Painkiller Already - PKN 503

Episode Date: April 9, 2024


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Starting point is 00:00:00 pkn 503 how are you boys pretty good pretty good got to see part of an eclipse same as you woody if you didn't see all of the eclipse you were like a 15 minute drive from totality yeah and you're like nah it would have been it would have been it was longer than i thought because my my grandparents live like in the thick of the totality and my grandma being like a sweet woman who clearly thinks i'm partially retarded like texted me and was like did did you get those classes don't look up and i'm like oh my god what is fox news saying today about people looking up at the fucking sun it's true everybody a lot of people were i i uh i think she thinks highly of you and that you might be presidential material i'll choose to take that interpretation as well but it was a couple hours south but we got
Starting point is 00:00:50 like 91 here and so it got pretty dark outside for a good while yeah and like the i saw like a confused chipmunk who like started burying something and then like ran back up on top of my fence and then ran back down and searched around and ran back up. Could have been standard chipmunk behavior. I'm not that clued into it. That was nutty. He doesn't do stuff like that. He doesn't do stuff like that. He's usually very reserved.
Starting point is 00:01:15 He'd be over there doing his... Birds got super, super loud and then there was no birds at all. Then they got really loud again when it came back to light. It was kind of neat. Sat in my sunroom and then went on my back patio, looked around. Did you see that block of birds I called? Like the Beastmaster on my back porch?
Starting point is 00:01:32 I didn't. Look at WhatsApp. Like scroll up to yesterday. I was out there. And I had like an entire flock of birds like circling above me, like screaming. It was so dark where my grandparents are in totality. And so they were like, oh yeah, it got so dark, like lamps, like nighttime lamps were turning on in the yard,
Starting point is 00:01:55 like that kind of stuff. It was dark. People don't know, I went to totality. I had rode my motorcycle a thousand miles. And I went to the Columbus, Ohio Zoo to check out the totality surrounded by monkeys and people. And it was pretty cool.
Starting point is 00:02:11 It was really dark. I'd never seen anything like it before. There is a big difference between total. I came to the Atlanta Zoo and avoided the people. Kyle's chomping at that bit. I was like But it was a really good time
Starting point is 00:02:33 Dude I've been excited to talk about this The coolest part It was a really good idea to go to the zoo Not the animals My animals didn't give a fuck I'm surrounded by primates and they like they're the laziest animals in the world and they didn't move all day they didn't move
Starting point is 00:02:52 during the eclipse and they didn't move afterwards i thought they'd be like shaking the cage and going bonkers they didn't give a fuck they just thought it was sunset or something they were electrified however the people the people made it cool because like there were a lot of kids at the zoo and the kids were like eclipse hype men they're they're like you know they're just getting excited as it's coming it's like five minutes away they're like it's just a sliver there's only a sliver of sun left and the other guy i see it it. I see it. The kids like, this is amazing. I think I, this is the best day of my life. This is the environment that I watched the eclipse in.
Starting point is 00:03:37 And they were just so psyched. And then even the adults were like hooting and hollering. Like we just scored a touchdown. And, and I think that I was was my hotel was in the totalitarian i can't say the word totalitarian totality totality thank you thank you for the lifeline um my hotel was in the totality path and i was gonna just watch it from the courtyard but i'm really glad i went to the zoo because i would have just been like at a picnic table by myself with the glasses seeing it this was a much better experience fireworks is similar if you've ever been to like a really professional firework show
Starting point is 00:04:13 like it's the it's literally the same thing i've watched them by myself and been like fireworks but then when there's much kids around losing their minds yeah that's the only time when you're okay with it too because I don't need to hear dialogue. We're the movies. We're watching the movie and Philip Seymour Hoffman's getting at his dying words. Shut up, kids. At the bar show, yeah, let's cheer it on. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:36 It was pretty cool. It was a big hype show, big motorcycle ride. It was a blast. Pretty neat. It got like 84- percent atlanta so nothing like what you guys did it get a lot colder uh like it so i didn't feel like the air temperature changed because it didn't but if you were standing in the sun suddenly the sun wasn't warming you anymore you know what i mean like the the the radiate the rate the radiation
Starting point is 00:05:02 heat that the sun striking you that you would feel like that turned off. And that was noticeable. Now I wish I had a thermometer because it was my impression that the temperature dropped by like more than 10 degrees. But for you to say the air temp didn't, I'm like, oh, well, shucks. Now I'm not sure. Maybe it just was the radiant heat. No, even where I was, maybe because I was standing outside in the sun prior to it happening but like it was noticeably cooler and then you know i i didn't actually hang out outside until the sun came back because it's like once it starts getting
Starting point is 00:05:36 lighter again it's like all right i've seen oh i've seen the apex of this event and now it's just kind of fading away to a normal sunny day so i don't mean to be an asshole and act like you guys didn't see it but totality that word is not real totality the totality is just like when it's really centered and you only see the ridge of the sun around the moon it is a different experience that is when everyone went bonkers the the other part of the experience it was neat to see the sun not be a full circle but uh that the full thing it was the that was the main event and then so once it got to like you know it goes to 100 and then once it was like 98 on the other side i was done i'm like walking back to my motorcycle like yeah yeah my grandma was telling me that she was really enjoying it and she was telling my grandpa like you got to get out here it's so cool it's so neat you know it's all cool now it looks like it's night time and she's like and i told your grandpa
Starting point is 00:06:34 this and he came out for maybe three seconds and said well ain't that something and then he went back inside didn't even wait you just didn't care you know how many eclipses i've seen boy oh come on unless missouri has historically been just this apex of eclipse activity which is one of the reasons i put all that effort into it was how rare this is there's another one coming into america in 2033 but that's alaska so that's not very easy and then the next one's 2043 and i legit might be dead by then like oh you'll be taken i'll be in my early 70s i'll probably be alive but uh it is like my health insurance will be pretty expensive by the next eclipse
Starting point is 00:07:26 that's for sure you won't be riding your motorcycle a thousand miles to see it yeah it'll be a hudler cycle and then um i forget jackie told me when it's coming to north carolina but i will be very dead i'll be like 50 years dead yeah i was looking at that timeline as well and it was like i was like oh there's one through georgia and i like was looking at the paths before i was looking at the the dates like oh georgia right through kyle's neck of the woods and oh 2078 oh we'll all be dead like 50 years yeah you. You and Kyle have an outside shot. 55 years? There is no way.
Starting point is 00:08:09 See, well, all right. What are you currently, 32? It might be hard to get to 88 now or whatever. Yeah. But if you think about it, it might not be that hard to get to 88 in 30 years. A bit in 30 years. Or it might be really hard.
Starting point is 00:08:23 That's the other thing. That's what I'm hoping. Or it could be unbelievable. I'm's the other thing. That's what I'm hoping. I'm hoping it's hard to get to 35. I mean, fucking, I've been watching the Ukraine thing more. I don't want to shift gears yet, but I've been watching that. It's so scary over there, dude.
