Patrick and the People - Angry Patrick v Jimmy Buffet: VCW Heavyweight Championship
Episode Date: January 27, 2025Vapors Championship Wrestling Heavyweight Championship presented by Patrick And The People Announcer: Rich Rockwell...
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The following contest is for the VCW Heavyweight Championship.
It's set for one fall.
Introducing first. And of course the fan favorite of everybody, Captain Jimmy Pompey. God, I've had these wonderful days Some kind of sin to the street
Not to keep it up cheap
But you've heard me
With a big warm bell and a huge tummy
But you've heard me
How can you just not buy the chicken buffet?
But you've heard me
And I'm on the phone with a flying yellow slice
I think we're taking a long look
Side by side, it's going to be cheese Cheese, we're making it up now I'm about to say catch up with Sherry. Mama Muffet gets him a shirt. And, we talk about a wild kind.
And, his opponent.
And, his opponent.
And, his opponent.
And, his opponent.
And, his opponent. Are you freaking kidding me?
Angry Patrick here to say, feel my fury if you can't beat me.
I'm a super-duper-dumb-ass.
Look, I'm Patrick and the purple yeah, you know.
I'm a fast-moving, fast-moving, fast-moving.
I'm a fast-moving, fast-mo you're just going to look this ass, right?
Let's go Patrick!
Yeah, yeah, I get it. I get it. What you don't know is that I've been working with another wrestler here, getting a little training in this week.
So surprise, surprise, KILL THE MUSIC! We come from the north, we come from the south, we come from the north, we come from the south, we come from the south, we come from the south, we come from the south, we come from the south, we come from the south, we come from the south, we come from the south, we come from the south, we come from the south, we come from the south, we come from the south, we come from the south, we come from the south, we come from the south, we come from the south, we come from the south, we come from the south, we come from the south, we come from the south, we come from the south, we come from the south, we come from the south, we come from the south, we come from the south, we come from the south, we come from the south, we come from the south, we come from the south, we come from the south, we come from the south, we come from the south, we come from the south, we come from the south, we come from the south, we come from the south, we come from the south, we come from the south, we come from the south, we come from the south, we come from the south, we come from the south, we come from the south, we come from the south, we come from the south, we come from the south, we come from the south, we come from the south, we come from the south, we come from the south, we come from the south, we come from the south, we come from the south, we come from the south, we come from the south, we come from the south, we come from the south, we come from the south, we come from the south, we come from the south, we come from the south, we come from the south, we come from the south, we come from the south, we come from the south, we come from the south, we come from the south, we come from the south, we come from the south, we come from the south, we come from the south, Ladies and gentlemen again, the following contest is for the vacant VCW Heavyweight
Championship. the the the the
the the Angelo! And now the cheerleaders!
And tonight, waiting at a lovely bunch of cup nuts,
standing at two and a half, taking torches tall.
From Margaritaville, Jimmy Belfast.
Your visual is back. Patrick! Patrick! Patrick! Patrick!
What is he checking in for snacks?
I guess. Maybe you need a honey bun, I don't know.
This is not tasty cake, because those are terrible.
Awkward, tall, OG, OG honey cake, honey bun. Little Debbie all the way. Those are terrible awkward. Oh, gee
Little Debbie all the way
And here we go with our band that evening folks Patrick! Patrick! Patrick! Patrick! Whoa!
Here's Jimmy, uh...
Remember, Angry Patrick has only been training for, what'd he say, about a week? Yeah.
Jimmy is the trained professional here, folks. So this was also Patrick's idea.
I mean, look, fortune favors the bold.
But sometimes you got to learn when it's no longer boldness.
Maybe just play it.
Oh, come on.
Now that's a Rob Father move.
You can definitely tell who's betraying Patrick.
This crowd firmly behind Jimmy Buffet.
Of course. Good to go. How can you be upset or not cheer for someone?
Oh! Uh oh.
As much as Jimmy is a gentle giant, he definitely does not want to break the bear.
Well, I mean, you know what happens what they say about waking up a sleeping giant
Of course Jimmy showing off that strength of his
Again just cuz he's big, he can't move.
And the pose.
Of course the pose. He's flexing, come on Flick.
I think he's checking the time.
I mean it's five o'clock somewhere. putting Patrick in the corner
how is Patrick going to come back from this
and I picked him up
I think he may be regretting some of his decisions right now Dahlia
I know I would be
wait a minute, oh my god the big man really Take to the next section.
Stomp to the head.
This is for the vacated Vapers Heavyweight title.
Which Jimmy had held before absolutely our inaugural
champion in that
Jimmy trying to get the gold back. Absolutely. Come back to the mountaintop for sure.
