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BKN 542. How's your week been?
It's been good.
Pretty good. How's your week been?
I got sick. Dude, if you haven't been sick for a while, you forget how rough it can be.
It sucks.
I didn't like it at all. I think it might be COVID. I'm not sure. We have a COVID test. It was negative. So not COVID, right?
But I can't smell. So like, I don't know, there's been a couple like really
obvious smells. Jackie's like, Oh, that candle is the worst. I forgot it was on. No idea. I'd never
smelled it in the first place. Today, Colin used the bathroom before a shower. She's like, Oh,
we need a candle for this. I didn't know. They'd know. I had no idea. I could be in polluted air.
I had no concept of that. So that's, I mean, like, that's one of the things with the COVID where they were like,
oh, you lose your smell entirely. Like, don't you, do you guys lose a lot of your smell
when you get the normal flu? Cause I do. I get so congested. I can't like, I'm just doing
that mouth breathing shit. I can breathe through my nose though. But anyway, thanks for holding on.
That's not what he's talking about.
Yeah, he's talking about like,
I've never had either of those things
because I get decongestants
and I'm religious about that nasal spray
that just cleans you out.
Are you addicted? It's amazing.
I'm not addicted.
It can cause problems.
I'm very, I use it maybe three spritzes a week.
You're responsible with Afrin.
Yes, you have to be.'ll you'll fuck yourself up but
Yeah, it's no good. But um
I've never lost my sense of smell but you actually lose it like for long term
I know people who still can't smell from Kovac from years ago and they can't smell anything
That's weird. Hmm
That doesn't sound good that sucks because smells a big part of taste too.
Yeah. I don't know. I don't know. That might be good. Yeah.
That actually could help me. I need to get to me.
I appreciate you guys doing my show without me Thursday.
I don't skip it lightly and yeah, no problem. Yeah.
If anyone's like deathly ill, it's better to be like, all right,
let's just grab a second guest as opposed to you sitting there like
Might I had big congestion issues and because I have that BPAP at night if I can't breathe through my nose
I can't sleep and then everything I'm just awful. I was I didn't I didn't have a good day
Are you vomiting at all? Is it just like normal flu stuff? Not even once I didn't vomit.
No, this is in his head. This is all in his skull.
Sometimes people get struck with like the stomach and the head part and that's hell on earth.
That doesn't even make sense. I think that's a weak immune system. You just get like multiple illnesses.
We all have our baggage, but as a child I didn't fake being ill, but I ramped it up so I could miss more school.
You know, I'd be three out of 10 sick. I'm acting like it's a seven.
And now I am just my mother never trusted me. I always worry like, am I faking? How bad am I?
They're good. They're not going to believe I was sick. No way. They're going to think I just skipped
work. Yeah, that's so funny to think that Kyle and I are like in a side text like this faking
mother with foe illness.
Yeah, it was very believable.
Quite the performance.
The coughing, the sneezing.
Okay, I've seen it all before.
Yeah, that's been a while too.
The hangout was what?
December 20th?
Does that sound right?
Yeah, I think you're going been a while to the hangout was what December 20th. Does that sound yeah
I think you're over you're going almost a week because last last last Tuesday
It was a week, right?
If last Tuesday was your first day
It might be more than because you were looking like you were feeling like shit last PKM
Because the hangout was right after that and that's when Kyle was like brother
Go to bed.
I think that happened on Sunday too.
The Sunday hangout, which he was letting the code name had to go.
Yeah. Kyle, that would, that would again, Kyle was like, Woody, it's been four hours.
You can go.
And I'm like, all right, thank you.
I'm just going to shake a lead move down.
I look at the time I was like, all right, thank you. I'm just gonna shake a leaf, move down the stairs. I like the time I was like, you should go.
Yeah, you're like visibly ill.
It's like being sick is, you're right.
It's the worst when you haven't had,
I haven't had like a real deal week long illness
in so many years I can't recall.
But man, it's gonna happen again at some point.
And I know I'll have like that first
day of illness where part of me will be like, this is it. It's something really serious this time.
And then two days later, it's like, Oh, no, this is just regular cold or flu.
It I was so there were moments where I was coughing and then just like, short of breath out of air.
And I'm like, if this gets worse worse is this how people die like do this with
Like what does the ramp up look like where am I on this?
I'm fine. Yeah, I saw the
Tweet from remember our old Kyle's old buddy Milo Yiannopoulos and he was like month two of pneumonia
I've done everything right. I'm smoking half a pack a day and I'm still drinking.
And yet my oxygen levels are at 68. I feel I might die.
Geez. That's like just rolling the dice.
Two months of pneumonia probably is a bit of a provocatory.
He's probably exaggerating that. But yeah, yeah.
Not sick at all. Hopefully you'll be good in time for Thursday and you'll feel
better, not just for the show, but for your own peace of mind, getting some good. Are you doing
that thing? Sometimes when I'm really stuffed up and I'm trying to sleep, I like will wake up almost
out of breath where it's like, like, because I've been trying to breathe through my nose,
like subconsciously, and it's like letting in just enough air that I don't die. And then my
body's like, Hey, you're not getting up. I sort of like that. But I've woken up drowning on my
own drool before. I woken up like, like, like, like coughing and gagging on my own drool.
on my own drool. I'm actively like aspirating my own drool. And I wake up coughing and spitting and like, what the fuck just happened? I almost died right there next to you.
So have you been having time to probably Eldon ringing it up? Right.
Oh my God.
You don't have no idea.
So when I laid in a reclined position, everything goes to hell.
I can't stop coughing.
Is it me?
My throat hurts.
I'm like, Jackie, why is this water so scratchy?
Like it's the worst ever.
But in this like hunched forward position, I'm at my best.
I have been running through, I think I've beaten it two more times. Since I got sick.
I've just wrecking that game. I'm playing it right now. I got
more mods installed on randomizing and shit. I so yeah,
I'd sit here pretty much all the time just playing Elden Ring
because if I like lean back, I get really bad.
Is it one of those things where after maybe like four hours of
playing you're like
I haven't even thought about being sick. I think I'm on the mend and then you like lean back and
it's like son of a bitch. A little bit that can happen with my med schedule too like I'll take
like a Sudafed and a paramotrin and then like 90 minutes later like you know maybe today is the
day I'm turning things around and then at two hours after that I need meds again day I'm turning things around. And then at two hours after that, I need meds again.
I'm like all but positive that like vitamin C powder
that they sell at CVS isn't like,
like there's no way it's that effective
with all those claims on there where it's like,
drink this when you're getting sick,
like the high, what is it called?
Emergency, that's what it's called.
And, but like I have fully bought in placebo wise
to where like if I start to get nipples, I'll be like, I just need I just need one of these
eight year old packs of emergency glass of water and that'll stave it away.
I never use that. I don't have an opinion on it. I didn't think I thought vitamin C
was like a math error or something like a bit of a cold old wives tale.
Am I wrong?
Oh, I thought it was good for your immune system.
It is good for your immune system,
but the idea is gonna stave off some sort of viral infection
or something is nonsense.
Cause that's what it is anyway, right?
It's like vitamin C and zinc and magnesium and some of them.
Looked at the back package to try and really high message. It seems to me that if you were gonna have benefits from magnesium and vitamin C during the times you're ill you probably should have been taking it in the weeks and months leading up to the illness rather than while you're sick cram some vitamin C. Sounds like I'm in for a test that was yesterday. You know what I mean? You already failed you're sick. I'm pretty excited. Sony is making a Helldivers 2 movie. I guess the
seems rushed. No, I guess Helldivers hit. Well, I mean, it's been a the game's been out for a
year or two. It hit a new peak. I think it had like 175 at launch and it hit over 200,000 the
other day. It's doing pretty well. Do you know anything about the timeline of the movie? No, I know and no
it's gonna suck. You know, it's gonna be a Sony movie too. Like they haven't been good lately. They've never been good. They've never made it good
Maybe I like the old spider-man
like Tobey Maguire
I mean I was I was 17 careful. He's a hero. Come on. I was 17
I was, I was 17. Be careful. He's a hero. Come on. I was 17.
