Painkiller Already - PKN #94

Episode Date: June 10, 2016

It's PKN time baby!...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 We're nearly episode 94. Kyle, you had a story you wanted to tell? Yeah, so a pretty rare occurrence happened on Sunday, I guess. Me, my girlfriend, and Kitty were all out of the house at the same time, which like never happens. Someone's always home. And during that time, Kitty's toilet started overflowing or like leaking or something. I don't know what, but by the time we got back and discovered it it had like leaked through the floor and like the ceiling in the basement and one room had like fallen down so that was a pretty serious plumbing emergency but now what was the nature of the the
Starting point is 00:00:36 moisture and water clean water or it was clean water yeah it was clean water yeah that's a good one yeah because i've seen small miracles you God for small miracles, you know? Yeah, yeah, absolutely. We should go into like a whole anti-Woody tirade right now now that he's gone. He'll never check this. There won't be enough time. Yeah, all right. So we get back, and the ceiling is like melted down. But Kitty got a friend of hers to come over who has some contracting experience,
Starting point is 00:01:03 and they're going to get it all worked out. I think they replaced some stuff today and I think going to come back in the middle of the week and put the ceiling back up and track down. I think there might be some issue with one of the ducts. I think that not like quack quack like the you know venting ducts with a T. I think some water may have gotten into one of those so that needs replacing but I don't know it's probably probably $1,000 worth of damage. It's not a huge deal. The deductible, I think, for our homeowners insurance is probably more than that, but what I did get out of the deal
Starting point is 00:01:32 was a big fucking toilet to destroy, so I loaded that thing. I loaded that thing up in the truck. Yeah, I loaded that thing up in the truck and took it over to the farm and put five, five, no, seven, seven pounds of explosives inside of it. And I swear to God, there was nothing left.
Starting point is 00:01:52 Nothing. I couldn't find anything. There was just bits, little tiny bits and pieces when this thing went off. It was really powerful. So it's just a lot of porcelain showering down and raining the whole area? Oh, yeah. That's dangerous. A lot of people probably haven't done this, but I have
Starting point is 00:02:07 exploded porcelain toilets before with Kyle. It is crazy sharp. It is really... I think glass is safer to pick up. This is like dragonglass. It breaks off into these razor sharp obsidian-like edges. That's how you can break
Starting point is 00:02:23 car windows. If you have a small piece... if you have a small piece like uh the the shadow glass if you have a small piece of porcelain uh or ceramic uh i know ceramic works really well i thought i saw somebody do it the piece of like a toilet head too if you throw it at it it'll just shatter like it's nothing yeah not to go off on a card tangent a guy did it with a piece of spark plug about the size of a pea. I've seen that too, yeah. It's because it's so hard. I think it's like tungsten in that, right?
Starting point is 00:02:50 And so it's just so much harder than the glass. No, it's the spark plug ceramic on the outside. That's what they're using. The white part. Yeah, the white part. But the other thing that you can do if you're not walking around with, you know, a pocket full of ceramic shards, is you can pop the seat, the headrest off, and the bottom of the headrest, that's made to do that.
Starting point is 00:03:10 That's hardened and pointy. Now, I thought you were supposed to take the headrest and use it as a lever. What were we doing, like vandalizing cars? Well, no, if we were breaking into cars, it'd be very suspicious to be walking around with the back of a seat, you know, like a headrest. Yeah, that wouldn't be good for that.
Starting point is 00:03:28 Alright, so... But back to the explosive thing, I've been tinkering around with explosives a lot this week. We made a claymore. I put explosives on the back of a steel plate, and then I put ball bearings on the other end of that.
Starting point is 00:03:43 And then I pointed this thing at my target and I detonated it from the back. And when it went off, it shot a field of like large steel ball bearings through barrels, through picket fencing. And the plate itself did what I thought it would do. It turned into a shape charge and it kept going and going and going. We saw where it ricocheted off the ground like 200 yards away and up a hill. You could look through the trees and see where limbs had been cut in half
Starting point is 00:04:14 and stuff. Will this be on a video? I feel like your objective at this point is to make the federal government rue the day they licensed you to do this. Yeah, yeah. I think for that, if I had three or four of those homemade claymores set up,
Starting point is 00:04:29 pointed at some stuff, to hit them with a detonator and get them all to go off at once, I think we're definitely going to do that against a car or something. Maybe mix in some magnesium or something into the shot canisters so that we get fire.
Starting point is 00:04:45 How high does it go? High. Oh, like the field of the death field? I mounted the thing at like waist level, and it seemed to go like six feet. It was like, and it depends on the range, right? Because it's always spreading out. But at about eight or nine yards, you know, like 25 feet away, it was as wide as, it was 25 feet wide and six feet high.
Starting point is 00:05:14 So like, you know. So it doesn't really just drift off that much. It stays pretty low to the ground. It was pretty tight in that area. Yeah, yeah. It was shooting into the pattern because I don't want to go too much into describing how I made this thing because I think probably not great,
Starting point is 00:05:31 but I had the ball bearings in a canister so that they would be dispersed really evenly and circularly instead of just... Sometimes I see that terrorists will use duct tape when they do theirs. And they'll have the duct tape layers of ball bearings. But this was a whole canister of them, which seemed to work a lot better. Yeah. So the terrorist tips and tricks videos on YouTube, not helpful.
Starting point is 00:05:59 No, no, no. See, that's what I want to avoid. See, that's the edge you walk, right? Between, like, demonstrating explosives and having a terror tips and tricks channel, right? You got to be careful. And in that regard, it's going to be like, all right, so I have some homemade claymores here.
Starting point is 00:06:16 Let's just leave it at that. I don't think we need to go into recipes and such. You're not necessarily going to teach them how to construct claymores. Yeah, and I never have, I guess. It's not like I'm like, look at all this shit we put in this car. We don't show like...
Starting point is 00:06:32 Yeah, it doesn't seem like a good idea. So I have seen you mention at a high level, our friend there is soaked with gasoline, right, and is a magnet or something, but that's not the same. Everybody, like, that's fine. Interesting. Did we lose Taylor?
