Pardon My Take - Jerry O'Connell + Phil Hughes and the Mt Rushmore of Minor League Teams

Episode Date: August 6, 2018

Happy Birthday to our friend Scott Van Pelt. We talk Hall of Fame speeches, Ray Lewis giving the worst TED talk of all time, and how we officially feel old with this year's Canton class (2:35-11:10). ...Who's back of the week including Steven Seagal and Urban Meyer passing the buck (11:11-19:20). Starting Pitcher Phil Hughes is back for the Mt Rushmore of minor league team names (he's not actually back we just taped it with him when he was in studio). (20:51-32:31) Actor Jerry O'Connell joins the show to talk about his new show on Bravo, Jerry Maguire, being a fat kid growing up, and being a nationally ranked fencer at one point in his life (34:35-1:13:12). Segments include PR 101 for Johnny Manziel's CFL debut (1:15:52-1:17:48), Stick to Sports for President Trump bringing MJ vs Lebron to the White House (1:17:49-1:21:20), Respect the Biz for Mike Sciosca (1:21:21-1:23:29), and Millenials are killing everything, an update. (1:23:30-1:26:37)You can find every episode of this show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or YouTube. Prime Members can listen ad-free on Amazon Music. For more, visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, pardon my take listeners, you can find every episode on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or YouTube. Prime members can listen ad-free on Amazon Music. On today's part of my take, we have Jerry O'Connell in studio. Very fun, interesting interview with Jerry. He's got a lot of energy. We talk Bravo. We talk his acting career, Jerry Maguire. And we did a table reading. We brought that back. We also have the Mount Rushmore of Minor League Baseball team names with Phil Hughes. We taped that when he was in studio. A little extra fun thing for everyone out there. And we have the Cash App. You know the Cash App. It's the simplest way to instantly send money to friends. It's also the number one app in finance, but didn't get there on payments alone. These days,
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Starting point is 00:01:30 Also, we're still giving away free money. Yep. Cash App is giving away free money every single episode to a lucky award-winning listener. All you got to do is download the Cash App, tweet us your cash tag, and we will give someone free money. Liam, who'd we hook up? Luke Laycock. Luke Laycock. All right. Okay. Yeah, Peter Laypipe. Yeah, there we go, Luke. All right, so download the Cash App right now and tweet us your cash tag at part of my take, and you too, like Luke Laycock, can win some free money. Okay, let's go. And then a lot of work to be done. No place to hang alone washing. And then I can't save all on the sun. Oh, no.
Starting point is 00:02:26 We're gonna rock down to electric Avenue. And then we'll take it higher. Oh, we're gonna rock down to electric Avenue. And then we'll take it higher. Oh, welcome to part of my take presented by Seek Geek. Today is Monday, August 6th, and I'd like to wish a happy belated birthday to Scott Van Pelt on Saturday. Yep. His birthday was August 4th per Wikipedia. It actually wasn't his birthday, but I guess his own PR department started wishing him a happy birthday. His Wikipedia page said that it was August 4th as his birthday. I have a theory about this. Would you like to hear it? Yes, please. So it was a big confusing time for SVP. I think what happened was there was
Starting point is 00:03:17 like a summer intern at ESPN whose job was to like just compile a list of birthdays for the PR department and put them in a spreadsheet. And so if you're an intern, what do you do? You just go to Wikipedia, right? Right. That's basically what you would do. And so it was just like some busy work for a summer intern who just like put these cells together and then just totally screwed over the entire PR department. And I think it also my stay woke as well is that Scott Van Pelt, we know him well. I think he just doesn't want anyone to ever wish him happy birthday. So he changed it himself so that because I think his birthday was like three or four days ago. So he just was able to go through his day at Bristol and no one wished him a happy birthday and basically
Starting point is 00:03:57 walk away and be like, all right, that was over with another birthday down where no one had to say anything to me. Yeah, embrace debate at what age do birthdays just start to suck? I'd say 26. Yeah, I was gonna say 25. So we're right around the same area. You turn 25, you can buy a car or you can rent a car. Oh, you can rent a car. Yes, that's true. So 26 would be the age and then everything from there is downhill. I was going to start the show a different way, but we had to give we love Scott and we hope he's come back on soon. So but the other way I was going to start the show was today is August 6 and Ray Lewis just now finished his Hall of Fame speech, which was the most ridiculous Hall of Fame speech while also being exactly what we all
Starting point is 00:04:42 expected from Ray Lewis. Yeah, anything else would have been disappointing from Ray. I needed full on preacher mode. Did they give him like a lav mic? They should have just given him like a wireless mic to walk up and down the aisle is like, like a preacher just laying hands on people and making people stand up out of their wheelchairs and stuff. No, they did. Every single person did it behind the podium. Traditional like, you know, I mean, Brian Erlacher, I love Brian Erlacher, he is a bear legend. But he was obviously like he's he's he's exactly what you expect. Like he gives a speech and he was it was nice and touching. But it wasn't any like theatrics. Ray Lewis comes out. He's got the preacher mic attached to his face. He's the only one who does that he's going
Starting point is 00:05:22 he did the like the rapper or the band where they just show up and they just say they scream the name the city over and over so people cheer he came out and was like Baltimore, Baltimore, Baltimore, Baltimore, like six times just for the applause sweat like all the way through his coat. Yeah, was talking about how we need to pray in school was talking about how he's like doesn't want his daughter to end up in the sex trafficking trade. Like that's how far out there we got. I mean, are you disagreeing with that? Are you saying that you want her to? I don't know. Yeah. No, Ray made a lot of good points, I think, in that speech. He was just like he was in full preacher mode. He was like and crime in this world. It goes down when I played football in Baltimore.
Starting point is 00:06:07 Yes, yes. So Ray Lewis, like it was just it was both nauseating and I couldn't take my eyes off it. I actually like was getting upset and then I but I couldn't stop watching because it was so ridiculous. I also this was the first hall of fame and you tell me if I'm right on this where I finally officially have felt old because every single guy who got inducted I was like that's a legend that I remember watching like his entire career. Yeah, it was the first year for that between like Erlach or Randy Moss, Ray Lewis. It's like I remember Ryan Dawkins. Yeah, I'm starting to remember when these guys played in college and that's a very scary moment for me. That's the Sunday scariest of life right there is like I'm officially over that hill once guys that are younger
Starting point is 00:06:50 than me start retiring. Yes, this was the first hall of fame where I was like shit. I remember when he was a rookie, like I remember the entire thing. This isn't like an old legend or anything like this. This is a guy who I feel like could, you know, stuff like all these guys, they look like they could basically put on pads and play tomorrow. So that's that's a scary moment. I also quick shout out, by the way, to Skip Bayless, who actually is the man behind the man for Erlacher's career. So he tweeted during Erlacher's ceremony when I wrote for the Chicago Tribune, I campaigned for the Bears to draft Brian Erlacher. GM wanted Plaxco Burris who went one pick earlier to the Steelers as a bigger weapon as Plax became and as much as I like him personally, I'd still take
Starting point is 00:07:34 the hall of fame Erlacher. Yeah. So pretty nice of him. Yeah. Well, that's like the old Jay Marriotti taking credit for President Obama because he told Mike Ditka not to run for Illinois State Senate against him and he would have wiped the floor with Obama. It's amazing. Like the impact that Skip Bayless and Jay Marriotti have had not only just on the Illinois community, but the world right. It's just it's beyond measure at this point. Chicago journalists, they have they have everyone's ear. All the powerful people's ear. We should also we should mention real quick you're in Youngstown, Ohio. So this is a Skype show that we're doing. Yes. You're out there for the rough and rowdy fight, which was electric. If you're listening to this on Monday morning, I'm sure it
Starting point is 00:08:14 was great. I'm sure you paid full price for the pay-per-view. So thank you for doing that. Shout out to you. Yes. Shout out and a shout out to the mural that was unveiled in Youngstown, the home of grit where no one showed up, but I got to cut a ribbon with a oversized pair of scissors, which is kind of a dream of mine. Yeah. Back to the Hall of Fame real quick. Who would you rather listen narrate the phone book? Ray Lewis or Randy Moss? Because Randy Moss has an all time great voice. I'm definitely going Randy Moss. Randy Moss. When Randy Moss would do Monday Night Football and be like Randy Moss, Rand University, that was the best. Just that one little clip was such an all time moment. And did you see, by the way, at all Tio's speech, which was just as sad and awkward
Starting point is 00:08:56 as we all thought it would be just doing like everyone's in Canton enjoying the Hall of Fame, like, you know, celebrating these legends. Chris Berman's on the mic. Great to fucking see him. Every time I see him, I get a smile on my face. And then Tio is at University of Tennessee, Chattanooga, doing a Hall of Fame speech to like 2000 people in the gym. Yeah. And it's funny because like Tio, he made this for himself. Like he can't say that he wasn't invited. He just, he just pretended like he wasn't invited. He was like, they don't respect me up in Ken. You're right. It's like the old, with the James Harrison excuse, like they only invited me to my Hall of Fame induction because they voted me into the Hall of Fame. If they didn't vote me
Starting point is 00:09:36 into the Hall of Fame, then I wouldn't have been invited. So I'm not coming. Right. Until they start inviting me just because they want to hang out with Tio, the guy, I'm not coming. Although I would like to see Ray Lewis invited every year. He should be the master of ceremonies each year. Oh, I, that speech, he was very, very close to breaking the Brett Favre record. I think he was like two minutes away. Brett Favre still has four inches. No, that's not that one. 36 minutes speech. Okay. So Brett Favre and Brett Favre speech though, was more just like he forgot where he was halfway through the speech. So Ray Lewis was 33 minutes of full on preaching. Yeah. And he said he was going to try to keep it to 25, but Ray Lewis, no, he's never ordered a burger
Starting point is 00:10:17 in under 25 minutes. Like, no, absolutely. Do you think Ray Lewis is a kind of guy that leaves a tip at a restaurant or does he leave the Joe Gibbs prayer booklet behind as his tip? Oh, absolutely. He'll write down like, uh, yeah, a Psalm, Psalm 23 or something. Be like, here's a little tip for you. Go on with your day. I'll pray for you. That's a big, that's such a power move, by the way, to say, I don't know if you saw Robert Clemco's speech, or a piece where he was like, I tried to ask Ray about the Atlanta incident and Ray said, I prayed for you. You were number one in my prayers last night to just walk up. Someone be like, yo, you were number one in my prayers. What do you even say to that? You can't, there's no defense to that. No, it's the classic
