PBD Podcast - David Harris Jr. | PBD Podcast | EP 85

Episode Date: September 9, 2021

During Episode 85 of the PBD Podcast, Patrick Bet-David sits down with Adam Sosnick, Phil Heath, and guest David Harris Jr. to talk about topics such as the chip shortage, California gas prices, the T...aliban declares China as their closest ally, and much more! Watch the full podcast: https://youtu.be/F7DLp21UqRI --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/pbdpodcast/support

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Starting point is 00:00:00 We are on episode number 85, Adam. We have Adam back with us, Phil here, but we have a special guest, David Harris, Juni, David. Welcome David. How you feeling? Good. So, give me a hand.
Starting point is 00:00:12 We had a nice little pre podcast, what do you call it, meeting last night. Short meeting, started at two o'clock in the afternoon, ended at midnight, which was a lot of prep, a lot of roleplay, pull all that stuff, but then we had good conversations with David last night. Yourself, Adam, I wish you guys were there last night. Adam was hardcore debating David, trying to convince David how amazing of a country America is. Yeah, he wouldn't, he wouldn't budge.
Starting point is 00:00:39 He wouldn't budge. All I remember is the Legos. To play Legos. How often do people ask you a question? I don't think I've ever been the Legos. Do you play Legos? How often do people ask you a question? I don't think I've ever been asked that question. Well, I mean, there's a first time for everything. I was the last that question until Pat brought it up.
Starting point is 00:00:53 Yeah. So anyways, David, for some guys who don't know your story, take a quick moment. Give him your story. I mean, obviously, you and I got connected. When we first sat down and we spoke in Dallas, it was an event going on. We came down.
Starting point is 00:01:07 We had a meeting behind closed doors spoke and we realized our story goes way. I don't know how many years back goes to the connection, but tell us your story so the audience knows as well. So I'm from Northern California and a Christian, raise a Christian didn't always walk that path. Obviously I don't know too many people that were able to stay that true course for just their whole life, some have, and that's amazing. But I had internal battles and demons
Starting point is 00:01:35 and things that I had to deal with, so. But always very conservative by nature. Married my high school sweetheart, right at high school. So we just celebrated 27 years of marriage. And through little, through little hell. Beautiful family by the way. Yeah, thank you, brother.
Starting point is 00:01:49 Thank you. Been through hell and back, but she held on. I held on and we had faith that God would pull us through when he did. Kids? Two daughters, yeah. 23 and 25. You're a girl, dad. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:02 Yep, I got two. Don't look to daddy's girls. Because his daughters are beautiful by the way. So I'm not looking enough. Yeah, I got to don't look to daddy's girls because his daughters are beautiful by the way So I'm not looking enough. Yeah, I'm seriously with you. We have a code for Adam Stick to tender, but go ahead, please continue So entrepreneur humble. I'm sorry. Please don't get a hinge is in a way go ahead entrepreneur Yeah, entrepreneur start my first company when I was 20 had some semi success or or doing a couple million dollars a year in business. But when you got internal stuff in there,
Starting point is 00:02:27 a lot of money can turn into a lot of problems and headaches. So a long story short, getting to where my kind of social media platform started to grow. And hello to anybody out there on YouTube that's hearing me now because I was banned about a month ago on YouTube, my YouTube page was unpublished. But what started it was right after the third debate
Starting point is 00:02:47 between Trump and Hillary. I'm watching this debate. I'm hearing Trump talk, I'm hearing Hillary talk, and I'd seen and been paying attention to what I felt the mainstream media was doing, taking clips out of context against Trump, and then painting him like this evil racist guy. When everybody loved Trump before he ran for office as a
Starting point is 00:03:08 Republican, I firmly believe if he would Iran as a Democrat, they would have treated him like Obama, like the next coming savior is how they treated Obama. And I didn't vote for him. I was trying to wait people up. I have a chapter in my book when Obama became president. I cried, but it was a cry for of remorse because of who I felt Obama was, was not the right leader for our country.
Starting point is 00:03:32 But it was strange because it was also mingled with a black man just became president. So it was bitter sweet for you at the time. It was very, bitter sweet. Yeah, more bitter than sweet. But yeah, anyway, I tried to weigh people up because for me, I've always believed and felt and known the same, I think, any child does towards a baby in the womb. A baby in the womb is a baby, whether it's inside or outside the womb, people know that, kids know that. And I think science proves that now
Starting point is 00:04:06 as well. So for me, there was no way that I could vote for a man that believed that abortion was okay, especially partial birth abortion. He voted in favor of partial birth abortion obama did. He voted against a bill that would have provided medical treatment to babies that survived abortions. And when I first found out he was running for president, I was excited to my mom, thank God for good moms that pray for you and family that pray for you. She said go research how he votes on the issues that matter to you.
Starting point is 00:04:37 And so when I found those things out on his stance on abortion, I said, I don't care what color he is. He's not getting my vote. And I tried to raise the juice below. As a conservative. You've grown up in the church where you, oh, I did until I was about 15, 16 and then started drinking and then we're you ever a Democrat, were you ever on the left, were you ever so I was never really political. When did you become political? What age? It was probably Obama. It was it was about a 408 because I mean It was a big thing for the black community
Starting point is 00:05:09 There's a black guy running for president. Yeah, right? I think I think a mostly black community kind of woke up to saying what they could literally Pre-2011 you were never you were never in politics. You don't follow it. Mm-hmm No, I mean I followed a little bit. Yeah, oh wait. Yeah, I see made the 12 to 16. I followed it a little bit. What did I say? What did I say? I mean, oh seven, I mean, oh seven, meaning campaign. He's coming up. So did you hear him speaking? Oh four. Did you see the DNC speech? No, okay. So oh six, you're not really following any of this stuff. Oh seven. Oh my god. Someone's going to be a black president. This is pretty amazing. Let me start look, follow on it. And then you said, conversation my God, someone's gonna be a black president, this is pretty amazing. Let me start looking, following it, and then you said,
Starting point is 00:05:46 conversation with mom, change your mind, you may wanna see what some of his values are. Yeah, I'm glad she didn't direct me. She didn't say, oh no, you can't do this, or yes, you can do this, which I think is a huge issue, especially in the black community, but I think for a lot of family's period, where parents just try to say, well,
Starting point is 00:06:03 you have to do this because of this. Yeah, and they don't give their kids the opportunity, I actually think for a lot of families period, where parents just try to say, well, you have to do this because of this. And they don't give their kids the opportunity, actually think for themselves. So when I researched and found that out, I tried to wake up as many people as I could. It was bittersweet when he won, and then it was like, okay, round two, 2012. Are we gonna do this again?
Starting point is 00:06:18 And we freaking did it again. And it was just like, you know, so- So you were in a fan of Obama starting in the 708. No. Can I ask you a question? And then I want to hear Phil's opinion on this. You said last night being a black man who's a conservative that a lot of your family has alienated you, right?
Starting point is 00:06:36 Do you mind if we discuss that? No, not at all. You talked about the story where you stayed at the Trump hotel and your mom wouldn't go, like what's it like? Just being a conservative black man, your family's alienating you? I think 90 plus percent of African Americans vote for Obama or approved Democrat.
Starting point is 00:06:53 Like, what's that like for guys like you? Go ahead Phil. I mean, I'll be honest, like going back to what you're saying from last night, you know, a competitor to the Olympia, I always wanted to stay at a hotel where I had all the amenities that I needed, and it just happened to be the Trump hotel
Starting point is 00:07:08 in Las Vegas that provided that. I didn't really think much of it. I'm kind of like David, like I really didn't even pay attention to politics until Obama came out. Just stand at a dope hotel, that was it. That's really what it was, but you know. And his hotels are dope. Yeah, and they are.
Starting point is 00:07:20 Seconds to the night. Yeah, they're amazing. I was always treated with great amount of respect, receiving letters from his son or like, hey, because I'm there for 10 plus years. But anyway, I really noticed that a lot of my family would not meet me there starting what year? I probably, from the very beginning, but I just didn't pay attention.
Starting point is 00:07:42 That's the 2008. So from 2008, I was staying at the Trump hotel, right? And you know, winning the Olympian in 2011, 12, 13 and so on, not much of them would come through. So even breathing would become an oppressive. Yeah, so it was very interesting. Because he was the leading the birther cause against Obama.
Starting point is 00:08:02 I have no idea, you know, but I remember, it had to be something like that. Which actually started with Hillary, right, Trump didn't start that birther cause against the bomb. I have no idea, you know, but I remember, it had to be something like that. Which actually started with Hillary. Right. Trump didn't start that birther. Mm-hmm. So, if she started it, he certainly took it in random. Oh, no, he ran with it.
Starting point is 00:08:14 So definitely asking the simple question, like, hey, like, why are you guys not coming through and they're like, you know, your mom hates Trump? And I'm like, what the hell does that have to do with me? Rire to him running to president. Like, right before that. Okay. And I'm like, what the hell does that have to do with me? Right, really him running to president. Like right before that. Okay. And I'm like, well, what the hell does that have to do
Starting point is 00:08:26 with your only son actually staying here? Like for me, it was just about like, did the person treat you wrong? No. Okay. At the end of the day, I looked at, you know, from that day forward as, why are people just hating on this guy?
Starting point is 00:08:38 You never met him. What policies are you disagreeing with? Because I would, you know, love to be able to have some understanding. And for the most part, most of my family, they don't really talk about it. But when you talk about force or pushing agendas, that is definitely a part of family. But I'm always the type that has always been in the middle.
Starting point is 00:09:01 I always just want to vote, like, take the names off the ballot. Let me look at the actual policies. And just, what do I identify with? And that's how I've always voted. Very hard to do, by the way. We talk about that a lot here. Well, anyways, to fast forward to where David's at today. I mean, if you follow David's stuff on Instagram,
Starting point is 00:09:19 David's got millions of views. Millions, I don't even, it's not even proper to say millions of views. Probably hundreds of millions online views is what David's got. He's all over the place. If you're not already following him, you may want to go follow him to see what he's doing. Let's put the link below for folks to be able to find them as well. Let's get right into some topic. Let's get right into some topics. Our last happened, we haven't been here for about a week and a half because of our last week's vault, which was absolutely sick. With Dustin Portier, we had what he called it,
Starting point is 00:09:46 Gary Casper, who crushed it by the way. The message he had against communism was fascinating. And we had Billy being there talking about data, we had who else, I'm forgetting Phil Spol, Greg Sher, talking about private equity from... Phil crushed it. Phil absolutely crushed it, and then, you know, that's a big person in the room. A thousand people on the room.
Starting point is 00:10:09 We had a nice party at the yacht. And afterwards, we had a nice party at the house. A couple of nights ago, you know, the place was unreal. But the most common converse, people were there to find out how to take their businesses to the next level, right? That's right. One of the most common conversations that everybody
Starting point is 00:10:24 was talking about is how afraid they were about freedom and capitalism. So cameras off, there's no cameras, we're talking at the restaurant, hey Pat, what do you think about what's going to happen with freedom? What are you going to happen with capitalism? What do you think what's going to happen? These are people from around the world that are all having the same types of conversations about what we're going to be doing, But Gary got up and Gary delivered a message.
Starting point is 00:10:47 He called that Putin. He called that. He called out everybody with no restriction. He didn't hold anything back. He ran an oil against Putin. Here's a the goat of chess. You tell me how to guide that play chess for what? It was number one for 250 something months in a row.
Starting point is 00:11:04 I've never heard of anybody being number one for 250 something months in a row. I've never heard of anybody being number one 255 months in a row. That's over 21 years where you're think about all the goats of all time. Who has ever been first place for 255 months in poker, in tennis, in basketball, in baseball. I've never heard of anybody. Now the credit to chess players, you can't get any injury. It's not going to get you know, you're not going to go right. You know, I got to get some kind of a treatment. But at the same time, the mental for fortitude to be able to stay that the. But I love that question. You asked them
Starting point is 00:11:34 by the way. You said like you talk, you can give a knee blow out. But you know, it's sports, you know, everything that's not with you. But in chess, how do you get injured? He did. And his answer was look at at some point after 20 years of being a Not a matter anymore. You just get kind of bored. Yeah, it doesn't matter And I thought it was interesting and then I said so how politics any aspirations for politics He's like, no, I don't do politics. I don't do politics. I was on stage on stage So when you don't do politics we had a good conversation in the back. Would you share that conversation?
Starting point is 00:12:00 I don't want in the back. Yeah, it was pretty I'll share a part of it But I asked him I said, what are you doing? Right? What do you mean what am I doing? I said what are the back? Yeah, it was pretty good. I'll share a part of it, but I asked him, I said, what are you doing? Which is, what do you mean, what am I doing? I said, what are you doing? I said, what was the solid body? He says, I don't understand the question. I said, you have a message that the world needs to hear about.
Starting point is 00:12:13 You're a seven year old kid in Russia under a communist regime that becomes a phenom. The entire time you think America's the worst country in the world, then you get a flavor of capitalism at 13 years old, then you realize how amazing capitalism is, then you come back and you went for your country, you have one of a few people who was able to make it because chess in Russia is seen as, you know, it's like a... The world are made of. I saw it.
Starting point is 00:12:39 Now you got a message with all the mess going on in the world and you want to stay quiet, this is what I tweet. I write. I said, no, that's not enough. You got to do something. So he says, what do you think we should do? Anyway, he sent you an email. We should go to do something together in October. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:53 But anyways, it was good because more and more, you would be amazed how many people around the world support capitalism had a tweet that went out today about the fact that, you know, why I love capitalism. I said, here's a kid, Vietaim put it up. What was the messaging? Let me see if I have it here. If you wanna pull it up, Kai.
