Painkiller Already - PKN #76

Episode Date: February 5, 2016

This week on PKN... we're sorry for not being up sooner!...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Live now! Oh, did I hit it? I think you did. I think you did. I think, yeah. What's with this delay the last few weeks? Where you hit it, then we're just stutter-stepping over ourselves until it starts. The worst part is the delay feels inconsistent.
Starting point is 00:00:12 Like, if I was like, alright, it takes about ten seconds, that'd be one thing. Sometimes, it's just go. We're live. And other times, it's like, huh. You know, I was sure I pressed the button, now I'm only half sure. But, um, anyway. Oh, shucks. Sorry, I was sure I pressed the button. Now I'm only half sure. But anyway. Oh, Shucks. Sorry, I covered Kyle's face for a second there.
Starting point is 00:00:29 That's the whole point of watching this. That's why people get the Patreon, really, right? That's why Milo signed up so he could watch Kyle. He signed up for a very special service. He pays $1,000 a month, and I'd rather not say what he gets. Oh, someone asked me a question i'm gonna make him a video i'll make it public i think i thought it was a good question but you know we have that thing at the hundred dollar level that lets you um like have the hosts like
Starting point is 00:00:53 answer a question for you in particular video response i think um yeah someone bought that and wrote shit yeah so i got it now i got work to do now he's making me work god damn it so uh so I have to don't go buy that one guys what a hassle oh you're gonna go see the Revenant Taylor? yeah hopefully Melissa and I are gonna go see it tonight I'm tempering
Starting point is 00:01:18 my expectations because of what you said I hope you hate it no I hope I why would you wish that on a friend? I want you to join me I want you to join me. I want you to join me on this show and be like, you know what? Woody's right.
Starting point is 00:01:29 I'd rather suck a cock than watch that movie again. I haven't seen it yet. I keep meaning to go because I want to have an opinion. Like, I can't right now. Because I am currently of the opinion that you have to be wrong and that I'm going to love this thing. But I can't. You know, I got no leg to stand on.
Starting point is 00:01:45 I haven't seen the fucking thing. Maybe it is a bore fest. We'll see. I've been out there by myself. One man's journey of a limp through the woods. It's just... I watched Bone Tomahawk last night. Finally.
Starting point is 00:01:59 And I don't remember your guys' review on that of how good you thought it was and whatnot. I thought it was overall really entertaining But it had a really Lord of the Rings II vibe of like oh my god When are they gonna get the fuck out of this plane where nothing happens? No, I'll leave I'll leave a line of stones for you again with this we established That's what you were doing yesterday after the campfire and still just we I didn't have to see Samwise and Frodo
Starting point is 00:02:25 make the whole way to Mordor to get it just like every step every my leg in my opinion Wild West Oh Tomahawk moves along at a snappy little pace compared to the revenant so I can definitely appreciate slow-moving movies as long as they're entertaining along the way i found like now bone tomahawk is definitely what i think is referred to as a slow burn it starts off really slow and i'd say the first three quarters of the film are really getting getting to the place you're going but i really enjoyed that i learned a lot about the characters you went you learned a lot about what kind of determination they had so then when you
Starting point is 00:03:03 get there and it's time to man up, you're like, oh, shit. That's Billy Bob right there. You're right. Billy Bob doesn't mess around. I got to talk. I'm sorry. And eruptions. Fuck all my haters.
Starting point is 00:03:13 Now's my time. I'm going to burn my political capital. Now. You're right. Bone Tomahawk built up. And all of these characters had a kind of grit in them that you had to develop to fully appreciate who they were. Some of the characters in Bone Tomahawk you wouldn't have expected to have that I will not be defeated, I will not quit in them that they actually did. And that's what I liked most about the movie.
Starting point is 00:03:38 Watching these people go up against something in a situation where they can't seem to win but they refuse to lose. And it took a long time to lay that out there. The remnant is one guy like that limping through the woods. But it's Leonardo DiCaprio. Oh, yeah. It's like
Starting point is 00:03:59 Bone Tomahawk with Chubby, your actor. Oh, that's not nice. I liked Bone Tomahawk because it's difficultier actor. Oh that's not nice. I liked Bone Tomahawk because you know it's difficult to compare it to other movies like like like if you compare it to some of the other movies I liked last year like Mad Max like it just doesn't even compare like they made Bone Tomahawk on like a very small budget I don't remember what it was now but it was like a million or two million or something like that. Very different kind of movie. So that means that all those big actors and don't they weren't that all those big actors,
Starting point is 00:04:26 there weren't a lot of big actors, but there was Matthew Fox, I think, from Lost, and then, of course, you had Kurt Russell there. And then the guy who plays the one who actually desecrated the grave and his partner, those were all supporting characters. All actors you've seen before. Yeah, supporting characters you knew who would normally get paid something.
Starting point is 00:04:44 They're not getting paid the minimum, for sure. But surely they all took the minimum just so that this film could be made. So knowing that it's a low-budget, kind of independently made film, it's odd to compare it to anything else, but it was one of my favorite movies I saw last year. For what it is, it's really good.
Starting point is 00:05:02 I thought Bone Tomahawk, I didn't know that that was going to be directly saw last year um what it is it's really good i just i couldn't the whole like i thought bone tomahawk i didn't know that that was going to be directly just referring to like oh yeah that's what those crazy indians up there use just a literal jawbone a lot of very homogenous jawbone shapes and very sharp like just seeing like when uh kurt russell's on the ground and that savage is like standing up like trying to shoot him or whatever and he grabs the bone tomahawk i feel like we could spoil it at this point right yeah you guys have a lot of people haven't seen it well bone tomahawk spoilers coming up yeah now when he swings it and he cuts off just like the end of the indian's foot and it's just like the most clean like one of those ginsu
Starting point is 00:05:43 japanese knives cutting like a piece of bamboo just straight through like it almost takes you out of the moment of like all right like just severs right through us but like i know it's something silly to get hung up on but bother me i in my head i was like they really sharpened the fuck out of those bone tomahawks they're with sandy water or something i thought they were somewhat spiritual and stuff and they had that like a didgeridoo in their neck and i didn't know what the guy was doing when he was cutting like that right and then i kind of i don't want to even spoil it but there was a thing about the crazy noise they made that was disgusting and even the fact that it was gross and it didn't
Starting point is 00:06:21 slow him down added to the grit that this guy had. He's like, I'll even do this. Yeah, he didn't give a shit. He was just like, all right, here we go. Time to do this thing now. And I'm just like, I don't know. I really liked it. On the other hand, The Revenant,
Starting point is 00:06:36 a bear stepped on him and did the squishies and he had to survive from that. Yeah, I was really hoping that, what's his name, the guy with the broken leg like an hour and a half into that movie i was actively wishing for him to die and stop dragging the story back mr beguire or whatever his name i couldn't handle that i will say this about the revenant and i pay careful attention the bear attack scene i thought was well done yeah yeah they're saying that see
Starting point is 00:07:05 that's one of the i've heard that that it's very good the vfx are amazing and i and i also saw that the film is nominated for a vfx oscar along with you know dicaprio is best actor so this means that the bear can win an oscar and and and beat dicaprio like dicaprio cannot get an Oscar. I have a hard time giving The Revenant the VFX Oscar when Mad Max did so much. Like, the way that they combined practical and virtual effects. I re-watched that the other night. That's a great movie. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:36 That's probably my favorite of the year. But we went through all that. Yeah, you did. All right. So anyway, at least you're going to see The Revenant, and I look forward to your opinion on this thing. W it was shit also all right i think it sucked or something wings doesn't get opinions on things like that though if i want to know a good place to eat fried chicken i'll ask wings but if i'm if i'm watching a good movie that's not my first stop
Starting point is 00:07:58 i feel like wings is a is a movie buff i feel like wings thinks he's a movie buff i hear you okay there's a subtle difference there i'm not that subtle uh wings has watched a lot of films i i i mean i i don't know if any of us are really um cisco or ebert on this thing having been you know formally trained and all that fun stuff certainly not but um but you know regular dudes, we've seen a lot of films and know what we like. That's all I've ever claimed to be. I don't know what the difference is between someone who spends a lot of time watching movies and a movie buff.
