Painkiller Already - PKN #82

Episode Date: March 18, 2016

It's PKN time baby!...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 go pink killer nearly episode 82 i think kyle timed it right um so we were talking about a lot of stuff before the show but house of cards i just realized that we have all seen the entire season already crammed that thing in oh what have you seen the whole thing i have i um i ruined my sleep schedule for it yeah i really like this season it was a big pickup from last season i thought much better than last season um my girlfriend a big pickup from last season, I thought. Much better than last season. My girlfriend thinks it's the best season, but then I reminded her that that first season with Zoe Barnes and Russo and all is just excellent.
Starting point is 00:00:32 Amazing. Superb. But this fourth season was really good. I'm under the impression for some reason that this is the final season. Is that correct? I don't think so, no. Okay, I was just checking. Okay, so the reason I say that is, and I could be wrong about this, but in my head, the original House of Cards was a British series about,
Starting point is 00:00:52 you know, he wants to be PM, he wants to be the Prime Minister, whatever. Very similar situation, you know, the way his rise to power and all. But it is four seasons, and I think it's 13 episodes per season, thus making 52 episodes in the house of cards because there's 52 cards in the deck of playing cards um so I thought that that was like some sort of built-in thing that it's a four seat four season run but I'm excited that there could be a fifth season because wow that thing ended on such a great note well there's got to be another season there's no that would be phenomenally disappointing if they were like,
Starting point is 00:01:26 oh, you didn't get it? That was the end? I'm good with that. I'm good with that ending. No. No way, man. I went into that episode believing that that was the series finale, and when it ended like that, I was cool with it.
Starting point is 00:01:37 Because think about it. You've got him basically saying, yeah, the wolves are at the door. They're coming to get us, and they probably are going to get us but we're going down fighting and it's gonna be big and and i'm like yeah yeah i'm good with that i don't need to see frank underwood you know uh lose because i don't want that i never want that i want frank to succeed and his buddy doug is my favorite character the most loyal motherfucker that ever fucked a guy don't play no shit he comes hardcore to work every day he is so tight with the president and it the the one issue is i feel like the loyalty is a little mismatched you know and i'm not saying that the president
Starting point is 00:02:20 doesn't help him back right didn't he have some issues where he sort of carried him through his alcoholism or whatever? But I feel like if Frank Underwood could benefit by hurting that guy, he would do so. In a second. Yeah. But that's the nature of the relationship, and I think that we're looking at this in a modern context, and you've got to think of
Starting point is 00:02:37 these guys like in Game of Thrones terms, and Frank Underwood is the king, and Doug Stamper is a member of the king's guard this is the guy whose job is to fall on the sword it's it's it's just it is known like it's it's it's the it's the it's the way of thing i get that but i feel like there's supposed to be compensation for it i feel like you're like yes you fall on the sword that's a thing that could happen and by the way if that's ever called upon oh that's a good day
Starting point is 00:03:06 for you himself when when he needed the liver i thought i was like doug might just kill himself to give frank that liver he tried to give his liver he tried to give a piece of it but when they needed it all he was like no your liver is bullshit you need to get out of here is he an alcoholic i feel like he could yeah liver anyway he was i think he was like fuck it do it anyway and they were like well we need a whole liver, though. So that would have killed him. I don't know. I don't want to say anything specific about what happened,
Starting point is 00:03:31 because guaranteed most people haven't finished the entire series yet. But it was good overall. Didn't expect both of you to like Doug so much. I like him because he's interesting, but he's such a slimy piece of shit who just wants to suck Frank's dick. No. That's not how I see him. Nope.
Starting point is 00:03:50 Can I go first? Sure. I see Doug, like, again, I think because he's the president, because he's the most powerful man in the world, you've got to think of this on more of a Game of Thrones level of thinking. I think of Doug as, like I said, a member of the Kingsguard. This is a guy who'll go out and do what needs to be done, whatever that is. And because he's got the president behind him, you know, right and wrong, the law, all of that, be damned. He's doing what needs to be done. He is a white collar soldier is what he is. Yes. He's a white collar soldier. That that and frank underwood needs a soldier you know he
Starting point is 00:04:25 can't fight all of his own battles you got to have a guy who's unquestionably on your side who is a white collar soldier and i don't want to give away specifics of what he did this year but you saw he's willing to he's willing to fight and uh you remember what frank said to him before he leaves the White House in the last episode. Frank says, what does he say? He says, go and fix it. Make it 100%. My mind is just running through the things that I think that Doug is about to do. I don't remember. I think I missed a detail. I should watch it again. I really like it. Doug is going out. Well, not to be a big, no spoilers or anything, but Frank's got a lot of people who are problems in that last episode. There's several people out there who are problems for him.
Starting point is 00:05:18 And he tells Doug to go out and make it right and be 100%. And to me, that means go kill them all Doug all of us like Doug's like all right and then he you know he goes and sees his lady friend and has a comforting moment with her but he's looking at can you remind me who you think he's gonna kill in text yeah so it's not to spoil it sorry everybody I but well there's just a whole bunch of people it could be but I'm thinking maybe the... Or it could be...
Starting point is 00:05:49 That's what I was thinking. I don't see that. I didn't expect that one. They both ratted on him, him and... That's true, and then there's... Right, actually, I was going for the same person, but I didn't know her name either. They together you know he could kill either of the go he could be going after them so you see what she agrees yeah she says rest in
Starting point is 00:06:13 peace yeah dude it's it's a house of cards now I'll tell you I loved house of cards but dude occupy the occupier I think it's occupied the Norway one I think is better than House of Cards. And what's interesting, a lot of people are coming up on the subreddit being like, dude, so people shit on my thoughts on movies all the time. The Revenant is a
Starting point is 00:06:35 real popular one, but beyond that, I didn't like a bunch of Robin Williams movies. And of course, I feel like at the time that these guys loved the movie Jumanji, they were the target age for it, and I wasn't. I still love that movie. I loved Jumanji, but I haven't watched it in years.
Starting point is 00:06:52 It could be that it's got a Goonies thing where I put it back in and I'm like, oh man, really? Go watch that shit. It's good. I think there's a couple of those, like Mrs. Doubtfire and stuff, where you were the target audience for it. Don't try and stuff, where you were the target audience for it. Yeah, don't try and watch that if you're over, I don't know, 60.
Starting point is 00:07:08 There was a woman watching that on the plane the other day. She brought it with her. So anyway, a lot of times people, they fuss at my movie selections. And it's not like my whole sense of self-worth is wrapped up in whether I like the right shows or not. But you hear it enough times and you're like, hey, no, I like good shows. And Occupied is one where universally everybody that gets into it is like, holy smokes. Like, you know, put a few chips back in. If it were poker, I got a couple.
Starting point is 00:07:38 I want a pot. How many episodes are there? How much content is available? I want to say it's like 10 or 13 it's only one season but they're all hour long and oh that's good like 52 minutes or 60 minutes it matters i think i know i want to say like 52 but i'm not positive dude it's each there's a few shows there's a few shows that i know are going to be good but i'm just i i didn't get into them right away so in my i'm cataloging them they're in the
Starting point is 00:08:10 background and i figure if like you did with fargo yes exactly and i loved it and i've seen it all now but um the americans uh i'm i'm perfectly sure that the americans is a really cool show it's about undercover russian spies uh like soviet spies uh in the u.s who are like living as united states citizens and blending in while doing espionage and stuff against the united states there are multiple seasons but i've never watched it because i'm kind of saving it till it's all done uh orange is the new blacks another one i've never seen an episode of that kind of saving that until it's all done probably um and i really have no desire to watch that show i don't think it looks very good i hear it's good i might as well check
Starting point is 00:08:50 it out um i don't generally like prison dramas or shows like oz was just too much for me i like violence but there's just way too much rape way too you know dude the thing about oz is um i imagine a lot of people watch it the same way. I watch Oz and I figure out which dude am I, right? I'm not a dude that does well in prison. Can you give a quick breakdown of what that show is about? Oh, okay. So I don't know if it leads with the main character or not, but basically a guy goes to prison.
