Passion Struck with John R. Miles - Finishing Your Year Strong — 7 Steps on How to End the Year w/John R. Miles EP 235

Episode Date: December 30, 2022

In today's final Passion Struck episode of 2022, I talk about the significance of finishing your year strong to feel good about your progress, prepare for a prosperous new year, and pinpoint opportuni...ties for development. What I Discuss About the Finishing Your Year Strong The passion-struck podcast's final episode of the year is here, and it's designed to help you finish the year strong. As the new year approaches, it is essential to finish strong to maintain your momentum into the new year and hit the ground running in 2023. A successful year's end does not necessarily mean that all of your goals were accomplished. To absorb the essential lessons and acquire the knowledge and motivation to do much better in the upcoming year, it means appreciating your progress over the past year and understanding what led to your triumphs and setbacks. Full show notes and resources can be found here:  Brought to you by American Giant and Omaha Steaks. --► For information about advertisers and promo codes, go to:  --► Prefer to watch this interview:  Like this show? Please leave us a review here -- even one sentence helps! Consider including your Twitter or Instagram handle so we can thank you personally! --► Subscribe to Our YouTube Channel Here: Want to find your purpose in life? I provide my six simple steps to achieving it - Want to hear my best interviews from 2022? Check out episode 233 on intentional greatness and episode 234 on intentional behavior change. ===== FOLLOW ON THE SOCIALS ===== * Instagram: * Facebook:  Learn more about John: 

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Coming up next on the Passion Struck Podcast, finishing the year strong is an important step in achieving your goals and living a more fulfilling and meaningful life. It can help you build momentum, boost your confidence, and set you up for success in the new year. Welcome to Passion Struck. Hi, I'm your host, John Armeyles, and on the show, we decipher the secrets, tips, and guidance of the world's most inspiring people and turn their wisdom into practical advice for you and those around you.
Starting point is 00:00:30 Our mission is to help you unlock the power of intentionality so that you can become the best version of yourself. If you're new to the show, I offer advice and answer listener questions on Fridays. We have long-form interviews the rest of the week with guest-ranging from astronauts to authors, CEOs, creators, innovators, scientists, military leaders, visionaries and athletes. Now, let's go out there and become PassionStruck. Hello, everyone, and welcome back to Momentum Friday, an episode 235 of PassionStruck. And thank you to all of you who come
Starting point is 00:01:05 back weekly to listen and learn how to live better, be better, and impact the world. If you're new to the show, thank you so much for being here, or you would just like to share this with a friend or family member. We now have episode starter packs, both on Spotify and the Passion Struck website. These are collections of our fans' favorite episodes that we organize in the convenient topics that give any new listener a great way to get acquainted to everything we do here on the show. This go to Spotify or slash starter packs to get started. And, in case you missed it, earlier in the week, I did two special episodes featuring the best
Starting point is 00:01:38 interviews from 2022. The first one focused on how do you create intentional greatness? And the second one featured experts from academia as well as health care, who showcased the incredible power of intentional behavioral change. Please go and check them both out. I also wanted to acknowledge our fan of the week, Jane, who writes, I absolutely love this podcast. I am hooked, and I wish everyone had the opportunity to listen to this show and live by the behavioral
Starting point is 00:02:05 health principles that John and his guests discuss. John can dissect complex topics, explains things in an easy to understand way, and interviews notable experts who dive deep into the specifics of health, neuroscience, and behavioral science topics. I tell everyone to listen to the podcast because it has helped me so much personally. Thanks for putting this information out into the world. Well, Jane, thank you so much for that incredible review, and we appreciate all of your ratings and reviews so much because they go such a long way in helping improve the popularity of the show its ratings, but more importantly, bringing more people into the community where we can provide weekly doses of inspiration,
