Painkiller Already - PKN #61

Episode Date: October 23, 2015

This week on PKN #61....Talking!...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Alright, we're live. Painkiller nearly episode 61. A little less pre-show than we normally do. Yeah, getting right into it. Yeah. We've got the debate coming up, as you mentioned. We started talking about stuff that I... Normally I'm screaming, save it for the show! But it's just us, so I thought, start the show.
Starting point is 00:00:17 Also, like he said, the debates are coming up, and I'm looking forward to them almost like I do a movie release. Like, ah, this is the time, this is the thing. What's that bitch gonna say? What's she gonna say? and I'm looking forward to them almost like I do a movie release like ah this is the time this is the thing it's gonna say she gonna say there's there's of course Hillary and what's she gonna say and do right like I haven't seen all right taking a step back Bernie Sanders is so issue focused right if you could be like you know do you believe this woman wears pantsuits everywhere? She's stuck in the 90s.
Starting point is 00:00:52 He'll respond with, you know, the middle class hasn't had a wage increase in 15 years. Like, he is issues, issues, issues. People take personal jabs at him. He talks about issues. This guy is so issues driven. Normally, like everyone wants to be issues driven. But, you know, You get drug into the mudslinging. You get drug into the underworld of politics very easily.
Starting point is 00:01:15 Yeah. And, and I feel, and it's effective, you know, like mudslinging works for people, but he's 90% of politics. The issues are almost never the forefront of a political election. At least not they're, they're, they're often not the deciding factors as they should be. It's often mudsling that, or a key phrase in a debate or some bullshit like that. Zingers. Yeah, zingers that determine presidents, congressmen, all that shit. Who won the debate? Well, he had the horse and buggy line and that really got him and he had the, what did Trump say?
Starting point is 00:01:43 The memorable thing. Oh, that's more energy, I like it. Right, you know, it's the zingers. But, so I'm really interested in seeing a debate in which Bernie Sanders participates. I feel like if you don't play his game, this is me guessing going into it, I could talk forever. If you don't play his game, then you're going to look like you're not serious.
Starting point is 00:02:06 You know, if you sit there and say, I'm a hero or whatever, he'll be like, let's talk about the issues. Do you know that the rich are doing this? And Bernie Sanders, so I don't line up with all of his positions. But what I will say is that he's the most honorable guy in the race, right? Even if I prefer Biden, I can't tell you what it is about Biden and I have no examples of it. But I bet that at some point in his long, proud political career, he's made a compromise because sometimes, you know, you have to do one bad to do two good. You know, like sometimes that's the thing. But Bernie, I just don't see that.
Starting point is 00:02:51 He is the most honorable guy in the race on either side. And if he wins, I don't think I'll like everything he does, but I'll know that he's doing what he thinks is best. Whereas, like, fucking W. I was like, he should be tried for war crimes. He really should. He lied us into a war. He fucking lied us into a war.
Starting point is 00:03:13 Right? I don't... They cherry-picked the intelligence. Now score is posted, you know? When they acted like, oh, there was overwhelming intelligence, it was a failure of intelligence, a failure of this,
Starting point is 00:03:25 horseshit, right? Like, that shit about Yellow Cake and them getting nuclear bombs, they knew it wasn't true when they were telling it to you. But who's they? Bush. Bush made the decision. Rumsfeld, yeah. I don't see the proof there that
Starting point is 00:03:41 he knew these things and that he understood them. What I can imagine could very easily have happened is that maybe Rumsfeld and Cheney were chomping at the bit for this thing and they pushed him into it. I'm not saying Bush is a nice guy, but I could see where he could have been talked into this thing or manipulated into this thing. I just don't know what he knew and when. I don't think any of us really will ever. But the war was definitely wrong. We see that now. The war is what spawned ISIS.
Starting point is 00:04:12 That's what that whole mess is about over there. If we don't take Saddam Hussein out, Vladimir Putin isn't in the Middle East right now. It's all dominoes, one after another. It's all interconnected. It's all the same thing. And by the way, so right now they have a secular leader in Syria, right? Apparently the guy running this thing is kind of a friend. Am I getting this right of the U.S.?
Starting point is 00:04:35 You have Assad. Yeah. I have it wrong. So he's not a friend of the U.S. But he is a secular leader. He's not a Muslim crazy person. Shit, I'm probably speaking out of turn. I thought I was reading up on it.
Starting point is 00:04:47 Well, I was. I think they're all Muslim crazy people over there. I mean, he is running that regime that sort of is wiping out that huge segment of the population. I'm not taking any sides over there. They all seem like they're... I don't think there's any sides to be taken over there. Although, we just dropped, what? How much ammunition was it I read that we dropped it was like a hundred thousand
Starting point is 00:05:07 pounds so 50 tons yeah 50 tons was the way the article was written oh yeah i'm sure that won't get shot at us at one point yeah oh it it's happening all the time you see those guys in those toyota vehicles they're all there's everyone's using the same guns and ammo over there now is what i from what i've read like they have american rifles they have they're shooting american ammunition um on both sides it's it's such a big clusterfuck now because so many of those groups can be bought like mercenaries and so many of those groups get just completely taken over uh and you know maybe we drop this 50 000 uh uh 50 tons of ammunition today and tomorrow that someone just comes in there and takes it all away from them. You know, there's people in Denmark right now
Starting point is 00:05:48 who are happy, living a good standard of living, not engaged in all these wars. And Syria's not like, fuck Denmark! Look at all they have! How come we don't have it? Because they're not in there fucking shit up! I don't think... I mean...
Starting point is 00:06:03 Let's try not breaking stuff in the middle east for a little bit just sounds crazy but let's give that a go let's try not ruining things you got to break some stuff you gotta we have to keep our partnerships intact and people have to still respect us but we've been breaking the wrong stuff for a long time it's so hard to break the right stuff it is hard to make thought we did it everyone thought we did in afghanistan right rambo 3 was about that it was about the brave mujahideen in afghanistan and and people of afghanistan so um anyway the debates are tonight and i I'm really, really looking forward to it.
Starting point is 00:06:45 And even though Bernie, I don't think, today he's not my number one choice, he's totally honorable, and I so look forward to that. And then there's another guy, Jim Webb, who I looked up. Like, I know Jim Webb, and I forget what I know him from, like whether it was a scandal or whatever. I do remember his exchange with the president. Do you remember that, Jim Webb? So, Bush during the Iraq War. Okay, taking a step back. Jim Webb had a son that served in Iraq.
Starting point is 00:07:12 And Bush came up to him and said, hey, how's your boy doing? And he said, I'd really like to get him out of Iraq, Mr. President. And he says, that's not what I asked you. I asked you how he's doing. And he says, well, that's between my boy and me. And it's not the kind of exchange you usually get to a president. It was a little bit contentious. But then McCain did that too.
Starting point is 00:07:35 You know, McCain did the same sort of thing where he was like, my kids are in Iraq. Don't say bring it on, you fucking jackass. You know, like stop asking them to kill our kids and uh but that's just a gaffe i feel like if biden or obama were to commit that same gaffe maybe i'd be more forgiving and i'm trying to be less biased than i am but um anyway let's get to the let's get to the main topic here the fact that amelia clarkke has been named the sexiest woman alive, I think. Was it Esquire Magazine? I believe it was Esquire.
Starting point is 00:08:10 Stupid fucks. Yeah. All right. Sexy is about being sexual. It's not just about being pretty. There's a big difference. Snow White is not sexy. Okay?
Starting point is 00:08:21 She is a Snow White. That's what this chick is. She's very pretty. She's got a wonderful body. chick is she's very pretty she's got a wonderful body yeah she's very pretty you know you wouldn't admit to her being very pretty no okay she's very pretty right i guess i can give that but i don't think that she's hollywood pretty i she's if you go to penn state you will find a thousand hotter girls than her. I think she's Hollywood pretty. She fits right in with the rest of them. They're all about as hot as she is.