Starting point is 00:09:25 And I don't think there's one particular main character character but it shows what's happening in a prison and uh it's an hbo special so it goes full gore and like brutality and uh most of the people kind of fit in there but there's one who's like a white collar criminal and you see like people pretend to be his friend and then all of a sudden they owe him something there's some rape involved there's some hitting involved a guy tough friend and then all of a sudden they owe him something. There's some rape involved. There's some hitting involved. A guy toughens up and all of a sudden he's kind of a prisoner like the rest of them. And it goes on maybe seven seasons ish.
Starting point is 00:09:55 And, uh, Jesus Christ. Yeah. There's some prison riots and it really, if it's at all accurate, it's probably overdone. It really makes you not want to be in prison.
Starting point is 00:10:06 It's an environment where, like, Mirka, as quick-witted as you might be, you're getting raped. Oh, everybody's getting raped. I think you need to go in with that in mind. Like, you need to just embrace the rape on day one. Like, who's got a big one? I would smuggle in a butt plug in my butt just so i could practice and make the rape a little better
Starting point is 00:10:33 where would you hide it right where it goes make sure there's like a big scene maybe the first day when you're like they kick you in and they kick all your clothes off like in Shawshank Redemption they're throwing lye on you. Maybe with a pocket knife cut the inside of your butt cheek so there's a lot of blood coming down. You're like, oh my fissures! And so everyone else sees. And they're like, oh well, you know, everybody else
Starting point is 00:10:57 you're getting it from Big Tony but Fissure Guy, oh! You still watch it. Oh, ass beaches! They burn! Yeah, the warts yeah they burn yeah the warts they bleed the warts bleed it's terrible you guys want some of this how much hiv causes joint pain my mouth's so dry all the time the goddamn hiv you know uh i didn't care occupied is it is really good i so how can i watch occupied like where is it it is streaming on netflix it's easy to watch oh shit oh that's easy to do then i'm gonna do that um man we're
Starting point is 00:11:32 flying through the topics but i i am trying to go lighter on the politics than than we have historically but it's a big night and um trump appears to be winning Mississippi, but 1% of the vote is in. Michigan, he's winning, which he wasn't in the first update, with 14% of the vote in. So it's getting to be more reliable. And then Idaho and Hawaii might not happen during the show. Yeah, we won't know about Hawaii until like 5 in the morning or something like that. Hawaii in particular, yeah. Idaho ends at 9, which is only 20 minutes
Starting point is 00:12:06 from now, but sometimes you don't get the results at nine. There's been zero polling in Hawaii, apparently. I've been pretty in tune with this thing. I've been listening a lot on Fox News radio and POTUS, which is People of the United States radio on Sirius XM. So they're really
Starting point is 00:12:22 unbiased. They seem to be right down the middle. Although everyone hates Trump. You know what I mean? They'll give Hillary and Bernie equal time and they'll give all the Republicans equal time, including Trump. But Trump's time is mostly spent, you know... So they're not really even-handed. Well, they don't consider Trump a politician. You know, I saw Trump's anti-Rubio ad that's running in Florida. It's good.
Starting point is 00:12:47 And the best part was when the way the guy who's speaking, and it's not Trump's voice speaking. It's one of those movie preview voice guys. Marco Rubio. He's been defrauding Florida for years. Now he wants to defraud the whole country. But there's one point where he calls him a politician and he makes it sound like such a dirty word that I was like, yeah, they're all politicians.
Starting point is 00:13:15 Except for Trump! And there's a little bit of something to be said about that. Well, he's asleep. It's nap time for him now. It's all over. But they're all politicians, and Trump is not, and you can't argue with that. And there's something to be said for that.
Starting point is 00:13:37 I feel like there's a counter to it, though. There's some politician fear out there that it would be kind of like if, as a computer programmer, Woody, like everybody who's not a computer programmer, when they meet someone who is, like that guy's pretty bright like you picture it and it's like that swordfish screen of numbers going down and you're just you know barely keeping up and oh maybe i can get past the mainframe if i hyperlock this this uh you know or just made up fucking words and it would be like if someone was like hey you know i'm just kind of some guy but i can do this and then he walked in and he pulled the curtain back and found out that you guys are just you know you know
Starting point is 00:14:09 randomly hitting buttons and then he starts doing it and it's turning out right and suddenly you guys are like fuck god damn it he blew the whole thing everybody knows now that's what politicians are thinking is they're like oh fuck they're gonna realize that all we do is talk and like there's no big secret knowledge meeting that we all partake in every week. Like this, we're just people like there's I don't think privy to a ton of things. I think that there are rules and procedures and things you can do that are going to kick Trump's ass. I keep saying this and it's a hard point to make because I can't name them. But there's always some like parliamentary procedure
Starting point is 00:14:45 that they're doing that caught this guy off guard. Trump will be caught off guard by everything. No, I disagree with that because I don't feel like the president himself has to be an expert in parliamentary procedures or know all the ins and outs of being a politician. I feel like, you know, and I'm going to use House of Cards, but you see how many advisors are around these people, how many voices there are in the room to speak up, and how many intelligent people there are. Remember when he was trying to get a bill written and he had that room full of legal experts going through all this?
Starting point is 00:15:19 They're mostly young, right? Trump seems like the kind of guy who could assemble a team of people who know what they're doing, because that's what he does for a living. Right. I wonder though, at some point, if it becomes obvious that he's the next leader of the free world, if some member like experienced person,
Starting point is 00:15:33 if Biden is going to be like, all right, well, fuck, if he's going to be president, do you want me to be your secretary of state? I'll walk you through all this shit. And you know,
Starting point is 00:15:43 like somebody, I don't know Biden. I picked a Democrat, but like shit. And, you know, like somebody, I don't know if Biden, I picked a Democrat, but like some member like Paul Ryan. Yeah, it's not going to be Biden. Oh, yeah, yeah, thanks. Let me hear your name. Paul Ryan, Speaker of the House. It could be Paul Ryan.
Starting point is 00:15:54 He's got a pretty powerful position to give up. Yeah, he's nice. I'm not sure. Speaker of the House to VP? Right. One has power and one doesn't. Well, you're a heartbeat away from being the leader of the free world.
Starting point is 00:16:10 Somebody's got to take Trump out. Like, year one. That's possible, actually. But yeah, Speaker of the House is a person that has a lot of power on Earth. The VP has literally none, except for his power to persuade the President.
Starting point is 00:16:26 I'm not worried about Trump getting assassinated at all he's gonna have some crazy motorcade he's gonna add more security to all of it it's gonna put hummers back in the mix it's gonna be great but there's a high chance of bernie falling from you know slipping in the bathtub so a little too much shampoo on the rnc has made a rule that on december 14th up until december 14th all the delegates get rewarded proportionally now it's a little more complicated than that because some states are like you'd have 20 or 10 to be viable if you get any etc but um winner take all can't start until the 15th which is tuesday a week from now and on that tuesday there will probably be a few people that get knocked out for good maybe rubio although one thing to keep in mind is not all of those states even post 15th will be winner take all it's just
Starting point is 00:17:18 the date when they're allowed to be winner take all right um and i'm not sure that all the 15th ones are winner take all but i thought they were i know that florida is and i think that ohio is and case it is from ohio so he might winner take all that and then trump could winner take all florida leaving rubio out in the cold case it will be this time we'll hit third place he'll take rubio's spot as the establishment candidate so if it goes to a brokered convention it could be case it could be the guy that everyone cold. Kasich will hit third place. He'll take Rubio's spot as the establishment candidate. So if it goes to a brokered convention, Kasich could be the guy that everyone wants to be. You know how right now they hate Trump, they hate Cruz almost as much, and they kind of wish Rubio was the guy? Kasich is in position to take that. I see that as well. Yeah. So what it really comes
Starting point is 00:18:02 down to is if Trump can't get whatever it is, 1,287 delegates, by the end of this thing, then there's going to be a broker convention, and they're not going to pick Trump, I don't think, unless he can sway a lot of people between now and then. And by people, I mean establishment Republicans. He's got to convince them of something they're not seeing yet, tell them he's going to put Kasich as his running mate. He's going to have this advisor. He's going to have to
Starting point is 00:18:28 make a lot of deals, I think, to get them to put him in. However, let me just finish this thought. I'm afraid of what will happen if they don't pick Trump. Because all of his supporters are going to not just disappear. They're going to lose their fucking shit. There's going to be
Starting point is 00:18:43 riots. You see those crowds of 35,000 that he brings in in Mississippi and Florida? Those people might be out in the streets. There'll be a lot of people. We can hope. That'd be really funny. No, we don't hope for that. No, no, no, no, no, no. Okay, whatever.
