Passion Struck with John R. Miles - Fuel Your Success With the New Currency of Passion w/John R. Miles EP 295

Episode Date: May 19, 2023

Passion is the new currency, and John R. Miles explores its transformative power in this episode of Passion Struck. From the stories of Maya Angelou to Sarah Blakely, discover how passion can fuel suc...cess, innovation, and personal fulfillment. Learn how passion ignites innovation, drives success, and brings unparalleled resilience. Embark on a journey to discover the transformative power of passion and unlock the path to personal growth and lasting happiness. And in case you didn't already know it, John R. Miles (@John_R_Miles) takes your comments and questions for Momentum Friday right here every week! If you want him to answer your question, register your feedback, or tell your story on one of our upcoming weekly Momentum Friday episodes, drop us a line at Now let's dive in! Full show notes and resources can be found here:  Why Passion is the New Currency of Success and Fulfillment In this episode, you will learn to:  Realize the vital importance of passion as the key to achieving your goals and finding true fulfillment. Discover how passion acts as the fuel that drives creative thinking, resilient problem-solving, and cutting-edge innovation. Delve into the relationship between passion and deep-seated motivation for unstoppable progress. Absorb practical tips for identifying and chasing your passions in both personal and professional life. Experience the life-changing potential of passionate dedication for personal growth and contentment. Have any questions, comments, or stories you'd like to share with us? Drop us a line at! Brought to you by Fabric. Go to Apply today in just 10 minutes at Brought to you by Hello Fresh. Use code passionstruck16 to get 16 free meals, plus free shipping!” Brought to you by Indeed. Head to, where you can receive a $75 credit to attract, interview, and hire in one place. Like this show? Please leave us a review here -- even one sentence helps! Consider including your Twitter or Instagram handle so we can thank you personally! Connect with John on Twitter at @John_RMiles and on Instagram at @john_R_Miles. Prefer to watch this episode:  Subscribe to our main YouTube Channel Here: Subscribe to our YouTube Clips Channel: Want to find your purpose in life? I provide my six simple steps to achieving it - Want to hear my best interviews from 2022? Check out episode 233 on intentional greatness and episode 234 on intentional behavior change. Learn more about John:  Passion Struck is now on the AMFM247 broadcasting network every Monday and Friday from 5–6 PM. Step 1: Go to TuneIn, Apple Music (or any other app, mobile or computer) Step 2: Search for “AMFM247” Network

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Coming up next, on Passion Struck, Passion is a term that's thrown around, like confetti at a parade, but its significance should not be underestimated. In essence, passion embodies an intense enthusiasm or longing for something. It ignites a burning desire within you, propelling you to pursue your dreams
Starting point is 00:00:20 with unwavering determination, whether it's launching your own business, heading a book or honing your culinary skills. Having passion means wholeheartedly committing to making your aspirations a reality. Welcome to PassionStruct. Hi, I'm your host, John Armeils, and on the show, we decipher the secrets, tips, and guidance of the world's most inspiring people, and turn their wisdom into practical advice for you and those
Starting point is 00:00:45 around you. Our mission is to help you unlock the power of intentionality so that you can become the best version of yourself. If you're new to the show, I offer advice and answer listener questions on Fridays. We have long-form interviews the rest of the week with guest-ranging from astronauts to authors, CEOs, creators, innovators, scientists, military leaders, visionaries, and athletes. Now let's go out there and become PassionStruck. Hello everyone and welcome back to Momentum Friday, an episode 295 of PassionStruck, ranked by Apple as one of the top 20 health podcasts. And thank you to each and every one of you come back weekly to listen and learn,
Starting point is 00:01:26 and to live better, be better, and impact the world. PassionStark is also now on syndicated radio, and you can listen on the AMFM 247 Network every Monday and Friday from 5 to 6pm. Links will be in the show-nubs. If you're new to the show, thank you so much for being here. Where you simply want to introduce this to a friend or family member, we now have episode starter packs, which are collections of our fans' favorite episodes that we organize into topics that give any new listener a great way to get acclimated to everything we do here on the show.
