Painkiller Already - PKN #72

Episode Date: January 8, 2016

This week on PKN...Woody loses the beard, and Taylor doesn't show up in protest of said beard removal....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Alright, we're live. PKN take two. Yeah. I was just explaining to Kyle at length about all my PC problems. We did a take of PKN. We got maybe, what, let's call it six, seven minutes in? And my computer crashed, which has been happening to me lately. And I don't want to buy a new computer yet because I keep being told that, like, we're a few months away from a whole bunch of new components GPU CPUs etc and so I just got
Starting point is 00:00:29 a new CPU because I kind of think that's what's wrong and well no it's in the mail yeah I think it'll go well so let's I think we're gonna do hateful 8 talk with spoilers so we'll go back to that um i'm gonna take this little visual aid you guys can see it on your screen right now and it's just the top of kyle's head is normally where taylor would go and move it there when spoiler talk is over this thing will go away so you can easily skip forward in the video if you you're an audio guy, I don't know what to tell you. I don't know how long it'll be. A couple of minutes, I guess.
Starting point is 00:01:09 Yeah. 10 minutes, maybe. So I went to the 70mm roadshow thing. I had to go to Regal Station in Atlanta, which is an hour and a half for me. It's farther than I thought I was going to have to go. The theater near me, though they do have the equipment, didn't show the movie. So I went to Atlanta, stood in a ridiculous line. The line just kept getting longer and longer
Starting point is 00:01:31 until I was in some sort of back storage area with trash bins and stuff. But finally got in, and I didn't like the movie. I definitely didn't love it. I think it's his worst movie um i like all of his other movies better than this one for sure um and it it i'm not really exactly sure what it was so i like the characters i like samuel jackson's character a lot he was ridiculous jennifer jason lee was incredible uh um um what's his name? Kurt Russell was amazing too, you know, as the hangman.
Starting point is 00:02:08 And then the young guy, I can't think of his name off the top of my head, but he's there at the very, you know, he's the one who survives until the very end. The white guy, the southern boy who's going to be the sheriff. I liked him too. I thought he did a great job as well. What I didn't like was just kind of the direction the film took and the plot holes that are in there. And it just didn't seem like... I don't know. It seemed clunky and the pacing didn't seem right.
Starting point is 00:02:39 There's a huge dramatic turn in the movie, right? You can cut this thing in half. Prior to Samuel L. Jackson telling the blowjob story, it's kind of a spaghetti western that's rough around the edges and well photographed with some interesting characters. Prior to the blowjob character, it really goes off the fucking rails into a Tarantino universe nightmare that kind of loses itself in my opinion.
Starting point is 00:03:05 Like, like he's doing the double pistol head shots and there's just blood everywhere. And just what, what, what my, my biggest beef was like, I didn't feel like there were eight characters.
Starting point is 00:03:17 Like, like I felt like the guys who were really just pretending to be, uh, you know, characters weren't characters at all. I thought, um, I thought Christoph Waltz was in it. I thought he was in the movie, but it's, it's Tim Roth playing the, the British character. I thought he did a good job, but that character, that role seemed like it was totally
Starting point is 00:03:37 written for, for Christoph Waltz. So much so that at first you're like, is that Christoph Waltz? Like, he just, he really pulled it off well. well well i can't name an actor other than like kurt russell and samuel jackson but i loved the movie i thought it was great i was completely engaged in the movie uh this is spoiler talk so the way that they told the second half of the movie first and then like came around until the end of the movie after that like i thought that was incredible uh i did not see it coming you know because they like i think the second i don't know my scenes but like the second scene they went back and they're like earlier that day and they showed the bad guys arriving i didn't feel like any of that was necessary oh like i felt like all that was wasted and i felt like his narration to me seemed really awful i i hated when when quentin
Starting point is 00:04:26 comes on and starts talking i don't even remember that oh maybe it's not in the the regular version but but but there so there's an intermission we had an intermission so like halfway through the movie right after the blowjob story right after he kills the confederate general the movie fucking stops right there screens off and everything and you've got like 10 minutes to go pee and then when it comes back on it's with quentin tarantino talking to you and he's like ah so a bit of time has passed since we left our characters and he yeah he goes into this whole thing i didn't like that at all i loved it i loved every bit of that movie it's one of the best movies i can remember in quite some time i did not see it playing out the way it played out you know like a bloody mess yeah i i you know and
Starting point is 00:05:13 and you know who are the good guys who are the bad guys i didn't i obviously i knew something was fishy the door was broken and that was a hint to me that something was fishy from the get-go i don't think it was all that subtle but um it was like you know that i bet there was like a fight or something around that door to break it off the hinges like it was and um it turned out there was and i i just i really liked the movie it was great it was great i thought it was better than tomahawk bone tomahawk is that what it was oh it was definitely better than Bone Tomahawk. But I mean, that's an independent film that cost $2 million versus a Tarantino film with star-studded.
Starting point is 00:05:49 It's better than that, but it's like Apples and Oranges. Better than The Reverend? It didn't live up to what I felt like I was going to get. It wasn't Bastards level. It wasn't Django level. I felt like Django and Bastards are definitely better. At least one of the Kill Bills is like Jango and Bastards are definitely better.
Starting point is 00:06:05 At least one of the Kill Bills is better. What's the full name for Bastards again? Pulp Fiction is definitely better. I like Reservoir Dogs better. What the hell is Bastards? The characters in Reservoir Dogs are better. I guess it's on par with True Romance. Can you hear me?
Starting point is 00:06:17 It comes and goes, actually. Oh, well, shucks. What's Bastards? Inglourious Bastards. Oh, Inglourious Bastards. Right, right. That was an outstanding movie. That was an outstanding movie. That was an outstanding movie.
Starting point is 00:06:27 It seems that when I speak, you can't speak. Or maybe... I don't know how it's getting recorded on your end, but when I'm speaking, I cannot hear you. So I'll just be sure to pay attention. Well, I really want a new computer. Well, you're getting one tomorrow. The CPU's coming. Not the whole computer. Are you getting one tomorrow? No, the CPU is coming.