You know, I like, I like, that's who it was for. Yeah. Yeah.
You didn't like that. You didn't like him beating up bone saw.
Bone. So is ready. I didn't, I didn't like, I actually felt an advance for bone saw because he was there performing,
like trying to hype people up and this retard hero is like,
I won't let you bully me. And it's like, yeah,
remarks play it up. Yeah. hero is like I won't let you bully me and it's like yeah like homophobic remarks
play it up yeah alluding to bone saw potential husband yeah dude um when he
beat the Rhino that's one of my favorite scenes because that little boy was gonna
step in in the spider-man costume and he's like leave this one to me and the
other and then he's like what you want You want me to fight you or you're gonna kill everyone?
Yeah, I could do that.
I'm messing up the lines, but it's fantastic.
It's hero shit.
Kyle, you said that Sony only makes bad movies.
I just looked up best Sony movies.
I think you're onto something.
So you're not a fan of the Smurfs or Arthur Christmas or Peter Rabbit?
I think those are probably all fine films. Like there's a difference between a movie
I don't like and a poorly made movie. What I'm saying is Sony makes bad movies. Like
there are superhero movies in particular. They're well known for owning quite a few
Marvel characters because back in the day Marvel was going bankrupt. Sony bought a bunch
of them and now they whenever you see a Sony made superhero
movie, you know, it's going to be extra bad. Like like they're,
what did they make the Madam Web, uh, that, that Craven,
the hunter or whatever the fuck he was, um, uh, Morbius it's,
and what I found out was they could have been sticking Spider-Man and any of those properties they wanted because they they own it. They just don't
They they do really yeah, they get a thrown spider-man into Morbius or like had spider-man in Madame Web
They just don't for some reason. I thought they sold it or least. I don't know
Yeah, they they sort of leased it but but they retained their ability to use it anytime they
want to. Because that's a good one. Maybe they don't want to pay Tom Holland or Tom Holland
won't do it. That might be it. They might not want to pay Tom Holland. He probably demands a pretty
penny. I use my friend who has four kids between two and seven as like the barometer of what's
like killing it with young kids now. And I asked him- That's four kids in five years.
And I asked him, who's the most popular superhero? And he's like, oh, Spider-Man, like nothing even comes close.
And I'm like, is that just your son's favorite though?
Or is it like, he's like, no, like they have little dress up days at school.
And he's like, oh, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like,
I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like,
I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like,
I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I's like, Oh, Spider-Man, like nothing even comes close. And I'm like, is that just your son's favorite though?
Or is it like, he's like, no, like they have little dress up days at school
and every single little boy and a lot of the little girls are Spider-Man.
Like no one wants to be Iron Man.
No one wants to be Hulk. No one wants to be Thor.
It's Spider-Man for all.
Who was it when you were a kid?
Uh, probably Batman when I was our Rangers Power Rangers, okay
I would have said Superman for my childhood
Like it's about if some kid is gonna proclaim him something himself something on the suit on the playground and then do a stupid thing
It's gonna be a Power Ranger. I'm the Red Ranger
Fucking jump off that slide and bite his tongue halfway into future juggler. No, you're the Black Ranger. We've all seen the show.
It's racial segregation.
It was that that OG show was amazing.
I found out the guy who played Zordon was like,
I don't know, some background extra type guy, and they never paid him.
They paid him like to like like 200 bucks.
They made he's like, they paid me $200 for three at three hours of recordings,
and they made $1 billion. I got nothing. I'm Zordon. God damn it. That's sucks. I put the
Rangers together without a little bit of corn. Were you bigger Power Rangers than Ninja Turtles?
Yeah, because it I was Ninja Tur turtles was a little bit before my time
I think they they happened maybe when I was born Power Rangers happened like they were
season one of Power Rangers was when I was in like
Second or third grade or something probably second grade so I was like seven or eight during Power Rangers season one
So Saturday you guys remember this but people now don't even fucking
know Saturday mornings on broadcast television was a smorgasbord of
cartoons on all four networks oh yeah you had to get up early from from like
8 a.m. or something till noon it was nothing but cartoons and it was like
this really good lineup of new debuting cartoons in order and Power Rangers was
huge Power Rangers might have been an afternoon cartoon.
That may have been like an after school one though,
because it was the most popular thing.
It was crazy how popular it was.
Everybody knew what the Red Ranger was.
I liked the Green Ranger, but most people, Red Ranger.
Red Ranger, I liked all the Rangers.
Dude, like Pokemon, because I'm at the perfect age for that when I was in like first and second grade,
the first series was coming out in the mid 90s, and or late
90s. And it was like our breaking bad, where like we
would go to school the next day. And it would be like, what's
gonna happen when Ash takes on Lieutenant Surge? Because they
got us right up to Lieutenant Surge is the third gym leader, the electric type.
Yeah. And so it was like, oh, you know, because Lieutenant Surge has a right shoe,
but Ash just has a Pikachu and Pikachu refuses to evolve.
He slapped the Thunderstone away when Ash presented it to him.
So he wouldn't evolve. He wanted to stay Pikachu.
And so we were all like, like earnestly having discussions of like,
is this the end for ash catcher?
Let me ask you this is ash supposed to be Asian
Like yeah, I think they're all supposed to be Asian cuz it's well I asked because lieutenant surge clearly is like the American
Oh, yeah
Yeah, she's supposed to be Asian Brock
One of his companions is Asian misty. I think they're all Asian. You know, you're blowing my mind
I never really thought about it this way. I guess Lieutenant Surge is like an American GI. Yeah.
And I guess everyone else is Asian in the show. But I didn't I didn't care about that.
But he didn't. But now now it's but now I couldn't even watch Pokemon. I'd be like Ash
should be white.
I wanna watch the Lieutenant Surge side story
where he uses American Mike to empower his Pokemon.
No, I didn't.
I wasn't that big of a fan of Lieutenant Surge.
I thought that he, like I even had the cognizance
and wherewithal then to be like,
this guy is being rude to a 10 year old.
Dude, that's the fan.
This guy's like a 41 year old veteran
and he's like threatening a 10 year old that he's gonna's the fan. This guy's like a 41 year old veteran and he's like threatening a 10 year old
that he's gonna like shock him.
Because the gym leaders used to say stuff
that would be inappropriate to like,
cause the Pokemon world is that you're 10
and then they send you out in the world
with a wild animal and hope for the best.
And you'd like go into a gym
and some 41 year old man who works there would be like,
I'm gonna kill your Pikachu and then I'm gonna kill you.
And it's like,
not if Pikachu has something to say about it, and battle. It was sick. Pokemon rules. I can't believe
you missed out on that. I don't think it was very good. You were just too old. I want to see the fan
fiction where like Lieutenant Surge loses and he reports back to the US military. He did lose.
Well, you know, he lets the US military know and then they start putting bionics on his
Pokemon because they're worried about national security and the Japanese have these.
They're all these Pokemon.
They're all holistic about it.
You know, the Japs are they're being friendly with Pokemon and we show up and we got these
like sad mutated Pokemon that we like zap and like, like come out of the cage all scared
and they got like cannons like bionically infused into their skulls and shit.
Dude, if you-
We got like a Rigo going on.
If you went to, and Chiz can back me up on this, in 2001, the first Pokemon movie came
out and so I was 10.
And like at the end of that movie, like Pikachu dies.
