Painkiller Already - PKN 457

Episode Date: May 23, 2023


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Starting point is 00:00:00 PKN 457. Yes, I'm glad I'm not alone. I wonder if I share... Alright, guys. We're all caught up on From. This is the show. I guess I stepped in and they were already bitching about it, but I'm here for it. I'm ready to bitch about it, too.
Starting point is 00:00:16 I'll go first real quick. I've obviously been keeping up with From. I love From. I want answers to questions. I love mysteries. I like getting to the bottom of things. And man, we've got a lot of mysteries hanging over our head. Just off the top of my head, real quick, those glass bottles hanging up in the woods, those mysterious glass bottles from many different ages, all the cars from all different ages, the lighthouse we saw, the thing
Starting point is 00:00:40 that moved the tent. One character knows where the monsters live. That dude's wife knows where the monsters live. You know what I would have done? Everyone, town meeting! I found them! I found the things that come for us every night. Let's get them! Like, why wasn't the next day making weapons?
Starting point is 00:00:59 Yeah, yeah, yeah. Any kind of plan. But they don't even know. They don't know that the monsters are inches, well, feet beneath their feet every day. None of that was covered. We got to this new episode, and it was, let's get these dykes to get haircuts together. Oh, yeah, that's a good idea. Let's introduce a drug problem, because that's always fun. Don't you love it?
Starting point is 00:01:20 I was okay with the introduction of barely dressed hot lesbians kissing and shit. If you'll show a titty, I'll be okay with it, but you didn't show anything. I didn't see nothing. No titty, just a waste of time. That's the real criticism. Not that the lesbians were kissing. The lesbians were kissing with too much clothes on. You know what? Maybe I'm
Starting point is 00:01:39 jaded, but the second I saw the lesbians come on screen, I was like, oh no no it's not this kind of it's we're not getting any answers are we like there's it's we're getting some film we're gonna we're gonna learn about two characters here that aren't gonna matter in the long run any mysteries they may allude to those are gonna go rest with the bottles in the woods yep like i actually when i saw the lesbians kissing i'm like I could take a detour. I'm okay with it.
Starting point is 00:02:08 No, I was like, God damn it. Tell me more about the monsters. Like, honey, you want to pause this and watch porn? I love how much agency that child has been given. And they start like exploring the lore of the monsters. Like, fuck. Like, they're so afraid of some toxic masculinity being on screen that they can't even get the group organized or find an excuse for it to get organized that's what you need is
Starting point is 00:02:32 a dude to get all right everybody take a knee these people aren't talking to each other at all that's my core frustration i have two core frustrations one of them is communication right even husband and wife. Wife is like, you know what? I see little children in the woods. And it's Face Your Fears episode. The boy's doing it. He's talking to Sarah.
Starting point is 00:02:53 The wife is doing it. She's talking to like five-year-olds in the woods. She goes in the woods. She plays Jenga by herself, wins. And then some little children come along. Let's go to complaint number two. Poorly timed panic attacks. This entire fucking show is based on poorly timed panic attacks.
Starting point is 00:03:13 Oh, are there monsters that only walk? I'm hopeless to defend myself against monsters that can't run. And then the monsters kill them again and again and again oh is it raining on our new cb radio what are we gonna do run around run around it is not hard to bring a radio inside this is a task i can accomplish in less than 15 seconds these guys have 10 minutes yeah sure it drove me crazy it drove me fucking crazy so for those of you who don't watch and don't care but might find this interesting or funny at least about how bad the writing, they're trapped in this no man's land, this fucking scary universe where they can't get out. And they patch together a CB radio.
Starting point is 00:03:53 They build this tower and put it on the tallest house in town. And and by the way, when you got to the tallest house in town, I don't know if you guys notice, you can see forever, like you can see like 30 miles. So the idea of walking out is retarded. And the tower that the entire episode was based around and they're like gathering lumber and such was like six feet tall. That house is like 120 feet tall and they needed to be eight more. Dude, that stuck out to me too.
Starting point is 00:04:16 I was like, wait, that's like shorter than the real top of the house. Yeah, they didn't even put it on top of the house. They like went to the side roof angle area. No, no, no. I think that it was like a. Yeah, they didn't even put it on top of the house. They went to the side roof angle area. No, no, no. I think it was like a dormer that they didn't take. They could have used duct tape and put it on the dormer at that height.
Starting point is 00:04:33 I'm not as savvy. When it comes to fixing things and being handy, you guys have way more experience with that. But I can say watching that, the absolute blind panic everyone went into at the thought of rain i i even thought i'm like i'm almost positive i could get everything rolling here like i hey you grab this i grab that i can grab this because apparently you tore apart like two cribs and taped it like into a tower the
Starting point is 00:04:59 fact that it took a roller coaster engineer to build an antenna stand that was six feet tall oh my god what they're like their engineering banter was so embarrassing yeah they're like they're like trying to like do a two cans and string phone from a treetop and they're like get your ignorant ass out of my face it's like fuck both of you you're both retarded like you're right Communication in this show is it has it has the same like plot device that Seinfeld uses where very basic human communication clarifies the vast majority of plot lines. Like there's whole episodes where it's like, oh, so this person won't clarify with this person because they're silently resentful of one another. OK, well, I don't care about that let me do this little scene right kenny has information kenny apparently has been living
Starting point is 00:05:50 in this town that you can't escape for 40 years 40 years kenny knows all kinds of things he knows who the monsters are who the others are the tunnels underground all the people all the lord knows everything dude man's like kenny I need to get some answers from you. I think you know things, and I have this book. I have some clues. Can you fill me in on the details that I'm missing? Kenny says, yes, but you need to play the violin for me first. Okay.
Starting point is 00:06:16 This is batshit retarded, but all right. And then I start beating the retarded man. He's like, no, no, you have to go to this like junkyard and play the violin there oh all right okay okay well we'll go whatever you want i just need my answers so then he plays the violin well i thought and uh and then he doesn't get his answers he gets like one little snippet of a half an answer and i'm like because the entire premise of the show falls apart if people have the communication skills of even a third grader. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:47 If they all got together, play with Legos and just chatted, they'd be home by now. They'd be in. They would have first steps when the rain came. Don't imagine like one of those. Oh, my goodness. It's just started raining on us. They see these clouds coming from so far away and it's those clouds you may have seen one of these like weird storms in real life it's like oh my god you
Starting point is 00:07:10 can see that it's raining right there but nowhere else it's dumping right there that really concentrated storm that's the kind of storm that's coming and they can see it coming all right well let's continue the experiment guys we've got limited time here. No, no, no. You have no time. You have tomorrow. Today got canceled. It just got canceled. See that? Canceled. Everyone pack it in quickly so that nothing is lost. Don't fray the wires. Don't tear anything.
