Pardon My Take - Ndamukong Suh + Mount Rushmore of Fast Food Items

Episode Date: August 15, 2018

We're live from our minivan in California and Big Ben's walking boot is back (2:27 - 6:10). Recapping Rams and Niners Camp and our fight with LA traffic (6:10 - 9:16). Hot Seat/Cool Throne (9:16 - 21:...07). Mt Rushmore of fast food items (21:07 - 28:25). Rams D-Lineman Ndamukong Suh joins the show to talk about his career in the NFL, why he chose the Rams, why he hates quarterbacks, and his controversial penalties (28:25 - 49:15). Segments include PR 101 for James Harden, Good for Golf, Embrace Debate whats the best time zone and Guys on ChicksYou can find every episode of this show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or YouTube. Prime Members can listen ad-free on Amazon Music. For more, visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, pardon my take listeners, you can find every episode on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or YouTube. Prime members can listen, ad-free, on Amazon Music. On today's part of my take, we are still in Cali. We had Nugam Desu in the bus, in the van, in the van at Rams Camp or at Rams Camp all day on Monday. We've been traveling around, seeing the sights, doing the Cali thing. We also have the Mount Rushmore of fast food items because we've been eating nothing but
Starting point is 00:00:33 in and out while we're here. And because it is Wednesday, we have guys on chicks. Before we get to all of that, the reason why we're out here, it is the part of my take training camp tour brought to you by Direct TV. Direct TV has been the exclusive home to NFL Sunday Ticket, the only way to get every live game every Sunday. Good news, NFL fans. Direct TV has expanded the service.
Starting point is 00:00:56 If you're a student actively enrolled in a college or university, you can now get NFL Sunday Ticket without a satellite. Plus there's an exclusive student discount to see if you're eligible, go online to and stream every NFL Sunday Ticket game this season to follow your favorite team no matter where you live. Use promo code PMT at checkout to save 15% and packages also available for football fans living in areas where Direct TV is not available. Watch every out of market game.
Starting point is 00:01:26 Like we said, no satellite required Xbox One, PlayStation 4, Apple TV, Roku. Those are the places you can watch at Chromecast and even more. Or just on your laptop. You're going to wrap it again this time? What do you mean? You wrapped it last time. Oh, it wraps it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:40 Apple TV, Xbox One, PlayStation 4, these are the places that you can watch. And that's Direct TV. Hey, listen. Real talk. Can I get real talk? Can you guys please go, if you're a student, go to, and put in promo code PMT because Direct TV is a sponsor of this training camp tour and if you want us to keep doing tours where we get great interviews, we need you to help
Starting point is 00:02:08 us out. So go do it right now. Help us. Help you. Help us. Yeah. Put in promo code PMT and do it.
Starting point is 00:02:16 Football is back. Okay. Let's go. Bye. Now in the street there is violence and then a lot of stuff work to be done. No place to hang out or wash in and then I can't live all on the sun. Oh, no, we're gonna run down to electric avenue and then we'll take it higher. Oh, we're gonna run down to electric avenue and then we'll take it higher.
Starting point is 00:02:59 School sports. Welcome to part of my take. We're presented by C-Geek. Today is Wednesday, August 15th and I'm back. I'm back. I'm back. Ben, you failed. Clickety, clickety, clickety, clickety, clickety, clickety, clack.
Starting point is 00:03:13 You failed down because you wasn't wearing me. Oh, man, you got your head hurt, Ben. Just slide this little boot on and you'll be okay. Ben, you never got hurt if you're wearing two walking boots at once. You have perfect balance. I haven't seen you in about seven months, Ben. Slide that foot right on in this walking boot. Ben, remember all those fun times we used to have together.
Starting point is 00:03:37 Maybe we used to could have a couple more. Clickety, clickety, clickety, clickety, clickety, clickety, clickety. You know you want me, you son of a bitch, Ben. Oh, motherfucker, you better put me out. We're best friends for life. All right, we're back. And that was Big Ben's walking boot. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:52 That's actually, that's another football's back. Yes. Big Ben's walking boot. Big Ben's injured. So Big Ben got a, he hit his head. Well, yeah, I read the description of the injury mechanism. I'm a little puzzled by it because he was just stepping back in the pocket and then he fell down onto his head. So it's like a, it's like those life alert commercials.
Starting point is 00:04:11 Yeah. He fell on his hip and he's just laying there dying on his kitchen floor. He's yelling into his bracelet, his, his play calling wrist guard. Yeah. I can't get up. I actually do, I know this medically makes no sense, but I really do think that if Big Ben hurts his head, if he put on his walking boot, he will be better. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:29 Placebo effect. I actually, so I mean, it's tough because he is being evaluated for a concussion. We hope that it's not a concussion. Well, listen, we know from history that Big Ben, he aces concussion tests. Tommy aces the test. He walked out. He's like, I've nailed that. And they're like, actually Big Ben, you have a concussion.
Starting point is 00:04:45 He's like, what? I thought I got, I thought I passed that. Do they have the concussion tent on the sidelines of camps? Like, do you think he got escorted into the tent? He was like, Hey, you're, you're per, let's go into this tent. This tent, I like the way this thing's laid out in here. Yeah. I honestly think Big Ben's just tired.
Starting point is 00:05:01 He's, he's at the point in life where he's like an old dog. He doesn't like to get up or walk anywhere. He, when he lays down, he knows that his head is comfortable on a pillow. Yup. When he's standing up and his head's not in a pillow, he's like, this sucks. My head's hurt. Yeah. And so he was just like, yeah, I think I'm, I'm nicked up a little bit.
Starting point is 00:05:17 Yeah. I want to get out of the last week of camp. We also remember he's lost some weight. So he's adjusting to his new body type. It's always tough. It's like a growing boy who like, you know, you know, when you get that gross spurt and grow like six inches in one year, that's Big Ben going, losing like 10 pounds. He doesn't know how to deal with this skinny, bod, Ben.
Starting point is 00:05:35 Yeah. Skin gym in Rothlessburg. Yeah. So football's back because Big Ben is injured again, but we also are still in Cali on our training camp tour. We actually are taping this. You were listening to this. We are sitting in our van outside of Dodger Stadium.
Starting point is 00:05:51 We have been on a crazy three day tour of Rams camp, 49ers camp Dodgers. No Cal. So Cal. Yeah. So today we not only spoke with Tommy LaSorta, but Rob Lowe. Yeah. What a day. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:08 And all the ends of the spectrum. Yes. Both guys look amazing for their age. Yes. Absolutely. I think Tommy actually better for 91, 92. Yeah. Tommy didn't know his age actually.
Starting point is 00:06:16 He was like, I'm 91, 92. I don't know what I am. I just want to say this. I love Tommy LaSorta. Yes. I do too. He's, he's great. Don't.
Starting point is 00:06:24 So we love talking about Big Ben's walking boot. Tommy LaSorta likes talking about fighting more. And Sparky Anderson. More than we like talking about. Yes. Yes. So Tommy LaSorta is going to come on Monday. Friday we have Sean McVeigh and Jere Goff.
