Pappy's Flatshare - Beef Brothers Cold Cuts w/ Emma Sidi S11E48

Episode Date: November 30, 2021

The Beef Brothers are here to sort out your beef with special guest Emma SidiEmma Sidi -’s - you have a flatshare based beef you'd l...ike us to solve then send it to beefbrotherspodcast@gmail.comSupport us on Patreon - by Emma Corsham Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 You can get anything you need with Uber Eats. Well, almost, almost anything. So no, you can't get an ice rink on Uber Eats. But ice tea and ice cream? Yes, we can deliver that. Uber Eats. Get almost, almost anything. Order now.
Starting point is 00:00:12 Product availability may vary by region. See out for details. Greetings, listener dear, I'm Tom. I'm Ben. I'm Matthew and welcome to a fantastic episode of... Really? Yes. Really high pitched, but I'm Ben from I'm Ben.
Starting point is 00:00:29 He's here. It was... Guys, what are you talking about? You know what? He's full of enthusiasm. He's full of Vim and Vigga, because that's another episode. He's full of helium as well. He's been...
Starting point is 00:00:42 He's been huffing those helium balloons. Because it's another fantastic episode of Beef Brothers Coldcuts, and we have a superb guest, Emma Citi, who you all know from Starstruck on the BBC. You may know her from Starstruck. Let's flat. But she's brilliant. And you may have even seen her brilliant live-work as well. Brilliant live-work.
Starting point is 00:00:59 And she made a phenomenal, Spanish language, sort of a little short film, which is, it's basically like a kind of Mexican soap opera teleplay and it is absolutely superb. So look for that wherever you find things. Just started to, started to big it up, could neither remember the name of it nor where you find it. But, yeah. But, yeah. It's very good. nor where you find it but yeah but it's very good. Before we get into it she was yeah I was wrapping up.
Starting point is 00:01:34 No I'm not. Before we get into it I want to bring in a guess she was. See you next time. That's basically what we're going to start doing now for this podcast is we're going to record it, have a wonderful time, and then tell you that we had a great time. Just to keep you guys down. We've been told these are running too long these episodes, so to keep them down, this is four minutes long. It's us telling you how great she is, half remembering credits, and then leaving. Cheers everyone.
Starting point is 00:01:59 Oh my goodness. So I was going to just say, I've got the most superb email from a listener. I wanted to read beefy update from AJ, via Get in touch, guys. AJ writes, dear beef brothers, about six months ago, your guest Katie Wicks read out my beef regarding a neighbor
Starting point is 00:02:19 who woke everyone up with his motorbike at 4am. We remember this well. Yes. Turns out that your advice has been a little bit life-changing. Katie suggested earplugs which helped for a while, but ultimately it was affecting more people than just me, so like a big, brave girl, I decided to pop an anonymous note through motorbike man's letterbox. What I hadn't accounted for was his ring video doorbell, which alerted him to my arrival.
Starting point is 00:02:45 As I was posting the note, he opened the door and caught me. The next few minutes were excruciating. I made out that I'd gone to the wrong flat, but you both knew this was a lie. He asked to see the note, and the more I protested, the more he insisted. I really had no choice. So, hanging my head, I threw it at him and legged it. The main reason that my boyfriend wanted me to tell you that this is that when he read it he felt awful. That's right, motorbike man is now my boyfriend.
Starting point is 00:03:11 What? Yeah, yeah, he was mortified to learn that he was having such a negative effect on the community since then he's adopted the Paris senior approach of walking it to the end of the road before starting it. We're not sure whether this is the first beef brothers love story you've had, but we are planning to move in together and we genuinely have never met without the podcast. The jury, the jury is out and whether the bike goes or not brackets, it will. Thanks and all the best, AJ. AJ, oh my god, when I read this, my heart grew ten sizes. It was so delighted to hear it.
Starting point is 00:03:46 I'm having a heart attack. I'm sorry, please call an ambulance. I'm dying. No, isn't that wonderful? That's amazing. Amazing. That is so great. So it turns out that sending an email into beef brothers
Starting point is 00:04:00 could be a whole new life for you. You could meet the man of your dreams, the motorcycle man of your dreams. If this was a film now, you're gonna jump cut to them, coming out of the church, and you have like get the motor running, and they get on the back of like, what are those big Harley-Davidson's three wheelers?
Starting point is 00:04:14 And we're driving it. And then they pull off, and then we come in behind them. Yes! Yes! Yes! I love it. Oh, on these big kind of bikes.
Starting point is 00:04:25 You've got your own cool rider. That's what everybody wants, right? You want a cool rider. Of course you do. I'm on a life, that's brilliant. I'm really, I'm really chuffed for you AJ. Fantastic, fantastic news. Right, let's see if we can sprinkle our magic starter
Starting point is 00:04:41 stuff as some new numbers. In this episode of Pappy's Flat Share Beef Brothers, a Colt Cuts. Well, if you've got a problem, I'm calling a problem, because you've got a problem calling a beef. If you've got a beef, maybe we can help you be from the sorting out your beef. Thank you for joining us, how you doing? Oh, I'm so good, yeah, no, it's such a pleasure to be here.
Starting point is 00:05:04 I'm a real, um, I guess fan as in you know I'm a fan of you guys and I'm a fan of the concept of sharing flats with people. Because I've never had any other choice. Well have we got the podcast for you? What's your current setup? Who are you, who are you flattered with? You know what? I'm in the final days of a really beautiful flat share. Yeah, it's pretty sad actually. This is the Swan Song. This is the Swan Song. We're moving out in about a week. It's been three years and it is. I mean, they are actually, they are comedians. Should I say their names? Why not? If they're all right, you're all right, let's see. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:45 So it's me, Emma Ciddy. Gosh. We got that much. We weren't that bit out. The weakest link, perhaps. And then Rose Mastaffello and Al Roberts, who also doubles up as my boyfriend. Both of them do.
Starting point is 00:06:00 Both of them double up as my boyfriend. It's good. Very modern. Very modern. Incredible and really hot. Both of them double up as my boyfriend. It's good. Very modern. Very modern. Incredible and really hot. So this is the end. I've lived with Rose for four years.
Starting point is 00:06:12 This has been a flat share for three. And now me and Al are going our separate ways to start a family on Jackie. Wait, you and Al are going together. Your separate ways is one way, right? Wait, you and Al are going together. Your separate ways is one way, right? Yeah, exactly. You have one way separate ways.
Starting point is 00:06:30 It's not a breakup and Rose has a race. But the one way is it to us. Yeah, that is really weird way to express it. It's been really lovely. Rose has asked us to move out and it turns out Rose was the only thing holding us together with the couple. It's right for you. It's a good time. I was going to say that.
Starting point is 00:06:46 There is a certain amount of pressure now on either I was going to say on an album, I think also on yourself. Yeah. You've had three years of this glorious relationship and that's had the magic ingredient of Rose Matterfade. Oh, don't shut up. I don't need that today.
