Painkiller Already - PKN #81

Episode Date: March 11, 2016

It's PKN time baby!...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 All right, we're live. Painkiller Nearly, episode 81. I almost called it already, but yeah. PKA Nearly, I don't know what it's called. Anyway, welcome to the show. Hello, everyone. Hey, how's it going? It's doing, I'm doing really good, but Woody's not doing really good, and that's what I want to talk about. Woody's had a really shitty fucking weekend. I actually watched the video. Did you watch one of my videos, Taylor?
Starting point is 00:00:24 Yeah. It's the first. I actually watched the video did you watch one of my videos Taylor yeah yeah I watched the video as well so I let's just assume that this audience is completely caught up and they've seen your video too if you haven't seen his video and you want to be completely caught up go watch it
Starting point is 00:00:38 so I want to ask about so I saw that it cut the boot and that was my main thought. When you originally sent me the picture of him with the axe, I was thinking, like, that could be dangerous. But then I saw he had those good boots on, and I was like, oh, he's got the proper footwear on. He's all good.
Starting point is 00:00:56 And I literally had that whole conversation inside my own head when I saw that picture. But to see that boot cut like that was just... Tell me about the axe because that must have been a good brand new axe, right? Yeah, so I did a bunch of axe research, right? And you know, like
Starting point is 00:01:14 somehow I got into the... Kyle, you know me. Dude, dude. Look, I already... You could tell this story probably and you don't know it. I asked this question because I know the answer would. So I was like, all right, I'm going to start splitting wood. And the way that I'm wired is I just temporarily get mega passionate about stuff. So I start reading like pros and cons.
Starting point is 00:01:41 And I'm going to like forums on people who just split wood for fun, for work, for this, for that. Oh my God. What a sad group of people. There's a lot of guys who just competitive, you know,
Starting point is 00:01:53 chopping and stuff, competitive chopping. And I, um, I learned all about axes and it turns out that like, there's, there's sort of two levels. Well,
Starting point is 00:02:03 there's a bunch of different kinds, but there's, he's heavy mauls that people use. And some guys just like a really heavy axe that they kind of drill straight down. It's not even particularly sharp. Like a war hammer. Yeah. And there's another group. It seemed like the majority group who prefers these lighter axes that you swing a little faster.
Starting point is 00:02:25 And it's more aerobic than pure strength. You know, like the, the war hammer you lift up and almost let it drop and let the tool do the work with the axes we got, you swing them a little faster, you know, and, and it's kind of aerobic and they're sharper.
Starting point is 00:02:37 And, uh, uh, whereas like, uh, a mall, like the, the,
Starting point is 00:02:43 I guess you sharpen them, but you know, it's not as sharp as what we had yeah it's i mean but but that it's a big difference like the mall just needs to be pointed that the axes that you've got i'm willing to bet that you could have like cut paper with that axe no you're stretching it a little bit i just imagine you honing the blade like leather belt style down like shaving a little with it. It was just the factory edge on it.
Starting point is 00:03:08 When I saw the boot, that really shows you what happened. That's the tail of the tape right there, to see it. Yeah, I thought there was a lot of over-exaggeration and maybe dramatizing the situation. And I was was like he's probably you know nicked his toe split his toenail or something like that and now they're at the hospital and he's freaking out and i'm like i've i've had brothers i'm sure it's something like that and then i watched the video and you were like and here's his construction grade boot that i bought him uh uh yeah just cut right through like three inch gash i was like okay so this is a real injury
Starting point is 00:03:46 shocking when i saw that boot i i when i saw that i was like i was like i wanted to fast forward to the part till we get where we get to colin and then when i see you cleaning the blood oh there was so much blood dude so i watched that video and i didn't think it was representative of how much blood that was really there that's like This is what I want to talk about next. So do you want to tell the story? Let me ask. Go ahead. Do you want to guide me through it?
Starting point is 00:04:11 I feel like that's what you want. Go on. Yeah. So were you there with him when it happened? Were you nearby? Yeah. In hindsight, like one of the mistakes that I kind of lay on myself is we had split a lot of wood, um, enough to fill the back of the golf court, overloaded the golf cart, overloaded like a half a pickup truck load maybe. And, um,
Starting point is 00:04:34 then after that we stacked it and then we grabbed some dry wood and stacked it on the porch. And I was like, are you getting tired? Like you want to take a break now? And, um, cause I, I had this vibe that he was kind of wearing out a touch. Um, and he's like, nope, I want to take a break now and because I I had this vibe that he was kind of wearing out a touch and he's like nope I want to keep splitting wood and with like enthusiasm I was a guy I will do one more golf cart load and I think that his technique got sloppy because he was tired and I mean I've been second-guessing myself since the since the moment he said he was hurt. But I feel like I mean, that's a common accident.
Starting point is 00:05:09 Like I've I've I've never hit myself with the point of injury, but I've certainly missed and swung and been like, oh, God, I'm glad my foot wasn't right there. You know, been close and stuff like that. Like, yeah, I feel like I've missed and dodged my leg out of the way um you know but i should have made a command decision to be like you know what you're looking a little tuckered out you know let's just call it quits but we were going to do one more golf cart load and uh and we were right next to each other i had you know like stump set up and i would pick his wood i was giving him the easier ones to split and uh and you know i was right yeah i was right on top of him when he cut his foot. Was it, I guess he screamed bloody murder. No, not at all. Um, really it was going to shock almost not almost dude. Yeah. So he, uh, he instantly said, dad, I, I cut my foot and, um,
Starting point is 00:06:01 I didn't know how severe it was, but I was afraid it was bad. Colin's tough. He's really good with pain. But when he let go of the ax handle and it was wobbling in place, you knew it wasn't a very good sign. That's not how it happened. But Colin's tough. He's not one to complain about small pain. He would actually never complain about small pain.
Starting point is 00:06:20 And even big things like post-surgery and whatever, like he'll have his tonsils out and he's just like he's fine right he's not one to fuss about discomfort and um so when he took this ax thing so poorly it was like all right like i sort of instantly knew that this needed my full attention um i spotted the boot i was like oh, oh, no, this looks terrible. But I held out some tiny sliver of hope. That he was just scratched under there. Like the boot absorbed most of the damage. And then under it, you know, like. A bruise maybe. You know, it's like the boot's cut four inches.
