Pappy's Flatshare - House Meeting (Milk Milk, Where You From?) S11E12

Episode Date: March 23, 2021

Matthew, Ben and Tom slide into your ear canal for a catch-up. Not to dominate the convo, but what noise does this animal make and where is it from?Don't forget: on March 25th at 8pm GMT we are holdin...g an online Flatshare Slamdown with guests Suzi Ruffell (Live at the Apollo) and Tom Allen (ALL the TV). Tickets are £5 (free for NHS) -’s - us on Patreon - by Emma Corsham Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 A cast powers the world's best podcast. Here's a show that we recommend. Hi, I'm David Boris, Canadian historian and host of Curious Canadian History, a bi-weekly deep dive into the wild, worrisome, and wonderful world of Canadian history. This season we've covered not season Alberta, the Palestinian partition, and even the assassination of Abraham Lincoln. We also have eight seasons worth of back episodes all right there for your listening pleasure. Check out new episodes of curious Canadian history every other Tuesday wherever you get your podcasts. Hey Kest helps creators launch, grow and monetize their podcast everywhere.
Starting point is 00:00:50 Greetings, listen to Dear, I'm Tom. I'm Ben. I'm Matthew and welcome to another Pabbie's Flatshare House Meeting. House Meeting. House Meeting. Welcome, thank you for returning. Thank you for bringing back your ear canals.
Starting point is 00:01:14 We can't do this without them. And it's a good point you make there actually because that's the thing with podcasting. It's a lot of trust in podcasting. You know, we record these episodes, we put them out there, and we hope we're not just shouting into a hollow tree. But you don't know that you're not.
Starting point is 00:01:36 Stud inside it, shout it away. You hope there are ear canals all around it, and that the, you know, that people are listening, but we don't know. What is a podcast without an ear canal? It's like the old proverb, isn't it, like if a tree falls in the forest. It's like, I mean, there must be podcasts out there
Starting point is 00:01:56 that receive zero ear canals. I mean, imagine. Imagine if we've been doing this for years now, probably a decade? Yeah. Yeah, we've been doing it for over a decade, yeah. So imagine if we haven't had one listener in all this time. Do you have anyone's ever heard this podcast? I mean, I can tell you now, me and Tom definitely haven't.
Starting point is 00:02:23 That's a good point, I've listened back, certainly. And you presume producer caution is listening as she edits. Force to. But I think once they've actually gone, once they've gone out into the world, once they've gone out into the forest. Does anyone hurt these? Does it kind of think like, is it?
Starting point is 00:02:43 It's like, you know, the kind of mythical kind of Japanese soldiers who are still fighting World War II, or like, you know, Russian broadcasts to kind of like spies who no longer exist. It's kind of like, have we been broadcasting all this time to no one? I mean, to go one step further, my only proof that you two are doing this with me is I see you in my computer, but that's it. I mean, I'm not seeing you in person doing this for over a year now, so.
Starting point is 00:03:19 I think the bigger question is, would it change, Eddie? I think I, if I knew people were listening I think I change everything. I was going to say I don't think it would affect us either way I think we'd probably still keep doing this. I'm not sure with you know I think it's um yeah maybe it's best we stay in front of the knowledge on the podcast. Yeah, we're not we're not gonna worry about all that Anyway, we hope someone's out there enjoying us Getting together and waffling on hey, and if you want to prove that there are people listening There's a perfect opportunity for you to do so later this week Yeah, it's a lovely Yeah, that's a perfect opportunity for you to do so later this week. Yes! Absolutely, yes.
Starting point is 00:04:07 That's a lovely link. Lovely link. It was a perfect link. If only there was someone to hear it. It's just a great show. I thought I could. I thought I could teet that up before. I worked with you doing this.
Starting point is 00:04:20 No, you teet that up perfectly, Tom. It wasn't, it was just, it's not, it was just it wasn't it's not not your fault It's not even our fault. It's the fact it's all the the millions of people who right now currently there are millions of people this very Second, not listening to this podcast I'm this I most of the world The world there are billions of people who are not listening to this podcast and that is that is a crying shame when you're giving us such gold as billions of people who are not listening to this podcast. And that is a crying shame when you're giving us such gold as there's an opportunity to prove you're listening later on this week.
Starting point is 00:04:50 Yeah, we're doing another flat-shell slam down over the internet. You buy a ticket, you watch it on YouTube, and they're always really, really fun. We've done loads of them now. We've been doing them for the past year. If you've not watched one, make the change today. Get your ticket and watch one today. You simply have to.
Starting point is 00:05:11 Absolutely. Yeah, and it is an absolute belted start with as well if it's the first because we've got two. Just two of the best guests. Best people, best comedians. We've got Tom Allen and Seizie Ruffle. What a power team, a power team of pals. I don't know how we got him, but we did. A power team of pals, exactly. And it's on March 25th, which is this Thursday.
Starting point is 00:05:36 If you're listening to this when it comes out or soon to when it comes out, March 25th, 2021. And you can get your tickets. They'll be in the show notes for this show. They'll be on our Twitter. They'll be on our Instagram. They will be, I mean, just go to and find tickets there, but it's a five-year for tickets. It's free if you work for the NHS. There really is no excuse for not being there on Thursday night. We'd love to see you. I mean, we won't see you, but you'd love to see us. And we should always have big up the Patreon as well. We should mention the Patreon, which again,
Starting point is 00:06:16 we're putting out these episodes three times a week. We don't know if anyone's listening to them. We've got no, we've got no clue. But if you'd like to help us out with that, anyone's listening to them. We've got no clue. But if you'd like to help us out with that, then get over to forward slash pappies flat share. You get Love Sex Shagdowns, which is our rude podcast. You get flat share lockdowns, which is our game show. Also our rude podcast. It's also our rude podcast. Yeah, they're all rude. And you get bonus beefs. And we've started doing bonus beefs with our main feed guests.