Starting point is 00:06:36 Really fun interview with Jere Goff. Today we have the government sue and he joined us. Sat in the van, squeezed in the van. Fun interview with him as well. And we also experienced our first Cali traffic. Good job boys. We got jammed up around four o'clock. We tried to drive from Irvine all the way up to Marina del Rey and we got stuck around
Starting point is 00:06:57 Pasadena. We're trying to take a shortcut out of the way around Palo Alto, but we were like. We stood on La Mesa de Hacienda on the 10 East. Everyone knows that. It was a bummer. Like I was next to La Cienega and we were going like towards San Jose. It was, it was great too because we did an Instagram live and we called our friends, our LA friends, uh, Racillo and Blake Griffin and both when we said we're going four or
Starting point is 00:07:18 five north, they like almost puked. They're like, oh my God. Four or five north? Never. You are insane. How could you do that? So, uh, we're going to be heading back to New York after, after this show. I'll say this about like learning LA traffic and directions.
Starting point is 00:07:32 It makes me understand most, most of every gym room show because he's always like, all you stoners on Bakersfield. Yeah. And, uh, the, uh, yeah, LA, I'm, I'm okay with the weather. I think I'm, I'm going to meet you halfway LA, all the people in the West coast. The weather is very, very nice. It's like a PED almost. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:52 Like high school kids, like you're going to be better at sports if they cared at sports, which they don't cause they're too busy looking cool, walking around, getting laid without having to play sports. But if they cared at sports, it'd be like a PED because you can play, you can play basketball like 24 hours a day, uh, probably like 11 months out of the year. Yup. And it's just every day you wake up and you walk outside and you're like, oh, it's nice out again.
Starting point is 00:08:14 Shit. I mean, I guess we, you know, it's still summer in New York, but in New York summertime is like 95 degrees and diarrhea on the sidewalk. So I think I would prefer LA weather. And that's the last nice thing I'm going to say about LA. There are no rats here. Not moving here. Hank has been pushing us hard.
Starting point is 00:08:29 He doesn't understand the content grind. You don't understand that when we wake up at six o'clock, we, I woke up at seven o'clock today and I already miss half the day. Yeah. I have severe anxiety waking up on the West coast. Yes. It's like, I've already missed two or three takes and storylines and I'm just behind on the day.
Starting point is 00:08:45 And then, sorry, I'm so sorry for you guys. It sounds awful. No, it's terrible. I appreciate that, Hank. Hank's like, oh, why don't you just stay up later and then you can like watch sports late night. And no, there are no sports going on late night. And there's five weirdos on Twitter that are complaining about wildfires.
Starting point is 00:08:58 I don't understand. And what do you do? You talk to people at bars when there's no sports going on. It sucks. Last night we went to dinner and there was like, there was a replay of the Browns, which by the way, they've replayed that game. I think I've seen six replays. It was a great game.
Starting point is 00:09:10 Yeah. That's that one Saquon run. By the way, Saquon's hurt. Yeah. Well, or is he injured? I think he's actually hurt. Well, they said he's got a tweaked hamstring. So his hamstrings on meth.
Starting point is 00:09:19 Yeah. Okay. Let's do a hot seat cool throne. Then we're going to get to our Mount Rushmore, which is going to be a spicy one. And then we'll do Nogamatsu. Spicy? I like that. Spicy?
Starting point is 00:09:30 Or is it going to be savory? Savory? Spicy? Who knows? Hank, why don't you start? Hot seat, cool throne? Sure. My hot seat is myself.
Starting point is 00:09:38 Yep. So big cat when we left Rob low, he lied to me. He was like, we'll go to Dodger Stadium. I promise I'll stop it in and out, pull the fast one on me because we just pulled up the Dodger Stadium. He was like, oh, no more time. Actually, I was starving. Okay.
Starting point is 00:09:49 So if we want to do real news or fake news, we were about 10 minutes out. I was on the road and I said, Hank, why don't you check the map because I don't see an in and out anywhere near here. And because Hank is a terrorist with in and out, he's like, oh, I need in and out, I need out. The in and out was very far away. I tried to, I made a, I made a good faith effort to go to in and out. We, Hank and I tried to plan this out early this morning though on the way to the Rob low
Starting point is 00:10:11 interview, we were both like, Hey, what do you want? What do you want to do for lunch? What do you want to do for lunch? I want in and out. And we wanted in and out. And so we were trying to plan ahead, but then big cat has to be everywhere like 45 minutes ahead. So let's go.
Starting point is 00:10:23 So let's go another fake news. Let's go another fake news. Because Hank, at last night, it says my, Hank, would you like to eat in and out before Rob low? And he said, no, that was a fact. This is the fact. Here's another fact. I said, what are we doing for lunch?
Starting point is 00:10:36 And big cat looked at me goes, it's 1045 dude. Yeah, because yeah, said I don't want to eat it for we go to Robin. Love. It's 145 on the East Coast. Okay. But my stomach is on East Coast. Yeah. I mean, it's grown at left and right hot sequel thrown.
Starting point is 00:10:52 You can have yours. Okay. Anyway, I was starving. We went into the time that sort of interview. The only thing to eat was a cracker jacks eating a cracker jack. And I think one got stuck to my tooth and I lost half of it. Okay. So how's the food?
Starting point is 00:11:04 Wait, wait, wait. How does food come in? Hank lost his tooth. I had to eat cracker jacks because you starve me. So you think you think a healthy tooth can not withstand cracker jacks? Hank would have, he would not have been in the position to be eating cracker jacks if it wasn't for you. Correct.
Starting point is 00:11:18 So, Hank said that he did not want to eat true or false, Hank, did you say before we went to sleep last night, I said, do you want to go to In-N-Out before Rob Lowe? He said, no. That was a long time ago. Yeah, exactly. So this is all erroneous. But yeah, I lost a tooth and then as I was losing the tooth, Tommy Lasora walked in the interview and I was just like, hey, Tommy.
Starting point is 00:11:34 It was a wild move. You just turned me like, I just lost a tooth. And listen, what the fuck were you talking about, Hank? Tommy Lasora has lost a few teeth in his life. So it's all right. Yeah. You're a baseball man. And then my cool throne is Duke basketball.
Starting point is 00:11:46 So their back is Zion Williamson, my guy. Six foot 10, 320 pounds. 320 pounds, probably bigger than like 95% of the NBA now, I think is the stat. Dunked from the free throw line, Kyrie, Jason Tatum about to take over for the Celtic. So it's going to be a big, big winner for Duke basketball. Great. Both are so excited. Wonderful.
Starting point is 00:12:05 Current and past. Does Kyrie even count as a Duke basketball player? Yeah, absolutely. I don't know. He never earned his left foot. No, he dominated the Madison Square Garden Tournament in December. Oh, wow. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:16 Wow. Is that the one where like Coach K doesn't even wear a tie? No, it's usually when they're in like Bahamas. My other cool throne is cows. So there's a viral song going out right now called Bitch I'm a Cow. It's very catchy. All the kids. Is that Breaking Moose?