Mewtwo kills Pikachu. And like the whole theater is like
moms and kids and it was they were like audible crying in the theater for Pokemon in 2001.
And then I'm told he actually kills Ash. Is that is that I'm sorry, I'm he kills Ash.
And then Ash is brought back to life by the tears of all the Pokemon.
I've actually seen that. That was the movie, right?
Yeah, that was the movie. When you went into the movie theater, they gave you a Mew card.
It was either a Mew card or a Mew 2 card. And they were giving it to every kid. It was like
a promotional thing. And I remember like holding onto it with like a level of reverence I had never experienced from
like this is important. I remember buying this on pay-per-view. That's how much older than you I am.
I guess you were you're only 15 when it came out but 15 is a little yeah I remember. I remember
let's see what this Pokemon thing is about and then I was like ah this is so lame.
I remember let's see what this Pokemon thing is about. And then I was like, ah, this is so lame.
Back then it was hard to get into this stuff
because you never saw those serialized,
like TV shows in order.
I couldn't get into the Pokemon story or the Digimon.
I remember I was drawing the first six episodes
of Digimon, digital monsters season one,
when I was a kid
in order and I was hooked.
But there was no way to find seasons, episode seven, ever, ever.
I don't know what happened.
And I think about I swear to God every now and then I think, man, I wonder what happened.
I wonder if they got out of there.
I think that digital monster, I think Digimon was my first time in my life where I had like
an air of condescension towards other media because it would come on either one or two blocks after
Pokemon. Maybe it was just one, it would go straight from Pokemon in the morning right to Digimon and
I would like not watch Digimon because I had like a level of brand loyalty to Pokemon where Digimon
would come on and I'd be like this is fucking fucking gay. Yeah, they wish they could be Pokemon, but they're never, they'll
never be Pokemon. They do wish they could be Pokemon. Yeah, they do. Desperately. Yeah,
that was, I'm not into any of these things, but I know Pokemon is a much bigger property.
Yeah, it's much bigger. I think it's the largest. Is it the largest IP as far as entertainment on earth. No, there's no way
What would be is it bigger than Mario and Luigi or no? I?
Thought Pokemon was the biggest cuz that's not so
Yes, it is yeah, I thought so because like there's no like
Mario and Luigi like trading card game or anything like that.
They both have a ton of videos a lot like Harry. Yeah, yeah, I don't know what I mean.
Means at that point, it's like like what he says.
So what would Star Wars or yeah, fucking Marvel?
You could just say the Marvel Universe. Yeah.
Yeah, that would definitely be up there.
This is highest grossing media franchises.
One is, ohing media franchises. One is.
Oh, look at that.
Let's see if this matches up with what kids love.
Those says, OK, there's some MCU.
Is it 30 billion? That's it.
Like, I feel like.
Whoa, Spider-Man is almost as big as all of MCU.
How are they not?
They must not be including things.
Like MCU movies must be 30 billion.
What year was this?
Yeah, and MCU toys.
Why is Disney princess its own category?
This is a bizarre.
They're combining all of Disney princesses?
That seems, eh.
Something on here I would never have guessed.
I don't count, Moana.
Something that does make sense here, I wouldn't have guessed is Hello Kitty because I know that's
Huge the world over with little girls. We need the poo to me like that's a dead
Uninteresting franchise. I didn't know that had legs. He just hates dark mode. He hates it. He hates dark mode
It's how right that's how racist Zack is. He hates dark
Do the Wikipedia says,
and I'm assuming this has been updated more,
Pokemon number one at 98.9 billion.
Mickey Mouse and Friends is number two at 61.2 billion.
But also like it shows the starting,
it shows the starting year.
Pokemon 96, Mickey Mouse and Friends,
we're going back to 1928 for that and then
Winnie the Pooh Star Wars Star Wars barely behind Winnie the Pooh
Disney princess is its own category here I don't trust this chart I don't believe
it I don't believe in it this is just Wikipedia I'm not vested in this no one
no part of it what is anything interesting politically happened and
that's not maybe facetious if something happened I don't know. I know like January 6th came and went happy January 6th everyone
Happy J6
To like there's the cyber truck bombing and then that 15 murder cat a terrorist attack. I guess they ran people
Yeah, yeah. Yeah, we talked about that bit on the show the
You know clearly that I've been on the show, the, you know, clearly unconnected and
like the green array had a mini festo, right?
He was a Trump supporter and a drone conspiracy theorist.
Does that sound right?
I haven't done my due diligence on.
I didn't look into the manifesto.
I remember he was like a active duty special forces is like quote unquote bomb to me.
It's just like a, Hey, look at me.
Look at this thing I did.
Well, he said that if I, I'm, there's an email, which is fake.
And then they're calling it a mini Festo cause it was only two pages.
And you know, it doesn't like quote philosophers and all the things that like,
you know, he's no Kaczynski, but, um, if,
and I'm trying not to conflate the fake thing with the
real thing, but I think that he was definitely MAGA. He believes Chinese drones have gravitational
weapons or something on them and that the fireworks in the truck was intentionally kind of a look at
me bomb, not something meant to do mass destruction just to get attention. That's what I would think is like if
someone was high enough level to be like a green beret they would know how to
make a normal bomb that would like do damage. They wouldn't. I think the three of us
could Google something better than he did. He did what he meant to do I
think. Yep. He'd have to otherwise it would have to be some lie and someone else
unqualified made it because like the dream beret went out and was like,
I'm going to make something damaging.
I have enough confidence in those guys and their training that they
would fucking succeed.
Uh, yeah, that, that, that was pretty, pretty wild.
And then I saw, like you said, the guy in New Orleans that crushed all those
people, they both rented their vehicles through Turo.
So, uh, a lot of people didn't know about Turo. Now they do. It's a great place to rent vehicles.
They'll drop them off right at your house. Have you used Turo?
I have considered Turo multiple times whenever we were curious about a car. I remember when
the cyber truck first, or not the cyber truck, when the like the plaid or whatever like the super super fast one
When someone jumped it over a hill and I was like shit
I kind of want to rent one of those things for the day and see just how fast it is and we were looking at
Toro, but it's it's it's pretty expensive, you know
I like an Airbnb kind of experience, which is like on one hand, maybe it's a little nicer
if you want something outside the norm.
In my case, I wanted four wheel drive.
I was doing some paragliding thing and I was like,
ah, the launch sites on like the top of a mountain.
I don't need a real off-road vehicle,
but you know, something all wheel drive would be handy,
like better than a Honda Accord.
So I was able to get some all wheel drive thing off Toro
and it was cool.
But while the prices look good when you got it,
by the time it was all said and done,
it was more than a car rental.
Because they hit me with some excess refueling thing,
even though I thought I filled it up.
They hit me with a car wash afterwards,
they hit me with a bunch of things
and it was like, oh fuck,
like just they nail you with the fees.
It felt Airbnb like.
I like that they'll drop it off for you.
That to me, that's one of the big selling points.
That and the variety and the ability to really nitpick
on the vehicle you want to drive.
If there is some special thing or some like sports car
or some fancy thing you want to try out.
But both of those guys, yeah,
got their vehicles through to row
wonder why toro I
Think it's just easy to rent my cars there
Could they do it more anonymously question? Like can you do it with cash?
Like not if they're not they're renting a car like you you got a pony
They both had your identity and everything.
Both cars were like $600,000 vehicles too, right?
That's a cyber truck and a Ford Lightning four door.
Yeah, it's $600,000.
That's a lot.
They won't, they won't let you like, like dollar won't let you rent a Chevy Cruz without
like a copy of your license.
So there's no way these guys are like, yeah, I'll have the Tesla plaid.
Definitely you can trust me.