Starting point is 00:06:58 The sock is cut three inches. The foot is cut two inches. Like I was hoping that like that was the progression. And I took the boot off, but not the and i could see like you know like you guys probably do the same thing someone gets injured and stuff and the only decision you have to make is hospital no hospital right that's it and or really urgent care hospital or no hospitals or ambulance maybe yeah we can't move you okay good call so um anyway i i took the boot off you know carefully and it's it's it's the kind that has like the laces you undo at the top so it it opens
Starting point is 00:07:32 wide i take the boot off and i see the top of his foot and it's it's not spurting it's not like blood's going three feet in the air or anything but it's bleeding rapidly and uh it was probably 30 seconds after the axe injury until i had him in the passenger seat and um he's jackie home no she was out shopping for prom dresses with hope and uh so i have him in the passenger seat but the truck's hooked up to a trailer full of wood with like the gate down and everything. So it took me a minute and a half or so to get the trailer off. And the whole time he's like, daddy, hurry, hurry. Oh my God, daddy, hurry, hurry. Um, and he's getting pale as a ghost, like just pale looking bad. And, um, uh, so I drive her, I get, I get the trailer off and I loop around and I just want to grab a roll of paper towel so he can apply pressure to it. And I don't know where the hospital is. Like we've
Starting point is 00:08:30 lived here under a year and, uh, like I don't really know where to go or anything. So I asked Siri cause that's me. Right. And, uh, and, and she points us to the nearest hospital and I run inside, I grabbed some paper towels and come out. And while I had, well, that was only a couple seconds, but while I was gone, he, he threw up, he rolled down the window and like threw up down the side of the truck. So this is a kid who's pale as a ghost and he's vomiting now and his foot's just bad. So I folded up the paper towel and taught him how to, you know, you apply pressure to a wound like the amount you etc so um i'm like all right you know he's buckled in because last thing i need to do is add a car
Starting point is 00:09:10 accident on top of the rest of this um i get him buckled in teach him to apply pressure to the wound and we're off to the hospital and uh while we're there he's just getting paler and now he wants to take a nap and i'm just like like in my head i i think that the anti-nap like definitely don't do that is for head injuries but i i wasn't thinking that at the time it was just like it was like a shock it's probably good to keep him awake no matter what so that's what i did i found some you know we're playing like call me call me maybe and some upbeat songs in the truck on the way there. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:47 Yeah. Oh, you okay over there? All right, good. And, uh, so, uh,
Starting point is 00:09:56 so he's applying pressure. I drive and we get at the hospital. I had pictured the scene to be like so many movies where I'm like carrying in this bloody guy, um, at the end of the front desk like you know I want you to treat me in front of all these other people but um though I well first I went to the wrong door they're like you need to go around and I'm like you need to tell me exactly where to go like I don't I don't want to go around it said emergency but anyway I took the emergency room there was a nurse right there with a wheelchair by the front door like ready i don't know if they called or she just always at the ready and uh she's like you want a chair and like i had to think it through as i'm thinking halfway
Starting point is 00:10:35 straight at this point and it was like yes that seems better than be carrying them everywhere so they put them in it i'll just drag him all right so we we put him in a chair and they they quickly took some vitals you know and then they got him into the emergency room and laid him down and elevated him and uh that's when it was like all right now i've got a team of medical professionals looking at him you know there was a the doctor was there the er doctor was there within two or three minutes, something like that of us arriving. And the nurses were there, you know, instantly waiting at the door. So, um, it didn't take long.
Starting point is 00:11:14 And I just, I just kept giving him. Did a big amount of that panic lift off of you as soon as you, they kind of like took him and he was in the hands of the doctors? It was. Obviously not all of it, but some of it has to, at least you have that feeling of like, all right, I've done everything I the doctors it was obviously not all of it but some of it has to at least you have that feeling of like all right i've done everything i can do i'm not going to go poking around well it is i was grateful to have help and it was like all right one problem solved you know like i needed to find a hospital get in there in a timely manner
Starting point is 00:11:38 and uh and you know like get the hospital to prioritize Colin, right? Like he wasn't, I would hate for them to be like, all right, take a seat over here. The doctor will be with you. Like I, I needed to come in and just be like, you know, this kid's passing out. He's pale as a ghost. He's vomiting. He's scared, you know, now, now, now. But it turned out there wasn't much selling that needed to be done. You know, they were, they were right on him so uh so where do we go from here that that's probably you know i i isn't
Starting point is 00:12:14 the rest of it really covered by your video no the the the first er doc didn't recognize the tendon damage actually he was even sewing up colin well, he was preparing to sew up Colin's foot. He was cleaning it out and stuff when he realized that there was tendon damage. So he called an orthopedic guy. And from there, it almost gets covered by the video. The orthopedic guy instantly discovers what's up. And there is some... The hospital didn't have a pediatric division, which meant they couldn't do it that night because it was so at this point it's like 8 p.m so it'd be an overnight kind of
Starting point is 00:12:51 stay to deal with him and they wouldn't have the staff to deal with pediatric emergencies so in my head i'm like you want to go somewhere else and they were pretty sure that if we did they'd treat him on wednesday or something like they wouldn't get it done. Whereas, and this is in the video, I felt like this doctor kind of moved heaven and earth to assemble everyone to get it done on a Sunday. And,
Starting point is 00:13:14 uh, uh, that's how it went down. He fixed it on a Sunday and now he's resting. That's awesome. If you can barely hear it, he's downstairs cup stacking right now. Can you hear it at all? Did it pick it up?
Starting point is 00:13:28 A little bit. I heard a pop, pop. Yeah, that's funny. I could open the door. You said that you were in there with the doctor pulling on the tendon? Like a puppeteer. What does it look? I picture it as kind of like a creamy white. It's kind of like a creamy white. It's creamy white. It's maybe about the size of a dry spaghetti noodle, but not as thick as a wet one.
Starting point is 00:13:52 It's really tough stuff. I've pulled tendons out of deer before and examined. The tensile strength is fantastic. It's outrageous. I'm not very good at gutting a deer so you know i like to i hack around a little bit so lots of things get cut and torn and i'm pretty familiar with how tough they are and that's the toughest part yeah kyle's right and um uh also it's almost dense like you couldn't squeeze it very well
Starting point is 00:14:22 if you wanted to but based on like how the clamp was, it's, it was the size of a like strand of spaghetti. Yeah. For each. I thought it would be thicker than that. Or like maybe like a flat worm looking thing. It was curiously thin to me,
Starting point is 00:14:38 you know, for, for something that like, like you can stand on your toes. Like they lift a human body weight and, uh, you know, they're especially Kyle's's toes yeah especially kyle's but i love fucking with people doing that every time oh they cringe so bad that's actual cringing when you're disgusted no no actual cringing is what
Starting point is 00:14:58 you do like when you hear or see something like what happened to colin or i guess wincing wincing or cringing that's like the original meaning of cringe and wince is like when you hear or see something like what happened to Colin or I guess wincing, wincing or cringing. That's like the original meaning of cringe and wince is like when you see someone in pain and you're like, Oh Jesus. Like now it's just anybody does something that you think is slightly off beat and you have to be like, Oh my God, I would never associate with them.
Starting point is 00:15:17 You know, how embarrassing for them. Right. Is everybody looking at them and not me? I'm insecure. Exactly. Yeah. But, um, we've, Colin was sent home with some narcotics.
Starting point is 00:15:29 I don't know what they are. I think Oxycontin, maybe. I'm not sure. It's probably either Oxycontin or Oxycodone. But Oxycodone is the one that I see prescribed more often. Whenever I'm hurt, it's Oxycodone. Whenever my girlfriend or kitty gets hurt, it seems like it's often oxycodone.
Starting point is 00:15:47 Well, not kitty because I think that would kill her. Yikes. But yeah, he didn't respond well to it. He got constipated and he just, I don't know. So now he's on Motrin and he responds too well to Motrin. He wants to go up the stairs. He went up the stairs. He's walking around. I like it when...
