Painkiller Already - PKN 505

Episode Date: April 24, 2024


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Starting point is 00:00:00 pk and 505 what's up boys not much kyle you're expanding your horizon your knowledge yeah yeah i picked up a new like middle-aged man like interest in in the american indians specifically um like the apaches learn something yeah yeah yeah the apaches and the um the comanches mostly the comanches if Mostly the Comanches. If it's a true middle-age interest, you're going to develop an encyclopedic knowledge of two tribes and no knowledge at all of the rest. Can I ask a question?
Starting point is 00:00:36 Yeah. Do you know where they were? Because I care about that. Exactly where? Help me. Okay, so early in their existence they were in the south the southwestern colorado area but slowly they were pushed further and further southwest and you had a lot of west um more specifically the the comanches the apaches existed in that
Starting point is 00:00:59 southwestern region of western texas um arizona and what is now you know mexico um but the thing about their range um they could go and i kept thinking like is this are they exaggerating but like a war band of comanches could strike out 400 miles from home and they would just ride until their horses died and then eat their horses and then steal some more horses and then ride until those couldn't go anymore and like if they're escaping they'd be willing to do that um it's they were the the bitches of all the the the american tribes until they got horses so the spanish introduced horses thank you in like in the early in the early 1600s the the the spanish introduced
Starting point is 00:01:46 horses but they kept that technology not only of how to ride but how to make you know doing the tack and all the stuff of keeping a horse going and breeding horses and just how to break a horse they kept that like a like a an advanced technology the way we would protect stealth tech or something today and uh there was a, a, an issue where the Pueblo who had previously been friendly with the Spanish rebelled. And there was this great Pueblo rebellion. And in that tons of horses,
Starting point is 00:02:15 like thousands of them ran free up to the North and the Comanches got a hold of them. And the Comanches quickly became, they went from the bitches of all the tribes because they were these little ugly people who were squat and like and their terrain kind of sucks they and they well they eat buffalo and they they don't know how to farm they refuse to farm no agriculture only buffalo um but the same way i refuse to run a marathon like i can't do it it's not that we have we could totally have done this we just you know it's for they did they did the the the neighboring tribes would farm the comanche refused to farm
Starting point is 00:02:56 because they were a 100 warrior uh raiding tribe and but in a in a very short period of time according to the spanish historians they didn't just become good horsemen they became the best horsemen in the planet command i've never yes they talked about the thing the way they would fight um keeping in mind the apaches got horses too but the apaches would ride the horse to the fight get off and then fight but the command she's had this tactic where they'd have 150 guys sometimes riding in a circle and the guy on the side
Starting point is 00:03:30 of the circle that's facing the enemy, he's shooting his bow from underneath his horse, like under the horse's neck. He's rapid firing arrows that are clutched in one fist. And so he's and then he's riding away, right? But there's another one right behind
Starting point is 00:03:46 him shooting so it's like a machine gun they've created of arrows riding on the and they're hard to like lay hands on if you've got those old flintlock muskets and or maybe bows yourself yeah not only are they moving but there's a horse in between you and them largely
Starting point is 00:04:01 yeah they're using the horse as a shield they did not respect the horses a lot, did they? It doesn't seem like it. As a protein source, they like them. As a protein source, okay. It's the other tribes that would more often...
Starting point is 00:04:16 That was a good clip, okay. It was the other tribes that would more often eat the horses. The Comanches really revered the horses. The Apaches, not quite as much. But the comanches really revered the horses the apaches not quite as much but the comanches were the alphas the fucking spartans of that era era they they were kicking ass from the early 1600s until like 1890s not their their reports of what did they call them bronco i think these were Apaches though. There, there were Bronco Apaches in 1920s raiding and killing in, in like Mexico and the Southwest. Damn. I didn't think they lasted that long. Well, I mean the assholes of them did. The Comanches
Starting point is 00:05:00 were awful though. They, they didn't just tort, All the tribes, like any tribe that's on that map from east to west, tortured people because that's how we roll. But the Comanches seemed to have like, it was like part of their religion almost. It was ritualized torture. Yeah, because to them, like you would never, if you hit your thumb, you wouldn't say shit. Like women, when they're giving birth all right if your mom while your mom was giving birth if she screamed you would carry that you would carry that shame as a man fair you would be like boy whose mother cries or something like yeah they've got to switch up the names everyone's being named this
Starting point is 00:05:43 i almost feel like there might be a certain thing to live up to that will make you better like the man named sue boy named sue yes no they would just no it was it was more because they would name you like in middle school and it would be your buddies and shit so you'd be like jane gillis has a thing about this because he's also fascinated with this shit i guess he's like some of the names would be like, dog pussy. So you'd just be dog fart for the rest of your life or like broke dick or something.
Starting point is 00:06:11 Like you'd fall and shit yourself one day and you'd be stinky pants for the rest of your life. Middle school or grade school rules. Yeah, that hasn't changed. Yeah, 100%. If there was a kid who shit his pants in grade school, he carried that with him. So they would torture you for as long as they had time
Starting point is 00:06:28 to torture you to death like slowly they would heap hot coals on your belly while you were tied down usually when they raid somewhere often people are coming after them right away to try to get horses and kidnap
Starting point is 00:06:44 relatives back. Like immediately the army would be there or, or like the, the Buffalo hunters would rally all together or the townspeople. Like they were always pursued after they, they fucked around, but they rarely found out because they were so hard to catch because they would just ride away and ride away.
Starting point is 00:06:59 They would kidnap a kid and take him 400 miles away. And it's 18, 20. You know what I mean? Like 400 miles away is forever away. Yeah. Eons. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:10 There were a lot of famous white kids who got stolen and kidnapped and they went on and did like crazy shit like amongst the tribe. They got accepted and became like badasses as Indians and would kill their own people and kill other tribes. And it was fascinating. Well, I mean, yeah. Yeah, pretty much. I guess. What else are you going to do, though? and would kill their own people and kill other tribes. It was fascinating. Well, I mean, yeah. Yeah, pretty much.
Starting point is 00:07:29 I guess what else are you going to do, though? Yeah, I forgive them for the traitor thing if they're young enough. Yeah. Oh, well, you're stolen at four, and you don't have allegiance to these people. You have no memory of them. Oh, they kill you if you're four. So they would only keep, if you're a child, they would only keep you if you were big enough to be self-sufficient,
Starting point is 00:07:46 but small enough to be made one of the tribe. Also, you could be a bitch. The one kid spent his whole childhood with the Indians and later was taught to read and write and reintroduced to a white society as a man. He was talking about he never cried. He's like, they would torture me. They run me through the gauntlet. They,
Starting point is 00:08:07 they cut me. They drove hot nails through my ears. I never cried. I screamed with anger and wanted vengeance. And I, and I, I tried to attack them and I could tell they liked that. They were,
Starting point is 00:08:20 I thought you were going to go the other way. Like they would only steal people who fit in a backpack. No, probably. No. Probably. A papoose. No, they would take the baby, and a true account was they took the baby and just tied it behind the horse and drug it through briars and cactuses until it was bashed and torn to pieces. They would just rape people.
Starting point is 00:08:38 That is rough. Who's recording this? If you don't like a baby, look, I don't want to flex or brag. Who's recording it? I could kill a baby so fast. I think it'd be pretty tough to watch. I'd be like, oh, God. We're definitely the bad guys here.
Starting point is 00:08:54 There is no ifs, ands, or buts. We are 100% the bad guys dragging babies behind horses. It's not like one instance of... I'm not trying to poo-poo on it. I just... Since they didn't develop written... It was Spanish historians who wrote it down? and it's not like one who i'm i'm not trying to do yeah poo poo on it i just uh uh since they didn't develop written it was spanish historians who wrote it's everyone will tell you this um so they're the spanish historians mostly through the church because they were trying to catholicize the
Starting point is 00:09:17 area and putting missions in but what they did because they were getting butt fucked so bad by the indians they allowed all these american settlers to come in. They were like, hey, these lands are free. And they used them as a buffer. We won't defend the Americans. They can just take the ass whooping and they won't be able to get to us. So you've got tons of just newspaper clippings from the day describing the accounts
Starting point is 00:09:38 of the surviving victims. You'd have some guy with his head scalped and he'd tell you what happened. There's a famous one of the guy who goes hunting and he hears screams at his house and when he gets there his three children and his wife have been murdered and scalped and he kills four or five of them or something like that when the neighbor finds him he's laying in a pile of bodies he shot one and killed like four with a knife or something because one thing to keep in mind they're little guys yeah they're like these dudes are small the reason they're able to ride like that and traverse those huge ranges they don't need a lot of calories a day anyway you know they're like they're like teen boys
Starting point is 00:10:15 looking yeah it's like like their bodies like they must have been kind of spooked like seeing like a a settler who's like a 6-3 dman. Or a conquistador with steel armor. I've read some Spanish reports when they showed up and saw the Aztecs. I think it's undersold the amount of people they sacrificed
Starting point is 00:10:37 and how regularly they did it. Like tens of thousands of people they would sacrifice for rain or whatever purposes, whatever religious. That's wild to me because like there's a huge investment in getting a human baby to turn like 18 years old and become useful. And just before it pays off, they they'd stop as a society that will hold you back. Yeah. Oh, yeah, it did.
Starting point is 00:11:02 They got absolutely butt fucked. But I think their population was equal to or greater than like London or Paris of the time. society that will hold you back yeah oh yeah it did they got absolutely buttfucked by i think their population was equal to or greater than like london or paris of the time like when they were being invaded like they had a massive population whose population the aztecs so would that be like mexico that would if you're telling me that's the area population is comparable to the city of london i'm not that impressed no no the capital city of the aztec was comparable okay okay like the one that i can't pronounce that starts with a t thank you is that it how do you spell that i don't know i didn't know if that was the mayan
Starting point is 00:11:38 one or the aztec yeah i don't know the legend is the balloon has been popped first he misspelled Pharaoh like three weeks ago. Now this. I was supposed to say quiet. Let's edit that out. A little more phonetically. I'm always curious about the population claims
Starting point is 00:12:04 of ancient places. because I always almost put it in the same bucket where it's like and the Persians met the Assyrians on the field of battle with one million men. And it's like, is that kind of like just their way of being like an uncountable amount of men like a scores and scores you couldn't possibly put a number on it because like there's no way they were having battles with you know a million people back then there just weren't enough people um i think especially back then it was hard to raise an army because it was hard to have a professional army because everybody was a peasant it was something i i i watched the thing recently and it was there was that year when a volcano erupted or something. And then the global climate, we went into like a mini ice age for like three or four years and there was famine in Europe. And something about that meant that the peasants, the peasant class was getting paid or something like that.