It's like now.
Again, I like that they'll drop the vehicle off to you.
You don't need to drive somewhere to rent a car.
You know what I mean?
If you don't have a car, it's a great way to get a car
because they'll just drop it off at your house.
Or if I was an enterprise slave,
I had to do that sometimes.
I had to go drop off cars at people's houses.
And that was the best job ever.
They offer that?
If you throw a fucking stink, they do. Yeah. Like, because my
boss would be like, Hey, Taylor, you are going to take the car
we're dropping off and Jeff, the the fucking sticky fingered
thief who steals all the iPads is going to follow you. And, you
know, it's an old person and their, you know, their house is
40 minutes away. And it was like, it's an old person and their, you know, their house is 40 minutes away.
And it was like, are you serious?
I just got almost two hours of time off, probably at least two hours, because I know Jeff is
going to fiddle around and he's going to ask me as if I'm an authority figure, if we can
stop for food on the way back.
And I want to be like, yes, we can stop at this Bucky's gas station and get snacks.
Yeah, that was the best dropping off off cars like having to do the worst
No, it was the best because you just got to drive around I put on opi and Anthony had it
Yeah, you get paid by out by the hour the day or some shit
I'm on a commission if I have to drive to come up to customers house. Yeah myself
I remember I was on the hourly so I drive like 45 minutes one time to see if this this SUV was gonna fit in
these people's
Carport they can't couldn't measure it we get there
Well, it was like a spur-of-the-moment kind of thing and you're trying to push somebody to spend $70,000 right now
You're like, hey, but like it won't even fit and I'm like, let's find out
He's there in a jiffy and he's like, you know, all right if it fits we'll take it home and keep it and i'm like
we get there and that bits don't fit we get there that bits don't fit and i'm trying to make it fit
i'm like lear like letting air out of the tires i'm like move the weed eater no no jiggle it
i'm just like like this thing is not even close to fitting like it it's gonna, what if I got it in there, the
doors would never open. You'd have to climb out the roof, you know, like it would never work.
The hatchback.
Yeah. I was like, well, we have smaller SUVs. He's like, yeah, we don't want that. We'll get
a Toyota in that case. I was like, fuck, fuck. Well, this is 45 minutes each way in a company vehicle.
You didn't have a Toyota for him?
No, it's on Fords.
It's a new car. It seems like people are either there for a new car or a used car. Like sometimes people will be there for a new car and like actually you can't get the new car. Let's get
you in a new car. That'll happen. But it's rare that somebody goes for a used car and then goes
to the new one or that someone like, you know what?
I think I'm thinking used. How about you how to used? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Like they don't happily make that decision. It's like, Oh, we want used,
you know, it goes that way. Um, so look, they're there for one or the other.
Do you ever think it would be fun to do that just for like a day again?
Sell cars, see if you still got it.
It's really fun to like talk to people. And it's fun to negotiate when for vast sums of
money when it has no bearing on you. Like you can imagine how stressful it is. I mean,
we've all done it when you're signing that paper and you're like, God, god. They're not **** me here anywhere, are
they? I don't. Okay. Like,
you're not, you're like triple
check, quadruple check. You're
like, should I say this to a
lawyer? **** Are they? They
look too happy right now. Like
they they upset about it. It's
such a problem. I I feel like a
lamb negotiating with sheep.
Like, I don't know what I'm
doing. I don't know. Like, I agreed on this price and now there's all these other things. In addition to that price, is this normal and
customary? You know, I don't charge you $600 for 10 minutes of my secretary's time. Why
am I paying that to you? I'll know everyone pays that.
Oh yeah. Just sneaking little, the financing guy, like sneaking extended warranties on
there, like trying like trick you. Tell me shit. I will get I just amp up the rudeness until they stop. I with my truck.
I loved it. I love he's like he's like you know interested in the warranty and like no
he's like let me try to sell you the warranty anyway. I was like it's not gonna work and
he starts talking and I start reading on my phone and he goes well if we're not getting
anywhere let's get there fast and he goes, well, if we're not getting anywhere, let's get there fast. And he just
click here to not buy. Yeah. Yeah. When I bought my Honda, that fucker like
tried to trick me where I was like, no, I don't want an extended warranty. And he's like,
what about this one? And it's like, no. And he's like, what about the lowest one? It's like, no,
there's a picture of a fucking Butler on a sticker on the side of it that says,
Honda's got my back. I'm going to go with the little butler guy holding the wheel or whatever.
And then I went to sign everything and there was the line item, just a little extended warranty.
And it was like, wait, I thought we covered this. And then he's like, oh, okay, let's, let's fix that. And it's like, you sneak, you fucking sneak.
Of course.
It fucking kills me.
Cause they, they, they'll even do the math for me.
They're like, oil changes are $60.
This comes with 10 oil changes
and we're selling it for 500.
And my, my fricking lizard Blaine is like,
you wouldn't sell it to me if it was a good deal for me.
So no, but I don't know what your scam is, but I'm not buying it.
Yeah. I know.
It's actually free sir. Here, we'll pay you to agree to come back.
Keep your money.
Your car salesman. This is too easy. You put poop on it. What'd you do?
I got pooped all over by the finance guy.
Son of a bitch. All this trick in the book. It's nervous when you're doing it because not only you don't want to be scammed at a 600 or 6000 or 60000, but you don't want to look a fool. But
when you're the salesman, you can just, it's all fun and games, you know, like, you don't want to look a fool. But when you're the salesman, you can just it's all fun and games, you know, like, like,
you don't even I mean, I hope I sell but if it doesn't, who cares?
Yeah, another guy coming in can be kind of lighthearted about doing that.
It's that part's fun.
But you know, the part of like getting up early in the morning and dealing with customer
service the part where like a customer calls you on your day off
is like, hey, I'm coming in to get my oil changed today.
Is that synthetic or regular?
And I'm just like,
whichever you prefer, really.
Oh, yeah, what do you use?
And I'm just like in bed with my girlfriend,
literally trying to enjoy like the 10 AM like sun coming in
through the window and just like sitting there. Well, are you
synthetic? Yeah. Yeah. How's it going? I mean, it's just going,
you know, no issues. Falling out of the upper middle of the hood.
Yeah, it's all good. You know, you have like bullshit like that
where you've got to deal with like actual customer service
And for some reason these people are yours to babysit. I'm sure that dealerships maybe now there's like a whole like
Department whose job is to take care of those people because I bet
Surveys and such are even more important than they were way back then but I hated that part
I don't like customer service. I don't want to deal with you after I sell the car. Rod Karr My guy that sold me my car, this was six,
seven years ago now, like hounded, just hounded me for like two weeks afterward with texts
being like, hey, if you could go on here and leave a rating, if you could give us a review,
if you could do this and that. And I was like, no, because I went on and I was like, you give them that rating. I know. And I went on and I was like, if it's just
click five stars, I'll do it because the my salesman guy was actually cool. He was he was, he realized
I just wanted to get done. There was the finance guy that made the experience annoying. And when I
logged in to like, or when I went there on the page to rate it, it was like, all right, well,
you need to sign in with Facebook. And it's like, I don't,
I don't have a Facebook. So what do I do here? And he's like, well, you know, we need, that rating
means a lot to us. And so I just blocked his number. Yeah. Yeah. I'm not going to make a
Facebook for you, but um, you know, that rating. No, I used to do it like back in high school, but
nobody I know really uses Facebook. more. Yeah. Me either.
To me it's replaced every form on the planet.
So you could get into freaking archery and I bet the archers all
good together and Facebook to talk about it.
