Painkiller Already - PKN #73

Episode Date: January 14, 2016

This week on PKN... Humiliating poop stories, Kyle's shotgun and more....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 There we go, now we're live. Yeah! Kyle, you just broke the big news. Share it with our Patreon members first. This guy, Josh, who helps me out doing odds and ends, I need to do some work today. I need to pick up some furniture and move it, build some sets. We're going to burn down.
Starting point is 00:00:18 So I hire this guy on for the day, and we're driving along, and he's like, yeah, man, I appreciate you getting me out here, get a few hours in. Got a baby on the way. Just found out the other night, guess she's eight weeks along. In my head, I'm like doing the math on that and I'm like, yeah, man. Yeah, I'm happy to help out. I need some help and you need some cash.
Starting point is 00:00:43 This should be good for both of us. In my head, I'm thinking like, pull the ripcord! Pull it! Pull it! Like, get her in your car and hit a fucking tree bro, do whatever it takes! Oh no! Go ride a bunch of roller coasters with her and then do some meth or something, like you gotta go, you gotta do something he's his life he have was he saying it in a way of like man i'm like eight weeks in i'm so excited or was it like a death sentence like you know i'm getting i got the chair in august like i can't yeah i can't remember exactly what he said he said something like he said something negative about it but then he followed that with, but, you know, I guess you got to get started sometime.
Starting point is 00:01:25 And I'm like, no, you don't. No, that's optional. That's an opt-in thing. No, but that's what you want to know as a potential future child. That's what your dad was saying. Well, you got to get started sometime. Like, what a horrible life that child's going to have. Unless you keep hiring him.
Starting point is 00:01:42 You have to keep in mind that this guy's sole source of income until May, he told me, where he has some outlook, is me. And, like, I mean, I'll need him, he'll make $350 a month from me. It'll be something like that, you know? Like, he'll get, I pay him $10 a fucking hour. Like, this is not rocket science we're doing. You know what? Bernie Sanders thinks you should pay him $15 an hour. Bullshit. This guy
Starting point is 00:02:08 has zero skills. I have to walk him through every task he does. He often does that poorly. I've still got calluses and blisters on my hands from last time when the motherfucker didn't know how to dig a hole. He didn't know how to dig a hole! I had to teach him. And after I taught him, he was like, well, that's pretty good right there.
Starting point is 00:02:24 I didn't realize that's how those hole diggers work, and I was like yeah, it's He's fucking it's not like a complicated mechanism, bro. You want them to dig a hole and he couldn't figure it out Are you familiar with like post hole diggers? It's uh you like stabbing and then so yeah You for on the way in you want the handles close together because that gives you a wide mouth as they go on the ground. And then you pull them apart to pinch the dirt that you've acquired, and then you remove it outside the hole. He was doing the opposite of that. He was stabbing the hole with the things open
Starting point is 00:03:03 and then opening them and sort of like going in and doing that like he was doing this to the ground and like no dirt coming out he's like like i hit a rock and i'm like i think you got hit in the head with a rock at some point but your problem here is purely mechanical like but and then the time, this isn't the first time he's fucked up digging holes. And it's not the first time he's tried to dig a hole, which really blew my mind
Starting point is 00:03:30 when I realized he had not. Probably not the last time. Last time he did hit a rock and he didn't stop until he ruined the post hole diggers. Like the steel was bending and tearing. The steel was tearing because he kept hitting this rock
Starting point is 00:03:43 with it over and over and over because I wasn't there to watch him work. So he's a $10 hour kind of guy. Well, he's got some stick-to-itiveness, you know? Kyle wanted a hole right here, and I'm gonna get a hole right here. No, I mean, he broke that thing pretty quickly. He really, I mean, even when he figured out
Starting point is 00:04:00 how to dig the holes, like, he would be gassed after 60 seconds of labor, and I'd have to take over. And it's just like, well, shit, man, $10 an hour, that's right, oh yeah. So that's what he gets. We went and got a bunch of thrift store furniture today. I'm going to burn all that up, and I'm going back out tomorrow. I'm going to buy a whole shitload of fire extinguishers. I'm going to shoot those to put out a car fire, I think. I think that's going to be pretty neat. Just acquire a few more odds and ends for some filming we're doing this month.
Starting point is 00:04:30 I'm trying to get a few different things done. I'm planning a vacation at some point. Oh, where are you going to go? I think we're going to go to Colorado. Kitty's got friends out there, and they've come here before and visited with us. Those are cool guys, so I'm going to go hang out at their place this time. They've been here at least twice, maybe three times. And they come out here and I take them shooting and stuff.
Starting point is 00:04:52 And we have a good time. So this time I'm going to them. I think we're going to get a big cabin or something. We're looking at one now. It has just amazing mountain views. But it's really remote. It's not like Denver or anything. It's like it's some, I think we're five hours from Denver in some really remote corner of Colorado,
Starting point is 00:05:08 but I know very little about Colorado geography. You just know that there's a bit of a hubbub about weed. And the outside of the cabin probably doesn't even matter. You'll just have one of those pot suckers and melt into the couch. I'm hoping it's a good time. They said there's these natural springs there. Here's my thing. I've been to those they're awesome the hot springs yeah yeah the hot springs
Starting point is 00:05:30 so how do you ever trust that because that's hot boiling that's that water was okay so that water started out probably a steam somewhere underground because it's being heated it's been heated up underground it's rising up and it's cooling as it comes to the point where it gets up here and it's pleasant it's the perfect temperature for you what's to say there isn't
Starting point is 00:05:48 some like minor earthquake shake up down below and some scalding fucking like thousand degree shit comes up doesn't come up and cook you right there you could be cooked you know that is i've never thought about that and i probably wouldn't have gotten in if i had thought about that but it i'm not gonna get in it's possible it's never i've never heard about that, and I probably wouldn't have gotten in if I had thought about that. I'm not going to get in. I've never heard of anything like that happening. I heard about this guy's dog going in a boiling hot spring. I think it was maybe a geyser or something like that, but I remember the dog fell in, and he went in after it. I know the guy died, but the idea of being boiled alive in a hot spring,
Starting point is 00:06:21 and you're going to die and then fall down into the water and just be boiled into their meat and bone. I don't want any part of that. Kitty can get in the hot spring and my girlfriend can hop in there too but I absolutely want no part of that. You're going to sit on the outside and shiver watching them in the ice warm?
Starting point is 00:06:40 No, I'll stay in the fucking cabin. I'm not going. I'm not going to those hot springs. Have a couple of T-Bit shoes and just relax. You know, if that's a real open invitation, I might take you up on that. So we did have a couple coming with us, but they canceled on us. So we do need...
Starting point is 00:07:01 The place we're getting is like $380 a night or something like that. And so we figured we'd split that three ways. So yeah, you and your girlfriend are more than welcome to come. We're looking for some people to come. I will do that. I think it's going to be a good time. We're staying for like
Starting point is 00:07:20 five days, something like that. I'm really excited to go into one of those pot shops just to see what it's like like i think you're just gonna be like really i can i can i can i can have some you don't mind it's not illegal like that's i gotta i've i've uh one of my buddies one of my good friends who visited here recently he lives there he's lived there for a couple years when i stopped by his uh his condo or apartment whatever in colorado like i expected it to be like yeah man i got all this pot we'll just roll a joint and smoke it it was like smoking was not even on his radar anymore like it was all weird like
Starting point is 00:07:57 listerine strip style things that you put on your tongue and you're just high or uh he had a bunch of uh like tootsie roll looking things where i was like oh that's neat like will that get you a little buzz uh you know kind of a fun buzz and he's like oh no man you eat a third of those you do not eat that whole little tootsie roll size thing because you will be on the floor just baked out of your mind like when you get white faced and and like shaking you're so high uh it looks really neat and colorado's making a fucking haul on weed so much yeah uh kitty's really interested in the cbd aspect of it i guess um it's it's the part of the the marijuana that doesn't get you high but it's it's uh it's a
Starting point is 00:08:39 really effective painkiller for her arthritis it seems so. So she likes to get CBD oil and make creams and salves out of it. So she knows some guys that are into that stuff. And I think they actually grow a special strain of weed that's high CBD. If you were to smoke it, from what I understand, you wouldn't get anything. There's no THC in it. It's all CBD. there's no THC in it. It's like all CBD. Like I think normally it's like, you know,
Starting point is 00:09:10 15 to 20% THC and then like a tiny amount of CBD, but they like went the opposite with it for, so they can make like a real pain relieving, uh, uh, strain of marijuana. I don't like that idea. All the fun of being high. You're just,
Starting point is 00:09:24 you smoke it and then you don't have what ulcer pain in your stomach anymore yeah which is a good idea does kitty not like the feeling like she just wants the pain to go away um well i i well she wants to be able to work you know she does she she wants to use as a painkiller like because she's allergic to a lot of painkillers and then some others are ineffective and some others cause complications with other drugs she's on. So she's really limited as to what she can take as a painkiller that won't act like a narcotic. Like, she has some painkillers, then when she's in a lot of pain from her arthritis or whatever, or maybe she'll have a hip pop out of joint.
