PBD Podcast - Allen West On Xi Jinping Unifying U.S.'s Biggest Enemies | Ep. 252 | Part 1

Episode Date: March 31, 2023

In this episode, Patrick Bet-David and Allen West will discuss: Xi Jinping Unifying U.S.'s Biggest Enemies Woke feminist questioning Allen's race Why Gen-z is less patriotic Trump'...s biggest mistake as president FaceTime or Ask Patrick any questions on ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠https://minnect.com/⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ Want to get clear on your next 5 business moves? ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠https://valuetainment.com/academy/⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ Join the channel to get exclusive access to perks:⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ https://bit.ly/3Q9rSQL⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ Download the podcasts on all your favorite platforms⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ https://bit.ly/3sFAW4N⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ Text: PODCAST to ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠310.340.1132⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ to get added to the distribution list --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/pbdpodcast/support

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Starting point is 00:00:00 There you go. I know this life meant for me. Yeah, why would you plan on July it when we got fed David? Value came in, giving values, contagious, this world of entrepreneurs. We can't no value that hate it. I'd be running home, you look what I've become. I'm the under one. I become
Starting point is 00:00:33 Episode 252 our guest today lieutenant colonel west over 21 years of service in the US army Still, I think you're doing some act of reserve right now. No, no, I'm completely clear done. Yeah, I'm done done and Also, you lived here. I mean, we're talking about I met you We're in Dallas. We're at the Providence Towers, in Dallas, if you know the one on, at Jersey mics, I would meet you. You would go to that Jersey mics, I'm like, wait a minute, it's the same idea. And I think you met at one time, at a bank,
Starting point is 00:00:57 we had a conversation with Spring Valley, and North Dallas. But it's great to have you. We got a lot of topics to go through, folks. So obviously, there's a footage that came out from the Nashville shooting. We'll look at that and you know comment on What these guys did the the the police officers how quickly they moved on that and how other states can learn from this the experience of different places We'll get your thoughts on that. There's some commentary of what Randy wine garden calls for gun confiscation.
Starting point is 00:01:26 We must have the courage to do what Australia, New Zealand and other places did. And I'd be curious if you're open to the idea of allowing your guns to be confiscated. Nikki Haley said, treating shootings as only a gun issue is the lazy way out after Nashville school tragedy. There's some things going on right now where the poll that came out showing Biden tops Trump by two points. Ron DeSantis was asked in an interview if he'd be willing to be Trump's vice president. His answer is telling, we'll talk about that. Christi said, GEOP needs someone who can quickly take down Trump. And I think he had a chance to do that last time, but his strategy was an effect of maybe
Starting point is 00:02:02 it's changing this time. FTX founder, Sam Bankman, Fried charge with bribing Chinese officials. There's a clash, very surprising, Bernie Sanders, clashing with a man who produced 400 and 2,000 jobs worldwide, the sea of Howard Starbucks. There's a back and forth. You have to see this clip. We'll have it. We'll show it to you.
Starting point is 00:02:25 US surpasses Russia's Europe's top supplier of crude oil. There's something's going on right now between China, France, last night, all night. I'm not even kidding with you. I'm getting text messages from different people I'm communicating with. Is this deal with oil of China, Russia, Saudi, Iran, a real thing? Is this really going to be happening for them to go away from the u.s. dollar and if that's the case why is it that was a topic of discussion literally all night through
Starting point is 00:02:52 this morning dump phones are back at it again a lot of people have smartphones parents are now turned on by dump phones you'll see what dump phones are times got some stuff to say about that uh... a c o shares five toxic personality types. He sees over and over again, you've dealt with a lot of people in your life as a leader. Maybe you have some things you can teach us about leadership from different personalities you work with.
Starting point is 00:03:16 And then Obama's got some credit. He gives to Trump for a fantastic job he did. Leading China, obviously I'm being sarcastic. Obama blames Trump for emboldened China, and there's a couple stories of New York Times. One thing's for sure, if New York Times writes good things about you, don't get too excited. It's just a matter of time before they turn to you.
Starting point is 00:03:36 Like they just didn't vouchy. So what cover that is, well, but having said that, Lieutenant Colonel Allen was for the audience that doesn't know you. If you don't mind taking a couple minutes and just give him your background because you were just military Congress here in Florida in Dallas. You've been all over share a little bit of your background with your audience Well sure I was born and raised in Atlanta, Georgia
Starting point is 00:03:55 You know, I'm 62 years of age and 1961. I was born a blacks only hospital and think about how great this country is It a guy can be born in a blacks only hospital I'll be sitting here with you all today. Grow up and become a lieutenant colon in the United States Army, Commander Battalion and Combat. When his dad was just a Corporal in World War II, and his older brother was a Lance Corporal, Marine and Vietnam.
Starting point is 00:04:15 So, 22 years active duty service, United States Army, retired in 2004. When you retire, you do what your wife asks, and she was a brilliant woman, NBA and PhD. So she got a great offer with Raymond James, and so we came to South Florida in 2004, lived in plantation, fountain springs, sunrise and knob hill.