Starting point is 00:06:45 Not the whole computer. That's close enough. Do your thing. It'll be all right. I'll have to do some. We need a PC sponsor. Get us some sweet builds. That would save me some time for sure.
Starting point is 00:06:59 Dude, I loved it. I wish I could detail every piece of it. It's not as fresh in my mind as you. But I walked away like, dude, I've just seen a really great movie um the whole 70 millimeter thing tarantino's such a nerd i look i admire what an artist he is right but i kind of feel like stern did you watch that three minute stern thing with me when they talked to the disney exec like yeah stern watches stern watches shit on his phone though his ipad and stuff like he's got no no appreciation for theater whatsoever like he's a hermit who who is what it really is is he refuses to go outside of his house he's a
Starting point is 00:07:36 germaphobe do you remember when they i'm sorry we're going way off topic here but just to punctuate what a what a weirdo he is when they had this bed bug outbreak in new york he literally wore a biohazard suit into work like he put on a biohazard suit get in his limo they drive him to work he'd come in with it he'd only take it off when he got in the studio like all right so i'm not uh maybe i'm just closer to a normal person than stern is but he was like look tarantinoantino, the kid's doing this 70 millimeter thing. It means a lot to him. This is just one theater. Let it play. And that's kind of how I feel about him. Like, you know, you're over there, you're playing with your shitty 1930s
Starting point is 00:08:15 cameras. Someone on the PKA subreddit supported my point. He's like, I saw it on film in 70 millimeter. He had his little booklet for the road show and he said but the pimply faced teenager doing the projection couldn't get it in focus now the thing is that's been happening all over america yeah yeah look i don't think it's better for like the film industry i don't think that i think if everyone switched to 70 millimeter i think it'd be a fucking disaster because it's hard to do apparently to project it it's really expensive and the projector itself is really expensive like i'm not saying that it's not the projectionist fault all the time like a lot of this equipment is just old and it doesn't work that well i don't know that i i think dude i think i don't know i
Starting point is 00:08:59 think the projectors are while they're are one like really difficult to use i think you need like a projectionist, like a professional, and maybe they don't have as many of those as they would like. But I don't think the projector itself is old school. I think that the technology is just what's old school. I think it's new stuff, but old technology. I read this article online where they showed the second half in digital. It was really interesting, right? Because these guys had the first half where they showed the second half in digital. It was really interesting, right? Because these guys had the first half in projection, the second half in digital.
Starting point is 00:09:29 I read the same thing you read. I know exactly. So they didn't do it on purpose. The first half just didn't work out right. It was fraught with glitches and stuff. And I feel like that's part of the experience. It's part of the experience I had as a kid. We'd all sit in the movie theater together and the shit would be out
Starting point is 00:09:45 of focus and you just look around like who's gonna tell him who's gonna tell him i don't think they know all right we're four minutes into the movie now until like one dad gets up and walks back and you're like all right he took terror telling the guy it's out of focus this is what now it's like they just hit play on a dvd player or something and it works and yeah i got a hard drive yeah yeah it just well i'm sure it's not literally a dvd player but it i think it takes about as much expertise as your home theater setup you know yours and whoever's listening i wouldn't be surprised and that's great i love that it's simplified i love that like this whole thing of movies getting stuck uh movies burning like in the thing or movies just being so out of focus where like the whole theater kind of looks around for a representative.
Starting point is 00:10:31 This is. Yeah, I don't know how that doesn't get a meet because that's just that seems like some minor adjusting that needs to be done up by the projections. Everyone's adjusted a lens for focus. But in the whole theater, like anointing a representative to go tell him to fix it or start it over or whatever. This is a thing that I feel like most of our listeners, people who are younger than me, are not aware of. That's not the current movie-going experience. The current movie-going experience is it just works perfectly every goddamn time. That's digital.
Starting point is 00:11:00 I agree with that. But what I liked about this is the nostalgia you gotta catch the movie at the start of the run because it looks better it'll be worn out if you watch it three weeks in I don't know about that no this is my childhood I know about this
Starting point is 00:11:19 I can't speak to that then that sounds awful I don't know I that then. That sounds awful. It might be better now. Yeah, yeah. I don't know. Like, I would think there'd be, like, it seems like a year from now, that movie's fucked. Like, it's not even worth it. You can't even watch it anymore, is what that sounds like.
Starting point is 00:11:36 It gets those lines on it. The, like, specs and shit. Like, just real quick, it's brief. Cigar burns and all. Yeah, yeah, yeah. That's what they're called, I think. Okay, I think you're right. I didn't't know the term but i've heard it before now uh you get these little like cigar burns on it when the movie's been playing for a couple weeks yeah i i liked it
Starting point is 00:11:53 i i it definitely was a whole different appearance on the screen like i'm not gonna say that if if you like if you tried to trick me and just like i looked at the center the center of the screen, I could tell the difference every time. I don't know. I haven't seen it, like, one and then the other. But I could definitely tell by observing the whole thing there that it was film and not digital. It just looked completely different. It was moving a little bit, I thought.
Starting point is 00:12:18 I felt like the way the colors were changing and around the edges of the, you know, at the top and the bottom it was a it was a different look i don't know how to describe it i liked it um it's it's it's perfect for stuff like this i feel like i know there's like a handful of directors that are into it like christopher nolan tarantino and i don't know woody allen i think she only shoots on film um i have a thing so I got a letter on Reddit. They may even have a follow-up for me right now.
Starting point is 00:12:49 It was going on just before we started the show. And they invited me to go see the hateful eight, the roadshow in 70 millimeter film. And I had to decline. Oh, look, here it is. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:06 All right, so update. They invited me, and I was like, I can't go because they were going tomorrow. But my parents are coming tomorrow, and I'm going to spend some time with them and stuff like that, do, like, the Christmas experience or whatever. So I was like, dude, if it was any other time, I totally – a lot of people have been like, hey, I live here. We should meet for a beer. I'd love to, you know, whatever and Like the offer of going to a bar and buying me a beer. I like There's no value less than value like like like how much you're gonna pay me. What I get paid to come
Starting point is 00:13:37 I don't know how to explain it to other people like I really don't like the bar scene. It's very loud, right? So it'd be like, all right, what if I offered you an opportunity to get cigarette burns on your forearms? And here's the kicker. I'll give you something that tastes terrible, right? You can drink vinegar while I give you cigarette burns on your forearm. And it's like, look, I know this is your scene. I know that you like it. No, thank you.
