Painkiller Already - PKN #91

Episode Date: May 20, 2016

It's PKN time baby!...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 We're live. Painkiller nearly episode 91. What movie were you watching, Kyle? So I watched two movies yesterday. I watched Captain America, the newest one. Oh, at the theater. Yeah, yeah. I went and watched it in IMAX. The kids are all saying it's lit. It's lit, eh?
Starting point is 00:00:18 Wow. Is that what the fellow kids are saying? Like a Steve Buscemi meme. Yeah, I liked it a lot lot so there's a lot of characters in this movie it's uh it's starting to the these movies are starting to really resemble the uh the the avengers animated series which i think is still on netflix if you want to check that out it's a really good cartoon if you're into like you know 90s style cartoon animation like the way it's supposed to fucking look like if you ask me.
Starting point is 00:00:46 And it tells a lot of these stories that we're watching now in the Captain America Civil War movie. I liked it a lot. There are so many characters and they handled it very, very well. Everyone gets their due and there aren't any situations
Starting point is 00:01:01 where you're like, oh, I see. They keep Black Widow out on the edges so that fucking uh you know black panther doesn't just rip her to shreds but it's not like that it's it's uh the fights are all coordinated in ways it seems like they all go in with a with tactics and stuff that put that preclude them just getting incinerated by the the overpowered superheroes i i feel like the marvel movies do that pretty well you know well like the the first avengers is a good example you're like dude you know black widow and um hawkeye are
Starting point is 00:01:33 clearly underpowered superheroes compared to the others even captain america feels a little underpowered when you've got the hulk around right? But without Captain America's leadership skills, which Taylor praises so much. I'm not going to revisit this. He made them all more effective. And Black Widow and even Hawkeye. His name's Hawkeye, right? Am I messing you up? Yeah, it's Hawkeye.
Starting point is 00:01:58 No, no, it's Hawk Guy. No, that's not. Shut up. Oh my god. God damn it. God damn it., my God. Oh, God. Oh, God damn it. God damn it. What an opportunity. Squandered. So I wouldn't have fallen for that one anyway.
Starting point is 00:02:13 God, I'm a huge fan of Hawkeye. I was all time. Anyway, yeah, you know, him being the spotter and then, you know, taking out the guys and doing this thing like they really work together as a team. And I liked that. You can go and pick it apart, of course, but by and large, they make good use of everybody's superpowers. I really like this movie. I went into it with really high expectations, too.
Starting point is 00:02:35 I saw that the critics score on Rotten Tomatoes, the critics are saying 90%, the fans are saying 92%. Really on the other end of the spectrum when you compare that with Batman vs. Superman, which is like 20%, 26% somewhere in there, completely panned by critics. This one is loved by everyone who's seeing it because it's fun. It's fun and it's funny and it's serious at the same time. It deals with terrorism and issues of overgrown governments and individual rights.
Starting point is 00:03:07 These are the major tones of the movie, and yet at the same time, there are characters who die before our eyes. We have victims' families coming forward saying, you did this to my son. This was my son. This is what he was going to be, and you took that from me. It's really heavy stuff. But then at the same time, you've got all those characters that Marvel now has their fingers on or in like
Starting point is 00:03:27 Spider-Man out there I thought I wasn't looking forward to Spider-Man I was like ugh they've paid off Sony you know and they've got Spider-Man in here and I don't even know who plays Spider-Man anymore so I wasn't looking forward to it at all and I saw the screen capture of Spider-Man
Starting point is 00:03:43 holding Captain America's shield and I was like that's stupid I love forward to it at all and uh i saw the the screen capture of spider-man holding uh captain america shield and i was like that's stupid i love spider-man spider-man was so fucking good spider-man plays like a 16 year old kid like don't ruin it too much but i'm scared because i can't wait to see it spider-man is um is very young and he's a lot of fun and he's funny um and the other thing i liked about about movie is how like these guys are like world famous superheroes you know at but some of them are kind of meeting each other for the first time and how they handle that interaction is funny but in realistic that
Starting point is 00:04:16 you're the guy that does that right on that's so fucking cool the idea you do the thing show me you know that it's it's funny i i like the movie a lot um and i'm looking forward to whatever comes next after this marvel does good stuff um when they put their a team on a on a movie i agree with everything you said even though i haven't seen that movie yet you know the parts that i know about i will say i like batman superman more than everyone else seemed to me too yeah it's i think i think you and i both appreciate Zack Snyder's, like, dark, dystopian futures. And, like, even the filter that it's, like, shot through is, like, these dark greens and stuff like that, kind of like the Matrix was.
Starting point is 00:04:53 And there aren't any sunny days, you know. There aren't any, oh, it's so bright and colorful. Like, all the colors dialed down. It feels like it looks, and it looks like it feels. And I'm okay with that. I like going into that dark grittiness and you know um shit i had it i'm so sorry i interrupted you but uh i really like stuff where they like juxtapose like i i like i don't like uh like i really like the
Starting point is 00:05:18 batman movies with the joker like christopher nolan i think the most recent ones are those three right yeah the second one is the one with the... Like you said, it's super dour and dark all the time, and it's kind of trying to be scary. Or not even scary, like intense, you know, to fit the atmosphere. I like movies, and they don't really do this in superhero movies, where there's something so intense or so fucked up going on, and it's like a bright, sunny day.
Starting point is 00:05:42 Or like in the Clockworkwork orange when they're playing singing in the rain as he's paralyzing that guy and raping his wife it's just like that really makes me in movies be like oh this is so fucked up like this is how it would happen it doesn't really pour down rain as soon as someone's like where's the joker that could have happened on a tuesday when it was wonderful people could have been walking by like man what my favorite they're gonna start shit on a wonderful afternoon My favorite example. And they're going to start shit on a wonderful afternoon. My favorite example of what you're talking about is Reservoir Dogs
Starting point is 00:06:08 when he's got the cop tied up the chair. He's been cutting him up. He says, just stay right there. And he's like, and you know, the song still plays, stuck in the middle. And he's like, he walks outside and we leave the music behind and it's just a fucking alley with a house over there
Starting point is 00:06:21 and you hear birds chirping and cars driving and little bicycle uh bells going and he's just like then and you're like oh this is kind of a breath of air for the audience you're like but you're still so concerned with what he could possibly be doing in the trunk of his car and then you it's the worst thing you could even imagine it's it's the worst thing you can imagine it's a can of gasoline and he's just like still all chipper and singing and you don't want to leave the beat of the song that he like but you don't want to leave that that that silence like like you dread the music and as it gets louder
Starting point is 00:06:53 and louder you know that's bringing you closer to the torture and the torment it's it's uh it's great that was the best example you could have brought up for something like that because like it like to supplement what you, for me it makes me think when he walks out and you hear the cha-ching, cha-ching, and kids riding their bike, it's like everyone around is just looking at a guy in the suit go to the trunk of his car. You've seen a guy in a suit go to the trunk of his car a thousand times and you've never thought about it.
Starting point is 00:07:22 And that guy on just a normal day went to his car and then just walked right back in. Like, you expect the whole movie that when they go out there, it's gonna be like, we gotta be careful, like, we gotta dip and dive and dodge and make sure we don't get fucking seen by these cops. But he just strolls out, doesn't give a shit, walks right back into that horrible music and cuts that guy's ear off.
Starting point is 00:07:40 So the question is... And that's great music. Can Affleck, like, do it? So he's taking over the nextleck like do it so he's taking over the next batman movie but i heard he was taking over the next like justice league executive producer he is steering the ship for dc dc has lashed their entire chariot to the horse that has been affleck he is steering this thing he is guiding he's pulling it with everything he has he is he was disappointed and embarrassed by this last movie and how the critics looked at it
Starting point is 00:08:06 because he didn't have as much input on the project as he wanted. He's making the next Batman, and he's in charge of Justice League. Two things. One, I look forward to the movies. Two, I wish I was there for his pitch, right? I wish that I saw him sit down with some executives and say, look, this is what I said would happen. This is how it actually happened.