Starting point is 00:08:48 The problem here is it's sexiness. It's not a beauty contest. It's sexiness. It was a sexiness contest, and she is not sexy. If anything, she seems frigid to me and against things that are outright sexual and titillating and dirty.
Starting point is 00:09:05 Sasha Gray is sexy. Sasha Gray should have been the sexiest woman alive. Because she's sexy. A prime Angelina Jolie is sexy, right? Yeah. Remember she had those lesbian scenes in the movie and stuff like that. Sexiest woman alive. You should say, I want to fuck that i think um what's
Starting point is 00:09:29 her name uh hallie berry i think might have won that once she's very sexy i feel like like remember that scene in uh swordfish which she's in the bikini i think she's hotter when she's in her like lingerie than when she's topless a few scenes uh yeah yeah a lot of women in any case she doesn't deserve it's absurd to make her the sexiest woman alive. All those comments she's made about how like, oh, I just feel like
Starting point is 00:09:50 the nudity can be suggested and I feel like it's, when I see all this over-sexualized stuff, it just makes me cringe. Oh, are you cringing and over-sexualizing stuff? Because she'd fucking faint
Starting point is 00:10:01 if she saw my browser history. I think it's a travesty uh i think it's i also heard that bruce jenner um yeah did you see that guy come at 1200 frames per second on the pka subreddit i didn't click it oh i did i took it a step further i clicked it and then in the comments yeah right because i'm so gay in the comments there were like three or four more videos at different frames per second and one of them I don't know, see a doctor or something dude, because your sperm travels like half an inch. That was weak shit. You got prostate issues my friend. Mmm, gotta squeeze those muscles. That's a, that's a, maybe some Kegel exercises or something.
Starting point is 00:10:45 Alright, so wait, what were we just, we're talking about That's maybe some Kegel exercises or something. All right. So wait. What were we just talking about? Emilia Clarke not being sexy. She's not sexy. She's just not. She's certainly not the sexiest woman of life. Oh, I was going to mention that.
Starting point is 00:10:55 Is it ESPN that's having the Man of the Year contest or whatever and apparently got leaked that Caitlyn Jenner is going to win Woman of the Year or something like that. Let me confirm this, that it's ESPN or an ESPY award or something. And this is a stolen joke, but it confirms that men are even better at being women than women. Yeah, I'm sorry. She did win something from the ESPYs or whatever.
Starting point is 00:11:21 This is Glamour Magazine is reportedly naming Caitlyn Jenner Woman of the year um i am no she's all right so first of all let's just let's just assume that as soon as she has dick first of all but but if she didn't have a dick if she if she had a full on transformation uh and she was a woman she She's only been doing it for like six months or something. How can she get twice as much done in half the time? They're always talking about
Starting point is 00:11:52 equal pay for equal work. What the fuck? Now she's getting an award for like six months of man duty and certainly she's the best? Bullshit. Bullshit. No.
Starting point is 00:12:02 Maybe next year she could have like stepped her game up and like won some arm wrestling contests. I don't know what you have to do to be the man of the year or woman of the year. I also saw that 4chan was having a movement where they were voting for the opposite. They were voting Bruce Jenner as the woman of the year. So there seem to be quite a lot of votes going in that direction. So let's say that I adopt the gender rules that the kids are pushing now, right? If you're 16, you're like, well, gender is really a fluid thing. And there's a spectrum of genders out there between guy and
Starting point is 00:12:37 girl. And some people are gender neutral or gender fluid. We had a, we had a um we had uh you know i'm not gonna identify the relationship at all but i do know someone on earth who identified as gender fluid for a while and uh it was just like huh i i didn't even like i guess i'm not sure if i had even heard the term before but um uh i feel like an adult i feel like it's far too early to be making first of all i wouldn't want to label imposed upon me in any case like i don't i don't know why everybody wants to label themselves as this or that and there have to be so many confusing labels just be you but second of all i feel like adolescence is the worst time for you to be like you know you know when you go on vacation and they've got the little keychains that have your name on them and you're like looking, Woody, Woody, Woodrow.
Starting point is 00:13:28 You have eight Woodrows and no Woody. It's like that, but they're trying to pick a gender out of this. And it's like, well, gender fluid. Well, I like the sound of that. I could go either way. It's kind of demanding. It's kind of painting me into a corner. Let's keep moving here.
Starting point is 00:13:43 Like, nah, like, come on. You're too early to be i'm fine with the gender thing along the same lines i am with being gay right knock yourself out this is a decision that you're making that doesn't seem to hurt anybody else labels etc i'm with you on the confusion i feel like it hurts them i feel like in the instance i just described like like anyone you can label yourself however you want it won't affect me yeah in the slightest i just don't feel like it's healthy I just described, like, you can label yourself however you want. It won't affect me in the slightest. I just don't feel like it's healthy for them to be doing that to themselves. It's something they're self-imposing on themselves, it feels like.
Starting point is 00:14:12 And I think I'm not completely. So this person I met, while very athletic, when I first met him, I had one of those girl or guy things. Because he had like a swimmer's body so he was like fit but not bulky like extra manly you know just careless and not a hair it's around a lot and um blonde swimmer thing he was blonde so like you know whatever hairs he did have weren't as pronounced as like you know like a like what i think of as like an italian sort of you know like guys guy um uh and and you know whatever and i looked at him i was like uh dude right and then uh pat with the uh androgynous so very different than Pat, right?
Starting point is 00:15:05 Because Pat was like chubby and it was a girl. Androgynous. She was androgynous. Yeah, yeah. But this was a very sort of sleek, you know, angular type of, like there's women like that too. I can't think of any famous ones. And culture, you know, that Republican. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:23 A little more muscular version of her. And also he had long hair. His hair was down past his shoulders. Everyone is. And he had hair past his shoulders. Anyway, gender fluid, knock yourself out. I don't care, you can identify as anything you want. But I will say this, so the adult version of me
Starting point is 00:15:40 recognizes that I was straight early on, right? Like, I remember looking at, my father had Playboy and Penthouse magazines under his bed and he stored them over the refrigerator too. I went through every inch of the house. And I would look at the naked women and just like, I had a very serious interest in these naked women.
Starting point is 00:16:05 You know, way too young to masturbate or anything like that. But it was like, I just knew. I like that. Yeah, I had it. Yeah, I like that. And anyway, fast forward to me at 17 and it was like, well, I don't think I'm gay. Like, how do you know? Is there like a test to take or something?
Starting point is 00:16:21 I don't think I'm gay. Like, how do you know? Is there like a test to take or something? You know, I feel like if you're 17 assigning labels and stuff, as straight as I am. You weren't positive at 17. Not 100%. Yeah, not 100%, right? Like, you know.
Starting point is 00:16:39 You haven't lived enough life to really know if, maybe I could be genderqueer. You never know. I gave it thought. I remember this. I remember thinking, and I may have said this on the show a long time ago, but I remember thinking like,
Starting point is 00:16:51 oh, well, what would the mechanics be like? And I'm like, ah, like big muscular lats and strong deltoids, you know, as like I'm thinking like a doggy style anal sex. Like that's just not for me. You know, like that's not what I'm looking for. I'd much rather have a woman. Well well what if it was a very feminine man what what about that i guess maybe i'm into twinks yeah to think it through i think we just need a little bit
Starting point is 00:17:17 more research you don't think gender is offensive i probably said something really offensive there with i don't think so no i don't think so. No, I think that's corrected for once, to be honest. I think that's all correct terminology. I think twink's appropriate. I think that's allowable. My issue with Caitlyn Jenner being elected woman of the year is not
Starting point is 00:17:38 whether she's a woman or not. I don't care. Penis, no penis, whatever. She's just not the woman of the year. She shouldn't be in the woman of the year context. Her biggest accomplishment is being an X-man. And I don't think that makes you woman of the year. There's someone out there. The Nobel Award for Science or Peace,
Starting point is 00:17:58 one of those was just awarded to a group of people. I saw that, yeah. Was it the Nobel Peace Prize? You know, there are some who will say that Caitlyn Jenner deserves to be Woman of the Year on the basis that what she did will lead the way for many others to be open about their inner woman
Starting point is 00:18:19 and come out and also make the transition, I suppose. And while there is probably some truth to that, I don't feel like Woman of the Year is the award you use to thank that contribution in particular. It just doesn't make sense. It'd be like giving her a World Series trophy. It just doesn't apply. Like, she didn't win a World Series,
Starting point is 00:18:38 and those don't go to individuals, and it just doesn't make any fucking sense. So I did a little Google image search, and it appears that the Nobel Peace Prize this year went to three dudes and a woman. I would pick her way over Caitlyn Jenner. As Woman of the Year. As Woman of the Year.