Starting point is 00:06:49 So we had one with Anya who did the episode last week, absolutely brilliant. We had one with Kerry, which is up there. You can listen to that. Jimmy and Joey, their episode is up there as well. So all of those on the, forward slash Pappy's Flatshare for a fiveer or above, you get all of those on the Patreon,, 4-pappiesflat share, for a 5-a-a-a-a-bove, you get all of that bonus content. Plus all of the archive as well. It's amazing.
Starting point is 00:07:12 It's all there to be got. And speaking of things that are there to be got, the links are so strong. If only we had a listener. Yeah, absolutely. Um, enjoy or not, if you're not listening, but if you are listening, enjoy this week's house meeting. I've had a thought. I've got an issue. I've got a question I want to ask you. I want to talk. I want a chat.
Starting point is 00:07:39 Okay, let's sit down and chew the fat. House meeting. What temperature should we set the heat? Has meat in. Why on earth am I always weak? Has meat in. Who went my bed while I was sleeping? Has meat in.
Starting point is 00:07:55 What's the point? Does life have a meat in? Has meat in. I don't want this to dominate. I don't want this to be like the main kind of here we go. Let's talk about this Okay, so this will be about doing a poo won't it? It isn't actually
Starting point is 00:08:13 Is it about your dry skin? Is it about the bits of your bits of your body that are flaking off? Is that it is? Because whenever there's a listen, I don't want this to be the main thing But would it be all right if I just in the shower? And I know this is a house meeting and we don't even live in the same house anymore. Sorry guys, sorry to spoil the illusion, you know, to assume that we all sleep in the same bed like Bert and Ernie and Erick and Ernie. What was it about? People called Ernie With the Potonic Sharing of Beds. But yeah, go on, what's your thing? We've done quite a bit of Potonic Sharing of Beds
Starting point is 00:08:52 because in the early days of the Edinburgh Festival, we would save money by buying, like there were four of us in the early days of the Edinburgh Festival. We would buy a two bed to last a month. That was a problem we actually bought the house. That was that we should have rented it. Now I think about it. In the long term actually though, it was buying a two bed
Starting point is 00:09:12 house in Edinburgh was cheaper than taking the show up without a long. So actually, we actually saved money by doing that. Yeah, I remember Andy's also been looking at us very jealous that we'd, oh, you bought a house. I should have done that. No, I remember Andy's also been looking at us very jealous that we did. Oh, you bought a house. I should have done that. No, I went and decided to go up with that one instead.
Starting point is 00:09:30 But over the years, of course, now we're one of the biggest landowners here. Yeah, that's right. You often see comedians wandering through the streets and we all live in a Papi's house. But yeah, platonic sharing of beds, we've done that on a number of occasions. The first Edinburgh actually, it was a double bed, what was it? A double bed, a single bed, and a sofa, and a leather sofa. Oh yeah, oh, that was the second year, yeah, and leather sofa, that was my domain. Was that kind of Mark? That was the second year. Yeah, let the safer that was my domain Was that was that was that kind of magic? Yeah, I think that's 2007 Yeah, yeah, the first year was a double bed and two singles second year was the second year with three Yes, and one first year was me and Clark in a double bed, wasn't it? Yeah, yeah, yeah, then this I then the second year
Starting point is 00:10:22 Did you ever have a solid bug in car? Yeah, and then the second year. Did you ever have a side bump? Did you ever have a side bump? I'm... I don't want this to dominate the conversation. I... No, never had a side bump, Craig, I don't think. Don't take this the wrong way, but not with you.
Starting point is 00:10:38 Ah. I... I have shared a bed with Clarky on a number of occasions. I think the problem with Clark and I both have is we're terrible snores. Yeah. Both of us are really bad snores, so the entire night is one of us is always at wake and nudging the other one. And as soon as you notice the other one, go on, go on. I thought you were going to say, Jesus, I thought you were going to say,
Starting point is 00:10:57 What? We're actually Jesus. How dare you. We're terrible, Jesus. It's like the opening scene of friends like what the fountain the fountain But let again, I don't want that to dominate the conversation. I know and Harry what did you what what did you not want to dominate the conversation Well, well, it feels feels pretty it's a big To swing it background to this conversation from where we've just been. But I was reading my daughter's favourite book at the moment,
Starting point is 00:11:32 is a book of animals, right? Great, yeah. So obviously, you're into standard territory, simple picture of, I mean, like, we're early days, we should say, in the reading journey. I mean, you're talking very, very young. She's a few books. Yeah, they're boring books, man. Like there's, there's nothing going on at the moment. It's pretty much, here's a thing, it says what the thing is, on we go. But obviously with the book of animals, you've got to jazz it up with the noise of the
Starting point is 00:11:59 animal. Of course. Yeah. But this book, man, it man, it's it's throwing me two curables and I don't know the answer to him I thought certainly well a crossbow an experienced father now. Thank you be clarky And an animal man. Yeah, not the animal man. Do you know how I got that? Do you know how I got the, I became a father, my phenomenal gist. You, you weren't even in the same flat where you... You were in Edinburgh. I was in Edinburgh. I was on a side for Edinburgh. These long distance relationships, they're not a problem for you. They kind of have to be for your own safety.
Starting point is 00:12:47 But yeah, so got that. So go ahead. What's the problem with Superman, isn't it? That's why Superman can never. Do you think if Superman wanted to get preggers with Lois, they would have to do it like, continent support, a name. Or he just have to do it into a turkey baseder.
Starting point is 00:13:04 Yeah, yeah. That's not a fact. So yeah, because I am with you on this. Sometimes you get an animal and you're like, what's that animal's noise? So I've got two that are absolutely killing me. I was surprised by both of them. Cause I thought I've got an angle on this. So you're reading in, off you go.
Starting point is 00:13:29 Cat to start with brilliant, solid start. There's the cat, there's the sheep, there's the mouse. Can I ask you a question though? When you make the noise of these animals, how much do you try and emulate the animal on how much do you try and emulate the kind of sound, you know, the onomatopoeic kind of word. Yeah, well, yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:49 So my wife's giving me a jipper about my head, because I go, chuk, chuk, chuk, chuk, chuk. Oh, as opposed to, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop and she's not a massive fan of that, my wife. You're looking around at your wife, he's gonna leap out, so it's done, pecking you on top of the head. I'm trying to see if the book's nearby. Go and get the book.
