PBD Podcast - Konstantin Kisin | PBD Podcast | Ep. 278

Episode Date: June 21, 2023

PBD, Konstantin Kisin, Adam, Tom, and Vinny talk about: - Twitter War Between Dr. Hotez vs RFK. - VICTIMHOOD Mentality - ESG - Transgender sports  - Andrew Tate Arrest Sign Up For The VAULT 2023! ... https://thevaultconference.com/?utm_campaign=YT-SC FaceTime or Ask Patrick any questions on https://minnect.com/ Recommended video: (Recommended video title and link goes here) Subscribe to our channel: http://bit.ly/2aPEwD4 To reach the Valuetainment team, you can email: info@valuetainment.com --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/pbdpodcast/support

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I know this life meant for me. Yeah, why would you plan on the life when we got that David? Value payment, giving values, contagious, this world, I want your panoras, we can't no value to hate it. I'd be running home, you look what I've become. I'm the one. So a lot has happened since the last time we did a live podcast. I don't know what I'm gonna do. I'm gonna go on. Mill. So a lot has happened since the last time we did a live podcast, right?
Starting point is 00:00:30 We crossed a million subs, which is great. Yeah, I'm glad. I'm glad to have you. And I'm glad to have you. And I'm glad to have you. And I'm glad to have you. Thank you to everybody. Thank you to everyone that subscribed. And that was pretty annoying time, but fantastic. Thanks, Tom. How are you, Deft? fantastic our death we uh uh the Tate interviews we haven't spoken since we came back to failure Andrew and Tristan Tates
Starting point is 00:00:46 uh interview we had a good time there and then we just got news right now this morning that they got charged and yeah we then we'll talk about that as well but today's guest is a special one I've seen his stuff and a message you gave oh my god I mean it was absolutely bonkers the message you gave let oh my God, I mean it was absolutely bonkers, the message you gave.
Starting point is 00:01:07 Let me first properly introduce our guest today, then I'll show the clip. And if you don't know the name Constantine Kissin, you're gonna know after you watch a couple of these clips, you're gonna say, I saw that speech and I shared it with my friends, it was absolutely amazing. He has written for a number of publications, including The Spectator, The Daily Telegraph, standpoint on issues relating to tech censorship, woke culture, comedy, and cultural war, topics in the past, but currently publishes articles
Starting point is 00:01:36 on these subjects on his sub-stack, okay? He has co-hosted Trigonometry. Since 2018, a YouTube channel and podcast featuring fellow comedian co-host Francis Foster. Rob, if you can pull up one of the clips here, let's go to the one where he goes from exactly 214. This is you giving this message, this is where at Oxford Union, and he's invited, and he's not necessarily speaking to people
Starting point is 00:02:04 that agree with what he has to say. Just go ahead and play, you'll see what I'm talking about. I want to talk to those of you who are work and who are open to rational argument. A small minority I accept. Because one of the tenets of workness is, of course, that your feelings matter more than truth. But I believe in you. I believe there are those of you here who are work, who are open to rational argument. So let me make one. We are told that your generation cares more than any other about one issue in particular and that issues climate change We're told that many of you suffer from climate anxiety
Starting point is 00:02:35 You wish to save the planet and for tonight and tonight only I will join you I will join you and worshiping at the feet of St. Gretto of climate change I will join you and worshiping at the feet of St. Gretto of climate change. Let us all accept right here right now that we are living through a climate emergency and our stocks of polar bears are running extremely low. I join you in this view. I truly do. Now what are we to do about this huge problem facing humanity? What can we in Britain do?
Starting point is 00:03:00 We can only do one thing. You know why? This country is responsible for 2% of global carbon emissions Which means that if Britain was to sink into the sea right now It would make absolutely no difference to the issue of climate change You know why because the future of the climate is going to be decided in Asia and in Latin America by poor people who couldn't give a shit about saving the planet No, thank you No, thank you. No, thank you.
Starting point is 00:03:23 No, thank you. You're going to be decided by four people in Asian. By the way, it's great to have you on the podcast. Thank you. Love the work you're doing. Love the fact that you're going out to push in the envelope through a logic, through reason, and forcing them to come back and say, you don't make sense, but you do.