Starting point is 00:18:56 She won a Nobel Peace Prize this year. I agree. Yeah, sure. Whatever she did. There are probably millions of women. There's probably a female combat veteran who did something amazing this year in the armed services. You know? I just feel like, you know, being like switching from the patriarch to the matriarch of the Kardashians is not the thing that gets you to be woman of the year.
Starting point is 00:19:23 I like that. I like that. Yeah. I don't get year. I like that. I like that. Yeah. I don't get it. It just doesn't make any sense. There's no way. I don't feel like you could make it make any sense.
Starting point is 00:19:31 Even if you were like... If you're her, I don't know how you can justify it. I'd like to hear Caitlyn Jenner explain this. Well, I mean, clearly. I got the dick and all, but other than that...
Starting point is 00:19:47 You need to watch that show, by the way. It's called I'm Kate. Is it South Park we're talking about? No, her show. Caitlyn Jenner's reality show that's just her. Oh. Yeah. Kitty bought that shit on Amazon.
Starting point is 00:20:03 And I, like, clicked in for, like, one episode and fast forwarded until, you know, you got into the meat and potatoes part of the show. And I didn't want the intro bullshit and like in the intro she's all like super airbrushed and perfect angles and the sun's reflecting at the right and the shadows are cast perfectly but you get into it and she's a caricature of a human being a real freak and she's i just like kim kardashian comes to visit her at her house or wherever she stays now. And she's got this black girl with her who must have – I got the sense that the black girl was also famous, but I didn't recognize her. Maybe she's like an R&B singer or something like that. But she was gorgeous. She was much better looking than Emilia Clarke.
Starting point is 00:20:37 Much sexier, too. If we're handing out sexiest – Everybody is. The black girl that got brought over to Caitlyn Jenner's house, much sexier. She should get the award. But these two individuals come over, and they're all sitting at a brought over to Caitlyn Jenner's house, much sexier. She should get the award. But these two individuals come over, and they're all sitting at a bar talking to Caitlyn. And she's like, I don't know, they're snacking on some snack that women would have that's got no substance in it or whatever. And they're just sitting there talking.
Starting point is 00:20:56 And Caitlyn goes, I just thought I'd get some tips about how to be more feminine. And they both kind of look at each other for a second, and the black girl's like, well, you know, one thing is the way you eat, men. Watch the way you eat, and it's important that you're very feminine and dainty and blah, blah, blah, and the way you eat. And I'm just thinking,
Starting point is 00:21:17 I just imagine Bruce Jenner with a turkey leg just chomping away. It was just awful. I watched about a minute of it, and I was just cringing on the inside like I it made me feel uncomfortable To watch and not from like some weird homophobic asshole kind of standpoint more from like this is kind of a freak show They're exploiting it like I'm not sure what's what's going on here, but like it shouldn't be a reality show It's uh it's a real fucking mess.
Starting point is 00:21:45 I highly suggest it if you want to take a look under the hood and see what's going on over there. I'll have to check it out, I guess. Kitty, what's that show called? I'm Caitlin. I am Kate. I am Kate with a C-A-I-T. I think it's C-A-I-T. Yeah, C-A-I-T.
Starting point is 00:22:07 So I'm thinking about doing the YouTube thing again. I've been watching... I've been told that every singer grows up imitating their favorite artist, and then they eventually become their own artist, right, like, you know, whatever, young, I wish I could do this, young Billy Joel did his Chubby Checker impression until eventually he became Billy Joel, not a Chubby Checker cover, whatever it would be, maybe it was Elvis or something something and as I think about what's new like there was a time when I was like you know I'm gonna do Black Ops 3 videos like I'm gonna get into that real hardcore do a commentary etc I may do some of those but I'd like to play some of the zombies yeah I the other thing was I started really enjoying the Vlogbrothers stuff.
Starting point is 00:23:07 I know you don't watch a ton of their stuff, but you have seen some. They always seem to have substantive points. I think I pronounced that right. They become well-researched. They're students of the world in the first place. And then they make videos laying stuff out there, you know? Is college worth the money? Refugee crisis? Whatever. And I went through my John Green phase at first. At first, like if it wasn't John, I don't want to see it. And then I went through my Hank phase, you know? If it's not Hank, because there's two of them, they're brothers, then then, you know, whatever. John's old news, I want to see my see it. And then I went through my Hank phase. If it's not Hank, because there's two of them, they're brothers. Then whatever, John's old news, I want to see my Hank stuff.
Starting point is 00:23:50 And now I just enjoy them both. And I think you'd say this is true too. Make the kind of videos that you like. If I were to, for example, try to make PewDiePie my inspiration, I don't really watch PewDiePie videos. I don't have anything against him. You know, knock yourself out PewDiePie. I don't see him doing any harm to anybody and he's been successful so great, good for him. But I'm not his demo. I bet if he heard some 42 year old guy in North Carolina didn't like his stuff he'd be like, yeah it's not for you and um so rather than like try to make
Starting point is 00:24:27 a let's play channel which not really my cup of tea i don't think uh i was like i could make a vlog brother style channel you know step up the production quality bring in some lighting etc and give that a go or i could make a um the other thing i started watching this casey nine stat guy nance did you know how to pronounce his name did you catch it i was that the guy who was we watched like three of his videos today yeah yeah i didn't never did catch his video his uh his name um i'm gonna link if you're gonna link him or whatever and if you're out there listening to this uh we determined that this guy is half quentin tarantino half half, um, what was the other?
Starting point is 00:25:06 I don't want to join in your, your, he looks like somebody. What did me and Chiz say? It really was. Oh, I did say a thing that I wouldn't want to repeat in life. It was Tarantino,
Starting point is 00:25:19 Sean Penn, Sean Penn, half Tarantino, half Sean Penn. There's nothing mean about that. It just, that's how he looks. Um,
Starting point is 00:25:26 wonderful. I'm horrible at pronouncing names if I don't know the word already, but I think it's Neistat. N-E-I-S-T-A-T. Neistat? N-E-I, like neighbor? It might be Casey Neistat. Somehow I just got like...
Starting point is 00:25:44 I got semi-add addicted to his videos. I watch him in these runs and in particular the editing, um, in terms of like force of personality and stuff, he has it, but that's not why I watch it. Um, in terms of like what he's doing that day, it's interesting, but his videos compel me. Like, I watch all his editing decisions, and he makes a million of them every video, right? Like, he'll decide he wants to reinforce a point. So he's got like three quarter inch thick pieces of wood,
Starting point is 00:26:19 painted white, and a marker, but it's a real thick, heavy marker. And when he shakes it, there's a ball in it, like a spray can paint. And he's like, shake it, shake it, shake it, shake it. And then he writes something out and you see him do it. And then in subsequent ones, he does like jump cuts and you can just see like the first word
Starting point is 00:26:37 and then the bottom word like instantly done. And there's a million cuts in it. There's a lot of editing decisions that he makes and I find them fascinating. And something about just like the beautiful videography they're jump cuts for your eyes they're great and and um there's something else there's a lot of effort that he puts into it and i like that he does a lot of stuff in public and i admire that have you ever vlogged in public i don't care for that neither do i wondering what what's wrong
Starting point is 00:27:06 with you if you're insane uh you know it's it's embarrassing i don't like it yeah if you're talking to a selfie stick on a cruise ship which i've done a bunch of times i feel like they all think you're a douche douchebag yeah they don't yeah they think you're making this to annoy your eight friends when you get back home from the yeah they don't yeah they think you're making this to annoy your eight friends when you get back home from the trip they don't realize that there are going to be thousands of people who are going to see it i i it's it's a little weird because you want to be like i i i'm kind of famous i'm not crazy don't don't anyway guys you don't understand if i do, I get like a hundred bucks.
