Painkiller Already - PKN #66

Episode Date: November 27, 2015

This week on know what, just listen to find out...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Alright, PKN episode 65. You know, Taylor said he might make one of these. Yeah, yeah, I saw that in the chat today, or in the text. We'll see. I'm here! Yeah, I've always been here! That'll be good. Yeah, it'll be nice to work, man.
Starting point is 00:00:16 Me and him and Chiz played a ton of zombies the other night, and it was just awful. I gotta say, so two big games have come out, Fallout and Call of Duty. Three. Battlefront and Star Wars dropped, I think. Yeah, that's today. Or midnight last night, I think. I'm gonna get on that. But the two big that I have some experience
Starting point is 00:00:36 with, I'm absolutely in love with Fallout. I feel like I could put, I've got, how many hours did I say? It's a day and 14 hours or 15 hours something like that so like 30 uh yeah like 30 something hours 31 32 hours i'm still in love with it and could play another 30 for sure like i like even right now i'm wanting to like delve deeper into the regions i'm exploring and get more cool stuff and collect it and get stronger and bigger and faster
Starting point is 00:01:03 but call of duty which used to do that for me with the ranking up and getting to level 55 or 65, whatever it may be, depending on the game, I'm not feeling that at all. Have you played the campaign? I haven't played enough of it to give a reviewer's sort of opinion on it, but from what I did play, it's a standard Call of Duty campaign. I enjoy those. I'm excited about the cod campaigns a lot of people think that i have bad taste in video games because i enjoy cod campaigns you know it's on rails etc but um i don't know to me the cod campaigns are almost exactly what i want from a video game i don't i've since played Minecraft a lot and learned to play games that aren't on
Starting point is 00:01:46 Rails but I still enjoy a good on Rails game I like Portal is one of my favorite games ever and that thing is totally on Rails yeah it totally is I felt like I mean there's a point early in the campaign where you're like alright we're gonna kill all these bad guys
Starting point is 00:02:01 on the bridge and then go over the bridge and then we'll evac and it's like and you kill all the guys and then like more bad guys come and they're like oh this isn't gonna work fuck it below the bridge we'll go the other way and in that regard like i don't know it feels like real life to me not like it's on rails it feels more like an actual military mission that's planned out of course and you know where you're gonna evac to and i have a fallout question something i don't understand um i'm not a fallout guy i've touched it just briefly but it seemed like in fallout new vegas for example most of the stuff all over the place was garbage you know like you don't pick up every little thing you find because
Starting point is 00:02:38 it's broken garbage whatever something about fallout 4 everything i read online is that like every like oh really like a desk fan a desk fan and crumpled up tinfoil oh lucky day yeah why is everything so useful now so in fallout 3 um there was this aspect of building custom weapons but there were only if i remember correctly i i'm more of a new vegas than 3, but I remember there was a weapon called the shish kebab, and you made it with junk you found around, and it was a cool weapon, and I enjoy doing that. This time, they expanded upon that exponentially. So you can build, you take components from the things you find.
Starting point is 00:03:19 So let's say you find a glass cup, which is the ultimate worthless item. Like, it's almost worth zero coin, and it weighs half a pound or something like that. But in this game, it's glass. So if you need glass to make a scope for your rifle, then you get some of that glass from just anything that's made of glass. There's fiber optic material in certain components. All of the components that things are made out of,
Starting point is 00:03:40 you get those from the junk. So a desk fan has screws in it and you want those screws screws are very rare in the wasteland and you need screws to build anything so with the components with the junk you're building everything from settlement items like an artillery piece that you can put there and then throw in smoke grenades so you can rain artillery down on bad guys later to like a new scope for your pistol huh that makes sense yeah just useful again somebody was telling me that grand theft auto 5 had a half a billion dollars in development costs and i mean look i heard it on team speak from a person who played it so i don't know what better source you
Starting point is 00:04:19 could ask for yeah but like that sounds i remember hearing a number that was like a couple a couple hundred million and thinking like that's like a blockbuster movie yeah 500 million that is a lot uh i get a five development oh well okay so on this thing i just googled it real quick and they say 265 million so you know 265 million the sales hit a billion i don't know what percentage of that sales the developer keeps i mean i know gamestop gets a piece or microsoft or whatever and the distributors yeah all the way down the line but it seems like if the sales hit a billion they're probably a good bit past that now a billion and a half and they made money on it but i wonder what fallout 4 costs to make because it's another game that strikes me as
Starting point is 00:05:06 really deep and broad and and you know they put a lot of money into i guess it it has some areas that i find it to be lacking in okay and everybody's everybody's complaining about the first of all we'll say the dialogue it probably cost a lot just to script all the characters um i think i read somewhere about how long the script was for Fallout, and it was enormous. I love it. It has some areas that it could be better in and some things that I wish weren't the way they were,
Starting point is 00:05:36 but it really is a solid 8 out of 10, I feel like. Like a legitimate 8 out of 10, not the 8 out of 10 that video game magazines just sell to people these days um it's almost a perfect game i love it uh but yeah i would imagine it was expensive to build the graphics are just the graphics aren't as good as i would like because i'm playing on a fucking console uh well pc people have said have had similar complaints I guess the basic thing is on PC they say the graphics are good but a game like fallout is one where you might expect graphics to break new ground and they didn't but as the games are all like that though like you remember the I don't know like the horses and likes
Starting point is 00:06:19 Skyrim and yeah they're just they were so great. They go off mountains and stuff. They could climb anything. The horses could go up places that I could never walk. No, you could mountain climb up maybe, but they would just gallop straight up a wall. There are little things like that that are annoying at times, but
Starting point is 00:06:39 on the whole, I feel like it's a great, great game. There will be mods. I'm sure there will be texture mods and for the for the PC I know that some of the mods are gonna go to console too But I think those are the mods that are gonna be like an additional weapon additional armor You know little bug fixes and stuff like that I don't think they're gonna get that I know they're not gonna get the mods that the PC community will have for for
Starting point is 00:07:05 I know they're not going to get the mods that the PC community will have for revamping the look of the game. Because the Xbox One, PS4 just can't handle it. They're barely handling what they've got. Like, I lose a lot of frames when I'm in, like, an urban environment in a big gunfight. You can tell I'm losing frame rate. You know, this is the sort of thing a console plebe would say, so forgive me, purists. But I remember frames would drop during some of the most awesome things. Like, I don't know, when you beat the last character in Borderlands 1, you know, it explodes with loot in the air and frames would drop. And I grew to associate dropped frames with kind of a reward.
