Pardon My Take - Ryen Russillo + Mount Rushmore Of Guys You See At The Gym

Episode Date: August 10, 2018

Football is back (yes we keep saying this). We watched all the preseason games and we're hyped beyond belief (3:30 - 7:05). Hard Knocks episode 1 review (7:05 - 16:04). Our good friend Ryen Russillo j...oins us in studio for over an hour of talk about the media world, SVP's fake birthday, whether the clutch gene is real, work life balance and the Mt Rushmore of guys you see at the gym (16:04 - 78:38). Segments include is Tiger back, Sabermetrics for Jayson Werth being mad at nerds, Kings stay Kings for Bill Snyder getting a contract extension and Grab Bag of Jimbos/Roasts/Tips for your younger self.You can find every episode of this show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or YouTube. Prime Members can listen ad-free on Amazon Music. For more, visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, pardon my take listeners, you can find every episode on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or YouTube. Prime members can listen ad-free on Amazon Music. On today's part of my take, we have our good friend, Ryan Racillo, about an hour with him. We got super cash, super cash. There's just some guys talking. It was. We were leaning back.
Starting point is 00:00:23 He came in with his tank top, obviously. I turned my chair around, wrapped with him for a while. Yep. So we did about 40 minutes with him and then a 20-minute Mount Rushmore with him that was awesome. It was a Mount Rushmore. He was born to play the Mount Rushmore of guys you see at the gym, and he is a gym guy. Before we do that, though, Yahoo Fantasy Sports, Yahoo Fantasy Football.
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Starting point is 00:02:26 Welcome to part of my today is Friday, August 10th and the Seeky question put in promo code take Seeky question PFT here's your Seeky question. How happy are you that football is back? I'm so happy. I it's it's such a treat every every August because everyone's like all the old you know Phil preseason sucks. Guess what? It doesn't know it's football.
Starting point is 00:03:08 It feels like I woke up from a coma that started the day after the Super Bowl and I realized oh wait Brandon we instill in the NFL and it's awesome. Yeah. And I just realized something. How many times do you think we're going to say football is back? This is every every I don't care. Yeah. Hey, I'm going to do it today.
Starting point is 00:03:26 I'm going to do it on Monday. I'm going to do it when college football starts and do it week one. Football is back. Update the log. Hank hates dogs and the NFL. You hate dogs and football. Sorry. I should have said Hank is back.
Starting point is 00:03:39 Yeah. What's up Hank? Hey. That was a good vacation. That was great. That's great. We missed you. Oh yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:47 I heard. I did miss you. I always miss you. I miss you guys too. That actually looks serious. No it was serious. So petty wars. Hey big cat.
Starting point is 00:03:57 The NFL's got petty wars. There you go. Twitter existed back in like the 60s. They'd be like Lee Harvey Oswald and JFK getting petty with it. Yeah, oh man. Damn mad mad burn on the on the internet. It was pretty funny though. So Cam goes up to Calvin Benjamin.
Starting point is 00:04:11 What if it was like right after JFK got shot. It was like who did this fam school emoji school emoji. Is that too soon. What right after it happened. No. Yeah, but like now that we're 60 years past. Yeah. Yeah, you can do it.
Starting point is 00:04:24 OK, all right. He's a Kennedy. Well, I also didn't do it. I said someone else did. I did the Bleacher Report. What, Ted Cruz's? I just quote tweeted that he did this fam. OK, yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:31 Got you. Oh, yeah, so the joke's not yours. Yeah, exactly. Yeah, it was awesome. So Cam Newton was pissed off at Kelvin Benjamin for running his mouth up in Buffalo saying he wished he played with a more accurate quarterback. In fact, he wished he played with a more accurate quarterback
Starting point is 00:04:45 so bad he put on all that weight and got so fat that he became a bigger target. Yes. So he was mad at Cam Newton and Cam comes up to him before the game and very clearly is like, hey, you want to do something about it? We pushed someone away. He's like, no, this is between us.
Starting point is 00:04:58 And then he did the thing where he put both his hands behind his back to be like, hey, I'm not going to punch you, but I'm still going to alpha you. I want to punch you. I want to punch you and you think I'm going to punch you. Yeah. But I'm not going to. You can't get a flag if your hands are behind you.
Starting point is 00:05:08 Yeah, it's the old not touching you, not touching you. Just go chest to chest and be like, but I'm not touching you, sir. And Benjamin just walked away. He was like, I don't want, I'm not prepared to deal with this. Don't come at Cam. We had Baker, Electric, Saquon Barkley had a run. We're going to overreact to everything.
Starting point is 00:05:24 Yeah, Saquon Barkley, Future Hall of Famer. His legs look even bigger in pads. Mitch, Trebisky, 50% completion percentage. That's pretty good. Two for four, four yards. Good. That's a good start. That's great.
Starting point is 00:05:36 We're good. Any picks? No, we're good. No picks. We're awesome. We had Andy Dalton throwing a pick six. Football's back. That was another.
Starting point is 00:05:43 Football's back. Oh, we had Josh Allen taking that first throw. Hold on. That was, it felt like an orgasm. So I would assume most people listening to this don't watch every single preseason game like we did. But we were watching Josh Allen. He gets back, first play of the game.
Starting point is 00:06:02 I think it was a play-action pass. And it's, well, it's tough to tell if you hand the ball because his hand is so big that you can't see the football. It's not. So he throws it, 65 yard pass, clearly out of bounds. The receiver caught it out of bounds. Doesn't matter. Got a standing ovation.
Starting point is 00:06:16 And the announcer said, look at these guys. Look at these fans. They love it. They don't care that it wasn't a completion. They love that arm. And we're like, now you get it, folks. It was sick. Now you get it.
Starting point is 00:06:26 They're going to need to devise new cameras. Like the All 22 isn't going to be able to cover Josh Allen's passes. No. They're going to have to have a drone. They're going to get, like, Kerry Matheson or Obama to fly a drone above the stadium. Double tap.
Starting point is 00:06:38 Yeah. Just taking photos. Yeah. So football's back. Played Bortle six for nine with a touchdown. Very nice debut for Joe. Joe's got a tan. This is great.
Starting point is 00:06:47 It's like the first day of school. When everyone comes in with a tan, you're like, man, Joe Flacco. Yeah. Nice tan. Well, Joe looked hot out there. We got so tan that he was scrambling for a touchdown. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:55 He had, like, a 15-yard touchdown run. That's going to be my new thing every time Lamar Jackson does something good. I'm going to just say it was Joe Flacco. And hopefully enough people have listened to it. Spot the lie. Yeah. Spot the lie.
Starting point is 00:07:05 Joe's a great leader. We should quickly, before we get to Ryan Russel, we should quickly talk about hard knocks. So we had Joe Thomas on on Wednesday. And we taped it before hard knocks. He predicted everything perfectly. Bob Wiley. He left out a pretty big part, which is?
Starting point is 00:07:19 Brogan Roeback. Yes. We were not prepared for Brogan Roeback. Dude, shout out Eastern Michigan. Great field. Yeah. Yeah. So Brogan Roeback was the star.
Starting point is 00:07:28 Bob Wiley was a big-time star. Todd Haley and Greg Williams are as big a dickheads as we expected. They hate Hugh Jackson. They hate everything. We can tell they're about to just go nuts on him. Yeah, because there's this, like, theme that's going around. You saw the Jarvis Landry speech that went viral,
Starting point is 00:07:45 which was hilarious, by the way, because I'm pretty sure Jarvis Landry was not really known as a leader in Miami. But then the cameras were there, and he's doing a speech two minutes into training camp? Or maybe it's just because he's with the Browns now, and he's like, what's going on? This is not a football team. Right, I've got to get out of here.
Starting point is 00:08:01 But the theme is that Hugh Jackson wants to sit everyone so that no one gets injured ever. But they don't also play any football. Yep. Kind of a good strategy. But they've played football in the past. Yeah. So they already know how to play.
Starting point is 00:08:17 Right. So why would you play him? Right. Doesn't make any sense. We also had Hugh Jackson with the ultimate football guy moment where his mother tragically passed away two weeks, I think, after his brother. And he was sitting in a room with four of his coaches
Starting point is 00:08:30 going over film. And the GM, what's his name? His name's escaping me. John Dorsey. John Dorsey walked in with his great sweatshirt and said, are you OK? And Hugh said, yeah, I'm good. And all the coaches looked around like,
Starting point is 00:08:42 what are they talking about? And Hugh Jackson just, you know, kind of slyly like, just basically like, hey, it rained today. He was like, yeah, my mother passed away this morning. And all the coaches looked and like, damn, that sucks. So we were talking about inside zone run. And they just went right back. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:57 Right back to it. Snap back to football guy. It was like instant. I need a little bit more Bob Wiley. I need just a, they gave me a taste. They gave me enough to want to come back to him. I think he said there was, they were doing some sort of pass protection.
Starting point is 00:09:09 And one of the offensive linemen blew his block. And Wiley goes, I could see that from here. Helen Keller could see that, which is a very football guy thing, like Helen Keller, very topical reference. Yeah, make fun of a blind, deaf, mute girl. That's the beautiful football guy moment. She probably would have been a better quarterback for the Browns than most of the people that they've had.
Starting point is 00:09:28 Couldn't be worse, all right? Throw that on the jersey. I had one quick woe with hard knocks. This happens every year. Hard knocks. You watch hard knocks and you're like, man, I wonder how this is going to end, but they haven't even taped yet. Yeah, it's crazy so nobody knows.
Starting point is 00:09:45 It's like crazy. So you're like watching, yeah, like the Browns played the Giants and you're watching it live right now, but then you're also going to watch it on hard knocks. You're like, whoa. Yeah, it's like time traveling a little bit. I like watching what happens during the games and then anticipating how it's going to be covered later in hard
Starting point is 00:10:03 knocks. It's like Baker Mayfield quarterback controversy. You're right. Whoa. Although Tyrod did look pretty good. Do you think Leaveschreiber watches the games so he can get a feel for it? No, I like to think he just goes in the studio and just does
Starting point is 00:10:14 it on the mic like Jay-Z. Leaveschreiber, it'd be great if Leaveschreiber was not a sports fan, but he now has just the most random sports knowledge because he's done a few 24-7s for the winter classic, some random boxing matches, and then hard knocks. He's got one of those voices. He's big time knowledge on the Bucks, the Bengals, and the Texans.
Starting point is 00:10:35 That's it. I do like how in the pre-season also you get like Andrew Siciliano wearing like Rams shirts, and he does the broadcast for the teams. You've got these like Scott Hansen does. I forget what team he does it for, too. But you've got like major announcers that are just like caping for teams now.
Starting point is 00:10:52 Sam Rosen does the Bears. He's the Rangers announcer, and it's always like that's the first moment that football is back. Yeah. Yes, because football is back. I also like it's pre-season for the refs, too. I also like it's pre-season for the Cameraman, too, like when the Cameraman gets faked out by play action.
Starting point is 00:11:08 Yeah, you can just say it's pre-season forever. It's a great built-in excuse. You called that, too, because we were watching it, and there was a fumble call, and you just yelled out, just remember, it's pre-season for the refs, too, and then they reversed it because it was so wrong. Like, yep, you called that one. Can we talk about the Browns, though?
Starting point is 00:11:24 So I'm assuming are they winning tonight? Sure. Let's see. The Browns are currently winning. So I'm going to extrapolate from the score. It's 13-10 at the end of the third. So it's going to be. I have the over.
Starting point is 00:11:35 It's going to be 15 and a half to 11. The Browns are going to win. This brings their pre-season winning streak to five. Woo. Yeah. Browns are talking about it. Browns are a pre-season dynasty. People aren't talking about it.
Starting point is 00:11:47 Yeah. They still haven't won on a Sunday, though. That's very true. I think the last quarterback, I think it was Robert Griffin. Yeah, who won. Who was the last quarterback to win a game for the Browns on a Sunday. Yeah, it's something.
