Patrick and the People - 10/15/2024 Patrick and the People - LIVE!

Episode Date: November 2, 2024

Guests: Dustyn Bundrick, Rich Rockwell...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Just so real, already know exactly how you feel See the head, not like seeing a steeple You did what I know, then what are the people? Nobody breaks us, nobody made us No one can take this, cause we got their fix We are the people, we are the people We are the people, don't mess with us Let's go
Starting point is 00:00:24 Alright, good morning, what? Let's go. All right. Good morning. What is going on? That shouldn't happen, but this should. How about that? There we go. That's a little bit better.
Starting point is 00:00:38 Good morning. It's Patrick and the people, baby. Well, we are live again. It is Tuesday, day two of the show, and we've got a new cast in here with us today, as we will every single day. To my right here, we've got Rich Rockwell. Now, Rich Rockwell is the Bruce Buffer of Little Rock. He is a announcer for fights, for professional fights, for wrestling matches, all kinds of things. Is that right? Yes, sir.
Starting point is 00:01:07 I do about six different promotions around the Arkansas area. I'm always looking to expand and grow into more. Yeah, yeah. A little let's get ready to rumble. Yeah. Now, Bruce has a brother, doesn't he? Yeah, I think it's Michael Buffer. Michael Buffer, yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:23 Both of them have come up in the business, and a lot of people didn't know they were brothers for a long time. They're amazing. Now, here to my left, you'll see Dustin Bundrick, a.k.a. Bundy. Yes, sir. Good morning. Yeah, let's hold on one second. Let me switch up this little camera angle here.
Starting point is 00:01:41 There we go. We've got Dustin Bundrick. Now, he owns Bundy Electric. And if you need electrical help, man, this guy can probably do it. All right. Hit me up, dude. I'll get you a fix. Pretty much anything electrical you do, commercial, residential. Master electrician, licensed, bonded with the city of Little Rock, North Little Rock, pretty much anywhere in Central Arkansas.
Starting point is 00:01:58 Really? Yeah, I'm ready to go. Okay. So you work in North Little Rock? Yes, sir. Yeah. Well, you know, a lot of people don't like to work in North Little Rock because of the permits and everything you've got to do there. They're a lot more stringent than some are, right? Believe it or not, they're actually easier to work with than the city of Little Rock. Really?
Starting point is 00:02:14 You think so? Yes, sir. Oh, okay. Yeah, yeah. That's good to hear. Yeah, they're a lot more lenient on things, you know, not as technical, but yeah. Yeah, okay, okay. Well, we've got a lot to talk about yesterday.
Starting point is 00:02:28 First of all, we had a great first show yesterday, I feel like. We had some technical issues. I think we've got that solved now. I think that we've got the audio levels right, so we're just working on these little things. We've also added a couple streams today. I believe we've added Kick and Twitch to the mix. So now we're on YouTube. We're on Rumble.
Starting point is 00:02:52 We're on Facebook, X, Twitch, Kik, Odyssey, DLive. I mean, we're everywhere, man. We're everywhere, yeah. Pretty much anywhere you want to be. And then after that, of course, it converts down into a podcast you can watch and listen to later. Of course, you can always go to and watch it or listen to it live right there. As a matter of fact, I think, Gunnar, didn't we add a listen-only option over on the website as well? Nice.
Starting point is 00:03:22 Yeah. It's very finicky right now. Yeah, so if you want to, you know, not have the video. Yeah. And always give us a feedback on, you know, how it's sounding, what's going on out there and whatnot. But just to kind of give you a heads up, this, it is a little different kind of show, even though it's, it's a lot the same as well. It's all about the community. And so that's why you're going to have different co-hosts in here every day. We've got about 13 different co-hosts that will come in and out every day, kind of give us a different feel, a
Starting point is 00:03:52 different mix, but they're all people in the community that you know we want to work with and so you know if you can help the folks that are sitting here to the left and right of me and it's really awesome you know it's a great way for us to lift each other up. Look, we're never going to get rid of Walmart or Amazon. I mean, I don't even want to, to be honest with you. They give me cheap stuff, and I like that. All right. But if you need, you know, someone in the electrical field, then boom,
Starting point is 00:04:19 why not use Dustin here or Bundy as he goes by and work with somebody you know and like. I mean, it just makes sense, right? Yes, sir. Yeah. Now, you've got your own podcast that you do. Yeah, yeah. Recently just named it the Metal Hippie Podcast
Starting point is 00:04:35 just because that was my Instagram handle. That's a good name, though. You were my first guest, and I just so happened to have a fern sitting in between us. Yeah. So the first episode I called on either side of one fern. Oh, kind of a playoff of the Galifianakis thing. But since then, we've just changed it.
Starting point is 00:04:53 Hold on a second. Let me just do that right there. How about that? But since then, we've just changed it. I was hiding Bundy's beautiful face. There you go, ladies. Now you've got it. I do want to.
Starting point is 00:05:02 We're very universal here. I want to thank you guys because I came in kind of self-conscious about my bedhead. Yeah. That just evaporated. Yeah, look at our hair. Yeah. Or the lack of. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:12 You've got to feel pretty proud of that right now. That's for damn sure. But, yeah, dude, we've had a lot of fun doing that podcast. And, you know, just shooting the bull with close friends and entrepreneurs in the community. I did some up there in Montana with a grizzly guy. Oh, yeah? Yeah, it's been really fun. What do you mean a grizzly guy?
Starting point is 00:05:31 Like he works with grizzly bears or what? You could say that, I guess. He's just a lifetime Wyoming, Montana resident. Oh, okay. And so he's got a ton of bear stories, close encounters. Now, have you seen any bears up there? Dude, we were actually just up there this summer we stayed up there for about six weeks and um funny story so i've got two pit bulls and one
Starting point is 00:05:52 woke me up like four o'clock in the morning which she never does she's a great dog um but woke me up in the morning and she's just acting real weird going crazy i kind of get pissed off like all right let's get up and go let's get up and go out right what's going on what's going on probably about 5 30 in the morning and the town we live in up there very small town population of 200 people oh wow it really is small isn't it I walk her around outside and uh she doesn't use the bathroom and I finally decide okay I'm gonna walk down to the store and get some coffee and start walking down the road with my dogs and we walked up probably about 30 yards on a full-grown female grizzly. Oh, wow.
Starting point is 00:06:27 She stood up, looked at us, and thankfully turned around and ran the other way. I told my wife it was because I had my shirt off. I was like, the bear didn't want that. No, I didn't want any of that. That's what intimidated the bear was your chest? I'm certain that's what it was. It had to be a little bit of a surreal feeling. Oh, for sure.
Starting point is 00:06:46 I mean, when it stood up, come on. I mean, you're going to tell me that your thing didn't shrink up into your stomach somewhere? For sure. For sure. For sure. How big an old bear was it? I mean, it was huge. It was hard to put like a weight on it.
Starting point is 00:07:00 It was full grown. Full grown. Very tall when they stand out. Six o'clock in the morning, I don't have a shirt on. I don't have shoes on. I'm going to get coffee. And you're wondering, can I outrun the dog? Yeah, no, that's exactly right.
Starting point is 00:07:12 Because that's what I got to do is outrun the dog. That's exactly right. That's exactly right. But that was the only encounter I've had myself with a bear up there. But that was enough for me. Any other wild animals up there that you've run into in Montana? Oh, a ton dude we we stay right outside the northeast gate of yellowstone park oh really silver gate montana
Starting point is 00:07:29 shout out silver gate um and so yeah there's a ton of animals you got uh bison of course a ton of bison moose elk bear grizzly bear and black i've seen some of these uh videos where these elk or these moose walk up beside cars. And it's crazy. I don't think people understand just how really massive these animals are. Oh, for sure. I mean, there are insurance claims made every day up there because of an elk or something screwing up a vehicle. Are you serious?
Starting point is 00:07:59 Yeah, for sure. There's so much traffic through there. Ain't no such small roads. And people are idiots. They'll pull right up on you. That's what I see in all these videos. I love to see it when they get what they deserve. Which is they get out and try to do selfies with them.
Starting point is 00:08:16 It's ridiculous. Do you see that sometimes? Oh yeah, for sure. We've got to yell at people. We have a resident bison in that town that just kind of hangs out and grazes yeah he's kind of cool yeah well we're he's kind of cool but you still don't want to walk up and try to pet him yeah but that doesn't stop the tourists from trying no i mean we've not yeah they'll walk up to bears they'll walk up to now anything the the elk or the moose are they very
Starting point is 00:08:40 aggressive normally uh yeah for sure you don't want to walk up on a bull, bull elk or bull moose, any moose. Any bull for that matter. Yeah, yeah, exactly, exactly. But, yeah, you want to be conscious of everything. It'll mess you up. Rich, let me ask you, man. I mean, obviously you're not in Montana, but have you ever had any kind of bear or big animal experience like that?
Starting point is 00:09:00 No. Not counting an ex. Yeah, yeah, yeah. But, no, no, no, no big animals. I think the last animal scare I had was a snake. Really? Yeah. Now what kind of, was it, did it turn out to be a venomous snake? No, it was just a little garden snake, but I'm sure. It made you nervous? I'm sure everybody in my apartment complex heard me scream. Oh, yeah? Oh, yeah. You're just not a snake fan?
Starting point is 00:09:27 No, not at all. Indiana Jones? Yeah. No, I'll go run. Okay, yeah. Now, I don't mind snakes very much at all, to be honest with you. They don't intimidate me. I mean, I guess if I just walked up on it, you know, I'd back up. But they don't frighten me.
Starting point is 00:09:41 Some people, I guess it's a big phobia for them, but it doesn't bother me uh any whatsoever to be around a snake yeah so yeah well you have fun with that i'll be running down the other way run the other way yeah i felt as a matter of fact i felt guilty because um i had we found a snake in the backyard when i lived over by the river in Saline County on the Saline River. And it looked to me like it was a water moccasin, a cottonmouth. You know, it was the trademark blackish brown color with that kind of look. And I just hadn't looked at a lot of them up close. I mean, you see them in videos, but you don't just think, hey, I'm going to memorize what that looks like. And because
Starting point is 00:10:23 it was in a standoff with my two chihuahuas, I was like, yeah, this couldn't go well. And so I ended up taking it out. Well, it wasn't a water moccasin. It was just a water snake, a common water snake. And I felt horrible afterwards. You know, as a matter of fact, my wife got aggravated with me because we lived the same place we lived. And we a she she yelled from I was in the shop and she yelled from the garage and said there's a snake in the garage and I'm like what does it look like and she described it to me I said just shut the door and leave it alone it was a king snake and about five minutes later I watched it come out it's a good six foot king snake
Starting point is 00:11:01 well the next day I'm out there in the shop and here she came with a bag and i said what what is that and she said oh i'm gonna put this down it makes the snake's bellies burn so they go away i said you're damn sure not you're damn sure gonna take that back wherever you got it i said because you run those king snakes off we got a big problem those are the sheriffs over here right you know what i mean they're the guys that take care of us so yeah don't do that or we will have water moccasins and she was aggravated but you know what those we had two king snakes and i never saw another snake they ate very well yeah those are the good guys those are the good guys you want to keep those around yeah but you always know too uh
Starting point is 00:11:39 if you don't know this that you know water moccasins have a real distinct smell. It's almost like, I describe it as a putrid cucumber. Really? But it's a real funky kind of cucumber-y, ammonia-smelling, it's very, very, very pungent. And so you'll know, yeah, especially if you get up around a den of them. Yeah, I was going to say, I'm not going up and smelling any snakes. No, no, you don't have to be up on there. Let me smell you first. No, you don't have to sniff it like a dog's ass.
Starting point is 00:12:08 You got that Gucci cologne on you. No, you don't have to sniff it like a dog's ass. That's not what I'm saying. I mean, you can just smell it in general. All right, we need to probably transition and do a little bit of news that you give a damn about. Let's make a move here. Brought to you by the new Herpes. If you have old Herpes, new Herpes is better. It's her a move here. Brought to you by the new herpes. If you have old herpes,
Starting point is 00:12:25 new herpes is better. It's herpier. Definitely better, that's for sure. Okay, let's talk about what's going on today in the news and anything that you might give a damn about. If I see it, we'll talk about it. So let's see what's breaking news right now as we speak. Boy, you know, it's always going to be some stuff in there that isn't what you want. But a man accused in the deaths of two teenage girls in the Indiana area is going to, well, it says more than seven years ago, he's going to stand trial. Prosecutors say that Richard Allen murdered 13-year-old Abigail Williams and 14-year-old Liberty German in the small city of Delphi while the two were hiking in 2017. Now, yesterday was the first day of jury selection. The case apparently has garnered a lot of attention. It was unsolved
Starting point is 00:13:20 for years before he was eventually arrested in 2022 with some new evidence. Let's see what else is going on here. Demi Moore, you know the actress, is talking about John McClain, a.k.a. Bruce Willis' illness. Moore, who accepted an award for career achievement in acting this past weekend. Career achievement? Well, hell, that was 30 years ago. But okay, good enough. Anyway, she said she's learning how to cope with Willis' dementia battle. Said she had to let go of what he used to be like and meet him where he is.
Starting point is 00:13:55 She said when you do, there's a sweetness. The former couple, of course, share three daughters. That was such a weird relationship when they brought Ashton Kutcher in right and all of a sudden everybody was buddies and friends I mean was that a little weird yeah yeah yeah dude I hate watching the Bruce Willis thing that was that you know I know you're a big diehard fan and he is just the baddest ever and now I hate to see him it is it is tough to see that isn't it for sure For sure. No, it absolutely is. And I don't know what happened because, you know,
Starting point is 00:14:28 I think Bruce Willis is a real nice-looking dude, and I think to me Moore is a real pretty lady, but all their daughters look like they have potato heads. Is that wrong? I probably shouldn't have said that. Let's move on to something else here, shall we? Okay, so apparently the five-part fact-based drama Lockerbie, A Search for Truth, is headed to Peacock on January 2nd. If you care about that, it's the true story of Pan Am Flight 103 that exploded over Lockerbie, Scotland, 38 minutes after takeoff back in 1988 in a terrorist attack.
Starting point is 00:15:04 Yeah, there were 259 people on board, 11 on the ground, all died. 38 minutes after takeoff back in 1988 in a terrorist attack. Yeah, there were 259 people on board, 11 on the ground, all died. Yeah, the series Colin Firth will play a doctor whose daughter died in the attack and he was nominated as a spokesperson for the U.K. victims. It's got a good cast in it, so it might be a good show to check out. What else is going on here in some news for you? Okay, so jury selection begins in the Brett Hankinson retrial. That's in a retrial of former Louisville, Kentucky police officer who was charged in connection with the death of Breonna Taylor. We have all heard about that. Here you go, Toy Ins insiders hottest toys of 2024 i think
Starting point is 00:15:47 i'm going to save that i want to talk about that i think a little bit later and get into some of these toys and see how they compare to the toys we had when we were kids you know which mainly were sticks and dirt but um uh here's something interesting when tes Tesla showed off its new design for its latest robotic creations last week in California, some people accused Elon Musk's company of ripping off the design from the iRobot movie with Will Smith. The presentation itself was called WeRobot, which is, of course, the name of that is based on the Isaac Asimov short story. Still, some were quick to call out the similarities of the cyber cab robo-taxi, robo-van, and the newest Tesla robot thing seen in the movie. Well, I mean, isn't that the case with everything we make?
Starting point is 00:16:37 Yeah, yeah, for sure. I mean, it's all copied. I mean, yeah. I mean, half the stuff that we have came from Star Trek. All right. I mean, look at you. Where do you think the flip phone came from? Captain Kirk looked dope.
Starting point is 00:16:47 Yeah. I mean, that was cool, right? You have like the medical tricorder, all of these different things that, you know, it's all inspired by science fiction movies, shows, whatever. So, yeah, that's crap. That's just crap. Yeah, I saw that headline too.
Starting point is 00:17:04 I thought it headline, too. I thought it all looked cool. Yeah, I don't know how much I believe it. I want to see more. It was so good, it's frightening. Yeah, yeah, exactly. You know, when it's sitting there shaking hands, having conversations with two chains working, it's like, man, now if it had broke out into a hot wrap and really sounded good. And it had the conversation like it was pretty frictionless.
Starting point is 00:17:29 Yeah, no, it did. Did you all ever hear, speaking about the robots, did you all ever hear about that one robot that was working at, like, a factory? Oh, where it just killed? Yeah, it just killed itself because it was like, this is pointless. I think it killed a bunch of people first, didn't it? Is that the one you're talking about? I know there was one a few years ago that actually killed people at a plant,
Starting point is 00:17:47 but that was overseas. I didn't hear that. Yeah. Yeah, something went wrong. I guess it violated rule number one. It was iRobot, the home game. Yeah. Chicago-based True Value, you know, the national hardware retailer,
Starting point is 00:18:01 said they've declared bankruptcy. They're going to sell itself to a home improvement rival, Do It Best. I've never heard of that company either. Do It Best. The company, founded in 1948, serves 4,500 stores worldwide, retail sales of $10 billion. How do you have sales of $10 billion and have to file bankruptcy? That is rough, man.