Starting point is 00:03:40 So good to have you on. For the audience that doesn't know your background, how did you go from where you are today, but how have you. For the audience that doesn't know your background, how did you go from, you know, where you are today, but how did your first guest start? Maybe take a minute and share your background with them. Okay, so born late Soviet Union, most of my family had to flee or escape for one reason or another, mainly for saying the wrong thing, so it kind of runs in the family with me. And that informs a lot of my world views, because many other things that are happening now in Western societies, in the UK,
Starting point is 00:04:07 and to some extent in America, I see as parallel to what we had in the Soviet Union. So for example, just give you one brief example, political correctness, you guys know where it comes from. Political correctness, we had never had anything to do with being nice to people, not offending anybody, anything like that. Political correctness was invented in the Soviet Union for one reason or one reason only, to say to people not offending anybody, anything like that. Political correctness was invented in the Soviet Union
Starting point is 00:04:26 for one reason or one reason only, to say to people what you're saying is factually correct, but it's politically incorrect. And that meant it was inconvenient to the party line of the day. It was a way of enforcing an ideology and everybody else. My grandfather, late Soviet Union, said the wrong thing about the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan.
Starting point is 00:04:45 Boom! Lost his job, his wife fired from her job. Again, is that so unfamiliar to the world that we increasingly live in now? So that was the thing. But look, you were right. I started as a stand-up comedian in the UK. I was just doing stand-up. I didn't really care about any other stuff.
Starting point is 00:04:59 And then in 2018, I was gigging at a comedy club. Some students saw me. They invited me to help raise money for charity at their college. And when they invited me, they sent me what they called a behavioral agreement contract, which said that they had a zero tolerance policy on racism, sexism, classism, ageism, ableism, homophobia, biphobia, transphobia, xenophobia, Islamophobia, anti-religion, anti-Atheism. And it also said that all jokes must be respectful and kind.
Starting point is 00:05:26 Before you go, perfeited. Before you go, this is 2018. This is pre-COVID. Okay. The antithesis of what comedy is supposed to be pushing the envelope. Right. And I, look, I'll be honest with you, I thought this is kind of a weird thing that's happening in comedy because comedy is a very kind of progressive industry generally.
Starting point is 00:05:43 Most people who go into a stand-up are kind of more like on the creative side. They're not business people. And so they think in this kind of left liberal way. Which is cool. I've got no problem with that. But I thought it was just me that felt this stuff was a bit weird. I turned it down. I tweeted about it to like a thousand followers that I had at the time.
Starting point is 00:06:01 And this story goes super viral around the world. So give you an example. On the day that this story went big, it was the second most red story on the BBC News website, the biggest news website in the UK. The number one story was the prime minister of our country had nearly been removed from office by her own party, right? So that's it when Joe Biden,
Starting point is 00:06:22 like imagine this right now, Joe Biden nearly gets impeached by the Democrats. And the second biggest story in the country is no name comic turns down, unpaid charity gig from two big college, right? It's crazy, right? And I got, when that happened, I got thousands of messages from people all over different industries, different people, different places in America, the UK, anglers feel Australia and New Zealand, who were all telling me about stuff that's happening in their workplace. And that's when I realized like this culture that's going on right now, it's not just me that's crazy and thinks it's weird.
Starting point is 00:06:53 This is a real thing out there in the world. And so my YouTube show, Trigonometry, my co-host and I, we've been speaking to people, you know, the Douglas Murray's, the Jordan Peterson's there, a bunch of different people. Try and understand what is going on. Why are people thinking like this? Why is this going on? And that's kind of my journey to where I am to. So what conclusion have you come up
Starting point is 00:07:12 with with all these people you've been interviewing? Why do you think they're thinking the way they're thinking? It doesn't make a lot of a logical sense. Just yesterday, this guy from Star Wars, what's his name? There's been a Twitter award the last 40 hours. Yeah He tweets this yesterday and I asked a innocent question wanting to become smarter as a guy that's not a Scientist hoping he can help me out
Starting point is 00:07:37 But I didn't hear back from him. So George if you're watching this Please help me get a little bit more clear on this. So he posted it on Twitter, I am now following Peter Holtes in every decent person who believes in science not quackery should too. And then I said, George, according to science, how many genders are out there?
Starting point is 00:07:56 I haven't got a response, man. Nothing right. And so I'm wondering, how do we get here? Like this stuff is logical. It's common sense, but it sounds like the other side is creating a lot of momentum with things that make absolute no sense.
Starting point is 00:08:09 Why is that? Well, I think if you look at the stats on what happens post-2014 when social media really takes off. This is a disease of social media, this idea that there's an infinite number of genders, because in the disembodied online world, you can say that, right? So the more we go into living online, the easier it is to believe things that aren't true, because there's no hard test. If I pick up this bottle of water and let it go, we know what's going to happen because it happens in the real world.
