Painkiller Already - PKN 460

Episode Date: June 13, 2023


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Starting point is 00:00:00 pkn 460 kyle finally got his peg leg i could be misinterpreted pirate i got it i got it um yeah it's a dildo on the end of a of a foot um you just eat peg uh yeah dude um i got on the plex thing there's a bunch of cool free shit on there so that's nice mostly i'm interested in the stuff that i wouldn't want to subscribe to a whole thing just to maybe watch a TV show or a movie. And there's some shit like that that I want to catch up on. Like getting MGM just for some horse shit and getting Apple TV just for silo. Or maybe there's better stuff there. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:00:39 Apple TV is, in my opinion, Apple TV is like the premier TV maker right now. They're better than HBO. As much as I'm known as the pirate, I pay monthly subscriptions for ESPN+, Hulu, which I don't watch, Disney+, Netflix, HBO kind of because it's included with my internet, and
Starting point is 00:00:59 some more. YouTube. I don't know if you mentioned that. I didn't mention YouTube. There's. YouTube. I didn't mention YouTube. There's a bunch. I can't even count all the ones that I have subscriptions for. But I still like Plex every once in a while because it's there. It'll always be there. I canceled Netflix
Starting point is 00:01:14 like a week ago. I was a 12 year subscriber. Done with that. There's just not much on there. Part of the reason I was keeping it is because I have other people on the account. That's not going to be a thing not you're done magnanimously paying yeah i mean what was i gonna do click netflix and it's like oh sorry another household is using it no no i'm yeah we just won't do you anymore so i cut that off and i guess i'll cut off peacock because the only reason i have peacock right now is to watch the office and that's on Plex. So that saves me whatever, $12 or something.
Starting point is 00:01:47 I like the Hulu, Disney Plus, ESPN, Triumvirate thing they got going on. That's fine for me. It's not even all that expensive and I watch all that shit. And I've got multiple people on my Disney account, so I'll leave that alone. But yeah, I'll save a little bit of money. But moreover, it's the movies. There's a Jake Gyllenhaal Afghanistan or Iraq movie. I don't know which.
Starting point is 00:02:10 He's like Special Forces or some shit called Covenant. It looks okay. I think it's made by Guy Ritchie, so I'm even more interested. But I wasn't going to pay $25 or $30 fucking dollars, which is what it costs to rent a movie now. We should have left a few blockbusters alone just to not let these fuckers
Starting point is 00:02:25 monopolize the whole goddamn industry. You're into succession now. Yeah. Almost to season three. Okay. I think it's a very good show. I was right with my initial thoughts that it is a show
Starting point is 00:02:41 full of unattractive white people. There is one chick. That was what I said. Oh, okay. You were saying that Macaulay Culkin's brother was attractive? Kieran, yeah. I think he's a good looking guy. He's full of ugly people.
Starting point is 00:02:57 He has a really good line at one point. He's like, I look like a matador and everyone wants to fuck me. And I'm like, yeah, you do kind of look like a matador. And yeah, I can see people wanting to fuck me. And I'm like, yeah, you do kind of look like a matador. And yeah, I can see people wanting to fuck you. So I like him. I wouldn't say he's attractive classically, but the redhead Shiv has so much ass. Her ass is gar-fucking-gantuan.
Starting point is 00:03:17 It's absurd how much ass that Shiv has. She's got this big, fat, redheaded Irish ass. And I'd love to see it it but they don't show it yeah in season like a field hand that actress gets pregnant and you know me i'm like you fat fuck keep it together would you you are you are going rogue yeah i love like that's how woody like how you lose interest in shows you're like yeah, yeah, the writing's the same, but they're fucking fat. I saw a pregnant chick with a six-pack. There's something about this character I no longer respect.
Starting point is 00:03:54 I can't put my finger on it, but I resent them so much. I just saw a pregnant lady with a six-pack doing power cleans on fucking YouTube, so I don't want to hear it, ladies. Most women lose weight when they get pregnant, just you know most do the healthy ones yeah the average woman weighs 170 pounds yeah the average fucking holstein weighs 1200 what are you shooting for lady like you just trying to hit some numbers here no disgusting we're gonna get to 200 um i'm liking succession it's pretty fucking good it's well written the camera works fun it keeps what would be kind of dry at times kind of interesting they do a lot of quick uh like pop zoom ins and stuff and um i like it a lot i enjoy that they're all
Starting point is 00:04:36 just atrocious scummy what you think the ultra rich are they are that they are if you change the time period and instead of them being you know 21st century running a media empire well what really a three-armed like conglomerate gigantic thing and made if it was owned by rupert murdoch yeah if you made but if you made him a king in medieval times instead and put everybody in period where it would still work you'd still have these children fighting for power and the old king who won't die and the daughter who's clearly the most competent of them all but doesn't get her due because she has a pussy shiv is clearly the most competent that's not how i saw it oh my god she's the um shiv's one weakness is she likes dick like every now and then she'll sneak off and fuck some handsome dude that's the um shiv's one weakness is she likes dick like every now and then she'll sneak off
Starting point is 00:05:25 and fuck some handsome dude that's the only bad thing she does um roman who is kieran mcculkin's character is a he's an idiot he doesn't know anything other than how to please his father and to get him hyped he'll be the guy who'll be like nah dad i don't like it need to be kill kill aggressive because he knows that's what his dad likes he's got no details no specifics he flunked out of basic like manager training where you wear the doofy hat can i he's nobody he's a drug addict like sex fiend creep who's fucking the the family lawyer he's not your your second command he's a problem so uh as i watched the show i had different ideas on who was most competent and who should be the one who takes over. The one who's obvious, if you only watched the first episode or two, his name is Kenneth, I think.
Starting point is 00:06:15 What is his name? Is Kenneth the second oldest son? The one who's always got stubble and looks sad? Yes. He has the ceo position kind of you know like when dad first gets sick or whatever anyway you start thinking he's the most competent then there are times when i think roman or romulus is the most competent the one that uh the cal has no respect for there's a scene where dad wants them to sign a piece of paper and roman's like i don't see why i would sign this it's not to my advantage and dad starts getting sick he has like a major heart attack stroke i
Starting point is 00:06:52 don't know stroke and he's like chill it's just first position and you know like you're overreacting this is only first position like of course i said no to whatever it is you offered that's how negotiations go. And it turns out dad's having a medical event, but he misinterprets it as him not responding well to his first position. And I was like, shit, just this negotiating prowess that they all understand the formula and don't take it real personally showed a level of business acumen that I think is well above average.
Starting point is 00:07:22 It seemed pretty basic. It's just like he knows that the ABCs are negotiating for sure because that's all they do. That's what they do is they're a family of negotiators. They are, they will, they're carrot and stick operators. They have huge carrots and huge sticks.
Starting point is 00:07:39 If you don't, oh, you don't want 20 million? How about I ruin your fucking life? How about this happens and that happens oh your family and friends we're going after them too we're going through your garbage we're gonna send shitty emails we're gonna be outside your house at night i was talking to the owner of scuff gaming this is years ago remember they had those controllers with the paddles on the back and i was telling him my thoughts on how idea men that don't execute are just worthless. You know, we all have ideas. Ideas without execution get you nowhere. On the other hand,
Starting point is 00:08:11 execution without an idea can be worth quite a lot. There are plenty of people who own like plumbing businesses that have 12 trucks and 12 electricians. I guess that wouldn't work with plumbing. See, I fucked it up already. And 12,bers or electricians or HVAC guys or whatever who are worth millions. And repairing HVAC stuff is not a brilliant or novel idea. It's all about the execution and running that business. Execution is paramount. And the scuff guy was like, I'm not sure I agree. And then he pointed at Woody Craft.