Starting point is 00:18:21 You're not doing something right. That gives me no hope. Right? I mean, if you can't make it work on $10 billion in your budget, something's really wrong, man. I'm screwed. Yeah. OPEC lowered its outlook for the rest of 2024 and 2025. Congratulations if you wanted to go to the gas pump and save money.
Starting point is 00:18:39 China's oil imports fell for the fifth straight month. The drop in global oil demand growth expectations led to a 2% drop. That's good. In oil prices yesterday, crude fell to about $77 a barrel. Let's see what else it says. So that's good.
Starting point is 00:18:56 Maybe it'll come down. I mean, normally this happens just in time for the election. I really like to lower gas prices right before in hopes that maybe some idiot out there goes, I'll vote for you now. Gas is 10 cents cheaper. Okay. Yeah. And things must be getting better. As mentioned yesterday, 7-Eleven is going to be closing 444 locations due to inflation, slower customer traffic, and declining cigarette sales. You're telling me that 7-Eleven was held up by cigarette sales all that time?
Starting point is 00:19:32 Damn, man. Wow, that's crazy. California bird flu may still be in the air, at least in California. What do they not have in California? Everything you could get is in California. Everything that can go wrong, that's where it is. It's happening now. But anyway, they said that the disease has spread to 100 dairies in California, 300 across the U.S.
Starting point is 00:19:55 19 confirmed human cases of bird flu in the country this year among farm workers. Six of those cases happen in california i think you know maybe a good idea is to draw a dotted line right at the border of california and try to peel it away and just kind of move it out on its own like sicily just be an island out there somewhere you know uh spacex falcon heavy rocket launched in florida yesterday starting a $5.2 billion NASA probe trip to Europa. Yeah, they're going to Europa. That's not overseas. That is an ice-covered moon of Jupiter.
Starting point is 00:20:33 If everything works as planned, the Europa Clipper probe will enter an orbit around Jupiter in April of 2030. Well, I guess it's not an orbit around Uranus. Data from previous missions' long-range studies show there's a saltwater ocean underneath the ice. Now, I'm seeing a lot of... Have you been hearing about this planet? They think they see like a gazillion million light years away where they think there's life there?
Starting point is 00:20:58 I've heard a little bit about that, yeah. Yeah, they say it looks like lights from a civilization that they see, but it's so far away. You know, it's amazing to me they can see that far, but there's zero chance we could travel there. We would never get there. Right. Well, I mean, I guess if you develop warp speed, like in Star Trek. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:16 If Elon will hurry up. No? No. No what? No space take there? I mean, it's, you know, like you said, it's cool and all, but are we ever going to really reach there? And we're firing up all these, you know, rockets and everything into space, and we're all just down here like, hey, can we get some health care? Yeah, you know, if it would lower my gas bill, I could do one less rocket trip.
Starting point is 00:21:39 But, you know, that's Elon's money, not my money. 20 cents less at the pump. Let's vote for them. All right, let's take a look real quick at a few more things here. Butterball has solved Thanksgiving dilemmas with a new cook. What is this? Nobody gives a damn. I'm sorry, man.
Starting point is 00:21:55 I'm sorry I even read that. Scratch that. You know, hold on one second. Let me just scratch that. KFC raised some eyebrows with a suggestive name for dessert apparently food blogger marky debo announced kfc's new dessert on social media and uh some people are excited about cherry pie poppers cherry pie what's wrong with that cherry pie poppers well some have been said there might be an innuendo in that.
Starting point is 00:22:28 Can you just not say cherry pie and that be okay? I mean, is that just, it's now so used. I mean, I can't even remember the last time someone referred to that in a manner that was an innuendo. Has anyone said to you, man, I'm going to get some of that cherry pie? No, hell no, they don't say that. Burger King goes king size with big dip cups of Hidden Valley Ranch. Well, it's probably about time. That's a great follow-up to the Cherry Poppers.
Starting point is 00:22:53 Yeah, well, it really is. No, it says you're going to get an eight-ounce cup of Hidden Valley. Well, that way you can just drink it instead of tea. Is that what it is? You can just put a straw in it and you may as well rub it on your ass. That's where it's going. But, you know, they give you these little bitty, and sometimes they're like, well, I can give you one. And if you want more than that, they're 25 cents or 50 cents. I'm like, bitch, it's barbecue.
Starting point is 00:23:16 I can buy a whole bottle for that. What are you talking about, man? All right. And more than half of Americans are decorating for Halloween. Let's stop there. Are you a Halloween decoration guy? Minimally, yeah. We've got some stuff inside, but nothing really on the outside.
Starting point is 00:23:32 No giant inflatables, nothing like that. The wife won't let me. A 25-foot skeleton. Man, I see the ones now that they have that, have you seen the one where it jumps up real high? Oh, yeah, yeah. Where it's in front of you and it's doing something and it just jumps up and the arms come out and it's real freaky scary. It's pretty cool.
Starting point is 00:23:50 It's just more money than I want to speak. Yeah, exactly. That's what it comes down to. Yeah, but I do see people going all in more and more on Halloween decor almost like Christmas. Yeah, for sure. Yeah. For sure. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:01 Now you go to Walmart and you have Christmas, Thanksgiving, and Halloween all in one on. Yeah, no, they start Christmas at about June. Yeah. For sure. Yeah. Now you go to Walmart and you have, you know, Christmas, Thanksgiving, and Halloween all in one eye. Yeah, no, they start Christmas at about June. Yeah. When they do that, right? Yeah, I noticed that the other day in Walmart. They've already got all their Christmas stuff ready to go. All right, let's talk a little bit about sports here. Hey, Bundy, you're a big sports guy.
Starting point is 00:24:20 What do you got going in sports? What are you seeing out there? Man, I stayed up late last night to watch my Jets lose against the Buffalo Bills. Man, but you know what? Aaron Rodgers threw a great – that Hail Mary was a pretty great pass. Yes, it was beautiful. And the announcers saw it coming because they played a replay of his three career touchdown Hail Marys.
Starting point is 00:24:39 And then right when they came back from commercial break, boom, he launched one. He did that. Yeah, it was awesome. Let me ask this because, you know, me and my sons talk about, you know, Aaron Rodgers. Is he still the man and he's just kind of getting back from this injury or maybe is he past his prime? You know, I think after last night seeing that throw,
Starting point is 00:25:00 I think he's still the man. You think he's still the man? Yeah, dude. He's recovering from the Achilles. They just fired the head coach. Yeah, I know. And picked up the defensive coordinator. Well, they had to fire somebody.
Starting point is 00:25:09 It was him or Aaron. Yeah, exactly. It was going to be one of them. But even though they lost last night, it was still – the first drive they came out, that's the best offensive drive we've had all season. You know, we looked great. And so maybe it was the coach because you immediately saw a difference.
Starting point is 00:25:22 Now, who did they lose to? Buffalo Bills. Yeah. And Buffalo is a good team. Yeah, yeah, for sure. Josh Allen, great quarterback. Josh Allen's a great quarterback there. Yeah, they're a competitive team.
Starting point is 00:25:32 I mean, they're a playoff team for sure. Yeah, and it was a close game back and forth. No, I mean, look, if you're going to have a game, you want it to be close because that's a lot more fun. Yeah, for sure. And the Ohio State game was pretty amazing against Oregon. Yeah, no, I was rooting for the Buckeyes on that. Well, I like the Buckeyes.
Starting point is 00:25:50 That's my wife's from Ohio. Well, hey, man, thanks for having me, you know. Oh, you're out now? Okay, well, we'll see you later, Michigan fan. Go Blue! No, don't say that crap here, man. Hold on. No, we're not doing that around here.
Starting point is 00:26:05 To commemorate the impending start of the college basketball season, the AP released their preseason top 25 rankings, 60 ballots from national media. The team to beat, clearly, the Jayhawks out of Kansas. They walked away with half of all the ballots cast. That's pretty good. Alabama, number two. They're probably glad to see that because they sure ain't in football. Man, you want to talk about a vacancy, a change when Nick Saban left.
Starting point is 00:26:31 Yeah, for sure. I mean, man, everybody must have left because all of a sudden, man, that team is spiraling out. When you're getting beaten by Vanderbilt. Yeah. What a great weekend for SEC football that weekend, though. You had Vanderbilt beating Alabama. We beat Tennessee.
Starting point is 00:26:45 It's all around a great weekend. What's our record right now, by the way? We've lost two, I believe. Okay. So we're looking like we could be in, like, the cellophane bowl or the duct tape bowl or something like that right now. Yeah. Do you think we're making a curve here with coaching or no?
Starting point is 00:27:04 Do you think this're making a curve here with coaching or no? Do you think this is another illusion? Because typically we get up just to once again get down. I'm hoping Bobby Petrino is going to find his groove back in the state and get us going. He won't find the girls' groove. Yeah, just no motorcycles. This weekend will be a good indicator on how the rest of the season will be playing LSU this weekend.
Starting point is 00:27:25 LSU's always a tough game for the boot. Golden boot, baby. Always a tough game. Yes, sir. All right, so Alabama, UConn, Houston, Iowa State, Gonzaga, Duke, Baylor, North Carolina, and Arizona. Now, as far as gamblers are concerned, UConn is the team to beat. It is followed by Kansas, Duke, and Alabama.
Starting point is 00:27:44 Check this out. Peyton Houston. Not Manning. Peyton Houston. Who is he? Well, you might want to watch out for him. He's a high school quarterback out of Evangel Christian Academy in Louisiana.
Starting point is 00:27:55 He put in a career performance over the weekend for his team. He had an overtime loss to Captain Shreve Houston, racked up 817 passing yards. Wow. The most ever thrown in a single high school football game. I said 817 yards. Wow. That passed whoever the record was.
Starting point is 00:28:19 During the performance, he completed 53 of 68 passes. Wow. Threw for eight TDs. Rushed for another 88 yards and two TDs. Hell, can someone put him in Dallas right now? Seriously. I mean, and what's going on over there? I mean, is this just the common, the Jerry Jones issue
Starting point is 00:28:39 that he spends all the money in the world on the stadium and the snacks but just won't get the right players. Just paid Dak Prescott a bunch of money. To continue to be mediocre. Yeah. See, I love the Jets and I love to hate the Cowboys. I've got a bunch of friends that are Cowboys fans. So I usually watch every game.
Starting point is 00:28:56 It seems like a lot of people here, I would say probably there are more Cowboy fans here than anything else. Yes. Yes. Hold on. Gunner's coming to rescue me. Yeah, this side, buddy. Just right there. I appreciate that.
Starting point is 00:29:09 Well, you know you do. You do know, but I've been trying to plug that in for a straight seven minutes. I was trying to get subtle clues here to Bundy. I kept going like this, but he was never looking. You know, but we'll learn each other's code as we go here.
Starting point is 00:29:25 Let's cleanse our palates and come back. He's an imbecile. Well, he's our imbecile now. Patrick and the People. All right, man. So, what is going on today? Well, let me just talk to you a little bit about some of the things coming this week that you're going to need to know that we're going to be doing.
Starting point is 00:29:50 Friday's show looks to be amazing. I'm going to be honest with you. It looks like it's going to be just an amazing show. We're going to have, of course, The Rant on Friday. Yeah, The Rant's back. Oh, The Rant's back. The return of The Rant. Yes, baby.
Starting point is 00:30:04 Yeah, we'll have a special Rant cam for rant. Yes, baby. Yeah. We'll have a special rant cam for that. We've also got Vantage Ruins. They're going to do a live performance in studio. Nice. And we're very excited about that. Yeah. And then it does seem to be official that I'll be getting tased
Starting point is 00:30:20 on Friday at the end of the show by law enforcement. It's the good kind where they shoot it in you. Oh, man. It's the real deal. Yeah, so if you want to see it, baby, it's going to be awesome, man. Wow. Hey, let me mention Crazy J's.
Starting point is 00:30:33 If you vape or maybe you're a connoisseur of the electric lettuce, you're looking for the dopest glass where you can get the best price in town, yeah, of course that's what you're looking for. Maybe the best selection of vape flavors and brands stop hitting up the crappy gas stations and places that don't have choices go over to crazy jays and conway they're at 26 25 donaghy uh sweet 110 over there man uh jay's good people and they got some very good stuff there if you're trying to uh you know do the flower and special in uh good ways they got all kinds of stuff or if you're trying to uh you know do the flower in special and uh good ways they got all kinds of stuff or if you're just you know doing the everyday normal vaping thing a lot of people
Starting point is 00:31:09 are vaping now more than ever and also i do want to mention uh rigging law uh a lot of people come in after the death of a loved one the mom said we're supposed to split the house and dad wanted the hunting lease to go to and you know the evil siblings come in the last minute the parent changes everything you're disinherited a lot of people have misconceptions about inheritance laws and a lot of greedy family members uh rigging law can help you with that look just educate yourself before you need kristin riggan but you'll probably want to check her out. She's real people helping real people. You can go to It's R-I-G-G-A-N and check out Kristen. I've known Kristen a long time. She's very, very good people and you'll really enjoy getting to work with her and talk to her. That may not be the most enjoyable situation, but it is something that
Starting point is 00:32:05 she's a great person to work with. Okay, let's talk about, this is a wild thing. The new technology, we were talking earlier about the tech that's coming out like Elon Musk, Optimus, and the Cyber Taxi, but this,
Starting point is 00:32:21 this is a wild story. Two people managed to communicate through their dreams in a groundbreaking experiment uh using an apparatus researchers at a california-based rem space say two individuals in separate homes exchange messages while sleeping. I read this story the other day. It's super interesting. They exchanged messages while sleeping. The message was just, in this case, a single word. The startup aims to enhance sleep and lucid dreaming.
Starting point is 00:32:57 They've remained very tight-lipped on what equipment they're using to achieve this milestone, but the study mentioned specially designed equipment. They apparently apparatus tracked participants' brain waves and other biological data during this. And then a server was used to detect when a participant entered a lucid dream. Now, if you don't know, a lucid dream is kind of like when you're aware that you're dreaming. That's what they call a lucid dream.
Starting point is 00:33:27 You know you're in a dream. Once one person was in a lucid dream state, the server sent them a one-word message through earbuds. The participant then repeated the word in their dream, which the server captured and stored for the second participant. When the second person entered the dream state eight minutes later, they transmitted that message and they repeated it when they woke up. Wow. Wow. Now. So they chose the message to send or the person that was? Well, they chose the message to send. Okay. Now, look, I'm already worried about people listening to me on my cell phone and
Starting point is 00:34:06 whatnot giving up my privacy now you can come in my dreams right is this making anyone a little nervous for sure dude i have the weirdest dreams i don't tell anybody about them you know there's a reason exactly they're too they're too off the wall yeah no no people start recording your dreams and playing them back in a video format no i can't have that i'll be in big trouble just wait till the significant other wakes you up in the morning and goes i know what you were dreaming about last night i didn't appreciate i know who she was yeah yeah no i would if i could do that i would use it to harass my wife i think i got morning wood yeah i think i'd use it to get some stuff done.
Starting point is 00:34:45 Like when you wake up, you're going to clean the house. I want to work. Can I work while I sleep? Can I find a way to work while I sleep, pay bills, do auto pay? I'd just like to remember my passwords. Maybe I could just say those over and over again when I'm dreaming. Good luck, man. Does anybody else have trouble keeping up with passwords?
Starting point is 00:35:02 Or do you use the same password for everything? I pretty much use the same thing for everything. I used to not. I used to keep them all wrote down. But then I was like, how vulnerable am I with this piece of paper? I know. And I don't want to say this because I love my mom so much. She's just a wonderful human being.
Starting point is 00:35:18 But one of the worst gifts in the world. Sorry, Mom. I'm sorry, damn it. I'm sorry. But she sent me a password keeper which it it's magnetic and you pull it it goes yeah like this and there it's like an accordion of where you write and i'm like if i lose that with every password i have i've just handed everything i got to them you know yeah uh but now i i used to do the the one and it was so much easier when it was just one word now you know. Yeah. But, no, I used to do the one. And it was so much easier when it was just one word.
Starting point is 00:35:47 Now, you know, they make you feel guilty for that. Hell, Gunner looked at you like you were a bastard a minute ago. One password for everything? One password. You. This is unheard of. You cretin. Dude, and I have trouble with that one password, so don't throw me another one.
Starting point is 00:36:02 Dude, I have trouble with the one. Just the one password. Yeah, it's like it doesn't have an exclamation point at the end? Does it start with a capital letter? Now you've got to throw a number in. He's looking at his finger. He's like, no, exclamation point at the end. Yeah, and they want to use strong password, but nothing ever remembers.
