Painkiller Already - PKN 529

Episode Date: October 8, 2024


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Starting point is 00:00:00 What's up, boys? Oh, not too much. That hurricane headed to Florida is something else. I'm reading stats that like the pressure is like fifth biggest in history. Oh, please. I love how they throw that pressure number out there like we know what an MB is. Oh, it's over. It's 800 MB, guys. And everybody watching CNN is supposed to be like, holy shit, never seen one like that. 800. It's similar to the Katrina number. Katrina was a big one.
Starting point is 00:00:29 Oh yeah. I feel like we're like reveling in our ignorance. Oh, please. Like I know what miles per hour are. Listen, who knows how fast 200 miles an hour wins. 800 strong time. Oh, no big deal. No big deal. Yeah we all know what that means right guys? We're all smarty cats. No I think they put it in context when they say it's the fifth biggest ever. Yeah at this point right? I want to know what they are. I've been Googling and trying to figure out, I know what's the
Starting point is 00:00:58 pressure. Katrina's three I think. But okay but what is an MB? Like I'm actually trying to find information here not just like it's not a DMB It's not a D. Yeah, Mila bars. It's a bit. It's a thousandth of a bar. Okay, so We're familiar with like make it ounces and fucking centimeters in a vial like make it something else Yeah, you as pilots use something else. I forget. I don't really watch a weather geeks. You fucking losers. I saw that that bitch crying on CNN. He started crying like weeping openly like a woman. That's fucking ridiculous. I think it's amazing. I think it's rad. I think it's problematic that we have like giant
Starting point is 00:01:42 hurricanes. But you know, it's, uh, it's still kind of neat. It would be, can you imagine how sick it would be to watch it? It's a hundred newtons per square meter. Is it a hundred? Is it a hundred newtons per square meter per millibar? Yeah. Is that what I'm supposed to be?
Starting point is 00:01:58 How many Stanley dollars is that? I'm still a little mixed. Everyone who writes an article like that and writes MB like we're supposed to know, turn it into pounds of TNT or like school shooting squared, something we're familiar with. I have no idea what an MB is. And it was it's I immediately I was like, everybody's just pretending like they know what MB are.
Starting point is 00:02:19 Everybody in this whole I scrolled hundreds of comments. Oh, thoughts and prayers. Ooh, I'm gonna- You're too fixated on the MB part of it. I hated it, I hated it so much. I spent an hour trying to figure out what an MB was and I couldn't get on to it. Dude, they already made a category for retards for you.
Starting point is 00:02:35 Category one, category two, category three, category four. And this Kyle, in category five, that's the highest number. I wanna know what, I want them to use units that I am familiar with or that anyone beyond the meteorology I'll be a little familiar with um it stands for millibars, and it's a measure of air pressure Normal air pressure at sea level is a thousand thirteen millibars many hurricanes are at 980 This one's at 800 why not using psi? and I Are at 980 this one's at 800 why not using psi? I Don't know. I bet they're all like basically a zero
Starting point is 00:03:11 Yeah, well in any case it seems like a fucking gargantuan storm I get you know those things feed on hot water and mm-hmm those climate geeks will tell you that the Gulf is unusually warm And it's it's supercharged this thing in a hurry. They are saying it's going to be the worst storm of all time. I don't know if they're going that over the top, but they're saying it's going to be a national disaster. They're saying it's going to be one of the biggest disasters in American history. It might be my like, you know, things next to you are a big deal. North Carolina got hit hard. And the like, so I have two friends that live in Asheville
Starting point is 00:03:53 and the political disinformation that flies around there is fucking wild. You know, they're telling that there's no help. You're only getting seven hundred and fifty dollars. You know, Biden doesn't care about you or whatever the fuck that is they're saying. They're politicizing it and spreading disinformation and it's kind of sick. Like this is- Are they saying they haven't gotten money yet?
Starting point is 00:04:14 Oh, they got money. There's fucking money in their pockets. Like that's hard to deny, but they're saying there's no aid coming, the National Guard isn't there. And then there's like- The story. Chinooks landing and like forklifts bringing
Starting point is 00:04:25 shit in. Good at some higher level someone flips a switch and goes okay the new propaganda is this they only get $750. Meanwhile these countries get this billion that billion and this hundred million make sure we pump that makes memes about it. Yeah. Is that probably just have the just have the AI do it. Oh that's just like rampant. And of course, it's all true,
Starting point is 00:04:47 except for the part where it's an initial $700, where they're like, boom, everybody gets 750. All right, now we're gonna figure out what comes next. You know, that's what we do. There are some people living week to week. So they give like, you walk up, they hand you a $750 gift card. Like right out of the gate, do you need diapers?
Starting point is 00:05:03 Do you need food? Do you need whatever? And you're out of the gate, do you need diapers? Do you need food? Do you need whatever? And you're out of work right now? Cause you're, so those, that's what the $750 is. And there's very little like checks on who gets it. They just, because that would slow things down. We don't want to spend six weeks figuring out if you are eligible for diaper money.
Starting point is 00:05:21 And that's what the 750 is. But Trump is out there saying oh you lose your house that's all they're giving you um Trump aired an ad where Kamala explained the 750 but they cut her off like you're gonna get 750 and then cut it's like not even mentioning like the rest of the relief that's coming wow dishonest editing that's great pointing out her $770 belt yeah I saw that. And the average they still your candidates, a fucking billionaire born with a silver spoon who had someone else take his SATs for him.
Starting point is 00:05:52 And they're like, her belt's kind of pricey. You're so ridiculous. Yeah, man. But what I saw people like criticizing it for was they were like, oh, FEMA doesn't have the requisite budget to hand out all they're going to need to. And then I saw people pointing to like, well, FEMA has been using a lot of their money to resettle migrants and pay for that. And so that's been used as a yes. Yeah, that's all true, too. That's phase two. That's the second thing that's being pushed,
Starting point is 00:06:18 which is like, all right, we'll give FEMA some more money. Don't worry out of our left pocket into our right. By the way, we're printing it in the back room. It'll be fine. What I'm worried about is how many people are going to die. Like people are going to die a lot. And honestly, because they're Floridians, it's like a little good, little bad, you know? But the dogs, I worry about the dogs that get left. You know, there's that story about Katrina. They told everybody to evacuate and leave your dogs here at this, uh, at this facility and then we'll take care of them. And the people all evacuated and left their dogs. And then the police went in and executed all the dogs because it's like
Starting point is 00:06:54 their favorite thing to do. It is murdered all of the dogs. You know, I don't know if that's true, but you want to bet money that you, that it's not, no, I would would believe that but i've never heard it i just said it why would i lie to you taylor i wouldn't that's right you're right is it tough taylor when you hear something new for the first time you want to call bullshit but there's a real chance it's not like so i really got it that doesn't sound right that they just come and murder all the dogs but sometimes things that don't sound right are right. The infrastructure is the thing that gets me.
Starting point is 00:07:25 So like Interstate 40 in North Carolina is like 85 by Kyle and I don't know Taylor's roads, but it's a big one. It's a big central, oh 40, okay. Your left to right, it's one of the coast to coast. It's gonna be shut down for a year. A year. That's disastrous.
Starting point is 00:07:41 Yeah, that's a really big deal. That's so important. Yes. How is that possible? How is that possible? It's the avalanches that's a really big. That's so important. Yes. How is that possible? It's the avalanches that cause it, the mudslides, like the, I guess they have to reshape the mountain in the restoration process. I'm way outside of my depth, but. What's happening in North Carolina? In Western North Carolina. Yeah. Damn. Near Asheville. Yeah. So now hopefully it's wrong and I don wrong. And I'm sorry to wrap my head around this.