Starting point is 00:14:03 But these guys are like, Woody, I'll buy you a ticket to the Hateful Eight. And I'm thinking of doing something. I don't know. Give them all Tech Tuesday t-shirts. I don't know. I might still have 50 of those in the attic. Take two! Here, one for your friends.
Starting point is 00:14:22 Yeah, I'll share the big popcorn. I don't know. I don't want to be a taker. But there's some fans who'd like to go see The Hateful Eight with me. And just now, they said, could we do 2 p.m. on Thursday? Which I told them, like, I own my schedule. I can do the things I need to do. But I have to be home by 7 on Thursday.
Starting point is 00:14:42 I have to leave by 7 on Thursday so I don't miss PKA. Yeah, yeah. And so it looks like that's what we'll Thursday. I have to leave by 7 on Thursday so I don't miss PKA. Yeah, yeah. So it looks like that's what we'll do. I'll tell him yes, and we'll do Thursday at 2 p.m. See the movie. I really wanted to like it more. I really wish I did like it more. I felt like I'm trying to explain why I didn't like it.
Starting point is 00:14:59 It's a bit difficult because I did really love certain aspects of it. I felt like the characters there were no likable characters for me for sure I didn't like any of these characters um Kurt Russell's character was just so harsh he was so harsh that I had a theory early on that he was the one that he was in cahoots with the woman I was like why does he keep telling everybody how famous this chick is it feels defensive almost. He keeps mentioning, she's not coming off my wrist.
Starting point is 00:15:30 In my head, I'm thinking, maybe he's the one. That's going to be the big twist that he's going to be the one who's her lover and he's killed the real hangman or something. Whatever. I didn't know what it was going to be. I like that twist. I would have preferred that because I didn't like how he died.
Starting point is 00:15:47 Even though I didn't care for his character, he was my favorite up until that moment. I didn't think he was drinking enough of the coffee to kill him, so when he dies or when she kills him, it was just like, ah, well, shit. Then when Sam Jackson goes into that blowjob story, it really went off the rails there.
Starting point is 00:16:05 And I'm like, I don't think anybody in this movie is likable even a little. I didn't like Sam Jackson's character. I felt like he was a bad guy. He burnt that prison down, killed all those innocent men on both sides. The general seemed like a horrible person. I mean, we heard stories of him executing the prisoners. The hangman was just really beating the shit out of that woman and while i i you know while i'm all for equal treatment i felt like it was a bit harsh like he was beating her so much that i thought i was like he's totally got to be in cahoots with her otherwise why would he ever beat her so much
Starting point is 00:16:40 he just like there's no he had no value for her as a person like i i treat animals better than that i treat things better than that you know i i don't toss around my equipment as much as he tossed around that he treated her like a like a like a shitty washing machine that just fucking stop yeah just just any chance he and not like not And not always... He just gives her an elbow. He's just like, In the future, when you get elbowed in the face, you know it means to shut up. He's doing his best John Wayne impression.
Starting point is 00:17:14 He was like, Let's work out a signal. When I elbow you in the face, that means shut the fuck up. Yeah. That was very good. I really liked that part of the movie. I didn't start disliking the movie until they had been in the cabin for maybe 20 or 30 minutes.
Starting point is 00:17:32 And I started feeling like there were, I didn't feel like I was getting those great moments anymore. Like, when the confederate's sitting over there and doing his thing. And when Sam Jackson is, like, jawing back and forth with the the rednecks and they're just nigger this and nigger that and i my the most interesting character to me was bob the mexican guy who was the one who was having to weave that crazy lie like he he was the one he had to come up with a way to sell this story you're calling me a liar i like that he was like but i ain't calling you a liar yet and i knew i was like eventually he's gonna call him a liar dude i really like even as you're like reminding me of sections of it i was like yeah i like that i like that and then
Starting point is 00:18:16 you know an hour later you'd be like remember the time i said that didn't seem right this is what i meant by that and uh it's like, oh. I like the sign. You know, the sign over there that said, no Mexicans and no dogs. And she took it down about two years ago. You know why? She started letting dogs in. All of that was great.
Starting point is 00:18:38 It was great. But I just felt like I needed. I'll tell you what it needed to me. And it's going to sound crazy because the movie's already over three hours long I felt like we needed some flashbacks I felt like I needed a flashback to Sam Jackson's life or a flashback to Jennifer Jason Lee's Jennifer Jason Lee's the woman obviously I guess Maybe some flashbacks to her and cahoots with this gang some some background with them like I didn't really feel
Starting point is 00:19:02 the amount of time between they background with them like i didn't really feel the amount of time between they the amount of time that passes between the point where we learn that they are a gang you know the members of their gang and that they're all together and the amount of time that passes between that between that realization and the point where they're all dead is so short that we never really get to appreciate them as a gang or what each component might have done or what their specialties might have been i like tim roth's you know going from the the silly posh accent to the the dirty like hack um uh like like poor accent i can't think of it cat hackney he was whatever whatever from jango hmm well no there's an issue for those two people because most of the time when an actor bids
Starting point is 00:19:48 for a role that actor is one of a kind but this guy has a supply and demand problem because those two are interchangeable they are a that's Tim Roth that's uh he is I'm trying to think of some other things he might have seen him um so in Pulp Fiction, at the very beginning, the couple is at the diner. There's Honey Bunny. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, that's him. He's the same as the other guy. Go song, coffee!