Starting point is 00:07:44 Like, dropped frames were... You can't even handle what I just did. I didn't even think of them as dropped frames. Just like the sound goes crazy, the thing starts blinking, and things shoot off. It was never... The giant celebration things were either quick time or, better yet, just dropped frames. You know? Jumpy.
Starting point is 00:08:05 I know. Yeah. And when I saw that, you know? Jumpy. I know him. Yeah, and when I saw that, it was like, I don't know. It just, I guess, Pavlonian triggered some sort of reward system. Like, you just did something incredible! You know? Here's the thing you don't see. I know exactly what you mean,
Starting point is 00:08:21 but I would rather have my frames and be like, look how smooth that is as eight mini-nukes go off at once and all those super mutants go flying and that whole building collapses. I'm with you. I think the 2015 me would see that as a, I would see drop frames as a problem. But dude, like 2012 me totally would get psyched about drop frames. I would think they'd be pretty cool. So. It's a game that's got tons of replay i'm
Starting point is 00:08:46 gonna be playing that a lot but like you said battlefront just came out and while i haven't played it at all never played a game from that series or even a star wars game because i i never thought that the reason i didn't is because there's lightsabers in star wars and i thought like there's no way you're ever going to get a legitimate sword fight correct on a video game i've never seen it. I've played lots of games that have shields and swords and it's rare that one of them feels natural or normal. But I'm definitely excited for Battlefront. I think I'm gonna pick it up. I know Taylor's gonna pick it up. Chiz probably will too. I think we should do some PK plays, honestly,
Starting point is 00:09:21 on that. I feel like that's a game that's really conducive to that. Like that mission on Hoth where you have to defend against the overwhelming odds. That'd be a great PK plays, honestly, on that. I feel like that's a game that's really conducive to that. Like that mission on Hoth where you have to defend against the overwhelming odds. That'd be a great PK plays, I feel like. Maybe. I'm thinking of a whole playthrough on the COD campaign. But I don't know. There's another balance. What does the world want to see?
Starting point is 00:09:39 But that's something that I'm particularly interested in. I would definitely like to do a live stream of that. Because I don't know what you're going to do with all that video content because it's hours and hours. Like five hours minimum, right? You might be right. It's five hours minimum for sure
Starting point is 00:09:54 because I feel like, and I don't know how many co-op it is, if it's just two, I'd be willing to do it with you if you want, or if it's four and we get all the guys going. But Battlefront's definitely one where we could all go. Zombies is another where we can all go. Zombies is another one where we can all go. I told you the zombies story from last night,
Starting point is 00:10:10 but I guess I'll tell the audience out there. So the new zombies map requires a lot of running around, turning things on, mutating into a beast, jumping up in places, repelling, electrifying boxes, smashing open crates to access hidden items, assembling various items into a ritual, performing the ritual hiding from the witches, compelling, electrifying boxes, smashing open crates to access hidden items, assembling various items into a ritual, performing the ritual hiding from the witches, doing this four times repeatedly, and then assembling all the slugs that you get from each ritual
Starting point is 00:10:34 in a hidden portal that you then open into a never realm after you fight a couple three-headed monsters. Then you get your pack-a-punch, your juggernaut, your speed cola, all that shit. It takes a while. Even though we've done it a few times now, it takes at least 30 minutes to actually, alright, now we're playing zombies. Maybe more. Maybe that's a real conservative estimate. It could take an hour. The first time it definitely took an hour, and we
Starting point is 00:10:56 failed multiple tries. So last night we get on. Me, Chiz, Taylor, and Taylor's girlfriend who's very good. Better than me. And we got everything going. and it was wonderful. We're like round 15, 16, now we're cruising, now we're having fun. And the whole game just drops. We lost all that progress. Everything was over. We would have to start completely over again from scratch and it was like 2 in the morning. So I was just like, you know,
Starting point is 00:11:20 that really leaves a bad taste in my mouth. And Taylor's like, well let's play some multiplayer and get it out of our system. And I'm just like, oh yeah, that'll do. Let's take a real ass stomping. That'll be great. I was telling him, when we get on and suck at Call of Duty, it must be like what Bruce Jenner is going to feel like. I imagine if Bruce Jenner got challenged to a foot race today and like some guy just kicks it.
Starting point is 00:11:42 That's what it feels like. I feel like we used to be good at this thing, and we're not anymore, and it's sad. And we did okay last night. We won some games. I went 15-5 one time, which was my best game of the night, I think. But all three of us are not very good.
Starting point is 00:12:00 We really struggled. I'm having a hard time enjoying Call of Duty, and I've tried on multiple occasions. I think the thing I really like about it is that we're all playing together and that's what's making it fun. You could take Call of Duty out and insert any other game. We could be playing Battlefield 3 and I think I would be having the same amount of fun. So Valve in like 2012-ish I'll say, maybe it was 13, said they were not going to make any more single-player games. They were just done. They thought single-player games were dead.
Starting point is 00:12:30 And I think they were looking at like the success of, say, Black Ops 1 or Modern Warfare. I think Modern Warfare 3 is actually the highest-selling copy ever. I just looked at it recently. Good. Yeah, and it's funny because it's not the most loved, I don't think. But anyway, Valve said no more multiplayer games. I don't know if they stuck to it.
Starting point is 00:12:48 But as I look at the landscape right now, things like Fallout 3, Skyrim, I can't name too many of the other fallouts like New Vegas and stuff. The Witcher. Okay. It seems like there's a place for single-player games for sure. But on the other hand that means god they have to be like movie productions yeah i i feel like you're gonna i feel like it's hard to make a good game cheaply these days if you're a major studio and you're making like a uh what they call it an
Starting point is 00:13:16 a game a class what are they triple a i think triple a title yeah that's what they'd say um and meanwhile you got games on from indie developers on the PC and on... Sorry. It's alright. You've got games like that bomb defusal game, which I'm down to play, but the only way
Starting point is 00:13:38 I'll play that bomb defusal game is if there is a day of practice. I want a day of... I'm going to have to get a notepad out. I'm going to have to have shortcuts. There's going to be highlighter involved. I don't want to be the guy who describes the bomb. I don't think.
Starting point is 00:13:51 I was going to... That's where I was headed. I think I see myself as the middle guy, but I don't know if I should be. I feel like among the PKA people, I think Chiz is the best at video games. I want to believe that there's a game or two that i might be better but i don't really have any evidence to support that you know it seems like we're matched pretty evenly in cod i felt like last night we'd we'd now i'll say earlier you
Starting point is 00:14:17 said like you know the addition of chis was oh it was definitely beneficial like it helped us but but you know he'd end up on the other team every now and then, and I took care of him. You know, he'd get half of them, and I'd get half of them, and we ran into each other. Yeah, yeah. And I also feel like I was as good as Chiz in COD, but I'm probably not now.
