PBD Podcast - Andrew Tate Interview - Part 4

Episode Date: June 13, 2023

Patrick Bet-David sits down with Andrew Tate in Romania while under house arrest. For almost five hours, PBD & Tate discuss the current allegations against him, life in jail, life after jail, The ...BBC interview, the Matrix attacking him, his conversion to Islam, and what's next for him. --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/pbdpodcast/support

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Starting point is 00:00:00 You need pride, you need honor, you need a healthy level of ego, you need all of these things. We're taking it all from boys and what are we giving them instead? Video games, porn, weed. And what do you expect of these people? What do you expect of these shit versions of men besides trash output? You're going to get garbage of all cross the spectrum. Either they're going to do nothing or they're going to do something bad. They're certainly not going to do anything good when they don't try for anything in their lives.
Starting point is 00:00:24 How they're going to do something bad. There's certainly not going to do anything good when they don't try for anything in their lives. How they do something good? The scary thing about all of this is that there still are two teams in the world. And there is a side of the world where they don't accept this crap. How the long is America going to compete globally when you have countries like China and Russia and these other countries, they don't do this. I don't know if you saw and they did that survey to kids of what they want to be when they grow up. Did you ever see that?
Starting point is 00:00:45 Yeah. It was crazy. Every American kid wanted to be a YouTuber. Every Chinese kid wanted to be an engineer or an astronaut. Who owns the future? Who owns the future? We're in so much trouble. We're in so much trouble as a society. What are we arguing over?
Starting point is 00:01:00 It's insane. And what do they show you on TikTok, though? Absolutely. Exactly. But let's stay on this. You ask the very important question. Let's go back to it. We had the same amount of guns, 1950 per capita.
Starting point is 00:01:12 Brandy, can you look at that per capita, how many guns we had in 1950 versus today? But it's relatively the same. Gun laws haven't changed dramatically from 1950 till today. What's changed from then to then? We took out God at a school Prozac was invented in 1987 the law to legalize advertising Drugs big pharma in America was 1985. It's only two countries in the world that can advertise us in New Zealand
Starting point is 00:01:38 crazy, so you got God you got Prozac you got You got pros act, you got formal advertising, you got the LGBTQ movement that's taking place, you got all of that taking place to where we are today. So when you're talking about guns, what is change, it's not the guns that's changed. Society's changed, standards have changed. Completely. So how do you fix that? So if that is the biggest problem you're selling, number one, here's the problem, let me sell you why this is the problem. Okay.
Starting point is 00:02:06 The people like you're right. I'm buying it. Give us a solution. What's the solution? Yeah. I think the solution comes back down to to family values. And that's a very difficult question to answer because it's across the entire spectrum. Right. I do feel like it's almost a race to the bottom for men and women now in the modern society. I don't think women are being very good women. I don't think men are being very good men. I think both of that is accelerating against each other and it's a race to the bottom. How do you fix that? It's difficult. It's hard. And I still think one of the easiest ways to do that is God. I think if you've written
Starting point is 00:02:33 about some degree of morality and some degree of standard to both sexes, I think things will start to get better. I can tell you right now, they talk about why does men don't want to get married anymore. Men don't want to get married anymore. They come up with all these elaborate reasons. The main reason men don't want to get married anymore? Men don't want to get married anymore. They come up with all these elaborate reasons. The main reason men don't want to get married anymore is because their girlfriend was with me. For free. So why are they gonna marry her? That's the bottom line of it.
Starting point is 00:02:52 Why would you, a white dress means virgin. Mary who? A girl from the club? Who are your friends with? You want a marryer? Like when you remove all of the morality from life, you just end up in a scenario where the only possible logical move is to act without morals.
Starting point is 00:03:08 Game theory, right? We sit there and we analyze these logically. If you're going to be, if all the women you meet are immoral, how are you going to act? Well, you act morally, you get wrecked. So how do you act? Immoral, it's a race to the bottom. We have to fix society as a whole, when it comes down to even the most basic things, the Most basic things like female promiscuity, the most basic things like men sticking up for the last name, the most basic things like men having to be too honorable and too proud to be out of shape or be poor or not take care of a woman. I'm not just talking about men. I'm talking about men. Any woman who's with me, her life is fixed.
Starting point is 00:03:36 That is my job. I'm Andrew Tate. I would be embarrassed to have a girl say, I'm Andrew Tate's girlfriend and have to work her job, unless she wanted to. She can do anything she wants She's my chick you could happen you run the world now you're with the top G anything you want is mine I'll take care of you in every single way, but you must take care of me I have to take take care of you financially and physically you must protect me spiritually
Starting point is 00:03:55 You must do your job. It's a race to the bottom on both sides and when you have two genders racing to the bottom And then a child is born. What do we expect from this child? Who's raising the child to school the TV the internet You trust these people look what they're injecting into them So another thing that's very interesting you talk about the 1950s and nothing that was different and the 1950s parents raised their kids who Raised kids nowadays school internet Twitch how much time do you spend talking to your child compared to the programming they get from the matrix? You're losing in terms of pure minutes. You're losing. You gave a control where your child sees a school anymore. You don't even know. And when you find out, they do what they did in California. They're
Starting point is 00:04:35 like, what? Most people don't even know this. You have children 15 years old, have seen on YouTube arguing with their own parents, disagreeing with their own parents. The whole point of having children is to instill your values in them. I want my sons to be Emory Andrew Tate. They must think and act and be like me. And for someone, I've had people say to me, what if they're not?
Starting point is 00:04:53 If they're not, they're not, that's fine. But the whole point of me having them was my lineage. That's the whole point of me suffering to raise them was my lineage. Why would I raise them to be anything other than what I believe I should be and they should be? That's the whole point of it and I'm proud of that. I'm not going to sit and apologize for what my son's to be taped. I'm not going to apologize for it. I don't care what the school wants them to believe. They believe what I want them to believe because they are mine.
Starting point is 00:05:14 Well, that's gone. So then we also talk about what's different between the 1950s and today. These kids are being raised by people who aren't their parents and whoever's raised them clearly ain't teaching me anything good, teaching them if you feel, I tell you feel, you can't tell men that, it's dangerous. You can't tell men to act how they feel. You can't tell men to not have emotional control. You can't tell men to cry anytime they want, because men don't just cry sad, they cry angry, they cry very angry.
Starting point is 00:05:38 You don't want that. You have to teach them stoicists, we have to teach them all of these things, and it's all gone. So, okay, so let's stay on this. This is actually a very interesting topic room from 1950s still today. So you're saying if somebody is a tape, if somebody is my wife, if somebody is my son, you're going to be doing this, I'm not going to let a teacher XYZ. Okay.
Starting point is 00:05:58 Well, 85%, 90% of America doesn't have the money to be able to put them in a private school where right now is June If you go on YouTube or Twitter and look at Pride Month Everywhere kids are coming to school parents, you know teachers got these Pride stuff going on all over the place parents are like look I'd love to put them in a private school But even some private schools are doing it right now in Florida. There is a private school It's known one of the best private schools out there. You know what you want to talk about? I won't mention it.
Starting point is 00:06:27 It starts with the letter P. People should know what it is, but they already know what I'm talking about. We have a party at our house, okay? And baseball, my son, you know, so he's got to baseball, all the players are their parents, I'm talking to their parents, oh hey, meet one the girl, so what school do you go to? Oh well, you know, I was going to such and such go But I'm going to such and such oh really tell me why the dad's like yeah, it's just you know reasons he gets uncomfortable I said no really tell me why I'm curious
Starting point is 00:06:52 Well, you not only want to get into that said are you uncomfortable because it's political reasons? Well, yes, I said well, let's just say you're safe to save here He says am I fully safe? I said what do I need to tell you for you to know you're fully safe? You're fully safe with us because you what do I need to tell you for you to know you're fully safe? You're fully safe with us, because you know my position. He says, fair. He says, we took him out because they started asking my daughter to do XYZ would try to write on this.
Starting point is 00:07:15 And she wrote a letter, a paper that was opposing the opinion. And she failed the class, because her opinion didn't match whatever they were saying and phone. Now, I said, what's going on with that private school? That school is 50 grand year per kid. The one that's drumming. 50 grand per kid. 50 grand per kid.
