Patrick and the People - Joe Exotic on Patrick and the People - Interview #3

Episode Date: December 12, 2024

Joe speaks on his living conditions in prison from being put into "isolation" for health reasons to having his personal items ransacked by fellow prisoners. #JoeExotic #podcast #patrickandthepeople ...#angrypatrick #tigerking #prison #truecrimecommunity #truecrime

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Yeah, hang on. Here he comes right now. All right. Joe? Hey. How are you, buddy? I'm just dealing with prison bullshit. How are you doing, man?
Starting point is 00:00:12 Man, I'm doing good. I saw that this week there was some new stuff that you were rolling out in evidence on your case, man. What's new? I mean, I've been locked up in solitary for four days, so I don't know what you're talking about. Oh, okay. Well, they were releasing some information. It looked like there was some additional new evidence that was
Starting point is 00:00:34 showing up for your appeal, and it may be just some stuff that your team was posting, but it looked like maybe it was new, but what the hell are you doing in solitary, man? You know what? This system is so fucking backwards, okay?
Starting point is 00:00:53 We've had scabies for, what, two months? Yeah. Okay, so I go to the assistant warden last Thursday with another inmate, and we complained because we didn't get our medicine the way we were supposed to. Okay. Because nobody wants to do their job around here. They're just here to collect a paycheck. So instead of giving us our medicine, the people that should have gave us our medicine
Starting point is 00:01:18 punished us and put us in solitary confinement and called it isolation. Okay. solitary confinement and called it isolation. Okay. So instead of letting me come back to the unit and pack my stuff the way they should have, okay, they treated me like I had just done something major wrong and like they were putting me in the shoe and they wouldn't let me come back and pack my stuff. Okay. So inmates run wild packing your shit and stealing what they want and taking what they wouldn't let me come back and pack my stuff okay so inmates run wild packing
Starting point is 00:01:45 your shit and stealing what they want and they don't want okay i i so uh then we're in solitary and in isolation uh per se for four days okay it took three days to get a drinking cup so we could get something to drink okay the whole four days i was back there, I didn't get my normal seizure medicine or nothing, not one time. Okay, and when we finally get out on Monday, okay, so yesterday I get out and I come back and half of my shit is gone, half of my shit is packed and put in a bag in a storeroom and the other half of shit is still scattered out throughout the area that I live.
Starting point is 00:02:28 Okay, so meanwhile, the bag that was in, one of the bags that was in the storage room had a few groceries in it, okay? So George, my fiancé, lives clear across the prison in another unit. Okay. So last night, I just took that bag of groceries out of the storeroom when the guard gave it to me, and I gave it to him so he would have something to eat. Yeah. Well, on the way over there, I guess another guard searches the bag,
Starting point is 00:03:09 and there's supposedly a tattoo needle inside the bag. Okay, where the hell did that come from? Who knows, okay? But anyway, he just got in trouble for having a tattoo needle that he didn't even have. Neither one of us had to start with. Okay. And, but if they would, instead of letting inmates pack your shit or, or the guard do his job and pack it, you know, because the guards are the ones who are supposed to inventory, not, not fucking inmates. Right. Hey, somebody would know how that tattoo needle got in that bag of groceries. Cause I didn't bother unpacking that bag of groceries. Hell, I bother unpacking that bag of groceries.
Starting point is 00:03:48 This call is from a federal prison. And everything else. So he got called down to the lieutenant's office this morning and is in trouble for a tattoo needle. Wow. Nobody can answer for it.
Starting point is 00:04:01 I just asked the two people that packed my locker, where the fuck did you get a tattoo needle? I don't know. There ain't no tattoo needle in there when we for it. I just asked the two people that packed my locker, where the fuck did you get a tattoo needle? Oh, I don't know. There ain't no tattoo needle in there when we packed it. Well, there supposedly was when the guards searched it. It's just crazy. The system in here is just as fucked up as the system out there. So you went to tell the people, the powers that be,
Starting point is 00:04:24 that you didn't have your medication and to complain about that. And as a result, they just immediately put you in isolation. Right. Right. OK. Then when we called to ask for a lieutenant. OK, so we can complain about being locked up and no medicine. so we can complain about being locked up and no medicine. Yeah. Okay, the lieutenant comes over there with about four or five new employees and shows his ass, okay? And I ask, why are we locked up?