Starting point is 00:08:27 This is how it would play out if I was in charge. Time to throw me the ball, Courtney QB, whoever throws you balls in this scenario. Catcher, coach. Is the coach throwing balls here? I don't touch the ball. You know that's bad luck. Pass the puck. He's from Boston, right?
Starting point is 00:08:43 Pass the puck. He's from Boston, right? Pass the puck. But, yeah, I wish that I'm interested in these, like, super negotiations where he just took over what might be half a billion dollars in budget. And they're like, all right, we need a guy. You know? And, like, Nola doesn't seem to want to do it. And Abrams is out. So Affleck it is. And you're just like, whoa, really? You gave it to Affleck?
Starting point is 00:09:07 Now, I'm not saying he's bad, right? He's right at an age where most people are the very best at their jobs, right? You know, he's kind of like in his mid-40s. How old is he? He's in his mid-40s, I think, yeah. I would call him 40. You would call him 40 flat? Let's look it up real quick.
Starting point is 00:09:21 Yeah. See, I watched Argo, and i really liked that movie and i think he directed that movie and but i don't like him as an actor i i like him as an actor did you see the town when he plays you know i liked him on the negotiation thing i was getting to you guys took change the topic on me while i looked up his age we're coming back the the affleck is a reasonable choice but i really really, really, really wish I saw him do it. So here's the thing I know about. This is the dot-com days.
Starting point is 00:09:51 These guys made a startup, and they were like my friend's friends. I didn't know them. And they were negotiating with Yahoo, who wanted to buy out their startup. Whatever they did, they thought it was worth a lot. startup, whatever they did, they thought it was worth a lot. And they came in there and they had some sort of like verbal agreement that they were going to buy the company for 25 million. And they came in and they tried to like shorten it. They tried to like, all right, I know we said 25 million before,
Starting point is 00:10:17 but you know, based on how we look, take a look at it, we think it should be 20 million. And the two guys, they were partners that they were just there, like, as soon as they heard 20 million and they're sitting they were partners that they were just they're like as soon as they heard 20 million and they're sitting at this like like a round conference table with a hole in the middle like they're sitting around a giant donut they just turn their chairs around and they sat like this and the the the yahoo people kept talking like they didn't know quite how to handle this fucking maneuver that they're doing. And they're passing out little folders and stuff. Meanwhile, these guys aren't facing the table.
Starting point is 00:10:53 And they had to literally get them back to the negotiating table. And they ended up going for $35 million instead of $25. And I'm just like like that maneuver worked like that's not so much a negotiating that's that's a bullshit that's not negotiating negotiating is you know i see i see where you're coming from here that's completely unreasonable you know and here are the reasons why and we can go from here you know Being a petulant child and being like, will you take $20 million? Hmm. Will you take $20 million?
Starting point is 00:11:29 These guys walked away without walking away, right? They walked away while staying at the negotiating table. I guess it was a good move. I don't know. But I find these high-stakes conversations super interesting. And keynotes, too. I sometimes watch keynote speeches that have nothing to do with my interests just because like oh here's a guy who's about to pitch while why this thing is
Starting point is 00:11:53 important and it I like to see when they're good at it yeah sometimes I'm surprised at how bad guys who are clear like who are representing big brands are at it because you should come out there and I should believe that you believe and if I if I if I don't if I catch you stuttering on that fucking Teleprompter that you're reading for some reason because you should have memorized this shit motherfucker You should know this backwards and forwards you someone should be able to interrupt you with a with an oddball question And you should be able to segue from that question back into the river that is your pitch. Let me just take a sip of Diet Coke.
Starting point is 00:12:31 Reading it off the front like you need to. Yeah, I find that stuff super interesting, and I wish I was there for when Affleck managed to get what I imagine is about a quarter billion in budget. More, more. I would guess $350. Okay. is there for when Affleck managed to get. What I imagine is about a quarter billion in budget under his thumb. I would guess $350. Okay. And if you're talking about Justice League, maybe more.
Starting point is 00:12:52 A quarter to a half billion, right? With the potential for this to keep going for the next 10-15 years, too, right? Ben Affleck at 53 could be like, alright, Justice League 5. Let's do this thing. Yeah, people are always going to be buying tickets for these superhero movies, so you may as well just keep milking that
Starting point is 00:13:08 cow. That's the other thing. The Captain America movie is making tons of money. It's going to make a ton more than the Batman movie did. So it's not looking great for DC. They came out with their biggest punch they could muster
Starting point is 00:13:24 and they're just getting trounced by Marvel's B-team. Essentially. If you look at Deadpool and Captain America, that's not the best of the best. I'm doing PKN. What's up? Was Affleck good
Starting point is 00:13:40 in the Batman movie as an actor? You said you kind of like him as an actor. He strikes me as someone who is a director but really wants to be in front of the camera too. And I really liked The Town, and I don't remember his name, the dude from Hurt Locker. Jeremy Renner.
Starting point is 00:13:59 He stole the show. He was the best actor in that show by far. And maybe it's just because he was so good, but every time Affleck was on screen, it's like, God, this Jenner, whatever he said his name is, he's so passionate, and Affleck came off as so flat. When they're having their relationship-ending fight
Starting point is 00:14:16 of like, oh, you're not going to stay in fucking Southie or whatever, and you know, fucking just steal fucking old TVs with me anymore. And then he's like, no, no. I'm fucking Ben Affleck, and I get lost in whatever accent I'm doing constantly. That is his accent. I really can't stand a guy who's bad at accents.
Starting point is 00:14:36 He goes in and out. It's harder to do your own accent because you are going to have to. It's the only accent I do. I disagree with you here. So Matt Damon and Ben Affleck, when they did Good Will Hunting, for example, they wrote it, they sold it, and they acted in it. I think their Bostonian accents are perfect.
Starting point is 00:14:54 Now, I don't live there, but I've been there a couple, three times. I think they're from there, right? I was under that impression. It's just maybe I've met different people from Boston. It's just that the way they do it is so over the top but because they're representing the white trash of boston the the like south oh what just happened oh we just lost just turn your camera back on we're all here yeah yeah because they're doing they're doing you know there's a difference between doing
Starting point is 00:15:17 a southern accent and doing like a you know like a hillbilly accent and they're doing a hillbilly accent and you know the the the yeah that's the south boston version I you're convinced me that's a good point the only thing is like even in goodwill hunting ben affleck like writing it with matt damon awesome achievement that movies fucking great but him as an actor in that movie like it he's not memorable that's 15 years ago though and yeah first thing yeah I don't think it's fair to measure him by that. Most people thought he did a good job in Batman. Have you watched Gone Girl?
Starting point is 00:15:49 Yes, I liked it a lot. We watched it as a group. I didn't care for that one as much. Real thriller. I liked it. See, I like thrillers a lot. I went into it knowing it would be like that. I don't like thrillers where like the the intricacy of the bad guy or bad lady's plot is completely contingent on the person she's duping
Starting point is 00:16:13 being beyond retarded and completely inept like you're supposed to believe that whole movie that she has this just seamless scheme where just she's got everybody wrapped around her finger but really it's just kind of a half-ass attempt and she just happens to be dating someone who has no common sense and has no idea how to communicate with people in the midst of a crisis like he couldn't handle every step of the way worse if you tried to rewrite the movie which makes it more like this isn't her being tricky and watching a real scheme play out. It's watching a dunce fall into traps over and over.