Starting point is 00:27:47 You do it too. There are people who care. That's it. That's it. That's what I wish I said. There are people who care. I'm not an idiot. There are people who think, I wonder what he's doing today. And that's who this is for.
Starting point is 00:28:01 And, but it's weird to do that in public you like a doofus Casey seems to do it fearlessly you know he meets people in public that he doesn't know strangers and get some laughing or whatever and even if the clip is only two and a half seconds long in his head anyway he's like oh I got something I gotta laugh I got a thing And she gets in there. And I just, I like the way he conducts himself and I like the way he puts his videos together and he's inspired me. And I think, like back to the vocalist analogy, everyone starts off imitating someone and then they become themselves. Who knows how this goes? The Casey stuff has really interested me. The the casey stuff has really interested me the the vlog brother stuff is really interested in me interested me maybe um maybe i'll start
Starting point is 00:28:51 with those as models and end up being woody i liked his diy stuff i feel like i feel like that lends to your strong suits really well like he had that thing with the popsicle stick i feel like you could do a much if you edited how to i don't know how to build an end table or like how to you know those tape those dining tables that come apart and like go into different shapes like that one might be beyond me but yeah that's a really good one i but yeah like chis was like he's a maker and i'm like he's a maker i wonder if i'm a maker and chis's like no you're not a maker some people are makers and you're not one of them but i feel like i disagree with chis that guy is a micro maker um he likes to spray paint sunglasses and make them his unique variant of them right it gets the ray-ban label off and but what i saw he's a tinkerer. Okay, yeah, like he's like, hey, I
Starting point is 00:29:45 accidentally put my mic on top... I'm sorry, my finger on top of the mic, which is located on the top of the camera. And so he put... he basically glued a popsicle stick to the top so that if his finger was on the popsicle stick, one, he'd just know through tactile feedback that it was near the mic, and two, it wouldn't cover the mic because now there's a ledge yeah and uh good idea if you have that particular model in particular i suppose it definitely fixed his issue it didn't seem worthy of a video to me but i mean it got a million views the editing drew me in like just the whole like watching him construct this seeing where he's going it was interesting i think i like the editing but i want to see it applied to something cooler well i would so back to the he's a micro tinkerer right he makes a
Starting point is 00:30:30 video where he literally glues a piece of popsicle stick onto a camera i could make a video where i install a door you know or doorknobs i have to install doorknobs soon it could be like here's the thing and then just like jump it around and you know i i don't know that's kind of micro too but i'm putting i'm building a barn right now i like those imager albums that that sort of um show how a thing was built i remember my favorite one that i ever saw was someone took uh an ipod uh the screen out of an ipod and they made themselves an iphone watch basically and they made the band they uh he took a bunch of old gold jewelry that his wife had lying around, melted it all down, cast it into the watch body itself, and then meticulously shapes it like a jeweler.
Starting point is 00:31:11 By the end, he had the guts of the iPod stuck into this gold that he had made. It was all perfect and fancy, and it looked better than anything you could buy. Like I said, he made the leather strap and everything and in the end he had something that everybody was like you have a solid gold i watch that no one on the planet has it looks legit and i was just thinking like that'd be a cool video any of that i like that stuff when they build a thing that's really never been built before and it's usually that stuff seems it seems a lot like it's necessity is the mother of invention when it comes to that stuff. It's like I have a problem, and I'm not going to the store.
Starting point is 00:31:50 And when that happens, you get some cool stuff. So that one you talked about sounds great. I haven't seen it. Did we look at the one I know Chiz and I did? I don't know if you and I did. It was like a month or two ago. Guy built a house. I think the person who was like sort of pimping the imager was a kid at
Starting point is 00:32:06 the time it took a long time right the whole family pitched in yes and it was maybe 250 video or um images and uh it was like over the course of years i feel like the kids grew up a little right a little yeah and and they were all captioned and the dad was an engineer who just like i think things didn't go well at work and he's like you know what let's start new let's go into the desert and build a house and um get our bunker and our ammo they won't fuck with me again dude the home was beautiful and they didn't seem like crazies at all afterwards they seem like people you might want to emulate and uh not you i'm not making criticism but like no i'll tell you i'm saying you know
Starting point is 00:32:46 i was just doing that because you never know they partly inspired me to do the workshop thing and even the stable thing it was like that guy remember when i yelled i'm an engineer i can do anything yeah that guy was an engineer and uh he he'd never built a house before or whatever he was just like dude i solved problems for a living for two decades. If you think you can't figure out rafters, then you're nuts. What Anthony Hopkins said. What one man can do, another man can do. They kept saying it over and over.
Starting point is 00:33:18 I read in a book about people fighting bears and surviving in the wilderness. He's like, what man can do, another can do. Him and Alec Baldwin keep saying it to each other over and over they're out there with their spears but who was the other man they were following i don't know like whoever wrote that survival book i guess oh okay well anyway um uh where did i get on this oh oh i do like the imager thing uh but that's just a hobby I want to be pro about it I understand but that format I already like
Starting point is 00:33:50 when things are built and being able to flip through that imager thing and be like oh yeah step step step step step some of them are well done and some aren't if they don't do the steps we'll be like oh I kind of forgot to show the part where I welded everything together sorry I'm just like well fuck I don't even know if you migged or tigged. Come on.
Starting point is 00:34:05 So when they're done well, I like watching stuff get built. Yeah. That's what we want to do with the workshop. We haven't done it with the stable, although maybe it's time to step up our game and maybe there'd be people who are really interested in like what happens today and they just see us go out there and put some
Starting point is 00:34:21 sheathing up, etc. I'd like to see you build a cannon, like a replica cannon, a black powder cannon. And your woodworking would allow you to build one of those fancy wooden carriages, maybe. I know my dad's always fascinated when he sees wooden wheels that the Amish make. And the way they steam the wood and bend it to make the wheel and all that stuff. There's a couple ways they do it, but yeah, that's the good way. it to make the wheel and all that stuff. There's a couple ways they do it, but yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:44 That's the good way. And, you know, you can make a black powder cannon in your garage perfectly legally as long as it's black powder, nobody cares. You don't need a license or anything like that. I don't know, that seems like kind of a Woody's Lab project. That would be interesting. I had another Woody's Lab idea just recently, like, I need to do
Starting point is 00:35:01 this for Woody's Lab. I forgot it. I should have wrote it down. I used to have notebooks on my desk desk and whenever i had like a video concept that i was like don't lose this i just write it down on paper never gets lost etc um but yeah that's i i don't know i'm getting this bug to make videos i'm i'm i went through a period where i didn't watch many youtube videos and and um like at went through a period where I didn't watch many YouTube videos. At one point, I purposely didn't watch them, especially in the gaming space, because then all
Starting point is 00:35:31 my ideas were really just do what I just saw. That's not good. It was especially not good for me. I did a video where it was like Road to Woody's Wife. I think it started off with my first girlfriend, and this guy like totally ran, like dug into me and got all his subs to hate on me,
Starting point is 00:35:51 because he's like, I have a series called Firsts. The first time I do this, the first time I do that, the first time I do something else, and I talked about my first girlfriend, Woody talked about, he's stealing from me. Fuck you. It's like, hey like hey hey i'm talking about my first girlfriend not yours yeah when i start talking about your first boyfriend you'll know i copied you yeah you should make another video about actually about his girlfriend a little research
Starting point is 00:36:17 went online let's talk about his girlfriend don't want to copy him yeah i i and it's... oh John Green. John Green left social media. He's the guy from Vlogbrothers and I don't know if he's the main guy or if there even is a concept of a main guy. At first I thought he was and then I went through my Hank phase, but anyway he was... he explained it. He said, look, overwhelming majority of you are super positive. And then those of you that have criticisms are typically super respectful. And I'm like, ah, that must be great.
