Painkiller Already - PKN #46

Episode Date: July 9, 2015

PKN is back with Kyle and Woody having their usually shenanigans together.... does Taylor show up.... Only one way to find out.......

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Alright, welcome to PKN episode 46, sponsored by all of our handsome Patreon members. We appreciate you guys. Absolutely, absolutely. So you were showing me goodies that came to your P.O. box? Yeah, yeah. So, there's a few little pieces to this thing. I think I might be sitting on one. I don't see the piece of paper that says where this all came from, which is kind of important. It seemed like we were ready a second I had the piece of paper my holding stuff up like I thought I saw the paper too oh anyway this guy sent me like all these paracord clip hair accord
Starting point is 00:00:40 things so you know they've got little clips to go in your backpack or something and this is a parachord little bracelet. And there's just a bunch of them. Bunches of different kinds. And I'll be able to find the name of this company from one of the t-shirts. He sent me this bullet pen that's like... Oh, I see. Yeah, yeah. Bullets, and then you twist and the pen part comes out.
Starting point is 00:01:01 Bunch of bullet keychains that are just bullets with keychain things on them i wonder if they have issues in security you can see they're like hollow on the inside i mean you can and i can but you know you never know johnny who's who does the the airport security the three letter acronym for them uh tsa yeah yeah johnny tsa might might take you down and put his knee on your back of your neck so that's his company big city knots he's a college student he owns a couple of companies one of them's a vape uh company so he actually mentioned his letter you know thanking us as everyone does for all that we do and he said that if you two got uh p.o boxes that being you and taylor uh he'd send you guys some goodies too including some vape stuff
Starting point is 00:01:45 for Taylor and he got me these things which are stainless steel ice cube replacers so so your water your drink doesn't get watered down so it's uh that's pretty slick it's these little stainless steel cubes and I I don't get vaping I don't get vaping at all like i somehow in high school they taught us now this is a long time ago they might teach it differently now but they made it seem like it wasn't the smokers fault that they were smokers it's not their fault they teach they taught them to smoke when they were really young the movies made it look cool joe camel's a cartoon and that all this shit it was like i always kind of bought into it like yeah smokers are smokers through some just horrible accident and and malicious intent on behalf of cigarette
Starting point is 00:02:31 companies and people got suckered into it even smart people could be smokers there's a thing so so the thing about smoking is it's super addictive and it's i think it's a lot more prevalent in uh in lower income brackets and i think it's uh it's a lot more prevalent in lower income brackets. Smoking a cigarette does a lot of things that help if you're kind of broke. They're not as expensive as you might think. They do get addictive and then you don't mind wasting that $5 every two days or whatever it becomes. But they curb your appetite, they deal with stress, they help you pass the time. These are all things that people who aren't doing so well have issues with um but as far as the the vaping i didn't finish my thought it was yeah i want to know how you get to this because i don't understand your hate for the vapors with with the
Starting point is 00:03:16 cigarettes they always taught us that somehow they had been bamboozled into becoming smokers through either being cool because hollywood made it cool or whatever advertising etc okay i'm not bombarded with vaping like it used to be every nascar race was filled with cigarette shit and every tv commercial was the winston cup was some right and then the the tv commercials were lots of stuff on television the back of every magazine back before the internet and people read magazines well they banned all that advertising it magazines just by default seemed to own the back cover there was a ton of money and a ton of advertising vape stuff like how are people getting suckered
Starting point is 00:03:58 into vaping now do you think it's being suckered i'll tell you so in my head there are two like categories of vapors right there are the people quitting cigarettes and for those people it's getting suckered i'll tell you so in my head there are two like categories of vapors right there are the people quitting cigarettes and for those people it's like yeah if this if this is an exit route off of cigarettes that works to you knock yourself out you know like it i i've been told by everybody that it's really difficult and if vaping is your exit route then then awesome but like like um murker for example. It's as difficult as walking around with a piece of candy you really, really want and are hungry all the time every day. That's about how hard it is for like the first few weeks.
Starting point is 00:04:35 It's like having that pint of ice cream right there in your hand and you're hungry. So Merkur is not a smoker, right? He was never a smoker. He was never addicted to cigarettes or anything. But he thought, you know what? I'm'm gonna give vaping nicotine a try that's I don't great but he's not vaping nicotine he is vaping nicotine I don't know what he's told you but he's told me he's vaped nicotine okay and then he explains is that what he always does he always vapes nicotine I I wouldn't know if he always vapes nicotine but I know that he vapes nicotine I I wouldn't know if he always raped nicotine but I know that he vapes nicotine and he was outlining the benefits of how nicotine makes him feel
Starting point is 00:05:09 good it's kind of a an upper of some sort and it you know it did like caffeine almost a super fucking mega addictive version of caffeine I guess and I'm just like well guys don't see what's the downside so before you can start saying like why is he doing this like why not because you get addicted to nicotine you're i'm addicted to caffeine you don't think chiz is you know how much coffee he drinks i don't why do you not have an issue with chiz's coffee caffeine addiction what you do with do with Taylor's potential nicotine addiction. I do have an issue with Chiz's caffeine addiction. I think that if he drinks less coffee, he has some withdrawal symptoms like headaches and stuff. I'm not positive about that,
Starting point is 00:05:54 but I think that's a thing. I know that is a thing. I think it's a thing that Chiz has. It is a thing. It's a thing that I get as well. If I don't have some caffeine at all, we'll get a headache yeah yeah and i'll be grouchy too but i i can't explain why and we all have flaws right like there's there's no doubt about it but for some reason i'm more inclined to not fuss at about his flaws than i am everybody else all right well i give him a pass but i don't know why so i think so the thing with vaping i think i'm sure it does some moderate it's probably not good for your lungs i doubt it's therapeutic but
Starting point is 00:06:30 i feel like it's in the it's probably in that uh that part of the spectrum where it's like oh well just you know you could vape as long as you don't go out into like dusty air they're pretty similar like i don't think it's like cigarettes where like you're kind of sensing possibly sentencing yourself to like a horrible death at the end of this ride. It's also bad to be outside around rush hour, but it's not on the level of what's bad. Yeah, it's like if you smoke for five years, I bet you're 45% more likely to die of cancer than everyone else. It's a pretty serious thing that's happening to you. Whereas with vapinging i just don't think you're gonna see that even with with more uh research i know they saw some negative i have a thing to add and it's it's that it's so it's not the same
Starting point is 00:07:15 for everybody now i don't know how dangerous vaping is but i have a little like bad lung experience and it's this as you know some people could smoke cigarettes for like 50 years and never have the negative if impacts like i don't know what they they just have like super lungs or something and other people five ten years in and they're like oh my god i've got cancer this is a terrible thing um i smoked for 10 years when i did woodworking um you inhale a lot of sawdust and I got, I had to step up my game because I had like asthma from all the sawdust I was breathing in. It's really fine. Bad for you. Extra, like it's bad. Sawdust. Um, within like a year, like less than a year, six months or so. And I'm like not breathing well and like having some real serious like impacts. So I had to learn
Starting point is 00:08:03 about respirators and dust collection and stuff. I feel like I am on the end of the spectrum who like suffers more quickly like if I was a smoker I would guess I'd be one of those guys at five years who's fucked up because uh because in woodworking I was quick to feel the bad effect it's probably more irritable for you like like one of the one of the main things from smoking that everybody I would say probably gets, I don't know what the percentages are for emphysema, lung
Starting point is 00:08:31 cancer, tongue cancer, etc. Smoker's cough. It seems like everybody gets that. I feel like you would be coughing and hacking and it would affect your snoring that you already have. By the way, look at my camera. See that? He says it only happens when he talks to me. It's my fault.