Starting point is 00:14:14 Go and have a little wonder so you can find the book because we can probably go through this here and we can just go through our own animal noises in the meantime. Okay, okay So who's the author by the way because I always think whenever you've got an author on books like this they got some cheek Yeah So many so many of these books have authors and it's like are you fucking kidding me?
Starting point is 00:14:41 What a life I mean what a life? Kidding me. What a life. I mean what a life My god if you're also the illustrator free pass, but if it's words by and pictures by Words by is absolutely stealing a living Like the first person who did it fair play because the first person you like that's a that's a good idea for a kid's book Oh fair play, but after that Surely that first person's going, hold on. I'm not fair play.
Starting point is 00:15:09 Yeah, hold on. You're bringing out an animal noise book as well. Also, what are the publishing meetings like where someone's like, you're sure you're opening with Cat? You know, like you've gone with Cat on page one. Are you sure to give you anywhere else to go? You know, I mean if you start and we're like, do they have those? It's like Chekov's cat, isn't it? If you've got a cat on page one, it's gonna me out also on page one. I mean like, you know, like because this, honestly, this book has made some really weird editorial decisions
Starting point is 00:15:40 And I'm like, in my head, I'm like, this has been fucking thrown together Because, right, so page one cat Yeah cat no Peter cake No, that's not the second But like okay, so so yeah cat number two duck Back back happy Number two duck Back back happy
Starting point is 00:16:05 Number three and this isn't one of my problem animals for noises, but editorial it what's happening here number three polar bear Talking about yeah, like If this was an if this was an atsimbra documentary you'd be like hang on them. We need to have a chat You know what it's interesting as well because bear We can go on them, we need to have a chat about the edit. It's interesting as well because bear, very, very prevalent, you know, kids love it from teddy bears, you know, the bears are a big part of the landscape of what kids are into.
Starting point is 00:16:35 But it's very hard to know, like lions and tigers raw, right, that's what they do. We know lions and tigers raw, fine. Bears kind of raw. I don't know. I don't know. I donr, fine. Bear's kind of roar. I don't know. I don't know a growl. Don't know a bit of prick here, but tigers don't roar. What a tiger's dick.
Starting point is 00:16:50 Take growl. Right, they go. Rrrr, rrrr, rrrr. That's a great fact. Rrrr, rrrr, rrrr. That is the rule. That is the rule. That is the rule.
Starting point is 00:17:01 That is the rule. That is the rule. That is the rule. That's the man I shared a bed with for a whole Roar Raw That's the name it that's the title of your book Tigers don't roar
Starting point is 00:17:29 Tigers don't roar. That's good. I'm lost already. I'm not a title. It's a good title for a kids book isn't it? The tiger that could at roar, spoiler alert, not a movie. A trickier. Yeah, you're actually right. Bears have an absolute, they have a large presence in childhood that bel a large presence in childhood that belies their presence in the rest of your life. You're never gonna see a fucking bear mate. And when you do, you'll be in a circus and it'll feel sad. Yeah, anyway. If you're going to like Russia in the 80s.
Starting point is 00:17:58 Yeah, or you'll be in California and you'll shit yourself. It's like one of the two. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. You'll be in an actual park. It's a one of the two. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. You'll be in an actual park. It's a big call as well though, to not just go, and is this one you're making, not just go with bear? They've gone with polar bear? Oh, well, in its defense,
Starting point is 00:18:14 it is baby's very first black and white book. Oh, oh, okay. Because that thing... Oh, hang on, I've just solved it for myself. Clarke, you're absolutely right. That's why they're all black and white animals And that hadn't occurred to me until it's very moment now we've we've got to the bottom Yeah, okay, and now we're all gonna have to make the noise of a penguin. I get yeah Well and and there's the first problem animal next page penguin
Starting point is 00:18:45 Yeah, and does it have a does it have a sort of description of what the noise would be? No, that's a picture of a fucking penguin. That's it. All of these that it's just a picture of a picture of penguin in the word penguin. That's how basic this book is. But are you right? Does it say the key to try and go at the key to unlocking, getting kids to name animals is to maybe do the sign, but also to do the sound.
Starting point is 00:19:14 So it's easier to go, but it is to say dog. But then simpler animals like that, there's one in a book I was reading recently Where is it there's a rabbit? What's my next problem, Alan? What's the rabbit doing? I think it had like a squee squee written next to it or something like that. Squee squee! Yeah, what's a rabbit doing? With a rabbit? I'd go for it. Absolutely do me.
Starting point is 00:19:39 Yeah. But that is very... That's more of a kid. It's more of a face than a sound as well Yeah, it certainly can't be put in a word Like do that sound again This is the sound I would fear when I was sharing a bed with her She's just going to be there in Edinburgh
Starting point is 00:20:01 Wake up at 2 in the morning That's on a side bunk mate Have you brought a rabbit home? No, she's flying forever on Wait up at two in the morning. That's on a side bump, come out. Have you brought a rabbit home? No, she's flying forever on. It's just a white book, this one. So, yeah, you've named the two problem animals there they go. So cat took polar bear fine, penguin problem.
Starting point is 00:20:19 So penguin icon to go. Oh, you do. Oh, you think it's finger yeah yeah What you do for a fucking penguin kills me and I can feel glory look at that me being like you don't you don't know do you That's it's because that that moment will come when they ask you a question that you don't know the answer to you You don't want to come this early on, are you happy with that Clarkies? I think I think that is quite accurate But insufficient I won't go on let's hear it again, Clarkie sorry because I was I was natchin away So it's good your good your your growling again. They grow
Starting point is 00:21:01 You're growling again. They grow. Grow. Penguins grow. They grow with a high, it's a full-setto growl. Yeah. Oh, that's a good thing. Oh, yeah. That's the name of your novel.
