Pardon My Take - Nate Robinson, Bill Burr + Mount Rushmore Of Fights We'd Like To See

Episode Date: August 3, 2018

Football is back and people need to realize Chase Daniel has played in the NFL for 10 years (2:24 - 7:34). Urban Meyer is in some shit and we discuss what Ohio State should and will do (7:34 - 16:16).... Mt Rushmore of fights we'd love to see in honor of Rough and Rowdy 4 (16:16 - 26:08). Former NBA player Nate Robinson joins the show to talk about his career, how Larry Brown used to call him a little shit and how he would have been if he had stuck with Football (26:08 - 44:34). Bill Burr joins the show to talk about Sunday night's Rough and Rowdy in Youngstown Ohio (Buy RNR 4 at + Bill talks about his favorite stadiums in all of sports (44:34 - 60:14). Segments include Sabermetrics for Mike Greenberg eating grapes, PR 101 for EA Sports, Blake News Fake News, Good Visual for Phil Mickelson, and a grab bag of Jimbos/Explain It To Hanks/Roasts. You can find every episode of this show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or YouTube. Prime Members can listen ad-free on Amazon Music. For more, visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, pardon my take listeners, you can find every episode on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or YouTube. Prime members can listen ad free on Amazon Music. On today's pardon my take, we have the legend Nate Robinson. He is playing in the big three. We talked to him about his career in the NBA, which he says is not over. And how good of a football player he'd be if he was in the NFL. Plus, we have Bill Burr on the show to talk, Ruffin Rowdy 4 in Youngstown, Ohio, August 5th, Sunday night. And little known fact, Bill Burr's been to basically every stadium in America, so he gives us a quick power rankings of his favorite. And who do we bash? Do we bash? Who do you bash? We bash St. Louis, he bash the Yankees. Yeah, a lot of Yankees.
Starting point is 00:00:49 Yeah, in New York sports in general. Has nothing to do with the fact that he's from Boston. No, he said that as much. Yes. All right. So and we also have the Mount Rushmore of fights we would like to see. Hank, do you think it could get? Yeah, it could. Well, it's fights. You lied to me. I didn't lie to you. Well, you know what? Let's save that for it. We'll do that when it gets there. Maybe the fight we want to see is me versus you. Oh, all right. We have, before we do all that, Yahoo Fantasy Football Fantasy Football season is back. Keep that football feeling all week long when you play Yahoo Fantasy Football. It's free. It's easy. Join a public league, get your friends together and create a league. Be the commissioner and dish
Starting point is 00:01:38 out justice for last place. Number one commissioners game according to the 2018 FSTA updated fantasy profiles. Let you see how you stack up against the competition. Do it all from the app. No need for desktop. Sign up now at slash PMT Fantasy Football. I've been using Yahoo Fantasy Football since forever and they got an awesome app. You can follow along every Sunday. All the action at Yahoo Fantasy Football. Once again, it is slash PMT Fantasy Football. Sign up. It is the only place you should be playing fantasy football. It is fantasy football season draft season. The best part of fantasy football slash PMT Fantasy Football is the way to go. So sign up. All right. Let's go.
Starting point is 00:02:46 It's part of my take presented by Barstool Sports. Welcome to part of my take presented by Seeky. Today is Friday, August 3rd and Chase Daniel has played in the NFL for 10 fucking seasons. I think Chase Daniel just doubled his career mark for touchdowns tonight, Denny. He has made $24 million in cash earnings. He's set to make if he goes through his full contract with the Bears, which I don't know why he wouldn't because he's not going to do anything. $34 million. I actually think this is like a Coney situation. We need to bring like people to realize, hey, Chase Daniel has robbed the NFL for 10 straight years. If you had told me before tonight, I would have said he's been in the NFL
Starting point is 00:03:45 for five years, maybe made like four and a half million dollars. You know what though? There's something to be said about a backup quarterback that never, ever, ever gets in. So you could make the argument that Chase Daniel is nothing but a good luck charm for your starting quarterback. He is one in one all time. Yeah. So he's played two games in 10 years. That might be the greatest snake it to you make it fact of all time. Chase Daniel 10 year NFL veteran. Is he a good luck charm or is he just that bad that offenses are like, well, shit, you better not get hurt if you're QB one because Chase is behind. I think he just put out some good tape in Missouri fucking 25 years ago and he's just been living off that sense. You know what it is? He's got cool shoulder
Starting point is 00:04:26 pads and rib protectors. I don't know if you've noticed this about him, but his rib protector is very like boxy and it goes down to the bottom of his number. He just looks like a cool guy. Also has a name that you can easily pronounce, which goes for that goes for a lot. Chase Daniel, I think, and we'll have to fact check this, but I think he's the only quarterback in the NFL whose name is a complete sentence. True. Chase Daniel. Don't chase him. He doesn't run so well. No, please don't. I'm talking about myself. So football's back. It feels great to hear out Michael's, oh, Hank's got Hank was hating PFT on Michael's. No, on football being bad. Well, you know, Hank doesn't like dogs and he doesn't like football. As far as I'm concerned, Hank's future
Starting point is 00:05:09 opinions are irrelevant on this podcast. No, we're just starting. You're sitting here like, you know what sex is overrated to? Yeah. Yeah. So, uh, I don't like grandparents too soon. PFT. Listen, listen, Hank is hearing out. Mike, I'll, I'll fully admit, after about five minutes, my football buzz wore off and I was like, Oh, this is actually just isn't back. This is actually just fucking August. Second. Yeah, it's great. So Al Michael's voice hearing that like chills down my spine. I immediately, it was like a Pavlov's dogs like what bed am I chasing right now to try to try to avoid paying the bookie? It's Sunday night. Yep. It's actually Thursday. It's August second or third. And, uh, but it's good. It was good to have it for a minute. RG three out there
Starting point is 00:05:51 doing it, doing whatever he does. D let it drive. He let it drive for a touchdown. The first two touchdowns were to fullbacks. Yes. It is the year of the fullback. You heard it here first. Lamar Jackson did some things. Well, yeah. So he didn't get into the second half. Some people are saying, Oh, what's going on? Why is he what fourth string quarterback? My concern isn't that Lamar Jackson's the fourth string quarterback. It's that he's like the 10th or 11th string wide receiver on that team. Yeah. He needs, he's on the bubble. Didn't get any reps as a wide receiver. He is on the bubble. Other big quarterback news in Baltimore, Joe Flacco looking great in shorts on the sidelines. So hot. Joe Flacco got hot. He's got that. He's got that, uh, Dewey beach tan. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:30 He's looking really good. Yeah. He's listened to a lot of bands right there on the boardwalk. Got that stubble, that movie star stubble. Joe Snacco looking like a GD snack over there. Also, did you hear, did you hear when, uh, Andrea Kramer was interviewing the Hall of Fame inductees? First of all, we had to hear Ray Lewis talk about God for 10 minutes when it's like Ray, we know dude. Okay. Like we, well, there's things that are just not being said right now. Yeah. But, uh, Randy Moss was asked who he would like to play, who, what quarterback he wishes he played with. And he mentioned Joe Montana. He said, obviously he played with Tom Brady. And then he said he wouldn't mind playing with Joe Flacco throwing, throwing the deep ball. There you go.
Starting point is 00:07:08 So there you go. Joe Montana, Tom Brady, Joe Flacco. There you go. Ray, Ray Lewis's sideline interviews all time because it was the only part of the game that anybody wanted to watch, which was Lamar Jackson's debut. And it was just Ray Lewis talking the entire time, just about God knows what. You can't, you don't really, you can't follow Ray Lewis through his sentence without getting lost. No. Um, the other big news, big, big news that, uh, happened in the last two days, Lana Rhodes, your favorite porn star, our favorite porn star, uh, banned from Instagram. Thoughts and prayers. Also, Urban Meyer probably going to get fired because turns out he's probably scumbag, which we already kind of knew. Yeah. But, uh, bad situation in Ohio State. I
Starting point is 00:07:48 actually am on, we were, we were having this conversation off air. I actually think that he's like going to survive it because that's how big time football works. I don't, I don't think so. Like the way it worked with Jim Tressel, they basically did everything they could try to do to keep him because if you win football games, you will, the, it's, it's like basically attacking a problem like this from the absolute wrong angle, not, okay, we should probably like take care of the people who have been abused and figure out what's going on. And like the little guy out there needs to be protected. It's the other way around. It's like, this guy wins a lot of football games. So we got to figure out a way to keep him. Right. But Jim Tressel, Jim Tressel got fired for
Starting point is 00:08:28 lying about tattoos. Right. And I know, but they, this is like a little tried really hard not to have him fired. Yeah. It's all about the smoking gun and whether or not you can prove that Urban Meyer definitely knew. I think that what probably happened was Urban Meyer doesn't like to think about anything that doesn't have to do with football. And so he heard about something and he was like, I'd rather just focus on implementing a new office. See, I'm, I'm on the side of he knew everything always because every coach always knows everything. And he was like, well, if I say this out loud, and also it's, I was reading the whole story, which Brett McMurphy credit to him, big J journalist. And I mean, that's like, that's kind of a scary wake up moment of like
Starting point is 00:09:12 journalism in 2018 that this guy's not, doesn't have a job and he's breaking on his Facebook page. But, uh, like the, the Zach Smith who was, who was arrested and fired his grandfather was Urban Meyer's like mentor. And so the whole thing is just like there's been people like, I feel like Urban has kind of had an inkling of all this for a very long time. So he might have, he certainly knew enough to the point where he should have done something about it. Yeah. Um, and I'm not speaking like, I know that the initial reaction always with college, especially college football fans, because they're the most passionate fans in the world is to be like, Oh, your rival. Oh, we're going to like bash him and all that stuff. It's like, no, I just, this is a bad situation.