Starting point is 00:08:06 This is like a major thoroughfare or this is one of those mountain roads that you could go around. Interstate 40. Yeah, it is a coast. The most major. Oh, yeah. Oh, how our interstate system works with like, you know, the tiered horizontal roads. Like it's one of the major big. It might be the biggest of the big ones, Like 40 and 20 to me are the huge ones. Yeah, Interstate 64 might be the most important thoroughfare
Starting point is 00:08:29 in America. Yeah, 64 and 40 are the same one. Well, I did see the North Carolina was hit really hard in a weird way. It's called 64 here. It seemed like a lot of areas were really vulnerable to all that flooding and that they hadn't experienced anything like that before.
Starting point is 00:08:43 And then it's just, for those who don't know, you know, when you've got like a big sporadically populated country area like that, they don't keep the limbs off the power lines and we have elevated power lines. So you get hundreds of limbs down on lines across the, this huge area. And it's, we had power out for a week one time and it was so upsetting. Living with that electricity is, you can see how, like, you can see how you get to the walking dead times, you know what I mean? Like, just a week with that electricity and you're like, I couldn't do six months of this, that'd be a problem. You know that one guy in the house, a rep who does a pretty good job of like talking
Starting point is 00:09:21 on TikTok about what's going on was sort of a non bullshit way. If Jackson is his name, I'm positive you'd read you'd be like, Oh, yeah, I've watched him seven times. Anyway, he was talking about it. And he's like 90% of the people have their power back that last 10% is going to be hard. And it can be weeks, if not over a month, like, okay, that's what's up. Yeah, I saw some people saying that like, over a month. I'm like, okay, that's what's up. Yeah. I saw some people saying that like, because this one popped up so quickly, like they, the response time isn't there the way it is with some of the other ones. Is that what you've heard the Milton or the one Milton Milton? Well, I mean,
Starting point is 00:09:58 that's, that would be a weird thing to say because it hasn't because they've already, we've been talking about it for days and there's days more before it hits you know it's hitting tomorrow and the next day so so that's silly like we're not I wanted to know like what is the what's the normal lead time on a hurricane because my first thought when I heard that was like yeah but they just had a hurricane there so like everyone's probably this is it already average lead time on a rocket because what you're really talking about is the lead time on when you see it's actually going to be a category four or Something serious that needs to be evacuated because they write out category three stuff. Yeah, like so you've got two or three days That's what it always is. They're like, oh hurricane blah blah lies
Starting point is 00:10:35 Strengthening suddenly just before it strikes Panamons, oh shit. Y'all better leave two or three days So yeah, the problem is if you look like eight or nine days out, it's like, all right, there's a thing that might be a hurricane. It's going to hit somewhere between Florida and New York. Like how much do you get ready for that? That's true. It'd be like, oh man, I hope the roads aren't totally impassable by the time we realize it's an issue. Yeah, no, it's like all the millions of people who are going to have their lives destroyed likely like hurricanes are's a lot of political. It weren't for like all the millions of people who are going to have their lives destroyed
Starting point is 00:11:05 likely. Like hurricanes are such a cool natural disaster. Like I love watching the water. It's same as tsunami. You don't even know. In the water. You're scary. The power of how of water moving stuff. I could just watch videos like that for hours where it just picks up a car and just moves it gently. Well, so the eye of this thing is three and a half miles wide.
Starting point is 00:11:25 I think I read and apparently that's not a big eye, which means it's strong. Exactly. So in there on the, there are so many birds trapped in the eye that you can see them on radar and they are flying endlessly in circles, unable to stop eat or drink until they die. Whoa. Did you see the hurricane, the airplane that flies through the hurricane? I did not recently, but I'm aware that there's like a special plane that Noah or yeah, I saw footage that was labeled as you know that that plane flying through Hurricane Milton and uh you know for all I know it's from like six hurricanes ago I can't timestamp it but uh it was kind of neat because these are people who fly through hurricanes. That's their day job. That's their thing. And they're like, whoa,
Starting point is 00:12:08 like holding onto the sides. Like this, this is not an everyday hurricane. This is a big one. And shit's fallen over. I'm like, it's a hurricane plane. Why is your stuff not secure into the walls? There should be magnets or something. This plane's not equipped for turbulence as a hurricane airplane. I don't know if storm chaser lore jobs at all. Like what is the purpose of sending a manned plane out to like fly through the air? They fly up really high. They're up above it, but they're taking readings to that can't be taken otherwise.
Starting point is 00:12:43 Interesting. I would hope it would be as relevant territory for that kind of thing by now. You would think, right? I don't know. I bet we head towards drones. We're going to watch this footage again. We've already got the plane. Zach cues it up. I know, but they seem to be at risk. If this thing goes down, there's no rescuing them. It's got propellers it's gonna what the fuck i don't know what's better like i bet they're if they if jets were better they have them who are we talking about is this bulgarian he looks concerned doesn't he looking around like he does he looks concerned he's made to bounce dude if i'm oh my god you see all the shit falling off the shelves
Starting point is 00:13:26 this is an SNL shit this isn't real these like these like prisoners that we forced to do this like this is the server rack propellers are not the play right like that just DVD players fencing't know. I don't know all those DVD players. Fencing them the so that I skipped ahead after that because it was right before the show, but just the concern look on their faces, the stuff falling off the sides, it seemed like this wasn't an everyday hurricane. It looks like they, they maybe got a little too spooked and they're like, Oh, let's not let's go ahead and go. You guys want to go up too? Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:07 That was fun. If our boss asked, we stayed under the whole time, right guys? Uh huh. They like go out and make a fish hook and like go through it pretty neat. I'm sure they're flying real high up above it where it's turbulence. In the end they were, I think they were right in the heart of it. Interesting. I would be interested. Well, not anywhere near the where the storm is though because the winds are 200 miles per hour. That would destroy it. That doesn't matter, right? That matters greatly.
Starting point is 00:14:39 But they're circular winds. Who cares? Physics? No, like you're talking about to an airplane 200 mile an hour winds are zero mile an hour winds you can't know where they're measuring speed unless you're referencing the ground like it you're just flying around in the current much like if you were to swim sideways across a smooth river sure the grounds moving underneath you but you don't give a fuck it's otherwise just smooth laminar water flying down. But it would be like driving a jet ski across a river
Starting point is 00:15:10 that's going 200 miles per hour. Yeah, yeah. And really what's happening with the ground under the water has no relevance to you. I wish to trust your aeronautical expertise. What are you saying makes sense? That's like the way that plane is flying within 200 miles per hour winds. It's gotta be like that plane's 30,000 feet Just to trust your aeronautical expertise. What are you saying makes sense? The way that plane is flying within 200 miles per hour winds, it's got to be like that plane
Starting point is 00:15:28 is 30,000 feet up, like way up above like any crazy winds like that because I feel like we destroy the plane. Think about how giant the... I believe that plane flew through the winds and the storm clouds of the hurricane, it will be destroyed. That's just my guess. I could be completely wrong about this, but 200 miles per hour, like circular winds in the eye of a hurricane. I just don't, I mean, if they're flying through that,
Starting point is 00:15:48 kudos, but I don't think they are. So if it were like a, like a, think of it like a tornado versus a hurricane. That same plane flying through a tornado is going to be fucked up. It can't just hang out in the tornado because all that power is right there in that little cone. That's like the same size as the plane. but in a hurricane, it's like hundreds of miles
Starting point is 00:16:07 wide. So if they're just out in one of the wings flying through that, it's not like they're in like three miles wide. Like, yeah, but they're not just flying in the eye. They're flying around. I saw the graph of where they go. They like hung out around the outside a lot too. They were circling around it and at the edge there, it's not like it's a vicious cyclone. It's just fast moving air in one direction and the plane
Starting point is 00:16:29 can handle that. I just read an article about Virgin Airlines taking a commercial flight full of people in 200 mile an hour winds. It was the jet stream. The plane was going 800 mile an hour ground speed. Yeah. So tailwinds are like, they're not even relevant to the plane. It only cares about air So tailwinds aren't they love that that's a big part of how headwinds aren't relevant to the plane unless you worried about the ground But I do it to a plane 200 mile an hour headwinds and tailwinds are the exact same thing but the headwinds become tailwinds within the course of If the plane was going 180 miles per hour, that's a mile every 20 seconds The things three miles wide like we're very quickly changing headwinds to tailwinds. I feel per hour, that's a mile every 20 seconds. The thing's three miles wide.
