Painkiller Already - PKN #49

Episode Date: July 30, 2015

This week's PKN, go in depth about the current candidates running for the presidential nominee.... Democrats craziness and Republican craziness and some Trump craziness on it's own level....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Alright, welcome to Painkiller nearly episode 49. So dude, your camera. It's me, it's me. I have a bad effect on it. We were just talking about Trump. God, I freaking love Trump. It's not that I love his policies, that's not it. I think he's got to suck. Most of them are quite bad. Irresponsible at best. Some of them are good because, I mean, it's just like, yeah, you went with, it's's a or b and you went with b i guess we can all agree that b is moderately okay but when it's
Starting point is 00:00:29 like it when it comes down to like he's anti-vaccination there's one that i'm really one-sided on see i'm not i i'm i okay so here's the thing everyone who like hears about an anti-vaxxer thinks they're loons, that they're crazy. And I come at it from a different position. It's not that I think you shouldn't vaccinate kids. I think you should. It's about whether or not the government should mandate how you raise your children. And they're like, all right, your kids need these medicines.
Starting point is 00:01:02 And at some point, we're all part of a society. I get that. I get that. At some point, I'm going to take my unvaccinated kids and put your kids in danger in public school. I could definitely see a role where maybe the school requires a vaccination, right? Not necessarily the birthing hospital or something. But like, hey, if you want to go to school here, then you got to be vaccinated, period. I think that's the current way of things.
Starting point is 00:01:28 It was when I was little. I don't know. I know that now they're passing laws so that if you want to attend certain public schools, you have to be vaccinated. That's a thing that's happening now. I can kind of get on board with that. But if you want to just exist on this earth earth and raise your and homeschool your kids and little house on the prairie this whole thing and and you know do your 1800s existence that should be your right to me like there should be a possibility of having kind of a small government
Starting point is 00:01:59 buy your land do your thing raise your kids have your cattle like it i don't know i don't think anyone's going against that i i think i think you're i could be wrong then but because i thought see the school entrance thing i can get on board with but the whole like every human must have no one's saying that really i i need to check it yeah so i think it's i think it's the other way around i think only now are our places starting to take a stand and say, no, if you want to attend a California public school, you have to be vaccinated. And certain vaccinations, I think, like, when the small, were you vaccinated for smallpox? I'm not sure, actually.
Starting point is 00:02:39 Do you have a scar here on your arm? No, I don't. And you weren't vaccinated for smallpox. So my mom and my,pox so my mom and my no my mom and my dad were it was a different age group like there was they stopped doing it at some point uh like i don't think they just do it anymore but i know my mom and my dad were vaccinated for smallpox i i actually thought that you no longer get that scar not smallpox polio that's what it was polio yeah that one goes back even further do you have your polio
Starting point is 00:03:06 vaccination like i i i would want my kids to have have those things i feel like now if they're vaccinating for some some random bullshit that that you just don't think it's going to be come into play like i don't think they need their yellow fever vaccination uh they're not going anywhere where that's gonna come into play i could see that but some of that basic shit that we cured and we want to keep cured i i could see that uh even at birth i feel like certain vaccinations should be done i mean you don't skip your shots on your puppies you get them done i i shucks i can't find it quickly enough but i thought that the reason people don't have that scar anymore isn't that they're not vaccinated, it's that there's a better vaccine. Well, it used to, if I remember correctly,
Starting point is 00:03:51 I hope this is the polio vaccine I'm thinking of, there were like multiple needles involved, and they were sort of scratching the skin or poking the skin. It was for smallpox. I found two websites that said that that thing is for smallpox. And they stopped giving that in the 70s because the disease was said to be eradicated. Awesome. I guess that's it. Maybe I'm wrong about them having a better vaccine.
Starting point is 00:04:19 Well, in any case, we cured smallpox with that vaccine. That's good. I would like to still have that though, just in case of any terrorism or good. I would like to still have that, though, just in case of any terrorism or anything. I would like to have all the vaccines I could possibly get. I want to be vaccinated for all that, for like West African stuff and South American diseases. I want to be safe. Ebola vaccine.
Starting point is 00:04:37 Yes, I would love that. I would love an Ebola vaccine. Do you remember the Ebola crisis? I remember laughing at it. No, you were on board with it. You even bet money. I had a bet that, yeah, well, it looked, you know, there was a tipping point there where, you know, there was a, you were giving me good odds. It made sense. Backtrack, backtrack, backtrack.
Starting point is 00:04:55 There was a chance that it could have went crazy, I guess. But it was very unlikely. I don't think anybody was, I wasn't taking it so seriously. I was bunkering down or anything. I thought. Well, I'll admit you weren't bunkering down. I think my numbers were pretty conservative. I didn't think that it would just be gone.
Starting point is 00:05:11 I thought it would spread to like 25 people, I think. Yeah, I think you said 25 people would get it. Or maybe it was even if it was one or two would die from it. Yeah, one or two. Those seem like conservative numbers to me because it seemed like there were like a handful of infected and they had traveled a bit before they caught them it just seemed like there should be some ebola boogers out there floating around getting on people and but it was someone had to catch it in the u.s and die that was like the thing so they
Starting point is 00:05:38 couldn't that just yeah i thought there were just more people out there in fact that we didn't know about that were i didn't think it was over yet, but it was. I thought, and it turns out I was right on this one, that it was just like all the other ones. All the bird flu, all the SARS, Ebola, swine flu, I guess. I didn't really follow that one. But it seems like every so often there's a disease that's going to eradicate humankind and it never does i never even meet anyone who has i don't we should be hammering that i don't know if we should be thinking like this though because one day it will come and it'll be like because you always hear about those uh
Starting point is 00:06:14 like uh those flus that happened in like the early 1900s and in the 1800s and like it would wipe out like 20 fucking million people or something awful like that like what if one of those happens and we're not prepared for what if we don't take that seriously it will come if we're not good at solving it right like we're pretty good at fixing a lot of stuff so but yeah back to trump um he gave out lindsey graham's phone number that was great he's awesome so it was great so lindsey graham took a took a shot at him so um trump trump basically said about john mccain that something along the lines of like i don't think he's a hero uh i want to talk about the guys who didn't get captured those are the ones that are that we should be focusing on he basically was saying like hey this guy got shot down and
Starting point is 00:07:04 captured or whatever like what makes him the big hero? He's not a good soldier. A good soldier gets a few kills and comes back home. Yeah, yeah. He should have been over there, done his business and then made it back. They caught him. How does that make him a hero? That's sort of what he said. What he said was, I like my soldiers
Starting point is 00:07:20 who aren't captured. That's just me. It's my Trump impression. I'll work on it. Yeah, so he takes a little shot at John McCain. Pretty cheap shot, if you ask me. So then Lindsey Graham decides to jump in on this and he calls Trump like a numbskull or a jackass
Starting point is 00:07:35 or something like that. Like a childhood level insult, right? Like you'd see here on the playground when you're in third grade and you'd be like like that it still wouldn't faze you lindsey graham you brought a water pistol to a gunfight carry on donald trump a jackass like donald trump said something like look at this guy i remember just a couple years ago he was trying to get a job over at fox news he comes to me oh can i get a
Starting point is 00:08:02 reference can you could you just say my name and i'm'm like, what is this guy, a beggar? Look at him now. He's polling at 0%. Where am I polling? 17%. And he just tears Lindsey Graham apart. And I love it. That's the Donald Trump show.