Starting point is 00:14:37 We've put so much time in COD that there's just kind of like a, there's still some muscle memory there, and there's just the basic, I look at a map, and I can see where to go. Like, oh, I'm not going right through the middle. Let's stay out here to the edges. Right. Maybe you know not to sprint around corners and a couple other things.
Starting point is 00:14:51 And they've done their best to take all the head glitching out of the game, but there's still spots where if you back up down a ramp and then pop up just right, you can find an advantageous spot. But regardless, yeah, Chiz is really good. What do you think he should be the... All right, I got four different puzzles. I got a sign on the side is he that guy or is that you i don't know i see myself as the central guy i don't know why i i i will say it seems like most of the like leadership or organizational task i think that often comes to me you know like i i do the payroll
Starting point is 00:15:22 and or whatever i don't know if that translates to video games at all um well you've also got to be the one who like um manipulates the box in every way so you are the only one who's like hand-eye coordination even matters you've got to be like click click click that's true too but i don't know that's a hand-eye coordination game i think that part of it is one place where chis might not excel is in the relationship dynamic, right? Like, I've known him for years now. He's never made a mistake, you know, or at least never copped a one. You know, like, it takes a happy team to enjoy this thing together.
Starting point is 00:16:02 And I feel like if you put him in the middle of it, he gonna be cursing you out for your incompetence and stuff and it would be a lot like wings being in the middle oh it's true that's that's it would be like that well in any case what's it called because i'm sure there are listeners like what do you mean bomb defusal game it's called keep talking before you explode keep talking and and nobody explodes, something like that. Yeah, and the premise is like one person is manipulating a briefcase bomb, and the bomb is covered with these little mini game, mini puzzles all over it. They have to be defused in a certain way, and you describe those issues to your bomb defusal guys over audio.
Starting point is 00:16:43 They can't visually see the bomber. That'd be cheating. And just by you describing what the issue is, they go through like, not a book, of course. Like a defusal manual. There's an online HTML manual on how to beat stuff. So I might say, okay, it's a puzzle. The starting block is here.
Starting point is 00:16:59 The obstacle one is here and obstacle two is there. And the video we watched, these people had a language. Like, so there's kind of a grid and they're like all right i'm starting at five three there's a red thing at five two and there's a green thing at nine six yeah and then meaning five rows to the right and three rows down that's where i'm starting and yeah there were but there were multiple he'd lay this out so i'm sorry to cut you off. And then I haven't played the game, but it would seem like Kyle would go and find the solution to what I just described to him. So while he's finding out that solution,
Starting point is 00:17:32 I'm describing another game to someone else, and then I get Kyle's answer, and then I get that other person's answer, you know, and whatever little minute. Because time's ticking down. Time's ticking down. In the video we saw, they had five minutes. I don't know if that's standard,
Starting point is 00:17:42 but they seemed to be playing on. If that wasn't as difficult as it gets, I would hate to see something harder because the briefcase was completely covered in puzzles. There were like 12 puzzles on the case. I want to say they described their level, and it was something like crazy hardcore or something like that. I think they beat the – they seemed perfect to me. There was – everything they did was right. I think they beat the... They seemed perfect to me. Like there was...
Starting point is 00:18:06 Everything they did was right. I don't see how... Not a lot of wasted time. No, I mean... You could shake 10 seconds off maybe, but I don't know how you'd get much more than that. Because they did it with 0.7 seconds. Yep, 0.7 seconds.
Starting point is 00:18:20 Seven tenths of a second is all that was left. And I don't see how they could have had much more time than that despair they were very not much more like i think there were seconds there because there was one time when he was like the guy was like oh i thought i was on this and there was just a little confusion but it seemed like there was no like silence where they're like oh well all right get it done he was he immediately just moves to the next person all right well diana you've got it then let me go to you and i'll go back to Charles or whatever their names were. Yep, yep. And the guy in the middle handled all this stress and troubleshooting like I would aspire to.
Starting point is 00:18:50 He was great. He never got mad at anyone. He was just sort of like everything worked out great. So I would like to practice that if we're going to do it, if we wanted to take that on. I feel like that would be really conducive to good video because they're short, right? Five minutes, it seems. Well, I've seen hour-long videos,
Starting point is 00:19:12 so I don't know if they had more time or didn't even watch them. Yeah, I assume those were multiple attempts, like them just trying to climb the mountain over and over and failing. That's a good assumption. In any case, there's definitely a a five minute game that we could play and it'd be fun to do I'd like to I feel like after an hour or even a whole day of playing the thing
Starting point is 00:19:30 that we those HTML files or whatever they are I'd want to print that out first of all it'd be great if you had that in front of you on like a lectern type deal that's right in front of you with like regions highlighted and bolded and underlined so that you're not reading any bullshit maybe edit the document a little to make it even more usable like regions highlighted and bolded and underlined so that you're not reading any bullshit.
Starting point is 00:19:48 Maybe edit the document a little to make it even more usable. I have a news update. Totally unrelated. Did you know Chiz was moving home? Yep. You knew? When did you learn? I'm not sure if I'm at liberty to say.
Starting point is 00:20:01 Several days ago. I found out yesterday. I know. Yeah. so that's the thing i mean the way he explained it to me is you know he loves the family and we were very good to him and such but he wants to be home with his father and he hated the physical labor yep that's that's pretty much what i got as well yeah i i i'm a secret keeper, so he wanted to tell you first or whatever, and I think what happened was something would happen on Woody Craft or something in your personal life that kind of bum you out for the day, and he'd be like,
Starting point is 00:20:34 ah, well, I don't want to pile this on top of that. Let's wait until tomorrow, and he'll be having a better day, and then tomorrow will come around, and then, ah, well, this fucking ball dropped, and we've got to look after this thing so like it'd been a few days that he wanted to tell you and so me and him and taylor had discussed all this and he and he and me and taylor were laughing because because like we were trying to scare him but like oh what he's not going to take this well it's one bit and like me and taylor were even talking about like i was like taylor what if I tell Chiz that I have discussed this with Woody in private and that he has contacted Chiz's father and they've arranged to get power of attorney over Chiz to get him back on track?
