Painkiller Already - PKN 471

Episode Date: August 29, 2023


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Starting point is 00:00:00 forgot pkn 471 code names hang out tonight you think yeah i think we might end up playing again it seems to be a a very popular group game it's it's good for getting every single person involved in a game because there's no limit to how many people you can have guessing on each side and it also lends itself well to huge fights that are very very funny over legal issues rule questions we had we had the biggest kerfuffle over
Starting point is 00:00:34 compound words like last night like it was mind-blowing to me like how many times like because if you're the yes Kyle got it. And you got it because you know compound words. Look at Woody.
Starting point is 00:00:50 Like so many times. Like you're allowed to ask the other clue giver. Like, hey, I'm going to send you a little message and tell me if this is an okay clue to send. And like every time someone would be like, I was the other clue giver. Be like, Taylor, I sent you something. Tell me if this is okay to say. And not once did I look, I would just go, is it one word or two words?
Starting point is 00:01:11 And they would go, well, it's two words. And I go, no, no, that's not the game we're playing. Like it's code name, not code phrase. There's one super important rule in the, in the game, provide a one word clue to assist your teammates in choosing the correct words. That's it's so straightforward.
Starting point is 00:01:34 It's so easy. And people would be like asking like, Hey, can I use, um, Northern Africa? And it's like, no,
Starting point is 00:01:41 you can't use Northern Africa and just not put a space in it. I mean, no. That's two words. Can't say center console. No, you cannot say center console. And so you can imagine, Woody, since me and the other 15 people who were playing with Taylor, we all had to catch up to Taylor's new rules, so it took us a while.
Starting point is 00:02:00 It's the rules of the game. Since, you know, Taylor picked the game up recently, so he's probably got the newer rule set that the rest of us have been playing for 5 or 6 years the rule set is there in the top right corner and I see what you're doing Kyle and I acknowledge that it's funny we played on a different board though
Starting point is 00:02:16 it's not like Mattel came down and was like look we invented code names okay Robert in the back he does all our nonsense games he invented the shit we own it these are the rules. It's like, we just downloaded some app and we used to play on
Starting point is 00:02:29 an app on Tabletop Simulator, which is so janky, but so many games for the money that you put into it. So, there was a bit of confusion, but as long as everyone does the same rule, then who fucking cares? For the audience's sake, the rules say, hey, the clue should be one word,
Starting point is 00:02:50 but you can talk to the other clue giver and agree upon among yourself. Like what one word really? Like if I wanted to say, can I say Anna Kendrick, right? Like a lot of times people would stretch that to be one thing. Anna Kendrick, right? A lot of times people would stretch that to be one thing. Anna Kendrick, it's one concept. It's a person's first and last name. Otherwise, when I say George, you don't know if I mean George Washington, George Washington Carver, George fucking Simpson.
Starting point is 00:03:16 That's the entire crux of the game. If you do a Google search, there's somebody going, of course you can say George Washington, because then who would know? This game's gay. Why can't I write a sentence? But there's the other problem, too. If I say Northern Lights, well, then you probably know I'm going for Aurora Borealis. But you might be like, ah, but let's dissect it. Woody might have tried to get through the back door two clues, being Northern and Lights.
Starting point is 00:03:43 So we we definitely hammer that down we but it's a slippery slope when you start allowing to the northern lights all the sudden what about aurora borealis there that's two words but i'm just eliminating woody's whole problem with with northern lights like oh i see nobody i don't know what a borealis is bro we're good see but you that's why you'd have to pick a better word to associate it but kyle demonstrates the slippery slope like aurora borealis i'm totally okay with northern lights well shit now we've locked in like northern and lights and northern lights as a concept together and i've given kind of three clues and i just feel like i should be able to say bill gates when the clue is like yes and and computers. I agree with you.
Starting point is 00:04:25 We have. Which is why it's nice to ask the other code giver. I'm sorry. I cut you off, Taylor. And the other code giver is cool, too, because, like, let's say you're fighting. All right? Some people will say there's no rules whatsoever. Boom. Break out knives and sticks and whatever.
Starting point is 00:04:39 Other people will be like, look, we're grappling. No one's going to get hurt here. But as soon as the first guy punches, now you've opened up striking in this play fight. So when the other code giver agrees to do like full names, then, you know, you're agreeing that you could do full names next round too. Maybe the analogy kind of fell apart. No, I see what you're saying.
Starting point is 00:05:02 We're pretty lenient with stuff like Bill Gates, like a proper noun that is a person's name. Even then, I don't really like it because it's just more challenging to do one word. But the thing of like, oh, you can't use the two words to provide more clue than the one word. It's like by its definition. I don't think it is more challenging.
Starting point is 00:05:22 Well, when you said center console for last night, you couldn't use console. If you used console, they wouldn't have got all four because there were other things they could have used. Oh, a console for a radio show, a console for something else. You had to add center as a qualifying word
Starting point is 00:05:40 in order to make sure that it was assumed by the audience that it is car related. And in that way, any additional second word is a qualifying word. Like, the clue wouldn't have worked console four. And so you had to go center console four. It's not even like saying back seat, front seat. It's like there is no side console. I'm just naming it what it is.
Starting point is 00:05:59 If you wanted to order that part, it's a center console. It's what that thing is called. It has a two-word name. It's two words. Yeah, it does have a two-'s two words you can only use one word in the clue because the way you can tell that it's not a good one word clue is if you had put center you would have got nothing if you had put console you would have gotten maybe maybe two at most and when you have to put a second word in there to stretch it i think we all know what's happening i think i think it's i think we're all disappointed you know that's what happened and you personally it was a good clue everyone was disappointed they were like wait oh there's new rules now okay what do you have to do it is such a fun it is such a fun fucking game to just like riff and make fun of your teammates and your clue giver
Starting point is 00:06:44 and your guesser. Oh, tell them the bad one. Tell them the worst fucking clues given last night. Kyle was like, someone who had previously, one of the patrons, had a really good run giving clues. He hopped in and Kyle was like, you know what, I got confidence in Burb on this one. He had some good ones before.
Starting point is 00:07:02 The guy gave the clue cryptography four. And if you don't know that, you give a word and then the second number is how many words are associated with it. So two is like the most standard connecting to three is a bit of a stretch can be tough. Four is a really, really good one. And cryptography is such a specific thing. Kyle immediately was like code that we have to start with code because cryptography it's a form of code and he guessed it and it was not only a wrong word it was our word and i don't think i've ever heard just through audio like an exasperated sigh from kyle that was like but it's but it is a cryptographer is a code breaker like Like it's someone who breaks code.
Starting point is 00:07:45 When one happens like that, like you don't even feel bad. You're just like, ah, man, I wish you hadn't made us lose. Like I did. I did everything right there.
Starting point is 00:07:54 Like no one was like, no, not code. These two for the listeners tend to be, they take their role as code giver, right? But if you don't know, there's a bunch of,
Starting point is 00:08:05 the words will be like sailboat, ocean, and sea. And maybe sailboat and ocean are my words and sea is your word. So I have to be very clever to make you guess sailboat and ocean while not picking sea. That's the nature of the game. Boom. I tend to be the guy who guesses the words.