Starting point is 00:20:13 Yeah, I liked Hateful Eight a lot. I did not see the twists coming. I thought the storytelling was great. I haven't seen it in 70mm, so I feel like I'm unqualified to say this, but to me, this is a movie that didn't need 70mm. 90% of it takes place inside of a log cabin, single room. You know what I wonder about that?
Starting point is 00:20:34 I wonder if, I'd like to see the digital cut, and to see if you can see as much of the room as you can on the screen, because when I was watching it, I kept thinking that like, alright, Kurt Russell is over here in this corner of the screen because when i was watching it i kept thinking that like all right kurt russell is over here in this corner of the screen and way the fuck over there are the other characters like i was i was literally turning my head to like get take the whole room and i felt like it was a like a fisheye lens that was giving me a better view of the cabin another thing maybe there were a couple outdoor like snowscapes right but i think 90 of the film took place in one spot because, and I'm not an expert in this,
Starting point is 00:21:10 there were big fucking 900-pound cameras on probably 1,000-pound tripods, and it was difficult to do the kind of things that you do with a DSLR, for example. I don't think that was a determining factor for the whole movie being indoors though i i i don't know maybe there would have been a large what's that sir lawrence olivier movie where he's in the desert um i mean that's shot in 70 millimeter like they can do that shit like i saw there's actually in that little handout thing there's a still image of the camera rig
Starting point is 00:21:50 and it's like getting a close up of a thing and it is on like a crane but it's they have a regular size umbrella covering the camera I don't know it's that size but I mean it needs the whole umbrella it's a big camera but I don't think it's any different than IMAX were I don't know i just had this notion that because the cameras are
Starting point is 00:22:09 unwieldy i wonder if that incentivizes them not to you know try to get steadicam shots running next to a horse or something no i don't think so because you know he wrote this thing forever four years ago or something it was it's a piece. I think that's what they call it when all the characters are locked into one little area. I hadn't heard that term before, but it works for me. I like stories like that, movies like that. Maybe they're on a life raft or maybe
Starting point is 00:22:37 they're stuck in a bunker and tensions run high. I liked it, but I didn't love it. And I think it, but I didn't love it. And I think it's definitely not as good as Bastards or Django. It's not as good as Kill Bill to me either. Like in my opinion, I enjoyed Kill Bill when I watched it. I'm basing this on how much I enjoyed these films when I watched them the first time.
Starting point is 00:23:05 And I think it's at the bottom. I think it's right down there with True Romance. I loved it. For me, Kill Bill's not a close, it's not close. When you compare it to Inglourious Bastards or Django, that's some really stiff competition. It might be third in that. It might be second. I think Inglourious Basterds is first.
Starting point is 00:23:28 But to me, it was a Django-like film. But I liked them both. Yeah, I like Django better. I felt like in Django, it was a revenge thing. So when I see Django do this violent, awful stuff and blow people apart, I'm like, yeah, fuck them up. But in this, I was just like, what's all this about? Why are we all so hyper-violent?
Starting point is 00:23:50 I felt like everyone hated each other immediately. And I know it's called the hateful eight, but Jesus Christ It's like the most they couldn't get along for 24 hours. It was fine. It was just normal violence there It wasn't even that rough The thing about I didn't like about Django as much is it seemed like it was Too many almost disconnected stories. Like, you know, you learn a new character, then there's all these other new players.
Starting point is 00:24:09 And to me that Jango kind of wandered in its storytelling, whereas hateful eight felt really orchestrated and figured out from the get go. Why didn't they poison the coffee as soon as they got there? Opportunity? I mean, the coffee was already sitting there, and Kurt Russell barges in with her tied to his wrist. Why didn't they kill him right there?
Starting point is 00:24:38 Why didn't they kill him when he was eating his stew? Why didn't they poison him immediately? Kurt Russell immediately threw away the coffee as soon as he got there because he didn't like it. It made his own. Kurt Russell immediately made his own coffee when he got there. That is true. But, like, do you think the first batch of coffee was poisoned?
Starting point is 00:24:58 It could have been. That could have been. Yeah. Maybe. Yeah. They still should have shot him, it in any number of times and that can and i i was surprised like when they went back i was like letting the confederate guy hang about during that for days of deception like that to me seems like i feel like at some point like as
Starting point is 00:25:19 bob i'd be over there you're still holding together old man like you still you're still on you're still on task here like you're because because he's still down in the basement. He's still ready to kill you and all. And what's his name? Oh, god damn it. That fucking, the guy who was down in the basement. I wouldn't know his name, but the gang leader. I do know his name, though.
Starting point is 00:25:41 Fuck. The gang leader. From 21 Jump Street. He's Jonah Hill's friend uh he was at the end of the end he was the sex slave that they pull out he's the channing tatum yeah really i didn't notice it was him okay channing tatum yeah he's the one in the basement who blows the balls off the uh off of uh sam jackson i didn't even i totally got a hint of some sort of incestuous relationship between him and Jennifer Jason
Starting point is 00:26:05 Lee right before. In the eight seconds that passed when they were both present at the same time. That was shocking when he died. Do we end the hateful eight talk here? I guess so. I'll remove the visual.
Starting point is 00:26:22 Bam. There it is. What did you get for christmas anything not really uh some little stuff so some fallout swag uh i got a got a super mutant uh like a bunch of fallout swag actually um just a bunch of little little odds and ends nothing really yeah i'm in i'm in a weird spot you can't even get me anything for i mean like you hypothetically could but like jackie she's just buying me stuff with money that used to be mine like it you know it's uh stood that one light like when like one person's the breadwinner and like all the money is kind of being earned and going and going from him to a
Starting point is 00:27:05 pool it reminds me of christmas vacation with chevy chase when when when cousin eddie can't afford to buy his family christmas presents and clark says don't worry me and edna are gonna take care of your family's christmas for you and he's like oh clark that's that's that's so generous of you tell you what clark go ahead and when you make that list and put it together put something on there real nice for you he's like buy a present for you from me while you're buying my family Christmas go ahead and do something real nice I understand where you're coming from on that but so what so what did what did you get yourself this year from jackie so i have been getting into like everyday carry um there are people more into it than me but there's this notion like people get all excited about their keychains and their knives
Starting point is 00:27:55 and their um wallets and stuff like that and i had had this guy for those of you on audio, it's a small multi-tool called a Leatherman PS4, I think. Something like that. Squirt. Squirt. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I think actually PS4 is right too, but the Squirt is the other name for it. And I had Woody's Gamer Tag engraved on it. And it's cool. I've liked this thing.
