PBD Podcast - Alec Baldwin and The Smoking Gun | PBD Podcast | EP 98

Episode Date: October 26, 2021

During Episode 98 of the PBD Podcast, Patrick Bet-David sits down with Adam Sosnick, Kai Lode, and Tyler Bohall to talk about topics such as hyperinflation, Alec Baldwin, Trump vs. Biden, and much mor...e.  Watch the full podcast: https://youtu.be/GWKNu0_R7h4 --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/pbdpodcast/support

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Starting point is 00:00:00 So this is episode what 98 98 We're two away from a hundred 100 Kai moved from there to here He's at the table for the first time No, no, I'm back You've been on, oh you've been on once before
Starting point is 00:00:16 Twice And one without you Get out of here That's right That's right, I forgot about that That's right, that's right Adam was running that one Yes
Starting point is 00:00:24 And then we asked him We have Tyler here today at the table. How did Tyler get in here? I hear you. We said who's the most conservative person in the office? We said Gerart, no, Tyler. You think Tyler's more conservative than Gerart? 100%. You were about to find out.
Starting point is 00:00:37 OK, all right, we're going to have a good time. He's got closet conservative who's ready to break out, right? Knock it off. Knock it off. But what's David doing back there by the way? David is just sitting there, you know, his mustache. I've got my way here. There was a door open, a seat open.
Starting point is 00:00:50 You just want to sit down there. Let's just hope, let's just hope when we ask to type A, you actually type A, unlike Kai. I think Kai is temporarily intentionally wanting to fire himself from there to get hired here. But anyways, we're on. Okay, we've got a lot of stories to cover today. Kai's gonna bring some value.
Starting point is 00:01:07 We don't know who made that shirt by the way. We have no idea where a company is bought. It's a great conversation start. That's what it is. I've never heard of Brandy. I've never heard like, can you imagine B.M.W.s, you don't put the logo on it?
Starting point is 00:01:17 You've heard it that before. Kai's one big riddle mystery. Creative market. Secret, he doesn't like letting anything out. What's it to you though? Hey, what's it about? Yeah, don't worry about that. It's what it is, it is what it is.
Starting point is 00:01:28 It's like the old guard in the new books. So this young guy. We started off and I ask you guys, what things do you have strong opinions on with all these stories? George, can you bring me up a little bit by the way? Bring me up a little bit, a little bit, check, okay, that's good, much better. Kai's first thing he said is,
Starting point is 00:01:43 hurts buying a hundred thousand Tesla's. Okay, so hurts not only files bankruptcy, but they decide to buy a hundred thousand Tesla's in the largest electric vehicle purchase ever, which will cover that. Yellen talks about inflation that is not going away and that they want to tap into the unrealized, they want to tax unrealized gains in capital gains, which is something we've never heard of before she's the first to talk about it at that level jack dorsi comes out and tweets out that hyperinflation will be coming to come in soon to us and the world which by the way this is not a regular guy saying that he not only runs twitter and you got uh... uh...
Starting point is 00:02:19 square which is a hundred billion out of company saying that rickid your base uh... said he wants to live to see the younger generation get called that for not being woke enough, which you know, the dead guys in a league of his own. Bill Maher defended Chappelle. We got to talk about Alec Baldwin, what happened there. We got some stories with what happened at Denver Airport when they held the job for expecting 5,000 people to show up and folks.
Starting point is 00:02:39 You're going to be surprised how many people showed up at this job fair. That tells you how much people want to get a job. Putin calls out cancel culture in a very interesting way and we'll talk about that. Trump is hungry to go ahead to head against Biden. Florida dissentists, they're trying to cancel the hell out of them. Fauci, this was not a good week for Fauci. And Biden claims he visited the border. Then Sackie had to clarify that he simply drove through the border once in 2008. He's been to the border, okay, there's a border, let's go to the restaurant.
Starting point is 00:03:15 Let's address this number right here. Anyways, what's this? And that's right, you would first want to look at it and let us know we crossed 100,000. We're at 100,000. We've been asking you guys to support us. We wanted to get to a hundred thousand before and hundred hundred would you come up next week?
Starting point is 00:03:30 We hit it. It's a big deal. You know, since we crossed a hundred thousand, I've just been screaming out. Let's go brand in all week. Yeah. I mean, it's a pretty. It is.
Starting point is 00:03:38 By the will. Can you imagine? It means though. What's that? Three times a week. We made it right. But do you realize like imagine if you're at the hospital, okay? Husband and wife, they just had a son. The entire time, they know they want to name
Starting point is 00:03:49 their kid Brandon. As a four weeks ago, they were going to name the kid Brandon. And then the soul thing goes to the writer and says, let's go Brandon. Why have been husband or sitting in the same bed? Isn't so bad. We can name the kid Brandon, babe. We got to change. We can't name a Brandon. We can't name Karen. We have to come up with a new name. Karen, I think, has, I think Karen's officially done. Yeah, but she got the point. I think Brandon's competing though. Yeah, I don't know. Not as much.
Starting point is 00:04:13 Karen is. Brandon was transcendent. He's the ball. Brandon has his own hip hop song just so you know, I don't know. He's out of the morning. Is it really? Number one in the country on iTunes.
Starting point is 00:04:22 Let's go Brandon. Get out of here. Be quiet. Beat Adele. Be quiet. I didn't know that. Pull up this. Yes. Are you serious?
Starting point is 00:04:30 There's no way in the world. Pull that up real quick. I listened to it yesterday. I don't know who sent it to me by the way. Somebody sent it to me yesterday on Instagram. I listened to it. It's actually pretty hilarious. Let's go Brandon.
Starting point is 00:04:40 Wow. Okay. I already got it here. I'm quicker than David. There's no way in the world you're quicker than David buddy. Well now the audience can't see Kai What to say is it really the number one song Fox business reaches top spot on iTunes chart Get out of here. Be right down gray wraps. Look at Australia. That's what's coming if we don't stand up stop complying with them Taking our rights. It's time to man up go lower
Starting point is 00:05:04 The the rapper's name is who's the rapper by the way? stand up, stop complying with them, taking our rights, it's time to man up, go lower. The rapper's name is, who's the rapper by the way? What's the last name? Bryson Gray, and a couple other people. I think there's a couple of people that have done this song because I saw some, you know, the one you said in this morning was Lose Alexander.
Starting point is 00:05:19 I've never heard a song. And of the, Kering getting viral, but this brand, and it looks like it's here to stay out of them. I don't, I don't, I don't. Hold my beer. Yeah. Okay. All right. So let's get into the story.
Starting point is 00:05:28 I think we're gonna go into the Tesla story first. Go to page five. Hertz is ordering 100,000 Tesla in the largest electric vehicle purchase ever. Okay. That's 100,000 Tesla. This is why, didn't they just go bankrupt like a couple years ago?
Starting point is 00:05:43 Yes. You're in a half ago. Yes. They did not have a good year. We talked about it on the podcast. Sold their whole fleet of cars. The whole fleet of cars. No, no, no, not the whole fleet. 200,000 out of 650,000 cars.
Starting point is 00:05:53 OK, 200,000 out of 650,000 they sold. That was right when the pandemic came. This is an insider story. It hurts us place in order for a hundred thousand Tesla's. The car rental firm announced Monday. The cars will be delivered over the next 14 months with Tesla Model 3 Sedan set to be available for rental in the US and Europe, Hertz also set it will invest in charging infrastructure to support the fleet. The order is a big boon for Tesla. Although it has drastically accelerated output, in recent
Starting point is 00:06:21 years the company still sells a tiny amount of vehicles compared to with giants like Toyota and GM. In 2020, auto makers shipped shy of 500,000 vehicles worldwide. As recently as 2017, Tesla delivered around 100,000 vehicles in total. Tom Brady will start in an upcoming commercial touting the new cars, Hertz said. So, what are your thoughts? I'm gonna start off with you here
Starting point is 00:06:42 since this is the story you wanted to talk about. What are your thoughts on this? All right, let's roll. You remember back in when the bankruptcy, when they first filed for the bankruptcy, they came out this big story. They were giving their compensation package, $16 million to the top 340 executives or something, right?
Starting point is 00:06:57 Everyone was like, what the hell's going on, right? And we read that it said they were giving it so they would stay on in terms of the transition period stuff like this I took a dive into this yesterday and I got to say I'm impressed This is a 104-year-old company. They the stock price was at 15 pre-pandemic The pandemic hits there it sinks to two as a little that at the low It was a two dollars, right? They sold 200,000 cars in the latter half of 2020.
Starting point is 00:07:26 What also happened to use cars at this time? Price is skyrocketing, up to 20% and beyond. So here they're selling a large part of their fleet, liquidating and getting cash, restructuring the debt, and then they were delisted and then they came back. And I think yesterday I saw their stock was at $27. From $2 to $27. Yes.
Starting point is 00:07:47 So 13.5 Facts. Yes. You got to give him credit for that. So smart move. Exactly. You're talking about pivoting, talk about leaning down the organization and really restructuring and stuff like that. How much of this you think, how much of this you think,
Starting point is 00:07:58 they knew the chip shorter was going to increase the car value. How much of this was a luck? I think there's definitely luck. But a big part of it also is who anticipated the pandemic. So that's also bad luck the other way. So I think it's just more of that. No, I don't, I don't, I'm not disputing that. All I'm asking for is all I'm asking about
Starting point is 00:08:14 is the fact that there's nobody a year and a half ago that thought the chip shortage you can help use cars to go up to 25%. That's the same good thing. That never happened. So look, this is the great thing about business. Sometimes you get lucky and some, I think this is a combination of a good decision
Starting point is 00:08:29 and some luck together. No, for sure. So now why are they doing 100,000 Tesla though? Well, but think about, they're building the charging infrastructure too, and the government is subsidizing EV infrastructure. Are they not? So they're just sending subsidizers.
Starting point is 00:08:42 And this is also in Europe and in the US. Well, and Elon Musk is incredibly rich now because of this, right? He's worth what, 288 billion dollars? He's well-passed, as of yesterday. Yeah, as of yesterday. Elon Musk, by foreign way, the richest man in the world. It was neck and neck with Bezos. You have an opinion about this?
Starting point is 00:09:03 Yeah, I think, look, I think you did a nice little case example on Hertz specifically, but I think overall, this is a just a microcosm of basically what's going on in the world right now. Everything is changing and the car market is not immune to it, right? Whether that's people quitting their jobs, everyone's out of the workplace right now.
Starting point is 00:09:18 They're the great reshuffle, right? The great resignation. Everything is happening with that. I mean, Kai, I'm shocked you didn't cover what Norway's going on right now. chance you get you want to bring up Norway Norway's going all green by how long right it's a couple years from now, okay? Everything's going green everything's changing But there's one constant there's one constant in the world for the last 20 years and that's Tom Brady
Starting point is 00:09:40 He's still out here doing Tesla commercials apparently, or commercials for Hertz. Well, Hertz Tesla, I mean, this is what it is. So everything is changing other than Tom Brady's greatness. That's the message I got here. So be prepared, he's staying consistent. So the gas obviously, there's only four touchdowns in a first half the other day, and he's 43.
Starting point is 00:10:00 That's wild. Four touchdowns in a first half. Making it seem so easy. Cam Newton's like sums up with this guy with the whole Benjamin button deal. I tweeted out, I said, Benjamin button, aka Tom Brady through for four touchdowns. The guy's in a league of his own. Well, he had a bone to pick. With the bears.
Starting point is 00:10:15 Is this the whole Aaron Rogers who called him, I own you, I own you and he comes out. No, no, that was, that was lasting with that. He says, he says, apparently Aaron Rogers owns a few shares in the Chicago Bears. I don't know if you heard him saying that Did you hear him saying that? That's what Brady says? That's what Brady said. Well, I saw that Aaron Rogers was owning the bear's which he does Yeah, so what's the bone to pass last? I mean very rarely does Tom Brady make bone headed plays but last year He threw some you know long pass on fourth down and he goes, oh, shit, I thought it was third down. I figured Tom Brady, what are you doing?
Starting point is 00:10:50 So before the game or, you know, pre-game, they were like, Tom, you know, you lost to the Bears last year, you guys end up winning the Super Bowl, you're good. You know, bone-head play of the year on your half, he's like, don't worry, I got something for you this week. It came out and just crushed him. How do you not love the guys? you know, bonehead play the year on your half. He's like, don't worry, I got something for you this week. It came out and just crushed him. How do you not love the guys? By the way, the bat and the manning brothers,
Starting point is 00:11:10 what they're doing. And he says, he says, you know, I love playing against your brother, Peyton. And then Eli says, you know, I actually love playing against you. Exactly. Beach every time. Super ball. Peyton said, hey Tom, don't you have a curfew?
Starting point is 00:11:23 Don't you need to go to sleep? Tom's like, it's actually past my curfew. I got to go to bed that banter going back and forward man He's manning brothers not only do they have talent, but they're also funny. They're funny. Hey patent's funny Eli's got his own style of fun funny. Yeah, yeah, but but the lead is patent. Yes, they're sure Patent's definitely to face it that I missed the patent man in commercials. Those were great for was progressive, right? He's still doing stuff. He's don't count them out Tyler. He's not going He's not going away. No, cancel paid manning just yet Tyler. He is not going away. Okay, so how about we talk about the Alec Baldwin controversy Would well, oh man. Yes, that it was so interesting seeing you and Mario go at it because for a minute
Starting point is 00:12:00 We were thinking about having Mario on the podcast. Yeah, and you pissed them off so much that you said I don't want to do it Well, he went to go find a gun This is not a funny story, but the joke is towards what you said with Mario So let's talk about what happened here with Alec but it's all over the news I don't even know which part of this story to read. I guess I'm gonna read what happened and then I'm gonna go to Alan Derserwood's, how he defended it.
Starting point is 00:12:30 So director of photography killed, movie director injured after Alec Baldwin discharged prop fire arm on movie set, CNN story. A film crew member has that and another one has been injured as he discharged a prop gun in New Mexico Thursday, director of photography. Halena Hutchins 42 was transported to the hospital of Ilhal Captain pronounced dead by medical personnel at University of New Mexico Hospital. Tragedy event, director Joel Saoza 48 years old was transported to a Christmas St. Vincent
Starting point is 00:13:00 Regional Medical Center by ambulance for care. Rust in a is a Western film set in 1880 that stars Baldwin Travis Fimmel and Jensen A. Coles are accolves is what the movie is about. Now I want to tell you about the story with what Alan Dersham would say is the Alec Baldwin shooting a homicide. This is Alan Dersham with for MSN. The evidence is currently unclear as to how to how a real gun would real projectile was handed to Baldwin allegedly within insurance that it was a cold gun.