Starting point is 00:17:05 Like we're very quickly changing headwinds to tailwinds. I feel like that's, that's not going to work, but I've never, you know, I think have you, have you seen the graph where it shows the path the plane takes? Cause it's not like be lining for the eye. It's like, it's taking a very circuitous route like like staying around the edges like it's not gung-ho for the mayhem. It went through there to me. I thought I saw it make it like this fish hook thing. That's what it is. But it's like more on the outside of the storm. I've seen them light in the eye but that was other hurricanes. I don't know if they
Starting point is 00:17:42 use more caution in something like Milton. I won't believe it. When's the last time one of these hurricane planes went down? It seems like your kind of knowledge, Woody. Do you know? I'm sorry, say it again? Like last time one of these hurricane planes went down, if you can remember a time.
Starting point is 00:17:56 Ever? I don't know. I've never heard of a plane like that going down. Yeah, if it were that dangerous, I feel like we'd... That's what I'm saying. Either they're being very smart and staying on the outside because it'll be torn apart. And you're right.
Starting point is 00:18:06 Or it's just not as dangerous as we've been led because you're they're flying so much higher. Regardless of what they're doing, they're not flying through the eye of that thing at. Correct. Correct. Well, anyway, it's going to fuck up Florida because Floridians are Floridians. Poor Tampa, poor Tampa. I've got friends down there. Yeah, I should I should start calling them and see what my dad lives in Tampa
Starting point is 00:18:26 Oh, does he he's in Missouri. He's in Missouri right now, but he'll is he he's a little learned about the place in Tampa. Yeah Not his first rodeo would be Do you I believe he's got all the weather insurance. Yeah, does he have a mortgage? I don't think so. Okay Okay, he would Know all those are long lost, you know, if he does they're hidden from me So I don't care if they have to get destroyed. What if he done that? He's like son I've had your cards all this time and in my in my Tampa house
Starting point is 00:19:05 I've had your cards all this time and in my in my Tampa house. If he actually had a couple of those hollow foil charizards that me and everyone had in the mid 90s, he would just be sitting on hundreds of thousands of dollars. Like everyone had those ones. Everyone had those. They're worth hundreds of thousands. A couple of them is sold like in foil or like the Japanese version. What's his name? That boxer who's going to fight Mike Tyson wore the pendant of his brother did. But yeah, I do like that. It's fun to say he's going to fight Mike Tyson, but I don't, I'll believe it when I see it.
Starting point is 00:19:37 Oh, my God. Scheduled. Six planes lost in 1945 since 1945 The most recent was 1974, 50 years ago. Okay. Oh wow, been a while. Yeah. Maybe they're better at it now. Maybe the plane's better. I don't know. Yeah, planes must have sucked then.
Starting point is 00:19:53 Sorry, guy, you were saying about. Yeah, I'm sorry, I got all excited about that. You don't think Mike Tyson's gonna fight? He doesn't think Tyson will fight. But I was gonna say the UFC card this weekend was dog shit except for the main event and the main event was killer My favorite quote is Kali Ron round tree. He's the guy that lost he fights like Shawn Strickland says he'll fight. I'm like fuck
Starting point is 00:20:15 Yeah, he does he goes out there and wars He lost fought like Shawn Strickland and beat his eyeball out of his head He's no he didn't pillow fist his way to a decision. He's several Sean Strickland techniques, including that left jab and he punched Khalil's face off. So when the, as the fight was beginning, there was this stare down that they milked. And keep in mind, it's 1 a.m.
Starting point is 00:20:40 Okay, we're ready for this shit to get over with. And Bruce Ruffert like steps back And let's the let's the stare down across the octagon continue And and and and whoever the announcer was is like what a stare down. What a moment and i'm like Bro, I just had to watch raquel pennington's chubby cheeks do battle for five fucking rounds to a bad decision against an slightly more attractive a female fighter I don't care about. Are you kidding me with this long extended stare down? But the fight was pretty good. Perea beat his face off. You could tell. I noticed it right away. Khalil had already sustained this injury on the bridge of his nose
Starting point is 00:21:24 that essentially meant the skin was gone from the bridge of his nose and sort of like recent injury or long-term recent injury, but in training camp, um, he had, it looked like a, one of those breathe, right strips was there, but it was like chocolate covered to match, but I was like, there's something on his nose right there. There's some kind of like tape and putty like they've done a thing here and then it opened up around round three and John linic I think is his name the announcer goes there's something flapping off of Kalil's face God and Joe's like God. Oh, oh, it's awful and it was like a breeze right strip. No, it's his flesh
Starting point is 00:22:06 Can you find a picture of Kalil roundtree and it's his flesh oh yeah all the space all the scabs can you find a picture of kaleel round tree and it's i fight like dude did they like change which guy does the the on their faces because i've seen two horrible cuts if this one's just as bad it's new gloves um whether that's contributing to cuts or not i don't't know, but there are new gloves. No, what I'm saying is he had sustained an injury to the bridge of his nose in training, which was then reopened right away. That's him on the left, obviously. You can see the bridge of his nose. The guy is, I've never seen a man more beaten up
Starting point is 00:22:36 in my life. This guy is worse than this. Dude, does he not have, I didn't hear no bell. There you go. He's got like the Xbox logo cut. Dude, he had so much heart in that fight. It was, wow. Did he almost win?
Starting point is 00:22:55 No. But he didn't quit. That's a thing that everyone cares about as much as me, but when they show that much heart, I'm in awe Fans that was for his third title defense and like 185 days Yeah, did you hear is he's quote on him? I thought that was pretty easy has come full circle He knows he can't he can't talk shit anymore. He's like I'm gonna be the ball one day looking at that guy I don't be him once that's not what is he sounds like he?
Starting point is 00:23:23 He literally said like I'm gonna be at the bar and I'm gonna say I beat him once He's like I think that guy finishes his career undefeated in the UFC and is a legend That's that's a smart way to look at it because how you should start a campaign where you call Alex Perea gay and get his attention He doesn't speak any fucking English He wouldn't even care That guy is a badass. I think he I've been saying it for a while like he's so close to being goat material His stats bloke the Biebs out of the water his
Starting point is 00:23:54 Everybody he's beaten is like a champion like like he's beaten like six UFC champions or something crazy like that It's a body really like every all of his fights are against champion champions champions. So it's, you know, even Sean counts future champions. Maybe. Yeah. Yeah. It's crazy pedigree that he's gone through with only the one loss to, uh, to Izzy, which was an incredible fight in its own regard. And then all the kickboxing accolades before being a world champion at that. And then doing it in two weight classes here. And you know that there are matchups at heavyweight
Starting point is 00:24:26 that he can absolutely step up. He walks around at 230 or something. I think he smokes John Jones, at least current John Jones. Let's not pretend, you know, peak John Jones, that's a great fight. Current John Jones? They're the same age. It would be, that's the fight.
