PBD Podcast - Big Tech’s Effect on Elections w/ Media Research Center’s Brent Bozell | PBD Podcast | Ep. 398

Episode Date: April 17, 2024

Patrick Bet-David and Vincent Oshana sit down with the founder of the Media Research Center, Brent Bozell. Brent Bozell is a conservative commentator and media critic who founded the Media Research C...enter. He's known for speaking out against what he sees as liberal bias in the media. Bozell often appears on conservative media outlets and has written serval books on the subject. THE MINNECT LEAGUE CHAMPIONSHIP: Want your shot to win dinner with Patrick Bet-David? Win "The Minnect League Championship": https://bit.ly/4aMAar8 PBD LIVE W/ TULSI GABBARD ON APRIL 25TH: ​​Purchase tickets to PBD Podcast LIVE! w/ Tulsi Gabbard on April 25th: https://bit.ly/3VmuaRm MINNECT: Connect one-on-one with the right expert for you on Minnect: https://bit.ly/3MC9IXE Connect with Patrick Bet-David on Minnect: https://bit.ly/3OoiGIC CHOOSE YOUR ENEMIES WISELY: Purchase PBD's Book "Choose Your Enemies Wisely": https://bit.ly/41bTtGD BET-DAVID CONSULTING: Get best-in-class business advice with Bet-David Consulting: https://bit.ly/40oUafz VT.COM: Visit VT.com for the latest news and insights from the world of politics, business and entertainment: https://bit.ly/472R3Mz VALUETAINMENT UNIVERSITY: Visit Valuetainment University for the best courses online for entrepreneurs: https://bit.ly/47gKVA0 TEXT US: Text “PODCAST” to 310-340-1132 to get the latest updates in real-time! YOUR NEXT 5 MOVES: Want to be clear on your next 5 business moves? https://bit.ly/3Qzrj3m ABOUT US: Patrick Bet-David is the founder and CEO of Valuetainment Media. He is the author of the #1 Wall Street Journal Bestseller “Your Next Five Moves” (Simon & Schuster) and a father of 2 boys and 2 girls. He currently resides in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida. --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/pbdpodcast/support

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Starting point is 00:00:36 I know this life meant for me. Why would you bet on Goliath when we got bet David? Valuetainment, giving values contagious. This world are entrepreneurs, we get no value to haters. I ain't running, homie, look what I become. I'm the one. So, our guest today is the founder of Media Research Center, which recently found a report that came out saying Google has interfered with elections 41 times over the last 16 years.
Starting point is 00:01:07 His organization did that. He's the founder of it, prominent conservative writer, media critic, and political activist known for his influential contributions to conservative thought and advocacy. He's the nephew of the great founder of, I can say, first line, I can say national, William F. Buckley Jr. I watch his content many, many times. It's great to have you on Brent Bozell on the podcast. Thank you so much for having me.
Starting point is 00:01:32 Of course. It's great to have you. So tell me, how did you guys, walk me through the research because when I saw this article, and I'm going through it, we're talking to it as a crew, Media Research Center, your organization, reveals that Google has allegedly interfered in US elections 41 times, 16 years favoring left-wing candidates and censoring their opponents as outlined by the MRC Free Speech America Vice President Dan Schneider and editor Gabriella Pressley. All these things that you guys find out, what did you learn from it?
Starting point is 00:02:00 Well, you've got a real problem with big tech in that big tech is not playing by the same rules that the rest of the United States is playing by. Anybody who is an American citizen has a right to participate in the election process, but only so far. You can make a contribution, you can only go so far. Corporations can't be involved in political action at the federal level. Yet you've got big tech that is picking winners and losers in elections. And when they do it the way they're doing it, it becomes a very serious threat to democracy itself. Let me explain that.
Starting point is 00:02:46 There was a study done by the Pew Center in 2011. Now, it's a dated study, but the numbers are only gonna be bigger than that, where they found that 7% of adults make their decision on who to vote for based on a Google search. Wow, 7%. 7%. 7%.