Starting point is 00:08:37 It's so scary. I'm so glad I'm not a Ukrainian. I saw them catch a bunch of Ukrainians trying to flee the country. They were packed into this European van like sardinesines like fucking circus clowns and they were dragging all the all about get out of there you cowards and they're they're not even able to scurry away so that so the men are just being thrown in a pile of living men who are just like we are sorry we're a coward you don't want to die in war that is clearly lost. Absolutely not. You are just not a real patriot. I hope that I am not. I hope you're not
Starting point is 00:09:07 in my fucking unit when it's time to defend the US against the Kriegs people. Do you really think they could win? I don't know. Dude, it's been over for so long, Kyle. It's like, what do you mean by winning? Okay. At the end of this, there's going to be territorial lines, perhaps, strong. I think more territory is better than less.
Starting point is 00:09:24 I think that it's worth fighting for that. you know, for a better victory. Like, you don't. Right. A better loss, even. Right. A better loss. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:33 Yeah. This is like the postseason where it's like, you know, the Blues making the playoffs was a win. And it's like, no, it wasn't. I don't think it's that bad. Taylor, you can surely see Kyle's point. Like, there's big loss and little loss. I'm being silly there. The idea that a bunch of men in their 40s, 50s should be going to die on the front lines against their will is outrageous.
Starting point is 00:09:57 I can't tell what the truth is. Someone told me the average age of Ukrainian recruits now are in their 50s. And I'm like, average? Fuck you. You're just full of shit. You have to be. I don't believe there's an equal number of 70 and 30 year olds. It can't be average. Or that the majority is 50s. That doesn't make any sense.
Starting point is 00:10:18 So many young people have died or fled at the onset of it. Taylor, don't you think it just doesn't pass the sniff test that the average age is 50-something? No, I didn't see 50-something. I saw like 47 or something like that last time I looked into it. But either way, that's very old.
Starting point is 00:10:34 And it doesn't make sense because Ukraine is outmatched by Russia. Russia has a lot more people. It's been literally... Only four times as many. It's been two straight years of Russia's running out of ammo. Russia's running out of this. Russia's supply lines are shutting down. Russia's being humiliated on the global stage.
Starting point is 00:10:55 And meanwhile, they're marching forward. I watch a lot of Ukrainian propaganda. And when I do, it can be a little tough to figure out how it's going. But I also monitor, there's a website called Deep State Live or Deep State Map. It's something close to that. And it pretty accurately shows where the front lines are. And you can click through the calendar, go forward and backwards. And it is all moving in one direction.
Starting point is 00:11:18 And it's not the one the Ukrainians prefer. At least, maybe it was 18 months ago or six months ago. I'm a little fucked up. Ukrainians did gain a little bit of territory. And there was this thing like, you know what? At this rate, in a mere 700 years, they'll have recovered all that territory. But at least it was going in the
Starting point is 00:11:36 right direction. And as you know, the way these things kind of work in war, you kind of press, press, press, press, press, and then break through. And I'm like, maybe that's what this looks like. Maybe this is what it looks like before the breakthrough. It no longer feels like that. Now it's the Russians press, press, pressing.
Starting point is 00:11:51 Like I would say, if you're looking for like a better, more palatable loss or like a not win condition, a loss condition, I guess you'd call it is like the better loss would be stopping throwing all of these people's lives at the wall for no reason. Like, like how about you end with less? Like Russia's not going to lose the Danesk and the Luhansk region. I don't understand your mindset here.
Starting point is 00:12:17 Like, I don't get it. It'd be like, yeah, dude, they'll just go, let them have Missouri. Let's come on.
Starting point is 00:12:23 We'll, we'll go to Idaho. Like, what is that? You couldn't make me leave. If they're just going to let them have Missouri. Let's come on. We'll go to Idaho. But what is that? You couldn't make me leave. If they were number one, it's not America. If they were coming out Ukraine. Well, I'm not. They're not asking you to go fight.
Starting point is 00:12:33 I'm talking. You're asking you to pay for it. But you're talking about what Ukrainians should do. You know, if I'm a Ukrainian, I can't believe they're throwing Ukrainian lives. That's the lives. It's their land. It's they clearly. Then are they?
Starting point is 00:12:44 Are they? The Mexicans were coming. ukrainian lives that's the lives it's their land it's they clearly then are they are they the mexicans were coming the mexicans were in louisiana and they were about to be in alabama or whatever's next to it i don't know they can't let's not talk about that made up scenario let's talk about the real scenario all you're saying that all these ukrainians should you know okay now they want to defend they want to defend their country clearly hundreds of thousands of them don't feel a connection enough to be like i'm gonna die for this region that doesn't interest then they've broken the law okay well then some wartime government can just shut down elections and be like which they can because you know power is everything just like ours yes our government that's how governments
Starting point is 00:13:18 work that's what our government doesn't make it just like if it's not better it's not better for an average ukrainian to just keep fighting and knowing like you're going to go to the front lines you're going to get probably killed and then a bunch of retards are going to watch a video of a drone killing a russian and be like we're winning i i don't know why the other part matters but if they're trying to take your land you should be fighting for it and if you're not fighting for it then you should probably be executed like you think they should just execute them in the street yeah i think that if i think i'm not kidding like the russians would do it if they were coming around my little town and they were if i just have came back from my second tour of fighting in arkansas and there's some coward
Starting point is 00:13:59 across the street i'm ratting him out and i hope they kill him in the street or they send him to the front line without enough equipment because that's what he deserves if he's staying back here fucking his girlfriend while wherever they're fighting for Arkansas death to you you are not an American anymore you are a treasonous traitor you are a coward you've broken the law you've broke you signed that paper a long time ago
Starting point is 00:14:19 you're close Kyle but he was fucking your girlfriend while you were off mine would be there fighting with me because he's not a bitch either. How about this? How about there are multiple referendums in which New Mexico and their overwhelming population votes to join Mexico, and then you're pulled from your world in Georgia against your will
Starting point is 00:14:39 and that of your families and forced to the front lines in New Mexico to fight for people who don't want to be part of the nation you're a part of anyway. We resurrect Sherman and burn the place down until they become loyal again. I'm perfectly fine with that. The whole reason that we have Texas is because the Mexicans were allowing mostly white soldiers to go to that frontier land and then not defending them as they were being massacred, raped, and pillaged by the natives. So when the United States took that property, it was because the Mexicans weren't defending that land.
Starting point is 00:15:09 That's our land. So it doesn't matter to me if there's some people in Texas who don't think it's America. Well, I picked New Mexico because it was a similar name and more fun. Well, New Mexico can become the enemy. Anyone who's not down is an enemy. It's a war. This isn't like one of those internet arguments.
Starting point is 00:15:24 It's like we're shooting those people to death over there, you know? Yeah. And if everyone of your buddies is getting conscripted and they're all dying, having their lives thrown away in their 20s, 30s, now your 40-year-old buddies are gone. Now your 50-year-old buddies are gone. And there's no good result of it. People are just dying, getting thrown up against this wall. I'm not going to go try to avenge my friends and my family members i'm gonna stay here and live a long sad life no i'm going along if they kill you too if you do it bad the russians have killed you too or the mexicans have
Starting point is 00:15:55 killed you too you think i'm gonna stay here people be like what happened how did you survive the mexican war i stayed at home well didn't you all your friends die yeah all your neighbors too yeah how are you free well no one knows they're reporting to the mexicans the mexican government's gonna hang me get you yeah after 9-11 i i wasn't serious about like joining the army or anything one i'm pretty sure i was too old like by like two years and i had a family and i had kids and all like i just wasn't the guy but i was like daydreaming and like thirsting for an opportunity to get back at them and i even know anyone at 9-11 i got a co-worker whose boyfriend was there but he he was fine he he was lucky under um the twin towers there's a a really busy well it used to be a really busy train station and he was in the train station when the planes hit.