Starting point is 00:09:59 I've popped her hip back into joint a couple times. What's that process like? Physical therapists kind of walk me through it one time. her hip back in a joint a couple times. What's that process like? Physical therapist kind of walked me through it one time. She lies on her back and kind of brings her knee up and there's some pressure. Is there like a noise when it goes back in?
Starting point is 00:10:16 I never know if it has or not. She knows though. She's like, yep, yep, yep, yep, yep. Have you ever pulled your arm out of socket? Not all the way, but definitely part way uh my left arm and now if i'm lifting something at at a certain angle i feel it start to slide out again and it's excruciating and i have to i lose all strength in this arm temporarily i have to be like oh all right all right all right good again you're doing it and then it's just like yeah exactly like there's nothing holding it that's
Starting point is 00:10:48 how my left arm is now i had to have my hockey coach pop it back in once it was awful i have no idea how i acquired that injury i've had a lot of bad falls from atvs and um like in my teenage years i had a i had three or four concussions in like a four-year period. I fell off a rope swing, and there were two ATV wrecks where I went flying, and so I was always getting hurt. So I'm not really sure how I did that, but it's a reoccurring thing, and when it happens, it's like, ah, yeah, that stupid thing again, and it's really painful in a way that is difficult to deal with. It's such a sharp pain. yeah that sucks but yeah i'll get you those dates and everything um just a quick update for the patreon people i'm not going to
Starting point is 00:11:31 beat this into like like every show talk about wings redemption hot sauce or anything but i am many steps uh closer to having a product in everyone's hands and uh getting out to you guys. I've figured out how to get the hot sauce. We haven't picked the exact flavor we're going to go with. I'm getting samplers for everyone. So all of us here will have samplers. I'm going to send Wayne some samplers. And I've picked out like several hot sauces and we're going to pick the one we want to use. It's down to two in my head, but I think everybody's going to get at least three, maybe four. And I've got pricing from five different companies, so I think we've figured out a way to get the best product to the fans at the lowest price. Shipping is going to be a bit of an issue. I think we'll set up some sort of merchant shop somewhere. I don't care where. If Etsy is
Starting point is 00:12:23 like, oh yeah, it's done, then I would do Etsy. But if there's some like painkiller already, redirect we can do somewhere and get it done another way, I don't care. But I feel like we need with shipping to have a case-to-case basis. You know, like your shipping should be what it actually costs to get the product to you. My girlfriend does $8 flat rate shipping on her stuff because it's $9 to go to California and it's, you know, that's the, that's the most inside the U S but then it goes down from there. So she does eight and it's kind of a middle ground for everybody. But I don't want everybody paying eight or $9 shipping for a bottle of hot sauce. If you're, if you're in Tennessee and you want to buy all this hot sauce, I can get it to you for like $2.
Starting point is 00:13:00 So, uh, we'll just have to take it case to on a case-to-case basis as far as shipping and handling but we're getting there and it's going to happen and I'm pretty happy about it um dude yeah so that's I mean to cut you off but did did you see that other sponsor did you sign up I know Taylor and I did the thing that I signed up I signed up I'm I don't even know what they're called and I don't mean to pimp them more than they're paying for but I think their service is neat they have a consultant that helps you pick out clothes I could use that like I know we all joke about the Woody's Gamer shorts but like ugly shorts and a malfitting t-shirt is kind of my look and it's not a flattering one no um I think you look good in button up shirts if I were your stylist
Starting point is 00:13:47 I think you need straight leg jeans not skinny not relaxed you need straight leg jeans I think you need to wear a thick belt like a wide belt I never know where your waistline is because sometimes you wear those shirts
Starting point is 00:14:02 and they're hanging over shorts I feel like you need to establish that and i feel like it'd make your shirt your shoulders are broad i feel like a button uh a button button-up shirt and uh and dark jeans would is the look for you because i've seen you in button-up shirts and it looks really good all right so like tuck the shirt is what you're saying what you should do i think so i think he's a he's a tuck shirt can you even tuck a shirt like you can tuck a long sleeve shirtleeve shirt, totally. A long-sleeve button-up? Yeah. I used to tuck in every shirt I owned, and then suddenly that became a capital offense. Yeah, you don't want to tuck in a T-shirt.
Starting point is 00:14:32 You look like Rain Man, just walking around like a maniac. See, but 20 years ago you tucked in a T-shirt. If you didn't tuck in a T-shirt, it was because you were too fat. Now that's not the case. I think you look good tucked. Now that's not the case. I think you look a bit tucked. I think I look better
Starting point is 00:14:47 tucked too. I feel like the way that a shirt hangs on me, it just makes me look as fat as my rib cage all the way through. I wish I could get a t-shirt that looked right on me. Kyle's right. Where do you usually get t-shirts?
Starting point is 00:15:03 Do you get fitted or do you just buy boxy from my closet i don't know where they come from so you don't come they just show up there and yeah the ultimate i i really wish that you were you were always wearing tech tuesday shirts and that could be a running joke that would be so funny i should just be my look tech tuesday and plaid shorts always. But yeah, the way this site works is it asks me for a lot of information. I'm not even sure if I gave it. I guess maybe I gave it the minimum amount of information,
Starting point is 00:15:35 but I really need to go back and fill in more because it's every little thing, including the part where they want you to upload a photograph of yourself so they can see your skin and your hair and your eyes, and they can make sure that they're coordinating according to that. And so I uploaded a picture of me with like a 500 Smith & Wesson Magnum going off in my hand and like a big fireball. I didn't do that. I just, I think you're right. A button down shirt looks good on me.
Starting point is 00:15:58 It's not that comfy sometimes. And I wish I could find... I find it helps with posture. Like if I'm wearing a button down, if you slouch in a button down shirt you get like a belly it's like i'm not pokes out like yeah and you look so if i'm wearing one i i you know i make sure my shoulders are back and i make sure i'm standing straight and i feel like i've got better posture if i'm wearing one of those i i like them i i wear them a lot I usually don't tuck them unless it's more of a formal kind of situation. But that's what I like to wear.
Starting point is 00:16:29 So I don't think I want to... Buying pants online just seems impossible. I've tried it like three different times. It never goes well. But I definitely want some tops and maybe shoes and whatever else they do there. That's a really cool idea. Yeah, I'm excited about this service.
Starting point is 00:16:42 Yeah, I'm hesitant with pants online. Pants online seems like... even if i go to the store like one brand of 32 32s or 33 32s is not the same as another brand like you know it seems like it'd be impossible because it's just the number of inches around the waist but it's and they're like vanity brands that the you know it'll it'll say it's uh a 32 waist and i'll put it on i'll be like holy shit this is huge! What the fuck? This is just so some fatty can come in here
Starting point is 00:17:09 and be like, yeah, I'm still a 32, baby! What are you talking about? Same size as college, am I right? If I wear a loose t-shirt, it looks sloppy and ugly. If I wear a tight t-shirt, sometimes it fits in an unflattering way you know it'll be a problem area that that gets really put on display where it's like too tight
Starting point is 00:17:31 in like that lower back area that's a spot or man boobs could be a thing or like you said like the love handles i think of is on the side this is almost the back of a love handle and um uh like the same spot you're pointing out like back here and um it's like huh is there some t-shirt that that fits as flattering as a button-down shirt you know is it the material i don't know that it's stretchy and cotton that doesn't i don't know but if they uh if they have little style consultants there, then that might be nice. Where do you guys shop for clothes usually? I just go to Nordstrom and get clothes.