Starting point is 00:10:55 bless your heart. And that's what you say from the South, man. Just bless your heart. If that's the equivalent of saying suck my dick in the North is bless your heart. Yeah. We, I think that's our new thing. We're going to start praying for people. Yeah. Bless your heart. Yeah. Kevin Durant, I'm going to pray for you tonight. Okay. Number one in my prayers. It's very, very big of you. Yes. All right. Let's do our who's back. Hank is on his 16th vacation of the year. So he is, we have Bubba in instead. Bubba, you want to start? Sure. My who's back of the week is your boy big cat, Steven Segal, who we formerly disavowed, but it just came out. He's a big Putin guy and he has been appointed as a US envoy, which I had to Google what that was,
Starting point is 00:11:41 but it says he is going to facilitate relationships between Russia and the US in the humanitarian field, including cooperation in culture, arts, public and youth exchanges. That sounds like child trafficking right there. Yeah. And apparently it's unpaid too. Yeah. So I'm sure it is. I'm sure I'm sure it's paid entirely in Bitcoin to Jen. I'm excited about that. The more Steven Segal we can get in the public eye, the better I think I, I don't know exactly what his job responsibilities are going to be, but it sounds like he's just going to be flying back and forth between Russia and Washington DC. And honestly, that's probably all we can hope for from Steven Segal. That's a great job for him. Well, and Steven Segal is one
Starting point is 00:12:24 of those guys who's been an action figure in movies for so long that I actually kind of believe like he can be a fixer, like he'll come in and just start killing people. And that like if the problem is there are people that need to be killed, then he will be great at this job. I don't know if that's exactly what it entails, but I do actually think my brain has kind of morphed where it's like Steven Segal. Yeah, he could get us out of a jam, even though it sounds like he's working for Russia, not us. Well, so you said that he'd be a great person to bring in if the job required killing. I think any job that Steven Segal accepts, like his only solution is killing. So yes, he'll make it work. He's like, he's got a hammer and everything's a nail. You know what I'm
Starting point is 00:13:04 saying? Right, right. Like, hey, guys, we should send out a couple emails. Let's try to circle back with everyone and get on the same page with this, you know, piece we're working on to help the youth of America. No, actually, let's just kill everyone. Yeah. Okay, done. Perfect. Meeting over. Liam, was that the only one you got? Just one. Okay, nice. PFT. Why don't you go? That was a good one. My who's back is Nick Saban, and more specifically, Nick Saban's Lake. It's Nick Saban Lake season. There's like a week every year where Nick Saban just takes journalists on his boat, on his lake to show that he likes to have fun every now and again. He's got like a little pontoon boat. He's like, you know, every now and again, I like to just take the boat out and cruise
Starting point is 00:13:47 around. And we certainly like to have our share of fun here on the lake. And then everyone's like, see, Nick Saban's kind of a fun dude. He's not just a taskmaster, you think he is. There was also an article written about him on from Kevin Van Valkenburg. And it contains this little nugget about him sitting down with Bob Stoops in Youngstown, Ohio. They met up when Saban was passing through town. And Stoops was a high school coach. The two want to have a cocktail at the end of the day to unwind and talk about football. That's what football guys do. They still talk about football to unwind. They pick a dimly lit dive bar and start scribbling down formations, drawing up plays and napkins, arguing the way friends sometimes do. They're so invested in making
Starting point is 00:14:28 their points that they don't notice when a man walks into the bar with a shotgun and robs the place. So they were out having drinks, diagramming football plays, and they were completely oblivious to a dude robbing the bar with a gun. That's that's that's exactly what I would expect Nick Saban to do. Yeah, that's one fantastic. That is an ultimate football guy story. So Nick Saban and more importantly, Nick Saban's Lake is back in full effect. And that's actually my only who's back of the week. So my other who's back of the week is brevity. Oh, shout out and also doing. Yeah. And also doing one who's back. Yeah, I like that. Shit. Now I'm now I'm kind of fuck because I have to but that's pretty that's pretty short to all right. My first one is passing the buck. So
Starting point is 00:15:12 buck eyes. I just realized I said that so passing the buck is back. Urban Meyer has figured out his defense and it is kind of what we all expected. He released a statement Friday news dump and he basically went with the I have always followed proper reporting protocols even through in the line. This is my favorite line. I elevated the issue to the proper channels. So Gene Smith, you are pretty much fucked. And Urban Meyer is just going to say yeah, he told everyone and it's your fault for not doing anything. But Meyer definitely still had this guy on his staff for the last three years, right? No, but he told he told Gene Smith. No, I know the channels were elevated correctly. Yeah, yes, we all know that the channels protocol was followed. It's and it
Starting point is 00:15:58 wasn't his fault that he was standing next to him and having sharing a locker room with him every single day. Yeah, it's it's my favorite thing in college football where the coach who runs the entire university essentially like he is the most powerful man in the university and oftentimes the state. But when they get in a jam, he just got a boss he's got to report to he was just doing he was doing his job. He sent the email he let his boss know it was his fault for not for not fixing the thing. Yeah, it's like Joe Paterno being like no I told the vice president at Jerry Sandusky was banging kids. What do you want me to do in the meantime? My hands are tied here. Yeah, I can't do I can't do anything else. I told the proper protocols it's on them if they didn't do anything
Starting point is 00:16:40 else. They didn't stop. Listen, I got a I was handed a flow chart when I accepted this job of what I needed to do to report these things. And the flow chart was followed to the to the nth degree. Okay. Yes. Yeah, we remember back in the day when we didn't have the internet and we had to do the telephone tree. That was there essentially being like, yeah, we did the telephone tree. I called the person I was supposed to call and let them know the soccer game was canceled. Right. It's like you let yeah, you let your teammate know that the game is rained out. And then next week, you don't get that phone call, but you still walk out onto the field in the middle of a tornado. And hey, listen, I didn't get the phone call. Yeah. So I'm sorry my family got killed by an F5.
Starting point is 00:17:17 All right. My other who's back is our good friend. It's been a lot of Blake talk recently, but Blake number one, the winner of Blake of the year MVP Blake talk is back because apparently he had his broken wrist for two years. So he just got the he got the surgery and he says that he feels great. He says when you do not have to worry about going to rehab or going to get treatment, you have to make sure you warm it up the right way. You have to take anti inflammatory medicine and do all that stuff. So he's been warming up his wrist before every game. Yep. That's important. Although, I mean, sometimes coaches tell you that you shouldn't warm up your wrist at all during the season. Right. Exactly. So and they said if it's just a lot of process to be able to go
Starting point is 00:18:01 out there and do what you should be able to do without any pain to be able to do that now. Finally, it's pretty awesome. So MVP you think an MVP. I'm thinking it sounds like Blake got himself a flashlight taking a lot of that pressure off off the old wrist. No carpal tunnel. I think, yeah, preseason MVP. Let's book it. I'm so excited for a healthy Blake Bortles. I love this too. When, when, when you have the injury and it's like it's, it's my favorite sports radio caller when, when a guy comes back from injury and they're like, well, we don't have to do anything in the free agent signings because we basically get the best free agent back. That's essentially what's happening with Blake Bortles. Like now they have real Blake Bortles. That's, that's super bolt
Starting point is 00:18:39 material. Yeah. What's going on with the trainers down in Jacksonville, by the way, if like he had a broken wrist for two years and they just didn't do anything to correct. Do you think Blake was just like, I think in Blake's mind, if something hurts on his body, he's just like, that's the, I got a thing I got to deal with now. Like my foot hurts and it's like, you can't fix it. In his mind, he's like, I don't want to have to go through, like go see a doctor. That's a lot of paperwork to go to the trainer's office. Yeah. Blake is definitely one of the most easy going guys that I've ever met in my life. And he definitely was like, eh, like I'm going to have to tell people and they're going to have to do more work. I don't want, like I know the guy on the training
Starting point is 00:19:14 staff. He's a really good guy. I don't want to try to make his life miserable. Like let's just deal with it ourselves. I don't want to turn this into a thing. Like, come on. I don't need all that attention. Exactly. Exactly. All right. That was who's back. Let's do our Mount Rushmore with Phil Hughes. We have the Mount Rushmore of minor league team names before we get to that. Simply safe. Simply safe is what home security should be. They actually hooked us up and it's awesome because simply safe has this like full comprehensive protection system where you get like video cameras and all this stuff. So you know that you are always safe. Simply safe system keeps your family and home safe 24 seven. It's engineered to keep working during power outages, down wi-fi,
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Starting point is 00:20:45 Simply slash PMT order that now and someone who needs a family in need will get a simply safe as well. Simply slash PMT. Okay. Here we go. Phil Hughes and the Mount Rushmore of minor league team names. We have the Mount Rushmore of minor league baseball team names. So you played minor league. You played a bunch of what teams did you play for? What's the team? So I played for the Gulf Coast Yankees. Okay. Not cool. Real exciting name. Yep. The Charleston River dogs. That's pretty cool. That's a good name. Yep. The Tampa Yankees. Okay. They're the tarpons now. Oh, it's too close to tampons. Yeah. Very confusing. The Trenton Thunder. Okay. Which is appropriate because it's like the weather's always shitty in Trenton. Wait five minutes then
Starting point is 00:21:36 it changes. That's their old joke about Trenton. Yeah. And the Scran Wilkesbury Yankees. Okay. So which are now the rail riders. Yeah. That's pretty good. The Yankees have been going a new direction. They've been naming their teams not Yankees. All right. So let's start with you. You go first. Then we'll go snake trap. Hank goes to the end and then come back through. So this is affiliated. So it can't be like in an independent league. Okay. So I do have one. I do have one that they changed their name. That's okay. Because I think it was like we were getting. Okay. Okay. So that's actually going to be probably save it because we probably don't know the old name. Okay. You draft strategy. Well I mean he said that he's kind of a loser and doesn't
Starting point is 00:22:16 not very smart. Struggle through college. So we got to help him out a little bit. Okay. So I got to go Montgomery Biscuits. That's a good one. Yeah. I had that on my list too. The best part about it is his tongues have had a butter. Yes. The guy. Yes. The little biscuit. That's good. Yeah. That's a good person. It's a solid one. All right. I'll go with an oldie but a goodie. The Albuquerque Isotopes. Yeah. That's a solid choice. And you got the Simpsons. Yeah. Yeah. Damn it. That was it. Okay. Those were my two first ones that you guys picked. Yep. Okay. I'm going to go with the Frisco Rough Riders. Shout out to the MX. Drop. Drop. Shut it down. Open up. I got blood on my dick because I fucked the court. Ro. Ro.