Starting point is 00:11:56 It's some ridiculous stat. I love it. Yeah. OK, let's see. Can you guys tell that we're excited? Yeah, oh, no, we're hyped. We're hyped. It's a little unruly in here.
Starting point is 00:12:05 Quite unruly. Hank, get excited. You're wearing a football hat. I'm pumped. I know. Oh, speaking of which, before we do, Ryan Racille, we are going on our training camp tour. So we're going to San Francisco on Saturday.
Starting point is 00:12:18 The locals call it Frisco. Frisco, or San Fran. Yeah, Frisco is what I said. So we're going to San Francisco. We're going to talk to the Niners. I'm going to be, what do you call it, when you get back? Reconciled. Reconciled with my father, Bob Lang.
Starting point is 00:12:32 And then we are going down to LA. And we're going to see the Rams. So we're going to do some camp stuff. We actually can. Also, there's a special surprise in there somewhere that we won't say. True. True.
Starting point is 00:12:45 You guys will like it. We're going to eat a lot of In-N-Out and have diarrhea. That's the surprise. Bubba, can you do me a favor? Remember this. After we do our trip, can you make a little graphic showing us going from an airplane from the 49ers to LA and just be like, look at our training camp tour?
Starting point is 00:12:59 Because you know how they loved, Ian Rappport did that. He's like, look at all the places I've been. Cool, man. Like, he gets to cover football for a living. It's fucking awesome. Shut up. OK, let's do our Ryan Racille interview and our Mount Rushmore with him before we do that.
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Starting point is 00:14:15 Giannacopoulos. OK. So, uh. Giannacopoulos. Download the cash app, tweet us your cash tag, and tweet it at, pardon my take. And we are giving away free cash every single episode. Yep.
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Starting point is 00:16:12 OK, here he is. Ryan Racillo. All right. It is August 8th that we're taping this. And we have Ryan Racillo in studio. And I think we're going to start with breaking down game by game the NBA Christmas schedule. So we have box versus nicks.
Starting point is 00:16:31 Can you start there? Yeah. What do you think? OK. I never get the schedule thing. I never get it. And I love the NBA as much as anybody. And they get me worked up.
Starting point is 00:16:43 I got a note being like, can you do sports center thing and rank the five games in a row? And I'm like, can we add a sixth? And they're like, huh? People are actually mad. The nice thing about the schedule reveal is you look at the Christmas games and you just imagine yourself being sick of your family.
Starting point is 00:16:55 And OK, I'm going to get escaped from them with this game. And that's the position you put yourself in. They're trying to copy the NFL is what they're trying to do. The NFL is the king of schedule releases, where they have an announcement two weeks before the schedule release to announce the schedule release. Yeah, and that one's stupid too. Because back in the day, yeah, it is stupid.
Starting point is 00:17:13 The only one that matters is college football. But that one, they do like Wisconsin's playing Notre Dame in 2025. There, get ready. That's going to be big. That's going to be huge. Yeah, well, they're so cheap. But the Christmas.
Starting point is 00:17:26 How do you think that'll affect the BCS formula? That's going to be interesting. Well, and then everyone gets mad at you when Wisconsin played BYU this last year. And it was like, they have a cupcake schedule. It's like, well, we scheduled them when they were good 70 years ago. My rule is this.
Starting point is 00:17:38 If you're a program, play somebody once. If you're other three or cupcakes, but if you play like one decent out of conference. And there's teams that, I don't understand. Like granted, the time to start doing Me Too signs at the Urban Meyer rally and then point out Alabama's strength of schedule. But you're like, were you losing me here?
Starting point is 00:17:56 Were you a little upset that you didn't make the final four for ESPN fake news on that bracket that guy had? Did you see it? I did. I don't know why Sage Steel was on it. We didn't know why Mark May was on it. Oh, they hate Mark May. Yeah, but he's not fake news.
Starting point is 00:18:09 He's dumb news. Yeah, but it's a big difference. Mark May, it was a make. I remember one time walking around with McShay. No big deal. And we were, I don't know, we might have been at like TCU, Fort Worth or something. And there was just a bunch of students screaming at McShay
Starting point is 00:18:23 going, bring us Mark May, bring us there. It was like, you know, just deleted footage from Braveheart, some clans screaming. I did see you on Get Up today. Just walk me through that. I saw your balls on Get Up. Yeah, just tell me about all about being on Get Up and that set and Greenie and what does Greenie eat
Starting point is 00:18:41 before the show? He eats an omelet, egg white omelet. Nice. His stomach's been bugging him a little bit the last couple of days. Oh, shit. Well, yeah, all those great skins. What you want to know what's great is his birthday
Starting point is 00:18:49 was Monday, so we did like a family dinner. Oh, I know. You were some Sunday. Yeah, that's right. Scots was Saturday. Scots isn't Saturday. No, Saturday. No, it is.
Starting point is 00:18:57 He's a, we actually need to see his long-form birth certificate. Yeah, he's one of those. I'm thinking about it. No, like you would be better priced, like the Obama truthers on the birth certificate, the Van Pelt truthers are really like focus, focus your, because we never knew when his birthday was, ever.
Starting point is 00:19:12 You don't know his age? You don't know it? I think I know the month, but I'm not sure. He's like a Dominican baseball player. Wait, hold on. You don't know his birthday? He might be 65 years old. And then when it was my birthday, he would be off.
Starting point is 00:19:23 Or I'd be off. I don't know, August is like a big takeoff. I thought it was just like his birthday was two days before the Wikipedia page. You're saying his birthday could be in fucking February? Yeah, a lot of people don't know. I remember producers we had on the show were like, I think Scott's birthday's today.
Starting point is 00:19:36 And I'd be like, hey, is your birthday? No. And then we picked a different date like a next, the year later. We call him and ask him what his birthday is. He won't tell you. I actually think he won't tell you. You get a better chance of him sending you a nude.
Starting point is 00:19:48 We get it, just tap it. Just we'll use the Urban Mire tag. I'm gonna call him and be like, Scott, we're totally not taping a podcast right now with Resilo, but please tell us your birthday. I don't think he's gonna. I got it, I got it. All right.
Starting point is 00:20:02 He's gonna be good. Suspense is killing me. Okay. Hey, Scott, I'm at the hospital right now and I'm trying to fill out emergency contact form and I need your birthday. What? We're taping right now with Resilo
Starting point is 00:20:22 and he doesn't know your birthday either. Just tell it to us. It's in July. Okay. 31 days. There's it down. Is it the fourth? It's the beginning, I didn't know the end.
Starting point is 00:20:36 Ah, see, I told you. I think it's the fourth. All right, well, thanks. He said you would never, ever tell us, so now this is our new. No, it's way more fun this way, but it's now kind of like a running joke. But I think it was his birthday recently, I think.
Starting point is 00:20:50 It was. Did you text him? No, he texted me the day before to let me know that he retweeted the incorrect. That's the kind of relationship we have. I ignore his birthday and he retweets my fake one. That's kind of motherhood. Yeah, that's fair.
Starting point is 00:21:09 All right, well, just text it to me. Text me your birthday just real quick after this, all right? We won't share it. We won't share it. Yeah, we won't say it. Off the record. Super duper. All right, okay, bye.
Starting point is 00:21:20 All right, so you were right on that. His birthday. As far as I'm concerned, it's the whole month of July. Yeah. Here's a question. It took him a while to breach. Think Tank right here. He's a very long guy.
Starting point is 00:21:29 It took him 30 days to emerge. Do you think with the climate today politically, he's. Does that mean, let's unpack that statement a little bit. Do you think he doesn't want to be associated with July 4th because of how controversial? Oh, okay, he's essentially taking a knee by not telling us what day. I actually, that leads me to a question I wrote down.
Starting point is 00:21:45 I think I'm right. Yeah. So on your podcast, I think it was May, you said it's absolute bullshit that the Eagles don't go to the White House and respect our president. What did you mean by that? You know what Chris and I are working on right now, right? What?
Starting point is 00:22:00 His Hall of Fame induction speech. Oh. Are you gonna introduce him? Yes. That's confirmed. Okay. We waited, we were timing out the Ray Lewis thing. We're like, okay, that's the mark, 30 to 15.
Starting point is 00:22:10 He's gonna go 34. Give him that lava lyric. You should just walk behind him the whole time and do the towel for so Ray, he can have both hands. Hype towel. I was trying to get long to tweet out after all the speeches that Saturday night to say, this really inspires me to lock down
Starting point is 00:22:24 what I'm gonna do when I'm inducted. You know what he should do? He should just wear like a flavor-flav clock around his neck and just start the timer when he delivers a speech. What if he just lip synced the song and had no like, wait a minute. That worked too.
Starting point is 00:22:37 What are we doing here? Yeah. Oh, I thought this was like a variety show. We could do whatever we want. Yeah, he could do kumbaya. What if he just memorized Ray Lewis' speech and did it and like see how long till people, well actually, you know, Ray said Baltimore
Starting point is 00:22:48 like 17 times to start the speech. Yeah, but Ray in 60 seconds talked about kissing people on the mouth. His kids. His kids. Tom Brady. The fears of his daughter being wrapped up in the sex trade. Sex trafficking.
Starting point is 00:23:01 Yes. Like 30 seconds later, we were on to physics. Yes. And I mean, I think as great as the Ray thing was, I think there were a lot of writers out there. And I mentioned like, if you just tighten it up with an outline. Right.
Starting point is 00:23:15 Like whenever you get a thought, put them in order. Right. Right. Right. All right, serious question for you. What is your least favorite thing about the sports media business? Hmm.
Starting point is 00:23:29 Follow-up question. Here you want another question? No, no, I want to answer this. Because I definitely know that I'm one of the guys that watches other people. I guess I put so much, I put too much work into it. I'm serious. I don't, what are your flaws in an interview?
Starting point is 00:23:42 I'm a perfectionist, I care too much. But no, I put a lot into it. And I found myself a lot of times being like, why would you ever feel comfortable going out and talking about a game that you didn't watch? Right. That always blew my mind that I'd be like, you are like so determined and just pounding the table
Starting point is 00:24:00 and I can tell you didn't watch. And then I just, it amazed me how many people had jobs in sports that don't seem to really like sports. Yeah. That's what I don't understand. Right. Did you ever reach a point though, because I think this is something that's happened
Starting point is 00:24:13 with you that maybe you don't see it because you're living your own life and you don't see like the outside, you don't see the reaction to you. What's up millennials? But I think that what you have, like the approach you've taken, people definitely appreciate it.
Starting point is 00:24:26 And people recognize it. Like I don't ever see someone being like, Racillo doesn't know what he's talking about. Yeah. I didn't care if you didn't like me or not. I just wanted you to know that I knew what I was talking about because when I first started going to some of these camps and stuff for the draft, cause I just loved the draft. I mean, that started 15, 16 years ago.
Starting point is 00:24:41 And I've been able to, like there's nothing that makes me feel better than when a front office texted me after I do something. Like some people saw me on get up today and they're like, I can't believe like you nailed that. And look, there's plenty of times where guys are like, by the way, they're like three reasons you're wrong about what you just said, but we could never confirm
Starting point is 00:24:57 or this, this and this. So that's what I always wanted to do. Like I thought if you were listening to somebody and it was about sports, like not that I'm going to pick games right all the time. I get tons of shit wrong. Everybody does. But hey, here's the thought process into this or maybe this is what the team is thinking here.
Starting point is 00:25:13 And I could, I could have some, some thought behind it. Like when Mello was going to be traded for Kevin Love and I'm immediately on the phone with somebody be like, here's why this is so stupid. And then I can be like, hey, you know, you can trust me or not on this one, but like they're not trading Kevin Love for Mello. This is like a year and a half ago.