Starting point is 00:21:15 The full-setto growl of the penguin. Just the full-setto growl. It's a great title. I don't know how it pertains to me, but I'm gonna use it nevertheless. Zebra, okay, fine. Zebra, you go for a horse, don't you? Yeah. Yeah. But you're getting what do you do for a horse? Wait, wait, how can this be? It's Fonsi. What's your horse? Fonsi's black and white though. The. Ooh, gibber fans. Gibber fans.
Starting point is 00:21:45 No, that's what they meant. Yeah, I'm terrible with horse, cause I was trying to do that. Like that, cause. Well that's the other side, no, but that is a pleasurable sound, isn't it? No. But then rabbit, rabbit's the problem, yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:01 What is this podcast? I'm just like, I just, I didn't want to dwell on it. But then rabbit rabbits the problem yeah I just I didn't want to dwell on it and then they've also chucked in fish. Oh Yeah, fish is pretty long as you kind of want to go Bob Bob Bob but it's like Bob Bob Bob isn't really what they do But again, that's a face not a sound isn't it? Yeah, that's it. Yeah, you can do You know That's not face not a sound isn't it? Yeah, that's it. Yeah, you can do... You can do... You can do that. That's not right, here there is it. No.
Starting point is 00:22:30 Fish famous, Luke Silent aren't we? I hope everyone at home is making these noises along with us. There are, are there ones joining in aren't they? Yeah, of course. You know, if you want to send us an audio recording of you doing one of the problem animals, we're talking rabbit, we're talking penguin, we're talking penguin. We're talking, we're talking camel.
Starting point is 00:22:48 We're talking camel. Well, camel's spit, don't they? So yeah, that's what I would think of. But I bet they've got, I bet they've got a distinctive noise, don't they? I just don't know what, I bet they've got like a burr. That's it. That's it.
Starting point is 00:23:03 But you know what I think I'll answer it. I think that's the best. That's the best. Do you know what that is? I think that's pretty good. It's like a large penguin. Who lets that large penguin in here? It's weird that you two guys talk alike, because you know what, you never met each other. You're living the same climbs at all, but for some reason you've got really, really similar accents.
Starting point is 00:23:26 Different poles. That's the other thing that I got thinking about this week. Did it lead me on to it? It didn't. Accents. I started thinking about accents, right? It's fucking men accents. That's mental, isn't it?
Starting point is 00:23:39 And as Perry goes into it, he really middles it up. He really goes, he ramps up the middles. Action, do you mean to that thing? That was bad. That was bad. That was bad. Guys, that was, by my own admission, that was bad. Isn't it bad?
Starting point is 00:23:56 Isn't it weird though? Paxons. Like, I can't quite get my head round. Accents. A parrot feels, these two worlds colliding. Like I can't quite get my head round Accents a parent feels Got these two worlds colliding apparently cows moo with an accent depending where they're from This is a great mate from If no
Starting point is 00:24:16 Okay, he's in also the game Yeah, yeah, good really good. Okay. He's a good game. This's a good game. You do a cow, where's it from? Okay, I'll go first. It's very awesome. Ah! Ah! Good question. It's a penguin.
Starting point is 00:24:33 It's a penguin, satan of camel's back. It's the Arctic cow, is it's called? No, no animal. The top two are not. No animal laws, in fact, they all grow. It's rules in fact they all grow. It's just in fact for you. Yeah okay so it's called accent cows. We'll work on the title anyway. What about cows in the heart?
Starting point is 00:25:00 It's with the accent. Oh there we go. Okay so I was made to... Wait, I've got a better one. I've got a better one. I've got a better one. Where a move from? Yes, there you go.
Starting point is 00:25:16 That's better than my... I was going to say, can you pronounce that again? I was just repeating what you just done. Yes. Dairy good accents Yeah, I like that actually. Yeah, dairy good Milk milk Milk milk where you from? Okay guys now, you join us as we embark upon the first round of milk milk where you're
Starting point is 00:25:51 from, the game that has gripped the world of podcasting. Milk milk where you're from. You may, I mean obviously, depends on what region you come from, but most people know it as milk milk where you're from. It's a bit like it, some people call it Tig, some people call it tag, but most people know it as milk milk where you're from. Milk milk milk. Okay, here we go, milk milk where you're from. Okay.
Starting point is 00:26:17 Perry has seasoned milk milk where you're from, player. Oh. The inventor of the game and indeed one of the key Namers of the game It's what's really hard about this is not being able to practice it first Like you want to be able to you want to be able to gauge where where it's coming out of Johnnie me I'm coming to malware. It's coming to say them out
Starting point is 00:26:40 Don't attempt to keep him ambitious around I know it's called milk but Don't go anything in ambitious No, I didn't want I didn't mean to do that was northern. I know wasn't it that was the same as you did before Yeah, do you want to join it? I'm trying what I'm trying to change it Okay. Okay. May. Okay. Me? Oh, Scotland, no. Me. That's a highland cow. It's a, yeah. It's a class weagen cow. It's a class weagen cow. Me. It's a gauble. Me. Very good, very good crossbeam. Thanks very much. I really worried it was going to sail to absolutely nothing, but I'll happily take a ten-second silence like when they change gears on the plane, so you're going to drop out the sky. And then, you know what? That was good, cross me!
Starting point is 00:27:45 Me! Me! Me! This is a round we're calling Seemoo Jimmy. Has me seen? I've said it once before but it bears a repeat. Has me seen? Has me seen!
Starting point is 00:28:02 Acast powers the world's best podcast. Here's a show that we recommend. Hi, I'm David Boris, Canadian historian and host of Curious Canadian History, a bi-weekly deep dive into the wild, worrisome, and wonderful world of Canadian history. This season we've covered not season Alberta, the Palestinian partition, and even the assassination of Abraham Lincoln. We also have eight seasons worth of back episodes all right there for your listening pleasure. Check out new episodes of curious Canadian history every other Tuesday wherever you get
Starting point is 00:28:41 your podcast. Hey, cast helps creators launch, grow and monetize their podcast everywhere. God, do you think we'll ever go back to that was a, that was a good time where we shared a, we shared a place together. It was Glasgow, wasn't it? Yeah, yeah. And the absolute fine city. Yes, I'd love to be back in Glasgow.