Starting point is 00:08:43 And he's like, was that your idea? I was like, no, no. This 15 year old like came up to me and said that we should do it. And, um, that he was doing it with other YouTubers.
Starting point is 00:08:53 And these were the kinds of numbers those other people were doing. And then this guy really was pretty bad at executing it, which is like why I had to work so hard. So to take over and dive in, it was a child. Yeah. But in the end, you know what? That idea was worth a lot.
Starting point is 00:09:11 And I wouldn't have done it if he hadn't come up with it and sort of did this, we can do this kind of attitude. If you give me a good idea, I'll find six reasons why it's not perfect, why something could go wrong. And there's something to be said for someone who's on the other side who doesn't have all the shit worked out but thinks he can yeah they're perfect is the enemy of the people right they may be worse than the always sunny in philadelphia crew they're literally that toxic um right away i was liking mccully k Kieran McCulkin's character, Roman.
Starting point is 00:09:49 And then he does this thing while they're playing, like, a friendly game of softball where he offers a servant's son a million dollars if he can hit a home run, and he gets tagged out at home. And it's like, fuck, that was super shitty. They have to send a lawyer over there to hit the family with an NDA. And what's funny is you immediately get a lot from that scene. The patriarch, the main guy, Brian Cox, who I love as an actor, he was great in a ton of things.
Starting point is 00:10:16 He was good. But Deadwood, I really liked him. He gives him his birthday present that he can give a shit about from his son-in-law, this $10,000 Patek Philippe watch. Really nice watch. I think Patek makes the World Series of Poker trophy, like the bracelet. Those crazy multi-billion dollar bracelets. I think they make those.
Starting point is 00:10:37 So it's like a $10,000, $15,000 watch, something like that. It's also what Tony Soprano gave the kid who helped him with the hud scheme remember in the basement he gets in the watch he's like he's like this is a paddock fuck you too doing tony just giving this to me um i like succession a lot it's it's good it's clearly an hbo show with a ton of money behind it so they're able to actually show the yachts and the airplanes and the the lifestyle that these hundred and fifty thousand dollar watch i thought it was so i just googled it oh my goodness does that that one in particular is yeah so if you were given a hundred and fifty thousand dollar let's say someone gave me a
Starting point is 00:11:17 hundred and fifty thousand dollar watch as a gift yeah and i have no interest in that watch what can i actually get for it? There's no way I can sell it to someone for $150. Do you know the ABCs of negotiation? You're going to reject my first position? You better. $10 million. I mean, you would want to leave it in all of its packaging
Starting point is 00:11:38 and immediately try to get it to some kind of a broker or something, right? Someone who could get you 80, 90% of that value. Because it's new. I've never sold jewelry. I haven't either. Well, nope, of course not. No one's ever given us $150,000 watch before. I feel like you always take a bath in jewelry,
Starting point is 00:11:54 but maybe that feeling is why I wouldn't be able to run this company, you know? Like, oh, yeah, I've got to lose half the value. Yeah, you will with that attitude, you stupid fuck. Yeah. He gave it to the Gardner's family. There's even a little scene where you see it sitting on their table at their house. I really hope they realize that they should sell that watch and not wear it.
Starting point is 00:12:16 They did a good job of really telling you a lot about the family's operation, right? Roman does something stupid and careless. Dad has to clean up after him and get the guy to sign an nda then they use that watch as compensation to make the nda binding and roman's like unaware of all this shit going on in the background and he just continues to be an ass fuck while other people clean up his messes for him oh for sure yeah yeah it's i'm sure they've been cleaning those kids' messes up their entire lives. Yeah, I hate them all. I don't think I like any of them.
Starting point is 00:12:49 I do like Brian Cox. I don't think you're supposed to. Maybe this is a personality flaw of mine. I often identify with the bad guys in movies, and I want them to win. Not all of them. I'm glad we got Thanos. Fuck him, you know?
Starting point is 00:13:02 But, like, come on. Brian Cox just wants to make money and wants to win. What did Thanos want to do? It seems to me from the outside that he was like we got to get half of the universe in order to make sure the universe keeps going. Why didn't he just double the food?
Starting point is 00:13:18 Why didn't he double the food with his snap? Was that possible? Yes! Anything was possible. What a stupid fucking movie. You teach a man to fish, you feed him. No, you give a man a fish, you feed him for a day. You kill the man, he's never hungry again. So there was literally, so in the Marvel universe, he could have just doubled the food or doubled the space.
Starting point is 00:13:37 Yeah, yeah. What a retarded story. What a fucking brain-dead, stupid fucking, there wasn't even something baked into the plot to prevent that as like a bad. So here's the population double game. Well, the problem was they co-opted the comics and they changed the reasoning for him doing the snap in the movies versus the comics. What was the reasoning?
Starting point is 00:13:57 He was mad. In the comic books, death itself is a being and he wants to fuck her. She's like the hottest chick in the universe. And she is death incarnate is this sexy bitch. And he wants to blow her mind by giving her half the fucking universe worth of people as deadlings. Whatever. However, that works. He wants to get his dick wet.
Starting point is 00:14:19 That's all it's about. That's the whole thing. But in the cinematic universe, it's this whole thing about everything is balanced or whatever like the no it's silly he wants to get fucked that's all it's about both of those are really stupid motivations you haven't seen her she's hot one of them is i'll let you decide yeah one of them's dumber than the other lady's death i think she's got yeah just like massive knockers that i mean there's no gravity in space you can only imagine he's nailed up any woman he wants tits bigger seems
Starting point is 00:14:50 like that's a possibility right it's her personality he's into this is just personality i wouldn't be talking shit about death how are you is all i know man i don't talk shit about marvel movie death as much as i want uh thanos was right look at her she's all fucking dirty that's the whitest woman i've ever seen hep c blood diseases no she's yeah okay so this guy could snap any woman to look like that on earth and and he doesn't do that well he doesn't live on earth he lives lives on Titan. I think you've... Shiv, in succession, tends to play both sides. And for that,
Starting point is 00:15:32 she doesn't get as much respect from me as Kenneth does. That's why she's going to come out on top. She's playing both sides. My guess is Roman will come out on top because he's the most devious of them all. But Shiv is my favorite. If I were the father, I would put her in charge.
Starting point is 00:15:49 She's self-serving, but she's the most decent of them all. Again, the only thing she... Here's the worst thing she did. So shitty. On her wedding night, like they're about... Not wedding night, like day before the wedding, maybe hours before the wedding, by the way, their wedding is in a castle in England. Of course it is.
Starting point is 00:16:10 It's absurd. She lets him know she wants it to be an open marriage. And he's just like, how open are we talking here? She kind of talks him into it because what else are you going to do? He's like a vice president in the father's company like his whole universe is tied up in this nonsense
Starting point is 00:16:28 but he asked for some level of open at the bachelor party or do i have the order of events backwards no it's it's her and it's it's but he's uncomfortable with the openness so he's just like going through the motions remember the chicks blew him and then snowballed him and he came and told the other guys he's like she uh she she and then she spit it back into my mouth so that's not cheating you know close loop and then your wife doesn't want you to find out about this and kira mcculkin takes that whore and makes her his like steady girlfriend but he's like he's weird about sex so he doesn't get off normally so he's not fucking her at all he's
Starting point is 00:17:20 having the oh the 70 year old lawyer lady call him a dirty boy over the phone while he jerks off that's what he does dude it's millions of dollars and that's that's what he's doing oh it's hilarious wasted opportunity i'm glad kyle got to that part so he's talking to this attorney who's like in her late 60s or 70s or something and she's nothing like a hot person right there's just she used to be clearly kyle has a better imagination than me i can't see her former self when i look at her and uh um i guess he makes some sort of rude sexual comment to her and she's like what the fuck is wrong with you you fucking deviant and he's like uh-huh and she's like, what the fuck is wrong with you? You fucking deviant. And he's like, huh? And she's like, you fucking deviant.
