Painkiller Already - PKN 520

Episode Date: August 6, 2024


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Starting point is 00:00:00 Pk and 520 sup boys. How's it going? I'm doing good. We're gonna elucidate this intersex boxing situation Yeah, your finger on the board, right? I don't know. Yeah. Yeah, you take the pulse on the prostate by the way Taylor for these situations That's I'm good at it Yeah so I was I was in the Our discord and I was chatting with the boys playing some games and watching UFC or something and our friend scum Had to educate me, I suppose. He was like, you know, you know that's a man, right?
Starting point is 00:00:29 And I'm like, nah, dude, it's not a man. It's just a woman who through some genetic abnormality, she has a lot of testosterone. That's what the internet told me. And that's what, and they told me I was a fool to think anything else. And he's like, bro, she's got balls. I was like, what do you mean she's got balls?
Starting point is 00:00:44 He's like, she has testicles. And I was like, what do you mean? She's got balls. He's like she has testicles. I was like Well, that'd be a different story scum If she had tested everyone would be talking about lady balls lady hashtag lady balls will be fucking trending He's like no she does and so I keep digging and digging looking for the information behind this trying to figure out what's going on and the best I could discover was that the intersex genetic abnormality that she suffers from presents in like 20 different ways. And what it is, it's combinations of
Starting point is 00:01:14 downstairs mix ups. If you remember old Greg, so you could have, yeah, this is an old Greg scenario. So this is a man, Gina. So, you from what I understand and anytime you try to just understand what's going on, like there's there's some people like, stay out of her pants. You only care about looking at children's vaginas. Oh, why are you trying to act like that's the issue right now? We're trying to figure out why that what the controversy is. It's like when wings sister's pussy stunk and everybody's afraid to say it.
Starting point is 00:01:49 And it sounded like he was molesting her for a while. I was like, no, her pussy stinks, dude. Like, that's embarrassing, but that's the case. And I was like, let's find out if this girl's pussy stinks. And the more I read, it seems to me the best I could read on the internet and nobody is going out there and writing a good solid article I have to read between the lines in some cases that she has testicles instead of ovaries like yeah, but internal test internal. Yeah. Yeah, but testosterone producing testicles. Nonetheless I don't care where they are. One of mine was non-descended when I was born
Starting point is 00:02:20 They had to pop that thing back down in my ball set. They suck on it. Still, hey, if I could qualify as a woman, I would happily take advantage of that. But it has a vagina. So this person has a vagina. And I think I also read something about the way her body processes testosterone, perhaps that she can't be further androgenized. Like if you were to inject her with testosterone, she's resistant to it in some way that it wouldn't have androgenic effects on her. Like she couldn't grow facial hair or something. But that may have been just me misunderstanding all the various papers I've tried to fucking go through to understand this condition because it's so political. But it seems like she has balls from your research. He's got a vagina with balls instead of ovaries.
Starting point is 00:03:07 She has a uterus, I think, but she doesn't have fallopian tubes. It was this it was this odd little mismatch of men and women's parts. But the only man part I could put my finger on was like the most important one. The testicles. But I just competing in sports. I feel like it's important to say if you were to pull her pants down, you'd think she was a girl, right? When you say she has testicles, I think people are picturing like a scrotum and everything. I think I'm being clear.
Starting point is 00:03:32 Where her ovaries should be. Okay, yeah. Okay, yeah. So we're on the same page. She ain't got no ballsack. She got a pussy down there. Yeah. I need a diagram like that on ESPN.
Starting point is 00:03:41 Pussy, not the penis. And it's hard to find, like you said, like I just was reading an article today and the guy was describing his last patient who had this condition. But as you mentioned, there's like a whole spectrum. Like that doesn't mean he's describing this boxer, you know, that she's the same, that they can turn out differently. But yeah, if you pull this woman's pants down, she's got a pussy, you could fuck her. She she has. But if you did her blood work, to some extent, but your blood work, you would find the the wrong chromosomes and you would find a lot of testosterone.
Starting point is 00:04:13 So this is a real hermaphrodite, like just. Yeah. You know, I think is that I don't know the difference. I don't either. I think it's the same thing. One just seems a lot more polite, right? Intersect seems more polite than when I think hermaphrodite, I think like a goat same thing one just saying not more polite right intersex seems more polite than her When I think her mafrida, I think like a goat man at a zoo or something
Starting point is 00:04:29 Oh, I says the same thing and I wasn't aware of the kind of thing the bearded woman I think of a freak show when I hear like it's it has the same connotation is like he she or shim Yeah, I don't know what to do with this person She identifies as a woman. She's got a pussy. I think we can call her a woman Okay, that's a tad bit In her in her country, which is Romania, Algeria Okay, I don't know where that fucking is who cares in her country of Algeria the proud people there It is genuinely a crime to be transsexual.
Starting point is 00:05:05 Like they'll lock you up if you're trans. So for her, this has been traumatic because she's like, I'm not trans. I do not wanna be part of your flag movement. I'm a lady. And so she's stuck in the middle of like two shitty groups of people. I've seen TV shows about this where parents almost have to choose the kids sex at birth.
Starting point is 00:05:30 Like, hey, she's 80% girl. You should probably go that way. And to me, that defines her situation, too. Like, how can't be a boy? She's much more girl than boy. If she needs to pick one, you know, she has a pussy. She could have sex like a woman. She has testicles apparently but they're inside you can't see him It's not like she can claim to be guy. She had she doesn't look she looks she has masculine ish features She's obviously big and strong, but she doesn't to me look overly Masculine and butch and what I mean like like she does I'll say this She doesn't look at like a male or a female to male transsexual. Like those people look butch.
Starting point is 00:06:08 Those people like look more masculine than Taylor. They look like Taylor. When a woman goes full board and decides she wants to look at a man, they go for the look Taylor has. Oh, I'm, yeah. They're like big, bulky, powerful and bearded. Like three B's. You gotta hit them.
Starting point is 00:06:24 Yeah, but they're like I have four with narrow shoulders. Not always like there's some, well, you know, there's some. Why are you shitting on Joe Rogan all of a sudden? What are you doing to you? All right. You're like, that's a direct shot in Rogan. I saw those pictures of him floating around from his special where people are like, this is a real screenshot.
Starting point is 00:06:42 It has not been edited. He has the been edited. He has the upper body. His upper body and his lower body don't match. Like his upper body's enormous. I think it's a camera angle thing. I think that's part of it, yeah. Yeah, somehow the cameras were up high looking down on him and it made him look extra funny.
Starting point is 00:06:58 And he's leaning forward also. And so it's like a perspective on the legs. But it is funny that his body type is that because you'll see pictures of him like when he's next to his guests and like Alex. So he'll stand there next to Alex Jones and like Alex Jones. Like we've said before, he's like he's a big guy. Like a former athlete.
Starting point is 00:07:17 It's a large man, like wide. And Joe's like a head shorter and just as wide as this wide man. And it's like, this is such a bizarre, like I bet Joe's fingers are so thick, just a big like a like a year master plumber livers huge. You think so from you think it's powerful from processing all the stuff, all the HGH he's been clearly taken his chest protrudes in a way that's very odd.
Starting point is 00:07:44 He has that Elon Musk chest a little bit but on a more much much more fit body I remember when I don't think I'm gonna from his addiction to lifting Who's the comedian who's got the Billy Ray Cyrus thing going on? Is it Shane not Shane? Theo oh yeah, oh, yeah, dude there's an episode of JRE where it's just Theo Von and Joe. And Joe is showing him like doing his ice dip. And obviously, Joe's shirtless for that. And Theo goes, you look like one of them, one of them turkeys
Starting point is 00:08:14 when they tie them all up at the grocery store. And they're like, what do you mean? You know, when they tie them all up with the string and it looks like, you know, like that, he's like, oh you mean my six-pack. Yeah It was like this dry like he is not gonna laugh at himself or his physique or the weird way He clearly looks on that giant screen right next to this moment Like you know what Joe today's the day you don't give in and don't let him make you feel like a silly little man You guys see Rogan's new special on.
Starting point is 00:08:47 Oh, hang on. Before we go, I do want to talk about that. That was the thing I could I almost forgot before the show. I did watch it. I want to talk about it. What do we do with this intersex boxer? Like if you're the Olympic boxing commission, this this lady who apparently trained her whole life to be a fucking boxer and loves her sport so goddamn much. But God put lady balls in her stomach and now she has to like
Starting point is 00:09:08 have the most powerful pussy in Algeria through no fault of her own. Like, where do you put her? What do you do? What did the other because I didn't look into this as much as you. But what was the reason that that like international boxing ring disqualified her? Was it chromosomes? It was the chromosomes and like it wasn't even the testosterone and stuff. My understanding was chromosomes was the main thing. But I'm with him.