Starting point is 00:28:20 I've done more work with this little Squirt than you might guess. I mean, I've cut open a thousand pounds of cement and sand with this thing. I've had countless boxes and I fixed the damn go-kart and cars with the damn pliers. And it's been really handy. I love my everyday carry. But had I seen it in person, I don't know if this is the one I would have bought. It's really small. It's super small.
Starting point is 00:28:43 So my wife got me the juice. And you can see the difference. Now, I picked this out. I was like, honey, this is the one I want. And I value it being light in my pocket. And I'm like, all right, this is exactly what I want. But I want it engraved. She goes, oh, what do you want it to say?
Starting point is 00:29:03 I say, that's your part. That's your job. You need to come up with the engraving. And she's goes, oh, what do you want it to say? I say, that's your part. That's your job. You need to come up with the engraving. And she's like, oh, so much pressure. I'm like, come on, baby. I'm literally giving you the money and a link to what I want. You can handle what it says on it.
Starting point is 00:29:15 And I like it a lot. The knife, it like snaps into, it's not a lock blade. Hopefully I'm holding it right. But it kind of like jumps into place like that. So the other one is just smooth to open and close and all the things a bit of retention yeah it has this little thing here I forget what this is of course this is a bottle opener can you see it yeah yeah my kit my own camera
Starting point is 00:29:37 was like getting in the way a little I can see now okay of course this is a bottle opener but this thing here is a can opener and it's a nice way to open boxes like if it has the paper tape that amazon uses a lot i find a knife can either cut the contents inside or whatever i just need to break it and this thing breaks it nice and it's super easy to get to with this big thing on the side i like it the engraving she comes up with is you are my favorite thing i thought that was a good one she's like it's a double meaning right like you know it's yeah you could grow to like this you know me and i i grow fondness for these material things like oh yeah this nalgene bottle's been with me for 12 years now we went up the hills
Starting point is 00:30:16 of harlan kentucky and whatever over time as this thing becomes scuffed and gets me out of jams here and there i will grow to like it too my my dad has always carried a leather man um for just about as long as i think before the leather man he carried just a case pocket knife with the two folding blades but he's had the leather man now for a long time and they're always battle scarred because they had this lifetime warranty and he'll send them back and get them back and he's he's had maybe three or four throughout the years but his current one you get it out and uh one of the like it's got pliers and the it's like needle nose pliers and one of the tip of one of the pliers is like snapped off he's broken it off and he gets out the like the serrated blade he's like look at this i cut through a 220 volt wire just right through it
Starting point is 00:31:05 and it like arced across it and like blackened the whole thing and it's just like i was like it didn't shock you like no no just right fucking through it i don't think it's just like those things are always just battle scarred and just and you talk about like getting it getting you out of a rough jam like he got his hand sucked into an auger one time it wasn't running but it was a is spring loaded so he's stuffed into a pipe his hand is and it's being pinched and but i'm there and i was able to like get the pliers and and fish him back out well he tells that story every now and then he's like i guess i'd still be there if kyle hadn't been there because like you know there's no way to get it wasn't a situation you could self-extricate from.
Starting point is 00:31:47 He was just kind of like, well, I'm here now. How bad was his hand? Like, his hand. I hear farm machinery getting stuck in it, and I think that this is a damaging thing. He has beefy fingers. He got one stuck in a... Not stuck, but a 48- uh fan hit his finger one time and i feel like it would have just cut mine off but it just gashed his uh in this situation it was
Starting point is 00:32:12 imagine a steel pipe about this big around and on the inside is an auger which is a basically a spring right you know it's a steel spring it's uh and it i hear auger and i think like a giant drill bit that like maybe moves grain through it's more like a it's more like a curly fry okay so it's like a continual spiral and when it's when it spins it pulls right you know the the motion of that well it's disconnected from the motor it's being worked on but it's been pulled out under lots of tension so that you can work on it and whatever and the vice grips that are holding it under that tension come loose and pull him on into the pipe with it and so his hands all jammed into this tiny pipe with a auger and you know he's right-handed so it's he's in a it was a real jam but i dug him out with the Leatherman. Was he cut? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:06 He's a super glue kind of guy. I've never seen him get stitches. He always super glues himself up. Did you know that's what it was for? I don't know if it's the same formula, but I know that they use super glue in ERs and medical work. I don't even know if it's true but i used to
Starting point is 00:33:28 be into um coral reef tanks like like it basically a fish tank but instead of fish being the focus of it it would be all the reefs like yeah you're a reef keeper i'm a reef keeper i am there i was and um what you do sometimes like it's an expensive hobby and a way that people lower the cost of it is like maybe your you know whatever hardcore or act i don't even know the names of an acne or something uh is just killing it and i've got something else well i can break off a piece of yours and you can break off a piece of mine and then in a few months we'll both have you know healthy whatever and uh the way what you do is you grab that like the dead coral it's pretty much a rock and you'd super glue to it and i'm like you can super glue it and they explained to me that yeah
Starting point is 00:34:16 super glue was originally designed to like mend flesh and things like that that's why there aren't many glues that have much impact on flesh, but super glue does. Yeah. Yeah. So anyway, yeah. At least they told me that super glue was originally designed as a stitches replacement.
Starting point is 00:34:34 PK fact. I believe it. It's in my repertoire now. It'll never change. Yeah, I've seen... He'll have a deep cut that needs at least a butterfly bandage, and he'll wash it out really well he'll usually put a bunch of neosporin in there but then he'll fill what's left of the
Starting point is 00:34:50 gap up with neosporin and then just kind of push the skin closed and hold it there for you know while he has a conversation and then let go and it's like yep good as new and it's just like i don't know about that dad maybe we should just go to the ER. And the ER just jacked. Like, I've got a scar on this finger where the ER jacked me up and just did a shitty job stitching. I would rather have super glue at this point. As long as it's not, I don't know how to describe.