Starting point is 00:13:02 And it changed the way armies ended up being conscripted in the future and allowed for professional armies to be a thing. That was interesting, too. I think it was a volcanic eruption. It wasn't that long ago. I mean, it wasn't thousands of years ago. It was like the year 458, I think. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:20 It's like 1,500 years ago. Before my time. Yeah, a little before our time. We don't know what else. What did you do for fun back then? I guess you scalped children. So they would take a branch and they'd bend it in twain and they would tie the ends together
Starting point is 00:13:34 and then you'd keep it rolling with another stick as you chased after. Damn, so close to the wheel. So close. They had the wheel. Did they? Who didn't figure that out who are the who are the groups who didn't figure out the wheel who didn't figure the wheel out because the native americans didn't have the wheel embarrassing the big kicker on that one is the fence i feel like the fence is fairly self-evident you know if you can build a wall you can build a fence these things
Starting point is 00:14:02 should be what i could have invented the fence, but, uh, what is the fence for? So that you don't have to follow Buffalo across the planet. Yeah. Oh, you, well,
Starting point is 00:14:13 how do you feed them then? You move them from quadrant to quadrants. Like we do. Yeah. Do I need to teach you how to raise cows? Yeah. You just, we only have the different pastures,
Starting point is 00:14:22 but we only do that because like one guy owns 50 and another guy, if you look at how Ted Turner raises Buffalo, I bet he don't do that. He's got them on an open range. It makes perfect sense. Then you can have like nicer homes. You're referring to domestication, perhaps where we're milking the Buffalo,
Starting point is 00:14:36 making Buffalo cheese. Just that, like the reason that they lived in these shitty teepees and couldn't like advance society is that it had to be so mobile. Yeah. I mean, they were Stone Age tribes. Well, that's not true because the Eastern tribes didn't do any of that. They had agriculture
Starting point is 00:14:53 and they stayed in one spot. They had a settlement and they also didn't have a fucking wheel. Goodness gracious. No mill? No. Do you know how early you build a mill in Age of Empires? It's like the second thing. I was watching that.
Starting point is 00:15:09 I was watching and reading about this shit. They were talking about sun-baked bread. And I was like, God damn it. You got the fire right there, boy. You got nothing to do. There's no crops. You don't have to get up early. They're spending all their time frittered away on torture.
Starting point is 00:15:31 Yeah, but it seems like killing hunting them down and shooting them just didn't work as well nearly as well as killing all the buffalo and giving them smallpox like like that did the trick that apparently they were way more uh native americans than we even know that just got destroyed by the smallpox. And that's why the Great Plains were swimming with buffalo. That hadn't historically been the norm, that there were these gigantic herds that would blot out the whole prairie. It was only because the white diseases that came in and white diseases. So I get that they weren't inoculated to white diseases.
Starting point is 00:16:03 Chinese virus. I get that they weren't inoculated to the white diseases, but I also wonder, why not? We've probably all been exposed to COVID, and it's been three years-ish. Who knows? Yeah. So we're all inoculated to some extent, maybe vaccinated. I don't know. But why is it that the white diseases that we brought over like i get out
Starting point is 00:16:26 was extra rough the first time but four years in we should have survivors and a little inoculation and so some get on our level uh well what gave the europeans strong immune systems relatively is that the adoption of like lives keeping livestock brings with it a lot of disease. And so over time, you build up resilience to that and you don't even know. Not just in one lifetime, though, is what's important.
Starting point is 00:16:52 We have the generational thing where when the first Europeans were exposed to smallpox, they were decimated. But the ones who weren't were the hardy ones who were able to survive it. And then maybe they had a little bit of resistance. Those were the ones who weren't were the hardy ones who were able to survive. And then maybe they had a little bit of resistance.
Starting point is 00:17:06 Those were the ones who made children, right? But these Indians, this is the first time they're ever getting hit with this stuff. And it's just... They weren't dealing with the germs that naturally come about when you force all the livestock to stay in close proximity. I think what I'm hearing is that white people are genetically superior. We definitely were better with animals. We figured that out people are genetically superior. We definitely were better with animals. Like we figured that out. I'm just trying to make you racist.
Starting point is 00:17:29 You're making an argument that genetics is involved. That's what I'm hearing. It could be. I mean, I bet an average Dutch guy shows up in the new world and he's like, he's like six foot average dude where he's from. And then he's like, oh, this is wonderful. Just a small little guy. He's like, today we're going to go
Starting point is 00:17:50 explore the tallest man. I don't know, but they're the tallest people in the world. I think you're right. But I think that Americans are the tallest people in the world. I'm making this up like 50 years ago. Probably now. No, we're definitely not now. No?
Starting point is 00:18:04 With all the South uh south americans they're dragging our average down we've had this discussion well they're african oh the the immigration and what do you think's happened to the scandinavians my friend you might not be watching fox news enough yeah i i've you're right i'm not watching any fox i watched it today dude i saw destiny debate on Fox News today. Really? I watch a lot of Fox. I try to understand all sides. I'm not perfect, but I try.
Starting point is 00:18:29 I guess he'll fuck you up. He'll want to beat Destiny. Dude, he was debating a guy named Will Kane, I think. I thought he won, even though Will Kane was sort of being dirty, throwing in loaded questions and assuming facts that weren't established or necessarily true. Destiny's just, he'll
Starting point is 00:18:52 fuck you up, man. He's very good at arguing his side. And he's knowledgeable. He's encyclopedic about almost everything. The guy brought up the Twitter files from Matt Tiabi. You remember those? No. He's a character. A guy named Matt Tiabi, he's a journalist.
Starting point is 00:19:06 And he, I guess Twitter released a bunch of information to him. And then he looked at it and summarized it and put a report out there. Cool. And then the Fox News guy in bad faith characterized it as this mass censorship from the left. And Destiny is like intimately familiar with it already. And that happens a lot. I watch a lot of destiny and um he's just dude i don't care what you bring up the history of israel the twitter files
Starting point is 00:19:32 the muller report uh anything he's educated on it in modern politics that's his jam i saw him go against um candace owens who's that oh my god i saw that on Reddit. They were talking about degrees. She had made some ridiculous assertion that someone with a high school diploma has a higher reading level than someone who has a liberal arts degree or something. Not even that, it was college. She said that people graduating college
Starting point is 00:19:58 are less literate than high school graduates. What was this debate possibly about for that to come up? I think we saw the same snippet on reddit it was like she was probably you know like the debate probably just began with her talking about how the current generation is shitty and because they're they're getting degrees and things that don't matter that was probably some assertion she made and he immediately went to tearing it apart you know oh and he's armed with facts and logic right like there were numbers taylor yeah he's like 51 of all degrees granted are from stem
Starting point is 00:20:30 uh she was using like an out-of-state tuition as the average to what people are paying she was claiming most people exit with a hundred thousand dollars in debt and he knew that it was 29 400 uh like he was just ripping the fuck out of her because really she just had... She only excels when no one challenges her. She had cherry-picked numbers that were just not... She was arguing in bad
Starting point is 00:20:56 faith with cherry-picked numbers that you could perhaps afterwards claim ignorance to say, oh, well, it says it right there. Well, that's not what matters, though. See, it's this and that. It says it right there, though. Yeah. The right
Starting point is 00:21:11 loves to pick on... Okay. The right loves to pick on dumb degrees. Gender studies. I'll just grab that one. And I agree with the right on this. But they take that and act like that is what everybody is learning in college. Like, the average person is going to school to take that and act like that is what everybody is learning in college. Like the average person is going to school to study gender studies
Starting point is 00:21:27 and that is not fair. I think they're upset about the cottage industry of DEI and the fact that you're seeing the build up on the other end. Or at least that's what I'm when I see those degrees, that's what I'm upset about because I know those degrees aren't useless degrees anymore because
Starting point is 00:21:43 the people who got the useless degrees anymore because um because the people who got the useless degrees 10 years ago and was like holy shit i got a useless degree just completely propagandized our whole society and made themselves necessary oh you don't need someone who's an expert in men and women and men who mask uh menstruate you don't have tampons and pads in your bathroom your dei score just went down oh looks like blackrock's mad at you you better fix that you better hire some fucking retard and pay him 250 grand a year to scold white people when i worked in corporate america dei was really not a thing or present um but that's pretty out of date now that was like 18 years ago or something
Starting point is 00:22:21 so that i don't pretend to know what's current i do have a friend i could tell you where he works but it's a tech company and uh they lead off meetings announcing their pronouns and i don't think everyone does that i doubt pepsi does that but it's real and it's a big company that you would have heard of and uh i'm like all right and he finds it very frustrating yeah i know people who work at some large tech companies as well, friends of mine, and they parrot that same thing of like, it's fucking ridiculous. Did you have that personally when you were working in corporate?
Starting point is 00:22:54 There was a good deal of it. Usually the larger the company, the more it was. So like a regional grocer isn't going to have the same DEI that Target does, where like Target is going to have a whole department of people paid a lot of money whose whole job is to be like the company picnic is racist and white people need to listen and stop talking. And and then everyone's just OK. I don't want to lose my job. Give me that quote from that fruitcake black Doctor
Starting point is 00:23:31 Who that they got now that I saw dancing in a skirt last night. What did he say? He said something about something about like white, like mediocre white people get twice the attention that a black... I want to find it. Something about
Starting point is 00:23:45 white mediocrity. Just being chill. Just openly hating white people. That should be called out for as racist as it sounds. I'm calling it out right here, Woody. We're calling it out. That should be widely called out
Starting point is 00:24:02 all the time and not given a pass. It is given a pass everywhere, which is frustrating to see. Everyone should just be like me. Dr. Who is a black, thin boy. Everyone should be cool like us. Look at us. We all disagree on things, but we can all come together talking about how much better we are than the fucking Comanche.
