Passion Struck with John R. Miles - Harnessing Your Superpowers:10 Ways to Excel as a Multipotentialite w/John R. Miles EP 334

Episode Date: August 18, 2023

What if you could excel in multiple fields, pursue diverse passions, and live a fulfilling life? In this thought-provoking podcast episode, I explore the fascinating concept of being a multipotentiali...te. Remember the days when you were asked, "What do you want to be when you grow up?" Join us as we shatter the notion that a single answer defines your future. Meet the modern-day Renaissance souls who pursue an array of passions, crafting lives that are as diverse as they are fulfilling. Full show notes and resources can be found here:  Want to learn the 12 philosophies that the most successful people use to create a limitless life? Pre-order John R. Miles’s new book, Passion Struck, releasing on February 6, 2024. And in case you didn't already know it, John R. Miles (@John_R_Miles) takes your comments and questions for Momentum Friday right here every week! If you want him to answer your question, register your feedback, or tell your story on one of our upcoming weekly Momentum Friday episodes, drop us a line at Now let's dive in! Brought to you by OneSkin. Get 15% off OneSkin with our code [PassionStruck] at #oneskinpod. Brought to you by Netsuite by Oracle: Visit to defer payments of a FULL NetSuite implementation for six whole months. Brought to you by Lifeforce: Join me and thousands of others who have transformed their lives through Lifeforce's proactive and personalized approach to healthcare. Visit today to start your membership and receive an exclusive $200 off. Brought to you by Indeed: Claim your SEVENTY-FIVE DOLLAR CREDIT now at Indeed dot com slash PASSIONSTRUCK. Brought to you by Hello Fresh. Use code passion 50 to get 50% off plus free shipping!  Like this show? Please leave us a review here -- even one sentence helps! Consider including your Twitter or Instagram handle so we can thank you personally! Connect with John on Twitter at @John_RMiles and on Instagram at @john_R_Miles. Prefer to watch this episode: Subscribe to our main YouTube Channel Here: Subscribe to our YouTube Clips Channel: Want to find your purpose in life? I provide my six simple steps to achieving it - Want to hear my best interviews from 2022? Check out episode 233 on intentional greatness and episode 234 on intentional behavior change. Learn more about John:  Passion Struck is now on the AMFM247 broadcasting network every Monday and Friday from 5–6 PM. Step 1: Go to TuneIn, Apple Music (or any other app, mobile or computer) Step 2: Search for “AMFM247” Network  

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Coming up next, Unpassionstruck. Navigating life as a multi-potentialite is a profound journey of self-discovery and empowerment. By embracing your unique identity, employing these strategies, you'll unlock the potential to excel in various fields, achieve unparalleled personal fulfillment, and become a guiding light in your own diverse journey. Welcome to Passionstruck.
Starting point is 00:00:21 Hi, I'm your host, John Armiles, and on the show, we decipher the secrets, tips, and guidance of the world's most inspiring people and turn their wisdom into practical advice for you and those around you. Our mission is to help you unlock the power of intentionality so that you can become the best version of yourself. If you're new to the show, I offer advice and answer listener questions on Fridays. We have long-form interviews the rest of the week with guest-ranging from astronauts to authors, CEOs, creators, innovators, scientists, military leaders, visionaries, and
Starting point is 00:00:58 athletes. Now, let's go out there and become Passion Struck. Hello everyone and welcome back to Momentum Friday in episode 334 of Passion Struck. Consistently ranked by Apple is one of the top 10 health podcasts and the number one alternative health podcasts. And thank you to each and every one of you who come back weekly. Listen and learn, how to live better, be better and impact the world. Passion Struck is now in syndicated radio
Starting point is 00:01:20 on the Brushwood Media Network where you can tune in on your evening commute. Monday and Friday from 5 to 6 p.m. Eastern Time, links will be in the show notes. If you're new to the show, thank you so much for being here, or you simply want to introduce this to a friend or family member, we now have episodes starter packs, which are collections of our fans favorite episodes that we organize into different convenient topics that give any new listener a great way to get acclimated to everything we do here on the show, either go to Spotify or slash starter packs to get started. In case you missed it, earlier this week I had two great interviews. The first was with Rebecca