Starting point is 00:25:26 A lot of that stuff would happen. And I'd go, what a great way to incorporate that into the show. Like you're this opinion person, but you also have access to a ton of information. There was this NFL thing that we did on Get Up Yesterday. And I just said, I can't believe how bad everybody still is with contracts. Like NFL contracts, the first headlines a lie,
Starting point is 00:25:42 and then it's the guaranteed money, and then it's what's paid out in the first three years. So if Odell's asking for like a certain number, what he's really doing is manipulating the media because the media doesn't seem to want to put in the time to figure out what's really being asked for in the contract. And then an NFL team texts me after and goes, you're the only guy that said that right
Starting point is 00:25:58 other than, you know, NFL reporters. So that's what I thought the job was. And that's what I always wanted to be. So I guess I reached the goal that I had. So you want to be a kiss-ass to general manager? Yes, hold the water for the league. Okay, well, congrats, you've accomplished it. A real mouthpiece.
Starting point is 00:26:12 Has anyone ever screwed you? Yeah, yeah, a couple of times. A couple of times, like someone, a scout or someone from an office basically screwed you over more than front offices do. Trying to get their message out there through you? Yeah, yeah. And how'd that like work out?
Starting point is 00:26:26 Did you then just say like, fuck you, man? Yeah, I didn't talk to the agent ever again. Interesting. Because I knew, I just felt stupid, I was younger. But, you know, GMs usually are really good about it because like they may get stuff wrong, but like, there aren't a lot of guys, at least that I talk to that are like,
Starting point is 00:26:43 hey, let's just use Rosillo because they'll say it on the show today. Right. And whenever anybody asks me, as I've finished this kind of long form thought on it, like you're just better off being entertaining. You just are. You're better off being entertaining
Starting point is 00:26:55 and losing your mind on stuff. And it doesn't matter if you're inconsistent and you contradict yourself all the time. Like just get out there and don't take it as seriously. Have more fun. Say ridiculous shit. Get stuff wrong on purpose. This is an interesting strategy.
Starting point is 00:27:10 You're gonna be- What if we started to do something almost like that? I would never get something wrong. Where we just like focus more on just having fun. Yeah. And just fucking around. No, I had somebody to pull me aside. I was like, you take it too seriously when I was younger.
Starting point is 00:27:21 And he said, get something wrong on purpose. Just be so wrong once every few months that it kind of like registers with people. Get it wrong on purpose. Yeah. To like just like move the needle a little bit. Yeah. And people say your name.
Starting point is 00:27:35 And I just, I remember walking down the hallway. You know, this is like a long time ago at ESPN. I just thought to myself like, why would you ever wanna do that? Like that seems like what? But I couldn't do it that way. And I, you know, look, it's nice that people like what I've done.
Starting point is 00:27:49 It's cool whenever I run into a coach or something or I'm at the Vegas Summer League. And you know, it feels great when a guy who I don't know as a GM pulls me aside and goes, I've always wanted to talk to you about this or whatever, like I always love what we did. But I would advise younger people listening that wanna get into the business, don't bother.
Starting point is 00:28:06 Cause it's way too much work and it's not gonna, it's not gonna make you the star that you want. Like I wanted to be a main number one guy at ESPN. And. There's only one ball. No, there's, there's, there's enough. There's, there's multiple big time stars there. And I look, I mean, you know, I don't,
Starting point is 00:28:25 I don't feel like I'm saying anything to anybody yet. I haven't ever reset on the radio show. Like I just felt like there was kind of a, a salary cap on, it's not even salary. Like I feel like there was a ceiling that was gonna be on me. And I was like, well, if I'm putting this much work into it and I've like dedicated my thirties to this, to kick ass,
Starting point is 00:28:41 then I like, I don't have any life balance. And I'm, I'm feeling like, okay, well this is all you're ever gonna be. So there you go. What is the wrongest you've ever been not on purpose? Oh, the Sixers thing. Recent memory. Yeah. I mean, you know, normally.
Starting point is 00:28:54 You're really dumb about that. And the thing is, is I really, I was out on sports center and this is kind of how it happens too. As I go, you know, everybody's talking up to Sixers. That's new and it's exciting. I was like, but these guys have never played and beads always hurt.
Starting point is 00:29:06 Simmons hasn't played yet. Like, why are they gonna be good? Young teams like that always stink. So I really gave it the old what for? I gave you a little sauce. That's kind of a cheating answer because every time I see your name, it's always people being like, God,
Starting point is 00:29:19 we're still so dumb because he said this dumb thing about the Sixers. He's so dumb, like this thing's so dumb. Like what, besides that one, because that's like so obvious. Everyone's gonna expect you to be talking about that because you're so dumb. What else have you been wrong about?
Starting point is 00:29:31 What is shit for brains we're still known for other than the Sixers? I remember like just being really over the Mavs. And I used to like stick up for Dirk all the time. I wasn't one of those to go because Dirk is a foreigner, he's soft. But like they had had all these stretches where they just kept coming up short all the time.
Starting point is 00:29:47 I know, I don't like when a guy loses and you go, okay, you've lost and it's disappointing, but then it turns into you're incapable of ever winning. And I'm just getting to that point. Oh, that's what I love. I love that shit. Like you don't have to, like Chris Paul to me is a guy that just,
Starting point is 00:29:59 it hasn't happened. It doesn't mean he's incapable of winning. No he is. See, there you go. No clutch sheen. You don't believe in the clutch sheen? Manolytics. This is why you need to get out of the business.
Starting point is 00:30:10 Are you serious? Clutch sheen's for real, bro. No, wait, do you not believe in analytics? No, he does not believe in the clutch sheen. He just said it. Clutch sheen's different than Manolytics though. I do think there are obviously players that are more comfortable in certain situations.
Starting point is 00:30:21 Whenever anybody, like I believe in clutch and analytics guys just think it's the dumbest thing ever. But I always think this, why is it that we all accept that a certain golfer standing over a major putt four feet out to win the masters? Like everyone would agree that you're tightened up there a little bit, right?
Starting point is 00:30:42 Like you're thinking about it, way more than you should, like four footer. So if we all accept that that exists, why couldn't there be players that are more comfortable, therefore clutch in those moments, huh? Did I just blow your mind? Yeah, yeah. Would you consider yourself to be a clutch broadcaster?
Starting point is 00:30:58 Day after the Super Bowl, you're on there, everyone's listening to you. Is that when you bring your A-shit? Yeah, I was always the best after a bad show. Oh, bounce back game. One of those big bounce back guys. Slump buster, what was your slump buster? What'd you do?
Starting point is 00:31:13 Probably, I probably had like a two week anthem stretch where I came back that Monday and was like, I would have turned myself off. Yeah, I turned myself off all the time. It's tough when you're solo and you go, this isn't very interesting and I have four minutes to go. Uh-huh. You're stuck.
Starting point is 00:31:27 I wanna jump back a little bit. You said something interesting about, you know, the guy that said, be more loose, be focused more on being entertaining than maybe being like just straight up informative all the time. How do you actually attack that balance? This is a serious question.
Starting point is 00:31:39 Oh, I was waiting for the punchline the entire time. No, no, we're doing serious stuff right now. I should have had more fun early on. Scott and I, that was my problem is that, I was kind of wrapped up in my own thing, more than I should have been and then we became a much better show once, after a couple years, we just said,
Starting point is 00:31:57 you know what, tell more stories about each other, give each other a hard time, let's go off script. I got something I think is just awesome about Levitar Show is that you don't really know what's gonna happen and they have so much fun with it. And I don't love it all the time. He would call me sports serious loser guy and I would think, okay, there's certain days
Starting point is 00:32:15 that I think you have to be sports loser guy, but his show is just different. It's different, the expectations for it are different, but when they have fun, they have more fun and you're in on it and it's terrific. And then they've created something and they had created a long time before it ever became national.
Starting point is 00:32:28 So I do love the show and I really like all those guys. I mean, look, I was a loser about it. My personal relationships were all shot. I would watch 20 something hours a game or 20 hours of games on football, like Saturday, Sunday, and then I'd watch another 40 hours of basketball. Yeah, but when you, when all you're doing,
Starting point is 00:32:51 like when all you're doing is waking up thinking about, I wanna be the best and I'm gonna kick ass, I'm gonna read everything, I'm gonna call everybody, then I'm gonna do a three hour show and then I'm gonna go to the gym and eat obviously a lot of protein, but then go right back and watch games from seven until 1 a.m.
Starting point is 00:33:04 And then you do it for 10 plus years. I know everybody's like boo-hoo, you had to watch a lot of games, but like it's literally all I did was think about, I'm gonna be the best talk show host, I'm gonna kick ass, and then once I'm like 40 and I'm a huge star, then it's all gonna take care of itself
Starting point is 00:33:19 and it won't matter. And then once I became like the guy that supposedly knew everything, and I mean that in the sense of like, I watched more than everybody else, and then I'm like, wow, this really wasn't like that smart because no one cares, like no one cares that you watched that.
Starting point is 00:33:33 You did a shit little homework and I was like, oh cool, you can actually do the BCS formula on your own. No one cares, no one cares, you know? You're the guy who like reads pie to 25th number. You should have just branded yourself a little bit differently, you should have come up with your own BCS formula. Did you ever consider doing that? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:51 That's ultra BCS. The recilibration method. UnBCS. Yes, that's interesting though, because maybe I'm just jealous of like what you've been able to accomplish and the fact that I think you always look at things in such a smart way,
Starting point is 00:34:04 and we're kind of just dumb assholes that like to joke around. Yeah, but see, here's what I always say. Are you guys gonna kiss? Anybody? Yeah, maybe, if you'd give us a fucking minute. But see, whenever any, like another thing, when you know people ask you,
Starting point is 00:34:16 I'd be like, find something to do whether you create that's different, okay? Like Brad Edwards was a great example, meaning the BCS. He was like, when the BCS first came out, he figured out how to do the formula, and then he became really valuable. A guy like Joe Tessitore, Tess came up with the Heismanology.
Starting point is 00:34:28 Joe Lennard. Heismanology. He came up with a thing and called people and said, what's your Heisman vote? And they told him, and then it was something new, it was something different. Todd McShea with the Scouts ink thing, they found something.
Starting point is 00:34:39 Literally describing Darren Ravel's entire life. Ravel is my friend. Yes, our friend too, but he literally created a job out of thin air. He created something. So you have to find a way. You guys created something because you're mocking the whole thing,
Starting point is 00:34:54 and I think in the way everybody takes themselves too seriously now, but you guys are really smart. Like if you guys were just dopes, you know, with awesome haircuts. Thank you. Appreciate that. It wouldn't last as long, you know? Like I remember trying to help you guys out
Starting point is 00:35:10 with an interview, and a team was like, are those guys kind of clowns? Oh yeah, I do remember that, yeah. We still get that from not Todd's time. But I said, look, if I'm reaching out to you, and you guys have known me as long as you've known me, like you have to know that I wouldn't just let like two morons show up and interview somebody really serious
Starting point is 00:35:26 that they want to interview with the team. And they're like, okay, well, you know, we'll take your word for it. So like you guys created something, I don't know if it's the vacuum of other people or other media companies going in the wrong direction or whatever it is, but like you didn't set out to be anything but yourselves, and because you're different
Starting point is 00:35:43 and you're really great at this, like you blow up. And that's, I think that with so many people, like it's easier than ever to get on the air, but because it's easier than ever, it takes even more to stand out. Like it took me six or seven years even to get a fill-in shift at ESPN. And when I did, I couldn't believe I was lucky enough
Starting point is 00:35:59 to get that fill-in shift. That road is a lot shorter now, but there's a million people all lined up horizontally. That's a trick they always, yeah, like a giant human centipede. The trick is like to get on the air, you sound like the person that's been on the air before you. And that's the easiest way to get in the door,
Starting point is 00:36:17 but to like really succeed at something, it's almost like you have to do something that's totally different, and then nobody's gonna give you a job. You have to kind of do it on your own. See, I think there's- It's all in the book. There's one part that you miss about what we do
Starting point is 00:36:28 is that we actually kind of believe some of the bullshit we say. Occasional. And then very deep down, like I mock a lot of times the thing that I am. Like the meatball fan, there is a meatball fan inside me. Like the cut scene is a real thing in my mind. You're not, like I've texted you enough about sports.