Starting point is 00:02:45 hope, inaction, and meaning. Now let's talk about today's episode. 2022 has indeed been a year with its ups and its downs. The war in Ukraine had detrimental effects on the global economy as well as food and energy shortages. Climate change caused weather abnormalities, such as more significant storms, the outbreak of more robust fires, and abnormal, cold, and heat waves. Glitter-clown rest, social discourse, and many other difficulties have all impacted
Starting point is 00:03:13 the world. It's easy to feel adrift with all this going on around us. In fact, you wouldn't be normal if you didn't feel the consequences from all that's happened to us over the past year. However, despite these global challenges, this year has provided many opportunities to learn, grow, and become better individuals. It has allowed us to set new goals,
Starting point is 00:03:33 achieve new dreams, and reach new milestones in our journeys through life. Today's episode marks the final passion strike podcast for the year, and it is aimed at helping you finish the year strong. It's crucial as the new year draws near to finish the year strong so that you may continue your momentum into the new year and hit the ground running. Ending the year strong does not imply that you successfully achieved all your objectives
Starting point is 00:03:58 for the year. It means appreciating your progress during the year, understanding what work to give you the successes that you had, and what caused you your failures during the year, understanding what work to give you the successes that you had, and what caused you your failures and setbacks so you can learn the necessary lessons and gain the knowledge to do much better in the coming year. As leadership and personal Mastery expert Robin Sharma said, starting strong is good, finishing strong is epic. In this final episode of 2022, I will make a lot of references to some of the previous episodes that I have released this year to draw insight and remind you of the vital lessons that I shared throughout the year. And speaking of last year, at the beginning of 2022, I advised you that I
Starting point is 00:04:38 would tackle various challenging topics many people want to avoid addressing. I hope that I delivered on that promise, and that I provided you with actionable insights that you could put into intentional practice today, as well as in the future. By the end of this episode, I aim to have you well-equipped with adequate information to finish the year as strong as you can, and will provide you seven ways that will help you do so. Thank you for choosing PassionStruck and choosing me to be your host and guide on your journey to creating an intentional life. Now, let that journey begin. Every year of our lives is similar to a chapter in the book. The year 2022 marks the end of one chapter and the beginning of another.
Starting point is 00:05:25 Finishing the Year Strong will allow us to learn all the essential lessons from it and accept that the Year is about to end. Additionally, it will give us the confidence, hope, and strength to tackle the upcoming year, improving our chances of succeeding in our goals. For some people, finishing the year strong might involve wrapping up work or meeting personal goals, such as exercising regularly or saving money. For others, it might include taking care of tasks that have been put off, prioritizing self-care, or it could be simply relaxation. The key to finishing the year strong is to identify what is most
Starting point is 00:06:00 important to you and make the most of the remaining time by focusing on these priorities. This might involve setting specific goals, creating a plan of action, and finding ways to stay motivated and on track. In the words of Gary Ryan Blair, the perfect ending to any day, race, task, or project is to finish strong. Achieving your goals and finishing the year strong can give you a sense of accomplishment as well as boost your confidence. This can help you feel more motivated and capable of achieving your goals in the future and can set you up for success in the new year. Now that you know how important it is that you finish strong, here are seven steps to finishing 2022 that will help prepare you to make 2023 your best year yet. The first is to reflect on your past year.