Starting point is 00:36:17 I try to use it, but nothing ever remembers that password. I know, well, I won't. Right, right. And I think, like, my phone now, it saves some of the passwords for you. So when you go to type it in on that website, it'll automatically. Yeah, no, I do that as much as I can. But if you reboot or do anything like that, all of a sudden that's. Right.
Starting point is 00:36:35 Well, and it's like if you're already going to log me in and use my password for me, can we just cut out all the runaround? Can you just let me get in the app? I'll give you my identity now. Just can you make my credit better? That's all I'm asking is just make a few payments for me because that's what you could do is make it better.
Starting point is 00:36:51 Alright, hold on. Let's cleanse our palate. Brought to you by the new Herpes. If you have old Herpes, new Herpes is better. It's herpier. It definitely is herpier. That's for sure. Listen to this. See what you think about it. Tiger King starred Joe Exotic.
Starting point is 00:37:08 Oh, God. Yeah. This guy again? Yeah, you thought you were right. It's like a cockroach. Really? He just won't go away. I can't get enough of this guy.
Starting point is 00:37:16 You love it. I love it. Hold on. Have you seen, what is the name of it? Have you seen The Lady with the Monkeys? No. I've been wanting to watch that, but we have not watched it. There's a new heir to the throne.
Starting point is 00:37:28 Yeah, see, yeah, this lady makes, huh? Chimp Kingdom, I think. Yeah, Chimp something. This lady makes Joe Exotic look like a rocket scientist, man. This lady, she's the dumbest. Yeah, I watched the whole thing. She's the dumbest, one of the dumbest people I've ever seen. She's literally hiding a monkey from a lawsuit.
Starting point is 00:37:51 She's got to prove this monkey or chimp is dead. And she's hiding it downstairs in an enclosure she's got. They're videoing a documentary about it. You understand, in a matter of days, they're going to know you lied to the court. Right. You're in big trouble now. You're so dumb. Secret's out.
Starting point is 00:38:10 You're going the wrong way. Yeah. And they played that one audio where, remember the lady who had the chimpanzee and her friend came over to the house? Yes. Dude, that audio was horrible. Oh, my God. It's terrible.
Starting point is 00:38:21 That's horrifying. It is horrifying. You know? I mean, she's sitting there crying. My friend's face is going. Yeah, yeah. Damn, I don't want to monkey all this stuff. Was that the same lady?
Starting point is 00:38:29 No, no, different lady, different lady. But back to Joe Exotic. Apparently, he's optimistic he's going to get released next year. His attorney feels Joe's got a good chance of being acquitted based on some new evidence and is hopeful for an immediate release if a retrial is granted now he was sent to jail for his role in a 2017 murder for hire scheme against carol baskin or as they refer to that bitch carol baskin did you think did he get the right sentence first of all did you you believe that he should have gone? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:39:06 I mean. I kind of wanted to kill her myself. Yeah, for sure. For sure. But, I mean, yeah, because they came out with the second installment. Yes. Yeah, because the first one was really well done, but the second came back and showed you some of the things maybe that you didn't see, right? Yeah, so I don't know my opinion on that.
Starting point is 00:39:26 I like Joe Exotic. I just like him in the headlines. He was fun. Yeah, yeah, fun guy. Conor McGregor was fun. He was an ass talker. You know what I mean? What about you, Matt?
Starting point is 00:39:34 Yeah, I don't. No skin in the Joe Exotic? Yeah, no, no skin in the Joe Exotic. You didn't binge it, love it, get down to it? No. Okay. No, not my thing. No, no, I understand that.
Starting point is 00:39:43 Well, so what does Joe plan to do? Well, if he gets out of prison, he's planning to take his talents to college. Joe's one of the world's foremost authorities on tigers. So he said, I think he would really like to work in a higher education, academia, these kind of things. He's got a lot of knowledge. He'd like to speak and give lectures. Can you imagine that guy? Oh, geez. No, I'd sign up for that class. Oh's got a lot of knowledge. He'd like to speak and give lectures. Can you imagine that guy? Oh, geez.
Starting point is 00:40:06 No, I'd sign up for that class. Oh, 100%. Give me that. That's a class I actually want to take. I'll go into student debt for that. That dude's crazy as hell, man. You know? He said, that dude's gay.
Starting point is 00:40:16 Not as gay as I am, but hey. Like, this guy's crazy, man. Look, that was the height of the COVID lock-in lockdown 100 you know joe joe exotic benefited from that or the makers of that documentary you know but the same people that made the tiger king documentary are the ones that made the chimp documentary oh really okay yeah and apparently the guy was so felt like he would be recognized right so he hired a guy to portray a the reporter journalist that embedded with him and and pretend to be a director instead of him being the director and then later on and uh somehow some way um who was it that there was a big actor too that was involved
Starting point is 00:41:00 in it that i'm trying to remember who it was who produced it and uh was called involved in it it was really an interesting thing if you haven't watched it and I can't remember the name chimp kingdom or chimp something yeah uh but it's damn sure an interesting thing to to watch man what are you watching right now rich what what what do what is your bag if it ain't joe exotic well um of course you know wrestling I just got done watching the Vince McMahon documentary on Netflix. I watched a good part of that documentary. And, you know, it seems like maybe he's what people think he might be. You know, it's hard to say.
Starting point is 00:41:39 He was one of the great. Look, he is a phenomenal showman. Oh, absolutely. Without a doubt. I mean, he's a phenomenal villain. He's played the role very well. As a matter of fact, I think for most people, probably the best that WWE was was the Attitude Era.
Starting point is 00:41:56 Oh, yeah. Sure, sure. When Steve Austin and him and Rock and him were constantly going at it. And, I mean, look, everybody, I think, if you like wrestling at all, remembers when Vince McMahon was in the hospital. Oh, yeah. Austin snuck in and beat the hell out of him, right? I mean, everybody was talking about that.
Starting point is 00:42:15 Right. So he's a phenomenal villain. But, man, is he really kind of a monster? Is every guy or every human in power that's been in power pre-2010 just a piece of crap yeah right that what's up in the world it kind of seems that way it does seem like everybody that that you know was beloved from bill cosby to you know to everybody at this point have been exposed man uh something i I was watching a movie last night on Tubi. It was, you remember Planet Terror and Death Proof?
Starting point is 00:42:53 It was a Tarantino-type double feature, a Grindhouse movie, you know? And I noticed, you know, right in the front clip, brought to you from the Weinstein family. I was like, oh, that did not age as well as maybe it could have. You know, I was like, you couldn't just black that part out, you know. And the new copies, they will. Yeah, yeah, I'm sure they will, yeah. In the new history, there will be no Harvey Weinstein.
Starting point is 00:43:16 Right. It'll just be erased from history, right? I don't give a damn. I'll still watch Pulp Fiction a hundred times. Oh, yeah, come on. And he was the guy behind him and Quentin. Yeah. I think he really kind of helped Quentin get his career into the big swing.
Starting point is 00:43:32 Yeah, Pulp Fiction. Look, Quentin Tarantino does have some of the best movies ever made. 100%. You agree with that? I would, yeah. What's your favorite Tarantino movie? Pulp Fiction was definitely up there, yeah. Yeah, no, it's high up there.
Starting point is 00:43:44 What about you? I think that newest one he did, Once Upon a no, it's high up there. What about you? I think that newest one he did, Once Upon a Time in Hollywood. You liked that one, didn't you? I loved it. I watched a lot of Manson's stuff before, and it didn't show Manson a lot in that movie, but I just thought you could really tell
Starting point is 00:43:58 that Tarantino was probably enamored with Sharon Tate. I'm sure he was. And so it was kind of a love letter to her. I just liked the movie. I thought it was good cinema. I'm sure he was. It was kind of a love letter to her. I just liked the movie. I thought it was good cinema. I thought the scene with Brad Pitt with the dogs and all that. It's the best scene in the whole movie. It's worth it.
Starting point is 00:44:14 I saw it in theaters actually. It was a hard movie to watch in theaters. It was slow in a lot of ways. The payoff at the end was great. See, Laura, she's a fan of indie movies and i that is my arch enemy and i define an indie movie as a movie that really doesn't have a lot of plot but it's interesting but then it just stops right like they ran out of money to make an ending yeah and it just stops and i'm like no you're not going to give me clothes yeah you got to give me
Starting point is 00:44:42 something to wrap that's why you know i know No Country for Old Men won an Oscar. I don't care. It's a piece of crap. I know. I hate the ending. It's crap, man. I hate the ending. It's like, what is this?
Starting point is 00:44:50 I watched all this. The cattle prod, this, that, the other. I mean, it'd be like Die Hard ending, you know, when he's putting the gun on his back. Yeah, right. And you never see Alan Rickman fall or fall. It just ends there. You wonder, well, what happened? Did he get out?
Starting point is 00:45:07 That'd make it an indie movie, you know? I know. I love country. No country for old men. But yeah, that ending, just Tommy Jones sitting in a diner telling a story. Horrible ending. No, I saw Tommy Lee Jones in a trailer for, I don't know if it's a movie or a show, but and look, I know people get old.
Starting point is 00:45:22 I get it. But damn. Yeah, he's not looking good that dude got old and i mean old old i was like man check his pulse is he breathing living dead at this point black now he's about to be in black for sure yeah uh man what a great actor he was if you've never seen the fugitive oh dude man that is a great movie i'm sure they'll remake it soon and it won't be good right uh but the one with harrison ford and tommy lee jones even the second one which was called u.s marshals with oh maybe
Starting point is 00:45:55 that's the one tommy lee jones and wesley snipe yeah the first one's harrison ford that's where this the one-armed man that killed his wife. Right, right. He was a doctor. Yeah, Dr. Richard Kimball. I don't know why I remember names like that. I shouldn't, but I do. Not off the top. Yeah, no, it's a real sickness I have with movies, I'll be honest with you on that. All right, let's see what else we've got going on here. Our time is, by the way, it's 716. If you're driving around, it's balmy, It's sticky. It's Arkansas. You know what it is. You don't need me to tell you that.
Starting point is 00:46:27 But you do need me to tell you about this. Look, if you're dealing with a family law matter, you want to choose a lawyer who knows what you're dealing with. You want someone who has experience. At Robertson, Oswalt, and Noni, they've been providing effective family law representation to clients throughout Little Rock and Saline County for a lot of years. So if you're dealing with a divorce, nobody wants to, but if you're going to do it, you want an attorney who can take care of you. It's a scary, difficult time, especially if it involves custody. If it's even custody between unmarried couples to adoptions, enforcement actions, they can do everything and
Starting point is 00:47:05 help you out. They're good people. I know Bonnie over there. You can tell her I sent you. Give them a call 866-311-3815. It's 866-311-3815. It's Robertson, Oswalt, and Noni. They are really a great, great firm to work with if, in fact, that you need some help in that area. I told you I wanted to talk about the hottest toys of the year for 2024. You know Christmas is coming up. Now, Rich, do you celebrate Christmas around your place? Oh, absolutely. I've got my little six-year-old boy.
Starting point is 00:47:42 You've got a six-year-old boy. Okay, so Christmas is big time this year. Oh, yeah. Yeah, I'm excited to see this list. I need to. little six-year-old boy. You've got a six-year-old boy. Okay, so Christmas is big time this year. Oh, yeah. Yeah, I'm excited to see this list. I need to get shopping. Oh, to hear it's just to know because you don't really care about your kids. You just want me to tell you what to buy. No, that's not true.
Starting point is 00:47:54 How about you? Do you guys celebrate the Christmas? Yeah, yeah. We're non-secular, but, yeah, we definitely throw up a Christmas tree every year and get in the spirit. Yeah, yeah. A little Frosty the Snowman. Yeah, yeah, yeah. We love that time of year.
Starting point is 00:48:04 It seems like everybody's so much nicer that time of year you know typically it does unless you're shopping uh but otherwise we we stay out of the we stay out no i don't do black friday stuff anymore i used to do that and fight old ladies for a five dollar dvd right you'd be in the bin fighting for that five dollar dvd man i'm gonna get the last diehard dvd don't think i want one. That's why I practice kickboxing. So you can get that DVD. Black Friday, yeah, absolutely.
Starting point is 00:48:29 So you can get the deal on the hair dryer that you need. The hair dryer, absolutely. What? What? Okay, so let's talk about this because maybe you're wondering, well, what the hell should I get my kids? They probably are bad kids, and they don't deserve anything. But we'll tell you what they are saying are the best toys here.
Starting point is 00:48:49 Hold on one second. All right. So this is from Today. If you're wondering, they did a big special on this, and the Toy Insider and Today brought in what they said were the biggest toys of the year. So here we go. The Hot 20 Toys, the Play Tab Sensory Activity Board. That looks like it's something for toddlers and babies.
Starting point is 00:49:15 You can see here it's about $45. Cry Baby's Morning Routine Doll. Now, let me just tell you already, it says what we love about this, it has a nurturing element. So it's a baby that you can brush your hair, you know, brush your teeth, do all that. But it makes a lot of crying sounds. So I'm going to tell you right off the bat, that's a no. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:38 A big no. Don't get that. Okay? I don't care what they say. The Just Play For Real Peanut, the playful monkey doll. If you're three to four years old, that's apparently a $60 monkey. What the hell does a monkey do? It looks terrifying.
Starting point is 00:49:53 Okay, it says kids can help her flip, hold her hands, walk with her, feed her. So it's kind of a robotic little monkey. Yeah, and it's about $60. Okay, the Fisher Price Star Wars Darth Vader bot. monkey yeah and it's about 60 bucks okay the fisher price star wars darth vader bot now the darth vader bot looks to be maybe a couple feet tall it's 104 bucks yeah stands just over two feet tall classic star wars characters got cool lights sounds a pop-out disc launcher man if i'd had something a darth vader robot in in you know when i was a kid in the 80s that had been one of the coolest things i'd ever had in my life for sure dude it looks pretty cool
Starting point is 00:50:29 yeah we all we had were the action figures that were about as long as my index finger you know they barely had a discernible face on them right right you know you just kind of knew about the shape of it it was the character really you Man, I had all the original Star Wars characters. I had the Millennium Falcon. I had all that. And I was so stupid that when I was maybe a late teen, I wrecked my car and just left it in the trunk. I didn't even care.
Starting point is 00:50:59 Yeah, it didn't seem like it was worth it. It was a bunch of junk to me then, right? It's like when I got rid of my Chevelle. I was like, it's so boring. I want something new with power windows, Dad. Right. 20 years later, like, damn, I wish I had that car. Five minutes later.
Starting point is 00:51:15 Yeah, I'll tell you what that was. Hold on. That was... Bullshit? Bullshit? Bullshit. That's what that was for sure. All right, this one is the Hasbro Play-Doh pizza delivery scooter play set.
Starting point is 00:51:28 Wow, that's a mouthful. It is, and it looks to be a motorized scooter. Wow. Like, imagine, you know, the Jeeps, the Power Wheels Jeeps. Yeah. Kind of like that, except on the back it's got a, it's like a food truck scooter. Is this the ambition you want your kids to have? I mean, what happened to the NASA play set or, you know,
Starting point is 00:51:51 construction guy, policeman? You got the pizza delivery scooter guy? That's the ambition you want to give your kids? So proud of you, son. You're going to be a pizza delivery boy one day. Setting them up for the minimum wage expectations. Yeah. Side hustles, huh?
Starting point is 00:52:07 Yeah, yeah. Spidey's Mega Jump HQ track is big. Bluey Healer Home. Is Bluey Healer some kind of new show? No, Bluey's a cartoon character. Bluey is a cartoon character. He's a kid's cartoon. Oh.
Starting point is 00:52:21 Yeah. Like Blue's Clues? Like Blue's Clues? I mean, no, not like Blue's Clues. It's just, you know. I got you. It's different. It's cartoon. Yeah. Like Blue's Clues? Like Blue's Clues? I mean, no, not like Blue's Clues. It's just, you know. I got you. It's different. It's cartoon.
Starting point is 00:52:27 Okay. Yeah, I've not heard of Bluey, but I don't have kids that age anymore. So if my kids are watching Bluey, there's a problem real high. Let's see. Those are the top ones there. Let's see what else we've got here. The Spin Master DC Comic Batman Ultimate Transforming Batmobile.
Starting point is 00:52:48 It's a Batmobile playset. What is up with all these long toy names? I don't know. They used to have names like Slinky. Yo-Yo. The Stick. The Stick. Rocks. Let's go back to your childhood
Starting point is 00:53:03 years here. Rich, what was your very favorite? There's got to be one toy you remember from as a kid that was your jam that still, like, if you could get it again right now, you probably would just for nostalgia. I was just thinking about this the other day when I told you. I was looking for, you know, early Christmas gift ideas. Mine was, I forget what it was called, but do you remember you had like, okay, so there was the Easy Bake Oven. That was popular for the girls. Yeah, I had an Easy Bake Oven.
Starting point is 00:53:30 Yeah. And then for the guys, there was the, you could put the glue in the little trays and it would make little creepy crawly things. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. I can't think of the name of it. I can't either, but I remember that. That was my favorite. I mean, making the little, you know, scorpions. Okay, okay.