Starting point is 00:13:32 Such a verbal assurance does not come close to satisfying what should be the fell safe standards. Regardless of what the investigation reveals, it seems clear that the preventable negligence contributed to the death based on prior cases. It should have been crystal clear that no gun or projectible capable of being fired should have been on the set or anywhere near Baldwin and any other actors according to numerous newspapers. Reported film productions still often use real guns loaded with blanks accordingly.
Starting point is 00:13:59 These involve actual gunpowder and a cartridge that can provide a realistic look in flame and spark, burns and other minor injuries are common, but serious injuries are death and death are unusual. It is likely that the killing of Halina Hutchins could constitute a homicide. That is a criminal killing. The remaining questions are who might be criminal responsible for the killing and what degree of homicide fisty evidence.
Starting point is 00:14:22 So having said that, I'm gonna go to your first. What are your thoughts about this? Look, I think the biggest question is, will Alec Baldwin go to jail for this? Will he be charged with killing somebody? Well, look, I think number one, that's just what a sad situation. Are you kidding me?
Starting point is 00:14:44 You're on a movie set, you don't think anything other than, imagine just coming to work today and hey, everyone get your satirate bang! Okay, so I think she was married, she had a young son, and Alec Baldwin gave a heartfelt response to the family. There was the director, apparently shot as well. I don't know if it was the same bullet. It's all right, okay. You asked the question, what's gonna happen to Alec Baldwin?
Starting point is 00:15:09 I don't think anything whatsoever is gonna happen to Alec Baldwin as far as being charged with anything, being sentenced to anything. I think, look, look at the evidence that's happening here. He was quote unquote, given a cold gun. I think the biggest question here is, what the hell was going on on that set you know they said that
Starting point is 00:15:29 the assistant director had previously fought with fired because of a multiple gun incidents on a set that he was on why is there a real gun on set me we were making movies here we're making fake stories but you have real guns on set so i think they use real guns but blanks they put blanks okay on set. So I think they use real guns, but blanks. They put blanks in real guns. Okay, so why are real bullets on set?
Starting point is 00:15:48 Sometimes they use real guns, though. Yeah, they really, yeah. Yeah, why? Sometimes they use real guns. And they were also saying that the gun had misfired earlier on the set. Three times, it misfired. So look, there's been, and I remember being a kid,
Starting point is 00:15:59 this was probably in the early 90s, I don't know, the year maybe like 95, but I remember an incident like this happened, I was in complete disbelief, and who was that person? Brandon Lee. Brandon Lee Bruce Lee's son, where was it? It was at YMCA where I was working out at, 1995. That's the YMCA I worked out at. In what year, 95?
Starting point is 00:16:18 Yeah, that's the YMCA. Okay, I would go to Glendal, California, right off of Harvard by Raffys Place. It's like, it's a 30 second walk from rafi's place that's what it was all over the place brand new when you got you literally weren't even born now okay I think you were just born yeah ninety five just born and uh... but I remember that happened you think it whole this is this a fake story yeah this is this is this is pre you know fake news and you know have to spare the reason behind it that story had a bunch of interesting things.
Starting point is 00:16:46 Bruce Lee's son was filming, I think the movie was called The Crow. And an accidental fire, a fire went off and Brandon Lee was killed. Like holy shit, Bruce Lee's son. So there is a case example of this. I'd like to see what happened in that incident. I have the answer. It was ruled in the accidental death by prop gun on movie set. Okay, and then was anybody charged with five charges?
Starting point is 00:17:04 No charges for five charges. I think that's kind of be the same way. Yeah, look, was anybody charged? No charges were found. No charges was found. I think that's kind of be the same way. Yeah, look, I don't think, look, do you think, look, I know that this is not to be funny or humorous, but where's Alec Baldwin made himself famous, refinamous again over the last few years, playing Trump. And one of the Trump's famous line is,
Starting point is 00:17:20 I could go shoot somebody on Fifth Avenue, I won't lose any supporters. So, look, the analogy there is I think he feels horrible. Like Alex, whether he's charged with something or not, which I don't think he will be, Alex Baldwin has killed someone, murdered someone. And he's gotta be feeling the great. Alex Baldwin.
Starting point is 00:17:39 Yeah, Alex Baldwin. And just a tragic situation, but I don't think he's gonna be charged. Your thoughts? Well, everybody keeps bringing up the old tweet of his from 2017. Quote, I wonder how it must feel to wrongfully kill someone. And now he knows. You know, it's sad, man. It's really sad.
Starting point is 00:17:57 But at the same time, it's not so bad. Baldwin was just an actor, right? But he's also a producer for the film. So he bears some responsibility in that. The armorer for the film was not qualified. She was like 24 years old. And she said something, like, I don't know what I'm doing. I've not done this before.
Starting point is 00:18:13 I'm not an expert in this. We're talking about the young girl now. And she had previously given a gun to a child on set. She didn't know how to load the blanks. I mean, by the way, you know, I'm not, you know, this is a nice opportunity for our good friend, Jarrah Hutchins, he should get in there and start doing stuff with Hollywood.
Starting point is 00:18:27 That's a good point. And I like Baldwin could have gone to Tarantactical in Arizona or California. It's all the stars train. What is it, John Berthal from The Walking Dead, the Punisher? He's out there all the time. He could have trained with the weapons for a week.
Starting point is 00:18:40 You do a week's worth of gun safety. And this probably doesn't happen. We're not to mention. You mentioned the Will Smith clip yesterday, but the fact that one guy points the gun and he says, hey, gun safety is yeah, what's the first thing you do with a gun when you're handed it? You watch somebody pull the mag out, run the chamber three or four times, make sure it's empty. You watch them do that and then you're given the gun and you do the same thing. You pull the clip out and you run the chamber three, four times, make sure it's unloaded.
Starting point is 00:19:06 I mean, this is, it seems like it's common sense, but obviously it's not. Well, on Tyler, you're a Texas guy. Yeah, I assume you've dealt with guns before, just the way you're talking. I mean, just like once or twice, like not. That's it. Yeah. I mean, not as much as probably I would like to. You know, I'd like to go shoot more, but I really haven't. And it's everybody I know. Every time I've seen a gun held, you give it to somebody you watch them
Starting point is 00:19:25 Pull the clip out run the chamber three four times and you do the exact same thing And there's two rules you don't point a gun at anything you're not ready to kill Mm-hmm, and you don't put your finger on the trigger unless you're ready to shoot now They're saying he was doing you know the pull out the the crossfire. I think this is what it was called You know so old one was bald one was yeah, this is an old Western movie. Okay, you got your gun license from Jarrah. Yeah. Okay. And I think I also think it's one of those trespass of a verify. I mean, if I'm pointing something at someone, I'd want to make sure myself. It's a matter, especially when there's a lot of people, there's been misfires on the set earlier. People are complaining about poor conditions, whatever.
Starting point is 00:20:02 Yeah, a whole crew walked off. Yeah, that's the part, that's the part that people don't know. The film crew complained of unsafe working conditions, prop gun misfire multiple times, before this is daily while, while while your story, a group of camera crew workers walked off the set of Ross to protest working conditions hours before, that this is literally hours before Alec Baldwin who was starring in and producing the Western fatally shot one crew member six
Starting point is 00:20:28 members of camera crew walked up the set Thursday morning after days of complaining at long hours and low pay members of crew were driving to the set at Bonanza Creek Ranch near Sanofino Mexico every morning from Albuquerque roughly 50 mile trip despite being promised hotel rooms and Santa Fe corners were being cut and they brought in non-union people so they could continue shooting one person with knowledge of the situation said they also added at the prop gun that ball and killed hutchins would have already misfired several times
Starting point is 00:20:54 during shooting so this isn't like this is the part where it gets a little bit tricky yeah because it's not it's not just in one time accident like if it's misfired multiple times you kind of know okay this this gun isn't as reliable. This is the definition of- Double triple quadruple verify here. Definition of when there's smoke, there's fire. Clearly there was incidents going on here.
Starting point is 00:21:13 I'll give you an idea. I'll give you an idea. We did mafia states of America. Right. And we were on the set and we're shooting, we're going through everything we were doing. You know, we hired a nurse. You know, we spent $4,000 on the nurse that was there.
Starting point is 00:21:22 How many times do we use her? Zero. Not one time. We had a nurse at the location because it was an undisclosed location to make sure people were safe. She sat there and she said, you know, I have nothing to do. I said, man, you know, I appreciate you just being here because if something happens, we just want to be sure we're ready because it could get ugly.
Starting point is 00:21:39 The situation that we have with Michael Francis and Sammy, we're just trying to be pertinent. And this is not a big budget. We're not. No. This is not a $10 million budget. It's not a Hollywood movie. It's a half a million dollar, we're just trying to be, and this is not a big budget, we're not, this is not a $10 million budget. It's not a Hollywood movie. It's a half a million dollar budget we're talking about. So the point with something like this,
Starting point is 00:21:51 the point with something like this is, you know, if I have a conversation with my son Tico, okay? And he makes a mistake that a five-year-old makes. And he's done it seven times, and he does it again, I say, you know better. Yeah. You can't use that excuse. You could use it at five.
Starting point is 00:22:08 You can't use it at nine, right? Not a conversation with one of our guys yesterday. And one of my favorite guys, favorite guys that I do business with, I say, listen, there's one thing you're not. You're not stupid. You'll want the smartest guys I know, okay? Yeah. So when you have a reputation of being very smart, guess what you can't ever play.
Starting point is 00:22:25 Mistakes, or you can't play dumb. You can't play dumb. You can't play dumb. You can't play dumb. You try to play dumb. I'll do it, okay. You like that out, but you can't play dumb. Okay?
Starting point is 00:22:34 So what's the moral of the story? The moral of the story is this. We're not talking about a first-time actor. No. We're not talking about a D, a C, or a B, or that guy. You're talking about Alec Baldwin. Exactly. And you're talking about a guy, a C, or a B, or that guy, you're talking about Alec Baldwin. And you're talking about a guy that you said the whole Trump thing
Starting point is 00:22:49 that was going on for years, he mocked everything, you know, if this was the other way around. So let's flip this and let's just say, because this is the best way to always find out how these things work. If this happened to Clint Eastwood, what happens? People are gonna say, I think there are issues.
Starting point is 00:23:04 Yeah, you've been around for a while. You're freaking dirty Harry. I mean, but what I'm trying to say, I think there are issues. Yeah, you've been around for a while. You're freaking dirty, Harry. I mean, but what I'm trying to say is, I'm not putting it with that part. Let me give you another one. This happens to Mel Gibson.
Starting point is 00:23:11 What do people say if Mel Gibson did this? If this happened to Mel Gibson, what happens to Mel Gibson? It'd be trash. What would happen to Mel Gibson today? There'd be no more Mel Gibson. Are you saying, because like, listen, this isn't your rookie year.
Starting point is 00:23:21 You've been around the block for 40 years. No, no, no, no, no. This is the part with politics that's stay consistent. Yeah. If somebody had the guy from Babylon be here yesterday, they set Dylan, who's an absolute stud of a guy, and he's a Christian guy, right? And one of the, their biggest story they ever did
Starting point is 00:23:36 is a story where one of their biggest story they did is they said Donald Trump, this is a satire website, like the onion except for the conservative side, not the left, the onion is on the left side. So they got, they got 35 million visitors on a monthly basis, they got 34,000 monthly, they got subscribers of people pay. One of their stories they do,
Starting point is 00:23:54 this is a Christian based satire website. The article said, Donald Trump says, I have done more for Christianity than Jesus himself. Okay, this is the story. And it goes viral. It gets shared three and a half million times. Not liked, not shared.
Starting point is 00:24:12 Shared three and a half million times. He texts me this morning, okay. He texts me this morning to share with me the article, David, I'm gonna try to text this to you for you to share this. This, this story just came about. He says, Pat, this is not a joke donald trump just said the final thing okay
Starting point is 00:24:27 this was said two days ago three days ago donald trump said this month nobody has done more for christian or your mangellicles or for religion itself deny so this is a true story this is a true quote from trump what he said right okay well he has but but but the, but the point is, the point is, I want to share this with you. David, do I have your number or no? David, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, I just send it to you. Just put it up so people can see it. So here's a
Starting point is 00:24:55 question where I'm going with the story. Okay. Stay consistent. Yeah. If this was Mel Gibson, would you have played the same position you played MSNBCCN and all the late night shows that are defending Alec? Because to me, if it was a male, if it was a Clint, if it was even throw Vince Vaughn or Libertarian in there, how would you have handled this? Would you have come after him? I don't know. I'm not telling you, yes or no, all I'm saying is I don't know.
Starting point is 00:25:19 Do you see them, they're playing politics with this? They're doing whatever they can to put the blame on the producer and the set, not on Alec, what they don't realize is the fact that he is one of the producers. So this is a responsibility on you being the producer. So it's not a simple situation. I just came here, I acted and we left. What happened before, the complaints, unsafe environment,
Starting point is 00:25:44 all of these things, if the attorney on the other side is arguing, they're gonna use this, okay? And then forget about the guys on the other side that are gonna mock him for what he said in 2017. Yeah, he uses words again. So I'm sorry, this is karma catching up as well a little bit. If you play that card, you have to be ready that this is gonna catch up.
Starting point is 00:26:01 What's the biggest thing I say about Trump? He keeps creating unnecessary enemies. I'm sorry, you did this to yourself, Alec. And now you're going to get some of it because you kept joking about this. Now you did this, you're going to be held accountable for it. Now, the question, do I really think it's hurt? Do I think this really messed with them
Starting point is 00:26:16 for killing a crew member? What do you think? Absolutely. Absolutely. Absolutely. There is no question about it. I fully believe the guys devastated with the fact that this took place And I don't even think it's devastated from the standpoint of babe
Starting point is 00:26:28 Am I gonna go to Jolly like you're talking to your girl. I really think his hurt. I really think he's more. I really think he's struggling with it But at the same time we have long order. We have justice. Okay in the point you made yesterday that I don't know If you know when you talk about a guy like this, an a-lister, nothing's gonna happen to the guy with an a-lister. I actually agree with you. Okay, we're on the same page. We're on the same page. I think, you know, this has happened three times.
Starting point is 00:26:52 There was another guy in the 80s that this happened to a 24 year old stud actor that was coming up and they shot him as well. I don't know the name, he wasn't a big name, but was before our era in the 80s when this happened. We'll see what's gonna happen here. But if a Dershowitz is saying, you're gonna be held accountable for this Dershowitz.