Starting point is 00:16:53 You know? Yeah. Should we restart this call or something? Do you guys have any video? No, I don't have any video. Let's see if restarting it works. Okay. it works okay so far so good we should be working I hope you like
Starting point is 00:17:17 recall the group so I bet start talking right now and see if you're going to talk over you seeing if things work 9 10 yep yep it's not working it works for Taylor and I but Kyle shut down all talk over me. All right, here I am talking over you, seeing if things work. Yep, yep, it's not working. It works for Taylor and I, but Kyle shut down. All right, I'll do it the slow way. I'm sorry, everyone. I rolled the dice, hoping we could do a shorter interruption.
Starting point is 00:17:34 All right, so if you don't know, what happens with us in Skype, for some reason, is that if we don't call people one at a time, then it doesn't work. Here we are and in white three so we'll see what happens when Taylor answers and I'm here God all right all right so oh well taylor you sound awful i'm sorry oh no that's better oh all right maybe it was just go ahead maybe i don't know the other movie i watched last night was uh he never lived it's on netflix and it's got Henry Rollins in it. And he plays Cain, like Cain from the Bible, but he's modern times, and he's been alive this whole fucking time.
Starting point is 00:18:33 And he's really messed up from having lived so long. This sounds great. What's this called? I have to look it up. Ever lived. And he has a really hard time. He almost seems autistic or something. He has a really hard time dealing with people. She's like, where'd you get that cut on your hand? He's like, what cut? The one on your hand. Killing my brother. And I cut my hand. And he's just telling lies the whole time because he's covering up what actually happened.
Starting point is 00:19:02 He randomly got attacked by some gangsters and they shot him but he's cane so he heals super fast he's like a superhero and like but he's so nonchalant about it because he's been alive for like 6 000 years that like battle and killing people is just like boring to him and it's just like it's like a bug is bothering him and now i have to kill these three men. It's really good. It's odd. It's really odd. The movie's called Of All Time? It's called He Never Died.
Starting point is 00:19:33 He Never Died. Taylor, I like it for you. That's interesting. On the subreddit, they asked if you could do Bible stories every week. And part of me was like, I think it's a little like cool story bro where you've got like three great ones three more okay ones and then they run out i could bone up on some bible knowledge and because i have like like not to toot my own horn about ron's age tome but i do have a cursory knowledge of some of the stories in it and so like the thing about job that i got wrong that i saw a couple comments they're like uh someone was like yeah but he got
Starting point is 00:20:10 job totally wrong you forget that god gave him back double of everything that he had in the end so it was okay and it's like are you shitting me like if paris hilton's plane crashed into my family's house while i was like filling up for gas. And I came back home and everybody's burned and dead. And Paris Hilton goes like, what was your net worth before this? And I'm like, I don't know. Like, let's say a million now that everyone's dead. And he's like, I'm going to give you two.
Starting point is 00:20:37 Are we cool? Like, no, you can fuck right off. You're going to prison. You're going to jail, bitch. You're like, no. And so that doesn't make it even. So that's not a good point. Random comment.
Starting point is 00:20:48 Imagine what you could do with double chimpanzee money. Dear God. Double chim, you can get four chimps. Yeah. Chimps at your next birthday party. Oh, God.
Starting point is 00:20:57 Yeah, that's, that's gonna be the thing for the big two six. Bunch of chimps. But yeah, come up with Bible stories that you know and like what are some of your favorites Kyle we haven't done Noah
Starting point is 00:21:11 I like the ones that don't reinforce you know the idea of Christianity I feel like the ones we've went on so far show like the hypocrisy of god and how like it and also like his cruelty at times and uh and and how he kind of can treat us like bugs in a in a in a terrarium or something so i'd like to go with ones like that um you know uh the lion's den the good samaritan um yeah a lot of the stuff about jesus though the story of elisha are you familiar with the story of elisha remind me please the prophet okay so uh why are you
Starting point is 00:21:54 rubbing your face because you don't want me to tell a story no because my eyebrows it really wasn't about you at all so let me make sure i'm spelling it right. I think I got it. Yeah, Elijah. Elijah was his trainer. So basically, back in the day, he had a ton of people that followed him, but he had an all-star team too, like a Globetrotters, and those were the prophets. You could be top-notch God-lover,
Starting point is 00:22:19 but if you don't got what it takes, I'm sorry, you're not playing on the team. You're in the minor leagues. I think that's what it took, I'm sorry. You're not playing on the team. Like, you can, you're in the minor leagues. I think that's what it took. Mm-hmm. Yeah, so, I'm losing you, Kyle. Yeah, me too. Now he's not talking.
Starting point is 00:22:39 Carry on, Taylor. I think you're working fine. Okay. All right, so, Elijah. But I like Kyle's input, because, you know, he learns more about the Bible. So, Elijah was – think of Elijah as Alex Ovechkin right now, you know. He's the main guy for God. But Elijah, you know, he starts to get older, and eventually God's like,
Starting point is 00:23:03 all right, we've got a lot of great prospects coming up. brings up Elisha from the minor leagues puts him right under Elijah and is like you're gonna start learning so we'll say that Elisha is like Kuznetsov that maybe like seven of you got that um and so Elisha comes up Elijah teaches him all of Elijah teaches Elisha all of the ropes about God says he loves it when you do this don't do that he's not a fan every third Monday's late start um everything that you need to know about being on God's teeth and Elisha finally on his own Elijah's dead and gone brought up to heaven or whatever and Elisha's walking around and he's going to a town because he feels that God is leading him to go talk to those people about his message.
Starting point is 00:23:49 And as Elisha is walking, keep in mind, he's a guy who, this is before the age of Rogaine. He had gone bald ages ago and was very sensitive about it. So he was walking through the hills. This is true. I didn't make that up. He was walking through the hills and a bunch of kids came out from the town as he was getting to the town. 40 children, you know, just a bunch of ragamuffins, just ha ha ha ha hauffins just we have no shoes we're just a bunch of little jews hanging out you know living it up uh and walking by and they go haha bald head bald head bald head bald head and and they
Starting point is 00:24:16 they're just surrounding him yelling at him bald head you know apparently bald head was like the n-word back in the day because el, he did not care for that one bit. And so he responded by looking at the children and thinking these little fucks, like they're screaming at me. I'm on God's team. These guys are never even going to be fucking drafted and they're making fun of the captain.
Starting point is 00:24:41 And so he summons from the woods, two mother bears grizzlies that maul and consume the 40 children yep and then he makes his way to the town and and uh they don't really follow up about how the parents took it but they probably weren't happy that's that's a real story that he went zero to 60 real quick yep that's a true story yeah well it's not a true story but it's in the bible he wouldn't do well in this age of internet trolls there'd be bears all over the place just stomping breaking down doors imagine 42 children like that's the whole villages offspring. If there are 42 children of the same age,
Starting point is 00:25:27 that was all of them there were. That's a generation gone. Oh, did you have farms? Oops. You better look for work in somewhere other than agriculture, Mr. I Can't Read. You know? But yeah, that was a real piece of shit move.
Starting point is 00:25:43 Something about Saul and foreskins or something like that. I remember there was some sort of a foreskin story that was weird. About Saul? Yeah. So Saul, oh, he got circumcised late in life because Saul became Paul. See, Saul was on the road to Damascus, and he was very, very adamant about this Jesus guy is a fucking dick. I don't like him.
Starting point is 00:26:09 I don't like what he stands for. And the Pharisees and the Sadducees that are lining my paycheck, my little satchel with gold sequins or whatever they had, they don't like it, and so I don't like it. And so Saul was just on his goat or whatever he was riding across on the fucking road, and he gets stopped by an angel of God. Long story short, angel makes him blind. Saul is not happy about it. Eventually, another prophet comes up to Saul and is like, hey, I can get rid of these scales on your eyes, make you see again. You just kind of, you know, turn to God.