Starting point is 00:06:46 It looks like we did. Your picture has perfectly shifted into his spot for some reason. Wait. Oh, no. I'm sorry. I'm like, now it looks terrible. But I see it's because you own the whole screen. You don't look terrible.
Starting point is 00:07:02 You just look a little split in the middle. Like this. Okay. Yeah. We'll see if he split in the middle. Like this. Okay. We'll see if he comes back. Is that better? It is. It is. Well, all right.
Starting point is 00:07:12 So let's see. I think that was all of my stuff. I went to Sacramento. And I know you don't watch the vlogs. I watched them all. I made two good ones, I thought. Like, I was looking at the editing, the music choices. I was like, you know, I would watch this.
Starting point is 00:07:31 I think I'm up to date. I haven't watched the most recent one. It's like the return video, I guess. But I definitely watched all the travel ones to see what was going on with that. Because I think someone said on Twitter that you'd had missed missed a flight or we're gonna miss a flight or something yeah and uh and uh so I tuned in to to see all of that so the first flight like the leg that went from Raleigh to Denver they landed it too hard like upon its arrival to Raleigh so it was delayed by an hour to I don't know if they had to fix it or it had inspect it. One of those two.
Starting point is 00:08:08 But as it came into Raleigh, they landed too hard. And I imagine alarms going off in the cockpit and stuff like, sucky landing, sucky landing. And the mechanics have to come out and make sure they didn't break the plane. So because of that, we went out to Denver an hour late, missed our connection. And that set off a chain of events that was very stressful for Hope. Yeah, I could see. She was crying. That was really sad.
Starting point is 00:08:30 I didn't know she was crying. Like, when I did that, it was like we had just gotten some information or something. Or, like, maybe the flight just was taxiing. I forget what it was. But, like, it had become apparent that we weren't making it. So I was like, all right, I'm going to do an update here because we kind of learned that we're not going to make our connection. And then, like, she's over there and it's like, is she crying? Like. Yeah, it caught me out of nowhere.
Starting point is 00:08:55 I was, like, watching and then I was like, oh, shit, she's crying. I don't respond well to women crying at all. So I'm just like, oh, no, what's going on? What happened? i'm the opposite i'm cruel as terrorist attack not all the time but like like i see a girl crying and it's like really like that's your best response to this situation that you know um but you know she was like i can't possibly win now it's like oh that's not true and uh i pulled out the swim story and anyway but yeah so in the end I drove all night and got her to the hotel and you know she was ready the next morning
Starting point is 00:09:35 she did okay well if you if you didn't see today's and you didn't see the results she was a little confused on how to read them. But she averaged about top third in her room. That's how they grade it. They stack rank all the people in that room. And then they take your average grades in your rooms and figure out who was the best, right? So if you win your room all the time, then you move on. And she finished about top third,
Starting point is 00:10:04 and top quarters went on to the next round. And there were a few like odd results. Like there was one, like there were three judges and she was ranked first, second and last in her room. And it's like, what happened there? Like, why did that judge not fall in line with the other two? But, you know. You think that it was because she was a ginger yes yeah i think it's a kind of racism towards pale people that's what i told her too yeah yeah you should you should you should tell her that it that it turned out that it was um it was uh that they
Starting point is 00:10:40 put some uh minority ahead of her and that that's what happened. One thing I liked about the vlogs, all the vlogs she's in, there was like zero reference to any kind of politics or feminism or whatever. And I feel like people see Hope and they only see her on her soapbox. And these were some videos where they got to see the Hope that I know, the one that's not on her soapbox, the one that's dancing at the fair. And it was pretty cool. She's really well-received in the videos too. Good.
Starting point is 00:11:12 That was nice. I told my wife, like, yeah, everybody loves Hope in these videos. And she's like, that's your job. Make her look good. Yeah, I think we all watched along. Me and Taylor were talking about it last night about the flight and everything. We've been playing a lot of Company of Heroes. Yeah, that's a good game. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:29 I'm not sucked into it, but almost like that time I took pills for my wisdom teeth, I can see how people are. Yeah, it's a lot of fun. Yeah. And it's more, once you get the hang like how you create a machine gun and a tank you don't really need to know much else because it's not like there's a guide that says okay now build two machine guns plus one mortar you just eventually learn to like look at the battlefield like a real world battlefield and be like oh yeah that building needs a machine gun in it or oh yeah
Starting point is 00:12:00 they've got a machine gun in that building that needs a mortar to kill it and you just kind of flew it after at that point yeah i i in the night that we played figured out how to make most things i mean i was making tanks and stuff so you know i got to that level and i was doing upgrades on people it was all the micro that i wasn't getting like oh you can take over houses in what situation do you take a house when is it time to leave a house how do you take a house? When is it time to leave a house? How do I take a house for another person? Which I know to be mortars. Like, I don't know. When to set up? I was, if someone is set up, I guess I couldn't be smarter about swiping.
Starting point is 00:12:33 You can call Taylor's back on Skype, by the way. Oh, all right, thank you. He just popped on. Yeah, tried it. Yeah, it's surprisingly very realistic. So, you know, things that work in the real world work in the game. There's not a whole lot of things that are like, hey, well, that doesn't make any sense.
Starting point is 00:12:53 Why can't he just spin around? Because physics, you know, a lot of that applies. So you can get inside of any building in the game, I think. And just like in the real world world if the building only has one window then only one guy can shoot out the fucking window um but if the but if it you know sometimes it's a six-man squad so if you've got six windows they that it's it's optimal um but if you put 12 guys in there you're just wasting the other six guys there's a lot of like stuff like that that's that's exactly like it is in the real world.
Starting point is 00:13:26 I was just going to ask you to move to the center, Kyle. Thank you. Welcome back, Taylor. We were just talking about Company of Heroes and such. Oh, well, fuck. What did we... Did I miss out on the whole thing, Kyle? No, no. We just got started.
Starting point is 00:13:37 I was just telling him that we've been playing a good bit of Company of Heroes. He was recounting his travel stories. You guys watch my vlogs together? I feel like I'm the new wings Yeah Yeah, but your stuff is actually entertaining instead of just Well for a different reason though, it's not rip on wings he hasn't carved in a while I Interpret I make all these inferences and stuff like oh wings oh, Wings had... So Wings, for example, lost seven pounds, right?