Starting point is 00:08:19 He's not going to be president, but he is going to ruin this thing for the public. He's great. I love him. I don't really like what he's going to do or say i don't even know really what he's going to do but i love what he has to say i debates yes the debates dude like that's when it because because this is a guy who he's a reality tv show uh host like like he's he's an entertainer he's bringing show business into this you know what it takes to be in the debates you have to be top 10 on august 6th i think i think it could be 7th or something yeah right he's won top 10 his you know place he's first first place jeb bush is behind him uh yeah like it's like two weeks away and and he's in first he's not going anywhere he's in the debates it's going to be so entertaining oh it's great
Starting point is 00:09:07 because there are legitimate Republican candidates out there that are probably moderate I don't know which ones oh he's a fucking Bush though how can you just stomach that although a Clinton is just as unsavory if you ask me I hear you
Starting point is 00:09:23 in any case though we don't want to trump but we're gonna get it we're gonna get the debates for sure dude at this point i hate every candidate at some point i'm gonna backtrack and be like you know what now that i've given like fucking who's that ohio governor oh like paul is it paul ryan no like i their names are all so generic i've just got like a rolodex full of guy is like glitch or something um john k-a-s-i-c-h kazik no no that alone that alone is the issue yeah yeah he just announced he's running for president now he's he's polling he's there's like four people trying to get that 10th slot chris christie bobby jindal john kayox or casick christie should just stop wasting his time it's difficult to pronounce
Starting point is 00:10:17 yeah i think he's gonna do so well harry john casish and uh john john per Perry's a moron we've we've all seen that I know but oh Perry's you know what out of that group I don't know if I want Perry or do you have you seen Bobby Jindal speak uh yeah yeah I'm familiar with Bobby Jindal used to be the uh governor of Louisiana he's a brown and prior to his Indian guy prior to that he was was Kenneth DePage on 30 Rock. He's just fucking, like, he sounds and looks exactly like Kenneth DePage. And this is what I think we should be doing now. And it's so patronizing. It's like, you think I'm stupid.
Starting point is 00:11:02 Every time he talks, I hate him more. But now I'm abused. Now it's showtime, right? Now we're ready. And the Democrats are always like, I don't know. It just seems like there's a couple serious people over there trying to do their thing. Love them or hate them. They're that side.
Starting point is 00:11:19 The Republicans, oh my god. There's like the pizza guy. One of the biggest problems is this. The Democrats say things that I disagree with. The Republicans say things that I don't believe. The Republicans say things that don't exist. It's like one side is saying
Starting point is 00:11:36 I think you're making too much money. I think we need to take a little bit more of your money and we need to redistribute it maybe a little bit to these other people and then maybe trickle down and no bullshit everybody needs a leg up and i'm just like i don't really want you to take any more of my money let's find another way maybe if we could just be more efficient let's run let's let's look at some of these uh government jobs let's do let's let's look at another area don't take my money but then the republicans will be like space wizards
Starting point is 00:12:01 we gotta look it's just like whoa whoa yeah yeah like hang on a minute no i could come up with a like a genuine example on the republic but like even the real stuff like they'll say that homosexuals are weakening our weakening our military or they'll say that like uh i don't know or can you jiggle your mic it's it's clicking every so often i was hoping we'll get a better connection yeah let's see what we what we get there. We'll listen and learn. All right. So, but yeah, the Republicans, you know, like Trump is saying he's going to take out ISIS. Now, this is tricky, right?
Starting point is 00:12:41 Since the 80s, since Reagan gave arms to the Taliban to fight against the USSR, it's always backfired. Every time we make these people angry or make them powerful, you've got a loose cannon out there that's going to do something terrible. And 9-11 happened. Literally. We gave Osama bin Laden techniques and weapons, and he attacked New York City and Washington, D.C. And I guess a field in Pennsylvania. Now, Trump goes in there and says,
Starting point is 00:13:05 ha ha, should be easy for me. I'll go in there. I'll beat him. We'll take him out. What's the big deal? We can't take out ISIS? Patton would be rolling in his grave right now if we said we couldn't take out ISIS.
Starting point is 00:13:16 And it sounds so reasonable, and it's something you can get behind when you hear it, but there's a lot of crazy in there. And he's not thoughtful. He's not nuanced none of them. I like that though I feel like he's almost talking off the top of his head sometimes I feel like like those remarks I feel like he's just going yeah, yeah, fuck them. Yeah, let's blow him up right I get lots of that stuff Let's blow some stuff. We'll blow him up. I definitely support the giving out of personal phone numbers that I did Let's blow some stuff.
Starting point is 00:13:41 Well, blow them up. I definitely support the giving out of personal phone numbers. That I did. That's happened to me a bunch of times. He held up a – he had it written on a card. Like he was prepared. He knew they might bleep him if he said it. So he's just like – Do you remember that asshole that tried to like prank us
Starting point is 00:13:59 when we were doing a road to Black Ops or something like that? Dude, yes. Yeah, and basically like he's like,. Yeah. Yeah. And, uh, yeah, basically like, he's like, I've got one and none of us believed it from the start. And he was just like,
Starting point is 00:14:10 really, can you prove it? What do you have? you know, like how can you show me this? Like, you know, before we,
Starting point is 00:14:16 we just keep asking for proof the whole time until eventually he's like, you got trolled. So we gave out his phone number and it got over 9,000 retweets. That's still my most retweeted thing ever and uh i enjoy doing that like not so much to individuals but i have i used to tweet out restaurant and bar phone numbers all the time just to watch the chaos that would ensue like like if there was a waitress who was who was or something, like I'd tweet and tell everybody to ask for Carol. And all of a sudden the fucking phone is ringing off the hook and everybody wants to talk to Carol. And doing that at restaurants is always funny.
Starting point is 00:14:54 That's awesome. Doing it at bars is even better. We did it one night. That's how that whole thing got started at that strip club that night. They thought that we were like, they didn't realize that we had told people to call in, so they thought that people had found out that I was going to be there and they were calling in because of that. So they were just like, this is crazy man, it wouldn't even like this when Kid Rock came.
Starting point is 00:15:17 So they just give us free drinks and shit. That's awesome. So I love, I'm big uh proponent of giving out numbers uh on social media i'm a big proponent of crazy republicans running for president and such a nut yeah such a fucking nut i can't wait for trump and chris christie and and kenneth the page all to have a debate that'll be great and then you get you get Rick Perry forgetting why they're there The people don't know like Rick Perry last time he ran for president four years ago Had this he wanted to eliminate a bunch of like major parts of the government
Starting point is 00:15:59 Yeah, I want to say it was for I know the EPA was one of them The Department of Homeland Security might have been able to energy department or something like Department or Department of Energy, something like that. Like some real thing. You're like, how are we going to function without an EPA? Anyway, he starts reiterating his plan. He's like, I'm going to get rid of the EPA, the Department of Energy. And then he gets stuck. And the people he's debating against are like, psst, psst, Homeland Security. It was so funny.