Starting point is 00:16:45 It shook. But he got out. Yeah. I just don't see it that way. It just hasn't been that long. The world didn't change. The people just have a different mindset. This is how humanity works.
Starting point is 00:16:59 Putin still has that same mindset. He's trying to conquer a country with soldiers. I feel like if you lay down in front of that you don't deserve to be a free member of any society i certainly wouldn't want some coward fleeing from ukraine to come here wonder if france and poland they're gonna step up ukraine up until it became politically disadvantageous to acknowledge it was well known as like the most corrupt mob state in all of europe for decades and then it was true but i feel like freedom because we want nato military bases there
Starting point is 00:17:30 so taylor i i hear your argument and i don't challenge the facts of it except that i thought that when zalinski got in people mostly acknowledge they're cleaning up their act and headed in the right way i i don't think so. I think that he just shut down elections. He's been attacking those regions. It doesn't seem like the time for an election. I don't know if that's a good example of being corrupt.
Starting point is 00:17:55 I also have seen him throw out Why do you smirk at that? We're talking about the third greatest president of all time and how he won the greatest war in human history. Why is that smirkable? Because he shouldn't have canceled the election. How did he go for it?
Starting point is 00:18:11 FDR stayed in power until he died. So we did cancel elections? Yeah, that's how we got in. Well, he effectively did. Help me with my history. I think you guys both know something. I don't believe there was another election. I think FDR stayed in power for for a third term because the amendment hadn't
Starting point is 00:18:30 happened yet either hadn't it was the 22nd amendment it wasn't until after him that they made it that's like it was it was a tradition though no one had ever attempted a third term but what i'm saying is they're not in some gulf war. Like, like we've been some little foreign excursion. They're fighting for their lives. The enemy's on their doorsteps. Practically their capitals being bombed. It's not time for an election. That's fair.
Starting point is 00:18:54 I mean, I think I'm with Kyle on this one. That makes a lot of sense. And, and he's been also not time for the, maybe new general too. I don't, it'd be like the NBA finals and come on,
Starting point is 00:19:04 it's time to hire a new coach. Ukraine changed their generals like three months ago, five months ago, something like that. And they've gotten rid of a couple people for corruption, which I brought up to counter Taylor's argument. I'm not saying they're completely free of corruption, but nowadays, if you're corrupt, you get ousted. Nowadays, if you're corrupt, you get ousted. There's so much corruption that happens in nations that are taking foreign aid that we basically control as proxy nations. Like corruption is part and parcel of it. Like when we give all that money to them, lots of their officials are getting kickbacks.
Starting point is 00:19:49 They're getting advantageous future placement in American companies, boards, what have you, because of their participation insofar as we tell them to do it. I don't think Zelensky is some overlord who's controlling America or some nonsense. I think he's just another kind of vassal leader that we tell to dance and he dances and we give him money and then it's rerouted to wherever it gets rerouted to like there's no way to keep all that stuff accountable at a time of war and given ukraine's multi-generational history of having issues with mob control the idea that it's like oh well they're taking corruption seriously now i feel like it like a good analogy would be like we're trying to uh stop the ship from sinking with a leaky bucket. And does that mean that the leaking is the corruption?
Starting point is 00:20:27 Is there corruption? Yes. But by and large, most of that water is going over the side. Again, I go back to World War II because it's the United States saving the world against literal evil and us pumping so much money into the Soviet Union and
Starting point is 00:20:43 of course into Britain so they wouldn't starve so they said that we could win a war it's it's what we do it's what we do we're the this is an american uh intrinsic planet right like we're kind of the boss around here is for now forever who's going to beat the united states at any forever is a long time but kyle's on to something like it you know when you're there if you look at the demographics and just the population rates or who's going to beat the United States at anything. Forever's a long time, but Kyle's on to something. If you look at the demographics and just the population rates, we need those Mexicans to flood in here, frankly. Everybody else is in trouble.
Starting point is 00:21:17 The Chinese one-child policy, do you remember when they did that? They only allowed them that. That's pretty dumb. We're seeing the end point of that very soon. It's not going to be good. It's no longer cheaper to build things in China, and they've never been the people who build the premier manufacturing techniques. As soon as it's less advantageous and less profitable
Starting point is 00:21:34 to use those supply lines that are already set to use, China's already not the place to go. The problem is the supply lines are there. As soon as India has the supply lines, China's in trouble. I think our birth rate is pretty terrible too, right? We're below replacement. is the supply lines are there. As soon as India has the supply lines, China's in trouble. And their population is getting older. Pretty terrible too, right? Like we're below replacement.
Starting point is 00:21:49 American citizens are, right? We have to be ahead of everyone. Our population's always growing. But that's through immigration, not through native immigrants. Okay, so now we agree. But that's okay. Immigration is a fine way to keep your population where you want it to be.
Starting point is 00:22:05 Yep, a lot of immigrants that won those world wars for us and built our country. Ah, yes. The Mexicans who built America. Immigrants have a lower crime rate. It was mostly the Chinese and the... And a higher entrepreneurial rate. Chinese built that whole railroad. I don't know. It seems like there's a certain political party,
Starting point is 00:22:28 you can guess which one, who wants you to think that every immigrant is MS-13 gangster trying to rape your wife and daughters or whatever. But really, their crime rate is lower than ours, and their entrepreneurial spirit is higher than ours. They're not terrible people. Well, I think a lot of people would agree that, like, people who come here they're not terrible people well i think a lot of people would agree that like people who come here legally are not terrible people a lot most of the people i
Starting point is 00:22:50 hear who have like huge umbrage with immigration are like yeah we don't want basically an open border where you can just waltz in and be a criminal like everyone who comes here legally is a criminal the way that i like it usually, here's what my head is. And I'm not sure this might be politically incorrect. It's the next generation that you're going to like. You know, the people who come here, who have the accents, who are set in their ways. They're a little more like a salad than a melting pot. But their kids are melted in and everything will be cool.
Starting point is 00:23:22 Just relax. I'm okay with the Mexican immigration. I always have been more or less. It feels like they assimilate. It feels like they love the United States and our culture. It's the other people who come over who... The Polish. The people in Michigan who chant death to
Starting point is 00:23:38 America. I don't know if you saw that this week. Kyle, they're entrepreneurs. They are entrepreneurs. They do have an entrepreneurial spirit. Yeah, yeah. But they also, you know, I watched that thing, and I'm talking about, I think it's Dearborn, Michigan, and it's the Arab group there,
Starting point is 00:23:52 and they're fucking losing their shit. Death to America, but my favorite was Genocide Joe. Genocide Joe. I'd never heard that one before. Can't believe that Donald's not jumping on board with this. Donald should be the moderate on Israel. He should pretend like there's a better thing than what Joe is doing. He doesn't have to have it.