Starting point is 00:09:31 I heard it described as like an internationally recognized gender test or something. It wasn't a T level. I think it was the chrome. But it wasn't meant for her. Like, you know what I mean? Like that law is meant to to get rid of the the six foot male, the female running shop on all the swimmers. Yeah, she's not trans. Like, I bet she likes dudes. She's like, that was the thing that frustrated me.
Starting point is 00:09:55 People made it this like rainbow trans hate thing. Yeah. And it's like, no, this woman was born this way. She's not part of this battle that you've pulled her into. She's just a mostly female athlete that you've pulled her into she's just a Mostly female athlete trying to win a gold medal Yeah, she's stuck in the middle of all these of like hateful politics from the right who's like that's I I see the You had the rage baiting and people can't sniff it out Like it's clearly not a real account that said that dude
Starting point is 00:10:27 Why are y'all having a huge post with 10 000000 upvotes and and 8,000 comments about rage bait That someone will make an account and they'll say something like why don't women just hold their periods in it's just like Pete What's wrong with this filthy? What's wrong these filthy animals? I've long wondered that And and and and they'll post it on like either are two chromosomes or they'll post it on our 2x X chromosomes or they'll post it on our 2x chromosomes or they'll post it on Not how girls work and those gals over there who I suspect are like 15 not gals at least Yeah, go get a girl Are just like oh he doesn't understand. Oh, it reminds me so much of mr Garrison when he first got his pussy and he doesn't know how gash works, right gals? It's just a bunch of women too lazy to hold their periods in.
Starting point is 00:11:06 That's my thing. That's fair. I mean, if Reddit said it, what you do with the boxer? I let her fight. I let her fight. I let her fight. I would too. I feel bad for her. I wish that if it was a more common condition, I put them in their own league, but it's not reasonable to have this thing for like one in a million boxers. You know, even rarer than that, that like and like having all these mix-ups and like and having the talents to be there too
Starting point is 00:11:30 Because she's lost against women. Yeah, and you got a bronze against Good for her and she's lost against like ex ex chromosome women before you know It's not like she's so overwhelmingly powerful that she's muscling her way to the top. She's clearly gotten good at what she's doing. It's such a rare thing. And you know, throughout history, like if you went back to like Olympics from hundreds of years, thousands of years that they've existed,
Starting point is 00:11:56 plenty of women had lady balls and we just didn't know it because we didn't used to be able to tell that somebody had lady balls. We thought they were just Italian and had mustaches. Exactly. They were just like, like, intersex people, once known as Sicilians. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:09 Yeah. Yeah. Sicilians. But yeah, I watched the Joe Rogan thing. Me too. How did you, what did you think? You know, it wasn't great. It wasn't bad.
Starting point is 00:12:24 It wasn't, I watched the whole thing. When a special is bad, even if I like the person, I'll turn that shit off. It's like you lost me, bro. Like he did some some trans stuff and some like borderline edgy ish stuff. And he talked a little politics, but I didn't think it was all that like overly crazy. And he even tried to find this middle ground and try to explain where he was politically. He's like, I'm into this, but I also like that.
Starting point is 00:12:50 I believe this, but I don't, I think that's crazy. And he kind of sort of explained his politics a little bit. I think he did say he believes in Pizzagate though, at one point. So that part was. That's probably a joke though. It was literally in a standup special. So I have a hard time holding his feet to the fire
Starting point is 00:13:06 about his standup special joke. People are like, yo, Rogan believes in Sandy Hook, Pizza Gate, blah, blah, blah, this and that. His Sandy Hook joke was hilarious. That part was good. I didn't, is this the Alex Jones thing? Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:19 So I didn't like that. And I tried, I watched the special. I watched it like homework. I didn't really love it. But I did my very best to not wear my blue tinted glasses and get offended by everything but he's like Alex Jones is right about a lot of shit he's wrong about one thing but he's right about a lot he's right about almost everything but that one thing he was wrong about that one thing
Starting point is 00:13:39 that was a big one but everything else he's right about but one thing and I was like to act like Alex Jones is mostly else is right about one thing. And I was like, to act like Alex Jones is mostly right and wrong about one thing is not telling the truth. I get it's a joke. I'm trying not to wear my fricking pissy pants and get all ruffled about, you know, to get my sandy vagina. But I'm like, don't normalize Alex Jones.
Starting point is 00:14:01 I don't like it. But mostly I thought his jokes were like two out of 10. And he relied on sort of screaming and performance to make them seem five out of 10. That was my take on the special. I've never liked his standup material very much. I have. Two standups ago, I'm sorry Kyle,
Starting point is 00:14:21 two standups ago I thought he was like king of the mountain. I really thought he did a good job. I don't remember the name of the special. I remember one of his jokes. He's like, I look like two thumbs with a big thumb in the middle, or something close to that. And I was like, that's fucking hilarious.
Starting point is 00:14:37 But that whole special, I was like, oh my God, Rogan is king of media right now. He's crushing it like in the UFC world, in the stand-up world. He's crushing it like in the UFC world and the standup world. He's crushing it in, obviously, the podcast world. Like this guy is in my mind was like the Aist of A-list celebrities giving up nothing to the Tom Cruise's or whoever's on top of the world right now. Taylor Swift. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:14:57 But today I'm like, I think that special is what happens to specials after your good one. Yeah, I mean, I said just through his show, he's still like his stand up is such a back seat in popularity to his show. Like he's got numbers that any other talk show on earth would kill for. And so like it's almost weird that he still pushes his stand up so hard because it's like that's not what he's best at. I think he must just what he loves.
Starting point is 00:15:28 That's that's what he identifies as. And that's what he loves the most. I was that joke. He's Joe Rowan, standup comedian. He is comedy man. Comedy is his art. Standup is his field. And everything else is secondary. And as he's gotten it because of that and that's his worldview and you will not shake that.
Starting point is 00:15:47 I've noticed a lot of comedians do that. I can't think of another comedian that dominates outside of comedy quite as much as him. But I bet if you talk to Jerry Seinfeld, his success as a comedian is very important to his ego and sense of self-worth, even though it's really him as an actor and a writer, I guess, whatever he did, then that's bread and butter. I think he thinks standup is very important. Joe Rogan clearly, at least in my little universe,
Starting point is 00:16:14 is the podcast and UFC guy. Standup is like a hobby he's always had, right? He might even be the fear factor guy. But in his heart, standup is the core of his identity. And I've noticed a lot of comedians, like it's incredibly important to them that they're great at comedy, even if they're fricking starring in some TV show or movie or like another part of their career has superseded their comedy roots. Comedy is where they want to identify. Don't know why.
Starting point is 00:16:44 Well, I mean. Speaking of those giant. Because you don't need anything to do it. Like it's his, he can make money from nothing because his job is to stand on a stage and be and talk. Like everything else requires that brick and mortar around him. That's where he started.
Starting point is 00:16:58 I have a different. And it's also the community, right? He owns his own comedy club. I think there's like a competitive thing amongst stand-up comedians where they stank rack stack rank each other And they're like gunslingers trying to be funnier I've heard so many times about how like in the back room patrice o'neill would just verbally bully everybody because he was so good At like making fun of the other comedians And I think that little scene, being the alpha amongst your peers,
Starting point is 00:17:27 gets to be so important to comedians that even if they're movie stars, they still wanna sit at the table with those guys and be a cool kid. Yeah, he definitely values his identity as a standup. And I mean, again, I don't think it was bad. I think he's, I've seen three of his specials, I think now, and two out of three of them I would I would say are like seven out of tens and this one might be the one that's fallen to like a six out of ten I thought it was just okay I did finish
Starting point is 00:17:54 it though and like I said I usually turn shit off if you watch enough of his podcast you you'll recognize him referencing a few moments from it and I kind of liked that and you know whenever somebody does that I feel like yeah that that joke's, you know, whenever somebody does that, I feel like, yeah, that that jokes for me. I saw I saw some jabroni. Like, who are these people? Scott had had an airplane sky right. Joe Rogan is five foot three in the sky above L.A.
Starting point is 00:18:16 And so he doesn't live there. Yeah, doesn't he live in Texas? Yeah. Is it Austin? Do I have that right? Yeah, yeah. Yeah. I know that's where he is. He has a comedy show. Yeah. Club there Austin? Do I have that right? Yeah. Yeah. I know that's where he has a comedy show club there. He must be near that.