Starting point is 00:08:35 But how do you falsify that? How do you test that? So I think that part of this is it's a disease of social media. And then we've also got to position and Jonathan Height writes about this in the cuddling of the American mind, where we've created a generation's success of generations of people who've not been brought up properly, and victimhood is now currency. Right? Again, this is an online phenomenon. If I, you know, I'm a first-generation immigrant in the UK, okay? Dark skin. If I say, well, you know, people have been racist to me, which they have. Right? Therefore, here's some things that are true. People are much more likely to listen to that, even though there's no reason to actually take that my opinion any more seriously than anybody else's, right?
Starting point is 00:09:15 So we've got to ourselves into a position where people are rewarded for being victims and their claims about reality are given more credibility because of that. and their claims about reality are given more credibility because of that. So you get recognition for being a victim. Social media creates the eyeballs. Let me get a little bit of attention and that's causing other people to do the same because it's getting attention. 100%. That's simple. 100%. What about, and the problem with social media, right, is it rewards ideas that sound good, but aren't true. And it punishes ideas that are true, but don't sound good.
Starting point is 00:09:50 Give you an example. If you go online and you say, look, you live in a systemic patriarchy, blah, blah, blah, and that's why you are where you are, well, that's really reassuring because nothing's my fault, right? What about you go online and you say, no one's coming to save you. Your life is your responsibility Oh, I got it. I got to take responsibility for my life now. I got to go out and they're induced stuff I got to go out there and overcome things
Starting point is 00:10:12 Well, I don't want to hear that message it's much more comfortable to hear that nothing is in you know I don't control anything. I am where I am because society is this way What's going on in the UK these days? I feel like the reason that you have become so prominent is because of your perspective. Born and raised in the Russia, Jewish, anti-Semitism, I just came back from Israel, literally landed a handful of hours ago. I was with a Russian girlfriend of mine who's basically saying that she was told her entire life, do not tell people you're Jewish. Do not tell people you're Jewish. She came to Israel, now she's like screaming from the rooftops, hey, I'm proud to be Jewish,
Starting point is 00:10:48 you had a diata. You moved to the UK, you said you dealt with racism, anti-Semitism. Never dealt with anti-Semitism. Never, no, no. But look, I'm not Jewish, I'm like a quarter Jewish, I'm not practicing, so it's not a big deal. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:03 But being muscled is my question. So you started the conversation off about propaganda basically started, or not, or political correct, and started in Russia. Propaganda. Propaganda too. No, one in the same, exactly. But what are you seeing going on in the UK these days? Because essentially my question is this, it used to be people on the right.
Starting point is 00:11:23 Like I grew up in Miami and it was usually like evangelical Christians basically saying, oh, that's against the Bible, you can't do this. And I remember there was a Supreme Court lawsuit against like my favorite rap group of the time, two live crew, as nasty as they want to be. They won the lawsuit. And now it seems like it's coming from the left. And the extreme left is basically trying to marginalize voices and silence voices when it used to be
Starting point is 00:11:49 20 30 years ago coming from the right what are you seeing in the UK is the same thing United States give us your perspective you know what it's I'm so glad you made that point because this is the thing that I always say is like I grew up watching Bill Hicks and George Carlin make jokes about religion and then not be allowed to perform or be insensitive and whatever, right? And I keep saying, I long for the day when I can go back to being like someone in the center center left where I'm railing against religious conservatives.