Starting point is 00:06:46 There are many ways to review and reflect on the past year, and your approach will depend on your personal goals as well as your priorities. Here are a few suggestions for ways to review and reflect on the past year. Make a list of the key accomplishments and events from the last year. This could include personal achievements,
Starting point is 00:07:03 career milestones, and significant events in your life. Use what you have learned and accomplished in the past year to set for the coming year. Be specific about your goals and consider what you want to focus on and what you need to do to achieve your goal. Reflect on what you've learned from the past year and how you have grown. Think about any challenges you have faced, how you overcame them, and any new skills or knowledge that you acquired. Doing so will help you to understand if it is time to abandon a particular course, which I covered in Death, an episode 226, on Knowing One to Quit, because sometimes you must quit your current path to focus your time and energy on plotting a new and better one. Reflecting will help you recognize the factors that affect your growth and ability to achieve your goals
Starting point is 00:07:47 as I discussed in episode 102 on how your environment influences who you become. It's important to remember that reflection is a personal process and there's no one size fits all approach. What works for one person simply might not work for another. So it's essential to find a strategy that works for you and that feels meaningful and helpful. Second, change your perception. In episode 193, I discussed the importance of changing your perception and how your perception
Starting point is 00:08:16 impacts how you view, comprehend, analyze, reflect, and interact with the world around you. I further explain the steps to create an intentional mindset that will help you better your reality. Changing your perception can help you finish the year strong in several ways. First, it can help you see things in a different light and find new ways to approach challenges or setbacks. You may see things differently when you change your perspective and develop new strategies or solutions. As I covered in episode 139 on how you become what you think about, second, changing your perception can help you stay motivated and focused. Seeing things in a more positive or hopeful light can give you the energy and determination
Starting point is 00:08:56 to keep going and work towards your goals. Finally, changing your perception can help you to become more resilient and adaptable. When you shift your perspective and see things differently, you are better able to handle changes and setbacks that come your way. This can be especially helpful in times of uncertainty like we went through in 2022 or when things simply don't go as planned. Thus, with a positive belief and perspective, you can get the best of any situation and become better for it.
Starting point is 00:09:23 You will be able to recognize opportunities, see challenges before they arrive, and overcome adversity. By doing so, you will be filled with strength as you near your end. Third, reevaluate your relationships. Reflecting on your relationships can help you to identify what is most important to you in your relationships,
Starting point is 00:09:41 as well as how you want to prioritize them. This can help you understand how to allocate your time and your energy in the coming year. Consider the relationships that you have had in the past year and how they have impacted your life. Think about any changes that you want to make in your relationships or any new connections that you may want to nurture in the coming year. Forgive those who have offended you as I discussed in episode 208 on the power of forgiveness. Reflecting on your relationships can help you appreciate the people in your life, as well as make you feel more connected and fulfilled. This can be especially helpful during times of uncertainty
Starting point is 00:10:14 or stress, as solid relationships can provide a sense of support and belonging. But don't only pay attention to the relationships with others, while neglecting the one with yourself. As I discussed an episode 110 on strengthening your relationship with your best self, this is the most important relationship that you can have and is the one true constant in your life. As I shared an episode 133, you will gain all the necessary benefits that make living wholesome, fulfilling and impactful by learning to love and accept yourself unconditionally. Fourth, clear out clutter.
Starting point is 00:10:50 Decluttering your life can help you feel more organized, focused, and at ease. Here are some steps that you can take to declutter both mentally and physically. We frequently keep items in our life that we should let go of either literally or psychologically. And doing so takes up room that could be used for more important things. Try not to purge everything at once. Work your way up to larger spaces by starting small, such as a desk or closet. It here to the one-in, one-out principle. Get rid of something you no longer use or need for every new item that you bring into your
Starting point is 00:11:22 home. This will lessen the chance of clutter building up. Decide what you wish to keep, if to charity, or discard after you go through your belongings. Be truthful with yourself about your needs and your usage. As you round off this year, refrain from carrying negative emotional baggage as you go into the new year, take some time to reflect on how you're feeling, and try to label your emotions as I discussed in episode 142 on why to emotionally heal you must feel. Pay attention to the present moment and let go of distracting thoughts or worries. This can help you declutter your mind and stay focused on what's important.
Starting point is 00:11:59 You can feel more anchored and focused by taking care of your emotional as well as your physical well-being. Make time for things like exercise, meditation, or hobbies that are good for your body, mind, and spirit. Finally, decide what you will say no to, to avoid adding new clutters after clearing up the old ones. This will help you to prioritize your activities, as well as accelerate your effectiveness in reaching new goals.