Starting point is 00:18:12 It depends. I haven't been shopping shopping in a while. But if I'm really going on a shopping trip, if I'm like, hey, let's go to the mall. I'll go to Bloomingdales or something like that uh and uh and get like a whole i've gone to bloomingdales and like gotten the whole wardrobe before but if i'm just usually now it's kind of like a piece at a time i'm like oh i need some i need a new pair of pants or i need one new shirt or i don't really go like like when i was a kid it was like all right it's time to get your back to school clothes let's get your whole wardrobe for this year.
Starting point is 00:18:46 But now as an adult, it's like, let's add this to the collection. So I usually go to Calvin Klein, Banana Republic, sometimes to Ralph Lauren, if I want a polo shirt or something, but I haven't gone there lately. Have you ever been to Brooks Brothers? Yeah, yeah, if I'm getting something more formal And What was it? Express for Men, I like them a lot
Starting point is 00:19:11 I like Express for Men's button down shirts And I bought I don't have a big collection of ties But I've got half a dozen or so I've got most of my ties there And Their jeans are okay But they kind of fit they're a little too skinny
Starting point is 00:19:28 yeah express i like express and h&m for their really cheap fitted t-shirts like they're so much cheaper than everywhere else and based on a documentary that i watched with melissa like a week ago it's because it's little. Cambodian kids. Sewing that under pain of death. If they don't get those you know. I like knowing that. Good for you for employing Cambodians. What would they be doing otherwise?
Starting point is 00:19:55 Yeah yeah. Without my pennies. They'd just be digging in the dirt somewhere. Like fucking savages. Enjoy what you get Cambodia. Dude it's a. it's a tough thing man like all this pay is based on supply and demand that's the deal and there are sometimes efforts like bernie sanders is going under to just like you know what i think everyone should be paid more but
Starting point is 00:20:25 unless that's global then the jobs just will move to cambodia and yeah i love that guys are like oh you know they raised the minimum wage in seattle and the baristas are still fine there no there's no problems and it's like yeah right but you do that at a national level and manufacturing just leaves the country which is effectively what we've seen. It's already left the country in all of the Midwest cities that used to rely, like the whole Rust Belt, all the Midwest cities that used to rely on production, especially Detroit. Unions have accomplished what people want to try again, which is raising the pay rate for people in manufacturing. And it chased manufacturing out of the out of the nation and like in my head it's like hey score is posted but other people feel the
Starting point is 00:21:12 opposite and say hey you know seattle's fine score is posted and it's like no man like it's because the other 49 states are propping seattle up right now at the starbucks corporation oh you believe that seattle is fine three days after they implemented this? Like they just initiated this. Like it's not like it's a storied history of decades of success. And we're talking about Seattle, right? Like if Seattle was like the largest manufacturer of t-shirts in America, then that'd be different. But I think of them basically as a service-based city, right?
Starting point is 00:21:44 Like there's not a lot of manufacturing going on in the city itself where the minimum wage is up. Is there any fishing there? There is fishing, yeah. Okay. Yeah, because it's coastal and all. I don't know. I remember the sunset there was beautiful.
Starting point is 00:21:59 We were out on one of those outdoor restaurants with the seagulls attacking you and everything. We all ate there one night. You know the one, that seafood restaurant down by the water. I haven't been to Seattle. No? No.
Starting point is 00:22:12 You weren't on that trip. Oh, wow. Everybody was. Oh, I remember. That was the trip when Wings had the meltdown with Syndicate. That's what was going on in the real world. Really? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:22 I was in Seattle, and it was like, I don't know, name a YouTuber, T Martin and every, everybody we know was at that was at this big long table. We were, we were eating dinner and drinking and everything.
Starting point is 00:22:31 And then we left white guy like threatening albino. Oh, um, um, fuck. Is it that guy? No, that's the one.
Starting point is 00:22:43 Uh, the, the disease is a name. That's not easy to remember. Uh, yeah. That guy who camps? No. That's the one with the disease. He has a name that's not easy to remember. That guy who camps has alopecia? Alopecia or something. It's like hair doesn't grow anywhere on your body, I think. Yep. This guy, I want to call him Merka Durka, but obviously that's not him.
Starting point is 00:23:01 Muzzafuzza. Muzzafuzza, yeah, I like that. Muzzafuzza. Yeah, he's actually really cool yeah yeah really tall and really really really white i've ran into him in so many weird places like on the street in los angeles just just like there's a muzzafaza and you can't miss him yeah you'll see him last time i saw him he was wearing google glass yeah yeah yeah uh that that rings a bell for some reason but i don't think i saw him uh but in any case we're all we've left the restaurant we're walking uphill because that's everything in seattle is uphill it seems like i don't know there's never anywhere to go that's
Starting point is 00:23:36 downhill um and so we're all walking up this hill and someone breaks the news they're like wings just had a fucking meltdown on pka he quit pka and this and that and i'm just like what what happened what this and that and it was just all these crazy reports about what had happened we're getting it like like two or three we're getting you know twitter reports and shit like that but but they're like they told you know the news was out wings lost a 1v1 against syndicate and i remember thinking like yeah of course he did man that guy's beast he's good at call of duty he was um in cod 4 he was a multiplayer guy people think of him as a zombies guy but he had multiplayer skills there was another guy too i forget we did this um commentator showdown and i forget who the other guy was but i remember that
Starting point is 00:24:22 he was kind of known as a zombies person. And he represented. You know, I want to say he finished, like, top third, you know, amongst the 20 people in Free For All. And, you know, that was a good showing. I've been to Seattle once. And I drove. I had to go there with Melissa because she wanted to see some band that I hated, did not want to go.
Starting point is 00:24:46 Gogol Burdello. It's like a gypsy punk band where there's nine Armenians on the stage hooting and hollering and running the spoon on the clothes cleaner. It's fucking out of
Starting point is 00:25:01 control and I'm stressed out. I don't want to go. I have to drive nine hours to Seattle from Idaho where i was living at the time you drove nine hours for three days so we had like a whole weekend and shit planned and i got there and as i was parking for the concert i was like man something really sounds off with my engine right now i'm like my car isn't sounding okay we go in i get all sweaty with other people's sweat jumping around you know hooting with the armenians and i leave and she's like oh this is so much fun and i'm like yeah and then we get into my car i start it and i'm like we're going back to fucking we're at renton or whatever that place is near
Starting point is 00:25:41 seattle pull out don't get 200 yards, and there's just steam and just so much shit shooting out of the top, out of the crease where my hood closes. And I'm like, God fucking damn it, fuck, fuck. And I was screaming and yelling, and I finally just pulled into a gas station. It's 1230, pouring rain, and I'm standing outside on the phone with AAA. They're arguing with me that I'm not a member anymore.
Starting point is 00:26:10 And I'm just, if there was a gun there, I would have ended it. Like, it was horrible, horrible. I sat there, and then this old fucking fogey in a pickup truck, like, not even like a tow truck, just like a pickup truck with that weird crane on the end, shows up 40 minutes later it's after 1 a.m and me and melissa get in his car and he's towing us to the uh to the hotel and i just remember she's like so you know it wasn't all bad right you know we had some fun and i just wouldn't look at her just looking forward pissed
Starting point is 00:26:43 off we finally get to uh or i guess he took us back to the hotel afterward. He took my car to the shop. And I left it in the shop parking lot, wrote my information down on a little slip, dropped it in the drop box. And the next morning I got a call from the guy. And he's like, hey, you dropped off the Black Chrysler 300 last night, real early in the morning. I was like, yeah, yeah, I did.
Starting point is 00:27:04 How much is that going to run me to fix that and he's like yeah no no we can we can do that unfortunately your car was broken into last night oh and the rear passenger window is shattered we can put a new one in there but we can't match the tint 100% and I was like just fucking do it just fucking do it I ended up spending nineteen hundred dollars to go to a fucking show that i didn't want to go to in the first place i was livid i had to oh no even more than that nineteen hundred on my car and i had to spend like an extra four hundred dollars to stay in the hotel for an extra three days while they got all the parts and
Starting point is 00:27:41 made my car work again oh it was horrible was horrible. So how close was the tint? I didn't even leave the hotel room. We walked to Popeye's to get dinner at one point because I was like, I'm not going back into Seattle. Fuck that city. Lived in St. Louis my whole life. Car's fine. Seattle for two days.