Starting point is 00:09:53 And I'm sure it goes on at basically every school to a certain extent. Yeah, we had that conversation too, where basically, I'm not surprised that it happened. If you root for a big time football or basketball program and to assume that this couldn't like happen at like your school, you're absolutely blind. Except for Duke. They do everything the right way there. We all know that. But Duke, but I'm a little check out Duke. I'm a little confused. Maybe you guys can, maybe I'm wrong about this, but they promoted their offensive coordinator to acting head coach. Yeah. Wasn't he like ultimately closer to the wide receiver's coach than Urban Meyer? Or did this happen before? I don't know. I don't know how this guy got
Starting point is 00:10:29 brought in. He might have been brought in later. Yeah, that might be the case. But I, it really, really irritated me because this is as close as we were going to get to Greg Shiano as a head coach. And the post game handshakes between Shiano and Jim Harbaugh would have just been a fight. It would have just been a fist fight at midfield. I got two take-quicks for you that came out of this. Okay, let's hear it. All right. So this was on Brett McMurphy's Facebook page. So this is, this is, this is just like a peek into the diehard football fans like LifeView. Someone said, why on earth would Urban protect a no-name wide receiver coach? I mean, the passing game has been so prolific the last couple of years. I guess he
Starting point is 00:11:09 didn't want to screw it up. LOL. OSU has no passing game at all. The receivers on the roster are either four or five star recruits. So obviously not developing the talent at hand. All not his fault though. The play calling the last three years have been beyond terrible. Still, why protect this guy? My, my guess is Urban has coached his last game at OSU for all protecting a no-name terrible position coach. So not like, Hey, this is a bad situation. Domestic violence. No, this is the time where we have to really, you know, put a spotlight on how bad the passing game has been. There's definitely a Facebook comment out there somewhere from a Michigan fan that delves into the spot. Yeah. On fourth down from a year ago. Yes. Like it's like, yeah, this guy,
Starting point is 00:11:48 you know, he's a real scumbag, but don't let this distract you from the fact that, that he was, the camera angle definitively showed that they converted on that fourth down, but good, good for OSU for, for taking corrective measures. Football fans, college football fans are like a different breed. So then the other one I had was, uh, no, they're all the same breed. Yeah, that's true. That's true. CNN breaking news said Ohio State places head football coach Urban Myron paid administrative leave as it investigates what he knew about allegations against ex assistant. And, uh, this person quoted and said, really now, after all the investigation that was done to find all involved looks more like liberals trying to mop the floor
Starting point is 00:12:27 with anyone employed by the college going after innocent people does not correct wrong. Hashtag witch hunt hashtag me too. I mean, so I don't know how I think he thought the investigation had been going on for maybe this person thought it was the Jim Trestle investigation finally found Urban Meyer culpable here. But, uh, yeah, they put him on administrative leave like maybe three hours after the Facebook post. I mean, we all know that if there's any place that's not safe for liberals in America, it's on a college campus. So definitely witch hunt space trigger warning. Um, all right. So yeah. So you, you think Urban's done? I think he's done. I, I, yeah, I do. I think if they go through the text messages and see what Brett reported on,
Starting point is 00:13:08 yeah, I don't see it. There's a way that they bring it back. Yeah. I mean, now there's a possibility he does like a little recovery tour, maybe interns for Nick Saban for a while. That's the best part. Cause it, so either Urban Meyer is done and it, when we say he's done, it means that he's going to go away for a couple of years, then do like an E 60, then be a consultant for Bill Belichick and get paid like $2 million a year, Nick Saban. And then the other is I actually think this isn't like a comment of right or wrong. Like, I think he probably knew everything. He needs to scumbag and he should be done, but I think he'll still survive it. I think we'll get a four year, four game, uh, suspension
Starting point is 00:13:43 right before big 10 season. The old Bobby Bowden put, take his helmet away for the first quarter and then he'll be back. I think he's going to resurface in a few years at Notre Dame. Yeah. That's right. I think if there's any, if there's any organization that has a history of like looking over, overlooking some of their leaders past discrepancies, it's the Catholic church. No offense. Um, so I could see him, I could see him joining up with touchdown Jesus. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, people forget he, there's, he taught Aaron Hernandez, the gospel. Yes. And, and when we talk about college football fans being crazy and listen, I'm, I'm definitely like guilty of it as well. There definitely are some Notre Dame fans out there that were like,
Starting point is 00:14:21 this is awesome because he's going to get fired and he's come to Notre Dame. Yeah. Like that was definitely going through some of their comments that are like, yeah, fire his ass. There's your fire his ass to Florida. Like, bring him back. Let's do it. Wake up the echoes. Yeah. All right. Let's do our Mount Rushmore. So Ruffin Rowdy four is coming. Youngstown, Ohio Sunday night, August 5th, Bill Burr, who's coming up on the show here on the mic, Pat McAfee in the ring. I'll be on the mic with Dave as well. It's a whole big deal. It's going to be awesome by the pay per view now because it's going to go to 20 bucks on the day of the fight. So if you buy it now, it's 15 99 R and by R and by R and Thank you,
Starting point is 00:15:00 Hank. So the Mount Rushmore in honor of that is fights we would like to see take place real quick. I have, I have some breaking moves. Oh, break moves. There's a tornado in New York right now. It's called Buddha. Yeah, tornado in Queens. So just want to let everybody know I am Queens Boulevard. We're riding this one out. Nice. Right in the story. Yeah. If I die, I want to die podcast. Not the not the first time we've done a podcast in a tornado. Correct. So it'll be the last time pretty pretty damn. So credit not saying we're like got big balls, but yeah, yeah, it's tough to sit down sometimes. Oh, actually wait, I saw Michael Rapport's back in town. So it's probably just him, his hot air come out of his mouth. It's just him breathing
Starting point is 00:15:43 through his nose. All right. I think there's some fucked up with my air conditioning. Oh, fuck. There's an F4 outside my window. All right. So Mount Rushmore of fights we'd like to see take place. Hank, are you okay? I'm good. All right. Earlier today, Big Cat tried to trick me by saying people you'd like to see fight. Well, I think that one person was just like I'd like to see Shaq get into a fight. Yeah. No, I mean, it doesn't matter. People you'd like to see fight each other. Yeah, I get it now. Okay. All right. Liam, why don't you decide the order? Big Cat, Hank, PFT. Okay. All right. My first pick is Billy. No, just kidding. What if I did that
Starting point is 00:16:29 again? Just went back to it. Won't be surprised. Okay. My first pick is an easy one. I want to see Kevin Durant and Russell Westbrook fight. Yep. That's good. We all want to see it happen. Russell Westbrook would beat the shit out of him. No. It's all a link. A lot of length. I don't think Kevin Durant's ever thrown a punch in his life. A lot of length. A lot of length. I think Westbrook has? Yeah. Westbrook would take one look at KD and it would be like a bull just seeing red. I think Westbrook has definitely fought a ton of walls at least. Like he's punched a lot of walls. All right, Hank, go ahead. I want to see little brawn fight Giannis. Okay. You see that video? Someone posted one of our competitors on Instagram of Giannis like doing boxing training.
Starting point is 00:17:10 Yeah. He's a fucking monster. Yeah. That's also a lot of run. I want to see. I don't think LeBron would be a good fighter, but I don't like he's so such a beast athletically like it's like who could beat him, but Giannis could give him the hands. Yeah. All right. LeBron would get hit once and start crying. Okay. Amazing. Yes, it would. All right. My first two. I'm going to go with Calipari and Rick Petino. Oh, that's a good one. Yeah. I also had Rick Petino versus the truth, but I thought that would be a little bit harder. Rick Petino versus a clock, right? Petino versus a condom, condom wrapper. Yeah. My second one is going to be, I'm going to go with Bellachick versus Alex Guerrero. That's good. That's good. That's that's that's that's spicy meatball. Walk in the
Starting point is 00:17:47 middle of rain and shake hands because they're on the same team. Definitely. I'm going to go with LeVar Ball versus Donald Trump. Shit. I actually had that exact one. That's pretty good. I had Trump and Kim Jong-un, but I think yours is better. Thank you. Thank you, PFT. Sorry, big cat. No, that was a good one. That was a really good one. I appreciate that. All right. Thanks for apologizing to big cat. I'll go with Charles Barkley versus Shaq. I feel like they, you know, when they get on the, when they're on the show, it's like, sometimes they say things that it's like, that could be a little more than just them fucking around. By the way, did you see Shaq say Kobe's coming back? Did he? Yes. He said Kobe's going to come back because they need like
Starting point is 00:18:27 10 to 15 minutes of a score. Oh my God. Yes. I hope so. He needed so bad. That would be a big time not to brag, but we called it move by us. His wife said that, came out and said, no, no, he's not. Oh, Vanessa. Well, man card, Kobe. Let Vanessa talk for you. Yeah, but Kobe knows that. She said they're having too much fun being a family. Yeah, but Kobe knows that if he can do whatever he wants, if he just buys enough, big enough ring. And my next one would be Derek Jeter versus Marlins Man. Oh, okay. Not Jeter versus A-Rod. No, Jeter versus Marlins Man. Need it. Need it. The people need it. Marlins Man. You think Jeter versus A-Rod would be better? No. Marlins Man. I think they're friends. Marlins Man would wipe the floor with them.