Starting point is 00:07:30 50 grand per kid. There's an exodus from this school to go to other school. So one, some parents don't have the option, Andrew, to say, you and I are not worried about it. I'm not worried about it, but the people I'm leading, they're worried about it. Absolutely. How do you fix it if you're that person without the resources you've got? And that's another thing that's difficult, because I have two answers to this question.
Starting point is 00:07:49 I have the arrogant answer, not the answer that I've been asking. I know the arrogant one. Well, do both of them. Well, yeah, I'll give both. The one I actually believe is helpful. This is where I think things like we discussed earlier, like the clan comes into effect, right? Imagine you had 18 kids from six or seven parents, groups of parents, and everyone's living
Starting point is 00:08:07 together. The family unit, the energy and the ethos and the merits of that particular clan is going to be so much stronger and difficult for the matrix to penetrate and break. Their best friends are the people they live with, the kids live with the other kids who believe the same as them. The parents all agree. When you're a clan, you're far more difficult to attack an assault. So I would say the first thing I would do was a parent of normal income. I would try and find other parents who agree with me and try and find other people who
Starting point is 00:08:34 are ideologically sound. And I'd make sure that our children are friends and they spend the most time with each other. And I would try for us all to go on holidays together. And I would also put in conscious effort to try and deprogram, I don't think many parents say to their kids, what did you learn today? I'd be doing that, not to check on the kid. I'd be doing the check on the school. Check on the school.
Starting point is 00:08:52 Well, let me challenge you, what's going on? Sure. So let's roleplay. Go ahead, ask me the question. What did you learn at school today? So today we learned that Dillon Mulvaney had the courage to stand up for her beliefs. And she's a hero because
Starting point is 00:09:06 she's out there and she's helping a lot of other people that have gone through challenging times be able to stand up for themselves. Okay what are you gonna tell me? I would say why do you think they want you to believe that? What do you mean that? Why do you think they want you to believe that? They've told you something. Yeah. I don't believe that's true. What they've done is lie to you. Why do they want you to believe them? Perfect. So I say you now convinced me on your son. Great. I go to school tomorrow. Ready?
Starting point is 00:09:27 Now in school. Correct. Hey, Miss Jones says, hey, Patrick, so tell me, so what did you think about this as this, you have to write this paper? Well, let me tell you, last time I was having a conversation with my dad, and my dad told me, why do you want me to believe that?
Starting point is 00:09:38 Yeah. Then comes the phone call, and then now you're cornered as a parent, and now what do you say to the school? Say I'm the school role play. Correct. And this is, and I can't role play by myself. It's difficult. It's difficult. And this is the exact point why you need a clan, you need a network, you need other parents.
Starting point is 00:09:51 If I was a parent and my child was going to public school, I'd be extremely interested in finding other parents whose kids were going to that public school. Yeah, you have the PTA meetings, etc. But there has to be a degree of strength in numbers. It's hard. You can say home schooling, that's the cup out. But the other answer, the more arrogant answer to this is actually an answer I gave after the subway incident. You know in New York where the subway where they choked the guy died. I could ask all the time, Andrew, what would you have done in that scenario?
Starting point is 00:10:15 It's a very difficult scenario. I mean, we can argue whether he choked him too long, whether he was trying to protect people, there's a bunch of arguments. But it's very unfortunate. This goes back to what I was saying earlier. You can no longer just be the average man, the average citizen. I insulate myself from so many problems with money. I know this is a terrible thing to say and people aren't gonna like hearing it,
Starting point is 00:10:35 but it's true. I never have to worry about some garbage on the subway. I never have to worry about, do I stand up and defend this woman or allow her to get attacked because they're gonna put me in jail? I never have to worry about some fight on a plane because the ticket was $40. I never have to worry about do I stand up and defend this woman or allow her to get attacked because they're going to put me in jail. I never have to worry about some fight on a plane because the ticket was $40. I never have to worry about my kid going to learn something they don't
Starting point is 00:10:50 want to learn. I don't know about any of this because money protects me right. So when I say this like if I have a girl and she's saying all you do is work you need to be a dad too. I'm being a dad but being rich that's me being a dad that's how I protect you all. I work 18 hours a day every single day that's me being a dad more than almost anything because that's how I protect you all. I work 18 hours a day every single day. That's me being a dad more than almost anything. That's how I protect you and everybody else from all this in San Diego. It's the only way to do it, you need to be flexible. We're fully on the same page.
Starting point is 00:11:11 I'm on the same page as you. I also wanna make the money, so I get to pick and choose. What I'm talking about is a message, because the reality is not everybody is gonna go out there and make the 10 a month or whatever, it's just not gonna happen. The market's not set up that way, but frankly not everybody brings gonna go out there and make the 10 a month or whatever you make. It's just not gonna happen. Correct. The market's not set up that way.
Starting point is 00:11:26 By frankly, not everybody brings that kind of value to the market, Correct. to garner that kind of pain. You know that I know. Correct. Okay. How can you and I help the audience that is sitting there, great citizens. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:40 Net positive. Yeah. They take the kids to church on Sundays. Yeah. They work their butts out. They're doing their best to keep their marriage together, as hard as it is. They're paying the bills for the kids. They're making 80 grand, 120 household income.
Starting point is 00:11:52 They can't talk like you and I. You're right. What do they do? Let's give them the solution. You're right. So if I was them, here's what I would do. I would make sure that my family had core parameters and core beliefs that we believed in.
Starting point is 00:12:03 And I would fact check. Everything my child was told against those core parameters and core beliefs. So let's say one of our core parameters and core beliefs was hard work. We believed in hard work and dedication. When they came home and told me something about body shaming or the fact that models can change or say, does that agree with the beliefs and the merits that this family has decided we are going to operate under?
Starting point is 00:12:23 Yes or no? I would have a framework, I would have a gate, which ideas have to penetrate through. Every idea has to be fact-checked against a gate, a parameters of set values that was stuck to my last name. On our courage, discipline, hard work, whatever those parameters are. And I would say to my child every day,
Starting point is 00:12:39 what did you learn in school? I'd listen to it and I'd say, does that align with our value on this? And also, I'd make this very clear because this was done to me as a child. I'd make it very clear to my children that they are exceptional. I think every single person is exceptional for different reasons. We talk about normal children, normal families that doesn't mean they're not an exceptional individual.
Starting point is 00:12:55 They can still be an exceptional person. Who knows? Who knows what they might become. I'd say you're an exceptional. You don't believe what everyone else in that school is told to believe just because it is said. You're an exceptional person and we have a framework we operate under because your last name is X. An art framework is this. Does that align with hard work and dedication? No, it doesn't. Why
Starting point is 00:13:10 are they trying to tell you that? Because they're trying to attack the framework which you need to be successful. My father said to me when I was young, you and now my father had many, many quotes and I use them all the time but one of my favorites was, I allow manipulation to find out where my enemy wants me to go. And then I use my mind to break the trap and punish the perpetrators. That's exact, that's the exact line I will tell my child. I'll say they've attempted to manipulate you.
Starting point is 00:13:34 We've allowed it. I allowed you to go to school and listen to this. Why were they trying to manipulate you? Where do they want you to go? They want to take you away from discipline. They want to take you away from hard work. Now we're going to use our minds to break the track. We now know what they want. My father explained the same to me and he said why it was so important. It's
Starting point is 00:13:51 true. If you don't allow them to manipulate you at all, you don't know where they want you to end up. You might get tricked another way. You might take another road to the same destination. You allow them manipulation. Tell me what you want me to believe. Tell me what you want me to understand. You allow them to manipulate me all the way to the manipulation. Tell me what you want me to believe. Tell me what you want me to understand. Allow to manipulate me all the way to the end. I see the end goal. This is what you want. No. And this is what I would teach my children. Explain. Your time in schools can teach you some very important things that you need to know.