Starting point is 00:14:07 Did he? When? A lot of times. A month ago. Okay. Yeah. So I think if I have my numbers right, he lost 12 pounds, and then he gained five back. And he was still in high spirits about that.
Starting point is 00:14:21 And when you weigh 460-ish, 450 450 ish something like that um you know a five pound fluctuation doesn't mean the same thing that it would mean to like kyle no that's a big poop and then like it's been about four weeks now four and a half weeks since he's done his last weight loss update so i'm making all kinds of guesses about this i don't think he's saving up a big surprise i think he's falling off the train. Yeah. I doubt he's going to be like, hey, I bet you didn't expect this. If you're doing really well, you usually aren't
Starting point is 00:14:52 taking months off in between. I doubt he's going to come back and be like, I lost 48 pounds. That would be great. I don't think he has any excuses this time either. Because one of his big excuses for his failure when he returned home after my house was that oh there's coca-cola and donuts and pizza but now
Starting point is 00:15:11 he has the house to himself i think and it and i think he's got drew helping him as well and i watched one of his recent videos me and taylor watched it and it was like um i i don't know what to call the guy i think it's one of his Twitch moderators. He met up with the guy in real life. Was it the 71 one? No. Okay. He had dark hair, a mustache, and he had a DSLR around his neck.
Starting point is 00:15:35 Sorry, the one I'm thinking. Oh, I know that one. Yeah, yeah, yeah. He met him at the beach. Yeah, yeah. That was his last vlog. It was. It was.
Starting point is 00:15:52 So, something like that yeah um so um you know i feel like he's got a support system around him he's got people who are willing to help him and he probably has the house to himself and at the very least i'd say he's the only grocery buyer in his house you know that's safe to say it's you know if his brother or a sister or somebody like that's been like that where he's been the only grocery shopper in the house like a couple months. Yeah Yeah, okay Yeah, if that was his big excuse then this should make a big difference, and it does make a huge difference I know that like and when there have been periods of my life where I'm the exclusive grocery buyer like if I asked if Especially if I'm like by and single, I'll lose
Starting point is 00:16:25 weight so quick because there's just not any fucking thing to eat. I might go out and splurge, but when I get home, there's no snacks. I'm like, shit, there's not even any soda I'm having to make lemonade or something in there. I've told my wife. So many times I just eat
Starting point is 00:16:41 bullshit crackers or snacks when i was single in my own place because it was like i want to go see if i have something to eat on it's like no you don't have cheeses you don't have goldfish you have oyster crackers from a buffet from three years ago well well i guess i'll just won't be hungry i'll just be hungry a bit like whatever i'm not gonna leave and get food but the hungrier you get and the later the night goes on the lower your um the the lower your expectation what am i looking for it's like 6 p.m i don't have anything for dinner 7 p.m i don't have anything for dinner by the time you're at like 10 p.m you know what stovetop stuffing can
Starting point is 00:17:16 be a dinner in its own yeah anything like that or oh pizza you know they're still delivering you know and i haven't eaten all day better get a large like yeah Oh, that's how lower your standards every hour and the thing is I guess the same thing happens like at a bar right like It starts getting close to last call and you're like hey that girl over there with the lip maybe Get something going on with her come here does that Ooh, I'm getting ideas. Yeah, standards drop. And the same thing, like late at night and like for whatever reason. What I'll usually do if I really break down is I'll go to Waffle House because they're open 24 hours a day.
Starting point is 00:17:53 I'll call in that pickup order, and they don't want to take my pickup order anymore because I always get big orders, so they'll let it ring like 30, 40 times. But I know their game. I'll let it ring, and eventually they've got an answer, and I love doing uh and i love doing that i love that's what you want a bunch of waffle house employees with nothing to lose resent well people are watching them you know like like they can't go in the back and do a thing like i mean they're they're right there cooking everybody's eggs and shit up it's i like waffle house i i don't care for it it's like but i don't like ihop either i feel like places
Starting point is 00:18:25 that sell you breakfast foods i feel like it's it's it more than other restaurants it's overcharging you for bullshit where like if you get a burger you can make a nice burger at home and it'll you It's not... Oh, they're both frozen. I mean, pancakes and eggs? It's nonsense. Shouldn't be paying $9 for that. I don't know. They're good, though. And they're not $9. You can get, like, the All-Star
Starting point is 00:18:58 Grand Slam special things are always like $5 to $7, and it's like ham and eggs and bacon and three or four different things, and endless coffee and juice, and and you know you get to go hang out with the ihop people and at three in the morning that's an interesting crowd restaurants become a whole different thing when you have a family i take my gun in like i would do you're like all right hey it's not nine dollars it's five dollars yeah then you take four people and all of a sudden you're like damn like this is like 50 bucks to do this yeah do you want some of that oj that they are keeping in a vault back there where you're
Starting point is 00:19:32 like i want a small orange juice oh that'll be 350 can i get a refill no you can't have a refill this orange you don't even know how good this is this is it's still from concentrate i hate that i hate that yeah I'm not familiar with all this. I really enjoy Denny's, IHOP, and Waffle House. All of the breakfast all day places. I really enjoy them and I usually save them for special occasions on vacation and stuff.
Starting point is 00:19:56 IHOP has all the stuffed French toast things, which is like a big dessert really that you're eating for a meal, but I don't care. It's delicious. It's incredible. It's really good. It's like full of cream cheese and shit. And Waffle House is really greasy and, I mean, they're the
Starting point is 00:20:11 world's largest supplier of T-bone steaks. I don't know if you know that. They make a pretty good steak. Are you serious? Absolutely, yeah. The world's largest supplier of T-bone steak is Waffle House. They make no claim to be the world's best supplier of T-bone steak. No, House. They make no claim to be the world's best supplier of T-bone steak. No, no they don't. Just most frequently served.