Starting point is 00:04:35 I taught high school at Deerfield Beach for one year down here in Coach Track. That was so exciting and enjoyable that I volunteered to go back to Afghanistan because I figured you're gonna be in a combat and you're not to be in a combat and you need to be armed. So while I was doing that tour over there, someone talked to me about running for Congress when my assignment finished in Afghanistan mentoring the Afghan army. And I ran for Congress down here and was elected in 2010 and served this district from Fort Lauderdale
Starting point is 00:05:02 Airport all the way up to Jupiter, inlet, came out of Congress and then got an offer to go back to Texas where my last duty assignment for it was. And so we went back to Texas in 2014, lived right outside of Dallas, been honored to be the chairman of the Republican Party of Texas and just ran for governor of Texas last year.
Starting point is 00:05:21 And now I'm here with you Patrick and enjoying being back down here in South Florida. Well, first of all, thank you for your service. My pleasure. To do what you do. It's not something that's easy to do, especially those many years, and make it to the ranks that you've made.
Starting point is 00:05:34 But so while you were in, your wife became a doctor. So was she getting all her education while you guys served together? How was, how was that? Well, it's pretty interesting. We, we kind of met while she was finishing up her MBA at Long Island University.
Starting point is 00:05:48 She originally graduated from Kansas State University and I was stationed out of Fort Riley, Kansas and so we were introduced. And that was my best marketing routine ever to get a woman that was a consultant on Wall Street to marry a dumb little, you know, paratrooper captain at the time and moved back down to Kansas. And she went from Manhattan, New York to Manhattan,
Starting point is 00:06:12 Kansas, the little apple. That's tough. But she enjoyed it. And so she got her PhD there. She was the first black professor in the College of Business in Kansas State University, marketing and finance. And we had both of our daughters out there who are now 29 and 26.
Starting point is 00:06:29 Our oldest daughter graduated from Nova South Eastern University in the year right here, NCAA Division II Champions, the youngest graduate from FIU. So yeah, respect. Absolutely. Couple of things. One, do you still identify as a black man?
Starting point is 00:06:44 Then one that hilarious, do you still identify as a black man? When that hilarious, do you still identify yourself as it? I want to know if it's changed. You know, that video, you know, more people see me in airports or whatever, say, you're that guy. And I'm like, what are you talking about? You identify as black. I see, yeah, I kind of have to.
Starting point is 00:07:00 Let me finish the question. Yeah. Wait, wait, wait, young lady, young. You can tell immediately to Father Mode, it was great seeing the question. Yeah, wait, wait, wait, young lady, young, you can tell immediately to father mode, it was great seeing the exchange. It's amazing. This is Northwestern University, pretty highly intellectual.
Starting point is 00:07:11 Have you seen this? No, I have not. Oh my God, can you find it? One here's explaining it, you'll look forward, go ahead. I'm a speaker with Young America's Foundation, so I go on college campuses and the subject was the Iranian nuclear agreement.
Starting point is 00:07:23 I love foreign policy, national security policy. And so I figured I did pretty good. I nailed this thing. And so they opened up for question asked, a young lady comes up to me. First question she asked, do you identify as black? I was just dumbfounded. I'm like, where does I mean, we're talking about nuclear agreements with the Iran. And I said, yeah, but the sad thing is that we have people in America and even in the black, they think that your skin color dictates how you think. And that's one of the big problems that I believe we have. We have gone backwards in race relations here in the United States of America. And this cultural Marxism that we have been permeated in our college and university campuses, now they're trying to push it down to the K level
Starting point is 00:08:06 We've got to combat this. I think that's the number one issue that we have in the United States You know a lot of people will say What's going what's trending right now is did you find it? That's the one the twenty seven second one if you just want to click on that and Yeah, I think we you don't have tic-tac. it if you if you if you do to follow in it just play this one It's fine. Even though it's a bit rough Do you identify as black No, it's a serious question because you might not identify Please put the mic. Thank you. Okay, oh when I walked into the room
Starting point is 00:08:44 Oh I walked into the room. I am not for those of us that are not watching on YouTube and just watching Spotify, you are a black man. I can say that, you know, I'm not permanent tan. Yeah, exactly. Great tan. Well, yeah, it is. I've been working on it for 62 years. I think the problem is that, you know,
Starting point is 00:09:19 you've got professors telling these young kids that skin color is supposed to identify people. This is the identity power identity. This is the cultural Marxism that is out there. And the fear that these young people have is that they don't want you to respond because they are really afraid of you totally embarrassing them with facts and with knowledge. And the other thing that it shows is a lack of respect for elders. You know, I spoke at the University of Buffalo. I had to be escorted off the campus of the
Starting point is 00:09:50 University of Buffalo because black students threatened to hurt me. Now, you know, they probably would have gotten a can of whoop ass open up on them because I still have some skills, you know, like Liam Neeson. But the thing is that here you had black students that did not want to listen to what I think is a decently accomplished, you know, member of the black community, because I did not agree with their line to the America's racist country. And by the way, I think it's important to point out for those of us that are watching not just on Spotify, what have you. She was a black female. She wasn't like she was some white girl that was all getting nuts over there. How would you define woke? If you were to define what woke means what does woke mean to
Starting point is 00:10:30 you? Woke means living in a delusion and a reverse reality of there's no objective truth that is all more relativism is whatever situational ethics, what have you, that works towards a certain end. And I think that that's what we see happening because none of this makes any sense. To stand up there and ask a person, do you identify as black? First of all, what does Sam Hill just that mean?