Starting point is 00:26:41 And he's like, fine, I'll be extorted, whatever. And then he becomes God's biggest fan. There's a lot more in that story, but I wanted to, you know, save the meat and potatoes for BKA. King Saul and David initially... Oh, King Saul. Yeah, oh yeah, different Saul. This is Big Saul.
Starting point is 00:26:59 I was talking about New Testament Saul. Big Saul. So Big Saul and David initially got on well, but following David's military victory, Saul became envious of his popularity and so devised a plan to get rid of him. Saul offered his daughter... As you do.
Starting point is 00:27:16 I don't know how to pronounce that. M-I-C-H-A-L. To David, asking for a large number of... And now my skype crashed Wow maybe that's the issue that we had had with this awful this all leaves me very concerned. Bible stories interrupted two weeks in a row. And I'll have you know, I did like testing and stuff ahead of time to make sure that this wouldn't happen.
Starting point is 00:28:00 And yet it did. Hey, Kyle. Yes. hey kyle yes oh you sound better my skype crashed oh that's a shame are we still recording yes yeah yeah i want to know like did he go kill 100 philistines and then take their foreskins post-mortem or was he able to convince a a few Philistines to just hand over their foreskins and, you know, keep their lives? Uh, I think that back in the day, they were kind of a kill-first, ask-questions-later
Starting point is 00:28:36 bunch, and so they weren't going around asking about, you know, do you want this cosmetic change to your genitals? It was more like, that guy's not looking, stab him in the back of the neck and pull his pants down. The thing is, based on my time spent browsing 4chan, people with foreskins are very attached to them.
Starting point is 00:28:52 Literally. I would think that they'd not give them up freely. Fair enough. Although, if the choice were death, I mean, you know. They're very attached to them. They are you. If fucking David, the guy who slew goliath comes around And he's like yo I need 104 skins Annie up. You'd be like shit. Where's the moil you know?
Starting point is 00:29:14 Bring him up here. Do you my guy ice? Ice is quite This ice Water look at the witch you know oh he thinks he doesn't come in hot you know yeah that would be a risky process back then i would think in that day and age the you know getting circumcised what about infections and stuff i guess that maybe that's why the moil sucks the the dick after found. All that he did that for, I think. I don't think that was meant to teach you anything. I think it was meant to be like a, dude, I fucking hate you so much.
Starting point is 00:29:53 You're not coming near my daughter ever unless you get like a wheelbarrow full of foreskins. You know how many that's going to take? Good fucking luck, asshole. Head over to the Philistine camp. Oh, you want some men to go with you nah you're going solo you're not getting a sword either you know byos fuck off like they then then david did it and he had to honor his word you know and he even had to sit there and pretend to be happy with bags of severed foreskins and his really nice palace i think the moral of the story here is that a great leader does keep his word, unlike low-energy Jeb, who has broken his vow at the beginning of the voting process.
Starting point is 00:30:32 I think that is what God had in mind when he wrote the Bible. This is going to be a valuable lesson come 2016. I predict Jeb is dead within a year to a heart attack or an aneurysm or something like that. Jeb's not going to make it. I feel like this was hard on him, this process. I feel like Donald obviously, obviously hurt his feelings badly. And like really, Jeb feels at least, took a big chunk away from any political future that he had or will have. And they're definitely holding, the Bushes are holding it against Donald for sure.
Starting point is 00:31:06 It's not that Jeb did anything in particular to deserve this, but I am happy that somebody in his position was knocked down a peg. Jeb might be a fine guy. I don't know. He might have even made a good president. Who the hell knows? He was a good governor in Florida, wasn't he?
Starting point is 00:31:21 I don't even know. Did some good things there? I don't know. It's like an ox moron but uh but yeah man just like i look his dad was the president his grandfather was a senator his brother was the president like enough is enough yeah your family you had your turn i'm sorry that the roulette didn't land on you first, but someone else gets to go in now. It's not a monarchy, dude.
Starting point is 00:31:48 And I'm glad. And Trump, even though Trump comes from money, right? And I don't know how old the money gets with Trump. Obviously, his father was wealthy. How far back does that go? I'm not sure. But he does feel like somehow the blue-collar billionaire. Is that a thing?
Starting point is 00:32:07 He does a really good job of conveying that. I know they're from Germany. I just read, I got the, I think that the Last Time magazine was just a Trump piece. The whole thing was, I got it for the plane ride, and I read most of it. It was like a biography on Trump. And it was written from a pretty neutral standpoint. I like when they start, when even liberal writers that I would think would be super anti-Trump have to admit his victories and they just say, hey, everybody keeps saying he can't win.
Starting point is 00:32:37 But all he does is win. And he wins when he's not supposed to. And he wins when they say it's impossible. And he wins with the people that everyone claims hate him and so here are here's a story about how he you know he came to be and it started with like back in Germany and I can't remember what the family business was in Germany it was some it was old timey things like they were in horse breeders or like yeah they were horse breeders or fucking yarn makers or some cobbler's you know Cobblers, you know, I don't recall.
Starting point is 00:33:06 They talked about how they tried to conceal their German ancestry, which I think that was really popular. Like 40s, 50s? Like teens after World War I. I think German was the second most spoken language in the United States prior to World War I, and there were tons of Germans here. But after World War I, that took on a negative connotation. And they switched over to English pretty quick.
Starting point is 00:33:31 Yeah, you didn't want to speak German, you didn't want to have a German name, so a lot of those German names got turned into something else. A lot of Guthers. Is that when Trump became Trump? Yes, I believe so. So I mean, it's not like they were trying to like hey this will trump's trump really rolls off the tongue we'll sell a lot of wagon wheels if we become them it was like shit i don't want any hate crimes done against me i'm a fucking american it's like if
Starting point is 00:33:56 you like one of you had the last name like hitler like you would just have to be like all right you know i'm real sorry mom and dad that I can't carry on the Hitler name. But I honestly, come on. Have you ever seen the graph of the popularity of the name Adolf up until a point? It goes, boom. It goes from like 50, you know, 500 a year to zero or something like that. That John Oliver hit piece on Trump. I like John Oliver
Starting point is 00:34:25 a little. But that thing was just total horseshit. Like, they ripped on him in a bunch of ways and none of them were really fact-based. No, it's all feelings. All he does is beg the question. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:41 And people are going to watch this and be like, no, that piece was great. What are you wrong? Watch it again. Watch it again. And I think as you go through it, this and be like no that piece was great What are you wrong watch it again watch it again? And I think as you go through it You'll be like a lot of this is like a pain opinion a lot of it Just asking a question and it ends with literally like shiny flashy Vegas lights saying make Donald Trump again as if like that's a no There's and it doesn't stick because nothing sticks to trump because he because what trump has been doing for 30 years is making sure that you know he's fucking trump you couldn't have gone
Starting point is 00:35:09 against a bigger shield like it's like trump is standing there and he's got a giant perfect adamantium vibranium shield and on the front it says trump and he was like let's hit him right in the shield that'll do the trick yeah and now they're shooting spitballs at him yeah it's absurd if you're gonna go after anything about trump you certainly don't go after trump brand because he's got that rock solid attack his policies john oliver thing like he i wouldn't mind if it because a lot of the things that like colbert would do or the daily show would do would be like they'd really tear into a really conservative guy like trump or whatever and they make it like pretty apparent like at least colbert that it's he's joking like he's got some points in there that are real points but the overarching theme is like i'm making you laugh i'm an entertainer john oliver is just preachy it's like you're not
Starting point is 00:36:01 making me laugh you're begging the question and you act like you've had this substance crammed video that everybody was working so hard to like man the perfect silver bullet for trump and it's like no you really just tried to sensationalize a non-story and beg the question uh and make weird comparisons he talks down to his audience and sometimes and that that works. He condescends to them, and sometimes that's a good thing because sometimes he hits on topics that just aren't getting any media attention,
Starting point is 00:36:33 but they're terrible. Some awful misjustice is happening to this group of people, and no one cares, and why aren't you people looking at this? We're all terrible for not caring about this. Shame on us all. Let's do something.