Starting point is 00:07:02 She's relationship glue. That's where she's known as on the circuit, relationship glue. If you announce a TV series that's three years in, it's been starring Rose Matafayo. You know, you're about to go into series four. It's just... Yeah, we're going to get cancelled, and I know that. No, I mean, there's something to me quite symbolically...
Starting point is 00:07:23 And, well, symbolically iconic and weird in our house that both Rose and Owl have cult crochet's made of them. So do you know that? Is that amazing Instagrammer who makes cult crochet like puppets of people? And so you've got Rose from Starstruck, and the next to her is Owl, as in Owl, from Stathletts Flats, and they live together there on the shelf.
Starting point is 00:07:45 I don't have a cult crochet, and that's cool as well. But you think both those shows, surely. I don't have an iconic costume, so I'm not allowed one, which is totally fine. But the idea of separating these two dolls now, I'm like, oh God, it isn't gonna work. So are you thinking, are you thinking perhaps to let Al stay with Rose? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:06 Yeah. That's the right thing to do. What I'm trying to impart is that it's all up for grabs, right? That's one Sunday. It's a moveable feast. It is, yeah. So, but yeah, but I've literally always lived in flat shares. And it is the first time living with just a boyfriend.
Starting point is 00:08:24 So it's, you know, it's really exciting as well as flat shares is such a massive part of life, you know? It's beautiful. A three is very workable. That's the thing about a three. We found that. And it's that there's, you know, no matter what's going on,
Starting point is 00:08:40 there's always someone else to sort of take to one side and bitch to about the other one. Exactly. There's some great ganging up that goes on in a healthy and character building way. So I once lived in a four and that wasn't so successful actually. It was that, oh no, I've twice lived in a four, bit more hectic, I think, three years before contained. Exactly. And how are you feeling about two?
Starting point is 00:09:05 How are you feeling about laying the bare bones of the relationship out? This is really become a wonderful little. You know, I've never thought of it like that. It's just such a beautiful way of thinking about it. You're welcome. You know what, I'm up for it. I think it's going to be good.
Starting point is 00:09:23 It's going to be fine. It might even be great. So we'll have to see. I think it's going to be great. I think it's going to be great. Yeah, and also this is our lockdown flat obviously. So I think leaving that will have a sense of escape in a good way. Have you not gone out so far? Is that the living in the first? Have you not gone out so far? I've not heard of a news. It's very nasty in there. Yeah, oh my god. I don't know if you guys feel like this about where you're living, but it still has this remnants of lockdown, like any night I spend in and watch TV. I feel like I'm in lockdown again, and you have to remember
Starting point is 00:10:01 no actually. I've made a conscious choice to watch Dawson's Street. Especially because I only ever watch an update with Jonathan Van Tam in it as well, which is why he really gives me that real sense of day Java. All your own Chris Whitty videos you're watching. I don't know why keep watching the Chris Whitty stuff, but I can't get enough with you. It's feeding you it. I know I've seen this before but you've got to go dip back in you know it rewards repeat viewing that's Bitwear brumant pest and said shit. We all remember that was one of the best daily briefings of all time Aged as well. Yeah, yeah, it's like a fine wine Well, Parry and I both moved during lockdown so we've both so I've I've shared my old lockdown cocoon
Starting point is 00:10:44 I've shared my flat in cocoon, I've shared my flattened penge, that's gone. This is all great to hear by the way guys, I've remained in their lockdown. I do very well. Emma's on the road to recovery, clarking on the other hand. What can we say? That we always been. Still in this cocoon, yet to emerge a beautiful post lockdown battle line. It's not good. It's still in his cocoon yet to emerge a beautiful post lockdown battle line It's not good. It's not good. Um, well, I'll tell you what I tell you what Clarky We'll cheer you up if you solve some beef
Starting point is 00:11:14 Please if we could think about other people's focus anywhere else that would be great right now to be honest Car share based beef from Emily. Right, actually I don't think I needed to, I didn't need to say that anyway. No, that's perfect. You can, that's great. I like a title. Okay, nice. You can maybe put a sting in there, see how it goes in the edit.
Starting point is 00:11:37 Hello beef brothers and guests. Because I just stop you, is it? What kind of sting are you imagining here? What's it? You can give us a flavour, give us a flavour. I'll put a thing to you on, because we'll do it for you. And guess because I just stop you sit what kind of stingy you're imagining here What's it? You're gonna give us a flavor give us a flavor Oh, I think you want because we'll do it for you A listener has written in
Starting point is 00:11:50 Oh, that was low-walt actually We've never had a sting before but I think if we isolate that we'll just pop that in We'll pop that in for our episode Somehow it could be worse that but anyway you guys you know that's the blue print, see we come up with. No, no, that's the final product, because that's one thing you know from listening to our podcast. You know, say it, it's out there. Yeah, no time for Neddit, just get it in.
Starting point is 00:12:16 Get it out. Great, so here is the beef. Hello beef brothers and guests, that's me. My beef concerns occasional car sharing. Myself and my flatmate partner, flatmate forward slash partner, so I'm not sure which, each have our own car, but occasionally he uses mine. The beef I like to leave chewed chewing gum on my steering wheel. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Yeah, yeah, that was my reaction. OK, the audience moment. Yeah, Emily, she now says, I know it's gross.
Starting point is 00:12:48 But it's my car, and I should be free to treat it as I wish. I love chewing gum in the car. If I'm stopping to run an errand, I'll pop the chewing gum on the steering wheel, then come back to it. Seems fair enough, right? My partner thinks it's disgusting, and doesn't want me to do it anymore. I'm fully prepared to lose this one as the brothers rarely stand in solidarity to their
Starting point is 00:13:09 loyal Patreon. That's true. That's true. Very happy to take our listeners down. We've got to start being nicer. Actually, today was the day I thought I've got to start being nicer. I love that Emily is so loyal that she knows the vibe. She knows what you guys do. There's a real stock I'm syndrome going on with
Starting point is 00:13:31 Emily. Yeah. Yeah, she says I'm pretty proud to lose. Nonetheless, I beg you to rule in my favour and agree that the inside of my car is my business alone. Cheers everyone, bye Emily. Right. So, this is an interesting one, isn't it, because I think the key sentence for me is the bit where she says, if I'm off to run an errand, I'll pop the chewing gum on the steering wheel,
Starting point is 00:13:58 which means that she thinks that it is more gross to be chewing gum in front of whoever she's running this errand in front of. Then it is to be leaving gum on the steering wheel for her partner. She's a singing telegram. She's a singing telegram. She's a singing telegram. You can't turn up chewing down, can you?