Starting point is 00:53:45 No, I liked the Easy Bake Oven. No wonder I was a fat kid. I was back in my room making cakes and cookies all the time. Right, right. You know, because I didn't have anything else to do. What about you, man? What was your favorite toy as a kid? Oh, probably just action figures or, you know, whatever.
Starting point is 00:54:00 You didn't have a particular action figure or particular series that you liked best? Whatever Goodwill had. Oh, the Goodwill figure. So you got He-Man versus G.I. Joe versus Barbie. You're ripping Barbie's arms off, taking Barbie hostage, making her get in the shower. That's wrong. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:54:20 Hold on. These shows here just keep getting better and better. Now exactly how much pot did you smoke? Patrick. And the people. Hey, I do want to mention to you this. If you're in Arkansas and you need a roof, take a look over at
Starting point is 00:54:37 Here's something different they have. They have a transferable warranty. It's good for 10 years. That's a real big deal if you fix your roof and you're going to sell your house because the person who buys your home, if they have a warranty on that roof, that's a huge selling point and there's a real value to that. Now they do residential and commercial, but here's the big thing about these guys is they'll interface with your insurance company. What they do better than anyone is, let's say you had a claim on a roof and it got rejected, they're going to get it approved. That's what they specialize in. They deal with the
Starting point is 00:55:08 difficult ones, they deal with the insurance company for you. You can go to Go over to I know Josh and Jeremy over there, they're real good guys, they're folks just like you and I, blue collar guys who just have done business so long, now they have their own business, much like Bundy here, you know, and they're really good to work with. So check them out online. If you're thinking about a roof, need a roof, You'll be glad that you did.
Starting point is 00:55:37 Now, if you're buying a house, by the way, I recommend Josh Taylor over at AMC Mortgage. He's local and I like having a local mortgage person to work with, but he's got lots of different choices. As a matter of fact, we had a client the other day. I'm not going to say this is going to be you, but I had a client the other day who bought a house. They spent $500 total because they got a $15,000 grant for down payment and closing costs. Okay. And so all they had to bring to closing was 500 bucks. That's a huge difference.
Starting point is 00:56:10 That is crazy, isn't it? I mean, that's pretty awesome. That's unheard of, yeah. You're not going to go buy a house for $500? Well, I'm not going to, again, not everybody's going to buy a house for $500, but you might, yeah, you might. And there are a lot of programs out there like that right now for first time buyers rates are down. But anyway, Josh, he's just you know, he's gonna talk
Starting point is 00:56:31 to you like your friend. He does conventional FHA he does VA and if your VA they don't charge you the appraisal fee, and they don't charge you the underwriting fees either. Awesome. So that's real cool. So check out Josh Taylor over at AMC. You can give him a call, uh, three, five, one, two, five, seven, nine, three, five, one, two, five, seven, nine. And Hey, if you need a realtor, by the way, I do that. You know, I do that. I do. I am. You know what? Uh, when I started doing it, I didn't know, you know, I knew I would like it, but I didn't know how much I would love it. And factually speaking, man, I never thought that I would like anything as much as I do doing this.
Starting point is 00:57:11 But I do because, man, look, and let's be honest, buying a house is sometimes a scary process, especially if you've never done it before. It's very intimidating. There's a lot of paperwork. There's a lot of things they ask for. You know, you don't, nobody ever almost knows it unless you have really good credit. You don't know how you're, you know, you're like, I don't, I'm not sure, you know? Right. So, you know, it's, it's scary. It's challenging. It could be a lot of money. And so what, what I love doing is, you know, helping people understand what's happening and making it stress-free,
Starting point is 00:57:46 you know, because a lot of people think, man, there's no way I could get a house. It probably is. Now I'm going to say this, look, if you know, if you're a broke dick, okay. You know, you know, if your credit's in the four hundreds, you're not buying a house, you're not buying a TP, you're not buying a lean tip. Okay. You're going to rent for now. Okay. You're going to have to do some work, get credit karma, get to work on it it but if you're a 580 or better then there's probably a really good chance that you know you can buy a house uh or or you you're in the match you're in the ball game right now you may need a couple things uh here and there uh it may be you know but a lot of people think oh well you got to you've got to have 20% down. No, probably you don't.
Starting point is 00:58:29 I've never had one do that unless they did it by choice. I've seen people put big down payments because they wanted to lower their payment, but most of the time about 3.5% is the number you might base a lot of it on. So if you're a $100,000 house, what is that? 3.5% is $3,500, right? Don't start asking me math. Yeah. Don't do that. You're an electrician, man.
Starting point is 00:58:53 Come on, you know math. I was giving a voice, not a... Yeah, no, you're just a pretty face. I get it. But no, that's manageable, 3.5%. Yeah, I think it is. Now, you know, but there's lots of things that people don't know about, and so they think, oh, well, I put the down payment. I'm done. No.
Starting point is 00:59:07 There's closing costs, too. Closing costs, right. You know, but sometimes the seller will pay closing costs. If you know, what about, like, let's say you have a background, you know, somebody that's claimed bankruptcy. Oh, okay. How hard does that make it for you? Well, it depends on the type of bankruptcy and how far back it was and if you're in it or if it's paid out.
Starting point is 00:59:28 Those are the things that matter. But in certain bankruptcies, you can buy a house while you're in bankruptcy. Okay. But if you've got a bankruptcy that you paid off or has already been done and filed and it's in the past, No, that won't prevent you from buying a house. Absolutely not. You know, now you may have to get certain things. I tell people, because people think, you know, well, if you got credit, you got credit. It's not really that simple. It's kind of a racket, to be honest with you, because what they want you to do is get a
Starting point is 01:00:01 credit card and spend a little bit on it. Let's say if it's a $500 credit card, you shouldn't spend more than $100. Right. Okay. And then you just make the minimum payment right every month on it. So you can show a payment history. They want you to show you have restraint. In other words, I got $500. I'm not going to go blow it all right now. Right. Because high balances on credit cards are as bad as no credit. Because it says, oh, I'm stretched to the max. I have to use all my credit. So if you have it at $100 and it's a $500 limit, now you got low balances, which looks good. And you're making payments, which looks good. And if you just have one or two cards like that, and then you're just making car payments on time,
Starting point is 01:00:44 your other payments on time, then you're going to be good. You're going to be real good for something like that, you know? And I know some landlords, some people who rent out now, are reporting to. You are seeing some of that happen. Yeah. And, you know, another thing, too, that's kind of cool is,
Starting point is 01:01:02 let's say you've got a house and that house is kind of rough. Right. You know, maybe it's a house that you inherited or your family owned and it's just been sitting there and, you know, nobody's in it. It's got problems. Yeah. There are some aggressive buyers out here who are doing renovations. For example, I do a lot of cash home buying. Right.
Starting point is 01:01:24 You know, so if you've got a home, you're just like, look, I just, I need the cash flow, I need this thing gone, I can't, I'm not going to renovate it, I'm done with it, then, you know, or maybe you're just in a situation where you just need to get to it fast. You know, we do a lot of cash buying, there's a lot of that going on right now. So, you know, if you've got a home, you've got money one way or another. Right. And that is the biggest, I see a lot of arguments that, well, maybe buying is not good. Maybe renting is better for you. And, you know, you can look at the different evaluations, but to me, ultimately, I'd rather have something of value. Yeah. Right. And if you can build equity and get value right then you're always a
Starting point is 01:02:05 winner right in that regard you can't get equity in rent right the only thing you can hope is you're spending so much less on rent than home ownership which anymore you're not no no i'm a mentor i pay a thousand dollars a month that's a mortgage right there well it could be you know but uh you'd also be amazed you know in california that wouldn't buy you a lien that's true yeah be, you know, but you'd also be amazed, you know, in California, that wouldn't buy you a lien. That's true. That's true. You know, in California, mortgage payments, $4,000 or $5,000 a month is common. But $103,000 is poverty in California.
Starting point is 01:02:35 Right. I mean, literally, at $102,000, you can be eligible for food stamps. Wow. Think about that for a minute. You can earn $100,000 a year and be eligible for food stamps. Wow. Think about that for a minute. You can earn $100,000 a year and be eligible for food stamps. What do you think? You know, we went to California during the summer for Montana, and I think the highest we paid for gas out there was $6.05
Starting point is 01:02:57 in the middle of the desert between Las Vegas and California. Per gallon? Yeah. $6.05. Wow. And God forbid you want a pack of smokes or something. Oh, for sure. $15.
Starting point is 01:03:06 Woo. $15. I think I paid for it. That was in Las Vegas. I think I paid $15 for a pack inside of Caesars Palace. Really? That's why 7-Eleven's not making it. $15 for a pack of cigarettes.
Starting point is 01:03:17 $15. The Zen. The Zen's running. I'm pretty sure that cigarettes are just about to make them illegal. Yeah. I mean, I don't think we're all that far from it coming down to that. So you hear a lot of talk. Has there been anywhere that's actually made, like,
Starting point is 01:03:36 menthol cigarettes illegal? They started to, but then it was an election year, and they were afraid they were going to piss people off. So they were like, oh, we're not doing that right now. Okay, hey, we got to do this right here. Hold on. Let's do that. This is the segment. Not like the other. People do stupid shit.
Starting point is 01:04:06 You say, oh, brother. Hey, it's not a copy or a clone of any previous bit. But if you think so, hey, we don't give a shit. F***. F***. F***. F***. F***.
Starting point is 01:04:19 F***. F***. F***. F***. F***. F***. F***. F***.
Starting point is 01:04:19 F***. F***. F***. F***. F***. F***. F***. F***.
Starting point is 01:04:19 F***. F***. F***. F***. F***. F***. F***. F***.
Starting point is 01:04:20 F***. F***. F***. F***. F***. F***. F***. F***.
Starting point is 01:04:20 F***. F***. F***. F***. F***. F***. F***. F***.
Starting point is 01:04:21 F***. F***. F***. F***. F***. F***. F***. F***.
Starting point is 01:04:21 F***. F***. F***. F***. F***. F***. F***. F***.
Starting point is 01:04:24 F***. F***. F***. F***. F***. F***. F***. F***. F***. F***. F***. F***.., we don't have to bow down to the FCC anymore. Kiss my ass. Let's talk about the weird things that are going on right now. A lot of interesting weird things in the news that you need to hear about. Here is one right here. Phoenix Nightingale suffers from a rare condition called acute intermittent porphyria,
Starting point is 01:04:48 often referred to as vampire disease. It's a disorder triggered by an allergy to sulfur, which is found in garlic and other foods. It leads to symptoms like passing out, migraines. The real-life Count Dracula, Vlad III, is suspected to have had that, which inspired the tale of vampires who hate garlic. So she's sharing her story to raise awareness for others who might be suffering from this symptom.
Starting point is 01:05:15 I guess the big takeaway here is she needs to avoid garlic and things like that? Okay then, well that's it, then. Well, that's it. All right. Good enough. Okay. An Indiana man facing felony charges after being caught driving a Power Wheels Jeep while under the influence. Indiana State Police spotted John McKee driving the vehicle, which had no lights or reflectors. And I assume any tags either, unless it's one that says Barbie. The vehicle had no lights, reflectors making it difficult to see. He did fail sobriety test. He was found to be under the influence of meth and weed, leading to a felony charge for operating a vehicle while intoxicated with a prior conviction.
Starting point is 01:06:02 All right, now let's just pause here first of all is it a dick move to arrest a guy and charge him basically with a a d-wee or driving under the influence and a power wheels that can't go over maybe three four miles an hour with this badass in it i mean where we now look if he's driving down i-30 okay i get it how do you got to do it if this guy is on his own street it's midnight one in the morning he's riding his daughter's power wheels down the road laughing and having a good time what do you care on was he robbing somebody was he doing yeah he's on meth but he's not bugging anybody those guys don't even have a horn you know i, come on man.
Starting point is 01:06:46 Give a guy a break here. If you can't get on meth and ride a power wheels in your neighborhood, what good is your life? Yeah. A wanted man in the UK was found hiding in his sofa. Inside the sofa
Starting point is 01:07:01 wearing only his underwear. Police executed a warrant on his property. Friday, officers encountered a dog during the search but said it was very friendly. But they overturned the large sofa, discovered the man concealed inside, I guess, where it used to be a bed or something. Yeah, like a sleeper sofa or something. They said, we thought the man would be more comfortable tucked into bed, so he'll be spending the next few hours in a custody cell. Yeah, I know. I can see that by all means. Okay. A woman from Texas has been totally freaked out by a text she got from a complete stranger. She was at the airport. She got a message that began, hi, Kristen.
Starting point is 01:07:46 stranger. She was at the airport. She got a message that began, hi, Kristen. My name is Nate. I saw you and thought you were so beautiful, so I had to find a way to talk to you. But instead of actually talking to her, he texted, I saw your number on your luggage tag and decided to text you. I promise this isn't as weird as it seems. Yes, it is. Give a guy a chance. isn't as weird as it seems yes it is give a guy a chance she did not give him a chance and went to tiktok is uh what do you think about the the luggage creeper here man i went to the police that is some uh that's some stalker stuff there yeah luggage tag and took my number you couldn't just i mean you're close enough to me to say hi right i mean i mean you know points for creativity i guess but yeah definitely definitely definitely the creeper vibe he's probably sniffing her Say hi. Shooters got to shoot. I mean, you know, points for creativity, I guess. But, yeah, definitely the creeper vibe.
Starting point is 01:08:28 He's probably sniffing her luggage, too, to be honest with you. Okay, so how about this? A lot of us have a hard time focusing. That has some people self-diagnosing what they think the issue could be. Now, ADD and ADHD, thought to mainly affect kids, but quite a few grown-ups say they have it too. According to new research, a survey of 1,000 adults from Ohio State University say that 25% have undiagnosed ADD. That's what they think, 25% have undiagnosed ADD.
Starting point is 01:09:04 I think I might fall into that. Yeah? Yeah, I don't know. The doctors never told me, but I've got my suspicions. Just because you smoke a blunt and can't remember things doesn't mean you have ADD. Okay, ADD is an actual disorder. I had it when I was, you know, starting as a kid, probably because I smoked from the time I was in utero. My mom smoked while she was pregnant with me. My parents smoked in the car and in the house, so probably that contributed to that ADHD. By the time I was six, I was on medication because I was a little bastard. At least that's what my dad said was the reason.
Starting point is 01:09:43 He said, I had to put you on this because you're a little bastard. Okay. But 25% undiagnosed with ADHD. I don't know if I buy that, man. I don't know if I buy there's that many people. I think mainly people just want to take Adderall. Yeah, I think that's a huge part. I just want to take Adderall.
Starting point is 01:10:00 That's a huge part. That's a lot of fun. I want to do that. Microdose a little meth. There's no problem. Isn't that microdosing meth? Yeah, yeah. You know, everybody's on that stuff in North Korea.
Starting point is 01:10:11 They liberally hand that out. Of course, they did that to the soldiers in World War II as well. I was about to say, yeah, that's how they get shit done. Well, that's how meth came to be. You know, the Nazis, that's what they did. And then we used another uh trying to remember what it's called but we gave our soldiers other stuff yeah to help them stay up and be super soldiers right then i don't know if you've ever seen the video you can look it up it's pretty
Starting point is 01:10:34 crazy to watch but they did an experiment of troops on acid on lsd okay you had to see if they would make them super soldiers it did did not. Yeah, I'm sure. It made marching in formation, though, one of the funniest things I've ever seen. Not one of them could do it right. I'm not even sure they knew they had feet because that stuff must, they must have really dosed them up. It wasn't a microdose. Right.
Starting point is 01:10:56 I think these guys were seeing lizards. American soldiers? Yeah, no, they were. I don't know if it was WWII or I think it was WWII. Yeah, it was World War II. Wow. That era, yeah. Yeah, I don't know if it was WWII or I think it was WWII. Yeah, it was World War II. Wow. That era, yeah. Yeah, that's kind of crazy they were doing that, isn't it?
Starting point is 01:11:10 You'd be amazed at some of the things that the government's done and perpetrated on people, you know? I mean, they're not exactly innocent. You don't say? No. Come on. You trust the government, don't you? Oh yeah, come on. All right, real quick. If you're moving and you're in need of a reliable, trustworthy moving company, Metro Moving is awesome. They're local. Now they can help you
Starting point is 01:11:35 move across the state. They can help you move across town. They can help you move out of state if you're trying to leave. Their team of experienced professionals really work hard to make you safe and secure. They'll do all the heavy lifting. They'll even do packing. If you're too lazy or busy to pack your own stuff, they'll do it for you. Check them out online at It's CO because there's no M
Starting point is 01:12:00 because the only M you need is Metro Moving. You see what I did? Yeah, that's what I did. 20 years, over 2,000 moves, they got you. So check them out if you're moving anytime soon. Let's see what else we've got here going on in the crazy and wild. NASA told you about this earlier, but it is worth mentioning here that they're now launching a probe. It's $5.2 billion. Now, I'm just curious.
