Patrick and the People - 1/24/2025 Patrick and the People - Live! w/ Trever Weller

Episode Date: January 24, 2025

Guests: The Robfather, Azul Tormenta, Trever Weller, XFL Jim, Chad Sledge, Gabe Kea, & Paul Farahvar...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Yeah, got in the middle of a scrap at the end of the show matter of fact, we ended up tearing up a headphone broke it off in the board here. We've got to get that fixed now. So it was quite a debacle at the end of the show. If you did not see it, be sure and go back and watch it because me and Jimmy Buffay who I'm facing tomorrow in the headlining match got into it at the end of the show. It was quite a wild ride. So be sure and check that out. A lot to get to today. First of all, let me introduce our cast here if I could.
Starting point is 00:00:34 Everybody knows Chad Sledge, our resident bonus hole provider. He is a piercer, owns Piercings by Chad and Conway. How are you, man? Oh, here, let me put your mic up. That'll help. Can you hear me a little bit? Yeah, there you go. That'll work a little better. Hey, how you doing this morning? And to my right, right over here is the headlining comedian tonight, Paul Farvar. How are you doing, man? I'm good. Thanks for having me. Man, I'm so glad to have you here, man. It's always good. You don't know that yet. I might brawl you later too.
Starting point is 00:01:02 Well, you know, we're good. And I'll tell you what, everybody can get in line at this point. I'm a big fighter. Oh, yeah. You look it. You look it, Timmy. And then to my left here, introduce yourself, the co-owner of TNR Wrestling. My name is Robert Shirley. I'm the co-owner of TNR Championship Wrestling, Leechville, Arkansas. Yeah. Out of where now? Leechville, Arkansas. Leechville. Where is that at?
Starting point is 00:01:24 That is east of Jonesboro, Arkansas. Yeah, out of where now? Leechville, Arkansas. Leechville, where is that at? That is east of Jonesboro, Arkansas. That's a good haul, isn't it? Yes, it is. I left about 1.30 this morning. Man, that's pretty early. I thought, man. Does it take that long to get here?
Starting point is 00:01:35 It takes about that long to get here. Really? Yes. What do you drive, about 40? I drive about 16. Okay, yeah, that makes sense. That makes sense, makes sense. But you were hauling a trailer and everything, you said. You gotta remember, I'm a rassler. Yeah, no makes sense. That makes sense. Makes sense. But you were hauling a trailer and everything.
Starting point is 00:01:45 You said you're going to remember I'm a wrestler. Yeah, no, I get it. I get it. I get it. Yeah. And we've also got today XFL Jim. Got that Trevor Weller Jr. and interview with him pretty cool kid.
Starting point is 00:01:59 Real interesting and a lot more going on today. We'll have some more wrestlers who are going to participate in Ark and Brawl tomorrow. Now remember that's at noon tomorrow. It's a free event. Bring everybody out. It's going to be crazy. You've got four wrestling leagues, the independent divisions coming
Starting point is 00:02:17 together for one match or for one event and you'll have nine matches and they include a scaffold match which is crazy because you've got scaffolds over both sides of the ring and a bridge in the middle. Then you've got a Royal Rumble or a Battle Royale as they call it. And then of course the main event not to mention six more matches on top of that. Does that sound right? That is correct. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:40 Yeah, it's going to be crazy and I'm excited because you were telling me you've got all the sound. You got all the intros. You got everything going. I got everything. I got the music. I got the computer. I got the microphones. Man, it's going to be awesome. So make sure listen, I'm already, you know, I had someone yesterday telling me they've got 20 people coming. Get here early to get a seat because I'm when I tell you this place is gonna be standing room only I mean it let's say come back over to Paul Paul man yeah so tell us a little bit about your comedy journey I mean that where you're from
Starting point is 00:03:14 what you got where you're at what's going on with you well I live in Chicago been doing comedy for about 12 years now before that I was I was managing bands and playing in bands and I was also a lawyer for a while too. Really? Wow that's pretty diverse there. So you were a lawyer, you were in a band and you're a comedian. Yeah well I mean I just done a lot of things. Yeah. None of them good. I've been there. Yeah I'm still there I think. Yeah. My next my next goal is to do wrestling though. No, you're right on time for that.
Starting point is 00:03:48 I think I'm going to do it, I'm just thinking about what my name would be. It's always the thing to think of is what you would call yourself. What's your wrestling name, man? Mine is The Rob Father. The Rob Father, you see that's solid right there. It's hard to beat The Rob Father. They call me The Kingpin. Oh yeah? Oh yeah, you know I'm part of the Rob Fathers. They call me the Kingpin. Oh yeah?
Starting point is 00:04:05 Oh yeah, you know I'm part of the mafia from Chicago. Oh yeah? Better watch out. He sounds like Chicago. Do you sound like you're from Chicago? Yeah, east side of Chicago. Definitely the east side though. The east side is the lake.