Starting point is 00:19:07 Yes, he would. Because he's got, he's got an entire army behind them. True. All the troops. Could you imagine if they fought for ownership of the Marlins? Would be the greatest fight of all time. My number three, I'll go with Jamon Green versus Tristan Thompson. Okay, well that already happened. Yeah, and Tristan lost. No, but I'd like to see the fight actually happen. Well, he punched him, but Jamon didn't go down. So who won? And Jamon said it didn't even happen. Yeah, embraced the big who wins. That's a good question. Yeah, that's why I would like to see the footage. Okay, all right, good call. All right. I'm gonna go with Mark Zuckerberg versus both Winklevoss twins at the same time. And the reason for that is I just
Starting point is 00:19:46 want to see Mark Zuckerberg get the shit kicked out of him. That would be good. And you know the Winklevoss twins would not like give up. They wouldn't relent. Right. They'd just go at them. For my last one, I'm going to go with Jay Cutler versus Phillip Rivers. Those matchups that they used to have where they'd spend the game just yelling at each other in the middle of plays. The best. So good. I'd like to see that settled. That would actually be a really fair fight. Yeah. Yeah. I don't think either one would be very good if I like Phillip Rivers had that unorthodox punching motion, probably. I think Cutler would kick his ass. You think so? Yeah. This is a good athlete. You see him dunking high school? No, I didn't see that. I'll show you. I haven't spent
Starting point is 00:20:21 too much time watching Jay Cutler high school basketball highlights. Yeah, you'd be impressed. My last one, I'm going to go with the Roger Goodell versus Adam Silver, commissioner fight. Okay. All right. Well, I think Goodell wins that easy. Yeah. I'll go with the last one, similar to that, but a little different. I don't know why you didn't pick this Hank Brady versus Goodell. That'd be a bloodbath. But it would be a great fight to see. It would be a great fight to see. Yeah. It'd be a great fight to see. I'd love to see that fight. Me too. Yeah. So I'm surprised you didn't pick it. Any honorable mentions? Yeah, absolutely. I was going to go with Revelle PFT for my last one, but I'm not a panderer like Big Cat. I waited for the
Starting point is 00:21:01 honorable mentions. I'm an honorable guy. Tell you what, I'd like to see Hank against Big Cat. Right now it's getting testy. Very test. I would like to see Drake versus Pusha Tee and I had to Google who Drake was feuding with before I wrote that down because I couldn't remember, so I don't really want to see it. I literally Googled Drake versus and then just put that into Google and it was like Pusha Tee. Michael Vick versus a pack of dogs. Oh, I had Michael Vick versus the Beast from Sandlot. That would be good too. That would be good too. Jim Everett versus Jim Roem. Oh, yeah, yeah. Good one. I had Andy Reed versus Mike Holmgren and it's two of the best mustaches to ever do it. Yes. Steven A versus Skip. Oh, don't do that. That would be, you would be the most
Starting point is 00:21:44 heartbroken of all. I don't think they'd actually fight. I think it would be, you remember that episode of The Simpsons where Bart was playing against Lisa and Hockey and they were going to shoot out and then just hug because they couldn't beat each other? Yeah. That's where it would happen. Yeah, they'd just start kissing. How crush you think Steven A is at like, at Shannon Sharpe's like new virality. Like he's becoming a big star. He is the viral king right now. He loves reptiles. I don't know if you notice this about Shannon, but he had the thing where he's like, if a frog had pockets, he'd carry a knife and stab a snake and then he said something else about like a frog or no, no, it wasn't a frog. It was like a lizard or something two days ago.
Starting point is 00:22:20 He's got the reptile brand. Free Willy versus Jaws. Yes. Phil versus Tiger. Man boobs everywhere. We're going to see it on the course. That's true, but I'd love to see the fight. Britney versus Christina Aguilera. Yeah. That's just a little nostalgia. Katy Perry versus Taylor Swift. Wait, is that the, yeah, that's, yeah, that's the, that's the, that's the rivalry. What about long versus long versus long? No, no. I had Harbaugh v. Harbaugh. Maybe. You wouldn't want to see that fight? Chris Long versus Kyle Long. Yeah. I mean, Kyle would kick his ass. Yeah, Kyle would beat the shit. I think Chris would even admit that. He's like, Kyle would just sit on him. The rock versus the mountain. That would be good. I had the rock versus JJ Watt. Oh, that's a good one.
Starting point is 00:22:59 That's a solid one. That should have made the Mount Rushmore. That's fucking good. My, my last honorable mention I had was Floyd Mayweather versus a book. Yes. That's good. Or Floyd Mayweather versus 50 cent. Put 50 cents dressed like a book. So he just stands there confused. My last, all right, two more Ted Cruz versus Jimmy Kimmel, even though we saw the, the basketball. I've seen enough from those. That one would be good. And then I had, oh no, I had, oh, LeVar versus LeBron would be also very, very fun to watch. Jeff Bezos versus Elon Musk. Yeah. Third battle. It would just devolve into battle bots. Would have their little robots fighting each other. What about Jack versus a bunch of Nazis? No, I don't think Jack was
Starting point is 00:23:41 hands out megaphone. No, he'd, yeah, he would just be him giving them check marks. Yeah, right. They're like, here you go. Here you go, sir. Here you go, sir. All right. That's our Mount Rushmore. I'll let you defeat yourself with your own words, sir. And I'll make sure that you are never taken off Twitter. Okay. So, uh, let's get to our interviews. We've got Nate Robinson. He is going to be playing in the big three on Friday night. And then we have Bill Burr talking rough and rowdy and all the awesome stadiums he's been at before we get to that. Cash app, the number one app out there. It is our favorite app. The best finance app you can ever find. You download it. You can get your bank account. You can get your, uh, uh, paycheck
Starting point is 00:24:21 directly deposited. You can send money to friends. You can buy Bitcoin. It is so easy. One click and you're sending money to friends and then you can put it right back in your bank account whenever you want. And you get the cash card. And if you get the cash card, you select your boost discounts and you get discounts at places like Chick-fil-A and Shake Shack and a bunch of other places. I'm talking 15% off, 20% off free money. We are giving away by just downloading the cash app and getting your cash card and your boost discounts. And on top of all that, we are actually giving away free money. We've been doing it for like two months now. I don't understand why more people aren't downloading it and tweeting us because we are going to give you
Starting point is 00:25:00 free money, download the cash app, tweet at part of my take. You can get free money. Hank, who do we hook up? Mackenzie Metzger. Mackenzie. I think the real Mackenzie. Is that a guy or a girl? I know a couple Mackenzie. Those are guys. Do you? No, you don't. Mac Neal. Shout out to Mac. Mackenzie's a hot girl named. Not saying, not judging Mackenzie by her looks. No, let's, let's talk about her winning cash app. Yes. She, she downloaded the cash app and she tweeted at part of my take or he and she slash he genders the spectrum got free money. So do the same, download the cash app, tweet at part of my take and you too can be a he or she who gets money. We also brought to you by Bud Light, new Bud Light, lime and orange are out now. They're brewed
Starting point is 00:25:44 with orange and lime peels, real orange and lime peels, famous among friends. It's hot. It's summer. You're grilling. Hank doesn't want the summer to end, but neither is Flacco. Okay. August is still going. August just started. Yeah. That's a great point. Yeah. August just started, but guess what? Football season is back. So it's the perfect time to have your Bud Light lime and orange. You can get it at, uh, and you can just sit and watch football in, in, in your house in August. Bud Light, lime and orange. Get it now. Famous among friends. Shout out to Bud Light, lime and orange. All right. Here he is. Nate Robinson. We now welcome on, uh, former NBA player. Well, actually, you know what? Are you retired, Nate? Can we say that you're former NBA player? No,
Starting point is 00:26:29 I don't say that. Okay. Future NBA player Robinson. Yeah. I'm tired, man. I'm never, I'm never going to retire from the NBA. So just leave that there. All right. Current NBA player, current big three player, maybe future NFL player. It's Nate Robinson. He is competing in the big three. The big three will be in Boston on Friday night. Uh, you can tune in, watch it on FS one. I was just saying before we started, I was watching the big three like two weeks ago, I flipped through, saw it, and it was like within 30 seconds of turning on, you were just screaming at a ref and yelling at people. No, I wasn't yelling and screaming. You're just making that up. But, uh, it gets, it gets intense. Big, the big three gets intense,
Starting point is 00:27:10 you know, guys have characters. Uh, you know, it's, it's, it's a big man's game and I'm just little, I'm a little giant and it's big man's game. That's right. I hear you on that one. I tuned in. I saw you, you were getting into a fight with Rashad McCann. So you guys were like just going back and forth the entire time. Um, what I like about the league is they kind of let that play out. It was like a full game drama where they just kind of let you guys go back and forth at each other. Do you like that more? Do you like, like having free reign to get in some guys face? I just want to play guys. Well, man, not about getting nobody's face. I just want to win and when you compete and you want to win and you play at a high level, you know,
Starting point is 00:27:46 temper slayer. So we're just trying to keep it as clean as possible, as safe as possible to continue to play the game that we love. What is it? What's it take to get back into, I mean, you're in shape, but some of these guys are not in the best shape. Like, are they able to get back to 75% of what they were as NBA players? If they want to work at their bodies and stay in shape, they will, but if not, then they'll continue on how they look and how they feel. That's on them. I know I'm ready. I know I feel 21 all over again. So I love it. Yeah. And you've always been a dude that's had to work, you know, a little bit harder. Given your stature, you have to be a little bit quicker, a little bit stronger, have that like chip on your shoulder. I'm curious,
Starting point is 00:28:24 like when you were growing up, when you're, you know, going through high school, you're playing ball, you might be a little bit undersized. Do you work harder at, at kind of your jumping ability, at that lower body strength? Or were you more focused on like, I just worked on my game. Honestly, I played three sports growing up as a kid from five years old to, to my first year of college. And so I've been playing it all my life and been staying active. So it's easy for me just to, you know, to stay in shape and to be able to have athleticism like I did because of the grinding, the work that I put into it. What type of NFL career do you think you would have had if you had stuck with football? Cause you played still freshman year in college,
Starting point is 00:29:01 like you just mentioned. Let me see. I would be, how can I, who, I'm not going to say DM, cause DM was such a great ghost, but I would have been somewhere underneath prime time. Drill Revis. I've been right here at the prime time with, and, and, and playing the way that I play. I, I just got to see myself as being one of the greatest corners to ever play the game. Do you ever regret that? Do you ever regret the decision to play basketball instead of football? No, I don't regret it. I just wish that I could have done that and go back in time. If I had a time machine and picked football and see what my career would have been like. Right. The XFL, 2020. Are you ruling yourself out?