Starting point is 00:08:46 Only with you. Jiggle your mic. Yeah? Better. All right. What were we just talking about? How some people have issues with lung cancer and smoking faster than others. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:01 All right. Well, let's get back to the topic, though. I still haven't heard any reason why you think negatively of vaping i it's i feel like you're sucking in some chemicals now some people just vape like strawberry flavor and if that's your thing i don't know anything wrong with that i think it's okay i've looked at the chemicals in that stuff and they're very it's the same stuff as in hate inhalers so like it's it's fine for you to be inhaling those chemicals, like the glycol or whatever. Like that's what's in inhalers. So if you're just doing like strawberry flavor and
Starting point is 00:09:34 that's your vaping, then I guess that's okay. I'm not a doctor, but it, you know, I would think, all right, I guess. But if you're vaping nicotine, then I just feel like that's a bad thing, right? Why? Isn't nicotine the pesticide that comes from tobacco plants to keep insects away? That's part of the deal, but we're not bugs. Like if you made a rope smoke a cigarette, you'd drop over dead. But you can handle one just fine. It does come from plants.
Starting point is 00:10:05 I think it comes from the tobacco plant. It's sort of a natural pesticide that they've developed. And it is addictive, but it itself doesn't have any negative side effects. The cancer, the carcinogenic part of smoking comes from the tobacco itself. So they've separated the nicotine from the tobacco, and just like nicotine patches nicotine gum all those other replacements it's it's just not as it's not a big deal and i know it does affect your heart rate and some other stuff but everything does caffeine does i feel like it's i feel like nicotine and
Starting point is 00:10:34 caffeine are on the pretty much the exact same level as far as recreational legal-ish drugs shucks i mean nicotine raises your blood pressure. Your heart beats faster on an everyday basis. It causes your blood pressure to go up. High blood pressure isn't just a harmless state. It's a sign that your heart has to work too hard to perform daily functions. Nicotine has an effect on your lungs.
Starting point is 00:11:00 Oh, but wait. It says most of this comes from smoking and not the nicotine itself. There are some positive effects to nicotine. Let me see what these would be. It helps seniors with Alzheimer's disease, and it might prevent Parkinson's disease. You might want to get yourself a vaporizer, Woody.
Starting point is 00:11:22 You might be on to something. Maybe to sharpen your name game up a bit did you hear tucker say nailed he was trying to say neil degrasse tyson and he was like neil degrasse titan i uh i will not jump on the lap of tucker bandwagon in that case t Tucker, I feel you, baby. I was like, what? I've been close. Even that one jumped out at me, but it was not my, I was letting it slide.
Starting point is 00:11:53 And at first I was like, does he know the guy? Like, is that how he prefers to have it? It's like, maybe I'm wrong, but like, I was like, that's not right. That's not right. So yeah, I got no problem with Taylor vaping. Even if it's nicotine, the problem would be is if he's using tobacco products. Those are the ones that are bad for you, I feel like. And even at your age, I feel like our ages are getting closer, right? I'm what, 12 years older, something like that? 13 years older. So when I'm 70 and you're 57, we're going to be roughly both
Starting point is 00:12:22 old. But anyway, I bet you've seen it too, where things that are declared awful for you suddenly become not so awful and it switches back. Like they get it wrong. When I was a kid, butter was bad for you, so you're supposed to have margarine. And then margarine turns out is all trans fat, so now you're supposed to have butter again.
Starting point is 00:12:40 And not that butter's great for you, but sure as hell don't make margarine your substitute for butter. And, you know, heck, alcohol. Like they've gone back and forth in that. Like, you know, oh, yeah, it was the absolute devil when I was a kid. And then they discover that wine in the right amounts is actually quite good for you. And I think that still exists.
Starting point is 00:13:00 Yeah, red wine is great for your heart, right? Yeah. A couple glasses a day. Great for something. I don't know what the positive impact is. We're always discovering new good impacts from red wine's great for your heart right yeah a couple glasses a day great for something i don't know what the positive impact is they're always discovering new good impacts from red wine i feel like everything in moderation that's the key to this thing it's there's no like there's no debt there aren't too many things out there they're just the devil i feel like human beings our body and just organisms in general are good at putting up with a lot of abuse that's why we're
Starting point is 00:13:21 still here i wouldn't do meth in moderation really that to me is the one right now i'm trying to think like all right so in no situation in which there's like just a guy at my house with some meth would i do some meth but if there were this thing where the government was like hey we've decided for instead of outlawing meth we're going to legalize it and we've got this this you know this pure meth here that doesn't have any bad stuff in it and you can try a little i might try a little of that meth i they would have to like they'd be like hey you know what no taxes if you do a little meth i'd be like yeah a little show me how to smoke this shit what do i do honey what do I do? Honey, get the spoon. I don't know quite what I'm doing. You've got to watch some more Breaking Bad.