Starting point is 00:07:36 Put it up in the living room. Nobody touch it overnight. Set it up in the morning. No, no, no. Yeah, let's start the radio communication. What if they were to get somebody? What if the Coast Guard was there? All right right give me your coordinates and then the rain melts everything spoiler while the radio does work for the few seconds someone says jim jim's one of the main characters your wife shouldn't be digging that hole under the house great moment kind of spooky right like whoa whoa whoa so someone's watching this guy not only do
Starting point is 00:08:05 they know jim's name somehow they know who his wife is and they know what his wife is doing at that moment in the basement of their house where no one else knows what's going on so fast forward an episode or two jim is talking to boyd boyd is black sheriff guy if anyone maybe doesn't know the names and uh jim is like hey you know what that radio for a few seconds, I talked to a guy, and he knew my name, and he knew what the wife was doing. Boyd, the leader of the town, the sheriff, is like, that's crazy. I can't believe something like that would happen around here.
Starting point is 00:08:37 By the way, I'm short on time. Got to roll. Got to run. I got to get to the diner for 24-hour meal service. Boy, you are not in a hurry for anything. Okay? We're all gonna sit down, as a matter of fact, and play the take our time game.
Starting point is 00:08:54 I gotta get going. I gotta go sit on a stoop and muse. Dude, like, when Kenny didn't give an answer after he did his little, like, violin rendition, like, that was another instance where it's like they need me there. We are one fingernail away from all the answers, boys. Oh, yeah. Like I'm holding Kenny down and I'm like, I'm going to rip your thumbnail out unless you get to talking.
Starting point is 00:09:16 And then and then then his retarded lips are going to start babbling info so quickly. They're going to be like, oh, my God, I can't believe you tried to experiment. Dr. Jones, He works for Harvard! He's got us here in a bubble! It's a refractory shield! We're really all asleep right now on beds! Please stop pulling my fake fingernails out! Alright!
Starting point is 00:09:35 God damn it! I told you guys torture worked! That's the end of the show. That'd be the end of the show. The show brought to you by the CIA. Did the writers strike during the writing of the show? Is that what happened here? Are they like, we're only going to write bad shit? It's terrible.
Starting point is 00:09:50 It's really difficult to watch at this point because I never watched Lost, but I feel like I understand what people got pissed off about Lost, albeit in a much, much shorter time frame because I'm to the point where I'm losing interest in the mysteries it's been so long without them being addressed like i don't give a fuck about the bottles anymore that's clearly never going to be addressed and if it does it's going to be stupid it's going to be stupid the car thing is going to be stupid so boyd is walking through the woods right he's trying to
Starting point is 00:10:20 see he's like all right i know that if we walk on this road it's an endless loop but maybe if i go into the woods i'll find some answers even find an escape route let's see what's out there cool cool so he goes into the woods and it's the kind of woods you see on the east coast all the time big deciduous trees cool cool cool scotia and okay and then um oddly some of these trees are covered in spider webs thick spider webs thick thick spider webs that i've never witnessed in real life that i rarely see in make-believe haunted houses this level of spider webs so what's boyd's move here he pretty much puts his arms in the air spins around and walks into all the spider webs predictably there are giant spiders in this and they bite him and they make him drunk
Starting point is 00:11:05 or something and i'm like what the fuck this is next level stupid who see if i see a regular spider web i'm like oh careful now there could be spiders in there right around this this guy i walk into a mouth and eyes open the leader of this town it's it's next level terrible oh there's there is something it seems like if you wish for something you might get it all right how'd you see that um there were a couple like lost items i can't remember the details where they kind of wish they had them and they got them and then um i forget her name the medic doctor chick yeah the bryce bracelet that she'd do bad things if she could get her girlfriend back and then she comes back there might be something to wishing things into existence i
Starting point is 00:11:51 don't know if this is all characters but i felt like it's a repeated theme yeah we'll see if that goes anywhere i didn't catch that you're absolutely right there are like because randomly what one of the lesbians is like remember that bracelet i made for you out of fucking shoe string and an old appendix here it is the exact same one and they're like oh i know maybe it's the wife and the husband i think it was them they had that bracelet together or something and it was all right cool but why are you giving me another mystery instead of another answer like like two answers two questions one answer if you could just do that continuously, we'd have a good time. You can keep me
Starting point is 00:12:27 fucking confused, but give me an answer every now and then. One part I was kind of entertained by, at least in my own mind watching it, was you remember the scene where the monsters stick a steel rod through that lady's skull and attach her to a tree
Starting point is 00:12:43 and she's still alive and like ah talking and all normal and everything i i was sitting there watching i'm like ah maybe part of this weird magic world is the same reason that there doesn't actually have to be any mechanism working within the wires there doesn't have to be any mechanism working in her brain as long as she's like physically of form it's some sort of weird magic like consistency and then and then they pull their head off the thing and she just right died i'm like okay so that's not how it works here's another thing um in maybe the first episode of the entire show the boy's leg is hurt but there's a young boy's leg is hurt and maybe an episode or two later they say hey you're getting
Starting point is 00:13:26 around pretty well you've healed quickly and he says man i think that we heal differently here cool well there have been many injuries since and the quick healing hasn't seemed to have repeated itself ever i'm like oh no no no no kyle will agree with this well i'll accept any of your universe's rules provided that you're consistent with these rules. And they don't seem to be. Yeah, the little boy, they're in a bus accident, a car accident, and like a limb goes through his femur. All right, like through the middle of his thigh.
Starting point is 00:13:56 A table leg goes through his femur. Oh, my God, a table leg is even better. And he's a little boy, so his legs are the size of baseball bats already. They're these little fucking twigs. And then a fucking actual stick goes through it. He should have died right there, lost a leg, everything. He should be one-legged. I would be okay
Starting point is 00:14:15 with that, maybe, if he'd survived losing a leg. But he went from pale, blue lips, dead in a bus, never got an infection, by the way, to fucking in the bed for less than a bus. Never got an infection, by the way. To fucking in the bed for less than a day. I paid attention. He gets hurt.
Starting point is 00:14:30 He gets hurt in the afternoon on the first day there. The next morning, he's up and around. The next morning, it's 18 hours later and he's good to go. 18 hours after getting your wisdom cut out, wisdom teeth cut out
Starting point is 00:14:45 you're like oh god i need more golf still bleeding and fucking disgusting you know this guy should be septic it should have spread to his dick he should be pissing green goo yeah i don't know man i hope it gets better next week but i'm almost ready to pull the plug on this motherfucker oh i'm the other way i'm hate watching this thing i'm addicted to hate watching it i've got i found the subreddit for it where other people hate watch it too yeah oh there's a lot of people hate watching it oh yeah oh yeah they've lost everyone's the same page we're not like assholes it's not like there's a community of people who are like no you're right so beautiful look at these boss bitches look at all these look at them fuck that asian have you noticed another
Starting point is 00:15:31 like trend is the ham-handed uh wisdom of babes shit oh i was going there yeah they try and like put in with that little boy where like things that are obvious to anyone who's not retarded that are going on where like the little boy will almost almost astutely clarify something in a way only a child could that's what they're trying to do where he's like it seems that around here the good people are all worried about the bad people and they're like and it's like god i wish you would fucking drop dead i wish there was something magic about here where it's like, yeah, blood loss happens. But two weeks later, here's something I've noticed. So Kenny, Kenny is the Asian dude who has the share of six. If those of you aren't good names like me in season one, he is like a child.