Starting point is 00:13:12 And then a guy responds back, and this is the one messaging that gets heat sometimes. Oh, let me see where this is, Kai. If you pull it up. Okay, I love capitalism? It says capitalism allowed an immigrant like me with zero generational world, zero privileges and a one point in a GPA to my dreams become a reality. The only privilege I need was the fact that my parents sacrificed everything
Starting point is 00:13:34 to bring us to us, right? It was all me. So then a guy responds back and he says capitalism works if you have capital to start off with, right? If you have capital, I'm not be able to read. Yeah, exactly. So this guy responds back and he says capital is them only works. If you have capital is them to start off with. And I said, not true. I started off with zero, no generational. Well, that was a 99
Starting point is 00:13:58 cents store cashier. Mom went back to you around because she ran out of money. I said, every penny I could have my jobs instead of party in order to one day start a business. Others can do the same. There's this notion that capitalism only benefits the rich, capitalism only benefits the few, but at the end, it's the greatest economical system that allows anybody with whatever skin color you have, whatever nationality, whatever religion,
Starting point is 00:14:22 we're at the event. You're having all these conversations. I cannot tell you how big of a Muslim population we had at the event. I couldn't leave it. Muslim capitalists. We're at the event. Our friend Tamara. To shrine from stage emotional, one girl got up, she was crying saying, as a Muslim from Azerbaijan, I cannot wait. She says I'm willing to sacrifice my own life to finish and end communism Wow This makes no sense. There was one Muslim girl who Mario Saun says hey, can I give you a hug? She says no, I'm sorry We can't do that. She's that devout to her religion, but supports capitalism It doesn't matter what educationally level you were at,
Starting point is 00:15:05 what part of the world, what nationality. It looked like the United Nations were there, except they were there to support capitalism. It's a beautiful thing to see take in place. 12 different countries. Yeah, 12 different COVID. During COVID. During COVID.
Starting point is 00:15:17 By the one of our biggest audiences, Australia, they couldn't come out. One of our biggest, we have Italy, that was one of our biggest, couldn't come out. Germany, so many different places couldn't come out there's a guy from Germany that get denied visa three times yeah he got in the fourth the he went to the embassy they told him no he changed
Starting point is 00:15:35 one guy he applied again one guy flew from out on the way it was a no net net on the where was from he flew he flew to one country then they send them back he flew to another country then they send was from, he flew, he flew to one country, then they send him back. He flew to another country, then they send him back. Then he flew to Istanbul, to try to go from Istanbul to Central America to come to US. In Istanbul, they hold him back, he's about to get on a flight, they send him back.
Starting point is 00:15:55 He wasn't able to make the event. Three different ways he tried to come out. I mean, it's a mess right now around the world with what's going on. We got obviously a lot of stories to cover. It's good to be back, update on BizDoc, BizDoc is doing. Very good. He got obviously a lot of stories to cover. It's good to be back Update on biz doc biz doc is doing very good. Yes. He's making a lot of progress. I'm happy for him It was a very positive news yesterday. He was an ICU with pneumonia, but he's doing better Shout out to biz doc. Yeah, absolutely man. Everybody that's been praying for praying for him or meditating praying or meditating
Starting point is 00:16:22 Sending positive thoughts and vibes, it's been working. But it's good to be back. Having said that, let me kind of go through a couple stories with you. I don't know, we'll pick some of them, we'll get into them. David, I definitely want to get your take on a couple things. One is Hawaii, one is Italy, one is Australia, and Taliban because you've been very much involved in spreading mess. And I know you're connected with a lot of guys that are giving you stories
Starting point is 00:16:46 on what's really going on. So we'll get into that here as well. So here's a few stories that we have. Take giants are rushing to develop their own ships. Here's why Kai may want to turn off your mic. We'll talk about that story. Scotland to trial a four day work week, latest nation to attempt shift.
Starting point is 00:17:04 Disappointing August job report that came back that through a wrench and feds uh... taper plan which the numbers weren't slightly off they were dramatically off more americans are taking jobs without employer benefits like health or paid vacation will cover that here in a minute california gas prices record breaking on labor day weekend will talk about the numbers there
Starting point is 00:17:24 tim deep tim t-ball joining espn's first take as new steven a smith's foe adam sandler says netflix asked him to rewrite his new movie so it wasn't set in china because the company doesn't do business in china taliban declares china's her closest ally taliban angrily and the and disappointed after US disabled military equipment before leaving Kabul.
Starting point is 00:17:47 Trump purportedly, Evan hates Ron DeSantis, within as David to see if he's ever heard anything like this before. Melania Trump is telling friends that she has no interest in being the first lady, despite her husband's 2024 thesis, reports says, and Texas can openly carry guns in public without a permit or training police say the new law makes it harder to do their jobs. Having said that, let's first get into gas prices with California because California just loves paying high gas prices. Let's give them a little shout out here with what happened with gas prices. Okay, California's will pay highest labor day weekend gas prices ever. Fox Business Story.
Starting point is 00:18:22 Drivers in California will pay more than a Labor Day weekend for gasoline, then they have ever in the past for the first time of year. According to numbers from Automobile Club of California, the current $4.39, $4.39 per gallon price of regular gases. California's new record high for Liberty Weekend up from 3.23 a year ago. The current national average is 3.18, and California is 4.39. The prior high is for a regular limited weekend was in 2012 when it was 4.16.
Starting point is 00:18:51 The average price of gas in the US has continued to climb since the beginning of last year, and deadly hurricane Ida hitting the critical refinery areas of the Gulf Coast. In recent days, spark concerns that shortages could drive gas prices even higher. FY, the record-breaking day for California ever for gas prices was October of 2012, $4.70. What are your thoughts on gas prices in California, Adam? I'll go to you first. Well, by the way, how do you remember that it was October of 2012? I looked at it yesterday. Okay, guys, Adam, were you living in California at that time?
Starting point is 00:19:23 October 2012, I'm in California. Look, I think it's sort of a combination of a few things. It's sort of the perfect storm not to use the the Ida analogy there, but obviously the hurricane hitting the refineries doesn't help. I think notoriously the end of summer Labor Day, this is your last vacation. People are trying to hit the streets, people are trying to get out of there, Supply and demand, people clearly want to go hit the road, and then obviously you've got to look at inflation and say, All right, like, is this here, is this leaving, I think it's just sort of the perfect storm? And the beautiful thing, like in capitalism, you have a choice.
Starting point is 00:20:03 You don't have to take that cross-country trip. You can stay home. Obviously a lot of people in California, thank you Caroline. Don't have to necessarily leave their houses, but that's the beautiful thing. If you don't want to deal with these ridiculous prices, don't take a long road trip. If paying a buck or two extra, I mean what is that to come out to? Another 50-100 bucks on your trip is really something you're not worried about? Take your trip. But obviously nobody loves paying high prices for gas, but supply and demand it is what it is. But you live in California, right? You lived in California. I lived in California. You used to these ridiculous prices, no? Well, yeah, they always seem to go up around holidays like Labor Day, Fourth of July, anytime that people are traveling a bunch.
Starting point is 00:20:45 But the thing with California is, everything is so high, the cost of living is so high. I think their economy could be the third largest country in the world just based out of California and how much money goes through there. And the country is just going to go in the toilet i mean there's so much homelessness and they continue at
Starting point is 00:21:10 again it's like everything doesn't have people be political but when you continue to elect the people that are pushing for allowing things like uh... you know the woman that got shot killed by the illegal oh well he's not guilty and but people can go in now and they can rob less than $1,000 from the store, literally just walk out of the store and the cops aren't even gonna get called on them.
Starting point is 00:21:29 And you can take a crap on the street, that's okay too. But don't you dare use a plastic straw. And then you look at how the state's been ran by Gavin Newsolini, who's had absolute lockdown, right, on businesses, when all throughout the whole entire state you got people that aren't working people that can't go to work families that own businesses that can't open their doors and then you want to add high gas prices on top of it so the perfect storm to me is is not only what is taking place with
Starting point is 00:21:59 the gas line with hurricane Ida all that stuff does does play a part but for California as a whole they need new leadership over there. They need somebody that's actually going to say, okay, wait a minute, we need to make some changes in how we're going to enact these policies. We need to start focused on things that are going to actually help Californians. And the main thing that's going to help Californians is allowing them to go to work, allowing them to open up their businesses. If you, you know, California is probably the closest state in New York, is the closest
Starting point is 00:22:23 state to what we're seeing and taking place in Australia right now, where I post on my Instagram on my way in here today, they're literally talking about a system in, implementing a system in Australia where you can't go and buy or sell anything unless you've gotten the job. They're, he's literally talking about, they want a vaccinated society in Australia. He's like, we're not there yet because we still have people that, you know, we still have open dates for you can get the job. But if you want to get this vaccine, you're going to have to get it because we're going to shut it down.
Starting point is 00:22:50 It's like, that's happening. Do you think there's some dark forces at work that are purposely driving up the gas prices to Californians, aren't running around town and doing that? Or is it just actually because it's Labor Day? Is there a hidden backstory? Or is it because it is what it is with supply? Well, I think it is what it is. I'm not sure, we're in a spiritual battle all the time,
Starting point is 00:23:11 but that it's not an actual guy. He's never been a conspiracy guy. What are you starting a conspiracy here? You're sitting there, go ahead David. Gotta be careful with this guy. There's a lady, I like that. That's a good one. Maybe Caroline put something else in there,
Starting point is 00:23:22 but please go ahead. So they just, they need to do leadership, you know, hopefully they'll get it. Hopefully they'll actually get a fair election On this recall with new thing. He's got a chance. I think Larry older has a chance Yeah, if the if the election is actually credible, I mean, if you read that article by LA Times about Larry elder what do you have the one column a racist? White surprise and I'm a premises? Yeah, yeah, white Larry L do a white some L.A. Times does a does an article calling him a white supremacist. That's when you know your threat. Is that an article from the onion? No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no There we go on regular you've seen the shapel skit What's on big bigsby where he's the KKK black
Starting point is 00:24:05 Black man black man's big yeah he was blind It didn't know it's like what that's what they're trying to pull on Larry elder right now to the right of Alaska You see where it says go to Alaska and the right there on the list gas prices bottom bottom guy bottom. Oh my god I don't know I don't I the column on this and it's going to do ranking by the highest. Holy moly, okay, get that a little higher. Look, this is the biggest concern though if you think about it.
Starting point is 00:24:34 I understand if gas prices between a high and a bottom one is 30 cents, maybe even 45 cents. California is officially higher than Hawaii. How the hell is gas prices in California, hard in Hawaii? So, California is 439, okay. Premium, you're paying 471 by the way. Diesel is 438. Then that's, and that's average in the state. That's average in the state. That means it's gonna be, some parts of the state
Starting point is 00:24:57 are seeing five and six dollars in gas. That's right. Isn't California more than anyone pushing electric vehicles? Is that part part of it? Well, of course, yeah, they are. And we'll talk about the chip shortage. But so California got 439.
Starting point is 00:25:09 Then you got Hawaii, then Nevada, Washington, Utah. Idaho, Oregon, Alaska, 366. Wyoming, Illinois, 333, Montana, New York, New York is 320. How the hell is New York 328 in California is 439? A dollar and 20 more. How is that even? These are both ran by similar type of politics. How the hell is California a dollar?
Starting point is 00:25:30 A dollar higher than New York? And New York just got hit with Ida. And New York is the one that got hit with Ida. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right.
Starting point is 00:25:41 Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. keep going lower Arizona 314 North Dakota 360 Adam if you're thinking about it North Dakota may not be bad Marvel either you keep going up keep going up Ohio 328 Florida 3 $3 at a penny okay. I was the first one that breaks the $2 mark keep going lower Keep going lower Tennessee 290 Texas is gonna be the second to the bottom. I think Texas 280 Mississippi 79, 79. That's why you're in Texas. So break this all down. What do you think is happening here?
Starting point is 00:26:08 Well, first of all, states have the ability to add their own individual taxes, which is what Newsom did. Newsaptags. Newsom added it in the additional gas tax, 25 cents, 15 cents, 13 cents. It's not a big deal. No one's gonna pay it. No one's gonna notice it. It's just a 25 cent hike. So California has some of the most gas tax on top of everybody else that they are You're saying California is kind of gassy. It is kind of gassy. Only you will think of it But that's great. That's a brand new called the outer well This is what happens when you spend a lot of time with kids last night You know there was a lot of kids you're getting them to dress up a little bit
Starting point is 00:26:41 That was not me It's all and you bring them up and that was not me. You don't pin that on me. That's not your pin this on me. That is going to be on you for the rest of your life. Oh my God. And Adam said, Dylan said, Adam asked me to dress up to come to you. Now I said Adam's going to be in trouble for this one. Anyways, so the biggest conversation with this, again,
Starting point is 00:27:01 did I don't mind if gasp, if you tell me you're in Alaska and you say, look, you're in Hawaii. We don't have access to gas. It has to go from here to here to here to here to here. Fine. Little bit of argument. You're California. You're not New York. You're buck hired in New York. You're bucked and hired in DC. What is your argument? California keeps constantly hurting themselves. If there's ever been a time for the state of California to be willing to try another way of thinking and leading like an elder or anybody else this may be the time to do it and Well, this guy actually stands a chance and why not make history? First black governor, California ever well, L.A. Times will say first black white
Starting point is 00:27:42 Supremacist governor. Can you pull up that article about? It's disgusting. You article about it's disgusting? You know, it's really disgusting. No question about their use the strong playbook like that's the hard part. But but I got it hard. Hopefully that's waking people up too. No, man, to see that. Wait a minute.
Starting point is 00:27:56 You're now calling a black guy that's been in California most his life on the radio for 30 years trying to wake people up. You're now calling him a white supremacist? Kai, you see the first one. I don't understand what you're doing. You just click down and it says white supremacist, you go to the next one. Kai, listen, Kai's defense,
Starting point is 00:28:12 he woke up late today. David, I'm thinking you switch seats with Kai today. Kai, everything okay? Did you work too hard at the vault? Like, what was it? He did. Look. Okay, the LA time story, Larry Elders fans prove
Starting point is 00:28:29 he's a face of white supremacy. That's LA times. Okay, you think somebody's got to buy LA times maybe to just kind of shift their way of thinking a little bit. Anyway, so California. How is that just as two black men, how do you register that? A black man being the face of white supremacy in California.