Starting point is 00:36:44 Yeah, you're not impersonating anybody. No, like when the Cubs get blown out by like, you know, the Cardinals by 15 runs, like why the fuck did we throw out? But you know what's great is that, like I've realized too that a lot of play and interviews suck. And what you've done is you've created something where, and I actually give Dan Patrick a lot of credit for this.
Starting point is 00:37:01 Like I used to think Dan Patrick, when he would have somebody on, like Dan was such a huge star because he was like the face of ESPN for such a long time that he could get away with pressing different buttons and almost being arrogant to the superstar athlete. And the superstar athlete would like interact with him in a completely different way.
Starting point is 00:37:20 And I'd listen, I'd go, well, you can't just do that. Like I can't just decide to be arrogant to Justin Verlander. Be like, hey, welcome into game night, Ryan Rosillo Keystone light. All right, Verlander, what's your deal, bro? You know, like he'd be like hanging up on this guy. Like why am I doing this?
Starting point is 00:37:34 And when you guys have athletes on, like they look forward to this now because you're going to screw around with them, but they're going to show a personality that they haven't shown in all these phone numbers that we've done on mainstream radio that usually suck all the time. Yeah, except Dak Prescott.
Starting point is 00:37:47 He's still just- He wouldn't tell us if you watch porn or not. Yeah. I like Dak. His brother's a good dude. Yeah, that's the nicest thing that you can say about Dak Prescott. Where is his brother when he got beat up at the spring break?
Starting point is 00:37:58 I don't know. Not a great brother. Good question. He had his bros back. Yeah, it's me. All right, last real question, serious question, then we maybe do the Mount Rushmore. I didn't know this was going to be serious.
Starting point is 00:38:07 Yo, yeah, we tricked you. The whole- You said it would be really serious. The beginning stuff, we're going to cut that. So it's going to be like, wow, why was we're still so fucking serious today? I honestly want to help people. You know, like I want to help people
Starting point is 00:38:19 understand the business and I know I sound like I'm salty or anything, but I'm not. I don't think you're salty. I needed to do something different. And every time I'm stressed out about like, you know, is this going to be worth it and I'll have days, and who knows?
Starting point is 00:38:30 Like I could end up staying at it, yes. You know what though? I kind of hope I do, but- The way that you're talking about ESPN, it almost makes you more desirable to them. You've got like that. I don't give a shit. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:38:39 Like, resign me. They know I care. They know I care. And I don't want anybody to be bummed out, like I can't believe you went on it. But I mean, when I walked away from the radio show eight plus months ago, I think a lot of people figure like it's just over.
Starting point is 00:38:50 And then I've talked with a couple people that I like a lot and they said, do you want to keep doing some stuff and come up with a plan? I was like, yeah, absolutely, absolutely I do. But I like when I, you know, am stuck all day in the rat race LA and trying to sell a show or meet with somebody. And I get to come back and I get to look at the water and-
Starting point is 00:39:07 That's what I think it is. That's really what I did. And I just hope I can pay for it. If you wanted to stick around, or if you were going to end up sticking around at ESPN, would you just continue doing the podcast? Or would you- No, I'd come back.
Starting point is 00:39:19 I mean, I would come back and do stuff, you know. But look, we've got a huge studio out in LA too. So there's a lot of different stuff that we could do. But I needed something different. I couldn't sit in my basement in Connecticut for another five years. And then be all of a sudden, you know, you're 45 and you're like, cool.
Starting point is 00:39:37 No, in five years you'd be 47. 48. 48? I was rounding, I was rounding down. Wait, so you're right. Wait, five years you'd be 48. Are you like Ryan Lochte's dog? You'd be 48 in five years, correct?
Starting point is 00:39:50 I'm confused who you think that dog is. No, so it's another dog. He's like, wait a minute, you guys don't. The dog is probably like, please train me. Yes. Please teach me something, Ryan. No, I don't think you're complaining at all. I think it's just you found like,
Starting point is 00:40:03 eventually got to like, hey, I need work life balance, which is not crazy. Yeah, that's it. I just, I don't like, I probably should be less honest about things, but I have a heart, like I don't wanna be a bullshit guy. You know what I mean? Like I'll never forget like how many people
Starting point is 00:40:16 have run into this business and then something doesn't work out for them work wise and they go, oh well, you know, I've got a million options there. And you're like, no you don't. Right. You don't, you don't. So I never wanted to really sound like one of those guys.
Starting point is 00:40:27 But I also didn't want people to be confused. Like it does bump me out every now and then when somebody will say like, oh, you lost your show. And it's not like just a random, like somebody in the business will say like, oh, whatever you're showing. Like my show did great. Didn't lose anything.
Starting point is 00:40:39 But I didn't, I didn't want to stay under the, whatever, I've done all this before. So. So you, like if you decide to, if ESPN doesn't work out. Yeah. Are you gonna be, is there a party that's like, I just got, I worked all these years to get to the like,
Starting point is 00:40:55 you know, you're somewhat at the top of the sports. Yeah. I never felt like I was though. So that's the problem. Whatever, close enough. Yeah. But see, that's the thing. It's either like, it's kind of that way you're wired. Like if I wasn't wired this way, I would have never gotten to this point.
Starting point is 00:41:07 But if I maybe had just enjoyed it a little bit more and stopped thinking about everybody that thought was doing better than me, then maybe I would have ended up doing better. But I could never accept that. Cause I'm like, no, no, no, no. Like the only reason you got to this is you're wired and you're constantly thinking about it
Starting point is 00:41:18 and what's all these different things. Like that's, that's the trick of the whole business. That's like, you can't ever feel like you can relax because you're going to, well, if I relax and I'm going to suck and then I'm not going to be good on the air. And the thing about talk radio, like when you start to lose it, you can't hide it.
Starting point is 00:41:32 Right. Like everybody starts to be like, oh my God, this guy's lost his fastball. And I actually used to get a little sad sometimes when we would do these radio events. It would be guys who were on like a market for 40 years, which is something you, which you should hope you could do in any job, have that kind of longevity. But then sometimes I'd like listen to them and go,
Starting point is 00:41:48 you don't like you, you, you, you, you stopped caring 10 years ago. And I was like, I don't want to be one of those guys. See, I do eventually, but I'm looking forward to that. I'm looking forward to that chapter in my life when I'm like 50 and just being like, the bearish thing, yeah, the fucking, yeah, we should throw at the Cardinals.
Starting point is 00:42:05 What the fuck? Blackhawks need to fight more. Never liked Molina, all of them. I look forward to those days. That's going to be exciting. See, but you're from the Midwest. Your wire different. All right. We're going to do the Mount Rushmore rapid fire
Starting point is 00:42:17 real quick. I want a couple of answers on a few things. LeBron over under NBA championships the rest of his career, one and a half. I'm going to go under. Hmm. Yeah. So zero. No. If you said half, I'd go over. I think he has one.
Starting point is 00:42:33 Okay. One more. But usually these guys, this means they're done. Yeah. Like remember the Kobe stuff to be like, Oh, nobody wants to wear the Kobe. Well, you want it all. You want, this is over. Kevin Durant over under two and a half. Ooh.
Starting point is 00:42:44 Man, it's even with the Warriors with two. I'll say under. Yeah. I'd say he's got two. Yeah. He's got one more here and then maybe somewhere else. Yeah. I can never quite figure out what's real about the Durant rumors because they're constant.
Starting point is 00:42:57 All the burners. It's tough to keep track. Yeah. But at least he owned it a little bit and now he uses his real account. He does. Yes. Did you wait a minute? Did he DM you? Maybe we're not talking about that.
Starting point is 00:43:09 We're slow playing it so he can come on the show sometime. There's the headline crap from this show. I may or may not have been DMing with Kevin Durant on Instagram and he may or not just said that. No, that's okay. He may or may not have called me a bitch for putting up an Instagram story from my basketball game. Yeah. But see that if everything is true about that,
Starting point is 00:43:30 it's not just because he called. If it's all true, I really like him the way he did it. Oh, yes. It actually shows you. It shows you the clutch gene. How about the humor gene? Yes. No, let's just say my alleged Instagram
Starting point is 00:43:42 back and forth DM with Kevin Durant was very funny. And hopefully someday we can talk about it, but I would like to have him on the show to discuss in person so I'm not trying to burn. I'm not trying to be the guy who Kevin Durant responds to on Twitter or Instagram and then screen grabs it and puts it on Twitter and is like, oh, I got Kevin Durant to respond.
Starting point is 00:44:02 And then Kevin Durant says, fuck these guys, why would I ever do their podcast? I think you're on a very good path based on the information that I may or may not have seen. Correct. All right. Kwai Leonard, percent chance he stays in Toronto. I do think in life that we always
Starting point is 00:44:16 have opinions about things that we've never experienced, food, women, you know what I'm saying? But the point is, even cities, I remember I hated New York City because of from Boston, LA, loser town. Yeah, well, I'm looking at it. Right. And then what happens? You get on a plane, you start trying
Starting point is 00:44:34 Prejudo for the first time, you know what I'm saying? Yeah. So Kwai could be sitting here going, I'm not staying in Toronto, and then you're there. Toronto's awesome. Currency, exactly. Percent chance you and Scott have a show together at some point in the rest of your life.
Starting point is 00:44:53 Something's going to go really bad for him if that happens. I feel like Scott, we talked about doing a podcast, but. The birthday boys. He has. Yeah. There you go. That's a great name. You do it naked.
Starting point is 00:45:08 But it's a good branding right there. We got a lot of ideas for you. Are they close on the calendar or are they just nude all the time? See, this is beautiful because when you walk out of the studio today and someone's like, hey, Ryan, like, what are you going to do with the ESPN, you'd be like, I got 1,000 ideas, and they all came from here. I got 1,000 offers.
Starting point is 00:45:30 Whatever podcast you have, whatever we do this again, we'll do just massive brainstorm. Brain dump, I love it. Oh, yeah. Don't get me started on dog art. See, I used to always be really jealous of Van Pelt, not that it's because he's tall. But he would always be like, it's funny how when you're younger,
Starting point is 00:45:48 you start going, oh, when I'm 50, I'm just going to be on the senior tour. I'm going to call senior. He'll earn one in a second. I think he's got about a seven iron here. Oh, that is sweet. That is sweet. He's going to like that a lot.
Starting point is 00:46:02 He's going to have a birdie chance here. It's such a great job. Yeah. So like, Van Pelt was going to do that. And I was like, man, what a great exit strategy. Because then I don't have to like, nobody wants to be, it sounds like you guys do, but I didn't want to be really old being like, hey, Scott.
Starting point is 00:46:17 TI, huh? Is he sick or what? Yeah, I know. I do. I have. You're immediately exposed. It's just like, oh, what a clown is like, because you want to stay young.
Starting point is 00:46:26 You want to stay young. You know what rocket powers? You don't know what rocket power is. Great job. Oh, yeah? Cartoons. Yeah. We had that moment today.
Starting point is 00:46:35 It's all right. It's going to happen more. Yeah, I know. That's why we have Liam and Hank who are younger. You know, Scott and I actually did have this happen. He might get pissed about this, but it's too good. It's too good of content. When these Hosey loyal song came out,
Starting point is 00:46:49 I hadn't heard it yet. Shocking, I know. And when the dudes made up the shirts, it said these O's ain't royal. And then the Orioles got mad about them. And I was like, why are they so mad? The shirt is stupid. It doesn't even mean anything.