Starting point is 00:19:03 But the whole Trump thing is getting a little too real. I was watching a couple clips of Shark Tank and The Apprentice on YouTube earlier today. And just having watched, like, a few clips of The Apprentice, like, at first I'm like, ha-ha! Look at this guy. This is going to be so fucking funny. Like, oh, this guy in the White House. And then a couple clips in, I'm like, well, yee! Like, this is getting, like, this is getting like this is real this is a real thing that's happening right now like this video is uploaded in 2007 but this is the
Starting point is 00:19:31 same man I don't know where I saw it it might have been CNN but they're like Trump running has given us a taste of what a Trump presidency might sound like and it's like this guy the bleep in 30 seconds there are like seven curse words and then you're like I think he's doing it while And it's like, this guy, the bleep, bleep, bleep. In 30 seconds, there are like seven curse words. And then I think he's doing it while calling other people foul. Like, oh, yeah, the president of Mexico, very foul guy. He used the F word, the F word. Can you imagine if I did that?
Starting point is 00:20:02 Yeah, doesn't take a lot of fucking imagination, Donald, because we say all kinds of stuff. That would be a little refreshing, though, if the president would use that kind of language sparingly yeah parent like you know when you were like four and your dad would fuck something up like when he's building something and usually it's like a dag nabbit but every once in a while it's like a fuck it's like oh man i just witnessed an adult moment that's kind of what it would be like like if he came on the screen addressing us just being like fellow americans honestly this is really fucking out of control and you know just bear with me doing my best like that would that wouldn't be a good message at all but if you had pants thing i've seen this so many times you have do you want to watch it no if you've already seen it yeah apparently lbj had a giant cock and he always pulled it out. Balls. It was the balls.
Starting point is 00:20:45 Well, in the video he might be talking about the balls. But I was hearing about unpresidential presidents. I was reading about it not too long ago. And he would always talk about his penis and expose it. Like, you know, he'd pee in the Rose Garden and stuff like that. He was President Johnson. Yeah, because he liked it when people saw it, apparently. Is he the one that carried the big stick?
Starting point is 00:21:09 You wouldn't do that if you were president. No, that's Roosevelt. Roosevelt. I thought it was. I should have said that. You wouldn't do that? You wouldn't just, like, just for fun? Like, if I was president, you could just walk out in those rose gardens,
Starting point is 00:21:20 start taking a piss, and then if someone walks up to you and is like, what do you think you're doing? You're just like, I'm sorry. sorry i fucking live here this is my house hey and you know what'll happen if you cross the road that's still my fucking land you know what you don't fucking work here anymore you know nobody knows you exist anymore like just take it yeah take it i want to finish like this piece how great would it be to have that kind of power? I feel like if the president really wanted to, especially if he was in the correct company,
Starting point is 00:21:50 he could just point at someone and go, take him! And they would. Oh, that would be excellent for sports. I would do that. I'd just be sitting there watching the first round of the playoffs for Chicago and be like, you know what, this Patrick Kane guy, I'm really worried about him as a national threat.
Starting point is 00:22:03 You know what, bring him in. Yeah, I know he's got a game. Bring him in. And the cap. And their goalie is looking shady. Like, just. I love that Taylor uses it for hockey. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:14 You know, I saw, you know, it's a still shot. But I saw Michelle Obama looking at somebody with what looked like desire in her eyes. Yeah, it was Usher. i was like if i was obama i might have usher killed just might you know like you know what no usher fuck it yeah it's not 10 years ago no one would care uh that's true that's rough yeah c50 cent was the smart one he realized i'm getting too old to be this you know badass guy so he gets in vitamin water on the ground level now he's loaded what did usher do huh i don't know you know that um he fucked a lot of yeah i think usher's involved in beaver's career somehow
Starting point is 00:22:56 he gets he's got beaver money and uh okay um money 50 cent on the other hand is like in court constantly for his bankruptcy yeah he like filed bankruptcy but then he like flashes like two million dollars on instagram so they're like bullshit get your ass back into court yeah yeah and it's and then his argument is that like that money is fake i don't really have that money uh but it's part of my persona like if i need to succeed professionally they need to think i have that money. And yeah, I think he really has that money. There was, there was a lot of shit.
Starting point is 00:23:26 I, at the time I looked into his bank. That's 100% wrong. And that, that whole thing, that, but like he really, you know,
Starting point is 00:23:34 he, he, so he had that suit where he, where he put out that, that, that nude video of that woman that, that, and there was a whole thing.
Starting point is 00:23:42 Apparently he's been accused of rape, right? Am I wrong on rape? I don't... I'm not sure. You have the right to rape. Always to the rape, Woody. I don't think there was any rape.
Starting point is 00:23:54 No. I do think that he released a sex video of that woman. And there was a lawsuit. And he lost a lot of money. And he filed bankruptcy. But he's apparently got a lot of hidden and he filed bankruptcy but he's apparently got a lot of hidden assets and he made out pretty well. I think what a lot of rich and famous people do, especially Michael Jackson, Mike Tyson,
Starting point is 00:24:17 people like that who had hundreds of millions and then lost it, they take advantage of laws like they have in Florida where even if you're bankrupt, you can keep your last house, your last boat, your last a couple of things. And those things can amount to hundreds of millions of dollars. You got a $50 million boat, they can't take that. Yeah, what's my last one? Yeah, exactly. Yeah. I think you're right.
Starting point is 00:24:39 I don't... Ah, shit. I'm trying to find it. I mean, if you Google 50 cent rape, you might find some shit. But I mean, it google 50 cent rape you might find some shit but i mean it is 50 cent yeah anyone has no i think it's just invasion of privacy i think that's the accurate thing if you google 50 cent rape you do find stuff but it doesn't look like old rape it doesn't even look like it's real like you know like you know a lot of it's probably like fanfic there's some weird shit out there oh yeah yeah like he had some business deal with some guy who's the ex-girlfriend
Starting point is 00:25:11 of a date rape advocate and rapper rip ross that's advocate what color bracelet is that a date rate advocate the famous rapper too he's not a this is the teal rubber band it's a you know awareness for date rape that's awful that's ridiculous I'll always straight to the rape with you
Starting point is 00:25:31 I saw a picture of Milo Yiannopoulos over at the White House today the White House and he was wearing a Trump make America great again hat it was great it was hilarious so it looks like
Starting point is 00:25:44 Trump has Michigan it looks like he's up by 10 points now. And what is today? Twisted Tuesday? Super Tuesday 2 they call it. God, politician titles. Yeah. Oh wait. Well this says Super
Starting point is 00:25:59 Saturday results. It was from a politician to be like Super Tuesday 2 against child rape. Look in Mississippi that Marco Rubio isn't even showing up here. He's below the 7% of cases.
Starting point is 00:26:16 He's not showing up in Michigan either. Oh my. How many percent do you usually have to get to before it's pretty much set in stone? 10 to 20. 10 to 20, and sometimes the state will label you as non-viable, and you get no delegates. Wow, this is huge for Cruz, though.
Starting point is 00:26:34 I mean, it's crushing for Cruz because his state of... He's hinging everything on doing well in Florida, which is upcoming. And with these results, that's really going to hurt him. I think it's Rubio who's hinging it. Cruz is not a candidate. I'm sorry. I said Cruz. Yeah, I meant Rubio.
Starting point is 00:26:49 Florida is Rubio's state. And he's not showing up here. That's what I'm pulling terror. Like you said, if he can't pull top three in these other states, if I'm in Florida, I might look at Rubio differently. Yeah, you've got to put your vote to Trump or Cruz. That's a good state to be from. So, yeah, and Trump is, there's this delegate estimator,
Starting point is 00:27:14 and I took note, Trump was 86 delegates ahead of Cruz at the start of the night, 86. And now he's 97. Ooh. Or 98, my bad, 98. So Trump has extended his lead. Ooh, Sanders is not looking good over here at all. No, Sanders is done.