Starting point is 00:24:21 Oh, that's one thing that Destiny said that I really liked. It wasn't about the comanche but he and will kane both found common ground that some cultures are just inherently much better kyle do you want to go back to your quote i didn't mean to change uh yeah he just said um there's so much white mediocrity that gets celebrated and black people we have to be absolutely flawless to get half of that anyway and then he goes on and on i don't want to read that an absurd disconnect from reality to say that yeah and like they said it and i kind of went and what they said was some cultures is inherently superior to others and i'm like you know what that's just fucking true there are some cultures
Starting point is 00:24:57 where uh india in india stealing and bribing is part of the culture, right? If you want to get a driver's license, for example, this is a while. It was back when I worked at Cisco. It might have changed. But the bureaucracy was so horrible that to do it without bribing would take like 30 hours, much of it sitting in line. You might hire someone to stand in line for you and then take their spot when they get to the front. Most people I worked with had servants. They grew up with servants helping them
Starting point is 00:25:32 because there's a real income disparity there that would make us blush. My ancestors had servants as well, and y'all's put an end to it. That's fair. But let's just acknowledge that a culture of bribing and stealing or the chinese culture where winning matters and the fact that you cheated to win doesn't matter right so they cheat on their test so outrageously that they don't necessarily learn
Starting point is 00:25:59 and it is impossible to compete without cheating on tests if everyone else around you cheats then that is how this works and i would argue that that's a culture that's not as good so it's like some cultures are inherently better than others and the fact that they were both like yeah that's just true i'm like wow i thought it was racist to say that but it's kind of just on the mark like norwegian culture is better than are we a modern culture i feel like i feel like i'm mapped to modern cultures. I feel like we can make less awful arguments if we go to
Starting point is 00:26:28 parallel ancient civilizations. What was going on in Africa versus Eastern Europe versus Western Europe versus Japan in exactly the year 1500? You know what I mean? I guess that's geographical. That has nothing to do with culture though, so I withdraw my statement.
Starting point is 00:26:49 No, cultures tend to be separate by geography. But empires rise and fall, so you have fluxes, so it's not fair. You know what I mean? There was a time when the Romans were... Depending on when you took Rome's temperature, you could get very different
Starting point is 00:27:04 readings, you know what I mean? And neither one would be necessarily telling about their culture. It would just be telling about the geography at a period of time. So it's not relevant to the argument. I heard an Iranian woman talking about cultures. And she was like, you know, we act like we're the best. But all of our medicines are coming from America and Israel and Western societies like that.
Starting point is 00:27:27 We're not advancing science. We don't have a space program. We don't have this. We don't have that. And she was just like, you know what? Maybe our like theocracy based culture does have room for improvement. And it's like,
Starting point is 00:27:38 you know what? She's just fucking right. Yeah. Boom. Yeah. Like some, it's unreal that it's controversial to say that some cultures are clearly better like look at well it's a little little passage from the bible you will
Starting point is 00:27:51 know a tree by its fruits what who've created more uh like socratic or you'll know the season taylor well no you know whether or not a tree is productive and and generative well there was whether or not it produces fruit, but the tree being cultures here, the Arabic culture had a cure for that. Um, that for, for,
Starting point is 00:28:11 um, uh, the black plague, they would Lance the boils and pure people of it. We, they were way far, far ahead in. Oh,
Starting point is 00:28:20 they were like inoculate a Lance and inoculate the next guy. No, they would burn out the infection in your armpit. And somehow that worked, but they would like inoculate a Lance and inoculate the next guy. No, they would burn out the infection in your armpit. And somehow that worked. But they but I know that they're way ahead. Well, I mean, there's a reason our numbers are Arabic numerals. There was a time where their science and astronomy was was first class in the world. It's only when they turned theocratic later on and maybe the interpretations of certain holy books were changed or became more
Starting point is 00:28:45 conservative and fundamentalized that they lost that. But it's kind of like how you see in Shogun how at least the Japanese bathe. The Europeans haven't figured that one out yet. We're still just filthy peasants
Starting point is 00:29:02 where even the royalty is bathing maybe twice a month yeah i mean in the show he felt like there was some downside to daily bathing do you remember what the line was he's like uh i'm gonna get the flummox or something like that what he meant was you want me to get the flu or like it's sick okay get flummoxed or something like he used some old-timey gibberish ah okay yeah yeah so yeah i caught that too yeah is that where that comes from that word i wouldn't know he's um made up word you're right the finale came out uh last night right shit i'm three behind now all right i'm gonna watch it
Starting point is 00:29:41 tonight i'm watching this tonight i haven't seen the finale, but I'm otherwise caught up. Same. I'm very excited. I hope it doesn't let me down. I've seen shows before where that final episode kind of kills it. And I don't mean Game of Thrones, because it was this whole downward climb. But with The Outsiders, or The Outsider, I think it is, on HBO.
Starting point is 00:30:00 It's a Stephen King. It's about the monster that rapes boys to death to make their families fill with sorrow so he can feed upon that pain. There's a lot of sexually abused children in Stephen King's work. He loves it! Are you telling me Stephen King had a good concept and a bad ending?
Starting point is 00:30:15 I don't believe that. Stephen King books are like, oh my god. He did whatever that show was in the forest with all the really interesting quandaries early on. Oh, lost. Like, why are we in this repeating time loop or whatever? And it's like, why are they?
Starting point is 00:30:31 And then by the end, nothing's answered, except with Stephen King. It's like setting up a vampire story and then out of left field, it's like, oh, there's a lot of children being molested in this scene, Stephen. You know, if I were an inquisitive person i'd maybe wonder why you like writing about this you know why come on you know why
Starting point is 00:30:51 because it's the worst thing it's the worst thing it's it's the worst thing and his his whole thing is writing monsters and it's have you read it of course i've read it i've read all of his bigger novels tell me that didn't come out of left field for no reason i don't know i've read it. I've read all of his bigger novels. Tell me that didn't come out of left field for no reason. I don't know. I've read like maybe 10. Something like that. Stephen King hasn't read all his novels. That's too much to ask. He was like coked up writing Cujo in the 80s
Starting point is 00:31:16 just every three weeks a new book out. I like Cujo. I like Carrie. I like 112263. But I like the child. Carrie's horror. It's a tele... No. The car one.
Starting point is 00:31:30 No, that's... Christine? It's like a woman... Christine. I haven't read the car one. Carrie is the one with the girl is being abused left and right and at the end she snaps and kills everyone with telekinetic powers. Oh, okay. Pretty good. We made it a few times.
Starting point is 00:31:46 I haven't seen that movie. I know it is. It's good. It's really hard to watch because it's just a girl being abused and picked on continuously for the whole movie. And then she finally just snaps and kills everyone. It's fun to watch everybody die. I guess at the end,
Starting point is 00:32:00 I wish Stephen King had a pinch hitter for endings, right? Like I've written five eights or seven-eighths of a book. Anyone want to wrap this up for me? I think a lot of them, there's no way to wrap it up because he's... There is, though. I was going to say Kyle could do it. I want you to get that motherfucker by the shirt and like,
Starting point is 00:32:20 you did this and you did that and slowly beat him until his face is gone. That'll do. That'll do. Or maybe take the magic stone and shove it up his ass or something. Whatever you got to do, but go beat him up. Go make him admit he was wrong. Go tell him all the things he did. Shine the light on the evil. Let the townsfolk gather around and let it be exposed to the world.
Starting point is 00:32:40 Let there be a revolution at the end where some goodness can be seen around the corner but he refuses even in 11 22 63 the ending of that it kind of has two endings one ending for all the sci-fi jfk assassination shit like that ends and then there's the emotional ending because he also has this love interest that he's lost from in in in time as it were and it's that one ended well to me like i felt like that ending i think they they they're like slow dancing at the end now i my problem was that uh there was a little bit like oh jfk died now we're going to do an alternate history oh yeah the thunderstorms are horrible volcanoes and earthquakes are a big problem and I'm like, because the president
Starting point is 00:33:25 lived, I should have said. That's just I get that timeline not following its supposed correct path is why we have earthquakes and volcanoes and I don't know, climate anomalies. That's not the ending that I
Starting point is 00:33:42 was looking for. I was looking for oh, you know what? Actually it turned out really well or really poorly. This alternate history is how it went down. You know, JFK one, and then maybe the pendulum swung towards the Republicans and we didn't get Carter or something else.
Starting point is 00:33:59 Well, he wasn't going, he wasn't going to continue Vietnam the whole. So I, I get you not liking that, but what is suggested by that is really interesting because throughout the, He wasn't going to continue Vietnam. The whole, so I get you not liking that, but what is suggested by that is really interesting because throughout the story, he will go back in time and change minor things.
Starting point is 00:34:13 And he progressively ups that to make sure that he can do this thing, saving JFK. So first he's like, at first someone was, it's pretty neat. They go, it's a portal to one period back in the 60s, three or four years before the president's killed. That's all this portal does. And so it exists under a hamburger restaurant.
Starting point is 00:34:33 And so the owner has been going back in time to when beef was like 10 cents a bushel. And he's been taking that old-timey grass-fed beef and selling it in the future. And everybody was like, his prices never went up. They're the cheapest burgers and the most delicious. It's got to be roadkill.
Starting point is 00:34:50 Everybody knows it's got to be roadkill. There's no way you can sell burgers for a quarter, but he does. And so we know we can do that. And the world doesn't fall apart. Then he goes back and he saves a life. Then he saves a family of lobsters. And then he's like,
Starting point is 00:35:06 I can do this. But when he changes JFK, it's not just one man's life. It's the whole world. It's a global change because now wars don't happen. Entire generations live and die instead. Like 50,000 U.S. servicemen don't die.
Starting point is 00:35:21 APAC had to register as a foreign lobby. Maybe, yeah. He was trying to do that. That would just be blue birds and sunshine when he came back through the portal. Nothing bad would happen at all. But yes. We have spaceships!
Starting point is 00:35:41 The more the timeline goes off the original path, the more, again, volcanoes, earthquakes, etc. happen. And I didn't like that as a verification of the timeline change. I want more of a natural, like what people do differently. Yeah. Well, the point was, you can't do that. You can't change that much.
Starting point is 00:36:06 Because things. Because magic. Well, no, because it breaks reality. And that kind of made sense. Because magic is a lot of the end of his books. Mr. Mercedes is a good one if you want one that's more grounded. I love Mr. Mercedes. I've never heard of it.