Starting point is 00:04:21 Well, you know they do call call me tadpole for a little. So, you know, when you were when when you first inspired by comedy, I mean, has it been something since you were young? You've been a no, it wasn't on my I was my buddy was opening for Bob Saget. Wow. I was backstage with him. He thought I was the comedian and I was just making him like laugh and stuff. And he goes, I said something and he said, Oh, are you going to go? You're going to do that tonight? And I was like, Oh, I'm not the, I'm not the comedian. And basically he's like, you should go up. There's a sold out show in Indiana at a horseshoe casino. That's wild. No comedian. You should go up, you know? Yeah. and I was like, because I was backstage a lot of times comedians hang out and like we're looking for for stage time, but I was I literally wasn't and basically it's like,
Starting point is 00:05:12 oh, that was a funny bit. I want I want to riff off that. And now I don't remember what I said, but the next day I tried an open mic contest and I won it. Wow. I was like, okay, this is now I'm not screwed up my life. Yeah last. Yeah. Now once, once you get on the mic, I mean, I've, I've done standup for many years and once you get there, you don't want to leave. Yeah, it's it's as addictive as probably anything can be. Absolutely. Yeah. You're chasing that high for forever.
Starting point is 00:05:36 And so, you know, you jump into comedy. You've not been in it before. Who did you look to for, you know, a guidepost of, well, this is, you know, I want to be kind of like this. This is who, you know, seems like a good comedian to me. Well, when I started, I really liked Anthony Jeselnik. I wanted to be like a dark comedian and then I tell stories a lot. So then I liked like John Mulaney too. John Mulaney is a great one. I love Anthony Jeselnik. I like him much better without Amy.
Starting point is 00:06:06 Oh, yeah. Yeah, that's right. I forget they were together. They were. And I'm convinced 100 percent. And please, if anybody can ever tell me otherwise, let me know that Anthony wrote her first set. And it was really a good set. And then she didn't do another good one after that. That was it. Well, she's got, her shows that she, I like that her, the shows
Starting point is 00:06:28 that she's produced those have been really good like yeah the show on Comedy Central she had for a while and then the new one she had on TV though those were pretty good. Yeah. And yeah like and she surrounded herself with so much talent there's so many comedians and stuff. Yeah well but Anthony's been putting out he's a prolific comedian. He's got like a new special like every few years. No, he's as good as it gets. You know, he really came to more prominence through the roast.
Starting point is 00:06:54 People found him a lot through that. And man, you know, he's just amazing. So I really like that dark side of comedy. And it's a special comedian that can deliver that and do well with it. Right, right. Daniel Tosh is another one who has one of those, you know, almost innocent looking faces as he says the most, you know, vile things possible and it's amazing.
Starting point is 00:07:17 Yeah. So 12 years in the game, you're headlining already, which is amazing. You know, when did you transition? I mean, it sounds like you were on a fast track. How quick did you go from, you know, I'm an open mic guy to I'm a headliner? So like I was, I think because I have like a background, like life history and stuff, but a lot of stuff to talk about. So I was, I was getting a lot of opportunities with, with comedians that were on the road and they were letting me go on the road with
Starting point is 00:07:44 them bigger comediansians I was touring with Dimitri Martin for a while. Wow Dimitri is great. Yeah he was he took me on the road with him. Very clever kid yeah. Yeah and then Gary Gorman did the same thing. So like I got to I got to open for some big names and do shows with like headliners with sold out theaters and stuff. So that helped me a lot. And then, yeah, just slowly start getting some headlining opportunities and stuff. I still tour and I open for some other bigger names sometimes too. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:14 So what's the difference between, you know, writing jokes and developing actual stand up comedy material? Well, I mean, there's a lot of people who can write really good jokes, but then delivering it is two different things too. So like you have to be able to perform. It's like a performance. So the big thing is it just takes time. You just gotta like, there's no shortcuts in comedy.
Starting point is 00:08:40 Right, right. So what would, how would you describe? You said, you know, I want when I started out, I wanted to be a dark comedian. I want to be like Anthony Jesnik. But you said when I started out, so I assume you found your own rhythm place. Where did you find your place on the spectrum of comedy? I'm definitely not as dark as him. I think later I just start you find your voice with time and I think
Starting point is 00:09:02 like now I'm more I'm still dry Witty comedy I would call myself But it's just like I tell stories and I just talk about things that really happened in my life And I just change a little bit so it's it's it's just writing different different style of writing. Mm-hmm Yeah, and I always found you know my place in the everyman role, you know, where I speak for everybody, you know, the common-sense stupidity and that's what I talk about, right, is it's something everybody can broadly relate to most of the time. I just did a, I did a show when Bob Newhart passed away and a lot of people said that. Celebrate that?