Starting point is 00:14:12 And don't get me wrong. Like, I've never seen anyone smoke meth. I was at a gas station. I'm sure everyone's been at a gas station and seen, like, marijuana pipes. Yeah, sure, sure. And, you know, various kinds. Small bowls and stuff. Yeah, small bowls and big bubblers and bongs and various kinds small bowls and stuff yeah small bowls and that big big uh um
Starting point is 00:14:26 bubblers and and bongs and all kinds of stuff i recently saw crack pipes at a gas station it was like i couldn't believe it right because i feel like the the proprietor of one of these places when you're selling like bootleg uh watches and like diamond rings and then there's the bowls and the weed grinders and stuff like you're kind of saying everybody like yeah those are my herb grinders and herb smoking pipes and it's kind of a wink wink kind of thing but when you got crack pipes up in there like nobody's coming in there like ah i'll have one of those curly straws you got there the clip with the bulb on the end and you got any jet lighters like no like like you
Starting point is 00:15:05 can't be selling crack pipes i wonder what like if he's like you know i'm looking at my clientele and stuff and there's a lot of money to be made i need a crack pipe supplier and all out of crack pipes again we're gonna need some more like where is that happening i thought that was just really disturbing i got no problem at all with like marijuana stuff but when i saw that that was just really disturbing. I got no problem at all with like marijuana stuff. But when I saw that, I was just like, I'm on a rough side of town. That was in Pennsylvania, actually. It was a rough side of town. Like the place where we did that gun show
Starting point is 00:15:34 was a pretty rough side of the town. And at first I didn't want to say anything about how rough it was there because I was a little bit confused. And I thought that maybe the family that owns the whole gun show and were like having me out to do the whole thing maybe lived there. But then halfway through the car ride, he's like,
Starting point is 00:15:49 Plays a shithole, huh? Yeah! We live in West Virginia. Fuck this. Or like Virginia, like near Virginia Tech or something like that. I can't identify shitholes quite like everybody else can. I don't know. I think we talked about this on PKA a little while ago but like we had a guy from scotland at my house last week and he's a woody
Starting point is 00:16:10 craft staff team building thing you guys probably heard about it so um he was saying a similar type thing like so so one thing about america that's different than a lot of other countries is nobody's better at putting down america than america you, if we have a race problem here, all Americans are like, you guys are all fucking racist. We got a huge issue here, et cetera. Same race problems exist in like France, but. They don't blow them out of proportion with their media. Right, right. But here it's like, you know, I don't know, such a big deal.
Starting point is 00:16:44 It's two part, I think, the reason that everyone thinks that it's so ridiculous here. One, we've got like this bisected political party thing where like even in the media, you got the Republicans, Democrats, liberals and conservatives. And they've each got their side of the media they take place. their side of the media they take place. And so anytime it's, it's advantageous to be like race war or like the gays are taking over or, you know, like they don't care about poor minorities. Like they'll really pump that out there. Both, both sides will. So I feel like it, you know, across the globe, they've, they've, they've heard that. So what, what did your guy think when he got here?
Starting point is 00:17:20 He was surprised that it wasn't as bad as we all said it was now. Granted, you know know we didn't go to ferguson missouri or kansas where i think it's missouri but uh you know like they went to they got lost and had to turn around in a trailer park and everyone in the car is like oh my god this place is terrible or whatever and he's like doesn't look all that terrible you know yeah there's there's no shootouts in the front yard or something yeah the thing about that is there's in america there are places that i wouldn't want to go that are just scary places to be like you asked i think taylor like what would happen to you if you walk down the the street in one of those bad places and that sounds outrageous like nope i've never
Starting point is 00:17:59 experienced anything like that of course i don't really walk around a lot but like that shit wouldn't happen around here where i am. For the most part, the United States is just a very peaceful, friendly kind of place where you could ask someone for help and they'd give it to you. But there are, I think, everywhere in the world, there's shitty places that you don't want to go where there's less
Starting point is 00:18:17 law enforcement, more criminals, and there's just a different kind of person that lives there. They've got different value systems and it's dangerous to be in those places. Different value systems. Yeah got different value systems and it's dangerous to be in those places different value systems yeah different value systems yeah totally like like some people place a higher value on um on human life uh they place a higher for some people like the the the some people will get physically violent at the drop of a hat. There's different levels.
Starting point is 00:18:47 We all have that level at which it's go time. Now I have to fight. Now it's a physical fight. And in some places, the cause for that is much lower than others. For me, it's pretty high. You've got to be attacking me. There's no ketchup on this burger. Come here.
Starting point is 00:19:02 They'll come over a counter and smash. We've all seen world star hip-hop but like you've seen that exact thing happen in a mcdonald's like they're not getting the service they do of the dad beating up all the girls he came in like a tank he was awesome i thought they kind of overblew his accomplishment there but but there were like five or six girls beating up his daughter and at first he was just kind of pulling him off but then they started hitting him and it was just like oh no here we go you know you need an ass kicking cuz I
Starting point is 00:19:35 got enough for all of you and he was just so he was big and fat big fat black guy if that matters and he was like just throwing elbows spinning 360 shit the other it was like it was like he was in the paint yeah making room you know tossing girls down and everybody went from like feeling all the girls were yelling like get her get her get her hey you hit a girl you can't do that they were screaming get him him! Fuck him up! And then he pushes back. Hey! What's all that about? You can't push back!
Starting point is 00:20:11 I wish he'd had a weapon. A katana. Or maybe like this guy that sent me these things. He makes one of these. Kitty's actually got it. But off the tail, there's like a ball. A steel ball bearing wrapped in paracord. You can really get that thing like whipping.
Starting point is 00:20:28 Just pop them on the head. A belt, man. I'd kill them. Maybe a belt or something. I feel like he could have like taken his belt off and like started whipping people. But yeah, he was throwing them everywhere. I got a kick out of that. I always like to see when a grown man throws a bunch of women around.
Starting point is 00:20:42 It makes me feel good. No, but they totally deserved it, the ones in question. They were attacking that one girl, and there's, like, lots of them. So many you couldn't really count or tell who was attacking and who was watching. I want to say, like, at least six girls actively played a role in, like, hammer-fisting the victim, or who I assume is the victim. Yeah, and you've got to get somebody.
Starting point is 00:21:00 Whenever that's happening, you've got to get them out of there. The reason there was only six was that that was all the radius you could get from this girl you know they were attacking from every direction there's an eighth and a ninth they just can't get to her yeah yeah right you know like there's a big line all queued up ready to beat this poor girl for who knows what i don't know but but yeah and fortunately dad was there yeah yeah that was great he uh he was really and and the camera girl is like, oh no, you can't hit, you're a grown man. What are you doing here?