Starting point is 00:18:30 Right. Speaking of these big streamers, did you guys know who Aidan Ross is? Of course. Really big zoomer streamer. I don't know if it's a gaming or just a variety. So wait, wait, wait. I know nothing of this story. I'm going to take a wild guess.
Starting point is 00:18:48 Rape. No, no. He had Trump on his stream. Oh, I know. And it got to like 600,000 people or something absurd watching all at the same time. And just seeing like the like, I mean, the Aidan Ross is like in a he's in like his Trump best, like dressed super nice. And everybody else in his group seems to be dressed really nice,
Starting point is 00:19:14 except for that, like Swedish blonde haired, really popular streamer QXC. You know, oh, excuse me. And he's wearing like just a white T-shirt with a giant like just Trump's face. With gold teeth. With gold teeth. With gold teeth. With a grill on it. And it's, I couldn't believe how professional
Starting point is 00:19:36 it looked for a stream. They had a little group in the back like cheering on. I mean, by the vehicle. It would be fun. So they're currently sitting in the Cybertruck that he is gifting to Donald Trump. Is that how that went? I saw that there was a Cybertruck gift. I didn't know. Yeah, he's giving up with it. Yeah. And he gave him a Rolex too. I saw which is a funny thing to give a billionaire. I'd be nervous to gift a billionaire a watch
Starting point is 00:20:02 because I'd be like, isn't it really nice? It's 40 grand and the billionaires like wow That's almost You realize I'm wearing half a mill right now, right? Like I'm gonna take a big step I don't know if Trump's a watch guy at all. But but maybe when I think but I think of Rolex is like a I don't like a doctor's watch or something, not exactly like a billionaire's watch. But no, that's sick that he got him on there. I heard that Baron is a big fan of Aiden
Starting point is 00:20:33 and like convinced his dad to do the thing. I didn't know it was that successful. I didn't watch any of it. I just saw some of the shots and a little blurb. Same, same. I saw a couple clips on Twitter of it. Yeah, I watched a video of Aiden Ross trying to understand what fascism was.
Starting point is 00:20:51 It gave me a, let's watch this. It's 50 seconds, five zero. Zach, can you play this for us? Oh, I saw this clip. Did you? Yeah, yeah, so I didn't know who this guy was at all, but I feel like you get a vibe for who he is as he reads this.
Starting point is 00:21:08 I'm like 80% sure this is a bit, but maybe that's because I- I might be the mark then. I didn't think of it through that lens. All right, let's listen. What does a fascist mean? Damn. He misspelled fascist.
Starting point is 00:21:24 It means you are a far right authorization on the you on ultra ultra ultra null. Oh my God. Ultra and a lot of analysts ultra national. He's characterized by dictator leadership, centralized autocracity, militarism, forcible suppression, suppression of opposition. So I don't know what that means. I swear to God, I don't know what the fuck a fascism is. I don't know what the fuck that is. OK, never mind.
Starting point is 00:21:54 He didn't misspell it. And Jason Stanley, like, who the fuck are these people, bro? Old Giovanni Gentile. What is an example of a fascist? Yo! bro. Old Giovanni Gentile. What is an example of a fastest? It's cause that's what I know about him. I didn't take that as a bit, although I might be the mark and it is a bit and I just fell for it. Um, I have trouble when I see adults with like a sincere reading level like that. It's like I have trouble even believing it because it's like,
Starting point is 00:22:24 like reading is so important. If I couldn important. If I suddenly couldn't read, you couldn't get anything done. You couldn't do anything. Like if you, your access to language is also like what limits your ability to think, right? If you can't articulate a thought internally, then you can't really understand it. So if you don't have the words, the requisite words, you really can't be thinking, right? Like-
Starting point is 00:22:46 As well as the rest of us know. I've always been frustrated by people who say they don't learn by reading, right? Oh, I'm aware of a visual learner. I'm aware of an auditory learner. Oh, you mean you're a hand-hold spoon-fed learner. You can't self-teach. You only know-
Starting point is 00:23:01 Uh-uh, that's hot! You only know what somebody carefully one-on-one tells you. That just means you're a bad learner and you'll never go very far if you can't do that. Now, this is my opinion I form like during computer science and it's like there's so much continuing ed when you're a programmer and it's always changing. And I'm just like, well, you're just find a new job
Starting point is 00:23:25 if you can't learn by reading because I don't wanna tell you everything I've learned. Yeah, it's like the people in school and they're almost always girls I noticed who are like, I'm just a bad test taker. I don't remember what comedian has that bit, but he's like, oh, you're bad at taking tests? You mean the part where they see what you learned?
Starting point is 00:23:42 Yes. You're bad at that part? You're going to do that part. Maybe you can do that part. My test scores are directly related to how well I know the material. That is, yeah. Yeah, there's no one who's just like, yeah, I haven't paid attention
Starting point is 00:23:54 to anything in this finance course. And I don't understand the first thing about EECO, but I'm a good test taker. I can suss out that it's seed. Now I could see, however, if it were like, if it were timed very like carefully and time mattered I could see that being a factor like like like just the stress like maybe if there weren't time you'd be able to relax and and do some part some portions more more carefully but you're so in your head about you know the time expiring and going by I could
Starting point is 00:24:22 see like the pressure getting to you like Like you know the material, you know those equations, but there's so much pressure that you're getting frazzled and you're confusing things up. Can I think if you're smart, right? If I took a really smart person and tested them on something they didn't know, they might be able to use their intuition and logic and get a better score than someone who's not as
Starting point is 00:24:46 smart. Sure yeah yeah I mean smart people are gonna be better test takers because they're gonna be thinking faster or like like word problems. Right so I'm almost going back like to some extent the score might not mean exactly what you knew going into it. Mm-hmm I remember in like SAT or ACT, all those tests, the ADD kids got to take like three times as long. Like literally, like it'd be like, all right, the reading section of this is a 45 minute thing and here's your pencils and clock starts now.
Starting point is 00:25:21 Like everyone did that with the proctor and everything. And then there would just be a separate room and they were like having fucking Super Smash Brothers parties break. And I was like, I was like almost pissed at my friends who were doing that because they're like, well, I mean, I take Adderall. So, you know, I qualify to do this. And I'm like, really? Like, do you really need three and a half hours to do a 45 reading test? Like if they've actually
Starting point is 00:25:47 got ADD and they're on Adderall, they're like Stephen Hawking in there anyway, it dials you the fuck in. Like I took Adderall through several grades, something like that. I got super skinny. I remember that. He didn't eat anything. You have no appetite. It's good stuff. It's good. I can still get the prescription. Yeah, I always thought that. Yeah, yeah. I was like chubby before and after the Adderall. So that kept stuff. I can still get the prescription. Yeah, I always thought that. Yeah, yeah. I was like chubby before and after the Adderall. So that kept me strong.
Starting point is 00:26:08 It's good he's not short. Like I know so many guys who are shorter than, but like significantly shorter than their dad in a way that's like noticeable. And it's like, oh, you know, I bet this is because you weren't eating anything. Adderall, that's a symptom. Oh, under eating as a trait. Yeah, because you're just not eating like in all those formative years. And it's like that catches up to you. I think I'm the tallest person in my whole family.
Starting point is 00:26:31 There's nobody. I'm not fucking calling. I pictured years. Yeah, kind of a bitch. He's on Baron Trump mode right now. Dude, it so Colin's having anger issues lately. It sucks. I don't wanna embarrass him or anything, but it's called anger rumination,
Starting point is 00:26:49 where he really focuses on all the bad things that have happened. And mind you, it goes way back. He fussed recently about a water slide that we didn't take him on because he wasn't tall enough. What were you, 11? So this is the kind of thing that like we have to calm him down about this week. And I was like just hugging him
Starting point is 00:27:12 and trying to pick up his spirits. And again, fucking my eye socket is on his collarbone. Like I'm the woman in this. Yeah. Is he able to pick you up and twirl you? Yeah. You need a little step like when a fancy person's getting on a horse. Oh, he hates that. There's this, our kitchen is like sort of a short step down.
Starting point is 00:27:36 I'll call it like six inches, not a whole one. And sometimes I stand on that step when I talk to him and he doesn't like it. He doesn't like me being tall. You need to like have a rule where it's like no shoes in the house except for dad in his boots. You can go anywhere. You gotta wear those freaking Trump high heels or Ronda Santa shoes. Yeah, that's what you have to do.