Starting point is 00:12:30 How's it go? Bitch I'm a cow. Bitch I'm a cow. Bitch I'm a cow. Bitch I'm a cow. Is that Elkos? Word to your mother. Come and suck my utter.
Starting point is 00:12:38 Yeah. Bitch I'm a cow. Bitch I'm a cow. Is that Elkos? Word to your mother. Bitch I'm a cow. Bitch I'm a cow. Bitch I'm a cow.
Starting point is 00:12:48 Bitch I'm a cow. Okay. I'm with her. I like this. Uh huh. All right. That's okay. You know what?
Starting point is 00:12:59 That's a good song. Hank, I was going to put you on my hot seat, but now I'm letting you off. Wow. Well, so. Thank you, PFT. Big Cat and I had an intervention with Hank as we were getting off the plane the other because Hank in our estimation has been slacking on his hot in the streets recently we're still saying so do and I'm pretty sure that ended in 2015 so
Starting point is 00:13:18 we suggested that Hank step up his hot in the streets bitch I'm a cow that is exactly the content I'm looking for good job thank you Hank that's pretty sure the business you're welcome love you love you too all right PFT go ahead okay my hot seat is K. Skeenum because we are on swag watch 2018 swag Kelly is now the second-strand quarterback for the Nebroncos nipping at Kase's heels and he's looking pretty good doing it yep he um I guess they relegated Paxton Lynch to third straight the worst pick of all time he actually Paxton Lynch is gonna totally get off the hook here like
Starting point is 00:13:56 people will just forget he existed but I will not let him off the hook because as I've stated many times before I lost that bet when he played against Auburn in that bowl game Paxton Lynch stinks and he's gonna probably end up making whatever it was 15 million dollars for being a first-round pick that guy needs to be like we need to do something to write a book Paxton Lynch stinks you know what I have more against them is the fact that the Broncos took them before the Cowboys had a chance to screw up their entire future by drafting them mm-hmm and then Tony Romo would probably still be probably still be playing
Starting point is 00:14:26 yeah he would have come back Jerry Jones would pay Tony Romo 50 million to save him from Paxton Lynch after after one year yes but I love I love swag Kelly I love his swag Billy football first reported that he's the most talented quarterback roster yes and I love kind of the wild card Ness that swag name swag Kelly he's he is the epitome of a wild card him and Marshall Henderson those two guys I'm shocked that well they probably are in a group text together and it's probably electric yes so my cool throne is going to be okay it was gonna be two for flinching but you pull the Kobe I didn't flinch yeah no you
Starting point is 00:15:04 passed that was your cool throne two for flinching is on the cool throne did you see DJ Sweringer and it was prior after practice out your best shot yeah okay that's a gift right there that was good yeah okay so DJ Sweringer took a shot he like cocked back to throw a punch at Terrell Pryor at the Jets Redskins practice and Terrell Pryor who is about a foot taller than him basically stuck his face into the sand like an ostrich and then Sweringer started to do like a little dance he's like a major flinch major flinch and it is it is a bad visual that's you can't come back from that yeah so two for flinching is definitely on
Starting point is 00:15:41 the cool throne my other cool throne is modern medicine because Gordon Haywood is dunking mm-hmm so Hank your thoughts on that my thoughts are I hope modern medicine can help my tooth as well yeah go see his doctor hopefully you don't need any more crackerjack and blame me for shit that's out of my control by the way crack crackerjack who's driving the car who said 10 30 in the morning I do not want to eat in and out I didn't know it's possible for crackerjack to like break through anything yeah crackerjack is like the softest material known somehow Hank I'll take I'll take all yours you this has been a theme of
Starting point is 00:16:14 the trip is a Hank blames big cat so I'll take it man I'll take everything you want to give me I can be I can be that guy for you I'll be your Jesus I'll carry the water for you I'm just a I can be all Jesus baby all right my hot seats is I got two of them first one is the entire NBA because Dwight Howard has his trainer has said that Dwight Howard wants to evolve into Anthony Davis into Kevin Durant but his own version of that okay and that he wants to play till 40 and he's gonna adapt or left get get left behind evolve into his own version of Kevin Durant yes so Dwight Howard is gonna start taking jumpers which is
Starting point is 00:16:50 going to be hilarious well he's a pretty good shooter yeah and he's going no well he's not yeah and he's it's gonna be fun watching him try to shoot and take shots from John Wall and Bradley Beale I'm also gonna enjoy watching him try to dribble yes actually like Kevin Durant everything he's good at is exactly the opposite of what Dwight Howard is good at yeah and actually Dwight and then Kevin Durant's probably better at the only good thing that Dwight Howard's good at yeah like blocking and playing defense yeah so that'll be fun yeah that's gonna be great they have a good a track record of developing talent pretty
Starting point is 00:17:21 well in Washington DC don't they yeah it's definitely gonna work out yeah my other hot seat is umps so Ben Zobrus got tossed in the Cubs Brewers game today and on the way out he said to umpire Phil Cuzzy which is a great ump name by the Phil Cuzzy that's why we want electric electronic strike zones and I think this is gonna be the moment where we get this debate going again and umps are now going to be on the hot seat because they fuck up a couple times a year like egregiously but if you get the kind of the media starts talking about it we're like one step closer to Joe West basically being out of a job yeah well
Starting point is 00:17:57 no he's got his country out now he'll be fine no matter what he's he's got that wrapped up but is that gonna be one of those words that baseball players aren't allowed to say to umps you know the magic words yeah so just robot is now on the list electronic strike zone yeah can't say what if we got what if we put some of Jeff Bezos' dogs to good work and just have them be the umps that would work too I would like that except no banana peels no one weakness stupid piece of shit dog my cool throne is well it was good I don't know if it's gonna be this anymore I was gonna say us because our love of the podcast game but
Starting point is 00:18:31 Hank has been in such a sour mood that I don't know if I can say this but I have our love of the podcast game last night we uh we put some hoops and we got maybe a little high it's legal in California and even while we were sitting in the hot tub basically interrupted like these people having a conversation we spent the entire time doing basically a high podcast yeah we're just doing the show in doing the show and doing embrace debate would you rather have a putting green in your backyard or a half court in your house and like all these stupid scenarios would you rather have like a full-sized
Starting point is 00:19:04 willful ball stadium in your backyard yeah our two lanes of a bowling alley in your house right would you rather have there was a like basically full court indoor basketball Trump's all right that's what we came down right yeah pretty much and like halfway through we're like wait we're just doing the show and then we just kept on doing yeah so good for us for having the love of the game one was like a my favorite was 50 yards of a perfectly manicured football field a gridiron with lines painted on it and uprights or a croquet lawn yeah that was what we say football football yeah I think I said
Starting point is 00:19:39 football yeah croquet would be nice though I don't want to take anything away gentlemen's sport a full game all right let's do our Mount Rushmore of fast food items before we do that the cash app so you know the cash app our friends at the cash app it's the number one app out there you download it and you can link it directly to your bank account it's free customizable debit card with your cash card that you can use at stores or ATM it's linked to your cash app balance as if it were a checking account it even lets you direct deposit your paycheck if you're looking for an alternative to traditional banking