Starting point is 00:22:59 My number one. I'm going to go with the Pensacola Blue Wahoos. Ooh. Okay. My two will go with the Lexington Legends. Big fan of the alliteration games. Yeah. No, that's good. Yeah. What's the mascot look like though? I don't know. I'm going to look it up. Okay. All right. All right. My next one I'm going to go with Duval Jacksonville Jumbo Shrimp. That's a good one. And that's a new one that recently changed their logo. And the new logo is really cool. Like the shrimp I think is kind of like you pick it. You might even be wearing a top hat. Yeah. I think the owner of the team said that the Jumbo Shrimp's a hard worker. Yeah. It's great. It's the grittiest thing. Yeah. That's true. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:34 You don't often see hardworking shrimp, but no, they just kind of hang out. Yeah. What are you, do shrimp even swim? Dude, there are some fighting shrimp. Have you ever seen those? No. Shrimp that can actually like break your finger with their like snappy legs. Shrimp can. Yeah. No way. Yeah. Shrimp can fuck you up. Like I went fishing one time with Glenn Perkins and I'm terrified of shrimp now. You got to grab one of those things. They have like horns. Yeah. And they can like stab your finger. Still going to eat it. Yeah. Still going to eat it. All right. I can't believe this one lasted. Another oldie but a goodie. Toledo Mud Hens. So I feel like the Toledo Mud Hens are the gateway drug to finding out like all these teams have fun names. Yeah. Like everyone knows like,
Starting point is 00:24:12 oh, Toledo Mud Hens. That's cool. And they're like, oh, shit. There's all these other teams. I killed a Mudhead one time on a golf course. They're real? Yeah. I had no idea that that was an actual thing. They look like little like fat ducks. I hit a really low drive and like right into a pile of them and they all flew away except one. Here's a good joke. Yeah. It was terrible. You got a birdie. Yeah. Oh, there you go. Nice. You can keep that one. Tell that one in the poll pen tonight. Okay. Keep the team loose. All right. You get two picks now. Okay. I'm going to go with the Lansing lug nuts. That's good. Yeah. That was one of my all time faves. I go more for the what the mascot looks like or what the little cartoon. Yeah. So does a lug nut have a face?
Starting point is 00:24:58 Yeah. He's got eyeballs. I love it. I can't recall. I'll look it up. Okay. Okay. And then what's your other one? What was it? The what lug nuts? Lansing lug nuts. Lansing lug nuts. Yeah. He actually yeah. He does. He looks almost like a elephant. It kind of looks like an elephant like with a squished nose. That's cool. And he's got a tooth. He's got one random tooth. Yeah. That's pretty good. Yeah. That's pretty good. That's a good. That's a good lug nut. Yeah. I like that one. That's a good pick by you. And he's getting screwed into what appears to be a butthole. Yeah. I don't know what that is. No, that's a butthole. Yeah. Okay. What's your what's your second one? I'm going to go with the Modesto nuts. That's a good one. Yeah. What I love about
Starting point is 00:25:40 the nice array of nuts in their logo too, which I like, like they don't just give you an almond or like a peanut. Like they got like a good trio. Yeah. They do. And the thing about the nuts, they actually look like testicles. Yes. I'm looking at right now. These both look like testicles. Yeah. The one on the right, it's actually like a time lapse of what your nuts look like when you're in the thirties and then what your nuts look like when you're in your like fifties or sixties. Yeah. It's you versus the guy she told you not to worry about. Yes. And they have a bat and a ball too. Yeah. All right. My third pick, I'm going to go with the Hickory crawdads. Okay. Like the he, oh, you did play there? Those guys, that's a good logo. And he's also like a mean
Starting point is 00:26:18 ass crawdad. He's, he's, and crawdads like, I don't even know what a crawdad is. It's just a crawfish. Yeah. It's like a, it's like a crappy lobster. That's a good way to describe it. Coach, I would beat the fuck out of you if you heard this. Oh yeah. Yeah. You gotta be careful. People in the South like love those like crawdad boils, crawfish boil. Delicious. They're one of my favorite things to do. I like, I like how they're terrible. They're awful. Like you get no meat out of them. They suck, but it's like a Southern thing. It's good. It's good. I like how you can describe every animal just based on like the mud head is just a fat duck. Right. And the crawdads just a shitty lobster. Yeah. Like the zebra is like a fancy horse. Yeah. It's a referee. I think your
Starting point is 00:26:57 intelligence is underrated. Yeah, but like it doesn't get you anywhere. Yeah. Got you. It's going to get you a few points with the award-winning listeners. Okay. All right. My next one, I'm going with the, I think it's the Binghamton Rumble Ponies. Okay. That's the team that Tebow was on. Are they affiliated? Yeah. Tebow was on a team. It sounds like a vibrator. Yeah. The Rumble Pony. The Binghamton Rumble Rumble Ponies. Wow. That's a hell of a name. I think I've seen this one. It's like a, it's like a horse with like a bunch of metal cladding on it. Yes, it is. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. The, actually the old logo, it looks like the old logo was way better than the new one, because the old one is a horse with a stick in his hand and a boxing glove. And the new one is like,
Starting point is 00:27:40 you know, when they, they just screw up logos like that, where they just try to get two new aids and do like the sleek lines and shit. Fuck that. Keep it simple. All right, Hank, you got your two last ones. I'm going to go with the Rancho Cucamonga Quakes. Ooh. It's got like a weird alligator with like purple spots on it. Pods have another good one too. Yeah, they do. They have, oh, I know what you're going to say. I might, I have it written down because it might be my last pick. Okay. My last pick, I'll go with the Down East Wood Ducks. Okay. That's great. That's a good one. Wood duck is a very underrated duck by the way. It's a sick logo too. Yeah. Is that what you put out there to like lure other ducks? No, that's a decoy, which is a wooden duck. But yeah, see,
Starting point is 00:28:20 you are smart. Yes. Very smart. Yeah. Very smart. No, a wood, a wood duck is like a fluorescent duck. It's got like eight different colors on it. It's awesome looking. So a fancy duck. Very fancy duck. I also like that we just keep saying that you are smart, like you said that you were dumb. All you said was you might not have gone to college, but we've just assumed that you're dumb. Right. Sorry. Yeah. Dumb, dumb jock. All right. All right. So my last one, I'm going to go with the Jupiter hammerheads. I love the hammerhead shark. Plus it's a double bonus because you can think like maybe they're from the planet Jupiter too. Yes. Like they're aliens. Jupiter Florida though. Yeah. But they're, but it could be alien sharks. You never know. You never know. Yeah. All right.
Starting point is 00:28:58 I'm going to go with the last one. You alluded to it. The, in the Padres organization, the El Paso Chihuahuas. So Chihuahuas. I feel like Chihuahuas had a big come up with Taco Bell in the 90s. And ever since then, people have been like, okay, Chihuahuas not so bad. And it's got a cool logo too because it's got a like spiked leash. Yeah. And when you think of intimidating dogs, that's usually where you go. All right. Last one for you, Phil. My last one, and this is the team that I don't think exists anymore, or at least their logo or their name is different. And that would be the Bakersfield blaze or their logo was a burning marijuana leaf. No way. Yeah. That's amazing. That's so Cali too. Yep. To just be like, Hey, we're just going to have it be.
Starting point is 00:29:44 Oh yeah. That is cool. Yeah. That is cool. That's all right. Are they still called the blaze now? Yeah, they're still the blaze, but they changed their logo. So they don't have that's still an awesome name is the alliteration place. For my honorable mention, I actually, I messed up. I was looking at this list that we pulled up of minor league baseball teams and there are two West Virginia teams. And I accidentally my brain combined them into one. There's the Black Bears and then there's the power. I thought it was the West Virginia Black Power. And I thought that would be a pretty cool name for the team. Yeah. And also pretty badass. Yeah, especially in West Virginia. Yeah. So yeah, it would fit right in. Right. So a hand up. I screwed that one up, but that would
Starting point is 00:30:22 have been on my list had been a real name. The New Orleans baby cakes and the bowling green hot rods were the other two that I had circled. What about the Northwest Arkansas naturals? That's pretty good. The big naturals. Yeah. Best baseball movie. We'll embrace debate. I've got some. I actually have bolder. Well, I'm actually going to go. I'm going to yeah, I'm going to go made rookie of the year one. Number one. Sandlot. Sandlot. Because it's the Cubs or you actually liked it? No, because it's the Cubs. Okay. The natural to Sandlot three. Okay. What about was it the scout with Robert De Niro? That's a different one. The one where Robert De Niro like kidnaps Wesley Snipes kid or
Starting point is 00:31:00 something. Oh, and also I forgot Steve Nebraska. Great movie. And the work. Yeah. And the rookie. Notice nobody said little big league. Very underrated. Very underrated. Very underrated. Can you imagine being a kid and being the owner of a baseball team? Right. A little bit more believable than rookie of the year. Right. Angels in the outfield. Angels. There's so many good movies. I mean, we didn't even say major league. Although I have considered like falling and breaking my arm and then seeing if I throw a hundred after. Yes. Like you never know until you try it. When you're ready for that, we will break your arm for you. Okay. Cool. Yeah. We'll hold it behind your back and just snap it. Yeah. Well, wait till I'm like not under contract and then.