Starting point is 00:28:48 How do you process this? Ignorance and bigotry. Thank you. It's like, you know, it's the bigot, it's the racist that is gonna throw out the race card at somebody that's, that A has nothing whatsoever to do with the entire mantra, the entire phrase, the ideology of what a white
Starting point is 00:29:05 supremacist is. And B is just, you know, just doesn't care what people think. It's like they're publishing this of national paper, right? The LA Times publishing a story to their readers tells you that they believe that they've got enough of a stranglehold programming, right, like TV's programming, enough of a programming mechanism on their readers to believe some awesome, I won't believe it, let's just go ahead and run with it. And then the other thing it does, it completely dilutes what it would mean to be a white supremacist. It's like they they want to take the worst possible thing. It's like calling somebody Hitler, you know, saying they're not see, they want to take the worst possible thing and label somebody that to hope that there's a shock reaction
Starting point is 00:29:48 Do you think there's a mo? Do you think that's unfortunately? Unfortunately does for some folks who are so programmed. They don't know what you different You know, you know what I think that does though. Let me tell you what this is my opinion I may be completely and I think some people that wakes him up. Yeah, I think me, like you, you, you ever had somebody that was older than you or whatever they tried to kind of a, uh, uh, impose a certain mindset on you to divide you against a relative or somebody that you knew well, you know that person. Yeah. And they tried to say something.
Starting point is 00:30:18 That's a thing. You knew them well. Right. But what I'm saying is even if somebody tries to patronize me and I'm somebody that questions everything that Article pisses me off even if I don't follow politics an article like that gets me to say to hell you talking about How many of you thinkers at this point? I think more than you think because I think by the way It's not the majority that's for sure But I do think that 10 20% is more than you think and And it doesn't take, look, at the end of the day,
Starting point is 00:30:45 how many people does it take to change the generational curse of any family? How many? How many, one person, right? It doesn't take 50, not 100. So if your family is filled with alcoholics, one guy says, boom, I'm done, I'm not doing it anymore. We're not alcoholics in this family.
Starting point is 00:30:59 Well, you're that drink, your grandfather drank, your uncle's drink, I'm not doing it. Cocaine, drugs, alcohol, whatever it is, somebody even says what? On your poor, you broke this entire family, everybody says, we're poor, we're poor, we're poor, one person says done, and then all the other kids, or nephew's nieces says,
Starting point is 00:31:14 one day I want to be like that uncle, one day I want to be like that auntie, one day I want to be like that person. It takes one person. Articles like that, I believe, wakes up people who were never involved in the first place and they say do you know what i'm getting the freaking rink what the hell you talking about yeah and they get pissed up that's what i bet on that's what i
Starting point is 00:31:32 hope happens more than anything i think there's more free thinkers then we think by the way a good looking guy named jarard michael's just give twenty bucks what a sweetheart what a sweetheart what a man i've got bless you god bless that i have a feeling we'll see him sweet orange. What a sweet orange. What a sweet orange. You know, man, I'm God bless you. God bless you. That's a great part. I have a feeling we'll see him later today, don't you think? I have a feeling we will listen to.
Starting point is 00:31:50 Anyways, real quick, Rogan De La Jolla, okay. What's going on there? I know this, the story you want to me to cover. So Rogan De La Jolla, both get COVID, okay. Okay. De La Jolla gets COVID, he's vaccinated. He's in a hospital talking, but he doesn't feel good. Can't hardly talk. He's vaccinated. He's in a hospital talking about he doesn't feel good. Can't hardly talk. Can hardly talk. Yeah, and he had a fight come up. Yeah, and he posted a video on Instagram
Starting point is 00:32:11 I think. Rogan gets COVID. He openly talks about it. I don't feel good. I don't do this three days later after he tested positive He tests negative because he said we took the entire what is a kitchen? You can take an eye for meectin, isn't he? The horse, tranquilizer, whatever. Well, that's what the mainstream media is trying to label it. Yeah. Whatever I'm just saying, this is what the, you just said. Ivermectin's been used for 40 years in this country
Starting point is 00:32:35 for Americans, for people, for humans. But just like for drugs for humans, they've got stuff for dogs, they've got stuff for horses and everything else. But, well, here's the biggest thing, where you don't. This is the biggest thing. The biggest thing is,
Starting point is 00:32:52 with the fact that the guy, my household, there's a bunch of people that have, how some living in, a bunch of people that have taken a vaccine, some that don't want to take it. So for us, it's not like, hey, you want to take, I'm going to take, go, go, go take it.
Starting point is 00:33:04 Some's like, I'm not going to take it, but I'm going to take it eventually. Okay, great. So I'm just not going to take it. I don't think I need to find whatever your position is with the vaccine, right? There's audience that's pissed off that Rogan found a way to fix himself and heal himself without any. How crazy? You know, remedies. Why? Why? That's the part that confuses me the most. If somebody figures out a way to get themselves now here's a thing And when COVID first came about there was a couple different camps one was what it's fake one was what it's real Okay, we all learned very quickly. It's not fake if you had COVID it sucks You had it. I had it. I don't know if you have you've had it or not you said you may have had it
Starting point is 00:33:42 I don't even know about it I think you had it you ended up having it, right? Right after some event or something that took place. Okay, are you open talking about when that was when you got it or no? It was right after Sheree, yeah. Okay, but it was right after a show, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:55 Okay, so you have COVID. When you had it, symptoms, what happens? For me, I lost 20 plus pounds. It sucked. I flat out lost 20 pounds Taste didn't do anything to me with taste breathing didn't do anything to me with I just couldn't eat for you You lost you lost a smell which actually not a bad thing. Yeah Carly Just so you know. Who's Selenium over here? None of us have said anything.
Starting point is 00:34:26 Before six months you smell terrible, right? Oh! That story you tell about with the hairy guy open. That's what it is, bro. Sorry. We just didn't want to break it, so if that was a six-month burial. As a six-month burial, those were saying, no, after the one before a state,
Starting point is 00:34:42 it's because they could smell, you couldn't smell. Anyways, Adam's one to clean the guys you meet in your life by the way So you had yours as well. What was your symptoms when you had it even though? Okay, so but but for some like right now I know a lot of friends that are not doing well. I had a couple conversations with them last night One is in the ICU two them were in the ICU a couple them are going through COVID and it absolutely sucks, right? Okay, now you have had bronchitis before. Oh, yeah, how bad is it? Terrible. Yes, not funny. I mean anything. What's the worst thing you've ever had in your life that you thought you could die?
Starting point is 00:35:15 What's the worst thing you've ever had? Have you had anything where you're like, dude, this sucks? Like you was not self-induced Like you was not self-induced. Wow. David, here is Jr. Jr. comes out. Yeah, that's another story, but almost overdosing is a... How bad of a situation is that? Oh, yeah, I thought I was going to die.
Starting point is 00:35:36 I actually should have died. Wow. How old were you at that point? It was 11 years ago, so 35. Wow. And would you share that's what were you doing? By the way, he said it so subtly. 11 years ago, I was 35, meaning today you're how old? 46.
Starting point is 00:35:54 I would have never freaking guessed this guy's 46. No, seriously. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no 20s. Not Jennifer, you're a wife, Jennifer, my wife. Yes, so you're both Jennifer, okay. And David's. So you want to tell him because he has your question on. Yeah, we can dive into that. I'll just summarize, not walking with the Lord, trying to do my things my own way. My go-to's were alcohol, and then when your party starts to get a little bit long, it's coke and it keeps the party going.
Starting point is 00:36:27 So I had been doing that. We were living in Southern California in Orange County and a friend of mine that we would party together. We went out to go get some coke this one night and we got it and it wouldn't chop up. And I know this is not just R-rated, right? But everybody's seen the movies at least, you know, cocaine chops up, it's powder. It wouldn't chop up and it was just kind of mushy.
Starting point is 00:36:52 And he said, well, let's just smoke it. And so he smoked it and it was unlike anything I'd ever tried before. And then he's like, how you like that? And I was like, oh, that was different. And he's like, I believe that's free-basin. It was crack, yeah. Yeah, okay.
Starting point is 00:37:05 So that started about almost two years where I kept it from my wife for the most part. So when I lost about 50 pounds, I continued to leave weight. You're big dude, what, six, five, yeah, six, four, two, 15, two, five. Wow. And you went down to what?
Starting point is 00:37:21 180. Oh, okay. My high school weight. So my wife didn't know what was going on. She, we moved back to Redding. You were doing this without her knowledge whatsoever. Yeah, yeah, I was doing it at night. And, or just, I was working on road crews a lot, so we'd leave for a week or two.
Starting point is 00:37:39 So we moved back to Redding, and within like a month, she just knew something was wrong. I found a new friend, Middry left company, right? I found a new friend I used to do Coke with and told him I was doing crack. And he's like, I wanna try it. I was like, that's the first somebody's like, wanna try crack? I would have never said sure, give me some crack
Starting point is 00:37:54 until my buddies just like, here smoke it. So, that, my wife moved out, took the kids, and she's like, I don't know what's going on, but I know it's not right. And we would just be up, like all night, and into the wee hours of the morning, four, five o'clock. This consumed your life, is what you're saying.
Starting point is 00:38:12 Oh yeah, well, I would still go to work. I would try to go to work during the day, which was, my business life was just falling apart. I was a business owner at the time. And you're in your mid 30s at this point, so it's not like you were some kids and college kids. You were a grown-ass man with a men. Yeah. Yeah. Wow. So my wife reached out to an old friend of ours and said, Jeff, you've got to talk to David. Jeff, we've known for, he's one of
Starting point is 00:38:34 my oldest and dearest friends, a strong believer when I went and met with him. He later told me, he said, you know, that king in Lord of the Rings, that had the spirit of death on him. He's like, that looked like you. He's like, I could see death on you. This was later. I'll get to what happened. So we had that talk and then one night I was with my friend that we were just staying up and playing games and smoking. And you're not supposed to, you're supposed to exhale pretty quick once you hit it.
Starting point is 00:39:03 And you try to, I was trying to push the envelope and not inhale it and kept it in a little bit, a little too long, I guess. And my eyeballs started going up and down like that fast. Like you can't make your eyeballs go up and down that fast. And in that moment, I know I heard God's voice just saying, don't freak out, don't freak out. This will pass, this will pass. And so I didn't look at my friends sitting across the table because I knew he'd freak out. Like I would freak out if I will pass, this will pass. And so I didn't look at my friends sitting
Starting point is 00:39:25 across the table because I knew he'd freak out. Like I would freak out if I saw some of these eyeballs doing that, right? Yeah. It lasted about 60 seconds. And then it just subsided and went away. So the next morning I called the friend that introduced me to crack and told him what happened. And he said, David, if you would have freaked out and panicked, your heart would have exploded. Your body was overdosing. So, it was about two weeks later, if you can believe that, but it was about two weeks later that I had finished doing all the drugs I had, which was fronted to me actually. I finished it all, and then it was Saturday night, I was done, and I just said, God, I
Starting point is 00:40:00 made an absolute mess in my life. My wife's gone, businesses shut down. What do you want me to do? And I heard him say, go to church. And this is now Sunday morning, I'm having this argument so to speak with God. And I finally stopped arguing, because there was like, I had nothing.
Starting point is 00:40:16 I was absolutely just, just destitute and broke. So I stopped arguing with God. I went to church. It's a large church in Reading called Bethel Church. And I was a church I. I went to church. It's a large church and Reading called Bethel church and I was a church I had used to go to. I share that just to say it was very large and the road that leads to the church is like one road and it only goes to the church. So I got in the car, I turned on K-Love. I think that's what the guy was listening to in my Uber on the way here actually
Starting point is 00:40:40 today. I'm listening to K-Love and I just started weeping. I just started bawling. I was just like, I'm just broken, so broken. I drive, the cars are lining the side of the street that the church is so packed. I get to the church, I get to the top, cars everywhere. And then I see a sign that says parking lot full and I keep driving in the very first parking spots open. So I park. I walk inside, they had the overflow,
Starting point is 00:41:06 was just packed in the lobby, and the church was totally packed. Service was probably just done with worship, so it was probably going for an hour. I look in the auditorium and no seats anywhere, and I get a tap on my shoulder. This lady's like, you look for a seat, you can have mine, I'm right in the middle,
Starting point is 00:41:21 third row from the left, on the left. So I'm kinda like looking up like, okay, I got a seat, I had this parking spot, I go and I sit down. Soon as I sit down, the pastor comes walking out and he says, today's message, I'm going to talk to you about the prodigal son coming home and walking in to his inheritance. Talk about timing. Total God thing, right? Total pop of thing. So I hear the message, I talked to a couple of pastors that I knew that were right there, Chris Valatin and a couple others, told them what I was dealing with, cracked, told them almost no deed.
Starting point is 00:41:53 And Chris actually prayed for me and it felt like his hand just sunk into my, my sunk into me. And never the same after that, never touched crack, cocaine again. And then- Cold turkey, boom, you're done boom your dog turkey after one eleven years Yeah, well eleven years ago. Yeah, I was doing it for two years. Have you touched alcohol since anything since?
Starting point is 00:42:12 Yeah, yeah, I still dab a little bit in alcohol quit that about three years ago And then my wife and I quit together which has been amazing almost a year ago So that's been a strong thing because it was hard Being married at least for us. We were kind of codependent. We got married young. I was 18. She was 16. That's a whole another story. But we grew up together and then having issues. It can be easy to just, you know, she's doing it. I'm doing it. We'll both do it. Although she never did crack, we used to do other stuff together. But so God is good man. He just his merceus real is forgiveness is real his restoration is real
Starting point is 00:42:49 I wouldn't be here today if it wasn't for him and now I've got this platform. So anyway, that's crazy The story's last couple weeks by the way, right? I mean, it's not even intentional. It just kind of goes into it The last two podcasts. Yep, right even the podcast podcast with Jordan, and George not even a believer. There are just, you know, it's a guy who... Well, Gerard's story is insane. Gerard's story. His story about how he got stabbed and how he doesn't drink hard liquor anymore.