Starting point is 00:35:17 But there's a certain level of wound when you know it needs a stitching. Yeah. And I think a three-stitch, three stitch four stitch kind of cut is probably better off the super glue situation save 1400 bucks too i'll guarantee it i am i have a super glue tip i don't know maybe this is widely known but i only learned it 10 years ago in woodworking sometimes you get super glue on your hands like you know sometimes that's the appropriate thing to use and when I when I have it too much and it's just like your hands awful it feels bad they're like almost crinkly it's just not flesh anymore sand your fingers not
Starting point is 00:35:55 with a motorized tool or anything but if you just take regular sandpaper and rub your hands on it it is by far the most effective way to remove superglue it it'll make your fingers perfect like you want them in a few seconds that's i'll keep that in mind i always use paint thinner but then paint thinner has a way of like making your hands feel awful too i'm kind of ocd about my hands i used to have a real problem um where i had to keep them uh moisturized all the time like i couldn't stand it if i didn't if i hadn't like gotten some lotion on these things like the uh the area between them like if i ever felt like it was like
Starting point is 00:36:30 the webbing was like sticking or like bonding together if there was any dryness i couldn't even stand it i still can't touch cotton like i touch cotton ball i'm cringing so bad like like i i won't be a bitch about it like if there's a cotton ball uh festival or something i'll be like yeah i can take it but on the inside i'm screaming i'm just screaming because i don't i can't stand the way like rubbing a cotton ball between two fingers would feel it's it's a nightmare dude so on woody craft we just launched factions havoc it's our new map and it's a really big deal to me. We work so hard in it. It's been super successful.
Starting point is 00:37:09 But these players reach out to me with this tone of absolute emergency. Like, Woody, you've got to come here. I found a problem. And I'm like, all right, what is it this time? And I go. And, like, nine times out of ten, it's like a missing light source or like some only cosmetic thing. It's dim in this corner. Or maybe we'll have like, you know, a light source, five blocks, a light source, five blocks, a light source, four blocks, and then five.
Starting point is 00:37:40 And they're like, this isn't right. It's five, five, four, five. You've got to fix this and i'm like seriously this is what you like i'm like i there's hundreds of people playing this right now and i'm focused on that he's like i'm ocd i can't take it so that uh i fix stuff for silly for crazy people you're crazy very nitpicky uh i saw a gun today i liked i was at um i went to eric's new house and he's got um just in case he's super top secret i went to where he keeps his guns and um and there was an m&p uh 22 down there and and it looked and felt very much like yours sort of a compact feel maybe a little smaller than yours but Sort of a compact feel. Maybe a little smaller than yours, but it was a.22.
Starting point is 00:38:25 And it had a threaded barrel. I'm going to get one of those real soon. It felt like a compact pistol, but my pinky's not hanging off the bottom. It felt good. And it's a perfect platform to put a.22 suppressor on. Did you mean like my LCP? Mm-mm. Like the M&P?
Starting point is 00:38:44 Nine. Okay. Very similar to your M m&p nine but it's a 22 yeah you know when i first got into guns i didn't like 22s i liked my guns loud and i liked them to kick back and i like this notion that you could kill a human-sized animal like humans or a tyrannosaurus sized and uh that that's why i got a nine but since then i've really grown to like 22s um they're nice to shoot and they develop good habits in the shooter uh you know with the flinching and stuff and uh um yeah i enjoy them a lot but it's actually i've been thirsting for a new gun lately, too. I watched a guy shoot in a competition, and he had a, I guess it'd be called, is it called a double action, single action when it can do both?
Starting point is 00:39:37 No, it's just called double action. Oh, because I thought a double action was like the M&P 9, where it did both in one trigger pull. So, this is a double action. Because when I pull this, it's cocking the hammer and rotating the cylinder. I have other pistols that are a single action, and that's not the case.
Starting point is 00:39:58 I have to pull the hammer back every time. That's single action. Like, a 1911 is single action and an m&p 9 is single action oh it's more of a revolver thing see i think oh excuse me excuse me now um all right so the glock if it's got a hammer, then it's double action. You're right, you're absolutely right. I don't know what I'm thinking. So your M&P 9, it does have exposed hammer, right?
Starting point is 00:40:30 I don't think so. No, M&P 9 doesn't have an exposed hammer. It's like a Glock. Is a Glock, a Glock's not a double action? No, Glock is not a double action. I don't know why. So here's a 1911. It's single action too because
Starting point is 00:40:45 i can't shoot it right now there's no way to shoot it until i cock it single action but this is double action because just to verify i sure don't fucking plug the wall over there um you know i don't have to cock it i can just pull the trigger and it'll do everything. Okay. So far what you've said lines up with what I think I know. The 1911 that you demonstrated, single action because you've got to pull it back. The revolver that you demonstrated, double action because it does both. Now I thought there was a variant that was called double action, single action where you either get kind of a rough trigger pull that pulls the hammer back and shoots or you can pull the hammer back in advance and shoot it single
Starting point is 00:41:31 action if you choose like that that i i wouldn't bet against what you're telling me you're the gun expert i i thought i've seen that called double action single action okay i just don't know the distinction between double action and the double action, single action. You have the opportunity to fire at single action. Same thing here. So now we can go single action. Right. So in my world, that would be called double action, single action.
Starting point is 00:42:01 Whereas a hammerless one, like a G glock is only double action because you did both like the entire cycle happens well when you when you when you you're sort of charging it when you when you cycle it with a glock though because it's all internal and it's not a hammer it's a um what do you call it it's not a striker yeah Yeah. See, we're doing that audio thing where, like, I can't hear you, even if I'm trailing off a little. I've noticed I think it makes us better at not interrupting because I'm very conscious of, like, all right, this isn't going to work until he's done.