Starting point is 00:21:29 And it's just like, I wish he just grabbed her too. Like, I hate that mindset that like, we're girls here. We can do whatever we want. Nobody can interfere with us. Don't lay hands on me. It's like, no, somebody needs to like break your nose. Like that, I was real happy when that big dad went in there and started cleaning house. I, yeah, I support the dad. Don't get me wrong. I don't want to beat any women up, but whenever I see
Starting point is 00:21:51 some women getting beaten up righteously, I really enjoy that. I really do. That's why I'm such a Ronda Rousey fan. I really liked when I can see a, I hear Stern talking about it. He's like, he was talking to Ronda Rousey. He was like, I don't know. I'm kind of old-fashioned. I see a woman getting beaten up, and something clicks in me. I can't get off on that. I can't enjoy that as a sport. In my head, I'm like, yeah, fuck them up.
Starting point is 00:22:14 I don't care. I go both ways. Sometimes I see Ronda Rousey in a fight, and I love every second of it. It's amazing. She's a very skilled fighter, and it's great. Other times, you know, when it's not a quick ending, when it's getting drug out. When the ear explodes.
Starting point is 00:22:36 Yeah, I can feel sympathy for women like I don't always do. I'm more inclined to feel sympathy for women than I am the guys. Nah. That's just part of us that thinks maybe we could fuck that girl if we like swoop in and white knight real quick that's totally like white knighting is totally an evolutionary like breeding cue it's like here's a woman in danger if i could go in and save her from that danger i'll get that pussy that's that's all that's about like like any guy who's it's all it's about that's it's totally what it is. Speaking of Ronda Rousey, though, we were talking about the Reebok UFC
Starting point is 00:23:08 rollout of the new uniforms for the UFC. At first, I didn't think they were that bad, because I had just seen them on Ronda Rousey, and I think she'd look good in a paper bag. So, then you showed me the pictures of all the other, I guess, champs from the weight divisions,
Starting point is 00:23:24 and both male and female, and they actually do look kind of like they're wearing a garbage bag or something. They're really, I don't know, it kind of drapes over them and it's so loose fitting and looked wrinkly too. It looked like they had all those things in a box and then they handed them out backstage and everybody walked out there with like a wrinkled jersey on that just came out of a box. That's what it looked like. It looked very unprofessional. They didn't look good. None of those top tier athletes who should be looking great. They're kind of super people. You couldn't tell
Starting point is 00:23:52 that they were big guys. It didn't hang off the guys especially well. I think it has something to do with their lats. Are these lats? The muscle that I always see extending from their fucking ear lobes to their shoulders? Those are traps. Traps. Okay. Lats are down here ah thank you well their traps are uh are definitely uh like i don't know it feels like that those
Starting point is 00:24:12 jerseys aren't meant for that and it just drapes off of them all loose and baggy like they're all overweight or something i don't know the guy on the left it's the the push that ends with three three near the top um robbie lawler in particular he's the bald one white guy yeah he's like a perfect specimen that guy with his shirt off is is one version of like human perfection if aliens were to come and get a perfect specimen he doesn't look like it that much in that shirt it hides all the goodness that is whatever his life achievement of body building is and chris weidman on the right, like these,
Starting point is 00:24:46 these are champions, UFC champions. And it just looks floppy on them and uninspired. Rhonda's looks pretty good. Although I think, doesn't she seem to have a belly? Not as, not as much as the one on the right,
Starting point is 00:25:01 the girl on the right of the guy in the foreground. And she looks like she's got a full-on belly with love handles. It appears that she has the body of a soccer mom or something, and not a good one. That woman defended her title two weeks ago. She's ripped as shit and looks great.
Starting point is 00:25:17 Ronda only looks as good as she looks because someone has taught her how to stand. But a lot of these guys look very very bad in this uniform it looks like crap uh the shorts are fine don't i think the shorts are fine they look like uh compression shorts kind of they're they're very tight they look they look fine but the top that shirt i don't know i feel like it should have been sleeveless or like with a big v-neck on the guys and like like tighter in the pecs and like really slim around the waist so it shows off like these guys' physiques.
Starting point is 00:25:46 And like, I don't know, it looks bad. It looks like, I don't know, paintball teams have better jerseys. Like name a thing, they've got better jerseys. Yeah. So I just showed some pictures for the Patreon guys who can see the video. This woman had six-pack abs just like a couple weeks ago. She doesn't look that fat. But it's just a totally unflattering thing and the compression shorts i guess they are what they are you know they look like i think those
Starting point is 00:26:11 look pretty good yeah i would wear something over them perhaps you know yeah i feel like they need like loose fit loose shorts over them i feel like that's what they should always be wearing when they go out to fight now that's my next question because i don't know are they all going to be wearing those shorts and nothing else? Because I know, like, in the past, I've seen some guys like to come out with almost, like, swim trunks, it seems like, and then some guys are wearing, like, briefs, and, you know, there's a whole in-between thing that I see. Like, is everyone now going to be wearing those compression shorts and then shirtless? I wouldn't think so. My prediction is that they can make some rebaq board
Starting point is 00:26:45 shorts for the people who like that there will be rebaq branded and some people like cowboy sarone i think his grandmother made him a patch that says bad motherfucker on it and he's not asking for permission or anything he's like the patch will be there it doesn't matter you know he always has it on his stuff um but but most of these guys don't have anything special like that well we'll see it'll start real soon yeah oh oh oh there's a huge fight coming up conor mcgregor versus jose aldo conor mcgregor's that irish guy who's like really hypes up fights super well and knocks everyone out so we watched him fight in boston that's right right that was the one time he didn't knock people out but um he sprained his ACL and he still won the fight.
Starting point is 00:27:27 This guy fights at 145, which is not a weight class really known for stoppages. As you get lighter, sometimes they don't knock people out. But this guy does it all the time. Apparently his hands are gigantic. He's got like 205-pounder hands sitting on a 145-pound guy. And he was a pro boxer before everyone's waiting to see just how great he is it's it's very exciting july 11th hopefully it happens this is so i'm a ufc fan right and it's one of the tougher sports to be a fan of or an mma fan because people get
Starting point is 00:28:01 injured so much and i'm sympathetic the fighters don't want to be injured, right? The fighters only get paid when they fight. Joe got injured. He did a fight. But before that, he got injured and delayed him a bit. And he wrote a thing that kind of explained it. He's like, fighters don't want to get injured. Not only do we get subjected to a lot of negative feedback from the fans,
Starting point is 00:28:21 but this is how we make our money. We're not getting paid. My coaches still get paid. So he's paying out all these expenses. He's like, the tickets were non-refundable. The coaches, you know, they still get paid because they did their coaching. Everyone gets paid except me. So they're not wanting to be injured. But as a fan on the other side, like, you know, if I'm a football fan, the Super Bowl will happen. Guaranteed. There's going to be a Super Bowl every year.