Starting point is 00:24:41 If you ask me, I don't care about Aspen Hall, Jones, because I think Jones wins 55 out of 100 of those or 60 out of 100 of those are maybe better. Again, which fight? Aspen all. I think you told me Aspen all was like the guy right now. I disagree with Kyle, but we can't tell. Yeah, it would be a hotly contested situation. Aspen all is younger and probably has better hands, but nobody out wrestles John Jones. He's taking down Olympians at will
Starting point is 00:25:08 But and then I saw John recently he's got six pack again. He looks enormous like he was making fun of the the haters He was like, oh what happened last week? I was fat and this week I'm on steroids Oh, you can't make your minds up. Can you which is no no both were true But they got voted down. They got voted down where they belong. They're real haters and they have facts and we don't like that here. We're-
Starting point is 00:25:31 Yeah, yeah, yeah. He's been caught for steroids repeatedly. He gets suspended for steroids, try some one time they just let him fight anyway. Go material. They changed the venue to a different state where they would allow his ass to fight with a picogram of Trennobol or whatever in the system. But hey, it was a useless steroid and it was an inconsequential
Starting point is 00:25:49 amount of it in the system. That one I could believe was some honestly, he was probably taking good steroids and like some bad steroids were like sprinkled on top of them. Like something like that happened. Like I know John Jones cheats like probably 80% of the good fighters do. But that in that instance, I was like, Come on. Of course, he's got a little in him. He just got back from being suspended for having a lot in him. He's gonna you know, you have a little left in there. And then they wheeled out that UFC scientist. He was like, he had like, he had like a six pack and a lab coat and he was like, nah, pica grams,
Starting point is 00:26:25 nothing, uh, no, no athletic advantage whatsoever. And they're like, all right, well let's just take this to another state where they believe that. And they did.
Starting point is 00:26:33 Right. And then Derek from where it plates more dates was like, well, he also had five other things in his system. Ignore those things. Yeah. They just, the money,
Starting point is 00:26:42 money talks. Um, whatever John Jones, a really good fighter. I just just yeah, but this Pariah guy is that it is Yeah, I think he's a goat I think he's the goat because he's come in and been so incredibly dominant in two different weight classes He's cleared out so many badass motherfuckers. He fights rapidly. He's he's got he's got a lot of injuries right now He probably he's not gonna fighting in another 30 days or anything. But my God, so far it's just like event after event.
Starting point is 00:27:09 I hate the UFC structure and like how it forces all the fans to do the ultimate like college football rankings where it's like, well, Mizzou beat Vanderbilt and Vanderbilt beat Alabama. Therefore, Mizzou is better than Alabama. Like the glazing that it seems like John Jones gets, I only in road into the UFC world is you guys. And so that's all I get. But it seems like this guy gets glazed a ton. And he's fought. So in the last, since March of 2020, Tom Aspinall has fought nine times. John Jones has fought once in that timeframe.
Starting point is 00:27:48 It's been almost a half decade and it's been one. John Jones should be saying like, I'm the champ of 2017. Right. But to walk around like he's the 2024 champ is bullshit. That is bullshit. He's got the belt. Tom Aspinall has a belt. He has an interim belt.
Starting point is 00:28:04 John's got a real one. You don't defend interim belts typically, Taylor. Instead, they unify them with the other belt. Sure. But John Jones is ducking the interim belt holder and fighting, he's like going around looking for easier fights. They didn't cancel his fight.
Starting point is 00:28:20 He has a contract. He has a signed contract to fight. John Jones fighting feels like it's becoming the new moon thing where like eventually John Jones is going to fight, but not in the near future. No sooner than 2026. It was scheduled and then towards pack and the moon where they're like we're not going back to the moon sooner than 2025. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:40 They're like going to rush it. I'm like new moon like like when it's really dark. Flush that out a bit more. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. All right. As if they're like gonna rush it. I'm like new moon, like when it's really dark out. Yeah, no, sorry. I should have flushed that out a bit more. But yeah, it's just like, why does this guy still get so many props? Like he should be looked at as like a great
Starting point is 00:28:54 in like a retired sense. They should be talking about the Eagles as Superdoll champs. All right, it was five years ago. Cool, cool, cool. But hey, champs, best team in football, Philadelphia Eagles, don't deny it. They won, they got a trophy on the shelf that proves it.
Starting point is 00:29:08 Two fights ago for John Jones, I was literally celebrating the blue Stanley Cup victory. That was five years ago. Very rare thing to be a champion in multiple weight classes. He's never lost a fight. He's been a champion since Spike TV or something, since he was like 19 or 20 something years old. He's never lost a fight. He's been a champion since Spike TV or something since he was like 19 or 20 something years old. He's never lost a fight. He lost every one they put in front of him. He did not lose that fight. That's a no contest because of a rule that no, he had a no contest
Starting point is 00:29:36 for his Daniel Cormier for cheating. He had a loss against Matt Hamilton cheating. You get disqualified. Yeah. For cheating. He cheats every fight. So it's, it's, it's he, Kyle Benzo for backwards in one direction, but not the other. Like against Dominic Ray's, let me talk. Against Dominic Ray's, John Jones got his shit pushed in for five rounds and they gave him the decision and everyone's like,
Starting point is 00:29:58 that's a win, that counts. And then against Matt Hamill, he pushed his shit in for five rounds and he gets DQ'd and they're like also a win Never beaten and it's like oh man you're going both ways There's a big difference between a DQ and a decision though The DQ is taking it completely out of the the hands of the fighters and the judges But and the decision there's a lot of ways to get out of they also thought scared and one of them is to get DQ'd
Starting point is 00:30:24 They also thought that that John lost the fight against, um, who's the guy with a big fucking hammer on his chest? Santos or something big, like I'll go Santos, Yago Santos. They were like, yeah, Santos beat him. Santos was so crippled after that. He needed multiple surgeries. Both of his knees were destroyed. Like he couldn't walk at the end of that fight. It's amazing. He beat him even with the injuries. I admit. I agree. Well, it's interesting that what he's like, just jumping, jumping for joy. Every time this poor guy, John Jones, a black man, black man, trying to make it into day white man's world. What he wants to do out of his way.
Starting point is 00:31:00 Every day, a role model, a community leader, a family man, a father, a husband leader a family man a father a husband the son of a minister you know with the lord's words tattooed on his beautiful black powerful body what does he say what's it say on his chest philippians something something i don't fucking know i never looked it up he's my favorite but that much. But here's why it doesn't matter. It says his Bible quote is nonsense because he is a bad guy. He is not a villain, not a heel, a bad human being. He beats his wife. He goes into drunk rages.
Starting point is 00:31:40 He was on video clearly putting like the hand on that tester like like like sort of this intimidating like like like like scary kind of vibe that he was Keeping it legal keeping it fun and loose, but I'm gonna scare you a little like like he's an awful person a villainous human being He broke that pregnant woman's arm by hitting her with his car and then hit and ran her Return to get his drugs out of the car and ran again. He double hit and ran. Just let me add to that. Think about how significant a car accident has to be nowadays to break somebody's arm. It's not a fender vendor, right?