Starting point is 00:09:38 Yeah, and a lot of people like, yeah, celebrating his death. That's what we did. It was it was sudden. It was a sudden death. A lot of people when they needed someone to headline it they're like you remind us of Bob Newhart which to me was like the coolest. Yeah that's so it's a big fan of his yeah so it was cool and a lot of people say that's like my style too like really dry and whatever. How do you feel about you know the journey of comedy you know some comedians still do the traditional circuit route where you know you're rubbing elbows like you were backstage with comedians and you just kind of work that circuit and then other folks now you know start right on the internet and boom you know the next you know they're in venues like Matt Wright you know I mean I know he did comment a lot of stand-up but I'm writing that you
Starting point is 00:10:28 know boom there he goes and he's doing an arena show you know well a lot of people like think that they just like suddenly got big but like Matt right is a great example of a guy who did comedy forever and he was a hard hustling comedian who writes really good well he's a good comedian like I remember when he'd come to Chicago He was filming something in Chicago and I had a show at the Laugh Factory He'd always asked to come up and be like yeah You can have time because we work together in LA and he was always nice and he always worked hard
Starting point is 00:10:55 He seems like he is nice. Yeah, so people like crap on him But I think he I think he's he's he's a hard-working guy a lot of guys that Get big on the internet. They're not people think that they're just new but they've been doing it forever. Nathan Nathan McIntosh just kind of blew up recently, but he's been in common for 20 years. Yeah. No, you're right about that. You know another one that a lot of people always looked down upon and I used to say man,
Starting point is 00:11:24 I'll be a D bag if it makes me that wealthy is Dane Cook. Oh yeah. A lot of people slammed him because he was the OG coming up through the internet comedian. Yeah, he's the first guy who did it through MySpace back then and people were making fun of him because he was like a promoter, but a self marketer.
Starting point is 00:11:40 Well, yeah, he demonstrated what you can do versus just doing the normal circuit. Now, he did, of course, a lot of stand up as well. I think those people that like there's some people that go viral and they don't have like a full 30 minutes of comedy yet. But if they work hard at it, they'll figure it out. Everyone has their own journey, but there's really no shortcuts in comedy. Like you have to you you get better based, it's the only thing that you need to keep doing
Starting point is 00:12:08 to get better, you can't cut corners. No, I don't think you can. And I think, you know, the more you have life journey and the more reality you get into your comedy, the better it gets, you know. And when you start, or at least for me, you know, it seems like most comedians, you start with a lot of made up stuff, a lot of, you know, it seems like most comedians, you start with a lot
Starting point is 00:12:25 of made up stuff, a lot of, you know, stuff that's contrived and that you kind of put together because you think it's funny. And then you along the route, you find your own voice and you're able to take your own life and make it right. Right. I think that's truth in comedy is what they say. And I'm a big believer in that. I think people will come up after me and they're like, are you really a lawyer? Cause I talked about that. I'm like, why would I make that up? Like if I'm going to make up something, I'm going to say I'm a big believer in that. I think people will come up after me and they're like, are you really a lawyer? Cause I talk about that. I'm like, why would I make that up? Like if I'm going to make up something, I'm going to say I'm a wrestler. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:50 I'm going to say, yeah, I was an adult film star. Watch it out there. What like yours, you know. From the East side. Yeah. From the East side of Chicago. East side of Chicago. Watch it.
Starting point is 00:13:00 Yeah. We're going to rumble later. For sure. For sure. Hey, nine o'clock we'll be sitting the ring up. I'll be seeing you out there. I'll be there. I'm thinking of my name. yeah we're gonna we're gonna rumble later for sure for sure 9 o'clock we'll be sitting the ring up I'll be seeing you out I'll be there I'm thinking of my name I'm still thinking what I'm doing still working on your wrestling name
Starting point is 00:13:12 Wrecking Ball and I'll come out to Miley Cyrus you know what I do that's what I do right now with comedy so that'd be pretty great yeah actually I think that might be a great answer no W just Wrecking Ball Wrecking Ball Paul Wrecking Ball Paul Paul the Wrecking Ball I think that might be a great no W just wrecking ball wrecking ball. Paul wrecking ball Paul the wrecking ball. Yeah, no, I think we just did it.
Starting point is 00:13:33 So now you have to fight tomorrow. I'm in. Know that I'm in the good news. I'm a big fighter. It's early in the afternoon, so it won't affect your shows later. You know, let me ask you, how you, are you someone who drinks a little before a show during a show at all? No, I used to have to drink before I went on stage, but then I watched one of my sets when I had to do three shows in a row and I kept drinking
Starting point is 00:13:56 and I was like, yeah, I'm never going to drink again. So like before a show, I don't drink, I don't eat, I just got to be like, you you gotta go up there hungry. Yeah, I think a lot of us have experienced that there was a comedian named Kevin Downey Jr. No relation to Robert, but he sure use that Downey Jr. But his name is Kevin Downey Jr. And when I first started out doing stand-up, I was asked to open for him in a venue, you know in Sersi here, which is a rural town.
Starting point is 00:14:27 And you know, some people come to Arkansas and they don't understand, especially when you get outside of Little Rock, how rural it gets. And so he comes to perform and he gets there before I do. And God love him, the owner said, well, we got some moonshine back here. Come on and take a couple of shots, man. Man, I walked in and I knew already. I was oh no man this guy's gone man and he made it maybe 15 18 minutes on stage and I'd already done my feature set and he just couldn't go on and they came to me and said man can you go back and I said no no my I
Starting point is 00:15:03 cannot do that I'm sorry that is a faux my brother. I'm sorry, that is a pop-off for me. I'm sorry, next time book me. Yeah, it's one of those things like, you think you're crushing it when you've been drinking and then if you go back and watch, and that's what happened to me. I was like, oh man, I had great sets. And then when you go watching, when you're sober,
Starting point is 00:15:23 you're like, oh yeah, I miss so many things because you need to be aware. The big part of comedy is listening. People don't know that. It's like listening to the crowd, seeing what people are really getting into and then you got to be able to change on the fly. I see today, speaking of that, that it seems like the big thing to promote on the internet is crowd work.