Starting point is 00:20:28 They sling the most T-bone steak on the planet. That's what they claim. It's not a claim to fame, it's just they do it. I bet they did that because IHOP made some big boast about how many eggs they're cracking. And the people at Waffle House were sitting around their
Starting point is 00:20:43 boardroom just, we gotta have something. How many steaks do we serve? And they're cracking and the people at Waffle House were sitting around their boardroom just, we gotta have something. How many steaks do we serve? And they're like, we're looking at the board like it's fucking Matt Damon and Good Will Hunting. I think we got something here. Come back tomorrow.
Starting point is 00:20:53 We'll figure this out. You know? Well, I like the breakfast places. They're among my favorite places to go. I really like, I like them all, but IHOP's the best. I don't mind, like, the
Starting point is 00:21:07 independent brunch places as much, even though that's more expensive. I feel like you're getting better breakfast. Get a really fancy espresso or something there, maybe. Never had espresso. You've never had espresso? Have I?
Starting point is 00:21:23 Oh, I guess I have. It's just a different kind of coffee, right? Yeah, it's super concentrated. It's a tiny... You do it in shots. After my experience in LA, I bought an espresso machine. And now I've just always got espresso. It's like a K-cup machine,
Starting point is 00:21:41 but it makes just a shot at a time of espresso. And I get bored with that, so I'll make three or four of them and just have an espresso beverage. They're delicious. Is that really waking you up every morning? Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Big time. Big time.
Starting point is 00:21:54 Yeah, yeah, yeah. I fire out of the bed when I get a few of those in me. I'm really into them. Well, other than soda, do you drink a lot of caffeine? Like regular coffee um like i have one cup of coffee in the morning but i've replaced that with like a cafe latte type thing where just milk like steamed milk and uh the espresso lots of espresso uh maybe i'll get into that what do you don't drink coffee at all do you i sometimes do i probably have like two or three cups a month so i'm not like never and when i do it's nice and i think the way i
Starting point is 00:22:33 have it done is called light and sweet so i have cream and i have sugar and it's a it's a tasty coffee i try black coffee and i'm like i don't't get why people prefer this. I prefer it just because I don't have to stand there at that little counter and just be like measuring it, like ripping open packets and pouring stuff in. Like just whatever. Just drink it. Hypothetically, what if someone did all that for you? Then what would you prefer?
Starting point is 00:22:59 Then I would want no sugar, but a little bit of milk in there. Okay. Yeah, some cream in there. That'd be better. I like cream and sugar. Not too much sugar, though. I want to be able to still taste the coffee, like a little bitter.
Starting point is 00:23:12 I want like 20% of the bitter to still be there. I like feeling like it's going to wake me up. If it's really tasty, it's like, oh, this is a warm drink. Like, oh, I'm cozy and I'm liking this. I want a little bit of a kick in the coffee where it's like, oh, you like that? No, you didn't. That was real bitter, wasn't it? It's waking you up.
Starting point is 00:23:34 That wasn't how you wanted to start your day, but here we are. That's what coffee should be. Did you guys see the backlash to Game of Thrones talk from, I guess it was this weekend. It's like a week ago for us, but did you see it? The backlash on you? Yeah. Yeah. They were all mad that I didn't give a crap about Hodor.
Starting point is 00:23:52 There has been a little bit of an overreaction. It's subtle, you know? I just know you guys don't even look at that sort of thing. I saw it. I was busy. While they were flipping out, I like you know in california for the weekend and stuff i didn't really have time to be yelled at but um i i have a couple of things one so i saw the most recent one and i don't think this is too much of a spoiler there's
Starting point is 00:24:17 another one no no no the most recent game of thrones, okay. And all these White Walkers are chasing Bran. Like, it left off from where the other one, you know, it picked up where the other one left off. And I'm like, no, no. Don't make them right in, like, the opening seconds of the next thing. Because your guys' argument was that Bran's magic was going to wipe out all the White Walkers. And my argument, which I didn't make very well, was like, magic hasn't had a big impact on the show thus far. Dragons haven't had a big impact on the show thus far. People will argue that they did, but I would argue this, the most powerful influence
Starting point is 00:24:56 of the show so far is money. Money is the thing that's why the Lannisters are where they are. It's why everyone is where they are. Even Daenerys, I hope I say her name right, Dany. Let's call her Dany. Even Dany is in the position she is because she used the dragons as currency. Now they turn out to be bad currency because they just come back to her. But she bought her first army using dragons and then their currency. Money has made everything happen. Not dragons, not magic, not anything.
Starting point is 00:25:25 And the show's opening. And I'm like, but she didn't buy that army. She didn't buy that army though. She, she, she, she,
Starting point is 00:25:31 she threw down that. She, she was like, you know, will you fight for me? And they wanted to fight for it because she burned the masters. Uh, the way I remember it is she bought the army with one or two dragons.
Starting point is 00:25:43 I think it was one dragon. And then the dragon burned him. And that's how she got the army. I thought of it not so, like, too, like, I know what you mean, Kyle, but I always thought of it more of, like, they don't know anything but being slaves. And so when someone else stepped in and killed the master, they're like, well, this is kind of like being a captain on a pirate ship you're the master now like that's kind of how i pictured it and it
Starting point is 00:26:09 just so happened that they liked her like as a master you know maybe so but she's definitely through leader okay i see your point in that regard but i i think magic while it hasn't been displayed very much in the in the show we've seen a ton of it in the books to this point. We've seen zombie bears. We've seen all kinds of people being resurrected and brought back to life. We've seen fire ropes that people climb into the sky. So the fire ropes weren't in the TV shows. I was saying specifically the books, though.
Starting point is 00:26:45 In the books, you've got tons and tons of magic. But the people coming back, you know, I guess there's Lady Stoneheart, too. That's not in the show. But you guys were like, Bran is obviously going to use magic. And what I pictured in my head when you were saying he was going to kill all the White Walkers was something like Lord Sauron from Lord of the Rings. Taylor, do I have his name right? You know in the opening scenes as they're describing how powerful the ring is and he takes a sword and every swing of it seems to kill like 40 people in a horde. Are you with me?