Starting point is 00:27:57 But then Colin's gonna probably borrow your dad boots be even taller. Oh, that'd be ridiculous. He bumpers out of the ceiling. Can you share shoes or does he have bigger feet than you? I don't know actually what his shoe size is. He probably needs to do shoes. Man, I don't think, no, I'm definitely not. I think I'm like third in height in my extended family.
Starting point is 00:28:22 Really? You're not short. You have a tall family. Yeah. My youngest brother is like six one, in my extended family. Really? You're not short. You have a tall family. My youngest brother is like six one, maybe a little taller than that. He's probably about Kyle's height, maybe a tiny bit shorter. So he's like an inch or so taller than me.
Starting point is 00:28:36 My middle brother is like probably five 11. So I got him beat by just a small amount. And then we all beat my dad. My dad's like five, nine and a half. He'll say five, 10, but it's closer to five. I will give it to him. Nine and a half. I'll give it to him. But yeah, my big ups to my mom. She brought it home for us in the height department. She was a little over five, eight. So Zach said his dad is seven foot that is weird are you serious how is this not come up. Zach's life is so bizarre by the way. Zach will interject occasionally with a little chat thing like
Starting point is 00:29:13 like he's got something in common with what we're talking about and it'll always be like yeah my mom weighs 600 pounds like what yeah my dad's seven feet tall. One time my sister crushed a man with a car. What? A seven foot tall dad and a six hundred pound mom. That's like a cartoon family. I was on Zach's podcast and he ends the podcast with like a cool story. So he gives me a list of like, I don't even know.
Starting point is 00:29:45 There must've been 112 topics on there or something. And they're all fucking wild. It's a spreadsheet. Yeah, Zach's got stories. So many of them you can tell. Oh, I'm glad. It's gotta suck to be, because Zach's like six five. 145 topics.
Starting point is 00:30:01 Just to get dominated by your own dad who's seven inches taller than you at six five that's ridiculous i'm gonna try to get the uh israeli tank commander on the show sometime soon for like half an hour or so or maybe an hour i don't know have you contacted we haven't had him he contacted me actually yeah he he's well you know he's fighting a war he's got vicious dogs to put down over there is that what he? That is not what he says. That is what you told me to say. I would never say such a thing about the Palestinian people.
Starting point is 00:30:34 Yeah, I think he's been fighting the war, but he's messaged me twice like, yeah, I've got more stories. This and that happened. I'd love to come on and tell the boys about it if you're ever interested. So I need to hit them up. Are people in tanks in very much danger in Palestine? Like if you listen to some media, you'd think the Palestinians have nothing but rocks and slightly larger rocks, you know, bottles. So a tank is pretty safe against that arsenal. But they must have. I imagine so because they don't have tanks and they're, they don't have, they don't have any air force.
Starting point is 00:31:08 So, so, so Iran set up a factory inside Palestine to make them their own brand of RPGs that are designed to damage those. What are the tanks? The Israelis have them a Rob or something. Uh, in any case, early in the war, like the opening days when Hamas was still making like montage videos By the way, they haven't cracked out one of those in a Coons age. I haven't seen any it's it's nothing No more montage little bounce. Yeah, no more jungle. Yeah, they're like skateboard kids cutting a new fucking like edit of their Kick session down that down at the park
Starting point is 00:31:43 But at the beginning days they they had those RPGs. They have a very distinctive look, the warhead that's on them. And you could tell that it's like, this is shit they made right there in Palestine. I've even seen pictures, like video of the factory where they were made. They've just got like lots of the warheads
Starting point is 00:31:57 lined up on a table, you can imagine. But I haven't seen anything since then. They were running up and planting charges on the tanks. I remember that and like running away and lots of, there was like a montage genuinely with like Zergriz edits of them, like quick scoping tanks with RPGs in the early days. And like, again, haven't been any montages in a minute.
Starting point is 00:32:19 Can an RPG take out a tank? No. Is that a dumb question? No. Okay. I think that they can, I think they can cripple it if they shoot the treads off. Yeah. But I don't, that tank in particular, from my understanding is it doesn't have a lot of range as far as how far it can travel, but it's very, very survivable.
Starting point is 00:32:41 And when one gets hurt, they just drag it back to Israel. It's not like they're in, it's not like when we fight a war and it's on the other side of the planet the tank Goes down as a shit. We lost one. It'd be like if we lost one in Nebraska. We'll just bring it right back Yeah, my understanding is we tend to like if we lose one and we don't have the land that it was lost on we just blow It up so they don't get it Yeah, it's always learned from it. Yeah. Like when they, when they took Bin Laden, one of those,
Starting point is 00:33:06 you know, they crashed one of their stealth helicopters. Take, Oh, I didn't know that. You should watch that zero dark 30 movie. It's the whole, it's the whole finding where Bin Laden is. It's from the CIA perspective. It's true story of the woman at the CIA who made it her mission to catch Bin Laden
Starting point is 00:33:24 because among other things, you know, 9-11 obviously, but one of her friends was killed. true story of the woman at the CIA who made it her mission to catch Bin Laden because among other things, you know, 9-11 obviously, but one of her friends was killed, which makes it personal. And I wasn't questioning why. And what's his name? Play Star Lord. I'm spacing Chris Pratt. Chris Pratt is on SEAL team six so she like there's a part where you've been with the CIA and they're all very buttoned up and very professional and then you go to a An air base to meet SEAL team six and they're all a bunch of good old boys with like Red man chewing tobacco and stuff shooting the shit. So it's a fun Little back and forth there and then you go on the full raid and it looked it's sick
Starting point is 00:34:03 You know you go on the bin Laden raid, but what happened during the raid they I think they went with two stealth helicopters Which were top secret nobody knew about at the time And they crashed one of them landing at the compound So nobody got hurt, but they had to destroy that helicopter and maybe bring a second helicopter in to get everybody out So yeah, they open they opened up with a fucking crash. There's a tweet from that night at like 1 a.m. Pakistan time. He's like, what are all these helicopters doing? Like a neighbor tweeted that something weird was going on. It's so funny. He's like one of those juicer in my floorboards guys. He's like, you know, positive that Bin Laden lives next door, but no one listens to the
Starting point is 00:34:55 trustworthy Indian. That's a good movie, though. I highly recommend that one. I watched a silly movie that turned out to be pretty good. Last night, we watched Cocaine Bear. I don't know if you've seen that. I've seen that. I've heard of it. It's on our flex. It's a true ish story. So the 100 percent hand to God true part is that drug smugglers used to air drop cocaine and then recover it on the ground as a way of smuggling.
Starting point is 00:35:20 By the way, the plane doesn't touch down then. They don't need an airfield. And there's less risk for a lot of other reasons. But they were dropping it in Tennessee in the Smoky Mountains. And the the guy fell out of the plane for so they don't know inexplicably. They don't know why. But his parachute didn't open or something because he was going with the cocaine. He falls to his death in Tennessee, dead cocaine scattered around everywhere.
Starting point is 00:35:44 A bear got into the cocaine. It killed him. That's the true story. But the movie, the bear gets fucking hyped up. He loves the book. He eats a whole brick of cocaine and it's a CGI bear and you can it's 100 percent. All right. That's a CGI bear. But you get used to the CGI after a while. It's not like shit. Shit CGI. It's OK. And he's so fucking coked out of his head.
Starting point is 00:36:04 He's just destroying everyone. Tell this bear to stop pitching me business ideas. There's all these characters in the Smoky Mountain, Chattahoochee National Forest or whatever, looking for the cocaine. There's like mobsters and criminals, and there's also like a mom and some kids, and there's hikers, and everybody's in this weird scenario where now there's a
Starting point is 00:36:27 Cocaine bear on the loose and there's like cocaine scattered throughout the forest. We keep finding bricks of cocaine everywhere Oh, so it's not all eaten by the bear wasn't no well, he keeps powering up as the movie goes on Like that's the thing. He starts off with a little brick, you know, and by the end of the movie, there's a duffel bag little brick, you know, and by the end of the movie, there's a duffel bag. He's just, oh, he's all white. Ever have to deal with coming down? Like, is he like a depressed? Yes. He's all fucked up and like, like in a downer state because he, and then like
Starting point is 00:36:55 when he, when he, when he gets his eyes on the cocaine, obviously the mobster's like, no, it's my cocaine, you can't have it. And there's a fight over the cocaine, the Ray Liotta's in it. I was his last movie. He's like the head mobster. All right. Rest in peace. It is.