Starting point is 00:36:53 And he's like, but there is a very tiny and vocal and persistent contingent of you that just spits venom every time I do or say anything. So I'm taking a break from social media. And this is like a week in, he's checking back. He's like, I really like it. It's been great not hearing those people. And my wife reminds me,
Starting point is 00:37:16 this is with regards to my relationship with Hope, like, you know, every little emotional withdrawal takes 30 deposits to make up for that. And it's like, oh, that seems like a lot of work. That's a whole lot of deposits. And I, you know, people, so apparently his haters got to him for a little bit. He took a break from social media and I feel like I did the same, but I'm feeling done breaking.
Starting point is 00:37:45 If breaking is a verb that could be used to mean rest. I feel like I'm done with this period of my YouTube career. And I'm very excited about firing it up. I've got batteries charging up back there right now. Nice. So maybe we can film something tomorrow. Yeah, that'll be fun. I'm interested to see what you film.
Starting point is 00:38:04 Yeah, I have ideas. I have a gif here that you should see. This looks like, this reminds me a little bit of that time that you wanted to throw a Molotov cocktail at the acetylene balloons or whatever. Look at this. Okay, hang in there one second. This is actually safer. I want to put on the big screen so that people can see it. I really need a dedicated PKN big screen, but here we go. Oh my, that's awesome. Ah, damn it.
Starting point is 00:38:52 Is that just gonna stay lit um until i can cap it off i suppose why would he do that i think it's so that the oil's not spraying into the air so it's burning oh okay i see yeah it probably is like less pollutant being burned i doubt it i'm not real sure um maybe he's a terrorist okay so for the the audio people listening what what you're seeing here is um there's what looks to be like a blown oil well i presume it's the middle east because there's like five or six other burning oil wells in the background like maybe when iraq left kuwait and they like ruined every oil well they could find maybe this is from there it's hard to tell i know what this is now i read um as to what this gif is it's two iraqis sabotaging one of the 650 wells that they set ablaze while retreating from kuwait which you described, this is them doing that. Winner for Woody. Okay, so they've destroyed a well, and there's oil just gushing out at what I'm going to
Starting point is 00:39:50 estimate is like 100 gallons a second. 20,000 PSI. Yeah, it's something huge. And there's a spout of oil 200 feet in the air, and they take maybe a, what do you think that is a lit molotov cocktail it's hard to really say something soaked in flammable fluid that they lit and the guy's really good at throwing shit because he seems to just casually throw this thing like 200 feet through the air that's probably not the first one he lit that day yeah look how good he is at throwing things look at look at look at the burning wells in the background. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:40:30 And he throws it way up in the air where I guess the oil is a little more atomized. And it catches and it runs down the tube. Stream? The stream, yeah. Until they have a raging inferno that will be very difficult to put out. It's nice to see they're still wearing their hard hats, though. I like to see that. I mean, before the union rep came by and saw them without hard hats on out there. Oh, if OSHA saw that, they'd be in big trouble.
Starting point is 00:40:54 That's so polluting. That's, that's... Yeah. You ever see Jarhead? There's that scene where it starts basically raining oil on the guys, and they're just covered in oil. I have seen Jarhead. I don't remember the scene. Oh, was a disaster yeah there's something else so um
Starting point is 00:41:12 i went to the wrong thing pk and um yeah so the debate started 15 minutes ago i'm looking forward to seeing like like you said it's gonna be interesting to see sanders talk policy and and hillary tried to i i feel like hillary's so shmarmy like she she's always so uh full of herself i i feel like she thinks she's charismatic and funny and she's the opposite of charismatic and funny i feel like she's so wooden and fake on the inside. And it's like a doll with half a soul inside of it. Like an episode of Supernatural. The guys from Supernatural, if they were real, they'd hunt Hillary Clinton down for sure.
Starting point is 00:41:57 They'd be like, Skinwalker, clearly. You know, this is horrible for me to say, and I'm sure there's some Hillary fans out there. No, there's not, because this is the internet and that likes i'm sure there's some hillary fans out there no there's not because this is the internet and that likes bernie but there's probably some hillary fans out there that will hold this against me i feel like at least in part my lack of affection for hillary is somewhat related to how ugly she is now she wasn't always ugly i've seen young hillary and she was a pretty girl better than Amelia whatever her name is honestly she was yeah yeah you know Bill Clinton's a lad and he could had anyone he wanted and he picked a lot of women
Starting point is 00:42:34 throughout the years yeah and he picked Hillary as his favorite subject for some time and anyway but yeah I think cuz she's just a grandma that aged badly she's in her 60s right like she's fat as fuck she's she's chunky yeah um i just don't like anything about her and her what her career has been um i i don't like that they like somehow like even though they're they were from like arkansas i believe they she became a senator from new york and you know they just that whole thing seems so ridiculous it's like it seems like the clintons just went up there and bought a congressional seat in fucking new york because they wanted to uh she's not even from new york like what is this shit uh it happens a lot it She was like, hey, there's an opening right here, and wouldn't you like to be a senator from New York?
Starting point is 00:43:27 Let's do that. That's totally what it felt like. It just went and grabbed a little power because they could. I don't care for her. I know a lot of people look back on Clinton really fondly. And, I mean, real charismatic guy. And I liked how he handled the armed forces throughout his tenure, but I don't trust him.
Starting point is 00:43:50 And the economy was really strong under him, and the economy was really strong under him, and the budget was under control, and he actually started paying down the national deficit, which... He paid it off, remember? He had a surplus. Yeah, yeah, so he paid that annual thing off but in the accumulative thing
Starting point is 00:44:06 he just took a chip out of it yeah but um the fact that we had a surplus like there was debate i remember i watched cnbc religiously at the time right because it's like dot com boom and and uh there was debate over whether we were paying off the national debt too quickly there's a lot of people like, they should give us tax breaks because there's no need to pay off the debt as fast as we are. Now they don't talk about that anymore. No, I've never heard anything like that. So yeah, it'll be interesting to see her
Starting point is 00:44:37 maybe get taken down a notch. And I don't know any of the other candidates who will be on the stage tonight. You mentioned... Bernie Sanders and Jim Webb. I don't know if there's more than three okay those are the only ones i know that's really interesting well i'm looking forward to seeing the thing there's something really interesting about debates though because they on the debate stage at least for that period of time they're all equals right like i feel like when the news is discussing hill, they're all equals, right? Like, I feel like when the news is discussing Hillary,
Starting point is 00:45:06 they're talking about a horse race that she's winning. You know, the one who's three leads, what do they call, links, the one that's three links in front of the other horse is the cool horse. That's the big horse, that's the strong horse, that's the important horse. And it feels like when news covers politics, it's always sort of on that uneven Olympic platform
Starting point is 00:45:28 of who's first, second, and third. And when the guys from second and third are even trying to talk to the first one on the news, they're looking up. But on the debates, they very carefully, they're all equal. And it'll be super interesting to see. Like, oh, Carly Farina did it right carly farina barely squeaked into the republican debate she was in the junior varsity one the the minor league one
Starting point is 00:45:53 the first they changed the way they determined the the debaters uh uh the people who get get on the stage just so that she could be there you know used newer polling data than they were going to use. I heard something about a change. I also think she managed to creep up a bit from her JV performance as well. She was like 1%. She was like 1% or 2% or something like that. But that was enough.
Starting point is 00:46:19 There were newer polls that had her higher than she used to be and that was just enough to squeak by and be number 10 or 11 on the stage or whatever it may be. And then she gets on stage, and while I personally strongly disliked her performance, right? Every time she spoke, like I'm recognizing the Planned Parenthood lies.
Starting point is 00:46:38 She's talking about how she needs to cut the deficit at the same time she wants to start 30 wars. She wants a super army yeah yeah navy and marine corps it was outrageous wild she had numbers she was just yeah 35 battalions and 50 carrier groups and i want a billion trillion submarines and i was like whoa what what yeah are we fighting chill on the spending woman and And what did I say on PKA? Shut your cock holster. Yeah, you did say that.