Starting point is 00:14:16 And they're also attempting to siop you and trick you and poison your mind. And we are going to discuss daily, built within our family framework, within the code of our last name, to see which are true and which are lies. It takes work, look, everything else on earth. It takes work. And I know it's hard. Parents are out there, they're working, they haven't got time, the kids are on the internet. It's difficult, but you have to put the work in because you are almost fighting an enemy
Starting point is 00:14:38 for the minds of your children now. You know what I think, you know what I think is, that's great, very good feedback. But so I loved in Iran, and in Iran, you'd go out there and you'd say, so hey, listen, people are asking about religion, don't talk about it. Are we Christians? I don't know. Talk to my mom and dad. You don't need to answer the question, because there's that fear.
Starting point is 00:14:58 So parents are teaching kids to not talk about their values and principles. The elements of that parents fear what the school's going to say to them and not give the kids the best grades because you imagine you got a tenth grader or even a senior. If you really say what you believe in that teacher gives you a C, you don't get the A to get the 4.3 GBA to get the scholarship because you can't afford it. You have to be like constantly like this, so parents are telling their kids, look whatever I'm telling you, don't tell them. I think it's bigger than that. I think the part of it is, I think a part of it
Starting point is 00:15:29 is this is the first time we had stats, and I don't know how long this was, where kids graduating high school are not valued in a four year college as much as they did before. Okay? That is a threat to the establishment because they can't be a control, right? Number two is there is an element when I'm watching this video with these parents yesterday in Glendale, and this is where I grew up. This is my street. I grew up Broadway in Verdugo. Right next to that post office,
Starting point is 00:16:01 I'm 200 yards away from the high school is where I grew up and I lived on a door and for a couple years before I went to Wilson Jr. High School. And I'm seeing these parents upset like how is this, this is common sense, leave these kids alone. I think there's got to be an element of those parents coming together and a form of a strike, I believe, to say if you want to tax funded money that's being given to your school district, hey, we're not coming, we're gonna decide to do school and together, and we're gonna use this place or that place or this facility and that facility,
Starting point is 00:16:37 because they have to feel the pain. They cannot do that to the kids. So my only messaging with what you're saying right now, number one rule is what? Go start a part time and come make an additional three grand a month so you can send them to the kids. So my only messaging with what you're saying right now, number one rule is what? Go start a part time and come make an additional three grand a month so you can send them to the private school that they teach you right values. Okay, that's number one. Two, I can't afford to do that.
Starting point is 00:16:52 Three, this is the other option that you got. And you're right and Trump said in his book, The Art of the Deal. He said, if you're not prepared to walk away, you can't negotiate. And that's the same with absolutely everything. If you have, if there's never a bottom line in which you say enough, then you can't negotiate. You have no negotiating position. We talk about this when it comes to children and schools, but this is also very applicable for relationships. I've had girls who say to me, you know what I was watching TV and they were saying that, I don't know, XYZ. And I would say, listen, I take care of
Starting point is 00:17:18 you. I love you very much. I'm going to make sure you have everything you've ever wanted. I'm going to make sure you're physically safe. That's why you're not going to go walking a home alone drunk. It's not because I'm a misogynist. everything you've ever wanted. I'm going to make sure you're physically safe. That's why you're not going to go walking a home alone drunk. It's not because I'm a misogynist. It's not because I dislike you. It's not because I'm controlling. It's not because I'm manipulative. It's because it's for your safety.
Starting point is 00:17:31 And your safety, too, is my responsibility. But I saw on the news XYZ. If you believe the news over me, then go find another man. You have to be prepared to walk away, right? This is the bottom line of it. This is what I personally believe. These are my values. These are my values.
Starting point is 00:17:44 Yep. This is what I personally believe. If she says, well These are my value. And this is what I personally believe. And if she says, well, no, I'm not listening to you and I stay with her anyway, well, then it's over, isn't it? Then she's going to do whatever she wants. But not everybody can do that because you're in the right. Of course. The proposition you're offering so high that they have to sit there and say, I can't lose this guy.
Starting point is 00:17:58 Completely. And this is where we go back to the original point about how difficult it is to be the average man now. It's becoming more and more difficult. We're in a position now where you have a racetrack and you have Ferraris and Nissan's. And yeah, we can discuss how the Nissan might beat the Ferrari, but the truth is, it's hard. It's very, very hard. If I was a man and I was starting all over again, I would do the same things I did, I would wake up and say, okay, this game is extremely difficult. My best chance is to level up my character
Starting point is 00:18:28 to a point where the game becomes easy. Because life does become easy at a certain point. Yes, now I'm in a very unique situation. But before this situation, I had only three problems in my life. My health, which I take care of, my woman, why take care of, and money. That was it.
Starting point is 00:18:44 If I made enough money, I had no other problems. If you're broke, you have lots of small problems. The car doesn't start, the school fees are coming up, whatever, we need new clothes for the kids. I had one problem to fix. If I fix my one issue, everything else is fixed. You get to a point in life where someone goes, oh, we've got an issue, how much?
Starting point is 00:19:02 Tell me the number. I didn't want to know the ins and outs. Just do the transfer, make it go away. So yeah, as a man, I think you have that imperative to understand that the video game of life as a man is exceptionally difficult, and especially as you get older, as you progress with the levels, it gets harder.
Starting point is 00:19:17 It's getting harder and harder. You need to level up your character. This is what amazes me when men go, I struggle with motivation. How can you struggle with motivation in the modern world? Are you asking to just lose? Are you asking to just be erased from humanity? Are you asking to be invisible?
Starting point is 00:19:34 How can you be an 18 year old man and say, I don't have the motivation to train as hard as possible and get as rich as possible? You are born to lose if you don't have motivation at 18. In the modern world as competitive as it is, all those girls, those 18 year old girls you go to school with are talking to some 28 year old man with a yacht somehow. And you're sitting there lonely and you don't have a motivation? You must be at your mind.
Starting point is 00:19:56 The only way to win this game is to become as powerful as possible. It's difficult and it's getting harder and harder. And this is why I teach the things I teach to men. You can't just be Joe, Shmo, and Win anymore. That those days are over. You have to be something else. The challenge those young men have though, it's not sometimes not even their fault. Why? Single mother raised by a single mother, they've been indoctrinated and they heard the future is female a million times. Next thing you know they're 18, they kind of have this victim mentality. It's almost not even their fault some of these times.
Starting point is 00:20:26 We're on our late 30s, early 40s. We've grown up, I played football in school. He's an athlete, bodybuilder, obviously, a kickboxing champion. We've had coaches, we've had people kick our ass. We didn't grow up with participation trophies. We've had our asses kicked. We've gone through shit, now we are the shit.
Starting point is 00:20:43 A lot of these young guys playing video games addicted to porn, they grow up with a phone in their hand, raised by women, they don't have, they were raised how we were raised, how do you teach those kids though? Well that's why they don't want to, that's exactly what they don't want me doing, that's why they're trying to put me in jail. Because I've managed to become, I'm not for a second bragging, but the size of the movement that I created, I turned up in Slovenia. I don't have ever seen that video with the Bugatti where everyone's going,
Starting point is 00:21:10 talk to you, talk to you. That's the capital of Slovenia. I came in pronouncing it, Libuana or something. I've never been number four. Slovenia, where even is it? Like, I can barely find out a map. I know roughly where it is. If you want a guaranteed way to get in touch with me, maybe you have a business idea, maybe
Starting point is 00:21:25 you want some fashion tips, maybe you just want to connect. You could find me on the next. This is what I was saying earlier on about how complicated masculinity is, but I broke it down to those three basic tenets because even a teenage boy can understand if you get enough money and enough power and enough powerful friends and enough sexual access that you're going to be able to build yourself to a man of, I can cry now. I'd qualified to cry. When you're 18 year old boy, you shouldn't be crying.
Starting point is 00:21:47 You should be focused and you should be an animal, you should be training, you should be working hard, you should be listening, you should be going to coaching. I'm now at a level where I'm allowed to cry. I understand all the different elements of being a man. I understand the tapestry of masculinity fully. I can cry if I decide to. I've qualified for that.
