Passion Struck with John R. Miles - How to Implement Your Bucket List w/ Trav Bell ”The Bucket List Guy” EP 44

Episode Date: July 13, 2021

Are you living the life you want to live? Creating your bucket list can be one of the most important things you can do to provide a roadmap for life. Like this? Please subscribe, and join me on my new... platform for personal development: Thank you for Watching the Passion Struck podcast. In this powerful interview, John R. Miles interviews Trav Bell "The Bucket List Guy" to discuss how you implement your bucket list and create the life you always wanted. Trav and John discuss why so many people never create a bucket list. Why he believes instead of delaying it to retirement, we should be actively living our bucket list and turn it into our life list. Why it is as easy as taking pen to paper to get started on the task. The two discuss the idea of a reverse bucket list and why doing self-reflection is such a powerful tool in helping you develop your bucket list. New Interviews with the World's GREATEST high achievers will be posted every Tuesday with a Momentum Friday inspirational message! What is a Bucket List? A bucket list, also called a life list, is a group of activities that you want to experience or accomplish before you die. We all have some idea about the things we want to do in life, but compiling them into a concrete list can make them a reality. Your bucket list should contain items that are deeply meaningful to you. Don’t include items simply because you feel you should or because others would find them impressive. What are your dreams? What brings you fulfillment?  How to Implement Your Bucket List Show Notes Trav Bell introduces his book How Trav built a serial gym franchise The other 23 hours concept How he became the bucket list guy Living congruently to your values What is a reverse bucket list Advice on how to tackle your bucket list The importance of action stacking Creating a contract with yourself Rapid round of questions ENGAGE WITH TRAV BELL As a self-appointed ʻBucket Listologistʼ, Trav has obsessively studied the Bucket List phenomenon & blended the worldʼs best Positive Psychology principles to create his own unique Bucket List Life Philosophy. He has designed his life around his Bucket List and now he helps Bucket Listers all over the globe create and cross off theirs. *Website: *Coaching: *Book: *Instagram: *Facebook: *LinkedIn: ENGAGE WITH JOHN R. MILES * Subscribe to my channel: * Leave a comment, 5-star rating (please!) * Support me: * Twitter: * Facebook:​. * Medium:​ * Instagram: JOHN R. MILES * * Guides: * Coaching: * Speaking: * Gear: PASSION STRUCK *Subscribe to Podcast: *Website: *About: *Instagram: *LinkedIn: *Blog:  

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Starting point is 00:00:00 There's a lot of people, they're all waiting for some day, you know, for some day artists, waiting for the 401k to kick in, retirement to kick in. So they're sacrificing their happiness for a majority of their life to enjoy later. And my whole thing is, you know, that day may never come. What sort of a life is that? You know, you've heard of the guy or the girl who retired, who've maybe exited their business,
Starting point is 00:00:26 maybe sold off their business, and retired and had one or two, three, maybe ten at best, good years, and then gone. So they've sacrificed a good portion of their life to just have a handful of years. That is so sad to me. Welcome visionaries, creators, innovators, entrepreneurs, leaders, and growth seekers of all types to the PassionStruck podcast. Hi, I'm John Miles, a peak performance
Starting point is 00:00:53 coach, multi industry CEO, Navy veteran, and entrepreneur on a mission to make passion go viral for millions worldwide. In each week, I do so by sharing with you an inspirational message in interviewing eye achievers from all walks of life who unlock their secrets and lessons to become an passion struck. The purpose of our show is to serve you the listener by giving you tips, tasks and activities you can use to achieve peak performance and for too much passion-driven life you have always wanted to have. Now, let's become PassionStruck. Thank you for joining us on this week's episode of PassionStruck Podcast.
Starting point is 00:01:34 And thank you for helping us become one of the top 1.5% most watch and listen to podcasts in the world. I'm so excited that we are providing value, weekend, and week out for you. And for those who are here for the first time, thank you for joining us. Our purpose is to help serve you, as our message said at the beginning of this podcast. We wanna give you all those lessons,
Starting point is 00:02:00 advice, and tools, so that you can unleash action in your own life. We're going to start today's episode off with two quotes. The first is from Annette White, who is the author of bucket list adventures. She says, stop date-rimming about your bucket list and start living it. The second quote is from Sir Richard Branson, who said, coming up with the bucket list is the easy part, but ticking off the list is the challenge.
Starting point is 00:02:28 Why I love a good challenge, which is why I strongly advise everyone to come up with a bucket list. It doesn't have to contain out of this world tasks, but once you have written down the list, screw it, just do it. And these are both great setups for our guest today. Grab Bell all the way here from Australia, otherwise known as the Bucket Bus Guide.
Starting point is 00:02:50 And I hit such a great time talking to Grab and we discussed so many things from this early journey as a fitness trainer. What he was able to accomplish and then how he altered his life. And how that initial drive subsided over time as he got more and more worn down by that job. And then he started this next chapter of his life. We're going to talk about what that next chapter has turned into. How his life has changed and his lessons to you about rating a bucket list. And what that can do to create passion in your own life.
Starting point is 00:03:27 Now, let me tell you a little bit more about Travelle. He has been helping people create and realize their innermost adventures for over 20 years. Armed with the dream that everyone should live a regret-free life. Travis is passionate about helping people create and live their bucket list
Starting point is 00:03:46 before it's too late. He says a bucket list is a tangible life plan. Where our business plan or career plan should fit in with our life plan and not the other way around. No one practices more than what they preach than draft. His crazy low-trotting adventures are contagious, hilarious and always fresh. He is the author of the best-selling book, My Bucket List, Blue Bread. He's out put in the show notes. And before Trump became the Bucket List guy, he founded and franchised the chain of personal training studios across Australia. Starting with just one client, he and his team went on to do over two million personal training sessions and
Starting point is 00:04:27 Motivated tens of thousands of clients and that background is why Trab is now regarded as one of the most Indomand motivational speakers in the world and I'm so happy to have him on the podcast where he can share his wisdom And this whole idea and I'm packing this concept of living your bucket list life to its fullest. There's so many parallels to his vision and what we're doing here on PassionStruck. And now let's get on with today's show. [♪ music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, a bucket list guy to the Passion Start Podcast, all the way from Australia.