Starting point is 01:12:30 Should we spend $5.2 billion for NASA to send a probe to Europa, an ice-covered moon of Jupiter, or should we just divide $5.2 billion up among the population of the United States? Here you go. Pay your bills for a month or two. Here's what it is. What do you think? Am I off on that? It's funny to transition from how expensive houses can be and how expensive rent can be to we're spending $5 billion.
Starting point is 01:12:58 $5.2 billion to send it to an ice-covered planet. Not even the planet, the moon of the planet. And I don't even know what we're going to glean from that. I mean, just look in your freezer if you want to see ice. Antarctica, there's plenty of it around there for you. I mean, it's everywhere. I don't know. I just think $5.2 billion seems a little bit steep to me.
Starting point is 01:13:19 Yeah, what's the end goal? Are we looking for something there? What are we trying to find out? I don't know. Ice aliens. Do what now? Ice ice alien well you know you know they did find uh after all these years because it used to be a running joke about water on mars but now they say right big frozen oceans under mars bigger than even our oceans over there you know that is interesting oh look we've got a
Starting point is 01:13:43 few comments here let me just see what we've got just uh gonna take a look real quick and see if they don't give it to nasa they'll just give it to ukraine yeah they they are number one on the list for getting our money right now aren't they they're there ukraine is the guy standing at the corner out here at 6 30 in the exit with the sign that says we'll work for food but really won't work for food yeah you know you offer him some money and he's like no or i mean some food and he's like no i eat while i go but i'll take five dollars if you got it i literally stopped at a a gas station uh in little rock the other day and somebody walked up and you know said
Starting point is 01:14:22 man could you help me out i'm hungry or whatever now look i i don't know if they are or not but i gave him a dollar right but when i pulled out you know unfortunately 20 was stuck in there too and so i put it back in my pocket and he goes hey you know if you give me that 20 the lord will bless you with more right i said the lord will bless you if you get the hell away from me right now. Right. You got a dollar, okay? Move on. That 20, he already blessed me with this 20, and I'm keeping it. You know what I mean? It's always awkward when you pull out the other wad of money you've got.
Starting point is 01:14:52 Well, I don't have a wad. I just had a 20. You may pull out a wad of money, the electrician. No, no, no. Yeah, the electrician over here, he's got a wad of money to pull out. No, no, no. If I pulled out a wad of money, it might be $1 bills. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:15:04 All right, let's see what other weird news stories that we have going on right now. At least you got dollar bills. I just got quarters and pennies. Yeah. Making hail around here. You making hail at the strip club? Yeah. You can't even do anything with a quarter anymore.
Starting point is 01:15:20 I got so mad the other day. I walked in and saw Wrigley's gum was like a dollar. And I'm like, man, you guys, that's a great job. Come on, man. A dollar for that? All right. Now I'm losing my place here. Okay. We said true value. We know they declared bankruptcy. Okay. Okay. Utah mom raising money for her own funeral has passed away now a single utah mom was raising money for her own funeral she was diagnosed with cancer uh well it is sad but the fact you're raising money for your own funeral that's even very 2024 yeah you've got to funerals are crazy expensive yeah yeah they really are expensive yeah no i they they're super expensive said the doctor told her that she had X amount of time, so she put out a goal of $5,000.
Starting point is 01:16:07 Well, she raised $1.17 million. Wow. Wow. That's a hell of a funeral. Can we just talk about the irony here? That she's dying and you gave her a million dollars? For real? Was she going to take it with her to have the best funeral?
Starting point is 01:16:23 Was she going to have Ariana Grande performing at a funeral? What are we doing here, man? I mean, you couldn't stop at $10,000 and go out. She's got enough now. Yeah, she's got it. Let's play. No, we'll give her a million. Hey, Richney, he's got change.
Starting point is 01:16:36 He's making it hell. Give me just a minute here. I'm going to get setting up my Kickstarter right now. That's a good idea to set up your Kickstarter. That's crazy. A 1.1. Maybe she's going to have her ashes spread on the ice moon. She's going to send it to Europa.
Starting point is 01:16:53 Yeah, yeah. That's a great idea. That's a great idea. Let's see. We talked about that yesterday. Hold on one second. Okay. Let's dump it out the spaceship there and call it, hey, look, you're going warp speed now.
Starting point is 01:17:04 Yeah. You're going warp speed now. Now. You're going warp speed now. Now what? Dump the ashes out of the ship. Oh, dump the ashes out. Yeah. Where would you dump your ashes if you were going to have them dumped? Where would I?
Starting point is 01:17:16 Yeah, where would you have your family dump the ashes? Oh, I don't know. Probably, you know, a lake or something somewhere. A lake, something nice like that. I bet you, man. Oh, man. I'm trying to think of a good answer real somewhere. A lake, something nice like that. What about you, man? Oh, man. I'm trying to think of a good answer real quick. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:17:29 Probably, yeah, Buffalo River maybe. Love spending time over there. Yeah, I proposed to my wife. So not in Enema. No, no, no. Okay, I'm just asking for a friend. That's all I ask. Yeah, I'm sure.
Starting point is 01:17:40 What about you? Yeah, where are you going to have her out here? What about you? Yeah, where are you going to have your ass? I'm not telling you where I'm going to have my ass. Boy, is that none of your damn business. The pink elephant over there in Conway or something? Visions, is that what you're thinking? No, I'm probably not going to have them do it at Visions, that's for sure.
Starting point is 01:18:00 That's the peppermint hippo now. Oh, that's right. That's right, it is. They changed it. Oh, that's right. That's right. It is. They changed it. How did that work out, by the way? The Peppermint. Where did that name come from? I'm sure there's got to be a story behind it, right?
Starting point is 01:18:12 I think it's like a national chain, if you will. Okay, but still, what does Peppermint and Hippo have to do? I don't know. Neither of those things invoke nudity images for me. Neither of those sound sexy to me right yeah i don't know i never said hey i want to wake up with a peppermint hippo today i want to see a peppermint hippo naked right right i mean any of that it sounds a little exotic i guess it depends on what you're into i mean if you get enough of that electric you know lettuce you were talking about
Starting point is 01:18:38 earlier maybe it'll make sense then okay all right uh right. Let me get to some other things here. So former Sexiest Man Alive Chris Hemsworth has chimed in this year and – what the hell is this? No, we're not doing that. Let me retract that. I apologize that I even mentioned it. Let me – What?
Starting point is 01:19:06 Oh, okay. My commander, my navigator is leaving. He says, I have control. People, this is frightening. Yeah. Uh-oh. We're in trouble. Yeah, this is a big problem here, for sure. There.
Starting point is 01:19:21 Alright. Thanks, Gunnar. Alright. Anyway, Gunnar. All right. Anyway, okay, so award-winning show in the road for long-running and award-winning reality shows following the recent premiere of the 23rd season, the national graphic show about living near the Arctic Circle, it's being canceled after 23 seasons. Now the two stars who have been featured in every
Starting point is 01:19:47 season said the show and its two spinoffs will not continue beyond the current season chip and agnes only agnes could be on national geographic um it's a national geographic yeah it apparently they said life below zero has run its course. I've never watched that show. I have another. That was a good show. I actually liked it. Oh, did you?
Starting point is 01:20:09 I watched it. Okay, okay. The Oscars host search is on, and Deadpool and Wolverine are in the mix. Wow. That's how desperate they are. I'm not talking about Ryan Reynolds and Hugh Jackman, Deadpool and Wolverine. They'd have to bring them in. Maybe. I'm not talking about Ryan Reynolds and Hugh Jackman, Deadpool and Wolverine. They'd have to bring them in.
Starting point is 01:20:27 Maybe. Would that even get you to watch the Oscars? I don't think so. Was it Ricky? What is it? Ricky Gervais? Yeah. Wasn't he like the last good host and he kind of roasted everybody in Hollywood and it's all been downhill from there?
Starting point is 01:20:39 I love Ricky Gervais. He's one of the best comedians. Oh, absolutely. Did you ever see his show, Afterlife? Yes. That is a great show. It really is. Now, is it dark?
Starting point is 01:20:50 Yeah. But is it funny? Yeah. It's real awkward, weird, funny. And then, of course, he was great in one of my favorite movies of all time, Shaun of the Dead. Yeah, Shaun of the Dead. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 01:21:02 Yeah. No, wait, that's not him. That's the other guy. That's the guy from Star Trek. That's what I was about to say. Yeah. No, wait. That's not him. That's the other guy. That's the guy from Star Trek. What's his name? Simon Pegg. Isn't it? Yeah, that's not Ricky Gervais.
Starting point is 01:21:10 They look similar. Yeah, yeah. They do. Sometimes I get them confused, but that's still a damn good movie. Have you ever seen Tucker and Dale versus Ethan? Yeah, another good one for Halloween. Yeah. No?
Starting point is 01:21:21 No, I've never seen it. Do you like horror films? No. It's a comedy. It's a comedy this one is and um it's probably one of the best horror comedies yeah you can watch that rich it's hilarious yeah no it's it's good it's it's like evil dead good if you like that i don't know a lot of people do the oscars is that where is that where the slap happened was that the oscars or is that yeah no that was the oscar oh you're right but don't But don't forget that Will can't go for ten years.
Starting point is 01:21:47 Nine more years, he can't go to the Oscars. Oh, really? No kidding. I know you're sad. Did they ban? Is that a thing? Yeah, no, they did for ten years. Wow, I didn't know that.
Starting point is 01:21:56 They didn't want to do anything that night. No, no, they let him sit there and get the award and give a speech after while the host is up here with a slap mark still on his face but i think that uh i think chris rock got the last laugh i think he got a pretty big settlement uh recently or an award from a jury for quite a bit of money oh yeah yeah that was uh great for chris rock and detrimental to will smith um i'm not gonna say it destroyed his career but at least it temporarily did i mean i'm a huge will smith fan loved all those movies we just tried to watch the newest bad boys and there is like a certain feeling you have watching him now really man i just i'm not as
Starting point is 01:22:38 big of a fan anymore because i'm a huge fan of because he was well he was such a good he was the good guy you know and and but i i think that that succubus jada pinkett smith yeah yeah has some kind of she's some kind of demon some kind of evil demon spirit or something of that nature yeah and uh she had some kind of control over him because she even threw him under the bus after that yeah for sure and i'm like man there's got to be a reason you're still with her. And I think we're starting to figure it out, Will. I think there's something going on here, you know. I'm not sure what Will likes, but he might have been at a ditty party.
Starting point is 01:23:15 I'm just going to say he could have been at a ditty party. You know what I mean? I wouldn't doubt it. All right. There's some exciting news for you. Hold on today. Okay. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:23:30 Oh, no. Gunner. Oh, he's gone. He's gone. That's great. That's great. Here, you know what? We've got enough of that.
Starting point is 01:23:38 Let's move on to something else right now. Coming up next, we've got a double shot of not a damn thing. This is Patrick and the people, bitches. We ain't playing music here. Get back to the jaw jacket. All right. Yeah, we can probably do that. We can probably do that. Hey, we are in the Legion scaffold broadcast studio. Look, these guys do scaffolding for any needs you could have. I don't care if you're changing the lighting in a giant church sanctuary or maybe you need scaffolding on the side of a bridge or
Starting point is 01:24:11 doing a freeway project. You're building up around a big building. Whatever it is, they do the work for the Corps of Engineers, for Tennessee Valley Authority, a lot more. You can check them out at You met Adam yesterday.
Starting point is 01:24:27 He was one of the co-hosts. Real good dude, and they're real good people. So if you're looking for scaffolding, please reach out to them because they are really dope people and can help you out. Yeah, they're the real deal. They are the real deal, man. He's kind of like a savant when it comes to that kind of stuff, to be honest with you. He's one of those people who came up building it and just really mathematically got it.
Starting point is 01:24:53 That's important with scaffolding or anything safety-related. You want your guys to be on top of their stuff. Well, yeah, I'd say it's super important when it comes to that because if that goes wrong wrong everything's gone wrong especially if you're in construction you've ever worked on scaffolding you want to know whoever set this up wasn't a carny you know like you know and there are some out there that are like that without a doubt man i mean there's some bad scaffold people out there yeah and it only takes one accident to to end it all you know. So, yeah, you definitely want a good company when it comes to scaffolding,
Starting point is 01:25:29 and Legion are awesome. They provided this studio for us right here, and we're super thankful for that, super thankful for Game Time Wraps for doing the crazy wrap. Yeah, you know, it is amazing here. Take a look. You know, you can see some of the well that's not a good i'll get you some better angles here gunner's gone so i can't do all the things i'd like to do but uh they've done an amazing job when you come in the lobby door it looks like a
Starting point is 01:25:57 spaceship yeah from the minute you walk in and you come in here and and that's what the feel is uh the console that was built by Spencer Consulting is amazing and they do great renovation work anywhere in Arkansas. Matter of fact, they're in right now, they got called to Florida where they're mitigating a lot of the hurricane damage properties. Yeah, they do that kind of stuff know you have two feet of water comes in you got to basically cut two feet of the bottom of the building out redo it without the building falling down and and get all the moisture out right not an easy thing to pull off uh but they do that that's what their their specialty is and then of course they do renovations and stuff like that you know yeah there's a lot of people going down that way, Tennessee and the Carolinas and Florida, to help with all the hurricanes.
Starting point is 01:26:49 Really? Yeah, yeah. You see a, you know. Yeah, wasn't it? Hot Springs sent ambulances and stuff. Oh, yeah. Yeah, life net. Oh, really?
Starting point is 01:26:57 That's cool. I've heard about a bunch of personal helicopter pilots, you know, because there's a lot of people stranded. That's the only way to get to them is through aircraft. And so there's been a ton of people with just their personal pilot's license flying down there to help people out. And it's crazy to see when a big national thing happens like that, you know, the outpouring of, I'd say community, but, I mean, it's people from other states and just the outpouring of people across the country to come help.
Starting point is 01:27:22 Because, of course, with situations like that, too, you always get, well, the government's not helping enough, and that's to be expected. But it's cool to see all the people going down there to pitch in. If I'm going to be honest with you, and I'm not saying we might not be doing a really terrible job with the disasters right now, but I don't remember a single disaster in history where everybody went, man, the government's done such a great job. Thank you so much.
Starting point is 01:27:47 Wow. This is the example. Really glad that you did it this way. I mean, no, people are just pissed. I mean, but it's to be expected. You know, I mean, you do live in a state that occasionally gets washed away, more or less. You know, I mean, that's kind of, you know, we get the same thing.
Starting point is 01:28:02 We get a nice big wind here that tears us up. It's called a tornado. Well, I guess that's really what did a lot of the damage in Florida is the tornadoes that sprout from the hurricane itself. And that's where a lot of that damage comes from. And I didn't know that until recently. Yeah, I know. I didn't either. Yeah, that's what happens a lot of times.
Starting point is 01:28:24 Okay. know that until recently yeah that that's what happens a lot of times okay a small but growing body of research has highlighted links between scented household products and chronic disease that's right it smells good it's killing you yeah smells good it's killing you okay thank you for giving every guy permission to get rid of everything pumpkin spice. Well, yeah, because it says plug-in air fresheners are the worst. Yeah. Really? They're especially bad, according to this doctor from Columbia University.
Starting point is 01:28:57 He said the biggest problem is they're not strictly regulated. So there's a big wide range of ingredients and things that you're lighting on fire in your house breathing and you don't know what they are right uh in short terms the apa warns they can travel to your brain cause dizziness headaches you know i sometimes if it smells too bad or too strong i can feel that way i mean it'll give you a headache real fast but in the long term they've been linked to heart and lung problems, fertility issues, and hormone imbalance. Researchers at the Texas Health Science Center San Antonio found evidence to say that synthetic fragrances used around home can cause difficulties with attention, memory, and mood. Well, there's your ADD. Yeah, that's the problem.
Starting point is 01:29:43 That's the problem. Well, there's your ADD. Yeah, that's the problem. That's the problem. I mean, is there any shock that spraying things in the air anywhere around you is going to possibly cause issues? Not at all. My wife is super health conscious, so we've been just burning like unscented candles for the past couple of years. What does an unscented candle do for you?
Starting point is 01:30:03 Just ambiance. Oh, okay. Just for looks. Yeah, just for looks. That for looks that was like that didn't it just like a right right unflavored candy i mean you know i but i i would i would much rather take my chances with uh the issues disease from that than i would smell your body odor in the parts i'm sorry some things you know we we can get to a health standard that that's too good yeah issues, disease from that, then I would smell your body odor in the parks. I'm sorry. Some things, you know, we can get to a health standard that's too good.