Starting point is 00:10:59 And to take the type of stance that she took, I remember when I was a kid and I was sitting in the back seat of the car and I had two aunts on either side and they were talking to each other and I interrupted them. I got Japs lap really quick. I mean, it was just how it happened with the backhand. And because I understood respect of our elders,
Starting point is 00:11:21 we don't have respect of our elders anymore. And that's one of the things that I saw when I was teaching high school, dear Phil Beach. Every single day you're breaking up fights, you know why? No one respects, you know, that authority figure anymore. And so that's what I think this whole wokeness does. It breaks down the fabric of our culture
Starting point is 00:11:40 and most importantly, the traditional nuclear family structure. You said race relations have gotten worse in this country. And you said you were born in a black's only hospital of 1961. In Atlanta, Georgia. Atlanta, Georgia. When did it, when was it at its peak worse? And when was at its best? You know, wherever you've seen it kind of navigate over the last decade or two?
Starting point is 00:12:00 Well, I will be very honest. I think that the administration of Barack Obama took, uh, racial relations going in a different direction. Uh, when you have him, you know, saying that the Cambridge police acted stupidly when you have Eric Holder saying some of the things that he said, and here are, here's the, the quote, unquote, first black president. Here's the black attorney general and all of these great accomplishments, but yet they continue to say, this is not good enough. And to now come up with this cultural, I mean, this CRT and everything that says that,
Starting point is 00:12:35 I'm sitting here next to Tom and I'm looking over here to Adam, you guys are oppressors. How can that be? And I'm supposed to be oppressed. And so we are going backwards and we have taken Marxism, which was a socioeconomic divisive platform, and we've taken it over to race. And I will tell you that when I grew up in my neighborhood, the old fourth-world neighborhood in Atlanta, Georgia, that's where Dr. Marlott the King joined, was born and raised,
Starting point is 00:13:02 Evan E. Z. Church, Baptist Baptist churches there. I saw businesses. I saw doctors offices, lawyers offices, Auburn Avenue. I saw first the black owned bank, Citizens Trust bank. But now when you go into our inner cities, what do you see? You see something completely different. You see the lack of small business entrepreneurship and growth. You see the breakdown of the traditional nuclear family. When I was born, the traditional nuclear family
Starting point is 00:13:27 and the black community was 75 to 77%. Today is 24%. And how did that happen? When this descent started, Lyndon Johnson, great society programs, you know, Warren Poverty, which created poverty,
Starting point is 00:13:40 he created dependency, which is a tenant of socialism, creating the welfare and anti-state economic dependency and all this type of stuff, by way of wealth redistribution. And so that's where I think it really started to go in a different direction with these, you know, great society programs
Starting point is 00:13:57 and look at what we have happening. Look at the gang violence and everything in these inner city communities. And that's all across the United States of America. So that's what I think we have this descent and we really kicked it in the overdrive coming out of the Obama administration because the progressive socialist left
Starting point is 00:14:13 can only advance itself by means of dividing us. And they have gone back to racial division. How do we go from here that we can actually improve this? Because if you look at all the polling of Gen Z, you know, baby boomers, when you talk about Patriotism in this country and being proud to be American, baby boomers are at 70 something percent, then you have Gen X, right, at I think 50% millennials,
Starting point is 00:14:36 40% and then Gen Z, 16% proud to be American. And you see the stats that we discussed yesterday from the Wall Street Journal about having children and work ethic and patriotism and the numbers are plummeting. And a lot of large contingency of our audience are 20 and 30 year olds in this millennial Gen Z generation. How do we improve upon this and get this back of get patriotism back to being exactly right there. A mainstay in America right there. 16% of Gen Z are proud to be Americans. Where do we go from here?
Starting point is 00:15:10 Well, it's very simple. Adults have to be adults again. My mom and daddy were the adults in the house. And when my dad sat me down at the age of 15 on the steps of his home, 651 Kinesa, I have new Northeast Atlanta, Georgia, 303, 0, 8404, 87, 428, 336, Georgia, 303-084-487-483-6. He told me at the age of 15 that there's no greater
Starting point is 00:15:28 honor than to wear the uniform in the United States of America. Now, this is a man that was born in the South in 1920. And that's what he felt. This is a man that went and fought for his country in World War II when this country did not recognize him as being equal to others, but that's what he told me. And he challenged me to be the first officer in the family because he said, I want you to be better and more than what I would.