Starting point is 00:05:11 Thank you so much for joining us, Trav. Hi, John. Start to be on, man. Yeah, really. I can't wait to get into it. Well, and I know here we're just getting into the summer, and for you all, it must be kind of frigid there, given what you're wearing. Yeah, yeah, I've only got the Mohawwrew kind of to hear, but I'm in the southern part of Australia, just iron half out of Melbourne, which is the state capital of Victoria, which is the southern part
Starting point is 00:05:35 of Australia. So it's not always just just nice blue, you know, blue waters and sandy beaches and everything that your Americans get sold about Australia. I'm not in the outback. I'm in the cold bit right now anyway. We're about to go into winter. We don't snow so it's just sort of ugly kind of Scottish weather for a good part of the year. But then when it gets summer it certainly heats up and the beanie comes off. Well, when you first came on today I was like, oh my god, I'm interviewing the edge. And I was expecting Billy and I was expecting Billy Idol. So yeah, look, I, yeah, there you go. Nice reference. I'll take that. No, I can't play a musical instrument to save myself. So there you go. Maybe I should put it on my bucket list.
Starting point is 00:06:25 Well, you know, talking about bucket list, one of my bucket list items was my son is a very accomplished percussionist and with his drum kit was just sitting around and I'm like, I need to learn how to play percussion again. I tried it out when I was a kid, played a little bit then but managed to do it about four or five years ago. Boy, what a difference. It's made because anytime I am just feeling so much stress, I just go to the drum kit and in 10, 15 minutes, all the stress has gone.
Starting point is 00:06:57 Yeah, look, it's, it is, I've got to sort of a similar story. I published the My Bucket List Blue Print two weeks before Christmas and it was like 10 years in the making. So if you're watching this or listening to this, I'm just holding up the book here. And it's only this stick, John. So that's pretty pathetic, isn't it? It'll be 10 years to write a book, this stick. But the point is, I really wanted to reward myself, long story short, as I've just turned 48
Starting point is 00:07:25 and I've just bought myself a DJ deck. You know, like with a four channel mixer, so I like electronic music some days, some days like heavy metals, some days I like nice sweet opera, just depends on the mood, right? But I bought myself DJ decks and when I get into mixing music and stuff and sampling and loops and all that sort of, I just lose myself, you know, and I've never had that before in my life, you know, that because I can't play a musical instrument. So this is the next best thing for me. Well, that's great.
Starting point is 00:07:59 Well, since you're approaching 50 and I just turned 50, I happened to interview a guest actually earlier this morning. She's a former polar explorer. She lives in England, Southwest side of the aisle. And pretty much all the way to the clouds. And he was telling me she just did something called 50 at 50. And it's something I thought you would love because she has developed 50 challenges. Some of them that she knows she's going to enjoy like skydiving,
Starting point is 00:08:32 but others, things that she's forcing herself to do because they're going to be really hard on her, but I thought what an inspirational way to to launch your 50th birthday. So that was a great beginning of my day and to talk to you and hear about your journey to becoming the bucket list guy is a great ending of the day. You should be super inspired by the end of today, John. So for the listeners who are out there
Starting point is 00:09:01 who don't know my background, I got to spend a lot of time in Australia for a period of about two years, part of the time that I was working for a company that you might know named Lennlace. And at that time, we owned the MLC bank. You know, I think it's now owned by NAB, National Australia Bank. But Australia was one of the most incredible places I've ever lived, and especially living in the Sydney area because it's Sydney reminded me kind of a combination of San Francisco and San Diego put into one.
Starting point is 00:09:37 And I add San Diego because you could hit the mountains and San Diego kind of like you can hit the blues in Sydney. But one of the things that I really loved about living there was just the epic of the people. And it was kind of a work hard play harder type of environment. And I have really missed that the rest of my professional career because I don't know if anyone does it as well as the Aussies. So we throw it in there. We do like play pretty hard, that's for sure. We'd like to think that there's a little rivalry
Starting point is 00:10:09 between Sydney and Melbourne. You know, I lived in Melbourne. I'm on the coast now, but about an hour and a half out of Melbourne, but essentially I'm a Victorian. And you know, Melbourneians are pretty proud. You know, there's a Sydney Melbourne kind of rivalry that we're the art, where the, where the cultural capital of Australia, that's what we like to say. And plus, we've
Starting point is 00:10:31 been voted seven times the world's most livable city in Melbourne too. Whereas Sydney, I think, a little bit more showy, a little bit more superficial. That's what we like to say to anyone. But it's beautiful up there. Well, one of the interesting things I found, and I think you and I have this in common, is, you know, I work out almost every day of the week. And it's, you know, when you think about using the prioritization, for me, it's one of the first things I always put on my daily prioritization
Starting point is 00:11:00 because it helps me so much with anxiety, other things, clarity of mind. But one of the strange things I found when I was in Sydney, it was so hard to actually find good gyms. And I know for the first bit of your life, I kind of wanted to introduce that you were a very successful gym owner. And in fact, your team, I read, taught over two million
Starting point is 00:11:23 different classes. So I was hoping you could talk about that period of your life before we get into this next phase. Yeah, man, look, I grew up here surfing surf live, saving swimming. And I was kind of like a pretty much as you said in America, a jock. So that led me to be an athlete, the good at sport,
Starting point is 00:11:43 and led me to do a physical education degree. So I did an undergrad in human movement, became an exercise physiologist essentially, and in my third year uni, this is pre-internet, and we understand, remember back in the dark age, just pre-internet, pre-social media, pre-crack book, pre-instacrack, and there was a guy by the name of Tony Hewett who came in and he was in the early 90s and he was doing this thing called personal training and at that stage there was no industry of personal training. There was the gym industry, we were kind of coming out of the 80s with the Lea Tards and the short shorts and the whole bit.
Starting point is 00:12:29 And he was doing this single personal training, which was quite foreign to the whole industry, let alone the general public. And he was getting paid quite handsomely to try and celebrities and trying now wealthy people. And he's dollar per hour rate certainly brushed what I would get if I were to the gym. And I just became obsessed, not with the money,
Starting point is 00:12:54 but just with the freedom that he certainly had with this thing called personal training. So I became, you know, kind of his intern without, you know, a label. And he just said, you know, kind of his intern without, you know, a label and he just said, you know, subscribe to this magazine, go to this conference, you know, read this book, etc, etc. So I just did everything he said. That was my first mentor, really. And by the end of third year universities, a three year degree, I had my first first handful of clients and I was making some pretty good money to the point where I'm like, well, do I be a kid's high school, you know, PET HR or, you know, do a government
Starting point is 00:13:33 kind of job or go into personal training? So personal training won. And so I grew it from one client and I, my record was, one hour mobile personal training sessions in a week. And that was in Melbourne, so I moved to Melbourne and grew that business. And just by referral, only it just grew and grew and grew. So I became maxed out pretty quickly. And I got a heap of referrals, didn't have to advertise that much. And then from there, I was one of the first in Melbourne to get a personal training studio. I had 13 personal trainers working within that studio and the entrepreneur's story, I stuffed
Starting point is 00:14:10 up a few things before I realized I was a great personal trainer, but a pretty shitty business person. Got a business coach. He said to me, when I was sleeping in my personal training studio to save money, he said, what do you want to do? And I said, you know, what are your goals around this whole business? And I said, I'd love to be the first to franchise personal fitness training studios in Australia. So just sacrifice to work hard, we systemised everything. And a year later we sold our first franchise, ended up franchising that concept around Australia to be the biggest personal training company.