Starting point is 00:16:29 It was very embarrassing. It was great. like they're on a stage yeah there's a timer and like uh i was traveling at that moment so i was i was in like a hotel lobby but it was all over cnn and he said oopsie or oops or something or something like that it might have been it was just like god you fucked up rick because he was pretty strong up until that point and it's it was it's so crazy how how like just a little mistake like that can take the wind completely out of your sails so that one you're right it is just a mistake it's just a thing you know he forgot his ideas like i don't know people forget crazy things look at me i forget shit all the time but um the bigger one for me was uh howard dean you might have been young for this but howard
Starting point is 00:17:11 screaming yeah so so basically what happened with like the background to that is this he uh he wasn't like the incumbent he was kind of on the outside and everybody loved him. He wasn't a pro politician, he was a doctor. And he just started running and doing this grassroots thing and going all over Iowa and all over Vermont and getting support. And he kind of did what Bernie Sanders is doing now. He wasn't well-moneyed, he wasn't in front, but everyone liked his message so much
Starting point is 00:17:43 that he became this this guy and then in the first primary instead of winning it he did okay he got like second or third and as a way to pump up his people he's like yeah we might have got third but we're going on we're going to South Carolina we're going to Pennsylvania we're going to Iowa we're going it all the way to Washington, D.C. Yeah! And the crowd was all pumped up. It totally worked.
Starting point is 00:18:12 But on TV, it didn't work. On TV, the crowd, like, it was well-miked. So the crowd, you barely heard. All you heard is him going, Arr! And it... Yeah! And they made it sound worse than it did. Like, I love it. worse than it did.
Starting point is 00:18:26 I love it. I love it. He's like, we're going to North Dakota and South Dakota. And for a minute there, he can't think of another state. And Kansas and yeah! I thought it was very embarrassing. I thought it was pretty funny. But once again, I never understand how that takes them out.
Starting point is 00:18:45 How do people go, oh, no, he wouldn't be good to run the country like i don't understand how that always changes their minds even when her like i liked herman cain uh when he was uh running back in the day and then they there were all those sexual charges found out against him um but even then i was thinking well you know how does that affect his leadership skills? I mean, you know, maybe he did or did not hear that into this at 20 seconds. Tell me when you're queued up Alright, do I need to be at zero or 20 20? Alright, I'm it. I'm it. Okay. I'm queued up. Alright, so This is going to put and Texas and New York. And we're going to South Dakota and Oregon and Washington and Michigan. And then we're going to Washington, D.C. to take back the White House.
Starting point is 00:19:35 Yeah! And there it was. Yeah! And that ruined him. Like, it became like, suddenly he went from one of the top democratic candidates to be president to like dan quayle or something like a national punchline and and like you said like i don't quite see why it sunk him like it did but yeah i just sunk him it's weird how it's yeah i don't it should be more substantive i feel like trump
Starting point is 00:20:07 pulls one of those every fucking day like trump is a genius at not apologizing though i love it so we live in a society that is so like like concerned and aware of offending and being offended right that's like a huge thing. And I don't know, I just always feel like I'm on kind of high alert, like oh my god, you know, like it, but I've got a thing. I'll divert, I'll digress for a second. So I hired guys to throw away some of the trash next to my stable, right? And they come up and there are these two black guys and a dumpster. Like, they've got a truck that puts a dumpster off.
Starting point is 00:20:50 And these guys were, like, jacked. Like, they were just super strong. You could tell they made a living filling that dumpster. And it has done awesome things to their bodies. And I said something like, like holy shit you were built for picking up stuff and uh and i'm like looking at his biceps and they're like yeah yeah you know it's not big deal and then they grab like a log and throw it 18 feet into the dumpster and uh i mentioned that to my wife and she's like what you didn't say that and i was like i did like to me i
Starting point is 00:21:24 was like complimenting the guy and she's like you told a You didn't say that. And I was like, I did. Like, to me, I was, like, complimenting the guy. And she's like, you told a black guy he was built for picking things? And I'm like, no. No. Not like that. No. But, like, it ties. Remember, we went to the paintball trip.
Starting point is 00:21:37 Not the recent one, but before. And I said something in Spanish to my waiter. Like, you know, hola or whatever. And they all said I was racist for assuming that he spoke spanish he did no that's i i forget which side you were on actually chiz definitely said i was racist um but but yeah it was totally just like this like hola amigos ah you know no mas or whatever you know no more were we at a fucking mexican restaurant or no we were at the hotel downstairs yeah and um anyway so trump on the other hand offends the fuck out of people right he's you know he's always with this
Starting point is 00:22:19 like you know mexico's not sending over winners they're sending over rapists and murderers and things like that. Does he apologize? No. He doubles down. You know? He treats these people like they're Irish. When, what else? This Lindsey Graham thing?
Starting point is 00:22:38 Do not expect him to apologize to Lindsey Graham. No. That is not happening. He just goes through life like bullying his way forward and I don't know. It's definitely entertaining to watch. I like it. And I feel like as a guy who is also someone in the public eye, maybe something I should learn from. Nobody likes hearing apologies really. Certainly no one likes hearing, you know, complaining about haters or something. You think Donald Trump would ever complain about haters?
Starting point is 00:23:10 How they're hurting his feelings or getting him down? No. No, he wouldn't. And I don't know. I definitely like the show. I'm looking forward to it. Like I said, the debates will be good and even better than the debates will be what
Starting point is 00:23:27 Saturday Night Live does with the debates what all of our favorite comedians do with those debates scary? Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert both out of the game are they going to have any other capable replacements? I hope so
Starting point is 00:23:44 SNL always does a really good job Fox and Friends are they the new Jon Stewart? capable of replacements? I hope so. SNL always does a really good job. Fox and Friends? Are they the new Jon Stewart? Nah, I don't know about that. I just consider them jokes, that's all. Yeah, I'm looking forward to seeing it, though. It's going to be good.
Starting point is 00:23:59 He's just such a buffoon. I don't think he's taking it very seriously. I think he's just there to have a good time. It seems like that anyway, but who knows? see it's gonna be fun so i was telling you before the show started i bought a new tractor implement it's a land grader it's meant to like drag over your driveway and it sort of like pulls up all the rocks and we had like all this erosion damage if you have a gravel driveway you have to maintain it from time to time you know this but uh other like i wouldn't have known that before living here. So I bought a tool to do it.
Starting point is 00:24:30 And I dug up the water supply to the damn guest house, which sucks. It wasn't buried deep enough. It was buried like two inches, which also explains why it was freezing. It really should be six inches. I don't know what it should be. I know power's 36 inches. I thought water was 24, but I'm not sure. But it's definitely not true.