Starting point is 00:47:11 So that's a great insult. Anyway, but undeniably, if you look three weeks later or two weeks later and after the impact of the debates hit the polls, she won, right? You know, most people didn't have that response to her and that's what matters. So she won the debates.
Starting point is 00:47:35 Circling back to what I was saying before, equal platform. Even that 10th place Republican who barely squeaked in was able to go toe-to-toe with Trump because there are no favorites during the debate. And this is an opportunity for Bernie to either smack down Hillary or show that he's not ready to debate with the big kids. Yeah, I agree 100%. Yeah, that's exactly what's going to happen.
Starting point is 00:48:01 I saw that Trump is going to be on SNL November 7th, and I think that can only be funny. That's got to be funny with him on there. He's going to happen. I saw that Trump is going to be on SNL November 7th, and I think that can only be funny. That's got to be funny with him on there. He's going to do great. What did you say, November? November 7th. I bet he kills it. One, typically when Hillary did it, she's not good at TV.
Starting point is 00:48:19 Trump is literally a reality TV star. He is not going to be scared by cameras and such. He will do a good job. His personality lends itself to it. He'll make fun of himself. He'll go in there with the goal of humanizing himself and it will work. I hope they do something with his hair. I hope so. I hope he... here's the skit I would put Trump in. He'd be an on-location weather reporter reporting on a hurricane The way it is outrageous
Starting point is 00:48:57 Class for her game That's what I do you'd have to do something like that um i and i feel like he'd be a good sport about they could do camera cuts where like he's talking to someone no there's anchors at a desk you know like it looks like it's getting really bad and when they flip back to him his hair just keeps getting longer and longer so first he's laughing around and then he's laughing around then eventually he's going wild after a while there's tiny animals cl and then it's flapping around. Then eventually it's going wild. After a while, there's tiny animals clinging to it so they don't get blown away. Yeah, because they have to escalate it, right?
Starting point is 00:49:33 That's the nature of SNL skits. It would go that way. I saw that, I guess, Anthony Cumia called SNL for stealing that whole bit from the Canadian skit-based comedy show. I saw that and they looked really guilty. Both shows, the whole thing was pretty much a copy. The Canadian one was
Starting point is 00:49:51 actually funnier. I guess they're playing Pictionary and they go on the board and they're winning some minor amount of money, both of them. For a million dollars, they have to draw this thing and if they get it they win both shows and they go up there and the word to do is muhammad and apparently you can't draw muhammad and they're both like i
Starting point is 00:50:15 can't do it i can't do it both of them and then they run out of time and they guess muhammad because that's the thing you can't draw. And they win both of them. This is a stolen skit. Yeah. Like I get parallel thinking, right? I remember one day me, Bendro and T-Mart all released a video on how to kill the juggernaut,
Starting point is 00:50:37 like what the most effective way to kill the juggernaut was. And they all accused us of copying. Well, they mostly accused me of copying those guys even though the time stamps didn't work or anything and we all had different conclusions um i think team art said it was rpgs i said it was like dual fngs and i forget what bender said it is the dual fngs that's the best way i was right yeah i i i'm basing that solely on the fact that the math added up to the the dual fngs doling out more punishment per second than anything else in the game and being sustainable quick reload and you don't need some special unlock really after you got the dual fngs and we all had them yeah that's and one of my things i liked about the dual fngs
Starting point is 00:51:22 was that you didn't have to devote a class to it. They're a perfectly good secondary. Whereas you might not want to round with RPGs in your class all the time. You're giving up your secondary, kind of. And I walked away thinking I gave the best advice out of the three. But anyway, what I was getting to is it was parallel thinking. We all just kind of had the same idea. But in that case, it was parallel thinking. We all just kind of had the same idea. But in that case, it was too similar.
Starting point is 00:51:48 Parallel thinking is not a reasonable excuse. Someone saw it. Now, I will say, I can't think of a specific, but I have had this happen where maybe I saw someone's video that over time thought that idea was mine. Has that ever happened to you? Or maybe you stole a joke and over time thought that idea was mine does that ever happen to you or like maybe you stole a joke and over time you think that like oh i came up with that on my own and then you realize you didn't i know how that can happen i was um i was talking to taylor about uh
Starting point is 00:52:18 we were actually talking about a joke and we both had a really similar uh spin on this joke i can't really say it or spoil a thing but it's yeah we both came up with similar spin on this joke. I can't really say it or spoil a thing, but it's, yeah, we both came up with almost the exact same joke from, we were, we both started at step one and we both got to a really similar joke by step two.
Starting point is 00:52:35 So yeah, that can definitely happen easy. Yeah. What was I going to say? This was just, they just copied this. That led me to, so in the comments of that,
Starting point is 00:52:43 someone said that Jeremy from CinemaSins was calling out the Screen Junkies people. Are you familiar with this? Tell me more. Okay, so... How much time do we have? We got a little bit. I'll tell the story.
Starting point is 00:52:58 I watch both their channels. I like them both a lot. So apparently CinemaSins has been doing a thing where they hop in a car and then like two or four people drive to the movies and talk about what they expect why they're excited like you know how they're feeling going into the movie and then movie happens but for the viewer it's just like a jump cut and then they talk about how they feel having just seen the movie did they like it how it varies from their expectations etc i want to see these videos now okay so they've been doing
Starting point is 00:53:27 that for a while and there's even like proof that screen junkies knew of it because they mentioned it a little bit in a collaborative video like sometimes they work together sometimes yeah that's that's why this struck me as odd I was like are you sure they're at odds because I thought that they would like go on each other's channels and do like a special episode of what's you know everything wrong with it in 30 minutes I feel like they've collabed a lot I agree so um now oh and then he sort of explained in his video where he was upset how cool it is to have an idea that works and you know
Starting point is 00:54:06 maybe you know this I certainly do you do a thing and people like it and that's cool but you want to do another thing too and time after time after time that other thing just doesn't stick you know they don't like it they shoot it down etc and when you come up with the second idea that was as good as the first one that got your audience in the first place, it's great. You know, people like what I'm doing, it's working for me, it's going to prolong the life of my, you know, tour on YouTube. And he was really happy about having this concept, the driving to and from the movies and have it been successful and well received by his fans and um then screen junkies did this it's heavily sponsored by prius and their concept is they drive to the movie they talk about it and their excitement and
Starting point is 00:54:57 their feelings headed to the movie and then they hop in the car again and they drive back and they talk about it i bet see this is one of those things where i wish that we could we knew as much about youtubers as we do about movie stars because i bet with a little research i bet they have like maybe the same uh network that they're under which would mean that they would both have probably been pitched that series that prius deal and i bet that one of them was more expensive than the other and that's what's happened here i um i don't think that's the case because he was like surely they're sponsored by prius like in his complaint video like it looks like they're heavily sponsored by prius there's stuff in the description so he was making
Starting point is 00:55:37 a very educated guess that they were sponsored by prius just like you can remember we looked at someone's gopro video and you're like yeah i don't think so um so uh there's no link i mean it doesn't sound like he knew it sounded like he all but knew and um yeah that's what's going on and also because of the way they work like it would be next to impossible for them not to know that he had this series on his channel and that they were duplicating it. So he, well, you know, aside from, and there's the collab where they were in together and they knew about it. So anyway, there was some drama there. But then, interestingly, he made a Facebook post or something more recently. He was like, I really wish I hadn't made that video. I made it. I uploaded it. I aired out everything I was feeling at the time but those feelings were kind of temporary
Starting point is 00:56:25 I didn't realize how much hurt and pain I was going to cause how many of my fans would attack them for it and such I never believe anything at face value I got a whole conspiracy about what just went on just based on what you've told me I think their network came to the first channel
Starting point is 00:56:43 and said, hey, we want to do this series with Prius where you go and do your thing where you go to the movies, except now you're in a Prius and you mentioned a little. And they're like, okay, $6,000 an episode. We'll do five episodes to start with. We want $15,000 up front. And they're like, no! And then they just pitched it to their other movie channel that's under their network, and they were like, oh, half that. And then they just pitched it to their other movie channel that's under their network
Starting point is 00:57:05 and they were like oh half that and then they just did it and they went with them and now I bet the network's telling channel number one hey stop talking shit about channel number two we sold some Prius shit here and if you ever wanted that Prius money you better make nice I have my own theory and it's a little more innocent
Starting point is 00:57:21 so maybe I'm naive but I think channel two got a deal with Prius and pitched something they had seen before maybe semi-innocently thinking that it was an idea but in real life knowing it was inspired by them like yeah we can do this we'll drive in the Prius to the movies watch it come back we'll drive in the Prius again we'll get all sorts of shots of the hood ornament and whatever and they pitched that other guy's idea stole it so that they could get the Prius money as a way to integrate cars into a movie's YouTube channel and the first guy is like hey that's my idea stolen and I think it's as simple as that but they're actually friends and they've done lots of collaborative work over the last few years.