Starting point is 00:27:34 Sanders is done. All these Sanders guys are like, no, there's so much left, et cetera. No, bullshit. Sanders is getting his ass kicked, and every time he either gets his ass kicked more, or he pulls a near tie. He has over twice as many. Well, you're including the superdelegates to get that high.
Starting point is 00:27:52 Oh. But... The problem is that she is not doing well with black... She is doing exceptionally well with black people, and he is not. And that is going to be the nail in his coffin. He wasn't able to get black people to believe that not and that is going to be the nail in his coffin he wasn't able to get black people to believe that he was the guy for them and that's shocking because i i'd say that all three of us if if we were black men would be wanting to wanting a sanders yeah and sanders is
Starting point is 00:28:16 as a much better civil rights history so if if you're black and that's your like most important issue then sanders is your guy but you could very well be black and be like, I'm afraid of all the giveaways or something like that. Oh, if I were black, I would be really taking advantage of that. So he would be my man. Yeah, you'd have that card in your pocket constantly. I would literally have it. You ever seen those zip tie elastic things
Starting point is 00:28:42 that you can put key cards on where it's like... Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. You'd be like, you'd be like oh excuse me i'm sorry i'm sorry i don't like this table and i'm black all right so you're gonna put me over in the corner thank you very much like i don't think that's how it works i need it i've got a good pass and that's how i use it exactly it doesn't get you tables at a restaurant but it'll get you out of a bad neighborhood yeah we'll get the fuck out yeah we'll get the fuck out sir uh but yeah i know people i think are a little tired but i it's like unrolling and on my screen right in front of me i'm seeing trump win two states again uh clean sweep it looks like and sand Sanders is getting his ass kicked in Mississippi. Getting burned.
Starting point is 00:29:29 Oh, 81% to 18%? That's bad. Is Bernie for President the biggest Bernie hub on the internet? Like of people talking about him? I would have guessed it was this Bernie subreddit. I think that's what it's called. Bernie Sanders for president is the subreddit. Oh, I see.
Starting point is 00:29:50 I didn't understand it first. Oh, yeah, sorry. I should have stated it like that. But is there an implosion going on over there yet? I'm going to go check. Yeah, you can look there. No, they really know how to keep their chin up. So they knew they were going to lose Mississippi.
Starting point is 00:30:03 Like, they know that. It is known. The big thing was Michigan because they felt like his message would appeal to the middle-class voters there, the people who didn't like what happened with the auto industry bailouts, didn't feel like the guys on the bottom of the totem pole got any of that. It seems that he's doing well there, certainly better than he does in most places, 48% to fit 48%. And the night's not over. There could be some sort of – there's a possibility he wins tonight,
Starting point is 00:30:32 but it's not looking good at all. With a third of the vote in, he's down by about 3%. So the real – go ahead. And my experience is, and obviously only one-third of the vote in, anything could happen, but usually a third of the vote is large enough sample size that it's accurate. I was having this debate with Chiz yesterday. He didn't understand that.
Starting point is 00:30:53 He thought that the young people votes would come in later in the day and it would shift towards Sanders. But it's really not based on that. It's just how quickly they can count the votes. So smaller polling centers come in quickly and stuff. But, you know, that's how statistics work. You get a viable sample size, and then that sample represents the entire population. And this represents millions of people, 28% of the Michigan vote. If he's down by 3% with 28% in, he's going to be down by roughly 3% when 100% is in. Understanding election and polling results is incredible is very difficult thing to do because there's there's a lot of there's a lot of issues in there that you don't consider there was a lot of early voting
Starting point is 00:31:32 absentee voting stuff like that and you have to look at when those votes were cast what was going on with the with the political scene was trump way up there ahead or was he still kind of in the middle or was he still just like barely ahead was you know Ben Carson still in there to take some of that vote away from him when that early voting came in uh but in a lot of cases it seems like it trends toward Trump it seems like the voting happened when Trump was hot or uh the people who did vote it seems a lot of times be the opposite I could be wrong I mean but to me it seems like if trump's up by 15 he ends up winning by eight you know if he's way ahead in the polls he's slightly ahead in the voting but i could be off i'm not sure no i wasn't talking about that specifically but yeah i've seen that i agree
Starting point is 00:32:15 with what you say yeah it seems like it looks like he's going to be way ahead but he's not way ahead when you get there yeah yeah but he is ahead you know i blame that on election fraud how accurate is what no i didn't want to then kyle said the thing about election fraud i don't want to interject what were you saying kyle no i just like whenever the the numbers don't aren't aren't as heavily in trump's favor as they should have been i just blamed that on election fraud in all honesty i don't know what to make of election fraud we're talking about politics a lot but like what i see sanders losing every close one um he's winning michigan now did i just that flip or am i no he was he ahead in the first place he was not ahead he was 48 to 50 wow that just invalidated everything i said in the one
Starting point is 00:33:01 percent we'll see um was I going to say Oh yeah yeah It seems like Sanders doesn't do quite as well as he's supposed to Hillary seems to win every close call Like Idaho And Trump never does quite as well as he's supposed to But the establishment guy slightly overperformed Somehow
Starting point is 00:33:18 And it's like is a finger on the scale of this whole Voting thing I don't know I really just think that sanders seems bigger because of the internet like it to us that's a huge to us right if you go talk to if you ask my grandparents right now about bernie sanders they would think they it wouldn't even be they're not democrats in the first place but it wouldn't even they would he's not even a threat to them they don't think about every single republican out there every single democrat that's over the
Starting point is 00:33:48 age of like 50 like they don't consider sanders if you're like a farmer in idaho and well maybe idaho's a bad example because it's so political but if you're like a farmer in illinois and you know you don't spend a lot of time online sanders might not even be in your sphere of like awareness if, just name recognition when you get to the poll. Just like, Clinton, well I've seen that name and that plays a huge part. That's why the Kennedy's been so successful. I've heard lots
Starting point is 00:34:14 about the name recognition being a big issue with him, by margins of three to one. It's a real problem with them. Another thing to keep in mind about Michigan on the Republican side, I don't think it's true on the Democratic side, is that it's an open voting, so the independents
Starting point is 00:34:30 and Democrats, I know the independents can, I think maybe the Democrats can also vote for Trump. And I think that early projections show that he'd get a big chunk of that vote, bigger than the others. Yeah, I believe in North Carolina. So North Carolina, I think, is the 15th. It's the first time I can remember where we played like a role, a role.
Starting point is 00:34:54 I feel like normally we don't, you know, like North Carolina went blue for Obama's first term, but Obama won that so handily. He didn't need us. You know, we're now in a battleground state. But now there's a big enough contest that I feel like I need to figure out who I'm voting for in a week. It's very interesting with Clinton and Sanders here in Michigan. They were hoping for a win here, and that'd be great. Let's see what happens.
Starting point is 00:35:14 So obviously I don't want Clinton as president. I feel like I'm so anti-Clinton that I'm pro-anything else. And I feel like anything that's bad for clinton is good for me so sanders being in this thing for the long haul is a good thing and i think that he's got the money to go all the way to the convention or to go until she gets her delegates but with wins like this if he can slow her down some this this would look good but see this you i know you're not really, really a Sanders guy, but this is not a good day for Sanders, right?
Starting point is 00:35:49 You're like, hey, check this out. Oh, that's not what I'm suggesting. I know, but I'm saying that. Let me keep going. Okay. Sanders people suggest things like that. They say, oh, check this out. In Michigan, we won by 3%.
Starting point is 00:36:01 Now, I'll admit, we lost 80 to 20 in Mississippi, but in Michigan, it was close. So, you know, whatever. And it's like, dude, you're already behind a ton in superdelegates, assuming they stick with Clinton. You're down by a lot, by like a third in regular delegates. And after today, you're down even further. So, if I'm playing basketball and at the end of the fourth quarter, I'm down like 25 to 10, right? I'm down 15 at the end of the fourth quarter, I'm down like 25 to 10, right? I'm down 15 at the end of the first quarter. By the second quarter, if instead of being down another 15, I'm only down another 10 and I claim that as some sort of victory, it's like, no, you fucking dick shit. You're down 25 now.