Starting point is 00:03:09 So, if you look at the 22 Senate races in the top 12 most contested races, you had where the Democrats and the Republicans were concerned, 87% of the Republicans were put at the bottom of the first page. Now, what do you do when you're doing a Google search, when you're looking for something? You have your answer within two or three people. Now, you open up, you're looking to see what's the price of fried chicken, and you get a couple of prices, and you're done. What Google did deliberately was to put the Republicans at the bottom of page one or?
Starting point is 00:03:48 In the case of seven of the twelve Republican candidates for the Senate in these most contested races They put them on page two less than 1% of the public ever goes to page two. That's right So that's deliberate interference in a Senate campaign, where you're keeping information from the public or burying it so far deep they'll never go looking for it. The 7% that make their decision based on what they look for. Google knows where it's going. So then Google goes to Capitol Hill.
Starting point is 00:04:22 When they're hauled up, like Facebook was hauled up, Jack Dorsey was hauled up to Capitol Hill, and raise your right hand and swear an oath to tell the truth and the whole truth, nothing but the truth, that sort of thing. And they argue that they are not a publisher, they're a platform. Now why is that important? Because if you're the Washington Post or if you're CNN or I suspect this podcast and you say something that's defamatory you will be held liable for what you say. Think about the Covington kid. This was a several years ago a Right to Life March and there was
Starting point is 00:05:04 that high school kid. Just standing there. Standing in front of an Indian person, and they just blasted him all over CNN, the Washington Post. Everybody blasted him as somehow doing something that was racist or something or other. Well, it turned out he was doing nothing. This poor kid was just standing there Well, guess what? There was a lawsuit against CNN a lawsuit against the Washington Post the one with the Washington Post Was settled with big smiles on the part of the plaintiffs
Starting point is 00:05:38 however Anything that was on Facebook or Google They couldn't be touched because they are officially platforms. They're not publishers. So anything that Google does that puts on there, they just say it's not us, it's the people who used us. They're the ones who are responsible and that's been the protection that they've had. Yet they are deliberately participating in the process. So they should be held as accountable as the Washington Post
Starting point is 00:06:07 Or your podcast. So how do you do that though when you say? Washington Post or the podcast or anybody how do you hold them accountable? You sue them Sue them if you defame me And you you you you cause me damage. I have the right For legal redress and I can I can respond with a lawsuit It's not very easy to win against the media because you have to prove not just that I was defamed But that I was deliberately defamed by you and it hurt me and it cost me
Starting point is 00:06:44 In the case of the Covington kid, he was able to show all three things very clearly, which is why he won his case. But again, if you're a big tech company and you've been able to get away with declaring yourself a platform, Wikipedia says the nastiest things about people, and it most the nastiest things about people and it allows the Nastiest things to be sent about people and I've seen I've seen just really scurrilous stuff Wikipedia can't be touched. They say we're just the platform people put their stuff on there But we were not responsible for taking it off. So so so Brent so but for Google it's a search engine. It's a publicly traded company, correct So their attitude is basically hey listen buy your own like member will make make your own just like with the with X
Starting point is 00:07:33 Everybody I'm sorry with formally known as Twitter everybody that I knew that's from the left Everybody from Calif all the liberals are like come like hey if you don't like it buy your buy buy your own or make your Own and that's what obviously um, Elon Musk did so what do you say the people that are just like you know start your own I know what do we have a Rob Duck Duck Go? There's Bing. There's there's other search platforms I could I could see that but what do you say to people are like well then start a new one and you do your own searches well Theoretically, that's right but Google is
Starting point is 00:08:03 so big and so powerful You really have to start thinking about monopolies Being as an example being is Microsoft Microsoft spent hundreds of millions of dollars Challenging Google and they got a whopping 2% of the market. Google has 92% of the market worldwide. They're sitting on billions of dollars in cash. YouTube posed a bit of a threat. They gobbled them, just like Facebook gobbled Instagram. You can't compete against these guys. They're just too powerful worldwide. When these rules are made by big tech when big tech decides to censor you Based on some thing they don't like