Starting point is 00:58:06 So the guy who had his idea stolen just said, you know what? My relationship is more important than my sour grapes. I'm going to stick to my conspiracy theory. I think that he was told to get rid of those sour grapes because it wasn't good for business. You know, it's also not good for business losing your collab you know like as you know collabs can be good right you know you get a sub i get a sub i get a sub you get a sub people grow like that together um so what's the other i'm sorry it's screen junkies and what's the second channel cinema sins and cinema sins is the one of those
Starting point is 00:58:43 is the person who got robbed. And Screen Junkies, I think, is the person that has been making the series going forward. Cinema Sins has 5 million subs. And Screen Junkies has also 5 million. They're both like neck and neck. Yeah. Like they're in a heart K of each other. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:59:00 And Cinema Sins has like these... Well, look to be pretty successful offshoots like there's brand sins and some other kind of sins i've seen a lot of that yeah that's true they do and so they've got like a thing growing i don't know screen junkies has other stuff as well but uh whatever i i like movies but i don't find myself watching many YouTube-oriented movie people. I will watch Your Movie Sucks if I want to hate a movie. That's really good. Yeah. Something about his high expectations and sort of rapid delivery.
Starting point is 00:59:35 He's not as big as those other guys, but I like Your Movie Sucks. I think he's collabed with at least one of them before, too. I like that stuff. I stay on the movie subreddit a lot. Oh, speaking of that, if we're done with this, I think they're in the same network. The two of them? Adding credence to your theory.
Starting point is 00:59:58 Anyway, I saw that the Hateful Eight, Quentin Tarantino's new movie that's coming up, obviously he's a big proponent of using film, and in particular 70 millimeter film. And the version of the Hateful Eight on 70 millimeter is going to be about six minutes longer, not including
Starting point is 01:00:15 the 12 minute, what do you call it when there's a break in the middle and everybody gets up and goes to the bathroom? Intermission. Intermission. Yeah. So it's going to be three hours and two minutes long, I think. And I am lucky enough to have a
Starting point is 01:00:31 70mm theater about 40 minutes from me in Beaufort, Georgia. They're only about... I know Tarantino upped the number of them a while back. No, maybe it's Christopher Nolan. One of them made sure there were a lot of those 70mm projectors out there for one of their releases. I don't remember which. But there's only like 100 in the country. At one point it was 88, not that long ago.
Starting point is 01:00:55 So I'm going to definitely watch it in 70mm. It's the highest resolution I think you can possibly get. Definitely in the theater. On IMAX 70mm. I'm googling how far away my closest 70mm place is. And this is not going to be good news. I'm almost there. They have a few minutes. Four hours, 14 minutes away.
Starting point is 01:01:24 Where is it? Right outside DC. Shit. Yeah. I'm fucked. I'm just not going to do that. It's an eight hour, eight and a half hour round trip. I think someone said that the scenes that were added were like really wide shots that lent themselves in particular to 70 millimeter.
Starting point is 01:01:40 And if on digital, either wouldn't get the same effect or it'd be cropped or something like that. And they just cut them out yeah quentin tarantino's a film guy as opposed to a digital guy it's better for the viewer i digital's only better for the people making the movies it's easier to use but film's just better it's higher resolution digital can't match the resolution of film i don't know if film does like 60p and stuff i like the digital can just keep yeah just turn it up faster but that's hard right and there's like exposures and i don't know i'm that's not my area of expertise but from what i understand it's it's superior in all ways other than you know in production for the viewer from what i understand uh film is just better and sometimes production can make for a better film like for example when you do something
Starting point is 01:02:33 on film you don't know what you have right so you do like six scenes and you might think i think they were good i think i think what i saw i'm going to like. And then the next day, I forget what they call them. It might be rough cuts, but I think it's something else. The next day they view what they filmed and they pick which scene they want to use. But with digital, you can view what you filmed right on the spot and say, nah, keep going. And that kind of production capability might make for a better movie perhaps i think when you got tarantino there he knows what he's looking at though yeah he's i think he's figured out how to make good like the directors who are like it's it's him and nolan in particular the ones that come to my mind as the guys who are like super big
Starting point is 01:03:20 into this film into film and still using film and especially especially 70mm. What's Nolan's first name? Christopher. What has he made? Interstellar recently, but... That was on film. He made the Batman movies, right? Okay. I mean, someone out there is hating me for this. Yeah, I know his name.
Starting point is 01:03:36 I'm just drawing a blank right now. I don't know that the Batman movies are on film. I don't know that for a fact. And do you know that Interstellar was on film yeah that was in 70 millimeter I watched that in 70 mill it was so incredible yeah I made a I made a point to go to that was interstellar filmed on film Christopher Nolan shows I just I'm surprised that it would because this is a thing that would require so much post you think that that's it it. What was interstellar filmed on? An an're right i wouldn't have guessed that yeah i would have
Starting point is 01:05:03 guessed that uh like the movies that require a lot of CGI, obviously what they do is they put them on film and then they transform it to be digital afterwards and then they can do all the work they need to in a digital format. They do, yeah. They would lose the resolution. They can't.
Starting point is 01:05:18 It's going, that's why they had to get those 70 millimeter projectors at the theaters. They had to have a special projector to run the 70 millimeter film. They film it on film and then there's a machine that scans it and then they edit it in either you know final cut or um nope i just don't think that's true because you would lose the resolution if you if you if you went from film stock to digital you could you just can't do that the way that you do it in the 20s would be to... Some scissors? Yeah, literally scissors and tape and shit.
Starting point is 01:05:49 That's not how they're doing it. They're scanning in the film, putting it on digital, and then they're using... What the hell is the program? The six stages is that what you're on to um no i'm on wikipedia right now i i just don't i don't know how it could be what you said because they would lose the all the advantages of the film if they scanned it. It has to be. Otherwise, they can't do all those other things.
Starting point is 01:06:28 Wasn't Wolf of Wall Street filmed on film? I don't know. Then they did all that CGI afterwards. What was that camera? Did you say Ultra Panavision? I didn't say that. I'm not familiar with that one. Let's see. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:06:49 How do you edit 70 millimeter film? Man, I'm sure this makes for dull listening, but I really... Must have the answer. Must have the answer. You're going through film editing, technology. See, they keep talking about steps, like the editor's cut, the director's cut, etc. So, I will say this. The Interstellar weighed 600 pounds when it got to the theaters. It's 600 pounds of film.
Starting point is 01:07:47 49 reels how to prepare print for project uh how to prepare print for projection interstellar print assembly avid that's what i was looking for okay so back in the day uh editors were precise if they made a wrong cut they needed a new print it would cost them money to the lab to reprint the footage etc with the invention of a splicer and threaded machine a viewer such as a moviola or flatbed machine whatever whatever sped up a little bit today films are edited digitally on systems such as avvid, Final Cut, and Premiere Pro. They bypass the film positive work print altogether. In the past, the use of a film positive allowed the editor to do much editing as she wished
Starting point is 01:08:37 without the risk of damaging the original. With digital editing, editors can experiment just as much as before with the footage completely transferred to a computer hard drive. Losing the original footage was only one computer crash away. Oh, is only one computer crash away. So, yeah. All right, so I'm reading this now. Apparently what you just described, Paul, that is very true.