Starting point is 00:27:16 It's a mace, but yeah. Thank you. And the fellow's name who's doing that swinging? That would be Sauron. Oh, I did have it right. Okay. Lucky. Yes. name who's doing that swinging that would be sauron oh i did have it right okay lucky is this yes even the i was gonna give you a wrong name but then i'm like that's just disrespectful to
Starting point is 00:27:30 the story even a blind squirrel finds a nut every now and then so lord sauron was killing like 40 people and that to me is how you were describing bran's power bran is going to kill all the white walkers etc when i swing his legs it's equally likely that brand's major contribution to the show is just fucking up and letting them pass the wall right like they touched his arm they can't get past the wall he'll go south of the wall now the white walkers can too there's brand's contribution you know we've had other people who were set up to be like the quintessential heroes in the story like rob stark who are just dead now we've had lots of things that were set up to be important like the dire wolves who really haven't turned out to be very important
Starting point is 00:28:08 at all um you know they die unceremoniously i think that's more because the dire wolves cg on the wolves people say that but it's not like the dire wolves played a much bigger role in the book well and and the other thing is like it's not that the dire wolves the dire wolves existence was the cool thing. Not that they were destined to each go and do an amazing thing. Just the fact that they were there was a bit of magic. It was a bit of a sign from the gods. It was like the first step.
Starting point is 00:28:38 It was like Magic 101, where it's like the first clue of them not being blown away like dragons. Of like, holy fuck, they're back! Just kind like we found some dire wolves in the in the woods over here that's pretty crazy right like who knew those were still around and people are like yeah we haven't seen them in generations like not since the olden you know tomes of magic were still lighting up or whatever they they say like i hear you it was kind of indicative i felt like the dire wolves were kind of positioned to play a more telling role in the story. Many characters were, but that's his style, right? Okay, perfect. Thank you for saying that.
Starting point is 00:29:11 Many characters have been positioned to play major roles, and then they just kind of get wiped out. But they've always been the traditional archetype. When I hear Bran is positioned to obviously be the key person, the head of the dragon, this, that, He's going to kill all the White Walkers. I think, aha, I've fallen for this five times before. You know, I'm not so sure. I'm not so sure magic is really the important thing here because thus far, really money is.
Starting point is 00:29:36 The difference being is that characters like Rob are like the king. It's a traditional archetype of the hero. POV characters aren't ran is literally a paralyzed i mean he was the smallest of them already in the youngest and the and the least consequential but but now he's also paralyzed and just lost to the winds up there but he is the key he's he's he's both um what do they call it a green seer and a and a warg so he's like the most magical guy in the whole show I guess he seems like he bridges the gap between
Starting point is 00:30:09 humans, white walkers, people of the forest and nature itself so it seems like what I'm thinking is that his magic doesn't have to be like you know like lord of lightning kind of shit where he's like shooting out bolts at the walkers and
Starting point is 00:30:25 they're exploding it could just be that he's the only one that has the ability to propagate all the necessary information and delineate that into the heads of everyone in westeros and teach them like suddenly they just have the information of this is how you kill the white walker and somehow oh there's dragon glass because it's magically that's another thing maybe he knows how to make dragon glass and that and that becomes his major contribution but all i'm saying is i've seen lots of characters and animals and whatnot be set up to be like the essential role in this thing and now i'm just like let's watch that was the who not this long though it's like there's a there's a core group of guys who kind of like are on the same side virtually,
Starting point is 00:31:09 like Bran and Jon and a couple of... And Tyrion would probably fight on their side, and Daenerys would probably fall in with those people. No, not Rob. I'm talking about the characters who are live now, whose storylines have been going for a very long time. A couple of these people... The question now, I think, as we're getting so deep into the show with maybe two seasons left to go is who are the outsiders if all of these people got in a room together and started making sense to one or another who would the outsiders be and
Starting point is 00:31:36 those people are all going to die for sure and at least one of the others is going to die who's on the outside in your head like who are you the lannisters the lannisters are no not danny danny's danny's gonna be in charge danny's definitely john tyrian brand i feel very safe they're all gonna be fine at least yeah for the foreseeable future when their powers especially cersei cersei not as much because now the cersei thing is like she's gotten too comfortable with not being able to die where she's like you know Jaime's saying like there's a trial coming up and she's like oh it'll be a trial by combat
Starting point is 00:32:12 and I have the mountain and it's like she's brushed it off but no no no like George RR Martin doesn't play that way there's gonna be some nonsense where the mountain loses and Cersei you know gets killed in front of Tommen who knows but I don't feel nearly as safe about Cersei as I did before. I hope the hound burns his face.
Starting point is 00:32:30 If the hound burns the mountain's face, that would be glorious. Because the mountain burned the hound's face. The hound isn't around anymore, as far as we know. He's the gravedigger or whatever. Yeah, that's what he is. You're so bad with these spoilers. Just throw them out there. You just don't care. You just don't care you just don't care you don't know this taylor well i'm talking about our audience at large i don't please um i guess i am bad with the spoilers i don't know
Starting point is 00:32:57 it's it's only a theory there is a theory that the hound exists that he you know because no one saw him die so we don't know and there's a theory that that he's a unnamed character in the book but uh yeah a theory it is a theory what you think it's locked in locked in i don't know i well i do yeah oh okay well all right um you agree with me kyle yeah okay yeah same page i i do think that you remember the conspiracy theory about stanis still being alive and i think that's it's safe to say that's no yeah he's dead he's not coming back when brianne said that she killed him personally i don't i didn't get the impression she was like well i left him for dead no no no yeah she kills all the way yeah that wouldn't be funny though it was like well i left him for dead no no no yeah she kills all the way
Starting point is 00:33:45 yeah that wouldn't be funny though it's like the final the the first real time she gets a chance to fulfill her vows and she just botches it you know she just leaves she's like now that i'm here you have got a lot to sit here and think about he just like turns around and leaves throws a rocket and takes off yeah like she is just she bounces off success and into catastrophic failure at every turn up until the most recent saving of sansa outside of winterfell like that was her first time that anything she tried didn't suck like Did you notice that? The first time. She's had a rough time.
Starting point is 00:34:29 She ends up in bear pits and kidnapped and all kinds of shit. Even when she beat the hound in the fight, it wasn't like watching it. It wasn't like, wow, this is going well. It's like,
Starting point is 00:34:39 oh, I've come to like the hound. He's keeping Arya safe. And he's very clearly mortally wounded already. And you're going at him like he's running through the fucking... Getting ready for the bottom of the ninth in the World Series. Like, ah! Freaking out. And he's hobbling around already. Fighting off bears trying to keep Arya safe.