Starting point is 00:08:35 Like, it seems like that's just... I feel like you need to know... Like, Kyle watches more movies than anyone that I know. Oh, I've got a guy that works from K-Bar. He watches tons of movies. He attends a movie at the movie theater three or four times a week. There aren't that many movies. There aren't that many good movies.
Starting point is 00:08:54 Kyle's right. Taylor's wrong. Okay. Maybe. I don't know. Yeah. He will watch. He catches, like, most of the movies, you know?
Starting point is 00:09:03 And he'll struggle after a while. Like, yeah, I don't even know what to watch because he's down to like his eighth choice because he's seen all the others. I feel like I have. If you don't have one in particular that you really want to see. Yeah, I don't want to catch like, maybe I'll undercut this. I was going to say six movies a year in the theater. Maybe it's a little more. I probably see one a month
Starting point is 00:09:26 i i uh i really like the convenience of fandango i guess maybe that's how everybody does it now but like i i love being able to buy the tickets at home and then when i get to the theater i'm bypassing the whole line and just scanning my phone and everything um it's just so far to go that's why i keep missing out on this like I'll look at the times the movie's showing because I want to watch it in a certain theater on a certain screen, and it just never matches up with my schedule. Are there not that many theaters near you?
Starting point is 00:09:54 You have to go away? There are a few, but you've got to go away. There's a really shitty one like 20 minutes away, but I wouldn't even go there. I drive almost an hour to get to a really nice theater. That sucks. That's the downside of living in a place less densely populated.
Starting point is 00:10:10 I've got like 6 and 15 minutes. Right, but can you shoot a gun out your window? You know what? I tried and I was reprimanded. Harshly. It's hard to get both. What you really want is a big plot in the middle of your favorite city. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:29 That's kind of what you've got going. Best of both worlds. As close to it as I can manage. Can you shoot? Mm-hmm. Yeah, I was thinking about it more seriously. I've been watching some people, you know, videos where people shoot on YouTube and stuff. And Kyle kind of shoots into the woods knowing that there's like, I'm up a number but like 100 acres of woods on the other side i see other people like um
Starting point is 00:10:51 hickok 45 he has like railroad ties and stuff set up at the top of his thing there and i think you know i could do that like you know here's my incline railroad ties stacked on top of that and it wouldn't be too much you pass it road ties are pretty cheap too are they yeah i bought some um not too long ago from at home depot it seems like they were like six bucks a piece or something they were really cheap you guys probably can't picture the box of truth like firing range you know what that looks like no i haven't watched it must be 150 feet wide sort of angled down and then they built a hill on the other side and it's a real dirt moving construction project and i'm thinking to myself do i really want to do that to my property and you know just so i can shoot but um i've seen some other guys with some more mild
Starting point is 00:11:37 stuff i think maybe i'll go that direction so yeah if you've got the room for it i always thought that would be awesome to have like a hiccup setup where there's tons of those like metal panels or whatever those those targets everywhere um i guess it's more fun in like watching his videos because he'll just be like well let's see what this fucking hammerless revolver can do let's go for the gong and then it's just like bing bing bing and i do like there's not a fucking prayer i could hit that gong with any of the handguns that I've seen him do it. But yeah, if you have a hill that you can shoot down into, that'd be awesome. The question is the percentage.
Starting point is 00:12:11 You know, you give me 30, 40 rounds, that gong's going gong. Oh, if I get 40 shots, that may be like. The gong's big. That might be. The gong might be 36 inches. Those are big. I'll tell you, that guy is a much better shot than me oh yeah he's great shot he is a very good shot and i've met him a few times he's a cool guy
Starting point is 00:12:32 would you put yourself on par with him and like no he's probably no he's definitely better with like handguns and and i haven't watched enough of his shotgun for sure yeah so i don't do a lot of handgun shooting. And when I do, it's not really target precision shooting or anything. Skeet shooting doesn't sound like precision shooting, but for a shotgun it kind of is sometimes. But that's what I like to do more than anything. And long-range rifle shooting, I'm pretty decent at that.
Starting point is 00:13:01 Do you know the Demolition Ranch guy at all? I like what he's doing on his channel too he seems to i watched one today where he did some penetration testing and oh titanium yeah it sounds like you saw it and uh he had a nice vibe about him i like yeah i saw that titanium video that was really neat dude i was sitting there thinking i gotta see the 50 cal i gotta see the 50 cal and he's like all right and for my last rifle here's armor piercing something or other, it almost became illegal because it's so good at piercing stuff
Starting point is 00:13:29 and I'm like no, no how can you leave out the.50 cal and I'm looking at how much time is left you know, hoping that he's got it out there and he does he's like oh yeah I almost forgot my Barrett and he shoots that thing the log rolls away and whatever
Starting point is 00:13:45 uh the barrett he estimated that went 90 through but it it wasn't so much that i feel like i could have made that same video but i don't know if i've got the the delivery that he has he did a good job with that that's you know there there are lots of people who could just hit the target six times like that wasn't the hard part yeah yeah I didn't expect the titanium to just not completely fold under the 50 Cal with the armor piercing maybe that's just like you know my video game knowledge of the bear 50 cowards like always got FMJ on that you know it like an ancient core of thick, though. It was pretty thick metal.
Starting point is 00:14:28 He kept thanking somebody for sending him that titanium, which I don't know anything about metals, but I guess it's hard to find titanium like that. I guess. I know it's hard to work with. Yeah, hard to machine. And weld.