Oh, I'm sure. Yeah. I just, I don't have one and I don't use it. And I,
I don't need another social media site in my life. So I, I think it's best to, to avoid it. And I don't use it and I don't need another social media site in my life. So I think it's
best to avoid. And I don't even know what I would do. Like no one in my age bracket uses it that
much anymore. Zuckerberg's gone full MAGA it appears. He gave a million dollars to Trump,
is removing fact checking from Facebook. I mean, a lot of people get a million dollars
to Trump though. Bill Gates did too, right? Did he?
I mean, they're billionaires.
Yeah, everybody bent the knee.
Everybody's been in the knee.
All these tech bros are given a million bucks at a pop.
It seems.
That's nothing to them though.
And they seem to be getting what they want.
They're, you know, the whole voting population.
H1Bs are gonna be wide the heck open.
Oh yeah.
Like they get what they want
and the American people get fucked again.
So it's just another day.
I watch a lot of Fox news lately.
I am trying in the next four years
to not be that dog that falls for, you know,
the fake throw trick
and not just get sucked into everything.
But I'm watching Fox and they are so pro H1B now.
They're all talking about how great it is,
how American H1B visas are.
And I don't actually have a problem
with bringing smart people in.
I have a problem with bringing them in
as indentured servants that can't compete on salary.
That hurts them, which is unkind,
and it hurts us, which is also bad too.
So the tech bros just want employees
that can't negotiate
salaries or they'll get deported.
Yeah. And they lie and are like, we're looking for the best and
brightest. It's like, you know what, Elon, that's so true. I
think in the interest of this, we should make it so the minimum
salary of an H1B visa holder is 350,000. Why would it be? Why
would it be worth it to bring these best and brightest for
anything less than that? What are you crazy? What are you
trying to trick me? 350,000 per one and you have to pay taxes on them. And
that's you know, what do you mean? These people aren't the best and brightest. They're suddenly
not worth it. Suddenly there's an American you can get for 325. Huh? Interesting. It's almost like
none of this. Yeah, that I like that about that. Yeah, I like that idea.
They're tricky. Ugh, fuckers.
Yeah, the inauguration, when is it? The 21st? Does that sound right?
Is it always the 21st or is it kind of like Thanksgiving?
I don't know.
I'm pumped for it. I'm looking forward to the big party.
I saw Trump speaking at Mar-a-Lago
Maybe today or at least the recording of it. I saw was today
His look is ever evolving at this is a this is a new new version of Trump
You're getting out a little I thought I thought he's a you know, and I'm
His skin and his hair all change on the weekly though.
So sometimes I'll think that he's turning
toward this silver phase,
like less blonde and more silver, less gold, more silver.
But then a week will go by and he'll show up
and he'll be like chestnut brown with these like golden locks.
And it's like, ah, just different makeup guy this week.
There's no consistency to his hair and makeup crew
It I think he does it himself a lot
I think I think he does it himself a lot and and and that is so fucking insane to me that
That he's that rich and powerful and he wouldn't have to some I have a few
22 year old
Cosmetician or whatever you call those ways
Yeah, well there was Russians it It goes up in his face.
I think it's a vanity thing.
And I think Trump is really vain.
And I think that he doesn't want people to see him in his unmade up state.
Like he doesn't have anyone he trusts to like make him beautiful.
So instead he does it himself first thing in the morning.
Puts his bronzer on.
Does that crazy like hair style that covers all his different bald areas.
It's gotta be somebody helping him.
Do you think his orange face thing that he kind of started decades ago, do you think
he regrets that the way like Gallagher probably regretted the watermelon hammer thing?
Because now like every time Gallagher performs they're like, through the fucking watermelon.
Like first of all, Gallagher sent his kids to college with a hammer second of all
Trump Trump has inspired all the old crusty white dudes to throw that bronze or Frank. I mean I
Biden did that that Biden has had some days where he runs up. Oh, he's been bronzed up for a minute
Like the bronze age for Biden has been like the last two and a half three years
He's there and occasionally
Especially on the campaign trail. You would see him be a little inconsistent about it. It's like whoa
He's dark today like like he's he's court in that Kamala vote
He sees he's dark and then he'll show up and it'll be all pale and gaunt
And you don't know I'm not positive about this,
but I think within a year of Reagan leaving office, they announced that he had,
you know, had Alzheimer's and everyone's like, yeah, just got it. Right. Yeah.
I wonder if there'll be a Biden parallel,
if they'll announce that he has some sort of degenerative like issue in 2025.
Yeah, probably. Yeah. Well, I mean, it's,
or they'll just like take him out of
the public eye and let him relax his final years. I mean, that's for the best, right?
Like, like, yeah, I'm glad we didn't see Jimmy Carter wheeled out every time there was an
eclipse or some shit, you know, bring him out all with that, that look of pure terror
on his face where he's like, it's the first time that his brain has
ever remember seeing the sun before now now it's suddenly disappearing.
Dude the last few times they brought him to like a habitat for humanity shoot he was he
was looking like that.
Dude it was like that scene in Texas Chainsaw Massacre where they where the old guy has
had the stroke
and he can't pick up the hammer anymore. They're like, grandpappy used to kill 150 swine a
day. He could swing a hammer without a miss. He ain't go great. And they put the hammer
in his hand and trying to make him kill the lady, just like he used to kill the pigs.
But he's he's he's all like fucked up and he's just like dropping the hammer on the
side of her head and she's screaming in pain
That's that's that movie was upsetting
The I don't think I saw it. It's meant to be the texas chainsaw master
What they've made like 30 remakes but the first one from like 76 or whenever it was
I don't think there's a lot of blood but it's awfully upsetting. I think it might be the uh, it's it's the very end scene
Where they're having that macabre
dinner where there's just like skeletons and gore and insane people at the table and she's lost her
mind. It's great. There's something groundbreaking about that movie like because I swear that
Chex has changed all the other movies from that era don't stick around. It's not part of western
culture but that one is. Yeah a couple things. I think the name is great I think part it's based also on Ed Gein and a couple of other serial killers loosely
With the making of those the lamps out of human skin
Letters love that you know the nipple gloves and all that crazy shit that serial killers have made before
and and then on top of that, it's an odd movie.
There's not a lot of gore, but there's a lot of apprehension.
And when it comes at you, it is scary.
It'll be very calm and quiet,
and then that fucker will just come out and grab you.
It happens during the middle of the day too,
like a lot of the scary stuff is middle of the day,
getting drug into the house.
And just the idea of being meat. I think, you know,
it's, it's, it's one of those, we were just, we were safe a minute ago.
We're just off the highway, but now we're in this nightmare being hung on meat.
Hooks. Now you're on a, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. It's fucked up.
And he wears an apron. That was kind of spooky that he,
it was almost like he was at work where he's like just another day of people.
Like a butcher.
I saw Georgia lost.
That sucks.
I was hoping they would win for you, Kyle.
Me too.
I mean, if they, if they can't win that game, they don't deserve to be in there.
Just like the Falcons.
Somebody was like, Oh, the Falcons.
I was, they don't deserve being the fucking playoffs.
If they can't beat the Panthers, they had to beat the Panthers and the Buccaneers had
to lose to like, I don't
remember who, it doesn't matter, a decent team for us to get in the playoffs and that
didn't happen. We lost somehow to the Panthers. The Panthers are one of the worst teams in
the entire National Football League. They're like four and 11 or something like that. Last
time I checked, like something horrific, lost to them. So I'm definitely go Chiefs. I hope you guys
take a very excited for you guys. I'm all about it.
I don't like the end. I get why they do it sometimes. Fair
enough leading up to the playoffs where they like take
out 100% of their starters and have like a make a wish squad
out there of fourth liners. But I was cool. I also dislike that.
Don't you know what happened?
All right. So like.
I'm not a football fan, but I may be more of a football fan than you.
Yeah. So a lot.