Starting point is 00:24:52 I've never... So I'm trying to think. I've put a water pipe in before, and it was like a big water pipe, though. I don't know, this big? Three inches? Maybe six inches. I don't know, it was big.
Starting point is 00:25:04 And I think we put it in like maybe two feet maybe two feet but i'm thinking i'm talking like the a pipe like that that's just carrying water from your main house to your guest house that could be it just needs to be so that you know lawn implements aren't going to get to it um i'm googling it and it appears that the code varies by where you are like if you're in minnesota for example they make it 36 inches other places they say 12 i thought i saw oh so it doesn't freeze yeah this one says 18 so that's gonna be a problem if you're digging those things up like maybe maybe it is gonna freeze it did freeze it froze almost every day all winter well shit yeah you gotta put a new uh new water line we're gonna i'm gonna repair the
Starting point is 00:25:50 water line and then i'm gonna have it buried deep i think it's deep enough just where it crosses the driveway is um it's it's like rocky there so they couldn't bury it very deep. And the guy who buried my Ethernet cable and Time Warner line, I have him in my phone. And he's like, I remember you. You're the YouTube guy. I'm like, yeah, come on out. I got a new thing.
Starting point is 00:26:15 Oh, there's another thing. The house talk is probably boring, but we have a telephone pole in our yard, which we don't love, but whatever, not everything is perfect. And they have to replace a telephone pole with another one they said you know like it gets so old after so many years at the bottom it starts rotting and uh i'm like you should bury it and i the hope is that
Starting point is 00:26:36 it was like 7500 that's the quote they gave me to bury it but it might be half that since they have to they're like they if they back out the cost of the pole and, you know, you're like, hey, yeah. Because they like them buried too. It's less maintenance. So instead of 7,500, it might go down to like 3,500 or something, four grand. It's like, God, that, it's worth it to me. Yeah, that'd be cool. Excited about that.
Starting point is 00:26:58 I'd like to get that thing out of my yard. Make sure you bury that nice and deep. You don't want to hit that. They'll have pros doing it. But, oh, actually, they said, like, you know, like a lot of the cost is in burying the line. If you can do that yourself, then save some money. Hey, two birds with one stone.
Starting point is 00:27:14 You're already going to have your trencher guy there probably for the waterline. I actually told him, like, let's get a quote, you know, while he's there. So he does good work. But anyway, this is not the topic I really wanted to cover. My wife thinks I have autism. There we go. She's, she's been looking at my social interactions, you know, like, like telling these black guys that they're built for picking stuff up. And, uh, there's some other ones she had. Uh, I mean, you're on the spectrum, I mean You're on the spectrum
Starting point is 00:27:44 Everybody's on the spectrum What else was there She thought I was autistic for some other reason Just like reading social interactions wrong And I'm like huh Is she right I don't know Perhaps the way you deal with servants
Starting point is 00:28:01 Servants Yeah wait staff I'm not bad with wait staff I'm the nicest guy Perhaps the way you deal with servants. Servants? Yeah, waitstaff. I'm not bad with waitstaff. I'm the nicest guy. You're bad with waitstaff. You are so much worse than me. I'll call them out on their bullshit. That's all.
Starting point is 00:28:18 Right, so when you do it, it's justified. I tipped the IHOP person who was awful. And I was like, you know what? I lowered that tip to 10 because that was terrible service and you're like fuck them i'd have given her zero or maybe a penny just so she knew it wasn't an accident now the penny is serious the penny you get like if you really have been like if you're going to the negative but if you're just flat lining as a regular server you don't get a tip. Like, there's no tip. Especially if, like, I don't know, like, it was, I felt like I didn't get enough refills.
Starting point is 00:28:47 And I'm bad to staff? When I get my hair cut, they're all hoping to get me. I don't know. I've heard you be a bit, I think I would say you were gruff with them sometimes. I'm warming up to them. I'm a little more sociable now. You're warming, at 42, you're warming up to them? I'm a little more sociable now. You're warming up to them at 42? The big point is I fucking tip. That's why they want me.
Starting point is 00:29:11 They're like, alright, so this guy doesn't want to talk much, but he tips like a motherfucker. I can accept that. I do not accept that I am mean to wait staff. I am sometimes misinterpreted because i don't have a easy time saying things loudly and nicely like if i were to say that is so true like hey can we have bread it comes out like bitch get the bread sometimes you just say stuff sometimes you say you say mean stuff to the wait staff that's not true the other the uh remember the pizza restaurant what did you say the guy was like
Starting point is 00:29:52 everything going all right you're like yeah it's going great don't we usually have uh we usually have some drinks and appetizers by now i think like no fucking service here. The last port you had on your own. No, you said it. You dropped an F bomb. I don't remember it like that. And he's like the manager. So he like goes over to the bar and he's like,
Starting point is 00:30:15 what the fuck's going on over here? Like, why aren't they getting their drinks? And this guy's like 19. He can't open the thing to get our beers. And that's what the holdup was. That's true. But he also didn't have the appetizers and it was true he wasn't it was literally like 15 minutes in or
Starting point is 00:30:29 20 minutes in like like normally by 15 20 minutes you've got your food this place didn't even bring you a drink for 20 minutes it like they were slow with the drinks yeah yeah super slow so hey i'm harsh on wait staff myself i i just i just think that you're mean to them like i'll point out there i'll say something like no i i wanted this or that or this isn't what i wanted or or no i want to sit in a booth like i'll just be very direct and tell them when something's bad but i feel like sometimes you're just like you're kind of cruel to them that's not true that's not true i bet you can't name an example i probably can't see let's see so i feel like so here's the thing you do you make sure that you don't ever let an awkward
Starting point is 00:31:17 situation just lie you have to make sure that they know that they're the ones at fault so you'll you'll like you'll be like well what happened was this this and that so right and i feel like it like like you're just like admit defeat admit you fucked up and let's move along it's not just a wait staff thing too like uh like i i i just need like like okay if you screw up if I screw up I apologize I go straight to that like you're totally right you've probably heard me
Starting point is 00:31:53 say exactly that he's nodding for you guys on the audio portion yes yes you know like if I mess up I'll be like ah this is what happened this is how I made such a mistake, and that's that. But when someone just doesn't admit that they did a bad thing or that a thing went wrong, it's like, well, shit.
Starting point is 00:32:18 Now, if we can't agree, we need to settle this out. We need to hash it out. But you don't because it's like a waiter or something. It's just like, let's just pretend like we all made a big mistake and pretend like no one really knew what was going on, and then he can bring us our root beers with no ice, and then nobody has to feel weird. But you're just like, we ordered them with no ice.
