, you get to keep winning, you know? Like, let's say hypothetically you managed to, like, screw him and get him in a contract that didn't work for him. Well, that'd be your last contract, you know? But instead, like, things work well. Like, the paintball thing was a win-win, right? So now here we are coming back in July. You know, the fans liked it. We liked it.
Starting point is 00:52:22 The paintball course owner liked it. Total win. Now we're doing it twice this guy here, it sounds like he had a really good weekend, he had a really good weekend do it again absolutely, yeah, definitely so and everybody there was really nice will it be Harrisburg again?
Starting point is 00:52:38 no, it'll be Chantilly, which is new D.C. I didn't catch that Chantilly was a place, I see now I was vaguely aware that it was a place, but I didn't yeah catch that chantilly was a place i see now i didn't i i was vaguely aware that it was a place but i didn't know where it was i had to ask earlier tonight like where it was so that's good i'm glad they want to do another one um and this i'm like i'm like four hours from dc half of me is like well kyle let me skip the line i hope kyle lets me skip the line absolutely yeah this is it's i think it's in Absolutely. I think it's in Virginia.
Starting point is 00:53:06 I think it's in Virginia near DC. I think that's the deal. But this one's four times bigger than the Harrisburg show. They told me how many thousands of people, maybe 16,000 people, something like that, maybe 4,000 tables. So this would be a much better situation to not just sell shirts,
Starting point is 00:53:24 but I think at this one, I'll find something else to sell. Since they're giving me free booths at this, which are really valuable at this show, and they're giving me good positioning in the show, I might as well have something there that's for sale, even if I just call one of my firearms distributor buddies and get a bunch of M4 stocks and a bunch of uppers and random stuff that I can sell without doing any paperwork.
Starting point is 00:53:49 Those uppers that shoot soda cans and stuff, there's no paperwork on that, is there? It's just an upper. Yeah, I think you're right. That's interesting. Yeah, it should be. Because there's no paperwork on this 37mm grenade launcher. These will shoot just about anything.
Starting point is 00:54:07 I mean, you get this insert, you can shoot the 26.5mm stuff, but it'll also shoot 37mm stuff that you can make yourself. And they're basically really big fireworks, bird bombs, stuff like that. Flares. They're fun to play with. That does sound fun. Yeah. Guns. bombs stuff like that flares they're fun to play with that sounds fun yeah guns just recently i was getting bit by the gun bug again i was like i really need a new lever action one that feeds from the side you know why i need that me neither but well hey if you want one of these i've got an
Starting point is 00:54:38 extra hmm that does look interesting oh i don't think i have a rail on the bottom but i don't yeah i don't either that's the worst part i don't think i have like i have to shoot it like a pistol like i just pull the trigger and shoot it huh which i'm not sure if that's entirely safe i i count on you to know stuff like that right i know i know a story about a guy who loaded his own projectile up for these because you can um but common practice is to practice is to be legal when you do that, because there are illegal ways to do that that I won't go into. But this guy did something illegal, and he put something in there he shouldn't have, and when he went to shoot it, just as I'm doing right now, it blew his fucking left
Starting point is 00:55:19 hand off. And so you've got to kind of go into this sort of thing with that in mind. That if you were to do something really stupid, you'll lose your hand. That's how I think about shotguns, right? I think you have a vibe for what kind of shenanigans you can pull in a shotgun. But I'm not really vibing like that. I know you can put random shit in there. I can put kitchen utensils in a blender, mix that shit up, put it in a shotgun shell, and there it is. It's a shrapnel round. And that should be fairly safe. But there's other ways to not be safe,
Starting point is 00:55:52 and I don't know where the limits are. You can shoot a lot of guns underwater, right? That's a thing. Shoot Glocks underwater. Shoot, I think, like an AR-15, for example, underwater, but I'm not sure. I've seen a lot of people shoot ak-47s underwater um but you put a shotgun underwater and all of a sudden the barrel blows out like a cartoon like it folds open like a flower right well it's so thin you know it's it's a much thinner metal uh and i think it's it's it's for low pressure uh that's the deal the thing i don't know about the ar-15 the ak i haven't seen that i have seen the ak i't know about the AR-15 and the AK. I haven't seen that. I have seen the AK.