Starting point is 00:21:13 We're not going to let him quit this. We're going to get power of attorney over Chiz and force him to stay and work. I think that was very believable. No, he's pretty competent on his own. But yeah. With his father's testimony and his employer as well, I feel like we could maybe get him
Starting point is 00:21:38 declared mentally incompetent and get power of attorney over him like Britney Spears scenario and put him right back out there on the work the work site so i don't think chis and i are going to be building a shop together i don't think that's a thing that was the original thing if you don't remember he he moved the pitch went like this woody what if we could get this shop you're talking about for free or even make money off of it i And I'm like, I'm listening. He's like, I will move out there and we will build it together and we'll get sponsors and all that sort of thing. And, um,
Starting point is 00:22:12 that was the, the idea. It, I think it's more work than he knew, you know, and I'm out there kind of enjoying it. Right. Like I lost some weight, I got some sun, I'm happy, you know, like to me things are going pretty well. But to him, like one of the things he mentioned to me was that when he finished working, he was like wiped out. Like, I don't, you've worked out before, you know, how sometimes you just really beat yourself up you're not ready to like do your desk job after that no there's like a 9 p.m like if you get if you're really working out hard like you're doing two a day or if i just go out and like film when i go out and film like after that day i'm just a special kind of exhausted where like my body's still there but my mind isn't so yeah i can relate to that yeah that's what he said he said you know he was just
Starting point is 00:23:03 he was missing it missing his chill time because he was just, he was missing his chill time because he was just exhausted by the time he'd do that. And I don't think he was enjoying that either. And I think his back annoyed. It's been a couple months since he's done anything. Like he's maybe worked one day in the last couple months. I know. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:23:20 Jackie actually works with me more than she is. So that's a thing. But, you know, he's ready to go home he also wanted to you know see his high school friends and his dad and stuff like that and i think he's just uh you know i don't it's a whole different thing when i was little like getting out on your own and like there was a concept of being a man, which is a really fuzzy thing in general. But at least in my house, one of the things that made you a man was to sort of get out and support yourself and et cetera. I feel like that's changed now. You know, like people will stay like Lefty, I don't think, has many intentions of leaving home ever ish i don't know
Starting point is 00:24:06 and i and i'm not sure his dad wants him to leave he looked now both of these guys have looked like they might have a little italian blood in them i know that's an italian thing where you stay with mama and into your like 30s and 40s in some cases uh maybe maybe that's part of it no that it is for me too like for i just wanted to be away from my parents for one thing like i don't want my actions to be judged on an hourly basis. Every time I make contact with mom and dad, them judging me in some way or having any authority over anything I do.
Starting point is 00:24:34 I didn't want any of that. I wanted to be on my own and kind of rule my own roost, literally and figuratively. That was a big motivator for me, being on my own, ruling my own roost, etc. The judging, like you said. But also That was a big motivator for me, like being on my own, ruling my own roost, etc. The judging, like you said. But also there was a very, like my father verbalized at one time.
Starting point is 00:24:51 He's like, listen, I am the king. And then everyone around here, their objective is to please me. They're my subjects. They're his subjects. They're subject to my whims and wills. Yeah. my subjects they're my they're his subjects they're subject to my whims and wills yeah and things go well for everyone if you devote your work and attention in life to pleasing me and uh it's i in in my head that translated to well clearly i've got to get the fuck out of this
Starting point is 00:25:20 situation right you know like and okay sergeant dad i'm gonna be uh i i the television right i i out of this situation, right? You know, like, and... Okay, Sergeant Dad, I'm going to be leaving. The television, right? It's just TV. It's whatever. But to me, it's, again, a microcosm what everything was like. I would watch TV, and if he wanted to, he would come in the room,
Starting point is 00:25:40 take the remote from my lap, change it, and you don't have any say in that you know fuck you it it's his and he would put on shit like not that we both liked you know it was the news or c-span um he might even choose a channel i i'm making this part up designed to get me to leave the room like oh yeah we're watching c-span because I like C-SPAN you stay in you know like like this is all nonverbal but it's like like I swear C-SPAN is a special kind of fuck you to an 18 year old. It's boring to political majors who like live and
Starting point is 00:26:19 breathe this shit like nobody likes C-SPAN I hate that. He's watching the votes come in on a bill that no one even knows what it is yeah some bullshit bill that bill that means nothing so it's not even like a a major landmark bill or anything yeah i know exactly what you mean we all had televisions like everybody had their own but there was the one in the living room and those days like not every television had access to cable or satellite and we had satellite because cable doesn't run out to where we lived so like there was only two televisions in the house that that had like the satellite signal so you got all the channels you know i had a similar type setup yeah i think ours
Starting point is 00:26:54 had a decoder box so there were like basic like 13 basic channels around the house but the living room had them all yeah that was the difference and the living room has HBO, all the good stuff. It was the same thing. I think me and my dad would always watch this. I was usually the navigator. I'd be like, give me that thing. I've got my own personal guide where I weeded out all the
Starting point is 00:27:17 bullshit channels. Me and my dad aren't going to watch anything on Lifetime Network. We're not going to watch the cooking channel. So I got my own 30 channels channels i'd flip through those like what do you think about modern marvels you want to see how they make aluminum cans yeah and we'd always find something to agree on but if my mom came in it was like all right let me go find something else to fucking do i can only watch emerald legassi go bam and throw some spices on something for so many years before i just want to blow my head off um yeah i think
Starting point is 00:27:44 chiz has a relationship. He even mentioned your father. He's like, I think my relationship with my father is a lot more like Kyle's relationship with his where, you know, they're like it's evolved from a parent son thing to almost a parent son friend thing. Totally. Yeah, we're buddies. Yeah, very much so.
Starting point is 00:28:00 Like, I feel like when we have conversations, we're on we're on we're definitely even like standing ground. Like as far as like my opinions mean just as much as his and my opinions mean as much to him as his do to me. And I don't know. We like doing fun things together. That is so not my relationship with my dad. And I want to hear more about this. But dude, like my father, he said this to Hope, but it's the sort of thing he might say to me too.
Starting point is 00:28:28 It is amusing to me just how uneducated you are on this, right? Like that is a disrespectful fucking thing to say, right? Like I laugh at your stupidity. You got to come back with something good for that. Well, on that one, we did. On that particular one, basically, Jackie and I were both like, whoa, whoa, whoa. And he's like, what? I'm just saying it's funny.
Starting point is 00:28:57 Horseshit. You know that's disrespectful. She, Hope, was just being an angel. They were debating something, but she was just being an angel they were debating something but she was just being perfect respectful you know listening to his opinion etc and then he's shitting on her then we're just like that is not how you talk to people and you wanted to know how they got all those animals on the boat and then he would like try to rephrase it rewrite recent recent history. Like, no, I was just trying. What I meant by that was horse shit, horse shit. No one buys it.