Starting point is 00:16:21 Almost. He's wearing oversized clothing and he's always like this babe who's lost and confused. Season two, he's a bad motherfucker. Suddenly the same clothing he's worn is like fitted and his shirt's unbuckled down to show his chest.
Starting point is 00:16:37 Thank God that Nordstrom rack supply bus is coming out. Who tailored this guy's clothes between the tiniest fucking... A little touch of gray shipment on the way. That's another thing that's annoying. And I think it goes back to that toxic masculinity thing.
Starting point is 00:16:53 I think they're being... I think they're so afraid to write a character like that. They're so afraid to have a white guy who knows what he's doing on the show that they can't fucking do it. And they won't even allow the black guy to do it either. They won't let the black guy figure things out either. He's not allowed.
Starting point is 00:17:08 Kenny might get somewhere, but he's Asian and weak and cucked. He's literally, like, it was so fucking mean. Like, Kenny's trying to get with this girl. And they're in essentially hell, right? We're not going home. We're not going home. We're not going home. Get over that.
Starting point is 00:17:23 There's never going to be a portal that opens up and we go to Six Flags. And he's like, look, we're not going home we're not going home get over that there's never gonna be a portal that opens up and we go to six flags and and and he's like look we're here and i'm here and you're here and we care about each other and she's like you know i'm engaged and like runs away it's like bitch you've been here for like a year or something you ain't never and i honestly we are in purgatory maybe i'm a fucking bigot but how many lesbian relationships have you known that stood the test of time where two fucking girls in their early 20s one of them goes missing and the other was pining after her sitting there um like like not taking another lover or 50 are you kidding me are you kidding me she says that to the age and she's like i don't i just hope she's waiting for me what is this world war ii yeah she's not waiting for you you got lost in
Starting point is 00:18:06 the woods 18 months ago like she's getting finger blasted all night every night scissoring up the wazoo yeah but but lesbians really do that i'm not sure yeah sometimes but then but then fucking the the asian kid is like come on i'm here she's not not. And she's like, you know what? You're right. She finally comes around. I'm going to give you some pussy, Asian guy. It's about time. I bet you've never had any. And then her lesbian girlfriend shows up out of nowhere.
Starting point is 00:18:32 And it's like, see you later, Asian dude. I wish she was gone again and straight. I would have written it this way. The little kid can have agency. He can be spooky. But what he should do when everybody's fighting, he should notice something that's on his level. Like use what he has.
Starting point is 00:18:51 He's two feet tall. He sees things from a different perspective. If there's something written on a ceiling or if there's something on the ground. Under a porch. He'd be like, mommy, why is the ground vibrating? Because he's down there. Maybe he'd catch that. But don't have him be like mommy why is the ground vibrating because he's down there maybe he catch that like but don't have him be like we've got to figure out this electrical problem mother no no he doesn't
Starting point is 00:19:14 know shit don't act like he's always like you know what based on my knowledge of video games in the cramonocle this is a quest and this guy is going on a quest and he needs to face all his fears and they based a whole episode on his wisdom. Yeah, what the fuck? Is there no spanking in Purgatory anymore? No. Shut up, nerd! What the hell? Stop gamifying it.
Starting point is 00:19:36 And then, like, not even a gun rights thing, but it's like, man, why are you taking the skinhead's rifle away, right? Like, he's like, civilians don't carry guns here and as the dude was like alright fucking take my gun then there's another guard standing right there with a shotgun this random
Starting point is 00:19:52 guy has a shotgun right next to him and I've seen him operate he has no clue he has no clue what he's doing Donna has a shotgun she pumps it three times before she shoots it I caught that too I said it before Jackie had to suffer through every time she racked the slide. Pump it again, bitch.
Starting point is 00:20:07 Some guy just like walking around picking up shells. I'm like, where are their shells? Hollywood has this problem where like, we're writing a fairy tale so you have to believe everything we write. Alright, so that fat bitch is scary here, huh? That old fat lady's the big boss lady, huh? She's intimidating.
Starting point is 00:20:24 Look, when that guy was like, stay out of my shit, I was like, yeah, stay out of my shit. I'll kick your ass too. And you too, fat lady. You can get some too. Stay out of my shit. Now, if you had explained to me on day one that this is a commune. Look, we have what we came in here on our backs. I have eight Jolly Ranchers.
Starting point is 00:20:42 Somebody might need one of those to fix their hypoglycemia or blood pressure and survive these are the group's jolly ranchers now that syringe we have eight syringes here okay what do you have in your bag you got six shirts i only own one and it's his you know what i mean like it should have been like that but no he gets mad because somebody's going through his shit at night some stranger's going through his shit and he beats their ass and they all act like he's a toxic piece of shit. Yeah. And like you walk into like a post apocalypse situation like that and like a histrionic morbidly obese woman is in charge. It's like, all right, number one, we've got problems with resource allotment.
Starting point is 00:21:20 Looks like you may be eating a little much. All right. Who voted for her? None of you have rights anymore i'm taking charge because you're all pussies like then dude then someone someone takes charge does all of that if the three of us got lost on a road trip and wound up there we would have that place ship shape we have morning fitness routines yeah we would be the new furas negan walks into alexandria thank you and there's a we gotta go there too oh yeah and then um
Starting point is 00:21:54 the fat chick is in charge of watching and maintaining all the food inventory and he's like what the hell's happening here? Mommy watching the food? Can't you see what's happening? And it's true. I don't know how you got so fat, baby. Woo! He's just mean as shit in front of her. And she's just like,
Starting point is 00:22:17 bitch, you know what you're eating? You know you're coming in and eating the peaches at night. There's skinny children running around. There are skinny children running around like there are only so much of everything and she was big yeah we got we got 17 year olds haven't started their period and you're eating fucking by the barrel full everyone's starving yeah i didn't like that either like you see a big fat person in charge of a post-apocalyptic land like that, it's like, oh, something's up.
Starting point is 00:22:48 Something's up here. I'm watching other shows. I'm trying to pivot. I can't find anything good. Help me find something. There's a show on HBO called Perry Mason. I'll wait until Woody gets back. You remember those old detective novels? Perry Mason. Maybe it was an old
Starting point is 00:23:04 TV show, too. To me, it struck my... you remember those old detective novels perry nate perry mason maybe it was an old tv show too to me to me i it struck my to me like i don't know the hardy boys and nancy drew and shit like that shit i've never looked at or read myself i don't know it but i know it's a thing there's a show on hbo about uh about that guy um i just forgot his name i literally just forgot his name perry um perry mason yeah and he's like a 1920s, 1930s. Yeah, it's after World War I, 1920s detective. I don't even want to recommend that. At least the lesbians get naked in that one.