Starting point is 00:56:26 I haven't seen the AR-15, so I'm guessing. Well, I know the main reason the shotgun is going to blow up is because of the thin wall of the barrel. It just doesn't take as much pressure to do that to it. And I would think that all the air that's trapped in the barrel that's being pushed against the water by the pressure behind it is just too much for that thin wall. I definitely have personally shot
Starting point is 00:56:48 my Glock underwater a bunch. And they're supposed to use the Navy... There's a piece you're supposed to swap out for underwater use, but mine works just fine without it. I haven't been
Starting point is 00:57:03 scuba geared and underwater shooting and everything, but you stick it down into a body of water and doof, doof, doof, doof, and you get an idea of how that works. Is it real quiet? Yeah. Yeah, it is. Much, much quieter than a gunshot and quieter than a suppressed gun as well. Yeah, I would have guessed it was.
Starting point is 00:57:24 If you've got a barrel of water, you can totally do it. Like, not even, like, a big... Like, a trash can full of water, if you've got enough to, like, get your hand in there and then, of course, point it in a safe direction. Damn, maybe. Yeah, you could totally do it.
Starting point is 00:57:36 I feel like you could do it with your pistol. The M&P 9? I would guess. Yeah, and I bet a quick Google would let you know. Like, M&P underwater firing. You're either gonna see a guy losing a hand or like yeah it works fine and you'll know like i feel like i rock veteran knows a lot of that sort of brain like like you do like he's trying some stuff
Starting point is 00:57:56 they've uh some of their some of my favorite videos of theirs were some of the older ones where that's what they're doing is like putting a 50 caliber bullet uh like a 50 bmg and a 12 gauge shotgun and just seeing if it'll work and you know just blowing shut blowing guns up blowing cheap pawn shop guns up they um they shot i don't know if it was recent but i watched it recently and they fired an ar-15 until it stopped working and uh it took a lot you know they put a lot of rounds through it and when it failed it really did did. You know? Yeah. It was kind of neat. Is the one where they melted it and it caught on fire and everything? Shucks.
Starting point is 00:58:31 I remember it breaking, like, it busted out the side or something like that. But I'm a little foggy on it. But, yep, they definitely shot it, and it wasn't a small thing to get it to fail. So I'm glad they did it. Yeah. I met one of these old guys that i meet at these things who's just incredibly wealthy his property used to be
Starting point is 00:58:51 all right so i'm gonna get the way i remember it he's got like 400 acres or something maybe more um in that nantucket area like it used to be george washington's place but now it's his and like on one side is the atlantic ocean and i think on the other is the potomac river and he's got a 2 000 yard shooting range on this property he has a manor house which i'd never heard the term manor house but but he showed me his manor house and this big he had this big book of like pictures he was showing me and he and he had four and a.5 million worth of machine guns with him right then and there. Really?
Starting point is 00:59:28 Yeah, he had a massive collection of World War I and II. Did you find out how he earned his money? Because I find that super interesting. You know, I should have asked, but I was just fascinated by the collection. He had a new upstart company that did a simunitions
Starting point is 00:59:43 thing where basically it's real guns uh you swap out the bolt in your glock or in your ar-15 and it's bullets that look just like uh you know these bullets except um you know it shoots a it shoots a little paint cartridge or something it's a little it's not a bullet it's less than lethal it goes 375 feet per second and i was shooting them in the show at at like paper targets and they were fairly accurate. And I was like, I want some of these. We could fight with these in the woods. And he's like, no, no, no.
Starting point is 01:00:13 That's not what they're for. And immediately shot that idea down. But I'm hoping that. I'm always amazed at how people make money. I met a guy, he bought paintings, right? Paintings like with nice frames. No, he bought paintings and then he put them in nice frames. He'd get the painting for like $6 and the frame for like, I don't know, upper twenties. And then he'd sell them for like $700
Starting point is 01:00:35 and $900. And he's like, yeah, the thing about paintings is they're worth whatever you charge. And like, there'd just be some poor, like I picture a Czechoslovakian slave laborer, I think that country's gone now and I'm embarrassing myself, but whatever, Serbo-Croatian guy trying to. Czech Republic. Czech Republic, thank you. You know, some Eastern European guy painting,
Starting point is 01:01:00 selling it for a few dollars, and then he puts it in a frame, marks it up by almost a thousand, and people buying it are happy to pay it. The market was outrageous, but I'm like, wow, that's a thing you can do? No one ever told me that in high school, that there was an import-export painting career out there. Or that, met a guy on a Disney ship,
Starting point is 01:01:25 he's like the king of water filtration in West Virginia. No one told me I could get into water filtration. Like, there are jobs out there, so many different ones that I find it fascinating. And when I hear about a guy who's got a manor and all the land between the Potomac and the Atlantic, and I don't even know how much that is is but it seems like it's something that you'd want it was a big chunk of land yeah very nice he had all this crazy shit too
Starting point is 01:01:52 they like trained special forces but they also brought underprivileged kids to do adventures he had repelling and zip lining and all kinds of crazy shit how'd you do that how'd you get where you are you know and it usually they're not repeatable things like oh yeah you know i did i had rented electricity he was that fucking old he was so old but uh i i find it really fascinating you know people who found a business and did a thing i always like that stuff too yeah yeah but uh one of the other guys um part of how he he got really wealthy and how he built his like uh collection was he would go over to those eastern block countries with a cargo plane and a couple hundred thousand dollars.