Starting point is 00:15:50 How old were you at the time? 15. And so what did I start off with? I started out in high school, junior RRTC, graded high school in Atlanta, Georgia. And then I went on to University of Tennessee on 31 July 1982. The only time I ever saw my dad with tears in his eyes. The day that he penned on second lieutenant bars. It's amazing. But see, that's what is not happening.
Starting point is 00:16:10 It was not happening is that parents are not taking charge in their homes. Parents are outsourcing their kids to these teachers and everyone else until the culture as well. My parents were it. They were the end state. I did not come home from a university to Tennessee for Thanksgiving Christmas or any type of break and say my professor is smarter than you. If that had been the case, I wouldn't be sitting here. So what happened when all of a sudden, you know, Proverbs 22, 6 says, train up a child
Starting point is 00:16:38 and where they should go. So when they grow, they shut out the part from it. When did we all of a sudden in our homes say, we're not going to raise our kids? Because that's what the left believes. Your kids are not yours. When Tara McColle stood there on that debate stage in Virginia doing the gubernatorial election and said, parents are not have a right in what their children are being taught. That's what they believe. That's what they have been saying in their own little private meetings. Now what is it? Well, we're going to tell your kid that if it's a little boy, maybe he's a little girl and we're not going to let you know parents. You were talking about earlier how the military I said, sir to you and you said, yeah, what things are changing right now. Totally. How so what is it like today to be in a military? Can if you were in the army today, can I call you
Starting point is 00:17:19 sir today? If we were in today. No, they're they're they're you know pushing against that. When you have the Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin, who was a retired four star general black man, by the way, and I served with him at Fort Bragg when he was, he was a Colonel and, and he had a brigade and an 82nd airborne of it. Everyone looked up to him. But I don't know who this guy is now. When you are the secretary of defense and you were writing a letter, uh, to the, to the force that, and you were writing a letter to the force that says female troops have to be prepared to be in shower and bathroom facilities with biological males.
Starting point is 00:17:51 He wrote a letter? He wrote a memo. You can find it. He wrote a memo on that. Rob, can you find this memo? That's the, he wrote it off the Secretary of Defense, the memo that he sent out. And you know, the United States Marines, there was a study that was done. I think a University of Pennsylvania is saying that, you know, the United States Marines, there was a study that was done, I think a universe of Pennsylvania is saying that,
Starting point is 00:18:07 you know, you should move away from calling people serving man because that's affirming their gender and maybe they don't want to have their gender affirmed. So, just calling by their rank in their last name, don't call them by their first name. You know, this, this is the type of stuff that's happening in our military. Now, when you knew this guy,
Starting point is 00:18:23 was he a heavyweight tough guy, strong leader? Was he? His call sign was path of six. I mean, he is the original black Panther. Okay. That's how we saw him. So what happened to him? So what happened to him?
Starting point is 00:18:34 What happened? Showing image of him, by the way, so people can get a good look at what happens is that your last promotion in the military as an officer. Congress. You need the, Well, no, the last promotion is Brigadier General, a one star. That's my little general.
Starting point is 00:18:51 That's a one star. Yeah, that's, that's when you're, you know, you peers, two star, three star, four star is all political points. And so what you end up finding out is guys who want to continue on at that level, end up surrendering to the political whims and the administration of the time.
Starting point is 00:19:09 And that's what the problem is. And so Barack Obama comes along and all of these generals there were there, he says, you either get along with my agenda or you got it. And that was a big thing that people were writing about, the purging of senior level leadership and the military doing the Barack Obama administration. And so all of a sudden you get these type of generals and if there's one thing that Donald Trump did not understand, he had to clean house. He had to clean house in every single government agency, you know, not just cabinet position, but five, six, maybe seven tiers down. And he did not get that.
Starting point is 00:19:44 And so that's why you have these people like a general millie is still hanging around and some of the things he's doing. I mean, a United States general saying, you know, before a hearing in Congress that, you know, I want to study and understand what white rage is. You know, what you're supposed to be doing
Starting point is 00:20:00 is making sure that we can deploy, we can fight, we can win. That's it. None of this, you know, cultural Marxism. And meanwhile, if you're the enemy with, with seeing today, Xi and Putin coming together saying the next 100 years is going to be epic, I'm paraphrasing, but they use the certain words saying what the next 100 years are going to be, how do you think the enemy? If we look at some of our enemy, let's say Iran, let's say China, let's say Russia,
Starting point is 00:20:28 how do they view America when they see the military getting this off? We're weak. And this is the wind of opportunity that they have sat around and waited for. That's why the world is more Machiavellian than ever before. Everyone sees this is the opportunity
Starting point is 00:20:42 where I can rise up. So when you see what happened in Afghanistan, that's a green light. And think about this, there would not be this conflagration in Ukraine if there had not been an Afghanistan. China would not be threatening Taiwan if they had not seen what's happened in Afghanistan.
Starting point is 00:20:57 When you leave 80 something billion dollars of military equipment, over and I spent two and a half years in Afghanistan, this is US military equipment that you left. Yes, they're going to figure out a way to back engineer that and they're going to make it operational. And that's exactly what they see happening. So they see weakness.