Starting point is 00:27:09 He's saying someone's gonna be held accountable. But he's a producer though. Obviously. He's a producer. No, 100%. So if you were being too cheap to bring somebody, like they were interviewing a guy that's a former FBI guy and what he does today, he gets hard to sit and set
Starting point is 00:27:23 and making sure everything is safe. You're supposed to do that on production. No, no. Okay. So he said every time before gun goes somebody looks at this, okay, boom, boom, boom, here you go. Good. That's their job.
Starting point is 00:27:33 Quality control. If you don't have that guy, then your liability is on you for not wanting to have that guy. So who is the person, who's the executive producer? They're going to go to that. So I think it's not going gonna be a pretty side, but. And I also think that when you have movie sets where you're cutting a little bit on costs here or there,
Starting point is 00:27:51 like you kind of get away with it at the time, but when shit like this happens or accidents happen, everything is gonna be scrutinized. And then it's just gonna be blown up to. Here's what sucks about this. Here's what sucks about this. Here's what sucks about this for the creative that I just thought about.
Starting point is 00:28:04 So imagine the creative that can't afford to pay Alex the money that they want to pay him. Let you say they're trying to get a guy, just come and do a cameo or just come and do something basic, here's a role I want you to play. Dude, the standards for what's gonna happen would move these going forward, it's gonna go to a whole different level.
Starting point is 00:28:19 Here's the other thing that's probably gonna happen as well. Incidents like this with the current climate that we have, SAG is gonna over-regulate, like never before. The cost of what it's gonna be required to have on every single set just running to the roof with this sort of small business owner creative is sitting there saying frickin' A, expenses probably just one up 10, 20%,
Starting point is 00:28:43 and we can't even afford it, but we gotta do it now. We said it.'t play game at that. No, you can't it doesn't have to be a cost thing It's a competence thing if you just you don't have to hire somebody that's expensive to have some of its competent You just have to to vet them and do your research and put the proper systems in place You don't have to spend a ton of money to do this. You're right But as this gets scrutinized you realize that there were multiple failures at every angle the 9-1-1 call The woman that called in said somebody's been shot turned it was and was talking to a colleague Well, she was on the phone and said that the assistant director had just yelled at her at lunch like this person by the way, right This whole this whole movie was just a cluster and as it gets scrutinized you realize that it wasn't just the
Starting point is 00:29:21 The armor it was failures at multiple points, and it you know It could have been prevented which which is really what's... Oscar just said something, he gave five bucks, thank you, Oscar. He said, if you handle a real fire arm, you are 100% responsible to ensure that there's no round in the chamber capable of firing a projectile in voluntary or not. That's involuntary manslaughter is what Oscar calls it. That's the fire arm world fully complies by that. That's the rule.
Starting point is 00:29:49 Treat every gun as it's loaded. Yeah. Treat every gun as it's loaded. But to circle back to your point, there was a case example of this exact situation and there was no legal charges that no one sold the countable for that. No, not at that point. Look, you brought up a very good point with the SAG stuff. Very good point.
Starting point is 00:30:04 It says here in the daily wire, corners were being cut and they brought in non-union people so they can continue shooting. So I think you're spot on that they're going to. Yeah, but this is going to hurt the creative. I'm not supportive of that. I don't, I don't like that, but I'm fortunate to. It is. Unfortunately, this, like, you know, when I was a Hummer mechanic and you would work on the truck and that's what I did. And you know, when I was a Hummer mechanic and you would work on the truck, and that's what I did, and you know, my boss, Sergeant Braxton, he was the mortar pole sergeant, Braxton, if you're out there, anybody knows him, I'd love to talk to you, man, it's been 25 years. I would love to have a conversation with you.
Starting point is 00:30:35 He's never reached back out to you. I've never talked to him. He said his name. It's how the V8 he not. It's how Braxton, if you know who he was, and E6 at Ford Campbell, Ken Tucker, we had a great time together. We don't know where you are, but I would do. I want to find you.
Starting point is 00:30:46 I would talk so much shit to him as an e4, and he would talk shit back. The coolest cat on campus was him. We had a good community. Anyways, so I would go there and I'm like, dude, why are there so many warning signs? Warning, warning, warning. So it's because some idiot put his finger down,
Starting point is 00:31:00 his cut his finger off. Because something, so it was like 75 warning signs. So the military is finally to protect ourselves. They just warning themselves out this finger then, his cut his finger off. Because it was like 75 warning signs. So the military is finally to protect ourselves. They just warning themselves out by putting it all over the place, right? To say, okay, we just don't wanna deal with this. I think something like this,
Starting point is 00:31:14 what sometimes, like you know we would do video, we would edit and somebody doesn't do a QC. Obviously, it's never happened here before. It's never happened here before where the QC doesn't get them. The flawless team, flawless team, flawless. And it's just a very peaceful environment. happened here before. It's never happened here before where the QC doesn't get them. Fallen steam, always. And it's just a very peaceful environment. But I would always come back and I would say, who did the checklist?
Starting point is 00:31:32 Yeah. What do you laugh at? I look at David's laugh rate. Why are you laughing, David? Huh? Yeah, okay, got it. So, yeah, I gotta go QC. We would do the test to see, did you check this? Did you check this? Did you check this? Did you check this? I don't know. I think this is not a rookie group that there Dude, we would do the test to see, did you check this? Did you check this? Did you check this? Did you check this? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:31:45 I think this is not a rookie group that looks like it's not a rookie group that could have checked it. Anyways. I think before we move on, I think bottom line is this family is going to walk away with a civil lawsuit. They're going to get millions of dollars. Listen, the family. Right.
Starting point is 00:32:01 Rightfully so. At this point of the game, bro, they're just sitting there. They're missing a person to die this point in the game, bro, they're just sitting there, like they're missing a person to die this way. I mean, calm on. You know, there's ways to go. This is not a way you want to lose somebody you love. And it's so unexpected.
Starting point is 00:32:13 You know, it's not like the husband was married to a police officer. She was a director, a cinematographer on a movie set. It's like goodness gracious. Yeah. Listen, condolences goes out to that entire family. Nothing anybody says is going to replace the pain, but our prayers are with you. So let goes out to that entire family. Nothing anybody says is gonna replace the pain, but our prayers are with you. So let's continue to the next story.
Starting point is 00:32:29 I'm gonna go to the Jack Dorsey story here. Twitter and Square CEO Jack Dorsey says, hyperinflation will happen soon in the US and the world. Now hyperinflation for people that don't know, Kai, it's two months and or 50%. It's what? 50% increase month over month. Yeah, but that's what the scholars have put it. Yeah. That doesn't
Starting point is 00:32:46 necessarily have to be the case. No. Hyperinflation could be ten percent, fifteen percent. Correct. But the scholars said categorically it's fifty percent. So they just kind of came up with this number and we followed that guideline. But here's what happened. This is a CNBC story. Twitter co-founder Jack Dorsey weighed in on escalating inflation in the US saying things are going to get considerably worse. Hyperinflation is going to change everything. Dorsi tweeted, it's happening. He added that he sees the inflation
Starting point is 00:33:09 promescalating around the globe. It will happen in the U.S. soon and so the world. The tweet comes with consumer price inflation running near 30 years high in the U.S. and grown concern that the problem would could be worse than policymakers have anticipated. It's one thing to call for a faster inflation, but it may be surprising to some
Starting point is 00:33:27 that Dorsey used the word hyper inflation, a condition of rapidly rising prices that can ruin currencies and bring down whole economy. So I'm gonna go to you first with this one before I go to Tyderon Kai. Well, I think for sure, no matter what Jack Dorsey says on Twitter, I don't think he's gonna get removed or canceled from Twitter. I think no matter what he says,
Starting point is 00:33:48 he's gonna level up research. He's gonna be okay. Adam, real quick, how'd you get to that conclusion? Yeah, I think, you know, he knows that people are Twitter, but I know you brushed over the numbers, but I actually thought you'd be a little bit more, I'm reading the story first, and then we can go. No, meaning like, your number is guy.
Starting point is 00:34:06 And inflation typically runs at what? Two to three percent year over year. Two percent is a good level of question. Okay, right? So Social Security was just adjusted for our seniors. We have a large senior community. Well, you know, this is our podcast. It was just adjusted.
Starting point is 00:34:21 Believe it or not, you're not joking. We have actually a big senior community. It's crazy that sound. I got stopped by 78 year old at the beach saying, hey, I listen to every single podcast you guys do. And not only that, she's a 78 year old Jewish grandma. That's awesome. She says, you're the only podcast I listen to.
Starting point is 00:34:36 It happens to be my grandma. But, the reality is they just got a, I don't even call it a pay raise, a retirement raise of 5.9%. Right, there's no secret that inflation's definitely gone up. They're saying that it's somewhere on 5, 6%. They're saying that it's transitory. Maybe it's not transitory.
Starting point is 00:34:57 But I think when you use the word hyperinflation. So if you're typically running it two to three percent and there was just a adjustment of cost of living at five six percent and now you're talking The definition of inflation is 50% a month or a thousand percent a year. Yeah hyperinflation Hyperinflation. It's not even close. So is it hyperbolic? Yes. Is it accurate? Maybe not? I mean, and then who's been speaking against Jack Dorsey Economist David Rosenberg
Starting point is 00:35:25 Kathy Wood from Arkham out and she said, look, you don't know what you're talking about. Well, she, she, she, she even said something as well. She can, so that's a religion, right? They're whether you're gonna agree with her because she talked about the fact that in 2008, she believed hyperinflation was coming because the whole Alan Green span, you know, quantitative easing that she said, I ended up being wrong. Yeah, she walked that back. So she's the opposite and the Michael Burry. Just remember that.
Starting point is 00:35:51 So she's the opposite of Burry. She's whatever Burry believes she's the complete opposite. Why is that? Burry shorts Tesla. Yeah. She longs Tesla. Right. So you just got to know, know they're big on things.
Starting point is 00:36:01 Somehow they're both very successful investors. They're both very successful, but they're very opposite religions. That's very good. She's doing okay with Tesla right now. I'm not saying. I'm just saying those are two opposites. So if you're a furry camp, she's the opposite. The point that I'm ultimately getting at is is inflation here, yes, is inflation real, yes, is hyperinflation here yet? There's no indication that that's here yet. This is all speculation. This is being hyperbolic. Yeah. And he's not going to get canceled for saying stuff like this. One was the last time that in United States we had hyperinflation, hyperinflation. From what I understand, it hasn't happened since the fricking civil war.
Starting point is 00:36:36 Right. There's only been six inflation, 62 certified cases in world history. So it's very rare. Okay. I mean, look at what's going on in Venezuela right now. That's hyperinflation. Right. I think that's happening here. I don't think so. But but but here's a question. Are you saying it's not possible? Anything's possible. Okay. So anything's possible. But but what you're saying is that it's not going to happen this time around. I just I just so why don't you unpack why you don't think it can happen this time around?
Starting point is 00:37:01 You seem very certain. I like it. I like you're certainly because I don't want hyperinflation. I want to lean on your confidence. I educate the rest of us. I don't want it either to be clear, but when you have economists weighing in and they're basically saying, hey, Jack Dorsey, stick to your long beards and tweeting, go back to smoking a pie for all that stuff. I saw this stuff. I'll take it from here. So as much as he does, I want you to go deeper home boy. I want you to go deep. I want you to go deeper and actually think about it Let's actually go there. Let's actually talk about it. Okay, so why don't we think it's because Half the battle with every this is what I we can you put that tweet? I just text you right now with Dorsey I said the this is Dorsey's tweet hyperinflation is going to change everything. It's happening I said you have two groups here number one many entrepreneurs and operators tweet, Hyperinflation's going to change everything, it's happened, and I said, you have two groups here.
Starting point is 00:37:45 Number one, many entrepreneurs and operators who say Hyperinflation is coming. Number two, many scholars and professors who say it's not. One is in the game, the other studies the game. Who's right? We're going to find out, okay? Because you got two guys, one is the professors, it'll never happen, the economist, it'll never happen. Dorsey's in it, runs square, gets gets every data probably has more access to data than
Starting point is 00:38:06 anybody else in the world to find out the transactions and the 10 different things that they offered there with their credit services with their payment, they can find out who's buying what at what point they can see everything. No one has more. There's probably only a handful, there's probably only 20 people that have access to that kind of data as he does. It's probably only a handful, there's probably only 20 people that have access to that kind of data as he does, okay? It's probably gonna be Jamie Diamond, it's probably gonna be Stripe, it's gonna be some of those guys.
Starting point is 00:38:30 Some of the guys, it's not a guy that say some like this, that woke up one day, smoked some hash in, it's like, hey, hyperinflation is coming. And he doesn't also seem like somebody who has wild predictions and just throws things out there, kind of, it's about stuff like that, normally anyways.
Starting point is 00:38:42 Don't forget, this is the same guy that also permanently banned Trump. So you have to know that this, you can't say this guy. So you have to know where his processing comes from, but hyperinflation, I want us to go deeper. Look, why don't we think it'll happen this time? I'm not saying that I don't think it will happen.
Starting point is 00:38:58 I'm just giving some numbers out there. What actual inflation is, where the adjusted cost of living is in for seniors right now, and the benchmarks that you have to reach to reach hyperinflation. Again, hyperinflation is here. No doubt. We printed 40% of the world's of the United States money in the last 18 months. We printed what, $5 trillion. That's no freaking joke. I'm not downplaying that. What? So, ever ever right but it have we hit
Starting point is 00:39:25 fifty percent a month and we had a thousand percent a year we haven't hit that yet what if we've hit a tipping point where that's where we're at that's the question that's what i'm concerned about hyperinflation by who's standards does he does jack dorsi main hyperinflation at fifty percent month over month a thousand percent a year or does he just is he being a little bit hyperbolic but ten percent inflation it's not hyperinflation, but you definitely feel it. It hurts.
Starting point is 00:39:47 It's going to hurt the economy. It's going to blow. So hyperinflation by who's standing. Okay. So then use the word a high inflation, but to use hyperinflation, like we're using definitions right here, right? Right. Hey, definitely, uh, high inflation here, bro, brace yourself.
Starting point is 00:40:00 Okay, cool. I got it. By the way, to say hyperinflation. You get a good point because the Morgan Stanley CIO came out yesterday. I don't know if you guys saw the show now. Morgan Stanley CIO came out and they asked him saying, hey, what do you think about the fact that Dorsey said, you know, hyperinflation or stack flation? He says that those are you can't use those words. He says, we're not going to use those words. What we do believe is inflation is here and it ain't going away anytime soon. So he didn't say
Starting point is 00:40:23 what yelling set three months ago, which is it's just like temporary. It's going to go away or what Biden said at the CNN town hall when he said, you know, probably in the first or second quarter of 2022, it's going to go away, you know, gas prices are going to go back down to what it is. And then the guy asking says, so some of the issue and he wanted to border, which we'll get into that later on. But Morgan Stanley, CIO agrees with you. They don't think hyperinflation is coming. All I'm asking for is indicators to make us believe that that's not going to happen. Because what is the cause of inflation? What causes inflation?