Starting point is 00:28:49 It's a lock. In MMA, like when they announce like, you know, oh, this guy's fighting that guy. You don't really know until a day or so beforehand if they're really going to fight because the Super Bowl gets canceled constantly in the MMA. And Jose Ald aldo the guy he's fighting injured his ribs then they have another guy training and making weight to sub in in case he doesn't heal quickly enough we'll see but it every day i seem to get different indicators piano people are interested in this but yeah yesterday it was like oh you know the x-rays came back they're only bruised.
Starting point is 00:29:25 Bruised ribs are not a problem. He'll be fine. Today, they're like, ah, they're pushing on. He didn't work out today because it hurts too much. And it looks like he will cancel. And I don't know. I don't know. We'll see.
Starting point is 00:29:37 We'll see. It'll be a good fight. That's going to be around the same date as we're in Chicago, right? It's the 11th, yeah. So it's important to me that we find a way to catch the fight that night it's really late it doesn't interfere i usually the events start at like well eastern time they start at 10 so maybe it would start at like eight ish i bet we could i think the best bet it would be just to go to maybe a sports bar or something right yeah that might be the way because i remember last time we were
Starting point is 00:30:03 trying to watch game of thrones and we had all those technical issues and weird stuff was happening because we're depending on hotel internet and stuff or maybe it's going to be like where what is it going to be broadcast down maybe it's a thing we could just watch in a hotel room and it's pay-per-view and like you said hotel internet's a sketchy thing well we could buy it pay-per-view at the at the hotel that a possibility, I guess. Or we could go to a sports bar-type place. If the hotel sells it on the TV, I'll gladly buy it and be able to chill and whatever. Get some energy to drink and a little M&M's and destroy it myself while I watch it. Chiz and Joe, their snacks last time were outrageous.
Starting point is 00:30:44 Yes. They went wild. We went to Walmart, and for the first snack, I was on board. Like, yeah, grab a snack. That's a good idea. Then there's a snack at snack, and it's like, oh. And a gallon of milk. And then a gallon of milk rolls in.
Starting point is 00:31:00 And a big bag of candy. Yeah. And three pounds of cookies. And it was just like before long joe had like like four family-sized snacks right like i don't know how many cookies are in a cookie thing 24 cookies maybe 30 something like 30 big cookie like chips ahoy big cookies yeah so he had like yeah like chips ahoy picture that he had like two of those uh you know a couple like pounds of chocolate and a gallon of milk and then there was double bags there were two like two of those, a couple pounds of chocolate and a gallon of milk.
Starting point is 00:31:26 And then Chiz doubled that. There were two bags of candy he would give out to trick-or-treaters. There was one of Reese's Cups and then there was another one of something else. They went nuts with it. Like I said, I was on Team Candy for the first candy. And then as it went up to between the two of them, they must have had like six candies at a gallon of milk and I was like I got back to soda yeah I wasn't on they went on finish though I think they just left a lot of it yeah yeah yeah I know just took him on the train oh is that what happened yeah and
Starting point is 00:31:57 I drank most of that soda I like ginger ale I drink a lot of ginger ale because I love soda but ginger ale has less calories, I guess, but without artificial sweeteners, which everyone keeps telling me are the devil, but I don't believe that. I think they're good for you. But yeah, that's going to be good. That'll be a good trip.
Starting point is 00:32:21 Get to shoot some fans and then watch some UFC. That'll be good. Obama's approval ratings broke 50 percent that's the highest they've been in ages and like Obama had a super week and I've been thinking so that when approval ratings hit like the 20s and 30s it's because your own party isn't like you anymore right they're mad at you um you know if you're 50 50 which is kind of where he is at least your own party's happy and uh and at least some of the other guys. Probably, yeah. He had a 50% approval rating. And so last week he got
Starting point is 00:32:52 a couple things. The big one, the one that's got the most attention is gay marriage, right? So now it's the law of the land. I didn't even know it was coming up, but boom, gay people can get married throughout America. That's a thing. The other big big one Obamacare there was a the specifics of it are kind of tricky, but They set it up as an incentive for states to create these health care exchanges and
Starting point is 00:33:18 Something like 20 states didn't do it. So technically kind of all those states weren't eligible for it but another way you could interpret the way it was written is like the state needs to create a health care exchange meaning like the government the state of the united states etc i see and um and the supreme court ruled that the federal one counted and that you know everything could keep going obamacare is not dead which is the correct decision regardless of how you feel about the law some people don't understand that i never understand that when people are so biased that when something is clearly just one way they're they're like no no it's obama it's like no you just explain that and despite how i may or may not feel about obamacare i'm just like oh yeah okay well that
Starting point is 00:34:05 was the correct decision that because they were just arguing over whether it was an interpretation ruling it sounds like that's what it was yeah yeah so um but some people were hoping it would be interpreted in such a way that obamacare was removed and then there was a third thing that like i had another way and then i can't oh. It was, it had to do with overtime pay. So Obama told the Republicans, like, hey, if you don't work with me, I'm just going to start working unilaterally. And the Republicans came in, last two years, actually. They, like, broke records for not doing things. Right?
Starting point is 00:34:39 Their whole plan was, like, block that punt, block that time. And not really get things done. Right now we've got a Republican Congress and a Democratic president. The whole plan was like block that punt, block that ton, and not really get things done. Right now we've got a Republican Congress and a Democratic president. They have to work together to make things happen. And that's not happening. And Obama told them, if we don't work together,
Starting point is 00:34:53 I'm gonna do whatever it is that I have the power to do. So one of the things he has the power to do is define the salary at which you no longer have to pay for overtime. So you know people who get paid by the hour get overtime. People who get on salary don't. Well, that limit used to be $29,000. So, you're not supposed to get overtime if you're like the boss, right? If you're like a manager or something like that, then you're not eligible for overtime. But he raised that number because what they do is they take like a, you know,
Starting point is 00:35:26 a manager of two other guys at subway, declare him salaried. And then, you know, the guy's making 29 grand a year or something. He's not getting his overtime pay. They raised that number to 50 grand works out to like nine 70 a month. And,
Starting point is 00:35:41 um, anyway, so that's the third thing he did he got everybody overtime pay so um it's a pretty big deal yeah well that's great and then there was also the whole the way he handled the whole uh the shooting at the church and it seemed like uh although i don't know how much he had to do it it seemed like everybody was suddenly anti-confederate flag it was it was like uh and i don't know that seemed like a win for him too he had a good good speech about that i think you're a proper southerner yeah confederate flag like i i so while i live in north carolina which is undoubtedly a southern state i was i grew up in new jersey and
Starting point is 00:36:21 still like associate when i learned about the civil War, I learned about it in New Jersey, the side that won. And I heard this. Someone said that while the, what's it called, the stars and bars? That's the slang for it, yeah. Okay, the Confederate flag, the stars and bars. While it was later adopted by hate groups like the KKK, it originally just meant the Confederate Army. And in my head, I'm like, wait a minute.