Starting point is 00:08:51 For example abortion they have a very very stern position on abortion and it ain't per life When you have that kind of policy, it's not just in the United States of America. It's worldwide where these policies Unless you're trying and so they say no I want to let you in but any country that invites them in is also inviting in that censorship And you know here's the interesting thing The United States is the only country on the face of this globe where free speech is a right That is an inherent right only in the United States So the censorship that takes place outside of the United States
Starting point is 00:09:27 I I pity those people because there's really nothing they can do about it brand these 41 times that they Interfere in the elections what you have some of the cases some of the stories some of the case studies I saw Tulsi Gabbard was on the list. I saw Hillary Obama McCain I saw a bunch of lists. Well, there was there were two Democrats and 39 Republicans that were the presidential candidates. The 39 Republicans just spanned the gambit. But an example, Rick Santorum. There was a smear bomb put out on Rick Santorum. It was really, really ugly. It was vicious in
Starting point is 00:10:11 the personal attack on him. I mean, I won't repeat it because it doesn't do him a personal disservice. He went to Google and he said, you know, this is what's happened to me. They didn't take it down. They kept it up there. The only time the Democrats have been censored, one was RFK and the other one was Hillary Clinton, interestingly enough, when she was challenging Barack Obama. They picked winners and losers in that. And they loved Hillary Clinton in 2016. They didn't love her when she ran in 2008,
Starting point is 00:10:46 I guess it was, against Obama. Obama was their guy. And that's who they wanted, so they censored her. Same thing with RFK Jr. You know, they might like him. They censored Jr. for the same reason they censored you, because you said something about COVID on your show. Bam, you got, how dare they? How dare they do that? Why can't you have a conversation about COVID? My wife and I have great conversations about COVID. We don't see eye to eye on it. Now half my family doesn't see eye to eye on that. Why can't you have that conversation?
Starting point is 00:11:19 Why do you censor somebody for just simply raising questions? It is effective though, it is very effective because when you think, with the RFK, when did they censor him? They're censoring him like recently or how long ago was that? They're censoring him now, but they censor, I guess last year was it? Got it. I'm not entirely sure, but they did censor, and it was over COVID. It was over COVID. Oh yeah, because especially when Big Pharma is involved, obviously, I mean, still to this day, I got in trouble a month ago, I think I said the V word, which nothing, by the way,
Starting point is 00:11:50 and they're not even sensing just regular people with dialogue. They're censoring the doctors that basically started the MRN vaccine. They silenced them because they're messing with their money and big pharma is obviously in control and they're in the pockets of big pharma. Yeah, you know, once upon a time, I used to think those are conspiracy theories, but they're really not. They're really not. Here's the reality of Washington, DC. The Chamber of Commerce really runs things in that town. When you've got a $6 trillion economy, someone's getting that money.
Starting point is 00:12:24 It ain't going all to welfare checks. It's going to someone who's going to a corporation that's going to administer that number. It's going to Defense Department. It's going for one-seventh of it is going for National Health Care today. Well that's being administered by health care companies. So it's there, it's in their vested interest that you have business as usual in Washington, DC And they like it very much because they're making billions upon billions of dollars making their pharmaceuticals So if you question one of their pharmaceuticals their idea is shut you down
Starting point is 00:12:58 Twitter was shutting people down Facebook is still shutting people down We've got a study like I don't want to give the numbers away yet, but we have a study coming out on Facebook and it's going to show a similar thing with election interference. Yeah. Rob, can you do me a favor? Go on Google real quick. Go on Google and type in Trump or Biden 2024, okay? And zoom in a little bit so we can see the titles and keep scrolling down. So we're so far on page one, right? New York Times, 538, keep going. New York Times, The Economist, AP News, all left so far.