Starting point is 00:29:45 No, I wouldn't say, I wouldn't say I wouldn't rule myself out. I would consider doing something like that if, if the opportunity presents yourself. I would love that. You were like one of the all time great teammates. You were on some pretty good teams, but you were always known as a guy that was like a, like human cocaine to come off the bench and just like give it, give a shot in the arm. Were you like that in practice? Were you, were you as intense as you play in the games? It's funny because I love, I love the practice and people, you know, some NBA guys hated practice because they were like, I don't want to do is run full court. I love practice, but practice, I was even more intense. You can't see anybody like I took a fear. I took my practice like my
Starting point is 00:30:20 games. I want to win every scrimmage, everything we do. I want to win. So you had to deal with some pretty like screwed up next teams, which I guess that's kind of redundant because all next teams in the last 15 years have been screwed up. Right. Who would you, who power rank these coaches for like how much they might have pissed you off? Isaiah Thomas, Larry Brown and Mike Dantony. You said the levels. Yeah. Like fuck Mary kill. Let's do it that way. Who would you, who would you, who would you fuck Mary kill? Mike Dantony playing that game. Okay. All right. Maybe let's just power rank them. I wouldn't, I wouldn't rank them games. I wouldn't necessarily say they really got on my nerves to the point like that. Cause all I did as a kid being in the league, I just wanted to play
Starting point is 00:31:03 and that was the biggest thing for me. Like I just wanted to learn and play and it was hard because you know, the circumstances of the team we had, the players that were being that, that we had that were being paid certain amount. They had to play. So once I figure out that the NBA is a business and you know, it wasn't, it was no room for me to come in and earn minutes and earn opportunity to start. I just knew that all right, Nate, you're never going to be able to start. You're not going to be a starting point in Gardeners League, but we're going to make the best of it and you're going to be one of the best players that ever come off the bench. And I think I did that and I consider myself one of the greatest players that ever come off the bench to play the game with basketball.
Starting point is 00:31:40 So when you go from the Knicks to the Celtics and the Celtics obviously, you know, they had, they wanted championship. They had success. They had the veteran leadership. Did you immediately like look back and like, Oh man, that Knicks situation was really fucked up. Like that, that whole organization. It was a little crazy, but when I got to the, when I got to the Celtics, you know, it was just a winning atmosphere. They just, they, they cared themselves a different way, a different swagger. And you can tell the difference, you know, well, way more prepared for games. It was just, it was a, it was night and day, but you know, I never would trade my experience with the Knicks that I had. It was awesome. You know, being there, even when we
Starting point is 00:32:16 were losing, just being a part of that organization was dope. You know, and everything that went through it, it was supposed to happen the way it did. And it was, it was still a blessing to be in the NBA. I was blessed and I was happy. I just wanted to showcase my talent and show them what I can do. Plus you got to take down JR Smith in that fight against Denver. That was, they should teach that move in judo classes. Yeah. You guys are relentless. Yeah. Well, in that, the real story from that fight was that was the biggest, uh, we don't say the, the pussy word anymore. The biggest P word move ever by Carmelo, basically backtracking the entire length of Madison square garden. Did you ever talk to him after being like, dude, are you serious?
Starting point is 00:32:58 Like just stay on your ground. I'm like five nine. Like I wasn't going to do anything. No, I haven't talked to him, but you know, we just have a mutual respect. Yeah. For each other. So I see him out most of the time. I see them in this basketball event and he said, what's up? He talks, he speaks all the time. So it's cool. You had him though. You had him there. It was like a dog part. I told you guys, things happen when you play basketball and it gets heated. Yeah. You'll be surprised. Jumping back real quick to your time with the Celtics. What was it like going to that first practice against KG after you've been practicing with that next team? Was he like, was he talking shit to you right off the bat or like, what was it? What was that
Starting point is 00:33:34 dude like in practice? Yeah, he was, he was intense in practice. He talked a lot of crap. You know, KG, he always brought his A game and practices and the games and it was, it was fun because he was a competitor and you want to win. You want to, you want to win against a guy that talks nothing but trash. So our practices were intense. They were fun and just, just know that the second unit that played against the first unit, we, we had our own, we won a lot of those battles. How many times did he make big baby cry during practice? He never met him cry during practice. Not that I know of. Only that one time on the bench that everybody went eight, eight shit for. Yeah. Yeah. Who was the best teammate you ever played with? Who's the one guy that you
Starting point is 00:34:19 were like, that's my guy? I mean, I have a couple of those. That's my guy. The real, the real Arthur. Okay. They were all right. Malik Rose, Carlos Boozer, Joe Kimnola, Wilson Chandler, Quinn Richardson. I mean, this goes on, Jamal Crawford, this goes on. I mean, I put on so many teams. Yeah. Well, you were, you were that guy to a lot of people. I remember, I heard a story that Carlos Boozer said that for that Bulls team, you would bake cupcakes for everyone. Yeah. Me and my daughter, I have a daughter, man. She loves cupcakes and she loves decorating them. So whatever my daughter, whatever my daughter wants to do, I'm with it. So you would do that for every single road game? Every road trip. I will come, I will make cupcakes and I will bring them to the team and
Starting point is 00:35:09 we eat them and it will bomb. And now would, would that ever get awkward? Like when Kevin Durant ate all the cupcakes when you went to Oklahoma City? Uh, no, I feel like Oklahoma City, they had a chef to make them. We can order whatever we wanted. So they never really had it. Like whoever wanted cupcakes, they would just make them for it, for the play, for the bus, for the plane or the bus. How many cupcakes, how many cupcakes would Perk eat? Perk? Yeah. I don't know. I don't remember how many Perk we eat, but who used to eat them all when I was with the Bulls, Jimmy Butler would take a lot of them for everybody. He would go for everybody to be done and see who wanted them. Jimmy loved the cupcakes and so did Boozer. Love it. And then Boozer would fight over them.