Starting point is 00:47:03 And like I said it on the air. And then you go check Twitter, the commercial break, just 100 you loser at these Hosey loyal. Like it's a play on the song. And I'm kind of like going, oh, that's actually kind of funny. That's a good shirt and I still get one. And then we come back from break and Van Pelt was like, oh, yeah, you didn't know that?
Starting point is 00:47:20 I'm like, dude, no way. There's no way you knew it. Because if you did, you would have corrected me on the air. You saw all of our mentions and we look like losers. And you're trying to claim that you knew, but you just held back, right? Because that's how radio works. He was just being a nice guy.
Starting point is 00:47:37 He's been supposed to screw it up. I'm not going to say anything. And I'm just going to get it. Coming back from break, all right. Coming up next, we're going to have John Clayton on the Seahawks cap situation. And he's like, oh, by the way, Racilo, yeah, that's the song. Yeah, you idiot.
Starting point is 00:47:50 Have you heard? And I was like, oh, I was pissed. So that was a screw up. And that's us sounding really old. And it's really hard to not sound old as you get older. Yeah, but if you own it, I feel like people kind of, they're OK with it. Yeah, that song is staying power anyway.
Starting point is 00:48:05 Right. When you said it a second ago, I thought you were saying this Jose Loyal. Yeah, me too. I was talking about a baseball player that I didn't know. We just did that to you. We were like, oh, yeah, we know that song. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:48:15 I thought you said Jose Loyal. Jose Loyal, OK. Yeah, I know him. Yeah, Jose Loyal. He sang Despacito, right? Third and short. With Florida. Yeah, with Florida, that rapper.
Starting point is 00:48:24 Have you had a conversation with Scott where you guys are just shooting the shit about sports or whatever? And then you kind of lock eyes. And you're like, we're doing the show right now. Remember that? We have, like, when I would have those basement stretches, we used to count how many days I went without interacting
Starting point is 00:48:40 with other people other than work. And I'd get into the 40s, and I'd be like, all right, I got to go to a restaurant bar and just sit here and have a course like feel like a normal person or something. Because I would go a month, month and a half where I didn't do anything. I didn't do anything. Sounds awesome.
Starting point is 00:48:53 Yeah, but I'm just telling you, life is not set up to wander the earth alone. It really isn't. I thought it was. I thought it was going to be cool. But society is not set up for you to not, they want you to have kids in mellow the fuck out. You know, they want you to get married.
Starting point is 00:49:07 They don't want you to. They don't want a guy showing up happy or 50 being like, dead arms today. Oh, that guy's sweet. Yeah, I don't know. I used to make fun of him when I bartended. Now you are. Now I'm becoming him.
Starting point is 00:49:17 Yeah. Five more years. So I would call, he would always do me the favor. Like, you know, he's got the family. He's got everything going on. But we'd have these stretches where if we didn't talk for a while about sports, we would, you know, he would call me in the middle of the night,
Starting point is 00:49:31 or I would call him during college football. And we would just rant and rave to each other about stuff that we would talk about if we were doing the show on Monday. And that's the things. Because I do think that he and I had a thing chemistry-wise that was perfect. But I think it took me too long to be as good as I needed to be for everybody to be psyched about that show.
Starting point is 00:49:52 And that's a regret that I'll probably always have about the show. It's deep. Yeah. I think if I just relaxed and said, hey, everything's going to work out, you're good. And instead, in the beginning, I didn't. I was like, this, you know, everybody thinks I suck.
Starting point is 00:50:06 And everybody's mad that I'm with Van Pelt. And they want it to be a million different people. And Van Pelt had to go to, like, Van Pelt had my back on that show more than people will know. Like, without him, you know, I owe him a lot. And I got so caught up in all that BS of, like, is this going to work out? Is this going to work out?
Starting point is 00:50:22 And all this different stuff. And there's more to it. But I didn't just sit back and be like, holy shit, I have a show every day with my friend. A guy I'm becoming great friends with. And we get to just bullshit. And we have the chemistry. It's not two friends that want to work together.
Starting point is 00:50:36 And then it sucks. It's two guys becoming friends and becoming great co-hosts together. And I really wish, like, from day one, I treated it that way. But I couldn't get out of my own head. And I was only, like, you know, 32 years old when I got the gig. Yeah. Yeah, you took yourself too seriously.
Starting point is 00:50:53 Way too serious. I would tweet at you, talking about lifting weight, and you'd never respond. Yeah, you guys fucking, he's such a hard ass. But see, you were so annoying that I eventually was like, oh, right, now I'm going to go out of my way to never. And then other people were like, he's never going to respond. He's never going to respond.
Starting point is 00:51:08 He's never going to respond. And then Stanford Steve hung out with you, and you're like, dude, you would love him as much as anybody. Just follow him and talk to him. And then I've always admitted this to you guys. Because Scott liked you dudes way earlier than I accepted you. And then I come on. And guys are like, oh, you know, big cat,
Starting point is 00:51:24 he used to ignore all the time. And I was like, I admit to you. Yeah, you big league me. I was not cool early on about it. And then I started actually, my thing was always hit rate. I'm like, wow, he's actually funny more often than not. Instead of those dudes that send out 1,000 tweets and hit one good one, can't deal with that.
Starting point is 00:51:39 Yeah, you also were still struggling with the loss of your hair. So I understood you were in a bad spot. Yeah, that was tough. Once you brazed the bald. Once you brazed Van Pelt rooting for me to lose my hair the whole time. Yeah, I mean, it actually was good for the brand.
Starting point is 00:51:51 It's like, OK, two bald guys. That's easy. It's like Mike and Mike. Bald one of the reason they were so successful is they have the same name. I was like, the bald guys. I feel like it's bothering me right now. I feel like you still haven't agreed
Starting point is 00:52:01 that you've lost your hair. No, I'm totally cool with it, but I definitely hated it. I was like, oh, so let me get this straight. Like out of my group of friends, I'm going to be the one. And I'm on TV. I'll say this. Like why can't I just work construction and I wouldn't have cared.
Starting point is 00:52:11 But I'm going to be on TV and lose my hair. And it kind of happened a little early. And then I thought I could salvage it. And then there was a second stage to it. And I went, and then I got annoyed at everybody that was bald. Like just, like Hasselbeck and Dilford giving me shit. Like, have you seen the pictures of you guys
Starting point is 00:52:26 when you're still hanging on? I never looked that bad. No, you wear it well. You've got the rich eyes and things though. You're a good bald guy. You have a good bald look. I don't even register you as being bald right now. What are you talking about?
Starting point is 00:52:38 Are you going to pick it? You're going to start picking? I don't think I have to, yeah. No, it's quite there. The island isn't on its own. You've still got the isthmus. You just look like a guy who's going to shitload of steroids.
Starting point is 00:52:48 Speaking of steroids, your hair is just thinning out. That's a very good segue. Yes, it is. And to our Mount Rushmore, we're going to get right back to this interview with Ryan Rosillo. But first, I want to talk to you guys about Burst E-Liquids. There's a high fog advisory today at Barstool Sports. And it's brought to you by Burst E-Liquids.
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Starting point is 00:54:28 For details and terms and conditions, visit Now back to Ryan Rusillo. To set the stage, Ryan Rusillo in the next month will have a big decision one way or the other. However, everything works. He wants to stay at ESPN. He might not stay at ESPN, we don't know. But this Mount Rushmore is the most important thing
Starting point is 00:54:48 you've ever done in your life. Even knowing that's coming up. Yes, I totally agree. This is the most important thing. ESPN knows. ESPN knows. This is the most because if you do not win this Mount Rushmore, you as an entire brand, like Ravel will have to tweet out
Starting point is 00:55:02 that the Ryan Rusillo brand has plummeted and everyone should sell stock in him because it's a fucking fire sale. There's blood on the streets. Yeah. I'm taking this one seriously. OK, so am I. So yeah, so am I.
Starting point is 00:55:17 So it is the Mount Rushmore of, should we say, guys or people? People. People you see at the gym. I'm taking it so seriously, I almost went to the gym today to do research. That is more research than you've ever done for anything. Almost did. OK.
Starting point is 00:55:34 Ryan, you decide the order because this is so important to you. So you decide the order. You know how we do it, snake draft. Yeah, I'll go last. OK, so PFT will go first on the second and then Rusillo. That's third. Yeah. OK.
Starting point is 00:55:47 This is all right. First guy, first person on the Mount Rushmore of people you see at the gym, the blow dryer asshole balls guy in the locker room. Usually above the age of 70. Yeah, naked guy. Very, very comfortable being nude. He's got his leg up usually on the counter
Starting point is 00:56:06 and he's air drying his butt. That's what he does. That's a normal thing for him. You know what else that guy does too is he takes up a whole bench and gets in front of 17 lockers all at the same time. But if you're in front of your locker and you got like a towel, maybe a little bag off to your side,
Starting point is 00:56:21 he stands around you like you just died in a street and made his car kick. Like there's a very selfish ying and yang in the gym about space where it's like, hey, I put my stuff down. But then if you're the guy that didn't put his stuff down and your locker's there, you're looking at the guy to put his stuff down going, I can't believe you put your fucking stuff on this bench.
Starting point is 00:56:38 Right. What's your go to line if you're at your locker or you're looking to get your locker and someone's using the one directly next to it and you're like, excuse me, it's my locker. Do you have like a little funny line? I waited out. I have a question.
Starting point is 00:56:50 But it happened to me today just hours ago, like a total coward. A guy walked by, kicked my shoes out of the way and then I gave him a good. Was I in your way or something? Yeah, there we go. Was I in your way? Nice.
Starting point is 00:57:02 Nice. And he just he didn't have that. And it was actually a 12 year old. My line is a small world. It's a small world to him and then we both have a fake laugh. I have a question about naked guy. Hey, figures, huh? Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 00:57:14 It's a great way to break the ice. What are you, 17? I'm 18. I have a question about naked guy. Is it nature, nature versus nurture? Do you, are you always naked guy or is it just naked guy happens when you get to a certain age? I feel like naked guy is becoming like an endangered species.
Starting point is 00:57:30 Well, yeah. Younger nudes don't happen. So you're saying it's generational thing. So I guess the better way to phrase it is, will we someday become naked guys just because that's what you do eventually? OK, my pick. I'm going to go with the out of shape dude
Starting point is 00:57:47 that is being dragged around by the trainer that he just hired. So station to station, he probably has had the membership for about three weeks. He's got a belly and he's just miserable. And the trainer is just trying to get him through a 45 minute workout that he clearly doesn't want to be there for. And he's never coming back once that free training is over.
Starting point is 00:58:11 Bonus, bonus when he and his wife got it together. That's really special. They went on the tour together. They looked around. They looked at the lat pull down thing and they nodded to each other. They had a moment. They go up to the box jumps for the first time.
Starting point is 00:58:23 His eyes get real wide. He's like, no, this is not happening. They had a moment where they're like, we're going to get in shape together. And then flash forward to them being dragged around by the trainer and they're like, this is the worst thing in the world. Let's just go home and eat some fettuccine and alfredo
Starting point is 00:58:36 and be fat. Very good one. OK, good choice. Very good one. And they're always sweating differently. Yes. Like it's not just a normal workout sweat. It's like a holy shit you're going to die.
Starting point is 00:58:44 Yes. Yeah, they have a big ring just underneath their chin. And it's just like, whoa. It's red and blotchy. Yeah. Like why aren't your armpits sweating? Why do you only have sweat under your neck? This is so much easier.
Starting point is 00:58:54 They're usually wearing like some colored shorts. It's never like a gray or a black short. Not a champion. Yeah. Gear. Russell Athletic. Russell Athletic. Uh-huh.
