Pappy's Flatshare - BRB

Episode Date: January 11, 2022

HNY! We're still on a little break. See you back on this feed properly in FebruaryUntil then, join us on the patreon - Hosted on Acast. See fo...r more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Greetings, listener dear, I'm Tom. I'm Ben. I'm Matthew and welcome to another holding episode of Papi's Flat Share. Hello everyone. Pinch punch. Happy new year. The old saying, pinch punch happy new year. How's it been so far for you guys? We're a week in. I've been so old. Look over a week in. I've lost my wallet and got COVID in the first week. Oh, mate. Absolutely.
Starting point is 00:00:34 You've got COVID. Yeah. Why am I sitting on your lap? Surely you should have told me that before we started this recording. Isn't it because you picked boxes as wallet? Let's try. I picked boxes as wallet. And's try. I picked this wallet.
Starting point is 00:00:45 And the guys in a Ventriloquism Act, which we've been trying to get off the ground, but so few gigs are booking at the moment. But yeah, I sat on Clarke's lap and I steal from him. That's why Clarke doesn't say much, isn't it? It's because you're not very good at Ventriloquism. I'm too good at it, that's my problem. He says loads, actually.
Starting point is 00:01:04 I haven't said it worse since 2013. Clark has been pulling all the strings. But yeah, he's a talented boy. But yes, so this is another holding episode to explain where we are with the podcast. We're not going to put out anything on the main feed, apart from this, this month, and we're going to be back in February, business as usual. That's our plan.
Starting point is 00:01:32 B-A-U. B-A-U, bebebe. That's really thinking about it. I know I can tell. I can tell. Really. Really lost my way. Do you want to do a few more?
Starting point is 00:01:47 I'm going to do a few more for you, see how quickly you can do the acronym. I feel like acronym is an all in my strong point. I quite enjoy an acronym. Easy want to start with cash on delivery. I really thought you could go with B right back for something. I don't really start. Don't try. Second guess, Clark, eventriloquism through me a variety of acronyms. right back for something. I've already started. I've tried. I've tried.
Starting point is 00:02:05 Second guest Clark, eventriloquism through me, a variety of acronyms. Just, just go in and use. You're treading water. Is cod, is that a lot? Is that COD? Is that used a lot? Yeah. Keep it straight. People say cod. Don't know if they say cod. I've heard COD, but I've never heard cod. I mean, I have heard cod.
Starting point is 00:02:22 You're down with COD, you know me. That was. Absolutely, that's what the song's all about. Okay, okay. Okay, what about this one? What you see is what you get. Oh please go with B-right back. I cannot tie you high, impressive, it'll be.
Starting point is 00:02:40 That's already, like people know that one already, people call it Wissy W wigg don't they? What you see is a wig yeah, if you never heard wigg wiggie wig before no No, no, you see is what you get it's not like a children's TV show something it does sound like it should be a bit if Reminds me of whizz bit a little bit. Yeah. Yeah, that's it the whizz bit the big the big triangle that pulled out your the big triangle that pulled down your sir. I was gonna say that pulled down yours. That's the one. Yeah, what was pulled down your situation to whisper? He sang the theme tune, I know that much.
Starting point is 00:03:11 My own, my own. I mean, the only thing I remember is that was her part this way, her part that way, wasn't it? I think just her, her, her part this way. Oh, not her part. Not her part. I think it's just her part this way. I know, man.- Hoppa this away, hoppa that away. He's just hoppa this away.
Starting point is 00:03:26 I am I. No, there's no peas in there. I think so. It's another acronym I've got wrong. Well, that was going to be my next acronym. It was going to be, this is way, haha, that way, haha, this is way my, oh my. But anyway, this is by the way, we're,
Starting point is 00:03:41 we're slightly trojan horse star brand new format in. From February. You send us a phrase, Tom gives the acronym, the episode's gonna be a lot shorter, but we're gonna be... Y-S-U-A-P. Yep. That's the title of the podcast. What has your...