Starting point is 00:36:23 It's a straightforward detective situation it begins with someone we don't know who the mercedes killer feeling like a s500 mercedes this big souped up mercedes and crashing through this line of people waiting at a job fair and the book begins with like you're you're in the POV of the people in line. You get to know them and like them, and then they're crushed and torn apart and mangled to death. You follow the detective who failed to ever catch the Mercedes killer, this guy who killed a dozen people outside the job expo. Now he's retired, and he's fat, and he's lazy, and he's got his pistol sitting there as he finishes his beer. He's thinking about killing himself but the real mercedes killer is annoyed that the old detective
Starting point is 00:37:11 hasn't killed himself yet and he and so he writes him a taunting letter and it has the opposite effect the detective's like you motherfucker he's just like puts his gun in his holster starts working out starts eating right throws the beer away he starts making but puts his gun in his holster starts working out starts eating right throws the beer away he starts making but puts his tie on and this old man goes to work to catch this killer and the old man is great and he has kind of a scooby scooby-doo gang that he forms around himself as time goes on but the killer is like like a modern day psycho killer, like, like, like incestuous, like damaged personality with evil in his mind. So how did you consume the story?
Starting point is 00:37:51 Uh, did you read it? I read it. Audiobook it or movie it. I read it with a paper book in jail. And then I watched the, I think Hulu maybe did a thing of it covering it. Um,
Starting point is 00:38:02 I didn't love that, but I did love the book although um the books are good i think it's three books um i've only read the first one i think now come to think of it and it ends on a really interesting cliffhanger because the reason i bring it up is the entire book is like i said just detective shit like like you go to the killer and you're like oh my god he's gonna he's talking about like maybe he could buy an ice and thinking to himself i could buy one of those ice cream trucks and i could put cyanide and all the ice cream i could i could drive around the whole town and just get like he thinks of diabolical shit all the terrible business plan he'll never have
Starting point is 00:38:38 any repeat customers and he's racist he's like thinking the n-word in his head a lot and he's thinking about and he's and he's thinking about fucking his mother and he's racist he's like thinking the n-word in his head a lot and he's thinking about and he's and he's thinking about fucking his mother and he's thinking about just doing all kinds of fucked up shit um but at the end of it when again 100 grounded nothing crazy in the last page maybe the last 30 words some magic shit happens what wait what like not necessarily magic but like happens what wait what like not necessarily magic but like some human superpower type shit happens like a thing and you're like what the fuck was that and i'm i don't i never went back to book two because they let me out now i could i could watch tv again i had my own i got the remote back and i could i could watch whatever i wanted not just is that the best thing? Getting your TV? It was probably food.
Starting point is 00:39:26 That was part of it. Part of it was honestly just being able to sit alone. I hadn't been in a room alone in two months. That was annoying. If you just haven't heard silence for two months, nothing approaching silence. That makes sense. What about nighttime?
Starting point is 00:39:43 Snores and farts. It's so loud it's at you know it's loud did it echo like just talking in the middle of the day the size of where you slept and how many people were in that yeah um the it was sort of shaped like a long barn. It's concrete blocks like high schools. Cinder block walls. Like federal government style. And the roof was peaked, which helped with the, they had one of those huge AC conduits that ran up there, like maybe a three foot wide pipe was running through,
Starting point is 00:40:21 pumping AC down to everybody. And we're each in these open air cells, no door, no roof. And the walls that separate each cell come up to like here on me or something like that. Maybe somewhere in here, you know,
Starting point is 00:40:35 I can definitely look right over it. I can talk to my neighbors. Not everybody can. And then there's a row against each wall, you know, going the length of that barn structure. And then there's another row in the wall, you know, going the length of that barn structure. And then there's another row in the center that's double. So the row in the center, like there's cells that face the left and the right that butt against each other.
Starting point is 00:40:55 And so that creates these two lanes where there's guys on the left and the right on each side of the building. And on one end of the building are doors that open up to the outside of the rec area and on the other end it's capped off by this separate tv room microwave room ice machine room and shit like that and we can leave that place anytime we want but the outside isn't you know the outside is just more of those buildings yeah there's four more three or four more of those buildings i know you have to walk outside anytime you want it? Yeah. Except for at night time. I never really understood exactly when and maybe we could go out at night.
Starting point is 00:41:33 I never really understood when we were allowed to get up exactly and go outside the doors. It seemed like, because obviously there's a period of time when you're up late and then you're up early right like that's very at some point we it changes right it's 4 a.m nighttime or daytime yeah yeah um but i know at like 5 a.m you could definitely like just walk out the doors and fuck around and there was really not a lot of keeping
Starting point is 00:42:01 an eye on us i mean they came and did that fucking check every few hours. Like they come and shine the flashlight in your face at night, literally on your face, you know, and you're sort of doing this sort of, just sort of like getting the, getting what's going on. Did they like, did the guards give the prisoners like kind of human decency respect or were
Starting point is 00:42:21 you just cattle? No. Um, there was a good relationship I thought with all of the guards like they were sort of i don't know i would equate it to like a tough um gym teacher okay it was it was like marcus what are you doing it was exactly like that now that i think of it it was like being in gym um as far as the guards were concerned because somebody'd be sitting up on top of marks what you did upon that bunk come on get down and that was the infractions that most of the
Starting point is 00:42:50 time they would deal with it say those words again what are you doing on that bunk yeah you know if you're like sitting up on top of like a shelf or something like that oh okay there i would describe them like that there would say little bits of middle school. They got this new captain or something, like boss man. Maybe my second month. He would come in and yell at everybody and everybody would line up. He was more like a football coach.
Starting point is 00:43:17 He'd be like, who here doesn't have a job? It's like... As far as you know not me it's time to work out outside no you're not moving he's got you held captive there and he's like looking for people who don't have jobs and he's giving them
Starting point is 00:43:35 shit tier jobs he's like you're going to be painting today Marcus and he's got them out there running buffers and pressure washers and shit they rode Marcus hard Marcus had it hard, yeah. Well, he should have sat on the bunk. Marcus, white guy. Drew attention to himself.
Starting point is 00:43:50 I feel like I'd want a job to pass the time. Especially if it's painting. That could be kind of fun. It was painting. It was the end of a very baking summer. And there were days when it hit triple digits for sure outside in the baking Alabama sun. There were clouds in Alabama.
Starting point is 00:44:12 We want you to personalize your own cell. You can put clouds in there. You could have painted the things you like. Yeah, there were no clouds in Alabama as far as I could tell. Just a big big extra big sun just a giant sun that just that bakes you all day big old glare bear up there just looking down on you with a frowny face all fucking day it was hot you probably got a nice tan no i didn't go out when there was sun i i worked out and did my track shit like very early in the a.m like snow would
Starting point is 00:44:42 come and wake me up and we'd go the sun wouldn't be up yet no it's funny how like people in jail get up so early i guess it's like you're laying in bed like what are you gonna do sleep in a light to explode on when the lights come on they're loud and it's like they're so bright it's fluorescent lights right above you you know big banks of them that's cruelty yeah it sucks i i worked under fluorescent lights for a long time and i went and go play video games instead i hated it i had like for probably like two and a half years ago now i like went around my house like the lights, light bulbs and everything were starting to die from the previous owner. And so I, you know, it was like that soft light.
Starting point is 00:45:31 And I was like, I'm going to put like that super bright white LED light so I can see better everywhere. And so like I put all that in there and like for like two years, I had that be probably two and a half now my my jam and everywhere and like i just literally earlier today i was like i am so sick of this like clinical public school dmv feeling in like my bathroom in my kitchen in my living room in my office and so i went to walmart had to go twice underestimated how many light bulbs are in the house and i bought like just the standard like back to like soft white light that's like in most homes and like just a couple hours later i'm like oh why why didn't i just have this the whole time yeah like the nice comfortable feeling instead of this
Starting point is 00:46:23 i agree i don't, better word than clinical. I've taken this same journey where it was like, I'm going to get the brightest, hottest daylight, whatever. No, no, no. I want to live in a little bit of amber. It's better. I have a suggestion for you. 100%. I got these bulbs that you can change
Starting point is 00:46:40 with your phone. They can be any color you want and any brightness you want. Sometimes in the bedroom, you want to turn on the red lights right damn those bad boys down get get scary you know you should have told me this earlier this afternoon because i'm about a hundred dollars 110 into light bulbs today 110 you sweet summer child i just spent like 250 in my game of thrones room then we have these chandeliers. Each of them have like 18 bulbs or something. I actually did the master bedroom too. It also had like
Starting point is 00:47:09 12 bulbs. You're the one ruining the environment. Jesus. It's him. My chandelier only needs five. And then the foyer one only needs four. I had three of them. They combined. I don't even have a chandelier. They threatened like 50 or something. It's so... Going green. God damn it. Yeah. I felt like such a fucking retard like i
Starting point is 00:47:27 bought so i was driving home from walmart being like golly a 12 pack of light bulbs is 24 that's so much more than i thought at least i'm set on them for according to the box eight years and then i get home and immediately like oh look at the boxes and I'm like, you don't have nearly enough light. You need almost twice this many light bulbs. Yeah. We went shopping online. We bought so many light bulbs. Amazon being 20% more expensive or whatever it was, it was worth it to go to, I don't even know, Champion Lighting or something. Because it's expensive.
Starting point is 00:48:00 Bulbs are, but they do last longer. Yeah. Dude, our master bedroom, when we bought the house of the, I'll say 12 bulbs, probably eight worked. And they were incandescent old light bulbs. And then it dropped to seven and then six. And we were like, you know, I think this is our preference. Then five, then four. And for a while, there was one holdout light bulb.
Starting point is 00:48:20 We have like an eight watt incandescent bulb lighting up my bedroom's big like the ceilings are 18 20 feet tall and and the it's just big you could you could ride a bicycle in circles in my master bedroom let me and uh i'll go ahead lit by a single eight watt incandescent bulb like right before bed and we didn't hate it it was but what i actually like is a stupid amount of amber lighting on a dimmer that's yeah that's that's exactly what i've because all my lights dim and everything and so i've that's what i bought and it's so much better the app it's more comfortable now you've got it on the app it's so fucking convenient i'll get up if you ever go upstairs in your bedroom or whatever and you're like can i turn off the who fucking cares
Starting point is 00:49:02 boop and like the whole house will go dark or you can create modes you know you can do an away mode where like your your lights will do that home alone shit you know a little activity during the day or during night i'm wasting a ton of electricity right now enjoying my new ball there's no one in my sunroom nor will there be all night but the fan and the lights are on in there because it just i like the app i do like i get clever with selling i was like you know what every day at 2 a.m all the lights turn off in there because it just feels warm. I get clever with stuff like that. It's like, you know what? Every day at 2 a.m., all the lights turn off. Then that means that I
Starting point is 00:49:30 don't have to go dad mode and fuss at somebody for leaving the lights on in an unused room. It was expensive. I don't remember what each bulb cost. Was it Philips? I ordered them off Amazon. I've got them in... I've got maybe a dozen of them
Starting point is 00:49:48 or something like that because they're in like the lamps and um that's mostly lamps and some like are they called sconces i don't know that that wall i've got some wall lighting um i've got some wall lighting on sconces or whatever it's on those those. And so basically I can kind of change the mood in every room that I go into. Dude, I fell off a ladder. The lighting thing is fun. I started to fall off a ladder. So you walk into my foyer today
Starting point is 00:50:15 and I was on this ladder. Time out. You know what foyer means. And in what language? French, obviously. Entryway, I would guess. Pretentious door. It's, ah.