Starting point is 00:31:36 Yeah. And then we can have your contract. Is your arm insured? Like personally. Yeah. Or through the team. Well, just I know the team has like medical insurance on players. Yeah. So it'd be real shame if somewhere would happen. Real shame. Real shame. Yeah. Yeah, it would be. You wouldn't collect any of that money that would go straight to the ownership. Well, I would still collect my contract. Interesting. If I told you to break my arm, then I think there might be some galley issues. But if I had no idea it was coming. Yeah. You know, idea it's coming. Got it. Right. Yep. I know what you're saying. All right. All right. Phil. Just leave that banana peel right outside the studio. Phil. Speaking of banana
Starting point is 00:32:11 peels, honorable mention, I have the Savannah Bananas as one of my. That should have been on the Mount Rushmore. Damn. I'm surprised none of you guys went there. That's a good one. We're about to toss the drillers. That's another good one too. Another good one for oil. All right, Phil Hughes. Thank you so much. This was a lot of fun. Yeah. Appreciate it. Thanks for having me. We have a shirt for you. Oh, sick. Yes. Yeah, I'm excited. We actually just found out that we had a box of recurring guest shirts that have been sitting in a pile for the last like six months and we haven't given any out, but you get one. Nice. I'm going to wear it to the field today. The guys would be real jealous. There we go. All right. Thanks, man. Everyone go and vote who had the best minor
Starting point is 00:32:46 league team names. The lug nuts. Shout out the Lansing lug nuts for sending us some free swag, but I love minor league team names. We will post that on part of my take on the Twitter account. We also have Jerry O'Connell coming up before we do that. Mugsy jeans, my favorite jeans in the entire world. I've actually known these guys for a while, the Chicago guys. I've been wearing Mugsy jeans for years and they are so, so comfortable. If you live in a city, if you live in anywhere where if you get that swamp ass feeling, well, Mugsy jeans are the best jeans to wear the ones where you would go ahead, PFT. I just want to jump in and give a personal testimony to Mugsy jeans, because I'm not a jeans guy. I'm a sweatpants guy. I'm a track suit guy. I'm a wind pant guy.
Starting point is 00:33:29 But these are the only jeans that I wear because they actually do feel like sweatpants. True story. Yes, they absolutely do. And Testament, a personal testament to PFT's personal testament, he really isn't a jeans guy. Every time he wears jeans, I actually gasp and be like, yo, what's going on today? Like, do you have a meeting that I don't know about? That actually happens all the time. But Mugsy jeans, they are so comfortable. They're literally as comfortable as sweatpants, the magic in their lightweight fabrics that they custom develop for ultra softness, breathability and flexibility. The result is you look good, you feel great and you stay cool. You guys know we're big sweatpants guys when we're doing capital J journalism things and
Starting point is 00:34:08 are forced out of sweats. We're in our mugsies. They're the only jeans we wear. Do yourself a favor. Don't be the guy waddling to work this summer because your crotch feels like the Amazon. Get yourself a pair of mugsies pronto. Their summer lineup of jeans and chinos will keep you cool and ridiculously comfortable this summer. Head to mugsie That's M U G S Y and use promo code PMT to get $10 off. That's Mugsy using code PMT to get yourself the best pants you'll ever own. Okay, here we go. Jerry O'Connell. All right, we now welcome on a very, very special guest. He is pumped to be here. He's wearing his pardon my take shirt. It looks great on you. This is like, it's Jerry O'Connell,
Starting point is 00:34:54 but you know, like the old saying, don't wear the shirt, the band that you're going to see. No, man. If you go to, if you go to a Metallica concert, you wear a Metallica shirt. You're, you're probably a cop. So you have to tell us if you guys, funnily enough, I'm here with another cease and desist letter. Boom, you've been served. That actually would be a dirty way to do it. Hey, Jerry O'Connell wants to be on your show. Yeah, absolutely. That's actually not a bad side gig for you, right? Like you want it to be a lawyer at some point. Serving people. Yeah, I guess, I guess I could have that. I did go to law, I'm a law school dropout. I went for one year and I dropped the, I dropped the hell out of there. You're like a sports blog commenter then. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:35 You'd be perfect in the dates and comments section. So Jerry O'Connell, you have a new show coming out on Bravo. The original name of it was Real Men Watch Bravo, but which we were fans of. I was a big fan. Right. Listen, we, we've changed that name. We've, we realized how insensitive that title was. We heard everyone's voices on, it's amazing that I'm here with the, maybe the most famous commenter because we read everyone's comments. Yes. And we, we understood the insensitivity with that name. We were actually making a joke on the real housewives of blank, real, I can't, I don't even want to say the title anymore. Real Men Watch Bravo. That's what it was called. Right. We'll bleep, we'll bleep out the M word. Yeah. So what's it now? So now it is called, it's called
Starting point is 00:36:23 Bravo's Play by Play. Okay. So now, listen, it's like a, it's almost like a, listen, it's like a part of my take for everything Bravo. It's like a sports center. It's like the highlights of everything in the Bravo worst that week. It's going to almost be almost like a sports show. I mean, it's almost like, it's like the, it's almost like the meat, the press of a Bravo show. So it's going to be like this week. Luan was really crazy. Sure. You're like, you're like Chuck Todd. Yeah. I'm, I'm the Chuck Todd. This week they, they drink wine and they all yelled at each other at the same exact time. Right. Right. But we may like, like actually go in depth and break down like how they yelled at each other and sort of like have like a telestrator, maybe even, we
Starting point is 00:37:10 okay. So which one do you watch? I mean, I watched some housewives. Do you, my favorite part is when they all have a simultaneous fight on, they like go on a vacation, they drink too much wine and then like there's four fights going on at the same time. For example, this week a lot of the ladies went to Cartagena, Colombia and they, they, there was a rare at the dinner table, a double fight. Yeah. That's what I'm talking about. I saw that. Two people were fighting simultaneously and it was, it was really like, it was a really special experience. Well, about different things. Yeah. You need to work that down. You got to get the all 22 going. Right. What was the, what's the name of the woman who went after Luanne, who got too drunk?
Starting point is 00:37:46 Her name is Dorinda. Dorinda was going after Luanne, then Bethany and, um, what's the other one? I think somebody's auditioning. What's the other one? What's the other one's name? I would take your man card, but we can't say that word. Bethany versus, versus, it was Bethany versus Carol. Yeah. A lot of tears. A lot of tears. There was cry. Wow. And then they, and then they all get drunk and they're like, this is what we really should do. I had it on my Mount Rushmore of things that take away your man card. So, no, you're not, listen, I will say this, um, a, a, a rather male skewing show. I think you guys would enjoy your younger virile men. Um, is, uh, his, uh, Vanderpump rules. Uh, see, I don't do that. I'm an old school. I watched the New York real
Starting point is 00:38:31 housewives of New Jersey and just the orange County. I don't get the new stuff. I like, uh, I'll branch out if you say it's good. I gotta tell you, I think you should be a part of this show. Bravo's play by play might have to, I like, uh, top chef. Yeah. That's on Bravo, right? Big, uh, what's your name? Pradma. Uh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Real men wear Prada. Okay. So we're not going to talk too much about Bravo. We, because I think there's some people who probably don't watch it, but I just want to one last question. Do you think that, do you trust Vicki's new boyfriend? Kat, you're killing me right now. Her old face cancer and like, tried to like, basically take money from everyone. You know what, fellas? I was a scum. I gotta tell you,
Starting point is 00:39:14 sandbagging me. Like, I don't know where this cat came from. I told you, I watched it. Hey, fellas, I gotta tell you, I was excited about coming up here, but you guys are blowing me away. This is, thank you. I'm blown away. I mean, it's not really like, it's not, I'm not, I don't read books. I just watch, you know, TV where people just yell at each other the whole time. I'm a reality, I'm, I'm a reality television. Like I like, I'm not going to say trashy reality television because it's high class, but I like the drama. I like fights. I, um, I do have one little boom to pick with you. I don't, I don't mind Chicago sports. Okay. Okay. Being a New Yorker, I don't mind. I, I much prefer to hear about Chicago sports than maybe another major city being, being from New
Starting point is 00:39:57 York. But, um, you know, now that the NFL season is coming upon us, you know, not everyone just watches the bears. True. There are other, other NFL teams, especially in, in, you know, the fantasy football world now. Oh, who'd you take in your fantasy football team last year? Um, I'm, I'm pretty terrible at fantasy football. So who'd you have last year? On my team? Yeah. Well, from the bears, I did have, we don't give a fuck about your fantasy team. You want to tell us about the dream you had last night too? Yeah. Or how about a bad poker hand? Okay. Um, we actually, one time I was, are you Jets or Giants? I'm a Jets fan. Oh, that's terrible. You think, uh, Donald's going to start week one? I don't know. I don't know. You know, it seems to
Starting point is 00:40:48 be that way. I do follow the Jets on Twitter and they seem to be really posting a lot about, uh, Mr. Donald there. They seem to be really pushing for him there. He's got, uh, he's got one of those heads that I can't really make out. I don't know what's going on. Big forehead, big forehead, big chin. Um, like Jay Leno. Like Humpty Dumpty. Just knock him over. Uh, I do want to say, uh, you know who really jerked me over last season was I, um, I think we have like a hundred bucks in our reserve to buy free agents in our, in, oh, I'm actually in a league with all the cast members of FX is the league. How funny is that? Okay. Okay. Um, even the guy who talked about it. That guy, that was, that was crazy. We all know what we're talking about. You
Starting point is 00:41:32 can go to a quick search. It's just, it's, it was a crazy situation. It was a crazy situation. But, um, I picked up your boy, Tariq Cohen. I spent all my money on him after week one, and then he did nothing for the rest of the season. And I came in dead last, and I don't know if we're allowed to talk about money exchange and fantasy leagues on this. No, you are. That's like 60% of the stuff we talk about. I had to pay the last place fee of $200. Oh, wow. You didn't have to like cut off a pinky. You're hard up on money now. Is that why you're doing this Bravo show? Uh, man, I gotta tell you, Kat, I'm blown away at your knowledge of, of the Bravo first. I like the real housewives. Now, let me ask you something.