Starting point is 00:24:12 He doesn't have to come up with it. It's like both of them are beholden to the same donors. It's wild. Can you believe what he's doing over there? In Trump's case, I don't think what he says is determined by donors. I think what he does is, but not necessarily what he says is determined by donors i think what he does is but not necessarily what he says because he'll say anything and what he said is israel needs to finish the job and it's like ah you could have got those voters but now you're not no because they're all human life is
Starting point is 00:24:37 sacred i believe in winning a war and winning it all the way now he just said both things at the same time yeah oh he does that. The Trump two-step? You drop that and walk away. Every life is sacred. I despise what's happening over there. When you fight a war, you fight to win. See you guys later. See you guys later. I got a tea time.
Starting point is 00:25:01 You got a tourney to win. I'm trying to think of examples of the trump two-step right now but like like he'll say something the world would go bonkers he'll back off it and then he'll just say it again and again and again but we've already gone bonkers so now he's clear to say it without frustration the bloodbath thing was a good example when he was he was in the context of automakers like going to mexico or something like that and he's like it's gonna be a bloodbath but there was more to it it was like the whole nation's gonna be a bloodbath like nothing you've ever seen before that's the least of it and then he like
Starting point is 00:25:35 goes back to the auto thing well the world went crazy and they're like oh my god you know he said it's gonna be a bloodbath he's's being hyperbolic and predicting this apocalypse. And he's like, yeah, he misunderstood me. I was talking about cars. Bloodbath is an economic term. Now he's saying bloodbath at every fucking rally. And he's not doing it in the context of automotive plants. He's like, there's going to be a bloodbath at the border.
Starting point is 00:26:01 I'm calling a bloodbath Biden bullshit like that. You know, so that's the Trump two step. You say it, you back away, and then you walk back forward. going to be a bloodbath at the border i'm calling him bloodbath biden bullshit like that you know so that's the trump two-step you say it you back away and then you walk back forward i saw so i didn't see i saw rogan and his guests debating that thing that he had said about the bloodbath and they they young jamie rolls the clip back or whatever and it was interesting to see rogan not get it like like i listened to trump say what he said and look i'm i'm quick to defend him i like to sometimes i'll be like hey like that's not the trump two-step that's just trump he can't keep they can't say a one thing god damn it trump why
Starting point is 00:26:37 would you mention that other thing but this time i was like oh oh he said the thing he means a real bloodbath he means both what he means is you're gonna a real bloodbath. He means both. What he means is, I'm going to be a bloodbath for the automakers. He wants to talk about bloodbaths. That's what's going to happen if you don't fucking elect me and put me in the office. There's going to be dead people in the streets. That's what he meant.
Starting point is 00:26:54 But then the guest, he heard it the way I heard it, because he was a very smart guy. He was a professor or something. Okay. He heard it like a smart person, like me. Like me. And so then Roggan and the guest after hearing the man say it watching it happen on the big screen there they still both have these
Starting point is 00:27:12 different different opinions about what's been said and and rogan said no you see he was talking about the automakers he's like well he was talking about automakers he said things about automakers but then there's an aside and and like he tries to lay it out and explain to joe just like no no he's talking about it's like joe you're a comedian you should get how this works like like he didn't though look trump said that and he meant he meant people might get hurt if you don't do if you don't like go our way you don't like prevent anyone from wandering across the border and that is is true. Like you shouldn't. No, no.
Starting point is 00:27:45 He was talking about cracking heads. He was about cracking heads. Yeah, he was talking about a bloodbath. I thought I interpreted it as there was going to be a bloodbath and there was going to be sort of a localized war because people were all across the border. The other thing, Rogan looks at the world through these red tinted glasses
Starting point is 00:28:00 so strongly that he can't see honesty. Well, here's my favorite example. You probably saw it because it went viral. Biden was quoting Trump, and he said that we won the Revolutionary War when we took the airports. And Rogan is like, what a fucking imbecile. This guy's geriatric.
Starting point is 00:28:23 He doesn't know what he's saying. He thinks the airports were there during the revolutionary war. And then young Jamie pulls it up and you hear it entirely. And Biden was quoting Trump. And then you hear Trump say it and Rogan goes, Oh yeah, well, I guess, you know, Trump fucked up. No big deal. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. When you thought Biden said it, this was disqualifying to be president that when you now that you learned that it was trump who said it and biden was mocking him it's no big deal it was a little fuck up whatever slip of the tongue and happens to all of us this is rogan rogan is so far from being any kind of honest arbiter now he is he's got the red tinted
Starting point is 00:29:03 glasses on and he can't see truth anymore i think it's just easier to see stuff on the other side with that the same way like like the good the good people on both sides thing like there are still people out there who will be like see trump said he likes nazis he said the nazis are good people and it's like well maybe if like you just look at two pictures of that rally like and just look at the nazis at night with their fucking torches like there were thousands of normal people there you were there oh yeah oh yeah it's just just hanging out you know me very politically active and uh like you didn't know the rally that day you were just visiting charlottesville
Starting point is 00:29:42 i was just having a time i was trying to learn you were at an actual tiki torch party and happened you're like what the fuck is going on here he's in a bathing suit like what who's trying to replace us what i'm saying i'm saying let's go blues on the wrong the wrong line but like it's just it's easy to look at the other side and i agree with you there and and see what you want to see and what they're saying as opposed and and always offering your own side infinitely more leeway and nuance and being like oh biden flubbed this name what a retard and then on the other side you have people being like trump said to take clorox and put it in a needle and inject it in yourself and it's like he never said that he said this he said
Starting point is 00:30:31 was it disinfectant to inject what he said was almost like like i get you're right taylor he didn't say anything like that but what he did there was a time when he was like they're saying they've got these powerful lights these ultra violet lights and your impression's getting better and that and i'm wondering can we use the light inside the human body could you could you i don't know that light inside of me and kill that dirty virus a chinese virus and it's like no we can't shine ultraviolet light inside of you to kill the virus sir we can't know but you can get in the sun and try swing and a miss yeah and so it's like it's just not very honest from all sides and it just happens to be that seemingly the right is more victim of it because we just i want to get the control of the
Starting point is 00:31:18 media i see the disinfectant that knocks out in a minute, one minute. Is there any way we can do something that by injection or almost a cleaning, it gets in the lungs and does a tremendous number on the lungs? It would be interesting to check that. He really did say inject a disinfectant. We didn't tell people to do it, but he was pondering it. And that's almost worse. Like what? What about that state that state no one not one person injected bleach because he said that he was talking about hey we're trying to is there a way we could fix it this way can we get the the bad parts out of your blood the fact that he thinks like that is so ignorant like you know that's ignorant that's the kind of thing that you would expect like
Starting point is 00:31:59 imbecile on the street being the jimmy kimmel has handpicked out of the crowd of idiots to like not know what state he's in like yeah the the way his mind has to function for him to be there is correct first of all he has to be in a position where he thinks that he's the first person to think of that he's going to go to his scientist and be like hey scientist man 180 iq four degree man um what if we like took disinfectant and put it inside of us that i mean it it makes my counters 99.9 germ-free could i by ingesting lysol become myself 99.9 and it's like yes sir you absolutely would of course you would be very dead very dead sir but all the germs will be gone well maybe we could revive take the good with the bad and we revive me and not the germs i i do think the disinfectant thing has been like the right is like he never said that he didn't mean it my mother did that to me she's
Starting point is 00:32:56 like do not say that trump suggested injecting disinfectant you will look foolish on your show and i'm like he did say that i will say it on your show. And I'm like, he did say that. I will say it on my show because it's true. I don't think he literally said it, but what I do think he did was the fact that he's like pondering it and he's out loud. It's what he's doing. He is disinfectant that knocks it out. Is there any way we can do something that by injection or cleaning? Yes. He's pondering and he's like, yeah, yeah, yeah. He's thinking of, he's like, would this work with that? He's asking questions.