Starting point is 00:21:13 And China has the one belt, one-road strategy which talks about their hegemonic dominance. And you guys are sitting here in South Florida, okay? Guess what? Not too far away here in the Bahamas, China's building port facilities. In the Bahamas? Yes.
Starting point is 00:21:28 My wife is Jamaican. Okay, you go down to the new cruise port facility and Jamaica, it was built by the Chinese. They're all over the place. They're in our hemisphere because they see this as a time. And China understands that we did not defeat the Soviet Union militarily. We defeated the Soviet Union economically.
Starting point is 00:21:49 And so when we all of a sudden believe that we're going to allow China to come into most favorite trade, nation status, bring them into the world economic community, they saw that as a window of opportunity to less become the tick that implants our sales into Western civilization. Less, you know, send them all the cheap goods and everything like that.
Starting point is 00:22:10 You know, once upon a time we had a problem with Chinese drywall, right here in South Florida killing people, they're killing us. The fentanyl, this is the chemical war that we're in, you know, being aided and embedded by the drug cartels who are a terrorist organization. So yes, Russia, China, Iran, North Korea, Islamic jihadism, they all see this as an opportunity. And I know that you want to talk about the oil and gas issue. That's another issue that they see that they can rise above us. Why would we destroy our own energy independence? Why would we want to make ourselves subservient once again to the OPEC plus nations? And so instead of using our oil and gas that we have here in abundance to
Starting point is 00:22:51 export that not only for our own independence, but to export that and to undermine the revenues and resources that these guys have. Now we have cut ourselves off at the kneecap. And they see, okay, well, let, let's jump in here as well. And now we are going and begging the Saudis. And so, and by the way, who is down, you know, broken an agreement between the Saudi Arabia and Iran? Zizing P.
Starting point is 00:23:16 Yeah, exactly. I want to read that to you though. I want to read a couple of these stories to you because you've said a lot of things here. So here's the first one. China completes first one settled. LNG trade, March 28th. This is a Reuters story. And this is with France.
Starting point is 00:23:34 This is what a lot of people were writing about and talking about yesterday. So Chinese National Oil Company, Corporation and France's total energies have completed China's first one settled LNG trade through the Shanghai Petroleum and National Gas Exchange. The exchange set on Tuesday, approximately 65,000 tons of LNG imported from the UAE changed hands in the trade. China has placed an emphasis on settling oil and gas trades in one in recent years, in a bit to establish
Starting point is 00:24:04 the currency internationally and to weaken the dollar's grip on world trade. Russia has increasingly embraced the one amid Western sanctions during a visit to the Saudi capital, a re-ad in December, President Xi Jinping announced that China would make full use of the shank i exchange as a platform to carry out one set of minutes of oil and gas traits uh... how bad can this be if they're able to accomplish this and this becomes a reality i mean obviously you're seeing again china
Starting point is 00:24:40 uh... russia saudi iran saudi and iran it is like saying red socks and Yankees have been dinnered together, and they're doing business together. That's like saying, hey, you know, Lakers and Celtics at the prime on how Pika, it's like, you guys are willing to get together and do business to get it yet at what cost. Anything to go up to see what America is doing right now. China is winning these guys over.
Starting point is 00:25:01 The enemy of my enemy is my friend. Well, no question about it. So, but why is it that something like this isn't unifying America? The reason why I'm gonna ask this from you is 9-11 unified us in a way. We kinda like, listen, I don't care who you voted for, man. That's the enemy, okay?
Starting point is 00:25:19 And your red-white and blue? Your red-white and blue? I don't care who you voted for. We're on the same team. Let's roll, okay. COVID was more political because Trump was hated so much, where it's like, no, no, China cannot be the enemy. Trump has to be the enemy
Starting point is 00:25:32 because we gotta get rid of this guy. We had a shot at unifying during COVID to have them's Republicans conservative libertarians forget about it. Americans against China, that's the enemy. There was a hesitation to make an outside influence the enemy. It was easier to have somebody like Trump because they didn't want him to do whatever he was working on.
Starting point is 00:25:55 Do you think this could be something that unifies us or no, this is still gonna be something that's gonna stay divided? It could be something that unifies us, but it's not gonna happen out of the White House because they're not gonna's not going to happen out of the White House, because they're not going to talk about this. The White House, the enemy of the progressive socialists left is anyone that opposes their ideological agenda. Think about this, how interesting it was that during the uprising of the protests in Hong Kong,
Starting point is 00:26:19 you had those students there in Hong Kong carrying Karen American flags, and singing the national anthem. You can't get kids on our college campus to carry American flags and singing the national anthem, because we don't talk about liberty. We don't talk about freedom. We don't talk about totalitarianism and the purveyors thereof. And we don't have even a president that talks about
Starting point is 00:26:39 China is killing and murdering Americans, 18 to 14. What's the number one killer of Americans, 18 to 14 right now? I mean, 18 to 45, I'm sorry. 18 to 14. What's the number one killer of Americans 18 to 14 right now? I mean, 18 to 45, I'm sorry. 18 to 15. It's fentanyl. But we don't have a president that talks about it. We don't have a president that goes down and says that, you know, the drug cartels are, you know,
Starting point is 00:26:56 there are terrorist organizations that's pushing human and sex trafficking. That should unite us, human and sex trafficking, the drug trafficking, but that's not the enemy. That's not the issue because what they want is complete total control of America. So this is what becomes a concern. I sat down with General McRistle, I think five years ago, six years ago, and he's a four star and he's good friends with Obama.