Starting point is 00:13:38 Hill left, keep going. Sienna left, BBC left, AP News left, Reuters left, Washington Post left, Gallup keep going, 270, Politico, Pew Research, neutral, keep going, BBC, so go to more results. Let's see how long until Fox comes up. Reuters, Brookings, Newsweek, Statista keep going, ABC, Real Clear Party, keep going, CNN, Wall Street Journal, okay, so Wall Street Journal right there. Bam! Conservatives have taken over.
Starting point is 00:14:04 Yeah, Quinnipiac. One out of 20. Keep going. US CBS, Gallup, keep going. Politico, Bloomberg, NPR, Wikipedia, PBS, YouTube, Axios, keep going. I mean, listen, let's do another story. Go to another story. Go do 2024 election polls. Okay, 2024 election polls. OK, 2024 election polls. OK, zoom in and let's go down again and let's see what we see. So again, USA Today Newsweek Political National Review, left, left, left. Economist left, New York Times left, CNN left, Newsweek left, keep going. AP News, Political, NBC News, Washington. Same story.
Starting point is 00:14:44 This is just, so I'm not getting a single poll from the right. Keep going, keep going, keep going, keep going, keep going. There's five of the same ones. Keep going, keep going, keep going, keep going, nothing. Keep going, keep going, keep going. That's the world. We're on page two now. Nobody makes it to page three.
Starting point is 00:15:01 No. Keep going, keep going. Unbelievable. By the way, there's not a single link they're showing of Fox at all, by the way. Not a single one from Fox. Still going. From nothing. We're on page five now. Business Insider, Business Today, none. One of the top polling firms in the country is McLaughlin, an associate state. They do Trump's polling, but they do all sorts of polling. And they've been around for 40 years. I know is McLaughlin and Associates they do Trump's polling But they do all sorts of polling and they've been around for 40 years. I've known John McLaughlin
Starting point is 00:15:28 He's one of the best pollsters in America. You haven't seen this name. I haven't seen him at all. That is wild We're on page 8 now Fox has not showed off a single link so far Al Jazeera made it keep going Google made it We're about to go to page 10 Forbes Forbes is not left to keep going So now it's all Google's and they still haven't shown one link so far from Fox LA Times by the way, not one in ten pages and I and the basic search we just did right now was what?
Starting point is 00:16:02 2024 polls look at him. Look at him. After 11 pages, not one link was given by Fox News. So validate some of that. Now why are they worried about Tulsi Gabbard? What was their fear with Tulsi? Is this the Hillary Clinton Tulsi deal? Yeah, I mean Tulsi had a following, and Tulsi posed a threat, maybe minuscule, but it was a threat nonetheless. And they will target anything that gets in the way.
Starting point is 00:16:30 How bad was it that Senator Marshall Blackburn had a commercial where she said she was right to life and it got censored? How dare they not allow her to tell her constituents where she stands you'd think that Google would celebrate that and by the way You know what what is really annoying about that company? When was the last time? You called them and spoke to a person you can't talk to anybody there's no way of reaching them They put out a statement when we came out with that study They put out a statement where they said well, these these are old numbers that have been debunked
Starting point is 00:17:11 Well a they're not old and B They've not been debunked and so we sent a letter to the president of Google just show debunk one We'll take one debunk The debunk a single one they can't because it's factually accurate They didn't debunk a single one. They can't because it's factually accurate. So they simply believe they're above the rules that you have to play and I have to play. Rob, the link I sent you for where people advertise, where people give their money to left or the right, can you pull that link up?
Starting point is 00:17:37 I gave it to you earlier and it's the second one. I think it's the Axios yellow link that I sent to you that shows where at the top was Netflix, what percentage of their executives give the money to the left versus the right. When you pull this up, one of the most interesting things was seeing which company gave more to the right than the left. It was somebody I wouldn't have expected at all. Rob, did you find out you're still looking for it? So check this out.
Starting point is 00:18:03 So this article came out And to be fair date right there as the one day you go So this is tech employees are much like much more liberal than their employers Employees more than their employers at least as far as the candidates they support so now watch this go Lord This is what you see keep going. This This is from OpenSecrets that they show this data. Employee donation for midterms candidates by party. Look at Netflix. It's pretty much 100% of the left.