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Starting point is 00:20:46 who'd we hook up or Bubba who's whoever's looking up Max Madion Max Madion so Max Madion you got free cash coming your way from the cash app our friends at the cash app download the cash app right now tweet us your cash tag at part of my take and you too can get some free cash okay Mount Rushmore of fast food items whoo who'd like to start let's let have we ever done this I don't think so we haven't I don't think so if we did no all right Bubba why don't you select who goes first you select the order Hank big cat PFD okay let's do it all right my number one it's gonna be a shocker in and out burger okay we're
Starting point is 00:21:28 kind regular no onions cheeseburger fries cheeseburger yeah regular not animal not animal style okay all right my number two my first pick is going to be an in and out double-double cheeseburger ooh okay so we're getting heavy on the yeah okay it's on the mind it's on the mind okay here we go my number one I'm gonna go with the Big Mac the classic sandwich the specials to all beef patties sauce sesame seeds pickles onions on a sesame seed bun sesame seed adds class it does it feels different you get a sesame you're like you're oh I'm gonna be fancy yeah sesame I guarantee you that Mike Greenberg eats sesame seed buns
Starting point is 00:22:05 with a fork in a knife yes absolutely that's no doubt in my mind my second this is going to be a big one for Hank to miss out on okay Baja blast mm I talk about okay and what's nice about Baja blast is it's it's so rare yeah so you can only get it at certain locations well like every talk about location but you can't go into Wendy's yes and get a Baja blast okay my second pick will be a spicy chicken sandwich from Chick-fil-A oh okay yeah that's gonna be my delicious yeah very good I got two yes I'm gonna go with a cheesy gordita crunch okay Taco Bell choice delicious it's a chalupa shell sauce hard shell lettuce
Starting point is 00:22:43 tomato beef delicious and then I Crunchwrap Supreme oh you're doubling it down okay all right I will go with my third pick a Dairy Queen Blizzard delicious that's good you like when they turn it upside down for you oh yeah fallout oh showmanship the pageantry the presentation it is on okay those are good choices thank you 50 yeah you're welcome big cat for my third along it is you we always get along I cherish our time we get on gas yeah for my third pick I'm gonna take this is tough it is but I'm gonna go with a spicy chicken sandwich at Wendy's I actually had this listed before Chick-fil-A on my big
Starting point is 00:23:28 board okay so it's good value pick for me I think it's kind of the granddaddy of them all okay as far as chicken sandwiches go and then for my last pick McDonald's fries yep I had that too damn it fuck can't believe I got that one fourth round I know I know fuck all right I'll go with Chick-fil-A waffle fries then those are good yeah those are good I want a McDonald's fries but those are good yeah my second favorite fries a special bonus the fact that they give you that ketchup packet that you can go two ways with the squirt or the dip and you go and you get you can maybe even get like some of the Chick-fil-A sauce good
Starting point is 00:24:02 for french fry dipping to you get it you get all crazy with it yeah if you don't know what I'm talking about just Google squirt and dip and dip and squirt and I'm sure they'll come up for it yeah but make sure you have your ends not safe for work settings off chick squirt chick dip yes my last menu item I'll go with Taco Bell's nacho fries ooh it's a new menu item at Taco Bell so if you're listening should go out try it tell me if I'm right or wrong what is a nacho fries it's like french fries but with nacho cheese sauce wait a little bit of spice it's got some sort of cheese maybe sour cream a meat lettuce tomatoes am I
Starting point is 00:24:38 on the right track maybe beans no they're like nacho fries okay so they're actual fries just cheese fries it sounds like oh okay so they're cheese fries okay delicious yeah absolutely all right so down with the smooth but I blast all right what do we miss chick-fil-a nuggets soft tacos we'll just make nuggets chicken McNuggets in general chicken McNuggets in general nacho's bell grande I should put cinnamon twists yeah choco taco McFlurry McFlurry is he going how about Popeye's spicy chicken yes that's a really good one Popeye's red beans and rice Popeye's fries are really
Starting point is 00:25:11 good lupus supreme you know what you know what I actually like the Burger King actually makes a pretty good chicken sandwich they do yeah I actually like the Burger King chicken sandwich throw throw a little you know shout out there and chicken fries oh Mexican pizzas yeah okay big-time honorable mention to what a burger honey butter chicken biscuit yes best breakfast sandwich in America people forget water burger not the best thing on the menu is not burgers correct it's the honey butter chicken biscuit and it is incredible yeah and then shake shack shakes the chocolate vanilla shake is that the
Starting point is 00:25:43 concrete one yeah I think so yeah that's fucking good Doritos Locos taco okay oh yeah that's another really that was a game changer when the Doritos taco came out all right let's do our interview with and don't know is ensue we have him coming up and before we do that Lisa a quality nights sleep helps you recover from distractions faster prevents burnout make better decisions improve your memory and overall make fewer mistakes it's not marketing it's science to design a better mattress Lisa leverage 30 plus years of experience and hundreds of hours of testing science
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Starting point is 00:29:06 Rams training camp we're on our training camp tour let's start there you just sign with the Rams mm-hmm what what what was the Rams like why was the Rams pitch better than every other pitch authenticity I would just say they're super authentic and just being able to have a good solid relationship with Ted Rath our head strength coach who we spent a lot of our time with and then being close to him as well as having a head coach and a guru and Wade Phillips was very attractive to me so good situation obviously a ton of talent on the side of the ball can I give you a tip you should just say Wade Phillips
Starting point is 00:29:46 Bitmoji's got he's fire on Twitter yeah he's definitely animated he's into Fortnite as well yeah does he actually play or does he just talk about it from what I know he does play really I've never seen him play but he definitely has got the gear sweatshirts t-shirts and all okay nice so how do you like LA have you your soccer guy right I'm a soccer guy have you met Zlatan yet I have not no who's that Zlatan Zoltan Ibrahimovic the LA he's got on LAFC he actually thinks he's got your team I do not know I do you do what do you know it's a little team called Swansea they're not in the EPL anymore they got relegated in
Starting point is 00:30:25 last year okay we'll drop down yeah we'll be back a little minor step back for a major comeback when you were figuring out which team assigned with did you watch that video of Aaron Donald training with knives and you were like hey I want to try that I've seen it but it's definitely impressive but not necessarily my forte you've never done that no I've never done it so you've been in camp for what a few weeks now are you just licking your chops being like what you and Aaron Donald on the same defensive line are gonna be a little accomplished this year I'm looking forward to it obviously you want Aaron to get back
Starting point is 00:30:56 quick as well as got Michael Brockers and a couple other guys on the on the front that I can definitely at elite level so I'm excited about playing with everybody okay do you do you hate quarterbacks I do with a passion who answer yeah who do you hate the most probably most well known is Sam Bradford because he went number one over me yeah but Aaron Rodgers is for sure up there yep good answer it's not fair that you hate Sam Bradford that's like come on yeah that's my guy because he's defenseless yeah he's like a delicious little animal that walks slowly a blind delicious animal that walks slowly through
Starting point is 00:31:32 the woods and you're like a hawk you look at him and he's he separates a shoulder no no no he's a he's a good player he's obviously done it for many years going into his ninth year so but it's it's always enjoyable to get sacks and receptions off so so wait so you still have a chip on your shoulder for not going number one because you've accomplished so much in your in your career but you still think about that without question it's my competitive nature like being number one in everything and he stole that one away why why do you hate quarterbacks pretty boys they get all the credit and at