Starting point is 00:59:04 They haven't been in a gym in 15 years. Bob equipment, hoodies. Yeah. All right. OK. You got two. I can go in a bunch of different directions. I'll just to break it up here, I'm going to go help guy.
Starting point is 00:59:15 OK. OK. Nobody wants your fucking help, man. Nobody wants your help. Look at your spot. Yeah. Unless you're like, I had 315 on the squat rack and a guy be lined it across the gym.
Starting point is 00:59:27 OK, be lined it as I was getting ready to get into it. And it's like, hands out, double like, hey, bro, me, you, you, me, like, you good? It's a lot of weight. And I'm like, does it look like this is my first fucking time here? Like, why would I stop to check with you if I'm good over here? Yes.
Starting point is 00:59:48 That guy's got just an alarm in his head. He sees three plates go on. He's like, guys, I'm not exaggerating. He was as far away in the three weights as he could have been. So he had to be watching me. It's like a lifeguard. It's not like I just started at 315, worked my way up. So if you really were paying attention,
Starting point is 01:00:03 you'd be like, all right, this guy's going to be fine. So it wasn't even that he sucks as much as I was personally offended that he freaked out. They saw like alarms had to go off, because I was going to squat 315. And then he's like, yeah, because I definitely want a strange man spotting me, because the squat spot is the worst one.
Starting point is 01:00:20 It's very intimate. I had a girl ask me to do it. She basically broke her back, because I felt uncomfortable really spotting her. She was like, yeah, she's like, that wasn't a great spot. I was like, yeah, but I was just afraid. Yeah, I didn't want to feel you up. Right, right.
Starting point is 01:00:32 Because that's what you really have to do. You have to get in there. You've got to get in there. You've got to get all the way in there. So I did the guy at least have the common decency to compliment your form. He's like, I just want to make you know, that's a lot of weight, brother.
Starting point is 01:00:43 I just want to make you know, and I was like, did you want to just be friends? What did you want to do here? He probably just saw you and was like, that's Ryan Rosillo. I know the way that we can bond is spotting each other. Or he's like, that's Ryan Rosillo. He probably hasn't spoken to another human being in 40 days. He looks like he could use a friend.
Starting point is 01:00:58 You know what, maybe he was trying to do me a favor. That guy in general, if you're doing the pec deck or something at the end of a chest thing or maybe you warm up with it, depending on how you want to backwards the routine. And a guy will be like, a guy will say like, hey, you do want to be like, get that squeeze. You know, and you're like, who the fuck are you, man?
Starting point is 01:01:20 Like, is there something, like he uses wandering trainer and like, I go out of my way to make sure I'm never that guy. The only time I'll ever do it is if I see like a high school kid military pressing a million pounds and he's about to just ruin his fight. Wait, don't steal another guy. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:01:34 I've said, I'll admit to every now and then with a high school kid who'd be like, yeah, but you're stealing another pick. No, no, no, I'm just saying, I'm giving you the out if you're a help guy and you're listening to it. Like, if I see, I was so skinny, so skinny, like, and you would always, when you're skinny, you're trying to compensate and you're like,
Starting point is 01:01:49 oh my God, I did 135 today, I'm a monster. And I will tell a guy, I'd be like, hey dude, if you just, you know, if you're going to do over your head stuff, you know, just lean back a notch. Right. Just a little tip. Ease it off on the, you know, the shoulder blades and you're going to be healthy.
Starting point is 01:02:02 Rockstar. So that was a help, help, help guy. Help test. Like, you know, it's great for, for front squats, you know? You ever really try to get down? You ever, you ever a combo is up super set with just some leg lifts? I had a guy, I don't know, actually I'll save this
Starting point is 01:02:20 because it might come up. All right, all right, all right. You got your second pick. I'm going to do Jim pervert. Because I don't know what happens to some guys. Like, there's a serious chemical thing that happens as you get older is that any girl that's young just automatically becomes attractive.
Starting point is 01:02:35 Like I find myself sometimes looking at girls when they're younger and then I'm like, would I have dated that girl if I were 25? And I'd be like, probably not. Like, why am I now attracted to her? It's like, oh, it's because you're just old. Right. And.
Starting point is 01:02:48 Fertile. They'll be like, as soon as there's a new girl at the gym, like our gym perv would like gather the guys, we're like, dude, you see Stratinal three? Yeah. Whoa, you knew me. He's like taking pictures. That's the, when you see somebody else
Starting point is 01:02:59 taking a creep shot in the gym. There's also nothing. I have that happen to me. Like from dudes. Oh, yeah. Why are you doing squats? Yeah. Exhuming on that thick ass.
Starting point is 01:03:09 There's nothing worse than the dude, the dude that you don't really know being like, yo, check out that like piece of ass. Yeah. Why did you think that this was, why did you think this was an appropriate conversation? Check her out over there and be like, hey, what's your deal?
Starting point is 01:03:24 How come she can't date anybody? Brother, if I wasn't married, be like, yeah, if you weren't married, she'd say no to you. Yeah, right. If I wasn't married, I'd actually be too scared to go up and down. Yeah, right. Right.
Starting point is 01:03:34 And then if he's not married, then it's kind of like ask out everybody guy. And then it's like, hey, I saw you were talking to the brunette. Like, yeah, she was, I would ask her if she was done. Yeah. Are you seeing her?
Starting point is 01:03:45 Putting a good word for it. What? You trying? Like I saw you wiped off her. I called dibs, bro. I saw you wiped off her bench. Like, yeah, because I was sweating all over. I was being nice.
Starting point is 01:03:52 And you're like, all right, well dude, I mean, you know, I've been working that for like a month. All right, that's a good one. All right, my second pick. I'm going with outrageously oversized water bottle guy. The guy who has the jug. Like the jugs get bigger and bigger
Starting point is 01:04:11 and he's drinking all the time. Just after every set, drinking so much water that you're like, is this guy gonna drown? You could drown yourself. He's waterboarding himself. It's not just the jug, but he's got the koozie that goes around the jug. Like they make the gallon size.
Starting point is 01:04:25 Neoprene, it's a body glove. Yeah, the hardest part about his workout is carrying the water from station to station. I'm so thirsty right now. Yeah, just talking about it. That's all you threw your water. Yeah, it was almost gone. It was a prop.
Starting point is 01:04:37 It was for demonstration purposes. This is part of our interrogation tactics. It was showing our two of a 17 hour podcaster during the Thrive and Russell. We are on pick two for PFT. Okay, my second pick. I'm going to go with the guy who's always just hanging around the front desk
Starting point is 01:04:52 talking to the employees. Like having way too long of a conversation with the people up there. He has no friends. No friends. His apartment sucks. His workouts probably 10 minutes long. And he spends like 20 minutes at the start
Starting point is 01:05:03 talking to him and then 20 minutes at the end talking to him. Absolutely, absolutely. Very good. My third one. I'm going to go with the girl that's doing strictly butt exercises. Only butt exercises. Doing the lunges.
Starting point is 01:05:17 That's just bad. You know, we're still doing bad ones. No, just not rush more of people. Just people up there. It's not all bad. It's just people that you see at the gym. The people is not bad. Like every girl, there's this transition now
Starting point is 01:05:29 where it's like, oh wait, I don't, like I mean, talk about just things that were different. Yeah. Like it is. The pressure to have a butt. Yeah. The lunges. The legs.
Starting point is 01:05:39 Insane. The leg lifts. Like there's an entire workout. You can do probably a 50 minute butt workout. These girls do it every day. Smart. Like how to meet your girlfriend. I watch your deadlift videos on Instagram for a year.
Starting point is 01:05:49 Yeah. This is lit in the DMs. Deadlift, that's some hardcore shit. Yeah. Like most guys just watch the squat videos. But it takes a real eye to pick out a girl. Romani's deadlift. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:05:59 Do you deadlift? We'll get to it. I haven't deadlifted in like eight, six or seven years. Every time I do it, I'm always afraid. Like hey, this is gonna be the day. This is the day the back's going to have a bad back. But if you successfully do it, there's nothing better. I know, but I have a bad back and I just,
Starting point is 01:06:14 I'll have days where you're really gonna do this today. Yeah. All right. So my pick, I'm gonna go with guy in head to toe, head to toe, new athletic gear, like pimped out. Like the shoes, the shirt, like he's got the latest and greatest under armor, anti-wicking shirt and stuff. And he doesn't even work out that hard.
Starting point is 01:06:36 And you know, like he's just there, he's there for the look. And he's like, I work out to buy the shirt. For the gram. Yeah, exactly. That guy. Okay, I'm gonna play off of that. Okay. Transitions perfectly into my guy.
Starting point is 01:06:49 And you kind of brought it up here too as we started talking deadlift. But deadlift, non-high school athlete, personal best guy. Okay. Not only does he have the outfit, tights, three quarter tights, maybe rogue, but you can't do wraps on real deadlifts. But maybe some wrist guards.
Starting point is 01:07:08 Probably takes his shoes off, goes barefoot, takes up a ton of fucking space. He has a journal. Got the journal, you have to have a journal. I'm not anti-journal, because if your mind can have a diary, why can't your body? And when you look at the deadlift guy, like he'd never played any sports.
Starting point is 01:07:25 So now he's experiencing something in his late 20s, early 30s, that he's like, this is awesome. I can keep track of deadlifts. I can tell people I deadlift. I can buy gear for deadlifting. It's competitive. I can then, you know, I can do all that.
Starting point is 01:07:37 I can bring chalk with me if I want to. I can have a chalk bag. I saw a guy the other day, had like a 60, whatever, serving protein jug, massive serving. He turned it into his chalk container and brought it with him. That guy, that guy was actually jealous of him. That's amazing.
Starting point is 01:07:53 I'm sure he just wasn't using like, just pure whey, or pure like casein' protein, just chalk. I gotta imagine whey would be great as a substitute if you're out of chalk. And the guy's usually always pretty skinny too, because it's cool, because you can deadlift, if you can deadlift 315, you don't have to, like you can whey not much, you can not be jacked,
Starting point is 01:08:10 but it still looks cool, especially if you're using the CrossFit plates, it looks like you're putting up plates. And you got the chalk. The chalk on your shorts and your hands after, even a moderate, cool. But here's why that guy, don't forget about the socks. The most. He takes like seven fuckin' minutes between one rep.
Starting point is 01:08:29 You know, like set journal, cross grip, sumo style, bangs it out, and then puts like a two and a half on the neck and he waits 10 minutes. You gotta let your muscles reset. And you're going, oh cool, and if you hit the Santa Monica Equinox or the Manhattan Beach Equinox at the wrong time during deadlift dude hour, forget it. You're not gonna get anything done.
Starting point is 01:08:52 All the bars are taken, all the squat racks are done, and you're like, honestly, you're gonna do seven reps in an hour and a fuckin' half, and none of it fuckin', okay, cool. You went up two and a half pounds today. Like men shouldn't use the two and a half plates ever. Ever. Right, Prisco does.
Starting point is 01:09:10 I like that rant. That's been built up for a while. That's back until I said it to a trainer that had an Equinox so the deadlift guys could hear me say it. I didn't even want to tell the trainer. I just was like these fuckin' deadlift guys, man. Okay, so where do you draw the line?
Starting point is 01:09:27 Like, do you have to do three reps? Is it three, five reps? At what point does it become an acceptable use? Just be quicker, just be quicker. Don't take 10 minutes. That's the problem, it's not, I'm not a gym shamer. If you're in it and doing it, good for you. Because there's a lot of people that won't.
Starting point is 01:09:40 But be a little courteous, and you can't just decide, I'm gonna take up this whole squat rack thing here because I'm gonna do seven deadlift single reps, try to set a personal best on Thursday, and then tell people about it. Okay, good pick. All right, fourth pick. I'm gonna come back to where we started.
Starting point is 01:09:59 And it's not just naked guy and an age thing, it's old people in general. This is an ageism. I've been tracking these old people for decades now. But like animals? I don't know what happens. Like, I have a theory, right? So tag them behind the ear.