It's obviously there's lots of teams right on the cusp of making the playoffs.
You win lots of win or lose scenarios.
And the the chiefs were given a really fun choice.
They're in a scenario where the last game doesn't matter at all.
So they rest their entire starting squad.
They lose 38 to 0 to the Broncos on purpose.
That means the Bengals don't get the good play in the playoffs now.
Oh, the poor Bengals.
And the Bengals have a great offense for that Joe Burrow guy, that young quarterback.
They don't wanna play against the Bengals.
So just go ahead and let the Broncos in instead.
Oh, it's beautiful.
And then they get the advantage.
Proud people of Cincinnati deserve better.
Do they?
You've been to Cincinnati?
I have. Yeah.
What a joke of a city.
Do you know what Cincinnati is named after? Wait, wait. It seems like the kind
of thing Kyle might know. No, I'm going to guess it's a kind of tiger. No, but it's interesting
because you're like tigers, not penguins. A famous guy, he was a Roman patrician in like the fifth century BC,
Cincinnati's and he is used as like a historical example of selfless leadership. Basically this, you know, fifth century BC.
So this is like closer to the kingdom of Rome before like the giant empire.
But they were being invaded a huge amount of strife and problems in the region. And he was like a farmer,
but also like a wartime tactical genius
who had previously been in the army
and then retired to a farm.
And he defeated the enemies of the Kingdom of Rome.
And then everyone around was like,
Cincinnati, you're the new guy, you're the dude.
And he's like, no, I explicitly said
that I would take control of the entire region
until our enemy was defeated. And afterward I would return to my farm. And he gave up total power
and went back to his farm like he said he would. And it's a, it's a cool story.
That's what Zelensky in Ukraine wants to do. They're like, you're going to lead us after the war?
He's like, no, no, I am am I can't wait to be done this job.
I've done this job when the war is over. That's that's where he
Well, I wouldn't put him in the same conversation since Nats,
he's not the great Bengal.
Good people of Ohio have a thing to do to say about that. But
you ever do that on like Wikipedia or on historical sites? Like just go through like ages of ancient rulers and just like learn a little more about
them and like what was this guy known for?
And it's like, oh, it's pieced together by fucking glyphs.
And you know, we think this is it,
but it was mostly put together by Herodotus,
who was 400 years after the fact.
It's, and then just, just like conceptualizing that,
that like, this was a real guy with a real legacy
that now like is borderline myth.
Like we know it was a guy, but there's so much we don't know.
It's just cool.
Makes you, it's a cool legacy.
I like Zelensky.
Here's where Zelensky won me over.
I know I didn't kick it off this time.
The Russians were invading, right?
They took Kiev, the airport or something.
And America is like, we can get you out.
Do you want us, we could send the SEAL team in there
with some helicopters or whatever.
And he's like, get me out.
The Russians are coming here.
I don't need a ride. I need more ammo. And it was like, oh, all right. That's a good
line. That's a good line. I'm totally good with him defending his, his homeland and all
the Ukrainians who want to stay in fight. Yeah. I just don't want to pay for it, but
like more power to you when you want to defend your homeland from invaders. I like playing
for it. I like, I like, I like the show. I know you do. The show's been great lately.
I didn't watch the knife fight.
A lot of people trying to make me watch the knife fight.
Apparently, Taylor, there's a Russian and a Ukrainian soldier
like faced off had a knife fight and it's recorded from maybe a drone or something.
I didn't want to see that.
The Russian one is better.
I thought this for sure.
Yeah, I didn't see that, but I've Russian one, they're better knife fighters for sure. I didn't see that,
but I've been seeing all the crazy drone stuff.
Every week they've got new drone tech, Taylor.
They got drones that burn people,
they got drones that melt people now.
It's like Warhammer 40K when you're making your class.
You can think,
I can't wait for the electric drones
that just zap people and turn them into dust
or some sort of poison drone that gases people.
Ooh, that's the next one.
Can you tell me this?
If this knife thing is true, I didn't want to watch a video
of someone being stabbed to death.
But apparently they were like actively battling to the death, of course, with a knife.
And some translator was like towards the end, they were like being
weirdly respectful to one another.
Oh, I have no idea idea I didn't watch it.
Like I said I don't want to see anybody get stabbed to death. Yeah I don't want to see anybody get
stabbed. I like watching them explode. That's still upsetting. AP to them.
I have a pretty good time about it. They have this uh I like the thermite drones and the
flamethrower drones. Those are fucking scary shit
Those are scary shit. I want to see more of the drones that drive and I really hope they they get some sort of I
Want a Terminator looking drone?
I want a bipedal humanoid drone that walks around and like looks and scans and shoots people
I hope that that's in the future that we're gonna get that
Good way to do a century gun
Right, like why are they have those?
Do they yeah, I've used those
They I've seen them talk about like for the trenches and stuff like you've got like remote control with a video readout
I'm sure now it's fucking VR when I did it. I had like a little like
video readout like iPad iPad thing, and then
a RC controller and you could control a heavy machine gun from anywhere. Really the Israelis
did that thing where they used a satellite to control it and killed that guy that was
in Iran with that machine gun.
I always trust your news on the the new war tech Well, they've got a they they did a first time the Ukrainians have done another first time kind of thing
Military operations they sunk not sunk. They shot down at least two helicopters. I think with sea drones
so they've got these things that are like jet skis with
surfaced air missiles on them and
They shot down they sent them out in the ocean
and there's a way to-
That blows me away.
A jet ski with a missile on it?
I get it.
Dude, I saw a Honda with missiles on it the other day.
Did you see that?
It was not a Honda, but it was some shitty Russian car.
And they, on the back of it,
they had one of those like rocket racks that goes like.
And then there's like five rockets side by side by side.
It's going.
And then there's like five rockets side by side by side. It's going
and like, like, like RIT, like long range missiles are coming off the back of the
Just Russian car.
What kind of car is this?
Look at this bad motherfucker.
So where does the missile come out?
I don't know.
I don't know if this is exactly it.
But they've got a this is clearly one of a jet ski drone of some kind. But they've got
one like this that shoots missiles and they shot down Russian helicopters with them. Look,
I don't know if that's it either. That looks cool. That's pretty cool. All that stuff,
I think is really neat. I like seeing the Ukrainians and their ingenuity.
Has the line moved at all over there? Like what's going on with that?
Oh, I don't know. I know the Ukrainians have lost a small amount of land in Russia, that Russian
land they took, but apparently they paid dearly
for that. I've watched a lot of Ukrainian propaganda so I really have to like I don't know try to read
between the lines to understand the truth in this propaganda because it's always like yeah all right
they sure their counter-attack took back some land but man we took wiped out a whole battalion and that seems to be the case the Russia sends meat waves they get land
Ukrainian the Ukraine declares a victory but here they are moving the wrong way
yeah this scene I just opened up the map again it I got an ounce it seems like
there's more red than last time so a tiny amount what's that you taking a deck no it's it's
better than that hmm Trump announced that we're going to rename the Gulf of
Mexico oh my gosh I heard that you know they're gonna you know you're gonna
rename it to Taylor the Gulf of America the Gulf of Trump the Gulf of America
It's so funny when he says it because I
Can't imagine a lower priority. That is the kind of ball. I'm trying not to chase You know when you'd fake throw ball the dog runs off. Yeah, I'm not to be that guy
Well, you don't want the Gulf of America. What's wrong with that?
We do we do a lot of business down there in the Gulf of America. There are real things happening. I just don't care what we call it.
That's all of his attention. That's what he's fully focused on. That's a modicum of his mental power.
They keep talking about making Canada the 51st state, retaking Panama, and Greenland.
Each of these are 1% of his mental power. Little fragments, little splinters, remember when Dr. Manhattan was fucking that Jane or whatever in the other room?