Starting point is 00:01:54 Rosen, who's a psychic medium and the author of the new book What Is Heaven. Rebecca serves as a mediator between two realms. The physical world which entails everyday problems in the spiritual world where she has gained insight revealing that everyone is born with a unique mission and it is our responsibility to fulfill it in this earth school I also interviewed Jason Harris a co-founder of Mechanism, which is a leading advertising agency Jason has become a beacon of soulful persuasion showing us that anyone can become a true artist in their own right, we discuss his brand new book, The Soulful Art of Persuasion. Please check them all out and I wanted to say thank you so much for your ratings and
Starting point is 00:02:32 reviews and if you liked any of those two episodes or today's solo episode, we would so appreciate you giving us a 5 star rating review, which goes such a long way into bringing more people into the passion start community. I know that we and our guests love to hear comments from our listeners, and we also like to hear comments about other types of guests she would like to hear on the show or topics that you would like to hear me talk about in these solo episodes. Now, let's talk about today's Momentum Friday episode. Remember, if the age-old question, what do you want to be when you grow up, it's a query
Starting point is 00:03:02 that we've all encountered, hating a picture of a singular path leading to a defined profession. It could be an engineer, a doctor, a pilot, a firefighter. But what if your aspirations span beyond the solitary career? What if you dreamed of becoming an engineer, an artist, a musician, and more? The reality is that life isn't always neatly confined with single track. Enter the world of the multi-potentialite, those who, as they mature, find themselves drawn to a constellation of passions, eager to explore each one. This modern breed defies the norm, driven by curiosity in a thirst or diverse experiences,
Starting point is 00:03:38 from the anigmatic genius of Leonardo da Vinci. With the trailblazing spirit of male angel of, and others like Richard Branson. These luminaries have shattered the notion that a singular path defines success, yet embracing a multi-potentialite nature as its challenges. Balancing numerous interests requires finesse, and our finite time on the earth presents its own unique challenges. But fear not, or within these challenges lies opportunities. In this episode, we're delving deep into the world
Starting point is 00:04:06 of becoming multi-potentialite and valing its essence, helping you uncover your own multi-potentialite identity and illuminating the hurdles that are often faced. Join me on a journey to decode the art of managing multiple passions. I'll equip you with pragmatic strategies, guiding you towards harmony amongst your various callings. Our destination, a life that is not only successful, but profoundly fulfilling.
Starting point is 00:04:29 Our voyage begins with a captivating exploration of the life of Leonardo da Vinci, the quintessential multi-potentialite and polymath who embodies the boundless possibilities of embracing all that you are. Get ready to reshape your perspective, harness your passions, and craft craft a life that celebrates the intricate beautiful tapestry of your talents. This is more than a podcast episode. It's your roadmap to mastering life as a multi-potential light. Thank you for choosing Passion Struct and choosing me to be your host and guide and your journey to creating an intentional life. Now, let that journey begin. Now let that journey begin. Leonardo da Vinci, born on April 15th, 1452, in Tuscany, Italy, embodied the quintessential
Starting point is 00:05:13 essence of being a multi-potentialite, a term that aptly describes his diverse and expansive pursuits. Throughout his 67 years, Da Vinci dawned a multitude of hats, painter, draftsman, engineer, scientist, theorist, sculptor, and architect. Each role, a testament to his insatiable curiosity and versatility. Formal education remained beyond his grasp, limited to reading, writing, and basic math, yet his innate artistic talent couldn't be overlooked, leading his father to place him under the apprenticeship of the accomplished artist, Andrea del Viroquio.