Starting point is 00:03:58 You send us a phrase. Where's that? Yeah, that's it. What was that? Right. You can send it on WhatsApp if you want. Yeah. We can email it. What was that? Right. You can send it on WhatsApp if you want, yeah? Sure. We can email it. But yeah, so basically we've got one episode of Flash Yes Landown recorded and in the tank.
Starting point is 00:04:17 But we thought it was not going anywhere. That's safe. That's safe. That's yours. Good. Oh, it's a good app, man. We had a great time. It was amazing, Adam and Tucson Douglas. That is like good. Oh, it's a good ep man. We had a great time. It was
Starting point is 00:04:25 Maisie Adam and Tucson Douglas. That is banked. We've got that. We recorded it in 2021. It's sort of matured like a fine wine as we speak. Exactly. To the seller. Tucson and Maisie Star is rising. Oh, this is, you know, well, it was still here. And we're ready to pounce with that. The idea is we're going to put that one out at the start of February and then we're going to hopefully record a live one at the end of February to be the first one of March. That's our plan currently. We're going to try and do that, but it's obviously all dependent on venues and how comfortable audiences feel about being in those venues, but we're hoping that by late February people are going to, things are going to settle down a little bit. But, you know,
Starting point is 00:05:10 so just thank you for your, thank you for your patience. But if you're missing us, T-Y, FYB. Ah, damn cyclist. I don't know what you're doing. What are you, I'm going to make any more. What was that supposed to be? Thank you for your patience, but I finished on a B. Well, B-R-B. You always want to be R-B, don't you? R-B everyone. I mean, that's our phrase for this year.
Starting point is 00:05:37 Be patient. If you can't be patient for us to be a right pack, then get yourself over to the Patreon. Get yourself over to the Patreon, of course. falls like Papi's flat share. Well, we are still gonna be putting out our, I mean, the reason is they're easier to do. We do them on Zoom, we don't edit them,
Starting point is 00:06:01 we just stick them out. So they're a little bit easier. They're still good. They're strong them out. So they're a little bit still they're still good They're strong man people enjoy them a lot. We've got over 900 Fans over there who are listening to every episode and enjoy them. I thought you say I thought you said we've got 900 episodes That's what we're aiming for guys. We're aiming for one episode per fan That's what we're aiming for guys. We're aiming for one episode per fan. So by the end of the fan.
Starting point is 00:06:26 Your own personalized episode. Yeah, we're going to record one personal episode for each fan. I mean, you know, when you join, we may go back to an old episode and dedicate it to you. Well, it's quite a big job for Emma, but she's going to edit your name into every episode. She's not going to get hit curiously right now. You just put she used to get as a kid where you would be written into a story.
Starting point is 00:06:48 Oh yeah. It's a bit like that. That's what we're doing. But anyway, so get over to the Patreon. We've got loads of flat share lockdowns. We've got loads of our new show. We've got bonus beefs featuring some of our wonderful guests. It's a great community.
Starting point is 00:07:01 You can chat to other people who enjoy Papis Flat Share and you can get involved. And yeah, we'd love to have you over there. forward slash Papis Flat Share. Beauty. B-R-B. Okay. Well, enjoy January. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:17 Being vegan, being dry, all the things that come with it. Are you doing dry January by the way? No. That's another reason why we had to take a break. We're hampered. Yeah. We want to cyber up at Cumpfair. We'll, uh, we'll don the mic again. Absolutely.
Starting point is 00:07:41 Enjoy the rest of Jan and we will be RB. Cheers everyone. Bye! Bye! Bye! It's fall and you can get anything you need delivered with Uber Eats. Well almost, almost anything. So no, you can't get a maple tree on Uber Eats, but maple syrup, maple lattes, and
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Starting point is 00:08:21 Please enjoy responsibly. Product availability varies by region. See you at for details. or alcohol you must be legal drinking age. Please enjoy responsibly. Product availability varies by region. See you at for details.

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