Starting point is 00:18:32 By the way, that's like, I want to know who the.4% is. And I want to know how they still have a job. They're hiding. Yeah. Look at Twitter, 98.7. Then you got Airbnb, zooming a little bit, Rob. 97.8. Then you got Apple, Stripe, Lyft,
Starting point is 00:18:47 Google Alphabet, Salesforce, Facebook is 94.5, even Tesla, 93.9, eBay, PayPal, Microsoft, Amazon, Uber, Hewlett-Packard, all the way at the bottom, Oracle, and Intel. See Larry Ellison's got a little bit of influence on people. Close that up and keep going lower. Keep going lower to the next one. This one is what? Company-pack PAC donations to midterm candidates. Tesla 20% conservative, 80% left. This is the company. Hewlett-Packard, 5742. Salesforce, Facebook. Facebook is 50-50. Google, 51-49. Go lower, look all the way at the bottom PayPal interesting right
Starting point is 00:19:26 62 percent PayPal was going for Conservative 38 percent was going for were you aware that that PayPal is that much on one side and the other? Well when it comes to corporate contributions to me it doesn't mean much and then because they're playing they're playing the middle look at Look at what was in which? Which one was it? Google was 51-49. Yeah, 50-50. That's the game that they're playing. They want to have good relations with both sides, Republicans and Democrats.
Starting point is 00:19:53 So the PAC money will go 50-50 by design. But it's not just the big tech. Big Oil does the exact same thing. That's the game that's played. Now in recent years, Democrats have been far more effective than Republicans at getting corporate contributions. And I think it is because Democrats can promise more. They've got bigger budgets and they say to Exxon, we can get you bigger subsidies. You know, I've asked the question, why, why, why isn't big oil standing up to the Biden administration? Who's trying to shut down the whole industry? Why? Because they're getting
Starting point is 00:20:31 massive subsidies for electric vehicles. If for to develop that technology, the last thing they want to do is lose that money. So what do they do? They make contributions to the same administration that is out to destroy their business. Okay, so now let's talk 2024. 2020, whatever they did, they won, right? The left one, whether it was not allowing that story from New York Post on Twitter to go viral, they took it down. Whether it was Twitter files, we haven't seen Google files yet, we haven't seen YouTube files yet, we haven't seen Facebook files yet. The only files that we know is a Twitter files, right? Okay That was the gamification they use for 2020
Starting point is 00:21:11 What do you think they're going to do for 2024 because they're not just going to let anybody come in and just hey Hand it over to trump. They're not going to do that What what are some areas you're looking at that if you were to think about? Strategy and you think like they are what do you think they're going to be doing? Well, let's go back a little bit to 2008. Obama was brilliant as a political strategist. He had a strategy that said, my followers may be in the minority, and I don't mean black, I mean just numerically in the minority, but if I could mobilize them more effectively than these people on the Republicans who numerically outnumber me, but they're just bored and stayed at home,
Starting point is 00:21:58 if I can do that, I can win the election. He did it through Facebook, which was something that the Republicans had never even heard of in 2012 he he doubled down I think it's been a hundred million or something in advertising alone, but he doubled down on Facebook on Election Day He was turning out all of his supporters Mitt Romney was selling baseball caps for $25 a piece I mean they he had no understanding of the power of Facebook. In 2016 Trump did it but he did it through Twitter. He chose the Twitter platform. In 2020 it was the consensus will never let this guy do it again. So
Starting point is 00:22:40 they shut him down on Twitter, they shut him down on Facebook Then they wouldn't allow the issues that were being raised They shut down the issues that were being raised now as a result of that. There was a big kerfuffle And and along comes Elon Musk and he uncovers what was going on with the Russian collusion story And and and finds the evidence that yes, they censored it. Mark Zuckerberg took credit, came forward, held the press conference and announced, we did it too. And we did it because the Justice Department came to us and they said it was all, I mean, it was the Hunter Biden story.