Starting point is 00:05:48 This association spanning a decade saw DaVinci honing his painting in sculpting skills, while imbiting the mechanical arts under Varatio's guidance. DaVinci's journey into multi-potentiality really blossomed for his self-driven learning. His secret notebooks became repositories of his diverse genius, housing sketches, musings, and discoveries across a myriad of subjects. From anatomical insight and astronomical ponderings, and maps, art theories, and musings on flight, his thirst for knowledge transcended traditional boundaries. In these pages, Da Vinci's true, multi-potentiality emerged.
Starting point is 00:06:24 His ideas span far beyond his time, envisioning inventions like the bicycle. boundaries. In these pages, Da Vinci's true, multi-potentiality emerged, his ideas spanned far beyond his time, envisioning inventions like the bicycle, helicopter, as well as the airplane, manifestations of his profound understanding of mechanics, and flight derived from his meticulous observations of nature. While Da Vinci's legacy is celebrated, his pursuit of so many paths also presented challenges. His wide-ranging passions often led to incomplete projects, yet his indomitable spirit is willingness to immerse himself in every facet of life's wonders and his ability to bridge different disciplines defines his multi-potentialite nature. Leonardo Da Vinci's life embodies the essence of a multi-potentialite, a relentless explorer,
Starting point is 00:07:04 a visionary inventor, a visionary inventor, a curious artist, and an internal learner. His legacy is a testament to the boundless potential that blooms when one embraces diverse passions and strives to unlock the secrets of the universe from every angle possible. But before we continue, I think it's important for us to go through some terms that people often confuse. Let's clarify the relationship between multi-potentialite, polymath, and renaissance man. While these terms are often used interchangeably, there are often nuanced differences in their historical connotations and context. A multi-potentialite is a person who has a wide range of interests and pursues multiple passions over their lifetime. They thrive on learning and exploring
Starting point is 00:07:45 various fields, often becoming proficient in more than just one area. The term emphasizes their ability to excel in different domains and their tendency to resist being confined to a single specialization. A polymath, on the other hand, is an individual with deep knowledge and expertise in multiple areas of study, often across multiple academic disciplines. Olimas are known for their intellectual breath and the ability to make connections between seemingly unrelated fields. The term has historical connotations and has been used to describe figures, likely on our DaVinci who excelled in both art and sciences.
Starting point is 00:08:20 The term Renaissance Man originates from the Renaissance period, which occurred during the 14th to 17th century, and refers to individuals who embodied the spirit of that time, a period of great cultural and intellectual flourishing. Renaissance men were often well-versed in various fields, such as art, science, philosophy, and literature. They embraced humanism, valuing education, curiosity, and a well-rounded approach to life. In essence, all three terms describe individuals who possess diverse talents and interest beyond a single specialized field. The main differences lie in their historical context and the degree of the expertise implied.
Starting point is 00:08:58 A Renaissance man is typically associated with the Renaissance era and a broader spectrum of expertise. While Polymath is a term used throughout history to describe those with interest in multiple disciplines, multi-potentialite is more of a modern term that emphasizes a wide range of interest and talents. Despite the nuances, all three concepts celebrate the multidimensional nature of human potential and the power of embracing various pursuits. Having clarified this distinction, let's delve into the intricacies of what it means to truly be a multi-potentialite, and discern whether you fall into this category.
Starting point is 00:09:33 If you've been following closely since the onset, you might be sensing a strong resonance with the idea of being a multi-potentialite, but let's cast aside any uncertainty. Let's delve into the defining characteristics that define multi-potentialite, cementing your connection to this dynamic identity, reflect on these questions. Is curiosity a driving force in my life? Are my interests notably diverse in nature? Do I thrive on juggling multiple projects at once? Does the acquisition of new skills bring me deep satisfaction? Do I effortlessly absorb new skills at an accelerated pace? Is there a pattern of waning interest in my projects or hobbies?