Starting point is 00:01:55 Either go to Spotify or as last starter packs to get started. In case you missed it, earlier this week I interviewed Dr. Marshall Goldsmith, who has been recognized as one of the top 10 business thinkers in the world, as well as being the number As you missed it, earlier this week, I interviewed Dr. Marshall Goldsmith, who has been recognized as one of the top 10 business thinkers in the world, as well as being the number one rated executive coach. We discuss his New York Times best-selling books, The Earned Life, Triggers, and What Got You Here Won't Get You There. I also interviewed Dr. Scott Lyons, a holistic psychologist, educator, and author.
Starting point is 00:02:23 As a renowned body-based trauma expert, Dr. of osteopathie and mind-body medicine specialist, Scott helps people to break free from cycles of pain, limited beliefs, and trauma. Scott is the author of the new book, Addicted to Drama, healing the dependency on crisis and chaos in yourself. Please check all those episodes out, and if you love any of them or today's, we would so appreciate it if you give us a 5 star rating and review all those go such a long way in improving our popularity But more importantly bringing more people into the passion struck community where we can teach them how to live a
Starting point is 00:02:55 Limitless life and give them hope meaning inspiration as well as human connection now Let's talk about today's episode which is a special one. It is my 100th Momentum Friday solo episode to think of it another way that is over 2200 hours of free coaching that I've given on personal mastery, leadership, mental health, longevity, and self-awareness. I decided for this 100th episode to do it on a topic that I thought was of extreme importance. So join me on an exhilarating expedition as we delve into the intricate maze of why passion is the new currency. Prepare to have your mind blown away as we unravel the secrets and insights that underpin
Starting point is 00:03:37 this emerging phenomenon. Together we will explore the multifaceted nature of passion and its profound impact on society. As we navigate through the labyrinth of ideas and perspectives, we will discover how passion has become the driving force behind success, fulfillment, and personal growth. From the creative arts to the business world, passion has emerged as a powerful currency that fuels innovation, purpose, and progress. Through real life examples in sightful research and practical guidance, we will uncover how passion
Starting point is 00:04:10 catalyzes growth, innovation, and resilience. We will explore how passion can shape our career choices, entrepreneurial endeavors, and personal relationships, allowing us to lead lives that are not only successful, but more importantly, deeply meaningful. So fasten your seat belts and get ready to embark on a mind-blowing adventure. Join me as we uncover the mysteries of passion and its significance in our rapidly evolving world. Are you ready to unlock the secrets of this new currency? Let's begin. Thank you for choosing
Starting point is 00:04:41 PassionStruck and choosing me to be your your hosting guide on your journey to creating an intentional life now. Let that journey begin. Passion is a word that gets thrown around like confetti at a New Year's Eve party. But why should you care about it? Simply put, passion is the fire in your belly that pushes you to chase after your dreams, with relentless determination and has always been a powerful force that drives human behavior. From the artists and the inventors of the Renaissance to the entrepreneurs and activists of the 21st century, passion has been the fuel that propels people to create, innovate, and achieve remarkable things. But in today's fast paced, hyper-connected world, passion has taken on a new role.
Starting point is 00:05:30 It has become the new currency of not only success, but also fulfillment. Gone are the days when success was only defined by material wealth, awards, or prestigious titles. Today, we are seeking deeper meaning and a sense of purpose in our endeavors. We realize that true wealth does not lie in accumulating possessions, but in pursuing our passions and the positive impact that they can create through our endeavors. Passion has transformed from a mirror emotion to a valuable currency that influences how we live, work, and relate to one another. It has become the guiding force that fuels ambitions, propels us forward to face our challenges and shapes our overall sense of well-being.
Starting point is 00:06:12 Moreover, people are recognizing that a life driven by passion holds the key to personal fulfillment, professional success, and genuine happiness. Having passion isn't just being obsessed with a hobby or an interest. It's about finding purpose in your pursuits. When you become passion struck, you are driven by a sense of meaning and significance
Starting point is 00:06:35 that goes beyond the superficial rewards of making money or gaining fame. So when we talk about passion as the new currency, we're really talking about investing in ourselves, our happiness, our growth, our fulfillment. This is what the passion economy is all about, an unprecedented opportunity to make money doing what you love. So how do you tap into your passion and make it the driving force in your life? First things first, get curious, Delve into unfamiliar activities. Attempt
Starting point is 00:07:05 a course or seminar and don't be scared to try something fresh. As author Carol Dweck puts it, passion is not something that falls from the sky. It needs to be cultivated. Next up, pay attention what makes you lose track of time. You know those moments when hours fly by like minutes? Because you're so engrossed in an activity? That's called flow, my friend, and it's a surefire sign that you've stumbled upon something worth pursuing passionately. Last but not least, trust yourself. Don't let fear hold you back from exploring new paths or taking risks. Remember Steve Jobs' famous words, have the courage to follow your heart
Starting point is 00:07:41 and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. So go on, dive headfirst into whatever satchy wo blaze and take advantage of the unprecedented opportunity in the passion economy. Remember, it is enthusiasm that is the impetus that propels us to reach for our aspirations and objectives, and it can be utilized as a potent instrument for personal development by understanding how passion is linked within trans-ic motivation. We can learn how to use this energy to create lasting change in our lives.