Starting point is 00:08:23 And also I find myself slipping into more of a managerial role where it's like, let's get group consensus on the words that we think it's going to be. So my frustration is people who aren't paying attention or playing. I'll be like, all right, all right, Joe, what do you think? Cool, cool, cool. Snufkin, what do you think? And then she tells me what she thought about the previous round. That's how disengaged she was and i'm just like be cool buddy be cool
Starting point is 00:08:49 hold it together i did like that like getting together he's like all right i got two votes for this and two votes for that it's like oh no i don't okay we've all changed minds yeah what is very diplomatic with it he's taken votes the way kyle and i are when we're leading the team is often like let's do this one no objections this one it is okay next one what are we gonna do for this one yeah like like usually if someone if it's a three word then the first it's easy to get the first one it's like oh edison light bulb fucking all right click light bulb and click electricity and click thief like that would be a good one right like if you thief is is it kind of a reach you got to know a little bit about thomas edison that he stole a lot
Starting point is 00:09:32 of his stuff away or whatever so like that's how it would go they would be increasing in difficulty as you got to the like the third or the final uh one it's a very fun game it tests your vocabulary but also how well you know each other and um areas of expertise can be particularly fun to exploit if you know a guy's an electrician you've got all sorts of new clues you can give him you know a guy's a coder you know guys whatever the dream team because his clue was ivory not ivory ivory was like, universities, that's the one. We had matching retardation. They both thought it was
Starting point is 00:10:09 Ivory League and not Ivory League. And they both know it's Ivy League, I'm pretty sure. But just looking at Ivory League in their head, it rolled. The code giver's not allowed to talk, but as soon as that game ended, Scum was like, Woody, you were right. I thought it was Ivory League also.
Starting point is 00:10:27 So that's my mistake. And I was trying to talk us through it. I was like, it's not Ivory League. No one would say Ivory League. Like, I get it. It rolls off the tongue, but no, it's not that. And we moved along. I'll fuck up. I immediately did that shoulda had a V8 thing and went with Kyle because he was right. You know, but i was
Starting point is 00:10:45 also right somehow over i'll like overestimate my clue givers like spelling and wordplay ability sometimes where i'm like oh racket but he spelled it like the criminal conspiracy instead of the implement for tennis so clearly he's trying to do more like the loud noisy uh yeah over there there's a racket out there he's he's given us so much for the from this word and then afterward he's trying to do these things. Or like the loud noisy thing over there. Yeah. There's a racket out there. He's given us so much from this word and then afterward he's like, no, I did not know that was not what badminton rackets were spelled like. The best
Starting point is 00:11:14 misspelling of last night was waiters. Oh my god. That was... The clue was given and it was W-E-I-G-H-T like wait. Like I've lost weight. And then E-R-I-G-H-T, like weight. Like, I've lost weight. And then E-R-S, so waiters. So what does he mean?
Starting point is 00:11:29 Does he mean waiters with a D? You know, duck hunting, you put on these waiters, they keep you waterproof in the water up to your waist and above. Or does he mean waiters, the men who are bringing our dinner to us tonight? I will tip the waiters. They gave us excellent service.
Starting point is 00:11:44 Or does he mean something that isn't an actual thing like someone who weighs yeah thing yeah those are the waiters that you know you pull the semi over the side of the road and the waiters get out they tell you how much you weigh and you move along yeah i do like the idea of using a word like that if it comes from someone clever like if Chiz were to drop waiters spelled that way, I'd be like, all right, this is not an accident. Or Taylor would too. No way Taylor thinks that's how you spell waiter. If he were to
Starting point is 00:12:16 do that, I would be like, all right, there's a code in here. Let's dissect this team. If the word dispelled was on the board, I would lean so heavily to that. I'd be like, look, we've got server, we've got restaurant,
Starting point is 00:12:32 and we've got misspelling. Server and restaurant pertain to waiters, and there's misspelling sitting there right there for us, boys. Let's do it. Let's win. That would be perfect. That's an example of how people win the game too like they they have to squeeze that other i remember i went against joe lozon once in a
Starting point is 00:12:49 hot dog hamburger eating contest and because neither one of us have any skill at that i knew that somebody had to do something the other wouldn't do and that meant swallowing half a hamburger in one gulp i knew i had to just swallow one of them or there's no way. Cause we're just even, you know, we're just two men chomping on burgers. This isn't arm wrestling. This isn't jujitsu.
Starting point is 00:13:11 Like we're going to chomp it basically the same speed. He's not going to get more than a bite ahead of me and me ahead of me. I knew to break away. I have to risk choking on this stage. I remember you did that. And afterward you're like, those were the driest burgers. Yeah. I vomitedest burgers on earth.
Starting point is 00:13:29 I vomited them up on purpose so we could go have a nice dinner. It was awful. If Kyle was giving me a tactically misspelled word, I would read into it. But it was funny getting the word waiters and the clue giver is not allowed to talk. And I'm like that's not how you spell it anyway but what does he mean and and fish jumped in even though he was the one who gave that clue and he's like it is it is spelled correctly it is spelled correctly it was like no but that's also speaks to fish's character he was not cheating no not cheating he didn't even try to give you he was doing his best to give, he was not cheating. No. Not cheating. He didn't even check to see that word. He was trying to give you, he was doing his best to give you the correct spelling of a word.
Starting point is 00:14:10 Yeah, he's a stats and stories speller, so. Stats and stories speller. You know where Fish excels in that game is like, where Fish excels in that game is being almost a color of bad ideas, where someone will say something on the team and they'll be like, what are are you a fucking retard? Are you retarded? He won't offer another suggestion. He'll just snipe.
Starting point is 00:14:31 Just shoot that suggestion down and then wait for a better one to come up. You need all sorts of soldiers in your battalion for this kind of game. I'm kind of looking forward to the game. It's so fun. I love it. You can go to battle with a real... It's kind of like. It's so nice. I agree. I'm kind of looking forward to the game. It's so fun. I love it. First of all, you can go to battle with a real...
Starting point is 00:14:47 It's kind of like Baldur's Gate. You can bring a whole bunch of clowns with you, literally a guy playing a lute over there. Not a flute, but a lute or whatever, and you'll still win. But you can't bring all lute players. You've got to have one guy over there who's paying attention.
Starting point is 00:15:02 Even if he's stoned, he's paying attention, and he's thinking a little. He's doing this. If nobody's doing that on your team it is infuriating now to be honest i got real high last night and i didn't realize it was our turn because i was on a two-man team and i have the other guy muted because he's fairly annoying and so he's over there kyle it's our turn kyle i think it's space and and stars what do you think and i'm sitting there just smoking weed just joking around and he can't hear and he i can't hear him because i got him on zero but he can hear me so i had to fix that we won me and me and me and him won that that game that was i uh i generally give eric a hard time because he's a little insufferable. But other than that cartography, or not cartography, but cryptography move he made, he did very well last night.