Starting point is 00:33:28 He's not saying, I'm telling you, this stuff works. Okay. Get yourself a hypodermic needle. You know, he's not doing that. They sell them on Amazon. Yeah. It's a retarded way. By the new truck, hypodermic needle.
Starting point is 00:33:42 You only need one. You only need one. One needle for the whole neighborhood. Actually two, maybe two. They come in red. Make America disinfected again. You're going to need 10 injections of the Trump vaccine. They call it the Trump vaccine, folks.
Starting point is 00:33:55 Remember when he was taking credit for that? If you look at Rogan's list of beliefs or the things that he supports politically very left-wing like if you put it on a ballot everyone be like oh man if we could only get a democrat like that in the white house because it's just like leftist all the way down and then there are these little points where that's true it's i got a graph what i hear is super the thing is i've seen so many and it's like for example universal basic income is one of the things that they list that Joe Rogan supports. He does not support that anymore. Joe Rogan has shifted.
Starting point is 00:34:29 So they take these positions from five years ago and like, look at him. He's a leftist. And it's like, no, no, no, no. Listen to what he's saying lately. And he can't see anything redeemable about the left. I don't listen to him, but he always seemed to me like a like one of those liberals who likes guns and like working out where he's here like like you're you're too far right for like a lot of the mainstream positions of like the democrats like they're they're like
Starting point is 00:35:00 they're in favor of fucking reparations and that'll come like that'll that'll come down the pike they're in i think that's they're mainstream democrats that's the left side of left wing not the left corner or anything but it's the left side i i'm interestingly interested in to know what rogan's deal is like what has changed i see him get look when people get older they often get more religious as they uh okay just get smarter you know they realize that the lord is in us all start getting a little more humble yeah they're like so you're telling that the Lord is in us all. Start getting a little more humble. They're like, so you're telling me the sun is exactly 400 times larger than the moon and exactly 400 times further away? Who did that?
Starting point is 00:35:34 Except the Lord Almighty. That's Jesus Christ making that up there, making that perfect circle, meet that other perfect circle. And to me, that's the closest thing to proof that there's a God that I've ever even heard of. The fact that only here is the moon just perfect to give us that perfect eclipse. It's absurd. It's a ridiculous coincidence. I would say our own existence is a better proof than that.
Starting point is 00:35:56 I would say there is no God. For all we know, there's people just like us right down the road, like at the next star. There actually are people like me down the road. That's fact check true. Yeah, that's a fact. There are other humans all over. You should have seen the traffic I went through. I saw some at the grocery store today.
Starting point is 00:36:13 Rogan seems to have gotten maybe a bit more religious. And I see that like... I know that the Phelan Fox or Phelan Fox thing was big. That was the first thing. That was the trans MMA fighter who was dunking on girls. Yeah, and I think that he got this backlash to that. And he was like, wait, I'm a lefty. Why aren't lefties with me on this?
Starting point is 00:36:38 This is fucking common sense. Aren't we the common sense people? Aren't we those fucking believe in science people? You guys are the ones denying science this time. This isn't even some big environmental hoax. This is right in front of your eyes. Look at that man right there pounding that lady. She's hurt.
Starting point is 00:36:52 She's hurt. Why are you cheering? And he got backlash on that. And then the COVID thing happened. And he was, I'm sure he went to the best specialist possible. And someone gave him that chloroquine shit that hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin he took both yeah he was like hey i took these experimental medicines i feel okay and then he saw cnn take the video of him and put a fucking filter on it
Starting point is 00:37:16 to make him look sick and then make fun of him on mainstream media and he's like dude i went to my doctor and i've got a good doctor because i'm joe rogan and he gave me this shit and you took the video of me just saying that expressing that to the world telling the truth and you made it a lie you lied on me for your benefit to make you laughed at me what are you doing you were my people it's it's one of those where like he's seen it and then the he saw them going after spotify he sees them calling him a racist and a white supremacist and this is like dave chapelle's best friend he tours dave chapelle like like i i don't know and he's bill burr's buddy like like like he's i he's i think you're 100 right and like so there's the
Starting point is 00:38:03 part you were talking about which is the left has a purity test and if you're 100% right. So there's the part you were talking about, which is the left has a purity test. And if you're not left enough, they'll give you a hard time. I'm sure if I was more popular, they'd have a thousand things they hate about me. Come for your job. Right. Also, forgetting about him just, I think just living in a place where it's the lefty, lefty, leftist place which is like hollywood that he's surrounded by frustrating annoying things i've said this before but i bet if joe rogan lived in raleigh he wouldn't be as annoyed by leftists because we don't have annoying lefties here there's people like me okay we do have
Starting point is 00:38:36 annoying left but there's people like me but not like extreme how dare you wear your mask improperly or i see a break in the seal next to your nose kind of i don't know twist the knife put salt in the wound just some sort of cry bully power play that you see in new york city hollywood etc he's surrounded by the most annoying of the left so he left him yeah and that's a mistake although to be fair like where he is in austin is more left wing than our more um left wing than where any of us live. That's true. Austin is unbelievably left.
Starting point is 00:39:09 I like Austin. Austin's a fucking cool ass place. I'm going to go to Austin this year. I just decided. Yeah. You should do it. I'm going on vacation soon anyway. Where are you going?
Starting point is 00:39:22 When and what time? When will your home be unoccupied? Are you going to miss the show or are you going when and what time when will your home be unoccupied are you gonna miss the show or are you gonna bring your gear oh i always i'll bring gear um i don't i kind of consider doing a cruise as well um and and i'll i'll pull upon you whenever i get closer to make a decision on that although i don't know i want to get into vacation talk anyway Rogan I think got pulled along by all that and then meanwhile the right cozied up the right said hey you're right like why can't it just be common
Starting point is 00:39:52 sense I don't want to be muzzled I want to do my own thing and Rogan's like a New Jersey blue collar working guy originally who has somehow pulled himself up to be the biggest podcaster in the world, the biggest news source in the world,
Starting point is 00:40:07 one of the richest comedians in the world. He just got another $200 million deal, except this time now his shit's on YouTube as well. So it's just way more. It's better for everybody. And Spotify is distributing it on YouTube, I think, which I took to mean they're getting the ad revenue from YouTube or something. Maybe he doesn't get that.