Starting point is 00:14:20 Yeah. There's nothing worse halfway through the song of getting chewing gum spat into your eye. No, no. She's not Dave Grohl. You can't be chewing gum and singing at the same time. It's not that's not right but Surely surely then I think whatever the errand is however far into the piece of chewing gum you're in Start a freshy after the errand. Oh my surely treat yourself a little treat Emily as a wonderful Patreon member you deserve better. I like this actually. You deserve better in your life. You deserve fresh chewing
Starting point is 00:14:53 gum with every new journey. Don't start telling our patrons they deserve better than us. I'll find other people. I'm a bit I I'm sure about this new message. If we start saying patrons you deserve better, we're in TrubSky. Yes, yes. There are better podcasts out there and we all know it. So, it is my question to you Emma, have you got your, do you have your own car? No, I don't. I can drive which, you know, obviously very proud of that because it's fascinating how many people can't drive. So obviously I'm really arrogant about that.
Starting point is 00:15:27 Well, it's on your CV, it's on my CV. But look me up online, it's obvious. But I can drive, I'm terrible at parallel parking, but I don't have a car. So I don't really, I can't relate completely to Emily on that thing of your own car But I mean can I say something is because I'm a neutral party, you know Emily's not a patreon for me I don't think well no she isn't You get absolutely way around that. I
Starting point is 00:15:57 Think this is shocking Emily Emily Emily Emily. I think this is I think this is all wrong and I'm I'm sorry to be so harsh But I read this and gasped like Jesus Christ But this is ridiculous. I just think she's got to stop doing this girl, like your partner, man. I'm on his side. I just, I think it's all wrong. And I also think we should be looking at cars.
Starting point is 00:16:35 If you are lucky enough to have your own car, that we need to be looking at the climate, right? And car sharing, having as many people in your car as possible. Look at all that. So we can reduce the fumes. That's a fantastic take on it. You've got to keep these spaces quite nice and clean,
Starting point is 00:16:51 so you can perform that task for the great to good. Sorry, this is now sounding insane. This took a real post-class go bent to it that I wasn't expecting. I think it'm 26. I see. But I see the thing that she shouldn't be overly, you know, and Emily, I do say this with love and I think it's sick you've got your own car that's obviously wicked. But keep it clean girl because we've got to save this planet and just new gum each time
Starting point is 00:17:24 all stop chewing gum at all. I just don't know, I can't get on board with it, I'm afraid. So I'm just going to give a bit of a defense in Emily's direction here because, look, in this day and age, it's not, you know, you think to the old phrase, the Englishman's home is his castle, right? Like, there isn't many spaces anymore that one can completely call their own.
Starting point is 00:17:48 Now Emily lives with her partner. This is Tom's wife saying he's sleeping in his car. I mean, anyone who's been in my car will understand I have an affinity with Emily. Not my company's doing good, but, like obviously, I assume Emily shares a bedroom with her partner she shares a flat with her partner. I imagine she'll have her own drawer maybe or imagine they share a ward like people just don't have their own rooms and we just don't have the space
Starting point is 00:18:18 and yet there you have in those you know metal walls, your own little space in the world. That is and there aren't many spaces you can completely call your own. And so maybe that is her part of the world where she can afford herself the luxury to be gross. The thing is, no. She is sharing that space with someone else, and that's why they're calling it out. She's a kid. Fair enough.
Starting point is 00:18:50 If he's policing her time while she's alone in the car, I'd say, you're totally within your rights to do what you like. Well, it really is. I try so fully, girl. I have the tools for the solution, you know. Here we go. Why don't we just straight up say, girl, if you want to be doing this, you know, whatever.
Starting point is 00:19:08 And actually, I found Tom what you've done. He's like your solution. Oh my god. It's quite vague, actually. It's like, it's quite vague, actually. People with incredible problems on it. No, Tom, what you said is actually a really good point. Why doesn't she just make it, if she is also sharing the space?
Starting point is 00:19:25 Why on the steering wheel that's so visual, you know, this from the mouth element is living on the steering wheel and obviously witnesses are going to be shocked. So if we just go under the steering wheel or maybe under something really messed up like under one of those folds around the gear stick. Like is that where is it? I mean stick it into the folds of the gear stick. You've made it both simultaneously grosser but also better at the same time. I might appeal to him. And it might even help prevent so much dust getting right on it like if you keep those folds clean Please keep the folds clean guys It's something we often say to our listeners keep the folds clean for the lover
Starting point is 00:20:16 Then you slip in your bit of chewed gum within those folds and maybe this is sort of just total best-case scenario I don't know. I mean, I'm putting it out. It's what those folds have always been there. Those folds, what are they there for? Is it an aesthetic thing? Is it? Maybe you've cracked it there, Sidney.
Starting point is 00:20:34 Maybe that's the reason the folds are there anyway. Oh, what? You've worked out the economics of the folds. We never expected that. How did you crash again? For some reason, I couldn't get it first. I don't get into first? I don't know what was the suddenly like he has this is so sluggish
Starting point is 00:20:56 That's a point actually I think hide it will by I think hiding it secreting it around I think that you're right the Visibility in the false secreting it in different parts of the car, you know There'll be bits of the car which won't be because also also as well, I tell you what, I've got it. Yeah, got it. I also as well, I'm, I also as well, I'm end of sentence, sorry, sorry. Yes, got it. Got it. Got it. I've always been jealous of in films in America, it's a real thing to put your keys under the visor, get in the car, pop the visor down, keys drop into your lap and you catch it. Yes. Well, here you go. Pop your chewing gum under the visor.
Starting point is 00:21:35 Yeah, but if you pop it down, it's not going to slide off, it's going to stick, isn't it? You have to then lean up and just be stuck. You have to lean up and bite it off the visor. And do you mean the sunshield bit? Yeah, yeah. Yeah, yeah. Also, what if the sunshield got stuck to the other side? It would stick to the roof, wouldn't it?
Starting point is 00:21:52 Yeah, yeah. And then her partner's going to be like, oh, I know what you fucking done. And then she goes, oh my god. And it starts that way. I think I revised my status. I don't got it. I think hidden around the car places where your hands don't go. That's what I was going to say. The steering wheel, especially in these COVID times, I know I'm assuming you and
Starting point is 00:22:14 your partner are bubbling together, but at the same time, do you have to get your flop all over his hands? Yeah. Probably not. Right? My, I don't really want to say this. It's probably going to sound really unpleasant, but like, I've got, here we go. When I get a new car,
Starting point is 00:22:30 it happens maybe every 10 or 12 years, that's what I think. I'll think. So you're saying this time, you're twice in your life? This time, things are going to be different. This is going to, I'm going to keep this nice. This is going to be great.
Starting point is 00:22:42 And then I think it's about three and a half weeks until I have the moment where I pick my nose because I pick my nose when I drive because again it's my space and I feel safe in that space. And then the bogey comes out and it's like what are you going to do now? Where's it going to go? I think you put it up your ass. I think sure. Okay, here's the holds, yes.
Starting point is 00:23:06 Right up the ass again. Please don't bogey your ass in this car. You did it in the last one and it ruined that perjure. It's a circle of life. It goes under the driver's seat. Yeah, I dread to think the state of the driver's seat. Oh no, this is awful. I'm sorry, Emma, but I think 95% of the other cars in Britain have bogies on the
Starting point is 00:23:29 other side. Emma, you just advocated for chewing gum in the folds? No, I didn't advocate. I said, oh my God, this situation is horrendous. What's the best we can do, you know? We're trying to help Emily here, yeah. Yeah. I think 90% is, that's too many Clarkian, Barry.