Starting point is 00:36:47 But you can't recreate that every week. And unfortunately, that's the theme of his show. So sometimes you get duds. And that's what happened with the Trump. I was watching the Late Late Show. I watched like a couple. Sorry, go ahead, Woody. They were talking about how normally gaffes just completely sink a presidential campaign.
Starting point is 00:37:04 And he had the greatest line. He's like, but not the Trump campaign, which seems to be running normally gaffes just completely sink a presidential campaign. And he had the greatest line. He's like, but not the Trump campaign, which seems to be running on gaffeline. And then he goes through this montage of things that probably would have sunk a different politician. But somehow, like, okay, my daughter might say something there, do something that's wrong. And then she doubles down. And everyone's like, hey, what the the hell why'd you double down on that that was your chance to apologize learn you know learn from this you know because because you were wrong in the first place and now you're sticking to it like don't do that uh trump on the other hand when he does that somehow pulls
Starting point is 00:37:41 it off magically right somehow like trump like like Trump, like, you know, I could shoot a guy in the street and they'd still all support me. Can you believe he said that? Yeah, I bet burning would work too. And you're like, oh, well, I guess that's that then, you know, and he runs on gasoline and it doesn't hurt him at all.
Starting point is 00:38:01 And I thought for a long time that it eventually would and i've lost faith in that notion no and now i every poll i see although like you got to be careful about the polls that you that you look at and you got to read the fine print on the donald yeah you got to read the fine print as well and see like is this an i hate the national poll because it's it's a it's an irrelevant poll to like see what the popular vote of the entire country says because we don't go by that. So what's the fucking point? So if you're voting for a losing contender, you can kind of cling to some meaningless scrap. That's what Bernie supporters love to do.
Starting point is 00:38:36 They love to say, look. Everybody's like, nobody gives a shit. Yeah, they threw up the matchup between Sanders and Trump, Sanders and whoever. And Sanders is the strongest candidate, but Sanders doesn't have enough delegates because of the way the Democrat system is set up. So what are you going to do? Now, it's easy to say, hey, if you take all of the superdelegates from Hillary and hand them to Bernie, all of a sudden the positions are virtually reversed, but they want Hillary to be their candidate. It is, though, right? It's 500 and something.
Starting point is 00:39:06 She's only leading by 220 or something like that if you take out the superdelegates. I need to check the numbers. But in my head, she's winning by 300 and then 500 more superdelegates. So if you switch the 500, now instead of her leading by 800, she's losing by 200.
Starting point is 00:39:24 If you completely change the results, you can get it. No, no, that's not true. You don't have to change the results. So the point of those superdelegates is to represent the party and the people at the same time. If, for example, Hillary Clinton, let's just not talk about her indictment anymore because that is looming, though. That could happen any time. If that happened, or let's say she had a brain aneurysm, or something happened and she can't go forward, those superdelegates are going to go right to,
Starting point is 00:39:50 oh yeah, then Trump's president. The superdelegates would, of course, jump on the Bernie Sanders thing. Dude, I want Trump to be the president. I know you do. I think it's like 50-50. The thing about the superdelegates is, while I admit that they're overwhelmingly for Hillary, and I think it's because of some dirty payoff, long-time friendship establishment reason,
Starting point is 00:40:12 even if the delegates were evenly aligned with the voter base, she still wins. She got more votes. She got more superdelegates. More people want her. That's just as simple as it is. I'm not one of them, I think. I do have to choose between these two but um and the only reason bernie's fine is because like he hasn't been
Starting point is 00:40:32 put on the mainstream media like people will say oh you know bernie's this far behind and he hasn't even gotten a chance on the on the big stage yet it's like yeah as soon as he steps foot on that big stage trump is going to label him a commie apologist, Soviet lover, show his praising the bread lines in the Soviet Union or whatever, or talking about those. Things like that. He literally did that. That's not a trifling joke.
Starting point is 00:40:55 That'll destroy you. It's like, you show, hey, this guy, he really likes the Soviet Union. He's kind of a commie. That's all he has to say. I think Trump is going to pick somebody with some military experience for his VP. That'd be perfect going up against him. Like, you got one guy who's a fucking nom vet who's like a fucking hero or something, Colonel whoever the hell, and then you got this conscientious Jewish socialist, conscientious
Starting point is 00:41:19 objector who's Jewish and socialist. It's just not gonna play nationally. And I don't mean that to be anti-Semitic or anything, but I'm just stating the facts. It's not going to play. Although, you wouldn't think that a six foot three tall Big Bird who's really most famous for a building
Starting point is 00:41:36 he named after himself and his reality shows would be the star of this whole thing, but he is. You don't see him as a snuffleupagus type character with that coloring? You know, I don't mind the spray tan. I really don't. I think it looks good on him. It's almost natural because it's been so long that I've
Starting point is 00:41:52 seen him like that. If I saw him with a normal amount of melanin in his skin, I'd be like, who's that guy? What are you trying to pull? I know Trump. I know he looks like a bronze statue. I wish he'd still up there. Or like a recently finished wood. I would love a job working for trump and i don't want any pay i just want to write little court little quips that that he could just throw
Starting point is 00:42:10 at somebody at any point like i feel like um what's the the lady who was um the michelle warren lady who who he's going after now uh hillary's friend who uh pretended like she was cherokee to get all that free education and everything. Elizabeth Warren. Elizabeth Warren. Elizabeth Warren. Yeah, she pretended like she was a Cherokee. She's totally white. Hold on a second. I think many people would say the truth is she's one 32nd Cherokee.
Starting point is 00:42:35 No, no, no, no, no. Those are white girl facts. And every white girl I've ever met is at least one 32nd Cherokee. Haven't seen any proof that she's one 1000th Cherokee yet I'm pretty sure she's zero and she lied and at some point isn't that fraction too small I've seen the Donald subreddit try to discredit like the genealogy firm that said she was 132nd I don't know what the truth is genetic test or no but here's what Trump needs to go out there and he said apparently we've got an in we've got a cherokee indian in our midst i believe her she had an ancestry he needs to say
Starting point is 00:43:10 something about the fact he's like i'm darker than her look i'm closer to being an indian than her look at look at me and look at chief spreading bull which one of us is the indian here i don't see more of that i want to see lots of uh i love that he's going after hillary and bill with the same with with the he made a mistake right he called her crooked hillary and that's what they went with it should have been crooked clinton he could have hit them both they could have been the crooked clintons it's better don't you think i do think that but i think that hillary i don't know he he that's his thing right and and sometimes it sticks and sometimes it doesn't but low energy stuck to jeb bush like
Starting point is 00:43:52 play little marco little marco is i mean if marco might be president and uh eight years from now or something like that or 12 even i'll still think of him as little Marco. He's probably not even that short. I wonder if he's three, but he, and he kind of towered over. Lion Ted. Lion Ted for sure stuck. You know, it's, I like see, I love his strategy. I love seeing how he's playing this game his own way. He learned it in fourth grade. Oh, he learned it in business school.
Starting point is 00:44:24 He had to, cause he's branding the competition as inferior. He's treating Hillary Clinton like she's a competing brand of washer and dryer. The best thing is they tried to brand him and they made him dangerous Donald.