Starting point is 00:14:46 I've probably under over 300 personal trainers under that umbrella, servicing clients, and it closed to me in personal training, over to me in personal training sessions, tens of thousands of clients, and did that for about 20 years in the personal training industry. But then it was a bit of a breakdown before breakthrough moment, which I'm sure that you'll delve into. Well, interestingly enough,
Starting point is 00:15:15 I have used my fair share of physical trainers and I find like anything that there's really good ones and ones that don't work for me as well. And I happen to have one on the show, although she hates being called it because you know, she says that's such a small part of what she does. But she had this formula that she came up with for branding, you could say called the other 23 hours because she said most people go to the gym for an hour, but they don't think about all the other things around it that could make their performance in the gym or their performance in life better.
Starting point is 00:15:52 And that's what she calls the other 23 hours. But I think there's something there that really separates some trainers that I've seen from others. And that's that they don't just treat it about your time in the gym. They kind of look at you holistically and what's going on and how can your wellness improve, how can you get better performance
Starting point is 00:16:14 out of other areas of your life. And those are the ones that I was always drawn to. That's where I fell in love with coaching. One of my highest values, or even my sick, my highest value is, of course, you have a family, you've got my health, but helping others is one of my highest values. I actually don't feel fulfilled.
Starting point is 00:16:33 I don't feel like I'm on purpose. And I don't feel like I've many in my life if I'm not coaching someone. I'm not helping someone else with their potential, you know, or at least experience more of their own potential. And that's what really lights me up. And it has ever since I got my first personal training client and then you get more of that positive reinforcement as you coach, train, personal training, help more people.
Starting point is 00:17:02 And that's just a, it just a tidal wave of positive feedback that you're getting. Not from an ego point of view, it just makes you feel really good, and that's my way of being of service to people. So the cool thing about being a speaker now, I get to stand on stages around the world and really effectively person-trained or coach one to many from the stage and just help more people in the least amount of time. So it was always continued to do it. I think I'm an educated by trade, you know, I can't help myself. And so that's just what's led me down this coaching, training, speaking kind of path, which is being good. And I'm stoked that I identified that early on.
Starting point is 00:17:48 And I wanna now get to this pivot point for you. You were like so many people that I coach or that have reached out to me since I've started the Passion Start podcast. And there are people who find their passion early in life. Their passion could be like you had being a physical trainer and then after a while, something happens and it shifts. And I think more and more people are having to reinvent themselves. You know, I've had to do it numerous times during my career
Starting point is 00:18:17 for different reasons. But, you know, what was that inflection point for you? I mean, what happened to get you out of, leading the successful franchise company and to where you are today? Yeah, well, the pivot point, and it's a good thing to delve into because I think for people maybe listening, watching Passion Struck podcast here
Starting point is 00:18:38 and wanting to find that word passion is thrown around a lot. And I think there's a million coaches out there that love to sell, let's monetize your passion, you know, that idea. You only realize, I think what that is, everyone has their own personal breakdown before breakthrough, that confusion before clarity, that storm before the rainbow, epiphany, before you actually seek your passion. You only seek your passion because you're unhappy and something else. Right?
Starting point is 00:19:09 So the point for me came as a result of life just getting on top of me. I built something that I was, even though I love the end product of personal training, I became a franchise or and I became too much of a lawyer, too much of an accountant. I know that stuff's critical to success and understanding it, but there was some also quite, I say, cancerous people that became part of our network, but I'm not blaming them. That's a big demand set. I let them in. I let them run on the rope for, you know, let them go too far. And as a result, it became a really big issue within the business. So there's a lot of legal blues going on. There was the things happening in my life. It was kind of like, you know, a bit of a downward spiral for me.
Starting point is 00:20:01 And I I stepped into a bout of, albeit mild depression as a result. Love the impotent of the personal training but I was just falling out of love of the business model that I created and I was around that time that that I got this tattoo. It says if it is to be it is up to me. So I'm showing my tattoo right now and you know to take responsibility take ownership be accountable to myself but instead of going on heavy sort of antidepressants, which is kind of like a band-aid effect, force myself to really invest in going to personal development events,
Starting point is 00:20:36 going to seminars, learning about psychology, learning about the Akagi principle, learning about the law of attraction, positive psychology, NLP, life coaching, and this sort of stuff. So that super personal development is really what I've got into. But at the start, I had to really force myself to go
Starting point is 00:20:54 because when you're going through depression, it's the last thing you want to do, you've been around other people and then get into that comparisonitis, which is what we all suffer. So I worked through some stuff. I walked on fire, I've hung it out in high five, it was strangers of broken the arrows, bent the bars,
Starting point is 00:21:12 all that personal development stuff, really worked through some stuff though. Got to the core issue. And it was about a year and a half into that kind of phase, that a friend of mine said, why don't you teach this stuff? And just by him saying that, help me compartmentalize what I was going through that I was, I was, I'm really grateful for my health and there was a thing that, you know, an incident that really happened as well that helped me really turn that up and not
Starting point is 00:21:39 shouldn't was when I was in one of these, he was an NLP training, I partnered up with this lady by the name of Deb. And she told her story, I told mine. Why were we there in the first place? So I told mine first and I said, that's me, and Deb said, thanks a lot for sharing drugs. It was great, we hugged it out and said, what about you, Deb? She said, you know, I'm 45 or whatever she was.
Starting point is 00:22:02 And I've just had a hysterectomy and now I'm clear of cancer. And I really wanted to have kids and I'm quite lonely. And I just went, dude. And really, it gets me emotional thinking about that time. And I just had this overwhelming sense of gratitude. You know, overwhelmed, dude, I go to, and my thing was, I was led to believe that if I was to be a good presenter, a good, you know, speaker out there or a good coach even, I'd have to have gone through some rougher stuff
Starting point is 00:22:37 to earn my stripes to be able to teach this stuff. You know, and what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what're like, what are we going to do? Cut off a leg or what are we going to sleep under a bridge or what are we going to do? Go through a, you know, abuse, go through a really bad drug problem to qualify as a personal development speaker. No, I became a, I became instantly grateful. I've got excellent health, you know, I'm, I'm, I'm overall, I'm pretty happy. I'm not lonely, etc, etc, etc. I'm like, how dare I play small? How dare I don't go as big as I possibly can.