Starting point is 00:42:37 Yeah, it's like, this is falling on deaf ears. Anyway, I saw this guy, and his gun was, like, a 19 1911 but i think it also didn't need to be pre-cocked and uh i was like i don't have i have a thing where i like to own all the different actions you know i have a um a smith and wesson is it 686 does that sound like a smith and wesson model yeah i think it is a 686 and um it's cool you know but i now i want one that breaks open like and you sort of like a webley i think okay that's the british one and i want one mine um i don't know what to call it aside from the wheel what is the thing that holds the bullets they fall out the side cylinder cylinder yeah yeah so my cylinder tips to the
Starting point is 00:43:23 side but they have other ones where they don't come out at all and you just kind of feed it one by one um i want one i have one of those yeah um i've got a ruger uh that does that um super red hawk i think but i've got a black hawk too and i confuse them but but i like that too that's kind of i mean it's not as convenient but it's just a different kind of way of doing it I like all the variations too all the little variants of ways of doing things I just realized I have a different screen up
Starting point is 00:43:52 so you're probably saying things and I don't know it I'm waiting I can hear you I'm waiting my turn there's some people who might their thing would be to get say the complete Glock collection right they'd love to have every one in the Glocks I'm the opposite I'll pick my favorite Glock and then want something that's nothing like it a top break revolver that's what uh that's the kind of uh yeah yeah I uh I I don't know I want a
Starting point is 00:44:19 lever action I have a lever action but it feeds from a tube under the barrel. I want one that feeds next to the action. I don't know if there's names for those. But like the old Winchesters or Remingtons, I don't know. But you feed it from the side. Are we talking about the rifles? Yeah. So the ones with tubes? I have one with a tube.
Starting point is 00:44:43 You've shot it. And what I don't have is one where you sort of feed in the bullets from the side just above the trigger. Ah, okay. I want that. I want all the variants of all these. There's also the rolling block rifle. Are you familiar with this? It sounds like I need one.
Starting point is 00:44:59 Let me show you what it looks like because I like them a lot. They're very old-timey. It's not like a Calico 9, is it? Is it like a Calico 9? No, not at all. It's more like, if you've ever seen Quigley Down Under, it's a single shot thing. I think we watched that movie together. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Similar to what he had. I don't understand it yet. There's a diagram below that shows a bit.
Starting point is 00:45:42 Yeah, it's not helping. No? How does that work um the whole top opens up and one round slides in i need to find a two hammers you pull a hammer back then you pull another hammer back then you feed the round in am i right on this see Ah, this will be perfect. I have a four second long... Oh, well that's terrible. There's a G. Oh, that's the worst video ever.
Starting point is 00:46:16 Not as perfect as we thought. Look how awful this is. I mean, it shows you the very basics of what we're talking about here, but it's just... as low effort as it gets I think I need to rewatch that Gets over so fast, huh?
Starting point is 00:46:39 But obviously in the related videos, there's tons of yeah, I'll leave it up and H you. And Hickok's got one there. U.S. Rifles since 1776. That's a long one. Yeah. He's... I don't know how... I have a feeling sometimes he studies up for his videos. You know, make sure he gets his facts right. But based on watching him in his videos,
Starting point is 00:47:00 Hickok is unstumpable with regards to rifle history and stuff. He just... Yeah, he seems really knowledgeable about that stuff. Eric is too. Eric's good about that stuff and bizarre stuff that I just don't know anything about. He's got a pile of Mosin-Nagants, and we were just looking through them and the different variations, and there's many, many variations.
Starting point is 00:47:25 Many tiny variants, right? When I look at them, they're very similar. Eric might see the differences. But I'm like, oh, yeah, these are all Mosin Nagants. You got some are a little longer and some are a little shorter. Yeah, he's got the long ones, the short ones, different bolts, different year makes, different accessories, different wood based on where they were manufactured, all kinds of crazy stuff.
Starting point is 00:47:47 He's got a neat little collection. I mean, it's not like a professional collection, but as far as amateur collections go, he's got some cool fucking shit. People can get pretty interesting when they have a passion for something for like a decade or two. Then all of a sudden it's like, wow, like this guy is an expert in a field. And it just, I think I would like Hickok videos if I didn't like guns. He just, it's, I watched a video today where someone had played violin for just over two years
Starting point is 00:48:21 and she showed herself in the first week and of course she wasn't very good um it not very good but uh then you know you had like five seconds of her playing at like a week at two weeks at three months at six months at nine months at a year and a month and until eventually like two years in the result of her practicing every day for over two years and she seemed good to me i'm sure there's someone out there who sees the flaws but to a regular person it's like that's a woman who can play violin do you know and uh i don't know i it just people are neat when they put their mind to something my uh my dad told me the other day that he wanted to play some songs with multiple instruments and
Starting point is 00:49:07 record them all. I've been looking into it. I guess there's a program called Garage Band. I think I'm going to produce a thing for my dad because he basically wants to play these old country songs like Hank Williams and stuff, but he wants to play the whole
Starting point is 00:49:23 band. He'll do it once with a banjo once with a fiddle uh once with a harmonica and then he'll sing it and so I'm gonna mix it for him that's cool he's like how do you do that how does that work I was like well I was like everything's digital now I think I was like well i was like everything's digital now i think i was like i think this is gonna be pretty fucking easy we just need some microphones yeah i imagine he'd play one part and then you know you'd feed it to his headset and he'd play along with himself until until it works out see how that goes yeah i think that's gonna be fun i'm not sure about exactly how to make it happen but for our purposes I think I can figure it out
Starting point is 00:50:06 did something just move behind you I hope not so if you'll be what I think is your left shoulder there's something in a plastic bag is it your right shoulder I don't know maybe you're mirrored there really shouldn't be anything moving back there at all well you need to shoot something because it just move right above your mic cord in my screen You shoot something because it just moved right above your mic cord in my screen. What's back there in a plastic bag? That side.
Starting point is 00:50:32 Wait, what are we talking about? I don't know what it is. Oh, I bet this just moved a little. Oh, that must be what it is. It looked further away to me. A GoPro wrist mount. A high. No.