Starting point is 01:30:29 Yeah. And I don't want to live that good. Yeah. So if air fresheners and everything aren't that regulated, what about, like, perfumes and colognes and stuff? Oh, I'm sure it's all horrible. I'm sure it's all horrible. I do not put it past corporations or anybody to mix mix poison to sell to us what are you talking about i mean the next thing you're going to suggest is
Starting point is 01:30:52 they might put things in vaccines that aren't our food or water come on man literally everything everything that you everything we consume yeah it's t... Everything we consume. Yeah. Is tainted somehow. Yeah. Well, you know, they added fluoride to the water back in, I don't remember when it was, because for teeth purposes to help strengthen your teeth. But now they say the fluoride... It's horrible. Surprise. It's bad for you. It's bad for you.
Starting point is 01:31:17 Yeah. Oh, we were wrong. But remember, that was settled science at one point. Yeah, yeah. At one time, that was... At one point, they told you, you need this fluoride in your water. And everybody went, okay, give me the fluoride. Right, right.
Starting point is 01:31:30 Yeah, you need this radiation. Trust us. God forbid you just brush your teeth. I mean, you know what I mean? That was the whole reason. So we had healthier teeth. You know what's weird, too, is I was talking to a guy from England the other day. Famously known for their good teeth.
Starting point is 01:31:47 Well, that's where I was actually going with this. He was talking about how only here do we have an obsession with white teeth. Yeah. Now, it's easy to say that when you have a golden shade. I mean, he was rocking a good golden shade there you know and uh and that's fine he was happy with it but uh you know we were talking about that and he goes yeah no no but there's no teeth whitening being done in in england we don't we don't do that over there dental economy is yeah i i don't know what they if they've got like old western dentists that
Starting point is 01:32:21 just scare them from going like they just go in they they get a pair of pliers and put a foot down on them and go, hold on. You know, I'm not sure why. Okay, so check this out. If you're looking for reasons to be cheerful, researchers have found one to top your list. Happy people live longer. Well, no shit, Sherlock. Thanks for bringing that to us. We never knew that. Happy people live longer. This $5 shit, Sherlock. Thanks for bringing that to us. We never knew that. Happy people
Starting point is 01:32:46 live longer. This $5 million study brought to you by... No, it probably was a $5 million study. But have you ever known people that are too happy that it just can't... You can't process it. You can't like them. You try to, but they're just too happy and you're like, you're too untainted
Starting point is 01:33:02 to be around me. There's something not right with you. Are you not sad about not sad about something bad for me to feel that on the same way on the same it is oh yeah for sure okay i feel like we're gonna have like an infomercial commercial thing on that you know in years like after all the depression pills and everything make us really happy then we'll come out yeah are you really happy you know what's crazy about all the depression pills is every time people start antidepressants that I know, like the first month, they're miserable. Yeah. And I'm like, and then it tells you if you feel suicidal, why should you get, don't give me something that might make me feel that way.
Starting point is 01:33:38 Now I have anxiety, it could be the wrong thing for me. Exactly. That's the opposite of what it's supposed to do. Yeah. I don't know about all that i mean i i did that be the one thing i'd wonder about is you know talking about add is how many antidepressants are people on out there oh man and there's nothing wrong with that i'm saying i mean i don't know if it helps or not i mean it doesn't seem like it is raise your hand if your antidepressant helps you yeah i mean anybody i talk to on them
Starting point is 01:34:05 yeah i mean they're still pretty sad they all say well i take this one and then i take this one and this one with it and i'm like yeah so you take this one to feel better but it doesn't make you really feel better enough so you take this one to make you feel a little better like denzel washington in the in the plane movie you know take a shot of alcohol at eight and uh smoke a cigarette at 8 30 and got. What movie is that? I think it's Flight. Flight Plan, I think is what it was. Isn't that Jodie Foster?
Starting point is 01:34:33 Maybe. Denzel, he plays a pilot. I think it was based on a true story, but he has to emergency land a plane. He does it. He saves everybody, but it turns out he was hopped up on cocaine and airplane booze. Do you care? No, not at all. He saved everybody on the plane.
Starting point is 01:34:48 Yeah, do you care? He saved everybody on the plane. I'll buy you another bag of cocaine. What are you talking about? I'll take some more. He saved everybody's life, man. Yeah, take some more. Give more of it out.
Starting point is 01:34:56 Yeah, whatever he needs. You were right. It's just called flight. Flight. Just flight. Funny enough, I think there is a line in the movie where he says, and it's perfect because today is October 15th, but he says, yes, on October 13th, 14th, and 15th, I was intoxicated. No one is doing his court hearing after the plane crash and everything, so that was a perfect day to bring that up.
Starting point is 01:35:17 Wow. Okay. All right. So apparently, and they tell you there's almost never real controversy. It's internet trolls and things like that. But it is just good conversation here. But on The Voice, some amount of, and I don't watch that. Do you watch The Voice? No, sir. Do you watch The Voice?
Starting point is 01:35:38 No. No, it's not a show that I get down to. But apparently one of the contestants told the coaches, when he met him after his performance that his pronouns are they and them. And a clip of the guy went on social media and somebody said, if someone told you when you first met him
Starting point is 01:35:56 their pronouns are they and them, what would you think? Would you use they, them while referring to that person? Well, I guess I would. I'm probably just going to use their name yeah yeah i think that's really the easiest way for me to go easiest go around yeah i'm going to say yeah what bundy said what bundy said bundy did this that's the easiest way to go but honestly i mean if you told me your name was frankenstein i call you frank says i care what your pronouns are right right as long as you're not being a dick yeah exactly you know now if you're up you're going this day this day i'm gonna go it's gonna be better they are gonna
Starting point is 01:36:32 get their ass kicked that's what's gonna happen like it is a weird thing to bring up immediately on a on a contestant show like that like what's weird to me about it is why you you couldn't pick something that didn't screw with my head grammatically yeah because when you say they i think plural and i get i'm supposed to but it screws a whole sentence up and now i have to reread it twice because i'm getting different meanings from it right right so i guess that's when they switch to zay zah zippy doodah and you know all the different platypus yeah yeah. Well, that's what I identify as now, a platypus. You don't see my beaver tail and duck bill?
Starting point is 01:37:09 Yeah. If you don't, we need to have a conversation with HR. We have an HR? Well, we will. Yeah, all right. We do now. If you don't see that, we've got a problem. We're in trouble.
Starting point is 01:37:21 Yeah. All right. Let's see what else is going on here. Being released on DVD, is there anything good that you give a damn about? No. Not one thing. They're still releasing DVDs? You know, that is funny.
Starting point is 01:37:34 I saw Redbox a couple days ago, and I just sat there and looked at it for a minute going, Redbox? Redbox? Right? Really? Right. I mean, wow. I guess people still, maybe, you know, if you're traveling or you're in an RV or, you know.
Starting point is 01:37:52 I think Redbox is just panhandling at this point. Man, I mean, it seems like just download Tubi and Crackle and a couple other crappy free apps and you can take care of the kids all day. Yeah. Do you use apps to watch tv or i'd say tv but yeah youtube tv what do you watch youtube tv and i mean we we subscribed almost everything hbo max okay yeah we've got all the apps we got rid of basic cable yeah see we keep shuffling free uh trials on apps That's how my wife likes to manage it.
Starting point is 01:38:25 Free trial to free trial. So we'll have Paramount for a while. Then it'll be gone. You have to get used to Hulu. That'll be gone. I'll get used to Netflix. That's gone now. Because we just switched phone carrier.
Starting point is 01:38:36 And apparently, Oh, perfect. T-Mobile paid for Netflix. And boy, the moment I switched, that was gone. Oh, no more Netflix. It's Tubi time. Tubi has some really good and some really bad movies.
Starting point is 01:38:49 I haven't got Tubi yet. Man, Tubi is owned by Fox. Okay. But they have a lot of good movies to stream, and they do have a lot of decent originals. What they have are a lot of action movies. Yeah. Some of them are just crap.
Starting point is 01:39:04 Like they have a lot of fat Steven Seagal of them are just crap yeah like they have a lot of fat steven seagal action movies like straight to straight to oh yeah yeah yeah they were never in a theater at any time no there's no theater who ever would have played that no he's mc twinkie here trying to smash somebody and do jujitsu and whatnot uh dolph lundgren's got like a billion movies on there you know i and and I don't know, somewhere around 60, he must have got a resurgence in his career and became a new action star again. I'm like, some of these guys, like Liam Neeson is 70.
Starting point is 01:39:35 I mean, these guys are still action stars in their 70s. Isn't that wild to think about that you have action stars actually in their 70s? Clint Eastwood is about to release a new movie he just directed. I'm like, how can he see? I think he just turned like 140. I'm pretty sure at this point that he is a vampire or a zombie. That dude is just gristle.
Starting point is 01:40:04 He pumps out good movies, though. He does make good movies. What was the one, Gran Torino? Gran Torino, that was a good one. The Mule, where he was the drug mule. Was that a good movie? I haven't seen that one. It was kind of slow.
Starting point is 01:40:15 Yeah, it looked like it was slow to me. It was good. It takes him about 20 minutes just to get it up in the bus. I assume that's where he's putting the drugs, right? Is that correct? He's the drug mule, right? Yeah, it's been a couple of years since I've seen it, but he gets intertwined with a gang or a drug dealer or something,
Starting point is 01:40:34 and he is just the unsuspecting old man, you know? So they give him the job to traffic the cocaine or whatever it was in his truck. Yeah. And he eventually gets caught at the end of the movie. or whatever it was in his truck. Yeah. And he eventually gets caught at the end of the movie. Spoiler alert if you haven't seen it. Does he get high on his own supply? No, he doesn't get high. I know, right?
Starting point is 01:40:52 His heart would explode if he didn't bump. He's riding around on a truckload of it. Yeah. No, it was a good movie, though. It was good. It was suspenseful because there's a couple times, you know, the cops pull him over and they're in the back of his truck and it's just right there covered up.
Starting point is 01:41:05 So it was good. It was good. I did not have a truck full of cocaine. I'll tell you that. But I did get pulled over. Look, I was laughing about this, thinking about it yesterday as I rode home from the dispensary. And I was looking at the weed in my car and thinking, you know, I still get this little weird feeling, you know, just in the back of my head. Just a little nervous, yeah.
Starting point is 01:41:26 Like if I get pulled over, then I'm like, oh, it doesn't matter. I got a car. Right. I'm going to suck it. It's mine. What do you care? But, you know, that was not the case in the 80s and the 90s. As a matter of fact, you know, I used to regularly drive to the same location to get it, Alexander.
Starting point is 01:41:42 location to get it, Alexander. But I was going up the mountain in Alexander. I had a buddy who lived up there that would hook me up. And I'll never forget, man, because, you know, we were kind of talking about yesterday, you had to call the plug. Right, right. You had to say something stupid like, you got any of those green lollipops? Yeah, yeah. Use code words.
Starting point is 01:42:04 Because nobody knew what that meant, you know. to say something stupid like uh you got any of those green lollipops yeah yeah because nobody knew what that meant you know and uh and so you'd set your appointment you go up there and then you drive home and you just hope like hell you never got pulled over right right so but in alexander especially in the late 80s early 90s man they live to pull you over there i mean that's brian anywhere in sling county if you drove past a cop they they wanted to pull you over there. I mean, that's – Brian, anywhere in Sling County, if you drove past a cop, they wanted to pull you over bad, you know. And so I was leaving, and I was almost – I mean, I was literally maybe 100 yards from getting on the on-ramp when the blue lights hit.
Starting point is 01:42:42 And I just scored a bag. Okay. Now what I normally did back in that day was I would have a Wendy's bag. I would take the stuff out of it, put the weed in the bottom, throw the cup and the fry stuff, wad it up, throw it under the seat, you know, uh, just in hopes that if they were looking, it would just be trash. right? But I get pulled over, and the guy walks up, and I had dealer tags because I worked for a car dealership. Dealer tags. Yeah, dealer tags. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:43:12 And he says, or he pulled me over, and I said, was I speeding? Or did I have a light out? And he goes, no, we've just had a lot of problem with drugs in this area. I said, oh, really? I hate to hear that. I hate to hear that. I hate to hear that. You know, some crazy people running around. Those thugs out of here.
Starting point is 01:43:30 Yeah, he goes, do you mind if I search your car? Now, look, I knew that I was probably going to be in trouble, but I'm never going to give you the pleasure of thinking. I said, oh, absolutely. Where do you want to start? In the trunk? Where do you want to start? And he was like, well,
Starting point is 01:43:46 hold on. Yeah, yeah. And he calls it in, right? On his little reek. And I'm, in my head, my ass is already sucked to the seat. I'm like, I'm going to jail. Because in that time, bro, you are going to jail. You got a bag of weed, you're going
Starting point is 01:44:02 to jail, jail. You're not just going, they ain't just going to dump it out and have a good day. No, weed, you're going to jail, jail. Yeah, you're not just going, they ain't just going to dump it out. Right, right. Have a good day. None of that. No, no, you're going to jail. And so I'm sitting there like, oh, my God, I am so toast. And so all of a sudden the radio beeps and he goes,
Starting point is 01:44:15 who did you say you had in the car there? What's his name? And he goes, his name's Patrick Beam. He goes, oh, he's good, let him go. I didn't know the key guy where I worked at the car dealership was a constable. Nice. Man. Save it.
Starting point is 01:44:31 That dude was a straight dick all the time. But from then on, I was extra nice to him. Boys, you all right, dog. You are. You my man. You all right. Because I was like, yeah, I'm done. I'm going to jail here for this.
Starting point is 01:44:44 The only time in my life that I've ever, but I didn't even go to jail. I went to the radio room when I was 17, 18 maybe, I guess. And I was riding with my friends. And it was stupid. I mean, it's what people did again in the 80s. You know, you'd ride around and you'd go on what you call a road trip. You know, you'd get a little drunk, get a little call a road trip you know you get a little drunk a little you know get a little drink a little beer in you a little bit you know weed in you you know so we went down to Malvern to the bridge you know which was uh it's been closed
Starting point is 01:45:13 forever but it was great to go smoke a hog leg down there it was just cool when you were a kid you know and uh so once again we just uh finished our. We were getting ready to get back on the freeway, and whoop, here come the blue lights. So the cop lines us up. There's four of us in the car, and he lines us up. What do you guys, what are you kids out here doing? Oh, we're just riding around, you know, nothing, nothing. What do you got on you? It looks like a beer right there.
Starting point is 01:45:41 Let me see what you got there. So the dude's got beer. So already that's a problem, right? See, well, I'm going to have to frisk you boys. And so he starts frisking her. He gets to me, right? Swear to God, I'm wearing some fresh-ass Bugle Boy pants. Bugle Boy, yeah.
Starting point is 01:45:58 But my buddy, who was the same size, wore them the day before. And so he's frisking me through stories for the gun. Anyway, he gets to this pocket down here because Bugle Boys had pockets up and down. And he goes, what's that? I said, I don't know, a candy wrapper? He pulls it out. It's a cigarette cellophane with a big-ass butt in it. I looked at him and said, listen, can I just be as honest with you?
Starting point is 01:46:24 He goes, probably a good idea. I said, if I had known that was there, I would have already smoked it. I've been looking for weed all night, bro. All night long. And I had no idea it was there, I promise. And you know what? He did not charge me. He threw it out.
Starting point is 01:46:40 He bought it. Yeah, I called my mom and dad to come get me. And they said, nah nah maybe if you stay in jail for the night you'll think about it i called a friend his mom brought the whole 30 dollars it took to get me bailed out 30 bucks to bail me out back then yeah yeah that that was my big encroachment with the law though that was my worst encounter friends pants yeah no they were my pants he had just borrowed them and screw y'all man it's funny talking about that process though of having to acquire it you know oh yeah it wasn't yeah no it was an ordeal back then ordeal it might be a multiple day ordeal yeah i don't know
Starting point is 01:47:19 oftentimes yeah you have to start looking for it on wed. That's right. You had to plan ahead for Friday because your dealer's always going out of town. Apparently, he had to go get it or he was spending your money to go on trips. I don't know what he was doing, but he was always out of town. And most of the time, it was horrible weed that you were at risk of getting arrested for. Yes. We don't know how good we've got it now. We've gone down to the store. We've got our card.
Starting point is 01:47:43 And now you can go down and buy some weed that you smoke about three puffs and you don't know who you are for a while. You're done. Yeah, you're walking around going, I am a platypus. Hey, real quick, a lot of reasons you might need a cleaning company. Maybe you've got an Airbnb or you own a business. You're moving out. Maybe, hell, you just don't like cleaning.
Starting point is 01:48:03 But you don't want to just invite anybody in your house. You want somebody that you can trust. Maybe a family business who's local, been doing it a long time. Call Cheyenne at Blissful Cleaning. She's the daughter of the owners. They're local. They're licensed. They're bonded.
Starting point is 01:48:19 And they get it clean. Not your kind of clean. You know what I'm talking about. You know, I'm tired from working all week kind of clean. The kind of clean that you don't have the energy for. That's what they do. Okay. You can call them 3 1 4 48 78 3 1 4 48 78. Tell them I sent you and you get 10% off. That's how this thing works that they, they know it's working blissful cleaning. Tell them Patrick sent you and, uh, yeah, nice. Yeah. They, they Nice. Yeah, they cleaned up the studios and our bathrooms for us. They did a really an excellent job.