Starting point is 00:50:31 I did not know that. Now I do. Now it's trivia. I can be like, hey, idiot, tell me what foyer means. I do it more smarmy than Kyle. But when you first walk into my house, obviously the very high ceilings in the foyer. And so I had to get a ladder and I didn't want to go get, you know, those little giant ladders that like you can fold. It's like a type of it was way too you can use these.
Starting point is 00:50:58 It's a birthday, the little giant. Yeah, it's called a little giant ladder and it can be folded. It can be like 25 feet tall, like I have. it has the orange clipper things to lock it in and i did not want to go to my basement and retrieve that and move it and so i went to my garage and got a like smaller one that's shitty less safe yeah way so much less safe they must have greased the bottom of this thing because i like i got it and i put it up there and it has that top part that's like this is not for standing on and i'm like don't tell me what to do big boys do what they want like up there unscrewing these three things and like i had like a stutter step moment where I get shifted, not like laughing to myself.
Starting point is 00:51:45 Oh, it shifted again. And like I'm I'm like instinct is like almost a grab onto the chandelier. And I'm not going to do that. Rip it from my ceiling, cause a huge, expensive problem. And so like I leapt like I knew I was going to fall. I knew I was going to fall. And so I leapt off of it and almost slid the ladder with my feet so I could land upright and not actually take a tumble. But it was the loudest noise I've ever heard on the hardwood above. I haven't gone to my basement since then.
Starting point is 00:52:17 Something could have been shaken loose or broken. You could have been laying there for hours. I could have been. That would have been so humiliating. If that would have happened to me, Kyle, you would have had to come over and pull my pants down down and tie me to a fucking doorknob you're not even i think i'm really emotionally okay beat me over there yeah so i fell off a ladder earlier that wasn't fun but yeah i got on that same ladder right afterward and changed out my two stances. Did you fall from the top like that?
Starting point is 00:52:47 From the top. I was probably standing about six feet. Ooh, that's okay. Yeah, yeah. I just like fell. Like I landed on my feet because I took the initiative to jump off when I felt like I was falling. It's important to know when to bail on a motorcycle too. I've been there.
Starting point is 00:53:04 Oh, I watched a motorcycle thing last night where the guy burnt his ass off. Did you see it? Oh yeah, I did. I've seen a couple of those. Dude, look. You'll never catch me riding in regular clothes. I've never popped a real wheelie, but I can get the fucking
Starting point is 00:53:19 front off the ground a little bit. If I was up here, the last thing I'm reaching for is more gas. What is he doing? He's all the way up, and he gets another handful of fucking accelerator, and his ass hits. Imagine you're riding the bike, and it goes too far back into the wheelie until your actual ass, the seat of your pants, is on asphalt,
Starting point is 00:53:40 and then you ride for a little. That happened. That's what happened. asphalt and then you ride for that happened that's what happened and and so like but luckily he had a bro there that was a good bro because he piggybacked him and so this guy's piggybacked onto another man and his pants have burnt off and so much of his ass cheeks have as well they are bloody red like ruined road rash ass cheeks his ass ain't never gonna look right oh you should have won your special pants i'm trying to i feel like i've been in that situation and when you're falling back giving it more gas is like part of holding on to the
Starting point is 00:54:17 handlebars you can find yourself in a position where it's hard to roll down a little bit although it seemed like it would be easier if you lean forward i don't know but uh yeah he fucked up i fucked up before too but i mostly practice big wheelies on the grass and on the appropriate bike too he was on i use my wife's some shit yeah this guy was on r6 or something like he was boogieing down the fucking highway it i hate seeing those and you know i just flick through reddit and i see a bad motorcycle crash every day. Did you see the one at an intersection where it was well filmed from the person following him? Well, it went down like this. There's an intersection and there was a road construction sign, which probably was involved in the driver who was going there like 90 degree angles the driver not
Starting point is 00:55:06 being able to see the motorcyclist in addition to the fact that motorcyclists are just kind of invisible you're looking for a car you don't see a bike anyway the motorcyclist was plowing through even though a car if you see the side of a car you should be on high alert side of a car is danger right he's going to pull in front of you possibly and this guy i get that it was the car's fault but i was very upset for the motorcyclist for not being defensive like he should have been and uh he smashed right into the side of the car and flipped over the uh hood and they're like it worked out really well he uh he tore two ligaments in his knee and broke his wrist. And I'm like, well, on the spectrum of things, that's not as bad as it could have been. But that's not really well.
Starting point is 00:55:48 Some people drive. I've driven like this before where I've thought, dude, if you want to make that mistake, do it. I don't care what happens right now. I'm in a fucking U-Haul. Like, you want to pull out in front of me? Do it. Go ahead. Bo, take my lane.
Starting point is 00:56:01 Come on. Rub against me. It's a fucking U-Haul. Yeah. Because you know you're in the right and if they want to be wrong and fuck their shit up, let's do it. I'm not afraid to do that. Maybe you even get into that in a hallway
Starting point is 00:56:12 or on a fucking seat chair in an armrest. You just kind of put your foot down. I feel like sometimes motorcyclists do that. They're like, I'm doing the right thing. He better see me coming or I'll rev it him loud. And it's like, bro, if he does the wrong thing there it'll tear you in half there'll be two pieces of you no okay this guy yeah look he's just like spider-man got
Starting point is 00:56:36 into a motorcycle hell that happened in eastern europe he's spider-man on top of that fucking car dude that was cool as shit i've seen a bunch like that where they end up on the car i was at my grandparents this weekend eating and uh having a good time with them my brothers and everything and uh so of course i watched some bull riding because that's what my grandpa watches all the time the the small amount of money they make even for winning combined with like the ghastly falls they take you know there's a belt buckle involved too and girls yeah there's a lot of girls a lot of belt buckles and the the announcers are pretty funny because like it doesn't even seem like they always have their audio worked out and they like make jokes that like you couldn't make if you were like doing an NBA or NHL game. They'll just just have fun with it and they know their audience.
Starting point is 00:57:31 But like they fall not like like directly on your head in the way that like a warning on the side of a shallow pool like that drawing does where it's like you'll watch and they're like you're like and then he just gets up and the announcers are like well that's an embarrassing one from old johnny rocket there everybody saw it and everyone's not gonna forget that anytime soon i i saw like they don't make a ton of money but i wonder if there's sponsorship money that comes in because that caitlin clark girl the you know like the super hot um i don't mean attractive i mean like the the big prospect who's um just coming out going into the wmba she's got a record contract in the wmba you know what she makes a year taylor i think i saw it was like 75 000 or 76 000 a year and everybody's like what was we me what was me nike comes in 8.25 million five years you know i mean so like i could imagine and like rightfully so um
Starting point is 00:58:27 because she's gonna sell some gear oh she's more than earned it frankly she should probably get more if we're being real because i hear i've read that that team that she's going to have sold out their arenas and that the road games are changing venues to accommodate and that and that her gear is selling well I also saw that chick naked in the shower last night on the internet what yeah Yeah Our team is doing their work. I'm gonna tell you you you've got to dig deep out there on the interweb. Was she hot? She's probably pretty fit, right? She's a regular woman, right?
Starting point is 00:59:12 She's a regular lady. She's a tall lady with a bush. Getting surprised in the shower, so it's definitely like didn't consent to the video. That's not cool. I think they're out there trying to delete that from the internet i saw several um reddits subreddits get deleted like nuked right away because they started fucking about with that shit well the name of the subreddit would be like wnba thoughts
Starting point is 00:59:37 you know it's not like it's not like our pics got taken down that's good they shouldn't be posting her fucking private shit yeah definitely not um i saw um but on twitter it's just we're playing basketball right now i just i searched her name just to scroll down and so i guess they're doing a pretty solid job yeah yeah but uh but yeah like i said i wonder if those bull riding guys have money like does wrangler come through wrangler it may have been an actual sponsor like that's funny you say them and then uh i know mass pro was huge stetson um you'll have hats boot you know the whole the whole the whole nine yards right like i'm sure like like probably whoever's making that denim and whoever's making those hats and boots and then there's probably i guess maybe some people care what kind of saddle you're riding. Is that a thing?
Starting point is 01:00:27 Nah, nah, it's bullshit. How many saddles do you know? I know that at all. I know it's not your cup, but the Sixers got robbed last night. I watched the whole game.
Starting point is 01:00:38 Yeah. So they lost game one and they lost it. It was unfortunate, but, uh, you know, they didn't get enough rebounds and, and,
Starting point is 01:00:46 you know, sometimes you're not the better team. It's on the road, whatever game two comes along. And as Taylor knows, like you win game two away and now you've stolen home court advantage. It's really your series to win. It's a big,
Starting point is 01:00:56 big deal. And, uh, our second best players like riddled with the flu. He's getting chills. He's having a hard time walking, but he goes out there like a goddamn hero and just decides to not be sick and he's having a great game and our best
Starting point is 01:01:12 player also very injured and struggles but he's out there putting it everyone's just trying hard come to the very end of the game we're up by like three or five or something. And bottom line, there were some bad calls. And not just like a little bit bad. This is like rocking the NBA right now. Controversy, sports betting level bad. The coach is there very clearly calling timeout. And the ref is looking at him and ignores it. And it's in photos and everything.
Starting point is 01:01:45 And that's a standard thing that you get the ref's attention in football as well. Hey, I'm going to call timeout at the first fraction of a second, so look at me. And that's a coordinated thing that happens regularly in court. But there's more. So we were having an inbound the ball and their player
Starting point is 01:02:02 grabs our player by the jersey and then by the waist and throws him to the ground. And now we're on the ground, and when you're laying on your side, it's hard to pass. And our ref is again calling for timeout, ignored, no fouls on the play. We turn the ball over, and they nail a three and take the lead and beat us.