Starting point is 00:36:50 That's the armory that fought to preserve slavery. You know, like that flag was adopted by a hate group the moment it was sewn. sown you know like i think i i the problem is you have to go back and and try to decipher the politics and the intentions of the founders of the confederacy and there's some uh discrepancy there there's some opinion there as to whether it was about states rights or about slavery or if whether the two are just the same thing really at all was it about was it basically that those states didn't want uncle sam did what the federal government saying you can't have slaves in your state or was it about them saying
Starting point is 00:37:31 uh... we want our slaves it's not just it's not just the niche that some try to say my my uh... what was it seventh grade eight great yeah my eighth grade history teacher he would have you believe that though civil war was fought because the southern states didn't want the federal government telling them what they could and could not do outside of the powers of the Constitution. He made us watch this awful propaganda film called The Civil War Was Not Fought About Slavery. My personal feelings is that, yeah, it was pretty much fought about slavery. That was the biggest issue of the day. It does seem like it's a states's rights issue as much as it is like
Starting point is 00:38:05 a human rights issue. But I don't think the flag at that time was about slavery. It was about, you know, like those guys are trying to tell us what to do. We're not going to allow that. Let's just break off and do our own thing. I think that that was the meaning of the flag then. But in modern day, I don't know. I live down here. I've seen that flag for years and years. People fly it on their porches. They put it on their car. My cousin has tattoos of it. He's got a big rebel flag belt buckle. I don't know what it's supposed to mean to him. But to me, I can understand the heritage part because there's lots of monuments around here to people who died in that war. There's lots of stuff like that. There's a whole group called
Starting point is 00:38:44 the Sons of the Confederate veterans and these guys are like ancestors of Confederate people who fought and died in the war my feelings on the thing is I just don't fucking care but a lot of racists use that flag as their flag so and that's where it's predominantly used so just get rid of it it's predominantly used by racist groups now I would say it was originally used by a racist group that was definitely the confederacy was definitely a racist group i cannot argue that yeah it was originally used by a racist group it's currently used by a racist group and there may be non-racist people who also use it too who just feel like
Starting point is 00:39:19 it's southern heritage or part of their history something Something like that. Yeah, yeah. But I also feel like, you know what? This is America. And you don't get to celebrate that time you were most anti-American, right? That time that you decided to try to leave the country. That's not something that we say like, yeah, those were the good old days. I wish that worked out well no same team baby get rid of the the you know anti-american flag it is it is as anti-american as an isis flag not according to walmart well i stand corrected you don't know
Starting point is 00:40:00 what i'm talking about i don't okay so this guy this guy went to Walmart and had to make a Confederate flag cake. It said, it said, heritage, not hate. And then it's the flag. It's a square sheet cake. They refused to make it. So he went back the next day and had to make him an ISIS cake. And I guess they didn't know what a fucking ISIS cake looked like, so they just made it. And it's, you know, the black ISIS flag with the Arabic on it and all that shit.
Starting point is 00:40:23 And then he made this whole PR stunt where he's like,mart's fine making this but not the stars and bars and it's like yeah that's because the goofball at walmart doesn't know what the isis flag looks like and they got a specific policy against the confederate flag uh the whole thing's silly to me it's like who's fighting for it to begin with like like who who to me it means nothing i don't give a fuck about that flag it means nothing to me i don give a fuck about that flag. It means nothing to me. I don't care at all. You could burn them all, or you could raise them above the state courthouse. I just don't fucking care.
Starting point is 00:40:51 But to some of those people, they take it very seriously. And there's a lot of groups that are just like, I hate to say it, but they're just a bunch of racist, poor white trash, who for the longest time had this one thing they could say, they're better than a black person. At least I'm not black. You know, that was their one thing that they could say, you know, I might be poor and I might be white, but I'm white. You know, and all of a sudden, and every time, you know, the walls of racism fall down around the country every time there's a civil rights movement uh every time gays get more rights every time anyone different from them gets some more
Starting point is 00:41:31 rights they don't like it because uh i think they're looking back to the good old days when if you're a white landowner you were just you know the ruler of the land i saw i see those guys riding around with those flags in their trucks all the time like yahoo and and it's like i want to stop and ask them if they even know what it's about, but they just want to fight or something. I have a new topic. Sure. So that Frankie on PC and 1080p drama. So Kyle knows it. Kyle knows the same stuff I know, but I'll recap it for those who don't.
Starting point is 00:42:00 So Frankie on PC and 1080p is a wildly successful YouTuber. I don't know if he does YouTube full-time, but he makes good videos. They're often very long, and he hopped on the PC hype train early enough that he's one of the founders. It's almost like being a COD guy in 2010 or something. It helps. So, anyway, people have accused him of cheating in Counter-Strike Go. And I guess historically they accused him of cheating in DayZ, but I don't know anything about that, so I won't speak to it.
Starting point is 00:42:32 But I watched the counter evidence, like the evidence video of him cheating. I'm not good enough to tell. Like I'm awful at Counter-Strike Go. Apparently what he's doing is called bee hopping, which Kyle looked up is what he's accused of doing is bee hopping. And I guess you can scroll the middle mouse. You can bind the hop to the middle mouse button, and then it makes you jump without ever missing your jump.
Starting point is 00:42:59 Is that the scoop? All right, so I'm going to butcher this. But basically, the deal is there's a button combination, a way to strafe run, it seems, that involves bouncing. And I think it helps you move faster with your weapon out as well as allowing you to be, like, hard to hit. And if you watch the guy doing it, he's kind of, like, bouncing. He's moving forward, but he's kind of strafing left to right while he does it. It's like a jumping zigzag. strafing left or right while he does it.