Starting point is 00:40:53 Printing of money. Okay, what else is it? What else is it? It's a supply and demand thing, right? It's a supply and demand thing. What else is it? Workforce? Workforce, what else is it?
Starting point is 00:41:04 Why would say the fact that? Cost of goods, obviously. S&P and Dow. Access to goods. High is it? I would say the fact that- Cost of goods, obviously. S&P and Dow. Access to goods. High is a big- Say that again. S&P and Dow had all time highs yesterday. It's like, why did they do that? What else? There's no-
Starting point is 00:41:13 Access to goods. Access to goods. A bunch of stuff that our finance, fake success. Yeah, credit. Credit. That. All of that stuff, right? That's causing hyperinflation. Now, I want to regen it, yelling because before we continue with this here's what Janet the Ellen have to say about inflation just yesterday or two days ago
Starting point is 00:41:30 Yalen says Americans have experienced current inflation rate in a long time haven't experienced current inflation rates on a long time AC NBC story many firms are experiencing a shortage of labor Yalen says during an interview with CNN Sunday the COVID shock to the economy has caused disruptions that will be working through over the next year. And of course, Americans haven't seen inflation like we've experienced in a long time. Host Jake Tapper noted how inflation is growing
Starting point is 00:41:56 at its fastest pace in 30 years and ask whether spending more money on Biden's build back better agenda will be pouring gas on inflation fire, prompting Yellen to say, the spending on the bipartisan infrastructure package and a massive social spending package would be spread out over the next decade. Tapper later asked Yellen when she expects the inflation rate to return to 2% levels, which the Federal Reserve classifies as acceptable.
Starting point is 00:42:19 She replied, I expect improvement by the middle of next year, second half of next year is what she's saying. Okay, that's her words. Let me see if there's anything else, that's it. Okay. I have two questions. Go for it. Question number one, do you believe her? Do I believe her?
Starting point is 00:42:34 What she's saying. Absolutely not. And question number two, do you believe that she believes what she's saying? I actually think she does. Okay. I actually think she does because, and this is a smart woman. This is not a person that hasn't been around.
Starting point is 00:42:48 She's a smart woman. She's been done. Yeah. Fair share. I actually think she does and I actually think a part of it is what you're supposed to do to make the world not panic and overreact because the last thing they want is for people to stop buying, for people to stop spending, for hoarding, going back into that mode. No. That is not a thing she wants for the economy because that's not her job.
Starting point is 00:43:07 Now, I call Goldman Sachs yesterday. Just to kind of find out what their thoughts are on what's going on. I said, so what do you think is going to happen with rates? He says, well, Powell's already said they're going up. I said, okay, what do you think is going to happen with inflation? It says it's here. It's not going away. And to control inflation, the way you do it is by increasing the rates, right?
Starting point is 00:43:23 So, say, say, say, hyperinflation goes. Okay, you go study Jimmy Carter. Today I did video talking about is, uh, uh, is Jimmy is Joe Biden, the next Jimmy Carter 2.0 or much worse, right? And we compared, how many markers, 10 markers on, on how inflation was, how misery index was. And we compared from the beginning of his administration to the time he ended and we compared Biden from the day He got started to where it is today. So it's a very interesting thing inflation during Jimmy Carter do you know how I got? Nearly 14% yeah, okay during Jimmy Carter interest rates were double digits of the money. You could get a 16% CD talk about save that money
Starting point is 00:44:02 Yeah, 16% CD but it means nothing if you're making 16% CD. Talk about save that money. Yeah, 16% CD, but it means nothing if you're making 16% CD and inflation is 14%. You're only really. If your mortgage is 12%. That means nothing. So here's why hyperinflation may not show up. This is when they say hyperinflation may not show up. Here's a hyperinflation may not show up.
Starting point is 00:44:20 Hyperinflation may not show up, but 10, 15% interest rates may. Before hyperinflation shows up, they will control it by making interest rates 10 to 15%. Slam in the brakes. Slam in the brakes at the highest level. Listen, pump the brakes. Don't go finance anymore. If you can afford a million dollar home and you can't put 20% down, guess what? This ain't for you, okay? No more 5%, no more 10%, none of this stuff. Just go back and buy 500,000 dollar house and come back three years later. No more easy money.
Starting point is 00:44:52 No more free money. The whole fake money, the easy money stuff. Because money is so freaking cheap right now, it's ridiculous. There is a part of you. Correct me if I'm wrong, because with all the printing and the fake success, because you get worked up about this There is a part of you that definitely wants to see some things crumble some things crap Why would I want it though? Tell me why would want it because you tell me how you actually made your success the right way
Starting point is 00:45:15 Yeah, so when you see fake success you're like this, but let me ask you question Let me ask you question. So why would I want it unpack why would want it? Why would you want what? Unpack why would want it? Why would you want it? Why would I want that to happen? Just so reality comes back to normal. I think, I mean, you see a story out there that you put $100 into Shibu-Enu, some crypto coin, and now you're worth a million bucks. Yeah. Some ridiculous.
Starting point is 00:45:36 Okay. It's just so far, fat. Sure. It's fake success. It's fake money. If you made it the real way, why would you want fake? The only time where you would want something like this to happen is sometimes we have to be reminded by reality hitting us.
Starting point is 00:45:51 And it hasn't hit America yet. I also think it's a restructuring of the people who can and know how to do it versus that's one area. But to me, to me, sometimes, look, we can sit here and philosophically talk about 93 keys to success and how to do this with money and how to do that with money. Sometimes it's simplicity man. It forces you to go back to simple concepts. This is not about quantitative easing or QVs or P and E. It just goes back to basics. So America needs to be humbled a little bit by the economy and the way we're going right now people are thinking this is going to last forever. We had a guy who we were working at Bally's. We both leave Bally's. I go to the insurance industry. Within three
Starting point is 00:46:32 years in the insurance industry, I'm barely making six figures a year. Within three years in a mortgage industry, I'm making 500K per month. Wow. We go to the bank. Per month wow we go to the man per month I can I go to the bank and I'm fighting B.A. on a fee He's too what he call it Tellers down he's saying I'd like to deposit 1.3 million dollars and and I look at him. I'm like He looks at me says hey Pat He just deposit a 1.3 million just give me the point is the positive 1.3 million. Just give me the point, 3.0, you know, 30K.
Starting point is 00:47:05 What year is this? This is 2004, 2000. The 2005, first, and he's in the mortgage industry. He's in the mortgage industry. He's making 500K a month. You know what, you know what happened to that guy? He had four rolls, Royce's parked outside.
Starting point is 00:47:19 You know, he says, I need four different color, four rolls, Royce's living and everything was finance. Guess what happened? He lost it all, tax, every single thing wiped out because that was fake success. And fake success gets filtered out very, very quickly. And it's going to happen again. But the direction we're going right now in a Jack Dorsey says something like this.
Starting point is 00:47:43 And people say that will never happen. The only reason I agree that hyperinflation will never happen is because before hyperinflation comes, you can experience 10, 15 percent interest. You're some other interest. Oh, you'll see. There'll be 10, 15 percent interest. And there's also something to be said about. There's so many people that are getting money or making money without working.
Starting point is 00:48:03 Right. And here's my, let me just finish this and I'll go to you There's what happened to just hard work in America I'm working my ass off. I'm working hard. I'm working smart and these are I'm reaping the benefits of what I sow Now it's stimulus checks, right? It's unemployment. It's crypto. It's NFT. It's whatever stock market. It's my house. Just appreciate it 35% It's cash all cash buyers It seems a little too good to be true and when it is usually is usually is but but Adam, you know
Starting point is 00:48:32 That's what 80 million people voted for Oh, you're gonna make this political now, but that is what 80 million people voted for how so how he explained his tax plan He explained to build it back better, but this is not none of that had to do with taxes though None of that what I just said what doesn't have to do with tax unemployment the stimulus it wait wait wait wait wait wait Trump gave just as much money as Biden stop this doesn't have to do with stimulus This doesn't have to do with no it does but not taxes Trump gave stimulus when the entire country was locked down You couldn't do shit Two stimulus you couldn't do anything nobody could go to work
Starting point is 00:49:07 I understand you remember in Dallas we'd want we drive the streets were like shit Oh, we're gonna say we're on an essential anonymous. I remember I remember when I was worried I'd have to have like a past basically so I'm going to work don't arrest me Do you remember yes, we would drive the streets worried because all of the freeways were empty nothing? I did a story once I'm like look at this this doesn't make any sense The place was 30 months away in rush hour April or one this is one of the first last the three four five months Yeah, I was like a last of mom. We came we came every day to work. We came seven days away to work
Starting point is 00:49:37 During that time, but it was also so The point is that is a different era, but if you continue like this, here's what'll happen I'm with you. Let me explain. No, I know you're with me But this is what people voted for the people that voted for Biden are getting exactly what they voted for This is what they wanted so you have to understand that when when congressmen and senators Get up and they say I'm working for my constituents, you know when they say things like that like you know They give a mansion a hard time a mansion says listen Do you know where I live?
Starting point is 00:50:07 My county is but you know he just talked about the other days thinking about leaving the party I don't know if you read that article or not the mansion is leaving the party You put that article about the fact that mansion wants to leave the party But I'm gonna give you the story here Demer's airport held the job fair To plug its huge labor shortage David. I think your mic is on to plug its huge labor shortage, David, I think your mic is on. To plug its huge labor shortage. And execs said, he'd hoped 5,000 people would come, but only 100 people showed up to the job fair.
Starting point is 00:50:35 Okay? 100 people, let me read the story to you and we'll go to what you're trying to pull up here. So 5,000 people they're expecting, 100 people show up to the job fair. Dennis, this long champ, the President, Colonel Series Association, set that the organization. Organizers had hope for 5,000 people to show up to the job fair, which he called a very lofty goal organizers that wanted to fill out about 1,000 jobs at the airport.
Starting point is 00:50:58 But only 100 people came to the four-hour fair. The airport's labor shortage could be contributing to huge airport security lines as travel. Rebounds, the airport's labor shortage could be contributing to huge airport security lines as travel rebounds. The airport also hasn't been able to fully reopen its shuttle bus that ferries travelers to the airport because of the shorted drivers at its shuttle bus contractor. So what's the point here? Even if the jobs are out there, people are not wanting the job because I don't need to
Starting point is 00:51:22 go back to work. I'm chilling, getting unemployment. What happens when the people, you've talked about this a few times on the podcast, when the people that are making $18 an hour at a flippa burger, the restaurant workers, you know, the minimum wage jobs that are making 20 bucks an hour, what happens when they're either replaced
Starting point is 00:51:36 or their wages drops substantially, right? And on top of that, when we pump the $2 million for the budget bill and the $3.5, yeah, $2 trillion. Excuse me, $2 trillion and then one and a half trillion for the infrastructure bill. When that all comes through, what happens? When the wages drop or they're replaced by kiosks, the McDonald's workers, the Burger King workers, you know, the people that are replaceable by machines and the truck drivers, etc, etc, etc. What happens when they're all replaced? Or the wages? Yeah, baby. Are you asking us? Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:52:04 I mean, what happens? Or are you asking them? Does this, does this, does this, does this, does this attribute to the inflation and to the like guy said, a point of no return where we could hit inflation that's unstoppable? Wait, maybe not hyperinflation, but maybe 25, 30, 35%. Listen, there's a, there's a community in politics, like Yellen, who hate billionaires. Theyllen who hate billionaires. They passionately hate billionaires. They hate the fact that these people have that much money. They hate the fact that Bayesal,
Starting point is 00:52:32 what's it called, the musk is worth 200 and whatever billion dollars, nearly 300 billion dollars. They hate that a guy is that successful. They cannot stand it. So Yellen says, is the store here with Yellen and unrealized gains or not? I thought that story was somewhere here. Page nine.
Starting point is 00:52:49 Okay, where's Yellen saying what you said? By the way, let me give you a little quick. I don't see the page nine. It's, it's, go ahead. I'm listening. I just, before we move on to the, I'm talking about, there it is, God. I'm talking about the job fair.
Starting point is 00:52:59 You know, this is just a little quick case example. You talk about minimum wage, $15,000, $18,000, and our $20,000. You know, I went driving through Taco Bell the other day. You remember I was out here in my Taco Bell. This is I think Friday. There's, as I'm in line, I never go to Taco Bell, by the way. There's a help wanted.
Starting point is 00:53:18 You know how much they were saying for employee X and for assistant manager X you know how much they were offering take a guess 23 okay, go ahead. Yeah, that's what I guess I said 45 grand or 50 grand a year for the for the lower end This is what these are just workers at Taco Bell Workers 20 bucks an hour. Okay. How about I had to like do a double take eight dollars an hour for an employee and ten for an assistant manager Those were the numbers I I go what this is in Florida in Boca Raton deer field I go who the hell is gonna apply for who wants this job You're hearing people though. You can go to Taco Bell right now. Take a picture of this side It's right there. So do you think they're worth more than that i'm just saying who paid
Starting point is 00:54:07 fifteen bucks and i'm not saying that i'm just saying if you're the employees respected we talked about the story being you know a hundred people shout out to a five thousand and we talk about expectations for a reality of selecting five thousand people to show up it if those are actually numbers we talked about the fight for fifteen fifteen dollar minimum wage that was actually on the sign
Starting point is 00:54:26 in front of ordering the Taco Bell. I'm taking no frickin' ways anyone taking this job at this point. So now it's no wonder. We tell you that they're not taking these jobs because you could sit home and make triple that unemployment. Yeah, but I know what you're saying, but Taco Bell is owned by young brands, young brands and you you have to look at the EBITDA. I mean,
Starting point is 00:54:50 the EBITDA margins where they are. If the EBITDA margins are above 20% and they're only willing to pay 8 to 10 bucks. I mean, you got increased the hour you're paying. It's a mathematical formula. They're sitting there saying what they can afford to pay. They're showing margins to the guy that's buying the taco bell. So if you end up doing 15 bucks an hour, you're not selling a $50 stake. You're not selling a $20 stake. You're selling a $2 tacos with yourself.