Starting point is 00:22:02 But before you get to that point, you have to go through all the hardship. And the hardship I've broken down to the three basics. And I think that's why they're coming to attack me so heavily. Because genuinely, because of what you just said, I'm telling kids things. And especially people often ask me, especially Matrix Media, they say, why did you get so big?
Starting point is 00:22:16 Because I'm telling the truth. I'm telling the truth, which every man knows is intrinsically true in his heart. Because God isn't still in with a basic degree of morality of right and wrong. I'm saying things to a 17 year old boy and he's going, this is tough, he makes sense. I get it. Everything I was told so far just didn't quite click but this does and that's what they're so scared of. And I agree with you, you're completely right and this goes back to once again we were saying about last names, family values. The number of times I was told
Starting point is 00:22:44 I couldn't do something because of my last name. I think that was my whole childhood. My whole childhood is where you were at tape. Dad, I got an A. Of course you're at tape. It wasn't even, it was just like duh. Of course you got an A. But what else are you gonna get a B? Where you gonna tell me? That's who I was my whole life. I had standards exacted on me. And I've even heard like psychologists. I have a big problem with psychologists. I don't like them as a whole. I'll tell you some of my scenarios. I've had conversations with psychologists. There's a couple good ones but there's a lot of them who I don't like. And their ideas are you raise children, don't put standards on, don't put pressure on them. How
Starting point is 00:23:17 are they going to perform without pressure? Do you have pressure to perform in your business? Because I certainly do. But certainly do. Pressure makes done. You think I didn't have pressure to perform in your business? Because I certainly do. I certainly do. Tresher makes dying money. You think I didn't have pressure to perform when I sat down with the BBC? They tried to set me up. You think I didn't realize instantly, okay, war. She's ready. Well, you think I, you think I, you think I,
Starting point is 00:23:34 there's no pressure, you think there's no pressure when they try and stab you to death? There's no pressure in life, you gotta raise a child and say, don't give them no pressure, give them no standards. So we can just be a kid. And what's you gonna mold into? Absolutely, not really not. Life is pressure, especially as a man. You need to have these exacting standards. That's how it is. My whole life was a pressure to perform to my last name. This whole zone has
Starting point is 00:23:51 ever been. I don't know how anyone's raised in the other way. So yeah it's crazy. It's a very difficult problem to fix. I agree that it's a very difficult problem to fix but I think it starts with baseline things and this is also why I feel like I have such a duty to act. I'll give you an example. If I could lie right now for $10 million and nobody would find out, nobody, I still couldn't do it because God would know and He'd punish me sooner or later. I really truly believe that I would pay the price of that lie. I truly believe it. I think when you're a man and you're growing up and you're saying, how do I act? What do I do in this scenario?
Starting point is 00:24:29 What would God want you to do? Tell the truth. You'd be amazed how far just telling the truth will get you. In any situation, I can give you benign situations that don't even matter. Your girlfriend called you. Oh, no, and I barely know her. Just say yes. Sorry.
Starting point is 00:24:46 I love you. I'd love to stay together. What you did this? Sorry. I'm leaving. Okay, goodbye. Next day she's back. You just tell the truth.
Starting point is 00:24:54 It could have gone on for weeks. She could have kept spy in. She could have called the girl all the strong. Just sometimes in life, you just man up and tell the truth. That's why in my current scenario, and I was saying earlier, my- I'm just the only way you're free about the one. It's completely true. I'll only wait for you. That's why in my current scenario, and I was saying earlier, I'm the only one you're free about. Completely.
Starting point is 00:25:06 The only one you're free. She'll set you free. She'll set you free. When I was saying earlier, the incompetence of my enemies is scaring me, and I don't know exactly what to do. All I can do is just tell the truth all the time. I'm gonna tell the truth all the time.
Starting point is 00:25:15 I'm gonna say what I mean and mean what I say, and I'm gonna tell the truth, and that's what I'm gonna be. That's what I think is the best thing for me to do in the current scenario. But we're not even instilling that in children anymore. We're not even telling children how important it is to not lie.
Starting point is 00:25:27 Well, but that's also part of what you're talking about. I want to show you this stat because the guy sent it to me. And then we'll put this for the audience to see as well. Percentage of gun ownership from 1972 till today. Same thing. Exactly. If you look at the numbers, pretty much the same thing.
Starting point is 00:25:40 So what's been the biggest difference is a lot of these things that we just talked about. By the way, that question you asked from 1950 till today, the candidate that's talking about this, again I went back to politics, RFK is talking about this. And I think it's a very important thing to talk about because it's making people go research and see for themselves and to ask the question, what really did change? We've had this all the time. What became legal? Why are we adding all this pharmaceuticals to,
Starting point is 00:26:09 you know, kids to take? What else would it be outside of that? So that was the foundation which I agree with you. Household, values, principles, kids, men, raising them better. What else would you see as a challenge from an outside? And then I got part two of the question for you. Yeah, it's anything else.
Starting point is 00:26:28 Where you say, you know, XYZ would also, by the way, I love the way you say Nisen and status. I just love the way you pronounced those four words, man. For a second, you said, Nisen, I'm like, what is Nisen and then I realize what you're talking about. Well, I remember when I was young, other people's parents would tell me off. Do you remember that?
Starting point is 00:26:44 Did you ever get that one? Of course. Other people's parents would come up and like random adults would just tell me off. I was scared of every grown up. Every grown up had a degree of authority. Random adults. We can't do that anymore. There was just a degree of community that certainly not really lost. And asking me how to bring it back is difficult. It's very hard and that's one of the reasons why I become so religious recently Because I think that God is definitely part of that and that's also the reason I want to live in the clan I live in that's why it is my brother can tell my kids off no problem
Starting point is 00:27:11 If I came home in Tristan's like I I Discream at all. I'll be like good. I trust him in his judgment good screaming them then good for children Also sometimes you know what kids need to be yelled at sometimes why not yell at him? What they're gonna do? Life's hard life's hard. Life's hard. The way we pander and baby children, especially, is insane. I was talking about this the other day. I was talking about how I have a pet peeve
Starting point is 00:27:34 and one of my pet peeves is painkillers. And I was being typical of me and I was going over the top. But I was saying, I was arguing. I was discussing with this guy. This guy said, if you got any aspirin, I said, there's no aspirin in my house. And he said, why? I said, brother, you are not facing one percent
Starting point is 00:27:51 of the life difficulties I am facing. Think about it. No government's trying to lock you up. The matrix isn't after you. They're not trying to frame you. Nobody wants you dead. When God finally gives you a tiny headache to give you something to show your half
Starting point is 00:28:07 a man a little bit of resilience. You push the out and take an aspirin and you just have a headache, just have a headache. And not only just have a headache, have a headache and don't mention it because I don't care. So no, you can talk about it. Nobody needs to know. Just have a headache and be quiet. I have a headache, Twitter. Yeah. What do you want to do with therapy? You want sympathy? Nobody cares. You have a headache. Twitter. Yeah, what do you want therapy? You want sympathy? Nobody cares, you have a headache. Shut up. It kind of goes back into my original conversation
Starting point is 00:28:30 when I was saying I don't like psychotherapists and all their garbage, because they're constantly, I don't believe in, I've had conversations with therapists a few times, and my biggest detractors and enemies say, you need to talk to a therapist. The last conversation I had with a therapist didn't go very well. I said I didn't believe in most of their field
Starting point is 00:28:47 and that was garbage. And she said, why? And I said, because there are some boys who don't drink alcohol because their dad was an alcoholic. And there are some boys who are alcoholics because their dad was an alcoholic. You have the same scenario and different outcomes. So I don't believe in it.
Starting point is 00:29:02 And she said, well, no, it's not an exact science, but we have generalized rules that we can follow that lead to patterns of behavior. I said, but I'm not a generalized person. I'm an exceptional person. So everything you've learned and everyone you've ever spoken to and everything in your books does not apply to me because I am exceptional and I'm smarter than you and I've done things you could never do. And I'm a world champion athlete and I'm richer than you'll ever be. So nothing you know can possibly apply to my mind, my mind set. So why are we sitting here talking? What was
Starting point is 00:29:27 the reaction? She just wrote things down on a piece of paper. Probably called me an arrogant piece of shit. Where is that? He's like, don't like this guy. Complete narcissist. Yeah, I'm saying. Who knows what's going on. But I write. Yeah. There's nothing you've learned in your book that applies to people. It doesn't apply to me. It doesn't apply to me. So I don't want to hear it. Don't care. Don't care. And this whole idea, this goes back to the thing about painkillers. That's something I didn't just make up.