Starting point is 00:16:07 Because he's not supposed to move his toes. You gotta hobble him. They're stitched at the ankle. They're stitched together. It'll take a couple weeks before there's a good blood flow and they're healed back together.
Starting point is 00:16:23 He needs to stay off it. He just needs to not use his toes. he has a boot designed to let him walk that's that would be hard for me like like i heard you talking about that in your video um and i was thinking like that'd be hard for me not to be like i wonder if it hurts if i do it now like a day and a half passes and you're like, well, maybe I'm in the bath. And it just seems like such a scary injury to like test out. I don't know if it's pain or what the scoop is. But yeah, he doesn't. Again, he's like a Marine or something.
Starting point is 00:16:58 He would never complain about pain. And which makes caring for him, this is an extra step in there. Other people will tell you, hey, I've got pain issues here. Can we elevate it? Can we this? Can we that?
Starting point is 00:17:15 This guy, he literally wants to split wood again today. He's got to show up for his boss. Get him a little hatchet. Chainsaw. Chainsaw. Chainsaw. No, nothing. He can't have any of these things right now. The plan is, like, obviously he's going to grow up and get better and whatever.
Starting point is 00:17:35 I think it's going to be as long as 12 weeks for him to be 100%. That's three months. And it's kind of like, you know what, let's just take a breath on this. Maybe we'll attack it again in the fall you know he'll be six months older a little wiser he'll have learned from this experience yeah let's just
Starting point is 00:17:53 and also I'm looking for some next level of footwear protection yeah I saw it I saw it someone posted it's like metal that goes over the top and I've actually seen them before is it for like the timber industry i couldn't say that but on top of your foot is a big metal shield it looks like it's like armor um virtually yeah that's kind of what i want like i you know we're giggling and i get it it's funny but a little part of me is like you get a steel
Starting point is 00:18:21 toe and then this thing kind of picks up right behind the toe. I saw it, and the stuff I found looked like it was more for LARPing or something than for cutting wood. Yeah, you don't want it to be made of foam. You don't want like a goalie skate from hockey. Dude, so Muay Thai pads, they're foam. But yeah, actually, a goalie skate for hockey would be – well, you got to walk and stuff. Muay Thai pads are the perfect shape but they're foam they're designed to protect your opponent as much as they are you what he's gonna have to construct some specialized armor for colin i someone told me welding boots
Starting point is 00:18:55 were a good answer because they have like an extra layer leather flap over the front but even i i just the timber industry every time i see those, they are like armored up with all kinds of chaps and face masks and whatever. That's like the most deadly job out there I think is being a lumberjack. President. Come on, Kyle. You know what I mean. Yeah. Not president.
Starting point is 00:19:18 You ass. I was trying to go somewhere. You're both kind of on to something though. Yeah. People try to kill you all the time, just getting assassinated in the middle of the woods. But you're right. I think it was both, if you think about it.
Starting point is 00:19:34 He was a wrestler, too. I think he was a very renowned wrestler. He also practiced law without a degree. It was a different time. He had that long face disorder, didn't he where you have i think yeah i've never heard of that it's a real disorder i don't know the name it is like lanky gangly arms yep your face is elongated you're lincoln syndrome let's call it that it should be called that everyone would get it like you know lou gehrig's disease oh yeah that's
Starting point is 00:20:00 the shit lou gehrig's probably named after some fuck nobody knows right it's like the john howard syndrome you're like who that what no one knows yeah fucking lincoln um but yeah i feel like we've covered most now he's on ibuprofen he's getting around too well uh you know i just i want him in a bubble for at least seven days sitting there with his foot elevated playing on his ipad watching tv um it's it was sunday and today's tuesday and he's already wanting to i mean he's going up the stairs playing minecraft in his spot right next to me um you know he's he's starting to get back into the normal swing of things and i would hate for him to re-injure so that's why you know we're trying on the plus side though it's good that he didn't become really gun shy from the situation and be like i'm never doing that again
Starting point is 00:20:49 you know like that's how he's wired yeah it's funny he's he is really sweet like he is kind he only wants good things for everybody he ever meets um but on himself himself, he's, he's just, he's tough. He's a durable kid who doesn't fuss about pain. And, uh, yeah, it sucks that this happened. I feel awful, but, um, I, I said something in the video that keeps like bouncing around in my brain. Like when I, I cut my foot twice surfing, uh, bad enough that he needs stitches on seashells. And I never thought my parents were so irresponsible for letting me surf. I had a moped at 15 and it was almost a surfing injury. I was, I signaled that I was going right and then changed my mind at the last second and went left and I signaled it, but the car had already started to go around me cause it was much quicker. And when I turned left, the car hit me and I'm up on the hood of the car. And then, um,
Starting point is 00:21:46 I made eye contact with the driver on the hood and then she slammed on the brakes and I slid off the hood and I slid across the intersection and like onto the sidewalk. And, uh, I never thought for a millisecond, like, huh, my parents were pretty irresponsible for letting me do this. second like huh my parents were pretty irresponsible for letting me do this no i i messed up like i i was a bad driver and i got hit and um but as it's reversed and now i'm the parent i haven't thought anything but like maybe he was too young to let him do this i don't know he helped me with this table when you were growing up were you ever in a situation, what you were saying inspired this, like where you were in a situation as a kid and you saw the situation getting out of control
Starting point is 00:22:30 with like at a party or something like that. And even in your like eight, nine, 10 year old head, you're looking to authority figures. Are you letting this happen? Can you believe what's going on here? Can you think of anything like that? Like birthday parties, anything that got out of control where even as a kid you saw it,
Starting point is 00:22:46 that it was ludicrous. No, I feel like I would be the dick trying to make it slightly more out of control. Like, ooh, on a scale of one to ten, we got like eight plus here. You know, can we go for ten? Some of my friends, when we were, I guess,
Starting point is 00:23:02 we were young and we went to this kid's birthday party and the only parent there we were just fuck futzing around in the backyard doing whatever now they had like a small woods area and the only parent there was this this kid's mom uh or stepmom i guess and she was just drunk or something and so there was like like we all just got dropped off at this party by like my other friend's uh parents being like, Alright, Taylor, Steve, you guys have fun. And the other mom's like, I'll just keep an eye on them. And it's like, alright, goodbye.
Starting point is 00:23:32 And then we just run out back. At first, everybody was swimming. And so it was like, that's a horrible idea that you shouldn't be fucking swimming. And then this kid just happened to be a very minor league paintball connoisseur. I guess we were maybe like 10 years old. And he had enough guns for like half of everybody to have it. And he wanted to have a no mask versus mask be the teams because there weren't enough masks for everybody. And even then, like in my 9, 10, 11-year-old head, I was like, this is – someone should be here.
Starting point is 00:24:03 I'm not old enough to take charge and say no, but someone taller than me needs to come over and shut this down because I'm going to get in trouble. This is happening. Transitive property. This is happening. No one's going to stop this. Yeah, no one's going to stop this.