Starting point is 00:18:07 Why are you talking to me like that? He's like, keep going. That's how their relationship joins. Yeah, it's pretty great. I like all that shit. There are people. These people are just footstools to these billionaires. Because what else can you be?
Starting point is 00:18:23 Right. There are people who are literally footstools. They walk in this one piece of shit's office. And he's using a human as a footstools to these billionaires because what else can you be right um there are people who are literally footstools there's they walk in this one piece of shit's office and he's using a human as a footstool he's like yeah get your feet up get on up there he's like you sure sir let me know if anytime is uncomfortable when he's like he puts one foot on the poor guy the guy's like oh no i'm good go for it it's just real scum there's a um i think his name's greg maybe he's the uh the grand nephew who's yes has to be six seven six eight six nine yeah he's great he towers over walter cromwell taylor you know walter cromwell's gotta be six four to six six he's in he's either six four or six six cromwell is this guy is like this much taller like looking down on him um he walks hunched back
Starting point is 00:19:07 all the time because if he stood up and walked like confidently you'd never buy him being such a like a passive submissive kind of guy because they bully him constantly he's constantly bullied but he's the smartest guy in the fucking show there are these little tidbits where he's like getting coffee and he looks up and he sees two characters having coffee that shouldn't be having coffee together like so someone's right now being a traitor and he's just like doesn't say anything it's just like little note he's like keeping it down he knows everybody's dirty secrets really i wish he would win i hope. Yeah. I look forward to talking to you about this show as you learn more. I'm,
Starting point is 00:19:47 I'm being very careful about not spoiling anything for you. Yeah. It's an intricate show. There's a lot of shit. Um, Tom really likes having his Greg. He calls it Gregging, having like a personal manservant,
Starting point is 00:20:03 like solve all his problems for him. And I like to watch their relationship evolve and work together and stuff. He's this punching bag. He tells me, he's like, I'm going to need a little punchy bag when we go on this meeting. You got to hype me up. So I'm going to tear you down. You don't mind, do you? Yeah, you don't mind.
Starting point is 00:20:19 He's just this guy for him to shit on in front of everybody else to make him big himself up a little bit. That's how you want to go into meetings. Greg was front ripping on the person you enter the room with. It shows confidence, cohesiveness in your plan. Yeah, I think Greg got fired from a job, maybe as being like one of the costume characters at Disney World.
Starting point is 00:20:37 It's Disney World, but it's not. This is an organization that owns a news television station, a theme park and a cruise line right call it call it fucking six flags um cnn and carnival cruise lines like that's their fucking empire yeah but this is what disney's empire is so um they also have an entertainment network and a news network like it's totally like fox but disney and uh um greg was going to be a character at i'll call it disney world then he got fired from that job and then he starts making
Starting point is 00:21:12 a quarter million dollars being this guy's personal punching bag oh who knows what he's getting paid yeah it's funny to watch him okay i do i've watched the show yeah that's i mean honestly that's that's insulting I mean, honestly, that's insulting that he only makes a quarter million dollars a year. I mean, that blonde lady... It's an entry-level position. He hands people bottles of water and stuff. He's the grand-nephew of one of the
Starting point is 00:21:36 richest people on the planet. Is a grand-nephew like when the KKK is your... The big guy? Brian Cox is the main man thank you so brian cox's brother is this guy's grandfather yeah and they're estranged they hate each other i did get far enough in to realize that brian cox's brother is walter cromwell which is baffling like there's never been twins with arnold schwarzenegger is a more believable couple of guys
Starting point is 00:22:07 like when i got to that point in the show and i see this five foot nine moon faced guy and then this frankly regal looking they're both irish that's it yeah and i mean just to get just because they're irish doesn't mean they're related well in a way i guess but oh i'm sure they're related really far really far away ireland's europe's alabama they're all related in the same way that like you know two polish people are kind of related like i know you hate them i think i think you're going on ww2 right they had their own list of problems, man. Yeah, okay. Potato shortages. Being bullied by the English. The English, man, they loved bullying the Irish so bad they didn't even slow down
Starting point is 00:22:53 during World War II. Kept bullying them. So Team Irish. English are some of the best bulliers in the world. I saw this map. No, currently. I saw this heat map of the planet and it it shows like um anti-trans um rhetoric online and the the fucking uk glows like a beacon
Starting point is 00:23:15 of hope in the night man like it's it's it's fucking like the eye of sauron just that also comes down to like what they count as them saying that. What phrase is it? Is it hate speech or is it someone saying something? The English are good at this. I can remember being in Xbox Live lobbies, and if an English person started insulting me,
Starting point is 00:23:37 I'd be like, I'm not getting baited into that. You can't beat an Englishman at Xbox Talk. They've got extra vocabulary words. Yes, sir. You're probably right about me. You just have to. We don't like the way to get them is the Don. Like, was the Don Draper shit of being like, I don't think about you at all.
Starting point is 00:23:57 Like that level of shit, because they spend infinitely more time thinking about us than we spend thinking about that. They live in our world of media. Absolutely. We don't live in their culture. We won the cultural victory. All of Europe is ours. Most of South America is ours. And everybody who isn't us wants to be us.
Starting point is 00:24:17 We won that cultural war. They'll sit there and talk shit about us on devices made and crafted by us. You know what I mean? They hate us because they ain ain't us they hate us because they ain't us who is the second place though cultural winner i was thinking that it might be england china by numbers by numbers but like when i look at culturally i guess i was looking at movies made when if you're gonna hey who makes good movies who makes good like is defining the movie television culture right now? America, clearly. And number two is... I don't know if it's China or India,
Starting point is 00:24:52 but I would put my money on China or India. I bet it's India. I bet it's Bollywood. But here's the thing. American movies are played across the planet. Everyone knows who fucking Tom Cruise is. Who's your favorite Bollywood star, Taylor?
Starting point is 00:25:07 I couldn't narrow it down. Has Bollywood got its clutches in your living room yet to start eking that cultural war? You ever heard of Vinash Hanoni? Yeah. I can't pronounce that. I think we're going to win this. It's my favorite.
Starting point is 00:25:22 Look to Vinashnan. You don't know these guys? My name is Gupta Vinashnan. They call me 008. I'm way better than that other guy. I am 00 Indian. Wait, hold on. Stop. There is a path in this shit on the street
Starting point is 00:25:39 leading to this doorway. We must investigate. Kyle, if you were that billionaire's son right this is which one succession or i'm me i'm amongst them which character do you think would best represent you who would you i would not be as traitorous as son number two. Kenneth. And I don't think anyone is as ignorant and simultaneously stupid as son number one. He's just a buffoon.
Starting point is 00:26:17 I can't choose either, though. So I kind of got to lead toward like Shiv. Yeah, probably Shiv because Shiv is self-serving and and and stuff like that it's never sometimes it'll be to the detriment of the family but it's like you can take it you'll be okay she's not wiping the empire out from the ground up you know what i mean and that's the sort of shit that some of the other siblings will get into. So probably Shiv. I like Shiv a lot. I like Connor.
Starting point is 00:26:49 There are Conheads and Shivheads and Kenheads and Romeheads on the Reddit for this TV show. I'll get my flair fixed. So alright, let's agree Connor's a dummy. He has no no business sense he's an embarrassment to
Starting point is 00:27:08 his gene line number one right yes this is he has a beer and he's in the very beginning he talks about how he owns land with water and it's going to be more valuable than gold or something at that point i thought he was a smart guy he tells a child taylor he's like see i own the land and underneath the land is an aquifer. And in the future, people are going to kill each other over water and I'll have the water. And it's just like, don't tell her that she's 11. But it's not a it's not a huge spoiler or anything. He eventually runs for president, but he's like never done anything.