Starting point is 00:32:16 That is a smash when people leave with broken bones and he's like getting out of there. John Jones arm. And he's like, getting out of there. John Jones arm. The facts are the facts. You're right. Yeah. He wouldn't have. He has those steroid bones. What is it called? Tectinib own density. That's what I'm looking at. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:36 Oh, I bet his is off the fucking chart. The charts different for black people. Yeah. They have bones. Right. I remember you told me, I think this is okay to say that you had the bone density of a black person I do. Yeah. Yeah Yeah, it says Negroid on the scale like as it goes up higher and I feel uncomfortable hearing that word. It's not bad I guess what's that on the medical chart and the lady was like I was like what what's this say and he's like
Starting point is 00:33:04 You know what it says. It would be so funny if they actually had that on there. Like a, like a Mongoloid section of the chart at your modern day. So what I appreciate about John Jones is that he is a real villain in a sport full of fake villains, full of pussies, bad actors, flim men guys oh what i hate the most is the fake good guy the only thing worse than a fake tough guy or a fake bad guy is a fake good guy dustin porier somebody like that who's clearly like a fake good guy i don't believe you i'm not buying your stick what makes you say that no way no none of them are tubby. Who's that?
Starting point is 00:33:45 That chubby black guy who John Jones beat up. Oh, I mean that guy's retired. No, I was thinking of the- He's taking figures between rounds. I was thinking of the- Wait, is the baddie retired? John Jones. I mean, I mean, Daniel Cormier is who he's been.
Starting point is 00:33:55 Daniel Cormier, that's who I thought you were talking about. The chubby black guy who seems to be. He's chubby, that's fair. Yeah, that's fair. No, no, okay, very few of them are chubby. Roy, big country Nelson. Yeah, but he's been there not putting it up. No, no. Okay, very few of them. Yeah, Roy big country Nelson Yeah, but he's been there not put it up. Thank you. I'm like it. Well, they Butterbean I'm just remembering the fattest fighters
Starting point is 00:34:24 I remember I watched a YouTube video on Tank Abbott and he was like, yeah, I mean, back then we, we weren't just kind of professional fighters. I was just a fighter. So after the fight, I'd go to a bar and get drunk and I'd beat up whoever looked at me sideways, but I'm different than that now, Joe Rogan. Yeah, that tank Abbott guy was, he was really tough. And so a lot of wrestlers have the, the raw materials to be great fighters, but they don't like getting punched in the face. He's a wrestler who loved getting punched in the face.
Starting point is 00:34:51 That was like his jam. And I can't relate to it. Even as an old man, like I'm looking at his Wikipedia page of him from nine years ago, like he just is a, just a scary looking man. Very like could have been in Sons of Anarchy as the bruiser. He looks like he is. Like fit in. Yeah. Like that shirt isn't hiding any of that bad body he's got going on there. No. It's an intimidating body. But he's got like a he's got a scary body in the same way like that troll in the in the bathrooms and Harry Potter is scary. Yeah, that's, that's just bad diet packed on top of an addiction to ramps.
Starting point is 00:35:30 Show me, find me one like from the early UFC days. Cause even this looks like beyond his prime for sure. Like, like show me. That might be it. That might be it. Yeah. That's what he looked like. I mean, that's a wide, it's a broad man. Yeah, that's what he looked like. I mean, that's a wide, it's a broad man. I don't know, showtime. And then he put like the heart of a pit bull into him, right? Where he's just not afraid.
Starting point is 00:35:51 He wants to fight. And it but he did lose a Victor Belfort beat him in his. But like he wasn't the toughest tough. He won sometimes. Like it was a stylistic problem. Like he was such a brawler. Yeah, what a fucking animal in that picture, right? It was a stylistic problem. Like he was such a brawler. Yeah. What a fucking animal in that picture.
Starting point is 00:36:07 Right. Early UFC didn't have weight classes and everyone who won that event was the current champion. When you see people who are like visibly overweight with like also visible veins, it's like that guy is powerful. How did you- Why did Kimbo slice Ty?
Starting point is 00:36:26 Do you remember? Heart. I think he was abusing a ton of steroids in a not safe way in his heart. Kimbo slice you're saying? Yeah. No. You don't think so?
Starting point is 00:36:38 I think it was, do you think it was- He was clean, he was clean. He was straight edge. He was straight edge. I love that. Dude, Brennan Shobb. They were on the Ultimate Fighter reality show together, him, Brennan Shobb and a bunch of other people.
Starting point is 00:36:50 And there was a racist on the show, like an actual like white skinhead racist. And I guess he was downstairs talking shit about black people, like some like Hitler type shit, some master race type shit. And Kimbo goes up to Brennan Shub's like bedroom, like wakes him up. And he's like another black dude with him. He goes, Yo, Brent, wake up. What is it? What is it? Kimbo slice? I'll help you. He's like, how'd you get in my room?
Starting point is 00:37:18 Ray Ray, Jimmy, the door. Now, listen, more about that. That's important. What matters is he's like homeboys down there talking about our people. We're going to do worry about that. That ain't important. What matters is he's like homeboys down there talking about our people. We're gonna do something about it. He's like, what? He's down there talking about our people.
Starting point is 00:37:31 And friends like, what people? You know, black and blacks. He's like, Kimbo, that's, I don't, that's despicable, but I'm not black. And it's 1 a.m. You can't get racism squabble wait until after breakfast? What did Kimbo say to that? Do you remember? He's like, that's what I like about Brennan. You don't know what he is. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:55 But yeah, Kimbo, I remember watching that Josh Frazetti fight maybe when Kimbo was supposed to fight. Kimbo was supposed to fight like a UFC champ, a former UFC champ. I can't remember who it was, but they got injured, bored, something. They couldn't fight. And then they throw in this Josh Frazetti, Seth Petrofeli, Seth, thank you, with this purple hair and everything. And they pay him on the side. They're like, yo, you don't take Kimbo Spice down. This is a stand up fight. There's a little extra $600 is my head, but that's just, it's been so long ago. Wow. And, and so like Seth grows in there and Dex Kimbo puts him to sleep in 14 seconds or something nutty like that. And this was on like CBS or ABC.
Starting point is 00:38:38 It was one of those rare, rare UFC events that was on network television, which it wasn't UFC. Yeah. I mean, I didn't mean it. Okay. I guess I'm an MMA, um, but, but it was on, um, it was on ABC. Thank you. And, uh, oh my God, it was a big deal. I remember like seeing in my bedroom and knowing my dad was watching in the living room and like running in there and like, did you see that? Did you fucking see that? It was crazy. I was like, that was the guy. That's the internet legend guy who like fought fights
Starting point is 00:39:07 in Miami on the internet. He was supposed to win this in a landslide. It was this, this other guy was a lamb to the slaughter and just, it was great to see how high he was. He was the moneymaker for that organization. Like it was, it was someone trying to come up and compete with the UFC and Kimbo Slice was like their big bad-ass and most marketable fighter
Starting point is 00:39:26 and like Kyle said he didn't have any wrestling background, so they paid his opponents to not wrestle and But he bumped up against a guy who was really good at fighting. Yeah. Yeah, I remember seeing that like if not live because like very close to live because my friends were into fighting at the time and like seeing Petrozzelli with like his like there's never been a bit more of a lead-up to a fight or I was like I would bet everything I own and ever will own on the giant criminal who's just kind of here to pay off other illegal debts versus the pink haired guy And then the pink haired guy like just like knocked him out two seconds and then ran around like a mix of like, I'm so excited. And then almost a look of like, oops, like I wasn't supposed to.
Starting point is 00:40:15 I think I just ruined this ABC feature event. Yeah, kind of, kind of. You know, it was Seth Petrizzelli. I bet he's dead. What was his crime? He's not dead. He's 40. I'm both crime. Yeah, I didn't know he did crimes. I He called him a criminal and I was like, I think he's right. I'm just a racist. I don't remember Was it a crime? How much she's oh carrying a concealed weapon, Oh, come on. Who hasn't been there, right?