Starting point is 00:24:19 Just let this pan out, you know? Mr. Simpson, come outside! Wake up! That's great. So did you guys actually play no no they were not like those spider paintball guns like this was so long ago you know those like single shot
Starting point is 00:24:37 with like a 20 round hopper like plastic like where you just put the portable the talon disposable air it's called the talon plastic, like, kerthunk, kerthunk, where you just put the portable disposable air cartridges. It's called the Talon. So, it, a ton of those little cheapy, cheapy shit ones. But they still hurt, and
Starting point is 00:24:54 especially if you don't have eye protection. You know, now that you mention it, my half-sister and her husband and, like, his brother and a couple other people, they went and got those Talon paintball guns when they were around nineteen or twenty holy lost out for a second
Starting point is 00:25:12 and played and they did they were too cheap to buy the masks and at that you got it i have you know got you know so they went to buy them and then they were too cheap to get them at that yet they were suits they were too cheap to get the fucking that these they wanted to they were too cheap to get the masks. Yeah, they were too cheap to get the fucking masks. They were like, hey, if we just skip the masks, we could have four guns, and then, you know.
Starting point is 00:25:36 I bet this is a good story. I know. God damn it. Stupid internet. I hope that five, ten years now, we look back at this kind of internet reception and just consider it like the Pony Express of old. It's as laughable as chemotherapy in the same amount of time. Wouldn't that be great? That's going to be something that we look back on.
Starting point is 00:26:02 Okay, well, while we get him back, I did have thought of another one. Hey, Kyle, can you turn? Oh, you did. Perfect. Okay. So they bought the guns, didn't want to buy the masks, and that's the last we heard. They were just playing without the mask.
Starting point is 00:26:24 Yeah, they were just playing without the fucking mask. And she's talking to my dad one day, and she's like, yeah, we've been playing paintball. And dad had been playing paintball with me since I was like 13. We played a lot of paintball. And he's like, oh, yeah, yeah, it's fun, huh? And she's like, yeah, but Steele got shot in the face the other day, so that really put a damper on the fun. He had to go to the hospital, and he had to pick bits of the shell out of his eyeball. And they were like, he shot him in the eye she's like it was goggles
Starting point is 00:26:48 and she's like goggles we don't got no goggles and it's just like for some reason now my half sister is like a real hillbilly for some reason but um but yeah they were playing without the fucking goggles and he got shot in the face that's essential too like i'm just jumping in because kyle's coming and going but uh if you think about how you play call of duty like the only thing ever exposed most of the time is your head right and caught as a tip of your helmet but you know you take cover but your eyes and gun have to pop out most of the time you get shot oh most of the time. But it's like the gun shorter arm area or face. Like the part that comes out. I'm not sure if I'm getting it right.
Starting point is 00:27:31 Hey, I'll do it on camera. You don't catch too many belly button shots just because you're not throwing that part of yourself out there. Yeah. So you're on the side and you just kind of ducking your head and gun out and shooting and popping back. This is where you get shot. Your edges get hit a lot. Yeah, well, that's a really, really dumb idea. I was thinking of another time.
Starting point is 00:27:51 Elbows, forearms, shoulders. When I was like 12, we played, I guess 12 or 13, we had a pond in our neighborhood, and it would freeze over every year, and so we'd play hockey on it. And at one point, there would always be at least one one adult there but not all of them even paid attention or cared and so we were playing like pond hockey there was one kid from the neighborhood who didn't have skates i guess he just couldn't afford them or something and he came out and just decided to play pond hockey with us without skates so he's the only kid running around trying not to slip
Starting point is 00:28:25 and slide and get run over with these razor blades strapped on to you know eight-year-old ankles and it was he went he played with us for like four or five straight days when there was ice in snow days until eventually someone had to be like you can't you're gonna lose all of your toes if just one of these people is a bad skater for a few seconds. Like, no, get the fuck off there. He just borrowed some skates eventually. How did he do? Poorly. Really? Nobody wanted him there.
Starting point is 00:28:52 He's the person of like, oh, the guy with no skates is going to hop out here and struggle and also take up a spot where another person could be playing. Not to bid you're on his team and you're like, shift, shift, trying to get him to skate past the little stick barrier you did for who's in and out of play and it just takes him 10 minutes to scoot over because sometimes pawns have good traction like i've played pawn i'm not it's not like i played tons of pawn hockey growing up don't let me lie to you but i have played pawn hockey where some guys didn't have skates and the guys with the skates like if they could get in front of you there was no catching them the runners are like ah fuck it you know like i i'm not doing that but um but when you're up close the skates are kind of they're hurting you you know you can't
Starting point is 00:29:38 you can you think i think that they're beneficial in every situation on the ice i feel like like let's say that i we're talking about rollerblades you know just to make the to exaggerate the traction that i have um i really feel like i could use my rear end to push you around and get the puck under me and have you behind me you know i i feel like the the being on solid sneakers is a good thing. And in pond hockey, like especially if you had to like remove snow to play, then the traction is better than people might guess. Yeah, it's not awful, but it's, I don't know, just from that one small sample size of that kid,
Starting point is 00:30:19 it is not beneficial to not wear skates when you're playing hockey. It's much easier to wear the skates i feel like i could change your mind if i was on the right pond you know if you were on the right i can picture the pond you're thinking of when it was like oh we're gonna it's gonna be 30 degrees and then over the course of the next five days we're gonna get two feet of snow and then you come out there six days later and spend a full day just scraping all that shit off so it's like that it's like sandpaper looking. Yeah. It's, it's,
Starting point is 00:30:46 it's icy sandpaper and that's what we played on. It's icy sandpaper, but the skates still slide over. It's just fine. It's bumpy, but you know, and, and these guys,
Starting point is 00:30:55 they can run and they can stop and they can, they have like street dexterity. Whereas on skates, things are a little more swoopy, you know, I don't know. Maybe maybe maybe a well-trained ice runner but i don't know i just every time i'm out there and i don't have skates on i feel like i'm just one over aggressive step before just falling out from under myself and cracking my
Starting point is 00:31:18 head open like i'd much rather have skates kyle's still struggling. It looks like he's audio only right now, but he's not talking to us. Oh, now he may be audio and video. There we go. Kyle's back. Hey, some more. I know people are mixed on politics talk. I've seen people ask for more and less. There goes Kyle.
Starting point is 00:31:38 But there's a lot of results in. Oh, yeah. Catch me up. Give me all the juicy tidbits of what's going on. All right. I'll list Georgia, Vermont, Virginia, Alabama, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Massachusetts. That's the list of states that Trump is going to win. The list of states that Cruz is going to win, Texas.
Starting point is 00:32:06 The list of states everyone else is going to win, there of states that cruz is going to win texas the list of states everyone else is going to win there are no other states that other people are going to win it seems well there's some like minnesota the the votes aren't in yet or anything so this is happening trump is just about close the door today like and the thing is it's not like the states that are after Super Tuesday, you know, Rubio's known to just run the table or something. No, what happened today, according to polls, is what would happen next time too. So it looks like Trump is going to be the Republican nominee, that today they're going to just about declare it.