Starting point is 00:08:14 So let's examine passion as a powerful in driving force. Passion at its core is often driven by intrinsic motivation, a powerful driving force that stems from within oneself. It is the intense desire to engage in an activity purely for the sake of enjoyment, fulfillment, and personal satisfaction. This intrinsic motivation creates a deep sense of purpose, and propels individuals who immerse themselves wholeheartedly in their chosen pursuits. Consider the passionate storyteller, for instance,
Starting point is 00:08:43 a literary icon Maya Angelus passioned for writing and storytelling propelled her to become one of the most influential poets and authors of our time driven by an inner desire to uplift, inspire, and promote social change. Her words touched the hearts of millions worldwide. Angelus Passion transcended external recognition as well as financial gain, the act of expressing her truths through literature enriched her soul and left an indelible impact on humanity. Similarly, an entrepreneur building a business from scratch also exemplifies the power of passion, such as Sarah Blakely, the founder of Spanx. Blakely's passion for fashion and desired solve a common problem for women, let her
Starting point is 00:09:28 to create a brand that has become a household name. The challenges and obstacles that she met along the entrepreneurial journey were met with unwavering, determination, resilience driven by the intrinsic satisfaction of the process itself. Her unwavering commitment to her vision and willingness to take risks has made her a role model for aspiring entrepreneurs worldwide. Passion also extends its reach to areas of compassion and altruism. Take for instance Peter Singer, who I'll be interviewing next week, whose passion lies in the deep-seated belief in the equal moral consideration of all beings,
Starting point is 00:10:03 regardless of their species or social economic status, has fueled his lifelong commitment to creating a more compassionate and just society. Singer's work on animal liberation has been groundbreaking, challenging societal norms and sparking conversation about the ethical treatment of animals. His influential book Animal Liber Liberation, has become pivotal in the works of the animal rights movement, inspiring countless individuals to re-evaluate their relationships with animals and to make more ethical choices. In all these examples, passion serves as a powerful driving force that compel these individuals to align their pursuits
Starting point is 00:10:41 with their deepest values, desires, and intrinsic motivation. It brings a sense of purpose, joy, and fulfillment that goes beyond rewards such as money, status, or validation from others. Instead, they derive genuine pleasure and satisfaction from the very act of intentionally engaging with their passion. The activity becomes an extension of themselves, an integral part of their identity, and a source of purpose and meaning in their lives. The intrinsic motivation that lies at the core of passion is what sustains individuals through challenges, or pelling them forward on their chosen paths. The stories of Maya Angelou, Sarah Blakely, Peter Singer, and Countless Others, illuminate the path to fulfillment through passion. Their journeys demonstrate that when we whoheartedly embrace our intrinsic motivations, we open
Starting point is 00:11:29 doors to limitless possibilities. As the new currency, passion encourages us to prioritize personal fulfillment, pursue our dreams, and positively impact the world. Next, let's explore how we can re-evaluate our understanding of success by harnessing the transformative power of passion and how it can forge paths leading to lives of true abundance and purpose. Let's get real for a moment. The world doesn't owe you anything, and success isn't handed to you on a silver platter,
Starting point is 00:11:58 but when passion enters the equation, it can become your secret weapon in achieving greatness. So how exactly does passion contribute to success? Let's dive into some key factors. Mojalee checks out Mahahi, the father of flow theory found that people who are passionate about their work often enter into a state of flow where they become completely absorbed in what they're doing. This mental state allows them to perform at their peak and achieve extraordinary results. When you're passionate about something, it becomes easier to slip into this highly productive zone. In these moments, you are in perfect harmony with your passions, transcending the boundaries of the
Starting point is 00:12:36 mundane, and connecting with something greater than yourself. Passion also fuels persistence and resilience. Let's face it, success rarely comes without setbacks or obstacles along the way. Just ask any successful person who has faced failure. However, those driven by passion have an innate ability to bounce back from adversity because their love for what they do keeps them going even through very difficult times. In other words, passion acts as a fuel of persistence and resilience, two essential ingredients for long-term success. Passion also inspires innovation and curiosity. The most successful individuals aren't content with sticking to the status quo. Instead,
Starting point is 00:13:15 they seek new ways of thinking about or approaching new problems. Passion is the driving force behind an innovative mindset, and it pushes people to explore new ideas, and to think outside the box. The result? Groundbreaking solutions that can propel you towards success. Passion is a compelling impetus that can bring about success and we should all strive to cultivate it. By understanding why passion is so contagious, we can further unlock its potential for our own personal growth and development. Have you ever noticed how it just seems like some people just light up a whole room when they walk in? They're the ones who exude enthusiasm and energy, making everyone around them feel more alive.