Starting point is 00:04:54 And he says, because we're locking up the fucking source. And I said, what do you mean the source? I said, this other man has laid there for seven months with scabies, and you've done nothing for him i said so so who's the source he says well put it in in writing so it's in black and white if you want a bitch i said well can i have a cop out and then he looks at me and he says well what do you what do you think i have a printer up my ass this is how they treat you in here man man that's crazy man that's i mean it's crazy, I would be very upset about that.
Starting point is 00:05:27 Very pissed off. It's complete bullshit. So what determines the length, the number of days that you end up staying there? I was in there four days. Yeah, what determines that? How do they make that number up? Okay, well, the disease lady come around and looked. And I only had three spots on me, okay, three bites.
Starting point is 00:05:50 I got you. We're in the process of going away. Right. So she was like, okay, well, the BOP protocol is you're not even supposed to be put in isolation anymore, and they're not even supposed to take your commissary, your groceries away from you. Right. They're only supposed to take your clothes and your sheets and your bedding and quarantine them for seven days because apparently this scabie can't live off of its host for seven days. Right.
Starting point is 00:06:17 While you get your medicine. They're not even supposed to quarantine you. But it was more punishment than it was anything. Yeah, it sounds like it. quarantine you but it was it was more punishment than it was anything because yeah it sounds like especially if you don't have uh if you don't get to take your stuff your groceries anything else i mean you know if you're you know you know screw the neglect of i could have had a seizure back there because they didn't give me my seizure medicine for four days and then they lock you in a in a dirty little six by twelve-12-foot room and nothing, okay?
Starting point is 00:06:47 We didn't have a wash rag to wash our face with until we raced hell on the third day. We didn't have a toothbrush, no soap. Nothing? Nothing, nothing. And that's, yeah, that's cruel and inhumane. Yeah, well, until somebody out there starts bitching about what goes on in here, that's why I want to testify in front of Congress. Well, I don't blame you.
Starting point is 00:07:12 I would want to testify too. When I make it out of here, if I make it out of here, that's my first goal is to testify in front of Congress. Just how screwed up this whole system is. Yes, I'm pissed because I hate being accused of something that I didn't do because I'm a grown-ass man and I've admitted to everything I've ever done wrong in here. Every time I've got caught with a cell phone, I was the first one to say, yep, it's mine, I fucked up.
Starting point is 00:07:38 But don't be accusing somebody of a tattoo needle in a bag that we didn't pack. Right now it makes sense. So speaking of getting out, what's the latest on the saga of getting things heard, getting attention to it? What is new? According to the
Starting point is 00:07:59 emails I get, hell, I stay in the news every eight hours. Whether it's President Biden or Don Jr. or President Trump or one of his This call is from a federal prison. I now have a clemency number, the application number. Okay. And I'm going to get my social media team on really pushing pictures out there on social media saying President Biden, President Trump signed clemency number so-and-so, so-and-so. Okay. Okay. Make sure they get that to us so we can share it for you. Okay. And then I'm going to type a letter to Governor Stitt in Oklahoma because, you know, the evidence that you've seen where they admit that they were going to kill me to start with. They actually had a plot to kill me.
Starting point is 00:08:59 Yeah. Okay. That was while I was running for governor. So I want to know why they've never opened up an OSBI investigation in Oklahoma and filed charges for conspiracy to kill a gubernatorial candidate. Yeah, no, that's a good question. Why hasn't that been done? Exactly. So I'm going to type a letter to Governor Stitt today, and then I'm going to type a letter about the clemency thing to Biden and Trump. So those should be going out in the next couple of days,
Starting point is 00:09:28 and I'll put a note in the email form to be sure to send those to you. Okay, yeah, please do that. I would love to be able to share that out and make sure that we get it to as many people as we're able to also. Well, tell me something good. What are you guys working on for you and George for the holidays? Anything? Nothing.