Starting point is 00:35:48 All right. Can I give you, can I give you a tip? All right. So here's a tip to promote the big three you should use this time on our show to tell us how you always knew Kevin Durant and Russell Westbrook hated each other. Nah, man, they, they, they, they love each other, man. They just, like you said, tempered player when you play basketball, man, you guys, maybe you guys never played basketball and competed at a high level to know that when you want to win, you'll do just about anything to get that dub. I mean, I, I, I played a lot of scout team full back in high school. So I think I have a pretty good understanding about competition. Hey man, we gave, we gave the other guys a look. Okay. That was our job. We'd simulate the opposing
Starting point is 00:36:31 offense for the next week. That's actually harder than playing on the first team. I play scout team one time when I transferred to high school, when I transferred to James Logan, and they didn't know if I was good or not. And they put me on the scout team. And when nobody on their number one defense can tackle me, they knew I would never be on a scout team ever again. Same. That's why I played scout team. They just didn't know about me either. Yeah. Well, what was it like though, playing with, with Russell Westbrook and Kevin Durant together? Like those guys, because they're obviously, it's probably one of the biggest, you know, pairs that people talk about the what ifs, the Kevin Durant leaving. James Harden was coming off the bench on that team too. That was a nasty
Starting point is 00:37:09 team. Yep. But they're, they will play one-on-one after practice every day. Like him, like all them young guys, like we will always play one-on-one. And it was just fun to watch these guys, you're like, go at each other. And, you know, they took it serious. And it was fun, it was fun to watch these guys, you know, so young, you know, so hungry. And they probably still do that same thing. And get it in. Like once you're a Hooper, you're always a Hooper, man. You just love the game. True. What do you think it is about that, about that Rockets team then that's been, you know, they've been a pretty solid team for the last couple years, but they just haven't been able to do anything in the playoffs. Like that to me seems like a team that would be badly in need of Nate
Starting point is 00:37:46 Robinson. Yeah, man. I mean, I know I could help them a lot. And, you know, I'm just, like you said, waiting for opportunity. They just, you know, they just got to figure it out. They got to find a niche. And, you know, they got to find that, that X factor that can, that can change the game. And, you know, kind of shake things up. And I'm definitely that type of guy. Let's get started. Yeah. Mike D'Antoni, you guys have a great relationship. Yeah. Bring in Nate Robinson. Yeah. I want to play a game called remember when, and I'm just going to throw out some things that you did and we'll just say remember when you can just tell us how cool it was. Okay. Remember, remember when you scored all those points in
Starting point is 00:38:27 game four against the Nets with the Bulls? That was such an awesome time. Remember that? Yeah, that was, that was pretty, that was pretty awesome, man. That, you know, it's funny because I dream that happened as a kid, like not to say like that, that day, that game, but something, you know, along those lines and, you know, watching Jordan and watching different NBA players during the playoffs, it's like magic. He's like, you make your magic, you, you set your mark. And that was the first opportunity I got to showcase that I can really play the game of basketball, like for real, for real, like in a playoff run a team, you know, and take a team to the second round. It was, it was, I loved every second of that. I love that series too, because you and Joe
Starting point is 00:39:07 Keem, like, you know, Luol Dang basically almost dies, like everyone's injured and you guys just got it out. Were you in the zone? Were you in the zone when you scored those points? I think it was 12 on answered? You know, it was 23 straight points in the fourth quarter and it was crazy because I tell them, I jokingly tell them guys, I can do that every night if you give me the opportunity. This is not just something that just happens. Like I can score like this and play this way if you guys really believe and let me be myself and do all this. I can do this. And it was just a glimpse of, you know, what could have happened. So you remember that time that you beat Dwight Howard in the dunk contest and you were like, Hey Dwight, can I use you as a prop to beat you in the dunk
Starting point is 00:39:49 contest? And then he just kind of like rolled over. It's funny because I asked him in the elevator going to the dunk contest and he was like, yeah, so it happened that night. It wasn't like we practice that. That was just something that I asked him to do and he was like, sure. And I was like, you know, I was like, wow, thank you. Like for real, you're just going to help me win the dunk contest. I appreciate that. Yeah. Is that kind of a weird move on his part to be like, sure, Nate, yeah, I'll give you the title. Yeah, for real. But like you say, he's always going to be in the history books, you know, getting jumped over by Nathaniel Robinson. So that's really cool. Yeah. I mean, actually, if that's what people are going to remember Dwight by,
Starting point is 00:40:20 that's not that bad for him. Cause there's a lot of other stuff. Yeah. Yeah. Do you, do you like get upset, you know, like when you basically like say you go to a college and the value of your diploma goes down? Is that how that dunk contest is going to be looked upon? Because Dwight Howard has basically become a clown and a joke in the NBA. No, I wouldn't say that. No, he's still a beast player though. He's just stuff that people want to say. He just wants to play. He's just a big goofball. And you guys got to understand that that's who he is. Yeah. Okay. All right. I got one. I don't think there's nothing wrong with it. Yeah. I'll be thrown upon certain things like he's just a big kid, man, and he's enjoying
Starting point is 00:41:00 pooping. That's what it is. He's a big goofball and seven foot goofball. Yeah. He's a wizard and he learned magic and all that stuff. Um, my last remember when, remember when you blocked LeBron James? Yeah, that was pretty awesome. Yeah it was. That was a good day, man. Yeah. You were better than him. Because usually he dunks those and I was like, man, either he's going to dunk on me or I'm going to block it. So I just had to, you know, sometimes you got like, like Kobe said, you got to swing for the fences and I did that. I swing for the fences every time. I don't want to just hit it, get on base. I wanted to go out the park. I want everybody to see my home run shot. I love it. Okay. My last remember when, do you remember when you blocked Yao Ming shot?
Starting point is 00:41:37 Do you remember when you said that was the last remember when? No, but that was Big Cat's last remember when. Yeah. You said, do I remember when I did what? That's a little trick in the business. We say last question all the time and then we just ask 10 more questions. All right, last thing, last thing, they keep saying last thing. We there for another hour. Exactly. Yeah, they stole from us. Yeah. That's our invention. So yeah, I do remember that. That was pretty, that's pretty, that's pretty awesome. That being in the right place at the right time, man. That's what happens. Kids listening, being in the right place at the right time can work wonders for you. But you got to work to be in the right place in the right time all the time. And you
Starting point is 00:42:11 definitely got to put in the work. Yeah. All right. Last question. It's a Seeky question. Put in promo code take. You can go see Nate Robinson play on Friday night in Boston, the big three. You can also watch it. Yeah. You can watch it on FS one, put in promo code take. You get $10 off if you want to go watch Nate play. All right. My last question is who is the best trash talker you ever went up against? The best trash talker I ever went up against, man. Oh man. Well, KG is definitely up there. He's talked a lot of trash. Gary Payton talks a lot of trash. Was there ever a story or a memory of someone who really kind of got after you
Starting point is 00:43:01 for something during a game or like, you know, maybe you did it to them where you were able to get under someone's skin? I would just say when guys can't guard me, man. That gets under skin when they can't, when they can't stop you. Who is the one guy you like feel like you had their number your entire career? I don't know, man. I don't, I don't know. I just, I just go hoop. So I don't know. I know, I know, I would say my career hard against Steve Blake. Steve Blake. I think that I had my career hard 45. I don't think he could have, he could have, I don't think nobody could have helped me that night. Yeah. Yeah. That's fair. That's fair. Say the only person, the only person that really gave me trouble that, you know, that was
Starting point is 00:43:44 that have been like really trouble for me and where I couldn't get no buckets have been my coaches for the most part. Yeah. My coaches that send me down and don't let me play and they don't let me, that's the only people that really can stop me from doing me. Yep. Let me, that's what my game plan would be. Just give them the ball, get out of the way. Did Larry Brown really call you a little shit? Yeah, that was my name. The little shit. That was my name. Really. Seriously. All bullshit aside. He caught me back. The thing is though, every, every day though, it was a everyday thing. And I was like, bro, my name is Nate, either call me Rook or Nate. And I'm good with that. He would say the little shit. Here's the thing though, like you're not that little,
Starting point is 00:44:21 you're five nine. That's an actually perfect average height in America. So, so thank you for just being here. I always wanted to ask him, well, is he little shit too? Because he just my height. I don't know. I just never asked him, but I should have asked him that. You should have. You should have. All right, Nate. Thank you so much, man. We really appreciate it. Good luck on Friday night. And check everyone, check Nate out and everyone else, the big three on FS1. Yes, sir. That interview with Nate Robinson was brought to you by the BlackTux. Wedding season is in full swing. You're going to be doing it big and going all out for your buddy's weddings. When you're bringing a date, you want to look fresh. I always say that, but it has to be convenient.
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Starting point is 00:46:32 live from Youngstown, Ohio. Order the tickets, order your paper views. I will be in the booth with Bill Burr. So Bill, you did Ruff and Rowdy three, you're back for Ruff and Rowdy four. I keep telling people like you genuinely love this and you had a great time, but they don't believe me. So you're going to have to say it in your own words that this is not a gun to your head that you actually love Ruff and Rowdy. Yeah, I do. I've always loved, I used to watch the tough man competitions when I was a kid. I used to watch something on ABC's wild world of sports where they tried to find the best bouncer in the country and part of it, they would throw a midget. Like they literally have these stuntmen, little people, I guess what
Starting point is 00:47:13 you're supposed to say, right? And they would like throw them through, they would throw them down this mat to see how far they could throw them. I came up in hockey when there was all kinds of fighting and I just, I've always just loved it. I had four brothers growing up. All we did was beat the crap out of each other and I watched wrestling. This is just totally lines up everything. Then you add the whole, you know, pig versus punk pride versus prejudice, just the matchups, a crop versus skateboarder. I mean, I don't know how you're not in. If they don't believe it, before I even started working for you guys, I was raving about it when I saw it saying this thing's going to be a juggernaut. And by the way, I've called a lot of things like that. I remember
Starting point is 00:47:57 when I first saw the promo for Jersey Shore, I was like, this show is going to be huge. Facebook, you called Facebook, Google, all those. Thank you. Thank you. I did. I called Facebook. You're a Patriots fan. I don't know why. I don't know why, but how fun is it for some stupid reason? Because I usually don't root for people to fail, but it's just funny to watch Facebook go through a rough time. Oh yeah. I don't know why. That guy, he has such an unlikable face. He reminds me like when I, when I was first starting at stand up, like there was some people that went on stage, they were like so unlikable. Like the late great Patrice O'Neill used to talk about this guy going, dude, he walks on stage already
Starting point is 00:48:41 bombing. It's like the guy before him killed. And then the second they just, I don't know if it's the guy's face, his posture, his energy. It's just everybody would hate him. He's a robot. Yeah, is the thing. He's basically, he's not really human. So he's really easy to root against. He always looks like he has sweaty palms too. He gives you that clammy handshake. Like he has that look all the time. Dead eyes. He's got those big pupils that just look like nothing, but just black in those eyes. Yeah. Wrong haircut. I mean, like they should bring back clear eye for the straight guy and they got to get that guy on the show because I'm not even joking dude. I think that that is, it hurts his bottom line. I think that's why you never
Starting point is 00:49:18 see him out there. Cause when he gets out there, man, it's like, he looks like a, like if they were doing the Ross Perot movie, he would play like Ross Perot and like his 20s or something. That's the thing. I have a tough time like accepting a really rich guy with a shitty haircut. I know. It looks like he did it himself. You might have, but so does Mark Davis. Like counterpoint Mark Davis. I trust him in my life. Oh, I don't even know who that is. He's the guy that owns the Raiders. It looks like John Gruden. It's a bull haircut. He is a ginger with a bull haircut. It's an unbelievable look and he's like the richest, you know, one of the richest guys. Oh, that's awesome. Yeah. I like that he's staring into it. Like, all right,
Starting point is 00:49:56 you guys think that I can't look any worse? How about this haircut? And you know what? I'm still flying private. Exactly. So you know, big cat, this is our first time talking, Bill. I'm always curious because you started doing your podcast back in what like 2007? Yeah, when you guys weren't even born. Was it just, was it just you? Were you like the only podcast in town? No, there was other podcasts. Robert Kelly was actually the one who told me to do it. He was the one that told me about it. And it was just a way to connect with your fans on my space. And I would literally, I would talk for like five minutes. Hey, I'm going to be at the Skyline Cafe in Appleton, Wisconsin. Tickets are still available for every show that week, you know? And then I just started
Starting point is 00:50:40 riffing a little bit and five minutes turned into seven, which turned into 10. It was like building an act. And but there was other guys doing it. I want to say Marin started around the same time I did. I want, he might have started a little bit before me, but there weren't a lot. There weren't a lot of them. No. But then since then a bunch have come along and just blown past me. Do you ever, sorry. Yeah. Like Joe Rogan, do you understand Joe Rogan gets better numbers than late night talk shows? Like going on Joe Rogan podcast is like bigger than doing like the late night talk show circuit. I mean, he gets like five million downloads per episode. Yeah. That's pretty good. We got to start asking our guests.