Starting point is 00:27:24 And he is a Democrat. he's on the left. And I think his father was a two star. Uncle's all this stuff were like one stars or kernels and all these things. And then you learn, you're like, okay, how do you become a two star? There's a difference between a two star and a one star, a two star, you need to, you know,
Starting point is 00:27:37 one star, you can kind of do your own, whatever you need to do to get there. But two, three, four star, I need these guys to like me to kind of say, yes, you're approved to get this. So to me, the compensation structure is almost structured in a way where you have to compromise your values to get the next level promotion, if that makes any sense. It does. So it's set up in a way where I have to be willing to compromise what I love most about this country and what I protected all these years for my own individual legacy.
Starting point is 00:28:11 And I go from being a statesman to a politician to, hey, there's no way in the world you can get me to do XYZ. No, listen, if you do that, we'll do this. No problem. And so how much of this stuff is where, person is sitting there saying, listen China, if you do this, I want to be a president, just let me do this. How dirty behind closed door does it get where it's holding people hostage over promotion, holding people hostage over what they know, what you did 17 years ago, holding people hostage
Starting point is 00:28:42 of saying, let me tell you what I got about you, what happened 18 years ago. If you don't keep your mouth shut, that's gonna come out. How much of that holding hostage happens where somebody powe, you're like, what just happened to you? How did you go from this to come? This doesn't sound like the same person here. How much of that happens beyond closed doors?
Starting point is 00:28:59 A lot. But it's not just behind closed doors, it happens in open doors. And I think the American people are starting to see that I mean it's becoming more and more transparent Why do you have a chairman of joint chiefs of staff making Unsolicited phone calls to the General over in China. I mean you I mean back in the day. I mean you get You know hold hold up for for treason. You don't do that look
Starting point is 00:29:23 There's too much self-interest and special interests that's hurting the United States of America. And you just brought up something great. We don't have statesmen in statesmen. We have politicians. And the difference between a statesman and a politician is that a politician is going to tell you what they think you want to hear. Because they want your vote. But a statesman is going to tell you what you need to hear regardless of the circumstances and the consequences. Can statesmen get elected today?
Starting point is 00:29:47 And that's the problem. It comes back to us. The compensation plan is not set up to reward statement. Well, but it's also, you know, our societal model is that we want to be told what we want to hear, what makes us happy, what makes us comfortable. But you've got to be able to look at yourself in the mirror. Look, I was redistricted out of this district that I represented and I was honored to do it by Republicans.
Starting point is 00:30:11 And I was the first black Republican member of Congress since Reconstruction. Now you had to ask yourself, why would the Republican Party, the party of Lincoln, the party that was free to to slaves and everything. Why would they take the first black Republican member from Florida since reconstruction and redistrict him out? And then I was the number one target for the Democrats in 2012 because people don't want to have folks to have the courage and the conviction to stand up and say what needs to be said. That shines a light on them that they're not comfortable with.
Starting point is 00:30:46 And we have got to get a mature level, again, it comes back to being a dose. Patrick, we gotta be mature in America. We gotta start looking and saying, AOC, that's the best that we can have in America. You know, what's your name for Minnesota? Omar. Omar? Omar?
Starting point is 00:31:05 No, no, no, no. Rashida Tilee. Rashida Tilee, I mean, I can go down the list and I can go on the other side, but we've got to have people that are concerned. I mean, once upon a time, you could not be president of the United States of America if you had not worn a uniform. If you had not fought in combat, people would laugh at you. Once upon a time, 50 years ago, over 70% of the members of Congress
Starting point is 00:31:28 had served in uniform. Today, that number's like 18%. Get out of here. I'm not coming on you. 17% to 18%. No, I'm from 70%? Yes. 50 years ago to 18% there.
Starting point is 00:31:38 Absolutely. Go back and look at that. And so, you know, what is happening is that the people that this country trusted, the people that said, you know, I'm going to raise my right hand, I'm going to take a note to support and defend what? The rule of law, the Constitution, the United States of America. I'm not taking a note that says I'm going to support me, my pocket, these special interests that come up here.
Starting point is 00:31:59 You're right, 18.4%. They ain't coming. You as a House of Representatives will have 80 members who've served in a military at some level or 18.4% of total membership according to Pew Research. That's embarrassing. That's that's embarrassing. But again, that's a reflection of who us as the American people. You know, we've forgotten what leadership is. We have forgotten what serves the sacrifice of commitment. That was, yesterday was the 50th anniversary of the end of the Vietnam War. My older brother came back from Vietnam and took his dress Marine uniform and threw it into the closet.