Starting point is 01:48:50 So, very, very happy. Like you said, they're going to do the kind of cleaning that you wish you did. Yeah, but I never really do, you know. Let's talk a little bit about Bundy and your electric company, man. Tell me about what you guys got going on right now. I started it in 2017, and just like I'm sure everybody knows, we're all getting screwed on our payout here, no matter what you do almost. Yeah, that's pretty true.
Starting point is 01:49:19 Ain't none of us making enough. Yeah, my boss sucks. Yeah. But that was just one motivatorator i've always been a entrepreneur at heart and um yeah just you know i had some bad bosses over the years and was just like you know if i'm going to be poor it's going to be because i'm poor you know and not because this is gonna be not because he's paying me crap yeah exactly and And, man, I had it going since 2017. I got my master's license about two years ago.
Starting point is 01:49:49 And I do have one employee. He's up in Montana right now having a good time. Okay. Fighting the snow. But, yeah, man, I love it. Just being an entrepreneur, not just an electrician, but just, you know, making my own money, calling my own shots. If I don't want to get to the job until 8 o'clock i don't have to you know i can yeah like i said i just want to control with my own life now obviously you know you're trained and certified and schooled and
Starting point is 01:50:15 i'm sure you go to great lengths not to shock yourself yeah yeah for sure however i'm sure there has to be a circumstance at some point in your history where maybe you got the bite. Oh, for sure. You got hit. I couldn't even tell you how many times, honestly. Really? Yeah, yeah. Especially working for myself, you know, there's a lot of back and forth.
Starting point is 01:50:36 You know, if I'm power checking something, I got to walk through a house all the way to the kitchen and see if something's hot. It's not. So go back to the breaker box. So just in that just having one set of hands on a job you do it like a nine volt battery just put your tongue right to it wake me up in the morning better than a ice bath yeah what's it what's the worst shock you ever got you say um you know everyone that really rocked you not not really honestly can't say i've ever just been knocked off a ladder. Nothing like that.
Starting point is 01:51:05 No, all, you know, from something that would be like your receptacle, which is enough to wake you up but not enough to kill you. No, 220 might. Yeah, yeah. I've been hit with 220 a couple times, but nothing. I mean, just brushing a wire or something with my hand. Nothing that. Yeah, that's why I don't mess with electrical because I'm always scared
Starting point is 01:51:24 I'm going to shock myself. I'm going to do something dumb and, you know, shock myself. You know, it's hard to shock yourself with plumbing. I've made plenty of plumbing mistakes. Yeah. Yeah, I made the... And you don't think that you can really do bad things
Starting point is 01:51:39 like that, but yeah, you can. Oh, yeah, for sure. You can do real bad things. We had a place out briefly in Voxite, and I decided, decided well you know i talked to my friend about how to uh put a new tub in and he painstakingly walked me through the process you know and uh of course as a watcher of youtube videos i can do anything i got it let's throw this tub No, it was a two-story. And, you know, the one caution that he gave me is, listen, when you lift this tub up,
Starting point is 01:52:11 you want to be careful that you don't snag the lines. Oh, right. You know, because you could snap it. And that's exactly what I did. I was very careful not to, and I guess I just turned it just the right way. And, bro, that line snapped, right? And so now water's just flowing. It's gushing.
Starting point is 01:52:32 It's like a hose with the spray nozzle, right? And the water cutoff for this house was literally a quarter mile away. Down the block. I had to drive to it. That's how block. I had to drive to it. That's how far. I had to drive to it. And. Tubbs on the second floor?
Starting point is 01:52:51 Yes. Oh, God. Yeah. Nightmare. It was raining in my garage. Nightmare. It was on my Corvette at the time that I had. Oh.
Starting point is 01:52:58 Yeah. Yeah. My wife lost her damn mind. I told you you didn't know what you were doing. You shouldn't. It's the worst feeling as a guy when you think you really got it figured out you know what you're doing you know you're taking that strong i got this leave me the hell alone i know what i'm doing don't you think you should stop right i got it then you screw it up like that oh no that's the
Starting point is 01:53:19 worst bro that's the worst feeling in the world you're're like, yeah, I'm going to stop. I did that. I did that. I'll call the plumber next time. Yeah, no, I didn't. No, I didn't. No, didn't learn the lesson. No, I did it again in the kitchen. As an electrician, those are some of my favorite people who try to do it themselves. Oh, because they screw it up for sure.
Starting point is 01:53:38 They screw it up for real fast. They messed it up. Use that as a tagline, you know, like, we'll fix what your husband messed up. Yeah, yeah. Right. That's a good tagline, actually know, like, we'll fix what your husband messed up. Yeah, yeah, there you go. Right. That's a good tagline, actually. I got that on my business card. It's weird.
Starting point is 01:53:49 You know, I've learned a lot because, you know, my investors buy homes that, you know, Spencer guys flip. You know, they do the renovations. And when you go in to do electrical work, man, you never know what you're going to find, especially in some of these older homes where they have something called knob and tube. Knob and tube, yeah. I thought that was something that happened in my room in the 80s. Right? But what is that exactly?
Starting point is 01:54:15 So it's back in the day when they ran electrical wire. For one, the sheathing on it was nothing. It was like cloth. And a lot of it now you'll see it'll just break right off and you'll have a bare wire. But to kind of secure the wire through the attic, they would nail down these little porcelain knobs. And they're in the shape of a tube, so knob and tube. They would just wrap the wire around that and then continue the run. But the wire's exposed on top of the attic rafters.
Starting point is 01:54:41 So it's probably not good. No, no. If you've got knob and tube, give me a call. Yeah? Give me a call. You probably should give me a call. It's probably not a – Yeah, no, I recommend to anybody at least get an evaluation on it
Starting point is 01:54:53 because some of it is grandfathered in. It's been working this whole time. But the biggest thing you see is fire risk. And once you've seen somebody's house or business burn down due to an electrical fire, Once you've seen somebody's house or business burn down due to an electrical fire, it really makes me, especially being an electrician, just go out of my way. Yeah, more cautious, and there's a ton of stuff, and you'll go up in an attic and see five other electricians have looked at this and left it exactly how it is, and it's a risk.
Starting point is 01:55:22 It just needs to be, yeah, it might be working fine now, but you never just want to count on that. Well, but you know, we're all creatures of habit. Like if it's not broke, don't fix it. I ain't got 10 grand. And you know, if you swap out an entire electrical system in a house, it can get, Oh yeah, for sure. For sure. You know, if you're doing a full reno. Yeah. Yeah. Um, but yeah, it's definitely, I always tell people, it's the most important thing you put into a house when you're building it or remodeling it.
Starting point is 01:55:46 Now, let me ask, because you've become an electrician, did it just – now it automatically lends itself to anything electric. You find yourself having the ability to work on it, do things? I'm a little more – yeah, yeah, I would say so. Like would you work on a car electric, for example? I'd say I wouldn't. I could navigate it. I could navigate it. I could navigate it with YouTube and just my general knowledge of electrical, but it's not something I'm proficient at, like wiring a house.
Starting point is 01:56:12 Yeah, so you're not just going to jump out. If I have an electrical harness problem in the car, go, Bundy, come over and fix this for me. Go to O'Reilly's. Yeah, go find you a mechanic. I'm not a mechanic. But, yeah, I get people that ask me that all the time hey i've got this electrical problem on my car or something it's like oh that's not the kind of
Starting point is 01:56:28 electrical i deal with okay all right all right all right now rich did you ever uh growing up do trade jobs of any kind no no i've never been like electrician or you know air conditioning he's always been the guy that did announcing and had that smooth gut. Yeah, you know. That's what you did. I grew up very city-like. Yeah. No, seriously. I grew up a small little city in Michigan just outside of Ann Arbor.
Starting point is 01:56:53 Oh, you are from Michigan. Yeah. Oh, you met that earlier. Yeah, yeah. These things bleed maize and blue. We were talking about Michigan-Ohio State earlier, which is the greatest rivalry in football. And, yeah, those people take it very seriously.
Starting point is 01:57:08 Oh, yeah, it's a big thing. Like, they literally don't like each other over a rivalry for some reason. I don't get it, but I understand. Yeah. If you go into enemy territory, like, you're doing a football Saturday of Michigan versus Ohio State. Yeah. Well, you ought to be happy the past couple years with Michigan.
Starting point is 01:57:27 Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. I mean, Ohio. That's pretty good. Huh? Well, they beat Ohio State, I think. Yeah, yeah. Everybody does better than the Razorbacks, bro.
Starting point is 01:57:35 Y'all are getting us back this year, though. Yeah, yeah. For sure. Guaranteed. Yeah, you think? Oh, yeah. Michigan's not going to beat Ohio State this year. No.
Starting point is 01:57:43 No way. Well, they just got beat by Oregon. Who did? Ohio State? Yeah. Really? Yeah. I didn't see that game.
Starting point is 01:57:49 Yeah, they got beat by one point by Oregon. Well, I mean, hey. But Oregon was, I mean, they were ranked fourth. Oregon's always got a good football program. They are. Mighty Ducks. I mean, hey, they came in and surprised Michigan a few years ago. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:58:00 Not that, you know, it was hard back then. Yeah. Not like Appalachian state yeah that was a rough one we're not and they surprise you now and again uh you've always been a razorback fan and yeah yeah you know i i know people get they get worked up about it i've listened to the call-in shows before when I was younger. I don't like them much anymore. Yeah, tell me about those Magnolia dung beetles.
Starting point is 01:58:30 I'll hang up and listen. I don't care about Magnolia and what they're doing, honestly. But, you know, people think the Razorbacks should every year be in the mix for a ring. And I'm like, man, have you seen the other schools that are recruiting? You know, I mean, would you rather – no disrespect, but if you're 18, would you rather go to Miami or Fayetteville? And even talking about Oregon, people, you know, like to talk about their uniforms.
Starting point is 01:59:00 I think it's a huge – plays a huge part in their recruiting. You know, those guys coming out of high school, they want to look good. They want to be. Maybe. They want to have a brand new uniform every game, you know, and look slick while they're out there. Now, Alabama used to out, you know, out recruit us all the time because of Nick Saban.
Starting point is 01:59:14 Now, I don't know if they will now. But, I mean, everybody just about will out. It's hard to beat the recruiting to be that team. That's why, you know, Petrino, the reason people get excited is he's a creative play caller. Right. He's very innovative. And so when you don't have the skill or size that you need,
Starting point is 01:59:35 you use trickery, so to speak. Yeah, you innovate. Yeah, you innovate. And that's what they're doing when they're trying to line up against the Ohio States. But if you think that Arkansas is ever going to be held in the same regard as an Ohio State or an Alabama, you're crazy. It's not going to happen.
Starting point is 01:59:52 It's not. Unless maybe if, you know, the climate change brings the ocean up to Arkansas, then maybe we might have an opportunity with that. Our basketball team's got some money this year, though. You know, we forked out all the money for Calipari. Yeah, we got Calipari over there. How's that going for us? Actually, we're talking about Kansas being one of the picks, you know,
Starting point is 02:00:17 for national championships this year. And I think we actually play them in an exhibition game this month or early next month. Yeah. So that would be a good indicator for the rest of the season, just seeing how we hold up against Kansas. I think it's going to be exciting. It's going to be a good season.
Starting point is 02:00:32 I think basketball, we have a much better opportunity to be a competitive year-after-year type team. We've done that before than we do in football. I don't think we can – We've got that Tyson chicken money. Well, the football has that too, but basketball is just different. I don't know. Maybe it's just because there's not as many players.
Starting point is 02:00:52 I'm not sure what the reasons are, but it's like baseball. It's a whole different animal altogether. All right. So, Rich, talk a little bit about, you know, the what's going on in the a lot of people don't realize this. You know, a lot of people are fans of sports, athletics. Maybe you grew up watching WWE or WCW, you know, any of that type of stuff. you know, any of that type of stuff. But, you know, there's been a huge resurgence in interest in wrestling, not only on a televised level, but on a local level,
Starting point is 02:01:32 where you're seeing these really well-funded, well-produced, well-organized wrestling leagues that are really doing things. And it's happening here. Tell me a little bit about, you you know what's going on with that why has there been such a resurgence what's happening with it well i mean really to start there you kind of have to go back to the old territory days okay had you know back before wwf mid-south wrestling and texas and exactly exactly and uh arkansas and Texas. Exactly. Arkansas used to be a really big hot spot for those wrestling promotions.
Starting point is 02:02:10 You'd have them come through almost every week. My grandfather used to take me to Barton to see wrestling all the time. I saw all the old people. A lot of people don't know.
Starting point is 02:02:24 Junkyard Dog. Iron Sheik. You know, Iron Sheik. Yeah, the Hart brothers, Jimmy Hart. I mean, Andre the Giant. All the classic guys. I've seen them all. Right.
Starting point is 02:02:34 You know, and they were here all the time. Yeah. And so now you have a lot of, you know, I guess essentially fans of wrestling that, you know, know it and have trained in it and are now bringing up their own promotions around Arkansas, and they're all taking off. And even we started one in Hot Springs just because we wanted more wrestling around, and myself being in and announcing myself and a couple of friends, we all went in together and co-owned our own promotion called Vapors Championship Wrestling.
Starting point is 02:03:03 Yeah. Nice. The same deal. We partnered up with a couple of other promotions, and, you know, the general feel, especially by promoters, is just we want to make wrestling matter again in Arkansas. Right. We want to make it fun.
Starting point is 02:03:15 We'd love to get it back to those days. Yeah. What does it take to do that, do you think? Oh, gosh, a lot. It does take a lot, doesn't it? Yeah. Because not only do you have to have a cast. Right.
Starting point is 02:03:24 You have to have a cast of people with some discernible talent. Right. You know, both physically and in other ways, right? Oh, absolutely. Well, I mean, the first thing is you always want trained people in the ring. I mean, whatever you think about wrestling, we're not going to get into all that. But to me, it is very. No, no, no.
Starting point is 02:03:45 It's very athletic, very requiring, very demanding, very physical. I mean, it is a sporting event that requires a lot of ability. Right. And people can get injured, you know, doing the different things. Well, they often do. Yeah, often. Exactly. And so that's the last thing you want is somebody that's, you know, watched it on TV and goes, hey, I can do that.
Starting point is 02:04:08 And then they go and jump in a ring and kill somebody. Okay, so let's say that, you know, I'm sure there's a listener right now going, I'd love to do that, man. I can get out there and fight with the best guy. Okay, so how does that journey even start, man? So if that's something that you're interested in doing, definitely look around your area for promotions that are going around and also any training schools. I know there's one in Hot Springs. It's called Aztec Warrior Training run by a good friend of mine. He owns his own promotion, too. So it's actual training like an academy.
Starting point is 02:04:41 Yeah. Like you go, you'll get in the ring. He'll teach you how to run the ropes and what they call take a bump you know and everything like that what kind of cost is involved in something like that oh that's something you'd have to reach okay and talk about for sure but but you'd want to do that to get started and then what happens then you just go pick a costume and that crazy well yeah i mean so yeah you start off there you learn you know you learn how to do it and how to take care of yourself and your opponent. And then, yeah, you start coming up with a character idea and really just start getting your name out there. You know, you've got to start at the independent scene, which is, you know, like they always make the joke in bingo halls and everything.
Starting point is 02:05:18 Yeah, yeah. But that's facts. That's really where you start. No, no. But it takes, I mean, in order to produce something like that, I mean, it's going to take not only a cast and not only some skills, but you're going to have to have writing. Oh, yeah. You've got to have somebody who's directing the situation.
Starting point is 02:05:35 Absolutely. I mean, you've got to have funding for outfits, costumes, enhancements, things of that nature. Outfits, costumes, enhancements, things of that nature. I mean, I mean, rough, rough estimate. You're looking at about anywhere between fifteen hundred to two thousand dollars a show, an event just to put it on, just to produce it, just to produce it. That's that's, you know, venue talent, you know, music equipment, ring lighting, everything. Yeah. Yeah. To put on a decent decent event you're looking at about two thousand dollars now i wonder how many people jump in and then realize oh that's i i can't do this yeah i
Starting point is 02:06:12 screwed up yeah yeah when they're when they're being held up in the air by some about to be dropped on the mat they're like yeah maybe i made i made the second thing yeah and does that happen occasionally? I'm sure it has. I haven't seen it personally happen. Most of the people I mean, normally that would happen when you're in training. You're going to get you're going to get a good example of what to expect. OK, going through the train. So you're going to get body slammed.
Starting point is 02:06:36 And oh, yeah. And oh, yeah. All that. Yeah. Yeah. I even even being an announcer like my first break into it. I went up to a guy and he was like, well, you know, come out. I'll show you how to do some things.