Starting point is 00:14:44 I'm not an expert in it but it is something about um it it's extra sensitive to having the right gases around the welder it doesn't work right there were some guys who made a um a titanium ar-15 like maybe three or four years ago and it was incredibly expensive like maybe a hundred thousand dollars and a big part of the cost was how much tooling they went through to to make the thing because they were just constantly going through bits and uh and stuff like that i guess there was i was really into cycling when i was like a teenager yeah like late teens and um tiny titanium bicycle frames were just becoming like the thing and part of the expense was how difficult it was to weld it you know all the steel tooling and machinery that people had already didn't work
Starting point is 00:15:30 so yeah i finally watched the new it's always sunny ski episode and i i was watching it with that thought in mind that you said kyle of like there was one spot that i laughed out loud from like an ancillary character, and the only time I laughed in that episode was when that one, that crazy guy was yelling like, did you cum in my burrito? Yes, yes, that's it, that's it, yeah, that's the one laugh. It's all downhill from here, because that's what Kyle
Starting point is 00:15:56 was referring to, undoubtedly. It was, it was really a bad episode. Probably the worst episode of It's Always Sunny I've ever seen. Do you think that if you were, because I'm guessing maybe they are, if you were a big fan of that genre of movies, the 80s ski movie,
Starting point is 00:16:11 if that were your thing, do you think you would have enjoyed the episode more? Because I don't. I don't think so either. It's easy to discount it, I guess, for me and you, since we didn't grow up in the 80s. I just don't like
Starting point is 00:16:27 that 80s humor. The announcer that they kept joking about where the guy's like, oh, Frank and them trying to dig over the mountain or whatever. Charlie's like, how does that guy know what's going on? Like, ha ha ha, we get it. It's just another Seth MacFarlane thing, which he's the worst culprit of just hammering
Starting point is 00:16:43 80s jokes into the ground and it's like they're not fucking working your movies are horrible your show has become shit you're awful your teeth are too big everything about seth marlin they're so perfect they're so perfect and in huge gigantic yeah he's got veneers yeah no yeah well now i want to see it because i've enjoyed a couple of those snow movies like you know i want my two dollars and even like like like maybe i'm the demo it's targeted at we'll see if it works there's a whole sex there's a whole sex montage with charlie and like i didn't get a laugh out of that like i didn't think that was funny at all one of those 80 movies were like softcore porn. You know?
Starting point is 00:17:25 I don't know how skiing and naked people go together. This is virtually hardcore porn. This was very hardcore. I did get a little chuckle when I saw Mac skiing wearing his duster. His duster? You know, the trench coat. I saw that. And skiing well, of course, you know, because that's the thing.
Starting point is 00:17:46 Maybe there was a... I don't't know i didn't like the episode we've talked about it before but yeah bad episode the worst in a very long time one of the top bottom three i saw your magazine in place yeah that was kind of cool and i saw the so they poured do they pour those pads at the same time no i poured uh that one one pad and some professionals came in and did that big pad because I don't have the special tools you need to smooth it. Something that is that big.
Starting point is 00:18:14 25 foot long squeegee. Basically, yeah. They did a good job though. They got that part in. We were discussing today what kind of exterior walls he's going to do uh what kind of insulation and all that stuff he has some sort of it's a pole barn construction it looks like right and he's pretty much yeah some exterior walls off of that and get himself a man cave oh your dad's new place he's just building himself a small home
Starting point is 00:18:40 yeah like that's that's not even a man cave. I pictured a little shed thing where you see those DIY videos or clips on Imgur where it's like, oh, look what I did with this tiny 8x8 shed. No. Kyle's dad is building himself a second home to escape the terror that is Kyle's mom. That's absolutely what's happening.
Starting point is 00:18:59 He's like, I'm going to shoot myself if I have to deal with this bitch. What are you going to do? Are you going to leave me? I'm going to shoot myself if I have to deal with this bitch. What are you going to do? Are you going to leave me? I'm going to build my own house in the backyard. With beer and drugs and shit. Yeah, with beer and drugs and hookers. How does the bender line go? With wine and hookers?
Starting point is 00:19:18 I forget. With beer and hookers. Yeah, but that's a really cool setup he's got there. Even already I can tell that's going to be an awesome little fortress of solitude the hvac is going to make it i mean that's going to be the thing so he's got a um the air conditioning system out of a motel room you know that that that old units yeah that's both so we're gonna see how that works he's insulate he's doing spray foam insulation and he's doing like a low uh flat roof because the pole barn's insulate he's doing spray foam insulation and he's doing like a low uh flat
Starting point is 00:19:45 roof the pole barn's tilted but he's doing a lowered like eight foot ceiling so he's spraying insulation in the ceiling not the like phone the foam kind the not the like spray gonna have a bed oh totally yeah yeah he's totally gonna put a bathroom in there put a bedroom in there uh washer he like like you gotta keep in mind it it's not that big, so, like, the washer, dryer, bathroom is all one room, right? So, like, you're sitting on the toilet, and the washer and dryer's right there. Stacked units, maybe? I doubt he's put any thought into it, but yeah, very good idea. You think he's gonna have fun all day in his man man cave and then have to sulk out of there every night
Starting point is 00:20:25 to go get in bed with his wife? No. They've been doing separate bedrooms for like 10 years. We've got a Ricky and Lucy situation going on. Oh, yeah. Seems like he could have separate houses if he wanted. I think he just accomplished it. Taylor's like, oh, he's going to have to go home.
Starting point is 00:20:42 I don't see the have to in this situation much at all. He's got it built like a stone's throw from his shop there where they work on cars and stuff. So he already had a refrigerator and some basic running water and shit in there. There was one time where he moved out of the house back when they were talking about divorcing. This has been a couple years ago now, where over there in his shop, was he just put in a shower he just put in a shower head just right
Starting point is 00:21:09 there onto the concrete floor he was like fuck it fuck it i'll go i'll go caveman with this i don't care he was just blowing up an air mattress putting in the bed of his truck he's hardcore he doesn't care how old is he though 62 see it he'll start to like at 62 i feel like you can go caveman and not give a flip right because you're 62 yeah you still have your remaining like athleticism whatever just seven years from now he'll be in a different place physically probably a bona fide old man yeah yeah totally um well he'll have his second little home over there to to hang out in um i think you should throw a big like housewarming rager for a couple days as soon as it starts and don't invite your mom or sister to where they're hearing like from the house when they're in there
Starting point is 00:21:56 open the door when they come knocking telling you to keep it down. What, mom? The second house to get away from you. That's what's more likely, that he'll have a 9 p.m. jam fest with two other dudes in there. Somebody's playing the harmonica
Starting point is 00:22:17 and somebody's playing the guitar and somebody's playing fiddle or something. Washboard. It starts off slow. The jug. Yeah. With the three X's on it. or something yeah washboard it starts off slow some dude just they were the jug all i can do but uh but i think the whole thing's funny i'm gonna help him a little bit getting the thing set up because i was already getting to him. I'm like, don't get a satellite
Starting point is 00:22:45 dish over here. That's stupid. I was like, get an internet line and you'll have Netflix and Hulu and all the programming that exists in the world will be here and you'll be able to watch it. So I think he's going to run an internet line and I got a bunch of leather chairs. How long is the line?
Starting point is 00:23:01 Not that long. You should only go for internet. Can you estimate in yards? It seems to be an old person staple satellite tv is that just something i've noticed maybe 300 oh yeah it's pretty long line i guess i think they'll pay to run it out they they paid to run the one to his house and it's longer oh so it would be the cable company running it from somewhere yeah huh you'd have to get a new line run there because there's never been service before I thought he was like running it from his house oh no no certainly not no wouldn't want to patch into mama's internet she wouldn't like
Starting point is 00:23:40 that at this point why not just get a divorce? Like, you're not living together. You made your own. It was so rough at him for some point that he first had to conquer the thought of, I'm going to build my own house in the back. No, you're going to build your own house outside of your own house? She's going to run you out of here? No, I'm the man of this house.