Starting point is 00:27:45 runs for president but he's like never done anything his brother's reaction is fan is romulus is like shouldn't you maybe like uh i don't know get a job at cvs as a cash register operator so at least you've done some fucking anything in your life before president and it's like what a fucking teardown but it's like you're going from from never having done anything to the most important job on the planet how about stopping for a pit stop at CVS Pharmacy first and to be a cashier or something? He's done nothing. And he literally is. He's slow. I think anyone who operated the way he did and said the things that he said in front of me, I would think, oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:28:22 Look, this guy can drive his car and go to work and all that stuff. But this guy is one head injury away from needing help. They asked the actor what his favorite scene was. Of all four years of succession, what his favorite scene was. And he said it was when he flipped out over the frozen butter. Oh, that was good. But anyway, this guy is the only one that's not playing all these fucking reindeer games all the other ones are stabbing and vying and scheming and trying to be the next ceo
Starting point is 00:28:53 meanwhile he's over there like funding his sugar babies uh play play and just i don't know he's being rich properly. He's not doing anything. He's wasting $100 million at a time for fun. When he starts his presidential campaign, he goes and gets the guys that you would get to run a real presidential campaign. And Shiv recognizes them. She's like, those are serious guys you've got.
Starting point is 00:29:22 She's like, hey, Carl. Those are serious guys you've got. They'll's like hey carl um those are serious guys you got it they'll eat through 10 million in a few weeks and it's like hey i'm a serious guy oh my god he's an he like he's comically stupid he's a buffoon like he says things that no one anything that's borderline intelligent is clearly him like parroting something he heard somewhere uh like all of his talking points and viewpoints like parroting something he heard somewhere like all of his talking points and viewpoints are parroting something he saw somewhere or heard someone say and he's just he's an idiot i couldn't i still somehow respect him for not playing the stupid game he doesn't know how to play the game he doesn't know that he should play the game
Starting point is 00:29:59 he doesn't know there's a game let's circle back at the end and see where your opinion falls i'm really curious that's fair maybe he's been like the fucking uh um um what is it like dumb like a fox no he's he's being like kaiser so say he's he's dragging his foot he's limping clever like a fox he might be pulling a kaiser so say but uh i don't know um brian cox is an awful person but i'm fine with it like i'm on his team that's who i want to be there's something to be respected about a guy who's outwardly awful like he's not secretively bad he's not backstabbingly bad it's like okay did lie there's a scene i hope this isn't a huge spoiler, but like, so Kyle knows you learn early, early on in the show that his cruise line did horrible things.
Starting point is 00:30:50 There'd be rapes and murders and stuff like that and they'd work with the local authorities to just bury it. If a hooker came on board and was like raped and thrown over the side, there is an acronym for it. Like no real person involved. Like this is an impact or something
Starting point is 00:31:05 so it doesn't nrp not a real person yeah so um there's a person buying it and the the patriarch um logan is his name is like what you knew what you were buying? This shouldn't have come as a surprise to you. Of course we threw hookers overboard on the cruise line. How is this impacting our deal at all? Why are you shocked by this? Are you new to the biz? This is the cruise biz.
Starting point is 00:31:38 Sometimes stowaways sneak on board and they fall off. And then you just have to be like, what are you talking about? The bonus is all the semen washes out. That's the good part. And there's a casino and a buffet and that's a fun thing. So he's just outward up front about his
Starting point is 00:31:56 horribleness. Yeah, so I can't wait for Kyle to watch the season four. Sure. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I'm digging it a lot. I'm probably going to watch a movie after this or something, but I've been watching The Silo.
Starting point is 00:32:12 I'm all caught up on Silo, and I've started reading the books. Ooh, you really got into Silo. God damn it. Stormlight Archive's just sitting there. I'm looking at it. It's right here. That's book two.
Starting point is 00:32:32 Don't start on that one. Oh, shit. I'm halfway through. That's part one. It says part one. I can't recommend Silo enough. I like Silo because they get the fucking story moving on and in some of these other shows that we've complained about that in from sure they would have spent four or five episodes on just getting each episode of what uh silo gives you you know like there'll be a mystery
Starting point is 00:33:01 and you'll be like oh hope they don't ever discover that this is going on then that episode they find it out it's like it's oh wait they know all right and and everybody goes into a panic she knows send the raiders now the right it's all right this story's moving a fucking long let's go who are the raiders you're learning every episode you get new content new character shit. Shit is moving along. And you as the viewer know way more than any one character. And I like that too. I know what's outside the silo.
Starting point is 00:33:38 And I'm waiting on them to catch up and figure out what's going on outside the silo. I can kind of see where the story's heading. Or you have a good theory. I'm 99.9% sure what's outside the silo um and and i think all the viewers know like two episodes in i mean you have you have the is it a completed book series like three books total and there's three total okay so yeah yeah like you will you'll tear through the books are they are they sizable books like 500 15 hours each uh 15 hours for the first one oh i do audio oh that's like it's like nothing 15 hours um i just started it uh i i'm afraid that if i make i'll get spoiled on the show so i'm gonna wait there's three more weeks of the
Starting point is 00:34:16 show to go we're on episode seven seven's out uh but i like it no you gotta read the books so then you can retroactively realize how bad the show is further dude the show's fucking good show's got good actors got uh the only thing i don't like is common is in it you know the rapper common very like it's like a bald black man with a crazy thick beard is he the second sheriff or the kind of almost de facto sheriff when he comes in he's a mem i don't want to like to give his what he actually does would be like a big plot point because he's a secret spider-man let's just say he's a um he's a secret spider-man he's a mole person so um uh but but his acting is a little off but other than that i love the fucking show like the, you just keep getting more and more background.
Starting point is 00:35:07 And I have a hard on for any story where people are being denied the truth. Like there's this big truth. Um, and one of the things that really, it annoys me, but at the same time intrigues me. And I'm, I'm sitting there,
Starting point is 00:35:19 we're kind of like ants in my pants. Like, come on is when, um, like people are being denied, like kept ignorant kept in the dark and i know that we're gonna they're gonna get to the bottom of this they're gonna make you people pay i can't wait there was frustrating stuff like in early on in that show
Starting point is 00:35:36 like the sending them out in the suit and everything the guy taking his like mask off and people being like no one's ever done that in a fucking two century and it's like but three minutes before that like someone made an illusion to like let's see if he makes it long enough before the poison in the helmet they put on you uh kills him and it's like okay so there's an understanding it's poison no no they don't know there's poison in the helmet the woman people don't know there's poison in the helmet. The woman said that. She meant the poison in the atmosphere. I promise you, the people, all of the average person is 100% under the idea that the atmosphere outside is just poison. If they were to open the doors, that poison would get in and they would all be melted and die.
Starting point is 00:36:22 They should have made it less obvious to what it is then well i i think the people are meant to be first time that happens it's like clearly this is a poison suit to you it would be but to them there are people who have been genetically sort of um picked to be more gullible and they're all being drugged so they don't pick up things like that that's why our main character the sheriff is so important like she she's the curious kitten she's she's she's got to figure out what the fuck's going on here she's got a bug up her ass about this she's got you know that she she's lost a friend and she's motivated and she doesn't care about their rules because she's not from their world she's from down below so they're like oh you need to meet with the the judge she's like i don't feel like it like what
Starting point is 00:37:10 do you do what do you mean you don't feel like it like the uh the soft-spoken guy i i can't remember robin the tall guy yes tim robbins he's in a ton of stuff and he's he's good at most things you're you're talking about that guy Brian Cox in that other show. You know how people remind you of other people. For some reason, Brian Cox is like a kind of existing Philip Seymour Hoffman for me. Philip Seymour Hoffman is better than Brian Cox on his best day. It's not close. Philip Seymour Hoffman's better.