Starting point is 00:12:16 You go, and you can't say that, you can't joke about that, right? Like that's how it used to be. I'm really comfortable in that world. And it's flipped because there's, as you say, there's an ideology on the left now that tells people that their feelings matter more than the truth. And I'm so grateful you played a clip of my speech because right at the end, there's
Starting point is 00:12:36 something people actually don't know about that speech. And it's been seen by like 300 million people or more around the world. Is if you look closely, right at the end, there's a guy who's very physically disabled and he can only use one arm and I'm talking right at the end of the speech about the fact that I'm not saying what I'm saying for any other reason that I want young people to get stuck in to lean into something. If you think climate change is a big problem go fix it, go study, go learn, go build an organization, do whatever it is,
Starting point is 00:13:05 right? And this guy, with one arm, he's clapping his own shoulder, right? When I'm talking about don't be a victim. And he came up to me afterwards and we had a conversation and I'm not going to lie, it was kind of hard to understand. That's how physically difficult it is for him to communicate, right? But this is a guy that believes that you should never be a victim to your circumstances, right? And what an incredible thing to see that. I love that. And right next to him is a bunch of young people fully able from rich backgrounds
Starting point is 00:13:36 at one of the best universities in the world, right? Who think that they are oppressed? I mean, give me a break, guys. Yeah, and you know, it's amazing you see that. If you listen to the whole speech, I love how you keep taking, I'm a break, guys. Yeah, and you know, it's amazing. You say that. If you listen to the whole speech, I love how you keep taking it. I'm not gonna do this. I know I'm not gonna,
Starting point is 00:13:50 I'm not gonna say I told you so. And there's no way I'm gonna do this. I mean, it was shots after shots. Zero, did you have notes when he gave this talk? Did you have any? I had them that, but I didn't use them. Okay, so I'm like, he is not looking at a teleprompter.
Starting point is 00:14:03 And it was what, nine or 10 minutes. Go to the part, go to the clip of, show the one with him and Bill Mar. Because this part about Bill Mar, I'm on Andrew Schultz podcast and we're talking about America. And I said, you know, there's a lot of people that are confused, they keep talking about,
Starting point is 00:14:23 be careful with nationalist. Be careful with, you know, be careful with nationalist. Be careful with nationalist. You got to be careful with nationalist. These nationalists are terrible nationalists, right? Like, okay, what is the antinem of nationalism? It's globalism. So would I rather be proud of the country I represent? Or globally?
Starting point is 00:14:42 No, man, I'm going to represent the country. I'm a part of, I'm a proud American. We're proud to be living in a country like this. And you go on Bill Martin, you say this to him, which is incredibly powerful. By the way, this is by Money Smart Guy. Matt Sipala posted this. Can you play this clip real quick, Rob?
Starting point is 00:14:58 People in other parts of the world are not teaching their young children to hate their own country. APPLAUSE And if you continue to do this, how is the West going to do in the battle of civilisations? Because that's what we're in, right? The Chinese want to thrive, the Russians want to thrive, and they are teaching their children to be strong, to be confident, to go out there, to learn science, instead of equity and diversity. And the bridge doesn't work very well if it's built on science instead of equity and diversity. And the bridge doesn't work very well if it's built in diversity instead of maths. I'm working.
Starting point is 00:15:34 How is this? How is this not logical, a reasonable message? How is this offensive to certain people? You know, it's amazing today when you look at, I want to give a talk at this school with, it's a Christian school. I'm giving this message and the guy that talks before me was the dean. And he goes up there and he says, listen, you know, we have to be careful with the way we talk about America because America has a history and it's not perfect and it's not this. But, you know, at the same time, we are doing our best and there's a lot of things we have to figure out.
Starting point is 00:16:10 And he's kind of almost like a politician about America. So I get up there and I say, first of all, I want to thank you for giving me the stage here to talk to these 600 kids and the audience, fantastic. I said, well, let me start off with one thing here, everybody needs to know. America is the greatest country in the world. The greatest country in the world. You see certain people get uncomfortable. And I kept saying it. Let me say it one more
Starting point is 00:16:34 time. Never apologize about the greatness of America and how it positively impacted the entire world. You know what was well?, had no idea what the reaction was going to be. Everybody stood up. These kids who are 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 years old want to love their country. They want to be proud of what they're representing. Yet this is controversial today. And this is why I'm saying what I'm saying. This is why I wrote my book because you got to understand, like people keep saying to me, you know, even when I turn down that contract, this is just some college kids. What do you, you know, this is no big deal, but college kids grow up, right? And then they go into business and then they implement a bunch of stuff. And the problem with this ideology is it's fundamentally anti-West, it's anti-merit, and it's anti-truth, right? And you put those three things together,
Starting point is 00:17:24 you put that into law, you've got yourself a really big problem. So I think from my perspective, and this is how I think about a Patrick, if you thought that your country was bad, okay? Why would you defend it? Why would you teach its values to your children? Okay, now play that movie forward over generations.
Starting point is 00:17:42 If we keep teaching people to hate their country, if we keep causing divisions between different races, between men and women and all of that, what do you think is gonna happen? You think the world is a vacuum in which as we get weaker nothing changes, that's not how the world works, right? And so I think it's really important
Starting point is 00:18:01 that the West remains strong, because if you're on the left, and this is what I always say to people, if you're one of these progressive people, you care about equality for gay people, where is a better place to be gay than the West? Yeah. Where's a better place to be trans than the West?