Starting point is 00:32:45 And then on the Democratic side, it's a little more complicated. Um, here I'll list still pretty heavy leaning towards Hillary, right? Dude. All right. So Georgia, Virginia, Alabama, Oklahoma, Texas and Arkansas all are going for Clinton Massachusetts is really close kind of too close to call Sanders is up 49.6 to 49.3 with only 4% in
Starting point is 00:33:17 so Massachusetts is a toss up and he's going to win his home state of Vermont so Hillary's won everything but his home state and won's a toss-up. But different... Yeah, so that's not great. Different than the Republican side is there are some states coming up
Starting point is 00:33:34 where Sanders is expected to win. Like what? I think Texas he's supposed to be strong. Oh, did I not give him? It looks like he has Oklahoma too, maybe. I don't know. But it looks like Clinton's going to win about two-thirds of the states today. And in the future, he has a bright-ish future.
Starting point is 00:33:55 So we'll see where that lands. Wait, a bright-ish future. So you think that he's very much still in it? That would maybe overstate what i think uh i think that it's more he has a chance you know so you're telling me there's a chance like okay yes yeah he's in like the pre-death throws of his run i bet that turns out to be true i bet it turns out that he's, you know,
Starting point is 00:34:26 that Sanders isn't done yet. This goose isn't cooked, but you know, it seems like every time there's any kind of voting, he falls a little further behind. And that just means that in the other States, he has to start winning by even more, you know,
Starting point is 00:34:41 after this, he's going to be expected to pull like 55 45s or 60 40s just to make up this you know gap that she's been and that's not going to happen right like even if he could manage to pull even with her well that didn't that's not enough she kicked your ass in super tuesday she kicked your ass you know in south carolina you need to start kicking her ass and you haven't even proven to me you pulled even yet. So that's where he is. And by the way, Clinton's crushing him in some of these states.
Starting point is 00:35:13 Like in Tennessee, it's like 70-30. Texas is 70-30. Arkansas is 75-25. Like she's just – It's hard to know. Like I don't trust like CNN, MSsnbc fox news to give me an accurate representation of how popular you know hillary is compared to bernie sanders but i also don't trust all the news media that i see online when i get there because it totally goes the other direction and oversells sanders in every way and's like, did this guy ever really have a chance at all?
Starting point is 00:35:47 Was I fooled maybe a little bit into thinking that he had more of a chance than he did because of my sample size and where I'm going for this news? Because if you go to someone who's only been watching Fox News or CNN, they really wouldn't think that Sanders had a giant grassroots campaign and was tearing it up, if he even was. Maybe I'm a little spotty and all over the place, but I'm trying to explain it. Everything you're saying perfectly exemplifies the way I feel, too. I just, you know, I'm on Reddit too much.
Starting point is 00:36:17 And if you're on there, you would think that Sanders was crushing it. That's misleading. My sphere of influence, like the people I know, I don't know anyone who's pro-Hillary. there you would think that Sanders was crushing it you know and it and also my misleading my sphere of influence like the people I know I don't know anyone who's pro-Hillary yet here she is winning this election by a ton so I Hillary Trump election good lord that's interesting. You said you would go Hillary over Trump, right? I'm not denying I said it. I'm not sure. Where I am right now is just mixed up and confused. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:37:01 But I think this will be the one. I'm going to go vote. First time voting. Get out. Go vote. Now,. I'm going to go vote. First time voting. Get out. Now, were you old enough to vote four years ago? Yeah. Yeah, okay. So you're going to vote this time.
Starting point is 00:37:13 Yeah, I'm going to give it a go. And I imagine Trump is your dad because I can't see you voting for Hillary. No. No. Maybe. I don't know. I'll probably end up trying to find some third party guy that I think seems passable. Because when push comes to shove and it's that final moment of like, click your vote for Trump.
Starting point is 00:37:33 It's going to be like, am I going to be one of the gears or cogs in this moment in history? It's like, just in case, no. Like, just in case this goes sour, I want to have plausible deniability. It's funny you say that. The first eight years i was a voter i voted for ross perot twice you know you it's what happens i guess so but it's better than like i don't know if it's like technically incorrect but it bothers me like if you complain about politics and people like who did you vote for and you're like i didn't'll be like, well, you have no right to complain. Back when, before Lefty left and you had joined us,
Starting point is 00:38:11 I made that same argument. Lefty disagreed. He's like, no, no, no, you get to complain all you want. You don't have to vote to do that. But like you, I feel like, look, if you vote, you can complain that that guy didn't do what you thought he'd do, or you can complain that your guy would have done it had he won.
Starting point is 00:38:30 But you can't complain if you didn't vote. You need to be part of the system. Or maybe you can complain twice as much if you didn't vote, because you didn't even pick these fucking people. I don't agree with that. What if instead of voting, I frame a black person for a crime
Starting point is 00:38:48 to deny someone else the vote? How would that deny someone else a vote? Maybe felons, right? Yeah. So you're taking away the Hillary vote by framing a black person. Well, I would think it would be the Bernie vote, but I guess he thought that too.
Starting point is 00:39:04 95% of African Americans over like 45 or something like that is what she took in South Carolina. Like, that's the... They were talking about it on Fox News. They were like, those are North Korean-like numbers. Like, we don't even know what to think about that when we hear 95% of something. Especially such a major slice of the population. And a major slice of the voting and a major slice of the voting population in that state and more importantly
Starting point is 00:39:28 did you mention did you get the thing I typed to you about Rubio because I think it's important so in Texas you have to get at least 20% of the vote to earn any of the delegates so if he doesn't hit that 20% number then he gets nothing and he's at
Starting point is 00:39:43 20.1 which means I believe... He's on my screen at 19.9. Awesome. Because that means those delegates get split between Trump and... Well, not split evenly, but they go to Trump and Cruz, which is good. More delegates to Cruz, less to Rubio. I think their plan here is to just ride this thing all the way to the convention and have, what's it called? A contested convention, I think.
Starting point is 00:40:09 Something like that, where nobody agrees and they have to start voting over and over. The last time a president... The last time they had one of those I think was when Dewey whatever... Dewey beat Howe or something? It was that election, and he lost. Truman when Dewey, whatever. Dewey beat Howe or something?
Starting point is 00:40:26 It was that election, and he lost. Truman beat Dewey? Dewey beat Truman? Yeah, I think so. No, I'm going to stand behind that. What I do know is the last time it actually happened was in 1880-something. It was Garfield. That was the last time, and I think that's what's coming.
Starting point is 00:40:43 I don't think they're going to back down. I think Rubio's just going to stay in there all the way to the convention. He's not going to care. Maybe. But Trump is absolutely dominating. I think Trump is going to get enough delegates. If he hits that number. What is it?
Starting point is 00:40:59 1,200 and... Rubio's winning his thing, by the way. What did I just see him leading? Did the refresh change it? It might have changed it. I thought I saw Rubio winning in Arkansas. Yeah, it must have been. So Rubio was ahead in Arkansas, but now I see it as virtually tied with Trump.