Starting point is 00:29:51 That's from my dad. I remember being at my friend's house, and I remember him saying, I didn't aspirin, and he had an aspirin. I remember just being a child and coming home and saying, I'm an aspirin. I remember my dad going, for what? You're a kid.
Starting point is 00:30:01 Shut up. No, you don't pop in pills. And I remember my mother going, it's not an aspirin. No. Nothing wrong with you. Your body is going to go through the same damage it's suffering if any of all, whether you feel the pain or not. Man up, get over it. It comes down to the details. It's like if you're a professional fighter and you get to a certain level. Your coach, once you've been training for 10 years, your coach is honing you on the details. It's the tiniest details that make you a predator. The tiny things, may whether it does one percent better than the guy he beats, it's
Starting point is 00:30:28 the tiny details. So simple things like denying a child a painkiller. When you know there's nothing wrong with them, I'm not saying to be a surgery, you can't have painkiller. I'm saying, he walks in, there's nothing actually wrong with it. He could say no. It's all the tiny little things you need to do to instill pain, to instill that resilience inside of them. I was in jail and I could just hear crying and solving from every cell but mine. Everyone's in there having a mental breakdown, but me. And the most scariest thing about my position, I think it's the position for most people
Starting point is 00:30:57 who end up in jail in Romania because of how the legal system works and the extensions and that you don't know how long you're in there for. You don't know, it could be a year, it could be five, it could be three days. That's what messes with your brain. You're like, do I prepare for six months of this? Do I prepare for five years of this? What's going on? Nobody knows. Everyone's in their mental breakdowns, but me.
Starting point is 00:31:16 Why did I know how the mental breakdown? Because I've had too much crap happen to me too many times and never took the painkiller, never took the easy way out, never asked for the therapist, never bit a bitch about it. This is how life works. There's no way to the top of the size of difficulty in the pain and the trauma. I say, I'm really flabbergasted that there's men out here who still believe they're going to somehow become something of importance without it.
Starting point is 00:31:38 Of course she broke her heart. Good, good, good. I'm tired of being able to complain and cry about it. That's the game, That's the life. So yeah, it comes down to tiny things, even down to painkiller, smallest things. My dad used to, another thing my dad used to make me do. He used to just make me drink water. I remember me a kid and it would upset me. I'd be sitting there, playing chess, whatever he'd say. Go drink two liters of water. I'd go and I'd get some water and I'd start drinking it.
Starting point is 00:32:02 I'm not thirsty at all and drink the rest. And he'd stand there and make me drink all two liters. Now I understand it was just compliance. Two liters of water is not gonna hurt me. Not gonna hurt me. Do I really need it? Who knows? A drunk a liter. Why do I drink all two?
Starting point is 00:32:14 Because he said so. That was the household. If I tried to rebel, I really don't want it. I'm not thirsty. You're gonna drink that water. That's it. And there's all these tiny things that still discipline in you. Over a long enough time frame, drink water. Yes, sir.
Starting point is 00:32:28 Bring that to compliance today, though. Bring that to compliance today. Say your dad is around today and you're 12 years old and you're living in Ohio. Okay. And your dad is teaching you compliance. And your dad says, okay, so now teacher in school tells you what to do. He's right, he's this, he's that. What is the angle you're taking at that time? Yeah, and that's another thing that's difficult, because back then it was much easier to say you shouldn't get in trouble at school. Right. Much easier than it is now. Today's kind of like a badge of honor almost. Almost. Almost. Almost. And it is hard. But my loyalty was always to my last name above anything
Starting point is 00:33:02 else. This just depends where your loyalty lies. I think that everyone, when we talk about, we can link back into religion and talk about atheists. I don't think there is such thing as an atheist nowadays. I think everyone has a religion. If you're not religious to God, you're religious to either this woke agenda or you're religious to a political party
Starting point is 00:33:17 or you're religious to some kind of perversion, everyone's religious to something. You have to decide what is your most loyalty above everything. You have to put these things in hierarchy or order. In our last talk, I said this, a lot of people hold beliefs and they don't know where they got them from or why they hold them. There's people walking around who believe things and they don't know where it came from or why they so strongly believe it. They don't even have any personal experience to link it to. You truly believe 2 plus 2 is 5. Why? Oh, because it just is. And the news and the note,
Starting point is 00:33:48 no, no, what happened to you that may you believe nothing's even happened to you. And you believe this with your complete core. You've been siaught. I know where my loyalty's lie. I've had them in order. I know who I put, who I put above others. I absolutely not really know. And sometimes in the most harsh situations on earth, there's going to be scenarios in life which are completely
Starting point is 00:34:10 and utterly unexpected and they're exceptionally rare. We have to make very difficult choices. But I know my hierarchy. I know. I know if I was in a position, a hypothetical where I had to choose between my brother and my girl. There wouldn't wouldn't be a, oops, what do I do? I know the choice. It's never been the case between the two of you. It's never been the course of case two of us yet, but if it happened, I know it would be. I've had girls say, I've had girls try and give me the line.
Starting point is 00:34:35 I've had girls do it. I've had girls say, if you're gonna live with your brother, then it's gonna be great. No, it's not what I'm asking, what I'm asking is, has a girl ever come in between you guys since you were kids, never. Never. It's impossible.
Starting point is 00:34:45 That's because of the value taught down. Completely. It's absolutely impossible. So the hierarchy of compliance and respect at that time, last name was first. Where would it be today? If you're raising kids today, what is number one? Is it God? It is God.
Starting point is 00:35:01 Is it me second, then whom? No, it is God. It's God first and then it's the last name in the legacy in my teachings I think it has to be God first. I think it has to be God first because God is the only thing that can resist this insanity What is happening is truly evil. This is not some Different worldview. No, it is evil because it is dishonest anything that is dishonest must be evil It is a lie all of it is a lie
Starting point is 00:35:23 It is constructed deliberately to be a lie. It's deliberately constructed to alter the minds of people to believe in lies. It is evil. So it has to be God first because God is truth. And I believe if I have children who put God first and then put respect for the last name and the things I've taught them second, it's very hard to corrupt them. How are you going to truly corrupt these people? It's going to be very difficult.
Starting point is 00:35:42 And that's what I always try and do. And that's how I was raised. I was raised in a Christian family. I was actually raised religiously. Then I thought I was smart when I became atheistic because, yeah, there's a lot wrong with the world. And obviously, I've already apologized for that and understand I was completely wrong. But respect for my last name, even to this day, still there. And that's why I say to my girlfriend, if we were walking on the street in 10 men of approach with mishays, I just have to die.
Starting point is 00:36:07 I can't be Andrew Tate right away. I just can't. I can't be Andrew Tate right away. I can't do it. That's the bottom line. If you're living in this plan, right? You're living here, your family, Tristan's family. You're raising your family, Muslim, Islam.
Starting point is 00:36:24 Your brother's still Christian. Yep. How's that going on? Well, there's one God's, there's one God. I truly believe there's different paths to God. I truly believe that. Like I said, I'm not a religious scholar, but it says in the Quran, people of the book.
Starting point is 00:36:37 Even a Muslim, Muslim man, I'm allowed to marry a Christian woman. They are of the book. It's only atheists that the Quran has a problem with, because there's something morally corrupt with them. But if you're a person of the book. It's only atheists that the Quran has a problem with, because there's something morally corrupt with them. But if you're a person of the book, a person of faith, we're not even, even says inside the Quran, we're not supposed to convert you, or insult you. We're not here to insult you or correct you.
Starting point is 00:36:55 There's one path, there's different paths to the one God. I truly believe that. And also another thing I'll say about clan living, in my experience, I think that men quite often get along in those scenarios. If anyone is hearing the idea of this and love the idea of this, but they feel like it would be argumentative or there'd be problems, I think that comes from the women.