Starting point is 00:10:11 Do I find it challenging to encapsulate myself with a single answer to what do you do? Should your response to these questions affirmatively resonate with you, and it's quite evident that you identify as a multi-potentialite? And that's important because multi-potentialites possess a set of unique qualities that can be considered their superpowers. These strengths arise from their diverse interest and abilities, allowing them to excel in various aspects of life. Here, are some of the superpowers of multi-potentialite adaptability, driving in various environments,
Starting point is 00:10:43 multi-potentialites excel at adapting to new challenges and opportunities. Rapid learning, they quickly acquire new skills and information across diverse domains, becoming proficient faster. Innovation, bridging ideas from different fields, they spark creativity and offer innovative solutions. Versatility, with diverse skills, they can easily take on different roles, and tasks contributing to both effectively. Embracing change, comfortable with uncertainty, they thrive in dynamic environments and transitions, problem solving, viewing problems for multiple angles, they find creative solutions others may miss, holistic understanding, connecting seemingly
Starting point is 00:11:23 unrelated concepts, they grasp the bigger picture. Effective communication. Bridging different disciplines, they communicate complex ideas with diverse audiences. Resourcefulness. Brong from varied experiences, they find inventive solutions to challenges.
Starting point is 00:11:38 Lifelong learning. Their curiosity drives continual learning, keeping them updated across different fields, networking. Interacting with diverse groups, they build broad networks, Her curiosity drives continual learning, keeping them updated across different fields, networking, interacting with diverse groups, they build broad networks, creating unique opportunities. Unconventional success paths, they redefine success by combining skills in innovative ways and finally resilience, navigating challenges across domains, a handle setbacks and adapt
Starting point is 00:12:02 to new situations. According to the World Economic Forum, all these traits and skills are pivotal in today's job landscape and are equally vital for the future. Leveraging these superpowers, multi-potentialites serve a filling and impactful pass by embracing their diverse abilities. Now, let's discuss multi-potentialites as jacks of all trades.
Starting point is 00:12:23 The phrase jack of all trades master of none has long characterized individuals who explore various skills without achieving expertise in one field. Originally it held both praise and caution. While historically it celebrated those adept at integrating diverse skills. It also hinted at a lack of specialization. Today, the dynamic has shifted. Jack Chapman, a managing partner at Alpha Bridge Partners, captures this transformation aptly.
Starting point is 00:12:49 Fields are converging and new fields are born. Jacks of all trades can see patterns, connections, and interdependencies that specialists might miss. They're equipped to navigate change, rescale, and guide organizations to thrive. Forbes echoes this sentiment, firming at being a jack of all trades, isn't merely advantageous. It's a necessity, especially for startups and small businesses.
Starting point is 00:13:12 Enter multi-potentialites, their ability to juggle diverse projects, responsibilities, and challenges, makes them potent assets for growth. In essence, being a multi-potentialite is a quality to embrace and hold in high regard. Yet, there is more to this narrative. Being a multi-potentialite also brings with it its own set of challenges. As Kristen Wong incitfully notes, doing everything sounds lovely, until you remember you only have so much time in the week, whether propelled by passion, financial aspirations, or both, juggling and array of projects, poses, or formidable challenge, one that extends beyond the bounds of time itself.
Starting point is 00:13:49 Within the landscape of multi-potentiality, lies challenges that demand recognition. The first is navigating career ambiguity. Prioritizing one career path amidst a myriad of choices can prove perplexing, a perceived lack of focus. Others may misconstrue varied interests a perceived lack of focus others may misconstrue varied interests as a lack of seriousness or discipline. Decisiveness dilemmas struggle to commit to specific vocations, can breed indecisiveness, productivity and focus battles, underestimating project demands, and grappling with distraction
Starting point is 00:14:20 amid diverse pursuits, mental well-being struggles, pressures, self-doubt, and veering from societal denorns, an impact mental health, societal navigations, in a specialized world that pursuits diversified roles, and be met with societal hurdles. However, although these challenges are formidable, they are not insurmountable. They shouldn't deter you from embracing the rich life of a multi-potentialite. Armed with strategic approaches in the right mindset, you have the potential to overcome obstacles. In Forge of Path, that is not only fulfilling, but uniquely yours. Your diverse skill set, creative instincts, and adaptability are your arsenal
Starting point is 00:14:57 for navigating these challenges, for pelling you towards a future defined by the harmonious convergence of your multifaceted passions. So now I'm going to give you 10 strategies for mastering life as a multi-potentialite. A multi-potentialite's life, while marked by its own distinctive challenges, is entirely comparable. By adopting intentionality and embracing these 10 pivotal strategies, you can effectively harness your multi-potentialite essence and cultivate a harmonious, thriving existence.