Starting point is 00:42:15 Did you watch it? Was that something you did because you were maybe with someone who was? Yeah. I watched, so I started watching like whenever the first ones happened. Sure. And if you get a tat, it's like basically the MTV challenge. I would watch that because I watched real world. And so I, I'll keep up with the ones that I learned like six years ago. I can't learn anyone new. Like I don't know anyone new. I just know the, the old classic people. So the people who I met. Yeah. Like the Bethany's and the Luan. Have you guys ever seen real housewives of Chicago? I've never watched it. I didn't know anything that happened. No one cares. No one cares. All right. So, uh, let's, let's talk a little, uh, let's talk a little bit about your acting
Starting point is 00:42:56 career. Can we do that? You can do whatever you want, man. This is a first time, a long time. There we go. All right. Sports podcasting. So you were found as a child actor. Now, I don't know if the, we, we do all of our research like five minutes before on the internet. Oh, so we read this, uh, site where it says that you were found eating of like a bowl of cookies. And that was how you were found as an actor. Like when you were 10, I did a, I was an extra in a commercial. I grew up here in New York city. I actually, um, God, I don't want to give away the, um, the HQ here, but I grew up in Chelsea, New York, which is rather near here. That's just like a quick, like people. Is that okay? Do you guys feel safe and everything?
Starting point is 00:43:45 My seat is like in the back corner. So I'll be the last to get shot. I do have to say it is pretty exciting here because you guys, I mean, there is like an anonymity thing that, uh, surrounds you guys. It's exciting to be here and, and touch you. And commenters hair, a hundred percent real. Oh yeah. He was stroking it earlier. Well, you know, it's funny. I've seen you, uh, in wine walk, for example, a classic wine walk there. And you know, it could have been a wig to throw us off as to who you are. I should have done that. That's actually a much smarter thing than I did, which was spent like five years growing it out. And I just want to get rid of it every day.
Starting point is 00:44:20 Yeah, it looks good, man. It really does. I appreciate it. And it's, it's healthy. I, I touched it. Yeah. I, I did a commercial, um, here, my father worked in advertising and I did a commercial for, um, Duncan Hein's, uh, chocolate chip cookies. If you remember, they were like the first really soft chocolate chip cookies pre-packaged. Uh, I don't want to get too much into specifics, but chips Ahoy were more crunchier and Duncan Hein's were actually like soft and chewy. And I was an extra and I just ate. So I was like paid to just eat hundreds of cookies. And I was a, I was a healthy kid. You know, I mean, yeah, we saw Stand By Me. Yeah. It was a great movie, classic, classic film. I was a, I was a husky. You were thick in today's parlance. We would call
Starting point is 00:45:08 you thick and you'd be celebrated with three C's. No, that's a, that's a compliment. We, um, we, we call it like husky, I think is a term I'm better with than, than like thick. Yeah. Yeah. So wait, but I also read that you don't like to talk about Stand By Me because you were thick. Wrong. Okay. Just not true. I'm sure you've heard a lot of rumors about yourselves that it's complete, that are completely untrue. I will talk about, I mean, it's the best thing I've ever worked on. I mean, for me not to talk about it, I, you know what, maybe there is some truth in that when I was in like, um, high school and college, um, I hated it when people drunkenly were like, Hey, Matt, like in college, a lot of times guys would come up to me and go, Hey, man, you were
Starting point is 00:45:54 the, you were the fat kid in Stand By Me. Hey, this is the fat kid in Stand By Me right here. Come here, man. Come here, fat kid. You were fat, fat kid. And it used to, it used to really like, it used to really make me angry. But then I realized like, I realized that's never going to change. Like, I'm never going to, there's a good chance if I walk into a bar and, um, it's like, it's rowdy bar. There's a good chance someone's going to grab my neck and go, Hey, you were the fat kid. Come and take a picture. This is a fat kid. You're going to take a picture with us. And I can do one of two things in that situation. I can like say, don't touch me. Like I was, I was husky. Yeah. Or I can just smile, take the picture and just get out of there as quickly as possible. If I ever see that
Starting point is 00:46:45 guy again, I'm going to punch him in his nose. Yeah. So, um, it's, and also, you know what happens too is you do, you have a career. I'm a lot older than you whippersnappers. You have a career and you realize, man, that thing I'm getting angry about is the best thing I'm ever going to have worked on in my life. Aside from Carter on WGN America. I was going to say kangaroo jack. Yeah. What about Frank Cushman? We got to get to that. Oh, we, we got to get to that. But I mean, for me to get upset about it is some weird, like it's like, um, you're fighting windmills at that point. There's nothing that you can accomplish. You're, you're fighting windmills. But, um, I am a lot better about the people calling me the fat kid and stand by me. Okay. So if you see him in public
Starting point is 00:47:28 say, Hey, you were the thick kid. Yeah. And stand by me. That's much more polite. Formally, fat, fat kid who went on, pardon my take. That would be, that's how you wouldn't know. If you're going to call him fat, be like, Hey, you're the fat kid that married Rebecca Romain. There we go. Nice. You got the ultimate trump card. Yeah. He did okay. I did do okay. Shocker, huh? Yeah. Yeah. Shocker. So you want to talk about Frank Cushman? Cause it's probably my, like I, I hate that character so much. Interesting. And we're talking about Jerry Maguire now. So you were the, you were the star quarterback and you screwed over Jerry Maguire and I hate you for it. Yeah. Um, although the movie actually wouldn't have worked if you didn't do that.
Starting point is 00:48:08 Well, then I played my role pretty well. I had to play a sort of hateful character. Like if you had kept Jerry, then I guess the movie would just ended like 20 minutes into it. Um, a couple of, uh, a couple of funny tidbits. Um, you know, that character, Frank Cushman was based on Drew blood. So because Cameron Crow, who was a journalist who wrote the article for Fast Times of Ridgemont High, then wrote the script Fast Times of Ridgemont High, which became a classic, um, uh, followed around a sports agent and, um, who represented Drew blood. So who went number one in the draft that year. And when he was writing Jerry Maguire, he was like, I'm going to have the, like the pivotal, um, client that he loses be a Drew blood cell. And we're going to
Starting point is 00:48:56 name him Frank Cushman. And instead of being from the Pacific Northwest, you know, I came from, uh, Texas, I think, uh, Friday night lights was a book that just had come out. And so he wanted to like, uh, play on that Friday night lights thing. And it was, um, it was so cool, man, to be just on that set. Just it was so fun. You know, they had a fake combine there. So they had like NFL players there and like specialists, like basically like, cause I'm from New York city. I'd never played football. I mean, I'm a kid from Chelsea. I'd never played football. So I had like specialists throwing me how to, you know, teaching me how to like throw a spiral. Grass looks like, but I was like, it was, um, uh, you know, I think it was just such a special movie because it was a love story
Starting point is 00:49:43 based around the NFL. Oh, another fun fact. Um, uh, only Jerry Maguire and Silver Linings playbook are movies that are allowed to use NFL logos and stuff. Oh, also that Kevin Costner movie draft day draft day because the NFL does not like to lend their, um, likeness, likeness out to just any willy-nilly movie. Obviously Sunday ballers has it. Oh, yeah. And he does have it. Yeah, I think ballers has it in a limited sense. Yeah. So you only see like, it's like really specific rules. They're only allowed to show like the dolphin's dick, like the lower half. Right. Yeah. No, that's true though. I mean that Jerry Maguire is a classic movie that basically it's kind of like the Bravo show that you're doing where it's like, Hey, this is a, actually a love story, but we're going to
Starting point is 00:50:32 trick you with some football. So you're so going to be on this. You're going to be great. Kat, you're going to be on this show. Uh, okay. Fine. I will. Is it here in New York? Yeah. Oh, yeah. Yeah. It's probably in the, it's probably in the studios where we taped our show. Listen, you're right. It is. You're absolutely right. Down in, uh, like, uh, you're absolutely right. You're absolutely right. Bring a cat on there for all the housewives stuff. I want to be brought on whenever someone tries to cook risotto on Top Chef. Just be like, what the fuck were you, you don't cook risotto. You don't make ice cream. Okay. Are you going to do below deck stuff too? We're going to do everything. I haven't watched below decks since the first season.