Starting point is 00:36:38 I get that you slowed down how much you lose per quarter, but you can't call that a victory. This other person is winning. Clinton is winning today she got all of mississippi and half of michigan right that's that's a win she's certainly winning she's certainly winning and she's been winning but what i what i like is anything that slows her down a little anything that impacts her campaign at all and the longer sanders is out there uh who's someone that Clinton supporters at least will listen to and respect his opinion a little, much more so than they would of Trump. They're not going to be swayed by Trump. I feel like maybe Sanders can bad mouth her enough that it'll hurt her some.
Starting point is 00:37:15 And maybe he can keep this thing going long enough that her email scandal comes to fruition. Because that could bite her in the ass. It still could. Like, we don't know what's going to come of that. And as much as she wants to sweep it under her rug, it's still ongoing. And it is a criminal investigation into people close to her and herself. Like the Benghazi thing
Starting point is 00:37:34 was pretty much total bullshit, right? That was a Republican witch hunt designed to just make her look bad, especially for Obama's reelection. I think it happened around then. And then afterwards, like they even came up, like you'd catch them with hot mics and stuff being like, oh yeah, you know, this is just our talking points.
Starting point is 00:37:50 We don't actually think Clinton was responsible for what happened in Benghazi. And she wasn't. And it was trial after trial and a bipartisan investigation after bipartisan. There's nothing to the Benghazi thing, except for a public relations issue. With this email thing, I don't know if that's more of the Benghazi thing except for a public relations issue. With this email thing,
Starting point is 00:38:06 I don't know if that's more of the same or what. I have a new topic. The email thing is very different. There's something substantive there. She definitely did something that was at least against the law, and she did it knowingly. She definitely did.
Starting point is 00:38:23 How much longer until Sanders drops? He won't't drop he's got enough money to keep he outraised clinton last month oh it's like 47 million she raised like 30 or something there's gonna be a shit fit and it's gonna be really entertaining when he does eventually drop and back hillary and all of the people who love him and hate Hillary have to come to that decision. What if he backs Trump? Then Trump wins. Actually, no, he wouldn't.
Starting point is 00:38:54 He still wouldn't win. He's like, you know what? Fuck Hillary. I don't know if Trump can win or not. I'm not sure. Trump can win. I don't think so. I think Kasich is his running mate.
Starting point is 00:39:04 Trump, Kasichich that's the ticket it's not a bad ticket it's not a bad ticket at all that's a good VP or just go full reality show we get Trump and Gene Simmons from the Family Jewels on MTV2 Trump and Omarosa Danny Bonaduce
Starting point is 00:39:20 someone he's semi-retarded now you told me that Snoop Dogg he's a felon he can. Someone who's semi-retarded now. You told me that. Snoop Dogg? No, no, not Snoop Dogg. I just thought that he was really... He's a felon. He can't. No, who's the guy with the clock?
Starting point is 00:39:30 Flavor Flav. Oh, Flavor Flav. Yeah. It's time for some change, you know? That's great. They changed it to time to make America great again. Yeah. Put the clock on the hats.
Starting point is 00:39:45 It'll be great. Reality star who's not Trump, who is president. You have to pick one. Who is it? Who's the guy who does dirty jobs? Mike Rowe. Mike Rowe. Mike Rowe.
Starting point is 00:40:00 That's my president. As he scrubs out the taft bathtub. See this copper tubing here? Well, that corrosion can be hard to get off, but he's just going through. I think I want the blonde captain from America's Dangerous Job or whatever it's called.
Starting point is 00:40:18 He chain smokes all the time. Ah, the crab fishing show. Yes. Deadliest Catch. Deadliest Catch, yeah, yeah, yeah. I want the blonde captain from deadliest catch i feel like he'd he'd do as well as any other reality star i have seen every episode of that that show i i uh i binge watched that a few years ago a couple years ago i guess
Starting point is 00:40:36 uh i feel like i'm almost qualified for that job at this point like i've watched enough of it like i get it yeah yeah yeah you guide the pots in. Then you do that. Then you dump them. And, you know, based on what you pull, if it's great, just drop them right back in the same spot. If it's bad, then you got to keep going around. And they know like which spots were hot and which spots were cold. And when the show started, you had X amount of time to get your crabs. So it was this big race. They worked around the clock.
Starting point is 00:41:03 They changed it to you have X amount, like lots of time. But this is your quota your crabs. So it was this big race. They worked around the clock. They changed it to give X amount. Like lots of time. But this is your quota of crabs. So there's all this false urgency. On how hard they have to go. Oh yeah. Yeah. Also the false urgency of like. Like you know.
Starting point is 00:41:14 The sea witch is taking out. You know. The Esmeralda. By getting all the crabs. When really it's like. The Esmeralda just hauled on 600 pounds of crab. Let's see if the Adonisis 700 miles north can keep up it's like what's like no they're not fighting for the same crabs you dick like there's so many fucking crabs out there there's so many crabs there's more crabs than both
Starting point is 00:41:38 of those could carry you for acting like there's 70 crab clans down there and they just conquered another one nonsense that's so stupid my grandpa watches all those reality shows i watched like 40 minutes of ice road truckers one time and it is it is incredible because you keep thinking that this couldn't be what the show is something's gonna happen like something's gonna they've've got Big Jack up there in his rig, and he's about to head off to Alaska with his wares. And then he gets on a highway, and it looks like a normal road, and he's like, well, yeah, it'll go south a bit from here, about 60 miles north.
Starting point is 00:42:17 And then he keeps going up, and then eventually it just cuts back to him, lots of snow, and you can't see out the front windshield. And then it cuts to another shot of what's clearly a Jeep Grand Cherokee, like, driving next to it, filming him in the snow driving. It's like, all right, it can't be that fucking dangerous if you've got, like, cars surrounding this semi in the middle of an ice lake filming it. Terrible show. I've watched an embarrassing amount of Ice Road Truckers, probably two or three seasons. And it's all just... Nothing ever happens, right?
Starting point is 00:42:47 Like, if this was actually a job in which people died and, like, crashed constantly, then they wouldn't do it. But instead, it's just a job where it's cold a little. You know what it is? You know those YouTube videos where someone tries to jump off a roof and, like, flip into a pool, and then they fall down and end up like shattering their back on the pavement. It's like, Oh fuck.
Starting point is 00:43:08 Like they're trying to get that level of excitement. But the level of danger that's happening is when you're carrying a box and you think there's one more stair and you go, Oh, Oh, Oh, all right, well,
Starting point is 00:43:18 here we go. Like you stumble for half a second, recover, and then you're fine. Have you ever seen a tractor trailer in traffic? Of course you have. You know how they just like they leave a big buffer in front of the car in front of them, and they go slow, and they take it easy, and they make sure they get there safely.