Starting point is 00:37:08 It is dedicated to Ray Liotta's memory. Uh, I thought it was pretty fucking good. I've done that to him. It's funny. They should have dedicated that one to him. Like add a new thing to the end of good fellows on streaming. It's a, it's got kids in it, but they're like those kids that are written to be like cool kids. So, so it's fun. they're like those kids that are written to be like cool kids.
Starting point is 00:37:26 So it's fun. They're like cursing and doing cocaine. The one kid tells the other, the little boy tells them, they're like 11, 12. He tells the girl, he's like, they find the brick of cocaine. He's like, I do cocaine all the time. She's like, you do? Yeah. All the cool kids do cocaine.
Starting point is 00:37:40 She's like, how do you do it? You eat it. She cuts open this brick of cocaine, this pure cocaine, and she's got her knife and she's like, how much? He goes, like a tablespoon. He scoops out a tablespoon of cocaine. She goes, all right. Like spits the cocaine. She's like, that's terrible. He's like, ah, let me show you how to do it. And again, he's like 12. He gets a big scoop of it.
Starting point is 00:38:05 Same thing, spits it all out. He goes, that's not the shit I usually use. That's not the good shit. Oh, it's a good fucking move. What I was surprised by, no, they were fine. They get high and later on the kid's like, what if maybe I had a little like a drug problem myself, mom, what would that be like?
Starting point is 00:38:21 You wouldn't mind that. What'd you, she's like, I'd find out. I'd always find out. She's like, I'd find out. I'd always find out. She's like, he's clearly addicted to cocaine already. The gore was the part that sold me. It's funny at points. There's several funny like laugh out loud moments because it's kind of a slapstick thing, but it's so gory.
Starting point is 00:38:40 The bears just ripping people apart, which I appreciated a lot. So cocaine bear is the kyle pick for this week season five of fargo was really good I I want to tell you about it without spoiling it But in the opening episodes they go to kidnap this woman and you learn she's a feisty little fighter of a woman they don't make it out that she can beat up six trained assassins, but but uh, She's not an easy victim. She goes down scratching. And it turns out that she is being sort of reacquired
Starting point is 00:39:10 by her ex-husband who is the sheriff of the county from another state, I think. And he's one of those sheriffs that like, doesn't pay too much attention to other laws, like the official laws. He has his own idea, like he follows God's laws. In the opening scene, as you meet the sheriff, there's a woman who's clearly battered by her husband.
Starting point is 00:39:33 And he questions her a little bit on whether or not she's obedient as she should be. And then once he figures out that, yeah, this woman is properly obedient, this man is just taking too much pleasure in the training that he's giving his wife with these beatings. So he beats this man so that he knows that,
Starting point is 00:39:53 obviously it's okay to beat your wife, but don't take it too far anymore. And- It's fair. Yeah. I'm looking at the cast now. It's John Hamm is your- Yes, he's the sheriff.
Starting point is 00:40:02 Roy Tillman. He's one of those constitutional sheriffs, aiffs a rancher a preacher defender of the American gospel and Roy's own reality He is the law and therefore is above the law He's not a good guy in the show. He is making a mean face But he is a formidable opponent in the show and I really enjoyed watching like how it went down and how it played out in the very end of the Police in this with an eye patch Yes, okay. I'm so now that guy that guy was he did a good job, too. He he plays um the mother-in-law's attorney the mother-in-law is very wealthy and uh,
Starting point is 00:40:39 You know, he's just not easily intimidated. He's smart I like his role and uh, I just recommending Fargo season five without telling you everything that happens. I'm down. I haven't watched in a while. I watched I watched the season with Ewan McGregor and Mary Elizabeth Winstead. That might be season two or three though. That's pretty early. I watched the UFO season Um, I didn't watch the chris rock season, although I heard it was pretty good Uh, so so i'll go back to it. I'll check it out some more. I think I went to like disney and pressed play Not expecting it to put me on season five
Starting point is 00:41:18 And after the first episode was finished, I was like, ah, I fucked up No, you know I look at like oh, you don't have to watch these in order The seasons do not follow like every other TV show. Yeah. Yeah completely different every season You get a whole new story timeline everything What was I gonna say about TV shows? Oh, I haven't watched it yet, but I hear the House of Dragons season finale was garbage I heard I saw reddit complaining that they didn't get the plot movement they were looking for. Yeah, surprising. It is surprising. How could hundreds of thousands of people have called this? But in Game of Thrones, I felt like the season finale is really kind of made you thirst for the next year, at least the first five or six years. Yeah, I'm I'm I'm still like, I think it's a really well made show. It's got it's got its share of flaws.
Starting point is 00:42:10 I think you just like that one guy like you like that one guy. That's what I think he's talking about. Yeah, yeah. I like I'm I like the queen now. I like that. I like that intersect that intersex queen they've got. She's fucking a little Algerian boxer. The younger son, the one who's like acting king right now I like him all is an eye patch I like him very yeah he doesn't really good job he is the
Starting point is 00:42:33 epitome of that meme how old are you 16 16 ninja you look 30 fucking ID like six three like a like rough-faced like big scar and like he's Intimidating and it's like this is a 16 year old boy like that what he's supposed to be. Yeah Yeah, he's clever too. Of course he is like he is a team of writers. I know like I Projected more age onto him. Yeah, it's it's it's a poorly cast character, frankly Year-old and the actors probably actors got to be in his early 20s or something. Like he's a man-grown
Starting point is 00:43:14 He's a big dude or he seems like he's long There's we saw him naked in a brothel and he he's like got a really scary body type He's so long and lanky and skinny. It's he looked a little gaunt very gaunt. He's as pale as you can imagine. He looked like Gollum all stretched out or something. I might I might describe him as wiry. Like he didn't look weak. He just was low body fat, long muscles and sirs in you. Well, he was probably self-conscious about that nude scene. So thanks a lot for that. Now he watched it with his mom. I read the article. He didn article he didn't he
Starting point is 00:43:45 didn't warn her. Eww. That's really hilarious I thought it's a good it's a good Franco mom. If you were nude in a movie would you sit down with her and be like what an epic prank. Yeah if I was nude like he was because he was like mostly I don't think his dong was out but like like I mean it was out but I don't think I saw his out. But like like I mean, it was out, but I don't think I saw his dick. I might if I did, I have no memory of his penis. I remember I remember him being naked on his side in the fetal position, like with a whore in a bed. And like he's just like kind of curled up in a ball,
Starting point is 00:44:18 sort of like seeking comfort from her because he's had a bad day or whatever. And that's all I really remember of his nudity. There's kind of like his ass cheek or something. No, there's full frontal nudity of that character. Yeah, I didn't see it. I have no memory of the dog. You want to pay attention? Now you sent me a picture.
Starting point is 00:44:37 Oh, look at that. That's all there it is. Yeah, that's all right. Well, it's not like they zoomed in. There was another like I want to say the start of that scene is a Different character like a extra getting blown and it's just full-on dick a good five inches into some woman's mouth I'm like, oh you see that either. I gotta rewatch these
Starting point is 00:44:59 You tell me I missed out on two cock if there's two cocks what he knows about that I missed out there could be dozens Oh, yeah, a lot of Easter eggs in this show, but that's the other thing about the show Taylor There's almost no naked women, but there's yeah shows now have really like somebody Somebody up there and the cabal was like less female nudity. It is degrading degrade the men The last five years the new thing is like get some dicks on your show and no more naked ladies But in in that in the boys in the boys we got to see More yard more yardies the girl with the her face all fucked up We saw her ass for the first time and I think like ever it was that it was female nudity in that show
Starting point is 00:45:41 And I was so taken aback. I was like, Oh a naked girl. What's that doing here? Five or six cocks and everything. I think that was her. I Don't know. I thought her body was like Stunningly perfect. So I'm like I wonder if that's a double and also she looks like she has a stunningly perfect body I mean some I mean she's you know, she might yeah. Yeah, you're right. It's not it's not wild to believe that was her body She's a little bit. She's just very petite and like Skinny, you know and you just saw her butt from behind getting out of bed or something
Starting point is 00:46:13 I had a perfect but no hint of cellulite got that shelf on the bottom of it. Like everything was perfect about it What he's all about? I want to yeah, if you have any sexy questions, I remember them like Kyle does actors names. He's on He's an editor. I could write that site. If you made me president, I'd have a rule that was like for every instance of male nudity
Starting point is 00:46:37 in a feature length film, there must be eight instances of female nudity. How many times do I get to vote for you? Yeah, thanks. Fire up. Everybody's mailing them in for Taylor. Yeah, and then it'd be like huge fines if they couldn't meet this. And so they'd be like, we're trying to do one sex scene.