Starting point is 00:27:58 Broken in. How close was the tint? I can still tell a difference. I can still tell a difference. Like whoever had my car before me illegally tinted it. Like, I had a cop pull me over once, clearly on nothing, and he took this little machine out, and they put it over the window,
Starting point is 00:28:15 and it'll say, like, oh, this is whatever percent. And he put it on there, and I had to act like I had no idea, where I was like, this is illegal, really? Like, you know, even though i can't see out of it at night like that's crazy i couldn't believe it uh like and he put it in and he put like the highest legal amount to match it and it's still so much lighter it oh oh i hate seattle i'm never going oh you should have told him to just tell him to put the illegal shit in there they always do it for me i always tent them illegally like whatever it is like 97 or whatever block it at
Starting point is 00:28:45 blocking stuff out like whatever that i'm like what what's the darkest thing you've got and and i'm like i'm like yeah that shit you put at the top of a windshield just as an accent put that everywhere i can't see out of my car when i back out at night hardly like i have and with my eyes that's an awful combination of someone backing out with no vision essentially like it not yeah that is problematic drug dealer you met my car before me you need a rear-facing camera so you can like see what's going on over there do you have that in your camaro no i don't in your truck then probably right no i uh i rented a car uh the last two rental cars we've had have had it and i really like it and kitty's, actually. Notice he didn't ask me if the Tacoma has a rear-facing
Starting point is 00:29:28 camera. Does your 1991 Tacoma have a rear-facing camera? The aftermarket one for like probably cheap. Probably really cheap. If you think about it, you could wire your own up incredibly cheap. It's nothing. That technology is about as cheap as it gets. When you wire your own up, it's always like another
Starting point is 00:29:44 thing to maintain. Like, that's always been my experience. Like, all right, now I've got, like, a bare wire laced through the frame with zip ties that most of the time isn't an issue. But every so often, I don't know, six things attached to the battery. Between the winch, I have a fuse block in there. I've got an air compressor under the hood, and I don't know what else. It's just like, yeah, now for the rest of the life of this truck, there's just a little more shit to deal with. You've got an air compressor?
Starting point is 00:30:24 I do, yeah. It is cool. It's come in really handy. Is there any way to run that into the engine and have some sort of make it like a supercharger? I don't know. You flip the switch and it's like
Starting point is 00:30:38 in a Tacoma. When you go off-roading, if you can imagine, look at this, I have a watch. If this is a rock and you have a really firm round tire, then it just kind of skids against it. But if you deflate it,
Starting point is 00:30:54 then the tire can grip it a little better. I don't know if this is working. Pretty well. And kind of get a nice little grip that helps it get on top. So when you go off-roading, you deflate your tires to like 8 PSI. But then when you're ready to go home, you fill them up again. So I have an air compressor under the hood.
Starting point is 00:31:13 Yeah, that drive you made from Idaho to Seattle, I made the opposite of that before. That is the most – Jesus, there's nothing out there. I remember just flat fields full of some crop. I don't even know what it was. You were going from Seattle to Idaho? Yeah. Was it windy?
Starting point is 00:31:30 I don't remember any wind. I just remember it was so boring that I got outside the car and sat on the hood while we drove down. There was this long, flat stretch of road that went on as far as the eye could see, and I got up on the hood of the truck, and we got up to like 60 miles an hour. And I'm like riding up there for a while. I was climbing out the windows Dukes of Hazzard style and getting on the roof and sitting up there. I used to do that as a teenager.
Starting point is 00:31:55 There is fucking nothing in Idaho until you get to Boise in South. Like you drive in just like you said, a barren wasteland of nothing in desert. And then you go up a mountain range and down a mountain range. And then you're in the valley where Boise is. And then if you keep driving you go back up the mountain range and back down in this valley. And then you're back into nothing. Yeah. I flew out of Boise back to Atlanta.
Starting point is 00:32:18 Made my buddies drive the car the rest of the way on their own. From Boise to Atlanta? Yeah. So they drove from Atlanta toanta to seattle and picked my ass up and then we went from there down to oregon and then it was the time for the journey home well i was like well just drop me off in fucking idaho and i'll see you guys next week let them fucking drive back i i don't like those long road trips i've made a bunch of them and uh they don't get better as you go every time i do it i'm just like those long road trips i've made a bunch of them and uh they don't get
Starting point is 00:32:45 better as you go every time i do it i'm just like why did we do this fucking again this is awful it's not fun it's i i mean i had to do that drive pretty recently from boise to st louis which is not as far as boise to fucking atlanta which would be horrible but like you kind of you're okay when you're driving through scenic areas but when you have to drive the entire length of wyoming and nebraska in a two-day stretch there's fucking nothing in either of those states wyoming is a hilly nebraska and nebraska is just kansas too we had so many pictures from oregon so many pictures from washington state So many pictures from all these places along the way. But you get to, like, when they went through those states, and I'm, like, flipping through the phone.
Starting point is 00:33:30 I'm, like, what happened between Michigan and the West Coast? There's nothing. Like, once they got past those bullshit flats, like Nebraska or whatever, they're, like, taking – we're at Mount St. Helens taking pictures, you know, we're up on mountaintops pretending like we're mountain climbers, you know, because it's like a cliffhanger, like, visual effect where it looks like you're on the edge of a precipice, but really you can just hop down and walk away.
Starting point is 00:33:58 Oh, my God. I've got a story. Your old, like, ruining a bathroom by shitting story. That popped back in my head head and I remember this. So when you're driving through Wyoming, it's almost like Australia where you drive through and it's like last gas station for 230 miles. And I'm like,
Starting point is 00:34:15 all right, well I'm like at three quarters of a tank, but I'm not risking this. So I pull in and as I'm filling up, I just get that like drop in my stomach of like, I got to take a shit right now, right now right now so i go in uh i asked for the bathroom the guy says that you have to buy something in his shop
Starting point is 00:34:30 to use the bathroom not just gas so i like grab a five-hour energy pay three bucks and then i just shuffle off with my like stiff-legged gotta shit walk and it was this horrible little bathroom, disgusting, awful, like, just gross. And I go in and I take the foulest shit of my life. And this, guys, this isn't like an Amco or a Texaco station. This is just some dude's gas station. And I just
Starting point is 00:34:57 be foul. And then I wash my hands, go back to flush it, and it's a no-go. It won't launch. It'll go flush, and it rises. And I learned before that it lowered another half inch,
Starting point is 00:35:13 and I'm like, I'm not going to flush this again. Flush it again. And so I just quickly walked out of this guy's bathroom. I was the only one in the gas station, and he was like, anything else I can help you with? And I'm like, no no i'm good i'm good i'm good and so i just quickly walked out of the gas station got in my car unloaded the pump gotten it just drove off as quickly as possible knowing that that guy probably walked in there 20 minutes later just like oh god a ruined bath just a big bowl full of rancid shit that i had to deal with uh but i was well
Starting point is 00:35:47 on my way then so i got a story it doesn't top it if anything it under it but so i we're driving from florida north carolina home from my parents house and i too i'm sick right there's something wrong with my belly i think i had like gravy on chicken or something like that. Fast food gravy. It's a risk. It's stuff, right? Maybe cream soup. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:36:10 But my belly is bad. And I just barely make it to the gas station at all. I think it was McDonald's. And then we pull in there. And I just go straight for the bathroom. And they're busy. And I'm just like, oh, my God. I manage to hold out like the next 90 seconds since someone comes out.
Starting point is 00:36:30 I sit there, and kaboom, right? It's a nightmare. It smells so bad that I can hardly take my own smell. Like air around you is warming up? Oh, it's horrific. I've never done it since or prior to that. My own smell. Like air around you is warming up. Oh, it's horrific. I've never done it since or prior to that. Yeah, it's just like I almost want to throw up from my own stink, which typically I'm tolerant to because, you know, everyone likes their own recipe.