Starting point is 00:43:33 That's how trucks drive in heavy traffic. It's a TV show about that, except that it's weather. And, you know, they just go nice and slow, and they ease their way through, and they're not in a race, and they're just working their way to wherever it is they need to go, and that's that. And they do that all the time so traffic you know yeah it's it's it's really like they jobs just i don't think those jobs are that dangerous anymore like what's the logging one like that's the most dangerous is being a lumberjack is the most dangerous job as far as how president of the united I know we did this already. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:06 Yeah, yeah. But I think that in terms of like popular jobs, yeah. And what's interesting is like you always hear about soldiers and police, right? And how dangerous that job is and how they're putting their lives on the line for us. And there's some truth to that. But loggers die a lot more than like soldiers do. Oh, well, because every day when you're a logger, it's not like, oh, I wonder if I'm gonna encounter some really strong powerful
Starting point is 00:44:28 machinery and ten ton trees. It's like no you're going to encounter that that's your job. If you're a soldier or a policeman it's like well maybe I won't encounter that crackhead with a knife and most of the time you don't. I wonder how the soldier statistics compare if you remove a lot of the less dangerous jobs right? I'm not saying that the guy who works on helicopters doesn't have a dangerous job but i'm saying there are other people who kick in doors yeah you mean if you like take out the front marine squads out of the equation and see what no i want to say if you only look at the front marine squads right like
Starting point is 00:45:00 you know like because you look at it and you say oh you say soldiers they actually don't get killed or hurt as often as loggers do okay but a lot of those soldiers aren't doing the sorts of things you see in movies you know a lot of them are like maintaining the equipment they're on they're sailors right somebody's got to cook the food
Starting point is 00:45:19 somebody's got to be the mechanic somebody's got to assemble things you know there's lots of engineers and stuff like that who don't get exposed to the dangers of frontline combat. I would imagine at those jobs, they're no more dangerous. They're probably safer than civilian mechanics because of all the regulations and training that
Starting point is 00:45:35 go into being an army whatever. I wonder if you just look at... I'm not an expert, but if you just look at the infantry, if you just look at like i i'm not an expert but like if you just look at the infantry if you just look at the marines whose job is to storm beaches how they're i bet it's way way higher like yeah the fact that they include cooks and things like that if they do which i'm sure they do because they're still in the army and the armed forces
Starting point is 00:46:00 and you gotta go modern like it okay my um i don't want to nobody would sign up if they were like oh yeah be a marine you know nine percent of you aren't coming back they're gonna be like um there's i'm gonna try to protect his privacy but there is a person in my family who was a tank commander and he served in the first iraq war right you know when the remember they evaded kuwait and we pushed him back out um Not a lot of tank commanders got hurt. Turns out, you know, we had guns, they had slingshots. They just went in there and had no trouble. So even the frontline Marines who like Storm, you know, a lot of times it's so lopsided
Starting point is 00:46:37 that they're not getting hurt. Yeah, how many people did we lose in Desert Storm? Like it was... Friendly fire was the biggest danger. I remember during the first days of Operation Iraqi Freedom, I think is what we called it.
Starting point is 00:46:53 Within three days it seemed like we were in Baghdad. I remember the big story about American casualties was some guys flipped their fucking Abrams tank into a river and drowned. Maybe two or three or four of them drowned, I don't remember. And that was the big story because we were just running through them, mowing them over.
Starting point is 00:47:12 And I've heard others say that that was a big part of why you have this long, long insurgency. And the whole thing with ISIS is that they didn't feel like they were beaten. The Iraqi army who who was eventually dissolved by us and then became isis uh to some extent at least they didn't feel like they were beaten they didn't feel like we beat them we just kind of drove past them real fast you know and so they weren't fighting either like if they did what happened in world war ii which is like whoa you can't come here then there'd be a fight but instead they were like oh you okay there's no fight wait until like they're out of rear view mirror shot in the tanks and they come out of the cave like oh oh you oversleep again knock me
Starting point is 00:47:55 how are we how are we to fight the infidels they're always oversleeping fuck coach too late at night, I told you. Now I don't even know who I am. And then he clomps away because clearly he's half goat. Yeah. Anyway. Lumberjack. Dangerous.
Starting point is 00:48:20 I found an article here. So a 43-year-old woman was found dead in an elevator in china after being trapped for a month i i read this before a very busy building what'd you say not a very busy building i guess not so um the elevator was broken uh it looks like on january 30th they came back on march 1st to fix it they uh it was stuck between the 11th and the 10th and 11th floor so they yelled from the 11th floor to see if anyone was inside like they didn't open the doors they just yelled like is anyone in there and there was no answer
Starting point is 00:48:56 so he's cut the power and came back three months later or two months later wow a month later january 30th to march 1st it's easy to mix it up but yeah yeah so they need like an osha or something over there make sure that there's some kind of they proceed here like at least knock on the top and like wait for a knock to come back or something i wonder what the death was like like slow i'm guessing it's of dehydration which i'm told is a i saw on tv that it's a terrible terrible way to die dehydrated like running out of food you just kind of lose energy and eventually fall asleep or whatever but dehydrating i think you like yeah your body's like burning before yeah your brain your brain your tongue your nose you start going crazy oh yeah and then you start shitting blood really at that point you're
Starting point is 00:49:48 so crazy it doesn't even matter though your nose cracks because it doesn't have the the moisture it needs your tongue is you know cottony and you're it's a painful awful way to die swollen um so yeah i don't know where if i were i thought this story was going but uh i think you just wanted to cheer us all up. Yeah. I think we wanted to catch up. I run across interesting stories, and I bookmark them and bring them up on the show.
Starting point is 00:50:12 That is interesting. Yeah, and that would be a horrible way to die, but I would be doing way more. God, was she just not jumping around that much? Right? Was anyone? I would be making a scene in that elevator. It's a residential building.
Starting point is 00:50:29 Like, couldn't she be heard? Or, like, did she just quietly fade away? Who knows? Maybe she had... I've lived in residential buildings. And if there was someone stuck in the elevator, someone would notice. Yeah, you would know. you'd figure it out yeah at the very worst case scenario is like five days in when you can still be saved someone's like this is horseshit the elevator's still out of out of order call somebody this is nonsense like you know you don't wait a whole month and then hope
Starting point is 00:51:01 there's not someone dead inside. And the elevator's ruined. Nobody's going to ride that. You can't get that odor out. No. Just going to walk in there and smell that every time you want to go home. You're going to bring your groceries in there? I think not. No, I wouldn't.
Starting point is 00:51:16 They've called Michigan for Trump. Sweet. Yeah, they've called Mississippi and they've called Michigan. Trump has won two out of the four states already. The other two. Trumped! There's no results. Dude. Too high energy.
Starting point is 00:51:30 Trump is... Is Trump going to be our next president for real? It's going to be him versus... If he doesn't win, Clinton will. It appears that... Yeah. It's almost... So Friday.
Starting point is 00:51:44 No, I'm sorry. tuesday a week from now will be a winner a couple winner take all states including florida and i i feel like on tuesday everyone's gonna just acknowledge that trump's lead is so far that it's done you know it depends how it goes in ohio i think ohio's the make or break for trump he's got i he's got to he's got to get the delegates or the republican party is probably not going to give him the nomination that's the thing too i don't think in my lifetime there's been a brokered convention i could be wrong on that but like a broken convention where they didn't choose the guy who got the most votes i don't know oh we're stuck we got to pick one of them yeah you know mitt romney in a tan face
Starting point is 00:52:33 mitt romney man he was like you know what if it looks like rubio can win this state vote for rubio if it looks like case it can win a state vote for casey if it looks like cruise vote for cruise and it's like you dickwad you're, vote for Kasich. If it looks like Cruz, vote for Cruz. And it's like, you dickwad. You're just trying to make yourself the winner of a brokered convention. No, he can't be. To even be up for consideration, you have to win several states. And so Mitt Romney, it's impossible for him to get this thing. Really?
Starting point is 00:52:58 Because I read an article about that in particular. That person, I guess whoever wrote it, didn't know that. Yeah, it's a GOP rule. Yeah, he can't. So what he's actually trying to do is have there be a broker convention, but he wants to be able to choose a real conservative. He wants to be able to choose Cruz or Rubio. He wants the party to do so.
Starting point is 00:53:18 And you're right. He offered to do robocalls for all three of the candidates, two of them accepted. He's definitely doing them for uh rubio um and i think maybe casick i think those are out there and maybe cruz turned him down uh but i may have that wrong but two out of three he definitely did do and they're out there i've heard them uh they're playing them a lot today on the radio hmm huh so Trump was ahead by 86 or 83 votes. Now he's up by 108, 109. Imagine, if you will, the State of the Union addresses. Imagine the Supreme Court justices there in the front row, entire republican party the entire democratic uh
Starting point is 00:54:05 representation and there's trump and they got to all stand up and listen it's it would be so beautiful to watch that i feel like all of the like events that the president is part of like what do you call those things when uh he sits at his desk and addresses the nation um this is a fireside chat i don't know i't know. State of the Union is not at the desk. That's when you're in front of Congress. Oh, that's when you're standing outside, right? There's a Rose Garden address. I've seen those.