Starting point is 00:41:21 So did the loss of the black vote for Sanders actually lose him anything? Because I saw something just like a snippet online. It's not just that. He beats Hillary with young people and that's the only place he beats Hillary it seems. And the problem is young people don't go out to vote.
Starting point is 00:41:40 So they'll throw those numbers around like, yeah, he took 95% of the vote under 25 or whatever. And it's like, yeah, that's 18 people. Like all 30 of them. Yeah, good job. You rounded them up, got them out of that fucking stoner basement wherever they were. You know, I was really excited for this political series, but then they held the elections during spring break. So I was in Cancun drinking my ass off.
Starting point is 00:42:04 I love this i this is the greatest uh theater ever this is on a global scale right now and it's absolutely ridiculous that that donald trump uh populist which is a term that i i hadn't heard before that i you know i i understood what what that sort of person was but i had never heard the term populist. I know what that means too, of course. And that's totally what he is. It's just hilarious. I love it. And to see him crushing them
Starting point is 00:42:34 in every state virtually, this is great. Even in Texas, he's got the numbers now that I'm seeing with 31% of the vote in. Cruz has 39%, Trump at 28-2, and Rubio at 19, 6. Rubio's slipping even more. What is Hillary doing to get
Starting point is 00:42:50 the black vote? I don't know. I know that when her husband was president, they were really considered like honorary black people. And I feel like, and this is so insulting, so I apologize to all black people in advance, but if they knew Bernie Sanders' civil rights record,
Starting point is 00:43:09 and that was the issue that mattered to them most, they'd be for Sanders. Sanders absolutely has a better history of helping black people and minorities. A black man is going to have a better time under a Sanders presidency than under a Hillary Clinton presidency, and there's no doubt in my mind about that. Yeah, but that's also really like – it's almost condescending to say it like that. Yeah, that's the part I apologize. Is it?
Starting point is 00:43:34 You know the group that's going to benefit the most from a system where tons – everybody shares everything and then you split it up evenly? The group that's not very productive. Oh, that's your, now we're getting a look at the inner workings of your filthy mind, Taylor. Woody and I, that never occurred to us. The implication. Disgusting.
Starting point is 00:43:55 No, I was just, I was literally going back to him. It makes it seem like, it makes it seem like the only way a black person would vote for someone other than Sanders is because of the civil rights movement or something i don't know it's it's like i said it's a person into a single issue voter but what i said was if that's your issue then you would vote for sanders and what i meant but i want to say this um what i wasn't saying that unproductive people will do well under Sanders. What I was getting at was, Sanders has been like marching with the NAACP
Starting point is 00:44:28 and fighting for equality since the 60s. Like this is a guy who's bona fides, his credentials are just getting drug out of sit-ins and arrested. Yeah. And I'm saying that if that were known then more black people would have voted for him but to say that even knowing that a huge horde of black voters would go over there to his side,
Starting point is 00:44:49 that's just saying that that's their only thing they would really care about. Who's to say that 80% of voters who are black don't even care about this race relationship? They're focused on all the other stuff. Maybe they just lean more with Hillary. I feel like the most insulting thing I said was, if black people were better educated, they'd vote for Sanders. I didn't say it like that, but it was, you know, if you knew about his credentials in this area, then you'd be for him. And that makes sort of an assumption that they don't know. No, no, no. I don't think they do.
Starting point is 00:45:18 Because I feel like if I were a black person, I'd be a Sanders fan. I'm not saying that black people are stupid. I'm saying that black people are ignorant when it comes to Sanders, by and large. They just have to be. I'm like, don't you know? I know enough about Sanders that, yeah, this is a guy who champions your cause. This is your guy right here. It's interesting to see. Here's what I'm thinking. I know that I feel like Trump and Sanders are on complete opposite ends of the spectrum. One an ultra-capitalist and the other a democratic socialist as he calls himself. But I still think that their supporters have a lot in common when it comes down to it.
Starting point is 00:45:56 They feel disenfranchised, they feel misrepresented, they feel like their voice isn't being heard and they want that outsider candidate. Whenever Sanders drops out, I feel like a significant portion of his people are going to be Trump people. They are going to be so disgusted with Hillary, the way she's drug his name through the mud, the way she's misrepresented his words, the way that she's went so negatively against him, and how she's done it. Because normally, this is different from normal because in sanders you have a candidate where it just seems like he's a nice guy who does the right thing all the time somehow and so it's he's not a standard politician where the mudslinging even
Starting point is 00:46:35 if it's your guy you're like yeah shit he brought up that thing where my guy did the coke back in the 90s and they let him go on that beef and oh damn they brought up that trade deal he signed off on. Fuck! In the back of your head you're thinking he's mostly good. Come on, let it slide. But with Sanders, if you're a Sanders supporter, you're saying, no, you're fucking lying. You're lying about
Starting point is 00:46:55 my guy. You're lying. You're lying. How dare you do this? And you might feel robbed of a revolution. But she is. She is lying. She said that he took money from Wall Street. It turns out that Wall Street gave money to the Democratic Party and then the Democratic Party
Starting point is 00:47:11 distributed that money to everybody running that year and suddenly he took money from Wall Street? No. He should have came back and said that she took money from drug dealers. Who's to say that? Because of the taxes that a drug dealer paid that ended up into her salary as a senator.
Starting point is 00:47:30 Who's to say that, like, I don't know. If you're going to say he took money from Wall Street, yeah, he also took money from farmers and whatever. Maybe that's the money that went towards his. I don't know. You can't do what is indirect like that. Hillary's literally going to the goldman socks campus and taking money and putting it in her pocket not even running like there's a huge difference so um but but yeah what i was getting at with that is that i think that when sanders
Starting point is 00:47:57 does drop or whatever happens to him if he whether whether he has a heart attack and just dies you know tomorrow which is the most likely thing i think. Every day he's on the earth seems like it. It's like, wow, he's still here. But I think his supporters are going to, some of them, some of them are going to fall over to Trump. They're going to feel like he is their second best. Maybe some, but honestly, like, More than Trump in the past.
Starting point is 00:48:21 It's the youth that's the biggest supporter of him. Once they're so disenfranchised that their golden boy is no longer in the running, I think that they're going to go from hyper Sanders fan to inactive in politics pretty quickly. Some will. But I think if you think back to the last election cycle, whenever Hillary drops out, all of her supporters go to Barack. None of her supporters go to Romney. What do you think the number is on that?
Starting point is 00:48:47 How many Hillary supporters jump over on the Romney bandwagon? Probably like half a dozen. Yeah, like literally eight. But in this case, I feel like you're looking at a million percent. I feel like that was true on the Republican side too. Who was Romney running against toward the end? Republican side too. Who was Romney running against toward the end?