Starting point is 00:43:23 It's like a jumping zigzag. It's a jumping zigzag that requires multiple button presses at the right time and a bit of a rhythm to it. It's not like juh juh juh juh juh. It's like left and a right and a jump and a twist and a left and a right. The guy who made the proof video seemed to think it was really hard to do.
Starting point is 00:43:40 In looking at it, it wasn't obvious to me what was so hard about it. He was doing lots of stuff. He was moving his knife and looking around. You could hear his keyboard. I don't know all that stuff was happening, but it was clickety-clickety-click. It didn't seem like it was super easy. But the guy making the video also said that there were other aspects of his movement that didn't seem as practiced as someone who could pull off this bhop would be right like he's like his strafing did he say his strafing looks amateur or am i just assigning it was
Starting point is 00:44:11 something about the way his it was something about his way his cursor was kind of it wasn't wasn't uniform and smooth the way it was like looking left or right to pull this move off now i but you and i both are just not we don't know enough about the game. Like, I don't know about you, but I walk around, okay? I run. I walk around and try to look for the bad people to kill me, okay?
Starting point is 00:44:32 I'm not doing any special moves. I'm just, period. That's it. If there's anything I got good at in Counter-Strike, it's respawning. But I'm familiar with game mechanics like they're describing. It's basically like,
Starting point is 00:44:43 ah, well, if you jump and twist, and remember the riot shield trick that X-Cow did back in the day? Stuff like that. There was another one, too. If you jumped while strafing, you could get a little bit further. And in Modern Warfare 2 in particular, there was a hop on Hard Hat, the map Hard Hat. There was a place that you couldn't go unless you – Fear Crate.
Starting point is 00:45:01 I think he called it the Moho Jump or something. Fear Moho, I mean to say, made it up. And those are like the little things yeah I'm so I'm familiar with difficult to pull off mechanics and it appears that Frankie PC is using something maybe that makes him pull off a difficult to use mechanic very consistently in spite of the fact that other aspects of his movement don't seem so pro I don't care so here's the thing the way i look at it it sounds to me like what he's accusing him of is making it so that like jump is on his scroll wheel now and while that may be like taboo in their little world i don't fucking care i don't care if he's scroll
Starting point is 00:45:39 jumping to pull off his strafes a little easier like that seems like something that while it might not be allowed in like tournament play like isn't he just playing pub matches i mean i get that they're competitive but they're competitive pub matches like i didn't know there was a is there a rule set for the games he's playing in i guess that's what i need to know yeah if he's actually cheating at something where people keep score and like where everybody's being held to that standard that's one thing there's a global ranking of course in counter-strike so it kind of yeah but it's i feel like that's the counter-strike version of kd like you know everyone just want or you know a heck of better example would be the the global ranking in black ops like the league play there's a league play type thing and those games are they kind of matter more for
Starting point is 00:46:20 whatever games matter well i don't care if he's i don't care if he is cheating unless it's something more than that the video that accused him of cheating was hit with a copyright strike and this is something where i'm super careful not to blame frankie because there have been a number of videos against me that were hit with copyright strikes and i had nothing to do with it ever they were usually community strikes which take hundreds of like active people to do users. Yeah. And you know, there's no tweet for me telling them to do this or Facebook post or video or whatever. People would just flag it as bullying or something. It's a simple formula to figure out. It's like if you go online, you make a video that a lot of people sees that's negative about someone pretty popular with
Starting point is 00:47:05 a million subscribers or so, then of course, there's literally a million people out there that are on that guy's team. They're going to flag your shit. But it was never me. Now, I'll admit I secretly liked it, but I never organized it or anything. Yeah, and oftentimes it was deserved. It was hate speech a lot of the times, bullying. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:47:21 Sometimes I straight up talk about my family and kids and stuff, which, you know, on one hand I get it, you know, they're part of my life and part of my channel and they're going to be spoken to or spoken about to some extent. On the other hand, that doesn't make it right. You know,
Starting point is 00:47:33 it still is abuse and you could get flagged for bullying when you do it. It's Andrew. I'm not sure what kind of flag this was. I, and it depends. So like, I guess he used some of Frankie's footage in his video and there's the whole fair use thing which is ambiguous at best like a lot of people like to
Starting point is 00:47:50 think that oh fair use I can do whatever I want with your with your shit it's like no what's going to happen in reality is that myself and like some people at YouTube we're going to have a conversation about your content and we're going to there's going to be a judgment call by someone if that's what it's gonna come down to because it's opinion-based stuff as to as to you know whether it deserves a copyright strike or not and it doesn't have to be negative it could just be using my shit i do want to admit to the one time i flagged a video yeah one time on a keemstar video wings of redemption asked if i think he asked Kitty for help because Keemstar made a video
Starting point is 00:48:25 picking on Wings. This is like over a year ago, I think. And, uh, but the video had my content in it. Like my content, it was the PKA with the, why don't you stream that shit? And I was like, I think I can flag this. This has my content in it. And I flagged it and it worked. And then it didn't really matter because like a day later they took his whole channel down they used to do that all the time but uh but yeah so i i did flag a guy one time and it was keemstar but they often made this like this narrative that i like repeatedly flag people and i i never did they were community strikes yeah that's just how it works and i saw people even in the comments of this guy saying we both did that they're like oh frankie took the video down that proves his guilt it's like no he doesn't
Starting point is 00:49:06 want you talking shit about him like it doesn't even prove that Frankie took the video down I don't I haven't seen the proof that Frankie did it I only saw the I know that it has a strike on it but like like for example um one thing that can happen is your network will like copyright flag everyone who uses your content and sometimes there are false positives, like a cut scene, right? Like if I'm the first guy to show, say some Grand Theft Auto cut scene,
Starting point is 00:49:32 and then you have that same cut scene, they think you took my video. And in reality, we both just play the game. But that can happen. So it could be that the system saw Frankie's video in there and auto-flagged it or something. Or it could be that Frankie did it. I don't know. I'll be honest.