Starting point is 00:44:41 Now I imagine him on the cover of Lethal Weapon. Who do you call when the shit hits the fan the loose cannon there's all these memes online of him being dangerous and he's there like driving a golf cart with one hand they're like oh my god dangerous donald without the proper attire it's it's the the meme game and the branding game and stuff that is going to donald uh overwhelmingly i i don't know if it matters subreddit and i can't really figure out what's happening there like is it are people circle jerking over donald trump
Starting point is 00:45:23 or do these or do they all really, really like Donald Trump? Or is it kind of like there's a mix? Or, I don't know. All right, so everybody there loves Donald Trump. There are people there who love, so for one thing, it's karma heaven, from what I understand. If you're a good gift maker or a good,
Starting point is 00:45:41 even just like a gift maker or something like that, you can go in there and make 10,000 karma in a few days or something like that you can go in there and make 10,000 karma in a few days or something like that all the possibilities I don't care about such things not you and I but there are people who are just doing that I think that's some of the more talented creative individuals perhaps but
Starting point is 00:45:57 for the most part they all are big Donald Trump supporters they hate anybody who's anti Donald Trump and they're latching on to him for the same reasons the world is. It's different reasons. Some like he's a straight shooter. Some like thinks he represents them. Some thinks that he's the silver bullet
Starting point is 00:46:13 that can take down a politician and who cares if he's weird. So I read the comments on these things a lot and I appreciate that. So Reddit is liberal, right? And a lot of these guys are like me like i i guess you'd call me liberal over the last six years or whatever and um but then donald comes along and you're like all right i'm i'm looking at this guy right that hasn't i'm looking at him let's check
Starting point is 00:46:36 him out and he says stuff like you know what we're gonna get rid of all the bad parts of obamacare and we're gonna keep all the good stuff it's gonna be great we're gonna get rid of all the bad parts of Obamacare. We're going to keep all the good stuff. It's going to be great. We're going to get rid of Obamacare, but keep the things that we like. And you're like, what kind of fucking plan is that? So then he announced his plan. And, you know, there's the forever quandary, right? If you don't force people to buy health insurance, then pre-existing conditions have to come back as a thing. You can deny people for pre-existing conditions.
Starting point is 00:47:03 Otherwise, you just buy health insurance after you get sick you know that's that's what you do and um and he he hasn't solved this he's like you don't have to buy insurance anymore let's not mention pre-existing conditions um insurance is deductible which is a great thing but his plan was just it was shit it wasn't thought through it's a, like, you get everything and lose nothing, pandering bunch of horseshit. And in the comments, people were having a real discussion about it. Like, you know, this actually doesn't work. You know, oh, you're going to deny health insurance to Mexicans?
Starting point is 00:47:36 In the Donald, you mean? Yeah, in the subreddit. Yeah, they're also, like, if you want to call it liberal and educated, you know, about some of the horse shit that he spews and i appreciate that like i'm willing to give this guy a look but when he details a plan that's horse shit then you know at least everyone should recognize it as yeah i saw you posting over there in the wild i was just i was reading through the comments i was looking at baby i was looking at the uh the health plan as well um you're absolutely right you know it we don't need to beat that dead horse again but that's the problem with health care and and and
Starting point is 00:48:09 ers and how we provide medical service that is the problem um yeah and you gotta talk to ben carson you know heading a committee over there he'll i'm sure he'll work it out here's the frustrating thing i i wish that the this is the pitch they made around it. They should be like, you have to buy health insurance because it's a matter of personal responsibility, right? If you want to just ride free and then have the rest of the country bail you out when you come down with cancer and didn't supply yourself with health insurance all this time, then you're not a responsible person, you know? And I feel like the sense of personal responsibility would go over well with Republicans who are huge on that.
Starting point is 00:48:48 I thought their response would be like, they'd be like, well, so it's my personal responsibility to be subsidizing the decisions of everybody else who's lower in society and smoking a bunch of cigarettes. Well, the alternative would be a health care savings account, right? If you have a balance of $50K or more, then you don't have to be part of that system. You have been reading my posts.
Starting point is 00:49:06 Yeah. That would be nice. Yeah, but I was saying that too. Like, hey, you don't need to buy health insurance if you have a health savings account, HSA, with I don't know what appropriate balance would be, but I said 50k. And yeah, so that way, I'm pretty sure that- I feel like 25 would be the, 25 will handle most ER trips. You know, if you have a car accident, you're not the big ones. Now that that's traumatic injury coverage. But if you go into the ER with a broken arm and you need 15 stitches, 25 will get you out of there and back home and medicated. Yeah, probably.
Starting point is 00:49:39 Yeah. God, that's so it should. Anyway, it should. Like there's been like think about what's actually being provided to you. God, that's so expensive. And it should, anyway. It should, right? Think about what's actually being provided to you. Like, shit, I'll go get a bag of saline and a suture kit and deal with the pain. And bring your own supplies. No, no, no, I got mine.
Starting point is 00:50:00 One of the things Trump advocated that I really, really, really like in his plan is transparency in pricing. If you go to the hospital, I feel like you never make any decisions. You just, you just informed of what the decision would you like? Would you like the, the $15 Q-tips or would you like the $25 Q-tip? As you can see, it's got a comfort grip here. Like what the fuck? I don't need any Q-tips. I got one in my purse here. Like, I feel like I'd have a duffel bag filled with like ibuprofen Q-tips and some sterile gauzes. No, take it from me. The whole thing costs $30 to stock, and it will save you $30,000. They'll charge you a stocking fee for taking your stuff and putting it into their registry and then sell it to you. But the point is, he wants to have transparency in pricing, and I love that.
Starting point is 00:50:42 I forget. I don't know if we know how much Colin's foot cost yet, but you know they don't want to cover the x-ray? Like, they're saying they don't cover the x-ray. It's like he took an ax to the foot. He, by the way, broke a bone. It was a chip. You don't do anything with it, but he chipped his bone with an ax. This warrants x-ray, right?
Starting point is 00:51:04 Right? Maybe? And they don't want to cover it? with it but he chipped his bone with an axe this warrants x-ray right right maybe and um they don't want to cover it i don't understand and yeah but uh i remember my wife had a kidney stone like two years ago and that ended up being some really high like twenty eight thousand dollars for a half a day in an er and um they just took some pictures and gave her a drug called Flomax or something. Yeah. My parents have talked about that before. Yeah, that expands your urethra. They use that to treat enlarged prostate as well.
Starting point is 00:51:33 My dad and my mom have often talked about how much, but the insurance that my mother gets through being a teacher has paid off just incredible dividends because my mother has had two like serious operations to remove a tumor and then and then something else I don't recall and then my dad has had like a serious like back surgery and what else they it's a litany of things like like nothing crazy but but hundreds of
Starting point is 00:52:00 thousands of dollars worth of stuff like kidney stones are not not crazy. And yet it costs like 28 grand. Yeah. Like, do you know how long it would take a normal person to pay off 28 grand? Like, like people work for four years and she had 28 grand away on their, on their mortgage. He had an $80,000 surgery,
Starting point is 00:52:17 uh, about 18 years ago, I guess I was pretty young. Yeah. Yeah. 18 years ago, $80,000, 18 year ago money. You know what I mean? Like 80,000. That, yeah, 18 years ago. $80,000, 18-year-ago money.