Starting point is 00:50:43 Ghost. So I'm trying to think. we could probably use one more topic we got 10 minutes to go wings redemption hot sauce oh my it you know you were saying like via text and stuff that it looks like that's really happening and i thought to myself right right, I'm going to file it with Tilk until he gives me some reason to believe that it's really, really happening. Now I'm on board. I think it's really, really happening. Totally happening. I pinged Wings kind of after PKA last week. And I don't attend Skype regularly.
Starting point is 00:51:21 It's just on my downstairs computer. So I came down yesterday to see if he'd written back. And I never know. Sometimes he writes back, sometimes he doesn't. But he wrote back and basically he said, deal. We worked out a deal that we're both happy with. So to license his image and name, obviously. So at some point, I'm going to drive up to his house and I'm going to photograph him wearing a chef's hat going, you know, doing one of those. I've got a few different photos of him, you know, dressed as a chef. Maybe I thought maybe holding up, I'd go to like Hooters and get a big thing of hot wings and have him holding a platter of wings and maybe the sauce in the other hand, something like that
Starting point is 00:51:58 for the bottle. I think the picture being interesting and funny is the whole point to me. And then I've, um've um we're gonna have a bunch of samples of different hot sauces we're gonna pick the one that most exemplifies wings of redemption he's gonna test some we'll test some um have you i've got it all worked out have you considered in my mind the wings of redemption sauce was perhaps him profile shot right you know the the full magnificence that his wings uh with the chef's hat on but in like black silhouette right like so not a photo of the man like almost like a cutout of the man like alfred hitchcock yeah when he before the but you know with no details i don't does hitchcock have any no it used to be just like his like a black silhouette yeah that that that's what
Starting point is 00:52:46 i'm going for i mean that was my i want his face dude i want his face on there in color though i want it to be like this like him going like like i want that like and and i was thinking like probably gonna do 200 bottles i think that's the number i think we can sell 200 of them probably probably and i don't know the the pricing yet because i haven't worked it all out how many bottles we're gonna get and how much it's gonna cost per bottle and you know all the overhead but probably 10 bucks a bottle that sounds fair i have a thought um there could be two flavors oh yes i'm way ahead of you okay and and then you know you could do something like 10 bucks a bottle or like 15 or 17 for the two pack i i haven't thought it through but that kind of thing they we could do that and i was thinking the um so so one thought i've had a
Starting point is 00:53:40 lot of thoughts about this so one one idea was you get like i'm just spitballing but let's just say a 12 ounce bottle of hot wings of redemption original wing sauce and you know that's your main thing but then you've also got like a five ounce bottle of gangster grandma's triple x hot sauce and it's like inferno mode like the kind that you wouldn't even want to eat um you could do something like that or i saw one um one option i found a place that would do a sampler pack and you literally get like a cardboard box that's like got you know a cut out in the front so it's like a presentation piece you've got like and you would have three sauces so you'd have hot wings redemption wing sauce gangster granny's triple x red hot and then throw in another wings uh relative uh maybe a
Starting point is 00:54:27 bastard brook uh ass kicking margarita hot huh ass kicking margarita mix right like oh yeah you do that uh there's a pete i think they'll do a pizza sauce we could probably do something like there's it's endless there's there's lots of things you could do um so maybe we'll become uh condiment uh condiment kingpins over here selling our uh selling pizza sauce and and hot sauce every week we're coming we're trying to keep it going we're coming up with new plays on words yeah until eventually it's like a i don't know a wings of redemption universe loot crate type thing Mexican neighbor next door that it just plays music I want some I want some swag from from wings of redemptions life I want some dominoes coupons i want some i want some i won't be i won't be mean um but yeah we're gonna make the hot sauce uh wings is
Starting point is 00:55:32 on board uh long as what we said didn't offend him or anything uh wings is on board uh and i'm on board i guess i'll probably handle fulfillment i don't think it'll be that big of a deal uh my girlfriend ships out a lot of stuff so she's got some experience with that. 100, 200 bottles doesn't sound that bad. I guess we'll see how it goes with 100 or 200 bottles, and if there's a huge amount of demand, maybe do more. But from the start, I feel like we've got 200 people out there who would pay $10 or $15 for a bottle of this hot sauce. And if not, then I'll just have so much hot sauce that i'll never run out it's a win-win yeah yeah i'm happy with that with that outcome yeah uh i think it's gonna be cool this is um we've had a bunch of pk ideas uh and and this one's i've had floating around forever i remember the first time i can i said this to him and it was it was that he should make a cooking video it was like there should be a cooking video called how to make hot wings of
Starting point is 00:56:29 redemption you know and just you know make some make some chicken wings it doesn't matter what you do or or anything but he wasn't into it but uh i think this is gonna be cool yeah i'm psyched for it i i don't know i feel like we got a couple of cool things. The knives are happening. Yeah. The knives and the hot, like, I'm only happy when I'm selling things that I would buy. And I would totally buy this shit. I'll admit, you know, if you're looking for the biggest bargain in hot sauce because you're a regular consumer, this probably isn't your thing. bargain in hot sauce because you're a regular consumer this probably isn't your thing but this to me is more in the like nuka cola you know genre where it's like yeah get this although i am going
Starting point is 00:57:11 to make sure this thing tastes good like we'll get some samplers and like because that's important in my head number one important thing is the label i think that it looking funny and being funny you know the little tidbits it says on the back that you can that you can add in you know the specifics uh that's the most important thing because it could be red water in there and some people would still buy it just because of what it is but i also want it to be good hot sauce that i'm gonna like put on chili or pizza and i don't like that crazy habanero you know the the ones that are that are that are joke sauces basically basically. Yeah. Especially given that you might have, you know, 180 extra bottles of this shit afterwards. Yeah, I don't want that either.
Starting point is 00:57:50 If that's the case, it better be good. All right. So, PKN? I think so. All right. So, I hope you guys enjoyed it. And I guess that's a wrap.

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