And then she realized that he had like eight other versions of him doing nuclear science.
Kyle, you know I've watched that scene 16 times.
This is what's happening with Trump right now.
That's why he looks so bad because it's like multiplicity.
He's made these copies of himself.
This is like Trump number eight out here on stage right now and so i'm interested how deep into the presidency before
he becomes fat trump again or all of his priorities into what he was calling one big beautiful bill
now he's calling it one big powerful bill and he wants all like everything he wants in one bill early in his term.
How maybe this spring they pass it.
Some people say this is in the news. I don't know what the truth is that
it's harder to get one giant bill like that through.
Like there'll be something in it that somebody objects strongly to.
But he does have the House, the Senate and the executive branch. So
we'll see if they deliver.
We can rest assured no matter what happens, Israel will get its money.
Oh, and yeah, have you noticed that like the Greenland Gulf of America, Canada,
Panama, Reconquest, the Panama Canal, all of this exploded among like Vivek and Elon and Trump as soon as they were
getting their fucking asses handed to them on the H1B discussion by their actual voters.
Suddenly they've got a million red herrings to throw out and try and distract people.
Oh, definitely don't pay any more attention about how we're getting owned by the people
who voted for us on the fact that we don't want immigrant, we want mass deportations and we don't want the H1B
thing that hurts Americans. And they're like, Oh, dude, it's so crazy. We're
going to take the fucking Denmark back. And it's like, no, you, you bastards.
Like just trying to move the news cycle as fast as they can away from admitting
total defeat.
I'm trying not to fall for that this term. Four years ago,
we feel like every time Trump faked through, I ran out into the earth.
I'm trying to be smarter this time.
Yeah. It's as long Trump, Elon, all of these guys are tools.
And if they stop doing something I see as useful for what I want done,
which is deportations, lessening immigration,
prioritizing the American middle-class, they can,
they can get fucked if they don't, if they take that priority away. You know, do what you're the people who voted for you wanted you to do. Just do that. Please. No one voted to take Greenland back. That's
what I'm waiting for. That's where we get cheaper. I'm waiting for that. Let's see if
groceries get cheaper. Now, let's see. They will not. Well, we'll still have plenty of
foreign countries.
No, well, look, I don't like the visas either, but at some points, like, okay.
And also, so I like the, I love the idea of the Gulf of Mexico becoming the Gulf of America.
I kind of like the idea of us like taking a little Canada.
Like I don't want the whole thing, but I want some of it.
You know, just the good part.
What part?
The whole, anything that touches a Great Lake.
That's ours now.
I've been saying that for a while.
Anything that touches us, really.
Let's just move the border back.
I think most of it population was most of the population.
We'd be the most powerful economy in the world.
What about the French?
You want to take the you want to take back up there or no.
I so funny you mentioned that I had this talk yesterday.
I was ranting
and raving but not the French not the French we got a big job you think it's gonna be hard
getting all those Mexicans out waiting you we start getting rid of the French oh yeah
that's the problem if we take on Canada as and I don't know why he keeps saying the 50 first state
it's because he doesn't know how many provinces there are who does is it four or five?
It's because he doesn't know how many provinces there are who does is it four or five? I
Don't know why
There you go see my point. Yeah, see I don't know I well they cheat because like they were like doing their states And then they're like oh fuck
I googled it and it says what are the nine provinces of Canada? Are there 10 or 13 provinces?
This is exactly my point. Who knows? And so therefore he just says yeah make it the 51st state when it's gargantuan.
Like it would clearly need to be the 31st, 2nd, 3rd, 4 need, we need 60 states total if we're going to include them. But I, but I genuinely wouldn't want, um,
I don't want Canada being up. It's fun to meme about, but like, I don't, I don't want
Canada. So I don't, I don't, I don't have a firm opinion because I'm not super educated
on the issue, but every time America has expanded and got more territory, it's been a huge win.
If you think about the Louisiana purchase,
the war with Mexico to get Texas,
Fulton's folly has been a huge win in hindsight.
I can't imagine getting Canada or Greenland
and looking back on that and thinking that it's bad.
I just bet it would turn out well.
I don't think it would happen.
It's Puerto Rico.
Oh, your power's out again?
Oh, who's gonna fix that?
Puerto Rico, that's're kind of a wash.
Kind of a wash?
I wish.
Do they like cost us a ton of money?
That's a joke because they're filthy people.
Oh, are they?
No, I think they're just having fun in the sun, man.
Well, it's not that they're filthy.
They just don't have any electricity.
It's not their fault.
They got those old cars?
Sorry, all the Puerto Ricans listening on your battery powered devices.
I can barely tell the difference.
When are we just bullying Cuba?
Well, I mean, I don't know.
What are we going to bully them about?
What is it that we hold?
We already have like big sanctions on them still, right?
Oh, of course they're locked down. They have been since JFK, but,
but like what do we actually bully them about? What are we holding over their head?
No, no, no. But what I understand that, but like,
we don't have the motivation for bullying them. Is that your question?
Yeah. Like in, in 2025, like what's like,
what do we gain from levying sanctions on Cuba now? Like what's the,
keeping the commies down?
Is it still very communist it's a yeah, yeah
There's a communist country is that their allies with Russia and
They have been since I don't know the 50s
Yeah, I guess they don't like us. They they do what Russia put nuclear weapons 90 miles from us what what if what if true way to shut what if Trump
says okay Russia we're gonna pull out of this Ukraine thing look the other way
while we take Cuba I think I think now we get a lot more cheap vacations we get
a nice like it's much nicer in Cuba than
Ukraine. It's cold as shit in Ukraine. I'm never going to vacation.
If they offered, if they were like, you asked, you can have this piece of Ukraine.
I'd be like, no thanks. Give me like Rome or somewhere nice.
I don't think the Cubans want to be taken. I think they're very happy the way.
Why don't you want Puerto Rico?
I'm fine with Puerto Rico. It's a bit of a failed. I mean, again, the power is outright.
Do they have electricity right now in Puerto Rico, Zach?
Like my guess is no.
My guess is no.
I bet if you went there you could find a nine volt battery.
Okay, I'm sure they have.
I'm talking about alternating current, Zach.
I'm sorry, I had to specify.
There's occasionally lightning.
I usually don't have to specify this,
but is there alternating current electricity on the,
on the great Island of Puerto Rico this week? Because last week there wasn't,
like they celebrated the new year with in the cold with,
with fucking candles and shit.
Give him some slack. He got those January hurricanes.
Power outage. Oh, what a shame.
I've been getting into, uh, not getting into just like developing a cursory
interest in like the,
the official like Egypt ology
Studies of like how the the pyramids were made
Oh now like we we still don't get it so much
It's really really cool like the you see that video of the guy who made Stonehenge in his yard
No, probably with levers and pulleys and stuff, right?
hinge in his yard?
No, probably with levers and pulleys and stuff, right?
Yes. And it, but I'll send it to you because I think that you'll enjoy it. He has, um, he makes out of concrete, right? So picture
a concrete rectangular column that I can't even imagine how
much it weighs, but it's like 22 feet long, 18 inches thick, you
know, just giant three feet by 18 inches by 22.
And he puts a rock under it and he's able to spin it single-handedly, like on that point
of balance.
Then I'm like, oh my gosh, this, I don't know if that's how they built Stonehenge, but it
could be.
Oh, early enough in it.
We're like, I have no desire.
There's no history there.
Stonehenge is a lot easier to believe.
Like, do you know, or at least what I've learned
by looking at it online,
is the way they say they got those like perfect lines
on the outer shell of the pyramids
where like you can't even probably get a hair in between it,
is like copper tools, not even bronze tools, copper tools.