Starting point is 01:02:33 And he'd find Russian generals and stuff like that to deal with. And he'd buy crazy shit and bring it home. Dude, that sounds – I'm sorry. I touched my mic. But that sounds, like, awesome. That guy is living an adventure and making bucks. Like, really? You go to Zimbabwe and buy AK-47s off, like, warlords?
Starting point is 01:02:55 It was more like he'd fly into Czechoslovakia and buy, like, 100,000 tons of ammunition or something crazy like that. Like, cargo planes full of rare ammo. Or, like, gun parts. of ammunition or something like crazy like that like cargo planes full of rare ammo or like uh you know gun gun parts uh or pieces of tanks and all kinds of crazy shit he had just a ridiculous collection he still does i wonder what the hard part of that business is because it sounds easy it sounds like you buy ammo post it on gun broker or um cheap ammo or there's like places for like
Starting point is 01:03:22 people to people sales and you can move it i this this was this wasn't even like the kind of ammo that you'd have an easy time selling it was big stuff it was like uh it was anti-tank stuff and uh lots of crazy lots of crazy shit they're selling to um some friends of his yeah I just wonder are these people actively engaged in a war right now are they like Mexican drug cartels so there's this small group of rich guys who like big guns and some of them
Starting point is 01:03:52 are into artillery and some of them are into tanks like that guy out in Texas just bought a leopard tank he just has bought one with a gun on it that fires I think so there's guys that like that stuff, but there's also guys, like I know a guy, who over the last three or four years,
Starting point is 01:04:10 his goal has been to get a Vulcan machine gun put together, his own private one. And the Vulcan, it's the gun that is on the A-10 Warthog. I think it's like a 30 millimeter, is it 30 or 20? It's one or the other, I can't recall right at the moment. But it's a a 30 millimeter is it 30 or 20 it's one or the other I can't recall right at the moment but it's a massive minigun he was a ball to track he was buying tractor trailer loads of components just to load the ammo letter tanks are cool I just googled one and stuck it on for the video guys Thank
Starting point is 01:04:37 You patrons and that's that's like I didn't know if I was gonna find some like World War two-error tank but no this thing is it looks like a modern tank I don't know my tanks that well but find some like World War II error tank, but no, this thing is, it looks like a modern tank. I don't know my tanks that well, but. I saw a picture of it on Facebook the other day. He bought it. I think it was like half a million dollars, 600 grand, something like that. Do you have to be really wealthy to do like a $600,000 sort of hobby purchase? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:05:03 I think he's planning on making it kind of part of the adventure of that ranch. That, yeah, come out and shoot a kudu and a rhinoceros and you can ride a leopard tank and smash some cars too if you want. I think it's part of that. Plus, he wants a fucking leopard tank. Yeah. Well, I'm not one to tell this guy how to run his business.
Starting point is 01:05:22 I mean, knock yourself out. It seems like he knows what he's doing. He's buying an artillery piece from what I understand as well, and he's already got the Sherman. That's super cool. A howitzer? Oh, I want to. And I promise you, I know this guy well enough to know
Starting point is 01:05:37 that he's going to shoot wild hogs with a howitzer. Help me. I've heard of a howitzer. It's like a 120-millimeter gun, I think. It's a massive artillery piece that's meant to shoot tens of miles away and blow shit up. Would it be something that's on a trailer behind a jeep? I don't know if you could haul it behind a jeep.
Starting point is 01:05:56 Bigger still. This is something... How would you move it? Howitzer. Howitzer. I think maybe you can haul it. I can't say Jeep. Humvee maybe could move one of these things around as I'm looking at it Here's one the train is pushing around
Starting point is 01:06:39 Mic check Kyle Hey Mic check again, please. Yeah. Yeah're back all right um yeah you're right i think a jeep might be too small for this but maybe a humvee i don't know yeah he's uh he's getting in one of those uh just building the collection up i guess hopefully i get to go back out there and play with some of that shit that sounds cool you'll call the show there? Yeah, let's do that. All right, so that was PKN episode 45, getting on one year mark. So I hope you guys enjoyed the show
Starting point is 01:07:12 and have a good day.

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