Starting point is 00:29:08 Do you know what? One of the things I do, I find hard about lockdown, is not being able to travel around the UK. I was fortunate enough for work to be able to go. It was only hitching, it was only as far as I was going, but it was really fun. Just arriving in a town is always exciting. Seeing the layout of a town that's unfamiliar to you,
Starting point is 00:29:32 I just find it really, really thrilling. That's where that, like Hitchin's great. There's a big market square with a really enticing-looking pub just over the road. And I thought, oh, you could have some fun nights in Hitchin. I mean, if anyone's from Hitchin, they're pretty keen. It's a fucking shit up. I don't know what you think about it. So it's very easy to romanticise those kind of places. I've got one for you, eh? Oh, come on. Is it going to be hitching?
Starting point is 00:29:57 Sitching, yeah. I didn't speak to anyone from itching while was in Hitchin. I parked in the car park. I walked back to the car park. Okay. Mew. Oh. Liverpool, I'd say. It is. It was a Liverpool Padley and Cow, yeah. I was trying to think of a pun, but I was going to say Liverpool and then I was like,
Starting point is 00:30:23 that's not what I would work with, is it I was like that's not what I mean working to see. No, no, it's not great, but you know, it's not a bit worse or better than all the stuff we've done before. Liverpool, Liverpool. Liverpool. Liverpool. Liverpool. Liverpool. Liverpool. Liverpool. Liverpool. Liverpool. Liverpool. Liverpool. Liverpool. Liverpool. Liverpool. Liverpool. Liverpool. Liverpool. Liverpool. Liverpool. Liverpool. Liverpool. Liverpool. Liverpool. Liverpool. Liverpool. Liverpool. Liverpool. Liverpool. Liverpool. Liverpool. Liverpool. Liverpool. Liverpool. Liverpool. Liverpool. Liverpool. Liverpool. Liverpool. Liverpool. Liverpool. Liverpool. Liverpool. Liverpool. Liverpool. Liverpool. Liverpool. Liverpool. Liverpool. Liverpool. Liverpool. Liverpool. Liverpool. Liverpool. Liverpool. Liverpool. Liverpool. Liverpool. Liverpool. Liverpool. Liverpool. Liverpool. Liverpool. Liverpool. Liverpool. Liverpool. Liverpool. Liverpool. Liverpool. Liverpool. Liverpool. Liverpool. Liverpool. Liverpool. Liverpool. Liverpool. Liverpool. Liverpool. Liverpool. Liverpool. Liverpool. Liverpool. Liverpool. Liverpool. Liverpool. Liverpool. Liverpool. Liverpool. Liverpool. Liverpool. Liverpool. Liverpool. Liverpool. Liverpool. Liverpool. Liverpool. Liverpool. Liverpool. Liverpool. Liverpool. Liverpool. Liverpool. Liverpool. Liverpool. Liverpool. Liverpool. Liverpool. Liverpool. Liverpool. Liverpool. Liverpool. Liverpool. Liverpool. Liverpool. Liverpool. Liverpool. Liverpool. Liverpool. Liverpool. Liverpool. Liverpool. Liverpool. Liverpool. Liverpool. Liverpool. Liverpool. Liverpool. Liverpool. Liverpool. Liverpool. Liverpool. Liverpool. Liverpool. Liverpool. Liverpool. Liverpool. Liverpool. Liverpool. Liverpool. Liverpool. Liverpool. Liverpool. Liverpool. Liverpool. Liverpool. Liverpool. Liverpool. Liverpool. Liverpool. Liverpool. Liverpool. Liverpool. Liverpool. Liverpool. Liverpool. Liverpool. Liverpool. Liverpool. Liverpool. Liverpool. Liverpool. Liverpool. Liverpool. Liverpool. Liverpool. Liverpool. Liverpool. Liverpool. Liverpool. Liverpool. Liverpool. Liverpool. Liverpool. Liverpool. Liverpool. Liverpool. Liverpool. Liverpool. Liverpool. Liverpool. Liverpool. Liverpool. Liverpool. Liverpool. Liverpool. Liverpool. Liverpool. Liverpool. Liverpool. Liverpool. Liverpool. You? It's hard, weird. It's hard game to play. Clarky, do you have one for us? Oh, dear. No. You know what? You're more honest than the two of us. You're more honest than me and Perry. Do you know what?
Starting point is 00:31:02 Oh, give it a go. So even if you take a few on the mic, run ups in it, I think that's all right. Even if you go to Northern Ireland twice, and bounce back around. Yeah, absolutely. I'm not good at accents at the best of time, and then with an animal noise on top of it.
Starting point is 00:31:22 By the highest track. We're not saying it's an easy game to play, Glocky. No one's ever said that. Glocky, no but us. Mau. Glocky. He's not how you wanted it to come out. No, no.