Starting point is 00:24:02 You're not running me out. And over time, just worn down by the constant nags just eroding Dignity that he just was like I'm building by a fucking on my own house in the backyard of my house I think he just did a cost analysis. I feel like he just looked at his like Let's see a divorce will cost me this plus I could build a new house for like 10 grand if he wants to waffle back And forth this is a way cheaper solution right like a divorce costs a lot but if he wants to get a couple of them you know like remarry every few years right and you laugh but this has been the track record thus far
Starting point is 00:24:34 then no so all right so well he's 62 but he's been married to my mother for 35 years or something what i was trying to describe was his relationship with your mom kind of runs hot and cold. Yeah. Oh, yeah. Yeah. I wasn't saying that he's got tons of wives. No, no.
Starting point is 00:24:52 I was saying that if every, say, five years he runs hot and cold and oscillates back and forth like that, then this is a great solution. He can have a free divorce and then just undivorce a year or two later that's that's what i was getting at i don't think he's planning on like living there in any capacity i really think he wants like a place to hang out i know this winter was there was a few days we got really cold and like nobody wanted to hang out over the shop and uh and i think that may have spurred some of it on. But he's also got a lot of money that he's won playing poker. And he's pretty flush. And he's just like, I'd like to have a man cave over there.
Starting point is 00:25:32 He didn't know what a man cave was. He described a man cave. And I was like, that's a man cave. I was like, that'll be good. Yeah, let's do that. So I've got a bunch of stuff I'm going to take over there. I'm going to, I got, definitely I got a TV of stuff i'm gonna take over there i'm gonna i i got um definitely i got a i got a tv he can put in over there and uh but i'm gonna i got a bunch of lights and uh and chairs
Starting point is 00:25:51 and i think i'm gonna put my pool table over there i think that'd be good to get one of those little rascals like he-man woman haters club oh yeah that's basically what they got going on over there anyway um you know it's you need to make it official a no girls allowed sign written in like a sixth graders handwriting i backwards ease you know no reason the rest of it's a posh professional home and it's shitty little i'm sure they would accept some women over there but but it would be the kind that you would pay or something only sluts allowed yeah also written in a fourth grader's hand yeah that they might do yeah that they might do um uh oh we got our fireplace i'm sure people aren't interested in fireplace talk but it's a big deal for me it was just installed uh maybe six hours ago so have you christened it with a burn yet or is the flu still setting these are good questions i know so we
Starting point is 00:26:47 what we have to do is a small burn a medium burn and then we can really let it on fire so it's doing the medium burn as we speak that's very cool something to do with like we had to let like basically put a small fire in there and then let it cool down to room temperature to which i almost got and then um uh now it's on its second fire the medium fire we'll let it cool and then tonight we'll just get our raging fire going they make uh have you ever used that that stuff you buy that you put in a can in a fire and it makes it burn like all different colors like a rainbow actually plastic i am i have it on my wish list. I just somehow decided not to buy it. Big pens do that.
Starting point is 00:27:32 I heard if you put a copper pipe in a garden hose, it puts a really interesting show on. I haven't tried it yet. Interesting. They make that stuff. I've got it at Walmart before, but it comes in a little tube. I've ordered off Amazon once before, too, and went camping, and I just put it all out there.
Starting point is 00:27:47 The fire kind of turns into a rainbow fire i was thinking about doing that i am but we didn't i didn't get it yet yeah i was bouncing i was looking at like fire supplies and my my cart was up to like 70 dollars in like starters and kindling and stuff i was like all right you know the the original intent behind this thing was free heat when you start spending 70 on dumb ass amazon things you're you're taking a step yeah you're like man it's gonna be so great i'm gonna save so much money on heating oh a pack of 200 fire starters for 200 yeah yeah yeah you're gonna end up spending more money we can turn the fire purple so So we'll ease it in. Yeah. I'm hoping to,
Starting point is 00:28:28 I think, so all right, so I get my new flamethrowers tomorrow, the new and improved versions. So I'm definitely going to send you like a new and improved one as your flamethrower or whatever. So whenever I'm done with it,
Starting point is 00:28:41 you can have it. What I'm curious about is these two other ones that they sent along if they're going to want them back because they haven't mentioned it and you know they're the old model so like what do they need them for right like what are you going to retrofit them I've been using them pretty
Starting point is 00:28:56 exactly but it's not so I wish that I knew for sure so I could just fucking sell them you know because it's like what am I doing at this point I have my backpack flamethrower and then I have I wish that I knew for sure so I could just fucking sell them, you know, because it's like, what am I doing? At this point, I have my backpack flamethrower and then I have, well, minus the one I'm giving you, three handheld ones. What's new about the new ones? They shoot a wider flame and they shoot farther with a wider flame.
Starting point is 00:29:26 It'd be great if there was a piece like, oh, oh yeah the rubber nozzle in the back is now metal and you could be like oh i had to destroy it the rubber nozzle didn't hold up oh like yeah that's just gone now yeah i think they just made them more badass like they they made them more power they're not adding features you know cup holders and iphone slots on your flame like that's all they can do oh Oh my god, they're releasing the X4. What's going to be different? Well, it's going to shoot fire further and more. That's the only thing they can improve on a flamethrower.
Starting point is 00:29:54 iPhone holders are a good idea. One thing I've wanted to do on there because it's all machined on the outside stuff. I'd like to mount a gun to it or it to a gun. You know what I mean? I don't know which. I don't know what you mean. I've mount a gun to it or it to a gun. You know what I mean? Like, I don't know which. No, I don't know what you mean.
Starting point is 00:30:07 I've never thought this flamethrower needs a gun. Yeah. So, like, I wish I had one handy. They're upstairs. But, you know, you got your flamethrower. And I figured, like, if it had a gun on top, maybe I could control it here with, like, a bicycle, you know, mechanism. And when I shoot, you know, have a laser sight so I can sight in. And I can shoot and burn at the same time. So, I'm, I have a laser sight so I can sight in and I can shoot and burn
Starting point is 00:30:26 at the same time. So I'm shooting paint cans and as they're vaporizing, the flamethrower is igniting them. That's like a Geneva Convention compliant flamethrower. It's like, oh, he's on fire. Shoot him! Shoot him right now! It was banned by every country on planet Earth. Even the
Starting point is 00:30:42 Neptune Alliance said that it was inhumane did you hear about the shooting at the hospital or something there was a hoax at the uh in san diego at some sort of naval uh it was a hoax yeah it turned out it was a hoax oh well then i'm not up to date my wife was just telling me the facebook posts were like scary for her. They didn't sugarcoat it at all. They said you need to either hide, run, or fight back. And they were communicating to people in the hospital via Facebook. And I thought, that's great. Chiz and I have had this argument before.
Starting point is 00:31:18 Chiz thinks that it's absolutely ridiculous to take down a gunman. So it came up because Ben Carson said that if he was in that situation, he would have rushed a gunman so it came up because ben carson said that if he was in that situation he would have rushed the gunman and uh i like to think that in the right situation i would too right so yeah let's say hypothetically you're locked in like a classroom or something and there's no exits maybe you're on the third floor fourth floor fourth floor. And so you're sort of hiding in the classroom, and you're, you know. Girls, take off your shirt. We'll make a row. All of you.