Starting point is 00:37:45 Brian Cox is a good actor, but Philip Seymour Hoffman was something else. So I'll see Brian Cox in a movie and be like, that guy reminds me of Philip Seymour Hoffman. Maybe it'll kind of be like him again. I didn't appreciate Seymour Hoffman until he was dead. Yeah, he was good. He was really good. I barely even noticed him. And then after he died, I'd see highlights of him. He started trending on YouTube, and I see like highlights of him he started trending on
Starting point is 00:38:05 youtube and i was like man he delivered i really like ledger kind of like that too the uh that adam sandler movie um with the pudding um something people um philip seymour hoppin is in that movie i thought is it funny people the fuck is it called I'll look it up I gotta know um and he plays he literally works in a mattress store Adam Sandler Punch Drunk Love that's a really good movie uh they pick a that was the first
Starting point is 00:38:37 serious thing Adam Sandler ever done ever did and I've talked about this before but basically it's kind of like what would an Adam Sandler character be like if he didn't exist in a zany world where they accepted his violence and his sibling, like he, when he does violent stuff in this, everyone's like,
Starting point is 00:38:51 what the fuck? You've ruined the party. You broke the fucking glass door. What are you insane? They just shit on him and kick him out. He's wearing the same blue suit, higher movie. And there must be three weeks that transpire.
Starting point is 00:39:04 And, uh, Philip Seymour hoffman's in it he's really good he's like a crime boss and he sends uh some guys after sandler and sandler has one of his episodes and roughs them up with a crowbar uh and then he goes and finds philip seymour hoffman and has this great scene's just like, I will come back here and do violence upon you. I am in love and it's a love stronger than you can ever understand. So you can win and I can leave. Just say it. Say that's that mattress, man. And Seymour Hoffman's like, that's that.
Starting point is 00:39:48 man and phil seymour hoffman's like that's that all right and he walked he was holding the telephone that he had been holding when hoffman had called him states away and threatened his life he walked from there and traveled the entire distance still holding the telephone that hoffman had talked shit into like a corded telephone against a wall. It's a bizarre movie, but it's really good. I like it a lot. I haven't seen that one. I should check it out. It's weird. Amongst all that, Adam Sandler is pulling off the pudding top
Starting point is 00:40:17 scam that really happened. Basically, you got airline miles for pudding tops, but if you bought the pudding in significant quantities and they had 12 packs, you really got airline miles for pudding tops yeah but if you bought the pudding in significant quantities 12 packs you really got yeah but this wasn't just interpreting a joke as serious this was just going by the rules of the program and being able to acquire many many uh pudding tops for a small amount of money and it adding up to you know never having to pay for a flight ever again for the rest of your life so just hawaii whenever you want on the weekends they did a small amount of money and it adding up to you know never having to pay for a flight ever again for the rest of your life so just hawaii whenever you want on the weekends they did something like
Starting point is 00:40:49 that wasn't it in the 90s or maybe early 2000s where it was like you could buy a lifetime pass for some airline and it was all you can fly miles one of the biggest mistakes the airlines had ever made because it was woody i'm sure you know more well there was that guy who would fly to europe for for like lunch yeah people were so they offered uh like lifetime tickets where you could just fly anywhere and the tickets were expensive like a quarter million dollars or something like like a lot but some people were like shit this can pay off and people bought these tickets who just liked flying stuff like kyle said they go to europe for lunch um one guy bought two tickets and he would just like bring strangers with him anywhere like you know hey you want to get whatever dinner in france let's go yeah and uh
Starting point is 00:41:36 they they would sleep on the airplane get tickets and use them as like hotel rooms like i'll just fly out to california back and then i'll sleep the whole time so like just high class homeless just just bouncing from sabaro to sabaro terminal to terminal yeah and the airlines would be like all right all right you bought this for a quarter billion i'll buy it back from you for a million and they're like No, you're fucked up. I'm going to be flying Pan Am the rest of my life. I had fun with it. Kyle is like, what is that Adam Sandler movie with the pudding?
Starting point is 00:42:16 I'd never even seen it. But I Googled just that, Adam Sandler with the movie with the pudding. And it came up with Punch Drunk Love. The other day, I Googled song that goes, wah, ah, ah, ah, why and like i spelled it out and they're like oh you must be down with the sickness it was great that's not how it goes no yeah he's right google thought it was close enough yeah no that's what yeah then he does his little and then and then he's all down with the sickness oh speaking of that um like i guess speaking of making like weird bird noises it's not really much of a segue really but did you hear about
Starting point is 00:42:58 those children that that were in the amazon for like a month or two or something on their own. No, did they get cool though? Did they become like little Tarzans? Did any of them die? Get out. So their plane went down in the middle of the Amazon and mothers killed. The children's ages are like 11 months to maybe 11 or 12. And they've been out there for two months surviving. They left the wreckage of the plane crash uh they found the plane crash like a month ago but they just found the kids today
Starting point is 00:43:30 because that holy shit it's not it well i don't know they haven't i hope the kids self-rescued just knocked on someone's door asked for pudding no they found them they had this huge fucking search i hope they get a lot of royalties for the movie they're probably already pitching yeah they did this thing where they airdropped food parcels just in the jungle at random just white bags of food you know um i don't know if they found that but uh if they didn't i don't know how you survived for two goddamn months out there were you eating bugs uh yeah i mean what else bugs or what do they have out there rabbits so you think the wrong bug you know what i mean like i'd much rather be hungry than vomiting that's true start vomiting i think you die and i i was reading like so chitin like that stuff that like bug shells are made out
Starting point is 00:44:20 of like the exoskeleton we can't really digest that like chitin. And so like, if you're just eating bugs with a shit ton of that all the time, you're, it's apparently very good for you. You just pass it. Right. Like,
Starting point is 00:44:34 like little, little, like be like fiber. Apparently it's rougher than that. Yeah. And like irritating for your digestive tract. I don't know. That's what someone on YouTube said.
Starting point is 00:44:44 He was like, the thing with bugs is you can't digest chitin effectively. I read a whole thing. Chitin a bug has. They survived on berries and seeds. And they had formula for the one-year-old.
Starting point is 00:44:57 That's good. That must have taken some self-control. I would have been being like, guzzling the formula. Oh, I thought you meant eating the baby. Well, yes. The mom lived for four days. So maybe the success a little bit.
Starting point is 00:45:11 I don't know. It's awful. So the mom lived for four days. And how many kids? Four, four children. The oldest being like, what?
Starting point is 00:45:18 You said like 11, 12, 13, something like that. 13. Oh, I wouldn't survive alone for two months unless they were just like they got they crashed into a berry patch yeah like a berry farm in brazil or wherever they are
Starting point is 00:45:33 it does seem like when they say berries and seeds it would take so many berries and seeds for me to feel satiated i would need a bucket i. I'm just, I'm like covered. I'm just red from here down. I'm like, I'll help you with the shelter. I have to shit again though. I've wanted to do this ever since I saw jungle book. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:45:57 Where are my prickled pears? Yeah. I don't know. I would hate to be in a real survival situation and the, and the jungle seems the worst, just all the, the hot hot humid disease filled bug and critter filled thing i just like like how could you feel safe on the jungle floor it's crawling with weird bugs like those goddamn army ants will find you and or something i would have aligned with taylor before having watched a gazillion episodes of naked and
Starting point is 00:46:25 afraid and um in the desert they tend to find a watering hole of some sort and find some shade and just sort of suffer through for 21 days i know that's not thriving it's just surviving but um you know the food comes to you and if you bonk it on the head you get some meat and there's water there and it's it sucks but that's what the desert really is it's not just the vast desert sand the tropical rainforest which i would have thought was glorious build a hammock and watch the pineapples fall into your lap no they get eaten by bugs and there's just no defense for a thousand bugs chomping you while you try to sleep if it's like a if it's naked and afraid and i know they're coming back 21 days from now desert 1000 i will lose the fat lose the weight i'll avoid sunburn as best i can find
Starting point is 00:47:22 if it is like you have to survive as long as you can. I am not picking desert. I'm picking somewhere where there's at least going to be food. Like there's way more food access in a rainforest. Fuck that. You're crazy. You'd go insane in a rainforest. If you're actually trying to survive, like from a resource perspective, it's much, much better.