Starting point is 00:29:28 You were a disrespectful dad, like granddad. And if you want to have a relationship with your grandkids, then you can't talk to them like that. You know, that is how you isolate yourself from the rest of your own family. And if that's what you want, it's what you're getting. Like, that's the kind of, he was. Yeah, I remember yeah i remember you telling me he didn't go anywhere with that one but it's uh it i i feel like i don't there was another one where like i think hope was like you know we're not getting
Starting point is 00:29:57 i'm not getting any backup here he's awful to me and you know i like i feel unsupported and uh you know I hung out with dad for a couple hours tonight we're just sitting around talking with a couple other guys having a few beers and uh he was talking about uh him and my mom went to a restaurant the other night and they know the owner of the restaurant I think or like know him sort of he knows them they're not close friends or anything but in any case dad gets up he's paying my mom's waiting by the door I think I says how was your meal he said said, oh, it was rough. I could barely eat it. He said, well, what was wrong?
Starting point is 00:30:29 He's like, there's a woman over there fucking raising hell. She's over there yelling and screaming. I couldn't enjoy my meal. He said, well, who was it? He's like, is that one over there standing by the door? He said, isn't that your wife? Yeah. I saw where that was going
Starting point is 00:30:45 that's great mom's like that wasn't funny at all yeah i've got a real uh like buddy kind of thing because i think that i remind my dad a lot of his younger brother who died and we have more of a we've got a little bit of that kind of relationship going on he'll he'll accidentally call me his dead brother's name every now and then I think I look a lot like him I've seen pictures of him and I look a lot like his brother who passed away and he was really close with that brother he's got two brothers the one is a few years younger than him and the other was like the baby of the family he was like 12 years younger and that's the one who died of brain cancer when I was like two years old. And so I think I remind him a lot of his younger brothers. We got that
Starting point is 00:31:28 kind of dynamic going on. I like my dad. I respect him. I really value his advice. You know, sometimes I call him for stuff like, like Woody Craft's staff issues or whatever. And just, you know, how do you work this? And this is what I'm getting from him and like these are the options I'm contemplating and then you know he'll give me feedback he's managed people for like 40 years of management experience something like that I mean like this is a serious I I was even his feedback was so valuable to me you know the whole like white privilege thing and even like you know like my father didn't give me a lot of money some and i appreciate it um i paid for most of my own school and stuff but uh as i'm
Starting point is 00:32:14 calling him and getting this kind of advice and counseling um i was like oh this is some real privileged stuff here like i really value you know what he can say and help me with but um uh he i feel like there's always this overarching sort of judgment and feeling that i've never measured up like never in my whole life have i felt like he was proud of me or or like like things turned out okay with this one i had a moment like that that was really touching to me that i all that i think i'll always remember where i'm about to cry thinking about it i just remember uh one christmas a few years ago um something got brought up about what i do or something that's like um i he said something like i can't take any of the credit for he did it all on his own he's like he he sat over there and worked at it and worked at it.
Starting point is 00:33:07 And I would discourage him daily. And he just took my discouragement and made something out of it. You know, I was in spite of what I was doing and saying, you know, he went and did this thing and became successful. And that was really nice. I felt like. That is really cool. Yeah cool yeah yeah that's pretty neat um no i think my father would just move on from one area that i need improvement to the next for a long time it was financial and i wasn't doing bad like you know i was
Starting point is 00:33:41 i think a pretty successful white collar employee you know I think a pretty successful white-collar employee you know doing okay no no no debt I know I remember what you were making you were doing exceptionally well as far as I'm better than most right you know I heard and by better than most like better than like 90% of people maybe 95% of people we looked it up the other day you were still in the 5%, I think, when you're talking about this judging moment. I was in the 5%. All right, that was me. I was the 5%. And, you know, he'd come to me and be like, Matt. He calls me Matt. Like, there's going to be a time in your life that you need money for something. And, like, basically, like, you've got to step up your finance game.
Starting point is 00:34:21 And he doesn't talk to me about that so much anymore. Now it's my my faith game you know like and i wonder i hope my brother doesn't see this but my brother in many measures is a step behind me uh you know he's got a great wife and family or whatever but um i like mine even more he's uh you know, financially, I'm doing better there. And faith-wise, I think he's the same as me, although he doesn't verbalize it, you know. He'll just go along to get along, like whatever. And I wonder how his conversations with my father go, you know, like I bet you he gets the same sort of you know hey i've been looking you over these are the areas i think you need to work on and it's like fuck like really like he's 44
Starting point is 00:35:14 you're gonna cut that shit out at some point he's gonna keep going till 50 until the day you die dad are you gonna sit here and point out deficiencies in the kids? I can't relate to that very much. I mean, definitely he'll set me straight if he feels like I'm doing something stupid, or if he feels like something I've done is dumb. Like, he'll let me know, but he'll also have this thing where it's just like,
Starting point is 00:35:40 you know, I'm just trying to guide you here, but, you know, you live your own life. You do what you want in all these regards. But maybe look at this. He's never made me feel bad or anything. Yeah, he's called me lazy and stuff before, but I was being lazy. Yeah, he definitely doesn't size me up and try to pick apart what I'm doing or anything because I got you know I'm I'm about to be 30 and you know I got a lot of things
Starting point is 00:36:12 already kind of figured out for the most part I feel like I'm doing okay if you're anything like me you're perfectly capable of self-diagnosing you know they get some introspection there like yeah this is where I'm strong this is where I. You know, this is what I need to do. You know, why aren't I doing this? Like, I don't know. Yeah, I think I'm good at that. I don't like having someone to be like, well, here are the things that I found. You've been measured, and I've found you wanting, here's why um always wanting always wanting uh you know I wonder what how his take on this would be like I wonder if he would uh yeah and look what and look what it made you boy right that could be one way to go about it. Or maybe I just want you to hit next level.
Starting point is 00:37:07 And I know that Jackie's father, he's dead. But he always seemed really proud of his girls. He thought they turned out great. And that scene, that was always a stark difference too. Like I remember I got fired from a job. I made a video about this once, but I was, maybe I was 23-ish, 22-ish,
Starting point is 00:37:35 something like that. I did accounts payable and receivable for this construction company. And to wrap up the story, to keep it moving, people would, my job was, the bulk of the work was up the story, to keep it moving, people would, my job was, the bulk of the work was paying the bills. Receiving money was just a couple large sums.