Starting point is 00:15:53 How did you play with him when you turn his volume down to like 10%? He realized it and then changed the volume up. I gave him like 12% after that. He's crawling his way back. All right. Yeah, I need to know he's talking. Yeah, it's a really fun game. I really wish we had found the version that uses pictures
Starting point is 00:16:11 because I'd like to just see how that feels. I don't know how much different it would be. Is that just Pictionary? Well, no, it's still Codenames, but instead of words being written on the board for the cards, there's just a picture of something. So there's a lot of interpretation to be done, I would would imagine especially if the picture isn't just a cat with a flat background like if it were big ben like oh yeah so i'm actually still a little confused the
Starting point is 00:16:35 the code word giver does he also give pictures or are they words no you give it's the same exact rules as the word one except it's pictures and the pictures is not like it won't be an orange everything is at least two things layered so if there's a an orange it will also have like uh the the continents on it as though it's earth or if it's big bend the clock tower it will
Starting point is 00:16:58 be underwater and there will be like seahorses around it or it'll be a miniature big or a miniature one like there's multiple things in every picture to make sure that it's so hard it's harder to align like i've only played the picture because i have the physical games here at my house so when i have friends over we'll play uh the pic i think it's more just because i'm a much more word driven person like the picture one was harder to give clues for like much harder off the cuff because it's overwhelmed like with words you can
Starting point is 00:17:23 just kind of read through it and then you you don't memorize them all but you have a gist worth a thousand words yeah you look at the picture and you're like okay that's a backpack but it's got panda bear spots and school camping childhood you're just like oh my god i was talking about the algorithm that i envisioned to play the game how you've got like this word with branches coming off it like a molecule and each corresponding little uh thing connected to it can also branch off yeah but when you start doing pictures it's the whole page explodes and you end up with these crazy branches that are and with the picture one like with the word one it's much easier to not accidentally give a word that leads to your opponents but with the picture one you can say something and then right afterward be like, I didn't think about
Starting point is 00:18:07 that picture that way. Fuck. That one could go that direction if they take it that way. I found the wording on the two rule thing and I feel like your clue is supposed to be a single word but spymasters can agree on more flexible rules. For example,
Starting point is 00:18:23 you can agree on a two wordword place name like New York. Taylor, would you allow New York? Yeah, as long as there wasn't a word. It'd be tough because if there was like, there are ways to be sneaky with that. Taylor, have you ever allowed two words? Yeah, we've allowed two. For things like New York, Bill Gates, stuff I never but not empire state i see that yeah but empire state wouldn't be allowed uh like any any non-proper noun you cannot allow you cannot have multiple words
Starting point is 00:18:54 but we try to and if i and we have like a limit of it like so you united states of america like be real come on you're not getting four words. United States. What does he mean by those? Acronyms and numbers. We had to look this up in the rule book. You can't use any numbers, and you can't use acronyms, apparently.
Starting point is 00:19:17 Scuba would be disallowed. ATM. Yeah. I don't think I've ever tried to give those. Scuba is like... See, that's like a good example of like a little... Yeah, you try to use scuba on me. You try to use scuba after what happened last night. I'll fucking
Starting point is 00:19:33 rule this town. See, that's a good example of like some gray area. That's an excellent one. Scuba. Because it's like that is an acronym, but no one uses that as an acronym. I like ATM because that's two that is an acronym but no one uses that as an acronym like it's no one knows i like atm because that's two acronyms and yeah is it automated or automatic automated i don't know i think yeah but there's the teller machine i always thought automated
Starting point is 00:20:01 oh ask to map yes i didn't think ass to mouth. I used the number two for that, like boys to men. See, if you gave me that clue, I wouldn't have guessed ass to mouth. That's when I would need some absolute deviant on my team to go like ass to mouth. And I'm like, yes. I didn't understand what people were talking about when I first heard about ass to mouth. Because I was like, I already eat her asshole why would i care like like what like like like i'm i'm going to eat her asshole right like like right now like like i don't i don't it isn't gross to me the the
Starting point is 00:20:35 idea of it like i'm not trying to avoid asshole i'm all about it you know let's get all about it but i'm with you it should be on the menu absolutely but if someone were to say no i see where they're coming oh yeah you know if someone says no then you just turn the music up nice and loud and get the roofie forge ahead never let someone's resistance keep you from getting what you want i like the roofie myself that way i know i'm having a good time a roofie's so the reason you can buy roofies from drug dealers isn't just to you know the awful reason you would think but people take that drug as like a party drug they want to have a good time you just want to take it in those higher dose yeah if you take enough rohypnol you
Starting point is 00:21:16 go out just like you take enough ropotus and you see the static band right it has a proper use yeah I didn't know that like actually... I have no experience with... I'm roofied up right now. You just have... You're like Princess Bride, giving yourself little doses all the time so you can't be molested. I'm going to get raped.
Starting point is 00:21:36 I want to be present. Your first mistake was raping a Sicilian. Sicilian. I micro-dosed mushrooms yesterday. Have you ever been in a horrible mood, horrible to be around for no good reason? It's usually an interrupted nap,
Starting point is 00:21:54 like a blue-balled nap. A bad dream you don't remember? I have no excuse, no reason, whatever. And I wasn't taking it out on anyone or anything, but it was like i looked at my fish tank i'm like this fucking sucks this thing's brown this thing's brown this thing's the fuck did we buy these for i hate this and uh jackie's like did i do something and i'm like i'm
Starting point is 00:22:17 sorry i made you feel that way no you've been great this is all in me and uh everything seemed like a bit and i was like you know what i think i seemed like a big, and I was like, you know what? I think I'm going to micro dose. And she's like, I approve that plan. And, uh, it really turned everything around. It does.
Starting point is 00:22:32 How long did it take? Like after you, you took it to kick in. Yeah. Where you're like, Oh, I'm feeling a little better. Uh,
Starting point is 00:22:37 between 30 and 40 minutes. Wow. You felt not just physically better, but like you're just in a different place emotionally sort of. Exactly. Yeah. Yeah. The bad mood was fixed um it was a little bit tingly in my toes and uh some people microdose and just do their jobs and behave like normal people i took 0.2 if any of you guys know mushrooms that's what i took 0.2 grams yeah um which is considered a microdose like 0.1 to 0.2 i wouldn't drive i certainly
Starting point is 00:23:06 wouldn't ride a motorcycle or anything like that no responsibilities is where i should be on that dose no fast reactions yeah right but uh but it sure did pick my mood up it was like oh fixed now i'm easy to get along with happy to be around there's no like there was no come down for you right like with the dose that small like all day you were just feeling good never like a wear down like uh like five hours yeah okay yeah five hours i felt good and then it was dinner time and it was just wrapped up and there's no come down like you said it's just it's just all positive really yeah for me it seems like a healthy way to do it i'm in a bad mood a little bit of this now i'm treating everybody nicer like right you know i'm a better dog owner at this point better husband better father like this is better yeah your dogs love
Starting point is 00:23:49 it they're like oh man i love when dad takes those stinky little things that probably reeks to them i find that i uh my malamute's doing so much better since they put that antibiotic gumball in his ear or whatever he's got his staph infection in his ear, which had to be awful. So I think that's getting much better. So he's like a different dog. He's real happy and running around. I don't know. They're all having a good time.