Starting point is 00:43:15 Gerard's got... Anyone can get to the lowest point of redeem yourself. Thank you for sharing that, brother. Appreciate you. I'm a lot of commentary here, is blown up by the story. Adam,'s the worst Health condition you ever had what you're like, dude. This is this is nothing comes close to this this sucks
Starting point is 00:43:33 Yeah, well luckily I've never had anything like that before I have partied my ass off in South Beach But I've always known my limits. So I've never been into the Powder been more into the The green at the end of the night. Like money. Yeah, the money. I smoke money. Money's growing on trees. So luckily I've never had these issues.
Starting point is 00:43:52 I've never had this fall from grace or these major hills and valleys. I think the worst, yeah, COVID was pretty bad. But for three days, I could not move. I just glued to my bed and then I think I think I had a bad flu one time before, but luckily I've been blessed with good health. Fils.
Starting point is 00:44:14 Flu shot. Flu shot. 20 years old. Because playing Division I basketball, if they wanted everybody to take the flu shot. And I was like, man, I don't really wanna do this, but at 19, freshman year, I took it. I didn't feel so good then.
Starting point is 00:44:27 And then sophomore year comes around. And I'm like, like really bad for like 10 days. So I had to go to like the, you know, they on campus, they have like a medical facility and this and that. And they're like, we gotta run some tests. Cause you can't leave. You got sick from the flu shot?
Starting point is 00:44:45 Yeah. At 20. So this is 20 plus years ago. Yeah, and they came back and we're like, you have a certain gene variant that, like, depending on certain flu vaccine or whatever, it could really create some problems for you. So I remember telling the team doc,
Starting point is 00:45:00 I'm like, I'm not taking that ever again. I was at 21. And you're like, well, I guess you're not going to play. I was like, I don't give it. I don't care. It was that bad. Yeah. Like, you know, like, two days of like knowing that like, you got to run tests on me.
Starting point is 00:45:14 And I just felt like, to be honest, I mean, like, I just felt like NCAA. They didn't give it down, you know, the coaches, they didn't care. They're like, oh, well, you got to get it because it protects everybody else. And this and that, we're all, you know, you gotta get it because it protects everybody else and this and that we're all traveling together this and that and I'm like, but I almost died. So screw you, I'll miss a couple games, I don't care. So that was your close call. How about yours, Pat? Dude, health and maybe in the army you used to party, I'm not gonna count that stuff.
Starting point is 00:45:40 That stuff is just, the stuff is self-inflicted, some of that stuff is self-inflicted, but even, but I would say, forget the war in Iran. I'm talking health, like health, as a situation, like something happens. You catch bronchitis or pollen, all that. All the drink and all the stuff that I did. It's just, you know, the army you drink tequila, one or two bottles of tequila every week for two years straight. So just think about that.
Starting point is 00:46:02 Wow. So if you noticed, if you noticed, the stock of Jose Cuevo doing good from 97. Thanks, P.V. Do you some money? I'll use some stock. And I was a great recruit as well, which means I never drank alone. And I said, guys, come on. I'm on a big meeting. How do I laugh? It's a Monday motivation. By the way, one of these days Felix and Brad for the time being to tell these stories of how it was in the army. Anyway, so for me, I had bronchitis, sucked, right?
Starting point is 00:46:32 I had pneumonia, just in the last 15 years. I had it, it sucked. In the army, I had a dehydration situation, which was terrible because I was digging a foxhole and I was trying to be such a great soldier that I dug up six foxholes, six feet by three feet by six feet in cat four, cat five in South Carolina, in the heat, in July, August, which is a worsen to do. So, got completely dehydrated.
Starting point is 00:46:58 It wasn't a hospital. They had IVs on me left and right. So, I've had a lot of those instances where I pushed the envelope. But allergy would pollen, believe it or not. I was in the emergency room for like straight 13 times in a span of two weeks, first six months of 2019. I'm not can't breathe. It's couldn't breathe two years ago. It's two years ago. I was yet announcement, I don't know. I don't know. But it was kicking my ass. I thought it's over with, right?
Starting point is 00:47:28 I thought I'm like, Jen, Jen would hold my heads. I'm like, I can't breathe, Jen. So we go straight to you. Our middle and the night, one o'clock, two o'clock in the morning, right? Paul and I asked the doctor, so where should I live? The doctor said, you should be as close to the ocean as possible. I said, that's all you have to say. Right.
Starting point is 00:47:43 All right, we got it. Hey, why don't you sit you house in front of the one? Because the doctor said so. Right? What about the story you talked about when you were doing the Ph.P. tour and you sleep deprivation? But that was because I was just pushing. Sometimes I don't mind those exhaustion from working to our, I don't mind those because those happen once every other year, once every three years, I don't mind those because those happen once every other year once every three years
Starting point is 00:48:05 I get what one of those right just go in and a doctor says your body is just telling you you got to shut it down for a couple days Yeah, you get a few IVs you come on sleep sleep sleep underrated underrated. Yeah, underrated sleep once a week I tell you I need a good once a week to get it anyways the point this. The point is the best news we're getting is the following is That both people are figuring out a way to fight this thing, which is great And we're learning if there's ever been a time in your life Where the need to want to lose weight and be in shape has been the reason to do so if there's ever been a time You know how people say hey uncle Johnny take care of yourself hey babe take care of yourself hey bro you got to kind of lose some
Starting point is 00:48:49 of hey dude you got to kind of like if there's ever been a time where you got to take your weight seriously today's the time by the way you know it's crazy this message when you give this message you know who hears it he said I'm hearing no no the people that need to hear it they're like can we change the topic already? Or something? No, no, no, bro, this is like, I'm telling you, you and it are like, yes, exactly. I'm 42 years old, Phil, and we were talking about yesterday, you were telling me all this stuff.
Starting point is 00:49:13 Flexibility, I'm Phil on F-42, right? I'm training with my guy, he says, listen, if you don't start at 42 exercise, and this thing gets very hard at 50, and it's gonna get harder and harder and harder. Health exercises, very important. COVID validated. Clean your hands. You know, that's one thing.
Starting point is 00:49:28 Fine. The other part is your diet, your health. Absolutely. You gotta go take care of it. A lot of people just don't look at that. So, but you know, Joe Rogan, power to him. So happy for the guy.
Starting point is 00:49:38 Very happy. He's very, very necessary today for the world. This is not even like Joe is necessary for the states. Joe is necessary for the world. Because he not even like Joe's necessary for the states. Joe is necessary for the world because he's getting everybody to have the tough conversations. So glad the guys doing good. Three days after having COVID. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:53 What did Carlos do? Did you say about him, by the way? Carlos Mencea said great. He said what, he says what, he said I got COVID. He says now they're gonna say, what was the Twitter bottom? You sent it to me. It was hilarious. I said I stole COVID. He says, now they're gonna say, what was the tweet about him? You sent it to me. It was hilarious.
Starting point is 00:50:06 I said I stole COVID from Rogan. I said I stole COVID from Rogan. I played your eyes COVID. Yeah, he got it. First of all, Carlos has got to get on Joe Rogan and get it over with, by the way, Carlos. Go make that happen. Oh, he needs to come on this show.
Starting point is 00:50:16 He already has. Oh, you can come up on the podcast. Yeah, we're trying to get a date for him to come on the show. Come on Carlos. He will. No, but you're definitely right. I mean, Joe Rogan, shout out to you. I mean, you know, at the end of the day,
Starting point is 00:50:26 we really just have to take the aesthetics out of like working out and just look at just the health in itself. I think when people talk about, you know, health, they're like, oh, well, you're talking about a slim waist and this and that. It's like, well, yeah, but we're really like at the vault. I was talking about how all these entrepreneurs, you know, they want to work hard, hard, hard, push, push, push to make money for their families.
Starting point is 00:50:48 God bless them, but at what cost? Right. You know, so then when they get older, they're trying to buy back their health. Yeah. They're powerful messages. They're trying to figure out a balance, but most importantly right now, like we're past saying, I mean, we're at a great moment in time where we should be outside, vitamin D. We should be getting healthier, you know know foods in our bodies. You only get one body
Starting point is 00:51:09 You should really treat it with greater amount of respect and this isn't fat shaming or anything like that But obesity does kill yeah, and right now with COVID we at the stats show That if you are overweight you need to do something about that now that may come at a you know a price later on if you Ignore it or you could pay for it now in higher personal trainer You can or you can go on Google and start figuring out You know what healthy methods can I do currently? There's so much information out there So I just want to encourage more people to you know
Starting point is 00:51:40 Just like how you would treat your business treat your body even better Mm-hmm You know really mind that body like figure out like what you think you're eating probably isn't healthy. Well, let's change that. You know, fast food, probably not. You know, let's learn how to cook again. Let's learn how to maybe drink less alcohol, get proper sleep.
Starting point is 00:52:00 And when we talk about recharging our bodies, let's recharge them. So then when we are going back, like when you say, you know, you're going to run yourself hard, hard, hard, but then you know how to recharge. So you can do it again. Majority of people don't know how to do that. So question for you Phil, he's seven time, Mr. Olympia, how lucky are we? If there's a scale, 100%, what percentage of health and wellness is attributed to diet versus exercise of working out. Can you give those numbers? No, this is very interesting because at the vault I had people tell me what it was. They're like, oh, it's just 80% diet, 20% working out. I said, well, that's the case then there
Starting point is 00:52:41 would be no gyms. Like, you know, you have to move your body. You 50, 50, what are you saying? I mean, I think it definitely depends. I would say for the most part, people got to start moving their bodies. So I'm gonna go probably 60, 40. 60, 40, I'm gonna say 60, 40. No, 40% I'm gonna say moving your body, 60, diet, 40. Oh wow.
Starting point is 00:53:00 Because, in the body building world, that's very unconventional to say that. That's what he's saying here, because most people will say the 80-20 rule. Right. The move your body, it's very, very... You have to do it. How many people are actually getting 30 to 45 minutes of cardiovascular work three to four times a week?
Starting point is 00:53:19 Just cardio, in itself. Very few people. How many people are eating like crap all the time, every freaking day. So you definitely have to move your body. You know, and it enhances your lymphatic drainage. We talk about the lymphatic system. We can go into that in another time, but just the levels of inflammation. And due to COVID, there's this thing called COVID fatigue. So, you know, people stressed out all the time. The cortisol levels going through the roof, the inflammation that they carry, you know, you start out all the time, the cortisol levels going through the roof, the inflammation that they carry, you know,
Starting point is 00:53:45 you start seeing people that stress, you look at their eyes and you look at their cheeks, you know, like they just look run down. Well, because they're on the internet, looking at negative stuff. So we talk about positivity more. We talk about loving ourselves more, thanking ourselves more for even standing up for,
Starting point is 00:53:59 you know, the adverse times. But, you know, I really do believe like when you talk about faith, I think it's very important that we find something very positive that we could, you know, I really do believe like when you talk about faith, I think it's very important that we find something very positive that we could, you know, look at to hold us up when we can't hold ourselves up. Awesome. So, good conversation here. Let's move on to the next story, which is the Tim Teebo joining ESPN's first take as new Steven A. Smith's fo. I have some feedback on this. I'm
Starting point is 00:54:22 curious to know what you're going to say about this. Tim Teebo will be joining ESPN's first take as one of Stephen A. Smith's Follow the network announced Thursday the mid-manored Bible Toting T-Bow will prove an intriguing foil to Smith whose honor outbursts have made him the face of ESPN And in turn give an autonomy over the makeup of the daily TV show the 34 year old T-Bow has worked for ESPN as a college football analyst And the pass and is coming off a failed and if they'll come back this summer, T-Bull tried to convert from a quarterback to a tight in with Jackson along their former college head coach. Artban Myerbull was cut before the season.
Starting point is 00:54:52 He previously told in the match minor league system for five years. This guy just wants to compete. He's like saying, dude, put me in the game. Uh, uh, put me in the coach. I want to, uh, I'm ready to play, right? This guy wants to compete. So ESPN, getting Tim Teebo, Friday's is gonna be Tim Teebo, Monday's is gonna be Michael Irvin,
Starting point is 00:55:12 and in Tuesday through Thursday, they're gonna mix it up, okay? Michael Irvin and Steven A's, when they're together, it does very well, right? Obviously back in the days, this thing blew up when it was Skip Bayless versus Steven A. It was popping. Max, good on the football side, he's done good with, you know, his analysis.
Starting point is 00:55:29 How do you think this is going to work out with Tim Teebo being on first take? I'm going to go to first. Look, I think in terms of Stephen A Smith versus Tim Teebo, those are the two contenders. I think Teeibo is completely out of his league. I think in what sport though? Anything and everything except for football. Okay, good. And look, what's Stephen A's first sport though?
Starting point is 00:55:53 Basketball, okay. Okay, so let me ask you, who knows more about baseball? Tibo or Steve? But for me, I don't even know if it's the knowledge of the sport. It's the ability to talk and use your words and then just get out there and like make yourself heard and use all these words and these analogies
Starting point is 00:56:10 and these not a lightweight. Don't underestimate. But I'm saying there's a stake in the sizzle. I don't think he got the sizzle. He might have the stake. I don't think he's gonna bring the heat to Steve Mayford. You've never seen him call people out? You never saw him give that one message.