Starting point is 00:32:08 the end of the day I mean they're the guys I got that's my job to go take them down people were that in my way to accomplish what I want to do I have a very passionate mindset of taking them out do you still think that Colt McCoy has nightmares about you I don't think so we've had we've crossed paths before and it seems to be pretty cool but we haven't played against each other on the field since the last time we played who's at Texas so we'll see what happens if we ever get that opportunity again I've never seen a person just abuse another player like you did to Colt McCoy in that game that was that was brutal
Starting point is 00:32:45 did you do you think that the ball the pass that he threw was late get out of bounds do you think they should got that second taken off they definitely shouldn't have an opportunity to kick that field goal but things happen for a reason I still don't know what that reason is for that particular situation money yeah but at the end of the day yeah we it was a little controversial to say the least so you also I'm a Bears fan so I hate you or used to hate you I don't hate you anymore but you used to just kill Jay Cutler yeah and then you were his teammate last year was that awkward walking in the room like did he
Starting point is 00:33:22 flinch when he saw you at first no Jay's a super cool dude yes actually one of the few quarterbacks that fortunately being teammates end up really like it there we go just the way he is where the way he carries himself we actually had dinner and spent time together while he was in Miami so he's a real good dude all right good answer good answer but you did like I remember that time I enjoyed getting him though yeah you grabbed his sleeve and you brought him down by his sleeve you remember that yellow little love love tap leg whip type creative move yeah yeah so you're pretty violent player sometimes did you
Starting point is 00:34:02 ever like when you're playing in Miami we're like why do I have to wear these candy-ass uniforms good question didn't match up some good colors though you had some swag to it obviously the South Florida vibes in in colorful I enjoyed my time down there for sure okay your father is 5-8 yep how the hell that happens actually perfectly no he took after his mother my dad took after his mom but on his father's side everybody super tall so I've got great-grandfathers 7172 6 plus so height runs on both sides my uncles on my mom's side are 6 4 and 6 3 so we've got height everywhere okay that sucks your dad you're like you ever look at
Starting point is 00:34:47 man that sucks like he enjoys it though because I mean he's he's a super athletic still play soccer at this day in age and he's he's built to play so he's enjoying it okay I read that you you own a Guinness World Record is that true I do yes what is it for for tweet up I did it up in in Nebraska and so it was a fun opportunity to do that and where does that mean watch this I got you got to fly but if you if you little tip if you want to grab a fly you just go like that and you just look at it and everyone's like oh you got it fast dance I didn't get which is why in the van what's the tweet up what's the world
Starting point is 00:35:26 record for a tweet up for my for my recollection the tweet up was basically putting it out on Twitter and having a collective group of people come meet you and it's just kind of like a little get together to say the least based off Twitter okay so it was like a volume of people like volume how many people were there I can't even remember right now so long ago I'd have to go back and look I could beat it yeah just wait up hey there's an orgy and then I've dropped a location and a bunch of horny dudes would show up yeah simple as that I'll let you have that okay so do you consider yourself a nerd I find myself very
Starting point is 00:36:01 intellectual and like to learn for sure okay because we're a couple alphas so are you intimidated by us because you're a nerd like we could we aren't going to but we could stuff you in a locker right this second if we wanted to you got me kind of in a locker sandwich yeah I don't know if you're powerful enough to keep me this way you don't see you don't see you know my new me on my first move what's your first move run away but not that fast you're probably fast I mean all right I want to do a serious question okay all right so your career you've had like an unbelievable career in the NFL it started out obviously with
Starting point is 00:36:35 you know you got voted dirtiest player you had the reputation that you you know you had the Thanksgiving I think it was back-to-back thanksgivings yep that you did some stuff that's that's the lion's fault for always playing on Thanksgiving do you think that it's fair that you have that reputation still even though you haven't been fine since 2014 I've always looked at it from a standpoint of there's always got to be a villain and there's always got to be the pretty boy and so at the end of the day for a time and period I've been that villain because of my physical God-given talent and how physical I played so I
Starting point is 00:37:06 took it as a badger to honor and just understood that I'm gonna continue to play the way I do and people are gonna make their own notions and opinions but I'm still out there making plays and being dominant also let's let's be fair Aaron Rodgers put his leg underneath your cleats that he was he was drawing that penalty that's so you were walking and that's like that situation was was interesting because if you go back and look at the play I was actually tussling with it one of his office alignment who pushed me yeah back so if you really look at the situation it was really his old lineman's fault what
Starting point is 00:37:42 and that's their job to protect him so they didn't protect they did what's going through your head though when something like that happens like say you step on someone or do something like that are you like I got away with this even though there's a million cameras you know you're not you're not getting away with anything and then if they've got a million cameras as you said and at that point time I can't do anything I didn't know he was there that's his fault he was in the way and I went about my play and then you had the nut shot which I actually think you were if you had just done it a little bit later because
Starting point is 00:38:11 Draymond Green has kind of made nut shots like okay yeah exactly so you you just were you were actually just ahead of your time yeah I guess so Draymond's made a very famous a good buddy of mine he's gotten a little trouble or yeah had some some some bad timings of his situation you consult with him on that if you call you up and like hey Sue you've been through this what do I do and now we haven't consulted but we've talked about it before and I mean you've got a row with the punches some that's that's unfortunate but oh well we need to get it out there though you have not been fine since 2014 yeah I haven't it's one
Starting point is 00:38:47 of those things you get a reputation early and then people don't realize you know since that point you have not been fine yeah I mean I just continue to play I guess the cameras aren't as on me as heavy as anymore yeah yeah so you guys out here you've got your curial defense I don't know if that's the correct word you're the you're the nerd so maybe you can tell me but you got a lot of loud voices a lot of physical players what's it like in that locker room right now in those meetings like is there is there an alpha right now we've got a lot of strong personalities I would say obviously a key Marcus Peters LJ Marcus
Starting point is 00:39:22 joiner and whatnot but I think at the end of the day it's all competitive nature all those guys are super competitive all want to win and we always have we all have the same goal so it's easy to mend that together rather than being a big clash have you worn a jewelry around to keep to leave I've not he's got a ton of jewelry yeah he definitely outshines he invented the turnover chain yeah how does how does Wade Phillips take control of that meeting room does he did he walk in day one punch you in the face definitely not definitely not he's a man of few words but he commands a room just as he walks
Starting point is 00:40:03 in you got a lot of he's one of those as we called oh geez he's got the resume yeah he just walks in and commands the room in a lot of respectful get nerdy with us here on football what what is Wade Phillips you've obviously been with him for a few weeks now what does he do defensively that you can already tell like wow this is gonna be different like this is different than what we've done before I can't give any secrets away but in short he puts people in good positions to be successful okay he's not one of those coaches that it's my way or the highway it's what's best for you and puts you in a position to be