Starting point is 00:23:15 You know, and go out there and be a speaker. You know, help go one to many, coach one to many from the stage. So it was Nick saying, what do you teach your stuff? It was Deb and a lot of other factors sort of led me to then put on a talk. I put on a public talk. I nearly had to pay the 40 people to come to the talk by the way. I was so freaking scared. And it was about half an package and everything I learned, my entrepreneurial stuff as well.
Starting point is 00:23:44 That halfway through the talk, I told everyone in the room that I'd had a list to do before I die actually written down since I was 18. And no one knew this about me. I said who else in this room has got a list actually written down to do before they die. And I quickly realized I was the only freak in the room. So I said, why do you get up in the morning? Why do you want to, why do you work? Why do you want to earn more money? What's your reason for getting out of bed? I don't know. I have to ask for the kids through school to do a bit of trouble with a molder. Yeah, possibly sicker. So I really inspired some of my stories of why I made decisions quick in business, why I got off my ass really good, you know, and right at the end of it, Joe wanted to participants there said, Hey,
Starting point is 00:24:29 drove house all this list to do before you die stuff. And this was 10 years ago, it's really inspired everyone. It's like a bucket list. You're like the bucket list guy. I went King, live bold moment and that night I went to home and registered the And I did franchise my whole personal training business, and I read the Tim Ferris for our work week at that time as well. I'm like, you know, I'm back in those days going online was quite foreign. To do off-lighter bricks and mortar businesses, traditional bricks and mortar business to go online and run everything from a hammock in Thailand like Tim, San Bernard Prickle, so de-franchise the whole thing that took
Starting point is 00:25:12 you a few years to do, sold off those businesses, got them to re-brand themselves, some of them are still going today which I'm really stoked about and then went online with the bucketless guy with the no real, I just felt right. You know, the passion was there. No one could take it from me, really reflected who I am as how I could live congruently. And then, and here I am today, 10 years later. Well, well, that's great.
Starting point is 00:25:37 And I'm gonna unpack a number of things you've said there, but I'm gonna start off by saying kind of the purpose when I came up with passion struck was not necessarily teaching people how to find their passion. I think a lot of people are out there discussing that. It's more how do you live a passion struck life? And when I started coming up with this name, similar to you I had a mentor. His name is Keith Crotch. He was the most recently CEO of Doc Yassin. Currently the Assistant Secretary of State here in the United States. We were talking and I was telling him I had been doing all this research
Starting point is 00:26:19 and I had worked with some really high achievers throughout my career. And I said, I keep seeing something that separates people like you, people like Tim Ferris, Mark Benioff, Oprah Winfrey, whoever you want to say it is. I think it'll be me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, are so consumed by a problem or an issue, you know, if you look at like Gandhi, the issue of, you know, anti, you know, color racism, or if you look at someone like Abraham Lincoln going after the anti-slavery movement, then they become tunnel focused on it. And they're willing to give up everything else and it's pursuit. But then it's beyond that. It's they it may be their core being, but they're doing other things around it, you know, where like Tim Ferris is living on
Starting point is 00:27:14 islands kind of like Tony Robbins, they're living this bigger life around it. And it becomes less about working hard than it becomes more about living their life, not only a pursuit of it, but all around it. And so, you know, when you reach out to me, that's one of the things I caught my eye about the bucket list concept because being passion struck is really in some ways about unpacking your bucket list. So yeah. your pocket list. I think so. I think living congruently to your values as human being is the holy grail for a lot of people, because you look in America, right?
Starting point is 00:27:55 So 80 to 90% of people are what they call disengaged at work. It's a frightening statistic and the highest in the world. Right? So there's like, let's say 80%, I think it's like 79, 89% or something like that. Let's say 80% of people go to work every single day in America and don't like what they do. They're not into it. You know, they're just getting the paycheck coming home. And that's to really sad. There's a lot of people, they're all waiting for some day, they're all some day artists, waiting for the 401k to kick in, retirement to kick in. So they're sacrificing their happiness for a majority of their life to enjoy later.
Starting point is 00:28:34 And my whole thing is, that day may never come. What sort of a life is that? You've heard of the guy or the girl who have retired, who have maybe exited their business, maybe sold off their business and retired and had one or two, three, maybe ten at best, good years and then gone. So they've sacrificed a good portion of their life to just have a handful of years. That is so sad to me. I want people to be happier now because look at the statistics. Apart from the engagement statistics at work, depression, anxiety,
Starting point is 00:29:11 these things that have affected me, suicides, use suicides, the over-prescription of antidepressants, and we've even got this thing now John called the Lonelyness epidemic, which is the adverse effect of social media. And so these statistics are climbing. You go throw COVID in on top of that, dude, you've got a perfect storm of mental health. So really what my whole passion is, my mission is to get these personal developed tools that I know work,
Starting point is 00:29:42 because I've got a 10-year history of it being a tangible thing that people can grab and use in their life and have a happier life, have it more fulfilled, more meaningful, more purposeful life. I've just put, you know, it's kind of really what I teach is positive psychology, but I've just put this brand, I've bucket list over the top of it to make it more fun, more tangible. And so at the end of the day, this 10 year history of helping people do this has led me to go, you know, let's have a crazy goal of trying to change the narrative, you know,
Starting point is 00:30:17 trying to help as many people as I possibly can. This is my passion and reverse some of these statistics. I mean, why not? Instead of going to the cure, let's get on to the prevention side. Well, I don't get a drug, instead of drugs, helping people through depression, let's give them some personal development tools. So it's not, and it's not, you know, not met with skepticism, not, not weird, not cult like ish, put them in the hands of people so they can use it and live a
Starting point is 00:30:46 happier life. Not wait until later on or not wait until they get given a use by date, which is what the whole bucket list movie was about. About two guys, it could get given a cancer diagnosis and then they write a bucket list, which is absolutely stupid. So crap movie, and I've based my whole career on it, but I want to wait people up now before they get given a use by day, give them some tools now before they get given a use by day, not just for them, but for their kids as well. Yeah, so I happen to be listening to a podcast earlier this week. It had David Gaggins on it, who I'm sure if you know who those other people are, you know, who he is. And he is this famous philosophy that is known for that he thinks people are living only
Starting point is 00:31:27 40% of their potential. And my statistics and my research draws a much closer correlation to what you're saying. And I believe the number is drastically less. And that's why I say people I'm trying to reach are a broken, battered, bored. I call them life's underdogs because, you know, they're not really living the life that they're meant to be living. And, you know, similar to you,
Starting point is 00:31:55 I kind of came from experience because I was doing it myself. I was stuck in this corporate job for so many years where after a while, I just dreaded every day of going in because burnt out, I wasn't spending my time doing anything that really excited me and the politics were just becoming worse and worse the more senior I got. But you just get completely burned out. So, you know, I, the reason I brought you on the podcast or one of them, I love the story,