Starting point is 01:02:23 And it is like, so the NBA reviewed it, and they're like, yeah take the lead and beat us and uh it is like so the nba reviewed it and they're like yeah that was a mistake and no call that was a mistake and no call that was like it it is not a like close call where i'm just being a salty fan no it it reeks of either extreme incompetence or foul play little Little nonsense. I'm watching the clip right now. Everyone in the entire stadium can see him calling. It's going to come out. It's going to come out. The only,
Starting point is 01:02:53 so I think that it's definitely, they put pressure on the refs and maybe some other, maybe even coaches to create a narrative, to write a fucking WWEwe storyline for that sport and i i just i've seen too much evidence of it and i don't know anything about the game because i don't watch it but i always see instances like this played out and i can you know i can watch a video and be like yeah what the fuck like it it hurt my soul like i was really invested you know i i at the same time i had like espn's box score up and they do this thing i don't know how they calculate it but there's like oh there's
Starting point is 01:03:33 an 81 chance your team is gonna win and there's only 40 seconds left like it was meaningful and uh and we lost and we lost in the worst possible now they had to hit a very difficult three-pointer like i don't want to take that away from them but they took the ball away from us by mugging our player and yeah that's crazy they asked lebron james also feels like his team has been getting bad officiating and he's like what are we doing and i just saw the sixers oh my god you know like those guys really got mugged. And, you know, he has no connection to us. You got to watch your Caroline Hurricanes.
Starting point is 01:04:11 Oh, yeah, yeah. They're doing great. Did we win one or two so far? I looked into it recently. They were up one when I looked. Yeah, the Hurricanes won. I wish Atlanta would get a team and I would get involved with you. That would be fun.
Starting point is 01:04:24 They should win another one. Yeah, they had the Thrashers twice would get a team and I would get involved with you. That would be fun. They should bring another one. Yeah, they had the Thrashers twice, but they didn't support them at all. At the time, those expansion rules was basically like, all right, you can have Ilya Kovalchuk and a bunch of nonsense. It won't work. It won't work. So here's what you have to do. They just moved out of Phoenix.
Starting point is 01:04:40 Now they're going to Utah. You need a black guy. You need a black star if you're going to have a hockey team in Atlanta. There aren't a lot. There is not one right now. There isn't? When was the last big black star? I've got the Flames dude, Igleon.
Starting point is 01:04:56 Oh, Jerome McGinley? Even if it was just an enforcer. If we had a black enforcer in Atlanta, that could work. That might be possible. That would absolutely work. They got a strike now because Ryan Reeves is not long for the league. I can't be the only one who's ever thought of this formula because it would work if you did that.
Starting point is 01:05:15 But Atlanta is a majority African-American city. Most people here are black. And that's not true in most cities that you think of as African-American cities. It's not true in many places. It's a lot of black people here. They just don't like hockey. I aspire to be as colorblind as possible. No one truly is.
Starting point is 01:05:36 When I went to the Atlanta Aquarium, it was... I mean, it felt 75% black. I just call my time and it just caught my attention being a minority but like at the aquarium this is oh at the aquarium i'm saying some racist shit but like this is an expensive day and i feel like looking at fish is a white person thing but no they like fishes too they do do? Clearly. Everybody likes fish.
Starting point is 01:06:07 Yeah, the Carolina Hurricanes were down one, and I saw Islander fans prematurely celebrating last night because no one expects the Islanders to play with the Hurricanes, or at least non-Islanders fans don't. And then the Hurricanes scored two goals in nine seconds and won the game, which is a moral answer. That's why Utah is getting a team in South Atlanta. Utah is, yeah, probably. seconds and won the game, which is a moral answer. Utah is, yeah, probably. Well, also they want to keep it in the same region, so they're going away from Arizona and bouncing it up to Utah because there's already so many East
Starting point is 01:06:35 Coast teams clustered in there that they probably want to maintain a position there. But what are they going to do? Why is Arizona never good? do they have a low payroll no and nhl has a hard cap payroll so you can't exceed it that you can't like go over it and pay a penalty but do they all hit it uh sometimes they would not hit it and then like their ownership wouldn't support it uh there wasn't just that they were never good enough to draw interest they had a similar problem to the thrashers except except that they kept Gary Bettman, the commissioner, kept being like, no, we're going to leave hockey in Arizona.
Starting point is 01:07:09 It's doing great. Look, Austin Matthews, one of the best players in the NHL, he grew up in Arizona and was a Coyotes fan. It's like, well, yeah, that is literally one guy. So I don't think it's good. His whole family roots for him. It'll be better in Utah because they just have more people to support it.
Starting point is 01:07:28 Utah gets cold. Yeah. They're close to Colorado. They can have a little rivalry there maybe. It won't be a real rivalry because Colorado is going to fuck them up. I would imagine. Well, I don't have to imagine.
Starting point is 01:07:40 It's the same team as the Arizona Coyotes. They suck. Oh, you must be really happy that the vote came through and we got all that funding for Ukraine and Israel and Taiwan. Oh, yeah. Dude, Republicans are such bitches. They're like, we're not going to vote for anything unless there's border control. And the Democrats are like, there's money for Israel.
Starting point is 01:07:58 And the Republicans are like, vote, vote, vote, vote, vote, vote, vote. Well, I think they were actually they split it into three and they voted for all of them individually. And I look at it through a different lens and I could be wrong. But Jeff Jackson, he's a House of Rep guy in North Carolina. And I bet you've seen him because he does these really well-spoken TikTok videos where he lays out what's happening. And he praised Mike Johnson. And they're in different teams, whatever. But he's like, this is bad
Starting point is 01:08:27 for Mike Johnson's career but he felt like his conscience required him to put this forward, even though it's bad for him personally he felt like it was the right thing to do and in politics, that's rare and I was like, okay so looking at it through the...
Starting point is 01:08:41 I bet it's his largest donor this is the guy whose son keeps an eye on his masturbatory habits. You realize that, right? This guy is a true believer. Him and his son have some sort of chastity app where they make sure neither one watches porn and they
Starting point is 01:08:57 stay pure. This guy is a real deal true believer. Whatever he wants to do with his son in their app. Acts between him and his little brother. I think you misunderstand the nation of the masturbation app i just that's it's so ridiculous another 900 billion dollars 95 billion um what a joke i don't know why you're so upset with these with these job programs the majority of that money stays here goes to american companies in america i often hear about the majority where it's received a lot of it doesn't but no i don't what's a lot because
Starting point is 01:09:31 the majority of the money more than you know you'll be blown away to know this that it could all be spent here or we could not print more money so what what happens taylor tell that to raytheon those poor bastards at raytheon that's israel they're just barely so when we ship like tanks and humvees and stuff over there we're not making them and giving them the new stuff we're giving them the stuff that was going to be expired out and the ukrainians are more than happy to have like 15 year old american tanks it's better than nothing and then america instead of those tanks going to i'll make it armored vehicles instead of them going to some stupid police force that doesn't need armored vehicles it goes to ukraine and
Starting point is 01:10:09 then the army gets a fresh one i kind of like it the artillery shells the interesting thing because the artillery shells we pay for that we just paid for that with our taxes i know it's happening right now and it's great we pay for a grocery store with how much inflation has been caused by i think it's grant pennsy, I remember because of the office, like there's a factory there full of people like us who are working the job because of this.
Starting point is 01:10:31 They're, they're, you're considering yourself working a job. I consider myself an American human. Okay. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:10:40 You know, those factories are working overtime and those are just blue collar, like go in and clock out making artillery shells, the tubes anyway. I don't deal with the explosive part, but like I kind of like that. It's that doesn't bother me that we're sending artillery shells to shoot at Russians. I mean, I kind of get on.
Starting point is 01:11:01 If there was a box to check, I've always said I wish that you could. It was selective taxation. We're like, OK, you can have that much of my money that's fair i don't i can vote and legislate but you pick that number that's how much of my shit you get here's where i a lot allow it to go it can go to this place you can send my money here and send my money i'd put a big circle around artillery shells for ukraine that's where i want my money to go i mean for you that's what you where you'd want it to go. But like, and I saw in polls, like this is not popular with like American voters.
Starting point is 01:11:30 But what's popular with American voters doesn't seem to fucking matter ever. They're going to vote in favor to send our money to foreign countries and protect their interests before ours. We built a border wall for Israel. We built them a border wall. They needed it. It's's a joke it's a
Starting point is 01:11:46 fucking joke walls only work there taylor's anti-border wall noted i'm anti-paying for israel no no no you've been heard you've been heard don't say no more i would love to take all that money and do literally anything else i wonder if america and the world would be a better place if the system colleges suggest it was implemented where you're like, you know what? Zero of my money goes to Israel. Zero of my money goes to, I don't know something else I don't like.
Starting point is 01:12:13 And, but I will check the Ukraine box and I will check the, I don't know, police department box. They probably couldn't do that because people wouldn't be, nobody pay for education. It doesn't work like, like they,
Starting point is 01:12:23 I think education is pretty popular. Not when it's your money. It's popular among people who have children. You want all those people who don't have children to not circle that box? Because without them, you can't educate. We already can't educate the children. I hear you. But in my area, whenever they put school bonds on the thing, they pass.
Starting point is 01:12:43 Every gosh darn time. There's questions. whenever they put like school bonds on the thing they pass like every gosh darn time on the you know there's like questions you know answer yes to 1a you see it in the would you like kids to have more more smarter yeah that grammar i don't know yeah and i i tend to vote yes and i like it it's even more self-serving than you might guess if you're a homeowner because i'd rather send my money to ukraine than to a teacher or to a child to help them learn. Taylor doesn't have any kids, but if his school systems are better, the value of his house goes up. Yeah. I'm much more okay with funding schools than I am with funding a losing effort in Ukraine. What about Palestinian schools?
Starting point is 01:13:23 A losing effort. You guys never heard of a rally cap? Come on, baby. Turn that thing around. We can do this. We're coming back. Ukraine's having a hard time right now. We're getting some new stuff next week, Woody.