Starting point is 00:51:23 And Mark Marin legitimized. What's that? We got to start asking our guests if they've like done DMT and LSD and stuff. That's what Joe does. And then you get some really wild stories out of people. Yeah. He does a little more. But Joe's also like, he's the guy, he's a renaissance man. He's talking about a national champion in Taekwondo. He can talk MMA. He was on a sitcom that made it to syndication. He bull hunts, uh, fear factor. I was hard fear fan. I mean, like, and then all the other things that he's into classic cars and all that type of stuff. I mean, the guy is a, he's a genuinely, uh, curious individual and he's super smart. You know, unlike myself, who I have my little corner of the world that I live in,
Starting point is 00:52:08 and I refuse to read and learn new things. And that's, that's my, that's my, uh, which is why I'm doing rough and rowdy. Yeah. And rowdy cake takes me back to when I was a kid, when this type of stuff was allowed. Yeah. So, uh, one thing you did tell me, you know, you don't sell yourself short when you're saying like you don't read or experience new things. When we were, before we were doing rough and rowdy three, you told me that you have been to every single stadium in America, professional sports stadium, except for four. Is that still true? Is there still just four on the list? And what are those four? I, I've been to a home game of every pro sports team in North America and all four sports, except for like, I think it's like eight. I got like eight teams left.
Starting point is 00:52:52 Okay. The auto with senators, um, Brooklyn Nets, I've been to New Jersey Nets, but I don't count them. If they, if they move to a new arena and in a different state, I got to go see it. So, I mean, that's incredible. So tell us your, you can't, don't pick Boston and no Boston sports, but pick your, I will pick what I want. Okay. So pick whatever you want. I will not let you put me in a box. Okay. So tell us your favorite for each sport, hockey, basketball, football, and baseball, uh, of the home, home stadiums. Too many to list, but I'll tell you, okay. I will tell you, old tiger stadium. I went there for a game, uh, late in the summer. So it was when the sun was starting to go down, uh, you know, around like seven o'clock and there was something, my dad,
Starting point is 00:53:41 you know, grew up out there. So he's still called it Briggs stadium. And I swear to God, like right before the game started, cause the ballpark was so old, it literally looked like Ty Cobb was going to come running out of the dugout. And I, and that was the only stadium that had an upper deck that went all the way around. And I sat in the upper deck, uh, and it was also the upper deck like hung over the lower deck. So if you wanted a home run, you wanted to, you didn't want to sit there. It was almost like a trick shot. You have to take like a line drive and be screaming in if you sat down low and you'd basically be the guy, you know, the guy who slows it down and then the other guy gets the souvenir, you know, it was one of those sections. So I would say that one, uh, Milwaukee
Starting point is 00:54:21 Brewers County stadium was great. The King dome, I sat out behind Ken Griffey, Jr. And whenever you used to see the home runs on ESTN, you'd see people running along that aisle, like right there at the top of the wall. I got to do that. I didn't get the ball. The Astrodome. Uh, do you like any stadiums that still exist? Uh, well, the thing about those old ones were the ones that like, they had all the history when I was growing up. So I would be looking, I went to Shea Stadium. Like that's where the ball went through Buckner's legs right there. You know, I would say the new ones, yeah, that one was a dump. You went there to be like, wow, the Beatles played here. There's nothing else really sports related. Um, I would say, uh, the best one right
Starting point is 00:55:05 now I would say would be where the pirates play. They keep changing the name. So I don't know. That's a great one. San Diego Padres is a sleeper that a lot of people don't go to. The Giants is obviously great. The Jake is amazing. Um, best baseball fans, probably knowledgeable and also cool to that team. Like forgiving and they weren't assholes were, uh, St. Louis Cardinals fans. Really? Really? I swear to God. Sorry. What are you? A Cubs fan? Yeah, come on. I'm saying they know the game. What am I supposed to say? That really hurt. I actually like that hurt. What do you mean? When you say like, they know the guard because I hear that a lot. Well, you guys kept crying. I need like six of them. You told me to keep going. It's true. Eventually
Starting point is 00:55:48 we're going to get to the Cardinals. I want to dig into the Cardinals because you hear all the time. Like they're, they're knowledgeable fans. They know the game. What does that mean? Like they don't, they don't clap in certain situations or like walk me through that. It's based, they know shit. Like you don't make the first or the third out at third base. Yeah. You know what I mean? So they don't be like really good little coaches. Well, look, I, I'm just feeling a bunch of animosity here towards Cardinal fans for whatever reason. Like I don't, I don't, I'm too old to try and convince people of things that they don't believe. I get it. You don't like them. Agree to disagree. You're, no, you're not, you're not incorrect. Cardinals fans for the most part because St.