Starting point is 00:47:42 I want to be on an island. I want to be on an island um and i'll figure it out you got you you got so many options there like there's got you don't want a little coconut you just shit your your ass off but at some point i'd get a dead fish you know like like i know how to make a fish trap honestly i do i don't i don't have really works in the shows right like the people who know how to make fish traps don't seem to thrive with them. Weird.
Starting point is 00:48:09 They're really effective. I do like your idea of an Island though, because I feel like you get a couple biomes in one, like, Oh, do you need a place to sleep? That's not crawling with bugs. Maybe that's the sand.
Starting point is 00:48:20 And then do you need like someplace that's a little more nutrition rich? Well, if there's a forest butting up against the sand then maybe there's something there for you i learned from a guy just last night i was watching a i think his name's chad zuber he has a survival channel on youtube and he's a he's like he's kind of like that primitive technology guy but he talks occasionally and like walks through stuff but he still does the like doing shit barefoot and i was watching an episode with him on the beach last night and like what you were saying what he's like what i would have thought where i was like you just go to the you
Starting point is 00:48:54 go to the beach and the bugs won't get you and he he told the exact opposite he was like you never want to sleep on the beach it's the worst environment for bugs ever what you want to do on an island like this is find elevated ground as close to like kind of the sea area as you can to kind of hope for wind over it so that wind prevents the bugs from being able to settle down because he says like being on the beach it's like a perfect cavalcade of mosquito nonsense but if you can just get in the wind they don't they can't fuck with you as much and this guy like he's one of those his body is his resume i watched him like delicately delicately cut out every organ from a
Starting point is 00:49:36 little rabbit and then like put like cook all the little organs eating all those being like you know you have to eat the organs for the rabbit, or, you know, rabbit meat has no nutrition outside of protein, so you need their liver and heart and everything. Yeah. And he found a dead rabbit. He ate a dead rabbit. He was like, like, that was like a survival-ish thing, where like, he was like, oh, you found a dead rabbit, and he's like,
Starting point is 00:49:57 you know what? Doesn't look like it's sick or anything. I'm gonna eat it. And he just cut it up and ate it yeah cut it up cooked it ate it i mean and this is a guy who like this was like his area like he had built a brick fireplace he had a hut all that i love those channels they're so neat like just watching someone like take the enormous amount of time it would take to make their own stone axe and then use that to cut down little trees and then use those trees like bending them in water to change the shape to make a i like
Starting point is 00:50:31 that like it's neat i like that but the videos that i'll actually sit and i've watched hours of them before uh there's there's the og guy that did this i can't think of his name primitive but he basically went off no no, no, no, no. This is like from the 80s or something. Oh. This guy went out into the wilderness with like a VHS recorder and recorded himself building a cabin and living in the wilderness for a season or some shit. But I like the videos where they build everything with tools that I use or would use, you know,
Starting point is 00:51:02 like modern tools. Maybe they don't have a... They'll have a generator there for some stuff and an air compressor for some stuff. And they'll just throw up like a cabin in the wild for like a couple thousand dollars and just live there for the whole fucking winter. Uh, they'll,
Starting point is 00:51:18 you know, it'll just be plywood and two by sixes and shit, but it's fun to watch him do that car, carpentry by himself. Cause there's a lot of, a lot of stuff that's hard to do by yourself when you're throwing up walls and such but he knows what he's doing so he's always got some sort of rope and pulley lever system safety thing because you know if he gets crushed out there he's in a lot of trouble i guess that stuff is cool
Starting point is 00:51:39 like there but there's something about doing it like There's a video of the primitive technology guy who makes a knife, and he's scooping iron-rich water out of a creek bed and taking fucking forever. Eight videos worth of him being like, I'm figuring out how to smelt iron and getting little iron balls called prills, I guess, that show up on the outside of slag when you,
Starting point is 00:52:07 and he's doing this like by hand, he built a fan inside of the thing that he's pulling to, to pump air in. He's always got bellows. He's got bellows. He's using, he's like, I figured out the right ratio is three double,
Starting point is 00:52:18 like every time you read, like add more, uh, or to the top, it's three double handfuls of charcoal, two single handfuls of this, and then he'll melt it down and do stuff like... And I added some snail
Starting point is 00:52:29 shells to this batch because I was curious if the lime involved would bond to the slag more effectively, causing the prills to be more available at the end. And then he's like, well, that did not work. The snail shells were a bad idea. We're going back to the original. And so he just has like a clay bowl full of all these prills.
Starting point is 00:52:46 And he makes a clay mold that just is like a triangle knife and puts all the balls, the little ball bearing prills in there. And then just flames it for hours and hours until it becomes like it kind of like it melts together in cast iron. And he's like using it to chop and cut and it was like how do they sharpen it he he was it was him putting water on a stone and rubbing it and he and it even included in the bottom part he's like because of the way this iron is made it's cast iron that makes it more brittle than true iron and also makes it much much harder and it would it said at the bottom like one hour of sharpening between each picture and it was like 10 photos showing it slightly getting sharper and sharper until it could like cut and pierce wow because imagine
Starting point is 00:53:37 that imagine how long it would take to sharpen cast iron on a rock fucking are they do it in prison they have no idea like cast iron's hard i have a lot woodworkers like cast iron so like all my machinery is cast iron and is it hard yeah it's harder hard and brittle yeah it's harder and more brittle than regular iron and so like using a grinding and sharpening yeah it's got more carbon no carbon or no carbon i guess i didn't learn that from that video last week the weight of cast iron in a woodworking machine makes it absorb vibration so it just feels high quality when it weighs a lot and i don't know there's something beyond the weight about cast iron's property that sucks up vibration but it does it also aesthetically
Starting point is 00:54:21 looks nice when you see like cast iron banisters or like decorative cast iron. I like restoring it. It's in the stable now, which isn't as temperature controlled as it was at my last house. So it gets rusty. And every so often I come out there with like the sandpaper and the WD-40 and just make it look new again and feels good. Have you seen those laser devices for stripping rust? Right? Oh, my God. And rust is fucking looks like removal
Starting point is 00:54:48 oh yeah pennies into new looking pennies and like to get your safety glasses on yet melted them into my eyeballs those are amazing every time i look at them though they're wildly expensive i saw a guy on youtube i don't know what had, but he had some sort of high-powered laser. And then I think he took a telescope to make like a magnifier for it. You know, he just turned it backwards and he was using it. He had palm trees in his yard in like Florida or something. And I guess he was like, I have to pay $15 per tree to have these trimmed. Well, this laser here only
Starting point is 00:55:25 cost $12,000. In 400 years, I'll really say this will pay for itself, but he aims at the top of a tree, and he's going, and cutting the fucking palm leaves off. He's a lightsaber. It was crazy.