Starting point is 00:34:58 I'm the one that keeps Arya safe! Like, not you! It was just funny that that's what happened happened where anyway yeah uh i don't care i didn't like that but she's so fucking boring anyway in the opening scenes of the most recent one when like all the white walkers are chasing bran i'm watching it thinking no don't make them right in the first 30 seconds of this show if bran just just Lord Sauron'd this shit, I was like, no, I'll never hear the end of it. But, of course, he didn't. Antypical J.R. or Gurm.
Starting point is 00:35:31 That's what I like to call him. You know, he just did nothing. We were confirmed right in other ways, if you recall. I recall that. Okay, well, then we'll wait a little while. We'll talk about that on PKA when more people have time to see it. That's what I want.
Starting point is 00:35:48 More Game of Thrones talk on PKA. How, how, how? Why, why, why? Oh, did you see those comments? I saw two or three people left them. Two or three? Was there three? Are you sure? Maybe high threes. Well, I still gotta say, it's a great season great season of Game of Thrones
Starting point is 00:36:09 can't say the same about Archer you know I feel like the last couple episodes of Archer have kind of gone downhill and I feel like the writing isn't nearly as smart and quippy as it used to be and the references aren't as like obscure and funny to me
Starting point is 00:36:24 either I was watching season one the other day and they were going way out there with the obscure references in some of these jokes and they're really funny it's because they embraced the whole like you remember the first season someone asked Archer like I mean what year do you think it is and Archer's like actually I don't know like are your guesses as good as mine like the joke is that it could be the 50s or it could be right now and I liked in the earlier seasons where they'd like like right after one another like they'd make a reference to like a current celebrity who's like 95 years old right now and or dead and then they'd make another reference to like someone like Usher and it's like what the fuck is going on like what what year are they in what's happening
Starting point is 00:37:02 I liked that it was it's a fun little well it's definitely like well the soviet union stuff the soviet union is definitely still together so you got that um and krieger is we know they're against the kgb and krieger is over there um he's he's like 40 something um so take and he's a hitler clone so take like 1947, 48, plus 40. It's about 86, 87, I think. So it's one of the only time periods that it doesn't look anything like that it could be. Because it looks nothing like the late 80s in that show. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:37:39 Early 80s. Early 80s. I think it's late 70s, early 80s. It's got to be. It has to be. I still like's late 70s, early 80s. It's gotta be. It has to be. I still like the show, but I... I don't know. What are there, like four, two more episodes left?
Starting point is 00:37:51 One? Something. It's almost over and I'm not sad. I've only seen the first, I think, four of this season, but... Maybe I'm just not paying as much attention as you. I think it's on par with last season. I just don't think it's been that good for the past two, maybe even two and a half seasons.
Starting point is 00:38:07 Maybe not. I need to go back and watch. Sometimes it's not the show's fault. But it used to be really smart, and I appreciated that. I'm not getting that this season. There's a lot of times where the dialogue is just, me, me, me. They'll literally do that, and I'm just like, are you just doing a me, me, me? Like mocking the person?
Starting point is 00:38:23 You used to be so witty that I had to Wikipedia what you just said to understand what it meant. And now it's just super childish. Yeah. I don't know. Do you watch Silicon Valley or Veep, the other HBO shows? No.
Starting point is 00:38:38 I'm an episode behind on Silicon Valley. Silicon Valley. So you watch it. I do. Do you think this season is like Melissa and I both after the first few episodes were like there have to be different writers this season like this is different and it's just not as funny as it used to be and I checked and it's similar people like not all the same but good lord that show has fallen off yes like not it doesn't suck
Starting point is 00:39:02 now but it was just so hilarious yeah the first two seasons that it can't it it's not even close anymore i agree yeah it's just it also feels a lot less edgy like when the grown-up beat up the kid to steal his adderall i was dying and and it was like like most shows won't take that risk but like the guy needed Adderall and the person who needed it was kind of wimpy so he goes out there and he's like just ruthlessly like an adult could do to a kid like grabbing him by the back
Starting point is 00:39:34 of his neck he's on a BMX bike and he's like you'll get me the goddamn Adderall and he like comes down with it and it was so funny to me that that guy was getting shit done now it's all like boardroom ceo power plays and it's dull and it's just i don't know in the scene he was coughing from marijuana couldn't end soon enough for me i was so annoyed at that yeah that was aggravating
Starting point is 00:40:01 i know what you're talking about that scene you you mentioned where Erlich beats up the kid for his Adderall. I loved that because every single show where an adult fights a child, no matter what genre, it's a truth across the board that the kid has to somehow make it out and be okay, or the kid has to pull some nonsense that would never really happen and run through the perpetrator's legs and hightail it with their hair. Or the kid has to pull some like nonsense that would never really happen and like run through the perpetrator's legs or the kids are black you know and they're fucking oshkosh be gosh coveralls all the way down the street like surviving no i liked this because it showed what would happen if an adult man fought a child where he was like the kids being all smarmy if
Starting point is 00:40:38 i'm not gonna give you my adderall tell my mom and he's like oh are you gonna tell your mom are you gonna fucking tell your mom what you're gonna do is run in there and get my fucking Adderall. And he just pushes the kid down. You can see the strike that he had. You just can't compete. Sprints in there, grabs it, sprints back out. It's like, that's perfect. Like, you didn't ruin it with a stupid montage of, like,
Starting point is 00:40:58 you know, kids hitting him with Whippleball bats or something stupid. Like, you just showed what would happen. Half a second confidence. i wish they started the wiffle ball bullshit and he just like because like if if you hit me with the wiffle ball bat and then i grabbed the other side of it we both have ownership of it at this point like i would just love it if you grabbed it was like what you thought this would work and starts hitting him with the tail end of it or something that would be great i uh yeah no it was it was fun
Starting point is 00:41:24 to watch how ruthless he was. He actually had value for one of the first times, whereas most of the time that character's kind of a hanger-on. Yeah, he's a complete leech, but he's probably the funniest character in the show remaining, I think. Him or the sarcastic guy
Starting point is 00:41:40 with the long hair. The beard and the long hair from Freaks and Geeks. He's fine. That guy and his relationship to the Indian guy, they're perfect together. Yeah, that's my favorite dynamic in the show is the Indian guy and Freaks and Geeks guy.