Starting point is 00:54:32 But the Oval Office. It's like a weekly show the president does or something. He should be a YouTube star. The Oval Office primetime address. Yeah. The addresses that he does to the nation during like prime time from his dress uh from his desk i saw bush do a lot of them during you know his wars um those would be brilliant with trump just having it he sits down they're like all right all right president trump
Starting point is 00:54:57 you're live and he's just like showtime it is that like this megalomaniacs like i now have the biggest audience i've ever had it's go time and he's just it would be beautiful like wait for it too he'd be like oh no rush here wait for me she's just wrote what did he say trump's speech has turned into an advertisement for all his little properties trump steaks wine water trump magazine yeah i've heard him do it before he because he because he uses that to explain he's like hey i've got lots of companies i've got i've got lots of brands there's trump steaks there's trump wine there's trump water all these wonderful things you know i i like it i love it i love this
Starting point is 00:55:40 trump steak i want one i want him to like have a buffet as you finish voting you can go grab yourself some trump wine and trump steaks but only if you voted for him you have to i would totally vote for a steak yeah if it was like hey this candidate comes with free steak i'd be like whoa really if he had like one of his free ties there i would be like i don't even really wear ties that much but yeah all. My vote for a tie. You know what the hypocrisy is? If Trump came out and said, if I win president, then every American gets a free Trump steak. They would say that that would probably be illegal in some way.
Starting point is 00:56:20 But Bernie Sanders can go right out there and say, if you make me president, y'all get free college. And he can just go down through a laundry list of things he's going to give you. That's what Trump should do, though. I'd like that. You know, like Papa John's will do that. You know, I don't know, if Peyton Manning throws three TDs, you get a free medium pizza. And I think it'd be funny if Trump wins, everybody gets a Trump steak.
Starting point is 00:56:36 Did you hear Peyton Manning retired? Yeah, I did. That's good. Yeah, I'm not a big football fan, but I was happy for him. I'm not even a huge Peyton Manning fan. I feel like my favorite athletes are the ones who kind of, I'm sure he gritted it out, but the ones who kind of like against all odds succeeded. Like I like Luke Richards.
Starting point is 00:56:54 He was a hockey player in Philadelphia and he was never a star star. He was never the most talented, but if he and another guy went into the boards in the corners and you had to grind out to get the puck to your team, he usually won. He outworked everybody. That's the kind of player that I like. I like players that are just sort of gritty, hardworking, never quit. The most interesting thing about Peyton Manning and the Mannings,
Starting point is 00:57:22 if you will, is that their father, obviously, he's an NFL quarterback. See, I want to keep going for a second. That's the problem with Peyton Manning and the Mannings if you will is that their father obviously he's an NFL quarterback. I want to keep going for a second. That's the problem with Peyton Manning. I'm not a hater. He never did anything wrong really. I just said fuck him. He got drafted first. He wasn't trying to make the team. I watched this
Starting point is 00:57:39 TV show and it showed Peyton Manning He probably worked his ass off to get drafted first. Yeah. But he was never an underdog. It was him and some other guy. And the other guy was just trying to make the team. He was like wiping his brow every time there was a cut and he wasn't cut.
Starting point is 00:57:55 And the other guy ended up getting cut on the last cut. And then he's like hoping some other team picks him up off the waiver wires and didn't. And he just, he was this close to being an NFL player. Peyton Manning on the other hand like the guy could have taken a shit in every practice on the 50-yard line yeah but he was and they would have been like yeah you know potential I know I know he's got this incontinence thing going on now but next year a couple years they don't give you
Starting point is 00:58:22 the job that they didn't care that his name was Manning. Nobody cared. He got good training from his father, obviously. But there's something genetically going on with the Mannings because the father's an NFL quarterback. His brother Eli won a Super Bowl NFL quarterback. And his other brother, from what I've read, was the best of all three of them, had lots of interest in him,
Starting point is 00:58:42 was going to be a college quarterback and had a spinal injury in high school. Those guys are just amazing quarterbacks. This is funny how the best of them all, like, oh yeah, yeah, he was better than Peyton. You know, can't really prove it. They got hurt in eighth grade.
Starting point is 00:58:58 Ted Manning. No, I think he was very highly recruited in high school and I think he was the older brother. I wouldn't doubt it. I just put it up. It always seems like. I know what you mean. I like when I go to a player's stat page,
Starting point is 00:59:11 and they're having a really good season or something. And usually when you do that, you see in the little drafted section, it'll be like first round, 18th overall, or second, or maybe third round, 80th overall. Every once in a while, like henrik zetterberg for the detroit red wings like someone who has had an incredible career almost a point per game player you'll check and it'll be like seventh round 400th overall and it's like wow so that that was just some dude nobody even considered that guy and almost everyone who got picked
Starting point is 00:59:40 before him that year is probably retired by now where they went to college is another one it's like oh yeah this guy went to nebraska this guy went to university of miami when it was big here's a guy from alabama what like you know that guy came out of a division three school well we should probably take the guy from the sec school you know he's like this guy went to appalachian state which is like division one I, IIA, which I barely understand. And it's like, oh, I like it when a guy kind of like succeeds because he refused to give up as opposed to a guy who's just been a front runner his whole life. But there's nothing wrong with Peyton Manning that I know. There's no reason to dislike Peyton Manning.
Starting point is 01:00:20 He came back with that awful neck injury and getting cut from his team to win a Super Bowl. Yeah, he did. Yeah. And, you know, it was time for him to retire. You know, I don't know if I have my stats right, but I read something. He had one of the worst statistical performances for a winning Super Bowl quarterback in, like, a long time. His defense led him to the Super Bowl. But if I had been in that position,
Starting point is 01:00:45 I could have guided that team to a loss. Yeah. So he had to do something there. If it was me, we wouldn't have gotten any points, I don't think. None. Yeah, not a touchdown. Yeah, probably not. Not a few.
Starting point is 01:00:59 Not a very quick handoffs for Woody. Yeah, even if I practiced the whole two weeks leading up to the super bowl and got really good at handoffs i don't know how long it takes to get good at handoffs but i think they'd figure out before long like you know he's handing it off every play this fucker can't throw a spiral trump extends his lead in mississippi for uh 50 almost wow yeah half the vote there. That's impressive. And 12% in Michigan. I think that means he has swept the south, by the way. The deep south, anyway. They don't count Florida.
Starting point is 01:01:32 We don't. Florida is different than the south. Northern Florida is the south. The panhandle is the south. That's his fucking swamplands. Yeah, we don't count Florida as being a southern state, really, though. I feel like I should get a vote in this.
Starting point is 01:01:48 Do you count Missouri as a southern state? Because the people in the south of this state think of Missouri as a southern state, and nobody here does. Yeah. Well, the way I think of the Midwest and certain parts of the Midwest, those are kind of the way I think of the Australians. They're very similar to us. They just sound a little different. Yeah. Wow. That was a good comparison.
Starting point is 01:02:09 Dude, Conor McGregor lost. Now everybody is hating on him. Can I say, I want to start with the Conor thing, but I bought the event, I paid the $60, and I definitely felt let down. I knew it was a gamble to begin with, but in my head
Starting point is 01:02:24 I was thinking back to the one we watched in the movie theater and a couple of the ones that we've watched together I thought were particularly good. The one with the John Jones night didn't feel like my $60 was well spent. The problem with that card, and I was really excited about it because they put Holly Holmes on the card and they put Conor McGregor on the card. He was supposed to fight Dos Anjos, which would have been a neat fight too and it was like yeah yeah yeah they're
Starting point is 01:02:48 doing another super card and then the other three fights see the thing is they take great decisions and not people i'm particularly interested in like the nick diaz i'm sorry the um diego sanchez versus uh jim miller fight which was like the last Fight Pass one, is one I was really interested in. But to sell Fight Passes, they took a main car, a main event, and stuck it on Fight Pass. And then they toss a bone towards Fox.