Starting point is 00:23:36 I'll say this. Perry Mason has a legal team. And again, everything's not about race, but I just noticed. I just noticed that it's 1920 and perry mason a white lawyer in los angeles's team is made up of a black man a japanese woman and a white lesbian and it's like dude this is your whole team and then a white guy shows me oh good i know this actor that's the guy and then he's a piece of shit no he's a piece of shit can't trust him oh it's great white guy he's got to be bad oh my god i i there's just not very much good stuff to watch i don't want to i but i've seen it too very fast um i don't know little mermaids coming out
Starting point is 00:24:16 the live action thing where they recast their my family has this connection to little mermaid that's abnormal because hope had red hair it was like her costume a little mermaid and kim possible were like every halloween for her growing up and uh and now that i don't know i just think they took it away yeah no i i never thought of that but i bet every little girl has her own little like disney princess perhaps that she relates to and that's why it is good that there are so many so many different colors and varieties of them um i i don't know the little indian girls get into jasmine or was she she was arabic though right yeah she's arabic she's like egyptian yeah yeah something like that yeah like lebanese think about that going down to hear about um uh will smith's bald wife making that documentary about cleopatra i saw the government of e making a statement. Yeah, so Cleopatra
Starting point is 00:25:06 is from a Mesopotamian... Yeah, Cleopatra is from a Greek bloodline. The only part of that family tree that they don't know about is her mother. And it's like, white person, white person, white person, white person, white person, white person, for like 800 years. And then it's like, we don't know!
Starting point is 00:25:22 Her mom might have been black! And Egypt is is like we know we know we just exhumed toots in common and he had red hair we know um and so they're suing and it's i think it has the worst uh rock tomato score ever on netflix maybe it's something silly you know i don't think i'll watch it i think i'll'll skip that one. Succession's my next watch. I haven't seen any of it yet. I'm not recommending it, but it is hitting my news feeds like Game of Thrones would.
Starting point is 00:25:54 People are just talking about it, debating it, and seem to be really into it. So I'm like, maybe there's something there. Very difficult dialogue to get past for me. It's jarring and unnatural that's right you guys were saying a little gilmore girlsy right gilmore girlsy like it's a little uh i don't know i wish i liked it i tried to like it i just want to find something that's good because i just end up being like well early simpsons is good fucking band of brothers is
Starting point is 00:26:21 good sign is good barry's excellent i watched the first whole season of barry but that was when it first came out and it was so long ago i'm gonna have to restart the whole series over so now you've got three full seasons and the fourth season has seven episodes currently out uh it was interesting i saw larry david had a conversation with bill hater who who you know stars and makes barry uh and he's like you're making another episode you make another season it's over what for he's like well i just think the character has more places to go no like i love that that larry david has that idea that you're done you were done last year you're gonna make another season like i'm sure four is the
Starting point is 00:26:59 final season but three could have been and i and i kind of agree with him three could have been. And I, and I kind of agree with him. It could have been. So I highly recommend it. It is the darkest comedy out there. So much, I don't know, so much dark stuff mixed in with some really hilarious moments. No, Hank is a great character. That alopecia ridden, Albany Chechen gangster. Oh yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:20 I remember him. He's great. I'm a dude kind of ties into, have you been following the Ukraine developments, Kyle? I bet you have. Tell me. So they lost Bakhmut, which was kind of a down moment. I know they're calling it a Pyrrhic victory for Russia. Something I had to look up if you guys don't know.
Starting point is 00:27:39 It's kind of a victory. It's in our video game. Oh, okay. It's a victory that didn't get you anything or had no value. A costly victory, yeah. And I had said this a month ago, I think, on the show, that Bakhmut is going to claim, I'm sorry, that Ukraine is going to claim Bakhmut just as they hoped.
Starting point is 00:27:58 Russia spent 100,000 men and thousands of tanks getting this worthless win. And Russia is going to say it's a win though, right? And they're both going to claim that it went like they hoped it would. And that's how it went down. But more recently, Ukraine has armed two groups of Russian. One is like the Russian Freedom Association. That's not right, but it's close. And the other is like the People's Liberation Russia. I forget i forget anyway there are two russian rebel groups ukraine gave them like a couple of tanks and some guns and some artillery support maybe and they invaded russia and they've taken like four three towns i think
Starting point is 00:28:38 and then what i expected to happen this is day two they did that yesterday i expected today's news to be that russia was like all right you caught us sleeping on that little border town or three but don't fuck with russia no they claim more territory today they're still like going in and invading russia so russia is going to have to reallocate some reform some resources towards both squashing these insurgents, rebels, whatever you want to call them, freedom fighters, if you like them.
Starting point is 00:29:11 And also maybe going forward, Russia is going to have to defend their border a little bit. Whereas now they get to just put all the resources in Ukraine going forward. They're going to be like, well, I guess we got to keep some people on the border too, because they're going to roll in. I'm thinking about heading up there myself, get myself a summer home,
Starting point is 00:29:25 annexing it somewhere in the home. Well, not Bakhmut to roll in. I'm thinking about heading up there myself, getting myself a summer home, annexing it somewhere in the... A little Bakhmut home? Well, not Bakhmut. Maybe in Russia Prime. I want to get in on one of these border towns that... FBS Ukraine? I just want to capture just a little area. Maybe just a house. Just capture one house?
Starting point is 00:29:41 Capture the one house, like a TikToker. Just roll up in there. Maybe you'll last for two days. Like what they've been doing in Palestine. You just roll up and like, this is my house now. I watched the Iron Dome system defending missiles in Israel. And it's like something out of a video game or sci-fi. I didn't know it did that because they showed it with thermal.
Starting point is 00:30:02 And you can see, first of all, you see missiles coming in. Here they come. The bad missiles are coming and then the iron dome system shoots these rockets up and the rockets will stop be like nah that's just fragments and it'll turn around and go back the other way there's there's the missile blow it up. It was incredible. They shot up like three missiles, and they're doing zigzags in the air evaluating things. The missiles are. And when they lock on to the other missile, they're like, ah, poof. And you just see everything kind of rain down. It was all in thermal vision.