Starting point is 00:55:12 How much margins do they have in there? But the person that's gonna take that job for $8, $10, $12 an hour. $16-year-old kid. They can't spell EBITDA. They're not worried about EBITDA. They're like, should I take this job or not? I'm not telling the kid. I'm not telling the kid to worry about EBITDA,
Starting point is 00:55:26 the kid doesn't need to worry about EBITDA, but the guy running the business does because the number one goal of a business is to what? Stain business. To stain business, you have to stain business. If you don't stain business, then what do you do? You got to stain business. So what do you expect the guy to do to go out of business?
Starting point is 00:55:39 No, but I agree with you where they have to restructure. So to me, your corner rank, me, the Taco Bell owner, to make the tacos price from $199 to $249. It's in your corner. No problem, but watch this. What's $199 to $249? How big of an increase is it? It's $0.50. It's $0.50, which is what? $0.25. What's $0.25? What's $0.25? Increase on $8. It's $0.10. It's not $10. So it's not like they're gonna go 50. So watch this, to go from A to 15 is a 90% increase, right?
Starting point is 00:56:10 So that means my buck 99 tacos gotta be 379. Yeah. That's better get a chalupa for that price. But 379 is a taco. Chalupa is what, how much is a chalupa? I don't know, I just heard it. But you look like you know what, it's probably a chalupa.
Starting point is 00:56:22 I assume it's three bucks, four bucks. Okay, if it's, if you're $4 Chalupa, well, all of a sudden become 750. No, I'm not getting a chalupa. I say that. Why do you know what a chalupa? I can't let you look like. I'm off the Chalupa market. I'm going to go to McDonald's, 99 cents McDonald's, 99 cents. Listen, if you want to get out of something for his birthday, get him like a dozen Chalupa. So you know, looks like you do. Adam, you stunned the whole office the other day too and you came in with talk about everybody did the double 10
Starting point is 00:56:47 like. Yeah, they really come out with talk about it. Did you guys see him dance the last night about it for 40 year old man? I was so impressed. I think he wanted. We've got a great teacher Rob Walker. Yeah, we definitely are. We're going to find that if he's a good teacher or not. We're going to find that if Rob's a good teacher or not.
Starting point is 00:57:01 Anyway, okay. I used to kill the bar mitzvacin when I was 30. Did you really don't kill? You know John Mason was one of those bar mitzvah scene when I was 13. Did you really don't? Killed it. You know John Mason was one of those bar mitzvah. No, the difference between John Mason and I is the last time I went to a bar mitzvah was when I was going to bar mitzvah. It was at 13.
Starting point is 00:57:13 John Mason won as a 30 year old man hosting bar mitzvah. Big difference. You just heard his feelings. That's fine. You just heard his feelings. You just put it out there. You can't hurt someone. You just got to come and slash your tires.
Starting point is 00:57:22 No, yeah, my car situation. Well, it's big. They get fixed by the way or no. No, I say I deal with that. Yeah. Have you told him yet? No. He's not. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:57:32 I want to buy. John Mason can't get mad if it's true. This is what this is what his career was. John Mason now he's killing it. Just got himself a G wagon and a white hurricane. Is what he just got? What is a hurricane? Hurricon. Lamborghini. It's a Toyota Avalon wagon and a white hurricane. Is what he just got? What is a hurricane?
Starting point is 00:57:45 Hurricon? It's a Toyota Avalon model of a hurricane. Is what it is. It's gonna be all right. You're gonna make Toyota. I saw him roll up in the R8. Maybe Adam, maybe you should have heard about our Bermits as well.
Starting point is 00:57:55 And when I met John, John was a professional Bermits Faggot. Okay, so we got a couple of questions here. So Paul Barretz says, the good part of Kern nonsense is we don't need all the fast food. It is essentially poison. Imagine 20 to 50% of all these Barayah says, the good part of the Kurnan sense is we don't need all the fast food. It is essentially poison.
Starting point is 00:58:06 Imagine 20 to 50% of all these and other toxic businesses slowly disappeared. Okay, that's Paul's position. Next one is a Smetley Butler III says, Pat, what if hyperinflation is their goal? What if it is their final phase? What if the people have to be brought to their knees before they'll accept the world digital ID system, Higelian dialectic? Listen, a lot of people agree with you and believe what you're saying and we know what Higelian dialectic is and it's a strategy that's worked effectively by big governments for a long,
Starting point is 00:58:37 long time. So, I'm not weighing that out. I'm not telling you there's not a group of people that are not planning to do that at the top. I'm just telling you, I don't think it's everybody. I think there's certain people that want to do the right thing. I think there's certain people that are not coming from that standpoint, but I do believe the people that are the puppet masters behind closed doors have some things like that in mind
Starting point is 00:59:00 because they're driven by control. They love control and they hate rich people. They hate anybody that got rich under the system because they wanted driven by control. They love control and they hate rich people. They hate anybody that got rich under this system because they wanted to be, you know, taken away from them because they can't stand the fact that these guys independently not needing the government ended up being successful. I've said this before I'll say it again.
Starting point is 00:59:17 A parent when they lose the need of their kids saying, if you don't do this, I'm not gonna buy that. When the kid eventually gets to the point and says, mom, I don't give a shit, I'll buy it myself. That control is gone. And a mom and a dad is like, wait a minute, I feel like I just lost my child. I feel like I just lost my child.
Starting point is 00:59:33 You didn't lose your child, he became independent. These politicians are thinking, they're still the mother, the nanny state to say, you need us, you need us. And the people are like, I don't need you. I can independently take care of myself. Just leave me alone, let's coexist, and enjoy these every once in a while family gatherings
Starting point is 00:59:48 that we have every four years when we got a vote for the next president, but outside of that leave me alone. Well, and the people that are pushing these policies are phenomenally wealthy within themselves. Pelosi's worth what, 350 million? I mean, she's worth a ton of money. Joe Biden is worth a lot of money.
Starting point is 01:00:02 One of the best stockpickers of all time, Bob. Oh, yeah, great. Her eyes are great. Her eyes are hard to read. One of the best stock pickers of all time. Oh, yeah, great I was great. I was one of the best stock pickers of all time. I wonder how when just time She's a legend. There's got to budget your time like Elon Musk seriously five minutes at a time By the way real quick the gentleman who just made that comment. Yeah, give me that name again Read it. Smedley Butler right? That's it. Smedley Butler the third so That's it. Smedley Butler, the third. So there's multiple Smedley Butler's running out there. Apparently so. Smedley Butler sounds like the type of person who believes
Starting point is 01:00:29 in the conspiracy theory of the Hageli and dialect. I would never let this. Smedley Butler sounds like somebody that would never eat a chalupa. That's what it sounds like. He sounds like somebody that would never eat it. Smedley, you sound wonderful. I don't know if you're my kind of guy.
Starting point is 01:00:39 Well, shout out to Smedley and he gave a few super chats. If that's your buddy, if that's your buddy, it's Adam. Yeah, no, I'm sure it's Mel. Josh, my rainbow just gave 20, I think, what is that? Do you see it? Pounds. I think we need to give the left everything they want
Starting point is 01:00:54 and step back. Well, the country decline and possibly worse, sure. But the debate between capitalists and socialism will finally be settled. Here's a problem with that, Josh. The debates been settled in 150 different countries and people still haven't learned because they think they can do it right.
Starting point is 01:01:11 So I don't think it is about winning the debate or not winning the debate. That debate's been already done. They just want to do it here because they want to be able to control it during their time. FYI, Janet Della, let me read that story on page nine. What she says she wants to do.
Starting point is 01:01:24 Dems plan billionaires unrealize gains tax to help fund the two trillion dollar spending bill a New York post story president Biden's two trillion dollar spending package continues to stall a senior democrats are hoping to finalize a proposal on a new annual tax on billionaires unrealize capital gains let me read that one more time hoping to finalize a proposal on a new annual tax on billionaires unrealized capital gains. Do you know what that means? They made money on an investment. They haven't taken the money out the equities on that house the equities in the company the equities in the stock they haven't taken money out
Starting point is 01:02:00 Janet Yellen and Biden wanted tax unrealized gains that hasn't been taken out by the individual which is absolutely ludicrous. I mean, if somebody said this stuff 20 years ago, they would said you've lost your mind, but it's becoming a reality today. We probably will have a wealth tax as Nancy Pelosi confirmed Sunday, the proposal which is being reviewed by Senate Finance Committee Chairman ron widen uh... democrat from organ would impose an annual tax on unrealized capital gains on liquid assets held by billionaires treasury secretary jennad elin said the proposal will likely only affect less than a thousand of the
Starting point is 01:02:36 nation's wealthiest citizen i don't care if it's a thousand if it's five hundred percent thousand leave them alone they keep creating jobs i don't care what net worth is. Let them keep creating jobs and have an incentive to create jobs because if they don't do what they do you're gonna take a hit and by the way Again, it goes back down to why a thousand Why are they the richest of the riches? How about the person that's worth 40 million? How rich is 40 million to a person making 15 bucks an hour? Very rich. How rich is 10 million to someone that's making 50 bucks an hour? How rich is a million dollars to a person that's making 50 bucks?
Starting point is 01:03:11 How rich is a half a million dollars cash and savings to a person that's making 15 bucks an hour? So what's rich? Rich is only any taxes that you will not pay. So if Nancy Pelosi is worth 300 million dollars, let's make sure we pet the taxes, a billions I don't have to pay any of it.'s always I don't want to experience the pain You covered this a couple podcast. Yeah, this was like a month ago It's always a person who's just a little bit richer than you and that's where you want to start. Yeah
Starting point is 01:03:34 The problem is it's slippery slope You know this reminds you of because you'll appreciate this. I think There was a lot because obviously you're in the life insurance world. There was a long there was talks about Because obviously a life insurance, a debt benefit is tax-free. Oh yeah, I see what you're saying. But at one point, they were proposing taxing the cash value buildup within the policy.
Starting point is 01:03:55 Do you remember this? Of course I do. But that didn't pass, right? It was rule 7702 that they wanted to eliminate to tax the cash value and the same value or the fee well or an IU well or all that stuff. Yeah, but it didn't pass, didn't pass yeah and you know who was leading that Elizabeth Warren was that DOL was that all that I was that
Starting point is 01:04:10 okay but by the way the camp that's in right now is the camp that could do that no that's the camp that's in right now well to to our last friend was at Josh I don't know whoever he said well why don't you just let him have what they want listen that's the whole point of America is to have the debate, to have the ideas and find out which ideas are actually right. You, like, Gerard likes to say that Democrats are the gas and Republicans are the brakes.
Starting point is 01:04:37 And there's two sides, the ego, wherever you want to look at it. But that's the whole point of, all right, and this is the idea I want to go with. Hell, no, we're not doing that idea. And then at some point, there needs to be a compromise. And that's the whole point of all right. This is the idea. I want to go with hell now We're not doing the idea and then at some point there needs to be a compromise and that's the problem in America right now Is that everyone's entrenched on their sides? Let's coalesce in the middle by the way the Bitcoin community is Thinking that if hyperinflation happens Bitcoin's gonna go to a hundred thousand five hundred thousand a million dollars
Starting point is 01:05:00 That's what that's why Jack Dorsey's probably saying I may be a very big and crypt. Do you really think he needs another billion dollars? No, but he's he's a look cash app square. He's very big like one big one. I know another conference. But do you think he was a guest speaker? Now, here's the other part. You know, Peter, he's a Peter shift, the gold guy. Yeah, he's thinking that gold's going to take off with this and gold's going to go to a whole different level. Look, the idea is the following. This is going to happen on non-duplicatable assets. Key word, on non-duplicatable assets. Very simple. Are they? Are NFTs non-duplicatable assets?
Starting point is 01:05:35 Yes. To that community is it is as non-duplicatable as it can be. Let me answer your question, by the way. You said, you think he cares about another billion dollars? Jack Dorsey? Do you think he cares about another billion dollars? Jack Dorsey. Do you think he's a little bit competitive? Dorsey? So when you look around and he sees the Zox worth a hundred billion,
Starting point is 01:05:53 but even in a case like that, it would be on Mosquart 200 something billion, the Bezos 150 billion and he's worth, what is he worth? I don't know, I'm guessing 10 billion. I don't know. Who guessing 10 billion. I don't know Who he is one 14 14 You don't think he's a little competitive saying I got to get to a hundred some point But even even in that case Not saying he's not can by the way. I love where the awful marist just said you can vote your way into socialism
Starting point is 01:06:23 But you cannot vote your way out what a powerful thing said, you can vote your way into socialism, but you cannot vote your way out. What a powerful thing to say. You can vote your way into socialism, you cannot vote your way out. That is extremely powerful quote you just posted right now, but yeah, I don't think that's what he's driven by. I just tell you, let me talk to the investor. Let's talk to the investor.
Starting point is 01:06:40 The person that's listening to this right now, is this a probably a good time to own a little bit of gold?. Is this probably a good time to own a little bit of gold? Maybe. Is this a good time to own a little bit of crypto? You know, maybe you get a little bit of Ethereum, get a little bit of whatever, you know, you maybe. Is it time to consider getting a little bit of collectible cards or comic books that are limited edition?
Starting point is 01:06:59 Yeah, maybe. This is not a bad time to set aside some of those things that are again non-duplicatable assets. If you do that and hyperinflation happens, it actually favors you if you do that. Two things off horse, which is interesting. First one, obviously when they look at people and you look at Elon Musk, $280 billion, it's not like he's sitting on a pile of cash, $280 billion. It's all invested in his company. It's all going to be taxed once he takes it out, once he takes payment.
Starting point is 01:07:29 If the Tesla stock crashes, so is his net worth. It's not like he's sitting on it and he's just walking around with checking account with $280 billion. It's a completely different way of how that would then function of just doing this. The other part of it is, if it's just a thousand wealthiest, if they get it passed and approved, why not do 2000, why not do the top 10%? Like it'll just snowball from that.
Starting point is 01:07:53 Yeah, how many times do they not promise? If you're making less than this, your taxes aren't gonna be changed. And then two weeks later, something comes out of the well made. About $600 of taxes and that can change it. Exactly. So it's because people like, this is pathetic if you're gonna come after maybe $600 of taxes and that's exactly exactly yeah to change people like this is pathetic if you're gonna come after my $600 of taxes so they're gonna they're gonna find a way to just get it in the
Starting point is 01:08:11 banks or another to build it up like we got to do with all this crap now so they didn't they just say or we'll meet your back at the 10,000 number yeah it's maybe not we're good we're what's that what do we mean, with the 10,000, where they're trying to push for it and that's like, so check this out. Here's what's happened at the same time, right? So I had a guy came over the other night and we had a cigar to a one o'clock in the morning. He, great conversations we had.