Starting point is 00:56:22 I got like 50 million views when he called out the team saying what the hell happened today like he grilled their entire I hear you I hear you I don't think he's a lightweight but I don't think he's on Steven on a serious note are you lobbying for you getting the job I mean I could think I could hang Steven I smith I'd love to give it a shot okay I do have respect for Tibo I've met Tibo obviously more than anything. I think a good influence on the culture. Yeah, or as my friend Gerard likes to use on the zeitgeist But I think he's a great dude. I think he's got a good message I think from a debate standpoint. I think Stephen A Smith's gonna run all over him
Starting point is 00:57:00 What do you think how much you follow sports? Are you one that follows first take all that or not really? No, I don't. I stopped watching football specifically and then all of them when they all followed suit and started doing the whole BLM thing. You don't for the end. You literally stopped watching. Oh, I literally. I remember I did you play. You're six four. You know, I was a dancer. Oh, my good. I was a dancer. What? My my choreographer danced with Michael dance with Janet who danced with Paula Wow, yeah, he was he was the No, no, no, no, no, no, I don't I don't want I don't want to show you what's happening You were dancer
Starting point is 00:57:39 My break dancer what what kind of dance? No, I did some poppin and stuff But but air kinderson was he was he was in Michael Jackson's Cappanillo. He was in several of Janet Jackson's videos and He was the yet guy. He was actually so good that when he was dancing on a set like a big open It was actually outside. Madonna was walking up and down the aisle looking at dancers and picking them out She looked at him and she's all he's too good She didn't want him on this on the stage with her, but he was phenomenal and so Yeah, I just I danced early. I was in a
Starting point is 00:58:16 High school I did I did park water I'm trying to recruit you like crazy when we got into high school It was either run around and get sweaty with a bunch of guys or dance with all the girls me and filly So I'm like, I'm dancing. And hey, God use that because my girlfriend, well, Jennifer, I'm bride now, but my girlfriend, before I met her in high school, we were in a rally, the whole high school was in the gym, like the whole high school.
Starting point is 00:58:39 So it's a rally, right? And I was in the competition group, and it was just, I was the only guy guy because most guys can't dance especially in high school They can't dance and keep up with the girls. So there's eight girls behind me this way and eight girls behind me this way Wow see he's not wearing a wear a one-off. Yeah, he's playing the numbers We're in a V formation and we're tearing it up. We actually learned the numbers the dance routine They just don't so train music awards. So Jennifer forever matter She sees me dancing,
Starting point is 00:59:05 she nudges her best friend and she's like, I'm gonna marry that guy. Wow. Before we ever met, she's. That's how good your dance moves were. There you go. Wow, you still wanna dance? You wanna see.
Starting point is 00:59:14 Yeah, yeah. Let's circle back to the mid 90s. I was killing Burmitz for dance floors. All right, all right. You don't want no part of this. But you're on like, but now you're on lumbol. You can't dare me, you love this. You don't have anything to do. Okay, let's get back to Tim Tibo here. So you're on the board. You can there. You love this.
Starting point is 00:59:25 You know what I'm saying? Like, okay, let's get back to Tim Tibo here. So, here's a question. Here's a question you got to think about with Tim Tibo. And, by the way, if you're listening to this, if you think Tim can hang with Stephen A, and you think this is a good move, smash thumbs up. If you say no, this is not gonna work, put thumbs down.
Starting point is 00:59:41 If you think it's gonna work thumbs up, if you don't think it's gonna work, put thumbs down. This is my biggest concern. This is my biggest concern with this is my biggest concern with this taking place for for for steak. I don't know if ESPN as a company will keep a conservative on. History says no, okay. History says no. Because if you think about what happened with Wilkane, I thought Wilkane was great I liked him a lot. Yeah, but Wilkane started kind of talking about you don't remember him if you pull up Wilkane Yes, man, well type in Wilkane. No, Wilkane. The guy wasn't absolutely start of a guy I loved him debating and he made some good good arguments
Starting point is 01:00:21 See, yeah, yeah, I know Dean can that's no you know who-A-I-N. I know Dean Canes. That's no, you know who he is. You know who. Type in images, you know who he is. We'll King. Okay, yeah. He would do his debate. Not someone that I've followed.
Starting point is 01:00:33 Right there. I thought his debates were great. Didn't agree with all of them, but half the time I'm like, okay, he's pushing the envelope. You know whether it was Kaepernick, whether it was some of these things. Okay.
Starting point is 01:00:42 I don't know if ESPN wants opposing arguments on those types of issues. They fired him. He went to Fox. They didn't keep him. They went to Fox. ESPN doesn't keep conservative hosts. And if they do, if they keep Team T-Bo,
Starting point is 01:00:56 I think it's a very good business move, not philosophical move, because they're going to be able to regain some audiences that they lost over the last five. You got to convert. Yeah, but I don't know if ESPN's going to, philosophical move because they're gonna be able to regain some audiences that they lost over the last five years there it is you got to convert Yeah, but I don't know if you're speaking is gonna by the way kudos to the espion for giving Tim T-bow the once a week Kudos for ESPN more power to you. What's that now? Let's see if he's gonna is gonna keep his chat No, I think it's I think it's smart for ESPN to have Tim T-bow on I think it's very important because he is college football
Starting point is 01:01:23 You know he can talk about football nonstop, but like you talk about him going back and forth with Steven A. What Steven A can't talk about is the mental fortitude of commanding team, commanding other men in order to go on the field and do amazing things. Steven A has not done that. So I definitely feel like Tim Teebo can say, you know, hey, man in the arena, you're over here,
Starting point is 01:01:46 Steven A. I was actually in the locker rooms. I was actually on that field. It's a little bit different. And with his age, even though, oh, he doesn't know how to do this, he doesn't know how to do that. He's like, hey, Steven A, you're making a lot of money with ESPN, but I was out there on the field learning. Talk about the humility of me going from Heisman
Starting point is 01:02:05 to this, this, this, this, this, I have no quit in me. So you don't think that Tim Teab was gonna say, I have no quit in me. What makes you think that I'm not gonna outlast you? What makes you think I'm not gonna come back bigger and better and stronger and faster, smarter? That's what I'm honestly expecting from him.
Starting point is 01:02:20 I hope he crushes it. By the way, I like Max Kellerman. Were you a Max guy? I was not a Max guy. I was not a Max guy. By the way, I like Max Kalerman. Were you a Max guy? I was not a Max guy. Well, I was not a Max guy. Yeah, I was not a man because Max tried too hard to be black. Whoa, that's it. Because Max tried too hard to be black. What does that mean?
Starting point is 01:02:36 Are you kidding me? Did you ever want like he was, he was, he was, he was trying to be more black than Stephen A was trying to be like it was almost like he i don't know if you have friends like this like i look i had friends who tried so hard to be a gangster and they were not i had so friends who were trying so hard to be cool and they were not had friends who tried so hard to be a basketball player and they were not friends who were trying so hard to be players they were not did you see that his
Starting point is 01:03:02 personality changed from like boxing yeah to first take because that's the first thing I noticed was that he wasn't the same and he's trying to convert you know he was a rapper before right maxekeleman you guys being sarcastic or serious max kelem was a rapper I can see beyond a spit a little bit maxekeleman was a rapper back in a day he had bars oh yeah he's actually pretty decent but he's got a music video I can put it up right now because they're gonna But he actually was pretty decent. I just wasn't a fan of man Here's why I'm not a fan of the first take show on how it was when bailess like Stephen A. Give a lot of credit to Bayless he says I was a nobody Bayless brought me up because Bayless was a relevant guy
Starting point is 01:03:38 I was a nobody and I had somebody to go up against right in the way Will came to me was better than Max killer man will came with destroy max killer man Stephen A would destroy will can but will can could go up again here yeah the challenges will can used to be a blaze guy used to be with the blaze I don't know if you remember will came from the blaze years ago will can used to work for back ESPN brought him on board and then he went straight to Fox will can could end up being one of these next Tucker Carlson type of guys Do you remember when Tucker Carlson was a nobody 20 years ago and John Stewart went on their show and Destroyed him and John's news to where you guys suck. Yeah, he says you guys suck
Starting point is 01:04:17 You guys are terrible and look at Tucker Carlson today Yeah, by the way, you know when they came out with the data on who they think can be the presidential candidate for 2024 You know who's fifth on the list Tucker Carlson today. By the way, you know when they came out with the data on who they think can be the presidential candidate for 2024. You know who's fifth on the list? Tucker Carlson. Wow. Fifth on the list is Tucker Carlson. Number one is obviously Trump. Two is the Sanctus. Three in the Haley. Mickey Haley's three. There's another one that's, yeah. And then five is Tucker Carlson. No chance. How do you put Tucker on the top five? So I don't know. Listen, ESPN, if you keep Tim Teebo, good for you. I'm betting 70% within three to five years, Tim Teebo is going to be fired. I hope I'm wrong.
Starting point is 01:04:54 If they keep, I'm salute to them. And I hope Tim Teebo challenges him in everything Kaepernick does, everything MBA does, everything LeBron does because sports is no longer just sports. It's political Yeah, so there has to be an element of sports today that talks politics You can't just say sports is the sports of 20 years ago. No, it's no longer before we move on in that Sure you are see favorite sports commentator
Starting point is 01:05:17 Steve a man. He's number one to you. Oh, yeah, yeah, Stephen a. How about you Phil? He's not dog on through Yeah, Stephen A. How about you Phil? He's not dog on through Snoop Dogg on Twitter, bro. He looked like my two uncles are out there. My two uncles. You're on favorite guy? Or gal? For what? Sports.
Starting point is 01:05:34 Sports personality commentator. Oh, commentator. He just told you he was a... No, I know. Maybe it's a dancer. No. Commentator. What about that?
Starting point is 01:05:42 For football? Yeah. Roma. Roma's a sign. Roma was a guy. He was a sign. No commentators. What about that for football? Yeah, Roma Ramos a sign. It was a sign. It was just amazing when he was breaking it down. Pete Manning's legit. He's good. Yeah, I like Scott Van Pelt SPP yeah, I'm not a fan. Yeah When you looked at me like I was getting like a you know who you're talking Okay, but you look at me like I like offended you But because you did Lowkey who I'm secretly kind of in love with Malika Andrews, you know who that is of course pull her up Kai
Starting point is 01:06:18 Malika Andrews Malika Andrews if you're listening Malika Andrews or Kerry champion The fact that I don't even know who Kerry champion. Yeah, Malika Andrews. She is adorable. Go to that one right there. Kai, no, third, yeah, boom. Are you kidding me? She is gorgeous. Malika, if you're out there, hit up sauce. Yeah, Malika, we can talk sports. We can talk Tinder, whatever you like. What?
Starting point is 01:06:38 That's not how you get the girl, bro. That's like, that's, that's, Phil, T. No shame in no game. Wow, bro. Kai, look at the looks like a good luck. So just saying she's I think she's pretty damn adorable. This guy said, so when she gives her commentating you you don't listen to anything she's saying.
Starting point is 01:06:54 No, I do. I listen very intently. No, no, no, it's not that close. You can remove. Let's let's continue. Let's continue. I'm just struck it down, bro. Yeah. Let's take it. By the way, speaking of awesome women, let me just give a quick shout out. Jennifer Bedavit killed it on stage. Killed it on stage. On the vault. At the vault. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:07:15 And Shari Heath, what a, what a babe. Awesome. She's awesome. Respect. Damn right. Okay. I'm here to respect the Okay. I'll give you respect to the ladies. I appreciate it.
Starting point is 01:07:26 Let's continue to go to your favorite story. Yes. Trump and the Santas. Adam said, I want to know if this is the truth. I want to hear from David Harris. So we're going to see what David Harris has to say about this. And we're going to see what Mr. Sauce has to say about this. So Trump reportedly said he effing hates round the Santas.
Starting point is 01:07:43 This is the weak story. As former President Trump possibly has a 2024 run, and new reports suggest there's one other potential contender whose popularity he really resents. Florida Governor DeSantis, a report from Vanity Fair this week delves, into how various Republicans are testing the waters for 2024 presidential primaries in case Trump doesn't decide to seek the gop nomination and among the likely
Starting point is 01:08:05 contenders in that scenario would be the sentence but the report describes that the uh... fact that uh... florida governor's biggest challenge may be his fraught relationship with the forty-fifth president trump f and hates the sentence a trump confident over the fair he just resents his popularity earlier this year twenty twenty four strong poll taking at the western conservative summits of the Santa's slightly hitter Trump 74 to 73%.
Starting point is 01:08:28 So, I'm going to go to you first. Have you heard anything about the story, David Harris Jr.? No. And my first question when you asked me last night, if I even knew about it, was who reported it? Because I've got a filter that I've got to put everything through. And every single individual in America, literally in the world, should understand that you've got to put everything through and every single individual in America literally in the world should understand that you've got to put things through a filter.
Starting point is 01:08:49 Who's saying it? What's their source? And is anybody else verifying that? And what's their angle? You know, which way do they lean? Vandy Fairleens heavily left. So far left. Maybe for this left.
Starting point is 01:09:01 You know, they're in the category of for this left. Yeah, they're out there with Rolling Stone who just got smashed posting a fake news article against Iver Mectin, saying that hospitals in Ohio were overran with people having adverse reactions to Iver Mectin so much so that people that had car accidents couldn't get in there.
Starting point is 01:09:20 The whole thing was made up. The whole thing was alive. Rachel Maddow, Maddow, Maddow. She ran with it, BBC ran with it. So anyway, I have a filter. So my question is, who's saying the article? Okay, they're left leaning biased reporting agency. And what would their intention be for this? Well, try to try to create some division amongst conservatives or at least two Democrats make it look like the higher-ups Trump the Santas are at odds with each other I haven't personally heard anything. I've reached out to some connections that are close with Trump. I haven't heard back
Starting point is 01:09:54 From them, but I doesn't make any sense to me, you know The Sanctus is doing exactly what you know, he's an American first America first governor He's leaving the state open, he's trying to leave the state open, he's allowing people to go to work. They're seeing, you know, their numbers soar as far as employment. They have so many hit pieces against them on, you know,
Starting point is 01:10:15 the virus is out of control in Florida, and then they wind up half into retract all that because it was total made up. Like they literally took data from last year and plugged it into this year to try to make it look like they had a massive resurgence of COVID in Florida. So there's an attack to try to separate and to make Trump look bad or make the Sanders look bad,
Starting point is 01:10:34 but I haven't heard any of that. And I don't see that either. And I definitely don't see him actually make an assstatement that would go anywhere, even if he did, for some other personal reason to have an issue with the Sanders. Yeah, so you buy into the comment that Obama said, don't underestimate Biden's ability to f things up.