Starting point is 00:15:26 The first is to believe in yourself. Packling self-doubt head-on is crucial. With a multitude of interest and potential paths can still unwaver in confidence in your ability to excel across domains. This self-belief will serve as the foundation for your journey. Second, define your vision of success. Chart your course by identifying what truly brings you joy and envisioning the life that you desire.
Starting point is 00:15:50 What activities bring you joy? What type of life would you like to have in the future? Under on these personal questions, you firmly believe that the life that you desire can become a reality. It is from this belief that you will gain the necessary strength to pursue your multiple interests and commit to living of a filling life. Third, harness the value of time. Given the constraints of time and the multitude of tasks at hand, you must be deliberate in
Starting point is 00:16:13 managing your time. In a previous Momentum Friday episode, number 184, I talked extensively about the value of time, trying instinct from stoic philosophy. In it, I tackled how you determine what your time is worth and how you use that information to spend your time more effectively. Don't just focus on the hours within each day, but the meaning and worthiness of what it's being spent on. Orthom struct a solid framework, a fundamental aspect of a deadly managing life as a multi-potentialite involves creating a strong foundational structure. This structure provides the scaffolding
Starting point is 00:16:46 that's needed to engage in your diverse interests while maintaining equilibrium in your life, began by crafting a meticulously defined routine that accommodates your array of passions, and structure your routine with deliberate intention, allocating specific blocks of time to each interest. Within these dedicated slots, set clear objectives that guide you towards your endeavors.
Starting point is 00:17:06 Fifth, prioritize and set boundaries, strategically prioritizing tasks and orchestrating activities in order of significance unfolds a roadmap at steers your efforts towards their most impactful endeavors. This orchestrated clarity serves as a fortress against scattering energies on lesser pursuits, ensuring that your time and resources surge into domains that hold genuine significance. In parallel, the establishment of boundaries emerges as a resilient shield against distractions. This formidable defense
Starting point is 00:17:38 bolsters your commitment to priorities, propelling you towards your myriad of goals, while safeguarding your finite resources of time and energy. 6. Embrace Focus and Discipline. Your reservoir of ideas necessitates focus and discipline for execution. Thus, it becomes imperative to anchor yourself to your set goals and cultivate an unwavering commitment to their attainment. Many of your pursuits demand steadfast willpower. It is through this prism of focus and discipline that you'll bridge the gap, transforming aspirations into impactful outcomes. As you tread this path, remember that your tenacity is the catalyst that converts potential to profound results.
Starting point is 00:18:18 7. Leverage your inherent strengths. As a multi-potentialite, you possess distinct strengths that provide you a competitive edge, capitalize on them, channelize your efforts into pinpointing these domains, where your performance effortlessly soars, and dedicate your time and energy and domains that align harmoniously with your natural inclinations, yielding outcomes that resonate with exceptional potency. Eighth, Arnus Habit Stacking. In a previous episode I did, number 325,
Starting point is 00:18:46 I delved into the transformative concept of habit stacking. Unveiling how existing habits serve as the bedrock are seamlessly integrating new ones into your life. Within this dynamic framework, I emphasize the potential of microhabits, illustrating their potency and the impact that they can wield by tethering these microhabits to routines you consistently
Starting point is 00:19:05 enact, you tap into the remarkable force of momentum. The strategy not only amplifies productivity, but also becomes a conduit for achieving more than you would ever thought was possible. 9. No When to Pivot in a previous Momentum Friday episode 226. I delved into the crucial art of recognizing the optimal moment to redirect your path. This insight empowers you to discern whether a trajectory no longer aligns with your aspirations, allowing you to channel your time and energy into forging a superior route. Remember that shifting your course is not an admission of defeat. It's a testament to your profound understanding of your potential.