Starting point is 00:55:42 He's like, I wet everything first so there wouldn't be a fire. He sprays everything out. I don't want lawn... I do not want lawn workers having access to those. It looked pretty cool. It looked like some Doctor Who level
Starting point is 00:55:57 craftsmanship, but he had some sort of... It was a $10,000 laser device that he had. I don't know. It looked incredibly powerful. That's encouraging. it was a $10,000 laser device that you had. I don't know. It looked incredibly powerful. That's encouraging. I looked into how much they cost.
Starting point is 00:56:11 It was like a quarter million. But that was like eight years ago. So, maybe. I was in a guy's shop one time, and he had one of those 3D CNC machines, and it was a big one. And I was like, how much is that machine? That thing's cool. This thing is articulating with the tool piece and going crazy and they're like a fucking
Starting point is 00:56:29 sci-fi robot and it's working on like aluminum or something it's it's doing a good job like what does this cost it's got to like print money he's like yeah it does but it's a million dollar machine like a cool exactly a million dollars for this in front of you and then i remember it was two years later they were a quarter million dollars like two years later the new one was a how what happened what happened soon there'll be 10 grand and everyone will have one yeah those those things are way cooler than a 3d printer to me those things that can 3d print out of fucking you know real metal i mean it's and do it fast that thing was really impressive i think he was making he was making gun parts i don't remember
Starting point is 00:57:12 exactly what kind they have not consumer ones but they have much smaller much cheaper ones like it sounds like the thing that guy had could work on something four feet long or something but they have ones that could make a baseball for you know less than 50 grand less than 25 grand and everything's like automated like cad yeah yeah you have to apparently it's difficult to figure out how to tell it the right instructions and the order of those instructions but it's like programming i'm sure you mean it would print a baseball not print it would like take a cube and turn it into a baseball. It would remove. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:57:49 It's basically a drill bit that works on every angle. Yeah, but it can do things that are incredibly intricate. It could take a cube and turn it into a sphere, and then it could hollow that sphere out from the inside and leave loose pieces inside of it if it wanted, like collect it at the bottom of a bowl. Those things can do incredible things. They can go down into a small hole
Starting point is 00:58:09 and then you put the tooling inside and they can hollow things out and do really anything your imagination can come up with and the material can handle. That sounds fun. Yeah, I guess. That'd be a good billionaire activity. Just have a bunch of those
Starting point is 00:58:25 do whatever you want we haven't talked about Conor McGregor taking that mascot out that was fucking brilliant are we sure that that was real you can't tell with a mascot head how hard someone gets hit he was on the ground though I heard
Starting point is 00:58:43 I did yeah I couldn't i the angle i saw like connor's back i saw the the standing up punch that the mascot fell down from you know i was i was thinking like that was a little aggressive but it looked like he hit the mascot head not the guys like not the mouth where your actual face would be but then i couldn't see through connor's back as he did that like punch down and so i couldn't tell if that was a legit punch or if he was like i doing pulling that it it looked maybe it's my bias against connor coming through but here's what happened if anyone saw the video uh it might have been during halftime but it was definitely during the miami heat denver nuggets game uh it was a entertainment of some sort connor's out there he has a spray which i guess is a pain relieving
Starting point is 00:59:25 spray don't know if this is good or snake oil but um so what he does he goes out there and he beats up the the mascot at this basketball game during finals big deal and then he sprays him with his little you know spray that he's weren't there a bunch of girls to spray him or something like they had a bunch of the spray maybe i possibly i do recall connor he had like some big booty bitches like spraying him down imagine that way so uh connor hits the mascot with this big hook and then he gets down and grounded bounce the mascot and punches it in his face and i watched it slowly you could see the mascot's head deform from this punch uh i i don't know sometimes fighters don't recognize that civilians aren't cool with this like he probably lives in a world where people punch each other as goofs maybe i don't know if that was real or not i'm 50 50 but i heard the
Starting point is 01:00:23 guy to go to the hospital and he had some like superficial injuries or something like that yeah i thought it was funny uh i don't think connor's gonna fight again i don't think so because uh he's a whiskey man now he's making more from that he sold yeah but oh he but well i think he still yeah he still got some like some sort of deal going where he continues to profit off of it even though he's got all of his money it's like cake and eat it too business. Probably, yeah. He's like still their representation publicly. Either Connor's a brilliant businessman
Starting point is 01:00:50 or Connor was brilliant enough to hire brilliant businessmen, but he's making good moves. So he just did the season of The Ultimate Fighter, which is, I can't watch it. I won't watch any more of it. It's just too, you're selling something I already bought. Like, stop. So many goddamn ads. I'm sorry, Modelo. watch any more of it it's just too you're selling something i already bought i like i like stop i so many goddamn ads i don't i i'm sorry modelo i don't have the fighting spirit
Starting point is 01:01:10 watch another goddamn minute of your monster energy you know what it might be on plex with all the commercials removed oh no no it's integrated these are these are product integrations it's like there's just too much modelo in there for you it's not that it's just no it's integrated these are these are product integrations it's like there's just too much modelo in there for you it's not that it's just everywhere it's everywhere great rear naked choke steve that must make you want an ice cold modelo that's the official core nut of the rear naked joke yeah whoa that reminds me of Modelo, the official beer of MMA. The official beer of men's men. Traditionally, the two coaches on The Ultimate Fighter fight each other at the end of the show, like in a pay-per-view.
Starting point is 01:02:09 And I'm sure there's been some instances where that did not happen, but they all said that it was going to happen here. This Chandler guy is probably sixth, fifth best of the 155-pound guys in the world who kind of fluctuates up to higher weights if you need them to. And the idea would be a decent matchup. I think Conor might have a chance against this guy, probably beat him. And he hasn't fought in years, though, so who fucking knows. But the issue is you have to be uh in usada testing pool the drug testing pool for six months before you can compete and he's not i don't think he started yet and then like you look down the road six months from now and it's there's not a pay-per-view event to just plug him into it's like eight months from now before it would even happen
Starting point is 01:02:38 and at what fucking weight like there's been three different mentioned. Oh, 155? No, no, no. At one point, they said 180, 185 or whatever. Yeah, because Conor got jacked. I think he said Chandler was man enough to fight him at a higher weight, and Chandler's like, any weight. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:02:58 I sometimes put a lot of... Maybe I over focus on like, oh, he's 32? This guy's fucking out of it. He can't compete over-focus on like, Oh, he's 32. This guy's fucking out of it. He can't compete anymore. He's too old. Oh, he's rusty.
Starting point is 01:03:09 You know, he's gone. He'll never be back, et cetera. And, um, uh, yeah.
Starting point is 01:03:15 So I just write off. Connor is done. He's done. I think I'm right. I don't think he's going to fight again. And I, I, I,
Starting point is 01:03:23 plus the crazy part is everyone beats him now yeah i mean that mascot down it fucking smoked him touche um and uh there was that old man he assaulted at the bar uh he blinded michael kiesa briefly with that that bus incident so i'm counting that as a w or at least a tk a technical win well rose nama unis was in tears so she was emotionally disturbed. Okay. Look, you scare a little girl, I count that as a W in my book. That's where most of my wins come from. Yeah. I saw, like, I guess
Starting point is 01:03:53 Rose is never going to fight again. Pretty disappointing. Oh, is that true? I didn't see that. I mean, what are we doing here? Did she say something? She's in the fucking, no, she's gone. She's in the wind. I saw her do a Jits tournament, and she, like, it's like get out of here what are you doing she's 30 i didn't realize how old she was yeah but but like that's your prime as an mma fighter she's 30 32 33 well pat barry's been on that since it was since she was like 16 i know fucking 15 or 16 the mma by the way taylor is full of
Starting point is 01:04:27 groomers these uh these guys who these guys who find like promising teen lady athletes that they can you know get in there in the gym with them and be their coach and then be their boyfriend and then as soon as it's legal we'll tell people and it's like yeah i've been with pat for like 10 years now and it's like you're 24 pat's 37 no it's cool because he's 15 lots of grooming in mma and in i think in uh like athletics in general uh it's it's pretty gross they don't like to talk about it nobody does i wish sean strickland would start fucking pardon carl malone i think he's the king oh of of making babies um know that just you know pedophilia in general amongst
Starting point is 01:05:27 was he a pedophile well that 13 year old did get pregnant zach fact check me here at all carl all right all right let me quick google it shots fired at carl malone what was he a football player player? Karl Malone, 13. Baseball. Hall of Fame fallout for impregnating a 13-year-old when he was 20. Ooh, that's not even close. So he was a professional athlete? Karl Malone? Yeah, like world famous, one of the greats.