Starting point is 00:30:38 Did the missiles have wings? I'm curious. Fins? So they look like toy rockets almost. I don't know how the Iron Dome system works at all. I have no idea what that's shooting actually. It was a surprise to me like Russia and Ukraine
Starting point is 00:30:54 both sides in the big war have missiles that have wings on them pretty much and they glide for miles. I thought all missiles look like you know just dicks with fins at the bottom a little bit the ones that sort of
Starting point is 00:31:09 go forever I think a lot of the shit that gets shot I don't know but I think a lot of the shit that gets shot into Israel is like RPGs and like all sorts of just anything and everything they can get to shoot over that wall into the city so it's all kinds of things mortars for sure
Starting point is 00:31:24 but yeah the thing in russia has been really interesting i saw so russia has these hypersonic missiles and i remember seeing putin's years ago maybe five six eight years ago maybe during trump's presidency or something bragging about those hypersonic missiles and be like in the world they are invincible and it's's like, oh, shit. He's probably not lying. And then they're shooting those things down at a really considerable rate. Like, not many of them are getting through at all. Like, most of them are getting shot down.
Starting point is 00:31:57 They arrested the two scientists. Who did what? Who made the missiles. I think it's out of embarrassment or something. Yeah. I don't know if they made... I tried to make sense of it. Did they lie about what the missiles did? I think they said they went Mach 2,
Starting point is 00:32:13 but don't quote me on that. Five. Okay. Maybe they don't really. Maybe they're like, yeah, it was Mach 5. Trust me. Give me a better apartment.
Starting point is 00:32:22 I don't know. Well, it has to be five at least. You got to test those. They did test it. This is why programmers can't test their own code because they always tell you they got it. They made one really awesome
Starting point is 00:32:36 rocket for the test phase. The main thing I think is that it's easy to make a hypersonic missile, a missile that goes that fast. They've been doing that since the V2s, I think, when they were coming back in were reaching Mach 5, like World War II.
Starting point is 00:32:52 I think the issue is having a hypersonic missile that you can move around and it can maneuver because they're shooting this straight. It's easy to block a laser, you know what I mean? And that's what these hypersonic missiles are kind of like. It's like, oh, there's just a laser beam right here. We can see where it starts. We know where it ends. Let's hit it right here and chop it off. If they had a cruise missile...
Starting point is 00:33:12 Those Tomahawks, the US shoot, have a thousand mile range. They can do all sorts of crazy shit on the way. They'll be really low to the ground the whole way. Nap of the earth. We've got such cool technology. Fuck healthcare.
Starting point is 00:33:26 Let's go. Go. Oh, I love seeing it. God, those explosions. Oh, I bet we've got even cooler shit too. You know we've got scarier shit. Every one of those missiles could house our homeless for a year and a half, but they can't blow up.
Starting point is 00:33:42 Or it could handle it in a different way. Couple ways. I've been watching there's a podcast or maybe just an interview I don't know, a YouTube channel called Concrete with a K and dude interviews or I've been watching him interview these ex-CIA guys. It is
Starting point is 00:34:00 fucking wild. This guy's talking about running a team in Pakistan and taking down the Al-Qaeda number three guy and how like just describing firefights and torture procedures. They caught this guy and
Starting point is 00:34:14 the interviewer's like, why does he have an eye patch in that picture and not in this picture? And he kind of pauses for a minute. The CIA guy does. He's like, well, when he was fighting the Soviets, that eye was rendered useless. And I feel like I'm thinking, that's a lie. You just lied to me.
Starting point is 00:34:34 And so when we had him under our custody one night while we had him drugged, we took it out. What, you removed his eye? Like his actual eyeball? Yeah, we surgically removed his eyeball while he was asleep. You know, try to make him talk. Didn't work. He refused to put in the glass one.
Starting point is 00:34:52 He said, and to this day, he tells anybody who'll listen, America stole my eye. And the guy's like, but you did. Yeah. Yeah, we did. And he adds, that was a human rights violation that was a war crime that we committed there
Starting point is 00:35:09 because he's the guy who went to no he was all about it that was the olden days the 2000 teens this was months ago yeah his stories are amazing though we don't do that that was early biden presidency
Starting point is 00:35:27 oh totally different now he had this he was talking about the the number three guy had gotten wounded when they took him and he has like three bullet holes like one on his thigh one of his groin and one of his like stomach and they're just they're they've got a thing that's pressure sending pressurized blood into one vein because under the bed is pools of blood. And they're done with surgery. He's healing now. This is it. It was just gruesome, gruesome stuff. He's like, and I told him, man, I'm the nicest guy you're going to meet for the rest of your life. By the way, you're never never getting out you're never going to be a free man again this is life now so when the people come and ask you questions you should give them good answers
Starting point is 00:36:11 he's like what did he say uh he started begging me to kill him it's like fuck man you really do not want to be al-qaeda this sounds good and true i guess i i get particularly annoyed when they're like we asked a navy seal for his opinion on the debt ceiling and i'm like fuck you what does he know he's like he's not an expert on the debt ceiling he doesn't have an economics degree he doesn't know about negotiating between that like the executive branch in the house and like but it's always like maybe seal weighs in on x this heartbreaking clip from a five-year-old will make you want to burn the constitution it's like it's like no i don't like those either um but but these guys are legit um i know um i know this guy in particular, he got in trouble.
Starting point is 00:37:05 He got in trouble because I think he leaked some stuff or exposed some stuff about the CIA, and he did 26 months in prison. So he's not in the CIA anymore. So a lot of the things he's talking about are like matters of record because of that. He's an ex-CIA agent. Yeah, yeah, he's an ex-CIA agent.
Starting point is 00:37:23 Which is a thing, yeah. Okay, Taylor. He's getting to prison. agent uh yeah yeah he's an ex-cia agent which is a thing yeah okay taylor um uh there's a couple of ex-cia agents on there um the other one was um a cuban and he was like all in south america doing that dirty shit that we did back in the the like 80s and and 90s i guess just ruining people in south amer. Those are fun interviews. I like those a lot. It's wild, the stuff that our government does across the world. They talk about the black sites we have, how they'll just, the president of another country won't even know it's there
Starting point is 00:37:55 because they'll go to the defense minister of that country. The CIA will approach their defense minister and say, hey, you've got this base over here. We'd like to put 50 guys there, little facility, 10,000 square feet over in the corner. We'll handle our own facilities. We've got tanks. We've got electricity. What's it for? We're going to torture people there. Or you could torture them for us there. Either way. Cool. All right. And they have this everywhere, he said. They said they moved
Starting point is 00:38:23 that guy to eight different black sites over the years. Um, just torturing the shit out of him for years. Um, and then the, every now and then they accidentally sent an innocent guy to one of these black sites.
Starting point is 00:38:34 They sent some poor fucking guy who had the wrong guy, some Canadian fucking, um, professor. They sent him to Syria. They're like, soften him up. The Syrians pull his fingernails,
Starting point is 00:38:44 beat him, rape him, electrocute his nuts for 10 months until he's just nothing, until he's just a puddle of a man. And the Syrians are like, I don't think he knows anything. You might have the wrong guy here. And they're like, all right, send him back. And his wife's been trying to find him for 10 months. And they're like, he never boarded his flight to canada and she's like yay did he bought me sunglasses on the online fucking magazine nonsense and they're like you get them and it's like well no seriously check your mail yeah uh lots of stuff like that
Starting point is 00:39:20 happened too yeah yeah pretty very very Pretty fucked. Very scary stuff. You don't want to make an enemy of the United States. No. Clearly. Dude, I was watching New Zealanders react to this, that, or the other thing. And oftentimes it's American military. So there's this husband and wife in New Zealand. And it's the story that happened when the Americans had this oil field or oil refinery. I think it was a refinery in Syria.