Starting point is 00:13:56 That's because passion, my friends, is contagious. The contagious nature of passion is undeniable, as it can easily stir up excitement in those around them. Studies have demonstrated that individuals who are more passionate, exude more charisma and appeal than those who are less enthusiastic, comparing someone who lacks enthusiasm to one who's eyes light up, while discussing their passion, it's clear why the latter is more engaging. Let's go through some reasons why. The first is the power of attraction.
Starting point is 00:14:26 People are naturally drawn to those who display a genuine passion for something. No matter what it is, a pastime, a career ambition, or a beloved sports team, when we witness someone displaying an intense enthusiasm and dedication to something, our interest is peaked, and we can't help but want to know more. Second, it inspires action. A passion a person often inspires others to take action themselves.
Starting point is 00:14:50 Whether this means pursuing one's dreams, or simply trying out new experiences, based on another individual's interests, being exposed to passion can ignite our own curiosity and drive us forward. It also helps us with fostering connections. In today's world, where networking plays such an important role and personal success or obs even claims it's the best way to find a job, being able to connect with others on an emotional level is crucial. Passionate individuals have the ability to create strong lasting relationships that can lead to valuable collaborations and opportunities. Passionate individuals are also a magnet for opportunities because their enthusiasm is contagious. People want to genuinely be around those who
Starting point is 00:15:31 are excited about what they do, making them more likely to form valuable connections and receive support from others in their network. These new opportunities further fuel motivation by providing additional avenues for growth and achievement. In short, passion is the lifeblood of motivation, an essential ingredient in the recipe of success. By embracing your passions wholeheartedly, you'll unlock untapped reserves of energy, creativity, resilience, and determination that will propel you towards your goals like never before. A fervent flame of enthusiasm lies within. Sparing on the ambition to achieve greatness, regardless of the difficulty. This powerful force is what drives people to push through obstacles and keep going even when the odds are stacked against them. Let's explore how
Starting point is 00:16:17 passion can lead to increased focus, creativity, and perseverance in our lives. To reach for success, having a clear goal or vision is necessary. However, passion plays an integral role in keeping us focused along the path to achieving it. Passion keeps us engaged and excited about the journey ahead when we're truly passionate about something, distractions fade away as we become more immersed in pursuing goals. Passion and individuals also tend to be more creative, constantly exploring new ideas and thinking outside the box. This innovative mindset allows them to find unique solutions to problems
Starting point is 00:16:53 or develop novel approaches that set them apart from their competition. By embracing passion-driven creativity, we open ourselves up to the endless possibilities of growth and achievement. So what are some of the characteristics of persistent and passionate people who pursue their goals? Passionate people have an incredible amount of grit. They don't give up easily when faced with challenges. Instead, they dig deep within themselves and tap into their inner reserves of strength and resilience to keep moving forward.