Starting point is 00:31:52 Your bras, too. We need them. You made a weapon out of the fire extinguisher. You're next to the door, and if he walks through, you clonk him in the head. Because while, you know, I think the first option is running away. I feel like that's your best bet. You can quickly put 100 yards behind you, and at that point it's pretty hard to hit a running man.
Starting point is 00:32:10 Most of us can. A lot of us can. So that's a thing. In 10 seconds, you're 100 yards away. I hope something like that. I don't know. 15 seconds. Fuck it.
Starting point is 00:32:21 Don't quote me. Some people can't make it that far. But you put some distance between you and the shooter running away, like it's a good thing, get around the corner, et cetera. Second best option may be to hide, you know, because rushing a guy with a gun is a dangerous activity. You know, second best option probably isn't zipping down the hallway seeing if that 21-foot rule is right or not, you know.
Starting point is 00:32:42 It's not tested if we don't have to. But third option, you know,'s not tested if we don't have to but third option you know it the the worst option my last option is that like sit there while a guy with a pump shotgun you know like shoot load shoot load does that on 72 victims in a row and you're sitting there at 73 thinking like oh well i guess my time is up. I hope he didn't buy three full boxes. Oh, I didn't even do the dozen. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:11 So, you know, like. You could bludge into death. Give it a go. When Ben Carson said that he would arrest the shooter. Maybe you'll get tired. No hard feelings. Fighting back is not the dumbest of the dumb ideas. There's a situation where it fits.
Starting point is 00:33:32 You could always go MacGyver. You could make some kind of makeshift weapon. It depends on the scenario. If there's a scenario for you to gain a tactical advantage over the bad guy, especially if there's not an open back door behind you, yeah, sure. If you can clonk this guy in the back of the head with something hard or, you know, you can stab him with a knife or, you know, name a thing. I'm not saying if you're in the middle of a grassy field and he's 70 feet from you,
Starting point is 00:33:56 you're supposed to rush him to prove your manhood. That's a terrible idea. Oh, an arrow. But if, yeah, right. You know, construction. But there is a time when fighting back is the best option and oh yeah uh i don't know i i've talked to chiz about it and he would probably backpedal on this if he was here and be like oh well no i'll admit if there's no escape or whatever but we've talked about it the scenario where where people are literally killing a lot of them in a row,
Starting point is 00:34:30 and he said I was victim-blaming when they didn't do anything to defend themselves. I was talking to Chiz last night about what we were going to do in Colorado. I was like, you've got a risk board, right? I was like, bring your risk board. I think it would be fun to play risk because there's going to be a bunch of us there. Kitty's got some friends. Do you know who you're playing with? I'd love to learn. I mean, who better to learn from? Oh, don't play on the first day of your there. Kitty's got some friends. Do you know who you're playing with? I'd love to learn. I mean, who better to learn from?
Starting point is 00:34:47 Don't play on the first day of your trip. I'm telling you, Chiz played a lot of board games with my family and my family just kicked the fuck out of Dr. Chiz at every game. Colin beat him at Monopoly. Hope beat him in poker.
Starting point is 00:35:02 My mother-in-law, unbeknownst to us, battling like four layers of cancer, beat him in Jim Rummy. Jackie beat him. Everyone beat him at Uno. But in Risk, he can play. The man can play Risk. That's one of the reasons I brought Risk up. I'd heard him mention it before.
Starting point is 00:35:22 So I want to play Risk with him, try to learn how to play the game. risk up. I'd heard it mentioned, or him mentioned it before, so I want to play Risk with him, try to learn how to play the game. I'm hoping that it's a civilization board game, but I know it's not quite that cool. Probably. And I was talking about some activities to do and stuff, and in my head,
Starting point is 00:35:36 in the back of my head, I was thinking maybe snow tubing is probably the most extreme thing I'm looking to do on this trip. I really don't want to go snowboarding, and I only will if I get drugged along on it. You know, someone brought that up. We went that one time.
Starting point is 00:35:51 Were you with us? I was still arriving. You were still arriving, yeah. So three couples of us went out and got three or four snowmobiles, and I think it's like $300 for a couple hours or something when you're getting multiple snowmobiles. But it wasn't that much fun. It really wasn't. You know, I'm used to driving ATVs a lot, like at my dad's place. And you know, as fast as I can go jumping like those terraces, so you're always getting air and having fun and
Starting point is 00:36:19 I like turning them sideways and we'd roll them over all the time. But out there, it's like, all right, guys, we're going to be going up a steep hill now. And it's just like, oh, fuck. Oh, did you have a tour guide? Had a tour guide. Oh, so you're like putting around. Oh, that sucks. I would hang way in the back. Oh, yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 00:36:40 But I got in the back because who was with us who couldn't do? Oh, this is actually kind of a funny story. So Kitty's cousin JJ was there who'd never driven a vehicle of any kind before. Think about that for a second because all of us, even as a child, probably had that little 6-volt powered plastic car. No, they didn't have that in my childhood. We pedaled our cars. Yeah, sure.
Starting point is 00:37:05 But we've all been in scooters and go-karts and shit like that. He had never piloted a vehicle of any kind before. Nothing that was non-self-propelled. He'd ridden a bicycle, and that was as close as... How old is he? 22, something like that. So he's the driver, and Kitty's riding with him. And, oh, my God, he drove so slow
Starting point is 00:37:28 that the rest of us were just pulling our fucking hair out. So I got in the back, and the guide would guide JJ way the fuck off till it was nighttime when we were doing this. And we could just see the red of their taillights, and then we would just haul ass as fast as ours would go, like, down a hill to try to... And maybe get up to 55 miles an hour but it just wasn't cool to me i i thought it was lame that's so that's the same thing you have to do when you go skiing like in a group with younger people
Starting point is 00:37:54 where it's like all right you guys go ahead you know i'll wait until you're a teeny little dot in the distance and then i'll go so that i can have a little bit of fun trying to catch you and like pretend i'm like a james bond assassin like trying to catch you and pretend I'm a James Bond assassin trying to catch up so I can get you. Just whatever games you play in your head. It was so lame because he was so bad at it. But you can't say anything because he's doing his best. He's literally afraid.
Starting point is 00:38:16 You don't just, come on, pussy! That's not how you motivate someone. Then at what point is that pulled out of your repertoire? Exactly! We're all grown-ass men. I can't like shame this guy publicly. But in my head, I'm looking into my girl. I'm like, what a fucking pussy.
Starting point is 00:38:33 What is this shit? So I don't want to do that. But I think I told Chiz, I was like, you know, I think I'd like to build a snowman because I haven't had many opportunities to build a legit snowman in my life. Like maybe two. And I was a child and needed a parent's assistance i'd like to build my own fucking snowman not that great yes i would rather watch the revenant again sure okay the
Starting point is 00:38:55 snowman thing in your head it's always like i know from when i was a kid maybe a huge downpours it'd be like in your head like man it's gonna be so dope we're gonna get out there i'm gonna make the big bottom one you know you do the other one like tell my brothers and my friends and then you get out there and like you realize that like the bottom one you made is like oblong and shitty and like there's a big crack and you're trying to like spit and reseal it and you're like you know what what are we doing and it's picked up dead leaves so it's ugly as fuck and yeah yeah and it's not quite round like it is on tv mom do we have a carrot no yeah right it's an old celery it's got a stick nose and stick ears and broken stick lips for his mouth but i i want to do it and but it was funny he wrote back he was like
Starting point is 00:39:43 that's within my wheelhouse. And I was thinking like, is that at the limit of your wheelhouse? I think it is. I think that's what he was intimating to me. I think he was saying that he was like, I just want to chill. And chill, I think, means like, he said, let's just make sure that we bring a Roku. Netflix and chill has been ruined. It has been.