Starting point is 01:10:52 Oh, yeah, I can believe that, because, yeah, I mean. Can you see that happen? You can't see Biden doing some like that. He's one of the greatest presidents we've had in the last 12 months. Well, yeah, sure. I'm sorry, one million people voted for for the guy
Starting point is 01:11:04 as he, as he, as he, as he, Yeah, yeah, as he couldn't get 50 people to his rally, which is why they had to start using jeeps to go in there and hawk. So I want you to be careful because he gets offended when he said things like that. Adam gets very upset right now. All I do is speak the truth. David, you speak the truth. Can I ask you a question? Sure. Odds that Trump runs in 2024. What you got? I say they're very good. I don't wanna hear very good. I need numbers, baby.
Starting point is 01:11:27 I'd say it's 90%. 90. I don't think that's the question though. I think the question isn't that. I think the question is, who on the right do they want to be the leading candidate representing the 2024? Meaning? Do Republicans today want Trump or do they want the Santas?
Starting point is 01:11:42 They want Trump. Okay, so let me ask you this base that trump built and the the energy that's in the conservative party and there's a splintering right because trump was the outsider so the gop i mean it's like there there is a splintering in the gop from the public and party that would rather have to santis they'd rather have the santis then trump they say well trunks to polarizing this that the other but you know what i think more people in this country are fired up to be conservative and
Starting point is 01:12:07 or line with conservative values which is what what what republicans do than ever before this country here's a question for you so say for instance trumps as i'm not run it do you think trump will go campaign for dissentist or dissentist to win if that if dissentist is that is that is that i think you would you think you would. So he's like, he is right now with state, with congressional races, he's endorsing candidates, he's out there, he's pushing. He's not gonna just take this loss, this perceived loss, and it is right on paper, we got a president on paper right now,
Starting point is 01:12:37 that's in there because of fraud and my personal belief and opinion is absolutely no way that he should be in office. And I'm still holding out for the Arizona audits. I'm still holding out to find out what the audits have to say because I believe that when the audits come out of Arizona, they're gonna de-certify their results. That's gonna be the first day to do it.
Starting point is 01:12:54 And then Georgia's fall, I think Georgia's gonna follow suit with the audits, Wisconsin's talking about it, Pennsylvania. All those things that they actually do. All those things that they actually do. You know what, on my podcast, the David J. Harrison podcast, on my podcast, the David J. Harris Jr. podcast, on my podcast for a year,
Starting point is 01:13:08 I got, yeah, you gotta have a J. You gotta have the J. You were just a name, James. James, David James. It's kind of like two Bible names, right? Well, it's just David. It's a middle name. So David James, Harris Jr.
Starting point is 01:13:19 Keep going. So for the better part of a year, on my podcast, I would say, if for some Hail Mary chance of a reason Joe Biden got an office, well, he's an office. So now I'm saying if there's a Hail Mary chance that we can get these swing states to actually do a forensic audit and look, if Biden won, then all power to him. Great.
Starting point is 01:13:42 Everybody that's supporting Biden supports the Democrats. They should be happy They should be able to say look we proved it now shut the hell up great But if not why are they roadblocking and installing these audits from happening? But you're using term like Hail Mary. So this is a Hail Mary Well, it is yeah, no that the sense of anything happened Well, that's what I'm saying It was a Hail Mary chance that Biden got in what she did Anything happened. Well, that's what I'm saying. That's what I'm saying. It was a hill marry chance that Biden got in which he did
Starting point is 01:14:10 What I'm saying right now is what I truly believe is a way to rectify the fraud There's no statute limitations on until it happens until it happens. I mean, I want to stay on topic here So let's go back on topic here. So how how bad you think it would look When DeSantis and Trump imagine the debate stage for Republican, you know, these two guys are debating, okay? You have on stage, Nikki Haley, you have on stage the Santis, you have on stage, Pence, you have on stage these guys are debating. Right.
Starting point is 01:14:37 How ugly will that get if that, because to me, the site of Pence and Trump debating, that doesn't look right, okay? And do you think the Santis is gonna sit there And me, the sight of Pence and Trump debating, that doesn't look right, okay? And do you think DeSantis is gonna sit there and allow Trump to take shots at him? Or do you think Trump's gonna be okay if DeSantis is like, you know,
Starting point is 01:14:53 the Kamala Harris shot at Biden? Do you remember the whole thing, like how awkward that was? Was that the first debate or second debate? I don't know what it was. Basically, call him racist. Yeah, basically call him racist, and it came to be, which is a formula.
Starting point is 01:15:03 I'll come work for you now. but how weird will that look to see the Santa's Trump hence all on stage Nikki Haley makes sense but the other three to be on stage if that were to happen how competitive do you think it would get it it it almost seems unimaginable like that's how I agree on that from asking questions you see Pence the DeSantis, Nikki Haley, up on stage debating Trump. Yeah. Let's not forget what Trump.
Starting point is 01:15:28 Haley's fine. Haley's fine. No, she's not some questionable. Yeah, well, no, no, no like they're just gonna give him the nomination. Like I don't see Trump. Remember how ugly things got in 2016 between lying Ted Cruz and Little Marco Rubio and the whole cast and sleepy Ben Carson and the whole thing. How ugly it got.
Starting point is 01:15:58 I think. You know what though with Trump, he never really win it, Ben. He never win it, Ben, with any shots. Carson, Ben Carson. He just let Ben be Ben, right? He's like, he never really win it been. He never win it been with any shots. Carson. Been Carson. He just let Ben be Ben, right? He really haven't anything to say.
Starting point is 01:16:10 I'm almost wondering if that was the case, it's hard to imagine, but if that was the case, if we'd actually just see them each try to lay out their best plan for how to move this country forward in the right direction and unless somebody has a reason for shots, like Pence, Trump's not gonna have, Trump's not gonna back down off of that. Let me tell you why he could have stopped it.
Starting point is 01:16:30 He could have stopped the, he could have given another two weeks back in January to say we need to actually look at some of this material instead of moving forward with certifying the election and Piston do it. What do campaign managers get hired to do? To win. So you can just for you to win right? Not for for you to win right not for for you to So the campaign manager has a lot on the line if I'm taking the Santis and I want to be your campaign manager I'm asking you a question. Do it. Are you playing to be VP or you playing to be the president?
Starting point is 01:16:58 Right because I got to have a good record as well So then Trump's campaign manager. They're gonna do what they do best They're gonna make those short clips go viral, know, because you'd be in jail, type of videos. They're, they're social media team is a freaking beast of a social media team, right? So he's part, but I will tell you, the centrist is not a lightweight. The centrist is not pants. The centrist is not Nicky Haley. The cent is, the centist believes he's the president of the state. The centrist has that identity that I'm going he's the president of the state. The sentence has that identity that I'm gonna be the president of the state,
Starting point is 01:17:27 and I think I'm the right guy to do the job. I think that's what this, and there's a part of America that believes the same with him as well. So, you look at ugly. Huh? I agree, that's my concern. Let me give my two cents.
Starting point is 01:17:40 Here's the other conversation. Do you think, you know how Biden has a meeting with, not Biden has a meeting, the folks on, Biden's camp have a meeting with Sanders, with Elizabeth Warren, with everybody like this and guys. Super Tuesday, dropout, come support, let's go win, we gotta beat this Trump guy. We can't be dividing, you think there's gonna be
Starting point is 01:17:56 somebody that's gonna say the Santas. Okay, so let's have the conversation. So visualize this conversation. I'm from Trump's camp, I go meet with the Santas and they say, hey Ron, we'd like to I go meet with the Santas and I say, hey, Ron, we'd like to have a meeting with you. And they have the meeting, behind closed doors. And they say, Ron, how much do you love America?
Starting point is 01:18:12 You know how much I love America. Ron, we think the best thing to do right now is the following. How about you agree to not go up against Trump? You become the VP. Trump becomes the president president and we go beat Biden and then after Trump's done you win and you become a two-term president Okay, visualize that's it's gonna happen. Yeah, you're on the Sanchez. What do you think Ron's gonna say in that meeting? That's tell no
Starting point is 01:18:42 Say no to that is what you're saying no no no no no no no no no no he's gonna say because you crazy it's it's almost like this it's almost like no no no because he dissent has has to see the rise in popularity among the conservatives and the republican party due to trump the trump effect you can't deny the maga effect the trump effect instead of trying to chop trump down and go after him and potentially lose he could be a sure bet if he got with trump and then he could still have the chance to be president for two more to for two more i don't know if he sees it
Starting point is 01:19:15 that way i think i don't know it's tough i don't i think he here's what you got to ask him is he dwayne wait or is he honest is he is he uh uh uh? Is he a guy that's gonna be like, hey, let's team up and go build a super team together. You know, like, hey, come on, let's build a super team in Cleveland and Miami and Boston. Or is he a guy that's gonna say, no, I'm good, I can build a team around myself.
Starting point is 01:19:37 And I think I'm a good number one. I think you're a good number one, but I also think I'm a good number one. I get a feeling that Ron thinks he's a good number one. I don't get a feeling that I think Ron thinks he's a number two. There's a moment where Trump is bringing Ron up. This is in 2019. And Trump says, you know, I'm not gonna lie to you.
Starting point is 01:19:55 First time I met Ron, I said, you know, Ron's a little chubby. Ron's got to lose some weight because I was always worried that Ron's a little heavy, you know, where he's a little round. He's a little heavy. He said this, are you saying you can't imagine? Trump said this to the census bringing him up. Wow. And he says I'm like, you know, where he's a little round. He's a little heavy. He said this, you're saying you can't imagine. Trump said this, to the census, bringing him up.
Starting point is 01:20:05 Wow. And he says, I'm like, he says, yeah, he kind of feeling him, I'm thinking this guy's a little heavy. He's, you know, he's got to lose some weight and Trump is saying this about this. And he says, and then one day, I tapped his shoulder. When I tapped his shoulder and I felt all the muscles, I said, no, this guy's not chubby.
Starting point is 01:20:19 This guy's muscular, this guy's strong. He's the only politician I've said this to. He said, I told Ron, Ron, you ought to take your shirt off more often don't worry jacket with that being said help me bring up your governor ronda santa's that's i brought him up only trump bricks i actually think that there is kept it real i actually think there is a little bit of credibility to this story
Starting point is 01:20:45 And I'll tell you why and I get that it's vanity fair You know how they say you would think there's credibility to vanity fair. He would no, I don't even care about the vanity So scoff at a national choir just so you know I'm going based on track record you know how they say the ego is not the amigo if this pole is anywhere This is at the Western conservative summit, the St. Vanity Fair here, David. This is a show up. Okay, cool. It's a poll. The fact that we all know that Trump loves the polls. I'm doing great in the polls. If that doesn't validate him saying something like that about the saying. I'm not that's not what I'm saying. I'll
Starting point is 01:21:18 let you go. I'm saying to two together. That's what he's trying to do. So I'm saying if there was a poll. That's what people that have been programmed to do. What I'm saying, if there is a poll that even shows DeSantis beating Trump, Trump doesn't like that, bro. Love you buddy. Okay, listen, I think we all agree. Here's my prediction.
Starting point is 01:21:38 Trump runs again. He's not gonna win. If DeSantis and Haley won on the ticket, they can win. I think you're forgetting how toxic Trump is. I think if you take a DeSantis and a Nikki Haley, you're going to get people in the middle to vote for them. I think if you're cool with your 42%, maybe you get to 45%, you're back to, oh, we got your luscious soul in from us.
Starting point is 01:22:03 They don't like Trump. Let me ask you question yes you question go to uh... go to uh... anybody after their first term okay obama after's first term did you have a terrible first term you did not have a great first okay go to you have a terrible first term
Starting point is 01:22:19 i would have a terrible did you have a terrible second term did you have a terrible first term what's that did obama have a terrible first term he did he have a terrible first term? What's that? Did Obama have a terrible first term? He did not have a good first term. But not a terrible. I think it was a terrible. Okay, so do you think Bush, GW had a good first term? Junior?
Starting point is 01:22:37 Yeah. No, with 9-11 and a retreat. Okay, so let me continue. Not a good one. Do you think Clinton had a good first term? Yes. Yes, okay. Take all of their first terms.
Starting point is 01:22:47 Yes. And even Trump, do you think Trump had a good first term? Until COVID. But that's not on his control though. Because even he delivered, well, he brought vaccine within nine months, even everybody said, even Fauci said 18 months, he delivered within nine months, right?
Starting point is 01:23:00 That's not because of Fauci. Trump was dealing with all these other guys abroad it, okay? So today, if we look at Trump as a first term, within nine months right that's not because of Fauci trump was dealing with all these other guys abroad it okay so today if we look at trump as a first term first term was it a great first term good first term terrible first term or bad first term depends on the the lens that you're looking at zero to ten for uh... let's say five or six
Starting point is 01:23:20 even for you say five or six okay who between trump obama gw bill clinton had a worst first term those four or biden so far i mean just based on what happened to the country you have to say george w bush with katerina with nine eleven that's okay so you put it first worst term first time yeah you put biden uh... uh...
Starting point is 01:23:42 biden i mean he's getting less than a year so it's but it took a year for him to break everything i mean it didn't need a whole four years some people don't need for you i'm going to get a stand it's a good thing to be jimmy carter every day thanks godson thank you for buying a favorite president of all time is jimmy carter is officially taking off the list he's officially taking off the list i don't think that biden is doing great
Starting point is 01:24:03 at all uh... but is less than a year here's actually where i'm going with this where i'm going with this is you forget the fact that depending on how biting does he makes it easy for anybody say we got to try some i don't think by the and should run again in twenty twenty four you want come on as a part of the i know not i don't think he's gonna do a little more polo see not polo see i think i think i'd like i think there should be a rule, if you're over 70, peace out.
Starting point is 01:24:28 Peace out. For moving forward, peace out. Really. Trump, Biden, Pelosi. So here we go. A booted judge guy. What's that? A booted judge?
Starting point is 01:24:36 No, I'm not, but I think he's a talented guy, but I'm not a booted judge guy. I just think, again, I'll say this again, for those that weren't listening. I think if DeSantis and Nikki Haley run on that ticket, they can win. If you throw toxic Trump up again, I'll say this again for those that weren't listening. I think if DeSantis and Nikki Haley run on that ticket, they can win. If you throw toxic Trump up again, that's what I'm saying, David. We all know that if you're conservative and you're a Maga guy, you love Trump. But nobody else does, bro.