Starting point is 00:37:51 It wasn't nearly the work, but paying out all the like hundreds of transactions a day. And the people who were on site, who actually built things needed to give me what we called a receiver, like proof that we received it. Because if you didn't have that otherwise people just send companies bills like it sometimes i'm tempted to just fucking bill companies and see what checks come back it just goes through yeah yeah so my job
Starting point is 00:38:15 was to make sure that we actually received the things that we were billed for and um the foreman on site his job was to tell me what he used it for because every part of the job there was like this little accounting that it was budgeted for so like if it's a railroad for example i think the ballast you know the rocks that go under all the railroad ties that's the ballast right then you'd have this much in ties and this much in laying all the spikes and whatever it was bridges and shit um everything they would like we think this part will be a million and this part will be quarter million and this part will be three million and they want to compare their estimates to the reality so i would have to job cost all these things you know this part of it
Starting point is 00:38:53 went to this part of the job a lot to keep straight they didn't do their job the the foreman on the site would they either didn't code it or they would just like take the receivers crawl them a couple up in a ball and throw them away. And now I'm like swarming with bills. And then like I'd call them on the phone and get it and then pay the bill. Then the receiver would come in later and it's like fucking 10 times harder to match it because it's not a current bill. I'm like going through the file cabinets on the wall.
Starting point is 00:39:20 And it was a nightmare. It was a nightmare. And it was made 10 times difficult by the fact that I didn't whip the field staff into shape. The adult version of me would have been like, hey, fuckhead.
Starting point is 00:39:33 I feel like you gotta go to the boss man and say, hey, look, come down here and look at what I'm dealing with because I got all this coming in, no proof that we received any of it, no proof, no idea of where it's actually being used
Starting point is 00:39:45 in some cases when I do get the proof of it. There's money floating around everywhere in here and I don't know what to do. Yeah, yeah. The adult version of me would have been like, these guys are not doing their job and it's impossible for me to do mine, right? I'm dependent on them.
Starting point is 00:39:58 You gotta know where we are here. The child version of me just like protected everybody. You know, I never told the boss they weren't doing their thing. I just worked at, I worked like 110 hours a week at that job. Sometimes 120. Jackie would help me. And that meant a lot to me. She'd come in on weekends and we'd match shit and work and worked all my waking hours. I pulled straight Fs one term in college because I couldn't do it. And that was the time with the bad weather. And anyway, when I got fired from that, Jackie's parents were like, oh man, these companies, can you believe them? Isn't that terrible? They chew you up. They spit you out. They don't care about people anymore. Right. I got fired because my boss didn't have confidence that we were writing checks for the
Starting point is 00:40:47 right stuff um and then i don't blame him right i don't know that i thought i did it all right either i was being not sabotaged but you know like no one would have succeeded with the the people around me that i did but uh that i had, but just the same Jackie's parents supported me. They just, that was just their default position. Like, dude, they're terrible. Oh my God, you work so hard. You know, they don't know what they're losing. You were going to tear that place up and take it over. And, uh, you know, my family, on the other hand, Matt got fired. Matt's not very good at work stuff. Matt must not be too smart. Matt must not, you know, like I know he worked hard, but sometimes that's not enough to get you by, huh?
Starting point is 00:41:32 And there was a huge contrast. And it's my, I think we were just engaged at the time, or maybe even just dating, but like my girlfriend's parents seemed to be more supportive of me than my own and uh in i just i learned that that was always the way they just supported each other all the time i don't even know if it's good you know unconditional support everything they do is fine they're always on each other's sides maybe that's what family's supposed to be or maybe it's somewhere somewhere in between and so like if you're fucking up you need to be they need to let you know you're fucking up and and sometimes that's just saying hey i see you're fucking up just so you know i'm not going to support you as you fuck up like if you're going to do this thing then you really can't count on me to go
Starting point is 00:42:26 along with it, because that's tantamount to me signing off on this silly thing you're going off to do, like when I moved off to Atlanta for a girl. But at the same time, if something bad happened, I feel like they've always been super supportive. Although I don't need a lot of support,
Starting point is 00:42:42 I don't need a lot of patting on the back and telling me it's all going to be okay I really hate that to be honest like when everybody's like oh it's okay man everything's going to be fine it's like really is it okay or are you just fucking saying that because it's your first response because it's not going to be okay unless I like do this this and that and then this this and that happens
Starting point is 00:42:58 only in that scenario is it okay things are not okay but somewhere in between I feel like is what I would like from a parent. I feel like there's been times when I didn't get all the support I would have wanted, or they weren't understanding when I wished they had been.
Starting point is 00:43:16 But, I mean, everybody's got fucked up parents. There's very few people who are happy with their parental situation. We were discussing like a bunch of this stuff the other night me and taylor and taylor's girlfriend and i guess i shouldn't retell her story but like we were talking about like family issues and taylor told a story about uh like a controversy in his family and i was like oh that's rough man that's that's that's stuff. And then she told one that was even worse.
Starting point is 00:43:45 And I was like, ah, my problems are fine. Fuck it. I feel so much better about hearing those two scenarios because they both had some really rough, earth-shaking family stuff that happened to them at one time or another, and it was rough. I picture this all happening over zombies. Oh, totally. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I remember what all happening over zombies. Oh, totally.
Starting point is 00:44:05 Yeah, yeah, yeah. I remember what I was doing in zombies at the time. Did your headset come in, by the way? Today. Yeah, it exists. It's still in the package. I had a couple things that came in. I had a lot of things that came in today.
Starting point is 00:44:17 Colin's got a new computer, kind of. Nice. I'm down to play anytime, as always. I'd love to get on. Like I said, it's not the game so much that's fun. I'd be up to play anything on the... Any game, really. If you want to play on PC or Xbox or anything at all.
Starting point is 00:44:33 I'd like to play some games. But the zombies, to me, is more about the camaraderie and just the teamwork. Maybe even tonight. I have to... See, Woody Wednesday... Live stream! Live stream! I put up woody wednesday on um wednesdays yeah and i like to have them recorded before then so tonight i'm going to
Starting point is 00:44:54 record well how do you know when to put it up though i'm confused right on wednesday i can't believe i explained that but uh i like to record it before then, and it's Tuesday night. And that's why I asked if we could record this a little bit earlier, because Jackie's going to help me. Yeah, I got that text, and I was sitting there with my dad. I left like five minutes later, but I was away. Gotcha. Oh, so you fixed your car, your truck, I should say.