Starting point is 00:37:02 And I go and I spend like an extra long time on the toilet making sure that there is no more left to evacuate, that I've got everything done that I need to. But the smell won't go away. It's horrific. And there's a guy like out – there's two stalls, but I guess they're both busy or something. And there's a guy standing there just waiting to come in. And my favorite part of the story that mcdonald's i guess so so i i leave the stall and the guy walks in and he does one of these deals like he comes in and goes oh he backs away it doesn't enter the stall because the odor
Starting point is 00:37:40 was so bad he just i guess he let it dissipate I don't know. He went shit in the floor somewhere. He's like, fuck that. I don't know what process happens in the human body that can create such a nightmare of that odor. I know, too. I made myself. I guess it was my freshman year of college in the dorm. I was super hungover one Sunday morningay morning or something and i went into the bathroom like turned the shower and it wasn't a big shower with the the curtain it was just like
Starting point is 00:38:10 the you close the door and it's a little cubicle shower uh with the glass door so it seals pretty tight and i got the water all hot i'm starting to feel a little bit better and i let out a fart and it was so thick and meaty and just earthy, just horrific that I made myself throw up from my own fart smell in the shower. I just farted and I was like, oh, that feels better. And I was like, oh. Just
Starting point is 00:38:37 threw up. Dumped down little chunks of whatever the fuck I was eating the night before through the little grate on the bottom. I never understand when people are like, oh, I like the smell of my own farts. No, it repulses me. They don't have your same diet. Showers have a magnifying effect on smells too.
Starting point is 00:38:58 I read the scientific explanation on the internet at one point but i've forgotten it something to do with and then you've got sort of a convection current created by the hot water down there in the cold air above it's you're right but in in particular like i think methane combines with the the water molecules in the air and turns into something more awful than it was previously. It's so bad. Yeah. You should myth-bust that. Bad when you fart and create a new molecule.
Starting point is 00:39:40 How many rats are you taking over there, Jim? I just had a bean burrito. It's fucking awful when was uh i so all right so i had a so i would i would stay at my girlfriend's house and uh in the morning she would always wake up before me and she'd be in the bathroom like doing her makeup and i in the morning i have to take a colossal shit because i've spent all you know if i'm at her house and the night before we're like up partying and drinking and eating and like I eat a lot at night. So in the morning it's time to go.
Starting point is 00:40:12 And so this would happen repeatedly where I would get to the bathroom and there she is like standing there and I'm like, you know, I need to use the bathroom. But she's just like stepping away for like 30 seconds or something and in my head i'm thinking like don't you know i hate you i got a shit come on like you know i'm not like you know i shit right like i think we all know that like like like don't you know like because she'd be like oh you're about done in there and i'm just like all right i'm just not gonna be able to shit today i just can't shit and i have to so bad so I like make an excuse I'm like uh I'm gonna go to Target and get some socks and some graphic tees I think I'll stay here a couple extra days I figured that was a good excuse and so so I shit it was gonna be bad it's I knew it was it's so bad that as I'm shitting like as it's like shitting, I flush mid-shit so that some
Starting point is 00:41:06 of it just goes straight down the pipe. I don't want it to be in the room at all. I want it going from butt to sewer as fast as possible. So mid-shit, I'm flushing. It helps a lot with the smell. But even then, I feel like
Starting point is 00:41:24 I've got to wait until she's meditating or she's watching a movie or something. I know I've got a long period of time, so I had to go to Target. So I go into Target, and I ruined it. I remember it just smelled so bad, and I knew it was going to smell bad. So I preemptively get a bunch of toilet tissues ready. I'm like like all right this this is one wipe and i put it in my pants at my they're like around my ankles i'm like
Starting point is 00:41:50 get another this is wipe two put that down then i'm like oh this is at least a three wiper like and i get them already so that when i finally start shitting in that room start smelling like i don't know that the whole bowl of guacamole i ate the night before plus the medium meat lovers pizza plus like that's that pepperoni stick i just had to have from the gas station like i i want to be able to like get out of there asap um i i've all i don't like shitting in public places at all i can count the times I've done it. You know what I like? I like my bidet. My bidet is awesome.
Starting point is 00:42:30 It doesn't matter what kind of poop you have. You exit that thing better than shower fresh. You are... You've just pressure washed your hiney at the end of this thing. Also, if you run the... A mild warm water pressure wash, but still, this is like like 40 psi don't be scared yeah don't be scared you'll be good and um beyond that it takes like an extra
Starting point is 00:42:52 second right so like if you normally use the toilet the little fan that runs it's you know evacuating the air that's running but you might leave and turn the fan off knowing that it's just 80 better than what it could have been but if you have another like 60 seconds on the bidet to handle your business that the air in there is i leave that fan on when i leave that doesn't come off yeah yeah i leave that fan on when i leave the bathroom and i hope hope that no one's going to be like, oh, you're finally out. I put a little bit of soap in the sink and turned the water on, let it soap up so then it smells like raspberry tart. I don't know this strategy.
Starting point is 00:43:36 There's a candle in some of our bathrooms. I went in the shower and poured it in the shower floor and then blasted it with a shower head like, yeah, yeah. Vanilla. All right, that's good. Whatever you can do. Some of our bathrooms have a Yankee candle, which is a nice two- head. Like, yeah, yeah. Vanilla. All right, that's good. Whatever you can do. Some of our bathrooms have a Yankee candle, which is a nice two-piece.
Starting point is 00:43:48 I'm sorry, Taylor. No, you're good. It's a nice two-piece, because one, it burns the methane and handles. Just burning it will do a lot. And then the Yankee candle just throws whatever fruit topping. Can I tell my story first? You go for it, man.
Starting point is 00:44:03 So sometime around eighth or ninth grade i didn't know it but my friend started smoking pot and right so uh um that meant they started carrying lighters and they went through this phase that uh when everyone had to fart they were spending time without me right obviously because they started smoking pot and i didn't know but uh they went through this phase whenever someone had to fart, and they were spending time without me, right? Obviously, because they started smoking pot and I didn't know. But they went through this phase of whenever someone had to fart, they would light it on fire. And they became like this coordinated team, right?
Starting point is 00:44:32 Like if you're near a bed or something, a guy would like, you're like, all right, gotta go. And he'd like jump on the bed, on his back, knees up. The other guy would hit the lighter like right by his anus and you'd get a puff of flame
Starting point is 00:44:45 Have you guys ever done this? I've seen it, but I never wanted fire around my genitals Well, I've never tried it So like they did this and it was like oh, you know, that's a thing I even did it once or twice, but I wasn't quite like them. I just be like you dabbled Yeah, I would bend over and they'd light it. I never hit the missionary position like, like the pros would, but,
Starting point is 00:45:09 um, uh, and then like, they might do that if there was no bed nearby or something, maybe we're outside, but, uh, I forget what their code word was,
Starting point is 00:45:17 but they like had a thing. Fire in the hole. That would be perfect. I like that. I don't think that was it, but yeah. So they'd be like, all right, you know, go time. And they'd like race to a bedroom, like the thing on fire. And it would be pretty. I like that. I don't think that was it. But yeah, so they'd be like, all right, you know, go time.
Starting point is 00:45:26 And they'd like race to a bedroom, light the thing on fire. And it would be pretty much odorless. You know, it was just expelled. It was done. It was burnt. And then one day, I wasn't there for this, but some chick farted. And I don't know what the scoop is. I don't know if it's girl related or what.
Starting point is 00:45:43 But there was like a backdraft and it burnt her hiney and uh they they never did it again well i've seen youtube videos where the guys like pubic hair catches on fire or his ass hair catches on fire i'm not real hairy back there but i i know i'm a from from my pornography experience i've seen some guys are just a forest back there i imagine that taylor is I'm out of control. I shaved my genitals down there, but it's just an island of no hair and just a thicket
Starting point is 00:46:12 everywhere else. Just out of control. I imagine that if Taylor lit a fart, his ass would ignite. It'd be like, put me out! Like there would be hair on fire. This was through genes. Sicilians can't be fucking with farting into a lighter. This was through genes in this case.
Starting point is 00:46:28 They didn't take their clothes off for it. Oh, that's even worse. Then his pubic hair is on fire in his pants where he can't get to them. That's an issue. It's like an underground coal fire. Yeah, people see you burning, but they don't understand. It's like when those people are in an alcohol fire at the racetrack. You're burning alive, but no one can understand. It's like when those people are in an alcohol fire at the racetrack. You're burning alive, but no one can understand.