Starting point is 00:56:23 Louis doesn't like the Cardinals are St. Louis. It's not one of those towns where you have a lot of different sports. I mean, people care about the blues. The Rams are obviously gone, but it is, it's a baseball town through and through. So I do think, I do agree that the fans at least know what they're talking about when they spout their bad opinions about Yadir Molina. And, and they support players that are in a slump like they clap. They don't do like that. You know, that stupid Yankee thing where they like boo Derek Jeter or Mariano Rivera, like these fucking people who've never accomplished shit. They just, they're like these spoiled brass. You know what I mean? Like the stuff that they do and it's just, it's called like a Bronx cheer and it's just
Starting point is 00:57:04 really, you know, it's like, no, it's, it's a bunch of fat mouth breathing morons who this is all they have. So they just want it, you know, make it be good so I can feel good about my life or whatever. I'm going to be honest with you. A lot of that was based in the fact that I'm a Red Sox fan. So you can't take too much. No, that's, I mean, they booed John Carlos Stanton like on the, I think his second game of his Yankee career, which was, I thought it was hilarious. Like it's like you can't even let the guy have more than 10 at bats that they're already booing them, which I love. Yeah. You know, it's funny about New York is New York sports is basically the Yankees, you know, with the giants, with an honorable mention. Yeah. It's because if you,
Starting point is 00:57:46 if you look at the rest of them, it is a fucking shit show. The Knicks, the Nets, the Rangers, the Mets, the Jets. I mean, it just everybody, it's like, if you combined all those years, you know, how long it's been with all of those teams, just not winning championships. But the Yankees are like, you know what the Yankees are like, they're like the rich dad who just keeps, he just, you know, everybody still gets to live in the mansion, but he knows when he dies that when he gives this money to the kids, they're just going to blow it all on like scratch tickets and shit. They just, they just don't have that effect except for the giants. The giants are, uh, yeah, every now and then, you know, yeah. The giants went to school, they went
Starting point is 00:58:29 to college and under this like analogy, the giants went to college and like got a master's degree, but it was like a master's degree in English or something. So you're like, oh, that kid's pretty good. He did some cool stuff, but he really like, he's not consistent about it. I would say they like Trader Joe's level where Yankees are like, you know, Walmart, like, uh, dominating, you know, franchise McDonald's. Yeah. Um, all right. So Sunday night, we will see you, uh, live by the pay-per-view, rough and rowdy for Young's Town, Ohio. What you did here, you asked me a question and all I got through was baseball and then there's all these hockey fans, football fans and all, you're just going to just leave them hanging. Well, what, what, I did that on purpose
Starting point is 00:59:17 because when I see you on Sunday night and be like, Hey, that was a lot of fun. We're going to be in LA in a couple of weeks. You are a showman. Yeah. So how about we stop by your house and we'll bring the whole kit. You don't have to do anything. You can just roll out of bed and give us the hockey and football stuff. Old Boston garden, Maple Leaf gardens. I went there for a tour. I'll do it real quick. Soldier's Field, uh, uh, Memorial Coliseum because the first two Super Bowls were played there. Uh, Lambeau Field when Brett Farb was still there. Uh, as far as new stadiums, the Atlanta Falcons one is insane. Best player I ever saw live was Michael Vick. Before all the dog stuff. I mean, well, it was during the dog stuff, actually. Before we knew
Starting point is 01:00:03 about the dog stuff. But you were watching Vick was at his best when he was killing dogs. Yeah. You were watching the dog. You know that when Michael Vick was allowed to be Michael Vick. There's no better Michael Vick. Correct. I'm looking forward to seeing you on Sunday. I know you're going to be dressed sharp. I'm just going to try to contribute anywhere. Yeah. I'm looking forward to it. All right, Bill. Thank you so much. Appreciate it. We'll see you Sunday. All right, brother. All right, talk to them. That little chat with Bill Burr was brought to you by Bet DSI. has been in business for over 20 years paying winners. They're A plus rated on sports book review sites. You can use
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Starting point is 01:01:23 get a free $25 wager on the house, and 200% extra bonus when you deposit. That's TAKE25, get your free wager, and start winning today. All right, let's get to some segments. First up, we have a Saber Metrics for PFT's guy, Greeny. My guy, Greeny. Well, my wife, Mike Greenberg. The best is whenever, I'd say probably three times a week, PFT will say a sentence to me that starts with, Hey, did you see the thing that Greeny did? And I'll be like, Nope, I didn't. But I always love to hear what comes after that. I'm like a kid that you went to high school or middle school with that was really into like a certain band that you didn't give a shit about. Hey, did you hear the new song by the Buffalo Surfers? Yeah, trying to be a good friend. I'm like,
Starting point is 01:02:12 No, but I'd love to hear it. But I actually do love to hear it because it's always funny. But this was a big one today, actually. Sometimes they're not that big. This one was huge in the Mike Greenberg world. Mike Greenberg, we all know he eats sandwiches with a fork and a knife. He eats buffalo wings wearing gloves, probably. I would say a whole hazmat suit. Yeah, he definitely doesn't perform cunnilingus without like setting up a bubble. Yeah, he's got the bib on the lobster bib before cunnilingus. He eats grapes in three bites each. So it takes him three bites to eat a grape. He has a method. He bites it in half. Then he eats the insides out of the grape for a second bite. And then the third bite is he eats the skin on its own because he thinks the skin is
Starting point is 01:02:59 a nice little, the skin is like the dessert of a grape. So he sits there and takes like 10 seconds to eat a full grape. Yeah. Jesus Christ. He savors every bite of the delectable grape. And that was Savor Metres Mike Greenberg. We also, I'm going to start eating grapes like that. We also got this text on the group text, the Bubba Hank, myself and PFT on Wednesday night from PFT. So I'm reading Mike Greenberg's old book and opened it to a random page. He drops a hard F-bomb. My reality is shattered. And I just replied, I don't know what's worse, the fact that he dropped an F-bomb or that you're reading Greenberg's old book. Definitely the F-bomb. At like 11.50 on a Wednesday night. When you say random page, what does that even mean?
Starting point is 01:03:41 You want a little sneak peek into the life of PFT? Yes, please. All right. I was taking a bath and I had the book and I just opened it up. You have a bath bomb in there? You were naked while reading Mike Greenberg. I was full nude. I was fully naked in the tub. That is way over the line. Listen, I was naked reading Mike Greenberg's book called My Wife Thinks I'm an Idiot. I'm surprised it's not like My Wife, My Wife Thinks I'm an Idiot, comma, and I'll never be good at golf. I think it's from the year like 1999. Open it up to a totally random page because I don't think that you have to read a Mike Greenberg
Starting point is 01:04:22 book like start to end. I don't think there's a coherent narrative. And the page I opened up to, he was first of all, he was talking about sitting in a dressing room in a mall while his wife was trying on clothes because he felt as good as that is, right? Yeah, very relatable moment. And he was reading a Glamour magazine in an article about how to achieve your best orgasm. So that was the first shock was reading Mike Greenberg type out the word orgasm. Yeah. He was blushing while this was happening in the mall. And then he said a woman walked in and started looking at herself in the mirror and I didn't look up, but then as she walked away, I looked at her and it was Elle McPherson. Elle McFucking
Starting point is 01:05:01 Fierce. That's verbatim. Elle McFucking Fierce. Really, Greenie? You can't say ass. You say took us. Oh my God. But you say Elle McFucking Fierce. But like I said, he put it inside the word so it wasn't standing alone. I don't think he's, I don't think he could do the fucking on its own. Yeah. So that was, that was a tough night for me. Jesus Christ. All right, we have next up. Love you, Greenie. Blake News, fake news. So Blake Griffin, our good friend, runner up in Blake of the year, uh, had some fake news released about him today. And we are the, we're the mainstream media. No, we're the, we're not the lame stream media. We're not the mainstream media. What are we? We're the watchdogs. We're the watchdogs for all Blake Griffin news. The
Starting point is 01:05:45 mainstream media. The va, the what? I don't know. Yeah. Okay. I like that. I like that. Brainstream media. Brainstream media. Yeah. The big brain. We know what's really going on. Yes. So, uh, the Blake Griffin, it was reported that he has to, what, like $3 million a year these paying child support. That was the report. Wrong. Wrong. Fake, fake, fake. Uh, Blake released a joint statement with his former girlfriend and also mother of his children, who they are co-parenting in a lovely home and a great setting for the children. Uh, the reason everything's recent reports of the financial details of the child support agreement between Blake Griffin and, uh, Bryn Cameron are inaccurate and both sides have settled them amicably and are moving
Starting point is 01:06:31 forward with co-parenting their two children due to the confidential nature of the agreement. No further details will be released. And that my friends is Blake news, fake news. And you know what? It's none of our business, none of our beeswax. No. So why don't you all scram? Blake, if you want to get me pregnant, we can work out a financial arrangement. Sounds like a pretty good career. Blake, the, what's the, was that twins and Danny DeVito? Yeah. Yeah. Was that? Yeah. No, it was a junior, junior, junior with Schwarzenegger and Danny DeVito. Well, we already discussed how LeBron James would probably love to be pregnant. Yes, he would, but either way, leave Blake alone. He is done nothing wrong and everyone needs to stop believing everything
Starting point is 01:07:08 we hear on the internet. Hank, can you take out the part where I said that I'd like to get pregnant with Blake Griffin? No, leave that. I feel like that could be very easily. Nope. Leave that. Okay. Next up, we have a PR 101 for EA Sports. So EA Sports, the new Madden has come out and apparently it hasn't, but it's coming out. And so some people have the, the pre-release that's fucked up. It gets released to the public in like a week. Okay. So the, the new Madden has a soundtrack like all Madden's and apparently they have bleeped out Colin Kaepernick's name on a YG Big Sean track. So they just, they just took his, they took his name completely out of the whole thing because not mentioned. It's no mention.
Starting point is 01:07:53 So the original lyric had his name in it and they just removed that. They removed life. If you play it backwards, is it like the Beatles? It says Blaine Gabbard is dead. Yeah, no, it should be. It just no fucking it. So that's, it's kind of fucked up. And then of course, Ravel like caped for EA was like, Hey, it was just a mistake guys. They released a statement. We believe them. It was totally a mistake. No. Well, if it's gonna for Ravel, it's gonna for me. Yes. EA actually has a pretty good opportunity to make right in this situation because they do like, they do roster updates. They update the game like every week, right? So they could include like a side quest in it where you're Jerry Jones and you have to persuade to stand for the anthem
Starting point is 01:08:35 like, like a side quest in Grand Theft Auto. Yes. I think that would be good. I think all sides would enjoy that. And maybe like the, like the old school Ninja Turtle games, your lifeblood is just the pizzas. Every time you eat a Papa John pizza, you get your life back. That would be good too. Yeah. Yeah. So not in the eight, no. Now in the new Madden. Well, his name is. Yeah. What was the name? Okay. Is in the new EA Madden. Yes. Two. Yes. That is. All right. Before we get to our grab bag of Jim Bose and explain to Hanks, we got a good visual for Phil Mickelson. Boobs McGee. Great visual. He released a video, a very strange video through a shirt company. Yep. Of him dancing on the golf range. Yep. It was, I think that's going to be
Starting point is 01:09:24 the new challenge. Well, do you know what it, it made me realize that Phil is one of those athletes, there's like probably not many out there that if they come out of their shell and do something, it causes like instant reaction like this. There are not many guys out there that like they're almost, it's, it's like the, what's the 10,000 leagues under the sea? What's the Atlantis? Like you go, you go down deep. You're like, Oh shit, Phil Mickelson has a sense of humor. I never saw this coming. This could also be one of those things where they actually had him try to do a dance and then it looks so goofy that they're like, Hey, Phil, this is going to look bad. But if you pretend that it's goofy on purpose, then people are going to love it. Right. Like so,
Starting point is 01:10:03 so you're saying they maybe had a straight script that Phil was going to be like, Hey, I love these shirts. They're comfortable and breathable. And then before they started the script, like Phil, why don't you warm up a little by just dancing around a little bit loose. I think Phil is probably like on his resume where it has special skills. It says, well, I can hit a 60 degree lob shot like 500 feet into the air and I'm a pretty good dancer. Yeah. And so that was him just showing off his ability to cut a rug. It also was, it also was nice for Miz and the Main because they've left it open for a sequel where it's just Phil Mickelson being like, my boobs look pretty good in this shirt.