Starting point is 00:31:36 From the look on his face, I'm gonna say no, yeah. But I fear if I do it again, it's gonna be the exact same thing. Glocky, one more time no, no that's bad in it Moog no No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, you were Ben Kingsley from Sexy Beach I was actually doing London You're a cow. Oh fucking mouth Yeah Good day. Yeah, we got there
Starting point is 00:32:15 Awesome pears Yeah, it's hard not to go to try and put an A in there and then oh Crossway no, that's right Winston from Sexy Beast. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, Like the Muscohades, what was sexy based? So yeah. That's the next, that'll be the next step. It'll be the black and white book of sexy based for toddlers. That's the next big project for us. Mal, mal, mal, mal, mal, mal, mal. Increasingly, the old ride get, I realise that when you're a teenager,
Starting point is 00:33:04 you're led to believe that cool films, I think you merge and confuse unpleasant films with coolness. Oh, absolutely. I felt like it was a fundamental in the teenage psyche of if something is unpleasant, then it must be in some way cool, because all of the films of my, all of the films that I think were of classics when I was from my time of being like, right here I am, I'm into film, I love cinema. Now, I think about rewatching, and it's like, you can rewatch any film you want these days, you know, it's all there to be found And you can't and like I so rarely have the desire to watch any of the films that I thought of as classic to thought it was cool
Starting point is 00:33:55 Because I just think they that I'll probably find it a bit in unpleasant and bleak. They'll stress you out Yeah, no one's going back to American history X and bleak. They'll stress you out, yeah. No one's going back to American history X. Yeah, exactly that. Do you know what I mean? Like, it's, and yet like, so for example, like, sexy beast, which is like, don't get me wrong, a terrific film, but it's thoroughly unpleasant. I must have watched it three or four times in the space of like two years back then. But when am I ever going to watch sexy beast again? Because it's just a bit nasty. Well yeah, but then is that part getting old? I don't know. Like I kind of wonder that with it's but I think that maybe I'm thinking of something different of like hard watches
Starting point is 00:34:38 rather than pleasant watches. You're thinking of beauty in the beast. You're thinking of beauty in the beast. Flying the sun to the beast. We banned hard watches when we were sharing a bedding. I didn't mean to think. Nothing, nothing that might bring you about. No unpleasantness to write, please. Is it like just when you are when you're young, you know, you haven't really, I mean, if you're very lucky, you haven't experienced sort of life's hardships, you know, you haven't
Starting point is 00:35:16 experienced bad things. And as you get older, increasingly you experience more of the things that make films hard to watch, you know, like, like, you know, death, not wanting to make this too bleak, but that sort of things. So you don't think since you get that from life anyway, so when you watch a film you're like, I'd sooner just watch it, you know. So since you stomped that guy's face into the curb, you won't go back to him, er, yes. He looks, yeah, when you've lived it, why watch it? I'm the same since Matthew stomped my head into it. LAUGHTER And to be fair, I did do a side bump,
Starting point is 00:35:55 and we did have a roll, so. Well, you lost the fight, you had to share a bed with me. Yeah, that's how we've found it. That's how we've worked out who got the single bed. LAUGHTER That's how we worked out who got the single bed. I don't know what you mean. I got a lot of, yeah, I mean, I don't know why I'm just picking in with Norton movies, but Fight Club again is another one I think of. But films that were quite brutal that I think I wouldn't go back and watch that now.
Starting point is 00:36:22 But when I was in my 20s, I watched it all the time. Yeah. I just don't need, I don't need viscera. I just don't, I've got enough, you know. I've got enough horror in my mind already. Which makes it sound like I'm a really bleak person, I'm not at all, but you know what I mean? There's just enough out there.
Starting point is 00:36:45 I mean, my wife is a good example of someone like she doesn't really want, when we're watching a thing, she'll always say, oh, I just hope they can just chat about what's going on here. And you know, there's no sort of misunderstanding and they can just explain it and it's all fine. And you go, you're sort of saying, I hope there's no conflicts, no drama.
Starting point is 00:37:04 No drama. And it's sort of, you're sort of saying I hope there's no conflicts, no drama, no drama, and it's that sort of what all sort of all telly really is isn't it's got to be a bit of conflict in a bit of drama otherwise there's no there's no story. But like you weren't let's play with guns were you? No we had our guns we had our guns banned. We were not playing with guns. We were throwing guns. No, no, no. We were one terrible day, they all got thrown in the bin. And that was it. We weren't ever allowed guns again. What happened?
Starting point is 00:37:33 We'd had an argument about, we were having a... Yeah, I'm not sure you were going to come up with a dialogue again. We were having a dialogue again. But we realised that the guns didn't actually shoot anything, so we're just using the butts to just really Okay, so they're still up in each other Yeah, but yeah, we went inside watch good fellas again Mo
Starting point is 00:38:03 Was that supposed to be? Robert and Amy. No it's Joe Fresh. She's... Oh my everybody. Cut fellas. Oh. Cut fellas. Oh, it's good stuff.
Starting point is 00:38:20 It's good stuff. It wasn't a bad game. Was it? Oh! God, fellas. Oh, this is good stuff. It's good stuff. It wasn't a bad game, was it? But look, I did say I didn't want this to do. I didn't want it to dominate. I know, no. And it's slightly has, but that's okay.
Starting point is 00:38:36 That's all right. What would you like to dominate proceedings? No, we're going to start the episode. Has Beating! For what belief would you take a beating? Talk about Glasgow and Edinburgh. Do you think there's something in like Thomas Hardy when his wife died? Oh yeah. He never Thomas Hardy didn't get on with his wife in the last kind of 10 years of their marriage. And then she passed away.
Starting point is 00:39:05 He wrote a poem on the night she died, which he wrote a poem on the night she died about. Like it was literally like, oh, why are you making so much bloody noise, clumping up the stairs? Because she was really ill, she could barely make it up the stairs. And she was going up the stairs to lie in her bed and die. And he was like, right, the poem going,
Starting point is 00:39:25 you can't just bloody keep it down. I'm Thomas Hardy, I'm trying to test the Derb of Hills. Keep your, you know, why are you clomping around the house? Anyway, she went up the stairs and died. He came back downstairs, hid the poem, and wrote another poem going, how was I to know on that night as she trotted up to bed, so gentle and fleeting, but it was to be our last night together.
Starting point is 00:39:46 And then after he died they found it in a way didn't get rid of it, but they found the other poem and they're like, what's this, Hardy? Oh, she cheeky beggar. Yeah, he's a real bastard. But yeah, he didn't get on with her. They drifted apart, yeah. Yeah. And then once she'd gone, he kind of felt bad about it. And then he went on a tour. He traveled around all the places they had been together in their life when she was alive in happier times and like wrote poems about revisiting those places
Starting point is 00:40:19 once she was dead. Yeah, but he did it as his honeymoon to his next wife. Is that true? Yeah. So he got married again, but was still plagued by guilt. I was like, I tell you what, let's go to, let's go to Hitchin. Oh, God.
Starting point is 00:40:33 No, that's funny. Hitchin with your last wife. You know, Fancy's just going to Hitchin and then he did a little sort of grand tour of all the places that he'd been with, that yeah, so he had a few issues. He had a big issue. There's things going on with hardies, isn't there?
Starting point is 00:40:47 Oh, yeah. Yeah, he had a few issues. But what were you going to say, sorry? I was just going to say, I've written you a poem. No. No. No. No.