Starting point is 01:09:03 That's just a different way to do it that a lot of people don't like now because you're losing the resolution. According to IMAX, 35mm film has a digital equivalent of 6,000 lines of horizontal resolution, 6K, while 70mm is 18,000 lines of resolution, which is 12K. Heavy, loud, blah, blah, blah.
Starting point is 01:09:21 Mounting system, camera rigs, 70mm. Idea for the dark knight where is the because i see here let me link you to what i'm reading because maybe it's uh i think we should end the show and then we'll go to the editor's subreddit, ask this question and see what the people say there. They're people that work in Hollywood and, and they would know. Ooh,
Starting point is 01:09:56 IMAX misconceptions. This is interesting. The current state of IMAX. Hmm. The current city of Climax. Okay, regardless of how a modern film is shot, it likely gets converted into a digital format for editing, a process called the digital intermediate. Most 35mm films go through either a 2K or 4K resolution intermediate process, then scaled back when
Starting point is 01:10:26 printed on film for projection. That means the film unfortunately loses some of the original detail in the negative, but the process is necessary for color grading, grain reduction, and adding digital effects. Christopher Nolan actually cut some of the Dark Knight Rises from the original IMAX negative to retain all of its image quality. IMAX has its own proprietary procedure called DMR, digital media remastering, which is how 35mm films get upconverted to IMAX format. The vast majority of IMAX films that you see in IMAX screens today are DMR films. Wikipedia has a comprehensive list here. IMAX has been vague about the specifics of its DMR process. It's understood to be constantly evolving.
Starting point is 01:11:04 Blah, blah, blah, blah the blah blah blah blah blah blah blah i i think what we saw is some aspects of it that maybe didn't need digital editing skip that step maybe but um but by and large i think they skin everything in because i there's it seems like there's hardly a scene nowadays that doesn't get you know how westerns are kind of brown and horror movies are kind of green and you know like that color grading to give that consistent look across mad max film during the day they made it look like night that can only happen if you digitally you know adjust it so I'm and the other thing is like I I went through a phase where I had like a serious hardcore interest in this and I would sit there and just hang out on filmmaking sites
Starting point is 01:11:57 and stuff all the time not that I've ever done this but I feel like it's the kind of thing I know I what I'm curious about is, alright so there's the intermediary process where it's scanned into digital. I see here additionally several films have gone through a 6K DI, actually there isn't any new either. I'm wondering what the resolution is after the fact because clearly, you know, we can read right here how many lines of resolution the 70mm film has but what is being projected onto the screen how many lines of resolution is that if it's been scanned into digital and then reformatted onto film I'm wondering what the quality loss is there versus just projecting 70mm film like you
Starting point is 01:12:39 take your gigantic 70mm camera film a scene and then what if you just unreeled it put it on the reel and shot it on the screen what's the difference between that um it's just logically speaking film not being digital obviously doesn't you can only estimate what its equivalent would be in terms of resolution right like it's analog it's it's there isn't like a digital there aren't vertical lines on film it's just a picture and what happens is like how much how tight that picture is what its level of perfection is gets limited by things like how perfect and clean the lens was while it was taken how focused it was how like what's the digital equivalent i guess i mean yeah right the digital equivalent, I guess? Yeah, right? The digital equivalent of how ideal that was. And I bet it varies by frame. You know, like if I were to film, say, snow, then it's just white and lost.
Starting point is 01:13:37 And the digital equivalent could be like replicated in 480p. And if I were to film ocean with ripples on it well shucks you know that might be something that's very hard to take over into digital without it being messed up i don't know enough about this to know but i still stand by the film is definitely the the better viewing experience it just has to be based on these numbers alone um i mean even if you lose 50 when you go and you don't even if you lost 50% when you go and you don't, even if you lost 50% of your resolution when you went from 70 millimeter to the digital scanning, uh,
Starting point is 01:14:08 intermediate intermediary process, and then back to film, it's still have more resolution than, than any 10 ADP system. My level of expertise in this is that of a football fan, right? Do I know what a player knows? No,
Starting point is 01:14:22 but this is something that I really follow. And, um um there is a debate some people think that the people who advocate for film like tarantino and apparently nolan are stuck and don't want to learn new skills and some people think that film is actually better and there's debate over it how could it not be how could it not be yeah um shit what in particular i mean has drawbacks but as there are more hiccups you can run into definitely but if it under ideal situations if you just stay there until you get the job done like i mean these movies that are quarter billion dollar movies if you just do a good job with film versus doing a good job with digital, I feel like your end product is just better if you start with film.
Starting point is 01:15:09 For example, so as you know, every frame of a film or digital is just capturing the light. Right. And the three things that impact that light capture are the length of the exposure, the opening of the aperture, right? The size, you know, but the size of the hole that lets the light into the camera, the length of exposure, the aperture, and the shutter speed. Now, the digital sensor can be practically fucking magic that sees in the dark and captures light that is barely there, like night vision, right? Whereas film, they haven't been able to make that as sensitive to low-light conditions as digital is.
Starting point is 01:15:49 That's one example where digital beats film in terms of how sensitive it can be and how well it films low-light conditions. Where digital is stronger is, I guess there was a time when it had better resolution because there's really no limits to it. Like it just, what shines in it gets. Whereas, you know, like on, if you could picture grid paper, that's a sensor, right? And that grid paper, there's 22 million little boxes on there that it's capturing. And it makes it look pretty smooth.
Starting point is 01:16:23 But, you know the the film equivalent is not a great at all so so that's good but they both have their pros and cons and I'm not good enough to list all of them which yeah I'm saying when it comes to shooting in low light conditions digital image sensors easily take the cake cake film can usually be found available in speeds of 100 to 3200 all the 6400 film does exist uh blah blah blah blah high iso cost and convenience high iso in the digital world now is about 128 000 let's see
Starting point is 01:16:56 409 000 on the it says the nikon d4 can shoot 409,000 I'd like to see it like because I know I think the Canon had 256,000 but you wouldn't use it um 409,000 might be grainy garbage but still we're comparing it to what 3200 6400 it's it's not even close yeah i'm looking through here i i think um i just think you're gonna get a better picture from from what i'm reading here even i this digital noise film grain well interesting i i still i post that thing on the subreddit anyway i'd like because because my main um your main interest is whether it ever spends any time in digital and when it goes to digital like let's say okay so they're shooting something like um
Starting point is 01:17:59 12k and if you were to if you were to just project the film presumably it's the equivalent of 12k But we're gonna go through this intermediary digital process in the middle there What what effect does that have on the final product? We were gonna have 12k What are we actually getting more like 8k 9k at the end? I think that's the case which still is above and beyond what you're gonna get with you're not gonna get a 72-foot wide digital screen That's gonna shoot this gonna be 8k
Starting point is 01:18:29 Yeah, I think the top end digital stuff is like 12k right now It's the Snapdragon What is that? Snapdragon Resolution I think I spelled it wrong. Yeah. I think it's the Snapdragon. What is 4K Ultra HD?
Starting point is 01:19:01 Wait, it said 4K. Maybe it's not the Snapdragon. Maybe I'm out of date on that. And that says Qualcomm. I'm messing it up. Red camera. Oh, wow. Resolution. Oh, wow.
Starting point is 01:19:19 What'd you learn? This screen is 83 feet wide. Hmm. This can't be their top one. Man, I think we should let the viewers go while we quietly quietly google our debate yeah probably so but I take some research in an expert or two yeah this 16 K but I think they go higher than that anyway so that was painkiller nearly Tune in later to see who's right
Starting point is 01:20:06 about digital editing or something. Yeah, whatever it is. Yeah, and let's go check out the debates. Alright. Yeah, I'm gonna go do that now. Alright, bye. Catch you later. See ya.

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