Starting point is 01:06:01 I've heard his name. I don't know what sport, though. Was he football, baseball? Basketball. So basketball, one of the greats. I've heard his name. I don't know what sport though. Was he football, baseball? Basketball. One of their greats. He was called the mailman because he always delivered. Tom Malone was not very good on the
Starting point is 01:06:11 microphone. He was also not very good with math. His defense was good, but he never wore protection. I think he bothered many, many children. They used to mock him on MADtv. It was always funny. What were we talking about right before this?
Starting point is 01:06:35 UFC, Sean Strickland. You need to check out Sean Strickland's Twitter. Sean Strickland is the funniest man in the UFC. He's a big troll. No holds barred. he's a big troll. No holds barred. He's a real troll. Like he's calling, he's making fun of wee boos and lady boys and shit and,
Starting point is 01:06:51 and, and being super not PC picking on the, uh, the media, you know, crew there. I don't know their faces, but I know their voices.
Starting point is 01:06:59 The guys who, who do MMA journalism, I use air quotes cause it's, it's kind of a Dana White fan club in there. Nobody's going to talk shit to Dana or they don't get to be in the press room. But he'll just start shitting on them. He's like, you're married, right, man? Good.
Starting point is 01:07:15 Get that shit locked down because you don't look. It's all downhill from here, buddy. And you're pretty ugly already. You're an ugly man. I'm going to tell you right you right now hard to look at just like shitting on people uh he's real funny every interview i've seen of him he's just always funny always mean and very uh not pc he's he's just like he just says things to try and get a rise out of people this is great he's like this is going to be an unpopular opinion but shooting competitions are gay watch how fast i can walk on this course and shoot big white posters with my five thousand dollar handgun y'all even look
Starting point is 01:07:53 gay while you're doing it this guy rocks this guy's great potato would not like that take shoot me yeah he's fun I can't remember who I saw oh Ariel Hawane is the only one I've ever seen shut him down but usually he's just really funny he's like getting mad at people he's like you're saying that to me now
Starting point is 01:08:20 during pride month like he's what a hoot dude two thumbs up for Sean Strickland I don't even know if he's a good fighter but he's pretty good I think he's like one of those guys
Starting point is 01:08:36 I just scrolled past the first video that's a fighter's face I saw him win like maybe two three months ago I think he showed up short notice and got a big win when they didn't expect him to and then put on a show at the post-fight interview and press conference and everything. No, he's real fun.
Starting point is 01:08:55 Why are lesbians such cunts? Listen, ladies, I'm not your dad. I'm not your uncle. Don't put that on me. Gay dudes are always happy. I'm not your uncle. Don't put that on me. Gay dudes are always happy. I have him as the number nine guy on this random website. Let's go ahead and give this guy a follow.
Starting point is 01:09:15 I saw your shadow band on Twitter. That's great. Yeah, what the fuck, Elon? Have you appealed to Elon? I don't know the process, and I don't care. But yeah, I checked in the shadow ban thing. My username is unsearchable. It won't suggest you if you search up my name on Twitter. I mean, he replies to tweets all the time. So I think if you say something that's kind of quirky and right-wingy
Starting point is 01:09:39 and tickles his fancy, he might unshadow ban you. I'll say something about trans people to try and bait him in and then be like, ah, it was about me. Unban me. Oh, here's something that here's honestly, if I were literally, if I was actually trying to make this happen and get him to click, he's from South Africa, and I think
Starting point is 01:09:57 they're doing something right now where they're taking the white people's water away, or they're like putting up, they're like water rationing for white people only or something right now. That's evil. i'd love that i'm i can't remember the exact article reddit reddit took my news away so yeah they all the third-party websites shut down all my porn's still there and now all the fighting uh like subreddits all the devious ones where like people get beat up and get run over by trains.
Starting point is 01:10:26 That's what's on my feed now. I don't care about what care then. Then fucking like taking all their subreddits down, you know, like 90% of reddits gone right now. Oh yeah. What's your take on that? Um,
Starting point is 01:10:39 my take is that they are anti fucking capitalism, anti business. They don't want the guys who fuck or who own the ship to make a dime the guys the guy in his ama they're like he pez spaz gets trashed in his amas pez came out and said he's not profitable and he's trying to make the site profitable and y'all just shit all over him and like memed him into i didn't see anything he said some stuff that is a bit unverifiable like attacking the the apollo guy maybe they had a meeting that went bad or something like that i don't know what that nonsense is that's probably two nerds on the internet talking shit to each other but i don't care i'll say this reddit's app
Starting point is 01:11:20 blows i hope they take some of the money that they make now improve their app a little bit because i've been trying to ease myself into the reddit app because i know reddit is fun is about to leave it's a little janky but if you're if you're looking for new content it's really good for that i like the search feature it's like right there it's one of the main things i haven't explored that enough i know what i'm doing yet but i don't care for it i've only used the reddit app so i don't know what I'm missing. But as a general rule of thumb, I feel like Reddit created this universe
Starting point is 01:11:50 and there's an ecosystem of leeches that took their content and put it on their own apps and Reddit said, alright, Gravy Train's over. We're not making any money. You're leeching off all of us. So going forward, you're closed. And he's allowed to do that
Starting point is 01:12:06 i get that yeah you might have enjoyed the better ui that the leeches had but he's not obligated to let them basically build their own front end for reddit and steal all the content this is no different than when nbc says hey netflix we want The Office back. That's ours. We want to be profitable on our own streaming site. You can't stream the thing we made from scratch. We can't stream the thing we stole from Ricky Gervais.
Starting point is 01:12:37 We paid him. If I made a better front end for The Office, one with no commercials, it'd be popular too. Yeah, I bet. The user experience! It's not fair, though. When they shut Plex down eventually,
Starting point is 01:12:54 we all got to be cool with it. I will be cool with it. Plex is just about friends sharing DVDs. That's all that is. Taylor, you want to watch this? I got this for you. I just assume that dude made that content. mean i mean hey is brad sanderson gonna gonna have a problem with you mailing this book to me oh did i just steal this book oh no taylor i didn't pay for
Starting point is 01:13:19 this you you can't loan this thing he owns this in perpetuity forever the paper is incidental can't loan this thing he owns this in perpetuity forever the paper is incidental you're right you're right these these fucking losers are already you're 1984 rules okay not anymore no unless you threaten to send me to jail or something and then i'll get right i'll join the new gestapo or whatever that looks down the look that goes around and burns everybody's books i'd be right in there wouldn't you if the fascists took over like like hey you want to be a fireman taylor i don't know if you've read fahrenheit but but like firemen didn't put out fires they ran around burning books that was your job would you be a fireman because what kind of books am i gonna burn then yeah i mean you're gonna have to right you gotta you gotta join the winning team
Starting point is 01:14:05 yeah yeah we should wrap i did watch uh avatar 2 uh we can talk about on pka i guess i did that thing though take on that you know what my take is it's what it always is you know what my take is uh well we'll see you on thursday all right all right pkn 460

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