Starting point is 01:03:16 So I forget what the last Fox fight was, but it was another interesting one. So the big five, the pay-per-view fights, they could have had two more great, like four to five of those fights could have been really cool but instead only two out of five were well see the worst part about that is they black that the coverage out in my area so uh i have fight pass and i bought the pay-per-view that's why i was trying to get across the text messages i have both of those things down
Starting point is 01:03:39 but the um those fights were blacked out in my region. I could not watch them despite that. So I only got to see... I wonder how big your region is. Were they blacked out in America? Were they... I don't know. I couldn't say. I don't know. But I was pretty upset about it
Starting point is 01:03:54 because I was sitting there with my popcorn and my nachos and my drink. Are you sure it was before 8 p.m. when they were blacked out? There was no coverage of anything it said that the fight was live it said live now and i click it and it says blacked out in your area i ask because the fights between 8 and 10 are supposed to be blacked out the fights between 6 30 and 8 i thought you'd be able to see no i don't remember the timeline now but in any case anyway i uh so i
Starting point is 01:04:24 got my new casper mattress in. I got the king size mattress. I love it. It's great. I haven't built my bed frame yet, so I've just got it sitting in there. I haven't gotten to that yet. But still, I'm sleeping so much better. Better quality sleep.
Starting point is 01:04:34 I'm really going to pimp them out in the next show because I mean it. It's better quality sleep. Six hours on this mattress is like nine hours on my old mattress legitimately. But so I wanted – know my tv was a weird angle and everything and i was like hey if i'm paying 60 for this pay-per-view let's bring the 72 inch tv in and put it right at the foot of the bed how do you bring the 70 like i had i cannot wield it no i picked it up and sat it on like a uh like a plastic lid to like a tote and I drug it using that to like make it slide along the carpet
Starting point is 01:05:07 You live dangerously my friend. Innovative. Yeah. Did you go downstairs with it? No, no I didn't. Okay. So just across. That would be a disaster. Oh, oh, oh! It is. Let me just say this TV is a few years old. It's not a brand new
Starting point is 01:05:24 TV or anything. It's like four years old, maybe three years old. In any case, it's heavy as fuck. 72 inches. It's like this thick, but it's just heavy. And it's 72 inches. So I've got that thing at the foot of my king size bed. And I'm into the foot at it. There's like this much between the TV and the foot of my bed.
Starting point is 01:05:40 So that means I've got the 72 inch screen so close. My girlfriend was like, it's like imax baby like she's trying to back away like get farther from it it's uh was it too much was it too much probably borderline what do you mean was it too much i haven't taken it back so like you haven't taken it back because you don't want to make that revenant style trip back to where it came from with that lid. We have a 52-inch TV at the foot of our bed, and people are like, oh, that'll be too much. No, I entirely disagree. I think it's fine.
Starting point is 01:06:14 Now, I can't imagine a world where, like, I'll exaggerate. Like, if we took my 109-inch projection TV, you could get motion sickness. The whole wall's moving. Like, there is such a thing as too much if your if your whole field of view is done is 72 too much or no no uh no it's not and uh i noticed on some programming it tones it down to like it may be i'm gonna guess um 68 inches or something like that to get the aspect ratio. It did that on the fight. But no, it's not too much. It just took some getting used to. And now I really like it. I was like, let's watch Interstellar. This will look cool.
Starting point is 01:06:53 Before, I've got a 42 inch that was sitting a little bit further away. And I was like, eh, Interstellar's kind of a movie theater movie. I don't know. But now I want to watch it because i've got that gigantic tv way too close to me for i'm probably damaging my eyes or something i don't know our um our living room it's not like it's a real home theater or anything but it's a projection and it's i think it's 107 inches i know i just called it 109 and the surround sound. Oh, like I bought, you know, like I, I tried to become like a someone knowledgeable on speakers. So I went, I did all this research and the speakers weren't that much.
Starting point is 01:07:34 It was like 200 for the base and another like 800, another, like 1200 I think for the, the, the five like surround sound. And, uh, it's good, man. That thing will rock you when it gets bassy the the whole room is bassy and it's not like stressing to do it either it's like a 15 inch speaker or something the subwoofer and uh and then like the one thing is i do think 4k would be nice at that projection size instead of 1080p but um i dude it is our living room experience just gets rocking and sometimes it like disturbs me another part of the house but then there's colin like just absorbed in some shrek world and i'm like ah let it go
Starting point is 01:08:19 it's like a 40 experience the chair is shaking shaking and everything. Yeah, dude. Like it, you know, he's just like into it. Like, Oh, you know, there's a chase scene, some dragons killing gingerbread men or something.
Starting point is 01:08:31 And, and you just like, ah, he's enjoying this. I wouldn't want someone to come in and tell me to turn it down. That's great. Yeah. I would want to play video games on that projector.
Starting point is 01:08:40 See what that was like. Yeah, they do. They, I don't play on a much, but Jackie and Colin play the Lego thing. As a a matter of fact i think they're racking up achievement points for me right now i bet some wii games would be fun with a big screen like that maybe some of the competitive ones uh i don't know if we uploaded it but to to the like the fps boot
Starting point is 01:08:57 camp stuff but like me and wings did all kinds of like we uh fit um stuff with him like dancing and trying to do the the stuff with the Wii Fit. I think that would be fun with a big screen. Yeah. Wings is... Apparently, he's struggling right now, but not with money. And there's a part of me that's like, so what's the problem? I guess he just...
Starting point is 01:09:19 I'm going to go up there this week. I'm going to find out. I'm going to go up there. I'm going to get the pictures taken. Yeah. I'm going to do a little investigation. I want to know what the scoop is. I'm going to go up there, going to get the pictures taken. Yeah, yeah. I'm going to do a little investigative reporting. I want to know.
Starting point is 01:09:27 Because I guess between his channel and his live stream, things are going fine enough. You remember he was really having money issues like a year ago? Now he's not. So what's wrong, bro? Where's your stress coming from?
Starting point is 01:09:42 I don't know. I think it's his living arrangements. I think we're going to have to move him in. I think maybe to the Kyle compound. Kitty's always talking about moving to Colorado. What if we all went and I took Wings with me? That would be great. We could start a reality show.
Starting point is 01:10:00 You want to come too? You want in on this? We could start a reality show, and then 30 years from now we can run for president. This is a plan. I'm going to go see what Wings is up to. I've got some crazy
Starting point is 01:10:14 silly ideas for some stuff I could do with them. We'll see if any of it happens. I think I can't go. I think I have a three gun shoot the next morning. That competition? Saturday. Yeah. I think I can't go I think I have a three gun shoot the next morning that competition Saturday I mean I can if you actually do want to go I could
Starting point is 01:10:31 just do it Sunday or Monday or Tuesday or any day really Wings is intimated to me that his schedule is wide fucking open and I'm in a similar situation so if you but i just realized i'm doing the we have a factions reset on friday i definitely can't go
Starting point is 01:10:52 yeah so we would have to push it around but i thought it would be funny if uh i don't know i'm gonna take my flamethrower with me and see if wings wants to shoot it because i think maybe he could make a video of himself shooting it just Just something fun for him. And I'm sure he'd like to shoot a flamethrower. He likes shit like that. I bet he would love that. I bet he'd love that. I'd like to see the video of Wing shooting a flamethrower. Yeah, maybe we'll
Starting point is 01:11:15 pretend like he's cooking stuff with it and that's part of the sauce's secret ingredient. You know what I mean? Yeah, that's a good idea. So he gives it its spice. Every bottle's got a kick of heat! Just like have him shoot the bottle actually shoot the bottle it's clearly ruined afterward
Starting point is 01:11:32 yeah grab some like melted bottle and you show it and it's perfect the paper label's still on it yeah I don't know what we're gonna do but I'm definitely gonna get the photos for the label and get that rolling cause it's perfect. The paper label's still on it. Yeah, I don't know what we're going to do, but I'm definitely going to get the photos for the label and get that rolling because that's all good to go.
Starting point is 01:11:51 That'd be cool. I picture like a black silhouette of him on it. I don't know. I want that mug. I want that face. I do. I guess it's your baby. You should do it. Alright, PK and episode 82. Alright. do it. All right. PK in episode 82.
Starting point is 01:12:07 All right. I hope you guys enjoyed. High Energy Show.

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