Starting point is 00:32:40 The most important thing you can say to a Vietnam veteran is welcome home, because they didn't get to hear it. But we have forgotten about those men and women and what they are willing to do with the sacrifices to the point where now someone can say, who cares that you lost a friend in Afghanistan? Who cares if you lost limbs in Afghanistan? I'm going to give Afghanistan back to the people that you fought to get out of power. Can you imagine what that means to a young man or woman
Starting point is 00:33:08 to spend years of their lives over in a place? They saw their buddies die, or like I said, lose limbs, and now we put the exact same people back in charge and left them your equipment. First of all, this is staggering to be thinking about how few people one of the best things that happened to me that the 20 half years I spent in the army as a 63 Bravo Hummer mechanic at Fort Campbell, Kentucky, AIT and Bootcamp with Fort Jackson.
Starting point is 00:33:34 I was in first. Air assault, it life changed and I went from a boy into a man and I'll remember Drill Sergeant Portal. I befriended him on Facebook 15 years later. I'm like, do you remember me? I'd Drill Sergeant Green, Drill Sergeant, all these guys I remember what. Sargent Portal, I befriended him on Facebook, 15 years later, I'm like, do you remember me? I'd Dr. Sargent Green, Dr. Sargent, all these guys, I remember what they did, an 18 year old kid that's undecided on what to do with their lives, with their career. There's a lot of military can do for you.
Starting point is 00:33:54 I don't know about today's military. It's slightly different today with what they're doing. Only the very different than when I went and I liked the fact that they were scream and holler and challenging you, trying to mentally break you down to see how it's done. Be all you can be. Be all they can be in the army. But here's a question.
Starting point is 00:34:08 So it's easy to sit there and say, Democrats, Democrats, Democrats, Socialists, Socialists, Socialists, all these guys. Okay, I'm a business guy. When I lost market share in a area, I would say, what did we do wrong to lose that market share? You know, like, what did we do? Like you're saying this as well, the first thing you talked about is it's on us, Pat.
Starting point is 00:34:28 It's on you and I. What do we do? Why are we allowed to stand into happen, right? But some people may say, dude, I'm not Carl Rove who was the strategist. I'm not, you know, David, Dave, who was the George Bush, the guy that was a heavyweight guy for many years, I'm forgetting his name. The book was written about a phenomenal book who was the chief of staff, I think the chief of staff of President Bush. What was his name?
Starting point is 00:34:53 Anyway, I'll think about the name, I'll tell you the name, you know exactly what I'm talking about. Anyways, I'll put it up, I'll give you the name. These guys were strategists behind closed doors, you know? These guys could take somebody and bring them up and they're saying, hey, we should do this or we should do that. Hey, you saw this week we were talking about
Starting point is 00:35:14 Silicon Valley companies, how Larry Ellison and five of these other companies all used the same word to say, move and forward, you're working from office or you're not because we need a collaborative environment for you to work out at the office, you can't do it through Zoom. Those guys had a conversation to get us a guys,
Starting point is 00:35:31 we gotta use a similar word collaborative. You see these channels that say, you know, the same phrase and you see one video, one reporter says it then nine, then this, and they're all saying the same thing. Where did Republicans lose it? What strategy? Because Democrats outflanked, they had a better strategy than uh... republicans
Starting point is 00:35:49 where their offer was more attractive to people the last ten twenty thirty forty years did republicans sit on the sidelines where they get in casual did they get soft today not uh... really value the enemy that they think the enemy is not that important that they have a blind spot if they did where was that you know I just finished the book that was written by a republican uh... california state senator h l richerson is called confrontational politics
Starting point is 00:36:13 you know right now it is less Patrick about republican a democrat is less about political parties it is more about philosophies of governance the united states america was founded on a very incredible revolutionary premise that the individual is supreme and sovereign over the institution of government. Now we have people that believe that the institution of government being at the federal, state, local levels are supreme and sovereign over the individual. They make decisions based upon that. They're more concerned about how do we make the individual wedded to us, how do we make the individual dependent upon us
Starting point is 00:36:48 and you can look at the policies that come forward. We have got to get to the point where we go back and talk about individual rights, freedoms, liberties and we have been lacking in that. We are always chasing the other side, the left. And you know, one of the things the army taught me, you could carry three by five cars around because army guys ain't really smart.
Starting point is 00:37:08 Air Force guys are real smart. They don't need three by five cars. But army guys gotta care around three by five cars. And let me just share this quote with you. This quote is from the 1950s. The uncontested absurdities of today are the accepted slogans of tomorrow. They come to be accepted by degrees, by dent
Starting point is 00:37:26 of constant pressure on one side and constant retreat on the other until one day when they are suddenly declared to be the country's official ideology. Wow. 1950s iron ran. And that's what has happened. That's what you're talking about. You're talking about the last 50, 60, 70 years slowly, but surely there's little incremental lesson. We keep creeping along. We destroy the family. We take over Hollywood. We take over the media.