Starting point is 01:24:59 Like do you understand that? I love his policies. It's not about the man, although I appreciate him. Okay. Met him 10, 11 times. How many people vote off of policies? 10% or more because he was going on right now. I think that argument of, forget about the candidate. Forget about the candidate.
Starting point is 01:25:16 Put a blank picture of the candidate and just look at their policies. Well, if we keep going the way we're doing it. I don't think anybody does that. I think it's an emotional attachment to who the candidate is and people are emotional. There's some pizzazz in there, right? Somebody gets up and say,
Starting point is 01:25:31 that's the whole way. That's his whole. People want to see somebody and how they're gonna interact, how they're gonna talk. Of course. What's the percentage right now of people wanting to retract their vote from five? 20% it was 20% right?
Starting point is 01:25:41 One in five. Out of 80 million people. That's enough. That's what 20 million 16 million people, okay? So that alone in by the way secret you are part of the camp as well though. No, I don't look I'll never write again. I will tell you this stop DeSantis you will provide a Nikki Haley you have a chance you both are Biden toxic Trump you have no chance Adam
Starting point is 01:26:03 Yes, sir you both are Biden when in 2020. Yeah Okay, you're a good your vote yet. I Don't regret my vote, but I think Biden has some clean enough to do how All he's done is make messes so far well like little kid crappin' in his diapers It's some of the some of the looks looks that Biden does after he'd said something, it's that look he gets. It's a look a little kid has.
Starting point is 01:26:28 This is how I look at it. We've had this conversation already. The way I look at it is the following. Who's a good number one? Okay, Biden's not a good number one. Nobody voted for him to be like, they were like, we got a drunk driver. But I'm saying to people,
Starting point is 01:26:43 what I'm saying today, people are stunned to realize, you don't vote for a number four to be a number driver. What are you? Someone takes the wheel. That's why I'm saying today people are starting to realize you don't vote for number four to be a number one. Right. You don't do that. Correct. Gerald Ford was never a good number one. He's a good number two or three. He was a good number one.
Starting point is 01:26:54 He was a good number one. And that's why he didn't get elected a second time, right? Who didn't? Senior. Senior. No, no, no, no. He didn't get elected second time. Because he got cocky thinking he's going to win a gospel.
Starting point is 01:27:04 And also a roast for a rock a rock that's a very different anomaly you just brought in no that's a really true number one I think on against the people he was going up against but also think Ross pro was a number one I think Ross pros and number one are you kidding me I think Ross pro was a fully good number one so I have to look no but that but it was out so so the challenge I'm having right now is the Santis is a number one. He just had a look. No, but the, but the, but the sound. So, so the challenge I'm having right now is the Santis is a number one. So is Trump. That's what I'm trying to say. Pents. I don't think Pence should run. No. I think
Starting point is 01:27:33 people behind closed doors that are telling them to run, I think should say nothing. I think should say just stay there because Pence's legacy right now is not that bad. It's not great. But Pence's legacy, believe it or not. Remember when Trump first announced Pence? What do people say? Like, what? Pence?
Starting point is 01:27:49 Yeah, it was a dollar. And then you got to know him, you're like, you know what? And yeah, cool. Yeah, he's likeable. And he's been stable. I guess as vanilla as a guess. But that's exactly what Trump needed. I agree.
Starting point is 01:28:00 Yeah, that's why he was a good selection. So let me go to the next story. So if you don't believe that story, Melania Trump is telling her friends that she has no interest and being first lady again despite her Husbands 2024 teases reports. This is an insider story Several of Melania Trump's friends told CNN she had no interest in returning to the White House Let alone helping if her husband decided to run former president Trump hasn't declared a 2020 for candidacy
Starting point is 01:28:20 But as teased a possibility saying her his supporters will be very happy with his decision. Previous reports said Melania Trump was happy and relaxed since exiting the White House earlier this year. She largely remained out of the public eye, unlike some of her predecessors and has made a few public appearances. So do you think she really wants to be a first lady again? Zero percent. No.
Starting point is 01:28:44 I agree. So if I have to believe one of these two stories, I think this is the one I believe in because I don't think she ever wanted that kind of eyeballs. I think she just wanted to be at peace just kicking back. Yeah, the toxic. I mean, it was so toxic for her. How's that going to play a role? If he, because I, 100% think Trump's running again. You're saying you're at 90%, you're at where?
Starting point is 01:29:03 I'm going to ask him when I interview him in three weeks. I like, I'm sure he'll do a question like he's been ducking the question. I'm gonna put it. I'm gonna put it. I need a yes or no. I need a yes or no answer. His best friend and he couldn't get it out of my mouth. I'm gonna try. I'm gonna try. 100% you got all in. I mean like 100% yeah. Where are you? That's close to 100% as possible. Okay, so you're 90, 100, 100, and that only that only 10 is looking at if we can if we can get the election integrity laws passed and stop the massive voter ID debacle that is what stole the last election. We can't have mass mail-in voting like that. We've got to have voter ID laws. I'm going to be something in place to make sure that we as americans all of us
Starting point is 01:29:45 no matter what side of the hour on can have trust in faith in the election process we can all hope whether you're on left of the right that covid is not here in twenty twenty-four twenty-four what are you talking about what do you know i hope it's not a major factor like in the spasala stop it you okay
Starting point is 01:30:02 are you serious listen in a game of war when you see a Play that works you have to figure out a way to use it again And again this this was a proven failure. They're gonna remix it. I do They're doing it. They're different variants are there. There's a man. It knows mail-in ballots work for fraud those mail-in ballots work for fraud? Does mail-in ballots work to get as creative as you want as possible?
Starting point is 01:30:28 I don't care whether you believe whatever happened. You listen, Biden is the president today. But does mail-in ballots work to be able to manipulate more than you come in and show on your ID? Obviously. So to me, I'm not even saying that happened or didn't happen. All I'm saying to you is you can get more creative with mail-in ballots than you can. With I do? You think they're gonna let that go? No way.
Starting point is 01:30:50 Listen, when you play football, you're gonna continue the same play. If they cannot stop your running back, what do you do? Keep running through the middle. They can't stop. Keep running until you found a play to stop it. I'm running through your linebackers because your guy sucked today. They're going to figure out a way. COVID may not be around 2023. Something's going to be around 2023 to create a shutdown. That's why with David. Let me give you a flip perspective. Let me give you a flip for some. Okay, if you're saying that's the playbook, shut it down, mail-ins. I think that would actually be a bad look on Biden. His whole candidacy is like, I'm gonna take care of COVID. No, you don't, I'm gonna take care of COVID.
Starting point is 01:31:27 And if it's still around in 2024, do you realize, to a community, I'm not a restaurant, the lady outside, she's sitting there, she's saying, let me tell you something, I cannot believe, in the state of Florida, I don't see anybody wearing a mask, she has that valley with a mask on. What an irresponsible, no wonder all of these people in the state of Florida. I don't see anybody wearing a mask. She has that value with a mask on. What an irresponsible no wonder all of these people in the state of Florida are so sick. Look at these. No one has a mask on. She's
Starting point is 01:31:50 hollering at me. And I don't have a mask on. I'm outside waiting for my car. So man, where are you outside? I say, man, where you from? Yeah, I said, man, where are you from? I'm from the responsible state of California. I said, oh, really? Yeah. So as well, you know. There's a reason why so many people are leaving your state because they're being forced to do things they don't want to do, which means what? There is a group of people that I think shutting down is the responsible thing to do.
Starting point is 01:32:16 And you're forgetting that audience. There's a group of people that say, dude, what a responsible guy here knew some. You know, oh my gosh, read Hastings. Is he a pretty smart guy? He's 100. people on Netflix. He runs a 200 billion dollar company Is he pretty a smart guy? He gave three million dollars to no some to keep him in there Why is he think he read hastings the dummy? No? There's a group of people that think what he's doing is right well, dude think about it
Starting point is 01:32:40 If you're the CEO of Netflix, you don't want people go out of the day of movie theater You want people at home watching? Even if that's the argument. Even if that's the argument. Even if that's the argument. Even if that's the argument still, he's not a dummy. There are a lot of smart people that have done well for themselves that are going to support a new sim, that are going to support somebody that stays home rather than going to work. Yeah. There's a lot of people that are lobbying for that. So I have a lot of support communism and hate capitalism too. I don't, we're not here to disagree on that point. All I'm saying to you is when it comes on to 2023, 2024,
Starting point is 01:33:14 there's a group of people that think it's responsible to shut down rather than leaving it open for people to decide. By the way, some of those guys you just mentioned are some of Pat's closest friends. Don't offend Pat. He talks to communists all the time. Probably've probably never read more communists than anybody else on YouTube. From a capitalistic standpoint. Yeah, it's a debate. Yeah, it's great. So let's
Starting point is 01:33:31 go let's go to do. You wake anybody up yet? Non-stop. That's what we do for 11. Two stories before we wrap up. One Adam Sandler says Netflix asks him to rewrite his new movie. So it wasn't said in China because a company doesn't do business there. Page five. I'll go to this and then we'll wrap up with Taliban. And I want to hear your thoughts on that. This is page six. Adam Sandler, top of six. Is it six or five? You got six? Okay, six. Let me see where it's at six that I miss it. Right here we go. So Adam Sandler, okay, Adam Sandler, okay, in the forthcoming comedy, Hustle, Sandler plays a basketball agent who attempts to revive the failing career by recruiting an extraordinary overseas talent to the NBA.
Starting point is 01:34:10 In the final version, the failed Sandler's character recruits a promising player from Spain played by the real-life Memphis Grizzlies forward, Wancho Hernán Gomez. Sandler says it was written originally that I find a player in China and somehow Netflix is not in China. So they were like, would you guys please make it so we find someone in Latin or Latin America or Europe? Last year Netflix, you'll read Hastings told CNBC that the company was not focused on cracking the Chinese market.
Starting point is 01:34:40 What do you think about this? Interesting. Yeah, very interesting to me because you got a big market in China Yeah, and he's sitting there saying yeah, I don't think if that's the market we want to get into because I don't think we're gonna win Period, right if we go there because what's really gonna happen? They're gonna see what we're doing you're in a half later They're gonna take all our you know method of doing business then we're out. They're gonna house does anyways So it's not a winning proposition for us to try to compete in China make sense interesting do you agree do you agree with his point of view
Starting point is 01:35:10 is it read hastings or say yeah no this is interesting because we just talked about I know we just took a shot at him yeah the fact that he's like yeah I'm not going to the China not worth it that this essentially is basically saying I'm not worried about making more money in China why do people go to China why does it be a go to the China why does people go to China? Why does the NBA go to the China? Why does Nike go to China? For the money, baby. For the frickin' money.
Starting point is 01:35:28 Yeah, the cheap people. And he's basically saying, we're good. We're gonna go everywhere else in the world. We're not gonna go to China. Respect to him, I think. I agree with you. No, I agree with you. Even if it's his own personal motive,
Starting point is 01:35:38 that he's doing it, we should stop doing everything with China. He's respecting his IP, no big time. Yeah, absolutely. Yeah. By the way, a little fun fact, this Hancho Hernón Gomez, I think there's a couple brothers that play in the NBA, these are Hernón Gomez, over the weekend, while we print this out, he got traded to the Boston Celtics, so he's no longer on the Memphis Gris.
Starting point is 01:35:58 Oh my gosh. What's the fourth announcement? There's one of them play for the nuggets. Nice to watch them. Yeah, and then you get traded in the next, I wanna say. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Look, like a Saul Brothers, the Collins Brothers, the holiday brothers, there's some brothers in the league.
Starting point is 01:36:16 And not the- There's a few brothers. There's not the brothers brothers, but like actual brothers. So these hernaugomas, guys, you know. Well, we're glad you cleared that up for us. Thank you so much for all our very helpful fans. Next, Taliban declared China their closest ally. This is a telegraph story.
Starting point is 01:36:30 China is the Taliban's principal, partnered international community. The Islamist group has said it is its strongest signal yet of diplomatic priorities. Taliban spokesman Zabiullah Mujahid on Thursday claim Beijing was ready to invest and reconstruct Afghanistan as he set out hopes that China would provide a gate Win to global markets Mr. Mujahid said that the Chinese would revive Afghan copper mining and production as the express
Starting point is 01:36:53 Admiration for the one belt one road project under which China extends significant lows to the other countries to invest in Infrastructure Western critics have framed the initiative as a debt trap that helped Chinese extent Geopolitical influence a charge rejected by Chinese leaders David The Weston critics have framed the initiative as a debt trap that helped Chinese extent geopolitical Influence a charge rejected by Chinese leaders David. I'm gonna go to first with this one So the Taliban wants to see the table They want to see that the g7 they want to be recognized as a world leader On my podcast or the last couple weeks. I've had a very close friend of mine, Victor Marx, who's been to Afghanistan.
Starting point is 01:37:29 He's got a house still in Iraq. He's a former Marine. He's a veteran. His COO is a Delta guy, Jeff Teig's. And he's got assets on the ground. That whole pineapple express that we heard about, where the veterans went in and actually rescued thousands doing more for Americans than this body administration.
Starting point is 01:37:46 What are the main strengths of Kennedy? Tim, what are the things? So Victor's team is a part of that coalition that Tim Kennedy is a part of Chad. What's the pineapple express? Yeah, yeah. So he shared with me, because right before we pulled out,
Starting point is 01:38:01 right before Biden pulled out, I'd say wouldn't say weeks, I don't think most Americans don't believe that we should have left the way that we did, the withdrawal shouldn't have happened the way that it did. And Americans are still left behind. I was worried that we were going to start to see some of these, you know, just straight up executions, you know, throws getting slit, Taliban's just, you know, that's what they're going to do.
Starting point is 01:38:20 And Victor helped bring me down and gave me a lot of peace to just think about, he's like, they're looking at the long-term play here. The Taliban's looking at, now they've got control of Afghanistan. There's $3 trillion in minerals in the soil in Afghanistan. And they want to see it at the table. They want to be recognized as a world leader. They want to have a say so with the G7.