Starting point is 00:40:39 successful okay I think that's the one of the special things about it I like that without giving any secrets Jim Caldwell dead or alive alive even if you're a smile yes yes my god yeah but he doesn't have he has literally no facial expressions ever yeah I would say if you're if you're not around him you don't understand his facial expressions and his his joy that he has but he's he's a great human being to say the least yeah I mean I when like coaches we're big coach guys so when a guy like Jim Caldwell gets fired it's like a little piece of us dies because he's so much fun to watch you know you can see
Starting point is 00:41:19 him when he's angry when he's not angry when he's has no expression when he has even less expression you know all the ranges of emotion for Jim Caldwell that was a funny situation especially for a guy being so successful and being one of the winningest winningest coaches for the line yep a little odd there I mean obviously bias I'm a huge fan of him had a tremendous year underneath him so a little little mind-boggling with that yeah I agree did you used to like playing on Thanksgiving or was I paying the ass for you no I absolutely love playing on Thanksgiving that's one thing I miss about Detroit outside of the great
Starting point is 00:41:51 people there playing on Thanksgiving was a blast outside of having opportunity to be on national television we had a great four-day weekend that's true yeah that is true and then you get the the guy the like fat guy who falls asleep with the pilgrim outfit every like in the middle of the third quarter and CBS does a wide pan of them yeah like yep this is Thanksgiving yeah it feels good that's much turkey yeah exactly exactly Jim Schwartz mm-hmm what his nipples are very erect I'm glad I knew where you were going I was trying to dance around it but then like you know what I'm just going to say he gets excited I personally haven't experienced that you guys have to tell
Starting point is 00:42:29 me about that from a fan perspective like these are our memories of the NFL I can't remember that game where Jim Schwartz had like rock-hard nipples the entire game and then he probably don't try to fight you try to fight Jim Harbaugh I do remember that very clearly what do you nearby yeah I wasn't really nearby because I'm usually it was towards it was at the end of the game and I would run into the tunnel after games and I just remember a scuffle happened and then I was in halfway up the tunnel and heard about it so I made my way back down but I wasn't at the very beginning of it what happened was Jim Schwartz's nipples
Starting point is 00:43:03 were so hard yeah Harbaugh saw that his disrespect yeah and he was like put those away and Schwartz is like no you get the fuck out of my face and then it was a big thing for my recollection no they didn't it wasn't right I we saw a lot of the aftermath on TV yes yes how'd you get the nickname Ducky Ducky I didn't know I had the nickname Joe Gans told me that Joe Gans I haven't heard that one in forever yeah how'd you get it I from Joe Gans okay Joe Gans is being him that that goofball giving me nickname yeah what was it like playing for Bo Polini Bo Polini fun fact he's like become a very good friend of ours but every now
Starting point is 00:43:47 and then he still wants to punch PFT in the yeah he takes a look at me he's like I'm not I have to remind him that he likes me every time we meet okay and yeah but Bo's a great dude I had a great career or last two years of my career in Nebraska underneath him very similar to coach Carwell except for very animated yes great person great human being but now Bo's a great guy and definitely kind of one of those same situations that Jim Cole went through at Nebraska he a winning guy just for whatever reason some mind-boggling people make some decisions you don't get mad at Bo Polini for cussing after you hire Bo Polini
Starting point is 00:44:37 that's the dude right exactly what do you think about Scott Frost great good decision I wanted it to happen three years ago and actually voted for it but your vote I don't have a vote but I suggested it for lack of who do you suggest that to at the time there was a guy named Sean I course that was the AD and so he made it went on and made his own decisions which put us and put us back in our program unique yeah Nebraska I mean make Nebraska great again have a little dip there Scott Frost has to he has the the mechanisms and I would say he's cut from a good cloth to be able to do it I think so too I'm I
Starting point is 00:45:21 went to Wisconsin I'm very nervous about the Big 10 West and Scott Frost very good fake Nebraska well well no you are you guys the fake Wisconsin no never that you got Nebraska well well hold on Nebraska Nebraska have a good point without steroids oh I mean 90s Nebraska that was like they were at the forefront of technology I don't know anything about the steroids I said that we did that the other day and Nebraska fans were not happy about yeah it is true though we are kind of a similar I mean the obviously Nebraska has more national championships like a couple war whatever who's counting but
Starting point is 00:46:00 they do play the same style of football and I love it Big 10 football yeah this question punch man run punch yeah exactly grow the grass out for a while slow the other guys down yeah exactly how many C's thick do you think you are C's thick yeah like are you three C's thick that booty I'm talking about that I'm not positive I'd probably say seven C's 10 C's thick yeah you'd have to put that out on Instagram or something pull that yeah we'll do a tweet up and have a bunch of dudes come out and rate your ass okay this one fly that's I mean that's the difference between like professional athletes and everyone
Starting point is 00:46:46 else's their booty the the engine behind everything how much you squat I don't really squat anymore honestly I do a different variation of leg okay all right new age curl leg curls cappers rear-filled elephant rear-foot elevated split squats every now and then some side lunges just just kind of depends on the day so sometimes when I watch you play you just kind of it looks from the outside like you're just getting to fuck it mode like I'm mad at everybody I'm gonna kill everyone are you always playing like with discipline or are there a few plays a game where you just try to get as
Starting point is 00:47:27 violent and cause as much chaos as possible I think there's a fine line of between those two it's trying being violent as you can but at the same time under control I mean having that mindset where you just you're kind of your hair's on fire that's how you that's in my opinion how guys are successful all right so last question I know you got to get back to camp it's the Seeky question put in promo code take come see the Rams play come see the Rams defensive line dominate quarterbacks this season by putting in promo code take you $10 off people don't know that you are actually one of the most charitable
Starting point is 00:48:01 guys out there so what let's talk about your charities real quick okay what are you working on right now there's a handful of things but school is probably one of the biggest thing I'm a big proponent of school and it's one of my pillars in my foundation is education and really just helping kids getting back to school and as well as athletics getting them active moving obviously being a great partner with Nike have those relationships with them and so it's a lot of fun but I'd probably say my biggest endeavor right now is just my EYBL team okay help sponsor and then just there's some some things in the
Starting point is 00:48:37 working with the PPS nice nice can I get some free shoes how much money do you have on you right now cash I have no money on me okay what about the free shoes yeah we'll see what we okay all right size 12 I'll give you the address okay okay all right okay okay okay okay thank you so much this was a ton of fun we appreciate you having me thank you best of luck this year and please be nice to our friend Jared Gough of course he's our good friend okay so don't just he's fragile take it easy don't remember this okay no no no Jaffa good golf is a good dude actually he's won a few quarterbacks I actually like okay