Starting point is 00:46:57 And it's like, well, you better throw seven pairs of... You can do like three or four lesbian scenes in rack up. So you'd have to be like, the show's so disjointed, nothing's getting done. Jennifer Lawrence just did a movie where she's completely full frontal naked, beating up like some. I think the premise is she's like swimming in the ocean naked and they come by to steal her clothes and she has no shame. She just runs out of the water and starts beating the shit out of them WWE style and it's really comedic she's beating up
Starting point is 00:47:28 a man maybe she might be beating up two men and a woman and the woman punches her in the pussy at one point but I think her that the book there's a dudes parents who hire her to fuck their son to make a man out of him is that the plot of that I have not seen the movie I've seen the scene on and a gif on reddit. Yeah, I think she plays basically, I don't know, like a once-removed sugar baby type thing to be a prostitute or girlfriend. Yes. Yeah. Yeah Cool. Well, she's completely naked in that. Just titties flopping and she gets punched in her pussy and I thought that was funny It's good that she's getting naked naked She's pretty hot and it should be memorialized because she won't always be that hot. It was memorialized about eight years ago I think I know
Starting point is 00:48:13 You know who you're talking to that's a hundred percent the reason she did that she's like taking control of her own nudity Taking control of the nudity not letting the nudity control her. That's right powerful Powerful. Powerful, yeah. You should make a whole movie about that. I want a movie about a lady with lady balls and how she's got to navigate life. This summer, is this boxer cheating?
Starting point is 00:48:36 The answer is kind of. Yeah, right? What if that boxer is like a dude sex drive and she's just like going to a bar eyeing up everybody? This guy. This guy. Can't get enough.
Starting point is 00:48:51 Always with the testosterone on the sex drive. This is a Joe Rogan thing. This is like elk making you like aggressive. I think women with body hair, they just crave dick. They just do, trust me. Like there's this hairy girl at my gym. The last time Woody, that's not a nymphomaniac, that's a Greek woman. It's just how their arms look. That's a solid theory, it checks out.
Starting point is 00:49:12 Don't trust the science. Yeah, I don't even know. I guess what I believe is that that part would be genetic. That whatever makes you gay or straight or like wherever you are on that spectrum, because there's clearly a spectrum of gay and straight, right, like we've seen ultra gays. You've seen an ultra gay. And you've also seen like a regular, what was that show, Will and Grace is the epitome of this. Of this spectrum.
Starting point is 00:49:41 Okay, the documentary. You know that's a television. Yeah, the documentary Will and Grace. Yeah, but these are depictions of people that are on the spectrum of homosexuality. Will and Grace, the TV show, the comedy, the sitcom, they are depictions of this. So you've got like that little twink motherfucker who's just like la la la la, like super flamboyant. He's like an eight out of ten guy. He's way up there. He can see Liberace from where he is. And then you've got Will who's like, oh, you're gay.
Starting point is 00:50:08 Oh, okay. I didn't know. I think I can pop that blue. There's no way to tell. Milo Yiannopoulos. That dude was as gay as gay gets, and now he's straight. No, he's not. He makes money by getting people interested in his lies.
Starting point is 00:50:24 That's his job, is to tell interesting lies. I mean, say what you will, Milo wouldn't lie to me. I did a picture of him today. He was like a Burger King wearing a crucifix dress like a vampire slayer. Yes, just like a vampire. I saw a tweet from him recently. Remember when he was on our show? And he was like, oh darling, I've been gay since I was born.
Starting point is 00:50:50 Father Michael taught me to give head and it was glorious. One of my favorite experiences. Yeah, and it's like, even at the time, I think all of us came down on the side of like, no, you were molested. What happens is a lot of people get molested and then they try to take it back, like you said molested. Like what happens is a lot of people get molested and then they try to like take it back.
Starting point is 00:51:06 Like you said, with the new- I was pressured into that point of view by the group. Yeah, no, but I think it's true is, you know, he got molested and he tried the whole time to be like, yeah, a priest molested him. And he was like, oh no, I actually wanted it. And so it wasn't me being victimized. I was actually just like an active participant.
Starting point is 00:51:24 And I saw a post from him that was like, and obviously none of us know what he's been up to the past eight years since then. But he was like, I used I used to lie about, you know, this paraphrasing. But like he basically came around or he's like, yeah, I used to pretend that this was something like I was a part of. Like, no, I was molested by a priest. And it's like, yeah, of course, of course. When someone is like, I don't know what the word, like a nice word to say, a huckster of his caliber. You just can't, you can't believe anything that they say. And what I, it's all, you don't know when the performance ends.
Starting point is 00:51:56 He's almost like a very much less talented Robin Williams in that he's always on. And he's always, Oh, father Michael, so my dick and the confession. Good morning, pedophilia. Oh, I got to come to my hairy arms. Oh. What Kyle mentioned, like, it's hard to deal with hucksters of that caliber. Like, like you think, OK, we all spot liars and we all, oh, that part's not true and that part is true
Starting point is 00:52:27 and you can be 80% right, but that's not really good enough. When a guy lies 100% of the time, then he gets away with it a good 20%. Well, he never turns it off. And I don't even wanna call it lying as much as performing. Like remember when Sam Hyde was taking us through his goddamn village of nightmares and that one fella showed up with an ampule of blood that he then doused on a blade. I Don't want that guy to break character either. It's the same. It's the same bit to me
Starting point is 00:52:54 I know it's like presented differently But that's part of the bit as well to me is when my Milo is like trying to be a political Analyst or a political I think he he was in some way associated with the trump campaign I think last time around like he's always He's always injecting himself somewhere. Uh, Kanye Right. Sure. You know, he just wants he's a provocateur His his whole thing is is putting on the most entertaining most salacious Bit of a character man that he can. So we don't know the real Maio.
Starting point is 00:53:27 Maya, Maya, Maya, Annapolis. Yeah, we don't know the real guy. And that's not a bad thing to say. Like, you don't you might not want to know him. He's he might not be that funny, but his character is very interesting. And I like it like, but but to judge him as like a real person in the real world, like he's he can stand alongside the rest of the human beings he's more
Starting point is 00:53:45 on an alex jones spectrum where he's he's putting on a show you know he's playing a character provocateur yeah yeah yeah and there's a lot of people like that in the political world where they make their bones on i think tucker carlson believes what he what he says though for the most more i don't find him to be a provocateur He's genuine what he's not well I do know because they released his private text messages in the in that thing where Fox had to pay a billion dollars for spreading Election lies and you could see what he was saying privately, which was not what he was saying on his show How I know of course these what I were referencing. He's a liar.
Starting point is 00:54:26 These people are they're all liars. You get that high in media. You're a liar. Like you're a propagandist. You're going to do what your handlers tell you to do and say what they tell you to say.
Starting point is 00:54:36 Who do you think believes what they believe lately? Who do you think's out there just being a real one, I guess, is the best way to phrase it? I think Bernie Sanders love him or hate him. Like I've always thought he's just being himself and trying to do. I sold his principles down the
Starting point is 00:54:50 river every election for the past like three. You didn't like him give it. Take my delegates, have them. You didn't like that? No. Well, I didn't either, but the interest of me of a toothless, I didn't either, but in the interest of- I think he's the epitome of a toothless, big promise, no delivery politician. I think- That's the problem with promising so far outside of reality. And I am, like, it's not that I disagree with Taylor.
Starting point is 00:55:17 I just take a more kind view. Like on the right, you could say that about Ron Paul and Rand Paul, who were like, just absolutely fundamental, these are my principles, I do not sway from them. And Ron Paul, the older one, never ever, ever voted for an earmark, right? He voted against every earmark his entire career,
Starting point is 00:55:37 but he put a ton of earmarks in bills, why? Because that's how this fucking system works. So is it a hypocritical thing? He's like, Well, what am I supposed to do? This is the system as it exists. If I were to do it the way I wish it exists, I'd be ineffective. Back to Bernie, similar type thing. He's like, I tried to be president. I wanted to do it my way. But when push came to shove and my way wasn't going to work,
Starting point is 00:56:03 I went with second best. Is that giving up on your principles and folding or living in the real world? And what choice did he have? All he could do was be like, this is unfair, we're going to file suits, all he could do is a bunch of bluster and talk. It's not like it wouldn't have gone that way anyway.