Starting point is 00:09:51 I'm still trying to get my people out there to just raise enough money we can buy some groceries. Okay. Well, I know that we had a couple folks who were giving, I don't know how much they've donated, but I will send that back out again and see if we can really ramp that up for you and last time i got an email there was only 65 dollars donated okay all right well we will uh push that out there and see if we can get that on up to uh the amount that you had and then some and and i'm sure that uh you know especially given this uh recent thing where you four days in the hole for nothing uh yeah well i mean and then they
Starting point is 00:10:31 they steal everything that you had to start with so it's like you gotta start over every time they do this to you because the guards don't do their own job and pack the shit like they're supposed to they let inmates do it so the. Yeah, they just pilfer you. Yeah. Yeah, and what are you going to do, nothing? What do they say, welcome to prison? Right, no, no, and nobody wants to give sympathy for that, right? I mean, but, you know, we've talked about this many times on our program.
Starting point is 00:11:01 You know, the problem that I've always had is that, look, if you do a crime and you do your time and you get out, you should be a blank canvas. You shouldn't have an anchor around your neck. But just on the same token, if you're an inmate and you're doing your time,
Starting point is 00:11:18 it shouldn't be... You're just a piece of shit to these people. Right. You shouldn't lose all those kind of things. That should not happen to you. It's not conducive to rehabilitating someone to begin with. I'm not saying that you do or don't need. I'm saying that it's not a good formula. It's insane.
Starting point is 00:11:39 Yeah. It's no different than it should be double jeopardy. You do the crime, you do your time, and you get out. And if you do anything else, they come back and they get you for a career criminal, and so you're going to get punished for the first one again. Right, right, no doubt. Now, let me ask this. I mean, are there guards in there who are not assholes and are sympathetic
Starting point is 00:12:03 and who are doing all they can to make sure it's better or do you think they're just all? There's a few here that aren't assholes, but they're all here just for the paycheck. There's nothing about better here. I've been to Tallahassee prison. I've been to Atlanta prison. I've been to Butner prison.
Starting point is 00:12:27 I've been here. And I've been to three county holdovers. And I've been to the Oklahoma City Airport federal holdover. Okay. Nobody gives a fuck. Okay. They just don't. Now, so let me ask this.
Starting point is 00:12:40 Where you're at, do they offer classes, courses, different things that might be beneficial to people who are there or entertain them? I've taken 16 classes so far. I average two a month. Really?
Starting point is 00:12:59 That's cool. There is classes to take here. I'm taking Spanish class so I can communicate better with George and other people because I want to be able to be bilingual when I get out of here. But it's not about bettering yourself, okay? It's just like I tried to do the right thing and file for an application to get married the right way. Yeah. You know, and I've said this on the phone before, and I kind of got scolded for it.
Starting point is 00:13:33 But, you know, it's just, you know, instead of doing what I refuse to become, I refuse to become one of these people. these people and instead of doing whatever what else does and just screwing in a shower at night i i tried to to file an application and get married and do it properly you know yeah and that wasn't even about having sex it was about being able to keep him america and and become an american citizen and and you know get out of prison and say look you know i got out of prison and say, look, you know, I got married in prison and we're starting a new life and we are bettering ourselves. But hell no, it was all about punishing you for opening your mouth. Yeah, no, no doubt. Now, as far as that, the wedding goes, assuming that, you know, you can do that. It's off for now.
Starting point is 00:14:21 Oh, it is? Yeah, because we can't get married. It's off for now. Oh, it is? Yeah, because we can't get married. I mean, the lawyers are working on proxy marriage, but I'm not even going to discuss that on this phone. No, I understand that. This thing's fixing to hang up on us, Patrick.
Starting point is 00:14:35 Okay, all right. We'll talk to you next Tuesday. I'll talk to you next Tuesday. All right. We'll get the word out.

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