Starting point is 00:24:17 The three of them are just assholes. They're in this weird little eclectic pack. They all have different ways of getting your food. One's sneaky and he's going to come in when everybody's gone. Like, oh, I acted like I didn't want anything, but I'm going to actually eat all your dinner rolls that came with your delivery meal, actually,
Starting point is 00:24:35 when no one's looking. Then the other one is just begging, looking at you the whole time. Then the other one's just right here next to me. Chop, chop, chop, chop. he slams his jaw shut does this chop chop thing is that toby no it's the old dog like he does that to people and they get scared when he ran up to that black lady in the street when he got loose it's his way it's he doesn't when he's excited and happy and he wants pets but it looks like a like wolves do
Starting point is 00:25:01 that in cartoons when they're about to kill they're like chop chop chop chop and he's doing that with his teeth bare and he's just smiling he's just oh does he do that thing like yeah i've seen that some dogs do like that like goofy little like snarl almost but they're like so excited they're like going like that we don't deserve dogs they're yeah they're great so much better than cats taylor are you getting dogs actually i'm trying to do my due diligence on it and and really make sure i want the dog first and every time i'm like i really think i kind of want the fucking dog i have the next step which is like you can't just get one dog like that was because you're gonna be outside of the house and you're gonna let it just hang out by itself and he or she i would get a female dog so it wouldn't pee around the house as much.
Starting point is 00:25:46 And that would be... I definitely want... And when they do, it's in one puddle. I'll say that. That's for sure. Like a boy dog might just spray a whole area. They can walk and pee. Toby pees himself when you yell at him.
Starting point is 00:26:01 I can't yell at him. Poor Toby. What a tactician he is fucking pisses himself he's way too smart to know that he could hold it he's he's a clever boy he's a little boy i think i'll probably end up getting the dog i've found i've still like i've got the list on my computer of like bookmarked of the the Bichons that I I think I want it's just like then when I think about the two dog thing it's like that's a genuine big responsibility and do you ever think about an older dog like a year or a year and a half
Starting point is 00:26:36 I looked and I just love the puppy phase so much it's so cute and fun and I feel like you get a well it's a dog it's like but you have a better relationship I feel like like when it's so cute and fun and i feel like you get a well it's a dog it's like but you have a better relationship i feel like like when it's from like puppy hood like they're really yours like i don't agree with that i've had i've had a lot of dogs in my lifetime and i haven't found any difference in the bond between like the two-year-olds and the eight-week-olds um but if you love the puppy phase well i guess that's what you should get i well i can appreciate that puppies like smell nice and they're they're cute and they're adorable they're like babies i would rather visit yours than have my own oh yeah everyone there's a lot of little a lot of conflicting i mean you remember
Starting point is 00:27:23 you're gonna be a different use case than me because but but i had to sleep downstairs with toby out of my bed for months i was out of my bed for months to keep because if i went upstairs and went to sleep in my bed then one of two then i was gonna come down to a shit show literally like toby was going to shit in the floor and the old dog he needs to get up in the middle of the night and he doesn't he didn't let you know yet he didn't he hadn't learned to let people know so he'd go to you've come downstairs there'd be piles of shit it's like no way we're not we're it's either no dogs or no shit it's one of the like there could be no shit in my house
Starting point is 00:27:58 so i slept upstairs on the fucking couch and the old dog lets you know when he's got to go to the bathroom when he's about to shit himself he's like hey take me outside right now you gotta get up and go he's gotta go just sleeping on your couch for single player games only months on the fucking couch months on the fucking couch it's only like now that we've i'm here we're good now now i'm in my bed again it's so nice. They let me know when they need to go out. Nope, haven't had an accident at this house. It's going well so far.
Starting point is 00:28:33 No accidents at all at that house. That's a good street. Well, while we were moving in, the old dog that died, shit right in the floor. She's like, I've been waiting too long. Just right in front of everybody. Just her last act. Yeah, just right in the middle of the floor.
Starting point is 00:28:47 That was great. But that was a cute little dog. It was sad. We had to let her go. Got a little ashes in a box. And they took like a paw print mold on some clay and everything. It was real pitiful. But I've been thinking about getting another one, too.
Starting point is 00:29:04 I keep looking at and I run the gamut. I'm looking at everything from brand new weird hybrid puppies to rescue old big dogs. I just like dogs. I don't know. I also thought about getting a weird...
Starting point is 00:29:19 They eat so much food that it's... I said you would get another big one, like not even... Yeah, like... The replacement would be a little dog. I've got like, and I'm sure Woody's way ahead of me on this, but I buy like five bags of dog food at a time. So that'd be like 200 pounds of dog food stored at my house.
Starting point is 00:29:40 And then I do this thing where I mix a can of wet food in. So there's also 96 cans of wet food stored you know in there at a time that you know every time i go to like costco or sam's club because i got a membership and it's i would need to buy more i would need to and it's literally storage space at some point it's like how much food do we have on hand for those motherfuckers how do you water a them? They need a tremendous amount. Oh, I have a great water bowl. I don't remember what it costs, but it plugs in,
Starting point is 00:30:09 and you've got a basin that holds maybe three gallons of water, and it's continuously doing like a water fountain thing, and the water flows back through a filter. So they've always got filtered water, because they're disgusting. They're drooling and shit. It filters all the sticks and nonsense when you clean the filter out it's like
Starting point is 00:30:28 oh, got your back buddy, don't worry I fucking took all this out of there for you it's just so gross and it lets you know when it's time to throw some more water in there so they never go thirsty not only does it glow red instead of blue but it
Starting point is 00:30:43 normally when it gets low it starts making this noise that does sound good it's not we just have um we just have a it's a bowl and it has like a thing on top and when you drink of the bowl it glugs glugs and refills yeah and you're i i was gonna like i'm like he probably knows about big bowls but i'll listen god damn i have a thing or two to learn that sounds great maybe but but your dogs are so goddamn big that for all i know they'd empty that thing my i refill mine uh twice a day that that's most all right let me take that back i put water in it twice a day i've got like this half gallon like jug that i fill with water for myself for the gym and stuff i got about enough patience to do one of those at a time
Starting point is 00:31:25 i don't stand there and do two but uh you know you got to fill it up every day basically okay but that's what my three dogs your dogs god knows what they drink they could be camels i think we fill it i don't know how often because jackie does it a lot too so probably twice a day something especially like in the summer like they come in and it seems like they drain it sometimes but i like that thing mostly because the water filter and yeah the light i like i like feeling like i'm doing the best job i can for them without going overboard i i was at the vet the other day with rocky and i was like look let's not spend 10 grand here let's not get into fucking five figures but let's make this let's make him happy all right i i was like i'm not gonna balk at a couple grand but let's let's not have to order
Starting point is 00:32:10 the special tiny squirrel tools from canada like george costanza did that time like we're not doing that i'm not he'll net he'll never be the same you'll have to hand feed him of course for the first six months it's like all right never mind all right well let's put him down and cry then because we're not doing all that by the pound 70 cents yeah yeah that's a good episode of seinfeld it is i i've like almost got like maybe two three months ago out of nowhere this like black and white cat started showing up all the time in my backyard and so like like climbing like just kind of either running around in my backyard or up on my fences because my yard's fenced in and like kind of prancing along the top of that yeah and i this was like probably six weeks ago or
Starting point is 00:32:57 something i like like i i had gotten to the point where i could walk up like to my window, looking out into my backyard and like make eye contact with him or her or whatever. And he got used to me enough that like he wouldn't like dart away after a while. Like he when he saw me like in my house at first, he was like, oh, I'm not supposed to be here and then would run away. And then he realized like, oh, this guy's not going to come out and charge me or anything like he's just kind of looking at me. And so I went and I got like I had like like slices of turkey or some shit at the time. And so I went in there and like did that thing. I grabbed like three slices of turkey and like went out my backyard. He started to run away, but stayed because he was curious.