Starting point is 00:39:49 And it was actually the Wagner Group, which I hadn't heard of at the time, that went to take it over. Well, the Americans and the Russians, while not friends, had open communications to make sure that they didn't fight each other. They were both there to kind of – we didn't like ISIS. We don't like each other, but we're here to fight ISIS, not each other they were both there to kind of they didn't we didn't like isis we don't like each other but we're here to fight isis not each other yep the americans uh see the wagner group coming and they know it's the wagner group they've got uav circling about they have all the intelligence that the united states military can have and they call the wagner group and they're like hey hey are you about to attack an oil refinery and the wagner's are like nope nope that's not us and they're like all right well someone's about to feel the full force of the
Starting point is 00:40:31 united states military and they hang up and boom the uav hits the front and the back of the convoy freezing fucking everything the artillery starts dumping in. Apache helicopters. Multiple C-130s were in the sky dropping. I played COD 4. I know a lot about C-130s. And they just wreck you with that 105. You can use it exclusively to pass the mission.
Starting point is 00:41:00 Yeah, so the Wagner group had hundreds of deaths. Hundreds of they wiped out i think the 200 something yeah and uh the americans had zero deaths they the um the russians came up with the metal like a hero's thing just for surviving an encounter with the americans yeah you know what it looks like yeah there's a guy with an AK shooting an Apache, which never fucking happened.
Starting point is 00:41:29 But he's on fire. It's a Russian with an AK surrounded by flames. It's a coin, so you can only put someone's medal. He's clearly burning, and he's shooting at American helicopters on the horizon. If you're going to go He's clearly burning, and he's shooting at American helicopters on the horizon. Yes.
Starting point is 00:41:46 If you're going to go propaganda mode with it, why throw the burning alive on us? Did you get your burning Russian metal, Jim? It must be like glorious Soviet propaganda metal, but also like a little believable with the firepower.
Starting point is 00:42:04 You know? They had a special forces group we did in that refinery holding it and uh and so they were they killed all those people yeah i watched that video too that was wow i haven't seen that that's insane i remember when it happened there weren't as many details obviously we've like learned now everything that happened but at the time i just remember hearing hundreds of russians had been killed by us but russia didn't care because they were disavowing those wagner guys group or something they made wagner sound more like blackwater when it's in reality it's more like blackwater was the american um um what's the word i'm looking for mercenary mercenaries the connection between say Joe Biden and the guy
Starting point is 00:42:45 who runs Blackwater would be nil right but I don't think that's quite the case in Russia I think that you've got Vladimir Putin like with his Wagner guys and his main Russian army guys and trying to come up with some kind of a plan to get their way out of this man it looks bad huh it's embarrassing yes yeah and it was super embarrassing I am open to the idea that like well they didn't bring their a team you know we had ac-130s in the air and apache helicopters and uavs with their i mean with the convoy uh zeroed in oh and oh you what what's embarrassing 200,000 dead like like all of their tech seems to be inferior to ours like like all of it. One of the lasting impacts I'm hearing, I don't make this up, is Russia was one of the world's largest arms exporters.
Starting point is 00:43:33 You know, if you're India, you're like, well, you buy from America or Russia. That's it. That or you invent it yourself, but that's hard to do. And before the Ukraine war, people didn't know whose stuff was better. You know, I used to hear all the time like american planes if there's a freaking you know 20-sided die on the airfield they can't take off it gets sucked into the engines and they break in their garbage but these russian things they can launch on grass and then they're just built for durable war in reality i was like okay if you say
Starting point is 00:44:01 so well shit's getting tested now and that that Russian stuff is just getting wrecked. Yeah, I always thought of Russian stuff as hardy. Heavy. It works. It's not comfortable. But it's effective. It'll do its job. And maybe you need more of them than theirs.
Starting point is 00:44:19 But that's easy. We can build twice as many because they cost a third as much. You know? It works out that way, but it hasn't. It hasn't. When we shot their flags... Well, kind of. When we sunk their fucking flagship
Starting point is 00:44:35 in the ocean, that was crazy. That was crazy. That was their flagship of their fleet, and they sunk it with those two missiles all of their tech is from um so so long ago and ours just seems to really stay on that bleeding edge uh and uh man it's got to look bad i i read this whole thing about their nuclear weapon arsenal and the maintenance that is required to keep icbms going and there's no way that their
Starting point is 00:45:02 nukes work but like there's no way their nukes work. First of all, there's a battery on the thing that has to be kept, like your motorcycle battery. We've got to keep this thing charged up. We can probably handle that. But, which tritium? They add tritium to the mix
Starting point is 00:45:20 in these thermonuclear weapons, these hydrogen bombs. The way a hydrogen bomb works, you've got a regular explosion, a chemical explosion, kicks off a fusion nuclear reaction like the Hiroshima shit, and then that kicks off a fusion reaction. And we've got
Starting point is 00:45:35 a mega bomb. Well, they go ahead and throw some tritium and maybe deuterium in there, too. And that really kicks things up a few notches. They've discovered... I'm not even sure these are real words. Taylor, have you heard these words before i have so only from that that chemistry youtube channel i've watched tritium is one of those um uh elements that decays really fast it has a really fast um half-life wait no no no no no is that used on sites for guns night sites it is it is um so something about it's it lasts a long time but it is deteriorating and as it deteriorates it like turns into another element obviously
Starting point is 00:46:13 you know and that element makes nukes worse they said so unless they're at all of these you know 10 000 missiles every couple years they would need to be doing a lot of really expensive things to them. They don't have tires on their trucks and their shit's rusty. Where do you get tritium? Who has that? You can create it. You produce it. Oh, I do.
Starting point is 00:46:38 You don't just mine it? It's not a mineable thing? Perhaps there are tritium in the ground, but I know that when governments want tritium, they produce it. Perhaps that's a purification method. I don't know exactly, but I know that they produce tritium.
Starting point is 00:46:54 I don't know how you make metal. How do you make iron? Where does that come from? I don't know. It's like in rocks, and then they turn. Maybe they melt the part that isn't rock. And then you somehow extract the the wet not the wet was a rock but not iron from the wet iron and it's like and you keep it very
Starting point is 00:47:14 hot it's like goddamn i would i'd be if it was just a bunch of tailors in all of human history i'd be living in like a thatched roof shit hut like i feel like you could take me bring me back to like roman times and i'd be like man cell phones are like gonna be a thing yeah hell help us with your future knowledge you'd be like going around like impressed like how'd you guys figure out fucking aqueducts what year is it again my god good for you. 50. It's year 50. Now enjoy this hot running water. As a man from the future, I know things you don't. Like, don't answer calls if you don't know the number.