Starting point is 00:45:20 Oh, God, it's been such a nightmare. So I've got a 2008 Chevrolet four-door, I think it's the LT trim model. It's got the big engine in it. It's got bed cover. It's a decent truck. I bought it for $15,000 with 45,000 miles on it about three, four years ago. Very good deal at the time. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:45:39 But it had water damage. But they showed me this whole receipt where they had spent $8,500 revamping everything. New wiring harness, new this, new that. They did it all at a Chevrolet dealership, so the warranty was even still intact, if I remember correctly. People tend to be a little more qualified at the dealership. They work on that car all the time. They send them for training. Yeah, whatever.
Starting point is 00:46:03 So I figured that was all good. But I've had transmission issues with it that seem to be inherent with the 08 to 013 or year model Chevrolet trucks. I won't get into the specifics, but I had to replace the transmission and the transfer case twice now. The second time due to the first guy
Starting point is 00:46:19 doing a poor job. But in any case, I had to pay for it twice. So I just sunk like six more grand into the truck, getting everything up and ready. Redid the bearings in the rear end, new transfer case, new transmission. I changed the socket and the headlights, new headlights. Tomorrow I'm changing the pulley on the front of the engine and buffing the headlights and I'll be good to go again. So I've got a 2008 with now 75,000 miles on it because I've driven it so little.
Starting point is 00:46:48 So yeah, I got my truck back. So who, you know, I don't know if you had to do this. I would think that you would. You'd like put that yellow paint on it and twist it and look at the pattern. Did you do all that? Yeah, I did that. I am not a rear-end expert of any kind.
Starting point is 00:47:03 You probably would have been competent working on that. I feel like you've done a lot of rear end work. I've done that. I've done it 10 times, but I'm still at a level where like I take pictures and get second opinions on the internet and stuff. Like, you know, hey, I think this one's right. What does the world think?
Starting point is 00:47:19 And, you know, they'll either agree or be like, nah, push something a thousandth. Dad's become like a super handyman since he's got the internet in his pocket now. Like he's always been a tinkerer. So like he would run into an issue that he didn't understand and he would just experiment from there. Like, well, let's try it this way. Nope, nope, nope, nope.
Starting point is 00:47:35 Not that way. Not that way. Let's try it this way until he'd get it right. But now he's got Google right there. So he was already pretty confident with like engines and electrical stuff. right there so he was already pretty confident with like engines and elect electrical stuff but now like he's rewiring shit and messing with computers in his uh in his poultry houses and he's doing everything that as long as he's got the equipment to do it he's doing it like when you got to get you know plug a computer into a vehicle and get a diagnostic he doesn't have that
Starting point is 00:47:58 equipment but um oh okay i was like he doesn't have an obd2 reader but you're probably talking about a different piece of equipment yeah the thing that tells you what codes the thing's throwing and yeah oh those are not that expensive i've got like really yeah i i probably have four of them or something now i'm exaggerating i bet i had no two or three yeah i thought those were expensive he probably does too yeah now that you say it i I bet he does. Yeah, you can get them on Amazon. I think the cheapest ones are like $19.95 or something. They work with lots of vehicles? Yeah, there's a standard.
Starting point is 00:48:31 I'm going to get one. In 1996, they changed to ODB2 on board. I think I switched the B and the D, but on board diagnostic 2. And that's like, I think from 96 onward, they all use the same interface. And then it throws a code and the code won't mean much to you. It'll be something like P0440 and then you Google it and you know what to do. I'm getting him one tonight then. He'll love that because that's one of the holds backs he has.
Starting point is 00:48:58 He's like, I'm not really sure. So we're going to take it up to so-and-so and let him run the computer. Yeah, that'll be good. That'll make him even more self-reliant. He's not one of those preppers or anything nutsy like that, but he likes to be able to fix things. You know, I don't think of myself as a nutsy prepper either. However, I take a certain comfort in having some things in my truck.
Starting point is 00:49:23 Like I wish there was a blanket. I don't really have a good way to store one but sleep bag in there do you okay yeah i could start a fire uh i have you know there's always some sort of like i think i have a lighter like a cheap bick or something and uh like flint and steel just in case i used to carry food in there uh like um They used to carry food in there. Like, it was called Monster, but like a trail mix. Like nuts, raisins, M&Ms or something mixed together. So there's like some amount of food, fire,
Starting point is 00:49:55 never had a blanket, but it always would've made sense to me. More tools than, I was gonna say more tools than you would guess, but you've seen my tool bag. But more tools than the listener might guess. I can handle some shit. I probably have enough tools in my truck to take it all the way apart and back together again. More tools than Adam Savage has in his Prius, I bet. Stashio pussy.
Starting point is 00:50:19 I have a lot of tools. And there's some rare ones, too. Like, oh, yeah, you need a 54-millimeter socket to take the front axle off on a toyota yeah i got that of course i have that you got the one for the castle nuts with the weird pokey things yeah i got that you know so uh uh anyway i've got a good set of tools some like really basic sort of campy shit and uh and i just i feel like i don't know if that's just being prepared that's basic i mean that's stuff that comes up like like cars break down my girlfriend was talking to me about her dad um and i haven't met them before even though we've been dating for like
Starting point is 00:50:56 over a year now uh they live in florida and she was saying that he has seven years worth of food uh stored and uh she was talking about the ammunition that he ordered one time and had buried with armed guards present. She's like, so there they were in the middle of the night burying the shipment of ammo, and he had two guys out there with guns protecting. And I'm like, I got to meet your dad. We're going to get along.
Starting point is 00:51:24 I was like, what kind of ammo? He's like, oh, when ammo started getting expensive, he bought like a couple pallets of.22 long rifle. I'm like, pallets? She's like, yeah. I was like, that's like, a pallet's $10,000 in like four-year-ago prices. I was like, I know because I was going to buy a pallet worth, and it was $10,000 for like a million rounds or something absurd.
Starting point is 00:51:43 She's like, yeah, he got two. He's apparently got ammo and food's apparently got 22 still real expensive yeah um from you know i don't look around all the time and like i haven't delved into it to see if there's a cheap way or a place to go to get it and i guess if i did i could probably find someone who would hook me up but even like uh like i go to moss pond because rack veteran works there and uh and and they were giving me, like, what. I bought 22 for what they pay for 22, and still it was expensive. Like, I think I paid 60. I think retail was, like, maybe $80 for the brick I got, and I paid 65 or something like that.
Starting point is 00:52:17 So it's still overly expensive, nothing like what it used to be when it seemed like it was, like or 15 for 550 rounds um it's expensive and seemingly rare i don't know why or i don't know well it seems like there's a business opportunity there right and i looked into it yeah we talked about yeah it was like look i've got got cash on hand you know to to take a shot at something like this. And you look into it, and it's really hard to start in that business. There aren't machines you can just buy. I'm told a lot of the machines that make our ammo now are like World War II things that have just been maintained ever since.