Starting point is 00:52:25 You know what I mean? Like, $80,000 now is a shitload of money. $80,000 almost 20 years ago was an even larger amount of money. About that same amount of time, three-quarters of a million on my hand. I had that car accident. You can still see this scar kind of here. And there was a tumor that grew inside of a nerve, and I had to go to this
Starting point is 00:52:45 special surgeon and it was really expensive i i feel like my auto insurance which covered it will i'll forever be in the black like i'll never pay out three quarters of a million in auto insurance so i'm on the side i'm a taker on this right i feel like it lots of the insurance you want the insurance taxes and stuff but I'm one of the few people that received more from insurance companies and they paid out yeah my dad's on this on the hand too because he had one of his buildings get struck by lightning and burned down once so that paid out like six figures something or another so yeah in the insurance game
Starting point is 00:53:19 we're definitely on top I but I saw the transparency and pricing. I remember when Scott had cut his leg when we were filming, and I'm standing there watching them suture him up and everything. And this is on me, you know, because he's working for me. There is some FPS Russia insurance, I guess, and it's me just getting out my wallet. So I'm just watching him, and I'm thinking, like, I'd love some price tags here doc. Like oh he's asking would you like do you need some more
Starting point is 00:53:48 of this? Some more of that? And I'm thinking like is each little like CC. Is he charging me per CC of this medication? Because if so he only needs 7 CC's. Like he doesn't need any. He's a tough guy. Look at him. You see all his tattoos? He didn't flinch. He pierced his own dick when he was 15.
Starting point is 00:54:06 I don't give a shit. I just said that to the doctor. I got it, I got it. No, no, no, this is $13. I don't care if it's his blood, I'm not fucking paying. I imagine the doctor like, do you want some painkillers? You want us to inject before the sutures? I'm like, no. This motherfucker pierced his own
Starting point is 00:54:22 nipples and dick when he was 15 years old. He don't need no pain. Just inject him with a little bit of white wine. Settle him down a bit. Dude, I watched a movie or documentary called Prescription Thugs. Have you guys seen this? I think I've seen bits of it.
Starting point is 00:54:41 It's on Netflix, right? Oh, my gosh. Or it's on my TV a lot. I see it a lot. Prescription Thugs is on netflix right now and they talk about like america's addiction to all these like happy pills and it especially focused on the the pharmaceutical painkillers like oxycodone oxy cotton and i don't i don't really know them that well. Vicodin, I think, is one. Lower tabs. Yeah. And any good Eminem song will remind you.
Starting point is 00:55:08 Dude, it really painted it to be a giant problem. And so because I don't have anyone in my life who has these issues, it's like, is this really a thing? Or is it just like a couple hillbillies taking oxycodone? Both. It's a thing. Apparently, it's a thing. um uh what was I gonna say oh they average so these um things like heroin and oxycodone and whatever else oxycontin apparently they give you constipation so they bought super bowl ads for like like hey you know do you have
Starting point is 00:55:42 um I forget what they called it but like barbiturate based incontinence well here's a drug for you and it's like whoa this is a popular enough thing that they bought a super bowl ad to deal with your oxycodone constipation um wow yeah that's that that's that's ridiculous i can't see getting into it. Have you ever taken one? Yeah, I've definitely taken them. Not recreationally ever, though. I've been prescribed them or maybe there were some at the house. There's some left
Starting point is 00:56:14 over or something and you've got a lot of pain for whatever. My back was hurting the other day and my driver gave me half a pill. I don't even remember what it was. I didn't recognize the name. He said that it was for his back. I was like, how much do you take? He was smaller than me. He was like, I take a whole one, but it's a bit much. So I was like, well, break that motherfucker in half. And my back was killing me from the airplane ride. I've got some sort of an old injury in my back from childhood. That's never even been looked at.
Starting point is 00:56:40 So who knows, but sitting with my knees elevated above my waist for a long period of time really makes it bad and i'm not gonna cry but i'm very uncomfortable when it's going on and that thing just fucking like that i was like shit the pain is gone i'm not loopy i'm not woozy like i don't feel like i've had half a beer or whatever normal effects i might get from from a pain pill but they definitely have their place but yeah the abuse is terrible i am there's shit i'm gonna get it wrong there's one that starts with a b that helped me with back pain remember i told the story of you know yeah my back was it a benzodiazepine i remember two syllables and i think it was comparable to ibuprofen but much stronger not helping no oh you're talking about like a specific drug a benzodiazepine is just a kind
Starting point is 00:57:27 of drug um anyway uh yeah apparently it's like a anti-inflammatory that helped me out and it's not addictive because that stuff's a little scary to me i i god i've had so many hours on the internet that i've told all my stories but the time i had my wiz and tooth out and i kind of i wanted to be loopy again like i was loopy for three weeks and then when i wasn't it was like i want to be loopy yeah this sucks like it i just like i prefer that other state and if i had you know like the money and the access like a brett farve did or something then i could imagine a version of me being like all right hook me up again.
Starting point is 00:58:05 All I got to do is ask, and there's a team there trying to get me more of it. I can see why people do that. I don't feel like it's seen in as bad a light as other drugs by society. Depends which ones. Oh, you know, Mrs. Stevenson is taking Percocet every day. It's like, ah, well, you know, at least she's not on meth or something. It's easier to rationalize. It's like, well, a doctor gave it to her. He wouldn't give her too much.
Starting point is 00:58:30 The prescription thugs really remove the line to me. They're like, oh yeah, heroin and oxycodone and oxycontin, they're all in the same family from the same plant maybe, I don't know. The poppy plant. If I hear someone's a heroin addict like
Starting point is 00:58:45 taylor said i really think of them in a different light than like an oxycontin guy and um they just didn't seem to like and then i thought i think you should though x jaws said that yeah cocaine was not as um like powerful as adderall was now i don't know if he's comparing dosage to dosage or whatever. Well, see, the problem with that is the potency of the cocaine. Like, I doubt. So X-Jaws was perfectly able to get his hands on the best of the best Adderall. I guarantee it. But who knows what kind of cocaine he's getting his hands on.
Starting point is 00:59:17 You know what I mean? Like they cut that shit time and time again. He's getting Crystal Light and Flower and a little bit of shitty Mexican Coke or something. That's possible. I didn't consider that. But the prescription thugs, if you watch it and it has the same impact on you that it did me, you'll come out of it thinking like, dude, there's a really kind of blurry fine line between what a doctor gives you and what you buy on the streets. All this stuff is dangerous.
Starting point is 00:59:43 Adderall is an amphetamine. On my bottle of Adderallall is an amphetamine i mean on my bottle of adderall it says amphetamine salts like it's it's straight up like blitzkrieg war amphetamines although i'm sure that what they had was probably a little rougher and a little more powerful for you i i just i don't know it it makes you think and and i'm like wow this prescription drug stuff is crazy that stuff's bad i was prescribed that prednisone for a while which is a steroid for inflammation it fucked me up in like three or four different ways i felt like it made me like put on water weight and like low energy
Starting point is 01:00:14 so low energy um fucking sleepy just it was terrible i hated it when i worked at cisco in it i kind of was on it for a while so in in this area, because it's Research Triangle Park, and they changed the zoning, do all these favorable things for tech companies. And that means that not only is like Cisco and IBM here, but Pfizer and Merck and all these like big pharma companies are here too. And there's the other major job provider.
Starting point is 01:00:38 I used to think to myself like, man, I wish I was at Pfizer, you know? As great as my Cisco job is, and they treated me well and fairly and whatever. Like there'd be some satisfaction in working on some life-saving drugs. Or even if they were just like the cured of warts or something, at least there's more satisfaction in that. General warts?
Starting point is 01:00:57 Any wart. I don't know. But like, you know, just, just something. Me busting my ass to make sure that when Taylor calls in, he gets like an available call rep in less than 30 seconds. Just something. Me busting my ass to make sure that when Taylor calls in, he gets an available call rep in less than 30 seconds. This is only so rewarding, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:01:16 You're not like, yes, that guy went from mildly satisfied to moderate. You know? Only somewhat dissatisfied. Guys, come over here. Yeah, right? He's coming over from complete. That was the sort of thing. I'm like, all right here. Yeah, right? Just walk me over from complete. That was the sort of thing I'm like, all right, you know, this order status page,
Starting point is 01:01:31 it didn't used to be that you could click on the tracking number and it took you right to FedEx, but I wrote the thing that could figure out whose tracking number that was and then just link to the right one. That was me. It's good, but I'm not fixing the world. So I used to be like, maybe I should get a job at Merck or Pfizer or whoever. And now I don't feel that way anymore.