Starting point is 00:51:06 Let me tell you why you should watch below deck and we're going to get back to Carter, which is on WGN America on Tuesdays. But man, did I do that? I didn't even hear it. I just felt when home and set my DVR. Yeah. You're still talking about Dolphin Dicks over there and I'm here working. I'm thinking Carter, man. Below deck is great because it's young people. It's almost like down to Naby. I know you guys were huge down to Naby fans. Huge down to Naby fans. It's the modern day down to Naby because it's the people who live downstairs serving the people who live upstairs, but we're seeing the people who live downstairs and they're young. They all have to sleep in small quarters and
Starting point is 00:51:47 they all hook up with each other. And the second the rich people go to sleep upstairs, they get wasted and it's on like Donkey Kong. I remember that one episode. I only watched the first season, but the one episode where they kicked the people off because they were doing drugs on the boat and it was like, what's the point of being rich and getting a private boat if they're going to kick them off? So I was like, you know what? I don't really like this show anymore. I'm going to go as far as to say other than what's happening on WGN America with Carter, the most dramatic stuff is happening on Bravo these days. The stuff everybody's talking about. I cannot believe I'm looking at commenter's hair. It's looking at you, Jerry. I'm borderline
Starting point is 00:52:32 starstruck today. Borderline. I'm just talking about it. You're very good. You're very talented at buttering people up. I don't know if it's genuine or not, but I'm 100% in. First time lockdown. You think I'm looking in shape? Yeah. Okay. That wasn't very convincing. Want to know what shocks me about you? I always think of you guys as kids and I mean this. You see, you're looking directly at my gray hair. You have like a smattering of gray hair. You have a little silver fox going. We're 33. I think that's like those have cease and desist letters. Long life ages you a little bit. Yes. That's for sure. Yes. Big time. So I'm a little offended because you broke the news that Denise Richards is joining Real Housewives,
Starting point is 00:53:16 not on our show. So you have to make good. You have to give us some breaking news. Listen here. Listen here. I am so sorry I said that when I said that. Thank you. When did you say it? I said it last week. Jerry, you were so close. I said it last week and it was a mistake. It was an absolute error what I said. I was told something. Oh man, I'm even afraid talking about it. No, go ahead. Let me tell you this. I work for a company now Bravo and there are there are. What's the word? You guys work in media rules? No, the what the media bargos deadlines. You can't say things. There's like secret knowledge. Not embargo. This isn't like the Trump administration. Like what are you talking about? Yeah, you're like sometimes
Starting point is 00:54:04 they tell you things and it's like secret knowledge until next Wednesday at this time. That's an embargo. Is that like a media embargo? You're like Leicester Holt over there. Who's the big J in this room right now? You are. You stick to your housewives. I'll deal with the actual breaking news and journalism. And I gotta tell you, it's new for me working there, you know, and a big cat in my show. Bravo's play by play. You know, I need to not say things at times. Yeah. And that was a time that I learned it. And you know what? I got in trouble and I apologize. I was not doing it to for selfish reasons. I just didn't know. Who yells at you? Andy Cohen? Did he yell at you? No, it's actually scarier than that because it's like
Starting point is 00:54:56 corporation people. Got it. It's actually frightening. It's actually frightening. And then you know what? I'll tell you what happens. Then you're part of a conference call. You have to call in and there's like a code you have to push and people are listening and I'm sure it's being recorded. Yeah. That's how Papa John got. Oh gosh. We don't go down there. But yeah. It was scary and I want to apologize and I'm sorry I didn't bring it to you. But you know, this is kind of new news, man. Like there's a new name to our show. Oh yeah. The new news is that you got yelled at for that. I mean, that's the new news. And you're probably going to get yelled at for saying that you got yelled at for that. Oh my God. Could you imagine if I had to do another
Starting point is 00:55:40 conference call because I said... Since you've been centipede of getting yelled at. Just keep coming back and telling us how you're getting yelled at. It was totally my bad and I won't do that again. You know, let me tell you another scary thing about Big Cat and my new show, Bravo's Play by Play, is that you're so on that show. Yeah, come on. The scary thing is I'm given episodes that are not going to air for another month. Oh. And it's like I almost feel like I have like security clearance. Yeah. Like even more than Jared Kushner. Like I have like, I feel like I work at the White House. And you have to be careful what you say on the show too. It's like you have to forget what you know. Yeah. Exactly. So say nothing if Luann's Cabaret
Starting point is 00:56:29 bombed. I can't say anything. Oh no. You got yourself in that one, Jay. You guys know it. Wow. So listen, I want to also say, what do you think of the helmet rule? I think it's going to be weird. I think it's going to be very strange. They're probably going to call it a lot in pre-season and then back off it in the regular season because they'll be afraid of making the wrong call. And what they did, the NFL does this trick really well. They made the rule and then they're like, well, we look back at the 2017 season and it only would have happened like three times the new rule. But we all know that once you're going full speed, the rest are not going to know how to you know, call it and it's going to just slow the game down and it's. The rule was put in just
Starting point is 00:57:13 as a safeguard against lawsuits just so they could say, we're trying to make it safer. Right. And then now you can't sue us anymore because we care about player safety. Such an exciting time of year though, isn't it? It is. Yeah, I do. So I do auction drafts, which is like a nightmare. It's a nightmare. It's really difficult in fantasy to do that auction stuff, but I do at least one mock draft a day. Really? That's where all my time is going these days. You're hanging out the lobbies. Give us your top three quarterbacks. You know, here's a really strange situation with auction drafts. So as you know, you have, you know, 200 bucks and you got to make the most out of it. By the way, I agree with you guys whole
Starting point is 00:57:46 heartedly and I swear I'm not being paid by them. Yahoo fantasy. Oh, nice. Best fantasy site. Nice. I just, it's just so easy. Sometimes if you're feeling classic, you can go to the classic screen. If you want to be a little more modern, you can go to the modern screen. Yep. I have a terrible system that I use in auction drafting strategies that has not worked at all, but I still do it. I pay because I'm an older school guy. I pay for two top 10-ish like 10th and 11-ish running backs. That's where I spend the bulk of my money. So I'll probably go Saquon and I'll probably go for net and that will blow about a hundred bucks, maybe a little more. And then wide receivers I get a little cheap with because. Oh, you never know. You know, I drafted Mr. Jones one season.
Starting point is 00:58:41 Julio Jones. And he, that was the year that he just like hardly played. He just passed him the ball for a while. Yeah. And I just ruined my season. So I tend to get sort of cheaper wide receivers and I told you I'm a Jetsman. So I'm definitely going for Robbie Anderson who, even though he had some crazy analytics last season, looks like he's not going to be suspended for that many games. And also I'm a Quincy and Nunwa fan. Oh, okay. And I also drafted him last season. So that's why I had to pay the $200 in the last place fee. Although this is a total disclaimer. No one should be listening to anything I say because I've come and lasted in all my leagues. Maybe just don't draft the Jets players. But is this why you keep getting in? Do you get invited to a ton of leagues or like,
Starting point is 00:59:26 hey, let's get Jerry in this league because he'll just draft all the Jets and he can pay us all money? I have noticed that group emails sort of stop and then pick up again. So I think they talk about me for a few things like this with easy money and then they like pick up again like five emails later that I've been DCC'd on. But I only like to pay like one or two dollars for my quarterbacks. So what quarterbacks do that means you're going for? We love bad quarterbacks. Okay. The last time I won and it was because I had forgotten I actually was managing this league and the computer just picked all the players. So I actually won this season. Derek Anderson and Braylon Edwards were two. So I have to, I have to pick up, I have to pick up at least a Brown's
Starting point is 01:00:12 quarterback. So I'm going to pick up Tyrod Kale. So you take Jets and Brown's quarterbacks. You and I have to pick up. And I actually are the worst fantasy player of all time. We'll have you join our league too. You seem like a good guy. We have a three-person league. It's $5,000 each. The first two guys, first and second place win money, third dozen. I have to, I also have to pick up a Brown's receiver because it's just like, I'm telling you, it's an obsessive compulsive thing. You double dip. Yeah. You get money on both ends of it. You got to get the link up. Yeah. I got to do it. And I always have Duke Johnson that sits on my bench and I'm like, and I weirdly, and I weirdly play him every. This is Brown's three-headed monster. Yeah. Because it
Starting point is 01:00:53 was Jamal Lewis who was also my running back that season and I won. And I strangely fantasy, I got to tell you, I've never even been to Cleveland in my life. I went to beautiful city. I visited a couple of friends in, at Denison once. So I flew into Columbus, but I've never been to Cleveland, but I have at least two Browns on every fantasy team of mine. It's so insane. Two Browns, two Jets. You are the worst fantasy football player of all time. That is the breaking news here. You want to talk a little bit more about Carter? Yeah, sure. Carter, WGN America. It's a really fun show. I play an actor who plays a cop on TV who... Wait, you play an actor. That plays a cop. I play an actor. That's too confusing for me. Listen, you're an actor who
Starting point is 01:01:36 plays an actor. But you're an actor. I'm sort of like, think of David Caruso of CSI Miami. Okay. Remember that show? Okay. Sunglasses. Sunglasses. That's who I am. That's who I play. Yeah. The who song in the beginning. What song? It's the who. What? What band? What are we talking about again? You're an actor who plays an actor. I'm an actor who plays a cop. An actor who plays a cop. Wait, you're an actor that plays the band, the who that plays a cop. Guys, I had an edible before I came here. Now this is the part where it took the wrong turn. This is where it hits. Wait, what are we... This is where I like start to pass out. Carter is an actor who plays a cop on TV. Right. Got it. And he moves to a small hometown and he thinks he can now tell the cops
Starting point is 01:02:26 how to solve crimes because he plays a detective on television. Now listen, I know you guys are going to say, I've seen this show. No, I'm not going to say that. No, I know you're going to say Castle. I know you guys were huge Castle fans that Nathan Fillian played a, but he was, here's the difference. He was a writer. Carter is this a similar premise, but instead of being a writer, he's a TV actor. So all the jokes are about like, look, in television, this is what's going to happen. We're going to meet five suspects. The one who we think it isn't is definitely going to be the person. August 7th on WGN America Tuesdays. I'm going to watch now. Is that the first season? This is very important guys. 10pm, 9 central. Got to get it on the ground floor though. So we're
Starting point is 01:03:14 going to start watching. That is the first season. So I'm in. Yeah. Oh, then I'm definitely in. Yeah. I thought this is my, my apologies. I don't, I don't know if I told you, I watch reality television sports, but now I'm in on this. I don't know if you know this about us, but we're also actors. We're fairly accomplished. I was hoping that you would do the honor of doing a table read with us. Yeah. Would you like to? Sure. Yeah. Okay. All right. We got the script. It's good script. So, um, so in this scene, uh, you're going to be playing Vern. Yep. From Stand By Me. Okay. Um, Big Cat is going to be playing, uh, Tony Montana. Is he from Scarface? Yeah, of course. I've seen the film. I will be, uh, taking on the part of Kangaroo Jack.