Starting point is 00:46:47 That's what that would be like. Your whole asshole is just melting. Can you imagine third degree burns on your asshole? Like, just explaining that. Where do they take the graft from? That's generally where they take the skin from, is your ass. You burn your ass, you're fucked. You could, like, take some forehead
Starting point is 00:47:03 skin and put it on your butthole well i got a little out of control i got a good uh shit story i almost wanted to save this one for pka but this can be a patreon exclusive uh so i went fly fishing i've mentioned that before with my dad this past year and it was just us two and the guide and it was just this dude in his truck he picked us up drove us to eastern oregon and did a whole day of fly fishing we got there i get out and i felt like a rumbling in my stomach in the car on the way there and i was like oh you know just weather this storm and get through it and then you can hold it till you get home tonight and so i got through it thought it was going to be okay uh we're fly fishing for like three hours then we go to have lunch and he brought some like sandwiches that were soggy and gross and so i got through it thought it was going to be okay uh we're fly fishing for like three hours
Starting point is 00:47:45 then we go to have lunch and he brought some like sandwiches that were soggy and gross and so we were sitting there eating and i was like i just suddenly got the urge of like if i don't get to a bathroom i'm gonna shit my fucking pants right and this guy's waiters and so i told him i'm like i i really have to go to the bathroom. Can you drive me to that outhouse three-quarters of a mile away? And I just met this guy. I just met this guy. The guy's like, yeah, yeah, sure. You want to wait until we're done eating?
Starting point is 00:48:14 And I'm like, no, right now. I need you to get me in that truck, and we need to drive there. And my dad's like, all right, I'll wait here. We start walking up there. And I got so much closer to this guy than i should have for a day of fly fishing where i was like honestly man like like keep in mind i just met this guy he's just showing us at a fly fish i'm not for two and a half hours like honestly man like i don't think i'm gonna make it like would you mind if i just went and
Starting point is 00:48:37 shat in the bushes right there just went and took a shit and he's like honestly dude it's it's like three quarters of a mile down the road here i think you can make it i get up to his door like the car door about to open it and i'm like dude like is it right there except that it's three quarters of a mile is it right over that hill he's like it's right over that hill i'm like all right it is not right over that hill and he's like you're good and i? And I'm shifting in his truck seat. I'm like, I'm not going to make it. I'm not going to make it. He pulls right up to this outhouse.
Starting point is 00:49:10 Just right up to it. I get out, run over, just destroy this little public park outhouse. There's no door on it. So I'm just sitting there taking a shit. And he's in his car, but it's facing me. he's just like pretending to be on his phone in the little fucking oregon where he has no service and so i'm just shitting there uh there's no toilet paper so i have to take off the waders as i'm like sitting there with a just swamp ass poopy butthole and take off one of my socks and just make do just like put it on my
Starting point is 00:49:41 hand like a mitten with the poopy sock throw it away just have a wet foot the rest of the day it was horrible and then the ride back was the most uncomfortable thing of my life where i got back in he's like you're feeling better and i'm like oh yeah you know how it is we didn't like he would come up behind me and like show me how to cast later in the day and it was almost so uncomfortable you know what I've done you know what I've been up to there was no sink in that shitty
Starting point is 00:50:12 the magic is gone my dad was hunting and I wasn't with him on this trip I went with him almost every evening but this particular time he went alone and he had to shit so he shits in the woods and he takes it i was like what'd you do for toilet paper whatever and and after this i swear to god and i bet it's still true right now he has a roll of toilet paper in that truck he always has a roll of toilet paper in
Starting point is 00:50:40 that truck now because what he had to do was to take yeah he wore like uh whitey tighties at the time i since he's progressed on to boxer shorts but he tore them into strips these things into and he's like all right i think we might have enough here and he just is underwear to wipe his ass i remember because i had to ask him i was like what would you wipe your ass with you know if you because he's like i had to go it was awful was like, what'd you wipe your ass with? Because he's like, I had to go. It was awful. It was awful. Your mama's cooking. Have you ever tried to wipe your ass with a slightly damp sock?
Starting point is 00:51:14 It's about as useful as Anne Frank's trumpet. Just awful. You're not getting it. It doesn't smear correctly. Because she had to hide? Because she couldn't make noise or she'd be killed for being a Jew. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:51:28 You know, in the unedited version of Anne Frank's diary, she talks a lot about masturbation. She does. I've heard that. I read that too. I read some of the missing passages. Apparently, she went through what is very normal sort of growing up in self-discovery, but, you know.
Starting point is 00:51:44 In an act, yeah. normal sort of growing up in self-discovery but you know yeah yeah it's but but knowing that her father published this thing later on it's a little uncomfortable right yeah i guess he published it without the masturbating stuff yes but he had to edit it out he had to be like okay we'll take the clitoris part out yeah yeah yeah yeah she describes like basically what her junk looks like while sitting while standing while spreading you know and just self-discovery going through puberty type stuff yeah i mean it was a fucking diary i don't think she expected that shit to get published poor things all right she's somewhere like fuck you all that was my shit my diary like dad one girl on the planet who's okay with
Starting point is 00:52:25 one other person reading their diary they say I exploit my kids for money for fuck's sake you don't see Hope's diary on my channel that's true it's Mr. Frank who deserves the brunt of this if you really think about it I wonder if he profited from that or if that was
Starting point is 00:52:42 just him if he was doing it from a I don't know I feel like a lot of good came from it. Oh, that's true. It wasn't you. Oh, Jesus. I didn't see where you guys were going. It was the last to catch on.
Starting point is 00:52:55 But, yeah, I don't know. I think a lot of good came from people understanding, like, what the other side was really like. The other side is if I'm on the Nazi end of this. I wonder how she even experimented and did shit like that. Like, it's my understanding that she was open in an attic. While hiding in a dresser drawer. Well, I don't think the diary was written entirely during her, like, oh, shit, don't make a noise phase of life.
Starting point is 00:53:18 I think it, you know, was, it took place, it began, she started keeping a diary before the Nazis really came into power and started going after the Jews at least. Have you guys seen that video where the title I always see associated with it is just because it's not happening here doesn't mean it's not happening? No? So it's this really, and forgive the pedo, this cute like 11-year-old girl, right? She looks like she's from a fairly wealthy family and she's all pretty and she blows out a birthday candle and um then like you see her sort of enjoying like normal life but a little more crisis like there's some things going on in
Starting point is 00:53:58 the news tv in the background and then it just keeps escalating and escalating until, like, it's full-on war-torn Syrian refugee-style stuff. I bet I could find it. It's moving, and it kind of reminds me of Anne Frank. I remember reading that Anne Frank diary when we had to in, like, seventh grade or whatever, and it being such a surprise that she didn't live through the war. Like, what? She dies at the end? And you still made it caught her like this is what a macabre awful story yeah why why do you they it would have been funny if the diary ended like uh like um like what was saying bollen like bollen's uh last account in Lord of the Rings. It's like...
Starting point is 00:54:45 They're at... They breached the Hornburg and the spiraling hall. It's getting worse and worse. Can we watch this together? Did I link it? Yeah, you did. So this is the hot 11-year-old? Oh my gosh.
Starting point is 00:55:01 I didn't mean it like that. But yeah. It's a minute and a half long video. You guys ready? Yeah. Ready, set, play. Happy birthday to you. Make a wish. Grenade.
Starting point is 00:55:21 Have you done your homework? I don't. Ready or not. Here it comes! ...firing clashes with British... Do you see the TV in the background? ...and the ammunition are going through... get shot. Have a nice day at school.
Starting point is 00:55:31 ...air strikes on rebel position. We are going to stay... ...tablet! Go! the air. ...and the air strikes on rebel position. We are going to stay... the air.
Starting point is 00:55:39 the air. the air. the air. the air. the air. the the the the the air. Last joints on rebel position. So, what is it, the Blitz 2.0? It happens over a year.
Starting point is 00:56:04 In the UK? I picture it to be Syria. I don't know. But this isn't Syria. It's not real. I... I... I'm not sure if I... Oh, I see.
Starting point is 00:56:35 Yeah, but they're different. They're not real people? No, they're not real people. Did you see that massive sexual assault in Germany over the New Year's Eve thing. No, I don't know anything about this. Where like hundreds of Syrian refugees lined up outside this thing and every woman who walked through, like hundreds of them assaulted her.