Starting point is 01:08:37 Great conversations we had to one o'clock in the morning. And a conversation came about the Santas. He was a guy that worked closely with the Santas and he was an advisor to the Santas when the Santas was coming up. Again, people don't realize this guy's a 43 year old superstar right now. 43 year old superstar right now and he's fighting.
Starting point is 01:08:54 But the left is trying to figure out any way possible to cancel this guy. And the Santas continues to fight back. So here's what stories just came about, okay. Florida tries to lower ships waiting at back log California ports. This is a story I think from last week if you want to go to page 8 and then DeSantis is not just back and down and he starts recruiting nonstop but here's what he says. Florida is encouraging ships to ditch back up ports on the west coast and head its way. While dozens of ships remain more off the coast of LA waiting to be unloaded
Starting point is 01:09:29 in a historic supply chain. So our ports and Florida are humming along with little or no delays and are standing by if ships come ship company shipping companies decide to reroute freighters to the east coast. Florida government in the census recently invited ships to reroute and offload their shipments and Florida which has several ports. We're here. We have capacity, says the census. In addition to re-routing ships, some recipients of goods that are being manufactured overseas are also re-evaluating their ability to ship using air freight that increased the man has caused air cargo race to soar to record levels. But the census doesn't stop. Let me go to the next one here,
Starting point is 01:10:06 and then I'll open it up for dialogue. The census planning 5,000 auto bonus for unvaccinated police to relocate to Florida. This is a news big story. Republican Florida governor, the Santa said on Sunday that he is open to sign legislation that would get unvaccinated police officers a 5,000-dollar bonus to relocate to a state. The Santas commented about police officers in
Starting point is 01:10:29 other states who are losing their jobs because they are not compliant with COVID vaccine mandates on a scientific basis. Most of those first responders have had COVID and have recovered. So they have strong protection. And so I think that influences their decision, he said. The Santas called on police officers across the country, including those in New York, Minneapolis and Seattle to relocate to the Sunshine State, if they are not being accommodated at their jobs.
Starting point is 01:10:53 When you play aggressive, so I'm sitting there and I'm talking to my sister, Paul, and she says, don't you think this puts a target on them? Okay, and I said, absolutely. I said, but what's the alternative? You're sitting there and not doing anything about this? You got it. Because if you think about who the last guys
Starting point is 01:11:08 that played this aggressive type of offense was again in Governor Perry. Okay, and if you guys remember Governor Perry, where he's like, you know, those three organizations, you got the EPA and you got, I don't know what the shucks. He said something like that. He wanted to close the three organizations that couldn't remember the three.
Starting point is 01:11:23 Anyways, but here's what Rick Perry did. Governor of Texas, he's who recruited us to Texas by the way. I'm gonna have to sit down with him, went to the Rangers game with him. Prior to that. Yeah, prior to Abbott. So Rick Perry comes to California and he goes, does a bunch of talk shows, radio shows.
Starting point is 01:11:38 And he says, if you're a business owner in the state of California and you're sick and tired of being in taxed and regulated, why don't you come to the great state of Texas? We won't tax you, we won't regulate it, we'll let you build your business and do your thing. But we want to welcome you to the state of Texas, so he kept aggressively recruiting people from Texas, from California, right? Okay. That's a bold move.
Starting point is 01:12:01 This guy's making a bold move. He at this point of the game, I guarantee you, there are meetings, non-stop strategy sessions, not how to save America, not how to deal with China, not how to deal with the border, not how to deal with the taxes. They're having our strategy sessions, how to hell do we get rid of this guy here?
Starting point is 01:12:24 That's why Biden doesn't have time to go to the borders. It makes sense. Well, he drove past it and oh wait, you got to get rid of it. He drove close enough. So listen, the Santhus, apparently he's going to be re-running, the conversation right now with he's going to be running for office or not has to do with his wife's health.
Starting point is 01:12:39 It's not, you know, it's, it's, it's, he's, he has breast cancer. Yeah, it's tough. They're dealing with it. But you got to love his audacity to stand up and go. He's playing offense. He is playing offense. I think, I think another big thing for this as well, is you see how many of us we're talking about DeSantis
Starting point is 01:12:55 just two years ago. He was in a conversation. He was pre-COVID. He was right. He almost lost to Andrew Gillen, the social. He, I mean, it was a close race, man. Florida would be in a totally different position right now. Had that race not gone in the favor of a Rhonda.
Starting point is 01:13:08 And I think it just goes to show that during crisis, certain people stand up and certain people push back. War time later. Yep. Big time. Exactly. Do you think they're going to be able to cancel them? I mean, it depends on, as long as he doesn't do,
Starting point is 01:13:20 unless there's some dirt on him that they're going to somehow pull up, I think it's going to be hard unless he miss, miss, you tell me who you can't some dirt on him that they're going to somehow pull up, I think it's going to be hard unless he mismisses. You tell me who you can't find dirt on. I mean, I mean, nobody. You tell me who you cannot find dirt on. Nobody. Okay, then. So, do you think their research team is working and the research team for them is who?
Starting point is 01:13:39 24-7. Here's their research team. Folks working at the IRS. Yep. Forks working at, yeah, forks working on social media sites, Facebook, Instagram, DMs, text, phones. This is their research team. It's a pretty qualified research team, by the way,
Starting point is 01:13:51 that can get access to any information that they want. Do you think they're gonna figure out a way to cancel the census or you think he'll make it? I think they'll try, but I also think that he's not gonna go down without a fight. I see him as a guy who's gonna go down swinging. They're not gonna find something where he's just gonna flat out lay down and be like, I'm done. I see him more going down with the ship if that's the case.
Starting point is 01:14:11 Well, and he's had a target on his back for the past two years since COVID started since Florida didn't, I mean, they locked down for what two weeks and that was it. I mean, he's, he's had a target on his back the whole time and they've yet to cancel him. Like you said, they're going to try, but he's not going to go down without a fight. David, you look like you want to say something. Go ahead, Colombia. Yeah, I don't think he can be canceled. I think he's in the same a Trump situation where I think a lot of a Trump supporter see to Santis as the second coming of Trump. So it's gonna be the same situation where if he runs, they're gonna try and find all the dirt. Anytime he said anything slightly disagreeable, but he won't go. It's not even saying something disagreeable.
Starting point is 01:14:47 It's about the strategies, character assassination. It's manipulation. It's division. It's going to be family, women, money, taxes, comments, high school, cancel. They're going to go and find a way to get something on this guy. Here's the question. Do you think it's there? Like, I don't think it's there with Rhonda Santas the way it was with Trump. Trump had the access. Holly with tapes. He has all, you know, I could shoot somebody on fish.
Starting point is 01:15:12 Having you, etc. They'll find something. They'll find something. He's, he's went to university of Florida, I believe. I'm sure it was drunk in the 90s. Did something stupid. Women will come out. Things happen.
Starting point is 01:15:23 Is a young guy is 43, 44, what does he, 43, 43, except I'm a 14. I think at the end of the day, whether you're on the left or on the right, you got to hand it to the guy, he's doing a great job here in Florida. I'd nets to keep, right? I mean, he's doing a good job. I mean, a lot of people would disagree with that
Starting point is 01:15:38 that are not in Florida. Okay, but you got to hand it to the guy and you brought up Rick Perry. I think he's sharper, smarter, more aggressive. It just has better positions. I think Rick Perry was a good old Texas guy. Come on down. Like I think I think this guy actually is sharper than Rick Perry.
Starting point is 01:15:54 Would you agree? And actually great impersonation. Thank you. I was just imitating your impression. No wonder you are. Rick Perry yours was. Yeah. That was the Middle Eastern Rick Perry.
Starting point is 01:16:04 Yes. But I think I know. Like that. That was the Middle Eastern Rick Perry. Just playing there completely. But I think, I think, um, one thing that we, um, need to account for is, yes, has he been on the national stage a little bit, but he hasn't been on the national national front page news stage yet, like Trump. I think the biggest person in DeSantis's way is not the IRS stuff. Not social. Not it's straight up Donald J Trump. It kind of reminds me of when Tom Brady was
Starting point is 01:16:38 His rookie year or even when Aaron Rogers came and Brett Farve was there You can use a million different quarterback analogies. Santhus is Tom Brady. No, meaning like, you have this young talent. You have this young talent who's clearly talented politically and is doing good things and is maybe destined for great things. And then you have the old guard, the Brett Farves of the World, the Drew Plessos of the World, the Donald Trumps of the World who aren't just gonna get out of the way
Starting point is 01:17:03 and give the young buck the shot. So unless there's an injury, unless there's a trade, unless he doesn't run, I don't think to say, like, to Santhus as much as he might deserve the Republican nomination, obviously has to earn it, Trump's not going anywhere. Trump is not going anywhere. Just say it. Trump is gonna be the nominate. You want Trump to run.
Starting point is 01:17:22 Just say it. I mean, if you want him as you're, just talk about it. I've said this a million times. I would vote for DeSantis in a heartbeat over Joe Biden. I don't think the country wants another four years of Trump. I don't think other than the base, we've done the Trump thing again. Let's get a young, like I don't even want another 70 something
Starting point is 01:17:42 or older. It's like getting back with your ex girlfriend. Yeah, you know that there's gonna be an abusive violation It doesn't work. Yes, yes, you dealing with something right now. Yes Who would you rather have Trump or DeSantis for your president? If that that's that question is easy question. That's not the question though What's the answer? The question is easy. Whoever's gonna create less Unnecessary enemies and you think that's the Santa that's the. Whoever is going to create less unnecessary enemies.
Starting point is 01:18:05 And you think that's the sentence. That's the sentence. He's going to create less unnecessary. And I agree with you. Unfortunately, the Republican base does not. I think, because they don't think he's going to get the nomination, which is what you're saying. I just think they're all in on Trump.
Starting point is 01:18:19 That's it. By the way, let me just go into the Trump story. I don't think that's the future. I don't think it's as clear-cut as you make it. I think the Republican party is fighting with whether or not they can even go through with electing Trump. We know what happened. We know what it did to the country culturally.
Starting point is 01:18:31 Yeah, it was Americans were better off than they had been before. 59% of Americans said they were better off, you know, at the end of his term than they were when it started. But at the same time, we're well aware of what he did to the country and the way it collapsed and what has come because of it. So it's, I don't think it's as clear cut as you make it that the whole right is behind Donald Trump because they're not I think it's gonna be a battle. I I wish you were right. I just don't think you are Well, let me say this does your position change depending on who Trump's running made it
Starting point is 01:18:59 If it's a Trump to Santa's ticket does your position change or it's regardless is a Trump is a point is I don't even know, if that is a ticket, we'll cross that bridge when we get there. I don't even know if the Santas wants to, like if you're a Santas, don't you want to do it yourself, yo, now you're, you just kind of got swept in, which have to know that a Trump tweet helped him win. Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 01:19:21 Don't forget that. So a Trump tweet helped the Sant's win. And it was not it was very close. You know this. You this is your state. Yeah, it was very close. Trump tweeted it out. Boom. Done deal. By the way, yeah, like the the arrows. It was very close. It was neck and neck. Since then, Rhonda, Santa's is now being considered potential next president 2024. Andrew Gimlin was literally found in like a homosexual gangbing drug. Yeah, yeah, doing like not even joking. Yeah, it was bad.
Starting point is 01:19:49 Like he was busted and didn't even invite me, bro. Was he the one and was he? Did he join in the one in Hungary that we covered on the podcast that time? That was a different one. Good memory. All right, let me read this inside your story about Trump. Since Adam is highly obsessed with the story.
Starting point is 01:20:08 Trump is hungry to go head to head against Biden for president and can only be stopped by a prison sentence, says former adviser. The signs that he is increasingly interested, says David Gurg and a political commentator and former White House communications director served under various administrations. His interest intensifies when he sees biden trouble when biden for example receives backlash for his decision to withdraw all u.s. troops from afghanistan prompting a swift Taliban takeover trump was really chomping at the bit gurgh and said
Starting point is 01:20:37 three sources said that the former president trump came close to announcing the twenty twenty four run in august at the height of the chaos in af chaos in Afghanistan advisor stepped in and convinced them not to do it due to a fear that his announcement would deride the republican attempt to take back congress and upcoming twenty twenty two midterm elections wow wow what a story right there to to think that by the way trump had a pretty
Starting point is 01:20:59 good week with a spack when he introduced the truth the social media site that's coming out he made very a very, very good money last week with the SPAC and it's not slowing down, but going back to the story you were talking about, he can't wait to get in the ring. Trump just cannot wait to get back in, he just doesn't wanna say it, he's holding back saying,
Starting point is 01:21:16 we'll see if I'm gonna run, we'll see if I'm gonna run. Folks, if you're listening to this, I'm just curious. I'm watching the comments, if you would rather have Trump run on the Republican side, type in the word Trump. If it's the census, type in the sentence. I'm just curious. Between the two, can you do a poll in there or no? Does the chat box allows you to do a poll? All right, then if you can do a poll, do a poll. I don't know if you can do a poll, but I'll leave it up to you. So what do you think about this story with Trump and Gurg and saying the fact that they
Starting point is 01:21:49 prevented him from saying that because they didn't want the midterms to be affected by this? Who prevented him from saying that? Okay, so the three sources said that the former president came close announcing the 2024 run in August at the height of the chaos in Afghanistan, the adviser stepped in and convinced him not to do to a fear that is announcement with derail the republican attempt to take back congress and upcoming twenty twenty two midterm elections. Yeah, they're basically saying don't do anything to screw up that there are
Starting point is 01:22:15 inevitable taking over of the house. You know what that means though. That means he's listening to people. Which is new. I mean, I literally wrote that. He's listening to people, Mr. Adam. He's listening to people which is new i'm not really wrote that that means listening to people mister adam he's listening to your advice i think he is chopping at the bit to get back out there he sees sharp blood in the water i have a question job i didn't thinking in the approval ratings and he wants to get back out there i have no big question announcing anything until
Starting point is 01:22:41 after the midterms will they run je biden again i don't think they will that's the question is who runs against trump so there's there's three questions right because we will pick it back real quick before this what was the last president to be in office and not run for re-election when they could there's a from not what i would like to this morning there's one president in the line of forty six presidents that has not run for re-election there's one president in the line of forty six presidents that has not run for reelection there's a handful of them that have it won
Starting point is 01:23:07 but there's one president who just flat-out said yeah not for me who's that and he gets hold on hold on hold on it's i'll be just said it you just thought it's not a beat so it'll be j yes i'll be j how do you know he's the only president but he he was there for six years because he took over for Jeff K. Two years, ran for reelection, and then after that, he said, yeah, this is not for
Starting point is 01:23:29 me. He said they were pulled out of Vietnam, and they were, they were, that he wouldn't re-run for reelection. I just, I think, I hope that Joe Biden doesn't run again in 2024. I hope he does a good job. I hope he leaves the country the right way in the next few years. He's obviously not doing the best job ever. We need some new blood in there. If I were to make a connection.