Starting point is 00:40:26 I'm sure he'll be okay without this YouTube CPM. Yeah. It's a million dollars a year. Oh, he could have made 201 million? Yeah, something like that. But I think
Starting point is 00:40:42 that's what happened. And I think that's what happens to a lot of people because you'll eventually get to an area where you're like, whoa, whoa, whoa. Well, but my daughter's not feeling comfortable with that. She's scared. You're not, what are you, a Nazi? Well, no, I'm not a Nazi.
Starting point is 00:40:59 My daughter's just afraid of that man. Man? Yeah. Are we talking about bedrooms? And it's like that scene in uh invasion of the body snap snatchers when donald sutherland's just like like you're one of them now like like now you see that as soon as you're not woke enough as soon as that as soon as you don't go that extra step along the way and those steps we always earlier i said reparations is like far, far left. And it is.
Starting point is 00:41:27 But it's heading this way. It'll become more and more acceptable as time goes on. Because who doesn't like free money? One group loves free money. And the other one loves being the bad guy and being guilty. So eventually somebody's getting paid. I'm sorry. That's why I'm so happy with my 0.6%
Starting point is 00:41:45 Sub-Saharan African ancestry. I think you're wrong. I'm going to check. You're winning me over. Think of how far we've moved in the last 10 years. Wait, I'm sorry. I was just saying, stuff like that will come down the pike faster.
Starting point is 00:41:57 Reparation? It's completely impossible to implement. It would come in the form of certain groups no longer being forced to pay taxes, would be my guess. We're going to implement. Right. Like, like, so it would come in the form of certain groups, no longer being forced to pay taxes would be my guess. We're going to have debit cards. We're just straight up debit card debit cards. Think about like 15 years ago, what the political left was and think about what it is now.
Starting point is 00:42:18 Like when people were saying like, yeah, you should be able to get married. Literally no one like, and if, if someone would have said like, you should be able to get married. Literally no one. And if someone would have said, you know, men dressed as women are going to demand access to your little girls' changing rooms,
Starting point is 00:42:31 they would have laughed them out of the room and been like, that's despicable. Yeah, right. Yeah, right, crazy Christian. Yeah, right, fundamentalist. And now we're past that now. Where one of the litmus tests of the left, the mainstream left, is like,
Starting point is 00:42:46 can men be women and women be men? And if you don't agree with that- The moment Bill Maher changed teams- You're kind of excised a little bit. The moment Bill Maher realized what we're talking about right now is on film. Because his guest is telling him, you know that you're slowly becoming
Starting point is 00:42:59 the right wing guy, Bill. Like soon you'll be excluded. Soon they'll come for you. Soon if you don't agree that a man can uh menstruate that a man can give birth to children that a man needs uh menstruation products soon if you can't and the crowd's laughing the whole crowd's laughing you can't even saw that it was a culture can't even finish their thought and and he's like, what? What? Nobody's saying that. Nobody's saying that.
Starting point is 00:43:30 And then the NCAA champion, women's swimmer is a dude. I saw that the thing below the NCAA, the organizing body that handles the smaller schools, like anything below, I guess, AA or whatever. D1? I'm not familiar with it. Whatever it is. They came down 20-1 on the vote. No transgendered
Starting point is 00:43:50 athletes in physically competitive sports. I think they allowed them in cheerleading and competitive dance, which makes sense. They're going to win that. You've already got dudes out there as cheerleaders. They boycotted an entire Woody's state for being like, hey, just don't go to the bathroom.
Starting point is 00:44:06 If you're an adult man... We lost the fucking All-Star game. I don't want to hear about it. We lost the fucking All-Star game. It was basketball. You wouldn't care. It was a baseball All-Star game. Because people... We both lost the one we wanted.
Starting point is 00:44:21 Seven of my players were in it. In our home field? What are you doing to us? We don't have a team. You should have let those men pee next to little girls. I don't know who should pee next to who. It's so fucking easy. It's so obvious.
Starting point is 00:44:35 You know it's obvious to me. You know there's borderline situations that cause issues. And so like, and I don't know what to do about that. I'll say this. I'll say this. Last time I needed a fucking public restroom where I had to get next to another person was so fucking long ago. Here's the solution. Fucking hold it, you losers.
Starting point is 00:44:52 Fucking hold it. That should be the answer. Sorry. Sorry. Hold it. And then maybe we need bathroom guards. I saw a guy. Just go to the one that whatever your sex is.
Starting point is 00:45:03 If you're a male, go to the male bathroom. What is the same thing? You bigot. Jesus Christ. Honestly, I this is as simple to me as it seems to be to Taylor, because I don't want to say anything that's like Finster is a good example in my mind because he passed. She passes so well. Right. is a good example in my mind because he passed she passes so well right it did finster anyone who doesn't know would think that she was born a girl he probably would look twice yeah i wouldn't
Starting point is 00:45:33 even notice that's just a pretty girl in the same place as me and if she went to the men's bathroom there instead of to like a woman's stall i feel like it would cause more of a disruption than to just go to the women's bathroom i think i think that's like treating men and women as they're as though they're the same though and that's not the case like women are more threatened by people like they're smaller they're more they're more fragile and so when you say when you it's it's kind of the same way that people who are when you have like an abortion argument with someone and someone says like uh i'm against abortion i'm in favor of abortion and then the in favor person is like oh yeah well what about in cases where uh it's a brutal rape
Starting point is 00:46:18 ring in an underground tunnel and then uh and and the baby is going to be born dead how about then and it's like okay well now we're using you checked every box at once now we're using like dead rape oh and the mother was gonna die yeah and the mother was gonna die you hit me now we're hitting for the grand slam and it's like okay well so now we're using a point 0001 to justify everything else but let's look at like the reality of it Do you think Finster is representative of that community, like the way he passes? No. What you would get is you would get guys,
Starting point is 00:46:53 you would get people who looked like me and Kyle and you going into private spaces where young girls are changing. And that's not a fantasy. It happens already. Oh, it's a fantasy. It's not a fantasy. Of some gross people, here's the other thing. It's not a fantasy.
Starting point is 00:47:05 Of some gross people, yes. Oh, that was the joke. Yeah. Yeah, I got you. And so the simple way to handle it is just logical. If you are a male, go to the male bathroom. If you're a female, go to the female bathroom. The problem is it creates a loophole.
Starting point is 00:47:19 Here's the thing. Okay. Let's pretend like trans people are incapable of pedophilia. Let's pretend like that people are incapable of pedophilia let's pretend like that's the truth okay but you now the problem is you've created a loophole for all us dirty cis men that's what we're legislating against not against trans people we want trans people to be wherever they want they could shit business streets if they want but these cis men we got to keep them out and the problem is these cis men keep dressing up like ladies wouldn't you know it and we hate that if you took that point of view everyone in the room would be so confused as to
Starting point is 00:47:50 how to feel yeah it works like no we can't allow anyone to go in there how do we know you're not a cis man in disguise well now that you've invoked cis men you're using a population that's allowed to be criticized on twitter except on twitter try to type cis men on Twitter to limit your engagement. Oh, a lot of stuff limits your engagement on Twitter. You know why? Come on. A lot of stuff from the same angle limits your stuff. You could say, Waffen-SS forever, baby.