Starting point is 00:23:47 I think that is not 90%. It's too much. I'm not saying you're in top. I don't, well, you shouldn't be putting it in your, if you're taking it out of your nose, keep it on yourself, put it on your neck or something. What? Wait, no, no, okay.
Starting point is 00:24:02 I'm just gonna fold it to the floor. Oh, I just told you that. You're going to come to me. You're obsessed with no, okay. I'm just going to fold that to the fold. Oh, I'm just going to fold it to the fold. You're obsessed with folds, mate. If you ever pick a messidia, but shaker, obviously, the film's not full-eye. You wouldn't believe. That's why they call it a lucky dip.
Starting point is 00:24:16 Absolutely. Oh, pinata silly, is it? No, no. I can't believe you're turning this back on me, because this behaviour is hard. I think flicking out the window, I think if you're going to do anything, flicking out the window. Oh, honestly, that's why in the window down. That's what you do when you're in someone else's car or in a higher car.
Starting point is 00:24:37 When it's your own, I'm telling you, when you get your own car. That's safe space, honestly. It's got a lot of marketing, your territory, I think. It's like a high cut. That safe space. Oh, honestly, it's got like marking your territory, I think. It's like a nature documentary. Anyway, let's, we need to let this in the book. No, we do. I think, if you have to do it, do it somewhere else, other than the steering wheel, I also think, treat yourself
Starting point is 00:24:59 to a freshie each time and dispose of the, but it was so fold. That's the winner. Stick it in the fold. Stick it in the fold is pretty much the strongest thing I can move ahead, isn't it? I mean we were about to wrap it up and then clock it and to wrap it with a Viserator and let you know this. It's cost us ten minutes. Oh, I'm from a sorting egg of beef! It's so soft!
Starting point is 00:25:18 Dad food beef. Oh wait, wait, hang on a sec, can we just, Emma, can we just have that sting again please? Oh, oh god, what was it? Er, a listener has written in. Oh wait wait, hang on a sec, can we just, Emma, can we just have that sting again please? Oh, oh god, what was it? Uh, a listener has written in. Oh no. Oh, that was, that is, what I love. The beautiful thing about that jingles, it sounds different every time, doesn't it? Yes, it comes like you and a new angle every way. Yeah, you discover something new. It's like Mona Lisa's smile. Uh, dad, dad, dad food beef. From Samuel via Beef Brothers podcast at, getting touched, Samuel did and now he's famous. In our podcast.
Starting point is 00:25:52 Dear beef brothers, my beef is with my dad who doesn't live with me but it's based on some think he does every time he stays with me. That counts. For context, I live over 600 miles away from my dad, so the only time I see him is when one of us goes to stay with the other, and that will be for several days at a time, usually a week. I'm always pleased that he makes the trip because I've chosen to live so far away and I do appreciate that he's made the effort. However, here is the beef. He always buys food that he leaves behind unfinished. I do try to fully stock the house for his
Starting point is 00:26:25 requirements before he gets here but he enjoys going shopping and cooking so we'll often make a few trips while he's here. Some specific examples. He always wants ketchup which I don't tend to have so once he bought some. I'm sorry I don't tend to have so once he bought some. Fine but rather than buying a small bottle as it won't get used when he's not here, he bought a massive family sized one. Well, you are a family, Samuel. This means that I see it every day,
Starting point is 00:26:53 and I feel like I need to use it up. I can't abide wasted food. I did, you know, catch up doesn't go off. Yeah. So it's not necessarily a condominant, sir. I did tell him that it's now out of date, but he says he doesn't mind. Yeah, I'm with him on that. Number two, he normally makes an excellent curry with a side of pecoras.
Starting point is 00:27:12 He's a great, but that means he'll buy a bag of gram flour. We now have three open bags of gram flour. Last time he bought a turbo-vice cream, this isn't a beef mate, come on, last time he bought a turbo vice scream and the other day, me and my wife decided to finish it, however when we opened it there was maybe one table spoon worth left in there. Who does that? We wouldn't normally have had it at any of this time of year, but now we were disappointed. Once he left the box of unfinished granola that I kept seeing and eventually finished one in the ink.
Starting point is 00:27:51 It's done in relationship with him. That box of granola was starting to see each other now. It's done. He's following in the house. He found out that the granola had been dead for 10 years. Once he left a box of unfinished Grinola that I kept seeing and eventually finished one evening, so I don't like wasted food. Yeah, you keep telling us. The next day, I can't believe that's your thing, Samuel.
Starting point is 00:28:16 Hey, it's Samuel everyone, the guy who doesn't like wasted food. I'm sorry, I'm not on a Japanese bus. Yeah, come on, try to be nice to do some fun stuff. Sorry, but three times now. Anyways, he doesn't like wasting food. The next day, I was very ill, so I checked the date on the box and it was a year out of date. Possibly a coincidence, but I don't think so.
Starting point is 00:28:37 I look forward to hearing your judgement and I will obviously abide, but whatever you decide. Kind regards, Samuel. Right. Brackets, I can't abide by the way. Don't be kidding, you're a bad idiot. You can't abide by the way. You know what, though, some people can abide wasted food. Oh yeah, some people are very happy chucking away wasted food.
Starting point is 00:29:01 Oh, so create mine under my driver's seat. I think my life. I secrete mine under my driver's seat. I'm fine. I secrete mine in my body, which is, hence the folds. I've got plenty of folds now to do. I've got a lot to do, that's a lot of folds. You can have a lot of chewing gum in me. Okay. It just hamsters the lot of us. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:15 Let's talk briefly visiting parents, any advice, Emma, from... Well, obviously, listening to this this I just think this dad sounds absolutely wicked what what a dude how lovely coming around saying I'm gonna make you food interesting dishes including the ketchup you know I just like this guy I think he's amazing anders. But I do know what the listener is saying. I do get it like that's slightly annoying. But I just think and this is really dark, we don't have our parents forever. And one day in the hopefully very long future, maybe in a hundred years time, in a hundred years time, that granola will death.
Starting point is 00:30:05 Don't touch the granola. But the ketchup will still be totally fine. But what I'm saying is in 100 years time, or you know, a very long time in the future, when your dad's not around anymore, you will miss that crap food filling up your house. And maybe that's a little bit too morbid but I just think this is really annoying but this is really annoying but deal with it for now and maybe just throw some stuff in the bin. I know that must hurt but like the
Starting point is 00:30:37 gram flour which I've never even heard of as a concept gram flour I think just get rid like it'll be okay. Oh, what? Oh, go on. I was gonna say, isn't your dad giving you the opportunity to ready steady cook? He's giving you ingredients that you didn't, we wouldn't ordinarily cook with, right? You know, I get a vegetable box of delivered, you never know what's getting me
Starting point is 00:31:00 into it all the different every time. I'm so sorry. It's a little bit too much. It's a little bit too much. It's a little bit too much. Pretty much. It's a little bit too much. It's always different every time. So it's always fun. But it's been pretty well for them, so pretty well for myself. Radio money, is it? Yes, spending it all on Celeriac. But it means that I'm often cooking things I wouldn't ordinarily cook.