Starting point is 00:37:11 I think it's when women don't like each other or the women's in the man's ear. You're too much with the guys that I think the women are more against it than the men for some reason, unless you have a very strong frame in the relationship. I don't have that problem, but in general, the men get along, The men love it. I think it's quite firm and quite rigidly installed inside of the basic psyche of men. We like that. Men feel best and again
Starting point is 00:37:35 in a group. It's why we charge at the gunfire. When we're with our boys, it's when we feel strongest. It's why we go out and drink and party. When you're with your guys, but it's something inside you, you just feel like on fire. I think men have that. A lot of the time it doesn't seem to work and it breaks down because women can be unhappy in certain scenarios. But this is why, especially in some ethnic communities where the gender roles are more specific and defined where the man is in charge and the woman does this, they can live
Starting point is 00:37:58 it all live together in peace. It's much easier for them. Like I said, I grew up in a town full of Muslims, they'd have 10 families in one house. Women cooked, cleaned, looked after the children, looked after their man, the men all worked, made a bunch of money, a bunch of average ass jobs, and they were all millionaires in five or six years.
Starting point is 00:38:15 So let me ask this other question while we're on this topic. Those are the question, by the way, Christian dynamic and Muslim dynamic. When you're saying there's a lot of ways to get there, there's a religion called Bahá'í, it's an element of Muslim. Baha'i is like how Mormonism to Christianity and Baha'i believes there's eight ways to go to heaven.
Starting point is 00:38:33 That's the philosophy of Baha'i, my sister, husband's family, they're all Baha'i, great people. But go back to this, okay, impact. Let's think impact. If a person's watching this content, most of the people that are watching that support is gonna be those that are haters,
Starting point is 00:38:47 that just wanna find a like, poke at the argument to find. You see, I told you, I told you, I found. But a lot of people that are also watching is they're probably wanting to make impact. They want their life to have meaning behind it. That's who's watching this show today, right? Okay.
Starting point is 00:39:02 So, I can't be a president, but want to make impact. I'd be in anybody that's watching this because Putin says eight years, another guy comes with a guy with a brief case shows up. Okay, cool. Well, if you were in the States and you're saying President wouldn't be able to make an impact, but let's say there is a kid who's 20 years old, 18 years old, 25 years old, has so much drive, it's unbelievable. Ambition at the highest level. Who do you think has the biggest influence to make positive change like real change? Is it the person with the money? Is it the person with the biggest mic? Is it the person that goes into politics? What is the
Starting point is 00:39:43 best way to have the biggest impact? Yeah, so I think the world has always only ever been a battle for influence Even if you look at the current battlefield Ukraine is next to us five hours drive away The battle in Ukraine is not just about tanks and trenches and grenades It's a battle for influence who influences the people within this territory Who is in charge of the thinking the language the mindset of people within this geographical area? Every single battle, every single pitched battle, every single argument, every single debate has always been a battle for influence.
Starting point is 00:40:12 If you have influence, you're an extremely powerful person. All of us here are some of those powerful people in the world. How many millions of people listen to us? We have massive influence. And I think you don't have influence at the ground level. You don't have to be a famous podcast or a famously well-known to have influence. I would argue that those Romanian grandmas
Starting point is 00:40:26 who gave me my food will remember me for the rest of their lives. I would like to believe I gave a positive influence and a positive impact on their lives for the rest of their life. I believe if you go through life and you're genuinely a good person, you try your best to be good to people
Starting point is 00:40:37 and you're honest and you shake hands and you don't lie and you're on time and you work hard and you're good to everyone who's good to you, I think you'll have a massive influence. And I also believe, I truly believe that God is extremely giving. This is saying goes around, comes around, completely true, but I would say it comes from God. God is keeping an eye on you and He's paying attention to you and He knows the kind of person you are and the kind of things you do.
Starting point is 00:40:56 And I don't believe if you're actually genuinely a good person all of the time, but you're not going to get some good will back to you. Look at my scenario. If I was being a piece of shit for years with all these chicks, I'd be in jail. I could have never seen this coming, but the fact I was nice, paid their taxi home, bought them food, looked after them. Are you okay? I know we broke up. I'm sorry, I know it hurts. I just did it. I was nice about all of it. Here I am. I'm fine. I could have never seen this matrix attack coming. It's amazing
Starting point is 00:41:25 how what goes around comes around. It's truly amazing. If you're good to people, if you're generous to people, if you're helpful to people, you'd be amazed how much influence you can build up. I say this to people all the time, I don't think if you're a hard working person who is honest, who shakes hands, who tries to learn, who does what they're supposed to do, who has a good heart, that you're truly really not going to be able to get what you want. I think the universe is absolutely not really giving. When I see somebody who says they want something and they don't have it, I don't even think they truly even want it.
Starting point is 00:41:53 You can have anything you want in the world. My guy goes, I want a six pack, the way I ain't got one. If you want it, you have it. You'd like it, there's a bunch of things I'd like that I don't have, but I don't want them. Everything I've ever wanted, I've got. I've never wanted something and not had it. We all know what we're talking about here. There's things we'd like. I'd like to be able to figure skate. Not enough to go learn to figure skate.
Starting point is 00:42:16 So we were to look if you figure out, although that other guy dancing like the way you dance is doing a pretty good job. You've seen this guy. You can figure skate. When I kill the dancer, he's going. But you're double gang. But if you truly want something, you're going to absolutely not. You have it. So when it comes down to influence, I think you start at the base level, at the grassroots level. What if this guy's got like, you know, for example, like you know how, when you were 20,
Starting point is 00:42:44 were you this driven? Oh, absolutely. Okay. So when you're 20, were you this driven? Oh, absolutely. So when you're 20, who did you look at and say, I can do it as good as I am if not better? My coach, because I wanted to fight, and he used to beat me badly. Everyone used to beat me up when I was young, and I wanted to be the best.
Starting point is 00:42:57 So I used to go into the fight. Okay. How about communication? Who did you look at? Were you always a good community? I can see you being a great communicator since you were 14 years old. My place, I was pretty good. Okay. Who did you look at. Were you always a good community? I can see you being a great communicator since you were 14 years old. My, my pretty, I was pretty good. Yeah. Okay. Who did you look at and say, I guys good, but I think I can, you know, do it better. That's a good question.
Starting point is 00:43:13 And I think that you know what I'm asking. I know what you're asking. I don't know if there's one particular person I took nuances from because when you're a great communicator you know how to be serious and you know how to make people sad and angry and you also know how to make people laugh. There's different people who can do lots of different things So who was that? Was it somebody that was multifaceted like that? I think it was a lot of different people and I also think that the Jopal from comedy as well or no? Certainly did, but I was also extremely self-critical. I think that's where a lot of it came from. I'll watch this podcast back 15 times. I will notice every single time I made a mistake. Just then I said I'll watch twice. That was a mistake. I will watch this back 15 times and I will notice every single time I made a mistake. Just then I said, I'll watch twice. That was a mistake. I will watch this back 15 times and I'll
Starting point is 00:43:48 identify every single error. I have an email list and I sign up and I get words of the day. I get five or six new words a day, which I try my very best to memorize. It's harder than you think to memorize five words a day, but I always try to make sure I have the most interesting vernacular I can possibly have, a wide vocabulary, so it can be very specific with my points. The reason I actually did I've been in the same age as the first one. I've been in the same age as the first one. I've been in the same age as the first one. I've been in the same age as the first one. I've been in the same age as the first one. I've been in the same age as the first one. I've been in the same age as the first one.
Starting point is 00:44:14 I've been in the same age as the first one. I've been in the same age as the first one. I've been in the same age as the first one. I've been in the same age as the first one. I've been in the same age as the first one. I've been in the same age as the first one. I've been this before back then when they needed someone to spoke Russian, they would take a Native American and teach them Russian. Nowadays we have a bunch of Russian speaking allies. You can go to Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, they're all NATO and just get a Russian speaker. Back then they taught my dad
Starting point is 00:44:34 Russian and he held the Air Force record for the fastest assimilation before in language. When he died, a guy sent me an email, sent me a message saying you don't know who I am, but I worked with your father in the Air Force and he had the fastest assimilation. He learned Russian in two weeks. Crazy. And I remember saying to my dad, when you teach me Russian, he said,
Starting point is 00:44:50 boy, you don't even know English. So what do you mean? He goes, you don't even know English. And once he sat me down with a dictionary, I was like, you're right. Why don't you even know English? That's why I've lived in Romania seven years. People say, why don't you speak Romanian?