Starting point is 00:33:38 And like I was winging turkey at him trying to to get to make a friend. And he he didn't eat my turkey he he just he ran away i think it was because i threw the first turkey disc like pretty accurately yeah and it was like it had a little gusto to it and so he he like wanted to get it there he thought i was trying to to hurt him i think instead of feed him turkey and so you know for like a week after that he didn't come by again. Now, I just saw him earlier today again. He's in my backyard. Hopefully, he's
Starting point is 00:34:09 killing something. Killing something bad out there. I'm not opposed to cats. It's just that I don't have that loving relationship with them. Yeah. I don't want to be friends with them. He puts his head on my pillow half the time when we sleep. He's right there. We're spooning with the goddamn dog.
Starting point is 00:34:27 But a cat, I'll give him little stretches and I don't mind him doing that little thing where they rub against your legs. That's cute. But I've never seen a cat that saw you and ran up to you and jumped up. I'd be okay with a cat. I don't mind the shape of a
Starting point is 00:34:42 cat. It's nothing about the animal that I don't like. They're cute enough're just assholes they're aloof and they yeah i i was watching a thing on youtube and they explained that the cat hadn't been domesticated that it sort of domesticated itself um i'm not exactly sure what that means i think what it means is that whereas wolves have our excuse me dogs have been, not from the gray wolves that we think of, but from a, a wolf ancestor that the gray wolves came from, like,
Starting point is 00:35:10 like the big daddy wolf that was even scarier than the gray wolves. We took that and made all these dogs. The same thing didn't happen with cats. Like we didn't take some tiger and like, Oh, let's make them little and cute. There were already, if you look on discovery channel,
Starting point is 00:35:23 there's like house cats that live in the wild and they're some of the most successful predators in the world. But somewhere along, I don't know, it seems like Egypt sometime 6,000 or 8,000 years ago, they were just like, I guess we'll hang around these people. They just sort of domesticated themselves and decided
Starting point is 00:35:40 to hang out with us, but they're still the same animal as the wild one. I like the idea that they saw how dogs were doing like dogs especially our dogs would suck in the wild they would starve my dog's not catching any food it would eat some grass until it died that's what my dogs have to bring to the table on the other hand like if you were to rank like the s tier like most successful animals on the planet dogs just by virtue of showing mankind some affection are right there at the top you know if if any animal that fucks with dogs fucks with us and that's a problem for that animal maybe cats i like this idea that they saw they're like you know what dog's got a thing going on here you know if i scratch a dog i get killed maybe i need
Starting point is 00:36:25 to make friends with the guys that do the killing yeah it's also like like i don't think we had to do much to cats to make them like they were the little house cats were useful as is it's like oh what do we need this dog to do well we need him to point at specific things okay well it's going to take a lot of breeding a lot of training and then eventually it's going to get to the point that a little puppy's born and he's instinctively pointing at things. And that's really cool to see. With the cat, it's like, alright,
Starting point is 00:36:52 we need it to kill rodents in our grain silos in ancient Egypt. Oh, it's already excellent at it. It's already, it's dominating the task at hand. Do we need to feed it? Do we need to water it? No, It's a competent predator. Just don't kill it. Just let it do its own
Starting point is 00:37:08 thing. I want to say there was a severe punishment in Antity for killing a cat. And it might have been death. I wouldn't be surprised. They had some cat gods. And I know that's a big reason cats were so useful back then was
Starting point is 00:37:23 protecting food supplies by killing shit tons of rodents, tons of them, because cats like if they see a rodent and they're not hungry, they'll kill it for fun. Yeah, they love it. They love that shit. You can take anyone's cat, you know, as long as it's like a young cat, not like a fucking old cat and release it into the wild. And it's going to do better than any dog any dog it's gonna do better i got to the walking dead episode where they're making this very long walk because their car's out of gas they're traveling from atlanta to dc and this pack of domestic domestic dogs that's now been feral for years like comes out of the woods. There's like a Doberman and a Lab and a Shepard
Starting point is 00:38:08 and they're all just like, and they look all gnarled up, but they still got collars. And immediately the black chick's like, and the next scene they're all eating dog. They're all eating dog. None of them look like they're happy about it, but they're all eating this. But it looks like really good ribs
Starting point is 00:38:23 to me, like pork ribs. And I'm just like, man man that's what dog looks like yeah i see what those koreans are after yeah yeah that's what korean barbecue is how much better like insulated could dogs be in our culture that like i would rather watch a japanese fisherman cave a dolphin skull in than like see a clip of like Koreans eating a dog or like Chinese people with a dog in a cage. It's like, oh, you fucking monsters. You know, there's similar intelligence, but I've never met a dolphin. I got a lot. I got dog friends. They got names and shit.
Starting point is 00:39:00 Who's the how many dolphins, you know, in names? Just the one. Just the one. And they're all from movies. Yeah. So fuck those guys um i've never been to sea world not and it wasn't because the cruelty it just didn't interest me i i did i went when i was a kid i think uh it was just one day when we were like at disney world we went and it was i just remember not having fun there because they didn't have roller coasters. SeaWorld. Yeah, SeaWorld.
Starting point is 00:39:28 They do, though. They have, not real ones, like not big ones. Because we, like, I thought it was going to be like. No, like they have shit like Log Flume. And then they have like maybe like one roller coaster that's. I think they do have a legit roller coaster. Like probably not, you know, uh flagship of six flags but it's a roller coaster that gets it done i swear it's a real roller coaster okay well it's a long way from portable yeah yeah ah that's important yeah you
Starting point is 00:40:00 don't want a portable one yeah i can't believe i ever went on like portable fair roller coasters as a kid like just looking at it it was so wrong with that shit i don't i disagree i think it's all in uh like the crew that assembled that stuff whenever you see those accidents so often they're in other countries i've never seen an american carnival go awry it's always like you're looking up at the spinning guys in the chairs and you hear Viva la Mexico! La la la la la! And then all of a sudden screams
Starting point is 00:40:31 and people are falling from the sky. I haven't seen that. I don't know that I've seen that in America either. However, I lived in Ocean City growing up and the roller coasters that we had on our boardwalk were in that class. They might have been portable even though they were there all the time and uh it seemed like every summer someone would get decapitated they'd lose like a wrist or something because some cable
Starting point is 00:40:57 wasn't where it was supposed to be and now it hangs down into like where people are zooming by or cable like whips and ghost ships somebody, if that reference makes sense. Got me. Of course he didn't work on Taylor. You want to get wire, decapitate, and scary? Ghost ship. You got me.