Starting point is 00:15:44 You know, everybody doing crowd work. Are you a crowd work person? I was. I was. When I didn't have material that I wrote, I would do a lot of crowd work because I didn't want to write. And I was good at it. But the problem is now people, and I post my crowd work stuff too,
Starting point is 00:16:02 but now people come to shows thinking that they can be part of the show Yeah, they think that's part of the show. They don't know better. It's our own fault. Right? We've cultivated Yeah, and then so sometimes they'll just start yelling. I'm like, no, I'm helping you. I'm like, no, you're not like I wrote these jokes So yeah, sometimes that happens But I don't I don't have a problem with it A lot of people a lot of comedians are against it and they think it's not real comedy, but I disagree. I think, you know, I think you gotta be able to be, yeah, I think you gotta be able to respond.
Starting point is 00:16:29 But I also like, I don't, you can't sell a career on that. You have to have real material. Yeah, like my buddy, Jeff Arcuri is, he's a big, all his clips on, right now he's got like almost 2 million followers. He's like the new Matt Rife.
Starting point is 00:16:43 We started together, but he's such a good writer and people that go to the shows know that he doesn't just do crowd work. The clips are like later. Yeah, he'll do later in the show. He'll start doing crowd work, but he's done his hour or whatever. Yeah, he's done his material and does crowd work after. See, I would be more inclined to do that. You know, have you a lot of people talk about getting hecklers, but to be honest with you in my entire career, I've never had a heckler. I've had drunk people who thought they were part of the show. I had my first real heckler in Florida like this summer last summer.
Starting point is 00:17:20 It was it was surreal. I have it on video and I'm trying to make a clip out of it. But it's just so hard to watch because you're like, wow, this guy was really mad. He thought I like, he thought I made a political comment about Trump, which I didn't, I just made fun of, but either way you're, you're doing a comedy show. Right. But all fair. But I didn't, it was funny cause I made fun of just all politicians, right?
Starting point is 00:17:41 And they all are old or whatever. And he just wouldn't let it go. He was so mad Yeah, and he can see him before he like finally lose it He's just mean mugging me the whole time and then I just asked him a question about oh, how long do you wear glasses? You know because that's part of a bit I do. Yeah, and he's like leave me alone And he's like you're not funny and I was like, what did I say? He's just like, he just all the whole show. They finally kicked him out. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:07 Yeah. No, I don't have patience for assholes. You know, I don't mind someone who, you know, gets drunk and it gives it happens, especially on the later show. They get a little boisterous and they're trying to talk to you and participate and they just don't think about it, you know, and I'll crack down on him. But but yeah, no, somebody like that.
Starting point is 00:18:26 I never had. Yeah. You know, you suck. And I was like, what? And it was funny because he was saying he's like the other comedians were better than you. I'm like, they were they were bombing. Even they were my friends, but they were like one guy had to like talk off the ledge. It was a host who crushed the night before and then the Saturday show.
Starting point is 00:18:44 It was he didn't have a good set. I was like, it's not your fault. This crowds just not into it It just happens that way now and then yeah, but I can't say that I can't be like, well, that's not true I know I'm the headliner But he was he was so mad and then the club said that was like the first time they've had a heckler in like seven years Yeah, I know it's just just always wild when you Three years. Three years. And already you're the Rob father in three years. I'm the Rob father in three years. Wow, that's impressive. For now.
Starting point is 00:19:09 For now. For now. Tomorrow. Tomorrow. Is that an open call? I don't know. I don't know. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:19:17 I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I'm the Ralph other than three. Wow, that's impressive for now
Starting point is 00:19:37 He clearly don't you don't even see my stand-up where I set my record in fighting is oh two and one The tie was a drunk that couldn't stand up, but he must have been that heckler. Yeah, I'm gonna tell you, speaking of that's so funny because for many years I'd put together an event here called Arkansas's Funniest Person. And so as the name would imply, we would have all the local amateur comics come in and compete, you know, and we'd bring in different people to judge from, you know, comedy venue owners, bookers, different things, radio personalities, whatever, you know, and so after the first year, I realized that because I was also in the comedy scene that I had to not be part of the judging. I had to separate myself from that and made sure I didn't. So I went to great lengths to create transparency in this event. Well, the guy at the last one when I finally said I'm done doing this, these guys don't appreciate it, but was a handicap
Starting point is 00:20:36 guy, you know, and he's on, you know, the arm little things that you walk on. Oh, yeah, I don't know exactly what they're called. I've got a walker. Not a walker, but the little, you know, the individual ones. And so he comes up after the show and he's mad that he didn't win and he starts beating me with his crutch, you know, literally and I'm like, what am I supposed to do here? If I hit this guy, you know what the video here's Patrick angry Patrick beating some handicap guys ass. But if I stand there and keep and keep getting you gonna beat my ass, you know, you got to hit him back It's it's on brand for you Just called security and said I'm done, you know
Starting point is 00:21:21 Stitch to mouth so you've been doing this now for three years, man. Yes, sir. And how did you get into, you know, part being part of this and then being an owner of this? Well, so my brother is the other owner and he's been wrestling for about 14 years. Okay. I traveled with him for 14 years,
Starting point is 00:21:40 studied the psychology of wrestling, the likes of him and Ray Ivy. Yeah. You know, and legends. I mean, Ray's a legend, you know. He just come to me. It was my mom asked us to do a business together and she had cancer and she passed away. So we decided to get together.