Starting point is 00:23:20 That's what we're talking about. They said it's all Russian collusion. And that because of the Justice Department, they shut it down, which is just dangerous stuff going on here. Now, 2024 is in front of us. What's going to happen? I think Elon Musk is absolutely committed to an open form of ideas. But the problem is his staff isn't When the shadow banning was uncovered where they were going to conservative Republicans and shutting them down that was at the staff level that wasn't Jack Dorsey at the corporate level doing that That was at the staff level where they had that power in recent years
Starting point is 00:24:04 And one of the findings we're gonna I, I'll tell you one of the findings of our Facebook study on your show, three times Mark Zuckerberg has made public pronouncements about the intention of Facebook to become, to be an open platform of ideas. Three times the censorship went up. That was the consequence from his own staff. They increased the censorship. It's this that they're doing to the boss. Now, so what's going to happen with Google? Google, I think, is going to double and triple down on this presidential campaign and Google is the most powerful of them all. that's over. That's a real problem as to the other ones I
Starting point is 00:24:47 Suspect that that Mark Zuckerberg does want it now Facebook is doing something interesting They have pushed out the news business. They don't want the news business on their platforms They've got you know they want trading photographs of your of your family And they've done it to the left and they've done it to the right. They've been very fair about pushing all news contents out. And this put some companies out of business as a result. Now they're focusing on politics. They're going even further. So I don't know how much they're going to play in this election campaign. But, but, um, so, uh, I mean, Zuckerberg gave what $400 million in 2020, and it was
Starting point is 00:25:31 specifically for having people work on the, on the election, totally for the left. I mean, we all know where he stands. Where do you go? Harvard, Harvard, as we've seen, what's up? A Harvard dropout. But I like, I think where Pat is going is more of, I mean, 2020, what a great timing for them for COVID to come out of this place, out of this lab. Do you feel anything like, I mean, with the votes, I think they're playing a long game. They already set up their pieces with, because Elon Musk, as we're talking about, one of the biggest things he's been talking about for the past six months is the illegal open border coming in, all these votes we did a study how many how many states of PBD don't require ID no photo ID 16 I believe it's 16 out of all
Starting point is 00:26:09 these states of bread they don't even need photo ID some of these places I think the major three swing states all you need is your social security number because they made it to where if you're coming and you're working and that's why the left is pushing it do you think that that's one of the main things is I mean Elon that's one of Elon's main things do you that that's one of the main things? I mean, Elon, that's one of Elon's main things. Do you think that that's one of their bigger tactics? Yeah, look, look, there's something really nefarious there. Not only has the Biden administration opened the borders, you know, Trump closed it for the for the most part, and it was almost closed. And by closed, it means that you follow the law. That's all it means is you follow the law to come into this
Starting point is 00:26:45 country. So Biden opened them all up. And then Majorcas looked right in the camera to the United States and said, there's no problem. And he, Biden appointed Kamala to be the border zone. She never even went. She still hasn't. No, everything's fine. They know what's happening down there and they like it. Look at the, look what the Republicans came up with with their voting rights bill, which was just vilified by the left. The media said it was all going to restrict elections and it was all to keep people from voting there were only two things that the Republicans were pushing how's this for radical signature verification and photo ID racist and all races and and just those two things and those things have got something like an 89% support I can't believe 11% of America
Starting point is 00:27:44 would be against it but it's got it but almost 100% support It's just the simplest thing in the world. They don't want that. They don't want that because they want illegal aliens You can't even say illegal aliens. No, you're not allowed to what was it called Rob where they called? Richers, no was it cultural enrichers cultural richers. I love that one or undocumented right undocumented Documented citizens Nancy Pelosi hates that and even the word migrant is wrong because they're not migrants They're immigrants the difference being a migrant goes from one part of a country to another part of the country an immigrant Comes from one country and goes to another it's a very good point There's a difference between a migrant crisis or an immigrant crisis right now last one at least before we wrap up. So at the beginning in 2016, I think you were a Ted Cruz guy
Starting point is 00:28:29 You were not a Trump person. You made some comments about Trump and then you flipped and you supported Trump What do you stand out with Trump and him being the candidate? 2024 his chances of winning I I think You know every year I think, you know, every year when you're doing your fundraising, you tell your supporters that by God this is an existential year. I think 2024 is an existential year. It's going to be one of two things. You know, it's the first time in modern history where the American people have a choice between two candidates, both of whom have been presidents and both of whom have presidential records.