Starting point is 00:41:20 Anyway, yeah. That happened in Ocean City, New Jersey. It seemed like every summer. I mean, I do remember the stories of like... You watch the first 10 minutes of that movie and turn it off. You got the good part. What about the story of multiple people have had like their feet chopped off on the Superman ride?
Starting point is 00:41:36 I think that was, one was in Atlanta, one was in like Houston, right? How did that happen? Like the mechanism of injury? I understand that their feet are hanging out. That is that kind of coaster. Why was the path not clear? Because the path is typically clear.
Starting point is 00:41:50 The cord or a cable snapped and it cut off both of this girl's feet. And her feet like fell to the ground. And like, I guess we're destroyed because if your feet fall from that either, just shattered and messed up. You sure it was Superman? So I thought that was it was the one that like it goes like way up in the air and it was just like one of those dropping rides where that's acrophobia okay well that's called acrophobia if it's Georgia uh that's my favorite ride at six flags over Georgia I just moved I just moved but the place I lived at before I didn didn't want to say it on the show, one block from Six Flags. I went three times a week for the last year. Really?
Starting point is 00:42:29 It's been so fun. I mean, a block away. You can hear them scream from the backyard. I'm in the backyard with the dogs, and you hear, whee! It's like, that does sound fun. I'll be back in an hour. You're going to Six Flags three times a week because you're just so excited like oh man you
Starting point is 00:42:47 know what i want a lemonade you know you know what's the best lemonade six blocks i'm gonna i'm gonna skip on over to six Disney World yeah it was it was real cool and still it's not that far it's you know 40 minutes or something now actually at 30 anyway um acrophobia is the one that takes you up real high and then drops you i think it's 250 feet but i don't think the drop you make is 250 i think the structure is but you get as high as you've ever been and then you're just like fuck and they do that they dick you around and then they drop you and it feels you get those negative g's for a really long time the the butterfly stomachy feeling that roller coasters
Starting point is 00:43:25 give you for a second you're just like oh it's like that was fun that was worth it i'm gonna go again i i rode that ride with hope a couple years ago i forget when and uh i thought i was immune to it like i'm not scared of heights anymore because i fly the lawn chair all the time i was not immune to it at all i was just like everybody else they dick you around like kyle says and sometimes they drop you but it's like six inches and you're like oh okay they didn't do it it's a blast those slam into the ground um i have on the internet not on the internet on the internet not in the u.s again uh US. Not in the US, again. The classic one at Six Flags Over Georgia is, of course, the Batman. And on the Batman, you do hang.
Starting point is 00:44:11 Your feet are dangling. It's the lowest thing that's moving. And the guy went in for his hat. They collided. Dude lost his head. Lady or other guy ruined his leg. His leg exploded or some shit. All over a goddamn hat that he dropped
Starting point is 00:44:26 but i hope it was worth it but superman the ride which is really fun uh you get into it and then it's like now you're like superman you're like that's not his music whatever superman's music is and you're flying you know fist first through the air it's really cool do do do do do do that's it yep there you go and uh and uh i like that more i i found i find that to be really cool yeah i need forward movement in the ride like i don't want to just be dropped or spun i want to like feel how fast i'm moving forward that's the the fun of the roller if you go to six flags over georgia all the rides are great except for the um what do they even call it anymore? It's the Ninja.
Starting point is 00:45:07 The Ninja is just... Do they have a terrible ride called the Ninja at every Six Flags? Yeah. It's real bad. I hate the Ninja. Your head does this, like bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, and now you've got a crick in your neck all day.
Starting point is 00:45:19 Is it a roller coaster? Yeah, it's a roller coaster. It was the first roller coaster that I got on that was a legit one, because I i got on that was like a legit one because like i'd gone on like the screaming eagle and the mine cart and like those old ones like when i was really young and then the ninja was the first like real roller coaster that i became tall enough that like i could get on when i was like 10 or whatever and but because of the height you're at then the shoulders are not here on your shoulders your head is between the shoulder
Starting point is 00:45:46 rests and it's made of like hard plastic and you're just the whole time you've got to remember afterward being like god this is what roller coasters are i i thought it was going to be so fun and then it wasn't if you ride it you gotta take one of your hands and sort of answer the phone and uh and you'll be okay. You know, you can, you can, you can put your hand in there and there's a place to put your finger.
Starting point is 00:46:08 You're like, Oh, this is how I should have been the whole time. Now I'm like, now I can ride the ride and not be injured. I enjoy fucking me up. I enjoy the whole rollercoaster, but I get a special kick out of a start.
Starting point is 00:46:20 And by the way, I like both starts. If the rollerco coaster slowly creaks up for like two minutes on a chain i'm here for it that is anticipation that is storytelling on the other hand if the roller coaster has fucking rockets on it and we launch our way up the hill i'm here for that too i like it oh yeah the top thrill dragster at cedar point which is like the fastest roller coaster where they fire you it's the same exact thing they have it like the the giant roller coaster adventure in california and like a couple other ones but it's the same roller coaster different
Starting point is 00:46:56 names yeah it just fires you out and you go straight up and then back and you go like 120 miles an hour like it's faster than you've ever accelerated in anything even in a like in i'd never been in a car that could accelerate that quickly like you're just and i remember being in the line the line was like 90 minutes long and it's for a ride that's 30 seconds and like every other or every third train that would come back because you know when you're in line you can see the returning people there would be people like actively crying like this like there'd be at least like one person like just it was way too much for him and as a kid i just remember being like god this is this is gonna rock this is gonna be intense but i can't cry like all these fat women like
Starting point is 00:47:39 the first time i wrote goliath i I was genuinely scared at Six Flags. You're sitting in a car or a cart or whatever, but it's kind of a naked car. There's nothing in front of you, so your legs are just there. It's like your knees first. I do whatever it takes to get in the front of the roller coaster because I care. I've got the fast pass and everything, so I'll wait in line as long as it takes. I want to be get in the front of the roller coaster because i care and i've got you know i've got the fast pass and everything so i'll wait in line as long as it takes i want to be right in the front and you've just got a lap bar and you start going up and you just keep going up and when you're at the top you're just god damn it and it's click click click click it's
Starting point is 00:48:22 like fuck i wish we i kind of want to get off now you took too long to get here i'm i'm changing my mind and then you're gone it's uh it's real tall and real fast um i can't remember the one that i that i usually black out on what it's called it's uh it has this backwards sort of like loop where you're kind of falling backwards into an upside down loop and it always makes me black out i call that the mr freeze at the st louis six flags because it's the oh i remember like not fully understanding that like every six flags and every theme park has like the same plug and play roller coasters and being like oh they call that one the spider-man but here it's the mr free and it's like they just pick just random, random fun stuff.