Starting point is 01:23:47 Not with the old freaking idiots. If I were to make a prediction, I think Joe Biden might be the only Democrat that can't beat Trump. But he already did. I think Kamala Harris can beat Trump again, by running again. The only Democrat that can't. I think if it's a Joe Biden versus a Trump, yeah, there's odds that that can't I think I think if if it's a Joe Biden versus a
Starting point is 01:24:05 Trump yeah then there's odds that he can't I think if there's a new person coming in well so here's my question where are we at in four years or three and a half years we've already got inflation we're only nine months through this term ten months through this term we've got inflation is high they're pushing through the two and a half trillion bill, the $2 trillion bill, that's why you can't win. That's right. China's Sabreland, rattling Iran, Russia, I mean, where are we at in four years?
Starting point is 01:24:31 Look, that's going to determine us. As much as we want to look into our crystal ball, I mean, whatever, we can say anything right now, and it's like zero relevance. The reality is we've got to get through midterms and then the election. What people are failing to understand is, you know how hard the media railed against Trump when he ran the first time and when he ran against this time. Now you don't think they're going to take the January 6th insurrection wherever you want to call it and play that non-stop and you don't think the ad is doing it. They've already done that for months.
Starting point is 01:25:01 But now when he's running for a election, you don't think there's an ad that's just going to show everything and say, is this what you want from your leader? You don't know how easy it is, but people already know that they're getting with Trump. And they know who he is. And they have a comparison. They have a comparison. They're elected last time. Exactly. They already know what they're getting. For the millionth time, can we get some frickin young? Give a name on the left freaking the rock The rock Tulsi Gabbard in the rock. I vote for that ticket. Yeah, seriously the last to podcast right now. We're done Joe Manchin Thanks for joining us. He's all over the news. He's 74 Yeah, fresh blood great
Starting point is 01:25:39 I don't know I think I think we have we have time over the next few years to see what leaders show up. I want to make sure I can say Here was was was wrong to Santis on any buddy's list 18 months ago. No, but leaders show up in a time of crisis So who's gonna step up in the Democratic Party? We're seeing people like to Santa show up. He'll see who's gonna show Hopefully it's not someone that I'm sure you say your name, though Say your name like a new some like a superstar like new some for you. Well news no someone If mansion was younger, he's the kind of guy Pete Buttichich. No, not prickly Pete better What if it's not the Democrat? Beto what if it does have support? I'm not saying I'm a big bettoguy, but he's young
Starting point is 01:26:19 He's well spoken. He's from Texas. I know he's not a big second amendment guy But someone like a better better who eats dirt well spoken he's from Texas I know he's not a big second amendment guy but someone like a better better who eats dirt better is that he ate he ate ceremonial Arizona dirt all right that's my kind of guy I eat Taco Bell same shit so what if it's not what if it's not the Democratic party just everybody knows listeners needs to know this this is not sponsored by Taco Bell I just want to know this. This is not sponsored by Taco Bell. I just want you to know this is just, he's maybe got a side to work. Yeah, he has one.
Starting point is 01:26:46 We don't know that. Chalup was one night and I come out of the corner by the night. I just want to say there's a new Grand Slam Burrito coming up to the side. Here are you, drop the code name, Adam, get 10% off the next video. Anyways, as long as the cheese fries are pretty hot. Do you not agree, we need, like, take off your Republican hat,
Starting point is 01:27:07 Democrat hat, just put on just your American hat. Don't you think it's time for some fresh blood into politics at the head of tickets, 78 year old Biden, 75 year old Trump? Like don't you think we got some young 40, 50 year olds? You got 40 in Ron DeSantis, and then anyone younger on the left, like everyone just sees as communist.
Starting point is 01:27:27 So, look, I mean, how old was Clinton when he got elected? About the same time, 40s. That's what we need. You're looking for Ron DeSantis. I'm looking for a young, fresh, someone. Obama was young, Clinton was young, those two were young. Reagan was at the time the oldest president. Yeah
Starting point is 01:27:46 We had who got reelected. Yeah, so you know But but also at the same time you can't force superstars man They got to come up like this DNC that they need a convention to have a Obama come up and rise up and give a message of people like who is this guy right? So they thought that the brothers from San Antonio the guy from San Antonio but they they lost the momentum who were the brothers you know what I'm talking about very well spoke you know but you know they didn't get any support it wasn't like anything crazy that happened with them you know who do you have on the left right now though actually remember who was on the left when they were running. You don't have a great bullpen.
Starting point is 01:28:26 I mean, you had Amy Klobuchar up there. That's not happening, right? You had Beto, that's not happening. Lizzie Warren. You had Elizabeth Warren, that's not happening. Obviously you had Kamala, that's not happening. You had Bernie, that's done with you. Don't forget about Andrew, Andrew,
Starting point is 01:28:39 Andrew, you're right. And you're left started his own party. Right. And Joe Manchin's talking about leaving the Democratic Party to go to his own party. Go pull up Joe mansion article I think we're at a tipping point where you could see a real change in American politics because I also understand how divided they are and you could see a change from the two point you know what I would want whoever's elected whoever it is I would love to have a president who
Starting point is 01:28:59 has 60% approval rating 60% who's the last president that has 60% approval for Clinton George W. Bush not that he was a great didn't turn out. 9.11 had a lot to do with it too. Well no when he came in the office it was but that's what our country's lack is a majority saying all right we will need about just $50 and said the media creates the problem stress anxiety anger and fear with Trump it's not Trump okay let's not trump okay let's take a look at this so this is what story this is a
Starting point is 01:29:29 intelligence story is mansion considering quitting the democratic party go a little lower as a drama would enter the democratic negotiations over the bill back better budget to reconciliation intensifies even more report involving one of the story center figures and a bound to get a lot of attention veteran mother jones reported reported david cornes hearing talk from joe manchants associates that he is mulling a party switch which he will execute if and when he becomes definitely dissatisfied
Starting point is 01:29:57 with his influence it influence over his fellow democrats the report was very specific he told the soci is that he has a two-step plan for existing party. First, he would send a letter to Senator Chuck Schumer, the top Senate Democrat, removing himself from the Democratic leadership of the Senate. He is vice chair of the Senate, Democrat Policy and Communications Committee. Manchin hopes that would send a signal. He would then wait and see if that move had any impact on the negotiations After about a week, he said he would change his voter registration from Democrat to independent Right. By the way, when was this story?
Starting point is 01:30:32 This was a week ago, by the way. This was literally last week and then Manu Rajar says what? Manchin, the nice story is considering leaving Democratic Party. It's bullshit. He told me. Yeah, he added I have no control over rumors and then Kelly Ferris said knew Joe mentioned on if he ever planned to switch parties tells me he made an offer to switch to independent if him being a moderate centrist was causing the them party and the issue says he would have still caucus with them mentioned says that offer was not accepted interesting and let me ask you yeah where was Joe mentioned this weekend was he at Miami with you it wasn't I wish he was in the club with me the guy was in the club me ask you, where was Joe mentioned this weekend?
Starting point is 01:31:06 Was he at Miami with you? It wasn't, I wish he was in the club with me. Kai was in the club this weekend. Do you know where mansion was this weekend? Tell us. Meeting with Biden, they doing a little vacay together. Okay. Okay. So I wonder why though.
Starting point is 01:31:16 I wonder why. Well Biden wants a mansion's vote. That's pretty obvious. And he's, and he's, look, do you know how long mansion and Biden have known each other? Sure. freaking 40 years Okay, he's and this is what I've come how long ago that I tell you keep your eye out for this guy Joe mentioned Three years ago almost you've been saying it for a while. Yeah, you introduced me to mansions
Starting point is 01:31:36 Yeah, and just because I used to watch him on morning Joe on MSNBC at the height of the Trump stuff when it was so easy For a Democrat to talk shit about Trump because look, I'm not going to talk trash about the president. He just held himself so honorably. I said, this guy's, what's his guys deal? And I looked into him a little bit. He's a Democrat in the reddest state in the country. Understand that his constituents versus his party and his allegiance.
Starting point is 01:32:05 He's a guy who does what he feels is right and takes care of his people. He's been a Democrat for 40 plus years. You think he's going to switch over a little hot water right now? I don't think he's going anywhere. I think even if he goes dependent, independent, he's going to caucus with the Democrats. He understands how valuable his vote is at this point. And he's going to play his card and he's gonna play his card is going to play well you've seen that this three and a half trillion dollar infrastructure deal is
Starting point is 01:32:27 now somehow gone to one and a half trillion just because he said that's what I'm going for every sentence he says is worth like a hundred million dollars well don't forget that christian cinema as well that's true but um... she's a little more wildcard than him but
Starting point is 01:32:44 he's a g he's a g he's a g and i don't is the whole point that you think he's gonna leave the democratic party or i think he's gonna leave now i think the meeting with uh... videness okay so let's actually process yes what happens if he says i'm leaving in the ghost independent is it a black eye is it a story yes of course it's a story white black i was the number one senator eye. Well, he's the number one center in the news right now. I don't think that's, I said, saying, hey, look, I don't like these stand-ins. Why is that a bad look for Biden?
Starting point is 01:33:10 Yes. How is it a bad look for Biden? Because it's somebody living the Democratic party. Okay. So let's go to what is the media going to spin it? What's the media going to say? You're going to say he's over it or he's trying to be cut like because he is the roadblock now that's stopping all this. So that would make it more sense now. No, the Democrats are unified and he is now the rogue democrats you know how some of these uh... superstars when they get a divorce with their husband they'll have somebody on the media's uh... spill a
Starting point is 01:33:34 story saying the fact that the husband was cheating right and all along maybe was the other way around okay i mean this happens all the time right so they gonna go to the p.r. guy and what is the story that they're all gonna be on the same page with if mention leaves? He's a trader. I don't think you're going to take that position. I think they're going to take it more as, you know, uh, you know, this guy's never been a Democrat. He's never, he's been a closet Republican. Yeah. This has been coming for a long time and he has lost his touch with the people, you know, he, spend he's getting old he's getting this they're gonna make something about that part from i don't think it's gonna be that big of a deal if he leaves or not by the way no i think some little bit of a black guy one week two weeks gone and
Starting point is 01:34:14 it's done with i think for him though you you he wills more power within the democratic party i actually agree with you so for so if his whole thing is actually i want to be i want to be able to influence my fellow Democrats. It's way stronger to stay in. No question about it. As opposed to it. And by the way, it's like how a lot of people like every like at the birthday party when people were over a lot of the friends that were here from Florida, guess what they're all
Starting point is 01:34:34 saying when the conversation comes up about the Santa centrum, guess what they say? I hope the Santa's doesn't run. Nobody in Florida wants to send not nobody. Let me restate. Most of the people who live in Florida don't want this guy to run because they're worried who's going to replace him. They want to stay governor of Florida. They want him to stay. Who will replace him?
Starting point is 01:34:56 That's the biggest concern. So they do not want him to run for president. But by the way, the Democrats would be absolute fools to talk any trash about Joe Manchin. Let's say they do something to piss him off and he doesn't want to run for reelection again. You know who gets voted in right there? 100% of Republican senators. They flip the seat. They flip that.
Starting point is 01:35:16 If I'm Joe Biden and if I'm the DNC, I'm doing everything to make sure Joe Manchin's having a wonderful fricking day today. By the way, and even if he leaves the party and becomes an independent, do you know there's two senators that are independent that call because of the Democrats right now, if he does in the party? Who are the two senators? Fricking Bernie, independent, he's a Democrat though, and then Angus King from Maine. There's two independents already that call because of Democrats. So I think this is just nonsense. I don't think mansions go in anywhere.
Starting point is 01:35:48 I think at the end of the day, they gotta get a deal done. And they're gonna do the reconciliation package, whatever that is, where you have 50 votes and Kamala's gonna be the, you know, bump it over. And they just gotta work on mansion, which they're currently working on. And then you get the this girl's sentiment i i think it's a bigger deal than that i think it's it's exactly
Starting point is 01:36:09 descriptive of the in fighting within the party are they gonna go the a.m.c. resheed to leave illhon Omar Bernie route or they're gonna go the joe mansion moderate christian cinema route i mean i think it's so what happens if when when the joe mansions are out and you've got the new blood where does the Democratic party go and I think this is Illustrative of that and they're fighting for the face of the party. What percentage of the Democrats do you think are Rashida to leave tight people? Aos, I don't think it's a big percentage. I think it's maybe 20% but they're the loudest
Starting point is 01:36:37 15% they're the loudest correct. You're right. They're gonna just drag everything more that direction right exactly I mean it's Kamala Harris was the farthest left senator in the Senate before she got elected. She was even farther left than Bernie Sanders was. And I think this is illustrative of the infarge fighting within the party. Yeah. By the way, people are commenting all this stuff, you know, P.B.D. for governor, all this stuff. The one thing that I will say is, which I appreciate, but I will say the one that says, France's Suarez would replace the Santis as a governor.
Starting point is 01:37:07 He would be very interested if he ran. By the way, but I wouldn't run for president if I'm the Santis, if I'm not certain that Suarez is not gonna run. If Suarez is not running governor, I'm not sure if I want him to run again. By the way, you've met France's Suarez. I've interviewed him a few times absolute stud republican you know
Starting point is 01:37:28 he said uh... he gave a speech you spoke about it low taxes wrote low regulation he said um he goes something to the fact of um when you're a mayor you know you know it doesn't matter if you're republican or democrat you just want to get shit done in your community. And that's the power of being a mayor. He said there's, there's, talked about just being independent and he's killing it in Miami right now.