Starting point is 01:13:33 It's over. We're getting some new stuff. The Ukrainians don't want to fight. That's why they have to hold them at gunpoint and move 55 people in. It's over. First of all, they lowered the subscription age down to 25 now from 28 or 27 or whatever it was now we're taking the 25 year olds too that's going to be fresh blood for the uh effort and they're getting the attack missiles next week they're getting the long range attack
Starting point is 01:13:57 artillery missile thingies that's going to be good for business at some point they're getting more uh patriots from the germans it's looking good, Taylor. It's so over. Oh, you're such a nervous Nelly over there. I don't know how. You gotta be a team player. What's the city that they're on the edge of losing? Do you still follow it closely? I don't see you wave that flag. We're gonna have a problem.
Starting point is 01:14:18 Yeah, get your Ukrainian flag. I've said before, I'm not a two-color flag guy unless they have an animal on it, like Albania sick flag I don't like detailed flags Russia's flag isn't great either if we're ripping on flags
Starting point is 01:14:34 France's flag remixed that's what I'm saying I don't like France's flag I like the Soviet Union flag that thing's hard I like simple flags Japan's flag. It's pretty good. I think I'm biased in liking America's flag.
Starting point is 01:14:50 If it wasn't America's, I'd call it too detailed. You see that picture of Trump miscoloring the American flag? With what? Like green? No. You know how... I don't even know what it starts with. Red, white, blue. Is that how it goes? Red, white, blue, red, white, blue? I thought it was just red, blue red is that how it goes red white blue red
Starting point is 01:15:06 just red white red right red right am i crazy and then the blue is where the stars are okay so what he did is he did red and then he skipped two spaces and did red again i think and then he had like a double white and he's like oh now i'm I'm fucked. There's a lot of things to fuss about Trump, but that's not on my list. It has to start with red at the top. It would look goofy with a white thing at the top. He skipped two spaces. He went red, white, white, red.
Starting point is 01:15:38 Yeah, and fucked it up. He's just like, and there's kids around him. The whole point is he's coloring with kids for like a photo op that's why i like to believe that he didn't color at all because his hands are shaky so or he's lazy and someone else had colored it poorly maybe a child even maybe he took a child slid it over to him give me that this is mine he goes this is mine this is the president's like Billy
Starting point is 01:16:08 this is what the Democrats want no one gets their own flag I've been watching so much trial news that I literally like flipped on Fox News because I'm like what are your information diet is all sugar I'm just reading about Trump falling asleep and farting like all the time
Starting point is 01:16:23 and which is he's fallen asleep four out of the five days in court. And apparently he's farting loudly and stinkily to the point where his attorneys are reacting. We have a serious media apparatus. People are flinching, I'm told, from the cacophonous fart. So I've read that too much. And I'm like, Woodyody get your ass on fox news there was an attack news is retarded like i my my grandparents will have it on sometimes fox news is retarded like i don't think they're any worse than cnn or the rest
Starting point is 01:16:56 part of getting a box news on and the stuff they're talking about is like this is like it's just a guy coming on and being like now i know some of you are upset that we're just infinitely funding more foreign wars but it's really important for super duper secret reasons that i can't elucidate fully and it's like fuck you mike johnson actually said something very similar to that he said that he was against this stuff previously but now he's in i think it's called the Gang of Eight, because he's the Speaker of the House. He gets intel that he didn't get previously. Since I was threatened with problems from intelligence agencies, I've changed my tune. Oh, come on. That's not it.
Starting point is 01:17:34 I can't know what the details are, but he is saying that now that he's part of the Gang of Eight and he's getting the same intel briefings that a president would get, he's on the other side of the issue. Now, you can call that a lie or propaganda or whatever. I can't know. You know what they told him? They told him that Putin doesn't just plan to take a couple of regions in a
Starting point is 01:17:56 neighboring country, that he plans to take the country. And then he wants Kazakhstan, and then he wants to invade the Baltics, and he wants Poland. What he wants is to restore the Soviet Union. That's what they told him. That's absurd. That's absurd!
Starting point is 01:18:11 Hitler only wants the right one. Leave him alone. He can't invade Poland. Poland is a NATO country. Oh, that's why. I was reading for the reasoning. He wouldn't want a World War III. I think what they saw is he does want it that he doesn't think that that it'll matter
Starting point is 01:18:28 that that he see he thinks what's going happening in ukraine will play out again that there'll be a big outrage he'll take it for a year because he has a huge meat grinder to like throw more more people at a year later who cares about poland poland was it poland that needed they weren't really NATO. NATO. Poland is a country. He can't just invade Poland. It's just different levels of NATO,
Starting point is 01:18:50 right? They're not UK. Yup. That's the rationale we're given to justify infinite spending. He's not, he's not going to take Poland. That's ridiculous. I,
Starting point is 01:18:59 I think that, do you know any other things about the future? Is there money to be made here? I, there clearly is. We just pay for a lot of people. I like some stock tips, if you could tell me. I just don't think a lot of people thought... I'm saying the reason that he invaded Ukraine when he did
Starting point is 01:19:15 is because he wanted to preempt them being involved in NATO. Because if Ukraine was made a NATO country... The first time or the second time he invaded Ukraine? You're talking about the second time he invaded Ukraine? Both times. The second time or the second time he invaded Ukraine? You're talking about the second time he invaded Ukraine? Both times. The second time was principally because we were like, it was finally really getting drummed up of like, Ukraine's going to be NATO.
Starting point is 01:19:31 And he was like, I'm not cool with that. We're not doing that because I don't want, you know, NATO military bases close to my border. And so he invaded Ukraine before they could be put in NATO in order to avoid what would happen if he invaded a country like poland which would be a swift and gigantic response from nato nations which he can't handle which ones which ones are so tough and scary that you can't deal with the united states like we none of them have the production so what the reports say is that all of europe are so so bad at manufacturing weapons of war
Starting point is 01:20:06 because they haven't had to do it. Yeah, they have stockpiles, but now they've depleted those stockpiles by giving them to Ukraine. So now if a hot war goes off there, they can't defend themselves for weeks or months. They'll be overran. They'll run out of bullets.
Starting point is 01:20:19 I don't think Russia has the manpower to invade Western Europe. They've done it before. At this juncture in history, I don't think they can compete economically or militaristically with an alliance of Germany, France, Spain, the United Kingdom, Poland, the United States.
Starting point is 01:20:37 I don't know about you, but I can't tell what's true anymore. I read somewhere they have more tanks now than they did at the start of the Ukrainian conflict. And I'm like like what their army's bigger they do have in that beginning they have good manufacturing for military stuff they do and so but i i would struggle to believe they have more tanks now than at the beginning but i don't know i do too but i read it was on the internet so it's true it's on the internet so it's true i don't know about tanks but definitely
Starting point is 01:21:03 manpower because they just brought up more men but like there was a time when i read that russia's economy was hurting because they lost so many fighting age men which are some of the most productive country men in a people in a country like a million left the country so they wouldn't get conscripted and then like another million join the war effort i'm making up numbers but go with it and uh now that's like a huge drain on a national productivity and now we go forward what 30 months i don't know how long it's been and uh like you're telling me you're better than you were 30 months ago you have more tanks than before you have a bigger army than before you like i i can't tell what's true yeah and i so that would be my guess though like if i if i had to guess that it's it's that there is a
Starting point is 01:21:51 potential for a new um axis powers with china um and who's clearly supporting russia in their war effort we're going to censor china censor we're going what do you do it when you hit them with um economic sanctions we're going to sanction china this week because of their support for the Russian war effort in Ukraine. That's happening now. I don't know. I see Indian fighters fighting for Russia who are being paid. Like mercenaries? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:22:20 I wonder if that's significant. I don't know. I just saw one on the battlefield get blown up. It's so easy. I don't know. I just saw one on the battlefield get blown up. It's so easy. There's like, I don't know. Take one Jewish protester. They get poked in the eye and then suddenly like, oh man, the Jewish
Starting point is 01:22:38 people are anti-Semitism is sweeping America. This tiny little example is whatever. Or to take like one dead child. Get Dracarys over here. I trusted news 10 years ago, and I don't now. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 01:22:57 Have you been following what's going on at Columbia? A little. All right. Mass student protests. They've created a tent city and it is big helicopters pan over the tent city it's a whole like huge area and they've got nice tents because they're all columbia students and they got fucking yeah they're out there in fucking circles singing songs and shit got their palestinian flags everywhere they're they're they're you know
Starting point is 01:23:21 chanting wall street they're chanting scary slogans and stuff like, you know, stop the genocide now. Yeah, it is. Yeah, that's bad. But lots of assaults, lots of arrests. The president resigned. The faculty walked out today in support. So that's probably not a great look. I don't know if that's Columbia oria or not but nyu is a similar situation um the the tent city i saw was see i see palm trees so
Starting point is 01:23:52 oh i understand your skepticism thing yeah so um kyle showed me a picture though it's kind of look i mean the tent city it looks like that. Yeah, there you go. That's it. That's the exact picture. That's the same four orange tents. But then today, to sort of, like, make your point, Woody, I saw a Jewish woman wearing a shirt that said Jew on it, and on the back it had, like, I don't know, it's a flag.
Starting point is 01:24:20 And she just went and stood in front of these people, but it wasn't during a rowdy time. It was like while they were chilling and like just sitting over there peacefully for real. And she's just standing there like, Jew here. Anyone want some? Jew here. She's like, she's literally turning, you know, to face east, north, south and west. She's doing her cardinal turns, presenting herself as Jew woman who will stand.
Starting point is 01:24:45 Wait, are you telling me the media is pretending the anti-semitism there is worse than it is the anti-semitism there is serious she was participating let me go home from fear all the jewish students were sent home out of oh but wait okay so i saw a jewish woman participating in this debate i think she might have been a columbia student and uh she was on there talking about how they beat her and hurt her eye and this and that zero visible injuries and it was like three days ago i'm like bitch if you're completely fine telling me how the healing factor okay wolverine like i don't i'm not buying your story there isn't a mark like no scratches no no evidence of hair pulling like it is so nothing what are you implying she's lying is anti-semitism in its purest form that's fair yeah okay yeah i can back
Starting point is 01:25:32 these uncritically slurs of the old yeah i think of the i'm a big enough ufc fan that i know post fight she didn't look like that yeah Yeah, that shit is fucking ridiculous. Well, I mean, the students were told to stay home. All the Jewish ones were, you know, for the safety. Out of abundance of caution. Wow, they get all their special holidays, and now they don't have to go to school at Columbia. Dude, if I were Jewish, I'd be playing this up for everything I could.