Starting point is 00:40:03 Yeah. I like Netflixing and chilling a lot. There doesn't have to be any sex involved. Literally Netflix and chill. That's a thing now. The other thing I've thought about doing is I've seen people make igloos where they have a box and they compact the snow
Starting point is 00:40:21 and they have a whole setup where you can make the snow blocks. I think that'd be fun too. I'm gonna be there for like five full days of just hanging out in a cabin with snow outside like i'm gonna have to come up with something fun good luck with the igloo thing we did that when we were kids and we got like like in our heads like imagining it we pictured like a palace of course like this this ice fortress that comes spring we'd have to you know surrender to the elements but it was so great but of course we get like four hours into it like a lot of work for a kid like a group of five kids got like the walls like this high ish you know
Starting point is 00:40:56 a couple feet and then we got so lazy and couldn't figure out how to get the rest of the snow on there because we just took the snow from the surrounding area and built it into the walls, and it was like, well, now we've got to get, like, a wheelbarrow and bring the snow over here. I'm trying to run an import business, and so we just took a bunch of scrap pieces of plastic and laid it over the top, and then it was, like, three minutes
Starting point is 00:41:18 of me and, like, the two friends that could fit in there, like, laying right next to each other, a little gay underneath because we couldn't sit up and be like, hey, guys, wasn't this neat? Wasn't this neat, what what we did we've had more success than that i've built several igloos um but never out of blocks like kyle's talking about like you know where you sort of like put them together and and there's an arch involved and they're sustained because they're arch like no no no what we were able to do though is find a giant fucking pile of snow typically like but from a plow or something yeah and dig out an igloo burrow and
Starting point is 00:41:52 then we would use that as like the base that'd be like a pyramid of snowballs and we'd like throw them out and hide in there and then like it's so thick it like no human could throw a snowball through the side of this thing like not only of a machine could get it done. So we're in there hiding and throwing out and whatever. And they don't want to come in because there's like four of us in there. You can't win that way either. So we would have dug out snow fortresses. Until, of course, some adult would explain the suffocation risk, which was not my concern at all. Could have installed some ventilation, a little six-inch PVC, jam it in from the top,
Starting point is 00:42:28 we're good to go. No, there's a door. You can crawl in and out. You kind of get on your hands and knees, but the problem is the top could fall. And there's your issue. They warn you about the same thing with sand on the beach. Those kids, that was always something my parents warned me about. Don't just dig a hole straight down to where your head's in there digging and i'm like if you see me digging a hole straight into the ground i want you to let me die because there's i'm a drain on society like i've been to the beach and i've seen those little like wiry children just like they're they're on a mission their heads all the way down there it could collapse at any moment and then
Starting point is 00:43:00 they're just legs having spent a lot of time at the beach i have never seen sand collapse on anyone let me tell you if you try to dig like a cylinder straight down in no time at all you will have an arched hole that like the the it's soft sand it just comes filling in you can't square off your edges like you're like yeah like a like a marine building you know his uh it's foxhole or anything you you build a a hole and then in no time at all just like the corners fall off and now you've got like a big sort of ditch type thing yeah it's not like there's a big cabal of like seven-year-old sand miners like you know in that cavern underground like you know shuddering every
Starting point is 00:43:42 time a fat guy walks overhead because the ceiling could come down on him like a mine like that's not nobody it's not like if you dig next to a sand dune the sand dude's gonna come collapsing on you no no it'll just like one grain of sand at a time the entire way every time you disturb it at all it just slides you know something stupid i did do today as we're as i'm saying kill me if I dig a hole in the sand. I was making bacon this morning, and I was about to just, like, right after the grease, I was about to, because I had it in a small pan, so it was, like, pretty deep of the grease. It was pretty fatty bacon. And I was like, oh, I'm just going to clean this in the sink. And I was like, oh, I'm not supposed to do that.
Starting point is 00:44:19 You're not supposed to pour a bunch of bacon grease in the sink. I'm just going to walk over to the trash can and pour it in the garbage. And so, of course, I didn't even't even think like this is the reason this is liquid. It's a 300 degree oil that I'm holding in my hand. And so I just walk over, you know, my bacon's ready, ready to be eaten, still hot prime eating time. I just pour it into the trash can and it just goes. And the whole trash, like the whole rim of the trash bag just melted out and all the trash fell into the trash can itself just covered in bacon grease and other rancid garbage and so while i'm smelling my delicious bacon i had to spend like 20 minutes like an asshole scrubbing
Starting point is 00:44:57 out the bottom of my trash can just a thick goopy grease all over i do you ever do i'm glad it didn't burn you the trash can i pour it right down the fucking sink that's where it goes yeah I supposed to do that gallons at a time for years for years if it my technique works you get that scalding hot water pour in there behind it little little dawn little dish detergent it's gone while the pipes are screaming I bet Kyle might be right Dude Dawn and Purell But Dawn especially is magic stuff The way that it cuts grease
Starting point is 00:45:31 They use that to clean ducks when they get oil on them That's a real thing That's the only thing they use is Dawn If I'm ever in that situation I will use Dawn An oily duck This duck is filthy If you see an oily duck and there hasn't recently been a spill then you shouldn't even feel bad for it you know it's like what did you what have you done what did you get into you stupid penguin another another
Starting point is 00:45:59 but yeah i'm looking forward to this colorado thing we're gonna we gotta figure out um how to work pka around the trip. Because I'm not sure what the internet is like there yet. I don't know. It does have internet. That place does that we're going. But is it mountain internet? Or is it like 10 megabit?
Starting point is 00:46:16 I don't know. You leave in a couple days? At the end of the month. Who could you ask? About the days? No, about the internet. Kitty of the month. Who could you ask? About the days? No, about the internet. Can you book the place? I guess she could maybe call and ask what the speed was.
Starting point is 00:46:32 Get that done. Oh, she had an update on the knives. The knife company is back to SHOT Show. So the gears are once again moving forward. So they're on project. I saw some SHOT Show videos here and there they were all bad like this is the dumbest accessory at shot show i bet if i walked around shot show looking for something cool i would find 19 stupid things for every cool one what's shot show it's um i can't
Starting point is 00:46:59 remember what it stands for it's a it's a it's a giant expo with everything. Guns, ammunition companies. They have sporting goods sections. They do it at the Sands Expo Casino in Vegas. It's a big convention where they show off their new products and their old products. Shooting, hunting, outdoor... Target? Trucks! I don't know what the ticket is.