Starting point is 00:29:13 I just looked at, can I go through some numbers? If I were Donald Trump running today, I would say ladies and gentlemen, I'm gonna give you some numbers and I'm just going to tell you that gasoline prices Were two dollars and forty two cents when I left office as a March there three dollars and fifty four cents They've gone up forty six percent. Joe Biden has said in a national television that Prices he's brought prices down from under where they were with Donald Trump.
Starting point is 00:29:48 So either Joe Biden is senile or he's lying through his teeth. Okay, inflation. Just recently, Biden said he had curbed quote unquote rampant inflation from Donald Trump. The average inflation for Trump was 1.9%. The average inflation for Biden is 5.5%. When he took office, it was 1.4% thanks to Donald Trump. Prices have gone up under Trump in 48 months. They went up 7.8%. Under Biden in 38 months, they went up 18.9%. Mortgage rates. When Donald Trump took office, it was at 4.1%.
Starting point is 00:30:30 When he left, it was at 2.8%. That's what Biden assumed. Today, it's 6.8%. It's gone up 146%. On and on the numbers go. If I were Donald Trump, I would say when I was president, there was in a single war anywhere on the face of this earth. There could have been all sorts of problems, but nobody was doing anything. Today, there are wars and the possibility of wars of a world war, all going on all over the world.
Starting point is 00:31:02 When I was president, you could go on the streets of America today You can't go in Washington DC now ladies and gentlemen I'm gonna go play golf At my golf courses up back on Election Day Talk among yourself and America you decide who you want to be president. They're the two records now So where did I sit? I was a cruise guy. I was a Cruz guy because Cruz was a Reaganite. Donald Trump had his whole career was supporting liberal Democrats like Hillary Clinton. That was the facts of life. And so I supported Cruz. Donald Trump didn't like that. I got one of those patented Donald Trump tweets. That's fine. And I did support him, and I do support
Starting point is 00:31:47 him, and I think that I don't care what you say about his personality, his record is all that matters. And it was a sterling record, and we need him more than ever to go back to what he did before. He doesn't need to do any more than what he did before. Just do Act 2. What I don't want is Obama 4.0. And that's what we're getting is Obama 4.0. Biden's not controlling anything. It's the Obama team that's controlling everything.
Starting point is 00:32:17 It's very obvious and everybody knows it. But I still think everybody has to be ready. Right now it's what? April 16th today. We got how many more months left? Six and a half months, give or take. Twenty-nine weeks, thirty weeks to election. How crazy do you think this year's October surprises are going to be?