Starting point is 01:37:51 He's making national waves. He's a young stud, he's probably in his mid 40s at the oldest. He just watch out for him. He's gonna make me make me make me make me make me make me make me make me make me make me make me make me make me make me make me make me make me make me make me make me make me make me make me make me make me make me make me make me make me make me make me make me make me make me make me make me make me make me make me make me make me make me make me make me make me make me make me make me make me make me make me make me make me make me make me make me make me make me make me make me make me make me make me make me make me make me make me make me make me make me make me make me make me make me make me make me make me make me make me make me make me make me make me make me make me make me make me make me make me make me make me make me make me make me make me make me make me make me make me make me make me make me make me make me make me make me make me make me make me make me make me make me make me make me make me make me make me make me make me make me make me make me make me make me make me make me make me make me make me make me make me make me make me make me make me make me make me make me make me make me make me make me make me make me make me make me make me make me make me make me make me make me make me make me make me make me make me make me make me make me make me make me make me make me make me make me make me make me maybe Jorge Masvidal. Who knows? They say something to me. Nocturus is out. Can you imagine? What did you say? That's bullshit. That's bullshit. Democrat governor knocked out by Jorge Masvidal. Jorge Masvidal is asked to remove from the election. However, he is by far the most popular candidate ever
Starting point is 01:38:14 to run for the state of Florida. I think, uh, Usman would have something to say to him about that. I can see you reading that story, Pat. Let's read this story right here. That's a sad tie. By the way, that's what you're not here. You're not here, Pat, all right, let's read this story right here. That's a sad tie, by the way. That's what you're not here for. I'm not here for the rest of it.
Starting point is 01:38:27 Oh my gosh, okay, so do we want to give some love to Fauci? Oh, no, let's go to Putin, let's go to Putin. Listen, I have, I got to tell you guys this story with, I was telling you this yesterday, but I think it's important for people to know this. Friends and family who are Russian, okay, who live in America, okay.
Starting point is 01:38:44 I don't know, I'm telling you this right now, and I know in America. I don't know. I'm telling you this right now, and I know a lot. I don't know a single person will hit that. I don't know a single person who's Russian, doesn't respect and love Putin. It's such a weird dynamic. Why do you think they love his own issues? They love the way he leads.
Starting point is 01:39:00 He's a better Putin than Perry. Says something about Putin. Maybe you watch in too many of his videos. Okay, Putin rails against cancel culture and suggests teaching gender fluidity to kids is a crime against humanity. This is an insider story. He took aim at cancel culture and supported
Starting point is 01:39:16 the transgender rights suggesting that teaching kids, teaching gender fluidity is a crime against humanity. While stating that Russia should remain at spiritual values and historical traditions. Putin said that some Westerners believe the aggressive deletion of whole pages of their own history reverse discrimination against the majority in the interest of minorities constitute movement toward public renewal. Let me read that one more time. What a technical statement. Listen to this. Putin said that some Westerners believe the aggressive
Starting point is 01:39:50 deletion of whole pages of their own history reverse discrimination against a majority in the interests of minorities constitute movement towards public renewal. Wow. The Russian leader whose opponents have often ended up dead or imprisoned, like in cancel culture, to reverse racism. He said the emphasizing of the racial topic divides people. I'll go to you first and you know what you had to say about what Putin just said right now. Oh well you know how Anthony Fauci was voted time sexiest man alive. I think Putin's won sexiest man alive in Russia
Starting point is 01:40:29 for like the last 20 years in a row. Shirtless bear pick. Yeah, so as much as I have, I'm not fan of Putin to put it in his language, he does have a point here. So look, he's talking about ultimate machismo. Why do you think he's elected sexiest man alive in Russia? It's not because he's actually that good looking
Starting point is 01:40:51 because he gives off that, I protect the country, I take good review, and there's a lot of people that actually empathize with that. I assume that's why your family loves him so much. But what's Putin's motivation? Like, forget about this whole thing. Putin wants to empower Russia and so discord in the United States or in the EU or NATO.
Starting point is 01:41:10 He's not a friend to America. He's not a friend to us. So anything that comes out of his mouth, I'm thinking, what's in it for him? So I think he's just looking to so discord in the United States. He's not a friend to America. I think we all know that.
Starting point is 01:41:22 So wait, so you're saying, he's saying this while indirectly supporting Cancel culture thinking it's the good thing. It's a good thing. I Anything like you're talking about former KGB anything he does. I'm not just gonna take on the surface like that's a good point Thanks Vlad No, there's there's something else So please please indulge us and let's go to indulges and let's go to your conspiracy land. So let's play that game.
Starting point is 01:41:47 We got seven minutes before Dream Team Call. Let's talk about that. Tell us what could he be thinking to tell Americans to be very careful with this concept of destroying and deleting history that you had in the past to discriminate against minorities who are feeling offended today. Towards public renewal. Yeah. What's the strategy? Do you think Putin wants good things or bad things that happen in America? I think for Putin, and I'm being serious with you, I think for Putin,
Starting point is 01:42:19 he is a guy that's so confident in his abilities to lead, that when he sits against anybody, he doesn't think anybody is at his level because the way their government is formatted, it's set up in a way that he doesn't have competition versus he looks at countries like America, naive because they actually think the person you vote for president actually runs the country. He thinks this system is ludicrous. That's what I think of Putin. He controls all the levers there.
Starting point is 01:42:48 That's what I'm trying to say. So I don't think Putin's system wants to destroy America. I just think he looks at Americans and he thinks you guys are so naive. That's how he looks at America. Well, you know, he definitely doesn't want good things to happen in America. He doesn't want America to be involved in this. But I don't want us to all get along and have a good, but I actually think, I actually think at the same time, I don't think all to all get along. But I actually think, I actually think,
Starting point is 01:43:05 at the same time, I don't think all advice he gives is manipulative. I don't think all answers he gives is manipulative. I don't, because go flip it, flip it and say, so go to Russia, imagine you're living in Russia. Okay? You officially became Russian overnight. 40 years you've lived in Russia. Okay? What do you think about Trump? What do you think about Trump? What do you
Starting point is 01:43:26 think about Biden? What do you think about America? Do you think every word that comes out of Trump's mouth is to hurt Russia? Do you think every word that comes out of Biden's mouth is to hurt Russia? Do you think every word that comes out of Obama's mouth, Bush's mouth, Reagan's mouth is to hurt Russia? Do you think that's what every president from America is thinking? If you're Russian? Yes. Every word, no. Okay, so I don't think this is one of those situations.
Starting point is 01:43:51 I think he's concerned that this, they may try to like make this a normal thing in his state as well and he's like, this and pump your brakes. We're not gonna play this. You think he's just speaking up on behalf of a man's man right now? Say what? He's just trying to be a man's man. This is what I think he's really giving good counsel that's not going to be taken. And I think that he's saying this knowing that and that in that way he's kind of looking
Starting point is 01:44:15 down at it saying like, oh, these guys, what are they doing? What are they doing? Like look at them. They're just playing this out and it's not going to be good. So no, I what are Norwegians thinks about the lot of their putin you know i mean the norways only nato country that borders to russia yes that's why i'm just saying enough uh... no i think there's with uh... with russia there's
Starting point is 01:44:35 and i haven't been in norway in a while but uh... from my understanding it's it's a interesting relationship it's somewhat stable uh... they do have they've had like some military exercises, but then they typically do that whenever NATO has military exercises as well in Norway, so it's kind of a, it's like an unice relationship kind of. You used a really good analogy one time about Putin, because look, they're the largest country on the, on Earth. Are they not?
Starting point is 01:45:00 Russia? Land-wise, yes. Land-wise, yes. I don't think they're a top 10 economy. I'm not even sure if they're are top 20 economy at this point. It seems like Putin is playing with like a pair of sixes Well, you know the United States has a full house and he's still trying to like figure out how to win that hand of poker and He's he's trying to stack the deck anyway. He can okay, but I do think one last thing here at least I do think that
Starting point is 01:45:24 For him he needs you leave them. I'm sure he left deck anyway he can. But I do think one last thing here at least I do think that for him he needs. He's somewhat stable America. I don't think he's trying to strengthen America, but I don't think he wants America to crumble and be the next Afghanistan. Because you need because America to some extent brings law and order to the world for better or worse. And you think Putin wants that? I think he wants. I think he wants chaos. No, I don't think so. Because I think it's just so unstable at that point. I don't think that. I think he wants chaos. I think he wants chaos. No, I don't think so. Because you've got to write. I think it's just so unstable at that point. I don't think that's what he's trying to go through.
Starting point is 01:45:48 I think he's got nook, so figure it out. Yeah, I think he's ready for a ward at any point. I think he and G are in a bit of a relationship. And G is going to say the same thing that Vladimir Putin is. And I would argue that a lot of the things that we're facing now have come from countries like Russia and China.
Starting point is 01:46:04 There's videos that go back several years of XKGB spies come out and say, you know, the greatest thing you can do to America is ideological subversion. China's put almost a billion dollars into American universities. I mean, they're trying to sew discord within the United States. The way you win the war and never fire a shot, right? So I think you're right. I think they want chaos. And I think he's trying to stand tall, put the the brakes on and say this isn't going to happen here in
Starting point is 01:46:27 russia i think g would say the same thing and i think i agree i don't think he's going to let that happen in russia but i think it's something that people in america ought to pay attention to because there's a lot of credence to what he's saying unpack the statement what part of his statement is not actually true unpack the statement what he said on the street my only history has a good point on the surface yes on the surface the statement i'm just judging the state motive of course is to protect your country do can we and can we do
Starting point is 01:46:55 shapel in three minutes sure kai bill maria defense davis shapel knocks critics everyone needs to netflix and children f out fox new story netflix has to be behind the closer which critics have theried as Transphobic over remarks Chappelle made supporting J.K. Rowling in the gender is based in fact declaring himself on team turf, trans exclusionary, exclusionary, radical feminists. The special has caused a steer among some Netflix employees who have slammed their employer for back in Chappelle.
Starting point is 01:47:25 What the F was that reaction Mars said. Everyone needs to Netflix and chill out. Really Dave's special is offensive, but not the show where the Koreans murder each other for money. Mar equipped referring to the hit Netflix series, Squid Game. Mars audience still seem timid to react to his remarks on the subject he warned them well get used to this because we're going to be talking about it a lot here we can't be afraid to speak in America he added freaking bill marb you're thoughts freaking bill
Starting point is 01:47:54 marb are you kidding me good power love what bill marz doing more power to you buddy this guy's one the scariest people in America today is Bill Martyr the left. Here's a guy that's been supportive of the left. They're sitting there saying Bill, aren't you supposed to be on our side? He's like, no. I'm going to talk about like these things that he's talking about. He said, yes, that he said, he said, he said this a couple months ago in August, I think. He said, for the longest, I would always make fun of conservative comedy.
Starting point is 01:48:20 I said, there's no place for conservative comedy. You can't do conservative comedy. He says, because Dennis Miller, who's a great comedian, tried to do comedy making fun's no place for conservative comedy. You can't do conservative comedy. It says because Dennis Miller who's a great comedian tried to do comedy making fun of Nancy Pelosi for 10 minutes, you can't make fun of Nancy Pelosi for 10 minutes. He says, but Sarah Palin, I can't make of it because Nancy Pelosi is not dumb. Sarah Palin is actually his word. He called her moron, which you know, agree or disagree. That's his words. But he said today, liberals have gone so far to one side that if there's ever been a time to have comic and comedy making fun of the left today's the season
Starting point is 01:48:49 because you're doing it to yourself this is one of them yeah your thoughts on this incident that you know as a former comedian i've hung out with Joe Rogan before i've hung out with davis chappelle multiple times i've never hung out with bill marb but he's definitely on my like top five people that i would love to hang with and learn from. These are the people that I look at as someone who as identifies as a Democrat, where everyone to call me, I love Bill Mar.
Starting point is 01:49:11 I love Dave Chappelle. I love even a rogue and who's a liberal slash conservative, whatever he is. Dave Chappelle cannot be canceled. It's not going to happen. I did a poll on my Instagram story and I said, can Dave Chappelle be canceled? 99% said no. I mean, I'm gonna put that on Twitter.
Starting point is 01:49:28 Okay. It's not gonna happen. I mean, what percent, and I think he's getting a lot, like the word transphobic. Like, phobia, phobic, it's a fear of something.
Starting point is 01:49:40 It's like, I hate mongering theme. That's not what he's doing. What I, even when I used to do stand up and what I love about Dave Chappelle It's not racist if you make fun of everybody. Yeah equal opportunity anybody can get it white people black people Latino people Trans people gay people Jewish people Catholic people Christian people anyone can get it And that's the point that I think we're missing just Just because he's off limits. Nothing's off limits. Just because he's talking about your people, doesn't mean he hates you.
Starting point is 01:50:08 No. Okay. If you've ever seen Chappelle show, and when he does the player, hate his ball, he's done entire skits about just hating on people. It's fucking funny. It's humor. You're not gonna cancel Dave Chappelle and 99.9% of people agree with me.
Starting point is 01:50:23 Nothing in comedy's off limits, and if you're good comedian, you're a chronic button pusher. I always get this. And he's one of them. You have any thoughts on this? That's just the biggest thing that stood out to me was the last point.
Starting point is 01:50:33 Maher's, he's been in, yeah, Bill Maher, sorry, I do brain fart. Has been in the news every week for the past couple weeks on the statements he's made, right? And every time you go watch his audience, they have no idea what to think. He's on fire right now. But they, and they don't know what to do.
Starting point is 01:50:48 They don't know whether to support him to go against him to live. Right. They're completely lost. And this goes back to the Joe Manchin thing. The Democratic Party has no idea what they're doing right now or where to go, what direction to go. When you have vocal people like this saying, listen, these people on the left are getting a little too crazy. And I'm a Democrat. I've said it before. You got to call out your own side.
Starting point is 01:51:08 Right. Bamanos. Okay. Great. Gank. We had a great time. Congrats to the rookies who got on third time. You're not a rookie. This is a third fourth. This is your third or fourth or fourth or fourth. Okay. Good stuff, man. I'm glad we did this and David. You crushed it. Man, your searching abilities is on a whole different level back there. Less misspellings. Yes. Thank you. Thank you. Fantastic. Any announcements you want to make? Thursday. I'm going to go to the hundredth episode.
Starting point is 01:51:29 Thursday, Danielle de Martino will be on the podcast. Nice. The great Danielle de Martino put in your calendar. She'll be on. It's going to be a fire and I think Xenor may be on as well. That's episode 99. 99 next week we're going to have the special hundred. We may do it on Tuesday. We may do it on Thursday.
Starting point is 01:51:43 We have some friends coming in. It's going to be fun. There's going to be giveaways. There's going to be put it in your calendar next week, we're gonna have the special 100. We may do it on Tuesday, we may do it on Thursday, we have some friends coming in, it's gonna be fun, there's gonna be giveaways, there's gonna be, put it in your calendar next week, we're gonna do. So that's next week, but we don't have a date. I'm gonna do two days, I wanna announce it on Thursday, it would be Tuesday or Thursday for next week, we'll be in a hundred episode.
Starting point is 01:51:55 Take care everybody, have a great week, we'll see you in two days, bye bye. Bye bye, bye bye, bye. Thank you.

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