Starting point is 00:49:52 If I really stop and think about this, I really like Frankie's content. I know we reached out to him one time. He didn't say anything back. I guess he didn't want to come on our little show. So a little fuck you for that. No auto-flag for you. However, I really like frankie's content i think one of the reasons uh besides him being a pretty popular guy and interesting and all that we reached out to him originally is because i was watching a ton of his
Starting point is 00:50:13 daisy uh stuff and i was like cheers let's see if we can get this guy so he makes great videos i don't care if he's using an exploit which is what i would call this not cheating he's it's just silly the whole thing is and i think the fact that this other guy is like making such a big deal out of it is is silly i think that he's the silliest of them all that he's got he's got a very he's got a small channel much smaller comparatively speaking and he's just like looking at this one thing and and and just calling him out for it when i think i feel like the guy's just it's a tiny exploit it doesn't seem like a big deal to me and uh and i think the whole thing is silly i think the silliest person in this whole thing is the guy making the video calling him out though i will say this frankie i wouldn't cheat you're in a spot where
Starting point is 00:50:54 you're good at video games you're already good enough just don't cheat you know don't do that you can get good scores you can play just fine i don't think people subscribe to him for pro tips and tricks the same way they subscribe to a pro for pro tips and tricks i i the i've never cheated on my i've never even been accused of cheating i think he's not gonna but we don't know how like teach me like totally and cod if there was some way to like i mean we do little stuff that you i mean little things like the scuff controller and stuff. Like, oh yeah, now I don't take my thumb off the directional pad.
Starting point is 00:51:29 I jump with my ring finger. I feel like that is on the exact same level as what we're talking about here, but it's frowned on in the PC community. Or maybe the Counter-Strike community. Maybe we're just too ignorant on this subject to really understand what's going on here. There's a direct rule against this thing.
Starting point is 00:51:44 Maybe button remapping is a big part of it but i just don't even know in the end it looks like what he's doing is uh it looks like he's pulling off like a top tier level move more easily and it's burning this guy's uh grits making him unhappy that that this guy with i feel like he's just jealous of frank and now this guy has a copyright strike and good it's the Streisand effect that's the thing so the Streisand effect I probably everyone knows it by now but in fast forward a long time ago Google Maps came out or something like it MapQuest they showed an aerial view of Streisand's house along with dozens of other celebrities homes because now suddenly you can see people's houses
Starting point is 00:52:25 from the sky, but it was new at the time. So Streisand sued to have her property either blurred out or blacked out or whatever, and way more people looked at her house than they ever would have had it not been a big story. You know, when you attempt to censor somebody, it can blow up in your face and become way bigger than it ever was in the first place. I know I've seen this on the PKA subreddit.
Starting point is 00:52:49 Every so often, I'll get away with the censorship here and there. And then every so often, kaboom, where'd my post go? Oh, my God, you guys are Satan. Woody's a cum guzzler, whatever. And Frankie, I think this guy's little video with 12,000 views would have blown over and it'd be no big deal. But now that he's copyright stricken, we're talking about it. And it's a story. And it's a much bigger deal.
Starting point is 00:53:17 His attempt to censorship has blown this thing up. And I find that interesting. People are so quick to bandwagon. and I find that interesting. I think people are so quick to bandwagon. I feel like whenever people come to a crossroads, they feel like they have to make a decision these days instead of sitting tight and figuring it out eventually or just not really even caring that much.
Starting point is 00:53:34 That's how I feel about this whole thing. It's like, first of all, I don't care. I don't care who's right or who's wrong. But second of all, it seems like Frankie did, it was a minor infraction that he's done here if he's actually doing it, though the proof seemed pretty good. To my amateur amateur eyes. Yeah to my amateur eyes, right which means so so little But but my main thing is like I just see so many guys that remind me of this other guy who made the video
Starting point is 00:53:59 Who instead of focusing on making their own good content or maybe maybe, hell, making a tutorial about how to play, like, teach me how to do that move. Fuck making fun of Frankie 1080p. Like, show me how to do it so I can get better at Counter-Strike using this cheat. That's the video you should be making. Like, I'd be interested in that. I'd watch it, maybe even try it.
Starting point is 00:54:19 But when I see this, I just label you as a hater, someone who's got a small channel, who sees a big channel, doesn't get why they're bigger than him and is saying ha not only you guys are following that guy and he's not even as good as me he uses this scroll wheel thing that's why he's got all those subscribers which is just bullshit so i see the other guy as a hater i see frankie as a uh kind of a pro who uh who does a good job but everything i've ever seen him do and in the end I just don't care. There's only one hater video ever where I got behind
Starting point is 00:54:46 the hater and it was when iFly went after that. What was his name? Max something? He used to copy Team Art. That's why I didn't like him. Yeah, well that guy. See, the thing about that guy is, so there are guys who will kind of intentionally be a heel
Starting point is 00:55:01 in professional wrestling there's a heel and I think they call like the the good guy the baby face or something like that but the heel is the the bad guy his job is to be bad his job is to be like looked upon as the bad guy there are people who aspire to be that online but then there's guys like uh like like this guy who i don't i don't think that's so much the truth i'm trying to figure out what the the opposite of a heel is called baby face maybe a face uh oh here it is in professional a face baby face or baby is the good guy so baby face would be right yeah you're good looking guy versus you're like ugly like big scary guy um yeah yeah and and i don't know yeah he'd do better
Starting point is 00:55:44 focusing on just making great content than poking at Frankie P on 1080p. That guy that ripped off T-Mart. So T-Mart would work hard to come up with tips and tricks that other people didn't see. And then this guy would just make the same video two or three days later. And then I felt like he was actingly mocking him.
Starting point is 00:56:02 It's one thing if I give you a map tour of whatever hardhat and then you do a map tour of hardhat and steal all my stuff but it went next level when team art would do like he'd like show his room what were the setup guide or setup tour or whatever I forget there was a term everyone used for it but they'd show his office and then this guy would show his office and it's like now you're just fucking with us. Now you're totally like, everything T-Mart does is on your channel a few days delayed. So yeah, I was happy to see that guy, Max.
Starting point is 00:56:36 That guy was terrible. I don't remember his name anymore. Good, good. Yeah, that was a clear thing where the guy wasn't being a jerk because he was being the heel and he thought that was going to bring him views, bring him whatever it was he was looking for attention and all. He was being a heel because it was kind of a scam and he was trying to like, he would have loved it
Starting point is 00:56:58 if no one knew who he, yeah, he didn't want anybody to know who he was or what he was up to. He was siphoning off a little bit of Trevor's income. That's exactly what he was doing. Trevor had a distinctive looking thumbnail. They were all like green and yellow with a kind of blur. He copied that look so he would get in the related videos and people would click on them thinking they'd get another T-Mart video,
Starting point is 00:57:20 but they'd get his instead. Yeah. It was crazy. Anyway, call it a wrap? Sure. That was Painkiller Nearly, nearly episode 46 i hope you guys enjoyed it

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