Starting point is 00:49:07 The one who it's the name for like cum in a man's asshole. Santora. Was he running late? He brought the asshole cum. That's not what that word means. I forget if it was really him who got second, but let's say it was. Gingrich was doing well
Starting point is 00:49:23 at one point. Rick Perry, was doing well at one point. Rick Perry, the damn guy with the pizza. They all had a turn at the top. Yeah, Republicans are crazy that way. But I feel like when Rick Perry dropped out, his voters went to some other Republican. They didn't go over to Barack's side. And Kyle nailed it. I think that when Sanders drops out, some of them
Starting point is 00:49:46 might look for the other outsider in the race, Trump. I am excited about the wall. I'm going to be a hundred percent honest. I am excited about the prospect of the wall. I'm all right. Here's what I'm actually excited about. I'm excited about the promises that Trump has made because they're all things that the everyday kind of guy can get behind. He's not talking about some trade deal. He's not talking about some global thing that might happen in five years or after his presidency. That's what our leaders usually talk about. They're like, yeah, we're going to lay the groundwork for this thing
Starting point is 00:50:17 that eventually will happen. No, he's like, I'm going to build a fucking wall, and you're going to be able to see it. You know what else I'm going to do? I'm going to make sure we file charges against Hillary Clinton. I'm going to build a fucking wall and you're going to be able to see it. You know what else I'm going to do? I'm going to make sure we file charges against Hillary Clinton. I'm going to make that happen too. And you're like, yeah? Yeah?
Starting point is 00:50:32 This sounds like the best reality show ever. The Apprentice, the executive decision is going to be great this year. Dude, he is going to break so many promises. I'm a little disappointed already. You know, he hasn't even won the election yet, but I'm already like, dude, like. He's only got to build a house. Are you talking about Trump right now or like Bernie? What'd you say?
Starting point is 00:50:57 You're talking about Sanders or Trump right now? Trump. I'm talking about Trump. Trump, he might build the wall. That one is so essential to his entire platform. The wall and Trump are synonymous. Have you heard them at his rallies when they start chanting it? It's great.
Starting point is 00:51:13 I've been listening to a lot of his rallies lately. I've got a ton of Fox News sitting there, and I've been in my truck a lot. And I'll tell you one thing. He's talking off the top of his head most of the time. He's got bullet points, but his speeches are different every time, a little bit different. And you can tell that he's talking off the top of his head most of the time. He's got bullet points, but his speeches are different every time. A little bit different. And you can tell that he's talking off the top of his head. He's not reading the teleprompter.
Starting point is 00:51:30 You listen to, I watched Triumph the Insult comic dog. He did some election coverage where he literally stalks crews and hurls insults at them. And it's pretty funny. And he follows him from rally to rally. Same speech verbatim, even the delivery, you know, it's a well-practiced, well-oiled machine. Trump's not like that.
Starting point is 00:51:53 At virtually every rally, he throws out a protester, and he's like, oh, what do we got, some protesters? Get them out! Get them out! Yeah, yeah, they got to be on TV. They got to be on TV. Yeah, out. All right, now we're rid of them.
Starting point is 00:52:09 And then he'll bring up the wall. And then all of a sudden you hear it, build the wall, build the wall. And it's shaking the building. It's the new drill baby drill. There's 35,000 of them. There's 35,000 people going to these Trump rallies. It's ridiculous.
Starting point is 00:52:23 I want to go to one. That would be a really fun PKA trip. Let's go to a Trump rally. Dude, I'm down. I would love to go to a Trump rally. And like, we're not journalists by any means, but let's go to the inauguration if he gets elected. I want to go to a Trump rally.
Starting point is 00:52:42 I'm going to look into that because they really do look like a fun time. I don't support him as Trump rally. I'm going to look into that because they really do look like a fun time. I don't support him as a candidate. I can't because I just, you know, he's a reality star. And that alone is just enough for me. I don't know. So far. That almost makes him better because it's like so many of these politicians
Starting point is 00:53:02 have been doing that their whole lives. I will say the upside of Trump, like the job is actually to run a large organization. Trump's done that. You know, Trump actually operates in a lot of businesses. He delegates and he has to like manage communication between divisions and, you know, running a large company is not the same
Starting point is 00:53:22 as running a government, but at least he has that when we were talking about ben carson and by the way he was like lead tie for the lead at one point it was like this guy's managerial experience seems to extend to leading a six-man surgical team he is in no way qualified to run a government. And even Trump is perhaps the least qualified person in my lifetime. But. What? No. I mean, Obama was like one year as a senator, right? Yes.
Starting point is 00:53:58 And he spent that like, you know, running for president. Obama had been a state senator. He had been a. Had he? Mm-hmm. And he had been a United States senator. Yeah, a um a united states yeah but that i don't even state senator as like experience on the level of president that's like being like how'd that guy make it in the nfl well he played some peewee and then he played with his junior high team and here we are it's like well wait no well and he was also in
Starting point is 00:54:21 the senate gap of skill that you need to find in between those two points. And Kyle's right. He didn't even serve a full Senate term. So he was like, I think he was a real senator for like two years. And then we'll say the next two years were devoted to running for president. So probably the biggest rookie ever to get voted in. Can you confirm he was a state senator? Let me see. I don't think he was.
Starting point is 00:54:41 He was a state something. I listened to a lot of Sean Hannity tearing this guy down. And from what I understand, he was a community organizer with someone named Saul Alinsky. God, he just programmed it into my head. He was a member of the Illinois Senate for seven years. Okay. As a senator?
Starting point is 00:55:00 Mm-hmm. Okay. Making sure. Yeah, and then he was a United States... He was a United States senator for almost four years. He was just a few months shy of four years.
Starting point is 00:55:12 But we also know that some of that time was spent running. I feel like that's... Yeah. But let's... Yeah, that community organizer thing I always thought was a little bullshit.
Starting point is 00:55:22 They made it seem like he went from community organizer to president. Like, let's pretend that Trump at one point worked at a shoe store putting, you know, selling shoes and putting them on people's feet. You can't be like, oh, sure, Al Bundy over here is running. No, he's done a lot since then. You know, like he's done lots of speeches. He's been a state senator.
Starting point is 00:55:44 He's been a United States he's been a united states senator you can't just peg him by his first job well no but you're not taking him by his first job so much as you are comparing his prerequisite achievements to that of other presidents and realizing oh that's kind of standard that we had set for what you had to do to get to this most of the time to this status he just blew right past it like typically you're a senator for a little longer or governor there were some generals what typically i was i was saying typically you're a senator for longer or governor i say what about there were a couple guys who were generals right like i feel like trump's kind of a general
Starting point is 00:56:21 you know i you know he's he's, I feel like Trump has the experience. Now that I think about it, why not? I really don't think political experience is what we want in our president. I'd like to see some new and innovative ideas. I want to see some interesting shit come out of the White House. I'm a little nervous. It's not going to be tacky, very tacky. I can't tell you what it is, but there's going to be a thing.
Starting point is 00:56:43 So, like you've seen it. The Senate and the government has tons of rules. tell you what it is but there's going to be a thing so like like you've seen it the senate and the government has tons of rules lots of rules that i barely understand like the whole filibuster thing the idea that you can talk for this long the idea that you can hold things up in committees i feel like trump is going to be a real rookie dealing with experts at fucking up government you know and and if people didn't support him, and so far he has no support, even from Republicans, that it might be really hard for him to be successful because he doesn't know a damn thing about how government works.