Starting point is 00:32:25 but you and I share the same mission and it's to influence millions around the world, to live, cashmastark life, or to live out their bucket list. So, one of the things I did want to ask you about is when I was listening to your TED talk, one of the things you talked about was creating a reverse bucket list. And I was wondering if you could unpack that a little bit. Yeah, reverse bucket list, because you asked most people, you know, that Ted talk I did in front of 2,000 people. That was on my bucket list as you saw,
Starting point is 00:32:52 or I ticked it off live in front of the crowd. And the concept of the reverse bucket list is because when I go and ask a crowd, I would say 2,000, 5,000, 10 people, I can guarantee that most people haven't even written down a bucket list. So I asked that 10,000, 2010 people, I can guarantee that most people haven't even written down a bucket list. So I asked that 10,000, you know, I asked that 2,000 people that they're tectore who has got a bucket list here and everyone's like, yeah, yeah, who's got one written down,
Starting point is 00:33:15 like out of their head, actually written down. Yeah, some are like, yeah, another, you know, portion of like, yeah, go, the people that have got their hand like that, you haven't really got to written down, have you just doing it to show off, to show off to your mate, aren't you? Yeah. All right, put your hand down if you're actually having written it down. So about 10% of the audience have actually written down,
Starting point is 00:33:39 but actually less in that audience, they're pretty advanced. So about 10%, but normally it's hardly any. So why do we write it down? Well, at the moment your bucket list is up there with your daily to-do list, and guess which one gets done first? Your daily to-do list, that takes priority, and just life gets in the way, and that's what you focus on, You know, mostly bandwidth is on your daily to do this, until something dramatic or traumatic happens to you or a loved one. And suddenly, you're probably,
Starting point is 00:34:10 just like the movie, your bucket list becomes important. So don't fail too late. We created a reverse bucket list for people to help them build a done list. And it's a done, all the stuff that you've done in your life. So, Johnny, if I sat you down now and said, all right, what have you done in your life as if we were in a bucket list all the way along? And I want you to write that stuff down. I remember this is a big gratitude exercise. This is a positive psychology. One of the pillars of positive psych is gratitude.
Starting point is 00:34:43 So if we remember everything that we've done in our life as if it were in a bucket list, it puts people automatically into a happy place, into a grateful place, in a place of thanks, in a place of like, you know what, if I've done some pretty cool stuff, and it automatically makes people happy, even if they're really sad. But it takes actually some real thinking and some time out of your life to work on your life to really think about because we live in such a world where we focus on the future. We focus on the next goal and we forget about what we've actually done until we pause and reflect back on the timeline of our life. And people like, hey, if I actually put some
Starting point is 00:35:26 thought into this, and I was intentional about the forward design of this thing, I could move mountains because by default, I've kind of done all this stuff already, but what if I actually put some thought into designing? So a lot of us are living by default, not by designing. They're existing and not living. So helping people take time out to reflect is a big gratitude exercise. And what I call reverse bucket list. So really when you cross something off your bucket list, it goes onto your reverse bucket list. Keep adding, keep subtracting, and find a really cool vehicle that, whether a business or job or career, that spits out the two resources that it should have optimised and that is a cash flow and time flow to allow you to do your
Starting point is 00:36:15 future in reverse pluck at least. And that's Travis' meaning of life right there. And pick something that you're passionate about, pick something that doesn't do your heating on a day-to-day basis that produces the cash flow on the time flow. And I think that's the holy grail. Right? Yeah, that's what you do. And it's producing what it needs to produce. And it allows you to do your bucket list.
Starting point is 00:36:36 I think that's where it's at. So reverse bucket list is your down list, and your future bucket list is obviously your future bucket list. But that's what everyone concentrates on. And people don't even write down their future bucket list is obviously you future bucket list. But that's what everyone concentrates on. And people don't even write down their future bucket list because it creates even more pressure. But we start with the reverse and that gives people hope.
Starting point is 00:36:55 Did you know that Forbes Magazine recently cited that 70% of individuals who do personal development masterminds and one-on-one coaching benefited from better work performance, increased communication skills, and overall better relationships. And we at PassionStruct are obsessed with self-development, coaching, and mentorship. That is why we've created a free resource to help you unlock your hidden potential. Because people doing great things in business and life are just like you, only they've had a coach along the way, and we've got that covered too. Let us show you the systems and frameworks that we teach both minded individuals to help them step into their sharp edges,
Starting point is 00:37:42 execute on their passion journeys and get predictable results time and time again. Go to slash coaching right now and let's get igniting. I have this chapter in my book called the Be In Turtle Effect and one of the things you call it a bucket list, I call it a personal contract with yourself. They're basically the same exact thing. Right. And I tell people to come up with a personal contract, write it down, you know, these life goals that you have, these the B and Turtle effect is you take both aspects of a turtle who's very slow going, but looking at the long-term goal with the B who's there doing something every single day,
Starting point is 00:38:35 working on whatever they need to work on, you know, in benefit of the hive or what the Queen is asking, but it's mastering both of them. Because if you create that bucket list and it's got, let's say you put 25 items on it, and you don't start prioritizing them, you're never going to get them done. So what is your guidance when you are working with a client or you're speaking to an audience like you are right now, about one, how do you go about reading that bucket list and then two,
Starting point is 00:39:07 what's your advice on tackling the items on it? And those that are watching you get this. And John, can you just describe what you're looking at on the picture, on the screen here? What is that? It's one of those all pop-up pens that you have that has black, red, green. Oh, what's this?
Starting point is 00:39:26 Pansel. Right. So we got a pen and a pencil. I know it's a crazy analog suggestion here, but it's these things. And what do they do, John? I'm being facetious here. What do they do? They allow you to write down thoughts.
Starting point is 00:39:43 Oh my God. So, and what's this stuff here? Paper. All right, so guys, see what's easy to do is easy not to do, right? Most people don't even write down goals. What is a 63, if you're actually write down, you actually write stuff down, goals let alone bucket list items,
Starting point is 00:40:06 you got a way higher like 63% to 64% chance of actually coming to fruition. So nearly halfway there, if you actually just write stuff down, a lot of people just don't. A lot of people don't even use diaries. They don't even write down their goals, you know? And so again, what's easy to do is easy not to do.
Starting point is 00:40:24 Why write a bucket list? I know what I want to do. Well, yeah, but again, it's in the supervoid daily to do list items. And again, which one gets done first. So I challenge people to do the simplest of things. And that is obviously, you know, obviously, we're missing me not to promote the book. It's more of a guide book. I did the TED talk me not to promote the book. It's more of a guide book. I did the TED talk around the My Bucket List blueprint. It's 12 letter acronym to help you unpack, to help you go north, south east, west in your own brain and help you extract and articulate a person meaningful and holistic list.