Starting point is 00:47:55 He would be like, yeah, when someone knocks on my door, if I don't know what it is, I never answer. Wait, you mean we're still at minus 50? We're not even to zero yet. All right, there's a guy coming around in about 17 years.'re gonna want to keep your eyes peeled for this one like literally most famous guy of all time you would not believe me if i told you about jesus gotta be yeah yeah well i was like i'm an asshole i hear stuff like that and my mind starts instantly trying to like refute it like i don't might be i don't got anyone better than jesus I don't think anyone's more famous than Jesus. Jesus is famous even among...
Starting point is 00:48:29 Is he in the Torah? Who's in all three of the Abrahamic religions? God. Well, the old God's the most famous person. Gotcha, Taylor. That's cheating. Moses. No, Jesus is more famous than Moses.
Starting point is 00:48:47 I think Moses is more famous than Jesus because the Jews know. I guess the Jews definitely know Jesus, too. Yeah, it's Jesus. He wins. Is Moses the one that walked in the desert for 40 years? Moses. Moses is the one who parted the Red Sea. Yes.
Starting point is 00:49:04 That's impressive. But the navigation skills, right? Leaves a lot to be desired. Yeah. When you actually see the modern size of where they were. Not a long way. Apparently wandering for 40 years. It's like, I mean, it's just it's the thing again of like misconstruing the way things are translated, like 40 years was like a way in like Hebrew or like ancient
Starting point is 00:49:27 Israelite or whatever to say, like, it was so long, like the way we would say millions. Like, and so sometimes that happens. Like I was talking to someone like in a religious context, actually pretty recently. And they were like, you know, the 144,000, you know, that's actually in the Bible. Like those are how many people will be saved. That's how the Jehovah's Witness arrived at like 144,000 people will be saved. And it's like, yeah, that was like a multiple of like 12s. And like, it was just a way for them to be like an incomprehensible. Like it's so many.
Starting point is 00:49:58 A million billion. There's a lot of people, but even more will not be saved. It's like, yeah, I really doubt that they meant like, no, I sorry i didn't know they believe that you're done yeah jehovah's witnesses i believe there's way more jehovah there's way more than 144 000 jehovah's witnesses yeah there would have to be right like even though they're like one of the teeny little sex you know what i would do like mainstream christians don't even consider them like real christ. We get rings with numbers on them. All right. And, and, and we can take your ring away,
Starting point is 00:50:27 right? Those 144,000 rings would be the most valuable. Oh my God. Why haven't they gotten on this? Why are they going door to door when they could be making the big bucks? Yeah. They just need to get in contact with Jostens. Get some dog shit quality expensive rings.
Starting point is 00:50:44 144,000 people. Is that all time? Are they saying... Okay, never mind. I don't care. I don't care about... This is like arguing Star Wars. I don't fucking care what made up shit they believe.
Starting point is 00:50:54 Yeah, but arguing about Star Wars and Lord of the Rings and stuff can be fun. Yeah, but at least George Lucas had something good in mind when he made Star Wars. Those Jehovah's Witnesses are just pieces of shit. They just want to annoy us. I'm going to look up some Jehovah's. They're good people. I knew one. I immediately felt bad. Mormons are cool. I don't know the Jehovah's Witnesses well.
Starting point is 00:51:14 I worked with one. He was so nice. Have you ever looked up a Jehovah's Witness lore video? Maybe there's a British guy who's like, many years ago, and he's kind of like Warhammer, but it's for Joe. Dude,
Starting point is 00:51:26 that'd be a good way to get people into religion. Get a British narrator to kind of make it seem Warhammer. David Attenborough AI. That's what they do for almost all the Warhammer content I watch now is David Attenborough AI Warhammer 40 K because you get the best of both worlds. You got this professional old British man teaching you about fake things. And I love that. Very educational. I do like it.
Starting point is 00:51:48 I like won't listen to those lore Warhammer videos. Like sometimes I'll start one. It'll be like, hey guys, Warhammer tat. And it's like, we're not finding anything else about this. I'm finding a British guy talking to me calmly as though he's like explaining different species of bird in Nigeria. That's what I want species of bird in, in Nigeria. That's what I want.
Starting point is 00:52:06 I want to, I want to enjoy the fantasy. I want to enjoy the fantasy world. It's fun. Yeah, I agree. I don't, uh,
Starting point is 00:52:14 I haven't been watching much of that. I've mostly been watching the CIA guys. And, um, that's the other thing I'm watching. Not from, not anymore. Oh,
Starting point is 00:52:22 horror anthologies. Uh, I, I like horror anthologies, horror anthologies horror um so so these are horror anthologies i was about to ask you what streaming service it was on yeah um you know like the old horror movies they'd be like um you get three or four short stories with an overarching kind of host um type thing i love those i i found trick or treat i'd never seen that the the name is stupid and the cover is stupid but it was really good movie it was from i don't know a decade ago or something
Starting point is 00:52:55 like that that one was really good i watched um who plays sam and lord of the rings it's um sean austin yeah yeah so sean aston it was this weird coincidence where sean aston is in perry mason right now like 2023 sean aston he's a mean fucking like grocery store owner and he's suing his competition and ruining them did he get really big oh he's pretty big he's pretty fat and he's never made that walk now. No, no, he couldn't make the money. He couldn't do it now. But then like right after that turned off, I started watching an old horror anthology called The Willies.
Starting point is 00:53:35 You know, you get the Willies. Yeah, yeah. It's Sean Astin at like 14 or something in a treehouse with his friends. It was so weird to see him from like 60 to 14 and a flick of a switch and he's the same guy he's the same actor he was a good actor then they're just telling scary stories in a treehouse where uh were the horror anthologies you watched were they more unnerving like creepy or were they more like over the top violent slasher kind of so i'm gonna be honest when i get into something
Starting point is 00:54:05 i go all the way so i watched all of them okay all of them that exist i watched like eight of them and it's on what service there's not a service you got to bounce around these are all different movies from oh from decade separated by decades you know i watched all the um creep shows i watched all the the tales from the crypts i watched um the willies i watched uh whatever i watched them all um i love that stuff i like horror to begin with yeah um but i what i don't like people recommend me movies a lot and and it's like man i talk about movies all the time you don't know that i don't want to see torture porn they sent me the um terrifier two like yeah just skip terrifier one i'm like okay the opening scene of terrifier two is a clown torturing a man with
Starting point is 00:54:53 a hammer like like destroying his face and like popping his eyeballs out and shit and i'm like nah i don't i don't see this i don't see that i want to see something spooky the baba duke scared the shit out of me i I like horror like that. When we're in a house and something awful is after us. Yeah. The world that I'm inhabiting has to be scary. It needs to be unnerving and upsetting almost.