Starting point is 01:03:54 Wow. This is crazy. This is like a hybrid movie. This is good. This is a mashup. From Stand By Me. So it's a collab. This is like a survivor all-stars edition. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. You want me to start? Okay. Uh, and so, uh, pardon my take, table read 83, 2018 featuring Jerry O'Connell, PFT commentator, Big Cat, and cameras for speed. Action. You guys want to go see a dead body? Who? Who's, who's the, who's the dead body? Who's the dead body? It's astounding. Why would anybody care to go eventually to see a dead body? It sounds very peculiar indeed. That, that, that body had, had a comment that sucker fucker, motherfucker. Mr. Montana, why are you cursing so much? Listen, we'll be the bad guy. Never see a bad guy like
Starting point is 01:04:43 me. You won't see if you did bullies. All you do is hang out in the bush for a while. He has several dozen out there. Bakers doesn't allow him in the backyard. Mr. Montana, you, you seem to be a little on edge. Like you're like about to like snap. Say goodnight to the bad guy. Mr. Montana. Crikey. It's a load of gunshots. I shot that little fat fuck. Hey, Mr. Montana, this is not very nice. He's not fat at all. Oh, my God. Shut the kangaroo. Fuck too. My, my tail. My, my precious tail. I've seen, I've seen. That good. What'd you think? I think that could be something.
Starting point is 01:05:24 That's good. I mean, the script just said adlib. So that was all off the top of our head. Yeah. You guys want to see a dead body than adlib and everything else was, we just came up with that was, I mean, that could be something. We should, we should make a phone call about that. I'm sure you guys have a production deal somewhere or something. Yeah. We've been working with Adam Sandler about a couple projects. Sweet. Let's like, let's do a meeting or something. Yeah. All right. Let's, let's do last question. Seeky question. So you put in promo code take, you get $10 off your Seeky purchase. Sure. You fenced.
Starting point is 01:05:57 Listen, I want to also say just for every stoolie out there, everyone who works here, thank you so much for everything you've done for the fencing community. You really cover us. I mean, you really, oh, I was going to say, what's it like being a nerd? You fenced? I fenced well. I was at my best ranked 17th in the nation. You can look that up. How many people fenced? 18. You were a nationally ranked fencer. I was. I fenced in the NCAAs. We, we did really well. Did you get drug tested? I did. Wow. Yeah. Fencing. Pete in a cup. Damn.
Starting point is 01:06:38 Everything. And by the way, you know, you know what's crazy is that they're, I mean, they're random. They're like, you, you can't even believe it. Someone literally, you're called to the trainer's room and you don't know what it's about. And then someone, and someone watches you go peeping. How, like, how do you fence? Explain fencing to dummies because I've, I understand. There's three weapons. There's foil, which has a little electronic point. And the only target is your torso. There is, um, epi, which your entire body head to toe in the words of Lisa Lisa. Ooh, baby. I think I love you from head to toe. That's epi. And saber is just from the waist up.
Starting point is 01:07:19 And there's no point. It's slashing. And, uh, everything is, um, hooked up. Guys, wake up. Hello, wake up, guys. Sorry. We sort of lost commenter there for a second. He was nodding off when he started glasses. So you can't tell. Um, and, uh, there's three different sports, both, uh, men and women, uh, when I fenced saber, it was only a men's sport, but now it's a men and women's sport. And, um, I, you know, it was, uh, it was cause I grew up in New York city. A lot of great fencers come from the New York city area. I got a discounted membership to the New York athletic club, which was a very big deal. I've played basketball there. It's pretty, it's, it's gorgeous. It's a, well, you know what it is. It's a, um,
Starting point is 01:08:01 it's just an institutional place. It's like you're playing in places where they used to first lift barbells in the 1920s. And it's such a rich, like they, they want to have Olympians train there. So they have a great wrestling program there, a great, uh, fencing program there. And, um, it was a, it was a really fun sport. You know, we, we traveled with NYU, went to Penn state, went to Notre Dame, went to, um, uh, what university, Chicago, every school that doesn't have a logo on their helmet. Yeah. Well, you know, you know what's so funny? Uh, NYU, um, is part of the UAAs, which is the university athletic association. And it's like, I couldn't tell you the schools that's in there. Johns Hopkins is in there. Um, uh, university of Chicago. Oh gosh,
Starting point is 01:08:47 I, I can't let the offense case Western. Do you still do it? Can you do it? Like, you know, I go a lot of times when I come to the city and I see my old, my old bros. But you know what? Um, a lot of, uh, because it's a very popular sport in Eastern Europe and Russia, a lot of Russians come here and, um, and they get into colleges, you know, like if you go to a Div 1 school, like Penn state, they'll give you a scholarship for fencing. So their program is always really good. Um, um, you know, IVs are able to recruit really well because, you know, they have the lure of come to an Ivy League school. Um, but NYU always has a good team because, um, so many, uh, good fencers come out of New York city. That is the longest.
Starting point is 01:09:30 Thank God I finally got a good question here. I was like, just Jerry, watch sports. I'm never going to, he fence. I'm never going to learn anything else about fencing in my life. But I know that. Do you have a sword? Um, you know, I still have my equipment, but it's completely out of date. I mean, it is way out of date. I mean, it would be like if you played your sword, it's malfunctioning. It's a saber. It's just happens when it gets older. I don't think it's, it would almost be like if, if I played hockey 25 years ago and then pulled out my old hockey bag, you'd be like, dude, that cool stick is super old. I would look, I would look, um, like an anachronism. Oh man, that's the right word. Yeah, we're going to have to look that one
Starting point is 01:10:06 up later. What is that? Have you ever considered larping? That actually was, I feel like you would dominate larping. I've just show up one day and just, just kill like 20 people. Um, yeah, man. I, I probably would. I do have to say, um, um, when I have, um, like noodle fights with my kids, you know, like pool noodles, I really, I will, I will up them. Yeah. Good. Like, it's always like headshots. It's like, and they don't even know what happened to them. And they're like, oh, God, stop. And my wife was like, stop, you're going to concuss them. And I'm like, just, I know what I'm doing. I was 17th nation. Here's another tidbit of information. I work out at a little gym in your neighborhood here in, what, what do they call this area?