Starting point is 00:40:59 And a lot of people think that is travel. Where travel is just one of the 12 steps. It's a 12 step program. It sounds like AA. a lot of people think that is travel. Well, travel is just one of the 12 steps. So 12 step programs sounds like AA, but at the end of the day, it helps people really go holistic with their bucket list. There's way more than you think. And so once you put pen to paper or pencil to paper
Starting point is 00:41:19 and write this stuff down, that is in itself a consciousness exercise. That is about making it more real. And there's research that suggests this really actually writes stuff down, pen on paper, versus typing them into your phone or typing into a document. It's actually got more conscious, more of a conscious effort to actually write stuff down. You have to think about it more. But in the process of actually writing stuff down, you're basically typing into your own Google machine, which is that piece of real estate between your
Starting point is 00:41:50 ears. But you're not, you know, if you're not writing stuff down, you're not punching anything into Google. So how, how, how is it going to search? How is it going to destroy, generalize? How is it going to filter the information in your world with so much coming out, you, if you don't type something into your search engine. That's what you've got to do. That's what writing down does. Okay, so let's write a bucket list. Better yet, John, and all your listeners and watchers, send me your bucket list. I challenge you to send me your bucket list. All right, this is the accountability piece. All right, just email it to me,
Starting point is 00:42:28 Even what's the TED talk by a book, I don't care, but just send me your bucket list. Use the categories as your guide. Go nuts. There's no judgment. I've been sent some weird shit. I tell people want to do of stolen some of those ideas, but no judgement, no comparison, no trying to keep up with the Jones, no wondering whether this is right or wrong, it doesn't matter, it's just you against you. And weird things, when you send it over to me, because I'm actually writing my first, my second book, which is The My Bucketless Blueprint in Action. So I'm on the hunt for
Starting point is 00:43:05 365 bucket list right now across the world from different people. So send it to me and then have a look at your bucket list and do the easiest thing that you possibly can on. Action it. Like, literally the easiest thing requires probably no money, no time, just attention. So go do it and go do it the next one and create what I call a bucket list snowball effect because it really will give you the momentum and motivation to smash through the bigger ones. And tap into, you know, the motivation level, the inspiration level, great each one out of 10, 10 being, I really want to do this before I die. And one is, you know what, I don't really care.
Starting point is 00:43:49 That me going to mean Everest, me going to Mount Everest Base Camp and doing an Iron Man on my bucket list was right up there. This is the top two things that I wanted to do before I die on my original to do before I die, list that I wrote down when I was 18. And I was in a move, I move heaven and hell, love me, do anything to make that happen. So it did. You know, and it doesn't mean anything to anyone else. It's not about comparing mine against yours,
Starting point is 00:44:15 or mine's bigger than yours, and you're crap like that. So don't worry. But it's really about the why. It's about the why attached to each of those bucket list items. And if the why makes you cry, if the why has a lot of emotion, you'll find a way of making it happen. Don't worry about the how, just shit.
Starting point is 00:44:35 When you're writing stuff down, don't worry about the how. Just worry about the what and the why, don't worry about the how. Do you universe if you want something bad enough, the universe will provide? It will show you the why. Well, that's great. Well, what you're describing is something that I call action stacking, because I believe in this pursuit of the contract
Starting point is 00:44:53 or the bucket list, you start taking actions and you start stacking them. And as you stack more and more, you gain more and more momentum. Because yeah, when you start this, it could be like your car breaks down down you're on the side of the road imagine you don't have a telephone like we do today that you can call someone and you got two options either you can be the victim and you can wait for someone to come and try to help you. And you have no idea when they're going to come or not or you can start pushing the car or walking and trying to find help. And if you start pushing it, it may be very difficult at first,
Starting point is 00:45:28 but I guarantee you over time, you're gonna get momentum, it's gonna get easier and eventually you're gonna hit downhill path, which is exactly kind of what you're talking about. And what you're saying has tied into the last three solo episodes I've done, you're saying has tied into the last three solo episodes I've done you're gonna love them One is on the I don't have time syndrome Because we don't make time for what's most important to us
Starting point is 00:45:54 We end up spending our time on what's urgent instead of what's important I did the one before that on the law of attraction and why it works and how When you put the right things out in the universe, they're going to come back to you. And then the other one that I did was unliving a pinball life, which so many people today are doing. And it's kind of like instead of playing the game of pinball, you let it play you. And that's what your bucket list is all about. So since you've started this list is all about. So since you've started this new stage of life, how has your life been different, like what has changed for you? Because it's one of my favorite questions to ask. You know, you had this very successful career before and obviously, yeah, so how are things
Starting point is 00:46:40 different now? It depends on how you define success as well, like in the last few years of doing personal training, I wasn't happy. So I wouldn't say I was successful at all. Sure, there might have been more dollars in the bank or whatever, but at the end of the day, if you're not happy, I don't think you're not successful. Right now, it's all about lifestyle design. I mean, I'm also the founder CEO
Starting point is 00:47:01 of Certified Bucketless Coaches. So three years ago, a business partner approached me and said, oh, I've got a thought about allowing other people to teach your stuff. I mean, no, this is all mine. You know, this is what makes me different. It's like, maybe me me me me me me. So, all right, well, I think you can really scale this out. So, long story short, now we've got Certified Bucketless Coaches in 22 countries around the world teaching my stuff, which is pretty cool. So you're taking the franchise of the personal trainer and the franchising it out. Yeah, yeah, but that being said, it's all remote. I've got a remote
Starting point is 00:47:37 work team that lives in different parts around the world. It's all online. No one actually is directly employed for the head office. I get to run everything from home my family and I get to design my day how I want to and we've used tech. But this is all set up pre-COVID and at the end of the day I've designed my life around my business design or design my business around my life. I say bucket list is a tangible life plan where a career plan or a business plan should fit into our life plan and not be the other way around. So really living congruently to this work to live principle
Starting point is 00:48:12 and what I call work life blend, not work life balance. So yeah, now life is a lot more congruent. Life is easier, that's for sure. And yeah, to be honest, I go with more garden, more intuition than I did ego back in the day. So that's still learning, still a muscle that I'm not going to say I've got it completely sust, but still certainly the tools and everything allows, you know, the tech allows you to really design the life that you want to design.
Starting point is 00:48:48 And this was what, again, what team Ferris was talking about all those years ago. When look at him now, he's just checked out completely for the next month or six weeks, no email, no, can't reach him anyway. Yeah. Yeah. Well, so if the listeners out there were curious, was there a relationship or a person that you think helped you more than others because one of, you know, or that really got you to take this new path that you're going on because I believe so many people say they want a coach or say they want to mentor but few really lean into it. And for me, it's been one of the biggest difference makers in my life.