Starting point is 01:01:51 I don't think Merck is in the business of really helping people. They're in the business of selling drugs. They're responsible to their shareholders. It's just like any giant corporation like that. It's so multifaceted. The guy who's down there in the lab or whatever might have a real fucking passion trying to be like all right we're gonna figure this out and this is gonna be able to you know fix hiv even if it's already transitioning into aids or whatever and he's
Starting point is 01:02:16 working his ass off like that dude doesn't get any input when sales and marketing steps in and is like all right this is great how much does it cost to make well i mean the first this is something that's misleading like that martin shkreli thing that i read they say they'll say something like this pill only costs a dollar to make it's like yeah the second pill takes a dollar to make that first pill probably cost 180 million dollars to make because it was so much fucking research. So it's not like they just, you know, hit a home run on the first try. But anyway, back to the thing. That pill, I think, was 17 or 18 years old, though.
Starting point is 01:02:54 I'm just saying that as far as pharmaceuticals, like that argument of, like, this thing costs, like, 30 cents to make. Like, it doesn't take into account all of the R&D that's super intensive with hundreds of people who are no slouches. It's not like, all right, get in a bunch, bring a bunch of gardeners in here to start looking around for answers. I've been donating money for that AIDS and cancer research since I was a child, though. Like, I feel like I should get a discount. On AIDS?
Starting point is 01:03:17 For AIDS and cancer, yes. You can have them for free, Kyle. Well, maybe not. Maybe not, yeah. All you need is no Trojans. So, Taylor, your mother-in-law-to-be is staying over there? Not anymore.
Starting point is 01:03:33 No, she's gone. How was that? It was fine. We ended up going to a cards game and a blues game and out to eat. It was fine. It wasn't bad at all. Does that prospect sound awful to you? I get along with her well.
Starting point is 01:03:52 So I'm just trying to check because different parents' relationships with their daughters are different and their expectations and such. When she slept over, what was the sleeping arrangements? Where was everyone sleeping arrangements where was everyone sleeping while while she was there uh she slept on our couch and melissa and i slept in bed in our bed okay all right see that see that's a question so you never know maybe it's a very traditional thing and like melissa needs to like pretend like she you know lives in a different bedroom or something i don't know yeah we had to quickly get out like oh my god your bonnet where is it like yeah that's the thing you guys are midwestern we we kind of like
Starting point is 01:04:31 it wasn't acknowledged that jackie was anything but a virgin until our wedding night you know really yeah that like it just like i think it was kind of known. I mean, like, she spent a couple summers with me. And, you know, when I had my own apartment and she visited every weekend, did you think, you know, it was a one-bedroom apartment, right? Like, but, yeah, there was no, like, acknowledgement that that could have happened. It wasn't out open. It was, there was plausible deniability for everyone. And that lets everyone have happened. It wasn't out open. There was plausible deniability for everyone, and that lets everyone be comfortable. Just like...
Starting point is 01:05:09 We were talking about something like this the other day. Oh, yeah, yeah. It was the adultery thing. Adultery thing. How the polite way to cheat on your wife is so that you're not out on the town with some harlot. You're just kind of like going to another state. Or maybe you've got a second family in another state.
Starting point is 01:05:29 But as far as your mistress goes, she's in another city or something like that. That way it's all on the up and up. Yeah, you're not parading your mistress around town. The Clinton way, as they call it. I think they call it the Clinton maneuver. Yeah, no, I'm not. I want to play some. So I've been playing a bunch of uh company of heroes i've been playing with some of the fans and i'm playing a bunch of the uh against the ai
Starting point is 01:05:51 i think i'm polishing my skills up nicely i definitely got chiz beaten i can handle chiz at any rate um it's funny chiz never likes the games that he's not good at he's he's all about starcraft which nobody else really wants to go play is like well I guess I could play some Starcraft to that games just so much more rewarding and it's like yeah because you can't fucking went to the company of heroes we burn your we burn your fields I choose is good at games I can't throw he is so it's so nice to finally find one or two that that I'm better at it man and we don't hang out with him anymore but lefty was perhaps better than Chiz at games.
Starting point is 01:06:28 Lefty, at some games, he was. And Lefty knew that he was... I think he had a bit of pride in his gamesmanship. And I remember him getting a little frustrated at times when games wouldn't go well. And that's the thing about Worms, man. Like, I swear, if you take the best worms player ever to grace this planet and face them up against me i might win like 10 because shit happens in worms
Starting point is 01:06:52 yeah yeah i've definitely yeah like worms is a bit of a crap shoot sometimes they're just we were playing along on like beginner mode so like all the newbie toys and silliness are unlocked and so you can blow up a quarter of the map at a time one player can and when you do that it's a chain reaction of root goldberg machines of water drowning people and and barrels blowing people into the water around the map so it's a real like you meant to do some of that but a lot of those wonderful things ever hit a play pool and just hit it real fucking hard? It's like that.
Starting point is 01:07:27 You don't know where the balls are going, but they're going. Dude, there was a cue ball, a pile of balls, and then a corner pocket. Was I aiming for the corner pocket? Generally. I'm really digging the Company of Heroes. I think it would be more up your alley than some of the other games we've played, Woody. Yeah, because... No economy. really dig in the company of heroes i think it would be more up your alley than some of the other games we've played woody because yeah because um there's no economy there's so much less micromanagement than age of mythology way less this game is um is closer to a third person shooter
Starting point is 01:07:55 than it is to a traditional rts i feel like because like that game that we were playing age of mythology you know you you build a precise number of workers in a timely fashion and assign them to mining gold slash wood slash food. And it's a very precise economy that you have to keep balanced. More of a balancing act. For an hour, you have to keep it perfectly balanced and tuned. Imagine adjusting gauges and tinkering with knobs. That's what you have to do.
Starting point is 01:08:21 And it's on the fly constantly. But with Company of Heroes, you get resources by capturing domination flags and the whole map is littered with them and some of them give you fuel, some of them give you bullets, and some of them give you like victory points like actual domination flags do. You don't even have to hang out at your base at all. You can just hang out where your guys are attacking, set all the waypoints there, and then just use that bottom right menu for everything. Yeah, you just build units and
Starting point is 01:08:45 then fight them. It's more about the paper, rock, scissors notion of heavy machine guns versus mortars versus infantry, and designing good attacks and good defensive strategies and fighting for map position. I'm really digging it. Check out that link. Yeah, I'm clicking.
Starting point is 01:09:08 Wow, that's wonderful. That's good. Who's was this on? Oh, that's on Monday's video. Okay. Yeah, so on Monday's video, I split some wood and stacked it, and I really have too much. Basically, we bought some wood in bulk to save some money,
Starting point is 01:09:21 and then we got a lot of free wood, and now I have too much. Those are, of course, I believe Greekreek archers right i i don't know i had to google them but so sour patch adults wrote uh with all that wood you should really start pumping out some tox odies did i pronounce it right toxicities toxicities okay so apparently they are something that takes advantage of wood in... It's an archer....Age mythology. All right. Well, they use wood to kill things, I guess. Very effective strategy. I think Saur likes to employ a three-town center Toxites rush scenario sometimes.
Starting point is 01:09:56 Ah, very ineffective. Ill-advised. The archer rush. Shoot that building down! You're really just building more defenses for them as the arrows land. I suppose so. I guess that's
Starting point is 01:10:15 probably a show there. I wanted to talk about Game of Thrones, but we're pretty deep into it. Alright, so that was Painkiller Nearly episode 91. Complete company of heroes with me.

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