Starting point is 00:32:38 You heard us clearly, didn't you, sir? These aren't real examples. No, no, of course not. I try to think i had an argument the cab driver um that took it that got us a bit lost that time he didn't follow instructions well he was supposed to follow another cab in boston he didn't do that i felt like you didn't make the attempt either right like like we didn't even tell him where to go we said follow him stick to that guy and i even made i like i reinforced it i'm like do not lose
Starting point is 00:33:05 that guy because we don't know where we're going and then he lost him and it wasn't hard to keep up with him you know he just like forgot the mission you know and and i wanted to be like where are you going like where are you going dude like like there is no like end point it was follow that guy like we don't even fucking know where we are we're not from boston and yeah you were you were harsh with him i remember that one well i'm trying to think what else i i don't like keep the list of these i just i just notice when they happen i think it's funny but you're right there is a thing about me where like when there's a screw-up like i am totally happy to admit like accept apologies right like you won't find anyone less judgmental and easier to, to accept human faults than me, but when it's like, what, no, I didn't do that,
Starting point is 00:33:52 no, no, wait, clearly you did, you know, you, you did that, and, you know, like, can we just all admit that it went wrong, and that's not, no, no, didn't do it do it fucking let's go through the evidence you know and i yeah i have a hard time just like letting it diffuse and be non-awkward so what are you going to do about your autism i guess what every autistic person does expect the world to work with me that uh should i should i seek professional help i don't know i'm not sure if you should own all those power tools quite frankly now uh oh it's dumb house talk but i've been i insulated my attic i might be i got too hot right so um here's the deal you might remember there was like a heat wave in late june or
Starting point is 00:34:45 something like that it was 100 degrees a couple days in a row i think this is the hottest five months and uh since we've been keeping track of yeah how hot months are it's like four out of the top five uh hottest months ever have been these last four it's been crazy in our little section of the globe and um during the last heat wave my second story air conditioner there's like four zones in here or something but the zone that i'm in right now didn't keep up with the heat like it we set the thermostat to 75 or 74 and it was 78 and it just couldn't get it there and i was like this is horseshit let's see what we can do so i like added some like insulation to some plumbing line that didn't do anything and then i look in the attic and it wasn't well done it just wasn't fluffy enough it needed more i did that and then i the
Starting point is 00:35:29 steps in particular were uninsulated so like it's made a giant difference huge and now like it like it's the hallway was never cool but it didn't really have to be because who cares about the hallway it all came in the rooms now the hallway is cool and it's nice, but when I was doing it, I worked too hard. I got too hot. I literally like, I just about collapsed and because I'm wearing long sleeves and pants in the heat because it's fiberglass and it makes me itchy. Are you there? You're perfectly still for me. Okay, you're moving. That's better. Sorry. You were like frozen. Anyway, I'm laying on the ground
Starting point is 00:36:10 sweating, vomiting and... You got too hot. It gets really hot in Attucks. It was probably 120 or more up there. Yeah. I forget. Today as I was working outside working outside didn't get that
Starting point is 00:36:27 hot i wasn't vomiting or anything but it was like i need water stat i have not wanted to go outside it is so baking hot here i feel i feel i feel like we're seeing some of those global warming uh uh effects starting to come into play in our lives it's it's just so goddamn hot outside i don't want to go since i got this house i haven't had the like great weather like it was um i guess the spring was great of course but this winter was so rainy it was the rainiest winter we've ever had and uh like i could hardly like drive on my property like even a tractor or something like that because it was leaving big ruts every time i moved my trailer it was leaving big ruts in the grass and stuff like that um and my neighbor was like it is never like this right this ground gets cooked like like an overcooked biscuit you know it's just hard like
Starting point is 00:37:14 a rock and uh it was rainy super rainy all winter and now all summer it's just mega boiling i think we're going into an el nino phase really yes that's what i read on reddit i know of el nino but i couldn't tell you exactly something about warm water in the in the pacific and some sort of a weather pattern that's that's going to be affecting us for uh a pretty pretty long-term period of time it's like i think it's gonna be really hot it's a jet stream thing right that makes it like dip extra and There's a La Nina as well right when the other hit hemisphere There is a La Nina, I thought it was the opposite not in a different place, but I'm not sure it could be
Starting point is 00:38:05 Look at this it's associated with the band of warm ocean water that develops in central, in east central equatorial. Equatorial. Equatorial. Thank you. Pacific. Including the Pacific coast of South America. So what does that mean to me? Well, this is not an easy read.
Starting point is 00:38:26 So we'll have warmer Pacific Ocean sea surface temperatures than normal and that will do a whole bunch of shit I don't know I don't want to be boring but it's hot it's gonna be hot it's gonna be hot and really hot surfers love El Nino they they get consistently great waves out of El Nino. So that's a thing.
Starting point is 00:38:49 Poor penguins. Huh. Yeah, they're screwed. Polar bears as well. Yeah. I don't know. The ones on the South Pole might be all right, right? They got some time.
Starting point is 00:39:01 I don't know. I don't even know if there's polar bears on both poles. Well, I meant the penguins. I know there's penguins down there. I watched this whole thing about Antarctica the other day. It was pretty cool about the people who live there year-round. I think there's only 500 people down there during the winter.
Starting point is 00:39:16 It seemed like there were long periods where it was completely nighttime and long periods where it was completely daytime. It was harsh down there, though. That was interesting. Hope wants to get, wants to open her own business. She wants to be one of those people
Starting point is 00:39:31 that makes things on Etsy. And so we tapped into Kitty for advice, which also means that we shouldn't have crossing product lines with Kitty. Like it'd be good not to compete with her and just use her as a mentor. So currently she's trying to make cleaning products like um dishwasher detergent and laundry detergent and it'll make like a safer more natural dishwashing and laundry so like the cubes
Starting point is 00:39:55 that you would throw into your washer or your dishwasher right yes and the packaging we haven't totally figured out like the cubes you're talking about, I don't know how to make packaging that kind of melts but doesn't melt in shipping. I don't know how to do that. I would think a foil wrapper. I like that. Maybe. Maybe.
Starting point is 00:40:15 I've seen them that come like that. Like some of the products come. I'm totally familiar with the ones that are like self-dissolving packaging sort of. But maybe a foil wrapper that you just kind of like pop out and throw in there i've seen that before with the dishwashing stuff for sure huh but yeah kitty mentioned that that's that's cool that she wants to do that i feel that's it's really cool that um that you can just kind of do your own thing and then start selling your uh your stuff there uh he was talking about it. I'm sorry to cut you off, but it is...