Starting point is 00:49:16 him him and him and Cutler on this this is good if you just add boardals you basically have all my quarterbacks yeah boarders good luck with that oh okay we'll try we'll work on it all right thanks so much appreciate it appreciate it that interview was brought to you guys by Peloton if you've got a busy schedule if you're working all day you run around for others well guess what you can still get an intense workout and the convenience and comfort of your living room start or finish your day with a game changing workout at home it's such a time saver you get motivation from instructors to the Peloton live classes
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Starting point is 00:51:35 reach for for him's you can get prescription strength medicines and you can receive them from the privacy of your home you don't have to worry about making an embarrassing trip to the doctor and putting down a fake name and waiting in that waiting room when you got all these kids with their cell phones that might take pictures of you go hey there's those coaches coach none of that stuff okay this is Rick Petino for for him's I get a special deal for you guys out here if you want to try for him's you can go to slash PMT everything okay over there yeah hey sorry over here I was trying to take care of
Starting point is 00:52:09 a thing and I trust the things snapped and I just make sure you know how things can just happen real quick around here that's less I might it's my it's my fault for trusting you too much to take care of the thing for me well you know yeah you know what they say always trust that in a while I usually do trust that in any but I just I'm saying if maybe I trust you guys I don't want I don't want to get any more trouble here trying to keep this straight in there all right done anything wrong is was it was that sound what you went a wire oh all right well we'll dress I'm wearing some wait no we're doing for him's that number
Starting point is 00:52:39 defense yeah let's get back to talking about for him's okay the wonderful product wonderful wonderful product gives you an erection that's just like iron steel just like do the biggest erection you ever seen your life it's fantastic and press all the ladies with for him's go to slash PMT that's F O R H I M S dot com slash PMT you know they try to they try to take the banner down I'm gonna give the banner some some prescription strength erectile dysfunction medicine raise that sucker right back all that sucker for him I'll tell you what you just strap that banner around my rod okay you give me some
Starting point is 00:53:16 for him's yep I'll let my package all the way up all the whole entire state of Kentucky's gonna see that Rod Rick an erection so strong you can reinstate your own national championship titles yeah go to slash PMT slash PMT okay let's get to some whoa whoa whoa okay let's get to some segments by the way we have Jerry Goff and Sean McVeigh also in the van coming up on Friday yeah Nagamata Sue was really nice he was a very nice guy but he hates quarterbacks hate so when we asked him that he goes yes I hate them yeah I'm fired he was dead serious every single other like interaction we had with him
Starting point is 00:53:56 he was he was pleasant thoughtful except when he put his elbow into my ribs really hard that hurt when he hears the word but I'm tough so I didn't say any I didn't cry or anything I just yelped like a little dog just internally took it yeah right exactly don't do that anymore sir but yeah more training camp stuff coming up on Friday as well all right segments stay classy for James Harden so here is what has happened as far as I understand the situation he was at a nightclub in Scottsdale with his friends as one does his friends and someone else got into a fight so not James Harden a female was videotaping it James Harden
Starting point is 00:54:33 walked up to her ripped her phone out of her hands and threw it on the top of a roof now there's she went and got it so she got the phone and it's fucking hilarious because you can see James Harden like show up out of nowhere and then the the cool phone thing where it's like whipping around in the wind and lands right in the on top and she she went to the hospital because she says that her wrist got injured so that's smart by you very like oh my wrist now the only way it could have been better if after the phone landed you saw like a dog pick it up and then it just runs around yes yes those are the best that
Starting point is 00:55:05 would have been wonderful yeah Harden needs to take like a crash course from Tom Brady about how to destroy evidence because this is like this is some bush league stuff that you throw you're supposed to throw a phone off of a roof onto the ground and not from the ground onto a roof and it's actually more on James Harden's crew because you notice I didn't say the P word there his crew his group of friends his entourage well guys they are the ones that are supposed to grab the phone not the ones who get in a fight that gets videotaped that so James Harden has to grab the phone that's true like it's backwards like
Starting point is 00:55:37 he's he should never be in a phone grabbing situation he just got into it and he probably should have done it but hey listen anything to distract the fact that you guys went over 27 from threes in game 7 the only way that this is okay is if the lady was using a phone that that was like an Android and she was on a group text with all her friends that used iPhones yeah in which case I say that that's totally acceptable yes grab it and throw it anywhere you want throw it and then now she's got to get a new one there's nothing better than getting a friend who was on Android back back in the club we brought you back in awesome
Starting point is 00:56:08 you know what James Harden should be like the the Verizon can you hear me now guy except for destroying phones that are not made by us Apple dude every time something like this happens like if you could just figure out a way if your James Harden Harden's agent just create a commercial like instantly making fun of this do a sprint commercial where you're just grabbing phones out of people's hands throwing it then handing them a sprint phone yep and everyone like oh that's funny absolutely that's a great PR 101 yeah that was yeah if you want what might I say stay classy but it's a hot van so but it's pure 101 we
Starting point is 00:56:40 have a good for golf grow the game the ratings came in from Sunday's PJ Championship they were up 73% wow so rounded down a million people rounded down to 69% by Darren Revelle yes to get social engagement yeah and we're not gonna say it yeah but tiger the tiger effect is very real I mean we we knew this was gonna happen but it just goes to show like there's I don't think there's ever been someone who's meant more to one specific sport than Tiger with the golf what's so funny is that I bet you a lot of the viewers that are tuning in for Tiger or female viewers and they're like the the wives and girlfriends of the
Starting point is 00:57:17 guys that are cheering for Tiger mm-hmm and they're like go Tiger go and their girlfriend's like oh who's that yeah TV and the guys like this tiger isn't awesome they're like totally oblivious to the fact yeah they're just storing up spank bank material yes yes tiger he's got that he he got that look from Brooks Kepka cupcakes Brooks Koopka girlfriend it was it was the look yeah I was back yeah he's back all right before we get to guys on chicks we have an embraced debate so this topic has come up because we're on the west coast the time zones now a lot of people seem to think online that the west coast has the best time
Starting point is 00:57:53 zone for sports watching that's the biggest hunk of bullshit over here so this actually isn't even an embrace debate unless Hank wants to take the side of west coast which I will okay all right so then it is an embrace debate I don't want to feel like we're ganging up on I don't either but the central time zone is by far the best the central time zone is by far the best the problem with everyone who's like west coast is the best because 10 a.m. football I like 10 a.m. is too early it's what do you wake up objective well some I like the idea of being able to sleep in past 10 right on a weekend not here here the
Starting point is 00:58:25 issue is okay I don't think that doesn't like it in the mornings I don't like in the mornings either I almost like it less at night because people like yeah there's no do oh guess what you can get all your games wrapped up by 730 I don't want my games wrapped up by 730 number one is it doesn't feel like a big game if it's Sunday night football and it's still light outside and and people just kind of like leave out so they say that's their argument right away they're like 10 a.m. NFL football how about the fact that college football starts at 9 a.m. yeah awful how about the fact that Monday night football starts at 530 like you