Starting point is 00:22:03 I studied the business side of it and I said Let's do it. And so here we are three years later. We're still running strong. Well, that's that's awesome And that's I mean it you know, you were inspired to do it and here you are doing it Not the most you know, it's not really a franchise out there for that. That's an unusual entrepreneur If you if you if you if you make a dollar in comedy, stay in comedy, don't come to wrestling. I haven't made that dollar yet. I don't know what she heard. I don't know what she heard about comedy. It's the same in wrestling because we ain't made that first almighty dollar yet either. Sounds like maybe mom would be disappointed in this adventure. Well, me. You never know. She encouraged you to do it so why did she do that?
Starting point is 00:22:51 Yeah, I mean, you know, you probably didn't know the ins and outs. She's like, oh they make a lot of money. Yeah, she thought he was gonna fight the Rock. Yeah, probably John Cena is who it was really. That was her favorite hero was John Cena. Yeah. You know, so it just, it was something that expired me and my brother both and you gotta have a passion for this. No, I think anything that you do, be it, you know, comedy, broadcasting, wrestling, anything you do, if you have a passion, it's better. Yes, it is. Without a doubt.
Starting point is 00:23:19 So let me just take a moment to... The money would be good too. Well damn right it is. Dang right. It's hard when I had money as a lawyer. I'm like every day when you have a bad show, you're like, why am I doing this? Why am I not a lawyer again? I could have had money for drugs and everything.
Starting point is 00:23:36 Did you keep... Yeah, good drugs, not the cheap ones. Did you keep your law license? Do you keep it? No, I have it, it's a non-active. So I didn't get disbarred or anything but I got to if I wanted to go back to practice I have to like take some continued legal education. Right, yeah I mean yeah I get that. Unless you need a lawyer I can I can
Starting point is 00:23:59 Yeah, you can find me someone. I can't advise you anymore but I will. I can refer and I get a referral fee and I can do that. And that's kind of what keeps me afloat. Yeah, bird dogging. Yeah. Very quickly. Let me mention that if you are looking for a vehicle, listen, go to FitzAuto. Go to If you want to see their inventory online, they, you know, have pictures inside and out. They've a lot of pictures. They put the price on there. What you're going to love about them is they're their own bank. They make their own decisions. They don't have to call anybody. They don't have to send somebody down the road to find and talk to a manager. They don't have to call corporate.
Starting point is 00:24:37 They're everything. They're one location and they have late model low mileage vehicles. So it's not the hoopties that you see on some of these tote the note lots. You know what I'm saying? These are nice late model cars. They even have Teslas. They have you know travel trailers. They have ATVs. They have boats.
Starting point is 00:24:55 They have motorcycles anything you need 8421 stagecoach road in Little Rocker. Just go to and you can go right online. You can get pre-approved without even digging your credit and you know see what you can do so you know check them out I also say that if you get in a rear-ender just give me a call a better call Paul better call Paul you can email me a better call Paul 69 at a wall dot com if you're injured or even if you're not one of those cars I'll find an injury you know what I mean the year you're injured or even if you're not in one of those cars, I'll find an injury. You know what I mean? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Is the 69 the year you were born or just a nice tag number?
Starting point is 00:25:30 It's just I'm 12 years old. I'm permanently in eighth grade as well, so I'm with you. Yeah, and then, yeah, and if I get injured in that match tomorrow as the wrecking ball, I'm going to sue you. No, we have waivers for everyone. You're going to win regardless, huh? Oh, if you need me to redo your waivers, give me a call. as the wrecking ball, I'm gonna sue you. So, win-win. You're gonna win regardless, huh?
Starting point is 00:25:47 Oh, if you need me to redo your waivers, give me a call, better call Paul. Call 169. I'm on my TV, don't look at my waiver. Was it Is that where you're at? You know what's funny is that I say that on stage and I don't have that email, so there's people that check that out.
Starting point is 00:26:05 I tried email. Have you tried? Yeah, have you tried to get an AOL account? It's impossible. Like you can't get an AOL account. Well, I would think not, you know, unless you get in the time machine. When I started dating my wife 14 years ago, 15 years ago, and I went over to her house. She goes, oh, let me check my email real quick.
Starting point is 00:26:25 And I'm sitting there watching TV in here. You've got mail. And I'm like, what the fuck was that? Did you, do you have an AOL? 90 years old. Oh my God. I laughed. We laughed.