Starting point is 00:47:23 But it's the SHOT Show. And it's massive like people come in from all around the world i've been to like four of them i think i didn't we talked about going this year but it's just so awful i hate it i really do hate going i've never enjoyed it there's so much cool shit there though um there's every year there's just bizarre things that don't really have a purpose and don't even work Then there's bizarre things that kind of have a purpose and are just really cool And then there's like cutting edge, you know breaking new shit
Starting point is 00:47:52 That's that's like oh now everything has changed this this nine millimeter holds four extra bullets than any ever Than any ever could before the special triple stack magazine or whatever But the cool thing I've talked about it before that I saw, one of my favorite things. Well, there's a thermal iPhone cover for one thing. You put your iPhone in this case and it gives it thermal vision. The case is the thermal and it's like $200 or $300, really cheap. Cheapest thermal on the market.
Starting point is 00:48:22 But the other thing was this border fence um disorientation light and it looks like a spotlight it's big and it's mounted to the table and we're talking to the guys behind the counter and they're they're like yeah they use it at the border fence you know they shine it on people it's very disorienting and they fall off the fence when they when they hit them with this light and i was like could you shoot me with it yeah because i'm not buying it yet i was like can i can i try this out and he's like well i can't shoot me with it yeah because i'm not buying it yet i was like can i can i try this out and he's like well i can't shoot you with it and my buddy's like can i shoot him with it and they're like yeah oh yeah you can shoot him with it
Starting point is 00:48:53 so like i just take a few steps back and he hits me with this thing and it was so disorienting it was like it was difficult to tell like up from down it was like you know when like a flash goes off in your eyes and there's that brief period of recovery where your eyes are trying your like your pupils are trying to readjust it was you were getting flashed at such with the flashes were coming mega bright blinking light it's a mega yeah it's like a strobe but the um the strobe that it's strobing at, the specific frequency that it's at, apparently, messes with
Starting point is 00:49:30 people. That's what it felt like. It felt like my eyes and my brain had almost enough time to fully recover from each flash, but then another one would come, and I was just constantly in a jumbled state. Mexico should buy a thousand of these for Trump. I was nauseous for an hour after that. constantly in a jumbled state mexico should buy a thousand of these for trump i was sick for my
Starting point is 00:49:45 i was nauseous for an hour after that like this big like very big light that you have to hold down here my buddies uh i picture it mounted like on a um a turret or something the one i've seen you can carry but it's like a huge light and it had the strobe effect and uh we were like 17 at my buddy's house and his parents were like so fucking ridiculously rich and a little paranoid that like they had guns and this defensive flashlight that like you held like a gatling gun and like he brought it out one time just to show us and we were like oh that's awesome he's like yeah like watch this went out in his yard and he turned it on and like pointed it up in the air and it it was unreal like you could you
Starting point is 00:50:24 couldn't see the end of the light uh if you were standing close to it you could feel the heat like it was so hot and i was like pointed at uh pointed at ted over there and he's like no no no he's like all right pointed at me first so you can see what it does and i pointed it at him the strobe function wasn't even on but like as soon as you like hit somebody's face with that, with your eyes closed, because they did it on me afterward, it's as if your eyes are fully open looking at the sun. You turn away. It's like the light comes through the back of your head and hits your eyes. You can't escape it.
Starting point is 00:50:57 It's really unsettling living your whole life thinking, if I shut my eyes, if something's too bright, then it goes away. But no, your eyelids are bullshit compared to this it goes right through right and it's like I mean I can't imagine with a strobe you'd be like oh like about to seize out but even with this it was so hot on your face
Starting point is 00:51:15 and you're beating up sweat like it's it's awful wow I wonder what it cost so they make the unit and it comes with on the border patrol they fences they have like a camera attached so it can record what happens so if they're if they're shooting the thing it's recording he's like we got tons of footage dude they're falling off backwards doing somersaults tumbling it's great i was like why don't you put that shit on youtube man it'd be a hit he's like
Starting point is 00:51:42 oh no we can't do that we can't sync it up with that Let the Bodies Hit the Floor song. All I need is a 13-year-old Call of Duty montage maker and they'll have it. That'd be a fun video game. Pauses, you're glistening across the top of the wall.
Starting point is 00:52:01 Great idea. Here's how you make some money. Get this app in production right now. top of the wall. Oh, it just came up with a great idea. Here's how you make some money, Woody. Get this app in production right now. What's that game? It's a really simple app-style game where it's border defense or base defense or something where you use all those bombs and things to defend and the enemies are coming in a pattern that you know.
Starting point is 00:52:25 Does this make sense? Like a tower defense game? Tower defense. That. Do tower defense, but it's Border Patrol. It's Mexicans. Do a tower defense game, but you're Donald Trump. Yeah, after Trump wins the nomination.
Starting point is 00:52:42 Oh, your character could even have like the hair right like it doesn't necessarily have to be trump oh yeah but you could be a special unit you deploy a unit of trump's once you hit like x star power and they just go through and beat the shit out of all the illegals all the way through it's like you should make this app that ted nugent you know how much money oh yeah oh that's great woody ted nug is there. There's a lot of hyper-conservative people. We could get Ted Nugent to... I bet for like five grand, you could get Ted Nugent to be part of the game.
Starting point is 00:53:12 Who's the other guy? He used to argue with Pierce Morgan a lot. Alex Jones, maybe? Oh, he's like a... Yeah, he's the complete conspiracy theorist guy. Him and Jesse Ventura are so far beyond.
Starting point is 00:53:30 I don't think of Ventura in the same... Ventura's not, like, crazy conservative, though. Like, he... Yeah. He's uncompromising. He's nutty. Yeah, I almost agree with him being conservative, but he's more nutty than anything.
Starting point is 00:53:43 Yeah, yeah, he's, like, he's so into the 9-11 conspiracy. He's been on Stern a number of times, and his interviews are always... He's very nutty. I watch him on ONA every so often when he and Jim Norton get in a huge fight over something where he eventually just storms out
Starting point is 00:54:02 because Norton wasn't putting up with his stuff because he kept doing his thing where he was talking about being a Navy seal and the paint and just all this nonsense. And just the slightest bit of critique on those silly little conspiracy theories. And they completely fall apart and the person ends up getting angry. Um, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:54:20 But then again, what do I know? There could be a whole other side of the moon unexplored, uh, with rich people living there. You would know. That's my speed test result. That's my house. That's outrageous.
Starting point is 00:54:33 Great. I had these big issues where I couldn't download more than like five or ten. I called them and they wouldn't fix it. And they're supposed to send a guy out. The guy didn't come. Like everything was messed up. And things seemed to be getting better. And then sure enough, 250 down.