Starting point is 00:48:18 That's going right through. Oh, you don't use Twitter. No, that is not true. Your stuff, if you're anti-Israel, gets throttled. I'm not going to fucking tweet that. You know why I'm not going to tweet it? Because they would strike me down. It's going to limit your engagement.
Starting point is 00:48:35 What's the big deal? Nobody's going to see it. Wap and SS, baby. Your point was that it wouldn't limit my engagement. I don't think it will. I think it would go out to everybody and be just fine well i'm already fucking i'm still shadow banned on twitter from years ago i don't i don't think you could say like how can you tell there's a test where you can search if you're shadow banned or not and i'm search banned on twitter so you can't find my
Starting point is 00:48:56 account unless you type it in the url get out no yeah i don't know why it's been that way for for a long while. Maybe because I got a little too silly back in the day. A few times. Maybe it was Dick Masterson. Jake Shields Twitter. Yeah, go ahead. Jake Shields. Dick Masterson was like
Starting point is 00:49:16 Twitter banned you for like no reason. And I'm like no reason? Like that sounds crazy to me. It would seem like what would they say their reason was? And he's like, you put out a few Nazi cartoons and suddenly you're a Nazi. Dicks would be for, I would imagine it would be for bullying.
Starting point is 00:49:40 His real reason, because I follow him on Twitter. Oh, you think he was joking when he said is. Oh, he was joking when he was joking about Nazi. His what he actually does on Twitter is try to get people's goat all day. Like he is the ultimate like whatever he is, the shape of whatever you pour him into. I will see him like going after people on the left. And then like three tweets later, after he's gotten a bunch of new fans for going after the left he's like and all you fucking retard conservatives get a load
Starting point is 00:50:10 of this and he's just engagement farming and he knows what he's doing but he's good I watched a little change in gears here from war and politics but I watched an awful movie last night it was a Nick Cage movie so I was surprised it was bad.
Starting point is 00:50:26 I really was. Your pattern recognition is not so hot. No. So this movie is called Butcher's Crossing. Butcher's Crossing. So on YouTube, I've been watching this guy who tells Old West stories, like historical tales from the Wild West, Indian massacres, and a mountain man fighting fighting uh indians in
Starting point is 00:50:49 these situations and it's really interesting stuff and the thing i keep hearing is like the indians just awful people just just torture you to death it was like their thing and and so i saw this movie with nick cage um where he was going to be a buffalo hunter i was like okay that's fun i bet they deal with i didn't want only spoilers but i bet clearly they're going to be a buffalo hunter. I was like, okay, that's fun. I bet they deal with... I don't want any spoilers, but I bet clearly they're going to fight the Indians. Early on, he's like, yeah, I know a valley where there's... It's like the old days. There's buffalo
Starting point is 00:51:14 that just make the ground turn black. We can go up there and we get these buffalo hides. Buffalo hides are $4 a hide. That's the new price. It's like everybody's complaining. It's only $4 a hide. There that's like the new price. It's like everybody's complaining. It's only $4 a hide. But there's seemingly buffalo everywhere. And I don't understand why we got to go so far to get them.
Starting point is 00:51:33 And for some reason, the whole movie is Nicholas Cage taking this team out way too far away. They almost die of dehydration to go to Colorado to hunt buffalo. And when they get there sure enough there's so many that he refuses to leave until he's killed them all he's killing he kills like 12 000 buffalo something like that like like some crazy amount maybe it was 4 000 it wasn't a godly amount buffalo racist yeah they're stupid so you can just sit there and just one after the other just kill the whole herd and he's got like two skinners and he's got a guy pouring water on his gun to cool it off.
Starting point is 00:52:07 And he just, it sounds good, but it's not. I promise you, it's awful. It's not the way that all the gun shit is stupid. It's like done wrong. And I kept waiting for the Indians attack because he was like, the kid was like, what's some rocks over there? And Nicolas Cage is like Indian burial ground.
Starting point is 00:52:25 I decided we'd camp in a special place. And I was like, what's some rocks over there? And Nicolas Cage was like, Indian burial ground. I decided we'd camp in a special place. And I was like, what the fuck? We're camping in the Indian burial ground, massacring 10,000 buffalo. I knew the Indians were coming. They never came. They never came. And when they finally got back through all their hardship.
Starting point is 00:52:41 There were no engines? No. There's only like five characters in the whole fucking movie. And when they finally get back through all their hardship, there were no engines? No. There's only like five characters in the whole fucking movie. And when they finally get back to the town, with their huge stockpile of buffalo skins, buffalo skins, the bottom's falling out of the market. The guy's like,
Starting point is 00:52:56 I got 40,000 skins in that burn pit. Paid 10 cents a piece for. And Nicolas Cage is having this meltdown. I just turned this shit off. I was so upset. I spent like an hour and a hour and 40 minutes waiting for something good to happen. Nick Cage was terrible.
Starting point is 00:53:12 Just terrible in this movie. He's not a bad actor. He's an Oscar winner. He's an Oscar winner. He was playing Nick Cage. Wow, he won the Pedophile's Choice Awards. What? You're going bonkers on this. Dude, cage wow he won the pedophiles choice awards dude i i have to talk about chasing latitude chasing latitude is my favorite youtuber of the week nobody watching this will like them
Starting point is 00:53:35 but i'm loving it so i've been getting into these sailing videos sailing is the new van life remember how i like van life like five years ago? Everybody was like checking out of their apartments, buying these vans and driving around like that was an amazing lifestyle. Well, they figured out that it's actually not that glamorous. And every time they go to the water, they often
Starting point is 00:53:57 try to like have van life by some body of water. But that's where it's crowded and expensive and the police hassle you. Where they don't hassle you as the place you don't want to be. So they switched from van life to sailboat life. And now they're, it's called island hopping. You might be better at geography than me,
Starting point is 00:54:15 but I didn't realize how many islands were in the Caribbean and how you could like almost never sail more than a hundred miles and go from Florida. They're like, uh, what is the first stop? you could almost never sail more than 100 miles and go from Florida to like... What is the first stop? Probably Cuba. It's not Cuba. Is it with a B? What the fuck is that? It's going to be really obvious.
Starting point is 00:54:34 Bermuda. It's probably Bermuda. And then they go through all these Caribbean islands and you can go to Panama and then back up through Mexico and Texas and stuff. Anyway, you can island hop in the Caribbean via sailboat and just live this really interesting lifestyle while chasing latitudes has been doing this for a long time. And he just shits on everybody who does it. And he's like, check out Nicole and Danny. They bought this total trash can of a
Starting point is 00:55:01 sailboat. They don't know what they're doing and he just like ripped they they they bought it for 65 000 it was worth negative 10 000 that was debt and then they poured 60 000 more into it to make it even fucking float and they don't know what they're doing and then they sold it and they said dude chasing latitudes is hilarious he is ripping on everybody trying to do like what he does all the time. You never see him. You don't know what he looks like. I don't know how old he is or whatever. He sounds like
Starting point is 00:55:31 a sassy gay guy. And he's just like, that boat is a total trash can. Sounds like a sassy gay guy. Something bad is going to happen to this guy. I couldn't watch enough of his stuff. I fell asleep to it last night. I was just video after video after video on autoplay i don't even like the equivocation between van life and sailboat life because no sailboat life is so clearly infinitely cooler
Starting point is 00:55:56 and better like it's like i i feel like if i was a sailboat guy and i was talking about my sailboat life and some dude was like i get it i've got a euro van a 1988 euro van and i live in cleveland i'd be like fuck you what we do is not even i live at walmart it's not even tangentially similar half of the youtube sailboat lifers are van life converts yeah they came to the truth clearly because that's if you're gonna live as a vagabond do it on a beautiful sailboat in the middle of of the ocean on those bonkers about but i guess they're i didn't i don't know anything about sailboats but there's a class of sailboat called island hoppers and these are sailboats that are good for like 100 miles and they might be able to cross the atlantic but it's not the boat you should choose for a task like that.