Starting point is 01:10:51 Silicon, do the Silicon district? What are they? It's called, it's called flat iron. It's a shithole. Oh, it's called Silicon alley. Oh, that's what this area is called because all the comms are around here. Okay. Silicon alley. I work out at a little chain of gyms. I'm going to give them a shout out in 24 hour fitness. Oh, this one right here? Yeah. Yeah. I had a membership there. We worked out there with Billy football one time. I have a membership, but I've only gone once. Um, I work, I work out there at the 24 hour fitness, want to give them a shout out. I don't know why I just did that. They don't give me anything else, but they don't give me any sort of like seat geek, like code or anything. But I saw, um, I saw everyone was
Starting point is 01:11:34 working out in there a little harder. And then I realized JLo and Alex Rodriguez were working out in there in 24 hours. That is not good for the brand, buddy. That's, that's amazing for the brand. It's bad for a rock. Yeah, that's, they should be at a nicer gym. No, let me tell you, there's always been towels there. Okay. You're a 24 hour fitness guy. I'm a 24 hour fitness guy. PFT is 24 hour JRO, JLo and AROD. They're like the king, queen of America. Only issue with 24 hour fitness and I love them is during high peak times, and you can check on Google to see what like the high peak times are. They have those grass now. Um, every time you sit down in a machine, someone comes up and goes, Hey man, like you're literally in the middle of your
Starting point is 01:12:20 first set. Hey man, how many more, um, how many more you got? Can I work out? You're going to say the, Hey man, aren't you the fat kid from standby? Oh man. All right. Jerry O'Connell. So we got, uh, Carter coming out. Yes. Carter come out August 7th. August 7th, WG in America. And play by play on Bravo. Yes. Bravo's play by play. That's our new title. Bravo's play by play. Um, I'm not mentioning anything else about any Bravo liberties. Uh, you can check with my bosses about that. Okay. So you said Luan didn't did buy her. I don't know anything. I don't know anything about that situation. Money can't buy you. That's, she's terrible at singing. Cat. You're on that show. She's terrible at singing. You're on Bravo's play by play. All right. Done. Done. Best friends for
Starting point is 01:13:03 life. Hey fellas, this has been a real honor for me. Thank you for coming in for us. Keep doing what you're doing. Yeah. And it's been, it's really, I feel like I met like mysterious characters. I felt like I met like, I don't know, the Loch Ness monsters. I'll let you smell it before you go. All right. Jerry O'Connell. Thanks so much, man. That interview with Jerry O'Connell was brought to you by Upstart. Upstart has revolutionized how we borrow money by going beyond the traditional FICO score to offer personal loans, taking into account factors like job experience and education when determining your interest rate. It's quick. It's easy. Checking your Upstart rate is free, has no effect on your credit score. Your Upstart
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Starting point is 01:15:58 Let's take 25, get your free wager, and start winning today. Okay, let's get to some segments. First up, we have PR101 for Johnny Football. So he had his first start in the CFL on Friday night. Not so good. Four interceptions. Sorry. Johnny Football, not really back. That's not how you want to get started, but on the other hand, he's proving he's a great teammate because he used to play on the Hamilton Tiger Cats, and so those are his guys over in Hamilton. And so it's like playing against your brother or something. You don't want to beat him too bad, so he was just being nice. We also had Johnny Football on the show about a month and a half ago, and he said that it's
Starting point is 01:16:42 pretty confusing, the rules of CFL. I have to agree with him. I watched some of the game. Every single time they got to the second down, and they were throwing and trying to get a first down, it's like, wait, why are they doing this second down? You forget that there's only three downs and they're punting, people are running everywhere. So I think that's almost like a good start for him because he's basically playing a totally different role. It's like a baseball player playing cricket. Right. And also the penalty flags are red up there. So people always accuse Johnny Manziel of having a lot of red flags in his background. That was probably distracting for him too. Listen, he had four interceptions, and at least one of them wasn't
Starting point is 01:17:22 really his fault. Right. And one of them, he had an awesome tackle that stopped the touchdown. That's true. He did it all. So Johnny, tell you what, Johnny Manziel is not just a quarterback. If you think you're getting a quarterback when you get Johnny, that's not the case. You're just getting a football player. Yes, exactly. He also proved Mac Brown right when Mac tried to recruit him as a safety. That's the kind of hitting that he could lay on him. So good on Johnny. Maybe they just switched positions for him. Yeah, that's that was a Brian Dawkins as touchdown saving tackle. So we also next up we have the stick to sports. So basically the internet was on fire on Friday night because President
Starting point is 01:18:06 Trump tweeted LeBron James was just interviewed by the dumbest man on television, Don Lemon. He made LeBron look smart, which isn't easy to do. I like Mike. I have two things I want to say that I want to hear what you have to say about it. Okay. Number one, I never thought we were going to get the MJ versus LeBron debate all the way to the White House. So this is quite a moment. Number two, Don Lemon, maybe the nicest tweet ever for him because no one is focusing on the fact that he was called the dumbest man alive. Yeah. Yeah, you're right. No, I think more people need to highlight that. Like David, the tweet was actually very, very mean to Don Lemon, but ever. Don Lemon is like so universally regarded as not being like a big time J capital J
Starting point is 01:18:50 journalists that everyone's like, wow, that's pretty messed up to say that LeBron James is almost as dumb as Don Lemon. How dare you, sir? Exactly. So yeah, I would say LeBron James is not dumb. I'd actually say he's very, very smart, objectively very, very smart. The only thing that is interesting here is do you think maybe Trump is saying that LeBron James, he started a school second and third graders, well, Trump started a whole university. So kind of like a higher levels thing, like Trump's university obviously did very, very well. I think it was one of the highest ranked universities in the world, right? It was. Yeah. So like, yeah, LeBron James started a school for just two grades. Anybody could qualify for Donald Trump's university. So
Starting point is 01:19:37 like he really opened it up to the public as long as you had $30,000 to pay him. Right. So yeah, I mean, I don't know. I don't know where LeBron James gets off thinking that he's done more for education than Trump. Here's a good way that maybe we could bend fences as a country and come together and unite. How about LeBron James goes to college and he plays on the Trump University basketball team. Can you imagine that? Yeah, coached by coach K after the FBI comes down and finds that he's been illegally paying his players for 25 years. Yeah, I like it. Or just have a have Trump University enter into the basketball tournament. Yeah, that would be great. That'd be a solid team. Yeah. Yes. Either way, this was this was one of those moments where
Starting point is 01:20:21 like the tweet makes no, no real sense because like we said to start LeBron is very smart and he's I mean, you look at all his businesses and all that and like how he's handled his entire career. He's a very smart person. But the panic and the craziness that goes on on Twitter after this is just insane. It's like everything that happens on Twitter. Just remember guys, it's not actually real life. It's like the MJ vs LeBron debate. We have made fun of it for this exact reason that it's just like gotten so out of control. Well, if you've been paying attention, Donald Trump has also weighed in on the Joe Flacco elite debate. Somebody asked him that back in like 2016 and he said who and and his answer was he won a Super Bowl. So I'd say he's
Starting point is 01:21:05 pretty elite. So yes, Joe Flacco. So he's he is now officially on the stance of Joe Flacco being elite. He's on team Jordan. What's the next like sports summertime debate topic like Tom Brady or Joe Montana is a hot dog of sandwich. That's what we'll probably tweet about next is die hard a Christmas movie. Yeah, that's that's coming in hot for the president. Well, yes. Yeah, it's Christmas. It's not it's not a holidays movie. We say Christmas. Yeah, exactly. All right. Second to last, we have a respect the biz PFT. What do we have for this? Yeah, my respect the biz goes out to Mike Socia. He said that reports of him stepping down were and I quote, poppycock. So you don't you don't use the PC word to us in the press, Socia. Okay, you say bullshit, like a real American
Starting point is 01:21:55 socialist. That's what you are. I actually think this is almost a borderline make baseball relevant again, because baseball does a good job of using words that no one but your grandfather, your like slightly racist grandfather uses. So eventually, you know, the old saying like what what's old is new. Everything comes back. So I feel like poppycock might be a word that's all the cool kids are saying like the Cali teens are going to be saying in five years. So we're actually baseball is now ahead of the curve. Maybe yeah, maybe he heard it from a Cali teen out in LA. And so he's brain it's like my Levi shirt. It's like I'm introducing it to the masses, which I've been getting lots of credit for. Thank you very much. Everybody's credited me
Starting point is 01:22:33 properly. Socia is taking is taking poppycock and just like saying, Hey, poppycock's back. I think the ultimate arbiter of whether or not poppycock is back should be dusty baker though. Like if Dusty's using it, then it's back, then it's so old that it's new again. Like I feel like Dusty's still stuck on the hogwash train. I would be nervous about Dusty given this one a try as we know he's not always the best with names calling Bryce Harper Bruce. I feel like this one's a little too close to poopycock. Yeah. That's that's not really what you want to be thrown out there. By the way, poppycock, if the Cali teens are saying it, there's no doubt in my mind that that is the coolest designer drug out there. Poppycock. Yeah. Well, I mean, it sounds like
Starting point is 01:23:16 it's just it's a type of heroin that makes your dick hard. Yeah, you take it at burning, man. It's like whiskey. You know what it is? It's the whiskey dick equivalent of slamming heroin. Yeah. I've got poppycock right now, which is just like a really good feeling boner. You snort heroin with your pee hole and you go to Coachella. That's poppycock. Okay. Last up, we have millennial update. So we had last week, we talked about how millennials are not buying houses because they are traveling instead or something. No, they're going on too many bachelor parties, but millennials are also not getting married enough. So they're just going on bachelor parties and then instead of buying houses, they're just paying to go to Key West or
Starting point is 01:23:57 whatever. Yeah. So we have a couple other millennial updates. Shout out K Marko for always being on top of these, but we have millennials are reinventing the concept of employment, which is essentially just they're traveling and they're just going, they're just quitting their jobs and traveling. We also actually let's do it this way. Let's do a rank these millennial trends. So that's the first one. We have three. Okay. The second is millennials are now living in pods in their parents yards. I feel like that's just a tent, but it's actually like I'm looking at the picture. It's a pod. It's a big ball. Listen, they've hacked yards. They've hacked lawns. Okay. Yeah. And then the last one is millennials are killing drunk drivers or killing not being killed
Starting point is 01:24:39 by drunk drivers because DUI arrests in South Florida plummet because Uber and Lyft millennials are using them a lot more than driving drunk. So classic millennials, they're making it so that people don't die as much with drunk drivers and there'll be more people and no one can afford a house. Well, also because you don't have to drive that far to get from your parents front step to your lawn pod. That's like a 20 foot drive that you have. That's a very cheap lift ticket. So yeah, I'm going to go with living in pods and their parents front lawns as number one that you see that happening all across America. I'm going to go with millennials are not getting enough DUIs. They're killing, you know what they're doing. People use that funding to pay for
Starting point is 01:25:27 like Medicare. The government uses it to pay for schools to fix roads. So technically by not getting DUIs millennials are actually killing more drivers because the roads are worse now because the tickets aren't going to fund the renovations. So that's number two and the number three is millennials are quitting their jobs sometimes. Yeah. That's a good trend. Well, I mean, they don't, I would imagine most millennials don't even have a job. So they're just the few that do are quitting it, but I have the same exact rankings as you. By the way, Bubba, because you are a true blue millennial, we're elder millennials, but you're a true blue millennial. What have you killed recently that you should apologize to us for?
Starting point is 01:26:13 Talking millennials are killing the spoken word because they're tweeting and texting too much. Yeah, that's exactly it. Listen to Astro world and we don't talk anymore. Yeah. Millennials are two inner feelings to have verbal communication. The only dialogue millennials partake in is memes and listening to Travis Scott. If there's a, if there's not a fast hi-hat clicking in the background, millennials won't say anything. Yeah, I don't want it. I didn't want it. Okay. That's our show. We will see everyone Wednesday. I think, I think we have our good friend, Ryan, Racillo coming into studio. And I also think we might do the best Mount Rushmore that has ever been like Taylor made for someone with Racillo.
Starting point is 01:27:03 I'm not going to say what it is, but I'll just let you know, be excited because this is, this is essentially Ryan Racillo's, like it could be his crowning achievement or his greatest failure. I'll put it this way. Get your protein ready. Love you guys.

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