Starting point is 00:49:07 The Mr. Freeze was the best fucking ride to go on because the whole, you know, the theme of the entire line was like freeze and frozen. And so like you're you could cool down effectively on any hot day just by getting in line for the Mr. Freeze. Because the whole line is like inside and these like dark you know mr freeze tunnels and it's like doing that you know like the the cold mist that like shoots out on yeah it's like yeah like misting you the whole time and so that was a that was a great recovery ride as well and it helped because there a lot of people are too afraid to go on roller coasters where you go backwards and so whereas the batman with just everybody's lining up for the batman that's the problem i always yeah it's hard to like like most of my girlfriends have ever been have either been afraid of them or it's always like oh but i injured my back in a car
Starting point is 00:49:56 accident no i can't so now you're afraid of them and so so i i don't mind i'll get in there alone this isn't like eating dinner i don't like doing that alone in a restaurant i'll get right on that roller coaster by myself squeeze in here dude we're about to go for a ride 100% I will make the people the person with me wait I'll fuck with people I'll go again I've had the girl get out
Starting point is 00:50:16 would you rather have lunch by yourself or with somebody I don't know it's close really infinitely like if I'm going in a restaurant if we're going in like let's just say we're going into like a fucking a restaurant that to have dinner um i'd much rather be with a person i it's the lack of compromise that i like right so imagine this you go to a restaurant by yourself how long would you take mary like to take to order
Starting point is 00:50:41 exactly as fucking long as you feel like it there's no consensus building there's no where would you like to go we're not agreeing on shit when I'm solo I go where I want to go if there's a restaurant that's 20 minutes farther and it's one percent better but I feel like it that's the answer how hey when you're finished eating you know like and you're ready to leave are you ready this instant right fucking now i'm done therefore i walk out the door assuming i paid um you know like i kind of like the no compromise i can read i take my phone and i lean it up against my water and i just like read the news or whatever and entertain myself um sometimes that's what i feel like doing eating by yourself it has its pros
Starting point is 00:51:27 and some people are self-conscious of what other people in the restaurant think of them but i it's not that i'm immune to what other people think of me but in this category i am let him judge me i'm dressed as a veteran fake leg and everything you got the pants like rolled up the last time i went to it's been like many years now i think since i've gone to like a real dinner place by myself but my best memory of it was going to one it was like a sushi bar kind of place where like you go and like the sushi man obviously is behind the bar and he's like doing all the fish and everything and it was fun just being like you know what i'm gonna have two more fatty tuna nigiri like give me a couple more and just like continuing to eat like at the rate that i wanted you know what i want another appetizer i'm gonna and like just kind of reading doing what i wanted it was
Starting point is 00:52:18 nice it sounds more like eating without your parents well i guess it well it was nice y'all have women y'all have issues with your dinner companions that i'm not comfortable that i'm not familiar with you're like you don't understand how you can just leave what was she gonna do keep me there i mean i don't know i gotta agree to leave the same time but once i'm done eating we're done eating sometimes when i eat i don't go to restaurants very often, but I go when I do these motorcycle trips, a lot of times we'll do restaurant midday. It's nice to
Starting point is 00:52:52 choose the restaurant instead of consensus build around one. It's nice to start and stop exactly when I feel like it. If I want to slow foot it and spend more time in the restaurant, which of course costs time on the bike, then that's a choice I made all by myself.
Starting point is 00:53:07 No one else matters. I bet that sushi memory I have was nine years ago. I'm going to go get sushi by myself soon. I'm selling it. I never asked for consensus with dinner because I don't think women want that at all. I usually say, how would you like me to take you to dinner or to this place?
Starting point is 00:53:28 And then sort of like, oh, I'd rather go there. Oh, well, you should go sometime. I hear it's good. But I'd love to take you to Red Lobster sometime. You'll only know when you come around. I like naming them. I'm here for it. As far as picking a place for a date or to go get dinner
Starting point is 00:53:44 with a woman, yes, 100%. Don't open asking where they want As far as picking a place for a date or to go get dinner with a woman, yes, 100%. Don't open asking where they want to go. Pick a place. I mean, with men. Anybody. Friends, whatever. It's like, we were going to have a good day, but not now.
Starting point is 00:53:54 Chili's is a motherfucker. All your other friends are just like, I'll see you some other time. You're at TGI Fridays out of spite. I won't go to Chili's. I don't go to Chili's. I won't do it. You don't like Chili's? Chili's does suck does i have no preference i'm just chilling the chili's chili's has that melted
Starting point is 00:54:09 skillet of cheese and they've also they do this thing with their nachos where they just make you a nacho chip like they take the chip and then they put the perfect amount of everything on it really load each chip up and then they just put a bunch of those chips on a plate and it's like thank you for once giving me real nachos that i want and not some big pile of goo that makes my hands dirty that's true i never have the confidence to order nachos anywhere i go because it is such a dog shit distribution of good to bad food like all the illusion of the amount of food you're getting with nachos is hilarious. You have just the crisp on the top. Those are all the good nachos. Just soggy
Starting point is 00:54:48 moisture-laden chips hang out in the middle where they're not crispy anymore because steam's been there. We've probably all seen this on the internet. When you get more nachos for a bigger table, they stack them taller, which is bullshit. It's not better. You need a bigger plate because the tops are the only good part.
Starting point is 00:55:04 I want a fucking ridiculous pizza dish full of nachos if i if i make sense yeah yeah it's like burgers should be wider i'm a bold order at chili's they have a thing called i think endless tostitos endless nachos whatever it is bottomless i think they call it i take bottomless seriously like if i'm at a table of six i I'm like, all right, the bottomless nachos. We're going to need three plates and six salsas for that. You're pushing back on you and you're
Starting point is 00:55:36 like, I'm sorry, is there a bottom here? Did we find the bottom, boys? I thought there was... Are you a bottom, bitch? I love the idea of woody going to to like brunch and you order like bottomless mimosas like you don't even want it and you're like i'm getting drunk they're bottomless i've got every single time yeah because you feel like champagne is this expensive thing meanwhile they've got the biggest cheapest bottle they can muster back there i'm sure but i But I'm like, I'm going to drink
Starting point is 00:56:06 my fucking money's worth. You're going to see. $11 endless mimosas. Fuck you. Give me eight more. That is a fun brunch. Endless mimosas. I haven't done that in a long time. You ruined the day with that. Oh, you have to have no plans. We had plans. We were going to go
Starting point is 00:56:21 thrift shopping and go to the antique store. There was no plans. According to me, it's essential for any drug. I don't care if it's pot, shrooms, alcohol, whatever. You need to have your plate cleared. No responsibilities. I didn't know they had bottomless mimosas.