Starting point is 00:56:47 It's a little more dangerous and slow. It's a lot less comfortable. There's like a 33-foot sailboat, and you probably want to be in the 40s if you're going to cross the Atlantic or the Pacific. This is my dumbass having watched a couple weeks of YouTube. Don't go by me. He just rips
Starting point is 00:57:03 these people who buy the wrong boat for the wrong task who have dreams they're like they think they're going to be sailing around the world all the time well they realize that that kind of sucks dick and instead they just island hop and you know which is i guess his preferred thing anyway chasing latitude so help me yeah like i suppose sometimes we're gonna go to like a desert isle where there's nobody else there and just like let's look for coconut crabs and fucking look at that tree it looks like a dick all right let's get out of here and then sometimes you're like sailing into a port and then it's just like party central i'm sure out there like on the on the water like there's
Starting point is 00:57:40 is it i guess that and everything in between? Yeah, that's pretty much right. How hard is it to sail to Guam? That's cool. That's a cool way to live. That's not like dance. Guam I couldn't find on a map, so I can't help you with that. So Guam is... Well, I can find it. Oh, never mind.
Starting point is 00:57:57 That's all the way on the other side. Yeah. Yeah, that's in the Pacific. That's between Hawaii and Japan. You could sail to Guam. Guam is between Hawaii and Japan. It would take an enormous amount of time. I found Guam on a map. That is the real deal.
Starting point is 00:58:10 Yeah, that... Scroll out. Oh, yeah, you did. Okay, I didn't see the map at first. It's light blue on slightly lighter blue. Yeah, yeah. You want to stop by Hagatana? Guam is...
Starting point is 00:58:22 I guess it depends. If you're coming from America, it's the real deal because it's a Pacific crossing. If you're coming from Australia, that might be kind of island hopping. If you just go to New Guinea, Indonesia, Philippines, and over to Guam. Dude, you could do Indonesia your whole life and you'd never have to repeat an island. There's like tens of thousands of islands that make up Indonesia. It checks out. tens of thousands of islands that make up Indonesia. This is so... I'm so glad that you've pivoted to this
Starting point is 00:58:47 van life because this is infinitely cooler than van life. And the fact that these van people are pivoting over to it and pretending... I'm glad this guy's ripping on them. And being like, you idiots. You were sitting in a hot car with no AC that probably smelled like BO
Starting point is 00:59:03 and now you're acting like you know what's up. They have chemical toilets in them. Kyle's right. And a better description Sitting in a hot car with no AC that probably smelled like BO. Shit! They smell like shit! They have chemical toilets in them! Kyle's right. A better description would be they smell like diapers. The chemical does something to tamp it down, but it smells like diapers. Not in the sea, though. In the sea, the world is your oyster.
Starting point is 00:59:19 That's why I always say... Electric or manual, you just pump it out and it goes in the water. Maybe if you're a gay dude, you could travel around and get laid because dudes are fucking gross but i can just i would have to talk so much fucking like slick shit to a girl to get her to come and hop in my arrow star i would have to begin with like this big lie about while i was in it first of all i'm actually an eccentric billionaire. No, I'm doing surveillance on that building over there, but you come hang out with me.
Starting point is 00:59:51 You want to help me do surveillance tonight? That would be playing the game on hard mode to get sex in a van. But Kylie, his female alter ego would be so easy. Just pull it up in a van to any town in the world and be like, there's a mattress in here. Kylie could be molested from shore to shore. There's a line
Starting point is 01:00:12 outside that van. Very quickly, someone with a better van would just pick me up. I heard a really cool analogy. If sex is water, I could get a boat guy. Men live in the desert where it's hard to find water at all. Women live in the desert where it's hard to find water at all. Women live in the swamp where it's easy to find water,
Starting point is 01:00:29 but it's hard to find good water. I'm like, okay, I see it. Did you hear that before? It sounded like you heard it. It depends what your version of good is, I guess. Our version of good is it requires very little. Good is a man who pays for all my expenses. Well, it's 666, right?
Starting point is 01:00:44 Yeah, yeah, that's good. Six figures, six for all my expenses. Well, it's six, six, six, right? Yeah. Yeah. That's good. Figures, six feet, six inches or whatever. Like, like more than like, like top all those numbers.
Starting point is 01:00:50 It's like, all right. But, but then, you know, that's not all there is. I love seeing, um,
Starting point is 01:00:56 uh, there's a subreddit called, Oh no consequences. And, uh, that sounds terrific. Yeah. It's a good one.
Starting point is 01:01:03 Uh, it gets a little too political sometimes, but, but I do enjoy when it's just someone talking shit for five minutes to a bouncer who eventually has enough. I saw a bouncer clobber a guy last night. And when I say clobber, probably dude's all in his face. He's behind that velvet rope. He's clearly giving him warnings. It's CCTV, so I don't got no audio.
Starting point is 01:01:21 But this man looks like Bob Sapp. Like this dude's talking shit to Bob Sapp. All of a sudden, Bob, not the real one, but the bouncer version who likes to fight. Bouncer Bob Sapp. Bob Sapp's easy to beat. Bob Sapp puts this man down with one horrendous punch plus a rushing attack.
Starting point is 01:01:40 He's like the juggernaut from X-Men. The dude is done. The dude is on the ground unconscious, and Bob Sapp picks him up like groceries and throws him. And when I say throw, I don't mean drops. Usually you see, oh, he threw him. No, he dropped him. I can throw a man, but he might land on my feet.
Starting point is 01:01:58 There you go. We can't throw each other very far, for example. Bob Sapp, however, Bouncer Bob Sapp, threw this man a good eight, ten, like, covered and fell so poorly. Like, it was, and his opening move was the clobber rush punch, and then this kick to the gooch,
Starting point is 01:02:16 because the man was unconscious on the ground at this point, and he kicked him in the gooch so fucking hard, just right in the asshole. Just kicked him so fucking hard. It was a, I enjoyed that. Getting kicked in the asshole. Just kicked him so fucking hard. Getting kicked in the asshole is terrible. I would not want to be kicked in the asshole. Especially with sharp shoes. I was running.
Starting point is 01:02:34 She got me. Tagged me. Never forgot that. Yeah. Anyway, that's a wrap? Yeah, I guess so. PKN 503.

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