Starting point is 00:49:25 What is the single most important relationship to you in helping you get to where you are today? I think the relationship with myself, you know, at the end of the day, if I'm not, again, living to my values and I'm living someone else's life, their design, this is my own, I think that's what it's all about. And I think that's a rarity, you know, like even in business, I think we can design businesses like I did. You know, I designed, what do they say? My latter of success was up the wrong wall.
Starting point is 00:49:58 It wasn't up the wrong wall, but it was up the wrong wall certainly for the last, you know, maybe a few years of doing it, but I built the bloody thing. I built the ladder and I put it up that wall myself. So I think the biggest realization is working yourself out, working your own psychology. So, and your business is always going to be a reflection of the owner's psychology. So I'm always learning to work on myself. You know, something John that I'm doing at the moment, which is on my bucket list, which is an ultimate challenge on my bucket list, is reading 52 books in a year.
Starting point is 00:50:41 Mind you, they've started out at war and peace, really small type and they'll probably end up at like Mr Men books, or one page ebooks. But the point is the ripple effect that that's had into my life, these challenges and have been absolutely awesome. But I did that for a growth challenge. Sure,, sure, we've got Iron Man's, we've got Mad Everest, we've got all these other things, but doing an intellectual challenge like that, and that'll be one to stay. You know, I literally woke up at 4.30 this morning, read a couple of chapters, and I'm just going through books. This is literally all the books that I've read right here. All the books that I've read since I started that challenge,
Starting point is 00:51:23 with the latest one being the one thing. I'm always living my bucket list in some form or another. I'm doing five things on my bucket list at the moment. And so that stuff pulls me out of bed in the morning. I don't have to motivate myself. And this is what I encourage everyone who's listening and watching to this. This stuff pulls you out of bed in the morning. it makes you want to go to work and it makes you want to optimize your business. It makes you, it helps you make decisions quick. You know, rather than just sit on the fence,
Starting point is 00:51:52 it helps you take responsibility. It helps you take ownership over your life. But if you think that this whole concept is just about ticking cool stuff off your list. It's not really what it's about John is about how we reverse engineer every aspect of their life in order to make this stuff come to fruition. It's really about the growth of us on this journey towards these self-imposed destinations. But most importantly, it's about the person that exists on the other side. And that's the person that we don't know yet. it's about the person that exists on the other side.
Starting point is 00:52:25 And that's the person that we don't know yet. So all about the person that exists on the other side of your bucket list, Tick, that's that that's that's that's called our potential. Right. When as human beings, if we experience more of our own potential, puts us in our face and makes this happier, more fulfilled, and that's what it's all about. And that hopefully can reverse some of these statistics that I'm angry about. Well, that makes two of us. And I think we're both motivated to try to help and serve all those who are listening to this podcast, get out of that right. And serve yourself. You know, like it's not about all, it's not just about all other people. You know, one of the most common things that myself and my coaches get told is,
Starting point is 00:53:05 thank you for giving me permission to dream a dream again. Thank you for giving me permission to be self-serving again, especially to mums, because we're always in sacrifice, you know, always helping other people and I get that. That's all part of it, but take the power back. Is that lead by example? Yeah, you know, one of the best bits of advice I ever got was for your mentor I was going to. And I was probably at the highlight of my professional career was CEO of a software company at the time. And he kind of stopped me dead in my tracks.
Starting point is 00:53:39 And he said, you know, your life is going well where you think it is, but you're living it on a stool that has one support. He goes, everything is in that foundation. And if something happens, that sucker is gonna fall over and you've got nothing else to pick it up.
Starting point is 00:54:01 And he goes, you really need to start thinking about your life as is in a stool that has multiple supports. And those supports can be different things. One could be your career, one could be wellness, one could be a travel excursion, another one could be that. And he's like, if you start thinking about it like that. And he wasn't talking monetary. He was talking about those things that make you feel whole inside. Yeah. It could be a charity you work for.
Starting point is 00:54:28 He goes, you've got to start embracing your life like that because you keep going down the route that you're going and it's so singularly focused and he was so right. And so since I've changed that approach, I have become so much happier in how I live life. And in what it is, the universe has now brought back because of that. Because through that journey, I really started serving others. Whereas before, you know, similar to what you were saying, I think I was stuck on my own ego, my own showmanship, versus doing things that really benefit others and putting you know that aspect of my life not as not at the primary point that it was. With all
Starting point is 00:55:13 that said you have unpacked a ton of great knowledge tonight. If a listener wants to get a hold of you, you've given it a couple times, I'll put it in the show notes for sure. What are some of the easiest ways that they can connect with you? Oh, look, that's easy. I go to the That is me. They want to check out bucketless, being a bucketless coach, maybe Have a look at that. Instagram is bucketlessguy.trevbell and yeah, I think, you know, Facebook and LinkedIn is Trevbell the Bucketlessguy. Oh, they'll find me. Just put in the Bucketlessguy. Hopefully, I'll pop up on Google somewhere. And, you know, send me a direct message. You know, I want to, I want to, you know, both John and myself, we share that, you know, like what really, we don't do this for ourselves. We do this, you know, to help others. So from this message,
Starting point is 00:56:05 from this, you know, gathering of messages, we want to see what you've done, how it's inspired action, not just giving you more ideas to put on, you know, put on your playbook. What have you done as a result? I encourage everyone to take action. Like I said before, get a book, sure. If forward slash book, you can get one of those, we'll get it from Amazon. But more importantly, get your pen out and just hack into it. Abuse it, write in it, use it as a guide,
Starting point is 00:56:35 don't need the thing, and make sure that you send us your bucket list. That's what we really want to support you in. Yeah, and I could have said it any better. Our mantra for the show is, you got to make a choice, you got to work hard, which means you got to take action, and you got to do something every day
Starting point is 00:56:51 that scares you step into those sharp edges. So that's great. And I'm going to end the show like I always do with a rapid round of questions for you. And I'll give you a layup to start out with, what has been your favorite bucket list item that you've completed thus far? I thought it was a layup. I thought, yeah, now I thought, I found like 300. Look how easy my 40th birthday, I was there with my dad and I took 10 bucket listes to match a picture on the morning my 40th birthday, which is pretty cool.
Starting point is 00:57:35 That's the one that I saw a picture of it before, so I'm like, yeah, that's pretty cool. I can say Everest, I can say, you know, last two years ago, my partner Tracey and I went to the Colosseum. I really, really, really wanted to see the statue of David, and we got to see the statue of David in Florence, the Sistine Chapel, you know, these sorts of things, walking the Chinkatera, which heaps it. I can't say Iron Man, but I'm not going to say skydiving, narrow, part and parcel, but it's the things that involve other people that are more meaningful to me these days. It's a little bit about me, it's more about we now.