Starting point is 01:10:11 My father. I've been preaching the old Nigeria. In this particular gym for several years. Fortunately, they're progressing their meditations and their strength exercises. Okay, so like my father has lived on Martha's Vineyard now for a while. So when he comes, visits me, we call it the mainland.
Starting point is 01:10:26 He gets really irritated by shit. Like really irritated. We go to a grocery store, you can't find parking space. We're like, oh, just park here. I'm like, no, no, we're trying to run a society here. We can't all be on our own, you know, plan. And then, you know, the shopping cart line's too long. It just freaks him out.
Starting point is 01:10:42 So the vineyard things are slower. Granted, summertime's busy. But you know what I'm saying. Like, it's slower, you're not dealing with as much stuff. And I just kind of look at them and be like, you've lived on the vineyard so long now that you've kind of become this guy that you understand over here with highways
Starting point is 01:10:53 and stop lights and stuff. Like we're all in a general agreement in society that like there's certain things. You can't be just the guy that's on your own path all the time. Right? Old people at the gym, there's a meeting we don't know about. We can't know about it until we turn that age. Where they just decide, hey, fuck everybody.
Starting point is 01:11:11 Okay, so like I could leave a towel, a notebook, a drink on a machine. Old guy sees it. If I'm not sitting there, there could be a dead body on a bench and they'll flick it off to the side and set up their own thing. It's true.
Starting point is 01:11:27 And you come over and they all know what they're doing. They all know what they're doing but they just hit a certain age where they're like, I just don't care. I just don't care. And I'm gonna do it too. We're all gonna do it. But I just, I worked out at this old place for a while
Starting point is 01:11:40 and it was the worst. Like you had, you had to like, I needed some of that spray stuff in soccer tournaments to just outline the machine to be like, you can't step over this. And you had to come back and be like, who are you, were you on this? And I get to the point where I was like,
Starting point is 01:11:55 yeah, you know I was on it. Yeah, my shit's here. You don't care. You're doing your own thing. Post 65, you're like, the life, you know, I'm not worried about anybody else. So that thing always, always has annoyed me but I'll be that guy.
Starting point is 01:12:09 Yeah, yeah. All right, my last pick is going to be a 43-year-old guy that cares a little too much and it's getting kind of awkward. And he gets really mad at deadlift guys and everyone's like, dude, maybe you should get a girlfriend instead of caring about your squats so much and just chill out and mellow out.
Starting point is 01:12:29 And he rejects people's offers for help when they're just trying to make sure he doesn't get hurt. He wears a tank top with his 14-year-old kid even though he's again 43. And he just had a midlife crisis and moved out to California. That guy.
Starting point is 01:12:43 Okay, that's a good one. I think we all know somebody like that. That guy's the worst. Sounds awful. Throwing his water bottles around. Yeah, I bet you he probably denies steroid use too. What do you bench these days? I don't know off the top of my head.
Starting point is 01:12:55 That's such a lie. Yeah, you do. Tell us. I actually don't know. Come on. You guys really think I still max on a flat bench? I think that you definitely approach maxing. 2018, bro.
Starting point is 01:13:06 I think you do a set of five reps or a set of three reps. Yeah, of what? And then you go and you calculate what your one rep max would be. I've done that. You don't push yourself. Like what would I get? Like were you benched at 360?
Starting point is 01:13:17 No, but I did 225 this many times. Yeah. I know I'm a loser, so I'm okay with it. You're our loser. Yeah. We like it. Huge arms. I mean, the reverse you could have just been
Starting point is 01:13:30 like the 33-year-old dude that can't be bothered to go to the gym ever. I think you probably do like 275 and you do like three to five reps of it. A little better. A little better than that? A little better than that. Okay.
Starting point is 01:13:43 You were disgusted by that. Absolutely disgusted. You know what else? You know who we left? Are we done? No, I got one more. Because I have one honorable mention. Okay.
Starting point is 01:13:52 That's really quick because I know this is turning into a two-part one. All right, my last one is gonna be, okay, I'm gonna go with Captain Steam Room. The guy that is really loving the Steam Room, walking around, really exploring the space. Also, we can use sauna for this as well. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:14:08 Either sauna or steam room. No towel. I'm a steam room guy. Absolutely got me too. I got a steam. Yeah. Sauna people make no sense. Once you transfer over, like.
Starting point is 01:14:15 Yeah. Yeah. Usually pretty hairy. Yeah. Walking around, sometimes slapping himself, speaking, talking to people. You know what he says too. But hey, you mind if I hit this again?
Starting point is 01:14:24 He's always pouring water on the thing. But do you mind? It might. I know I prefer my steam room with no steam in it. Yeah. He'll wrap towels around some of the orbit. He'll be like, hey, I'm gonna throw a menthol towel on this really.
Starting point is 01:14:34 Clear you up. Yeah, I dipped it quarter in eucalyptus, so it really sets the place off. It'll also sigh really loudly, like in that dark steam room, when you're like, is there someone in here or not? And you just hear, ah. That's because he's jacking off. Real sweat.
Starting point is 01:14:47 And that's when he was coming. Real sweat. All right, honorable mentions real quick. Let's speed through it. We didn't do the grunter, the grunter, obviously. Lunk. Yup. I had the guy that has like seven kinds of dumbbells
Starting point is 01:14:59 just lying around him on the bench. Yeah, just a dumbbell mess. Yeah. Circuit guy. The guy on the. Are you on this? Yes, I'm on them all. The guy on the bike that's like a seat in a bike,
Starting point is 01:15:10 just reading the newspaper and barely pedaling. And he's like, because you know he's going home to be like, honey, went to the gym for an hour. It's like hours, not miles. You didn't do anything. Yeah. I also have one guy, macro counter. The guy came up to you, he goes, you count your macros.
Starting point is 01:15:25 How do you bounce that out? You're fat. I'm like, I just try not to eat pizza too often. Right, right. Macro. And that guy's usually not in shape. Like the guy that really is doing it, he just knows he's ripped and he looks awesome.
Starting point is 01:15:36 And girls check him out and dudes check him out too. And he does it. Like usually the, the not as in shape as you'd think he would be like, if you have a journal and the jug and the deadlift stuff and the rogue gear, and you're still a fat body, like why are you asking me about my macros? Right.
Starting point is 01:15:52 Right. Because you know. You shouldn't. I also had young kids like learning to lift the first time and off of that, the help, the help guy. There always is that one guy who needs help, who doesn't ask for help. Doesn't ask for help.
Starting point is 01:16:05 And it will drop, you know, he'll like almost kill himself on the bench or he won't, you know, he'll drop the weights and you're like, dude, now we had to probably ask for help. We had, we had a couple of Connecticut high school kids that worked out of the gym that I was at there when I was in West Hartford.
Starting point is 01:16:17 And I hope they hear this and I hope their friends hear it and they make fun of them. But the kids actually were decent sized kids for high school kids, but still probably like six, two, maybe 185. And one of the kids would put on 295 and he would take it off of the rest with a spot. And that was a wrap.
Starting point is 01:16:35 Like I'm convinced he couldn't do 205. And, you know, he, and he would, like it wasn't like, hey, I'm just stress testing. Like some people will tell you if you have to go really, really heavy in the bench, like sometimes it's worth just taking it off your body, can just sort of feel what it is. That's a wrist exercise, Ryan.
Starting point is 01:16:53 And in this guy, that's what he would do. And of course it took 45 minutes. So I have a buddy from the gym, we call him steroid Rick. And he was like our local, he was our big guy. Every gym has their big guy. And this guy wasn't on the drip cause he's awesome. I love steroid Rick.
Starting point is 01:17:10 And he would just, he would come in and he, his belt and he wore tights, which was amazing. And then he had cut up sweatshirts. I mean, he was right out of like an 80 spring break movie. And he would talk about guys he beat up when he was younger and stuff. And he'd be like, those high school kids are at it again. One other one I have, and it's quick, is I'm hurt guy.
Starting point is 01:17:30 So he puts on 275, not even close to a clean rep, gives up halfway through, then kind of racks it again. But he asked you for the spot, but now he's super embarrassed cause he wasn't even close. And then he's like, oh man, do you know what, his shoulder's got some labor. I haven't benched in a while. I haven't benched in a while, like flat bench.
Starting point is 01:17:48 So I get to try to go heavy today. I don't know, I got some tinkles up here. What about the urban legend of the guy that does curls in the squat rack? Because I don't think I've ever seen that guy, or I haven't seen that guy, well that's controlling the guy back. I go, hey, I'm gonna curl in here.
Starting point is 01:18:04 But that's something like somebody who maybe doesn't go to the gym a lot, always complains about curls in the squat rack guy. And those people don't really exist. Yeah, it doesn't happen that often. I just do it to deadlift guys. All right, Ryan, we're still, this was fun. I hope so.
Starting point is 01:18:19 This was a great time. It was good to see you guys. It was great to see you. Mount Rushmore of Gym Guys. That was awesome. Hopefully, you know what? Play it straight, award-winning listeners. No hijinks, vote for the best.
Starting point is 01:18:33 Don't fuck with Racille's head. He's got enough mental shit he's working on. He's got a therapist's bills up the ass. Just vote, vote for who you think won, okay? Let's do it that way. That interview was brought to you by MyBookie. You can check him out at You think you know who's gonna win the ball game, right?
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Starting point is 01:19:51 MyBookie, you play, you win, you get paid. All right, let's get to some segments. First up, we have, is Tiger back? Probably not. Well, no. See, Big Cat, here's where you and I kind of differ because you don't know as much about golf as I do. He grinded this one out.
Starting point is 01:20:11 He changed his shirts. Yeah, he did. That was big. And he also grinded it out. So if you grind out a bad score, it's actually better than shooting a good score in no effort. True. It shows more grit.
Starting point is 01:20:21 It's an ugly win. Yes. It's better than a beautiful loss. It's an ugly statement loss. Yeah, but he's still in the tournament. And you know what? It's one of these times as probably the most well-known Tiger fan, myself.
Starting point is 01:20:35 It's one of those times where you just gotta have a little perspective and be like, you know what, he's out there and his back is fused together. Listen, if you had, if you had said three years ago that Tiger Woods would be playing around a golf without his body literally breaking in half and his torso falling off and then his feet
Starting point is 01:20:50 continuing to walk and step on his torso and walk over and then fall off a cliff, you would have been a liar. Medically, it would have been impossible for that not to happen three years ago. But now he's out there grinding out, what was it, what did he shoot, par? One over?
Starting point is 01:21:04 Yeah, he's out there grinding out a par. Yeah, exactly. Course, by the way, course update. Not looking so good. Five under, first day. Course better get their shit together. Course has problems. He's got spray paint all over it.
Starting point is 01:21:16 People are putting up low numbers on it. It's in St. Louis. Yeah, that's a big part of it. A lot of problems. A lot of problems. I don't like it, but yeah, Tiger, he's somewhat back. Yes. Ish.
Starting point is 01:21:28 Jinx. All right, we're like giddy with football love. It's actually funny how we have our life back. We're old people who just got a heart transplant. We're like, we can walk down the stairs again without keeling over. Yeah, I'm like a dog that just got, that found his favorite toy underneath a stack of pillows.
Starting point is 01:21:48 No, actually. Underneath the couch for the last six months. A better analogy is like an old dog, and you know those commercials are like, our dog had arthritis, then we changed its food, and it was a puppy again. That's us. We just got our food changed.