Starting point is 00:12:23 Fifth, create a plan for the coming year. Benjamin Franklin said, if you fail the plan, you are planning to fail. A significant aspect of finishing the year strong is planning to live better in the coming one. Creating a plan for the upcoming year is crucial because it helps you set goals, stay organized, and succeed.
Starting point is 00:12:41 A plan can provide a clear roadmap for your actions, helping you stay focused and motivated as you work towards your goal. It can also help you stay on track and make the most of your time and resources. Ensure that you make intentional plans for your finances, career growth, spirituality, well-being, and every other aspect of your life. This will help you to live a balance lifestyle as I discussed in episode 124 and being your best form every day. Life is unpredictable, and things sometimes go differently than planned.
Starting point is 00:13:11 With a plan in place, you can be prepared to adjust your course of action as needed and stay focused on your goals. Be realistic in your planning. This will help you to know your resources, how to best put them into practical use, and the timeframe that you need to accomplish your goals. Overall, creating a plan for the upcoming year is essential in achieving your goals and living a more fulfilling and meaningful life.
Starting point is 00:13:32 It can help you stay organized, focused, and motivated as you work towards your dreams and aspirations. Six, act on your plan by creating healthy habits. Keep in mind that plans without actions are just that. Plans. You can think, strategize, visualize, and talk all you want, but everything will stay the same if you fail to take conscious action. Thus, creating habits to implement your plans is essential
Starting point is 00:13:58 to achieving your goals. Here are some steps that you can take to develop habits that will help you put your plans into action. Start small. Habits are easier to form when you start with small, manageable goals. For example, if your goal is to exercise regularly, you might start by committing to a 10 minute walk every day. Make it specific. The more specific your goal, the easier it will be to turn it into a habit.
Starting point is 00:14:22 For example, instead of saying you want to eat healthier, specify what you want to do. For example, eating a serving of vegetables with every meal. Make it consistent. Habits are easier to form when you do them at the same time in place daily. Choose a specific time and place to work on your habit and stick to it as consistently as possible. Find a trigger.
Starting point is 00:14:41 A trigger is something that prompts you to take action. For example, if your habit is exercise, you might set your workout clothes out the night before. As a trigger to remind you to exercise in the morning, be patient. It takes time to form new habits. So be patient with yourself and keep going even if you don't see progress immediately. Keep track of your progress with a journal and celebrate small victories along the way. Seek support, having someone to hold you accountable and support you as you work on building up your habit and be so helpful. This might be a friend, a colleague, your partner, or a mentor. As I mentioned in episode 108 on
Starting point is 00:15:15 Creating Healthy Habits, remember that Creating Habits takes time and effort. Still, with patience and persistence, you can turn your plans into action and progress towards your goals. 7. Give and Show Empathy In episode 118, I mentioned that empathy allows us to show kindness to others, making the world around us a better place, and allowing us to become intentional in our actions. Giving and showing empathy can help you achieve your plans for the next year in many ways. It can help you achieve your plans for the next year in many ways. It can help you improve your relationships. Showing empathy towards others can help strengthen your relationships and improve communication.