Andrew Patrick! Andrew Patrick! Andrew Patrick! Andrew Patrick! Andrew Patrick!
This is definitely a change for pace. Jimmy's the only one everybody chooses for.
Local legend like Andrew Patrick, it's also hard to not shape
radio either.
Yes, true, true, true.
And in the radio business for as long as I can remember, I believe at least 23, 24 years,
a lot of us grew up listening to him on the radio.
Two count for Angry Patrick.
Oh come on.
Look that's what happens when you hire the Rob Father, okay? I'm just saying.
Like, we don't cheat.
They stretch the rules a little bit.
I don't know.
A little?
They said they don't cheat. I don't know.
That's above my pay.
Stand back! Stand back!
Stand back!
Stand back!
Stand back!
Stand back!
Stand back!
Stand back!
Stand back!
Stand back!
Stand back! Taking the legs out of the big man.
Angry Patrick going at Mama Buffet and as we all know, we don't do that here.
Look, I made her mad.
Uh oh.
Well, she'll take Rob Father because he ain't in the match.
Security having to tell Mama to back off.
You're going to need more than that much security, okay?
You're going to need probably some of the wrestlers to know it hurt.
Yeah, I made that woman mad one time.
That was not the option.
Honestly, making any woman mad is not the option.
Oh, yanking on the beard from behind.
Nice, looks like a good chokehold.
Oh, definitely a chokehold.
No, again.
Looks like some of that training is paying off.
Including the cheap kick from Rob Father I'm sure taught him well.
Trying to get some support. Patrick just continuing to wail into Jimmy. You know this
feud started on his show. Yeah I think didn't Jimmy put
him through a table? You know I thought he asked for it though. It's different. If you
asked for it you can't get mad if you receive it. Absolutely. Good smack to the top of Jimmy's head.
Chucking out the big man.
Of course.
He was doing nothing. He was painting Jimmy's toes. Is that what was happening? Look, no offense to Rob Father, I think he'd be the last person I want to have my son.
They just would be looking like a painted mess. So you leave it to the professionals.
Yeah, great.
You go with that option. We got Patrick's first chance, we got the angry Patrick chance, we got the Jimmy chance. Are you freaking kidding me?
No, we're not.
This whole crowd is definitely letting these men know what they think.
At the end of the locker room, and start off strong. I feel like we're going to end strong.
That part.
Start off strong. I feel like we're gonna end strong. That part.
One way or another, we're leaving with a new champion tonight.
Kicked in the arm.
Face it to the outside Patrick going outside
There goes mama buffet back in it Talk us back to the Bob Father.
That's one fight. I'm sure people love to see Rob Father vs. Mama Buffet.
I would not be betting for
Rob Father.
I'm pretty sure she's going to use that shoe on him.
What does Patrick got?
No! It's a hot dog. I'm pretty sure she's gonna use that shoe on him. Wait, what does Patrick got? I don't know.
It's a hot dog!
I don't think anybody wanted that.
You definitely don't want it now.
Ray made me play here, so hold on a second.
I don't know.
It looks like it's half gone.
Oh! Man, we done got all this little business all over the place now.
Oh yeah.
But North they say anything can happen in wrestling that
part oh it's not that for you travel Rob father
he's still picking it out of his ear I don't that just gives me the could be
worse could be hot hot dog flavored water. No.
Patrick pulling out some of the classics.
Patrick pulling out some of the classics.
Definitely showing the results of that training. That part.
What just happened there?
Did you not?
I did not.
What in the world?
Oh Jimmy caught him!
Did he see?
Patrick got him down.
Wait, those are man angry Patrick can't be that angry
Drops buffet onto the brass knuckles
Referees down! Dang it hit him!
Referees down! He's loaded!
Anger Petrified's got those knuckles!
Why you just gotta keep beating him?
He's the best!
Not like this. Not like this. And new, and new, ECW Heavyweight Champion.
No, no, no.
Wait a minute.
I was kind of wondering when that was going to happen.
It's his, it's his. We start.
We start.
Ladies and gentlemen, I have just been informed during due to a foreign object
being involved in this match, the official has decided to restart the matchup.
Well, we restarted it now and the bell has been rung so I'll quit pouting in the corner and pin somebody.
Henry Patrickson experience with Jimmy coming in there.
There you go baby.
And with that folks we have a new champion! Wow!
And now this tour two time favorite heavyweight champion, Jimmy Foxxay!
I feel like he's everybody's favorite champion.
Oh absolutely! Yeah, like he's everybody's favorite champion. Oh, absolutely.
Big man's got the belt back in.
Was that?
Was that?