Starting point is 00:31:17 And it expands your repertoire as a chef. Admittedly, ketchup and gram flour doesn't sound like that. It might make a nice paste. It know, it might make a nice... For you to go on you're going on like, exactly. I just think, don't look at it as stuff that you're not going to use, think about how you could use it. You might, alright, you might not like catch up, but I put catch up into like a spaghetti ball of nae's and stuff like that. A little cup of squirts of you. So I'm doing pretty well for them, so...
Starting point is 00:31:44 Little bit of catch up with a little bit of red wine, I feel it really brings the sauce off the page. I'm so happy to be here. So I'm really happy for them, so. Little bit of ketchup with a little bit of red wine. I feel it really brings the sauce off the page. You know, you don't have to necessarily be having hot dogs every night of the week. You could be using it for other things. I think just open your mind a little bit. Colorful. Well, this ties in with what I was gonna suggest actually.
Starting point is 00:32:01 I quite like that vibe. I was gonna say, what you should have is building a tradition for yourself, like Shrove Tuesday, where the day after your dad leaves or on the final night of his stay, you have a little leaving party, where as a tradition, you get rid of all the food in the house and you have this kind of three quarters of a kilacroom.
Starting point is 00:32:23 It's a lot of work. Yeah, you're doing it. I'm going to go on. You barely finished your flower. It's kind of three quarters of a killer. It's a black one. Yeah, you're taking a gram. Come on, you barely finished your flower. It's a dusty, it's a dusty me of this one. You can just like, you can just salute myself, shass. I'm like, oh, it's a nude. It's like a traditional kind of getting rid of, you know, and you're kind of getting rid
Starting point is 00:32:43 of a lot of the food that you need, either the night after he's gone to a little celebration of the stave had or when he's there and he can help. And it's kind of like he will know then that like the food he buys is going to have to go by the final night and it's kind of like it becomes a little tradition. I feel like this would be a horrible, horrible meal, but the vibe will be lovely and that is important. The food is bad but the vibe is good. Did you mean to have dinner part in my house? He normally holds them in his car to be fair.
Starting point is 00:33:16 I've got a solution. Oh yeah. When your dad is on his way, say, do a little stop check and go, by the way, we've got ketchup, we've got some flour. So don't worry about buying any of that when you go to the shop. That's brilliant. Not an itinerary, what do you call it? Inventory. Yeah, you get the inventory ready and you just text it to him. Because that's what you do before you go to the shops, anyway, isn't it? You'd like, you go, oh, we've got tomatoes, so we don't need to get those.
Starting point is 00:33:42 So they go off the list. Someone and so forth. What about the mostly cook with tomatoes? What about the viaparty, though? I mean, I do love the viaparty. Don't get me wrong. The flurry viaparty, you've got to go for that. I can't believe you're suggesting the perfunctory text in first.
Starting point is 00:33:58 And you're, you're, you've, the ready steady cook flurry viaparty, this has to happen. Yeah. I think what's the name of our friend is Samuel, of course, he's famous, Samuel. Samuel, I think you've got to do it, man. You think it'll be fun. And also as well, to say to your dad, good news, dad, you're staying for a week and on the last day, we're going to throw you a leaving bash.
Starting point is 00:34:22 Who wouldn't love that? I can see it going like getting quite dark if it ends up just being Samuel's dad being force-fed granola. Do you know what I mean? Like late night and he's just had a no. He's when it's gonna get dark. He's when Emma starts bringing up how we're all gonna die.
Starting point is 00:34:39 Everyone's at the flurry vibe party and the city's at the end of the table going, go, he's not got long left, does he? You're bad. It's given five years. And it's about to be sold to be my risk. I'm out of Nell and Colin. And then he'd be in a global pandemic, guys, in case you hadn't noticed.
Starting point is 00:34:53 So you know, you've got to see it for what it is. He doesn't look as grey as you think it's mostly just flour. It's brown flour, actually. Yeah, don't sign him off just yet. OK, but that's why it's up to Sam to keep the vibe strong. Okay, make sure this party doesn't get bleak. Keep the vibe strong. Have a party. Beef solved.
Starting point is 00:35:14 Beef from the signing out your beef solved. Okay. Okay. Alright, alright. We've all had a nice day. So this beef is... Oh, I'm sorry, we're all had a nice day. So this beef is... I'm sorry, we're not in the jingle now. Oh, my apologies, but Emma, please.
Starting point is 00:35:30 Yeah, a listener has ridden in. Oh, it's getting worse every time. Really lost confidence in that one during the actual delivery of it. I'm one of these people, I can't sing, but on top of that, I can't believe that I can't sing. Do you know what I mean? Is that a trait? I can't believe it.
Starting point is 00:35:50 And every time I sing, I'm like, that's mad that I can't do it. Anyway. I think Paris has got a very similar thing, but he's managed to override the knowledge that you can't do it. Sure, it's now delusion in like a happy, happy,est form.
Starting point is 00:36:06 Yeah, yeah, absolutely. It's the lightful. It's the lightful. Harry, do you want to do your remix of the jingle? Oh, listen, the house ridden in. That is so brilliant to have that level of confidence. It's beautiful. Thank you, guys. It's served brilliant to have that level of confidence. LAUGHTER It's beautiful. Thank you guys.
Starting point is 00:36:27 It's served us all well. Lurking house guest beef from Anon. Anon's got back in touch. Dear... ...of beef Dear Pappies, please help me prevent being becoming a withered bitter landlady. I have two lodgers, brackets, I live in the north,
Starting point is 00:36:47 I'm not flash. Nobody thought, nobody thought having lodgers was flash, but fair enough. But try to create an environment where my home is their home and we are as equals. However, one of my lodgers has a new boyfriend who works nights. He often sleeps in her room in the day, which he's at work. He doesn't come out of her room, so it doesn't
Starting point is 00:37:10 impede on me or my other lodger, but often, when I'm working from home, I realise he's upstairs and panic that my external processing has been heard. He's very nice, but it does him a bit odd, doesn't it? He has his own flat but they share her car. Well, we've talked about car shares. Okay, okay. She's having a singing telegrams. He's the night singer. He's the serenader.