Starting point is 00:55:16 But I know exactly the movie you're talking about. The Terrifier or whatever. I know that the beginning where the guy's getting smashed. The absolute most of that i can take is like hellraiser and even then it's like over the top but it's almost a little fake because it's over yeah and it's like kitschy a bit but like when you watch i don't remember what horror movie it was yeah i watched it just like a week or so ago and it opens up with like a guy having like
Starting point is 00:55:42 his fingernails torn out and it it's like, this is awful. Like this is no world has been built yet. Like there's no, it's just torture porn and torture porn is like jump scares. And that it's like, Oh fuck. We accidentally didn't write a world that's scary. And now we got to goose it up.
Starting point is 00:56:01 You got to earn. You've got to earn both those things. But, but I, I don't want to see just blood and guts. The occasional jump scare can be nice. A nice once in a while if they've earned it and they're not double, triple, quadruple dipping and making you go oh, I know exactly what's going to happen. We're walking down the hallway. There's going to be a jump.
Starting point is 00:56:18 You know what my favorite jump scare is? It's from The Conjuring. She gets locked in the basement and she's at the top of the basement stairs. She's got the match lit and she's looking down the stairs into the darkness where the danger is and the hands come from behind her where safety was and they go clap clap and the light goes out and it's like oh no oh no oh no that was a scary one because you're like getting chills because you're like oh and if i were where she was right, I would be so because now I'm there's no option behind me is clearly hell. And in front of me is as well the demons everywhere or whatever they believe is at the time. The Conjuring are good. Those are good movies.
Starting point is 00:56:58 Sinister is good. I think Sinister is the one where it has that actual good jump scare of that horrible ghoulish monster in the cliche. You close the mirror and behind that woman's shoulder was a thing, but they did it in some different way. You're talking about when Darth Maul was behind the guy's shoulder? Yeah. Yeah, that was very out of nowhere.
Starting point is 00:57:18 That caught me off guard. Maybe I've just built leather skin to that scene in particular, but there was a time when that bothered me a lot. Really? Yeah, that guy bothered me a lot and those pale japanese children from the japanese horror films they freak me out now if you want but in the sarah michelle geller version right i don't know if you saw that version of the grudge it's not obviously not the japanese version the american version that scared the shit out of me i tried to watch the japanese version of the grudge it's not obviously not the japanese version the american version that scared the shit out of me i tried to watch the japanese version of those things and it comes off kind of silly sometimes um i saw this japanese horror film where the lady looks on she's having dinner with
Starting point is 00:57:53 like a friend and they're they've got like a round table a small table you could reach across and touch each other and it's kind of high and she looks underneath and there's that little japanese boy sitting under there all pale and shit. And I would have laughed. It was like, it's like, it's so stupid. It's so silly that it's not even scary anymore. But something about the grudge really freaked me out.
Starting point is 00:58:12 Uh, I think I was 19 when I saw it. Uh, the ring had too much plot for, for me at that age, there was a lot going on in the ring. There was a lot of mystery and a lot of levels to that. And I think maybe I just wasn't really into it and didn't think it was that scary i didn't think the girl crawling out of the tv was scary and and i think that's what's supposed to get you
Starting point is 00:58:34 i don't know i didn't think that was scary i remember thinking it was spooky but i was also like probably 14 i like to watch that paranormal it was different than other scary movies that came before it just i don't know i i think i remember looking at like a pool hose or pool robot or something and they just get you to really stare at surveillance oh is it the second one but second it's the kind of stuff they do like man we think we heard something go bump in the night now you're like paying hyper attention to a kitchen chair. And all I need to do is move a foot. And you're like, whoa, whoa.
Starting point is 00:59:10 Okay, so this is real. It's really going down. And the way that it built, it earned the jump scares that came from it and stuff like that. Paranormal activity, especially the first one, really scary. It was a great movie. They had a great amount of pregnant pauses in it and they were like pauses in momentum that seemed realistic within like someone like it wasn't like a movie where like they wait sometimes for like 10 seconds and then be like time to forge down it'd be like sometimes like minutes go by so i think that's one of the most successful films of all time
Starting point is 00:59:43 right there with blair witch as far as money in money out you know um because it cost almost nothing like thousands of dollars to make and those guys weren't real actors exactly and then i can't remember it was steven spielberg some big hollywood person i can't remember who saw it and was like that's really good let me give you a million dollars to throw some special effects in there. And let's make it and let's fix this. Let's make it right. And I think maybe they added, you know, some floaty shit. Occasionally there's a little special effect. And then it made like a quarter billion dollars or something crazy.
Starting point is 01:00:14 Hundreds of millions now with all the all the scariest part to me. Creepiest part is when she's standing over him while he sleeps and fast forward rocking. Yeah. Just watching him sleep. That's fucked um but there's a the goat like footprints on the floor are so scary but when he goes up in that attic man when he's up in that attic with that shitty light and he finds that burnt photograph of her that is burnt because it should have been destroyed in the house fire that she had when she was a child. It shouldn't exist.
Starting point is 01:00:46 That's awful. That's so scary. And I'm just, the music's like, and you're waiting on it to grab him up there or grab his legs. Or maybe he comes down and she's gone. You don't know what's coming. You know it's going to be bad, though. Yeah, that's a good scary movie. It is a good one.
Starting point is 01:01:00 Blair Witch Project was going to make my list, but I didn't, I'm going to spoil it. I didn't like the ending. Yeah, it's not for me. They really, really build up. Is this real? Is this happening? Oh, there's some evidence, whatever. And then at the very end, there's a flash of it's real and the footage ends, which I guess is what would happen.
Starting point is 01:01:18 But it wasn't a satisfying ending for me. They could have done a scroll of the screen that told me what I needed to know. The camera work on it is like so it's even like more violent, shaky than I feel like it would be walking through the woods with a camera at times. And I remember hating that about Blair Witch. I really how fucking shaky the camera was. I don't I don't know.
Starting point is 01:01:43 I can be right. There's a there's a horror anthology that's all handheld. I think it's all handheld. I'll feel stupid if it's not. Fuck, it's where they find all the... VHS. VHS 1 and 2. They're supposed to be really good.
Starting point is 01:01:59 But I cannot watch handheld. It annoys the shit out of me. I really hate it. What's the giant cloverfield that cloverfield movie i hated that too i didn't the second one the john goodman one oh the john goodman's amazing lane yeah that's amazing that's a big monster field was cloverfield's the the first one is when you've got a giant monster destroying the city um and you've kind of got some early 20 something couples and friends who are at a house
Starting point is 01:02:25 party and they're trying to escape the city. Oh, I think I did see that. Yeah. I liked all of it except for the camera work. I don't like that shaky cam stuff. Can't stand it. It's a really fun to rap. Yeah. Alright, PKN457

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