Starting point is 00:19:40 Even when you have straight far from your intended direction, you retain the ability to halt, recalibrate, and journey towards paths that are in harmonious accord with your strengths. And finally, 10th, forge community connections. Establish network within a community of like-minded individuals. Here, the ability to express your multifaceted identity, thrives, having the way for growth, mutual learning, and unwavering support. In these shared spaces, you'll find the synergy, the leapfrog boundaries, and sculpt the life imbued with profound meaning.
Starting point is 00:20:09 Through these strategic approaches, you'll navigate the multifaceted challenges of a life as a multi-potentialite. By embracing your unique identity in employing these strategies, you'll unlock the potential to excel in various fields, achieved, unparalleled, personal fulfillment, and become a guiding light in your own diverse journey. And are captivating TED Talk, while some of us don't have one true calling. Emily Wattnick underscores society's vested interest in empowering multi-potentialites who embrace their authentic self, the increasing complex challenges of our world, the man, the ingenuity of unconventional thinkers. Who can unravel these intricacies.
Starting point is 00:20:46 This clarion call I am convinced is beginning to resonate within the fabric of society, within a world that often nudges us towards a singular path, embracing and acknowledging your multi-potentialite essence might feel daunting. The allure to yield and settle for a semblance of stability can be potent. Yet steadfastively, staying true to your essence is paramount. Every pursuit, every skill, every endeavor, contributes to your unique mosaic. No knowledge is ever lost. No venture is wasted.
Starting point is 00:21:15 Should specialization resonate is your true north, then hoheartedly pursue the path where your brilliant shines. However, for the multi-potentialites among us, I extend a fervent invitation, a holy, embraced, shared, diverse passion. In doing so, you carve a path to life enriched by authenticity, enjoy, a life the world yearns for. Armed with the insights garnered from today's episode, you stand poised for an invigorated journey. Charge forth, unfurl your potential, and seize life's offerings with unbridled zest. Embrace your multi-potential identity, or within its embrace,
Starting point is 00:21:49 lies the key to unlocking the resplendent anorama of your capabilities. I hope you enjoyed today's show and I wanted to thank everyone who wrote in this week, and especially those who listened to today's episode. Links to the transcript will be in the show notes. Videos are on both John Armiles and PassionStruck clips. As I mentioned at the beginning of the show, we are now on the Brushwood Media Network, where you can hear us on syndicated radio Monday and Friday from 5 to 6 p.m. Eastern time.
Starting point is 00:22:12 Links will be in the show notes. I also wanted to announce that my book PassionStruck is now available for preorder on Amazon. A link will be in the show notes. Everties or deals and discount codes are in one convenient place, a slash deals. I'm on LinkedIn where you can send up from a newsletter or you can also find me at John Armiles on all the other different social platforms. You're about to hear or preview the Passionstark podcast interview I did, Jennifer Perhani
Starting point is 00:22:35 Wallace, who is an award-winning journalist and social commentator covering parental and lifestyle trends. We discuss her new book, Never Enough, when achievement culture becomes toxic and what we can do about it. I will say the most surprising thing I found in the research was that when you have a child in distress, the number one intervention,
Starting point is 00:23:01 according to decades of resilience research, the number one intervention we should do is to make sure to protect the child is to make sure the primary caregivers who are most often the parents that their well-being, their mental health, their support system is intact because a child's resilience rests fundamentally on a parent's resilience and a parent's resilience rests fundamentally on a parent's resilience and a parent's resilience rests fundamentally on the depth and Nurtrains of their relationships. Remember that we rise by lifting others So share the show with those that you love and if you found today's episode on being a multi-potentialite useful and please share it with
Starting point is 00:23:43 Those who could use the advice that I gave on today's show. In the meantime, do your best to apply what you're on the show so that you can live what you listen. Until next time, go out there and become Ash Elstrak. you

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