Starting point is 00:37:39 I had to write to you as when she went away last weekend He still came over and slept here also leaving some of his stuff temporarily as he is moving flat They're very nice people, but perhaps a bit clueless about how to make etiquette. She this is a sad bit She lost her dad tragically last year. This was appeal to Emma. She lost her dad tragically last year And so coming in heavy-handed about this seems very cold-hearted. Thank you for that. Help me Pappies. Where's the lion here? Am I being petty? What is, what even is, housemate etiquette? Thanks a non. Oh, that's a tricky one, isn't it? It really is. Because effectively, what she's sort of done is sublet the room, the lodger's
Starting point is 00:38:23 kind of sublet. I know that I know probably she's not asking for money for it, but when you take on a lodger, you take them on, not them and anyone else they fancy bringing home, right? I don't want to sound like I come from the, you know, the 1940s or something. I do sound like that, don't I? Like I'm running a B and B, you know. She has a lot of stuff. She's got some callers. Yeah. It is like that. I'm sorry, that's exactly what it sounds like.
Starting point is 00:38:50 Yeah. I mean, there's a possibility that there isn't actually a problem here. It just feels like there's a problem. But I really empathise with that. As in, if he's sleeping all day and They seem really nice and you know, it's kind of okay then maybe it is kind of okay and you can Like is it just a problem because it it feels annoying in some way like I don't know
Starting point is 00:39:19 I'm not I'm not being very clear But do you know what I mean that if he's not troublesome and he's just sleeping not been very clear but do you know what I mean? That if he's not troublesome and he's just sleeping, maybe kind of just let this go on for a few more months until you hit an even bigger wall and then you speak to her about it. Yeah, let it fest, let it go. Let it go.
Starting point is 00:39:36 Let it go. The road kicked that leg of the door. Like a piece of chewing gum. Let it shh. You have it into the folds till it comes up and make it more. You have it in the folds till it comes up and make it more. Tell you can't get it, it's my skin. Yeah, I mean, there is definitely an argument for, like especially as a landlord, you're not, like because you're not just a fellow house mate here, you are kind of a little bit
Starting point is 00:39:58 in the, in the driving seat and you're able to say, and then don't put your hands under there. driving seat and you're able to say, I didn't tell you. You're able to say like, look, I don't be a dick about it, but there are, there's, there's, for a lot of the week, there's two of you in that room and we are gonna have to talk about that in terms of whether you become a tenant or we look at the rent scenario and I don't know because that is, that is, you know,
Starting point is 00:40:27 your band got to rights to do that. Yeah. I think there would be something that I would be interesting to know that would change it for me. If she's a land lady who's older and it's her like lovely established house and she's renting out the rooms to lodgers, then I think it's more on her terms
Starting point is 00:40:43 and she should be like, oh, you know, your boy friends are always sleeping in my house. But if she's a land lady, she's allowed a bit more sass. Exactly. There was a certain version of this that requires and demands and allows for huge amounts of sass. There's a flip side that if she's one of those landlady, I mean, she says she's not flash, but flash people say that, don't they? So, you know, she could be somebody who is actually same age.
Starting point is 00:41:10 She owns the house because, you know, she's a lucky so-and-so. And she's, and this is her mate. And then, then it's different, but it doesn't really sound like that, does it? It sounds more like a former. I think if it should mate, you could sit down and have a chat about it. But the problem is, she's got a informal formal agreement in that she like it feels like She's probably lovely that's her like that is her and me again being nice to the listeners And she problem is that she's not got that kind of hard-edge land lady here are the rules you stick by him
Starting point is 00:41:41 No guests over especially no guests over when you are not here. You know, that would be fair enough to say, I don't think anyone would argue with that. You know, it would be mad if you have a lodger and they're allowed to bring people over when they're not there. That just feels like you. I mean, that's takes me too. Because it's so informal, the arrangement they've got, it's quite hard to approach it.
Starting point is 00:42:02 And also, it sounds like, I know what you mean., it's like she knows, it isn't bothering her, but she can see on the horizon the potential for it to become bothersome. Hmm, the festering has begun. The festering has begun, so maybe it's better. I mean, I think what a non needs to do is think very carefully about how much it bothers her. Possibly have a chat with the other lodger as well, because you can always, you know, this is the joy of the three, you know,
Starting point is 00:42:29 you can always say, look, I've had a chat with the other lodger, we think it might be a little bit off for this effective stranger to be in the house with us. We obviously know you, we trust you, we don't really know him that well. It just makes us uncomfortable. I think that's totally reasonable. Yeah, totally.
Starting point is 00:42:46 Here's another suggestion. I love it. Engineer a breakup. I don't like it. I was saying, I love it there. I said, I love it there. I love it. I love it.
Starting point is 00:42:56 All it takes is like a flower. I'll tell you what, your boyfriend said something fruity to me this afternoon. Oh, don't you know what I'm saying? No. No, he walks you know what? No. No, he walks in. When he walks in, he doesn't know. Show it off or something.
Starting point is 00:43:09 I don't know. No. I put myself in the door. He's like, oh, you know, you plant something about his person and go drugs. What are these? I know you're ingenious. So you either gaslight her or plant drugs on him. This is a crazy suggestion. Could be different. Could be a flower. I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I did a friend of mine. She recently got rid of her housemate by saying
Starting point is 00:43:45 that she was selling the house and moving to Seville. But she always knew she wasn't doing that at all. That's pretty mad, isn't it? So then the housemate moved out, and then she's like, oh, darling, it's just very rich, this person. Like, darling, I've completely changed my mind, you know? I couldn't deal with it, didn't reveal the heat. Or something like that. Sure, sure, good boy.
Starting point is 00:44:10 Honestly, maybe better than this, but she's got a bit of that. But you know, so there are, you can do stuff like that, but I do think the karma is gonna get you. Yeah, yeah. Also as well, your friend, What did the former flatmates say? Did they not go, oh, was that me walking and moved back? Because surely I think I'm a change of mind, the plans all changed.
Starting point is 00:44:31 What was that? I think she'd signed a new lease of something. Right, she waited until the right amount of time. Yeah, exactly. The perfect time when she was locked into a contract and could not return. Oh my god. Yeah, I feel like, I think you're right.
Starting point is 00:44:45 You've got to be very, very careful about getting caught in a white light, especially if you're using him of flirting with you. You know. Let's have a white light in that one, I'd say. Yeah, you're right. Not a victimless crime, that. No, that is a...
Starting point is 00:45:03 I mean, you could just start flirting with him. You could take on the role of this slightly saucy landlord who's like, oh, well, she's at work, come and keep me company. And he'll be like, do you know what? Actually, I'm going to spend a bit more time in my own flat. Creeping out. That is pretty good. Or getting into death metal or something and play it during the day time.
Starting point is 00:45:26 Yeah, but what if it turns out he's a big death metal fan? I mean, I know. I mean, I think it turns out he's into a... She has to listen to death metal all day then as well. She's working from home. Yeah, that's true. Yeah, I don't know, man. I think it's...
Starting point is 00:45:40 I think... I think start getting sexual with him and see if you can drive That doesn't feel out of order does it? It does yeah it does Well, okay, one of two ways either he'll be do the decent thing and stop hanging around so much or He'll be into it and that way you know he shouldn't be with your Telling but no the decent the decent thing would be it was not him just going, oh, I'll make myself a scare. He'll say to the lodger, oh, I'm sorry, your landlady, maybe people are very uncomfortable.