Starting point is 00:56:23 Hillary's getting the nomination, she had all those super delegates locked up. It was almost a given. So like all he could do was further sabotage. He would be the one who's blamed to this day for the Donald Trump first presidency for not jumping on the party line, although he is an independent, right? Or I know he identifies as like a democratic socialist, but he's often represented by an eye on the floor. In any case, I think what he says is what he wants and what he believes, though. Regardless of how effective he is as a politician, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:56:57 It seems to me like it's compromise, compromise, compromise, because it's a big gobblygook system of evil. So what do you think? Right. I want 100, but if you offer 80, I'll take it. You know, does that mean I've given up on my principles? Well, I'm just doing my best here. It's literally the equivalent of holding your nose,
Starting point is 00:57:14 it's like holding your nose and choosing Hillary over Trump. You know, that's what he did. Can't blame him. Who's a real one at the top? Not even a politician, like maybe an actor. It could be anything like that. Usually to find someone that I think is like a real one that actually believes is like they'd have to be someone who lost a lot of success because they refuse to stop saying
Starting point is 00:57:39 or doing something. Mel Gibson. Mel Gibson. I believe Mel Gibson is all in like sincerely because he lost a huge amount of money for many years for not backing down off of, off of stuff. And so I, I would drink the drinking. There's a juice stuff in there too. George Clooney question mark. I don't know all his stances,
Starting point is 00:58:04 but I know that like his wife is an international lawyer who devoted her life to like these kinds of causes and am I wrong on that? No, you know, you're right about that. She's like she am all Clooney is it has this ridiculous list of accomplishments and this crazy acumen. This this one thing after after another that she's done. There's that famous thing where she's like, Amal Clooney, she worked for the United Nations bringing clean water to Africa and ending female genital mutilation throughout the Middle East. She's written papers, she's done this, she's led coalitions, she's created nonprofits. And tonight we're here to celebrate her husband for his lifetime achievement award
Starting point is 00:58:56 Did such a good job feeding Africans and giving them water that you know all those problems are fixed It's not as bad as ever. Well, I mean, not all of us can be Mr. Beast. That's true. Not all of us can be poor Mr. Beast, getting raked over the coals because his friend Chris is doing some not so cool stuff on Discord. I'm not totally well, totally informed,
Starting point is 00:59:20 but my understanding is Mr. Beast didn't do anything wrong. No, it doesn't seem like he did anything wrong. He's taken bad heat for the SOSDNC. Oh, you didn't see the documentary I sent you, it's so... Kyle, I did see it. I saw the whole thing. Well, okay, so the documentary shows that, like some of the, for example,
Starting point is 00:59:39 he'll have like a squid games, a real life squid games. And some of the people in there were actors to make the teams even, and then a bunch left right away. And so it seems like some of the competitions weren't completely on the up and up. But I mean, I think he still did cure like 100 people's vision and put this many wells in Africa and this many cochlear. Am I mispronouncing the implant for the year you're clear thank you I did not know it but you did yeah so he's doing good things in this world he's a net positive I'm I'm not off his team yeah I don't care he's taking shit for fake video stuff
Starting point is 01:00:18 Zach says it seems in the discord that maybe he knew some of the Chris stuff but but but I'm The thing it's it's it's also nebulous and weird like all right He says one of the kids that Chris was talking to Tagged him about how big Chris's dick was Oh, well, that's That's weird. I guess you're saying that you're saying that like You're saying a child
Starting point is 01:00:44 Like tagged mr. Beast in a comment were allegedly Chris were allegedly talking about yeah, I mean Zach's alleging it That um that documentary you sent I'm gonna guess it was 40 minutes long it was not right it's close There were good like 10 minutes devoted to how they didn't like his hamburgers. And I'm like, come on. Or his chocolate bars. They thought his chocolate bars were not as good as they should be. Bro, like.
Starting point is 01:01:15 Who cares? I don't know, these quotes are pretty rough. Did you saw that? Oh, well, we can read the quotes, but did you see the Mr. Beast burger menu? I sent you that screenshot because, like, I guess his whole cast all had their own items. And it was like the Chris's kitty wiener. Like a hot dog you could buy. Was that real?
Starting point is 01:01:36 Yes. Yeah. You're telling me. Apparently that was a real part of the menu. You're telling me they thought it was a good idea to have the transsexual in them. They would name the child's tiny hot dog meal after the transsexual in them, they would name the child's tiny hot dog meal after the transsexual person who preys upon children. Seems like an oversight. Seems like Chris was like leaning into that persona almost as good like look right here.
Starting point is 01:01:58 Username discount milk says, no, he's not his penis isn't big enough. I'd know. Mr. Beast says, no, I know his penis size and it's huge Chris the meme god says ha ha at mr. Beast Joins in to comment on my penis size. I love it Was mentioned in the discord chat logs from October 5th 2017 Well, you don't love to see that but he did cure those blind people and bring water to the desert so
Starting point is 01:02:29 I'm okay with him saying the desert you know what I mean like like like I think you gotta put things in perspective here you know like like Mr. Beast didn't do anything to anybody there's a weird comment chain he's in I don't like that I wouldn't be in a comment chain like that because we don't let miners into our fucking discord. But all that being said, um, seems like Chris is the real scumbag here. Yeah. Uh, not old Jimmy for trying to do is then like, can I say how would Mr. Beast know how old that other person was? Like, like it seems like he got drugged in. It seems like he got at mentioned perhaps into a discord chat between his friend Chris
Starting point is 01:03:09 and an individual he didn't know. Like that's what I, that's the spin I'm wanting to put on it. No, I don't even think like, I don't think that is even close to sufficient evidence that like Mr. Beast knew that his friend Chris was being a predator to underage kids online. Like, like that's sufficient evidence of that.
Starting point is 01:03:28 I think there's, there's plenty of evidence. This, this Chris fellow, uh, a no good, but here's a, here's a bunch of like pages of evidence, but what would you describe? Hmm. I have not poured over the evidence in fairness. Yep. Here's the person saying they're 14. That's not a good look. Ah, well, lead with that. Yep, they did.
Starting point is 01:03:51 They did, they did. The 14 year old was very upfront, how mature. That's why everybody was showing up. They have a bot there. You say you're under 15, it pings them. Well, that's not true. The thing where you said he's 14 is not in the same picture of MrBeast talking about penis size.
Starting point is 01:04:12 He might have said that before he knew. Yeah. I'm making excuses because I like it. I want good things for a good guy. Yeah, I don't know anything about MrBeast. I've genuinely never seen one of those videos, but I know what they're about about and it seems to be doing charitable work around the world to some extent or another like and and I like it because I
Starting point is 01:04:34 saw an article where it was like mr. Beast comes in with his colonizing ways and embarrasses african poor african nations by giving their people water that they couldn't. And it's like, bro, he didn't come in and give everybody like a computer and now they can't use them because you don't have infrastructure and it's shameful. He gave them water.
Starting point is 01:04:58 He's giving people the ability to see and water. It's like, come on. Like it's hard to hate on that at all. Here. And I know he tried to plant like a billion trees or something wild like that. sea and water. It's like, come on. Like it's, it's hard to hate on that at all here. And I know he tried to plant like a billion trees or something wild like that. I haven't seen the forest. I don't know if the seeds took, but he did a thing. You know, he gave it a go. More trees that I've planted.
Starting point is 01:05:17 I'm a net negative on the trees. You know, me trees I've destroyed lots. That's true. I've, I've had like 12 in my yard taken down over the past five years and so I'm a net I'm a net minus 12 in my tree experience as a it looks like I just clicked this link that Zach sent to show more screenshots. It looks like Chris was like sharing naked pictures in the not safe for work part of the discord that had miners in it and engaging with miners about that content. Man, it's wild that there's a not safe for work miners tab in your discord.
Starting point is 01:05:51 That's red flag number one. Like that's so crazy to me. That's insane. That's so bold. That's wild. I'm glad our audience does like definitely trend more to the early twenties. Not safe for work miners tab.
Starting point is 01:06:04 The miners part isn't out. That there were like there was a discord. There were miners in the non-safe for work tab. Like if you're a moderator in a discord and you have a not safe for work tab with like pornography being around and there are clearly children in there, what is what is going on? Yeah, I promise you look our discord is not huge. There's the few the few there's you know People pay $50 a month and our friends and associates so there's at any point There's probably 30 to 80 people in there active But I promise you if there was one 14 year old posting. I'm 14 Forget anything not safe for work if there was just a human being saying hi guys. I was born in
Starting point is 01:06:41 2010 Promise you maybe nuked immediately there like hey, sorry to let you know this but this discord is for adults only Yeah, we probably give that 14 year old their money back like yeah. Yeah. Yeah, you know something like that We've done stuff like that before. Yeah, and But on the other hand if he wants to hire compills And on the other hand, if he wants to buy a compil, see me. That's all I said. That's what it's only for adults. Oh, you dare buy our products and buy a T-shirt, not even the shirts.