Starting point is 00:18:16 Go be gay in the Iran, see what happens. Where's a better place to be a woman? Exactly. What are we comparing ourselves to, right? And the same thing with our history. And this is why the conversation about our history, Western history, is the number one conversation for me, right? Because if we cannot change the way we talk about our history, we will not change the way that we are going into the future. And if we teach children that our history is like to your point, wrong and bad. Ooh, you get to a dark place very quickly with that. Yeah. Where's the pride?
Starting point is 00:18:46 Let me ask you one more thing. This, like, there's sort of this ideology, this apology tour that we're on in the West, United States, the UK, the Western world. We're basically coming to terms with our sins of the past. Yes. Slavery, racism, anti-Semitism, the list goes on and on, homophobic. But yet in the Far East, or in Russia, and China, and the Mulas in Iran, they're proud to be further from.
Starting point is 00:19:13 But then let's go deeper. You don't think they've done stuff to be ashamed of? How many tens of millions of Chinese were killed under Mao? How many tens of millions of people were stuck in the gulags with communism, with Stalin and Lenin? Yet, they're still able to be proud and not teach their kids to be ashamed of the past. Germany has, how many, I mean, you go to Auschwitz and you go to Poland and they have remembrance
Starting point is 00:19:41 of the Holocaust, basically owning the sins of the past, yet still being proud of their heritage and their future. Why can't we do both in the United States? Why can't we say, listen, there's some things we've done in the past? Well, we are still the greatest country every country has sins. Why does it have to be a binary option
Starting point is 00:19:57 if we're good or we're bad? Every country has a history like this. That's right. And I think that context is really, really important, actually, right? Because you've got to contextualize. It's like my buddy Francis over says, what, you think the Ottomans were woke? You know what I mean? Right.
Starting point is 00:20:12 And we talk about slavery and stuff. It's not like the British or the Americans invented slavery. Slavery was a universal institution throughout human history. And the British Empire actually ended slavery. It's the first time that that really happened, right? My ancestors were basically slaves in the gulags in the middle of the 20th century. So we got to contextualize our history and say,
Starting point is 00:20:36 and you're right though, we got to learn from it, right? We got to say, hold our hands up, we got this wrong. Because it's the same on an individual level. There's no one in this room who hasn't made terrible mistakes in their life, right? But imagine you just focus on that and you never actually try to get better. You never actually try to look into the future with hope and optimism and just sort of like naval gaze about how you mess something up a long time ago. It doesn't work and also this other point I make in the book, you cannot be held responsible for the sins of your
Starting point is 00:21:03 ancestors. You can only be responsible for things you yourself have done. Right. So we got to make sure that in the modern society, we don't make the mistakes that they made, but I can't be held responsible for something my grandfather did, right? And so we just, we need to have a healthy of you
Starting point is 00:21:19 of our societies while learning the lessons of the past, for sure. And how much of is it, is this victim culture monetizable? Oh, meaning there's money in being a victim, whether it's reparations, whether it's UBI, whether it's stimulus checks, just like the more of a victim mentality you had, up, there's more money. Dylan Mulvaney, I'm a trans guy, let me go get a $10 million contract from Bud Light. All right, San Francisco, certain places in California,
Starting point is 00:21:44 a hand in out $5 million checks for California wasn't even a slave state. So it's monetizable victimhood, where I don't know how it works in other countries like that. How much of it is just, there's a money play here? Well, the big one isn't, to me, like, you know, Dillon Mourvani is an idiot and whatever, let him crack on with whatever he wants to do.
Starting point is 00:22:05 But what about the core prop world where you've got these people coming in doing DIE, I call it die training, right, for people, 20 grand for an hour seminar telling white people the day guilty. Like, what's the value in that? What are we doing? How are we improving the world? And by the way, all the evidence is out. And you can look this up. All the studies show diversity, inclusion,
Starting point is 00:22:27 and equity training makes people more racist. That's crazy. I mean, expand about that, please. Because that's a major part of that. If someone comes in and just goes, oh, this is your skin color, you must be bad. How does that make you feel? Right? It kind of works like that.
Starting point is 00:22:41 And look it up if you want. I mean, that's a fact, right? The studies are showing that this ideology being pushed on to people just makes them more resentful. It's not actually healing the divides in society. And that's what I'm about. I'm like, look, people, especially in America, man, like this is a country that people from all over the world come to, and they buy into one idea.