Starting point is 00:41:55 You should watch that show, Kyle. I think you would really think it was funny, at least for the first couple seasons. Yeah, we're in season three now. There's a lot of shows I'm looking forward to. yeah we're in season three now there's a lot of shows there's a lot of shows I'm looking forward to I want to I think Peaky Blinders
Starting point is 00:42:10 has a new season coming out I'm looking forward to that I really like that show I wish I did I tried to watch it a couple times I couldn't get into it maybe if I tried again kept falling asleep I mean I got more into it Maybe if I try it again. Kept falling asleep.
Starting point is 00:42:31 I mean, I got more into it in the beginning when it was like, and I didn't watch as much of it as you, Kyle, so I could be wrong, but in the beginning it seemed more like it was like gang rivalries where it was like, you know, oh, we're the Peaky Blinders, and then the other people were like, oh, we're the Fifth Street Skidoos, or whatever, and then you get in a fight, and I was like, okay, this is pretty neat, like, they're fighting for turf, and then it got to be like, oh, you know, we're gonna work from
Starting point is 00:42:52 within the system and get this and that, and I, it, I was just like, oh, no, no, the reason you're fun is because you're not in the system. Like, I don't want to see you basically become a politician and change stuff from the inside as you own your bar. I lost interest.
Starting point is 00:43:08 I like it better when they're cutting people's ears off in men's rooms. And swinging their hats with the razor blades. The blades, yeah. That's awful. That's such a British way to fight. I want to mention that. so i want to mention that so all right before i say this i recognize this is crazy and not true so let me just lay that out there this is crazy and not true but do you sometimes watch like non-americans fight and be like huh if i was in that situation i'd be a superhero those people aren't even americans i
Starting point is 00:43:47 watched um some show about hoodlums fighting each other right and it's a bunch of like a bunch of pudgy englishmen fighting one another and i'm like this is the least scary gang ever like like american gangs from compton frightened me like that shit is just find a way other than fighting to get out of that situation i see these like hoodlums fight none of them look athletic i'm like i don't know how many would i be good for two of them three of them now i'm full of shit i recognize that but that's what goes down in my head i was thinking when those um you know the cologne germany thing like there's a hundred of them like Sexually assaulting women in a corridor or whatever
Starting point is 00:44:29 I don't know how that went down or what kind of woman sees like 13 people get sexually assaulted and says well. I'm gonna give this a go I think it's I think they form a gauntlet I'm losing him. I lost them both. What is happening here? Hopefully they come back. Let me see what I got cooking. We can't be good. Are you back? Now I don't even hear the... So my internet is fine. And it's just Kyle. Huh.
Starting point is 00:45:06 Well, he was saying he thinks they form... Oh, Kyle, you back now? Yeah, I think so. Yeah, they form like a gauntlet at the exit of public transportation, like the subway system or something like that. Yeah, so it's like you get off and immediately you're being assaulted. See, I didn't get that. That's how they get them.
Starting point is 00:45:21 In my head, it was just like a random block where they formed a gauntlet. And I'm like, don't they see all the other people in front of them? You think it was a bunch of lemmings just running off the rape precipice? Maybe it would be different for me. You know, lemmings don't really do that. There's a video on the internet of them doing just that. They don't do it on purpose, though. They don't do it at all.
Starting point is 00:45:45 I'm told that video was an anomaly is what i'm told like uh um anyway it's fake not that it never happens just that it people act like it commonly happens is there like a cat right off screen they're like threatening the lemmings with getting them to run so lemmings have have population explosions so one day and then they disperse to find new food in other areas when they consume all the food locally. So to the outside looking in, you see that one day there's tons and tons of lemmings, and the next day they're all gone. So people think they're all killing themselves or something, but they're just spread now. Circling back on topic. On fact.
Starting point is 00:46:19 In this Cologne thing, I thought to myself, crazy and untrue I know, like, oh, oh if i was there maybe i'd be able to fight off a hundred terrorists you know and like escort these women through the gauntlet just yeah steven segalling whatever do you literal white knight on a crusade yeah like like red cross and red cruiser fix and blazed across his his like body armor and like lance. I imagine him on horseback. So do you... Back back, ladies! Do you ever have those same thoughts that non-American bad guys
Starting point is 00:46:52 are not as tough as American bad guys? No, I don't have that thought. I just feel like you're comparing a rough gang in a downtown area in an urban place where if you come across them, you're going to have a bad where if you're if you come across them you're going to have a bad time if you're of a certain demographic uh comparing that to like big fat fucks in england who just like are you know bumbling about like starting fights with their souvenir new york
Starting point is 00:47:17 yankees bats like mac and it's always sunny but like compare them to americans like stand out like go to a chicago bears game or something and stand out there and count how many soft fat idiots walk out and just juxtapose them over there you know only difference is they're wearing a jersey with a bunch of ads on it and ours just has the team name like that that's it i'm not saying that americans are fitter that's not my argument i'm saying americans who behave badly are fitter it might be it's just an anecdotal situation though right like i think there's scary gangs all over like what about the yakuza like you know what i mean yeah like they frighten me to yeah they're bad like the russians
Starting point is 00:47:58 people are bad but like when i think of a soccer hoodlum i think of like a stringy kind of pasty guy his uh his cheeks are really rosy because he's not used like he's exercising or maybe he's drunk really pale skin already and it's wind chapped from being outside something hoodling hoodlumming it just where is my when i think of an american guy come on lads let's do a bit of hoodlum i got my hoodling mask. So I'm alone on this? Your stereotype of a non-American bad guy is just as scary as the American bad guy? It depends what country you're talking about. If you're saying Russian, I'm going to be like, no, Russian seems scarier.