Starting point is 00:37:49 You know, we take over every aspect of our operating culture. Now we take over the military. And this is where we find ourselves. And so we don't, you know, we may be successful in a political cycle, but we're up against people being a China, Russia, whomever, and also people here in this thing. They don't think in political cycles, they think the 300 meter target. You remember when we used to go to the rifle range,
Starting point is 00:38:09 you had a 25 meter target out to the three, they think about the 300 meter target. If not longer by the way. If not longer. But they will, you know, make sure the 25 meter target, they're proficient at it, and they will to go out to the, She and Putin say 100 years.
Starting point is 00:38:24 Absolutely. They're not gonna be Putin say 100 years. Absolutely. They're not gonna be alive in 100 years. They look how proud... They're not gonna be alive in 25. But the point is, look how proud they are of their country. Yep. That it is their country. They're not gonna let somebody else come and be above it
Starting point is 00:38:39 over their own lives. 100 years is what they're talking about. And we are what? 246 years old, as a nation? 43 now, 247, right? 2023. Yeah, 2023 will. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:38:54 You said something very important. You used to pray as cultural Marxism. A cultural Marxism really has two tenants. And the first tenant is there is no absolute truth. And the second tenant is that the state is supreme. So when you take those two paths, they're so simple to say, and you can put everything follows underneath it. And it says, how do you break, you break religions, okay?
Starting point is 00:39:14 No absolute truth. The state is supreme. That's how you break family. That's how you break the authority of parents. That's how you have the authority over kids. Those are the two truths. And I look at it and I was reading this week because we were looking at all this stuff.
Starting point is 00:39:28 And I'm like, who is telling the person that is coming to the United States today to immigrate, you know, the political refugee or whoever they are? They're coming to this American ideal. So somewhere in the world, there is still this concept of freedom and liberty and enablement and I want to go to America because we're still coming here. And I don't mean the ones that are being trafficked here, Southern border.
Starting point is 00:39:55 I'm talking about ones that still legitimately want to come here for what it is. Out there in the world, there is a greater reputation of America than we have among ourselves. You know, I had Gordon Chen on during COVID, two and a half years. He used to live in, he was a lawyer in China, I think for like 20 years or something like that. He said the one number that's changed time a little bit to pay attention to is before kids would come from other countries here and they would go to school here and then they would say, damn, this place is countries here, and they would go to school here, and then they would say, damn, this place is great, and then they would stay here.
Starting point is 00:40:31 Versus now, kids are coming here to our schools, learning what we're teaching them, and now they're taking what we taught them back to their countries. So meaning the brightest are no longer staying, they're going back. This is the argument that he was making that they're now able to bring him back to their country versus before.
Starting point is 00:40:50 Now, you can look at the statistics of China, their net migration right now is negative. They're losing people. I don't know if you saw the stats were 20-22. It wasn't a good look. They're losing people. So is Russia. Russia lost a lot of people that left them as well. So, some can say statistically, you know, Russia, there it is.
Starting point is 00:41:06 So current net migration rate for China, 2023, minus 0.256 per thousand population, a 0.79 increase from 2029, net migration for China, do you have the one for Russia as well, because I think both of them are down. They're not looking good. Oh, well, you're looking this up. Remember, this comes out of readily available country information.
Starting point is 00:41:24 The actual truth of these numbers is probably higher because china and russia are skewing down the numbers they report well this is you have twenty twenty two which you don't have is twenty twenty twenty twenty twenty two was point seventy per thousand a decline of fourteen point four two percent and you know it's going to be higher this year as well obviously what's going on there but But America is still that country, but you know, sometimes when you're Mike Tyson, and you go into a ring, people are shivering. They're shaking.
Starting point is 00:41:58 Oh my God, it's Mike. And you're debating, do I buy this paper for you or not because it's going to be less than 30 seconds Is it worth it and guess what guys if you're gonna come over to watch the fight bring dominoes bring scrabble bring spades because we're probably gonna be playing cars We're only gonna be watching a fight for less than a minute. Okay And then this guy shows up
Starting point is 00:42:20 That he proved The Tyson is human Waster duck and right And he comes and he's like, this guy can be beat. What are you talking about, right? And then next thing, you know, Holyfield, a couple of the guys, they're like, oh, you know, I can get him. John Jones has proven he's a scariest man in the world. He looked at a shape shaped this time. Some people said there's no way this guy's gonna be, you know, Scott, you know, whatever. And I was kinda like concerned,
Starting point is 00:42:49 because I'm like, I've not seen this guy be this heavy for a long time. Boom, what does he do? Wasn't even close, right? They still fear this man. The problem with America is if America was a fighter, the last few years, America's had losses in the ring and people don't fear
Starting point is 00:43:05 America anymore. And we've allowed that to become a reality. That's my only concern. When you walk into a bar and everybody knows you are America and everybody can like, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, guys, listen, US is here. Now it's kind of like, hey, what's up? How you doing? You want to drink?
Starting point is 00:43:23 Get them a drink on us. You don't talk to America like that. Now they are. It's gonna like, hey, what's up? How you doing? You wanna drink? Get him a drink on us. You don't talk to a miracle like that.
Starting point is 00:43:27 Now they are.

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