Starting point is 00:26:35 I laughed so hard. I was like, I can't believe you have AOL, you know, now 15 years later, I'm still using a Hotmail address just because it has no number in it. And that makes me feel like a baller. Yeah, no, it's just PJ Beam, bitch. No number, nothing else. No symbol. Just PJBeam at
Starting point is 00:26:52 Done. I had Yahoo for a while. I finally went over to Gmail, but yeah, I wish I had an AOL now. Yeah, it'd be fun to have. But you know what's funny is I tried to do it about 10 years ago. I tried to get the email of just Better call Paul or whatever or anything with it and You couldn't get it and if you did one of the questions, you know They have like what like a secret like your password, right? Yeah, and then you have a secret question
Starting point is 00:27:17 I like you have to replace your question was I'm not kidding was what's your what was your library card number? Your library card first of all, I didn't know they had that. And second, how would you remember that? I don't know. That's a weird one to have on there. That was the secret question. Yeah. My problem was that mine was the mother's maiden name, but I could never remember how to spell it. Yeah. Because it's a weird German name, you know, and so I didn't
Starting point is 00:27:43 know how to spell it. I'd always have to call him America. I don't remember. I don't know. It's one in or two. I can't tell you. I always stuck to BR 549. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. Just back in the old days. Yeah, no, I have heard of it. Yeah. That's what I stuck to when I was in high school. Yeah. BR 549. BR 549. Little trucker. Little little trucker stuff.
Starting point is 00:28:06 You're turning her up. Yeah, a little CB stuff right there, huh? So, when when you you know, came up as a kid, you said that the comedy wasn't your thing. No. You know, what kind of you know, upbringing did you have? I I I I thought I was gonna be a musician and a politician. That's what I thought. My goal was to become a one-hit wonder and then go into politics with that credibility, with that famousness. That's quite a plan there. And it didn't work out. Yeah. I grew up, I was a tennis player. I was not that tough and I figure skated too.
Starting point is 00:28:42 So yeah. Did you really figure skated? I figure skated till I was like 10. But that's fine. I went to the tough world of tennis. And so, yeah, no, I also well, I played varsity tennis in high school. I played a division. I played in college too. So I was pretty good. But yeah, I didn't I knew I didn't want to do tennis. I wanted to I wanted to be a musician all my life. I loved music. I really wasn't that interested in tennis, although I ended up being decent at it. I was more interested in the girls that were in the tennis class. Yeah. As a senior, I was like, they're hot. I want to be around them. So this is the best way. We'll have a tennis match too after the rest. After we fight.
Starting point is 00:29:18 Yeah. After wrecking ball, Paul gets done. Wrecking ball. I'll show you. I'll show you who the father is. Yeah, hey, you are not the father. We're going to have Maury come out. You are not the father, baby. Yeah, that's great. It's going down.
Starting point is 00:29:33 I get done with you, you're going to be calling me daddy. Yeah. I'm going to be running away from you is what I'll do. I'll probably. Hey, if you're going to run, that's OK, because I'm not chasing you. I don't run. I's okay, because I'm not chasing you. I don't run. I'm pretty fast.
Starting point is 00:29:47 I could probably run pretty fast. I do false advertising my stuff. It says fast down the legs. I'm 47-year-old. I'm not fast. Oh, yeah. Well, you got me beat. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:29:57 I probably would not know how. I don't think I've ever punched someone in the face, so I don't even know how that works. No. You still don't know how it works. So you asked about my upbringing. Yeah, I should answer you. Yeah, no, it does. People talk about Chicago being tough. I grew up in a suburb, like, where there was no fire.
Starting point is 00:30:12 You should have grown up on the east side, like I did. Yeah, we grew up on the lake, man. Where the power poles are. Chicago's on the lake, and the east, right east of Chicago is Lake Michigan. That's why it's so funny. Yeah, no it is. That's exactly why it is. He lived on the boat.
Starting point is 00:30:28 Yeah, that's right. He had a houseboat over there. That's right, that's right. All right, well, Rob Father, let me do this. Let me bring up one of your other guys here real quick that's hanging out and I wanna make sure we get a little of everybody in today. And this will give you something to talk about.
Starting point is 00:30:43 Come on up, man. Spider-Man over here. No, no, that that is not correct. Yeah this is my next battle. Yeah this is absolutely your next battle. You don't want to battle him, you'd rather battle me. All right come on man sit down man get over here and make sure you're on camera because people need to see this so yeah no it's just you know this is great so it's gonna be mine. Yeah, no, this is great. So it's going to be mine. So introduce yourself to the world out here. Tell them who you are.
Starting point is 00:31:09 Amigos y amigos, I am Azul Dometo. I am the undisputed next level champion of action wrestling entertainment out of Saoirse Arkansas. Been only champion since December. Had multiple different defenses. And as of, let's see, it's been about three weeks since my last defense. Okay.
Starting point is 00:31:39 I had to face Luther's Day Diamond out of Diamondland, very well known through Oklahoma and pretty sure they're making their way through Texas as well. Luther's Day diamond out of Diamondland, very well known through Oklahoma and pretty sure they're making their way through Texas as well. So it was a hard battle for that one. And I read to see a Sufu and then I'm in the middle of dealing with Sufu right now. Last time that anybody from AWE was here had my mass test over to the Logan light.