Starting point is 00:46:09 And that makes an uncomfortable situation for her, because then the lodger has to go and speak to the landlady and say, sorry, did you try and come onto my boyfriend? That's, I don't think that is a great scenario to end on. I feel like Tom is approaching this, like it's a game of the Sims. I need to just clicking on these people, trying to make them woohoo, like desperately trying to get them in the bed. And then like, if game of the Sims, and he's just clicking on these people, trying to make them woohoo,
Starting point is 00:46:25 like desperately trying to get them in the bed. And then like, if that's the case, just seal up the door. Yeah. It's just a set it on fire. Let's take the set that, that's the swimming pool. Yeah, I just think this role of like the slightly sassy,
Starting point is 00:46:41 older landlady, we don't know, pulling the strings. You know? Pulling the strings, she's got years in the game, she's got notches on her belt, and it's kind of like she isn't afraid of music. She put it notches.
Starting point is 00:46:56 This is just a sweet spot. She put on a bit of timber, right? Adding a lot of colour as well. We all put on weight in lockdown, and let's not show each other. What, I mean, it's mad that you've turned this into some sort of like, you know, letter written into a porno. It's like, no, no, it's not.
Starting point is 00:47:16 Best, it's kind of like a, what am I gonna do? What am I gonna do? What am I gonna do? What am I gonna do? What am I gonna do? What am I gonna do? What am I gonna do? What am I gonna do? What am I gonna do? What am I gonna do? What am I gonna do? 50s kind of yeah or like an or even like an e-link comedy
Starting point is 00:47:29 Okay, right. It's what it's more like those sort of like 1970 It's not like an Alex Guinness. It's not like kind hearts and coronets or something like that It's like confessions of a window cleaner. That's what it is isn't it's confessions of landlady's what you're imagining Well now you're speaking my language or something. I'm on board I think the key thing though and what makes Tom's idea not so good, no offense, Tom, is... Sorry, I really thought that sentence was gonna go the other way, then, I was like, I say, I remember self-belief from Tom. I think it's the detail that she likes the lodger,
Starting point is 00:47:58 and that they're really nice, and all of that. So it's not a great idea to sort of, you know, attempt to ruin their lives or whatever. As well as, the next lodger you might get might be even worse. So I think good to just cultivate the relationship, keep it good and maybe have a little talk on the side of, Hey, your boyfriend's around all day long, maybe minimise that. I think Matthew's kind of going off. I'm going to get it. It's okay to have him there when you are, but not when you're not.
Starting point is 00:48:33 It's a pretty simple fair all to have. Or I'm going to get him. Or a quarrel. Or then he's fair game. Or make it official. Better keep your puppy on a leash. Shows up, then he's taking him for a walk. I reckon I agree. I reckon make it official better keep your puppy on a leash shut up that you're taking for a walk I reckon I reckon make it official up up the rent by 20 quid and say both of you can stay and then they split it down
Starting point is 00:48:51 the middle so they're neither am I spending as much money nice you're getting a little bit more money I think it's I think it's I think that's the way to do it maybe we could come to another no I mean this Jesus I think we're really learning is Tom is as confident about his talking as he is his singer. And like I said, he's... His sexual prowess. Right, I'm going to consider that beef solved. Take from an on take whichever one you want.
Starting point is 00:49:17 Don't take Tom's one. Or else. Be from the zoning I can be! It's soft! Emma, do you have a flat-shared base beef that you would like us to solve for you? Yeah, yeah, this is, you know, it's not, it's not a biggie, but it is, is basically fascinating to me. So basically, one of my housemates, they can't get their head around what is recyclable
Starting point is 00:49:44 or not. Like it's, you know, so every time you go, you know, we kind of, we have a sort of recycling bin and then you put it into a separate recycling bags. Half of it, by left by this particular housemate, who actually I think it's fair, I'm not going to name them, I'm not going to name them, it's Alrose and it's Al. But this mystery housemate, they just can't get a handle on what is recyclable or not and so it means when you're decanting the recycling, it's infuriating and obviously it's not that difficult to just put the stuff. So I'm talking like plastic seals, you know, like the film on top of ready meals.
Starting point is 00:50:31 Black plastic is not recyclable, that's always in there. And also just random stuff that's obviously not recyclable, you know? So anyway, it's not that annoying, but there's something about the fact you can't get a handle on it. That is, that's my beef, that's my beef. And I have brought it up.
Starting point is 00:50:50 I tell you what. You know, I go, oh, this film isn't recyclable, but it never sticks, and it has been years now. Interesting, very interesting indeed. And one of those things that when you're living in a three, you know, it doesn't feel like such a big thing. That's what gets about it. That's a new view. I honestly think Rose says that to me the other day. Lucky sticking my friend.
Starting point is 00:51:13 LAUGHTER Should we leave an in with the right one? LAUGHTER It sounds like Rose does her fair share of recycling. LAUGHTER But I would like to say something in Al's defense. He's actually amazing at sorting out the recycling himself, sorting out the bins.
Starting point is 00:51:30 He's a great bin dude. But sometimes... God, that's so weird. Oh, yeah? So he's great at the bin side of it. Yeah. He's great at taking the man. It's going into the bin.
Starting point is 00:51:40 Is the bit that he doesn't know. It's the choosing what goes where. That is the issue. And I think sometimes... He's in a colour blind. Why would it work? is the bit that he doesn't. It's the choosing what goes where, that is the issue. And I think sometimes. I think he's in colour blind. Why would it work? Why don't this film?
Starting point is 00:51:50 The film doesn't, that's a C2Y-3. That's about texture. That's about texture. It could be text blind. There could be something in that, you know. There could be something in it. It's an interesting point. I've got this problem at mine at the moment, because one of my neighbours, Could be something. It's an interesting point.
Starting point is 00:52:12 I've got this problem at my end at the moment because one of my neighbors keeps recycling used pizza boxes. Right. Yeah, you know what I only found that out recently that you can't recycle them. I didn't know that. I only found that out in the last month or so. Hang on, I'm trying to think, did I, I'm not sure. I know you can't recycle them if they're really dirty, but can you not recycle them full stop? No, because any amount of food contamination, and also what I didn't realize is, if you put it in with your other paper, it can contaminate the entire batch.
Starting point is 00:52:38 So it might mean that if you, and it's like, wait, it's way better wash everything up, you've got to wash up your jars and everything, because any bit of food contamination that goes on anything else, that's it, they, it's way better wash everything up. You've got, way you're going to wash up your jars, everything, because any bit of food contamination that goes on anything else, that's it. They just chuck the whole lot away. Oh my God. I know, it's bad.
Starting point is 00:52:51 Have you been, have you been mystery cycling as well? It sounds like you're a victim of your own beef. I definitely did recycle a pizza box about a month ago. I did. Oh no. I heard city recycled an entire pizza. The whole thing in there. Yes, absolutely great.