Starting point is 00:40:47 I thought it was amazing. I thought that everyone's becoming these little entrepreneurs. They're making businesses. There's like a... It feels like there's less barrier to starting an Etsy business than... It used to be, hey,
Starting point is 00:41:03 you want to start a business? The internet makes it equal. We're all equal on the internet, right? Go do your thing. But we're kind of not, right? It's hard to make an Amazon. You think about the prime and the suggestions and your history and all the stuff that's going on there, fulfillment centers. Even if you just wanted to make a regular website that sells things, well, I'm sure Squarespace makes it easy. But I feel like there's some skills involved in there outside of your normal, like what everyone can do. Totally. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:34 But Etsy seems to make it really easy. It's kind of plug and play. We need to talk to Etsy about sponsoring us. We're really kissing their ass here. Yeah. But what I think is interesting is Etsy and Uber and like, there's a handful of companies that provide an infrastructure for you to be an entrepreneur inside of right. Uber, you get to charge your rates. You can charge anything you want. I think that's how Uber works. I've never even taken an Uber, but, um, I know I haven't
Starting point is 00:42:00 either. The rates correspond with like supply and demand, right? So you might want to be an Uber driver and just do it on like busy holidays. Like, all right, New Year's Eve, I'm going to be an Uber driver because I got nothing to do. And people pay a hundred bucks a ride on New Year's Eve, Halloween, or I don't know, Super Bowl Sunday. Times when people might need an Uber and other people might not want to work. There's opportunities there. Uber provides an infrastructure for you to be a taxi, and it just happens. Etsy provides an infrastructure for you to sell your stuff,
Starting point is 00:42:32 and all you need is a logo and an idea, and you're in business. I think it's an exciting time that everyone can just do this, whereas fast forward to when I was a kid or something pre-internet, if you wanted to start selling something, like getting into retail was kind of a big deal. Like, you know, all right, VCRs and Betamaxes are going to be the future. I'm going to fire up my own retail front and rent videotapes and sell these machines. Like that's not an easy undertaking. Like you really need some
Starting point is 00:43:06 money saved up and you're rolling the dice on yourself etsy you can just give it a go and hillary was saying that this kind of like entrepreneur economy is both good and bad for people it's awesome how everyone has an opportunity and lots of innovation can happen and people can compete and that's good and it's exciting. But it's bad that the standard sort of... When you work for a big company, they're paternal. They provide your health insurance. Sometimes they provide you a place to live. Cisco, they would provide you with legal advice. They would provide you with, I don't know, dry cleaners were on campus, like they'd wash your car out there, not Cisco himself, but they'd arrange services and stuff.
Starting point is 00:43:51 There's a cafeteria on campus. That stuff all kind of vanishes in this newer economy. You're just on your own. No one's even paying, like handling your taxes for you. You're just on your own. So it's good and it's bad. You know, there's no one really holding your hand and guiding you towards that, you know, retirement age. But, uh, I don't know. I think the good is gooder than the bad is better. Yeah, it's cool. Um, we're, uh, it's cool. Uh, I was going to say we're working on something else for for for a different
Starting point is 00:44:27 etsy uh for some different etsy stuff uh i think i think they're making some jewelry jewelry with bullets or something but i don't want to use the cases because i think that's lame i think it's cooler when it's like bullets that have hit stuff ah finally we'll get some desk pops right you know like we'll fire some bullets and they'll do that like spread mushroom thing yeah i can the problem is i i need to i need to ask my lawyer about the the the ins and outs of that technically i'm in city limits right here where i'm sitting but i feel like if i'm indoors with a uh with a bullet trap like i should be able to shoot my gun. Not at city limits. I could shoot mine.
Starting point is 00:45:09 Yeah, but I don't want to do it. I don't want to commit a crime on the internet with a gun. Make sure that I do the right thing. I'd be happy to. You can make a bullet trap really easy. You just take a big trash can, like a 55-pound trash can and fill it up with rubber mulch. It's like shredded car tires. You can just buy 50 pound bags of it and use that to
Starting point is 00:45:29 make a bullet trap. I bet water would work if it was the right color. I don't know what the right caliber is. I know Mythbusters did a thing and going into it they expected like I did that like the bigger ones would go further. But I want to say nine millimeter traveled the farthest it had the right balance of like speed and size 50 cal fired i don't know if it was the least far but it was really down there it was like a foot or it wasn't deep at all right yeah they just they just sort of explode when they hit the water and it's such a big round and it's so like it pierces other stuff so well like walls and cars and things
Starting point is 00:46:07 i somehow thought like this thing designed for piercing will do great in water but it did not yeah yeah the problem with water is you know that the water leaks out but you can have a trash can full of that mulch and just shoot it over and over and over yeah i would totally destroy my kitchen at some point if if i had a big barrel of water here that I shot bullets into. At some point, you're screwed. We've done that a lot, and I've got ballistics gel blocks and stuff like that too. It's cool to see what bullets do because we'll sit around with a specific self-defense round or some funky weird thing that I've got and be like,
Starting point is 00:46:41 what do you think it's going to do? Well, I think it'll go through two feet. No, no, no. It's going through four feet, and then it's going through this. It's like, what do you think it's going to do? Well, I think it'll go through two feet. And you're like, no, no, no. It's going through four feet. And then it's going through this. And it's like, ah, no way. And then you get to go do it. So that's always fun. Do you remember you wanted to make a bulletproof vest out of Cosmo magazines?
Starting point is 00:46:56 I stand behind that. I saved your life on that one. I wasn't going to test it on myself. True. Yeah, you would have tested it out. But you would have discovered that that was a deadly idea. Yeah, Cosmos don't stop bullets, it turns out. They just felt so heavy, I thought that they would be able to stop some. I can see where you're coming from.
Starting point is 00:47:15 And then you were going to add some glue in between the pages, which isn't tested, but I still don't think it's going to make a bulletproof vest. Yeah, get some of those like some popsicle sticks and, you know, kind of a crisscross webbing. Exactly. Maybe if you put some macaroni outside the popsicle sticks. Definitely macaroni on the outside, the shells. Yeah, yeah. What could go wrong? But yeah, and you're like, yeah, it'll work, it'll work.
Starting point is 00:47:38 And I'm like, it totally won't. And then I found a website called the, I always get the name wrong, but it's like the Box of truth or the box. Oh, truth or something like that. This guy shot through like seven inches of paper and it was like, yeah, well, Cosmo is not that thick. Not at all. Do you remember when you first started making FPS Russia videos as I was processing that?
Starting point is 00:48:02 Is it okay to say that? Yeah, we're okay. There was a gun range that lent you the MP5. We had to DDoS their website to get you unlimited access. Yeah, I still know that guy. Huh. I talked to him today.
Starting point is 00:48:16 Did you? Yeah. I was wondering, I guess that relationship is probably still there. He'd let you use stuff. I don't know if there's anything you need. Yeah, he'd let me use anything he's got. He's got a few cool little things. But I know a few different little gun stores slash collectors
Starting point is 00:48:31 that have some neat stuff laying around. I need to contact that guy about the AN-94. That's the rarest thing I know of. But the guy that's here local with me that you were talking about, he's got an old AR-10 that's worth $90,000 or something like that. He's got a bunch of old shit.
Starting point is 00:48:49 That's neat. Yeah. At the time, he was able to sort of supplement your personal collection, right? Like you had a lot of guns. Well, he had machine guns. I didn't have any. Right. You didn't have any machine guns.