Starting point is 00:40:47 I mean, maybe you know sometimes you can be packing a little heat Where'd Kimbo go where he felt like he needed a gun? Like how bad was this I better bring a piece It's scary over there. Was he a mortar? Like where was he going? That was so scary. He needed a handgun.
Starting point is 00:41:10 No, I don't know anything about Kimbo's criminal history. I just assumed that the shirtless man brawling on docs online that I watched in 2006, like was probably involved in some not so legal behaviors. No, he's a good guy. He's a guy who just, you know, he fought in the streets for money, so he probably needed a gun to make sure that he got paid. Kimbo retired after he got caught for steroids.
Starting point is 00:41:34 Well. Wow, a little bit of honor, unlike someone else we've discussed. You know who would beat the shit out of John Jones? Kimbo Slice. Yes. And you can't ever disprove it because he's dead. RIP. To a real one.
Starting point is 00:41:48 If Kimbo were alive today. Oh yeah. I'm still. You know what would happen if Kimbo were alive today? John Jones wouldn't be fighting. I'm still sending John Jones to fight the goddamn aliens. I'm see if the, if the aliens come down, I always say that if the aliens come down and they, they're like, come down, I always say that if the aliens come down and they're like,
Starting point is 00:42:10 Bo Agrius and Bo Agrius runs out the spaceship and he's six foot eight and he's got extra arms like Goro from Mortal Kombat. And he's just like, send upon to me, send on to me your champion Earthling that we made you battle with your lives in the balance. John Jones! Like, you know you're gonna do it. How could you not yell for John Jones? I don't know, I'm thinking about who I'd have fight aliens.
Starting point is 00:42:31 Now, first of all, it depends what we know about these aliens. Six foot eight, Goro arms. All right, well then we're fucked, it's over. Look, we're seeing our best, okay? John Jones is a bad choice. We only know how to do MMA that traps for limbs. See that's the thing Opportunities for arm bars. Can you imagine one of these?
Starting point is 00:42:50 6-foot-9 strongman would be a better choice because all the training that John Jones and Tom Aspinall have Might not work against a guy whose neck doesn't have jugulars Yeah we're hoping that like it's some sort of like comedy movies where the guy breaks his arm and now he can throw a fastball extra hard. Happens with a strong man that he just learns to be good at combat. Somebody's got to go to combat. I want the guy who's been doing combat for a living for the last whole life.
Starting point is 00:43:18 But I think the guy who's three times stronger than John Jones. Yeah, pick a big guy because like, we just need to pick the biggest human there is. Maybe a sumo guy, maybe the mountain. I don't know what, you know that John Jones would beat the strong man, like human to human fighting. I don't know how well John does against dogs. You'd think that Alabama would beat Vanderbilt,
Starting point is 00:43:40 but they didn't, but Mizzou did beat Vanderbilt. The FSC, the Vanderbilt quarterback, or one of the players rather said, he's like, they were talking trash before the game. They said they're going to treat us like an FFSU team or something like our FCU team or something. And it's like, oh my God, that's like, we lost to him by a touchdown and we came back at the end. It was real close. It was a real good game. I'm sure for their fans, it must've been wonderful for them to watch.
Starting point is 00:44:07 But that loss to Vandy is like an all time scrap. Put it on the on the calendar. I was there when it happened, when number one lost Vanderbilt's never beat a top five team. Did you see that? Yeah, it's like their all time ever. Oh, and 60. And now one in 61. And if I was listening to this and you're like not from the United States that? Yeah, it's like their all time record. Oh, and 60. And if I was listening to this and you're like not from the United States and you don't know how old college football is, I mean, it's old. It's these records go back 120 years, 130 years, more sometimes.
Starting point is 00:44:37 Like with these, they've never done it. Hilarious. Great. Great fucking when I it it throws the rankings into this weird place. I'm glad that they're opening you up to more teams. I think UGA's ranked fourth. I don't know where Alabama fell to. I can't imagine them falling below fourth. To prove your point, you're like,
Starting point is 00:44:57 people don't know how old football is. I was like, has Harvard ever won a national championship? Right, because Harvard obviously uncompetitive. They have 12 national championships, spanning 1874 to 1920. The post-World War I era, not so good. Oh yeah. Dude, like after their first wins, like the story in the paper was like, football, the new game everyone's talking about. ball the new game everyone's talking about like yeah but i said i'm john jones and like like just hoping that one of our strongmen will have what it takes
Starting point is 00:45:34 at something he's never done before is i hope they don't let you vote when we need to vote for a champion i hope they only i think ask ask John who's the who runs UFC Dana White. No, I found that I like the people that the UFC community hate the most. Like those are my guys. And it's not on purpose. I'm not trying to be contrarian. I just genuinely like Dana White. Me too. I like him. I think he's a cool guy. I think when they talk about him paying the fighters, it's like he pays the fighters that make money and he doesn't pay and he still, and he pays the fighters who lose money, way more money than they should actually probably be getting if we're, if we're like
Starting point is 00:46:18 weighing and, and measuring what people are actually worth, you know, I have no problem with the pay scale. And I find that when you pay these guys boxing money, they don't want to fight. They don't want to fight anymore because it's not boxing. Because the other thing about boxing that people don't keep in mind is so many of those fights are like the greatest guy in the ever. It's like a Floyd Mayweather against the 87th ranked boxer in the world or some shit. That's not what we do in the UFC. Every time a champion fights, he's fighting a goddamn killer. He's fighting a guy who just won three or four in a row against other killers, and he wants what this guy has
Starting point is 00:46:53 with all of his heart. It's a dog fight. To bolster your point, Conor McGregor is broken now. What happened? He got rich. Once you put enough money in a fighter's pocket that they don't have to fight anymore, they stop. I think fighting is very unpleasant
Starting point is 00:47:08 and that weighs into this. Yeah, anyway, what Dana does, I know it's not the kindest thing. He could make more people rich, but as a fan of watching the fights, he keeps them hungry and he gives us the fights that we want. People are upset that, usually he's not doing Jones Aspen all, but people are upset that
Starting point is 00:47:31 it's not like a true ranking system, that there's a little bit of like, well, this person's more popular, let's make the fight. I'm on the other side. I don't want it to be like college basketball where there's rankings and stuff. No, no, no, no, no.
Starting point is 00:47:45 Give me the guy I wanna see against the guy who I wanna see. If the champion only fought the number one contender, what if he already fought that guy? Go ahead and reach down the number five. Give us some fresh blood. Yeah, we're gonna end up with, I'm hoping we end up with another Max Holloway
Starting point is 00:48:00 versus Volkanovsky fight. I'm hoping that they both. Huh? Two or three. They've done three. You just need Max to win his. I think he's got a fight against Toporia for his belt to get it back again, because you know, Toporia is holding the belt now. He took from Volk.
Starting point is 00:48:16 I want Max to win so bad. And then I want him to fight Volk a fourth fucking time because I love Volk. And I'm sure he's getting like super wealthy, like like having all these these fights. And I want that for Volk. He's the short king from down under. And I love it. He's one of the one of the nicest guys in the UFC. He's the complete polar opposite of John Jones. John Jones, tall and evil, Volk short and wonderful and good.
Starting point is 00:48:40 Kyle likes them both. I like them both. Yeah, I like the storylines. I really like you like John Jones, the same reason. I like them both. Yeah. I like the storylines. I really like, um, um, You like John Jones the same reason that you like Ramsey. He's a fun character. He's interesting. He's a bit evil, but he's interesting when he's on the screen. And he's capable. Like, like, like sometimes people, no, not sometimes, always people talk mad shit and I'll start believing it. He'll be obvious man I would never say that unless I knew I could back it up
Starting point is 00:49:09 Like there's no way I would just say that unless I because they're gonna fight in three weeks You know, I mean like there's a fight coming not a wrestling match not an arm wrestling match not poker We're gonna fist fight like you wouldn't have said that unless you believed it and then I'll get in there and yeah I didn't believe it. I'm not I'm not built for fighting because like if I were in that situation, my manager was like, daily, you got to get mean with them out there. Go tell them what you think on the mic. I'd be like, hey, just want to let you know, I'm praying for the safety of all competitors.