Starting point is 00:45:02 Because I don't know English yet. I had to finish the first job before I learn the second. I don't know English. With the words I don't know. I can't speak how he spoke. So I don't have time for a second language. Also another thing I found really interesting, Putin speaks English. Have you ever heard him speak English?
Starting point is 00:45:19 No. Because if you want to speak to Putin, you speak to him in his language. You speak to me in Russian. And I reply to you in Russian, so I cannot be misunderstood or misconstrued. I don't make a fool of myself. You can't get me on some vernacular trick.
Starting point is 00:45:31 I speak my language. And I also prefer that also. I speak English, that's what I speak. If you want to speak to me, you speak me in my language, so I will win the debate always. Who do you look up to? I'll tell you what to do. I look up to lots of people.
Starting point is 00:45:43 I'm talking specifically, young-wish. Not today. I'm talking 16, young rich, not today. I'm talking 16, 20, 25, that age, not today. It's a good question, because I always believed in trying to take the best parts of individual people and then amalgamate them. And I know you want a name and I can't think of one off the top of my head, but I would look at people who I didn't even respect, but they'd have one particular thing about them.
Starting point is 00:46:03 I thought that's good. It could be somebody who didn't even like, but he dressed well. I think you just have to be perspicacious and look at people, and there's something you can learn from absolutely everybody, and just try and adapt it all. I'm not saying everybody should be clones of me, for everyone's individual, right? But there might be some things about me they find inspiring that they may adapt and take on board, and then they'll find some things from other people. But learning to speak is something I very well well, I understood from a very young age
Starting point is 00:46:26 how important that would be. That's a superpower. OK, so let me go back to the question I was asking where I'm trying to go with this. So I asked the question. I said, imagine the 20-year-old that's watching this, that's saying, notate, don't give me the answer for. I can, anybody can create, you know, contribute to suicide.
Starting point is 00:46:41 I'm not that guy. Talk to me like I'm one in a million. Talk to me like I'm one in a million. Talk to me like I'm one in a million. So if I'm willing to get 20 years, 30 years of my life to do one way to go up to make true positive impact, in America, my country, in the world, what should, don't talk to me like everybody else. Okay, the standards are, what should I do?
Starting point is 00:46:59 What should I do? Okay, so first things first, you need to be worthy of respect. And you're gonna be worthy of respect through having things which are difficult to acquire. So first things first, the basic things, you need to be worthy of respect and you're gonna be worthy of respect through having things Which are difficult to acquire so first things first the basic things you need to be very focused on trying to make money because People listen to you when you have money face just do Secondly, you need to be in fantastic physical condition because when you're in fantastic physical condition It cannot be bought they must be earned and people know that when you're in I don't know about you If someone walked into sell me something and they were obese
Starting point is 00:47:24 I would not trust them the same as if they were in fantastic physical shape. Because I'd say, I don't think you have dedication and heart. I don't think there's something about you that I just would trust you the same. So fantastic physical condition and money is the first thing. The second thing, whatever your ideas are, you need to learn how to communicate them. Speaking is a superpower in and of itself. You need to become a fantastic communicator. You need to be comfortable in all realms of communication. You need to be persuasive. You need to be comfortable arguing. You need to become a fantastic communicator. You need to be comfortable in all realms of communication. You need to be persuasive. You need
Starting point is 00:47:45 to be comfortable arguing. You need to be good at debating. There's a lot of people out there in the world who have ideas that they can't even project into somebody else's mind. How are you going to rule the world with that? How are you going to get your ideas out there, make an influence? If you can't make other people understand exactly what you think. That's the first thing. Second thing, once they understand exactly what you think, you need to make them agree with what you think. It's a two thing. Second thing, once they understand exactly what you think, you need to make them agree with what you think. It's a two different skills. Must be practice and must be learned. If you're 20 years old and
Starting point is 00:48:10 you want to change the world, you need to be having endless debates, endless. Without resorting to name calling, not on Twitter, like a dummy, in person. And you need to come across in a way that people agree with you. We can go back quickly and talk about the red pill. The difference between me when I talk to girls on these panel shows and every other guy when they talk to girls on these panel shows is when I'm done all the girls want me. Watch them. Watch the shows. I say the same thing and by the end the chicks are in love with me as opposed to saying the same thing and the chicks take on a dickhead. That's the difference. I protect my ideas and I make them agree with my ideas to a point where they're like, text in me afterwards.
Starting point is 00:48:47 I'm not saying anything different is how I'm communicating it. Something you can catch more flies with honey than hurting people sometimes. So you need to be good at everything. You need to have a Swiss army knife of tools. I know when to be intimidating or aggressive. I know when to come across as obtuse.
Starting point is 00:49:03 I know when to come across as exceptionally open minded and easy to understand. I know when to come across as aggressive. I know when to come across as obtuse. I know when to come across as exceptionally open-minded and easy to understand. I know when to come across as understanding. I know all these things. This all has to be practiced. And a lot of it is, yeah, communication. I would say, if you're gonna say to a 20-year-old who's truly exceptional and driven,
Starting point is 00:49:15 I'd say you need to become a master communicator. Because once you can do that, you can do anything. And that fixes all the other problems, right? We talk about making money. If you're a master communicator, you do fantastic. Yes. You'll kill sales. You'll absolutely money. If you're a master communicator, you do fantastic and sales. You'll kill sales. You'll absolutely destroy sales if you're a master communicator. Not many people know this, but I used to sell windows. You know the old school knock on the door? Window sales. I did
Starting point is 00:49:35 window sales for two or three years and I'd say this is one of the hardest jobs you could possibly do and I would always recommend a young man. It is some time to waste to go sell windows. And the reason, it's fantastic, because I'll tell you why, it's the hardest to want to sell, because one, nobody wants them, two, they don't know who you are, and three, even if you convince them
Starting point is 00:49:56 that they need windows, after them not knowing who you are, then they go to all your competitors, and then it becomes a crazy one. It's a nightmare, it's the hardest sales job. If you're selling a Lambo, at least they want the Lambo, right? Nobody wants glass and plastic. They already have windows.
Starting point is 00:50:10 So you got to find a way to sell them these windows. How do you do that? And that's where all this master communication comes in. And it's so many subtle little things. Being a good salesman is not necessarily being a liar. It's not being a trickster. It's just understanding what's gonna make the person believe and understand what you say.
Starting point is 00:50:26 If I walked in and said, would you like new windows, and they essentially said, no, we don't need new windows, our windows look fine, I would say, but what about the security aspect, while looking at their three-year-old child? And they'd sit there and go, ah, what do you mean security aspect? And then I talk about how we had the lock 5,000,
Starting point is 00:50:43 and their locks are easy to break, as if glasses and glasses all the same anyway. And you'd end up selling windows. You have to find the triggers in people. There's another thing people don't understand about me and my message. Sometimes I sit here and I say things that piss people off because that's how you trigger people to make action. I have often written emails or dumb videos to especially to men when I want to help men to piss them off. You're a loser. You're a dumbass. And you're what you mean, because you're not going to go to the gym unless I tell you you're a fucking loser.
Starting point is 00:51:11 And you are a loser and I'm not lying to you. You are a loser. The emotional trigger you need to get up off that chair is the fact that you're not important. Nobody cares who you are. Any girl you ever in love with I could take. And you're insignificant. And when you die, nobody's interested. That's your fault. You could have been something else.