Starting point is 00:49:01 And you probably had a lot of other stuff. A lot of your stuff was for like hunting and skeet shooting and stuff yeah now you've got a lot of assault like a lot of things you'd find in video games and yeah yeah you weren't quite as stocked in video game guns definitely not no he and then uh and he has you know machine guns obviously that that's what i really wanted to get i wanted to shoot fully automatic stuff but that was actually i was actually dealing with that the manager there at the time and the guy i know now is the owner now that i think about it that manager that i was dealing with at the time uh he was the one i made i think i told you
Starting point is 00:49:33 the story he accidentally shot a gun in the store and it hit the counter and ricocheted and like shot the storefront window out oh i think you did In front of the customer. Oh, how embarrassing. Yeah, yeah. Supremely embarrassing. I won't say his name, but it was just awful. The best is that guy online that was saying, like, he was in a classroom environment. He's a big, strong black guy. He's a federal agent.
Starting point is 00:50:00 I think he was an FBI agent, literally. And he's like, none of you guys should have a gun. I'm the only one here trained in the proper use of firearms. You guys won't be safe. Pow! Just as he's saying that, he shoots himself in the thigh. It has to be the biggest gun fail I've ever seen in my life. And everybody screams, of course.
Starting point is 00:50:20 And he handles it well. He goes, all calm down calm down now you see right there even i can have an accident even i could have an accident just think what you could do and it's just like all right he puts the nine millimeter pistol down and he grabs like an ar-15 or something a rifle and he's like now this and the kids go no no he's like no no it's not loaded they're like that's what you said about the pistol! And then after a few seconds, it becomes apparent that this guy is shot, bleeding, and he really shouldn't be continuing the whole event.
Starting point is 00:50:55 His decision-making could be screwed. Yeah. I've never been shot. Have you ever been shot at all, like even a little? Nothing? No, not even a little. Have you ever used your like you i don't know if you have or had a concealed carry but have you ever um i think you still have
Starting point is 00:51:11 it right yes yes have you ever needed your concealed carry like in a defense situation there was a time a long time ago maybe six years now where i showed a guy a gun and that was enough but i didn't have a concealed carry then i don't think i'm not i don't remember if if i had it then or not i've never even had that for the closest i've ever come is i was in a convenience store i had my concealed carry i was allowed to have it and And, like, I forget what, like, I think, I still think nothing happened. But these guys walked in with the intent to rob the place and got, like, cold feet or something. Like, it looked like three or four people all, like, dressed, ready to rob came in. And they were being all shifty.
Starting point is 00:52:02 They were waiting for customers to leave and stuff. Nothing happened. I was just glad i had my gun and that's like the closest i've ever come like i don't feel safe here at all as far as being i've been so i've hit i've had a ricochet from a 50 cal come back like a machine gun and uh but it was a really long distance i was shooting down a hill with a big 50 with a 50-caliber machine gun, and one of them came back and hit me in the chest pretty solidly. Don't think about a bullet. Think about if you just kind of threw it pretty hard at someone. It hit, and I was just like, ow!
Starting point is 00:52:37 And I looked, and the bullet falls on my lap, and I keep shooting or whatever. So that was just kind of scary. But I've also had, I don't remember if I was doing the shooting or if my friend was but uh it was a a five five six bullet go it went 50 yards hit a steel target and then came back and hit me like right here and uh and made me bleed uh so that one hit me pretty hard and it was like jagged so it's more more apt to make me bleed it didn't go in me or anything your stories are all better than mine we did this we we were shooting an m60 people don't know an m60 shoots a 50 cal like a barrett in the video game and uh it was shooting
Starting point is 00:53:10 it at a car and it's just like all day long belt fed m60 doing the thing and not that i personally shot it all day but i had my turn and uh then at night we started firing it with tracer rounds and we saw where all the bullets were going and stopped because it was so dangerous. It was like, oh, my God. All day long, we didn't even know it. But bullets were coming back at us. They were flying around. They were going to where we didn't expect bullets to be going.
Starting point is 00:53:39 There could have been people there. We stopped because we realized that you know it dude if you've never if you're a gun guy and you never fired tracers do that and and you might be surprised where your bullets go it's really fun it's really fun to shoot tracers yeah yeah bullets perform very oddly it's a 30 cal actually the the m60 i hadn't i hadn't um am i wrong on that what yeah what what is the one maybe it is a 30 cal then the uh the 50 cal is an m2 uh they call it a ma deuce sometimes uh it was i think it was an m60 so it must have been a 30 cal yeah i think it was too yeah um so anyway, my mistake. But it's still a great big bullet. Bigger than you might guess.
Starting point is 00:54:28 Yeah, so that was cool. Oh, and then I was shooting frangible ammunition, which is meant to sort of break up after it hits the first target rather than ricochet off and hurting something or passing through a target and hurting something. It's meant to sort of break. I've heard of the idea of using it on airplanes so you don't just take the airplane down
Starting point is 00:54:50 or depressurize it anyway. Stuff like that. Indoors so you don't penetrate multiple walls and hit things you don't want to hit. Where my brother shoots, they have to shoot for angible ammo because the range isn't equipped to handle big rifle shots.
Starting point is 00:55:03 Yeah, that makes sense. So I was shooting, I was testing the.45 caliber,.45 ACP, like the pistol caliber at steel. And no matter how close you got, it didn't matter. I mean, just point blank, you can shoot it and you just get misted with this sand. That's what's left of the bullet after it hits because it's sort of compressed powder, like copper powder with some denim in there, believe it or not. bullet after it hits because it's sort of compressed powder, like copper powder with some denim in there, believe it or not. So I tried the rifle round and I tried it with the same bravado, I guess, that I had
Starting point is 00:55:31 gained. But you had learned how safe they were from pistols. You were ready to do it with rifles. Yeah, it's just like, well, let's turn up the velocity by like, I don't know, triple. So when I did it that time, I had sort of a squatting stance so that i could get low on the target and i was maybe a foot two feet away and it really sprayed my inner thighs with shrapnel and it all went like in my skin and there was just like droplets of blood all over my thighs from all the places where the bullets went in and so like we didn't do that anymore nice
Starting point is 00:56:03 that's really that incendiary ammo is uh really are not incendiary they uh frangible stuff it's really cool how you can shoot that stuff i don't know point blank and not get hurt my introduction to frangible ammo was much different so i was in new jersey and i said the range wasn't equipped it's the backstop in particular you know this but other people might not now the backstop if you were to shoot like some of the bigger rounds like even in his case even five five six like i have an ar-15 it would put a hole in the backstop and uh so they had to shoot frangible ammo and he's like this sucks i hate frangible ammo you know it's it's like it costs a dollar a shot and for 223 right that sucks you think the beauty of an ar-15 is that it's cheap to shoot comparatively.
Starting point is 00:56:46 But when it's a buck up shot... Yeah, it's no good. Yeah. And also, I don't know. There's something neat about knowing that this remote hole poking device can do stuff. On the other end, there's a lot of energy breaking shit and flying around. When you're shooting dust balls...
Starting point is 00:57:10 We found that that ammo is actually pretty destructive against flesh. I always wondered what it would do, so we actually started shooting it at Ballistic Gel. Cats and neighbors. Ballistic Gel.