Starting point is 01:25:59 I'd be like, I'm so sad I can't study at all. I can't imagine taking all my tests better just give me an a i i think this is going to be a this is this is how trump wins like it's it's all of this craziness oh it's yeah if things were smooth sailing no wars in fucking europe no tent cities you know i all those people are known for that bill maher i feel like they're out there representing uh progressive or liberal or whatever views without being fucking wackos that think men men straight like it's like these are the these are my people you know destiny i i saw him in that Fox News debate.
Starting point is 01:26:46 He's pro-Second Amendment like me. And he just dropped in. I love the Second Amendment. I just got a sick 9-11 yesterday. And it was like, yeah, if I'm a Fox News viewer and that's the liberal I'm watching, I think, oh, so they're not all fucking overweight overweight septum flabby tricep waving women screaming about something right purple hair flabby tricep you can picture this you're describing
Starting point is 01:27:15 and i think he has like a doesn't he have like a he's not a girl with a nose ring i think it's a modern sort of relationship situation as well right like maybe some sort of a ruffle or open situation i don't keep up with them much i think kyle's on target yeah yeah there's no way she left his successful ass sack i choose to believe to disbelieve that she's to disbelieve um but yeah yeah so anyway it's like when i saw him loving the second amendment and talking about like what he liked about america i was like this is the guy who i think represents my side a little better i get very frustrated when it's some cry bully you know being upset that like uh you're supposed to give me a safe space it's like bill maher's your guy all right so so i so rarely i agree with bill maher so much i'll say this i agree with 95 of bill
Starting point is 01:28:11 maher's segments i sent you eight minutes of a segment on whatsapp uh if you scroll up and there's one part where he's like he's like some of you people will support your own party even when it's chosen messages kid fucking like this whole he's like here's a five-year-old tipping a trans stripper with a sign on the wall that says it's not gonna lick itself and there's a video of it happening so like so which is he like like he's presenting his ideas viscerally like like he's got video evidence of like you know children being exposed to fucking nonsense and he's just tearing down that part of the left piece by piece by piece while like circling the horses around himself and like look i'm for this and i'm for that but who
Starting point is 01:28:56 are you people and it's really good i like bill maher i do not yeah i've never found him funny i think he's i i'm not looking for exactly comedy. I really enjoy the way that he makes his points and how he boils things down and that it's a liberal voice making sense, like what he said. He's not a loon.
Starting point is 01:29:18 Yeah. It's the... I don't know. You'd have to ask Bill Maher. I didn't get pregnant too crowd that I feel like Maher. I'd get pregnant too, crowd, that I feel like you misrepresent my side. That lady who speaks at the White House, the press secretary, she's a fucking loon.
Starting point is 01:29:34 Is she a loon? I don't think she does her job that well. Jen Psaki I liked a lot. She's like a radical black lesbian political activist. she's the last that's not the person i'd put in that position to be the face of the biden i saw her and all them other black ladies do and they're like we in the big house now dance in the in the
Starting point is 01:29:56 press secretary room the other day that's always good it's just so embarrassing yeah and sometimes Don Lemon really leaned into like... His skin tone changes. It really did. It really, really did. Yeah, he got darker. He got darker. And it's not that subtle.
Starting point is 01:30:16 And it can't possibly be an accident. And every so often, I don't know how to describe a certain... There's like this sort of aggressive authority style black like vibe that he would give off. It was like. We gonna take ours. We went from.
Starting point is 01:30:36 We gonna get ours. It would seem like really professional to not so. And yeah. He lost his show and he lost his other show. Dude, I'm not surprised by that like his ratings were always amongst the weakest of cnn's lineup it was interesting that he was like we had that big seemingly one of the more prestigious like like top guys at cnn while also not doing well like this interview see his interview with Tesla? Elon Musk.
Starting point is 01:31:07 I think I only saw pieces of it. It was combative. He made an ass of himself. I think I saw the most combative part. Don Lemon. It was very combative. They're going back and forth about racism and all sorts of nonsense. And free speech. I saw some free speech
Starting point is 01:31:23 back and forth. Yeah, we saw the same clip though. Yeah. Tesla's doing poorly and I wonder what Elon would say about this. When it was like a little bit of ex-Twitter money not doing well, he's like,
Starting point is 01:31:39 I won't be silenced. I'll say whatever I want. Fuck you. Fuck your money. Fine. now he wants a 53 billion dollar payday out of tesla when he's actively hurting tesla his biggest customers were democrats so they're the ev buyers by and large and uh now democrats are actively avoiding his brand yeah there was a investor q a dude it's crazy the questions they asked they're like can you at least if we give you 53 billion will you at least pretend that tesla is your main job if we give you 53 billion will you stop alienating your biggest customer base on on x if we give you
Starting point is 01:32:19 53 billion we do this and it was really like they're tying uh tesla's downfall if you don't know their sales have been going down quarter after quarter okay sure and uh they're tying tesla's decline to his interest and activity on x that's what it is yeah yeah it 100 that is why they're having a decline although um i would think it was some of the problems they're having. Like recalls and such. That's 3,800 cars. Yeah, there were 3,800. And the recall is nothing. All right, so look. That's impressive, I think, to get 3,800 of them out that fast, by the way.
Starting point is 01:32:54 That's all of them that they've made. They made 3,800 cars and put them on the road. That's way less of a big deal than I was led to believe. I don't know cars enough to know if 3,800 is a lot. The recall is absurd. It's a lot for them, this fast with a new car and everything like it remember a couple years ago when we'd have um the car expert guy on he's like it's never happening it'll never happen at great numbers they might make five although they might make a hundred
Starting point is 01:33:14 it's 3800 in like a couple months on the road rolling the problem is that the gas pedal the the like shiny metal thing that sits on top of it can come off and get loose and get kind of jammed in there in such a way that the accelerator will be stuck forward. You'd have to juggle it. I saw someone try to do it with their hands, and they struggled to make it happen. Did you see the fix? Yeah. It's a rivet. They put one rivet in it, which I take from two.
Starting point is 01:33:42 It's a pop rivet gun. It's a yeah it is a very simple very probably effective and very low cost fix glue it but a lot of the people feel like they deserve better it's not sophisticated like they would rather they'd rather have maybe a whole new pedal that didn't have they'd rather have a solid aluminum piece of metal that sits there not a piece of plastic with a thin like i don't even know what that material is anymore it's some sort of fiber metal nonsense cheap ass shit it's 3d printed probably it's bullshit yeah so they just put a rivet in kind of a junky oh wait uh yeah that's what it looks like yeah and uh you could look at that and say
Starting point is 01:34:26 oh cheap fix this wasn't a big deal you could look at that and be like this is a hundred thousand dollar truck why do i have a stupid fucking river i would look at it the second way yeah okay look at used ones on all right look at if you look at what a hundred and twenty five thousand dollar dodge looks like versus that Tesla truck, it's... Oh my God. It's the difference between having a house and living in a motorhome or something. It's a complete night and day kind of thing. A $120,000 Dodge truck
Starting point is 01:34:54 is a fucking amazing piece of machinery. That Tesla... I was curious. Used Tesla Cybertruck. They're already selling a few. They're like $140 140 000 i think i saw okay i think that's what i saw there's a waiting list premium yeah i'm sorry you've seen them in person like driving yeah no one and it is exactly what i thought it's like it's it's just it's ugly
Starting point is 01:35:19 it's fucking ugly i look at what this is me uh projecting onto it everybody was looking at that truck everyone was like so if you like being the center of attention that truck will give it to you that's on the opposite i don't really like to be noticed on the outside yeah and that would stop me from buying the truck yeah i just don't like how they look yeah i i i liked the initial look i'm not crazy about what they produced. And then all the production issues, the patina being different on each body piece in some situations. And just a myriad of issues it's going to have. You know it has a car wash mode you have to put it in.
Starting point is 01:35:56 And if you forget to put it in car wash mode, it holds water in the unibody columns. They're sort of like almost like a bowl. And then when you drive off, it shorts the wiring out. And my God, shorting the wiring out in a 1995 Chevrolet pickup would be a problem. But doing it to a Tesla Cybertruck means you just lost $100,000 probably.
Starting point is 01:36:18 It's wild. If you forget to hit the car wash mode, I was going to say button, like it has any fucking buttons, it's Tesla. But if you forget to put it in car wash mode, was gonna say button like it has any fucking buttons it's tesla but if you forget to put it in car wash mode you total your truck and it's yeah that's wowsers and and how does it handle rain i don't know what's happening like serious rain you know like like like those or it's a truck year once in five years yeah like oh it won't do that. It doesn't do truck shit. It does modern truck shit,
Starting point is 01:36:45 which is where you put a surfboard in the back one day, and then three years later, you get a potted plant that was too big for a trunk. A lot of people take digs at trucks like that. Like, a Rivian is a good example, right? But, dude, if your thing is like, yeah, I have a truck because I love mountain biking, I love kayaking, paramotors, I'll make'll make it me and uh you know i use my truck but i don't tend to put like loads of
Starting point is 01:37:09 bricks in it i put my hobbies in it and i have big yeah fully dude you're okay like you do anything wrong i i don't think of you as less of a truck guy it's just your truck supports your hobbies instead of your job that's okay when uh when chevrolet came out with the avalanche that was the car i wanted at that point in my life i was like maybe 14 and i was truck will raise your tea that's the most masculine truck ever made i remember seeing i don't know about that okay it's got the shortest it's got a super short bed which i i liked i i like the look of it you know it's like a four-door pickup truck and just looked interesting that's what i wanted at that point in my life zach can you show a chevy avalanche picture this is going long but i have a cadillac they made the cadillac version and the cadillac version in like black and chrome
Starting point is 01:37:53 it was actually really slick looking it was like you know an escalade with a with a bed on it basically you probably know this car guy radio show with click and clack i forget the name of the show i don't know that sort of thing anyway people would call in and ask for car advice and stuff yeah it's not how i remembered it but it was 2002 it was sick you don't even know you don't even know anybody rolled their fucking eyes can go to hell look at those headlights they did that the headlights in 2002 that's how i know that's at least a 2002 they um uh oh this guy had bought a volkswagen bug and everyone in his life socially ripped the fuck out of him for his car being a girl car and they're like you need a chevy avalanche
Starting point is 01:38:39 you got to dig yourself out of this hole you need a chevy avalanche no this is cool. You guys want to call it a show? Yeah. Extra long version of PKN. PKN 505.

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