Starting point is 01:21:58 Yep, my red lipstick is out. Yeah, we went for baseball to football. Our food just got changed. We have Saber Metrics for Jason Worth, who had an all-time quote today. He said, baseball's being ruined by, what do you say? He said, super nerds are killing baseball. Because I guess some nerd came up
Starting point is 01:22:17 with a formula that said batting 161, hitting 20 home runs, and getting 30 RBIs in a year is bad. So a computer is the reason Jason Worth started the league. He also said, we're coming closer and closer to the day, where they're just going to put computers out there on the field. Yeah, probably right. I think we're going to, if history has taught us anything,
Starting point is 01:22:38 it's that sex is always on the bleeding edge of technology. So after we perfect sex bots, then we'll get around to making things like doctors, surgeons, robot umps, and robot baseball players. Yeah. I trust the sex bots. I do like it that Jason Worth, like, man, if this was just 20 years ago, I'd probably
Starting point is 01:22:57 get like $150 million, because I hit all those dingers. Fuck. I can't hide anymore. These super nerds are finding out that striking out every single at bat is not good. I mean, Jason Worth does look like a guy that is off the grid. Yes. Entirely.
Starting point is 01:23:12 He's a little unabomber-ish. Well, Unabomber mixed with the guy from that went off into Alaska in that Pearl Jam movie. Chris McCannless. Chris McCannless. What about Into the Wild? That's what I'm talking about. Oh, that is.
Starting point is 01:23:24 Pearl Jam movie. Did he die? Yeah. Yeah, he died. He ate some bad potatoes. That was how he died? Yeah, some potato seeds. What a fucking pussy.
Starting point is 01:23:31 I thought he'd like get eaten by a bear at least. No, that would have been, yeah. That would have taken my hat off. That was Grizzly Man, yeah. Yeah, that was Grizzly Man. Johnny Supertramp, I think, was his name. That's a great name. Yeah, well, he made that one up.
Starting point is 01:23:43 Yeah. Jason Worth, not a fan of computers. King State Kings, Bill Snyder, the Kansas State head football coach who is somewhere around 90 years old, just signed an extension. I can't even get it out of my mouth. A five-year extension? Five, yeah.
Starting point is 01:24:00 The best part about that extension is he's going to retire and come back within those five years. Oh, absolutely, yeah. So it got me thinking, how long do you think Kansas State could survive as a program with dead Bill Self just sitting in the chair in his office if you left the light on? At least two years.
Starting point is 01:24:17 I'd say, yeah, probably three or four. Until the next realignment. This is bad. The years where the Big 12 would absorb the pack, and then they'd be like, hey, you have a dead coach. That's against their bylaws. No, he's fine. He's good.
Starting point is 01:24:28 He's good. He's surprised ever. He's fine. This is bad for our friend, Brett Bielma. So I feel like Kansas State was the perfect place for him to just go and play his, I'm going to run the ball down your throat every single play style of football and go seven and five and go to like the whatever, not
Starting point is 01:24:47 the Cotton Bulls. Cotton Bulls are actually decent. The Beefo Brady Bull, the Beaton Nevada. Yeah, one of those bulls. And Brett Bielma just kind of sails off into the seven and five land that all college football coaches hope to attain. They just get contracts forever. The big wheat field in the sky in Kansas.
Starting point is 01:25:04 Yeah, right, exactly. What a weird name for a town, by the way. Manhattan, Kansas. Yeah, not in Kansas anymore. But you are. Fun fact about Kansas State, they have a 99% acceptance rate for anyone that applies. Really?
Starting point is 01:25:16 So yeah, if you need to take anyone. If you need a safety school. Well, it's kind of like Manhattan. We'll take your tired and poor and hungry masses. Exactly. Come to the Little Apple in Kansas. Hank, you ready? I'm ready.
Starting point is 01:25:29 The return of Hank? Yep. The grab back. Hank, it's great to have you back. It is great to have you back. I did get a lot of tweets from people being like, Liam's cow for breaking moose was incredible. It was excellent.
Starting point is 01:25:40 It was actually pretty good. His second one. The first one was bad. It was great because Hank listened to the episodes like first cow, 2.4, which I agreed with that ranking because you didn't have your heart in it, Bubba. But second cow, he picked it up. Yeah, not bad at all.
Starting point is 01:25:52 Speaking of Bubba, this first guy gave some life advice to young yourself. He said, look both ways before crossing the street, cough, cough, Liam, cough, cough. But in all seriousness, be careful. You send your dick pics too. Few girls enjoy. Others don't.
Starting point is 01:26:07 The rest forwarded to the rest of high school. Oh, so this is a high schooler. If you're looking for a flowchart. What's the advice to your young yourself? Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. If you're looking for a flowchart for whether or not I should send this dick pic, it's just a stop sign.
Starting point is 01:26:20 Yeah. Just don't send the dick pic. Yeah, don't send the dick pic. Even under the best circumstances, it's still going to end up being a dick. Or somebody looks down the black, ooh. Yeah, if you really want to send the dick pic, just find someone else's dick online
Starting point is 01:26:30 because then you can just be like, it wasn't my dick. The father of this Yankee family has ruined my football club. The mother looks like a snack in her shades and their dumb son is all right. Oh, that was a roast. Hashtag big cat out. Okay.
Starting point is 01:26:44 Okay, I didn't know that was a change. That was like throwing a change up when I was looking for a grab back. Wait, what was it? You never know what you're going to grab. Can you run that one back? I wasn't even listening. The father of this Yankee family
Starting point is 01:26:53 has ruined my football club. The mother looks like a snack in her shades and swans the kit. Oh, thank you. And their dumb son is all right. Hashtag big cat out. Yeah, that's really only mean to big cat. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:27:04 I look like a hot chick. Hot chicks have it so easy. What do I look like? You're a Yankee fat. I thought fat Yankee. So you're a southerner. So. Bless your heart.
Starting point is 01:27:13 Props to you. Yeah, bless them. That's our new channel, please. We'll play, we'll pray for you. Yeah. Good job having the internet. I thought the United Kingdom was just England, but my friend told me that it's England,
Starting point is 01:27:24 Scotland, and Ireland. And now everyone's calling me uncultured. I even thought Britain was just a name for England. Yeah. That's confusing. This is from Donald Trump, actually. Yeah, I was going to say. I'm pretty sure he had that.
Starting point is 01:27:34 He pointed that out last week. Yeah. Yeah, everything. Britain includes a lot more stuff than that, right? Does it? Great Britain. Wales, India. Not anymore.
Starting point is 01:27:44 You OK? Yeah. I was, shout out to God. You didn't know what part of history I was talking about, though. That's true. You didn't let me finish my sentence. India in 1915?
Starting point is 01:27:52 Who did this fam to Mahatma Gandhi? Too soon. The United Kingdom. Explain it. Tire rotations. What the fuck? Paying money to put more miles in your car via a giant treadmill.
Starting point is 01:28:05 This has to be the biggest scam of all time. OK. I could answer this in a joking way or in a serious way. It sounds like there might be a lot of people out there that don't know about rotating tires. They're like, oh, it's called driving. Not the case. They actually rotate the tire on the wheel.
Starting point is 01:28:20 Yeah. So you're driving on a different part of your tire. The two things that I have no problem just paying extra for and being like, this guy's probably scamming me and I don't care. My car and anything to do with my TV or cable package. Yep. Go ahead.
Starting point is 01:28:35 Take my money. I don't care. As long as I can drive my car and watch the sports and the shows I want to watch, I'll pay whatever. Exactly. For me, it's cars and then it's computers. Yeah. Let somebody else, let someone who's
Starting point is 01:28:48 smarter than I am, deal with that. When it comes to going to a hospital to see a doctor or whatever, it's like, no, I know my body better than anyone. WebMD exists for a reason. Exactly. This is American can do ingenuity. I can repair my own body. Ask Jeeves is better than any seven-year college
Starting point is 01:29:04 that you went to. Yep. It's called crowdsourcing my body. It's a lot smarter. 500 brains on the internet are better than one doctor that went to Harvard. Just drink eight beers and fall asleep. That's the cure for what else?
Starting point is 01:29:19 Stop in Gato Grande. So say the noise, not the letters. I've been dating my girlfriend since I was a sophomore in high school and now I'm a senior in college. We've both only been with each other. Do I A, cheat on her, B, break up with her for a bit to experience other things, or C, just marry her? I tried to do a combo of B and C there.
Starting point is 01:29:43 It's hard to do the breakup just for a little bit. Do kids still do the thing where you say, hey, if we're not married by the time we turn 30, let's get married? That's what you can say. Well, that's what the hot crazy party girl does to the nerd friendzone guy. Yeah, that happened to me in eighth grade. I've got like three girls that I'm supposed to marry
Starting point is 01:30:01 in 15 years. No, maybe just say, hey, let's break up for a little bit. And if we can't do any better than each other, then in a year, we'll get back together. Yeah, that's good. That will definitely work. You guys will definitely get back together. Or just tell her that you're joining the military
Starting point is 01:30:18 and then just leave town. Yeah, for three years. Write a couple of postcards, come back. If she's on you, she's scumbag. Yep. Yeah, that's actually a very good way to tell how serious she is about this relationship. Make up a deployment.
Starting point is 01:30:31 Yes. Jimbo, I was listening to the Coach O interview a while back at work. And Coach was talking about Sean Cody at USC. I went to Google some of his stats and my boss, who was standing right behind my computer at the time. And I found out that Sean Cody is also a gay porn site.
Starting point is 01:30:47 Oh. Pretty hard to explain that one to him. That's a great name for a gay porn site. Like, that's fair enough. Very gay porn site. Yeah, it is. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:30:56 Brilliant. Interesting. I was wanting to go check. Just to like, I'm curious now. All right, I'll do it. Is this with AU? SCAN.
Starting point is 01:31:06 No, S-H-A-U-N. S-H, Sean. I'm just going to Google Sean Cody. I'm going straight to Sean. Oh, yep. That, yeah. That definitely. Images.
Starting point is 01:31:16 Well, the images are all acceptable. They're all safe for work, except for this guy who's on the road. These two fellas are just hanging out at the beach, just enjoying being at the beach. All right, we'll end with this, whoa. Lead rhymes with read, but red also rhymes with lead. Whoa.
Starting point is 01:31:36 That's, whoa, that's fucked up. That's four words, but just they're all only two spellings. Whoa. But two of them, they both rhyme with each other. That's like a set of identical twins getting married to a set of identical twins. Yeah? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:31:53 You remember that show with the Siamese twins? Of course. One of them fucked and the other didn't. Yeah. That was wild. You don't remember that show? Cucking your own twink on it. It was wild.
Starting point is 01:32:01 Like, it was a Siamese twin show. Their heads were attached. I don't think you can say Siamese twins. There are Asian twins and Oriental twins. Oriental twins. It's actually conjoined twins. Yeah, conjoined twins. And one of them was like, yeah, I'd like to fuck.
Starting point is 01:32:14 And this might have been a Matt Damon movie, actually, now that I'm thinking about it. Yeah, no, yeah. No, that 100% is. That is a Matt Damon movie. Definitely not a show. OK, never mind. It was a show.
Starting point is 01:32:24 Yeah, whatever. All right, we'll see you guys in San Francisco on Sunday. Love you guys. And I love football. Shining away, I'll be coming for your love, OK? Take on me, take on me, take on me, take on me, take on me. I'll be gone, and I'll take on you, take on me, take on me, take on me, take on me, take on me, take on me, take on me, take on me, take on me, take on me, take on me, take on me, take on me, take on me, take on me, take on me, take on me, take on me, take on me, take on me, take on me, take on me, take on me, take on me, take on me, take on me, take on me, take on me, take on me, take on me, take on me, take on me, take on me, take on me, take on me, take on me, take on me, take on me, take on me, take on me, take on me, take on me, take on me, take on me, take on me, take on me, take on me, take on me, take on me, take on me, take on me, take on me, take on me, take on me, take on me, take on me, take on me, Take on me, take on me, take on me, take on me, take on me, I'll be gone and I'll take on you too
Starting point is 01:33:48 It's part of my tape presented by Barstool Sports.

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