Starting point is 00:57:17 Do you think that someone like Putin would respect him more, though, in dealings? Trump already said, Putin had a statement. It was something he he said i think he called trump colorful or something like that but then he said that he he welcomed um trump's words or something about he welcomed that trump had said that under his presidency he'd have better relations with russia and and he said he looked forward to that or something like it was not a condemnation sort of thing what he wasn't like, who is this Mr. Trump? No, I want him to lose so I can continue watching his stupid show.
Starting point is 00:57:50 It wasn't anything like that. He was like, yeah, Trump's all right. I can't picture him playing nice with Sanders or Clinton, Putin. I feel like he would just totally take advantage of Sanders. Have you guys watched Occupied? No, but I'm'm gonna have to you know i i i picked up a new show of my own um it's not as good i'm sure i i um i only mentioned it because i don't think this is a spoiler but the the russians invade norway kind of and um it's clear
Starting point is 00:58:24 that they consider the leader of Norway to be a little bit milquetoast, a little bit too squishy and nice and kind. And I feel like that somewhat exists in the real world too. Oh, definitely. If they were to get Sanders, I think they'd be like, oh, yeah, here's our plan. First we meet in the middle,
Starting point is 00:58:44 and then we meet in the next middle, and first we meet in the middle and then we meet in the next middle and then we meet in the next middle because he has no backbone you know and they'll get almost everything they want and i feel like he would just show up and like the king of saudi arabia would be there sitting across from him being like oh you brought all 10 helicopters oh perfect here's a billion dollars i thought we agreed on two billion dollars oh you thought wrong buddy you know just kick him out you really think an arab is is gonna get it over on a jew i don't think that's gonna happen like it's gonna become a battle timeless battle it's a rivalry i feel like when it comes to like buying and selling things money lending that sort of thing like sanders would have that
Starting point is 00:59:22 under under control that's that's just what I think. Sanders is going to be out of his thing soon. It's a shame that his revolution didn't take fire, but young people just don't vote. Specifically, young white internet people seemingly don't vote. And it's a shame. I was hoping you guys would vote and that the Sanders guy would at least embarrass Hillary Clinton and Krippler.
Starting point is 00:59:44 So I'm looking at this thing. I think Chiz is writing it for us. They've got Trump winning five states, Clinton winning six states, Cruz winning only Texas, and Sanders winning only Vermont. But I think that they're leaving out some of the close ones. Like Cruz is leading in Oklahoma. Arkansas too? I don't know what the vote is.
Starting point is 01:00:06 I know it's close though. Cruz is leading in Oklahoma when I looked. In Arkansas, Trump is leading by about 2.5%. I see Rubio still below that 20% mark in Texas and dropping to 19.2% now. Really? Yeah. That's a problem for him in Texas and dropping to 19.2% now. Really? Yeah. That's a problem for him.
Starting point is 01:00:27 That's a problem for him. I might need to refresh. Or I may need to. That really is a problem. 19.2% now. Like, I would bet that that's one of the things. If Cruz is sitting somewhere, or Rubio, rather,
Starting point is 01:00:38 is sitting somewhere staring at numbers, that Texas number is one of the most important ones. I don't see... How Rubio... Is he picking up zero states? Yes, he has not won a state yet. He is 0-16. They brought this up a lot today. They're like, well, he's got to win a state eventually, right? And the guy was like, well, you know, there was a guy named Willie Mays,
Starting point is 01:01:02 and he went 0- 16 when he first started, but then he hit 660 home runs. They're like, well, we're not playing baseball. Has anyone ever lost the first 16 states? I'm like, well, Clinton lost the first six. They're like, but 16. He's like, well, there's a reason I brought up Willie Mays, John, if you could just let me get there.
Starting point is 01:01:25 It's like, no, there's no fucking chance brought up Willie Mays, John. If you could just let me get there. He's like, no, there's no fucking chance in hell. It's just not going to happen. They're not going to get there the old-fashioned way. They're going to have to have, I don't know the rules and regulations, but I think they're going to have to have some sort of a vote or something. I don't know what the outcome of this is. They hate him so much. And I don't just mean his opponents,
Starting point is 01:01:45 but the whole GOP establishment, all of those donors, all of those people, the power behind the scenes, they just hate fucking Trump. Let's see what you got here. Oh, it's beautiful. So they've got Trump ahead in Arkansas
Starting point is 01:02:04 by 3% in this thing trump's winning vermont by three percent and cruz is winning texas by three and a half percent roughly and oklahoma i think that says are you talking about the oklahoma one oh i'm sorry i am talking about oklahoma and i i don't know how i made that mistake but yeah dude, Rubio can't lose 16 states in a row. That's the thing that irritates me. If you include today. Yeah. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:02:35 If you lose 16 states in a row, you have to at some point be like, you know. Maybe it's not in the cards. You have to win some. I just imagine his inner monologue. Come on, little Marco. Pull it together. Like somehow... A lot of people...
Starting point is 01:02:53 We should probably get off of politics if possible. We're almost over the show at this point, aren't we? Yeah, actually. It's been over an hour. Because I feel like people are going to watch this a week later. Listen to it on iTunes. And this will be history, not current events. They should have been Patreons.
Starting point is 01:03:07 They should have been Patreons. Consider it. You're missing out on the gorgeousness of my new haircut. So did you hurt yourself? A little. Are you okay? Colin wouldn't have winced at that. I was more wincing at the fact that I had done something stupid
Starting point is 01:03:25 and, like, ground a little hole, you know, like, poked a hole in my hand. I was just like, well, that was dumb. That's a good little hole. Do you do that just now? How? With what? A Glock? Yeah, I was just, like, messing.
Starting point is 01:03:39 The sight's got a little burr on it, and I'm just over here, like, messing with it, kind of spinning my hand on it. It's very much unloaded. Very much unloaded. You just nicked yourself. I think I'm going to do a three-gun tournament. Have you done a three-gun actually or no?
Starting point is 01:03:56 No. Yeah, it's new to me. I don't have the perfect equipment, but I think I've got what I need to show up and try it for the first time, except for this Batman utility belt shit you need uh oh so i'll have any back it depends how the there's so many ways to do it three gun is like it's like saying um do you cook yeah cook i guess i don't know there's so many different variations of it it's it but it's there's a lot of movement moving around
Starting point is 01:04:25 sometimes there's reload sometimes there's not um and they always mix up the guns and stuff like some places if you only use the guns that are there um and there's different classes of it's really fun to watch but i've just never done know a little bit i know that you move a lot he said that that was kind of the fun he's like you can go to the range and you shoot paper and it's dull and after a while you're like all right let's go the fun wore out but he's like this is almost military you're like walking and shooting and hitting things and the things react and move and it sounded cool um but i don't think i thought it was going to be a week from now it looks like it might be in may so i'm a little mixed up i went to register and i couldn't find a thing a week from now
Starting point is 01:05:03 but i'm kind of looking forward to it I'll try 3 gunning I don't expect to do well but Maybe it'll be something I enjoy doing again Yeah it'll be fun to do So Well I guess that's PKA episode 81 Or Painkiller Nearly episode 81
Starting point is 01:05:18 PKN Doesn't look like it Alright thanks guys

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