Starting point is 01:07:15 Not even the millennium for a child. Don't do that. It really is. It's probably too much sunflower. Listen, then they're going to be, it'll throw them off. They're gonna end up like that fucking Algerian boxer. Now you can mess with the problem. Selenium, how much selenium is not good for you genuinely. Don't supplement selenium if you're taking a product. Yeah. Don't take it if you're a child because that's too much selenium for you.
Starting point is 01:07:38 Yes, and also it's for Jism. That's for Jism. That's insane. So I assume the Mr. Beast channel is probably doing fine overall still. Other than probably better than before. Like, oh, what I did see, there was a little bit of a controversy about, you know, that that extension that allows you to see dislikes on YouTube. Yes, I have kind of a. I didn't quite grasp what was going on, but there was some kind of a rigmarole going back
Starting point is 01:08:08 and forth between maybe Mr. Beast or his representation and the person who runs that because it seemed like Mr. Beast was hiding that there was thousands and thousands of dislikes on the video. I couldn't understand where there was some manipulation of the votes or something. I didn't grasp what the controversy was, and I just didn't care enough to dig any deeper. But there was, so that led me to believe that there were a lot of dislikes on his video. But who fucking cares? That's engagement by the way.
Starting point is 01:08:34 Like I can't remember. I know a little. There's a third party app that said there were a lot of dislikes on his video. I think Keemstar wrote to him and said, hey, are there really this many dislikes? And he said, no. And he showed him his analytics,
Starting point is 01:08:47 the thing only the channel owner can see. And some people are questioning which one is wrong. I couldn't tell you. So I am the one- I saw the guy who runs the extension comeback and he said, hey, this thing serves 28 million users on a $500 a month budget. So we have some limitations.
Starting point is 01:09:05 That being said, we would never be that far off. Okay. It was really good input to come from him. Do you know which app it was? Cause I have return YouTube dislike, which I think is just the most common one and it's always worked. It says his most recent video has 4 million likes
Starting point is 01:09:22 and 2 million dislikes. So I looked at his social blade, which I just linked. That's crazy engagement. By the way, everyone, that means six million likes. Yeah. You think dislike is gonna hurt the video? It doesn't. That's engagement that kind of helps.
Starting point is 01:09:38 Do you remember who the Cod YouTuber who would ask for the dislikes was? And it was more effective. He was like, come on, can we get 100000 dislikes? Please hate this shit. Hate it. Hate the spot. Ruin me.
Starting point is 01:09:52 Please. If I get it. All right. If I hit this shot, if I hit this 360, 100000 dislikes, we can do it this time. And people were much more apt to dislike. Yeah, because you're always being told to like something. But like it's it's yeah i'll give you a dislike that felt good that felt good i feel naughty so i think he's having a bad month for subs yeah a lot of it looks like a lot of them might be down well he's down a member of
Starting point is 01:10:18 the team production might have been slow could be so i don't know. It's hard to put numbers. Maybe Zach can show the pictures. It shows a little better. Last month he gained in June 28 million subs and in July it's 14 million subs. We don't have August numbers. It's about the uploads though. In the months where he puts a video up, he's going to have those. Yeah. They're perfect example. You see the peaks and valleys from those are all uploads. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:10:50 So it's hard to look at this most recent dip and act like it's an unprecedented dip. He's fine. Yeah. It's been three days ago. He'll be fine. It does look like a lot of the comments on this one from three days ago. Number one, like I'd never seen a video of his that has millions of dislikes Mm-hmm, and also there's a lot of all the top comments are like
Starting point is 01:11:11 What does that say? What does VPH mean viewers per? Oh, that's nifty Hover over it again, so we get that information little tab be over the 480 point 5k VPH views per hour. That's cool That's cool. I didn't know that. I don't have that plug in, whatever it is. Oh, twice the channels average. That's, that's good information as well. Would you hover over that 2X thing again?
Starting point is 01:11:37 Learn if a video is overpowering the channels average. Oh, outperforming. I couldn't see the, huh. But that's vidIQ is your extension. It seems that's a cool extension It is maybe I'll add that Information there. Yeah, I wonder how this will do it feels like this controversy has some legs and it will haunt them to some extent But I doubt it sinks in no I think as long as he distances himself from Chris like he can be like, yeah I didn't know. And he was doing
Starting point is 01:12:06 this stuff behind the scenes. Otherwise I would shut it down. And unless something comes out that makes it beyond the pale that like he was on the, you know what the worst part of that is, Taylor, what my biggest fear when I see that a trans person molests a lot of children or something, my biggest fear, my biggest concern is backlash against the LGBTQ community. That potential backlash, undeserving backlash. That was my thoughts during 9-11. I was thinking, God, I hope that no one does anything to any Muslim Americans. I hope they're not mistreated in any way. That was my biggest concern. Do you remember the- The Norm MacDonald joke.
Starting point is 01:12:46 The Norm MacDonald, yeah, I'm gonna read his tweet. Norm MacDonald goes, "'What terrifies me is if ISIS were to detonate a nuclear device and kill 50 million Americans, imagine the backlash against peaceful Muslims.'" Like, so- So good. So funny, so funny.
Starting point is 01:13:05 So funny. Oh, I would like somebody who's in the UK as a guest this week because they're having right wing riots burning down businesses and cities of immigrants. And I know a little bit about it. Now, obviously, there's a crazy immigration thing with Muslims coming into the UK right now. If you look at the chart for female genital mutilation in the UK, you'll figure out where the hotspots are. It's not a joke.
Starting point is 01:13:32 All these soccer fans just suddenly started doing this? That's crazy. Well, it's not them. So what happened was there was a knife attack, you may remember, a couple months back and three little blonde girls were stabbed to death by a guy with a funny name now all my fucking sources won't show me a picture of this guy which leads me to Wonder something but they say that he was like a resident like he's from there. They said he's like he's from Gloufus Yes, Shire over by Legion Ruby
Starting point is 01:14:00 Cuckoo, there's fucking I think it was a second generation immigrant. It's a second generation immigrant possibly. But what the article I read said that there was some bots, propaganda, fake videos that made it seem very much like I think they showed like an Arab man waving a knife in front of like parliament or something. There's there's a lot of propaganda being thrown around because and look what it is it is, both sides are right. And if they could put their heads together and realize that, hey, left, y'all have an immigration problem. You let in a whole different culture and big part of what they do, they either, their nonviolent stuff is like super
Starting point is 01:14:40 organized the way they come in and become part of the community and they want and the way they vote is a block and the way they install people in city hall and in government like they are changing your culture right before your eyes just it's there we all see it but the people in the right need to realize that hey all that's happening and it's a problem that y'all should work on. But the instigator is Russia over there using bots to poke the flames because you're in a war with them right now. And so you guys are burning businesses in your own communities. These like Pakistanis who have been there for 18 years or something. All their fucking curry spilt in the street.
Starting point is 01:15:22 Like that guy didn't kill any little blonde girls. You know what I mean? He's a taxpaying member of Bubasher Shire or Burlingtonilt in the street. Like that guy didn't kill any little blonde girls. You know what I mean? He's a taxpaying member of Booba Shoshire or Burlington or wherever the fuck. Meanwhile, there's a bunch of fucking Ruskies in a room with 1800 cell phones glued to the wall and they're all pumping the same fucking hateful message that has legs to stand on. Radicalize people. But look who, you know what I mean?
Starting point is 01:15:43 You're being played when you're doing that. So I'd love to talk to someone from England about that because perhaps they know more than me. I want someone who's wildly right wing and someone who's wildly, like a full on communist. I want to watch those two fucking pansies fight it out British style. Perfect. Slap fight. Oh never.
Starting point is 01:16:04 Oh never. You're a real Britishman. The ghouls. Open slap fight. Oh, never. Oh, I'd never. The real British men. The Gorse. Open your mouth. Let me see your chompers. Look at this. Straight as can be. He's got them all. You got them all. The real Englishmen.
Starting point is 01:16:20 Oh, you guys want to call the show and go to dinner? Yeah, I'm ready for that. We can talk about heat all this week.

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