Starting point is 00:17:22 Passionate people know the power of endurance, pursuing a goal with passion, means being willing to put in the time and effort and energy required for success. This unwavering commitment helps passionate individuals endure even the most ruling of challenges along their path to achievement. Passionate people also practice adaptability. When obstacles arise, those fueled by passion are more likely to adapt and find new ways around them, rather than giving up or becoming discouraged. By leveraging their adaptability, passionate people can navigate through adversity while remaining dedicated to their
Starting point is 00:17:56 ambitions. Passion fuels the power of concentration, inventiveness, and endurance. It can be utilized to attain our ultimate capacity. With passion as a guiding light, we are able to find personal fulfillment and happiness that cannot be found elsewhere. A mid-a-society that prizes wealth and renown, it can become difficult to keep our sights on what truly is essential. Focusing on your passions can bring a sense of satisfaction and contentment that surpasses any monetary wealth or notoriety.
Starting point is 00:18:26 Studies have shown that people who pursue their passions tend to be happier and more satisfied with their lives. First, it improves mental health. When you're passionate about something, the journey becomes just as important as the destination. You enjoy every step along the way because it brings you closer to what truly lights that fire inside you. That sense of enjoyment makes even the most mundane of it brings you closer to what truly lights that fire inside you. That sense
Starting point is 00:18:45 of enjoyment makes even the most mundane of tasks meaningful, leading to increased motivation, productivity, and a sense of accomplishment, which can all have a positive impact on mental health. It also provides for a sense of purpose. Finding your passion gives life purpose. Beyond simply making money or achieving status symbols, it provides a deeper sense of meaning and direction, something that we all crave at our core. When we live with purpose, we experience greater satisfaction in our day-to-day lives, lower levels of stress, and decreased risk of depression and anxiety. Passion also helps us increase social connections, with others who share similar values or interests.
Starting point is 00:19:24 These social connections provide a support system that can contribute to greater emotional resilience and well-being. Research has shown that social connections are associated with longevity and a decreased risk of mortality. It also improves physical health, engaging in activities that are driven by passion, often involves physical exertion or active involvement. For instance, passionate individuals may participate in sports, artistic endeavors, or hobbies, all of which may require physical effort. Regular physical activity has been linked to various health benefits, including reduced risk of chronic conditions, improved cardiovascular health, better immune function, and enhanced longevity. It also fosters lifelong learning and cognitive stimulation.
Starting point is 00:20:06 Passion often involves a commitment to continuous learning and intellectual engagement, whether it's studying, pursuing creative endeavors, or engaging in personal interests. Passionate individuals actively stimulate their minds and embrace new challenges. This lifelong learning and cognitive stimulation have been associated with a lower risk of cognitive decline and age-related cognitive impairments, potentially contributing to a longer lifespan and health span. Overall, passion can improve mental health, creating a sense of purpose, promoting physical health, increasing social connections and fostering lifelong learning. By pursuing activities that bring joy and meaning,
Starting point is 00:20:45 individuals can enhance their well-being and increase their chances of living a long and meaningful life. To make passion the new currency, we must first understand what drives us and learn how to channel our passion into actionable steps. Arnasing our fervor into deeds can unlock the potency of concentration,
Starting point is 00:21:03 invention instead fastnessness that will assist us in attaining our aspirations. So this leads us to one of the most important questions. How can you make passion your new currency? Here are some steps that you can take to ignite your passion and turn it into a driving force in your life. First, discover what truly excites you. The first step in making passion your new currency is identifying
Starting point is 00:21:25 what genuinely ignites that fire within you. Spend time reflecting on your interests, hobbies, and dreams. Consider taking personality tests like the Myers-Briggs or exploring different career paths. Second, pursue mastery in your chosen field. Once you've identified your area of interest, commit yourself fully by seeking opportunities for growth and development. This could mean enrolling in courses or workshops, finding mentors who share similar passions, or simply dedicating time each day to honing your skills. Third, create goals that are aligned with your passions. Set specific objectives related to pursuing this newfound enthusiasm, whether they're short-term milestones or long-term visions of success, as these will help you keep the motivation high while providing directions
Starting point is 00:22:10 along the way. Fourth, nurture connections with like-minded individuals. Surround yourself with people who have similar passions and values, not only will their energy be contagious, but also they will provide invaluable support during challenging times. Attend networking events such as conferences, or join online communities dedicated to discussing topics relevant to your interests. Fifth, showcase your passions authentically. Share stories about why you're passionate, and let others see the genuine enthusiasm that
Starting point is 00:22:40 drives you. Share your enthusiasm through online posts, conversations with others, and even personal stories. 6. Embrace Challenges as Opportunities for Growth Understand that setbacks are inevitable when pursuing passion. View them as learning experiences rather than as roadblocks. Embracing a growth mindset will allow you to evolve and adapt in the face of adversity. Making passion your currency is not an overnight process. Your requires dedication, persistence, as well as self-awareness. However, by taking these steps, to discover what truly excites you and committing yourself fully to its pursuit, you'll unlock
Starting point is 00:23:15 a level of personal fulfillment and happiness that transcends traditional measures of success. The passion economy presents an unprecedented opportunity for making money through creative work that you love. So go ahead and make passion, your new currency in life. As author Howard Thurman once said, don't ask what the world needs, ask what makes you come alive and go for it. So I've discussed a lot today.