Starting point is 00:40:59 No. No. Oh. As you say, there are certain places that you go. If there was a nostalgia tour, you need to leave it the right amount of time. You need to leave it a decent amount of time, like 10 or 15 years or something. And then revisit those places. Yes.
Starting point is 00:41:23 Glasgow and Edinburgh, if're, you know, if Papis were doing on our nostalgia tour, it'd probably just be mostly to Scotland. I don't know if I could be like. Some of our happiest times in Scotland, yeah. The interesting thing about that is, yeah, first of all, I always find those kind of things very, very, very difficult to actually recapture
Starting point is 00:41:45 the excitement you think you're going to have. If you go back to meet your old unimates in Canterbury, there's always, there's like, you know, I find those things a little bit too, kind of bittersweet, a little bit too. I don't quite get the, I think you're chasing something which is impossible to hold in your hand. And so I find those things a little bit hard to do. I still do them occasionally. I've still done those things. But I would come away from it going, I don't know. It's got a school reunion. I have a school reunion, yeah.
Starting point is 00:42:24 Have you? Yeah. So what, what year was it, like what, 10 years, 15? I'm trying to think of what it was. I went to a primary school reunion. Which is a really weird one, yeah think I'd left uni, so I would have been sort of 2324 and they got together a little primary school reunion and a bunch of us met up back in Bromley and went to a few pubs in Bromley. And that was really weird because you're really meeting strangers because the person you are at 7 and the person you are at 24, there's almost no connection at all. You don't look the same, you don't sound the same,
Starting point is 00:43:28 you don't talk, there's like, like, you know, any of those things. I know who people are. No, I don't think so. You don't really. Also, there's that, you know, if I, when I was looking through the list of people who were going, they were people who were like,
Starting point is 00:43:38 I mean, it was, you know, it was only one class meeting up. It wasn't the whole, you know, primary school, it was just one class of 30 of us. There was still names, I was like, well, you must have gone to the school, you should come into this reunion, but I don't know who you are. Yeah, you know, really, really, really bizarre.
Starting point is 00:43:55 Have you been to one? No, I feel a bit, yeah, I mean, I don't know what to say really, like I don't particularly want to. You're like, again, as a kid, you kind of feel like it's gonna be something that happens, but no, it's because it's kind of like an American thing, I guess. You kind of think it's gonna be like an important day
Starting point is 00:44:18 later on in your life for a reunion, but like it just doesn't come really. You've never been invited yet. Yeah. I was invited to go back and do a speech for the leave of the assembly. Where you in? But then it kind of fell through.
Starting point is 00:44:37 No, that I think about it. I was asked. We haven't listened to one yet, but would you come back? I was asked. We heard you do podcasts. We haven't listened to one yet, but would you come back? I was asked. I accepted the invite and then I haven't heard from them since. You had the speech already. I'm going to say to you now, guys, forget everything you've learnt and ask me this question.
Starting point is 00:44:58 What noise does a penguin make? No, no, no, you know, do you? You're leaving school without this vital piece of information that you should have learnt at the age of one and a half. You haven't even got it, have you? Go back, guys. And then I stand up to my crop. Finish speech by going guys. It was actually a trick question
Starting point is 00:45:33 Tigers don't rule Have you started your own round of applause? By the way the only reason I'm there is because I got held back Clarky still Gary You got help I'm waiting for a school reunion just like a hangout with Clarky It's having subtitles on a foreign film cheek Yeah, you are right is weird feeling going back the feeling I get walking through Canterbury, where we went to university, is this is going
Starting point is 00:46:09 to sound bleak, but when somebody you know passes away, you sometimes feel like you see them all the time, you know? You feel like, you know, your brain is just computing the knowledge that they're not there, and so you're constantly seeing this person all over the place. And it felt like the times I've been back to all canterbury, I wander through the streets. And it's not the thing that is different about it
Starting point is 00:46:35 is that I can't walk down the street and run into 25 people that I know. Because all the people I know from canterbury moved out of canterbury in the sort of early 2000s. So I walked down the street, I constantly see faces and I go, oh, that person must be, you know, so and so and it never is. And that's quite a ghostly feeling, you know.
Starting point is 00:46:55 That is why Crosby doesn't watch Blake films. Because my mind's a fucking horn, it's nest, meh-meh. I don't need the girl to kick one, I've got one rather beer. Because my mind's a fucking horn, it's next, mehmehmehmehmehmehmehmehmehmehmehmehmehmehmehmehmehmehmehmehmehmehmehmehmehmehmehmehmehmehmehmehmehmehmehmehmehmehmehmehmehmehmehmehmehmehmehmehmehmehmehmehmehmehmehmehmehmehmehmehmehmehmehmehmehmehmehmehmehmehmehmehmehmehmehmehmehmehmehmehmehmehmehmehmehmehmehmehmehmehmehmehmehmehmehmehmehmehmehmehmehmehmehmehmehmehmehmehmehmehmehmehmehmehmehmehmehmehmehmehmehmehmehmehmehmehmehmehmehmehmehmehmehmehmehmehmehmehmehmehmehmehmehmehmehmehmehmehmehmehmehmehmehmehmehmehmehmehmehmehmehmehmehmehmehmehmehmehmehmehmehmehmehmehmehmehmehmehmehmehmehmehmehmehmehmehmehmehmehmehmehmehmehmehmehmehmehmehmehmehmehmehmehmehmehmehmehmehmehmehmehmehmehmehmehmeh Just be looking at the ghosts of his former visit What noisers a shark make always be forwards Wasn't that a tortoise Quick finish Clarkie tortoise That's not my shirt, it's on me back. Yeah. Oh quick finish, Clarky Tortoise. Hello. Hello. Hello, remember me.
Starting point is 00:48:02 Hello. Remember me. Hello. You weren't remembering, but we're at primary school together. You sure, because I'm pretty sure I remember someone who's green. Oh, look like a weird hand. Oh yes, let me finish. Oh my ghost. Oh.