Starting point is 00:53:08 Just said to the delivery guy, just drop in the green box over there. So actually, hang on, so I've got something to learn as well. So maybe actually, Al's just as bad as me and maybe Rose as well. We just, you're on the same journey together. You're just in different part of the same journey. Sure. That's beautiful. And maybe that's the lesson that you've got to learn here is that Al is, you know, he
Starting point is 00:53:32 might be a little bit behind you. He's key stage one. You're going to play stage three. You're going to play stage three. I'll tell you what it is. I'm just a defend Al because I am very much a if in doubt, pop it in the recycling and see what happens. I'll tell you what it is, I'm just a defend owl because I am very much a if-in-doubt pop it in the recycling and see what happens. I'll fix it. I'll fix it at the plant, right?
Starting point is 00:53:49 Yeah, that's sort of how I think, to the point where I've, you know, anything like, old bits of, like when you, when I was tired of that, the house recently, I found a load of old keys that I knew were for stuff I didn't use anymore. Chucked more on the recycling, I thought, that'll be fine. A bunch of old keys. Load of old keys, yeah. And in fact, I think I chucked the entire... Oh, Cosby, have you still got my special... I do need that.
Starting point is 00:54:13 Cosby, have you still got my piano? But no, I got a new lock put on one of the doors and I chucked the entire lock. Fuck me. I'll have a new lock please. I'm safe to keep all my money. But I trapped away the lock and the keys into the recycling because I thought, well it's metal, it's the same as tin cans, isn't it? I'm sure they'll find a use for it. But that's not the case. I think you were in a weird place at the time when you did that, don't you think?
Starting point is 00:54:49 Yeah, yeah. It does say that way, yes. That's a weird day when you do that. A nerfence to you, but you know. No, no, no, no. But what would you have done if you'd had a lock and a load of keys in your house? It feels so big and unwieldy and permanent. I think that in landfill it's never going to degrade, right?
Starting point is 00:55:09 A local skip. Maybe, like, haven't had an eye on where the skips are. It's got a few centers in there. It's got a, yeah, but it's just one thing. Driving to the refuge center for one, one item. Yeah, that's, is that worse than not recycling at all? Yeah. It's, you know, It's not a long-term environment. I've got an Uber to the local tip with like one thing. I've always found it the funniest thing in the world,
Starting point is 00:55:35 because then he got the Uber. I forgot what it was. It was like a little bit heavy to carry. And Uber dropped him off really unimpressed, and then I'll walk back. And it's such a sort of simple story, but I've always found it so, I don't know, not pathetic, but like almost.
Starting point is 00:55:52 I love it, I think it's beautiful. Almost pathetic, yeah, yeah, yeah. It's pathetic, it's very adorable. It's very, very, very, very, very, very, almost pathetic, very adorable. Walking home, saying money, oh God, so sweet. That's my dude. Sweet. Well there you go, I think what we've learnt here is empathy is the key.
Starting point is 00:56:16 Yeah. Not the key that you throw in the restaurant. But also for your children. Oh no, sorry, what are you saying? Well, I think you and Alan are on this beautiful journey together. Yeah. And you know, sometimes you'll be ahead of him, sometimes he'll be ahead of you. And that's the important thing to learn when you move on together.
Starting point is 00:56:36 I think re-education as well, like what I've just learned about the pizza boxes, that is a very powerful lesson to me. I think maybe I print something out. I shouldn't print something out, I should get a leaflet from the council and stick it to the fridge door and then we can look at that and go right, let's work out together what we can recycle. Yeah, it sounds like your new house post, you know, the lockdown flat, the recycling flat. On the left, there's a recycling chart.
Starting point is 00:57:13 On the right, I've graphed our parents mortality. It's kind of like a rough kind of life expectancy, kind of chart. And in the middle loads of MDMA and kit. Yeah. I feel like we're going to run into Emma in a few weeks' time and say, how did the move go? And she's going to, you're not going to believe it. I'll move to Seville. Oh, honestly, don't.
Starting point is 00:57:37 Oh, God. Well, Emma, thank you so much for coming on the podcast. It's been really fun, haven't you? Oh, thank you so much for coming on the podcast. It's been really fun having you. Oh, thank you so much for having me, you know. It's been a wonderful way to while away my final flat share days. Oh, yeah. I mean, technically you'll still be flat sharing with Al, aren't you? I mean, it's still... I will.
Starting point is 00:57:57 Yes. We hope so because we want to have Al on as a guest soon as well. Oh, no. You know what? I'm really interested to get Alan soon, actually, just to see what he thinks about this whole recycling thing. But I think let's leave it six months so we can get a good read on how the new set of it is going to be.
Starting point is 00:58:13 I am going to make sure that Alan never does this podcast. So, you know, keep waiting boys, but the lady has banned it. You're going to do the old land lady thing I was saying I went on Pappies podcast and they all started flirting with me. Really uncomfortable. Just some awkward standoffs in soho theatre. I think that's a fight outside. It wouldn't be the first time. So where can people find what you're up to? Is there anything you'd like to to promote? Tell people about? Oh yeah, you know what, not especially, but there's some really exciting things coming out. A second series of starstruck is coming out in New Year. Really in love with the first series so much.
Starting point is 00:58:58 Yeah, no, it's such a treat to be involved in and that is kind of more of the same in a good way in the new year. So yeah, that'd be great and otherwise, I don't know, I'm on the socials, Instagram, Twitter, having fun on the net. What if you like fun, you know where to go. Thanks so much Emma, speak to you soon. Thanks so much guys, bye bye. Thanks so much Emma, speak to you soon. Thanks so much guys, bye bye. Bye.
Starting point is 00:59:25 Be here from the starting again, be here. Oh, there you go. Well, it truly was a great episode. It truly was Tom. And if you enjoyed that episode with Emma Siddy, get over to our Patreon. forward slash Pappy's Flat Share for a bonus beef with Emma that is not in the main feed.
Starting point is 00:59:44 It's completely completely new beef all about Turkey. So just in time for Christmas. Obviously, of course, the patron well worth bigging up. It's a wonderful place to go. It's a wonderful place for the wonderful people. It is. It really is. It's a wonderful community. If you enjoy listening to the podcast, if you would like more bonus episodes of the podcast, one, every single week, plus the bonus beef with our guests, then get over to forward slash pappies flat share, join today for just four quid a month. You could, you get all of the bonus episodes of flat share lockdown, which we recorded over lockdown. share lockdown, which we recorded over lockdown. You get bonus beefs, you get the new series,
Starting point is 01:00:26 which I started doing, flagship pop round, AKA Neighbours and Watch, AKA Street Party. And yeah, it's a lot of fun. Amazing. Lovely. Today's episode was produced as ever by Emma Corsham. Corsham team.
Starting point is 01:00:39 Corsham team. Cheers everyone. Bye. Bye. Cheers everyone! Bye!

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