And like people just trying to study about Egypt
will go out there and like take similar rocks
and like try and chisel them with copper tools.
And like they break immediately, they bend immediately.
Copper kind of sucks.
There's a reason we moved to bronze pretty quickly
as soon as we had the capacity.
And even bronze would have a tougher time with it.
But it's interesting to be like, okay,
so we really still don't get it.
And then I've heard some people be like, okay, so we really still don't get it. And then I've heard some people be like, we they poured all of
those. And they they like use a liquid mash of some sort of
limestone. And then they re solidified within these boxes.
But then I saw other people who were really involved being like,
this doesn't make sense because of x, y, z. And so now I've just
got a new fun rabbit hole of like, huh, I bet there's there's
a good amount to learn and nobody knows. Dude, so forget that rabbit hole sucks. The Egyptologist rabbit hole of like, huh I bet there's there's a good amount to learn and nobody knows dude
So forget so that rabbit hole sucks the Egypt ologist rabbit. Oh, it's fun. Go down the younger driest
older empire rabbit hole with the go go blacky go
Happy go flaky teppi shit and all and that stuff because when you look at like the Sphinx, for example, the head doesn't
There's too way too small for the body. So it looks like there used to be a different head there
It looks like it's way older than that other stuff
I don't I don't think that the Egyptians
The people that we think of Egyptians made the the pyramids I like that idea better
I like that. I like the idea that it's like a much more ancient civilization. Yeah, I feel that. I don't know about the like stacking and the
cutting, but the part of the pyramids that seems hardest is the transportation of the
blocks. But like the carving of them, the quarrying of them, and then the transportation
of those gigantic blocks, like the weight and size of them is difficult to understand
until like they turn it in, they animate it
and they zoom out and they're like,
this is how many bull elephants this block weighs.
And they're like stack bull elephants up
in a way that you could never stack elephants,
you know, in a cartoon.
You're like, oh, well people can't move that.
How do you move that?
It's just a cool, a potential cool example of like lost technology
That was perhaps gone for hundreds or thousands of years and they didn't know and we know that happens in a more recent example of Rome
We're like people in in France in the year, you know
1250 we're like hey guys were going to build our own fortress here, but it turns
out the Romans have an old fortress. And as we all know, our fortresses suck dick compared
to Roman fortresses. So we're just going to pump up this old Roman fortress and, and like
repair it where we can. And then this will just be our, our base moving forward.
The Roman concrete self repairing, um, something about the using salt water in it and something
else like when it breaks and fractures, water seeps in and the salt water and the water,
it reactivates the lime and causes it to like heal.
That's like the secret to Roman concrete.
That's so cool to figure that out.
I'm not sure they did. It's so cool. That's so cool to figure that out. Thousands of things are going on.
I'm not sure they did.
It seems like one of those things where you just like,
make, add a little bit of this.
You read about that all the alchemy
that some of our more respected,
respected like state and scientists throughout time
were very much into alchemy and the idea of it.
And you gotta imagine that people were doing similar things
with things like concrete and trying to like,
and a little bit of that.
Nope, that doesn't, that just makes it smell.
Once again, that makes it worse.
We'll keep this up eventually.
The last time David, urine is not,
I'm going to try urine again.
They put so much urine.
I don't even think this is about the concrete
to you anymore.
Everything had piss in it.
They had big ideas about like the magical
or the intrinsic properties of piss.
They knew ammonia was useful,
but they were still working on it.
They boil the piss down and create like this weird paste
out of like piss paste that looked like
that bullion concentrate. You ever use that? Like, here's a little
cooking tip for you. I've completely stopped using and
chicken stock. I get that stuff called better than bullion that
comes in a jar. It's like a paste. And like a teaspoon of
that and then water and just make your own stock. It's better
than stock. Like just make your own stock. It's better than stock.
Like it just makes a better tasting.
So yeah, and you the main thing is a jar of it is $5. And it's
it makes like 10 gallons of beef stock that's better than regular
beef stock. So like for chili and soups and stuff and chicken
soup and anything that requires stock now I just use that better
than bullion. It's so good.
Next time I make it in broth. I will do that
So wait Taylor and I pulled off a little a little heist this week a little fraud
Not to brag neither brag we skated away with at least $42
Yes, yeah, I Taylor sent me a little steam engine, because I
want to bet about something retarded. And I didn't think I
got it. So I told Taylor I didn't get it. And Taylor told
Amazon he didn't get it in the game is money back. Turned out I
got it. I got it. It was under my sink. I thought it was like
garbage bags or something. It looked it was the same
packaging. So he brought it in the sink.
Yeah, it was under the sink with the garbage bags and like the the Robo Vac garbage bags that it refills and shit.
Did you have to assemble it?
I have not yet because there is so much assembly. There's little cogs and wheels and pins.
And it looks like I really need to sit down at a cleared off table like
I'm putting a puzzle together and carefully assemble this thing. Are you
looking forward to doing it? No, no I don't like things like that. I'm just pitching this out
there you say no. Jackie loves that stuff. She would it would be a gift if she
assembled that thing and sent it back. Just a thought well, I would rather buy a new one and send it to her then go through the process of packaging
And then counting her to have to like package the assembled one and send it back to me
It does look fragile once it doesn't look like the best puzzle as much as like 30 minutes of annoyance for me
Yeah, but the payout charging your phone slowly maybe It looked like the best puzzle as much as like 30 minutes of annoyance for me.
Yeah. But the payout charging your phone slowly, maybe.
Dude, I think it's going to be a small V engine.
It's the size of like two apples and a dude, it was completely unassembled.
Like every the piston, the crankshaft, the overhead cams, the whole thing. It runs and pops and it moves.
I didn't buy the like nitrous fuel to make it run,
but it has compression.
Like she did it well.
So that's the kind of puzzle stuff that I could get into.
I like that stuff.
I'm hoping the steam engine works.
If the steam engine works, that honestly,
the reviews were good. I could get into like being a train
guy if the thing burned on coal. Can you imagine that, Taylor? If your locomotive ran on, you had
like a little, and you're like, yeah, I got to get coal guy. I go straight to the source. This is the
best coal. And you got these tiny little coal pellets. You're like, you have a tiny little shovel.
You'd shovel the coal in. Get it all fired all fired up dude that'd be that'd be sick
One what happened to Woody? I don't know. That's the wrong button. I bet he had to do a big blow of his nose probably
Yeah, wanted to show you this
Like heat powered fan we got and I fat-fingered the keyboard
You're good. I was yeah, I was so annoyed when you were it didn't show up. I went to my page and I'm like,
not even a picture. This fucking guy was pissed off about all the Christmas packages and he just
didn't deliver my package. That's what I thought too. Complain 40 minutes after that. Kyle's like,
it was in my house. I was just under the sink and I was
like where this is oh no but yeah I plan to put it together. I guess I'll have to now yeah I know
you want to see it you keep asking for it I want to put it together for you I want to show you so
bad I can't wait. I can tell looking in your eyes how much you want to. I hope it works. What I really hope is that I can light a little candle or some oil or alcohol or whatever it burns on and it's going
to actually charge my phone by like burning a little flame next to my desk. Maybe it'll even
smell nice. Like that would be the best of both worlds. If I had a scented candle that charged
my phone, like that'd be pretty cool. That does sound cool. Like add one drop of like sandalwood oil or something in there.
And now it's nice.
I like that.
I do.
I really like the idea of coal power.
Like if I had, oh, it's, oh yeah, we're 11 minutes.
We've just been having fun chatting.
But what he needs to recover.
He needs Robitussin.
He needs to get his Robitussin.
So I wish you hope you feel better and your throat recovers.
You guys ready to wrap?
Yes, sir.
PKN 542.