Starting point is 01:10:36 End of the commercial. A lot of upper body support. Yeah. Miz and Main shirts. Guys like me, I'd probably buy it. If Phil was like, you know, guys out there with big chests, you know, big chests, wear this shirt and your chest won't be as big. Hank, what? Go to the jimbos. Okay. First explain to Hank, I, this listener said this thing, but I'm also curious, explain the new kickoff rule quickly since football is back. And by the way, we forgot to mention at the top of the show, the new helmet rule, the tackling helmet rule is going to kill football. Can I just, I have a great suggestion. I have a Mike Greenberg's great rule. This is a real suggestion out there.
Starting point is 01:11:24 If you want to fix tackling, if you want to make it a little bit safer, Oh, he's going to do the rugby thing. Make them try to wrap up. Yep. You have to try to wrap up on every hit. It works. We got attorney this weekend. It works. When is the next time? No, no, the US finished in fifth place in the little cup. So that was a pretty strong showing from the lads. I don't know. I've been more used to the third place. Now they came out there on the pitch. They strapped their boots on. They had to go. That new tackling rule though, it's essentially every single hit in the NFL. You can be like, is there going to be a flag? There should be a flag every single tackle. So we're kind of screwed.
Starting point is 01:11:58 We are. We're absolutely screwed on it. Yeah. There's no way to take the head out of the game. Yeah. Why is the sky blue, but space is black? Wait, we didn't answer the kickoff rule because I don't know. Yeah. I don't know. Do the good filibuster. Why is the sky blue, but spaces is black? Oh, I guess I never saw. I don't see color. So I didn't even notice that the space was black. That actually is a good question. Has to do with the atmosphere. So when sunlight passes through the clouds, it turns the sky blue. Okay, I'll buy it. Yep. Don. I was taking a poop and heard my wife outside the bathroom, tried to push out a loud fart to gross her out and ended up passing out
Starting point is 01:12:35 on the bathroom floor from pushing too hard. When I came to my wife was on the phone with ambulance, come to find out. Vagiling happens to 30 year olds, not just elderly. Wait. Vagiling? Was this? Now are these, he said wife. Is this a lesbian couple? Could be. Yeah. Could absolutely be. Or it could be just the EMT showed up at the house and they were just making fun of you because you passed out because you farted too hard and they're like, yeah, you vagged out. Vasovogil, signscope occurs when you faint because your body overreacts to certain triggers such as the sight of blood or extreme emotional distress. It may also be called, I'm not going to read that. Oh, I go through that. Yeah. No, read it. Read it. Come on. Neurocardiogenic. Oh,
Starting point is 01:13:18 signcope. That was good. Yeah. I think that happens to me when I eat a big meal. I vagilate. Yeah. This is, that's a hilarious prank though. Just be like, see how, like that's just guy stuff. See how loud of a fart I can do in front of my wife. I'm going to gross out my wife with a butt. This is going to be great. She's going to be like, I don't want to have sex with you anymore. I was trying to start a bonfire, but the wood was wet. I decided to use gasoline and pour it on the wood to get it started. Upon doing this, not only did the fire start, but it caught the entire gain of gas on fire. I was holding the can of gas that is now on fire and turned around to throw it into the pool and caught fire to the entire pool. The pool is now
Starting point is 01:13:56 ruined and will have to be redone. I have taken out a credit card and hopes that I can repay them that way. I mean, that's pretty badass though. So you had a good like 20 to 30 seconds where the water in your pool was on fire. Right. That's worth it. But does this guy not know like how oil spills work and stuff? No, he definitely doesn't. Like the ocean's been on fire too before. Listen, you can, you can dick around with gasoline around a fire as much as you want, but a good rule of thumb is to put the gas down out of your hand before letting it off. Also pouring, I learned this firsthand. I've done this too. Pouring gasoline on a fire, the fire just goes straight up into the gas. Right. Yeah. So don't safety tip from Hank,
Starting point is 01:14:36 don't pour gasoline onto an open flame. Yes. That's actually a great tip. That's a great tip. Yeah. I got dumped two months before our trip to Europe and a week after our flights became non-refundable. What do you do there? Get your friend, find a friend or like your biggest crush ever be like, Hey, free trip to Europe. That's probably a bad idea. That's a really bad idea. Just take a new girlfriend to Europe. Yeah. It's a really good idea or it's a really bad idea. There's no way you're not going to have an okay time. Yeah. You'll find out pretty quickly, like probably through TSA you'll be like, okay, this was a big mistake or not. Or bank air in your favor, go solo. You got a seat open next to you. Spread out a little bit.
Starting point is 01:15:17 Yeah. Or you go and she goes to and then you go part ways and then you fall back in love, like in Paris or something like forgetting Sarah Marshall. Did they fall back? No, they didn't. Yeah. That's okay. I forgot how that movie ended. Never mind. Yeah. Then you watch someone else bang your ex-girlfriend. Got it. Actually, we're going to, we'll save that for the end of year. Mount Rushmore's we missed. Oh, here's an international Jimbo for you boys. I was supposed to be in London all summer for an internship. A month in, I went to Amp Stanford weekend and on the way back to the UK, I was not allowed back in because I was working an internship without a visa. Long story short, I had to leave all my belongings in London
Starting point is 01:15:58 and find a flight back to the States. You know how hard it is to get pulled aside at customs? I don't think I've ever been checked coming in or out of the country and I look like a damn freak. Yeah. Like if there's a poster that should be up at TSA of like somebody who's in luggage, you might want to check. Yeah, you're a really bad looking dude. It's me. I look like I'm like just sketchy. I've got just acid between my butt cheeks. Yeah, you're just like that guy's bad news. So I don't know what this guy was doing, but you were, you probably really looked like you were up to no good. He forgot his visa and his passport. It sounds like that's pretty much everyone's name here. If you just were in another country and you didn't have a passport, that's how you just sit
Starting point is 01:16:38 down and cry and hope someone comes and saves you. Or you just team up with a guy that flew over to Europe with the extra ticket that was supposed to be for his girlfriend. Yep. Destiny. Good point. All right, we're going to end with a couple of rows. Steal his identity. Kill him. Kill him. Steal his identity. His girlfriend won't call him looking for him. No, no one cares about that guy. We're going to end the week on a high note with some roasts. Two brown grab bags. Just four. Yeah, it's a bad bag. Gender neutral millennials cuck each other while raising an adopted landscaper unapologetically in New York City. That's about right. That's fair. Spot the lie. An uglier Sean White in the male version of Roseanne
Starting point is 01:17:16 with a failed rap song. Try to fake being football guys while overcompensating for the fact that the producer with ED has more sex than both of them combined. Oh, man. That's a good Roseanne dick. Yeah. Yeah. A Polish sausage and one of the Koken brothers make up a chocolate milk awareness group in attempt to bully a millennial into buying hooked on phonics. Wait, why are all these kind of like us going to you? Yeah, these all seem to be very sympathetic to Hank. It's very interesting. I mean, it says I'm a, I'm a, yeah, but we're two real assholes. Two real assholes are mean to their handsome producer. Yeah. Who has so much sex that he doesn't know what to do with it. I mean, actually, who actually doesn't hate dogs as much as they think he does. I don't,
Starting point is 01:17:57 I never said I hate dogs. Credit to Hank for stopping having sex for once in a day to tape this podcast, these two losers. Hank, I can't believe the show's getting up on time with all the nutting you're doing. A likely, a likely registered sex offender who hides behind sunglasses, a thin skinned mass hole in a hunk of unsliced lunch meat, stuffed into a sweater, talk about shitty reality TV and rank meaningless items while occasionally trying to outtake each other in the world's lamest dick measuring contest. None of these guys have even seen or talked to any one of the opposite sex since the Obama administration. That wasn't that long ago. Those two years ago, dude. Yeah. Sick burn. Sorry, I'm too busy resisting. Yeah, I care about women. Resist.
Starting point is 01:18:42 Hashtag resistance. Trump, Trump tweeted Kovefe. People forget that. I'm too busy reply. Fuck, does that even mean? Too busy replying to Donald Trump tweets. Sir. To talk to a woman in a bar. Sir. Kovefe doesn't make sense. Resistance. A hunk of unsliced meat. A hunk of unsliced lunch meat stuffed into a sweater. That's pretty good for me. That's good. That's pretty good. They need to make up their mind. Am I a sex offender or am I a virgin? Yeah, true. He doesn't, he doesn't have sex, but I guess you could have just taken a piss like outside of a school. Yeah. Yeah. Well, yeah, done that. Yeah, for sure. Most of my pisses are taken outside schools. True. Love you guys. That's true.
Starting point is 01:19:50 It's part of my tape presented by Barstool. Sports.

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