Starting point is 00:32:40 It's going to be whatever they need it to be. Look what's going on with these trials. Donald Trump was just convicted in New York of a crime where there was no victim and nobody accusing him. Right now, he's being charged. He's in court on a case where they're using federal statutes, yet both the Justice Department and the SEC said there's no there there. So the federal government has said there's no there there. So you've got a Democrat DA who ran at a campaign platform that said I'm gonna
Starting point is 00:33:16 get Donald Trump and he's the darling of the far left getting Donald Trump. So they're gonna try everything they can, including putting this man in prison, if they have to, before the elections. It's an unthinkable proposition, what's happening in this country. But yeah, they're not gonna take any prisoners. You saw Bragg files a motion to hold Trump in contempt for alleged gag order, violation, threatened, 30 days of jail time. Yeah, yeah. And because Donald Trump wants to... Started to threaten, this just happened right now, yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:47 Because Donald Trump wants to respond to scurrilous attacks against him, coming from the left. He has a right to do that. But I mean, as it's like, the average American that's following all this brunt is slow, because trust me, I'm in this camp not only just fed up and tired I have lost all faith in any and because we talked about you know once in a while me and Adam the another calls we're talking about he's the courts or and he's like what do you mean you mean the institution that I go listen if they could do this in New York imagine what they're gonna do anywhere else to anybody that's lesser than the ex-president of the United States it's
Starting point is 00:34:24 it's it's it angers me at the same of the United States. It's, it's, it's, it angers me at the same time. It's like, I don't trust, it makes the trust for the system even lesser than it was the day before. And it's not getting better because if they were seeing it live, everybody knows, but nobody can really say anything because everybody's like, well, you know, cause the left loves it. The left is like, you know, the Stormy Daniels, the hush money, the, you know, they actually believe that this place is worth $15 million. $18 million. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:34:47 Yeah, they couldn't win. They can't win the war of public opinion. You know, with what I just gave you, if the conversation had to do with the issues, the issues that the American people care about, and I just gave you those issues, they don't care about climate change, they don't care about abortion They care about these pocketbook issues if you had a conversation about that and I can tell you these issues are being Completely we've been talking about big tech, but don't let the media the news media off the hook on this They're doing the kibosh on anything that will give you know They did throughout Trump's administration
Starting point is 00:35:25 Think about this for a second the coverage of Trump was 90.5% negative for four years It's already started. It's already at 90% So what does it do when it's 90.5%? It's 90.5% attacks on you, but it only allows for 9.5% to tell your successes. So his stories were never being told. How many people know that Donald Trump was recommended for three Nobel Peace Prizes? Yeah, not us, nobody else. I want to show you two clips. Can you play this clip? One clip and we'll wrap up. Go
Starting point is 00:36:03 ahead, Rob. Watch this. 10 31, we got some news from inside the courtroom. Apparently, the district attorney's office has filed a written motion. So they have made it official to try and hold Donald Trump in contempt for violating the gag order that was put onto him by the judge. Well, I guess there were three allegations that the state made yesterday. And if he is, if the allegations hold up, Trump would be fined $1,000 for each violation.
Starting point is 00:36:33 That's right. Can you imagine $1,000? No problem. I'll pay 100K today. So it's all PR. It's all PR. Yeah. But they're doing it. But they're doing it. And it and by the way today Bill Maher put the interview out with him and Katie Couric and did you hear what she said about MAGA? No, you got it. We'll go ahead and watch this. This is this did you see this already or nothing? This very and watch this go for it. And I feel like to your point build the socioeconomic
Starting point is 00:37:01 Disparities are a lot and class resentment is a lot what and Anti-intellectualism and elitism is what is driving many of these these anti-establishment Which are Trump voters anti-establishment voters? So I think that is And that's a huge problem that we have to address. I mean globalization and you know the transition from an industrial to a technological Society, I mean I and I don't know if you've ever been jealous of some what someone else has or resentful
Starting point is 00:37:41 it is such a corroding and Bitter Almost you have stone you are the only stone. She's in the basement. She's high. You know what she's saying is anybody that's a Trump voters anti-intellectual in other words you are dumb is what she called you and No, you are deplorable. But look what you don't get much more elitist What you do that man? And know horrible it you are horrible. But look what you don't get much more elitist And by the way the idea of class resentment That's been a signature of the far left since the beginning of time. That's not been a conservative MAGA position That's been Katie Kerr exposition and her side the whole time
Starting point is 00:38:22 So so she's somewhere between uber elitist and downright stupid in that comment Well, that's where she is and we applaud her for it because that's the position she chooses to take and the educational system worked Good on her to get her for the entire life. I don't have they had her 50 years I don't know how old she is anyways when it's great to have you on. Thank you so much Thank you so much on this research that you did with the great organization of MRC. Rob, let's put the link below to the article as well as their website MRC so the audience can go check them out. Have a great one, gang. We will do this again, I believe, tomorrow. Take care, everybody. Bye-bye, bye-bye.

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