Starting point is 00:52:58 I don't know. I couldn't say for sure. It's easy to make ammo on a very small scale, right? If you want to sit there and pull a lever for each one. I think rimfire ammo adds a bigger complication to it because.22 long rifle is rimfire, so no primer. So the casing and the primer are one module, as it were. I think that adds something to it because there are machines that will reload anything bigger than.22 long rifle
Starting point is 00:53:23 very quickly on a on a production level scale that you can buy for you know several thousand dollars but not certainly not the million dollar machines that you need to to do what we were talking about yeah and and it seems like i'm really far out of my expertise but the machines i'm just by looking at them eyeballing them they're like hey this thing will make a round a second, which you'd think, all right, that's not a ton, but it's a starting spot. This thing makes a round per second. It needs maintenance every three hours.
Starting point is 00:53:53 If you work hard at this thing... It's 10,000 rounds before you need maintenance, yeah. Yeah. How many seconds are in a day? Like 86,000? You might be getting 75,000 rounds a day out of this machine if you really keep it cooking. And I think it's 86,400. It's a thing that I know.
Starting point is 00:54:14 And anyway, but those things look like they fuck up every 30th round. Like you wouldn't want to put your name. Like maybe if you're doing it for yourself, you're cool. But do you agree? It seemed like they counted on them to fall in the right way. They didn't quite shuffle right. They work. So the center-fired
Starting point is 00:54:35 loaders that I've seen in private ownership and I've met a few guys who have their own ammo companies like North Georgia Ammo Supply. I think I even got his card somewhere. He was telling me, and he showed me a video on his phone when I was at a gun show a few months back. He was showing me his machine,
Starting point is 00:54:53 because I was considering getting a machine of some kind. I still am. And he showed me the thing in operation making 9mm, and it was like, clunk, clunk, clunk, clunk, clunk, clunk, clunk, clunk, clunk, clunk, clunk, clunk, and they're just falling into a bucket like that fast, really fast. It just, God. Yeah, North Georgia reloading. I still don't see why I'm wrong.
Starting point is 00:55:13 It feels like there's always, for like a decade now, there's been a caliber that's hard to get and overly priced. And not only would you make a lot of money if you could service that, you'd also be part of the solution, right? Like, all right, the going rate for 22 is, you know, whatever, 60 bucks a brick right now. And it's like, all right, so I can earn 60 bucks a brick, increase that, like, it's not only a force for good where you, you know, fix the supply demand equation, but it's super profitable. 380 ACP was really difficult to get a while back.
Starting point is 00:55:48 I don't know if it still is. And, you know, like, yeah, go make some 380 ACP. There's a lot of money. Like, the prices are really crazy right now. What did you say? 380 Auto, right? I'm sure you're right. Whatever fits an LCP.
Starting point is 00:56:01 Is it 380 Auto? Yeah. God damn it. Some gun person is going to... They're vicious. But yeah, so it's 45 ACP, right? And 380 auto. Yeah, and in my head I was like, do I even know what ACP stands for?
Starting point is 00:56:16 I'm imagining it's automatic combat pistol, but I could be completely wrong about that. That's just me doing it in my head. I never really looked into what the ACP stood for. But yeah, I think the issue that you're running into... Automatic Colt pistol. Ah, makes a lot more sense. Does it?
Starting point is 00:56:32 Yeah. They both seem like good ones to me. Because, you know, Colt made the first ones and it wouldn't necessarily have been a combat pistol right off the get-go in 1911. But I think the issue why the.22 long rifle was going to be so hard to manufacture and sell is that
Starting point is 00:56:49 let's say you were trying to sell AR-15 ammo, which is a hot item. That you could get into and you could make a profit at. I definitely could. I could market it and sell. But you've got components that you can get from manufacturers. You can buy the brass you know
Starting point is 00:57:06 just the exterior unprimed or primed you can get the primers you can get the projectiles the powder all that stuff you can purchase in vast quantities but the shell for a 22 long rifle the the brass part um because it's rimfire it's kind of a unique thing i don't know who you'd go to. I don't know how they even make them. One of the things I learned when I was looking into it is they're like, all right, great. You'll have no problem getting primers and brass and rounds, but the powder is in super short supply too. And you'll have to make gigantic purchases of it.
Starting point is 00:57:44 And then I guess storing powder is a challenge in some way. You need an FVL to store the powder over certain quantities. Black powder, if you want to have 50 pounds or more, you need a federal explosives license. And that's a big issue for reenactment crews who regularly go out on the weekend to some field event where it's some Civil War reenactmentment thing and they need to be shooting these blank cartridges all day. It's like, well, where are we going to put our black powder so we're not labeled
Starting point is 00:58:11 terrorists here? So it's like, all right, well, I'll keep 50 pounds at my house and you keep 50 at yours and we'll keep 50 at the shop. And it's a bunch of silliness. But yeah, you run into a lot of rigmarole when you get into anything like that. When the quantities get big, then it starts being regulated. Yep, yep. So, yeah, anyway, just after I looked into it, it didn't look like a good business opportunity anymore. Everything just seemed like you can't just buy parts and make a thing and sell it. Or even things like need an FEL.
Starting point is 00:58:42 I feel like I could work around that, right? That's just some time and some money money and you'll get what you want. But if you can't get the supplies to the rounds that you want, then you're just fucked. I think I could get it now. I think like, I think now you could get it. Like if I wanted to... The whole point was to bounce from round to trouble round. It sounds like the only real troubled round right now is the 22,
Starting point is 00:59:10 which is extra hard to make. Well, I mean, 223, 556 is still more expensive than it was before that last gun scare. I think everything is. I feel like there's still a market there, so you could start an ammo company and do well at it. But what we wanted to achieve was the 22 thing. It's like there is no 22 to be had.
Starting point is 00:59:30 You go to Walmart and there's a sign that says one per customer. They're literally rationing the shit out. It's like if Walmart is rationing a thing out, then I should be manufacturing it. It just made a lot of sense. And it still does if you could figure out a way to do it physically but i don't know how and i wouldn't know where to get started well that's a show i guess yeah go uh do whatever you need to do and see if you still feel like playing and i'm down to play some games tonight if you want that'd be awesome all right i'll sync up
Starting point is 01:00:00 uh painkiller nearly episode 65 i hope you guys enjoyed it bye

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