Starting point is 00:48:19 How's B.D. B.D. The socks only used for fun, but it's your feet. How's B.D. Well, there you stop up at your feet. How's BD? Well, there you go. What a shame you weren't listening to that because that was great. Pills to no swine. No, no.
Starting point is 00:48:34 No, no. He's listening to that. So we're half a dead of puffing and no one's at home. No, no, no. There we go. So again, the usual stuff. Don't forget the forward slash Papi's flat share. Don't forget to go to Eventbrite and get a ticket to see Tom Allen and Susie Ruffle
Starting point is 00:48:53 on Thursday with us. With us. With us, yeah. With us and us. Yeah, yeah. We're appearing twice. It's going to be Tom Allen, Susie Ruffle, Us and Us Follow us on Twitter, find us on Facebook, follow us on Instagram, all of that kind of stuff But most of all have a lovely time and a wonderful life.
Starting point is 00:49:12 Today's episode was produced as always by Emma Corsher Corsher team Cheers everyone Bye! Once upon a time there was patrons and they needed a neighbourhood watch roll call. Are you sitting comfortably? Then we'll begin. Oh, Darren the tree was upset.
Starting point is 00:49:42 Someone had given him a fright. Someone had come around his bark. What a fright! Have someone come around your bark? Someone had come around his bark. That person was Dan Knight. Ooh. Well, Wise Old Owl was in a really funny mood. Somebody had come around his bark. Wise Old Owl was in a very funny mood? He couldn't remember where he put his favorite book
Starting point is 00:50:36 No, he couldn't He'd he'd look Thai and he'd look low And he'd even look so fucking He'd looked high and he'd looked low. I didn't even look so fucking low. He'd even looked in the basement. Oh yes, yes. Anyway, next one. LAUGHTER
Starting point is 00:51:04 Oh, this is very early for the wheels to fall off by the girls. We haven't even got the clock here. Yeah, here we go. Yes, little, little froggy. Little froggy was in it. That's all you need, a new character. Oh, I got it, it was the character. Froggy's, froggy's come to save us.
Starting point is 00:51:34 Little froggy threw, threw, was having a really difficult day. Oh dear, it was so windy, he been blown halfway across the pond and his poor little flippers were incredibly cheap. His poor little flippers were incredibly chapped. That wasn't working though. Oh and, but don't worry, he said, he has missed a badger to help me. Oh, badger. Come over here, my poor chapped flippers. So, did you have got some saffron for me?
Starting point is 00:52:21 He said no, I haven't. But I tell you, has the we weasley old weasel barren barren the weasel barren the weasley weasel anyway all of these at the end the story was written by Laura Oh, dear. Well, what is it, you're old. I don't know why she sent that in. I'm really a pot of apologise to her. And we say about that story, the bed's her. Well, well, the wise old owl said to flipy frog you've heard my feelings well said to flipy frog you wouldn't believe what that badger did or the badger called Felix now it's you know it's better than I did, Clarke. So I can't criticize. It's pretty good. Right. The weasel had left the doctor's surgery.
Starting point is 00:53:37 So I was like Russian code. The doctor had been very kind once again, but couldn't repair her teeth. Go to the dentist he said. I sure will, she said, a real idiot she felt. But she couldn't, to help, but contain her excitement. The idea of meeting Oli, Royce Velt. Oh, well, it was so hard. It was tricky this one, I don't know why. Okay, well, it was a great day of the animal parade.
Starting point is 00:54:22 Don't keep... Oh, let's hope we're not going to list all of them. if he had him operate. Donkey. Oh, let's hope we're not gonna list all of them. Donkey was drawing hand in hand with Gibbon, and I don't know how they moat that. If it had the original odd couple, Donkey and Gibbon still giving it a go. Donkey and Gibbon stepping out together. Hold the front page as we've got some gossip.
Starting point is 00:54:50 Donkey and Gibbon are an item. I salute them about time too. It really is a true Gibbon and Pony show. Oh, Donkey and Gibbon. So, Donkey and Gibbon were stepping out. I, we wouldn't believe it, but a newt was riding on the back of a border collie. That newt's name? Why? It was Well, at the animal parade. Oh yes, they were all there. Paired up. Yes. Two point two it sounds like.
Starting point is 00:55:37 The sloths. And the sloths. The sloths. You would have to have animals, yeah. It's not a controversial. It's not controversial. It's not controversial. Not as many people talking about that as the donkey and the gibbon.
Starting point is 00:55:54 When the two sloths came together, you just thought, well, yes. I'm pretty good at this. I'm pretty good at this. The Sloth and the Sloth, looking at the donkey and the gibbon disturbingly. What on earth are they doing? They asked Scott Kerbischley. The gibbon and the donkey went to see in a beautiful pea-green boat. floated all the way to Telford. Oh! Yes! That's right. A lovely story by Diane Telford.
Starting point is 00:56:32 Wonderful story Diane and thank you very much. Now back to the animal parade. A lot of people wanted to interview the doggy, the donkey, the donkey, and the gibbon, and asked them how they met. Well, said the gibbon. The donkey just told me he had a wonderful pair of knackers, and then he flashed them. And I wrote the whole thing thing down and sold the story to Tobias Ashton. The little field mouse sat alone in a field nibbling on a digestive bickie. A short story written by Nicky.
Starting point is 00:58:56 Taking it to the streets. Oh! And the noise is something fearsome. You won't believe I'm going to tell my good pal, F McPherson. The Gibbon was drunk in the bar last night. And loose lips. The comments were barbed. I wouldn't like to be in the donkey's shoes. I said to the barman Jack Narbd, I was there in the pub last night listening to the given brailing at everybody who came close. Pist out of their mind, pointing the finger, slapping people upside their head, and calling everybody a pack of jerks. They even slapped the Mayor, Charles Perks. Oh, well, the donkey.
Starting point is 01:00:04 The donkey. The donkey's gone mad. Back to his feet. He's running round the town kicking everyone's front door and shouting with such vemin. The old Bill as that's a lock him up. The chief of police, Alex Cremin. Well that concludes today's Patreon, neighborhood watch, roll call. Night night, listen to dear. Night night. The donkey's gone mad.

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