Starting point is 00:56:59 What? No. Really? You mean they're not assimilating peacefully like hundreds of yeah they assaulted assaulted every woman that came by every single one they in like a gauntlet yeah there's lots of reports of it of the you know um there there's i've read on reddit that uh the reddit mods are across every subreddit trying to suppress all the stories they They've made it, they've set like things that are to that topic to like an auto-delete list or something like
Starting point is 00:57:28 that. But yeah, the Chancellor Merkel, the Chancellor of Germany said it was a disgrace. Apparently like no police came and helped. One of the women assaulted was a volunteer police officer. It was a big deal. Dude, if that happened in America, shit would go
Starting point is 00:57:44 down. Like vigilante justice. And for all the fussing we have about how aggressive American policemen are, they're pretty much impossible to intimidate. Like if 20 gang members are giving one cop a hard time, he doesn't run for his life. He gets 60 more cops. he doesn't run for his life he gets 60 more cops you know and then yeah they support each other in a way that you see in war zones you know like they american police enforce the law of the land
Starting point is 00:58:18 no questions no compromise no fucking around if there was a gauntlet of syrians giving women a hard time there would be a gauntlet of cops giving syrians a hard time i that's uh that's literally what happened i think i think i saw where a lot of government officials were calling calling what the police non-reaction a national disgrace it's whole thing. I was reading a lot of reports of... There's no winning there though. If they had reacted it would have been, you know, racist police targeting innocent Syrians or something. They'll spin it however they need to. I remember like when during the Syri... like five years ago, when the thing in Syria was just heating up, maybe it wasn't quite that long ago. Maybe three years ago.
Starting point is 00:59:05 I remember hearing reports of the news media women being assaulted in the streets over there and stuff like that. Over there is one thing, but when you get to a western country, you know, that shit should be
Starting point is 00:59:21 on lockdown. It should be very hard to be out of control here. It happened in Ferguson. I read about a lot of gang rapes that happen, and it's always Middle Eastern or people of Northern African descent. I feel like you're not giving the Indians enough credit for their gang raping privileges. The Indians do their gang raping in India, though.
Starting point is 00:59:41 Yeah, yeah, yeah. They're already kind of used to that sort of thing. They're built for it. But you've got the Middle Eastern and the North African immigrants going in these European countries, and I keep reading about it. And I'm almost afraid to even mention it, you know, just the same way that no one talks about black-on-white crime
Starting point is 00:59:57 in this country. It's almost like you're not supposed to mention it when there's this repeated pattern of these Middle Eastern people always raping white women in these european countries yeah in sweden uh i was watching something where it's like 100 percent of new rapes in like the last x amount of time were committed against white women by those uh immigrants from syria or from the Middle East, wherever. Where it's like their rape problem has gone through the roof and overwhelmingly, like
Starting point is 01:00:31 damn near 100%, it's not like, you know, fucking Vladislav raping some chick. It's, you know, some guy from the Middle East doing it. Yeah, Ahmed or something. And I think those cultures, they have such little respect for women as people. So now, if all them liberal European countries had a little firepower, they'd be like...
Starting point is 01:00:54 Dude, I want that. I'm lusting after that. Dude, there ain't nothing wrong with this. Everyone should have one, god damn it. Everyone should have two. That went crazy there for a minute. Yeah, so this is my new gun. Of course it is. This thing is a DP-12.
Starting point is 01:01:10 It's a double-barreled shotgun, and every time you pump it, it cycles two shells. So it's... Let me try to not do that. When you shoot it, how many shells does it shoot? Dose. Well, each trigger pull is one round. Pull, pull, cycle.
Starting point is 01:01:32 So it'll get really fast. I have five of them, and I would happily sell you one for, I don't know, a thousand. The whole purpose of having them is I intend on selling them. Kyle, it is a lock. I will either buy one for a thousand, or I will buy that them. Kyle, it is a lock. I will either buy one for $1,000 or I will buy that decked out one for some
Starting point is 01:01:47 other price. Yeah, I don't know how much this shit costs. I really don't want to sell this shit. I'd rather keep it because I don't have a lot of accessories. I don't have any lasers. Well, I'm going to give one to my dad, right? Oh, I didn't know that. I'll probably keep the two.
Starting point is 01:02:04 Do I need a special license for that behemoth? Driver's license. Oh, well then I will take one. Gotta go get it. I was in the gun store talking to him about it. We should meet at, we could rendezvous at Wings' house, even though it's totally not between us, when you do the photography.
Starting point is 01:02:24 I'm going soon. Part of me was planning on going tomorrow, but I have to supervise Josh tomorrow, and then Thursday is obviously PKA. Of course you need to supervise. Those holes won't dig themselves. Not everyone just knows
Starting point is 01:02:39 how to dig holes. For real. I talked to my dad tonight and i was like josh is probably going to get there like half an hour 45 minutes before me tomorrow have him do something because he's on my dime as soon as he gets there that's the way we do it right i'm like just have him pick some shit up you know he's like i don't want to mess nothing up i was like well send him out in the field to pick up the wood scraps you can't fuck that up he's like well he's got to get out there some way.
Starting point is 01:03:06 I guess I can let him take one of the buggies because he's got these four-by-four ATV things. Like gators? Yeah, he's got a Kubota and a Kawasaki Mule. Those are nice. Are they diesel? One's diesel, one's gasoline. The Kubota's pretty new, like maybe two years old.
Starting point is 01:03:24 I think it was nine grand. Is it diesel? Or is that the gasoline? Yeah. It might be more than that. I'm pretty sure it's diesel, one's gasoline. The Kubota's pretty new, like maybe two years old. I think it was nine grand. Is it diesel? Or is that the gasoline? Yeah. It might be more than that. I'm pretty sure it's diesel. Unless he got it used. He got it new.
Starting point is 01:03:33 I don't recall exactly what the deal is. But it's very nice, and it goes a lot faster than the Mule, which has a governor-type thing where you can tell it has the power to go faster, but it idles down, and you're like, oh, this is it. You get floored. That's what my golf cart's like. But yeah, I'm going to Wings definitely next week, like one day next week. I could even go this weekend. But yeah, that'd be cool.
Starting point is 01:03:55 I'll bring you one of these things up there. I'm going to test fire this one a lot tomorrow. So if these things fall apart in my hands, you'll know that it's a piece of junk. But I'm going to tell you this one a lot tomorrow so if these things fall apart in my hands you'll know that it's a piece of junk but I'm going to tell you it feels nice and heavy I was telling Taylor earlier that like compared to this gun looks pretty similar
Starting point is 01:04:14 like not too far off but it's this gun the UTAS 15 is so light I can hold it with two fingers and I mean it's just it's just plastic everywhere the back is plastic yes piece of shit
Starting point is 01:04:29 I had three of those and two of them broke before I could get a video filmed just in the course of filming a video in one day but this on the other hand is very hefty you know you got something that needs to sit right back there I mean that's such a cool gun if I bought one I would want those little scary hefty. You know you got something there. That needs to sit right back there.
Starting point is 01:04:47 That's such a cool gun. If I bought one, I would want those little scary spiky things on the end. Yeah, those. So those are door breaching chokes. Normally, they're not quite so extreme. And the idea is you stab it into the door by the locking mechanism or right over the
Starting point is 01:05:03 bolt, if it's a deadbolt or whatever. And that holds it, you know, you're securely poked into the door and then you can shoot without having a barrel flat against the wood. It's for breaking a lock if you didn't come up with that. This one is not quite so ridiculously aggressive.
Starting point is 01:05:20 No, that one's not as cool. Yeah, this is more of a standard look. I feel like if you poked me in the chest with that I'd survive and I would like to die just from the poking action the gunshot is just for fun but that's so insane
Starting point is 01:05:36 I don't know I'm looking forward to playing with this some tomorrow I'm going to be shooting drones out of the air with these I think that'll be cool as you do just gloss over that yeah yeah I mean it's Wednesday tomorrow. I'm going to be shooting drones out of the air with these. I think that'll be cool. As you do. Just gloss over that. Yeah, I mean, it's Wednesday.