Starting point is 00:56:38 They're delicious. It's like bubbly orange juice after the third one. I've had a mimosa. I can't like alcohol i can't think of an alcoholic drink that i really enjoy the thing about alcohol and then again that alcohol drinkers don't want to admit is that they got you need alcohol to to get rid of the flavor of alcohol to drink alcohol it's that second or third drink that starts being really good it's like oh yeah that is good huh
Starting point is 00:57:07 you think that's better the night went on for some reason okay it might be because i'm drunk like you got prettier i'm in a great mood all these stories are hilarious like i didn't know i all my friends were such comics like yeah that is fun alcohol for me has a the come down the rebound it just sucks i yeah it is compared to weed it's just so shitty of a come down that it's like what why why why not just smoke the weed and wake up the next morning feeling good feeling you ever watch those uh youtube channels where with the uh i don't they're not sommeliers whatever like whiskey experts are, they sit around and
Starting point is 00:57:45 twirl the alcohol and sniff it and talk about the notes of it. Sometimes they'll do reviews of products like Conor McGregor's whiskey. They'll get it out and they'll talk about why it's trash. They actually didn't shit on his
Starting point is 00:58:02 that bad, but Brendan Schaub's. I remember watching them just shit all over Brendan Schaub's especially, um, they actually didn't shit on his that bad, but, uh, Brendan shops. Uh, I remember watching them just shit all over Brendan shops whiskey, because I guess what he wanted was a Japanese whiskey and that's all he cared about, but he has no idea what he's selling. So there's Steve-O is like, so what's,
Starting point is 00:58:18 what's it made of? And he's like, what do you mean? Like, he doesn't know that whiskey is made out of different things. And I guess this whiskey is like the 70 70 30 blend of one kind of whiskey and then the japanese whiskey that's been in these special barrels but then you get a guy who knows what he's doing he's going like this spent very little time and the nokotoma barrels i'm gonna let you know that right now
Starting point is 00:58:39 maybe no time i don't even know i think he just he wanted to say he had a mix this with everclear you have to taste these are nagasaki barrels is that what you meant to do that it does explain the clue uh now cotton candy was a bad pick oh i wanted to be fun yeah no i've i've definitely like been sitting like around with people drinking whiskey or scotch or something like that and doing the thing where they take a sip and say something good about it and now i feel like i need to confirm it almost because it's like a taste thing where it's like i really don't care for this and i don't taste any notes other than maybe it's kind of smoky and strong. Yeah. Last time I was with some people, they got out some Macallan.
Starting point is 00:59:31 I don't know how old it was. It was older than 12. I was just like, that's wasted on me. I'm going to be honest. I'm going to drink it and either lie to you or tell you it tastes like shit. Because it does. I don't care how many years you fucking age that Macallan, like 18 or 25,
Starting point is 00:59:48 it's still going to taste like shit. And you pay like 50 to a hundred dollars a shot for that. I don't, I might be embarrassing myself. This might not even be like that fancy of a whiskey or whatever, but the one I've had that was, uh, it's called Johnny Walker blue,
Starting point is 01:00:02 which is like, yeah. And I had that. And that was the only like hard liquorny walker blue which is like whiskey yeah and i had that and that was the only like hard liquor i've ever drank where like after i drank a little bit of it i'm like that's unreal like i can't believe how little this does taste like alcohol because the bottle like it has the same amount of alcohol as like a normal like jim beam thing and so i was surprised by that but it wasn't like, delicious, the notes. The surprising part was like, where's that
Starting point is 01:00:28 bite? Where's the really annoying part at the end? It's $200 a bottle. How much is regular whiskey? Way less than that. $50. $40. If we're talking about a 750 ml bottle, I guess.
Starting point is 01:00:44 Okay. Or cheaper than that. How much is proper 12 i suppose i should look it up jack daniels proper 12 that's not very expensive i don't think i know i've tried proper 12 i think it was like 20 bucks or something 25 okay so i thought proper 12 was marketed to be a challenger to top-end, high-end whiskeys, but maybe not. I guess it's a big shelf. Obviously, it depends on what size bottle we're talking about. Tito's Vodka is one of the cheaper vodkas. And in my opinion, it's the best.
Starting point is 01:01:17 I drank... One of the wrappers has a vodka. Maybe like... Ciroc. Yes. So Ciroc is made... Is that P. Diddy's Vodka? Probably. I know So Ciroc is made... Is that P. Diddy's vodka? Probably.
Starting point is 01:01:27 I know that Ciroc is a wrapper vodka. So you can make vodka out of a whole bunch of different stuff. It's Diddy's. Diddy did it. And it's made of grapes. They ferment grapes to make this vodka. It's disgusting. It's disgusting.
Starting point is 01:01:43 I bought a bottle of Ciroac in between bottles of tito's one time and this is when i was drinking a lot and it was like oh do i even get through the bottle do i just quit on the bottle and go get a go to bottles it was it was not smooth it had a weird flavor like i could tell that it was grape and not corn i didn't know you could make vodka out of grapes i think you make it out of anything huh well the more you know and vodka like of all the hard alcohols who's like when you're drinking vodka you're mixing it with shit no one is sitting there like a fucking well okay kyle you you drink it in a way that i've never heard people like you'll just glug it down like that. But most people are like,
Starting point is 01:02:26 you have to mix the vodka with something because it just... I drink my alcohol. I drink my alcohol like I inject my testosterone. I don't sit there, give myself a little bit every few minutes. I never miss a day. I never miss a day.
Starting point is 01:02:44 It gets to be like 8 p.m. and he's like, I'm sober. I need to hit my macros. His body stopped making his own alcohol. Yeah. Tito's is tremendous. And Tito's is like $40. I think it's $38 for the big bottle, for a handle.
Starting point is 01:03:04 I think a handle is one and a half liters. I think it's like $, for a handle. I think a handle is one and a half liters. I think it's like $38 for a handle. And that'll last you a little while, even if you're drinking hard. That will. That is a good amount of liquor. You couldn't drink through that in a day, or you would die.
Starting point is 01:03:20 Some people could. I dropped a handle at my feet at the last house not the last house one before that it shattered at my feet and it was the most upsetting mess to clean up that i can remember it was just big chunks of sharp glass like porcelain chunks because it was a whole handle and then you know all the alcohol was gone i was making everyone a drink everyone was everyone wanted to drink i was excited yeah we you know somebody had a slushy machine they had brought so we were going to make these little mixed drinks and it was as far as the liquid goes though vodka is probably like the best thing to
Starting point is 01:03:54 have to clean up it's going to mostly evaporate on its own right i was thinking that when i was cleaning it and i figured if i cut myself i want to get infected this is a pretty pretty good mess to clean that is and it's going to sting but it's not going to get infected i'd rather it's staying to get infected i'm i'm always afraid it's i've never had a cut get infected in any way that i just heal um that's probably because i wash it and i'm gonna live in the first world but every now and then i'll see a ufc fighter get i can't remember who it was somebody like almost lost their foot a while back. I think their staff got out of hand and it went crazy.
Starting point is 01:04:27 Staff is scary like that. That's a real infection. It'll go from looking like a pimple to you might lose your leg. It's scary. You need some penicillin. Oh shit, that's a wrap. All right.
Starting point is 01:04:39 We got to go do our hangout with our wonderful, intelligent, good-looking patrons. Codename pros. Codename pros. PKN 471.

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