Starting point is 00:57:24 It makes a really nasty, deep wound where the bullet sort of disintegrates, but all these little dirty pieces, I want to stress the dirty part, continue on in, and it's sort of like, normally the gel that the bullet is passed through is the same color as the rest of the gel.
Starting point is 00:57:42 It's clear. But this leaves this black, sooty residue as as it goes in and a small bullet opens up and makes a cloud about, I don't know, that big that's just passing through the target about 8 to 12 inches. I picture the emergency room doctors removing it like it's cancer. Like you just take out a big ball of human and throw that away. I'm glad you mentioned that because we we split the ballistic shell right down the middle so you could open it up and see you know the a bisected view of the affected of the wound channel and like it was all just like you could reach in and scoop out like where it had passed through like it was exactly like that like everything where the
Starting point is 00:58:21 where the the bullet pieces went through was just shredded and ruined it would you would not not not want to get shot by that of course i always like finish that by saying but you don't want to get shot by anything yeah right if it would you like it better if it was just a solid fucking lead ball just piercing through everything it touches and shattering bones we used to talk about surfing right while surfing we used to talk about sharks i mean to say. And people would be like, you know, ah, that's a little shark. The most it could do is bite you and you'd lose a toe. That's still below my acceptable standard.
Starting point is 00:58:57 Not my toes! Yeah! If he can do more than suck on my toe, I am not interested in a shark bite. Let's say he grabs your calf and just leaves a bunch of deep wounds not okay not okay there's nothing a shark can do to me that I'm interested in even if it's a small shark even if that shark is three and a half feet long and its mouth is only as big as my hand that's awful I do not accept your terms I don't want to be bit by
Starting point is 00:59:21 three and a half foot shark did you see that shark suit that i linked you guys to in the in the text yes yeah i think maybe i'm gonna get one of those you're not going to do this like come on let's do the shark attack you don't even like salt water well i'm not gonna be in it long just long enough to do my aquaman ride on the shark and then you know you'll they'll haul me up I guess or whatever oh did you see that the fella found I guess it was how I became found go-karting in London I saw that you linked it on on the Skype now did they did they want to work with us or does that individual who like works there want to work we'll have to see the ins and outs of like what they can i'll have to see exactly what they can offer they might be like oh really all these people want free rides from america and like not be into it um but what he does is he works with a lot of companies in
Starting point is 01:00:20 europe that do things like this so he's less likely to be full of crap than an average person. Well, I would like to go. As always, a motivating factor for doing this kind of trip needs to be that it's worth my time because it's going to take so long to get there. That flight is awful. Dude, I go both sides. On one hand, the flight is awful.
Starting point is 01:00:42 You're 100% right. You know how we show up in Chicago on Friday night and then do the thing Saturday morning? I don't think that'll fly with a time zone difference. We need to show up. We need a whole day to battle jet lag because nobody wants Sleepy Woody at go-karting or something. Yeah, you're looking at two days on the front of this thing and at least a day on the back end of it
Starting point is 01:01:03 because we're in another fucking continent. It'd be kind of cool to have the one day to ourselves exactly but that actually is where i was headed you know so like it'd take a lot of time the exchange rate is tough etc etc having said all that um it'd be pretty neat to go to europe it'd be pretty neat to love up some europe It'd be pretty neat to love up some European fans, you know, UK in particular. I don't know. I'm very interested in this. Chiz will not be taking a train there.
Starting point is 01:01:35 That's funny. There's no shuttle across the Atlantic that direction. No, he'll have to actually fly this time that or find some fortuitous cruise line that just happens to be making the right stops for him, I guess in any cruise line is not how he would roll he would totally find like a freight ship or something like that like i'm in meat storage so much room to spread out down here i got a temporary job in the merchant what the merchant marines i had to club a lot of baby seals to get here but like he'll find some way to get there that's not normal but yeah i would do that uh i like go karts i like the idea of doing that i've never been there but i'd love to go there and i actually
Starting point is 01:02:16 have enough airline miles to uh to bump up to first class uh even uh from from coach i have enough airline miles to go coach actually uh to to england to to london and back kitty was looking at earlier my airline miles suck i don't know what i have but it's not a ton and it's do you not do it every time you fly i do it most of the time i fly but a lot of my trips lately have been shorter like to chicago north carolina chicago doesn't really rack up the miles and uh also i get scattered across a bunch of airlines and that's a problem too ah yeah i i try to exclusively fly delta uh we like delta because of a couple things they um they have like a no peanut policy i think or at least a less peanut policy and they also um
Starting point is 01:03:00 they're better with wheelchairs they're better with paintball guns i should have said better with wheelchairs because they're not they broke two of kitty's really fucking with wheelchairs, they're better with paintball guns. I shouldn't have said better with wheelchairs, because they're not. They broke two of Kitty's really fucking expensive wheelchairs. Really? Yeah, every time they would check it, they would fuck up one of the wheels, and she's got this crazy carbon
Starting point is 01:03:18 fiber and titanium wheelchair. She's got two of them, and they fuck two or three wheels. They paid for it every time. Does she have a motor for it yet? She's got, yeah, she's got two of them. They fuck two or three wheels. They paid for it every time. Does she have a motor for it yet? She doesn't really use it, but she's got this third wheel option thing that's on the back and powers her
Starting point is 01:03:33 around. But she doesn't like it? I don't know. I haven't seen her using it lately. Maybe at a conference or something she would. Like if she were at MarioCon or something. She used it at the SHOT Show thing in Vegas when when it was huge it ran away with her one time she crashed right into a table it was crazy get out yeah it was just with haywire it just took off it was like and i was like no kitty come back
Starting point is 01:04:00 how fast can she go with that thing it seems too fast to me do you think you could run as fast as she goes yes okay so it goes about as quick but yeah you're got it running 22 23 miles an hour i'd say but it runs about as fast as a normal person's full speed i think if she was flat if she was on flat ground i think it's definitely a jock it's definitely like it's just pretty fast and it'll go uphills too um which is like when it's hard to roll that thing i i um i pushed her at minecon from time to time and of course she never wanted to be pushed when it was easy it was always like what hey this is an uphill carpet like i'm your man but uh uh so yeah and it's it's work like by the time you finish you're uh you're like yeah i can see why she wanted a hand with this
Starting point is 01:04:54 yeah uh i think last time we just sent someone with her to push her around that's that's easier than worrying about like a piece of technology because uh one of those they gave her a prototype one time the the motor i'm not even sure if i should say this but it exploded really there was there was like fire and sparks and flames and stuff um so uh but but she and then she owns one now they're very expensive yeah but uh yeah i mean when i when i was tuned into this she was contemplating the purchase because it's a big one. Yeah. So, yeah. That's the deal with that. I don't know how I got on that. Me neither.
Starting point is 01:05:30 But, uh, want to call it a wrap? Yeah, you want to play some worms after this? Yeah, I'll do that. Alright, PKN episode 49. I hope you guys enjoyed it.

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