Starting point is 01:05:51 What are you going to have for breakfast? As long as we're talking about banal things. This is just the standard one with nothing on it. I could see putting my EOTech on that because I don't love my EOTech for the... I think I have it on an F. It's either on my
Starting point is 01:06:08 M4 AR-15 variant thing or on the FN-2000. I think it's on the AR-15. Can you hold up the plane one again? That's the one that we could buy for $1,000? Yeah. It'd be just like that?
Starting point is 01:06:23 I think retail is $1,250, something like that. That's about as cheap as you can get them online, but I would sell them for $1,000? It'd be just like that? I think retail is $12.50, something like that. That's about as cheap as you can get them online, but I would sell them for $1,000 for you guys if either of you wanted one. That'd be awesome. I really like that. I need that. I need to kill those pheasants,
Starting point is 01:06:39 and I need that to do it. When my family's not home and the dogs bark at nothing, that will be the thing I grab. Yep. And I can ask them. I can get the prices for those accessories. I mean, you know, accessorizing a gun is kind of a thing you can do yourself. But there's something to be said about having a stylist come in and do a thing for you.
Starting point is 01:07:02 I think that one looks really cool. It does. It's very feng shui. Looks balanced and it's got a lot of shit on it. A lot of shit on it. Yeah. You know, we're over time.
Starting point is 01:07:13 I'm bouncing around the idea of making a daily video for like the rest of January. Just like, you know what? Except Sunday. Cause I like to give PKA a chance to accumulate views. But I was like, what if I make, you know,KA a chance to accumulate views but um I was like what if I make you know have a video to upload every day live content like vlog content yeah I don't know I was
Starting point is 01:07:35 thinking about I was like I think people might like give it a go see what it comes up with see if I get good at it too I was watching Casey Neistat video recently and his editing and his music is so good i'm like i'm inspired to do something in that family people like maybe doing a video game commentary again nope back to the roots no no no a lot of people like that a lot of people are like oh what do you know you should make cod videos again and i think really like you want call of duty video i don't know i uh they're not the kind of i don't have passion for call of duty videos anymore like i once did i i uh um i when i do see a call of duty video it's because i like that guy and i want to know what he's up to
Starting point is 01:08:24 nowadays it's not because i care about that game want to know what he's up to nowadays. It's not because I care about that game in the slightest. Yeah, you don't want any tips. No. I watched Wayne's play COD the other day. That was fun. Was that the one on the PKA subreddit? He said something like, I got a new controller.
Starting point is 01:08:40 Isn't a new controller the greatest thing? It's like a fresh piece of pussy. I didn't see that one. Okay. It was an older one. I did see that thumbnail while I was on his channel, though. And I watched some of his Fallout. He's doing a Fallout Let's Play.
Starting point is 01:08:54 I listened to the rest of that video, and I really enjoyed it. I think Wings makes good COD videos. But the COD game itself and stuff, I really had no interest in. That's not the draw. He was doing really well. He started off like 17-3, but I didn't see any cool kill streaking going on. So I don't know what happened. If he just kept missing.
Starting point is 01:09:17 Maybe he had his goals too high or what. He does set them high. Does he? Well, I haven't watched a ton of his content, but traditionally he's always set them up them high. Does he? Well, I haven't watched a ton of his content, but traditionally he's always been a, you know, set them up really high. He didn't fully explain it, but I could tell he was really frustrated with his deaths, and I got the vibe it was because it was right before something good
Starting point is 01:09:36 was about to come his way. Yeah. Do the streaks stack in the current COD? Yeah, they do. Oh, yeah. They do? Yeah. But you get less points. Exactly. It's like a quarter kill.
Starting point is 01:09:54 Yeah, you get like 100 points for a regular kill, like 125 if you're defending a flag, but then if you call in wraps or an airstrike, it's like 25 points a kill. So it stacks, but not great. If it's a high-end streak, though, sometimes that'll do it. I guess. I haven't gotten very many. Yeah, I haven't gotten that high yet.
Starting point is 01:10:12 That's a possibility. I haven't even played. I just do UAV, Care Package, and Counter UAV. You get UAV assists. Anytime somebody gets a kill while your UAV or your Counter is up, you get 10 points. I like the care package.
Starting point is 01:10:26 I rely on that to make the game fun. You're the player we all used to hate now, right? Like, I didn't earn that. Yeah. I can't earn them. What was I going to say? Oh, the counter UAV. If it works like it does traditionally in COD,
Starting point is 01:10:44 those are way more useful than a lot of people would give them credit for like just having that thing blanked out is they don't keep they don't keep me blanked out for very long um i have one of the most high-end camos available in the game for my missile launcher you haven't even played that much. You gotta get like maybe 150 or maybe 300 air support takedowns to get the camo I got on this thing.
Starting point is 01:11:14 I have it on every class because it's a really good anti-personnel rocket. It's great at that. It's the best noob weapon. You just camp and aim at the door. Just straight at the ground. And I'm aiming far enough from me it won't kill me, but close enough to the door that it'll kill anyone who comes through the door. And I'm just, come on.
Starting point is 01:11:30 Come on in. And I can hear him fucking pissed off. You fucking faggot noob bitch! And I'm just like reloading it and finding a new spot aiming, you know, on the left side of the door this time. But I shoot down all air support that comes. I really am the player that we used to hate.
Starting point is 01:11:45 You were handy to play with because when we were playing together, you wouldn't get that many kills, but every single time there was a UAV, a counter UAV, anything in the air or on the ground, Kyle got it. Every single time. Sometimes they wouldn't even last.
Starting point is 01:12:02 You call it in, and the announcer tells you that it's there I'd shoot it it would be getting shot down before the announcer could even say anything because I would visually see it and I'd be like oh you too yeah it's like never mind yeah the guy who's
Starting point is 01:12:18 calling those in must have gotten shit and then like there's a quad barreled like air support rocket that you know you can use as well and that thing shoots you know you got four rockets so you can shoot just about anything down i'm thinking of making this pkn public so people know what pkn is all about i think i mean chis and i were talking about that and we decided that we thought i and i agreed with him that maybe so so what i said was hey let's do a a free show uh to start the new year and he said um we should do the free show
Starting point is 01:12:52 at the end of the month rather than the beginning of the month because uh okay i agree to you i think if there is a sampling like that you know show them what they would get i think it's a good one so yeah if you're out there listening to this um this is what pkn is all about we uh we get in here and we don't really have any uh any hard setup we don't we don't know what we're going to talk about at all we just kind of uh shoot the shit and have a good time and there's a lot of visual stuff on here uh well you know i've shot i don. Potato guns, flamethrowers. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:13:27 I have a joke. I often do a bad joke on PKN. Sometimes I forget. But are you ready? We're going to wrap up this show with a bad joke. Let's hear it. Let's go. Four former U.S. presidents are caught in a horrible tornado,
Starting point is 01:13:39 and it hits a state funeral they're all attending in Kansas. Suddenly, they're in Oz. They finally make their way to Emerald City, and they come before the great and powerful Oz. What brings you to the great wizard of Oz? Jimmy Carter steps forward timidly and says, I've come for some courage. No problem, says the wizard.
Starting point is 01:13:58 Who is next? Ronald Reagan steps forward and says, Well, I think I need a heart. Done, says the wizard. Who comes next before the great and powerful Oz? Then comes George W. Bush. I'm told by the American people that I need a brain. Not a problem. Consider it done.
Starting point is 01:14:17 There's a great silence in the hall. Bill Clinton's just standing there looking around, doesn't say a word. Irritated, the wizard finally asks, What is it that you want? Is Dorothy around? Oh, because he wanted a blowjob. Who knows what kind of cigar shenanigans Clinton had in mind. But there it is. I tell a joke, most PK ends, and they're never good.
Starting point is 01:14:43 Yep. I wanted you to do the voices of the presidents as you went along. Ah, I wish I had thought of that. Your own impressions. It would have been awful. Yeah. It would have made the joke that much worse, and I'd have hit my goal. Yeah, I know.
Starting point is 01:14:55 Would have loved to hear your Reagan. All right. Well, yeah, if you guys want more of this, you want to get it every week when it comes out with the video, so it's topical a lot of the times uh sign up down below patreon it's cheap yes ten dollars a month or something like that it's awesome and uh well i guess that's that pkn episode 73 i hope you guys like it see you later

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