Starting point is 01:38:40 So, trying to come in, giving them the, becoming a partner with them, giving them the rights to be able to go in mind, it's going to help them, of course, absolutely, diplomatically, and they're sitting on a gold mine of Americans. They want to ransom these Americans. They want to sell them back to us, basically. They want to get paid. So I don't think we're going to see slaughter.
Starting point is 01:39:00 I think we're going to see, we're already hearing some of the reports that Taliban's not letting Americans leave. They want ransom payments made. And here we've got China that is just continuing to, you know, make their marks bigger and stronger with more connections. And here we've got the little United States of America with Joe Biden at the helm, not a real leader, and somebody that's afraid to tell the Taliban what we should do and what we will do instead of these taking orders, okay, we'll be out by the 31st, okay, we'll do this and that, it's just, it's an absolute mess. But the Taliban is, yeah, and China connecting is absolutely
Starting point is 01:39:36 something that we, that the world should be very, very concerned about. I think what this does is kind of come down to alignment. Everything's kind of falling into place based on who your homies are. All right, so what am I getting at? What's the correlation between China and the Taliban? Because that's not exactly like they've been in Cahood's. The common denominator is Pakistan. China has been influencing Pakistan. They've invested in Pakistan.
Starting point is 01:40:04 Pakistan clearly has been in C in Kahut with the Taliban, Al-Qaeda, all that fun stuff. Who has the United States been in alignment with India? So India is the regional power over there. India and Pakistan have major beef. It's kind of like the axis and the axis of evil and the allies kind of all taking place. So it's kind of like, you know, the axis and the axis of evil and the allies kind of all taking place. So it's kind of like draft picks.
Starting point is 01:40:29 If you were to play five on five, all right, I got this guy. All right, I got this guy. United States drafted India, China drafted Pakistan. Pakistan comes with a Taliban. We've got certain this country over here and that's essentially what's taking place there. It is concerning that the Taliban is aligning with China best friends with China. Why are you surprised at it? Why are you surprised?
Starting point is 01:40:48 I'm not, because again, they're aligned with Pakistan. That's why I'm not surprised. Yeah, now the China is gonna align with anybody who waits America. Yep, what are you talking about? The phone call you gotta make is, can we make a list of countries that hate America? Who's at the top?
Starting point is 01:41:02 China, okay, make a phone call. Right, exactly, we'll take Iran yeah take North Korea we'll take Russia that's on our team whereas United States we'll take India we'll take Israel we'll take the United Kingdom anyone that has anyone that has democracy and that's what I'm saying that they are democracy they're aligned and people in the ally powers well look at the one built one road project I mean that's so freaking huge yeah Yeah. You know, shout out to a general Robert Spalding for a Stealth War book. Guys, I've been talking about this book ever since
Starting point is 01:41:29 it came out. You guys need to start reading it. I mean, basically let out, you know, roll it out. He just laid out the freaking playbook. I mean, and it's very unfortunate that it actually is playing out because, you know, you got Americans literally on social media liking certain communism, you know, feeds. And they have no freaking clue what's happening right now. And what's going to happen is China aligns themselves with people like the Taliban. I mean, this is very dangerous. This is not for play. I'm going to keep saying this.
Starting point is 01:42:00 I'm going to keep saying this because I think there's China's number one enemy today That they fear China has learned they can control America. Yeah, they're already here. Yeah, they have figured out a formula Because the the challenge with a lot of people in America politicians They can be bought money all this stuff. It's very easy to buy America to do China's got the formula They're killing it more power to them on their strategy, their obviously enemy, but all I'm saying is they outsmarted American politics, right? But there is one country they despise, there's only one country they despise. I pulled up data the other day, we're looking at ages. Do you know the average age of population in
Starting point is 01:42:41 US? What is the average age? We have 330 million giver tech people living in us Guess what's the average age of an American today? 40 42 Oh, I'm sorry average. You say 42. You're pretty close. What do you think it is? I was thinking mid 40s? Okay 38.1 Okay, Millennials of the largest generation baby boys before that 38 point what he thinks the average age of a Citizen in China lower than that. What do you think it is? No, in China. Lower than that. What do you think it is?
Starting point is 01:43:06 No, I would say higher than that. 38.4. Oh, I'm sorry. Not that far. 38.1, 38.4. What do you think is the average age of someone in India? In their late 20s. What do you think it is?
Starting point is 01:43:20 No idea. 26 years old. Yeah, wow. 216 to 38. Look, India's in a surpassed China, they fear India like you don't even, if I'm US, if I'm US, Biden won't do it. Whoever's an ex president that needs to do this, if I'm US, if I want to protect the world long term to make sure a China doesn't I'm doing whatever I can to strengthen
Starting point is 01:43:46 India with our relationship. Anything I can to do to strengthen them that's where I'm going because the same game these guys are playing you got to go to the one person they fear the most. It's like that one person a guy doesn't want his you know the the family to talk to or grow to talk to or, you know, a person to find out about who's that one person. China fears if India gets stronger. I'm going to do whatever I can to strengthen India today because China is going to shiver if India gets stronger because China is getting older. That whole one baby rule backfired on him. Okay. That one baby rule is what got the average to be 38.4. And FYI, America is not as young as
Starting point is 01:44:24 we're acting like we are. We're only 38.1, it's like China and US is about the same age. India is 26, so there is a savior there for the world and it's India. So you want to, you want to team up with Taliban? No problem with China. You go team up with Taliban.
Starting point is 01:44:38 Hey, here's what we're going to do. You got 75,000 Taliban people you just teamed up with. Good for you, China. We just teamed up with one and a half billion. And let me tell you what we're gonna be doing. We're gonna strengthen them. Let's create a partnership and go tell the world about it. That's what I would be doing.
Starting point is 01:44:51 But again, let's not forget, democracy is a line. Indictatorships align. They are brilliant. They are great engineers. They're willing to work. They are hungry for information. They want to learn. They have their own body wood.
Starting point is 01:45:04 They have their creative. They have their own body wood. They have their creative. They have so many different benefits. There's so much to build out there. Super passionate people. Super passionate people. They got a rich history as well. There's some areas with mindset that can be improved. But they got strong school.
Starting point is 01:45:17 IIT is one of the best engineering school in the world. Some will say it's even better than MIT in the US. So anyways, I think China fears India. I agree. So I agree. My whole talk about alignment and I give the analogy of the draft picks. If you have the two great powers these days,
Starting point is 01:45:33 United States and China, and we have our first pick, we're taking India. Yeah. If it's Taliban, China just picked up a scrappy player. You know how you build on a basketball team? They just picked up a scrappy player. But you know who India is? India is a guy you can build a team.
Starting point is 01:45:46 It's a first round draft pick. Not only a first round draft pick. India is a shack. This is a shack. This is a shack. This is a shack. This is a shack. This is a franchise player.
Starting point is 01:45:54 This is a franchise player. This is a franchise player. This is a franchise player. This is a shack. This is a shack. This is a shack. This is a shack. This is a shack.
Starting point is 01:46:02 This is a shack. This is a shack. This is a shack. This is a shack. This is a shack. This is a shack. This is a shack. I'd put like a What was that one gun del Avedoba Scrappy Australian that's probably no Australia and you can't leave Australia so what do you think what's going on with Hawaii right now? What do you see what's going on with Hawaii with some of the restrictions they've created in Hawaii? Maybe we can wrap up with that and then go into your book and then we'll finish up the podcast It looks like Australia. I mean it looks I mean the the Democrat the Democrats in charge over there in Hawaii I've got people that are reaching out to me like crazy.
Starting point is 01:46:26 I posted a video of a chief, a fire captain that had been there 20 years, that they are forcing the jab on people in order to work. Even their service men from hospitals to a fire to police, they're making it like a police state, like what we're seeing in Australia. And it's not going to get any better, I don't think. In these states that have these Democrat governors, and you know, our Democrat majority, they're going to try to take as much as they can, they're going to use fear to try to put people in the box, to make people think like it's a responsible thing to do,
Starting point is 01:46:59 because they're being programmed because they want full power control. It's leading to socialism, and it's happening one state at a time. And it's horrible what's happening in Hawaii. The beautiful thing is, it is waking people up and people that have been on the sideline, hoping things are gonna get better,
Starting point is 01:47:14 believing that things are gonna get better, but not having a dog in the fight, not being vocal about it, they're getting vocal. So I believe, I hope and pray and believe that what's happening in Hawaii, what's happening in California, what's happening in New York with the mandates there in New York businesses, just saying, hey, you can't even go into businesses unless you've been vaccinated. We see an uprising take place from the people that have not been vocal and I think that's
Starting point is 01:47:41 what it's going to take in order to really turn things around. Yeah, I mean, the biggest thing is options, man. Choices. That's the biggest thing. Have choices for people. The other day I saw Paul, what percentage of Americans believe it's okay to expect a vaccine passport to travel. 63% are agreeing that airlines should make it okay for you to sick. By the way, that's a real num, domestic.
Starting point is 01:48:07 That's a real number. That's a real number, by the way, 63%. And don't be surprised if it gets there. If it gets to the point where you are forced to do that, that's gonna change the game for a lot of people. Some of them are gonna be in the middle so now don't get to shout. Some of them are not gonna get to shout.
Starting point is 01:48:21 What's gonna happen? What business gonna take up? Land a lot of people can travel private. You can't afford 27,000 dollars of fly to go somewhere. You're going to be spending money. It's a very interesting direction we're going as a country. David, Jay, Harris, Jr., tell us about your book, Why I Couldn't Stay Silent. For people that want a perspective, for why an individual and somebody in the black community
Starting point is 01:48:44 is a conservative supported Trump did not support the Obama. I get into what I believe is the new KKK of today. The KKK's whole sole mission was to manipulate, dominate and control. And I believe that that's exactly what the mainstream media, the liberal, the majority, the liberal mainstream media is doing today. It's not just lynching people out in the streets, but it's lynching a person's public voice. It's like I've been banned on YouTube. I'm constantly getting threatened and having my voice diminished on Facebook,
Starting point is 01:49:13 on Instagram, on Twitter, Twitter just continues to do that. So I get into that. I would get into what I believe the new civil rights movement is of today. And forward written by Candace Owens, a great friend of mine. Love what she wrote in there about me. And I think the greatest chapter actually in there
Starting point is 01:49:30 is the chapter that my wife put in there. It's a short chapter, but beautiful story behind it. When I shared that video, when my page started, when the reason I created a page was I started at the beginning, the after the third debate between Trump and Hillary, I hopped on and I ranted for like 14 minutes. I had like 1500 friends on Facebook, didn't have any platform.
Starting point is 01:49:51 It was a very pro-life message. I shared as a Christian, as a husband, as a father, as a business owner, and as a member of the black community. And it's in that order for me. My identity's not in my skin color. My identity is in who I am in Christ first, and then who he's made me to be as a husband to my bride, as a father to my kids,
Starting point is 01:50:08 I'm an active member of my local community. I am a part of the black community, but my identity's not in my skin color. So I ran and I raved. I went off on what I felt was at stake for this country when we were looking at face between, choosing between Trump and Hillary. It was a very pro-life message,
Starting point is 01:50:22 and I shared why that was. My wife then became vocal about the fact that her mom was in the abortion clinic and about to abort her. And on the table waiting for the doctor to come in, she decided to get up and leave. Wow. And she had that little baby girl
Starting point is 01:50:42 that grew up and became my wife. I wouldn't be the man I am today. We wouldn't have the two amazing beautiful daughters that we have. It wasn't for her mom Who didn't have the greatest circumstances husband the father was not gonna be in the picture She didn't think she could handle raising a kid if she hadn't had the courage to choose life My bride wouldn't be here. So she shared that and about a year after I posted that first video and my wife posted that a friend of mine reached out to me and he said you know I was I had a friend that was pregnant and was debating having an abortion
Starting point is 01:51:18 and I didn't know if I'd have the right words to say. So I sent her your video and I sent her your wife's story and he said, here's a picture of Little Baby Ian. She decided to have a baby. So that in its entirety is in there. I think that's the greatest message. And I think that for people to just get on, if we got on the same page, it's never okay to harm a child. Who would ever sit back and watch anybody do any kind of physical damage to a little kid. Nobody would.
Starting point is 01:51:49 I wouldn't. I don't think anybody at this table would. So what separates the little inch and a half of the belly to the baby that's inside the belly, if we could all get on the same page when Roe v Wade was was enacted, science, they didn't have what we have now. Right now we know it's not just a cluster of cells. Right now we know baby has a heartbeat at five, six weeks. It can feel pain.
Starting point is 01:52:12 It has its own fingers and toes, it has its own DNA. It's not a part of the woman's body. It's a body and it's entirety. And if people just came together on that and then supported individuals and supported life, for me I say, if it's off in somebody's moral compass, that that's an actual baby inside there and they're okay doing damage to that,
Starting point is 01:52:31 baby, what else is off with their moral compass? If we could just align with that, especially believers, those people of faith out there, but you don't even have to be a person of faith, science now proves it and backs it up as well, that it's a baby. So I get into a lot in there, and if a person wants to know,
Starting point is 01:52:47 they can get it at davidharistjr.com. We're gonna put the link below to your book. Thank you for that testimony, sharing it with us. Kai, put in the comments, sections, and put in the chat box as well. Gang, if you enjoyed today's podcast, order his books, smash the subscribe button
Starting point is 01:53:00 on the channel, David, if you can autograph my book as well. Absolutely. Having said that, folks, if you can autograph my book as well. So, having said that folks, hope you enjoyed today's podcast. I'm sure we're gonna bring David back in the future. Again, would that be in set, Adam, Phil, David, thanks guys, take everybody, we'll do it again. This Thursday, I think we got a special guest this Thursday.
Starting point is 01:53:18 No, I think Michael Francie's is gonna be here this Thursday to talk about mafia states of America. I think Michael will be here in two days so make sure you join us as well. This Thursday on the podcast, take care, bye bye bye bye.

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