Starting point is 00:23:39 So let me summarize why passion is the ultimate currency. In today's dynamic world, the concept of currency has evolved beyond traditional realms. It is measured in the currency of passion, which has emerged as a powerful force. It holds the key to unlocking your full potential and achieving unparalleled success. Passion fuels our journey towards greatness.
Starting point is 00:24:02 It ignites a fire within us, propelling us to new heights of focus, creativity, and unwavering perseverance. It is the secret ingredient that transforms ordinary tasks into extraordinary feats, driving us to surpass our own limitations and create remarkable outcomes. Yet passion is not solely about personal gain. It possesses an infectious energy that ripples outward, inspiring, and uplifting those around us. It has the power to ignite a spark within others, encouraging them to pursue their own passions, and tap into their undiscovered potential. In this way, passion becomes a catalyst for collective growth and transformation. To make passion
Starting point is 00:24:43 your new currency, the journey begins with introspection and self discovery. Find what truly excites you, what sets your soul ablaze with enthusiasm, embrace that spark of inspiration and cultivate it with unwavering dedication. Set goals that align with your passion and take deliberate action towards their achievement.
Starting point is 00:25:03 Remember, motivation is not something external. That can be imposed upon you. It stems from within. Let your passion be the driving force behind each step that you take. Embrace the challenges, setbacks, and victories that come your way. For they are all part of the exhilarating ride towards a limitless life steeped with purpose and fulfillment. Boundless opportunities await for those willing to put in the effort. The time for hesitation is over. Seize this moment and embark on the pursuit of your passions today. Embrace the endless possibilities that lie before you and let passion be the compass that guide you towards a life of true meaning and unbridled success.
Starting point is 00:25:43 Unlock the new currency, embrace your passion, redefine your destiny. I hope you enjoyed today's episode. Please use our website links if you purchase any of the books from the guests that we feature or authors that I name during the episodes. All proceeds go to supporting the show.
Starting point is 00:25:58 Advertiser deals and discount codes are in one convenient place at slash deals. Please consider supporting those who support the show. Videos are on YouTube at both JonR miles and also PassionStruck Clips. As I mentioned at the beginning of the episode, we are now on the AMFM247 broadcast network, Monday and Friday from 5 to 6 p.m. links will be in the show notes. You can find me on LinkedIn where you can send up from my newsletter or you can also find me at JonR miles on both Instagram and Twitter. You're about to hear a preview of the interview I did with Dr. Peter Singer, whom I mentioned earlier in this episode, dubbed the most influential philosopher alive by the New
Starting point is 00:26:32 Yorker magazine. Peter has co-authored, edited, or co-written, more than 50 books and 25 languages. In our interview, we discuss animal liberation now, which is an update to his famous book, Animal Liberation, which came out in 1975 and is often credited as starting the animal rights movement. The more difficult question, how can we change this? I think what it takes is a critical mass of people who are prepared to make that change. It takes the pioneers who are prepared to go out in the limb and challenge the conventional beliefs and views about what we're doing. And when you get enough of them, then there's safety in numbers.
Starting point is 00:27:11 People will find it more easy to join, whereas for the first few people to do that, it's really hard. And one of the positive things about the rise in vegan eating over the last 10 or 20 years is that I think we're getting closer to that critical mess. We're not quite there yet, but when I started in this thinking about animals, nobody knew what the word vegan meant. We remember we rise by lifting others, so share this show with those that you love. And if you found today's episode useful, then please share it with somebody who can use these words for inspiration, hope, and meaning. In the meantime, do your best to apply what
Starting point is 00:27:44 you hear on the show so that you can live what you listen. Until next time, live life, action, start. you

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