Starting point is 00:15:51 This can be particularly helpful if you work on a team or collaborate with others to achieve your goals like most of us do. It can increase your understanding by showing empathy you can gain a deeper understanding of others' perspectives which can help you better collaborate and work towards your goals. Enthesia-enthesia-enthesia-enthesia-enthesia-enthesia-enthesia-enthesia-enthesia-enthesia-enthesia-enthesia-enthesia-enthesia-enthesia-enthesia-enthesia-enthesia-enthesia-enthesia-enthesia-enthesia-enthesia-enthesia-enthesia-enthesia-enthesia-enthesia-enthesia-enthesia-enthesia-enthesia-enthesia-enthesia-enthesia-enthesia-enthesia-enthesia-enthesia-enthesia-enthesia-enthesia-enthesia-enthesia-enthesia-enthesia-enthesia-enthesia-enthesia-enthesia-enthesia-enthesia-enthesia-enthesia-enthesia-enthesia-enthesia-enthesia-enthesia-enthesia-enthesia-enthesia-enthesia-enthesia-enthesia-enthesia-enthesia-enthesia-enthesia-enthesia-enthesia-enthesia-enthesia-enthesia-enthesia-enthesia-enthesia-enthesia-enthesia-enthesia-enthesia-enthesia-enthesia-enthesia-enthesia-enthesia-enthesia-enthesia-enthesia to others' emotions, which can improve your emotional intelligence and help you to better navigate and manage your own emotions. Overall, showing empathy can help you achieve your plans for the next year by improving your relationships, understanding, influence, and emotional intelligence. It is an essential skill that can help you achieve your goals more effectively and successfully, especially during this holiday season, express the true spirit of the holidays.
Starting point is 00:16:45 By giving your time and resources to those in need, when you help someone else, their hearts will bless you, and you will become a much better person inside. Ultimately, your kind acts will help you finish the year on a solid note, so I covered a lot in those different steps. So let's summarize how you can remain passion struck on your journey into 2023. As we wrap up the year 2022, I hope that you will consistently practice all the lessons that I shared with you during this past year. Utilize the regenerative power of gratitude as I discussed in episode 220.
Starting point is 00:17:16 Be bold and confident. Don't let last year's failures prevent you from accomplishing more in the coming year and aspiring to become the future self that you desire. As I discussed in episode 148 on why life is about the journey and not the destination, you have to pay attention to what you are doing in each moment of your day. Our lives are in constant flux. The world is changing around us with new challenges and opportunities that present themselves
Starting point is 00:17:43 all the time. This means that we are always in motion and our goals and priorities may change whether we want them to or not. During 2022, you likely face challenges, made mistakes, potentially lost loved ones, and grew from your experiences. These experiences shape who you are and help you to learn and grow. You have the power to choose how you approach them. As I discussed in episode 145 on why your microchoises determine your life, stay passionate about living your best life to gain and sustain momentum in the year to come.
Starting point is 00:18:16 As CS Lewis said, you can't go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and you can change the end. Remember that each and every moment is crucial and use your time intentionally now and in the upcoming year. Ultimately, life is a balance between focusing on the destination and enjoying the journey. It's essential to have your goals and aspirations, but it's also important to stay present and enjoy the moments as they come and learn and grow from
Starting point is 00:18:43 experiences that you have along the way. So go on, finish strong and live life passion struck. I hope that you all enjoyed that show. I wanted to thank everyone who wrote in this week and of course everybody who listened. Thank you all so much and thank you for joining us throughout 2022. A link to the transcript will be in the show notes. Videos are on YouTube at JohnRMiles, or you can find them on my new clips channel at PassionStruck Clips. Avertiser deals and discount codes are in one convenient place at slash deals.
Starting point is 00:19:13 Please consider supporting those who support the show. I'm at JohnRMiles, both on Twitter and Instagram, and you can also find me on LinkedIn. You're about to hear a preview of the PassionStruck podcast interview I did with Dr. Benjamin Hardy, who is an organizational psychologist and is the world's leading expert on the psychology of entrepreneurial leadership and exponential growth.
Starting point is 00:19:32 And we discuss his latest two books, be your future self now and the gap and the gain. And so we're actually being driven by our goals. And so then it forces you to ask yourself, what are the things that I've either consciously or unconsciously committed myself to, and what would happen if I changed my perspective and my commitments to the future so that now my whole life is being driven by something else? It's very interesting. And obviously our view of our past can dictate which goals we set. Remember, we rise by lifting others. So share the show with those that you love. And if you found
Starting point is 00:20:03 today's episode useful, please share it with somebody who could use the advice that I gave here today. In the meantime, do your best to apply what you hear on the show so that you can live what you listen. you

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