Starting point is 00:32:03 You had a Logan light here. You had that's right. That's right. That's right. Yeah, that's right. So what you know, why wear the mask? What what what what's the basis of keeping your identity concealed? Well, as your lawyer, I'll say not to answer that question.
Starting point is 00:32:22 I apologize. I don't want to you know, break the court up here and cause problems. Well, the most simple way that I can put it is it's just, it's a Hispanic tradition, man. I got it. So like the luchadors. Yeah. See, so when it comes to hiding the identity, it's not really about hiding the identity in a lot of senses it's a the mask gives gives the superpowers in a lot of different ways okay because if you look at it people like LeBron James the people that have worn the broken nose mask yeah they have ended up scoring two to three times more
Starting point is 00:32:59 wearing that look at Dirk Nowitzki he He did it. Um and then let's see there's other examples to put into this. It's it's hard to figure it out. It's a tradition. I understand a luchador tradition. And there's also magic that comes with the mask too. Now you're having a big match this weekend at Arc and Brawl. Who are you? Who are you? Who is your opponent? I am facing Cody Hayes. Cody Hayes? He was here... Yes, he was the other day. He seems very amped up about this fight, man. I mean, I don't know. That's gonna be a handful for you.
Starting point is 00:33:35 How do you feel about the battle? Well, he's new. He's got a very hard sense of individuality. I've seen him come up in the past few months. He's had multiple, multiple championship matches. Hasn't won them yet. But in every single match, he's shown himself. He's shown that, he's shown who he is. He's shown he's come to work.
Starting point is 00:34:01 So I know I've got my hands full. But at the same point, I have also faced former NXT superstar Quincy Ellie, you know, shout out to Quincy, you know, the alma mucho. Um, but then there's comes the top heels in Arkansas. Um, can't remember the name of the woman. It's so early. No, it is.
Starting point is 00:34:24 It's very early. It's very early. Um, it is. It's very early. It's very early. LA Hustlers. Excuse me, yes. LA Hustlers. So, had my scuffle with LA Hustlers. And then of course, Rod Father. As you can see, we kind of just look forward. We don't look at each other. Yeah, there's a little history there, isn't there? They actually, him and the big h house are the ones that took the championships from Logan light night. Oh, okay. So there's a little bit of bitterness and anger there still hostility see so business-wise Being here representing a WETNR wrestling with pride and BCW all companies that I wrestle for Owners that I love and respect, you know,
Starting point is 00:35:06 we're here to promote and do our things. So just keep it straight, keep it narrow. All right. So, so when you, you know, describe your, your style, would you say that you, you know, like the luchadors, Ray Mysterio or people like that, that you have a similar style or a high flying style? What kind of style do you employ in the ring? Well, see, I've actually kind of put on another 35 pounds since I started. So I'm sure it's all muscle. Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
Starting point is 00:35:40 no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,, me no more be feeding me a lot. Yeah, I understand. But no, it's a, at first it was a lot of high flying, but it come to the point where I wanted to kind of stand out in a certain way. So when I started, started off doing the, doing comedy,
Starting point is 00:35:57 it's kind of funny that we're actually sitting here because originally there was a lot, a lot, a lot of just comedic things that I would do within my matches to be able to either pick up a win, try to pick up a win, try to take the, you know, get the distraction, that type thing. But it come to the point where doing the comedy just kind of didn't... It clouded the situation. It clouded me in the way that made me want more for myself. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:36:26 Yeah, I'm sure we both feel that way as comedians too. We want more for ourselves. I understand that. We can still be, we can still be funny and things like that within the match, but it took the time to take the many losses that I took in order to be able to realize like, man, we got to stop joking around so much. I understand. You get the little bit of joking and the you know the the funny here and there but when it comes to you know the amount within the match no. I understand. I mean. How did you gain the 35 pounds or what's the key? Lotta tacos. Tacos? Lotta tacos. Lotta. Lot of good taco trucks. Or horchata. That's pretty heavy too.
Starting point is 00:37:07 Horchata. I don't really drink horchata anymore, man. It's that thing where the taste buds change every seven years. It's something that really drives me wild because horchata as a kid was one of my go-tos and now it's kind of like drinking chocolate milk. Yeah. Very much. Go to milkshakes.
Starting point is 00:37:31 If you milkshakes, you'll gain a lot of weight too. As I've learned. I know you're a fan of wrestling. What questions do you have here for our superstar? I'm not much on wrestling, man. or superstar You see what I did to him there, you know, I'm sorry Yeah, it was it was wrong of me. I want you to know I apologize in that mask Hard to see in the mask surprisingly. No
Starting point is 00:38:01 when I first looked into these kind of masks It was a lot of questioning that myself how much I was going to be able to see and surprisingly I could see everybody perfectly fine. I think I could sneak up on you real easy with that thing. Yeah, if I saw it in an alley, I'd probably just hand in my wallet and say, please don't kill me. You know, that'd be the end of it. No, it kind of looks like Spider-Man.