Starting point is 00:51:22 You did that. You failed. It has to be done. You have to be a master communicator, and sometimes that involves also insulting people. It's all a massive tapestry, but to answer your question for the 20 year old, he needs to become a master of communicating,
Starting point is 00:51:35 but also to be a master of communicating, to be a master of communicating. You also need experiences worth talking about. You have to live a life. You need a degree of wisdom, and wisdom doesn't always come with age It comes with life live I had a guy message me
Starting point is 00:51:49 This is a long time ago when I used to reply to my own emails too big now But he said I don't have any stories my life's boring. I said bro. Where do you live? He said Madrid? I said bro ride the train from Madrid to St. Petersburg Ride the train from Madrid to Vlodovost. Do the Trans-Siberian Railway. Cost you like 300 bucks. It was all, but what if I get robbed? Exactly! That's exactly the point.
Starting point is 00:52:10 What if you get robbed? Now you have a story. Maybe you'll die, maybe you won't. But you have a story. Don't bring your watch. You go to Rolex, no, no one wants to rob you anyway. Don't worry about it. You're broke, you get on the train.
Starting point is 00:52:23 There has to be that degree of risk to even have a story because when you have a story then you can communicate the story. You can't be an empty vessel either. So when you say to, you're telling me how I build this 20 year old into a super soldier. Yeah, it has to be a master communicator, but he also has to do things which are risky. Risk has value intrinsically linked to it. And intrinsically, this is why people, when you do risky things, people want to hear the story. Your coolest stories involve risk. Something went wrong. This could have happened.
Starting point is 00:52:47 I almost this. I made it out. Without these risks, you haven't got it. So I would say, if you want 20-year-old, do what I did. Get in the cage. Get in the ring. Knock someone out. Get knocked out.
Starting point is 00:52:57 Train hard. Fighting will teach you everything you need to know about life. You'll learn everything about who you truly are. You'll learn if you're a coward or not. You'll learn everything about perseverance and hard work and you'll learn if you're a coward or not, you'll learn everything about perseverance and hard work and dedication, everything about being underappreciated, you'll learn everything about fear, you'll learn all of it, you'll learn everything about people, you win a fight, check your phone, lose a fight, check your phone, you'll learn all about people, you'll learn all about them,
Starting point is 00:53:19 learn all about women. I learned so much about women through fighting. When I had a fight coming up and I was weight drain that I had barely eaten in weeks, and I'd lost all this weight, and I had a world title fight, and I'm fighting a guy who might kill me, and she's complaining about the toilet seat. I learned all about women. You learn a lot about life through these difficult processes and paths. There used to be for men like a right of passage. In most societies, you had to go through something to become a man
Starting point is 00:53:46 from a boy to a man. But that thing was always difficult. There's always been difficult. Now you have to self-induce it, self-inflicted. But if you're going to be a boy and never bring on that self-inflicted right of passage, how are you going to ever become a man? It's great feedback.
Starting point is 00:53:58 I'm gonna ask a question about this. I love what you said, especially number one, your wordsmith, your linguist, no doubt. I mean, I don't know English yet, bro. I'm proud to still work on your English. You know, you've got the kickboxing belts all up over here. I would argue, I've never seen you fight, but I would argue that your linguistic skills
Starting point is 00:54:16 are better than your fighting skills. I'll let you join us. I'll take that. I totally agree with you. The way that you speak to a man is a way different than the way you talk to a woman. You can tell a guy, get your loser, get your fat ass in a gym, and a guy would be receptive to that.
Starting point is 00:54:30 So I can't tell you how many men come up to me. Come up to Pat. Dude, what was Andrew Tate like? What was Tate like? Tell me about Tate. Tell me a Tate story. Dude, that guy's so cool, it's just a badass. The next is an application which allows you to take a minute to connect with influencers from all around the world.
Starting point is 00:54:46 My name is Andrew Tate, and I'm available to speak directly to you on Menec. I'm no longer interested in just random chicks. I want a woman who I know would wait for me if I did 10 years. That's what I want. That's what I find interesting. That's what I'm in love with now.
Starting point is 00:54:58 I can't be in love with a random chick. Also, once you get to a certain level of fame and influence, you're no longer winning the exchange. I feel like a lot of men are going out there and pulling girls because they feel like they want. Ha ha, look at this hot girl I got. For the night go to the club and get a hot girl. Oh, okay. Me, the famous millionaire, the most Google man on earth, got a hot chick. Who really won here? Who pulled it off? She did. She'll brag or rat or kiss and tell or ask for handbag.
Starting point is 00:55:25 Like, what did I win? Sex? Who cares? It's uninteresting to me. I don't want a child with her. I don't want a family. I don't want a future with her. So why do I even want her at all? I'm not. I'm really beyond all of that stuff. So now it's kind of funny and jail. I got thousands of love letters from women. Thousands. How about thousands of love letters from women and jail? Truly them all. I read every single one. Yeah. I mean, you have time. Yeah. You went through all of them. I've thousands of love letters from women in jail. True, we do more. I read every single one. Yeah, I mean, you have time, but you went through all of them. I have all of them. Thousands of love letters.
Starting point is 00:55:49 Craziest letter you got. What's the craziest letter you got? A lot of poems. One had drops of blood on it. She did a little cut. Lots and lots of love letters. Lots of you just saying, I'm the last man. They've been in love with me and they watch on my podcast.
Starting point is 00:56:03 And they were with one of them, sit with her ex-boyfriend. He started watching me, then she started watching me, then she wanted me, not him, and's lots of you saying, I'm the last man, they've been in love with me and they watch all my podcasts and they were with one of them, one of them said she was with her ex-boyfriend, he started watching me, then she started watching me, then she wanted me, not him, and not Ritevim, and all this craziness, but I didn't trust any of it. Is it real? Is it an agent? Is it a sial?
Starting point is 00:56:17 Who's she? Is she crazy? What if I see for her and she says I did something to her? What if 13 years later, she contacts the BBC? Garbage. I don't, I don't, I don't talk to any new chicks. Same as I don't have any new friends? I don't talk to any new chicks. Same as I don't have any new friends. I don't talk to any new chicks.
Starting point is 00:56:31 That's what I thought. Zero. So let me ask you, the idea of going through a lot of girls when you're younger, do you think a man needs to go through that or do you think that is a form of a weakness that holds you that you are slaved to it. Right. So that's a good question. And there's a fine line because there's arguments on both sides. However, I think in all scenarios and life experiences is always going to be valuable. No matter what it is, you need to have experience.
Starting point is 00:56:56 If you're inexperienced to anything, whether it's hunting, figure skating, girls, you're going to suffer. You pointed at them. You were saying like, insinuating, it's a great thing. Sorry. I know. He told me figure skating and we made fun of it earlier, but technically Patrick. Oh, sorry. Figure skating.
Starting point is 00:57:12 You need experience and experience is exceptionally important. Also as a man, especially when you're young and you're hard-broken a bunch of times. Some bigger, older, richer dudes are gonna take that chick. And you need to get used to that pain. So you need to get through it. So I do think it's a necessary part of being a man, but you don't want to be led by it.
Starting point is 00:57:27 There has to become a point where you go, you know what, I'm versed enough. And also another thing I would like to say is the reason you need to sleep with, not sleep with, but date lots of women when you're younger. So you have choices. Which define the two. Which is more important, date or sleep, in your eyes.
Starting point is 00:57:43 I feel like you don't really, I think that sleeping with a woman, you learn more about them as a closer relationship. So I'd say probably sleep with X amount, no crazy amounts, but I would say that, okay, let me give an example. If I go to the supermarket and pick up an apple, and it's the only apple I've ever eaten,
Starting point is 00:58:00 can I really save it to good apple or a bad apple? It's the only apple I've ever tasted, it might be sour. It might be terrible. I don't know. It was a life try 10 apples. I can tell the differences between apples. I say, what's a good apple?
Starting point is 00:58:10 What's a bad apple? I think you need that degree of experience. Because sometimes you'll be with a woman and go, yes, she's great. But if you're not experienced enough, you realize she really isn't all that great. And she actually treats you like a dickhead. Whereas if you've been with enough women, you can always reference back to that girl who actually was really good to you. And you'll probably mess it up because you're young and you're dumb.
Starting point is 00:58:25 We've all done it. All of us have that girl we had when it was perfect when we were young, and we all grew and did because we're stupid. But if person for you.

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