Starting point is 00:58:57 can't get a little or four four or five south you're fucking missing the whole first half my ranking of time zones it goes central time mountain time west coast east coast as far as I'm concerned mountain time doesn't even exist but it would be if it did exist it would be good yes central time is number one by far noon is objectively the perfect time to start a football game and and Monday football ends at like 11 o'clock yeah the only problem with central time in Texas at least is you're not allowed to buy beer before noon on a Sunday in Texas is everyone's at church and then so what ends up happening you get in this
Starting point is 00:59:30 line at the at the supermarket that's like 10 people long it's all dudes just buying like beer just giving each other like the Jeep wave of hey man yeah I know I forgot to buy beer last night man it's crazy night yeah central I like east coast better than west coast actually east coast just lasts it's goes so fucking late every game like the NBA games so Hank do you want to argue for west coast yeah you can watch all the games you can every every night you can because sometimes when you watch NBA like by the time time the west coast game starts you're tired if you don't if you're not interested you know it starts
Starting point is 01:00:00 at 930 but you can be done with all sporting events by like 10 o'clock and still have a reasonable life I don't want to be done with sports by 1030 I want to go all the way to the end I want to go to the wire wire I don't go too late I don't want to go too early why are you advocating for me spending like two hours awake not watching sports right good point mmm cat got your tongue go to sleep early cracker you got to wake up a little earlier so you go to sleep a little that sounds like too much all together I the 9 a.m. thing on Saturday I feel like because I know you're a soccer year don't you own a
Starting point is 01:00:32 soccer team yeah do you wake up to watch 20 yeah I would have to wake up at fucking 430 in the morning 430 in the morning hey no but I'm saying you do it now no but no you do it now in the East Coast like you wake up but I just don't on that point because I'd have to wake up at 430 if I wanted to watch it and I also will also wake up and just like basically half go go basically have to sleep while watching soccer yeah the only part that Hank is making a good point in his basketball because yeah that's because there and they're gonna be a ton of NBA games yeah I don't want to stay up for this year with LeBron out in
Starting point is 01:01:04 L.A. and the Warriors and it's gonna be struggle but guess what right such as the life we chose right but 9 30 across to them which is our our point here you should get up by the best you should get a purple heart if you watch sports in the Eastern Times on yes it's fucking hard work man it's hard work all right let's finish it up with guys on chicks sup thick cat pft bubba and not Hank if I did that was mean if I did poop it would only take me about a minute to do so why do guys take so long to take a shit I've seen some men take from 30 minutes to an hour just a shit I don't
Starting point is 01:01:38 understand why because you're never always sure that you're done there's there's always a chance that there's more and you don't want to be wrong not only that but it's really just like our safe space it's the last safe space for men as a fighter finally a place where I can scroll Twitter on my phone yeah if I had to if I had to do it exactly the amount of like if I was like rushing I could probably I could probably be in and out of the bathroom in like two and a half minutes but instead I'd rather take 25 minutes and just chill out yeah I mean it's no different than giving us a chair anywhere else right we're gonna
Starting point is 01:02:09 sit down it for a while I'm just gonna stay sitting in that chair yeah hey PMT boys especially pft so I'll get right to it I've been dating my boyfriend for over a year now and he refuses to pee while I'm in the room he says he's P shy beta but I don't really believe it it's not like I'm trying to watch him P I just think it's part of a most normal relationships do you think he's actually P shy or do you think it's a personal thing and he just doesn't want to pee in front of me I think he's got a weak stream yeah I think he's got some stream envy where you're gonna hear it and it's gonna sound like a little trinkle and
Starting point is 01:02:39 what you got going on when you pee is louder than his pee and you can't have that in a healthy relationship or he sits when he pees I do that very much I do that occasionally occasionally but I'm saying I probably sits all the time yeah I mean come on dude well I wonder like can you can he pee in a shower with you you talking about shower sex yeah sex is when you pee on a girl yeah right yeah in the shower yeah right hey guys especially pft and his flourishing mean big big day for you so so my boyfriend won't stop saying football is back but I'm pretty sure it's only the preseason it's getting really annoying but
Starting point is 01:03:14 I don't want to dim his spirits how long will this last oh until about January giving I was gonna say Thanksgiving is when when you Thanksgiving is the first moment where I'm like football's here you know what I mean football's back all the way September October because you also get like the October in college football they're like rivalry weeks start happening in conference play so football officially is back Thanksgiving it is unless you haven't had a snow game yet if you get your first snow game in December yeah and that's when football yeah so we're gonna need at least three more months of
Starting point is 01:03:45 saying football is back every other every other sentence what what's more back right now football or shorts or tiger oh my god shorts are on the way out don't make me choose Elon Musk come now with shorts yes he's doing short shorts shorts no well people are shortings they're shorting his stock and so he's trying to make a joke because he's funny ha ha called short shorts get it because he's that's some good stuff billionaires they've got a sense of humor too wow he's really he's really showing it there huh he's definitely just a fucking front for Jeff Bezos the more the more we see Elon
Starting point is 01:04:20 Musk the more it makes sense I don't even think he's a dummy yeah I think he's actually a robot no but he's a he's an idiot who just like Jeff Bezos like here create a couple submarines and rockets that don't work so everyone will stop worrying about my robot dogs and me stealing everyone's brain with drones yeah hey Elon tell you what go ahead to Mars no one stop you you go first we'll catch up with you later yeah exactly we'll be right there hey go along go on we forgot oh we forgot our keys in the house just go ahead you do it all right shit whoa last one I feel bad because I don't like to SD but my
Starting point is 01:04:54 boyfriend loves eating pee ooh what do I do you thank you lucky stars because it sounds like you're in a great relationship you lucked out there yeah lock them up get married is the answer yeah I guess yeah I mean that sucks for him maybe he doesn't like getting his DS yeah wow it's like Jack Spratt could eat no fat his wife could eat no lean oh yeah that is true yeah yeah so it's just eating up that roast like in looking that supper clean they're yin and they're yin but they don't 69 that's true that's true I wonder if he's ever asked to do like the 69 position but then not actually but what he's doing it to her but
Starting point is 01:05:34 he's not getting reciprocated he's just like I'd like to eat from the back yeah she's she's like covering her mouth yeah she's got one of the she's she puts on her special sex masks that's like like hell you do the guy I'll do the girl okay that's it right there we will see everyone Friday Sean McFay Jared Goff time to sort on Monday love you guys man Bitch on the car, bitch on the car, bitch on the car, bitch on the car, bitch on the car
Starting point is 01:07:08 Oh McDonald had a farm, I gave him a tip, trying to keep him calm I'm just trying to turn up in the country, I ain't in the city cause they ain't got lawns Suck a nigga dick or something, me I owe, shitting on these bitches, I'm being high, no Tipping on his dick, I see the chickens in the pool, they wanna catch us riding dirty with them fiends, I know I ain't a moose, bitch Get out my hive, get out my hive, bitch, get out my hive I ain't a moose, bitch Get out my hive, get out my hive, bitch, get out my hive I ain't a moose, bitch Get out my hive, get out my hive It's part of my take, presented by Barstool Sports

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