Starting point is 00:49:40 You know, if I go down. I'll stay down. Yeah, what are you telling what you think, if I go down, I'll stay down. What are you telling him what you think? John, I'm a little nervous. Are you nervous too? We have something horrible about to happen that we both signed up for. We're doing this at a sheer momentum.
Starting point is 00:49:58 I don't want to, do you want to? It's been all morning and I, you know, neither here nor there. I've been sneezing. I's been all morning and I, you know, neither here nor there. I've been sneezing. I've had the poops. So keep that in mind. Just, just, just bitch made. I would not be good in the fighting rings. Yeah. I like the guys who will say just ridiculous things. I enjoy, I like Colby Covington because he will do awful things.
Starting point is 00:50:24 I like the cringe of him like Henry Sahutia's. So who does cringe and like I actually don't want to watch you because it makes me feel gross like like you're such a loser kind of way. I just can't stand him. But but Colby Covington is the other kind of current where I'm like, fuck yeah, so many of these like a flat earther. He's like, it is flat though. And they're like, no, you don't understand. Let me explain. Yeah, explain it to me.
Starting point is 00:50:50 I wanna hear it. You might sway me. Come on, tell me. The thing I appreciate about Carvington. Wasting my time. Is his best breaks character. Best role. Carvington, he always is that character.
Starting point is 00:51:02 Whenever a camera's rolling that. So, Hudo, who I like more than Kyle, does try to have it both ways. Sometimes he's super cringe. Other times he's like, yeah, but you know, don't hate me for that. The real me is pretty cool. It's like, nah, you can't have both.
Starting point is 00:51:16 Yeah, you gotta wait till you're retired and then you can come out and do the real you thing. You talked about how it was a heel turn and whatnot. Chael Sonnen has both, somehow. Chael Sonnen argues he's the bad guy, but everyone loves him anyway. Like he's the bad guy who everyone loves. He's just seems like he's just far and away the most charismatic and off the cuff honey of these guys. And because UFC fans are so into the sport, like you're starved for that
Starting point is 00:51:43 level of communication with an athlete to like give you that attention and be like, oh, you know what? I'm interested in what, what's this guy think about non-fighting related things? Like just to have that inroad to the world he's a part of. Dude, I heard Chael Sonnen lay out his opinion on sandwiches and I was enthralled. Like he's like, if a sandwich needs to have mayonnaise in it, if it doesn't have mayonnaise, it is
Starting point is 00:52:07 not a sandwich that is meat and bread and something other than a sandwich like a hot dog. It's got to have mayonnaise or it's not a sandwich. And he does Lana and I can't do it like he can. But I'm like, shit, I'm doing this wrong. Not enough. Jackie, more mayonnaise tonight. I'm learning this wrong. I'm explaining. Jackie, more mayonnaise tonight. I'm learning on YouTube. I agree 100 percent. A sandwich does need mayonnaise.
Starting point is 00:52:32 It's a big part of a sandwich. It glues everything together. It's got to be Duke's mayonnaise. I don't want that Japanese mayo that everybody's so crazy about on the internet. Fuck that shit. It's gross. It's weird and tangy. Duke's is the best. I agree mayonnaise and the internet. Fuck that shit. It's gross. It's weird and tangy. I mean, Dukes is the best. I agree. Mayonnaise. The sandwich tastes better with mayonnaise, but you can't have mayonnaise all the time. You get that light olive oil mayonnaise. That's not that bad for you. You can put a
Starting point is 00:52:54 little on there. It's like just, just, just do hummingbirds while you make the sandwich. That burns what's a hummingbird? Uh, that's just like Improceptible leg lifts. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's like a full body heel raise where you tighten your buns together at the same time. It's great for hypertension. Yeah. Creating it, not... It's not real. It's what Dennis Reynolds and Sonny says he does to stay in shape.
Starting point is 00:53:19 When you do exercise, he's like, I'm doing hummingbirds right now. Improceptible leg lifts. And he's just standing there. That's like the kind of 1940s work. Can you imagine how fun it would be to be like a 1930s workout guy? Jiggler machines? Yeah. I wish that were, I was, shouldn't it work?
Starting point is 00:53:39 Some of that 1920s, 1940s shit. I'm like, I see the logic in it. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Fat cells are on your belly, just kind of stuck there condensed. If you could work them loose, then they'd like get in your bloodstream and pooped or something. I'm not sure exactly how it works, but they would just jiggle women into thinking that that was going to be a workout. They would be on these vibrating platforms. They'd be on this thing that would just jiggle you.
Starting point is 00:54:06 They would just wiggle you. The belt that jiggles you? Yeah. Ah, now look at Mrs. Samson, a modern workaday woman who needs time away from the kids to stay in shape. Now she can stand here and get jiggled while smoking three to 18 cigarettes.
Starting point is 00:54:17 Cigarettes will make you lose weight. Yeah, cigarettes will make you lose weight. It's a little bit like the... Shout out to cigarettes. Yeah. Shout out to cigarettes. Big time shout out to cigarettes. Shifting gears here at the end. You ever I watched Jackie Brown last night. You ever seen Jackie Brown Quentin Tarantino movie? Uh-uh. It's his third movie. Weird. Okay. So he made Reservoir
Starting point is 00:54:39 Dogs Pulp Fiction and then he made Jackie Brown. It is not a good movie. It's it's just not a good movie. I've watched it five times now at least. I can't find the good part. They're not all gonna be they're not all gonna be winners. Yeah, yeah, it's so it's a crime drama kind of thing. You got a Samuel L. Jackson is an arms dealer. Jackie Brown, like she's like famous, big boobs black lady from all the black exploitation movies of the seventies. Um, she was Foxy Brown, I think, or something like that.
Starting point is 00:55:11 Yeah. Maybe she was just Jackie Brown anyway. Um, she's like an older flight attendant who's smuggling, uh, money for Sam Jackson, Robert De Niro is the schlubby loser character that you can't fucking stand. And they're doing this whole big heist thing where they're moving half a million dollars under the nose of the FBI and the ATF. And there's a big, it's just lots of talking and dialogue. And the story is stupid.
Starting point is 00:55:40 Story is dumb. The characters are lame. God, I hate Robert De Niro in that movie. It's like he wasted him on purpose. It's like, I think it came out like right after maybe one of his Martin Scorsese gyms, like Casino or Goodfellas. And Tarantino was like, let me get Robert De Niro
Starting point is 00:55:54 and just fucking waste him. Just make him a loser schlub. How old is this one? 95, I would say, 95. Was Reservoir Dogs Tarantino's first movie. First movie. Huge. That's I didn't know that. So it's like he literally peaked on his first movie.
Starting point is 00:56:12 No, are you thinking this is Reservoir Dogs is his best movie that I've seen. I haven't seen Jackie Brown, apparently not worth it. Blows the page. This is like better than Pulp Fiction. I think Pulp Fiction is his best movie by far. Reservoir Dogs is probably Reservoir Dogs might be my third favorite. I think it is. Once Upon a Time in Hollywood, his most recent movie is incredible. I think it's his second best movie. The Hateful Eight.