Starting point is 00:58:15 So what is the most important item left on your bucket list that you want to achieve? We've got a little big one, and leave a legacy in the leave a legacy category. And that is with bucket list coach. Now I want, I want that to be an absolute game changer. You know, a mission is to affect the lives of 10, 10 million people to live purposely fulfilled lives or to ticket before they kick it. Hashtag ticket before they kick it. So I can't do that alone. That requires a lot of work that we're moving, you know, certainly moving into right now and helping people, you know,
Starting point is 00:58:55 we've got bucket list coaches in countries where if you actually translate the word bucket list, it makes no sense at all, but they still get it. So when you start helping, you know, we do school programs called BL4K, Bucket List for Kids, so we're getting this stuff out to school kids. It's a teenager's. We're helping people, you know, we're helping people around the world in different countries in different languages, and that's probably the big one that requires the most work, and that's the legacy play that I want to, you know, want to maybe, you know, who knows,
Starting point is 00:59:25 grow it, exit it later on and to help it thrive. Who knows, but at the end of the day, that's something I want to be really proud of. I am already proud of, but want to just blow it right up. So one of the questions I always like to ask is if there was a person living still or dead that you've never met that you could,
Starting point is 00:59:47 who would it be in white? Lea Elon Musk. Yes. And I would take my two boys along with me because they love Elon Musk as well. I just think the way that guy thinks is absolutely phenomenal. And I won't be the first person to say that.
Starting point is 01:00:05 And I think, you know, just give him the, I reckon just give Elon the keys to the world and let him run it. I've probably been a better place with less bureaucracy. Depends on who you speak to, they don't. But I think I'd love to meet Elon Musk. I've met some pretty cool people.
Starting point is 01:00:24 Had lunch with Tim Ferris. We came to Australia. Meeting Tim Ferris was great. And I would have loved to meet Muhammad Ali. Yeah, I would have, who else? There's still a lot of people I want to meet. There's still a lot of, yeah, we're getting there. Me as well.
Starting point is 01:00:42 Well, I brought up the B. Internal Effect. That whole chapter is all about Elon Musk. And some of the times I've actually met him or seen him speak, but he has perfected the B-Internal effect. And you just look at SpaceX. And what has allowed him to get to where he's going faster than anyone else is when they actually came out with the contracts or commercial spaceflight, they actually allowed you to either keep it on the man capsule or you could bid on kind of the storage capsel going up for both.
Starting point is 01:01:21 And he was the only one who had the foresight to do both because he started off a little bit slower, but now look how much he's jumped ahead of everyone else because he's designed something that can do both. So if someone was going to come to Australia, what would be the one thing you told them they have to do? We have to see. Three days ago, we can't do it here in Victoria, but three days ago my kids and I were in Queensland and they held a koala there. I think that's the American writer passage as well. I think that's those koalas have hooked a lot of Americans over the years. We sort of taken the granted to a certain extent here in Australia, not that they're running around the streets and around their houses
Starting point is 01:02:07 or anything like that, but for the kids to effectively cross that off their bucket list or experience that was pretty cool. And I recommend that to definitely people coming. Or to go surfing one of the famous beaches, learn to surf. That's what we do here. or to go surfing one of the famous beaches, land a surf. That's what we do here. We surf and hug gualas.
Starting point is 01:02:30 So what about those tiny microscopic jellyfish that you guys have? Yeah, we don't miss it. I remember being at Manley in Manley Beach in Sydney, and there were these nets everywhere, and I thought they were for sharks. And my buddy who was a surfer said no They're actually for the jellyfish and
Starting point is 01:02:49 Product that is it pretty yeah full-on but they're in northern they're in northern Australia Yeah, I actually can't swim in all the northern northern Australia because of the jellyfish Sit in Tonsby. Well, hey, thank you so much for being on the show This was absolutely a superb episode and I know the thank you so much for being on the show. This was absolutely a superb episode, and I know the listeners got so much value. Well, I can't wait to follow up with you and hear more about this journey you're doing that's so important, and I hope your inspiration touches the 10 million you wanted to. Yeah, well, we've got one lot, we've got to give it a crack, don't we? Yeah, that we do. Well, thank you again.
Starting point is 01:03:25 Thanks, Abe's John. See you, everyone. What an awesome interview that was with Trabbel. And I learned so much from him, and it was uncanny how much his mission and what we're trying to do with Passion Struck, although we use different terms, are still much in common,
Starting point is 01:03:43 with serving you, our listeners, or our are watchers and helping you unlock passion-driven life through the creation of your own bucket list, those greens, those aspirations. That will fulfill your passion in life. And I mentioned a number of different episodes that we have done during this interview and I'm going to just recap them for you. There's Victoria Humphries, Fuller Explorer who is doing her bucket list challenge at 50 at 50. And you are so going to want to download that interview and take it in. She is a remarkable woman. There was also astronaut Christ Cassidy, who want interviewed, where he talks about his adventures. We're being at the Naval Academy to be coming in ABCO,
Starting point is 01:04:27 to be coming in ASA astronaut to eventually, along his career, becoming the chief astronaut and going up into space three times. Chris, along with Victoria, accomplished so many on their bucket list, but they both have so many more to go. And that's the important thing here, is taking lessons from each one
Starting point is 01:04:45 of these episodes and my personal messages in between and learning how to apply them to your own life. And not all of them may apply. The purpose of this show is to give you content that you can pick and choose from and apply to your own life. And I hope we're doing that for you. And we are well on our way making passion to the viral the millions around the world. I hope you will continue to subscribe to the Passion Star Podcast where I will bring you high achievers
Starting point is 01:05:16 from all around the world in all walks of life that will give their advice on how they become Passion Struck and you can too. Thank you as always for watching or listening to the show. And now, get on with Ignite in your own passion journey. Thank you so much for joining us.
Starting point is 01:05:34 The purpose of our show is to make passion go viral. And we do that by sharing with you the knowledge and skills that you need to unlock your hidden potential. If you want to hear more, please subscribe to the Passion Start Podcast on Spotify, iTunes, Stitcher, or wherever you listen to your podcast ad. And if you absolutely love this episode, we'd appreciate a five-star rating on iTunes, and you're sharing it with three of your most growth-minded friends, so they can post it as well to their social accounts
Starting point is 01:06:06 and help us grow our passion start community. If you'd like to learn more about the show and our mission, you can go to where you can sign up for our newsletter, look at our tools, and also download the show notes for today's episode. Additionally, you can listen to us every Tuesday and Friday for even more inspiring content. And remember, make a choice, work hard, and step into your sharp edges. Thank you again for joining us. you

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