Starting point is 00:38:19 Yeah, a little bit. I was thinking Optimus Prime, but then I was like, yeah, yeah, yeah. I will say there's a mask a few months ago, about a year ago. I was thinking Optimus Prime. Yeah. Yeah, I will say there's a few months about a year ago that I was wearing and I used to joke around and say I look like Mexican Batman The mouth hole was all open and then I had some mesh on the eyes but it was actually you still be able to see kind of my eyes, right, but my but it was actually, you'd still be able to see kind of my eyes, but my big horns or whatever were like yay tall, so I was just like.
Starting point is 00:38:49 Yeah, very Batman like. It looks like a Black Panther, like the Black Panther almost. All right, all right. I'd actually, you say that, and I was actually looking at it this morning, was like, you know, it can't just be Spider-Man in this, because my blue one, my actual blue one
Starting point is 00:39:03 without the eye holes is more the where I get the Spider-Man from. Yeah, but this one. Yeah, this definitely puts more of the Spider-Man eyes on it. All right, the more of the the the Black Panther eyes more of yes. So as we've been telling you Ark and brawl is tomorrow. It's finally here. It's at noon. It's free event as you can see several wrestlers already coming in to get ready for the event. They're showing up. They're getting ready. They're getting the ring set up as we speak.
Starting point is 00:39:31 And so hopefully everybody will come out and see you tomorrow. Bring you bring the whole family bring your friends tell everybody about it. It's going to be a hell of an event. Thank you man. And we'll try to talk to you again before the end of the show. But I need to bring this guy up right here real quick. Come on up, man. Yeah, I told you it's going to be a busy show today. I was not lying. Now, scoot you on over here, man. How are you doing? Hey, doing well.
Starting point is 00:39:55 Good, good. Go ahead and introduce yourself to everybody. Hi, I'm Gabe. I am the other comedian on the show tonight at the Looney bin. And I'm from Cincinnati, Ohio. That's where I'm out of. Okay. How about the Buckeyes, man? Are you a Buckeye fan?
Starting point is 00:40:10 Not at all. One bit. I'm not, I'm actually from St. Louis originally. So move from St. Louis to Ohio and the most annoying thing about Ohio or the Buckeye fans. You know, I'll tell you this. What I do know is, you know, my wife is a Buckeye fans. You know, I'll tell you this.
Starting point is 00:40:31 What I do know is, you know, my wife is a Buckeye fan and her family is. And so I learned to to enjoy the Buckeyes along with the Razorbacks. But Buckeyes and the Wolverines Michigan is the single biggest rivalry in sports, not just football and sports. And those people are damn serious about it. They are. I mean, I have seen people absolutely. If you're from Michigan, they don't want to talk to you. You know, it's they're damn serious about it. And I'm like, there is no sport in the world that I'm that serious about.
Starting point is 00:40:58 To be honest with you. Paul and I were talking about different places and how they react to you. And he was saying in Wisconsin He can't say he's from Chicago because of the football in this way with Michigan Bay. Yeah, if I do a show in Michigan I'm like not from Ohio. You're from St. Louis But it's so big and like I have a neighbor in my In my little subdivision that has a Ohio State, Michigan mailbox that's like cut down the little divided family mailbox.
Starting point is 00:41:27 Oh, I was divided. Yeah. And you see that in Ohio sometime or just you see that's how how much of a rivalry it is. I was just actually in Indiana last week and I was driving through Ohio all the Ohio State fans and then once you get into Indiana, it was all Notre Dame flags. Right. Yeah. I was like oh I
Starting point is 00:41:45 guess they took their Indiana University flags down two weeks ago because Notre Dame's hot for the new bandwagon yeah in Indiana so let me ask you know how long have you been doing stand-up now I've been doing stand-up honestly longer than Paul but uh probably about 10 years professionally but but probably about 10 years professionally, but on that another eight years. So long time. Coming up through the damager circuit, kind of cutting your teeth and whatnot. Now, when you were coming up,
Starting point is 00:42:14 what were the comedians that inspired you? I would say, so I started out in St. Louis, Missouri and people that really inspired me were like Greg Warren, Nikki Glaser, Tommy John again. Those were like people that were in my scene that I get to see work at the open mics. And you might not know who, what, you know, you might not know any of those people, but everybody knows Nikki. I certainly know Nikki Glaser. Yeah, a lot of people do. She certainly made a name for herself and has done very well.
Starting point is 00:42:45 Yes. Yeah. She's excellent. She did a good job on the Golden Globes. There's a lot of buildup about how she's going to roast it to the ground and everything. And then she kind of went easy on everybody, which was a good play. I think it kind of backed off a little. I'm sure it worked for her.
Starting point is 00:43:02 I was a big fan of Ricky Gervais' Light in the Village on Fire. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. As a matter of fact, I've probably watched that monologue a hundred times just because it's that good. Yeah. Ricky Gervais is amazing. But I love anybody who's unafraid of the audience, you know, because as a comedian, it's hard to be completely unafraid and go, you know what? I'll piss everybody off and be fine.

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