Starting point is 00:54:49 I just stopped myself because I realized what I was about to say was stupid. But I was going to say I didn't realize internet numbers could get that high. Yeah. I didn't know you could even get internet that good. Hundreds? Yeah. 250 down. Well, that's what we talk about about like gigabit like we're
Starting point is 00:55:06 talking about a thousand megabits yeah that'd be a thousand down it'd be great jesus yeah that's strong yeah yeah just can't compete with that how fast can you upload like i don't like if it was i guess pka how long does it take you to upload pka i'm not sure i'll have to test it again and see if i really get that next upload but um the last one just went wrong like i woke up in the morning and it was still uploading it said it had 750 minutes left which like i don't even know what that is 750 divided by 60 i guess 12 and a half hour hours so um uh i just i just kicked off the next upload and it was done right away it just sort of broke paused i don't know so uh yeah i don't know but yeah my internet seems to be fixed we'll see if that stays fixed or what the scoop is but i'm i'm excited nice um oh and another i don't know
Starting point is 00:56:00 if i ever told you about this this is another another thing I saw at SHOT Show last year that was pretty neat. They make Derringer-style single-shot pistols in rifle calibers. This one company does. So you can get a.308 pistol that's about this big, and it breaks down, one.308 bullet goes in, you snap it back together, and now you have a fucking Derringer 308 or 223 i've been thinking about a new um carry pistol like uh like i need one but the one i have is fine but there's a new
Starting point is 00:56:34 one maybe the new ruger lcp the custom one with the red trigger that supposedly has a much better trigger hiccup loves it um or the uh Who makes the one with the top that breaks? It's a.32, not a.380. Beretta makes it. And that thing looked really neat. I'd like something that's hammer-fired. I don't know. I should probably do nothing, because...
Starting point is 00:56:57 I want a Colt 1903. I never shoot anything. Let me... I still seem to need it. Anyway. Colt 1903. What is this? Yeah. It's a Google Bad. That's all I still seem to need it. Colt 1903. What is this? Yeah, Google that.
Starting point is 00:57:08 That's all I'm going to do anyway. Colt 1903. So it is a hammerless 32 ACP. If you watched Boardwalk Empire, this is what Jimmy Darmody was always rocking. Why do you want this? 380. I think it's cool.
Starting point is 00:57:29 It's a hammerless 1911. Now, is it hammerless or does the hammer just not stick out all the time? It's hammerless. I've never shot a 380. What's the recoil like on 380 ACP? It's like a 9. But oftentimes 380s... I don't know if you know, but the 380, the diameter is nearly exactly the same as a 9.
Starting point is 00:57:49 But it's a little shorter, so there's slightly less gunpowder behind it. And some people call it a short 9. Is that what they say, Kyle? I've never heard that. Something like that. It's a thing, I think. Oh, yeah. So it released,
Starting point is 00:58:05 originally it was in a 32 ACP, but then the Colt Model 1908 pocket hammerless variant five years later was in 380 ACP, and that's what I prefer now that I look at it. But yeah, I like the way this looks. I like that it's old, you know, an old style thing. I feel like
Starting point is 00:58:21 I'd be the only one carrying one, and they seem to work. And the 380 is good enough. I think. I think they're like $700 in like average condition because obviously it's a really old gun. And there might be somebody I think I saw a while back making like
Starting point is 00:58:41 you know new versions of those things but i never trust those yeah oh i talked to my dad about um generators today so i was i was wrong about his generators i thought he had a six kilowatt and an eight kilowatt but he's got a 60 kilowatt and an 80 kilowatt because he had to have 120 kilowatt minimum. He said that his thought, I guess, was kind of similar to mine that that you should wire it where the electricity comes off the pole, not, you know, inside with the boxes. I actually a window cracked here. It just got so cold.
Starting point is 00:59:23 So I had a contractor out and we were looking at the outside boxes, and we thought that might be a lot more possible than we thought it was before. Because I have three circuit breakers, it's a little tricky. Most of them are really only designed to power two, so I might need more than one unit. It gets to be, like, once you're 15 grand into this thing, right, with, like, a couple generators and maybe some power, some labor. $15,000 seems like you could get started on a solar project.
Starting point is 00:59:50 Like you start thinking, like let's go the other way. Let's say you were $30,000 into it and we're going to do the deluxe system that we had talked about a year ago. $30,000. At the end of it, all you have is a generator that burns a ton of propane. And if the power goes out all day, you're out like $300. Why not get a diesel or diesel, right? But why not go solar where whatever you're out, 15 grand or 30 grand to start with,
Starting point is 01:00:17 but it makes your power bill lower forever. And if you're out, you know, it serves the same purpose. At least there's some payback with solar. I think the solar is a really good idea. And maybe get yourself a wind turbine out there. That might be fun too. But I don't think that the generator is necessarily as costly as it seems like it has been.
Starting point is 01:00:38 Because here's what I would do. Let me know if your plan differs from what I think wouldn't work. You come off the power line there, and you have another box there that you put on some posts or whatever, so that you can throw the power when it's out. Off your generator, you've got some 4-0 wire running out there and connecting straight to that, and then that runs in and goes to the three different boxes. You wouldn't even have to run the big gauge wire
Starting point is 01:01:05 to each box. Yeah, I'm not an expert. I thought I was tapping in one level lower. You got the power line that goes to the house, then it goes to this box that has a padlock on it, and it says Duke Energy or something. Yeah, we're going to that box. So that one goes to three 200-amp boxes
Starting point is 01:01:22 that are only like this big for radio guys. They're six inch by eight inches. Yeah, but we'll go to the big one and then even though those are only 200 amp or whatever, they'll only draw what they need. It's not like there's gonna be a surge. Oh, that's my brother. Yeah, ask him.
Starting point is 01:01:41 I think you can't go to the one you wanna go to. I think that one you're not allowed to touch. I think you need call the power company i think maybe that's what maybe that's what my dad did because that's what he's got like it comes down from the power thing and there's a big box there with the meter on it and the lock and all that stuff and that's where this thing goes to and there's a separate box there where the big one of those big switches you you like pop off to like break the current and sure doesn't go from the meter box to his to something else it's possible but but but um i know it's he's coming right off the line um he's hooking up right there like at the initial thing like he's he's not skipping over anything
Starting point is 01:02:17 um but as far as the generator like i think you could get by with a much, much smaller generator too. I feel like you could get by with a one kilowatt generator if you just needed to power a few little things. But a five kilowatt, I feel like, would power a ton of shit. All your lights and air conditioning and everything. You just wouldn't use the dryer. I think if you want to power a lot of stuff at a house level you're talking about five or eight kilowatts well you wouldn't you know it'd be an emergency scenario you definitely wouldn't like wash clothes or maybe use the dishwasher but you'd keep your refrigerator running and your computers and electronics and lights and ac your brother's
Starting point is 01:03:03 who you should ask about this because he would know specifically what the cost would be and the hardware and all that stuff. The wire would have a... You'd have to put some underground wire in. But I feel like the solar thing seems like a great idea too.
Starting point is 01:03:23 If you want to spend that much money. I just feel like you could get a generator system in that would keep your house going in emergencies for like a couple thousand dollars. That's right. I flip all over the map. But it's like, you know, if we could just get like a fan going to distribute like the fireplace heat. Keep the refrigerator and the well pump going. Septic. Then, you know, we pump going. The septic.
Starting point is 01:03:45 We're warm. We have water. And it's rarely out for long periods of time where you're like, yeah, all right, shut everything down. We have to turn the oven on. That's not going to happen. Right. Yeah, and it's not prepping for the apocalypse.
Starting point is 01:03:59 No, no. It's just prepping for if there's a storm. 36 hours is as long as I'd ever expect to be out of power. With that in mind, the solar seems pretty pricey for what you're getting. Yeah, yeah. And heck, might not even work very well in the snow. Yeah. Call it a show?
Starting point is 01:04:18 Yeah, I think so. That was good. That was fun. All right. Painkiller Nearly, episode 76. I hope you guys liked it. Thank you, Patreons.

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