Starting point is 00:56:38 Yeah, that movie sucked. The Hateful Eight got fucked because someone got his screenplay and printed it online and it like drove him crazy that that happened to him so much so that he dropped it and made in glorious bastards. I think that's the timeline. And then he came back to hateful8 or maybe Django. Django to me is better than Reservoir Dogs. That's crazy. It is way better than Django.
Starting point is 00:57:04 Look, I love Reservoir Dogs, but I think Django is bad fucking ass. Like, I love the anachronistic music. I love when some hip hop starts playing. I think I was wearing that blue fucking suit with the frilly shit. And it's like, I need a hundred black coffins, a hundred black limousines, something like that. I don't know the fucking lyrics. But it's bad ass. It's in the movie. It is right. Hello. Oh, movie is not as good on rewatch jango and inglorious
Starting point is 00:57:29 bastards like can you show me watch those again like i got it there there's nothing else in there for me reservoir dogs i watch every couple years because it's fucking fantastic so this is the rotten tomatoes ranking and maybe i'm just conformist, but I just agree with it. So they have Pulp Fiction 1, Reservoir Dogs 2, and Glorious Bastards 3. And I'm like, that's about right. If the Glorious Bastard, maybe I'd swap in Glorious Bastards and Django
Starting point is 00:57:55 because people forget the second half of the Glorious Bastards is not as good. Yeah, it's really not good. So maybe I'd put Django as third. And then there's Once Upon a Time in Hollywood, just above Kill Bill at six and seven Cable Tuesday Hateful eight is nine. I kind of agree. I liked it a little more than most but I'm not putting it above
Starting point is 00:58:13 Yeah, I'm okay with most of this list. I think Jackie Brown should be below hateful eight Every time it's it really is quite like you find that in Five. Yeah, it's it dude. It's so boring. And I guess I really only really like two of Tarantino's movies. Pulp Fiction and Reservoir Dogs. I feel many of you seen as an adult. As an adult, I've seen Django, I've seen Kill Bill 1. I haven't seen Kill Bill 2 as an adult. Well, Inglourious Basterds? I've seen that. I've seen Once Upon a Time in Hollywood that came out
Starting point is 00:58:50 when I was an adult. Yeah, like Inglourious Basterds and Django Unchained. Like those Inglourious Basterds and Django Unchained, if you would have asked me right after they came out, I would have been like, oh, tippity top of the list. But then on rewatch, I realized I didn't like them as much as I thought, especially Inglourious Basterds, because I was watching it for the second or third time and I'm like, a third of this movie is following this dumb bitch that I don't care about and her movie-
Starting point is 00:59:17 Inglourious Basterds has three or four wonderful scenes. There's the scene at the milk farm with Moshulapiti. There's the scene, I don't really like the scene with the Strudel, with the Jewish girl. I don't like any of her scenes, but the bar scene when they're playing the game with the cards on everyone's head. Is it three wrong or something?
Starting point is 00:59:39 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, it gives the- That was a great scene. There are good scenes in those movies You're a hundred percent, right? But but you're lied to right from the beginning and I never read the original screenplay So I don't know if that was the case I doubt it was but I found I don't care about Shoshana storyline pass them fucking milk farm I don't care about all the jerk yourself off with the cinema stuff. I don't care about any of that
Starting point is 01:00:00 I wish the plotline didn't involve luring Hitler to a cinema I wish that whole plotline was somehow different and the And I want so much more of the inglorious bastards and I want so much more of them. Like we didn't really get any of them. We got like a, we got like a, That movie should have been called Shoshana and friends. Shoshana and friend. It should have been the name of the movie. The very end I remember where he carved a swastika in his head isn't like that. It got good for a moment at the end It had the that like swastika like wood scene
Starting point is 01:00:36 Almost felt like a smaller version of the way They didn't do a good job at the end of return of the king wrapping it up where like they had this big climax with the theater burn and everything and then they had a lull and it should have ended in the lull and then they like went back up a bit with the forest thing. No, no, I didn't feel like... Oh, you're talking about the book? No, the movie. He's talking about the movie Return of the King. Yeah, the final scene. Because of the narrative that they have to work with and he's having to change some things, right? But I think I liked what they did in the glorious bastards because you think for quite a while
Starting point is 01:01:10 that the Jew hunter is gonna get away with all this. He's sort of reveling in the fact that he's the smartest guy in the movie that he negotiated his own truths. He's like, here's what's gonna happen. You'll say that I was working with you, of course, operation downfall the whole time from the beginning. Like, he's just getting everything he wants.
Starting point is 01:01:29 And you're riding with him out in the country and Brad Pitt's being so cordial with him and he's like, could you take my hand? Of course, of course. And then suddenly, no. And then he starts his little speech about something you can't take off and you know where it's going before it happens. I love that. I think it ended well.
Starting point is 01:01:47 I think ending the movie with Brad Pitt speaking at all, lessened a bit of it because his voice is so silly and over the top. Lieutenant Aldo rain or whatever the fuck it was. It's literally like if they hired me to be the actor and they're like, Taylor, we're going to go with whatever the first voice you start with. And I go, thank you for doing I'm Lieutenant Aldo rain. And they're like, Taylor, we're going to go with whatever the first voice you start with. And I go, I'm Lieutenant Al Lorraine. And they're like, can you do a bad Italian accent? And I said, yes. The thing that got me hyped for that movie. I remember the trailer.
Starting point is 01:02:15 I remember the trailer and it's Brad Pitt and he's like, I need me. Hey, Jewish American soldiers. We're going to be behind enemy lines doing one thing and one thing only killing Nazis. Initially, I had a rule that you all must be Jewish. As it turns out, a horrible crop of soldier choices there. I have opened it up to all whites and blacks. No, I love that because it put my head, it was false advertising really that I was watching the Inglorious Bastards movie because they called it that but I get like
Starting point is 01:02:49 30 minutes of the glorious bastards and 90 minutes of Shoshana and friends And I really it to me. It's it's my least favorite of the movies. It's not a poorly made movie It's wonderfully made and everything and shot and all that stuff and he managed to get his weird foot fetish mixed in. Dude, that's so overt. He is such an overt foot fetishist. In Jackie Brown, there's a whole fucking foot scene where she's just twirling. She's like touching his drink with her foot
Starting point is 01:03:19 and Robert De Niro's like getting his drink away from her goddamn dirty foot. But I'm sure Quentin Tarantino was like... Quentin, why'd you write it this way? Dude, like if we did a death pool on who is going to be me-tude, I would nab Quentin Tarantino so rapidly. He was. You know, his movies were all Weinstein productions until Weinstein went down. I mean, but that applied. Like they all worked with Weinstein. Lord of the Rings was a Weinstein went down. I mean, but that apply like they all worked with Weinstein. Lord of the Rings is a Weinstein production.
Starting point is 01:03:47 You think Peter Jackson that fatty was getting invited to any of the parties. I doubt it. That tracks Tarantino has a very special like relationship with whoever he makes movies for though. He he makes his own script. He shows up and he says I have a script for a movie. Would you like to hire me and once again as a character and
Starting point is 01:04:03 I play him and he gets to say the N-word. I can't help but like that about him. Like if I were a director, I'd be like, man, another, another Taylor original. Is he racist again? And it's like, yeah, it has nothing. It's a movie about space travel. And he's just a he's a he's a maintenance worker on one of the bridges. And he's just mumbling about crime stats.
Starting point is 01:04:29 Your best Anthony Cumia. As a consult. Cause I can't be racist enough. He's like, you gotta want it. He serves me more shack tests. I'm like, Oh, black guy. No, say it right. He serves me more shack tests. I'm like, Oh, black guy. No, say it right. Uh, I don't think I'm going to get picked up. You guys ready to wrap? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:04:52 All right. PKN 529.

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