Starting point is 02:06:46 We might use you as a wrestler. And I was like, I have no athletic ability at all. Like, I have a voice. I can't get slammed at all. And so he was like, well, come out and try it out. And so he was, I got in the ring and I ran the ropes. Right. And I'm a smoker.
Starting point is 02:07:02 So after running the ropes like five times i was like you know and then he goes okay do a roll and it's like you got it like a quarter roll and you kind of put your arm up and you just you literally like flip yourself yeah i could not do that for the life of me no you just couldn't i just i would fall over i'd fall to the side but my brain would not let me, you know, do that movement at all. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. There's a, anybody who questions how real it is, I always tell them, go through a training
Starting point is 02:07:32 session just one time and tell me how real it is. Yeah. I think that's the most impressive part is the. The physicality. Well, you know what's coming. Yeah. You know this is about to hurt. Right.
Starting point is 02:07:43 Oh, yeah. You have to accept the pain right you're right you do have to choose pain right right yeah i choose for you to hurt me while i make a living right that is kind of a weird sadomasochistic thing in a weird way yeah absolutely and i've seen some there's a now look i i learned something i should you've heard a lot lizards right you know what that is a lot lizard if you're a truck Now, look, I learned something. You've heard of lot lizards, right? You know what that is, a lot lizard?
Starting point is 02:08:10 If you're a truck driver, you know what that is. Have you heard of mud crickets? Yeah. Okay, that's if you're like an ATV-er. That's like a lot lizard, but apparently they're at the ATV park. We call them ring rats. Ring rats. I knew there had to be one. Oh, my God. The ring rats. The ring rats ring rats there had to be one oh my god the ring rat the ring
Starting point is 02:08:28 rats yeah what do we have do we have any groupies the radio broke dicks it doesn't say it on the box, but Hot Pockets will totally burn your penis. I found you. What? I didn't know you were gay. I'm not. I found your own grinder. Tinder.
Starting point is 02:08:53 I'm on Tinder. Your own grinder. That's why guys keep coming up to me in shops like these. Hey. All right. All right. Let's get to this. I think it's just about time that we do some really, really bad stuff around here. All right. Why you laughing? Why you laughing? This shit ain't funny.
Starting point is 02:09:45 This shit ain't funny, funny. All right. British officials have recently determined the shocking and tragic way that a Welsh man died last year. The Western Telegraph reported that Barry Griffiths, 57, died after accidentally knifing himself while separating frozen burgers. Oh, my God. While separating frozen burgers. That's. Let's see.
Starting point is 02:10:24 This is June of 2023. Uh, Griffith, the resident of, uh, Wells had been trying to separate the frozen burgers with a knife when he stabbed himself in the stomach. According to the coroner, uh, he had reduced mobility in one of his arms after a stroke, which likely led to the freak accident. His body remained in his apartment for several days after his death. Noted that he had a relatively private life with limited contact with others. It took a little over a week for them to come in and find his guts hanging out, I guess. But, man, that's a, what a crappy, haven't you, haven't we all used a knife the wrong way like that at some time
Starting point is 02:11:05 where you know you should have hurt yourself, but you barely missed it? I'm going to be pissed if I go out like that. No, I don't want to go out like that. An Ohio woman decided to shock her neighbors by turning her cat into her latest meal right in front of them. Yeah. Is this what we've been hearing about? This might be what we've been hearing about.
Starting point is 02:11:30 Yeah. This could be what we've been hearing about. I don't know. Let's find out. According to the Canton Police Department, 27-year-old Alexis Talia Farrell killed the cat by first stomping on it. Jesus. Then witnesses were left stunned as she proceeded to eat the animal right there in front of them.
Starting point is 02:11:53 Now, let me just stop for a second here. I mean, not that I mind seeing a lady eat kitty, but... Raw. Is there no E. coli? Is there no salmonella with cats? Is there no tr. coli? Is there no salmonella with cats? Is there no trichinitis? I mean, I know if I eat any other thing uncooked, it's not normally good for me. If you eat uncooked cat, is there a possibility?
Starting point is 02:12:16 Could you get something? I mean, surely. Surely. I mean, you eat the wrong cat, you can get a lot of things, I guess. She's going to be in distress like that shark was the other day. The shark in distress, yeah. All right, let's go on to this one then. Another week of nothing but a deadly encounter between a man and bear,
Starting point is 02:12:38 and once again it didn't end well for the actual carnivore. So here's what happened. An Alaska hunter frantically shot himself in the leg while unloading his gun on an attacking brown bear. Yeah, 32-year-old Tyler Johnson waited for help while he recounted on video how he and his dad, Chris, were attacked while hiking off the trail on the Kenai Peninsula Saturday. He said, we startled her, or him, and it comes charging at my dad.
Starting point is 02:13:16 He made some noise, and then it went straight for me. As the massive bear threw Johnson to the ground and started mauling his leg, he grabbed his 10-millimeter pistol. 10-millimeter? That's not a bear. That's not going to do anything. A 10-millimeter pistol? I mean, you may as well hit him with a pellet gun, man.
Starting point is 02:13:33 A dart. Okay. As the massive bear threw him to the ground, he grabbed his 10-millimeter pistol, started unloading like an MF-er into the bear, accidentally injuring himself. He said, I did shoot myself when I was falling backwards, but it went straight through my leg.
Starting point is 02:13:50 It's a beautiful day, he said, seemingly oblivious. Oh, it doesn't matter. But at first moment, he said adrenaline stopped him from feeling any pain and breathing exercise helped him cope. But he said later, that shit really hurt. You think? Yeah, later that shit really hurt. You think? Yeah, no, it really hurt, you know. But I guess he did at least get the bear gone.
Starting point is 02:14:10 Yeah, dude, that is a nightmare. But the bear did not die. It just left. Wow. Yeah, I don't know what a 10-millimeter, what that kind of bullet that is. I know a 9-millimeter, that will air condition your brain for you. But I don't know what a 10-millimeter will or won won't do usually if we hike in the back country up there i'm carrying a 45 or a 44 special or something yeah one of those long clint eastwood type barrels take you about 20 minutes to get the
Starting point is 02:14:35 barrel out you know a lot of people just carry bear spray that's the big thing up there it's well i would think so i would carry anything i could carry. A taser, bear spray, a gun. A firearm. Yeah, a fire stick, a boom stick. Something. Just a stick. I mean, anything. I mean, it doesn't matter what it is.
Starting point is 02:14:52 Here, bear, go fetch. But you haven't had a lot of bear encounters, you said. No, that was just my only one. Just the one that you mentioned earlier. I've seen some in the wild from a distance. Yeah. That's the only one I've ever seen. But not up on you like that.
Starting point is 02:15:04 No, no, no, no. So do you carry bear spray? I wasn't that morning because I was just laying down. In general rule, do you typically carry that? Yeah, it's kind of. Does everybody? Yes, sir. It's kind of an unofficial standard.
Starting point is 02:15:21 Part of the outfit of Montana? If you don't have it on you, somebody's going to point out that you don't have it on you. Do they really? Maybe loan you one that they have on them for sure. We were super green going up there the first year. And so they'll just say, you don't have bear spray. What's going on with you? Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 02:15:36 What's up? Where are you going? You're going to be gone for the day and you're leaving without bear spray? You don't have bear spray on you? What are you doing? It's a ridiculous thought that you would go into the wild without it. Okay. i did so it's that that that likely of of an experience that you could have that you have to be protected for sure i was still they should do more of that at school talking about girls listen if you don't wear this yeah you're gonna be smoking okay i was still a smoker when we went up there and so at the end of the night before bed i would walk to the creek and smoke a cigarette and oh that's got to be somebody
Starting point is 02:16:10 is that like a flag hey i'm here come meet me that's what they said they said you're walking to the creek in the dark at 10 o'clock at night to smoke a cigarette they're like don't don't do that anymore nothing bears like more than smoke meat Exactly. You're pre-smoking yourself, yeah. All right. Police identified the remains of a human head and a set of human hands as a missing girl last seen in 2005. They identified the severed head and hand found in a freezer of a recently sold home in Grand Junction as belonging to Amanda Overstreet, who was the daughter of the previous homeowner. You don't think that when you, if you're going to move,
Starting point is 02:16:53 that you take your dead daughter with you? It seems like you wouldn't leave that behind. A lot of things you might forget. Oh, and you know what? I forgot my hats behind the door. Or, oh, man, I forgot to get in that closet. But, you know, forgetting a severed head and hands. Yeah, it seems like something to be the time.
Starting point is 02:17:11 Yeah, it seems like it was. Since she was 16 when she was killed, the remains were discovered in January when new homeowners were clearing out the property. That probably was a bad homeowner experience right there. You know, that's one of those where you've got to go, hmm, should I just move? Should I be done? Yeah.
Starting point is 02:17:30 Let me ask you this. If you buy a home and you move in and you end up finding a dead body, will you move? Either move or take a cut on the price. I want the price to knock down a little bit if I find a head in there. Yeah? Yeah. Well, you've already bought it. You're not getting a deal. You already
Starting point is 02:17:47 bought the house. Yeah, I'd probably move, I guess. Would you? It'd freak you out that much. What about you, man? Yeah, I'd be out. I'm done. Now? Yeah, no. Now I'm going to... I'm moving. I'm going to... Yeah, absolutely. I'm going to put something around it and make it a tourist attraction. You ever seen
Starting point is 02:18:04 a dead body? Come to my house. I got one right here right now. Come on, man. I wouldn't mind an old casserole or something that was left in the fridge. I don't know about a human head. I think it's great. Anyway, they said we were all guessing who it was because we started thinking, like, well, man, who was there?
Starting point is 02:18:18 We never saw this girl. The last known record of Amanda Overstreet dated back to 2005. No missing person report, no record of disappearance. Apparently nobody even ever saw her. Said I'd walk my dogs about once every other day or so and even walking by the house. It smelled like mildew and like disgusting. Actually, it'd make you sick just walking by you know you see that sometimes in these uh like man we bought this house and uh i'm not saying any names but it was a hoarder house and you know you think that's just on tv did you just see that those Those are, you know, but it's not. No, no, that's. And I'm going to tell you something. The funk.
Starting point is 02:19:06 Yeah. In those places is powerful. I mean, I don't know how they can sit in all of that. And, I mean, you got to know. I mean, there's no way you don't go, man, this place is ripe. Even you can't get that nose blind. I mean, it smells like cadavers around you right yeah i mean it's years of build up just yeah trash it's never taken out rat you know if you've got all that stuff then that means you've got rodents yeah and what are rodents do
Starting point is 02:19:35 they do two things really well poop and bang yeah that's what they do the best poop and bang you know and they just keep making more of them when when they were emptying out they said we could hear the rats moving from one part of the room to the other and i was like oh that's a little rough right there maybe they kept her company before i i don't know but uh maybe they were friends those are my friends in the wall like ben okay uh let's uh move on to this one here a pot with cooked human body parts found still warm to the touch in the kitchen when kentucky police showed up wow that's right a woman was arrested after police found her mom's dismembered body cooking inside a kitchen pot. No, nothing to see here.
Starting point is 02:20:28 It's just my mom in a pot. It is my mom in a pot. Kentucky State Police said a man called police on Wednesday after discovering the gruesome scene at a home. I'd like to know more. The man said he and another person were hired by the homeowner to do work on a building on the property when no one answered the door he started looking around found a pile of hair near the house and a blood-stained mattress on the back porch there were drag marks leading out behind the house
Starting point is 02:20:59 where he found what he believed to be trudy's dismembered body. Oof. Wow. You know, that's what Laura always says is, look, I get you kill someone, you got to bury them, but she goes, I don't understand how people can dismember someone. She goes, that's where you can't even pretend. You can't be in denial. Right, right, right. You got to cut through this thing. And I'm like, yeah, no, I'm not going to dismember anyone.
Starting point is 02:21:23 I'm going to follow through. You might get folded up a few times somehow some way right right you know you gotta commit to like dismember something i'm not putting you in luggage anyway too much commitment yeah through a finger yeah that that is a lot of commitment i gotta figure out another way now there's got to be you know saline county you got lots of creeks and places where there's some gators or something. Something. Some pit bulls. Some pit bulls.
Starting point is 02:21:47 It's slinking. You might slink. I'm not going to lie to you. It is possible, man. We'll be back in just a second. No one talk to me until I have my coffee. Honey! Never mind!
Starting point is 02:22:01 So, don't forget, if you don't know, on the Friday show, man, it's going to be great. We're going to have Vantage Ruins in, and they're going to do an acoustic performance right here in the studio, which is dope. Yeah, it's their first live performance ever, actually. Also, the rant will happen. Also, the rant will happen. And then as well, if all goes well according to plan, I will be tased by law enforcement live for your pleasure. Yeah, Thursday we'll have Spencer from Big Brother fame in here.
Starting point is 02:22:36 Spencer Clausen, you may remember him. He had an epic run on Big Brother. I think he ended up third. But real funny guy, fun to talk to. He's going to be in here. And we're booking a lot of different comedians and other bands to come in. So we're going to be starting to bring in more and more guests, and it's going to be a lot of fun around here for sure. We've got a guy coming in who's a great impersonator,
Starting point is 02:22:58 hopefully here in the next couple weeks. Nice. So, yeah, yeah, stick around for that. Also, I do want to mention to you very quickly before we get out of here that if you are in need of some help with maybe like probate court, things like that. I mean, nobody wants to be in a situation where you have that kind of thing, but you do need someone that you can turn to who knows what they're doing. And look, preventative maintenance in estate planning
Starting point is 02:23:31 is key. A lot of people come in after the death of a loved one and say, you know, mom said we were supposed to split this up, but dad wanted this to go to this. And then the siblings come in at the last minute, everybody changes it all. and there's just a lot of misconception out there about inheritance laws and greedy family members and listen if you're in that kind of situation and look i've seen it recently uh where people are scrapping over a house that was left behind because if there's no will if there's no living will it may not be going where they think it's going even though dad told everybody that. That don't matter. What matters is what's legal.
Starting point is 02:24:09 And you don't want to go through those waters on your own, especially when it comes to dividing up property and houses. You want to go to Riggin Law, R-I-G-G-A-N, Kristen Riggin and her team are amazing over there. They can definitely help you out. And, you know, those are uncharted waters. You don't know what you're doing in them. Don't try to swim where you don't know. Call somebody who knows what they're doing
Starting point is 02:24:35 and at least just set up a meeting and talk to them about it and get yourself some help. By the way, we are live. We did add Twitch and kick today yeah uh so i think we're now streaming live on kick twitch rumble youtube uh facebook on the website of course we also have an audio only stream on the website if you're just wanting to hear it not watch it because maybe it's too much sexy for you. And ladies, I do understand that the voice is one thing, but the combination of the look and the voice may be too much.
Starting point is 02:25:11 We understand we've created an audio only solution for you. If you're not going over to Patrick and the, you should be because we've got a real good blog. There are lots of videos, lots of different things. You can meet co-hosts. You can see guests that are coming up. We've got merch there. Are you wanting a Patrick and the People sticker?
Starting point is 02:25:30 Yeah, you might. You might want a mug. You might want a shirt. I was going to say, how do I get one of them fancy shirts? Yeah, man. You go over to and just click the merch area right there. And soon, very, very, very soon, i know a lot of you out there think well i could be a radio guy i could do this you know i i've got a good mouth on me well pause pause
Starting point is 02:25:55 but uh we're going to give you that opportunity uh soon uh we're going to launch a contest where i'll tell you if you think you're good give a 30 second video, showing me why you should be on the show with us. And maybe you'll find yourself sitting up here one day because we want to bring in a lot of listeners and viewers because look, you don't see it behind the scenes. You, it's a lot of fun to be part of. And, uh, it's a cool club to be in to be able to come up and do something like that. So we're going to, we're going to give some opportunities for you to do that. Also, just as a measure to all my food truck people, we're probably going to be doing some food truck stuff.
Starting point is 02:26:31 If you are a food truck person, vendor, reach out to me because we're about to put something together, and I think you guys will want to be part of it. And if you're looking to get ads on Patrick and the People, all you've got to do is reach out to us through the website. It's real simple. It's real easy. We only allow local small business to advertise.
Starting point is 02:26:51 The rates are stupid low. So if you're looking for something effective but very inexpensive and dope, then reach out to us for that too. We get new advertisers all the time. Listen, that is it for today. I hope you've enjoyed it. We're getting a little smoother. I think it was a little bit smoother time. Listen, that is it for today. I hope you've enjoyed it. We're getting a little smoother. I think it was a little bit smoother today.
Starting point is 02:27:09 Yeah, absolutely. It's going to get a little bit better and a little bit better every day. You give us a couple weeks here. We'll get all the kinks worked out. We're going to be rolling. I think we're going to have something to talk about here, guys. I absolutely agree. I think we're off to a great start.
Starting point is 02:27:20 All right. Well, certainly appreciate everybody who's been here and shared this with us today. And we'll be back tomorrow morning at 630. Okay? We will see you then. Brought to you by that gunk in the back of your throat. That gunk in the back of your throat. Some today.

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