Starting point is 00:48:36 You ever see those Russian anti-gay mobs where they just beat the shit out of the gay guys? It's rough. Yeah, you wouldn't want to be part of that. The thing about Russians,ians now i'm sure this isn't true everywhere but they seem quick to violence right like if you pop if you flip the bird at a russian in a like road raid situation he very well would come back with a tire iron and actually use it they're passionate people yeah they are a lot of uh dashed cams there because i guess insurance works differently and so everybody just if you get an accident and you don't have footage of it they're kind of like
Starting point is 00:49:11 well fuck off like this is russia where do you think you are like you know so you need to have a video yeah you get a discount on your insurance so everyone just kind of rocks it. Yeah, Russians, I think of them as at least as scary as American bad guys. England, not as much for some reason. The whole Muslim Arab world, I think of them as smaller. Like, I feel like there are bad guys who weigh 150 pounds. I'm not sure if I'm right or not. But that's the thing i've got in my head and i'm completely alone on this you guys just see them all as equally scary well i don't i don't
Starting point is 00:49:53 think that like the canadian like street toughs are quite that scary and when i pictured them but like i don't know you don't want to mess with any mexican gangsters do you you'll end up with a tire around your neck on fire or something like you don't have to go very far to find some scarier people than americans no i'm not saying we're the scariest it's just sometimes when i drop myself into certain countries like the bad guys from here the bad guys from there i'm like ah they wouldn't do like you know i would be a superhero there which again not true um mexico ever see the mob movies you know where you're like why are these mob guys so tough and then it turns out they're tough because they're willing to be so violent like that's their thing you know it's like huh that guy's short he's over 40 he's fat
Starting point is 00:50:40 what makes him tough and then it turns out like yeah his opening fight move is like ballpoint pen to the eyeball and you're like oh fuck you know like that guy goes from zero to 100 that's his thing um that's how i feel about mexican gangs too you know like they're not going to start with a push to the chest and then an open hand slap and slowly escalate into like all right we're all prepared now. This will be a fight, right? No. Yeah, they're taking fingers right off the bat.
Starting point is 00:51:09 Opening move, 6v1, you know, remove an ear, send it for ransom. Like that's step one in these fights. It's no good. Yeah, I know what you mean. Like if someone told you like, all right, I'm going to drop you in the most gang-ridden dangerous place and you gotta fight at least one guy and win otherwise you know you don't win a billion dollars or whatever you have a choice multiple choice you can get dropped in uh i don't
Starting point is 00:51:37 know east st louis you can get dropped in mexico city or london you can get dropped in Mexico City or you can get dropped in some city in Poland or something. Actually, no, not Poland. Those people are kind of Russian. Yeah, let's not do Poland. They're not that bright, which means they're probably violent. They're halfway Russian, so don't fuck with that. Norway.
Starting point is 00:52:00 Okay. Norway. I would take Norway 10 times out of 10. My issue with Norway is I feel like they're large and fit. I really want to drop in. The mountain is Norwegian, isn't he? Well, I'm not going to pick that guy. It's always those, like, Norwegian fuckers who are at those World's Strongest Man competitions lifting boulders the size of a tire up above their heads.
Starting point is 00:52:24 Or you just look at who are the tallest... Yeah, but they're also the same guys who have let it get to the point where they can't piss sitting down in their own country because feminists get too angry about it. Yeah, sure. Like, are they going to come at you with a punch? Who the tallest people on the planet are? And for a long time it was Americans.
Starting point is 00:52:36 Then all of a sudden those... It's not Baltic states. It's Nordic states? Yeah. All of a sudden the Nordic states passed Americans in size. Apparently they have better diets. And it's like, oh shit so i don't know i'm sure they do yeah but like it's do you remember in seinfeld where george and jerry get in the conversation of like asking elaine like if we were to actually if we were to actually fight who would win and like
Starting point is 00:53:00 jerry's an in-shape guy like not muscular anything anything, but he's thin, like a normal-sized guy. George is a short, fat, round man. And Elaine's just like, oh, George, every time. Jerry's like, why? He's like, because George fights dirty. George's like, oh, yeah, groin, hair pulling, biting, anything to win. And it's like, that's the attitude you'd have to have. I feel like, you know, if you saw Quebble Cop and he was in the gang,
Starting point is 00:53:30 and he dropped down and you're like, all right, let's fucking go, you bitch. He'd be like, oh, may I offer you this kooky thirst? And then can we wait about an hour? Or like, it would be different, you know, than dropping into Detroit and going up to someone the same way. It's really what you said. It's the speed of escalation. Like how quickly it goes from, this guy's punching me.
Starting point is 00:53:53 I should defend myself. Or I should run away. To like, oh, this guy's walking up and I don't like his look. Thank God I have a gun right now. Like that kind of shit. Yeah, I don't know what country I think of as the most... Like, doesn't Italy or Spain have, like, a long history of quick retreat in war? I think Italy.
Starting point is 00:54:14 The whole thing... Wait, what is that? For, like, centuries, they're quick to retreat. Yeah. France. Oh, France. Maybe. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:54:24 I feel like we have their history a little wrong. Yeah, it was France. I, France. Maybe. I don't know. I feel like we have their history a little wrong. Yeah, it was France. I'm talking about Italy. Italy would always start these wars. The whole thing was they were like a hungry man with bad teeth, right? They had this great appetite, but they can't execute on it. That's Italy throughout history. That's what they taught us anyway.
Starting point is 00:54:40 I can't hear anything. I just lost everything. Well, yeah. Shucks to that. You ever take a seashell i lost everything well yeah it's like you ever take a seashell and and listen to it that's what you sound like woody you sound like the ocean in a sea when you listen to it in a seashell i'm sure it was a great point but it was mainly just relaxing yeah can you hear me now can you hear me now? Take that as a no.
Starting point is 00:55:08 You can't hear me now? A little. I can hear you well enough to interpret what you're asking, but if you wanted to carry on a complex conversation, I don't think we could accomplish that. All right Alright then. Alright then.
Starting point is 00:55:27 55 minutes in, do you want to call it a show? Probably so. Alright, alright. He's at a point where he couldn't even fully understand that question. So that was Painkiller Nearly, episode 94. We gotta get away from Skype. But I thought it was a good show.
Starting point is 00:55:46 Goodbye everybody.

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