Starting point is 00:23:01 One idea, this is the American dream. We can all have some things that we share, and then we're free to live our lives as much as possible the way we want, right? Why antagonize people against each other? I just don't, I, that doesn't make any sense to me. Well, I don't, I don't think that that's anything new though, right? Dividing conquer or the war. But, but the point is, what is the outcome? I mean, is the outcome to destroy the West? Well, that's been a vision for a lot of people for a long time It's not like it's anything new You know if if you look at it just purely from a competitive standpoint you want to beat the other guy, right in the NBA
Starting point is 00:23:35 You know they would they would do things and they would say hey, you know That guy doesn't like you and he did this with this and he did this with your girl to create a lot of trauma You know before game that's coming up in a boom, they don't know how to play with each other. Game is over, right? You know, this happens and sports, this happens in politics. There's somebody in the Trump campaign that's leaking information. There's somebody in this campaign that's leaking.
Starting point is 00:23:57 You keep saying this, not nobody trusts nobody because you're wondering, this is a very effective strategy that's been around for a very, very long time Confucius dividing conquer but for what? Is it purely for America to fall? And what is at the cost of that? The other day I met Bermuda three days ago, I'm getting a massage and his lady, I said, so where are you from?
Starting point is 00:24:18 She says, I'm from Hungary. So are you from Hungary? Yeah, I said, okay. Well, what do you think about this guy, George Soros?'s he's from your country. No, and she's stop she gets angry. What? Just sweetest lady. He is evil. Do you know how bad of a man he is? He is evil. Tell me you don't like him. So I'm like, well, I don't know much about now. I'm just kind of playing along. I'm trying to find out. Yeah. Why is he evil? What did he do to you? Do you know what he did when he was 14 years old? He was helping an Nazis and he said it was okay. Now she's feeding me all this stuff, right? But what is the outcome? Is the outcome just to destroy America? And if yes, who wins?
Starting point is 00:24:53 Because some of the people that are destroying America are not from the outside. They're destroying from the inside and they're living here. Bingo. And this is what I was going to say. I don't know if you guys are familiar with Yuri Besmanov. This is a cagey. Of course, yes, absolutely. So this is the point that he made. You cannot destabilize a society that doesn't want to destabilize itself, right? And this is my point. Let other people try to indoctrinate Americans
Starting point is 00:25:15 into this way of thinking. But if we have a strong immune system, it's like a virus, you're gonna be fine, right? So that's why you gotta teach people, yes, these are the things that happen in our history. Let that's how we and now we got over it now. We don't have slavery now We don't we're we are the least racist places in the West in the history of the world We're working to get better all the time That's why we should be proud of ourselves, right? If we can do that
Starting point is 00:25:40 Doesn't matter what anyone else is trying to do I mean you said it yourself America and the West together, the greatest civilization in the history of the world. And if we want to maintain that, we've got to be comfortable with being the most powerful and the greatest civilization in the history of the world. But do you think it's a concerted effort
Starting point is 00:25:57 consisting from other countries like China with social media and everything? Because as an American, I feel it, we're slowly going, like it doesn't help when the government, when you watch the White House, and you have the White House saying stuff about trans, and so what we're reporting the other day, asks a question, like, hey, so parents that have girls in school,
Starting point is 00:26:18 and they're competing against these men, are concerned that, you know, if it's wrestling, and gets hurt automatically, a Korean jump air, she's like, that's transphobic, you're gonna injure people. Like, do you feel like, if the government at the highest level is pro, all this movement, are we screwed or,
Starting point is 00:26:34 like, I'm trying to figure out, are we screwed in it if it's coming from a different, from different countries that's trying to like, embed their ideas into our government. I hear you, man. I hear you, and it's so funny when I go back and visit with family back home and I tell them about like the biggest conversation in the West now is what is a woman? They all just look at me like I'm insane.
Starting point is 00:26:54 You mean in Russia? Well, all Russia, Ukraine, Armenia, I go to different places where my family are and they all look at me like I'm making it up. They can't they can't believe it. Look, in the UK, on the trans issue, we've actually made quite a lot of progress. So literally in the last few weeks, they've basically the national health services
Starting point is 00:27:13 that said that they're not gonna do any gender surgery, they're not gonna give hormones to kids, et cetera. So it's possible to push back against it, I think. And we certainly have done in the UK. And I always believe in the power of reason. You know, I mean, that is scary to me that that's the way the conversation's going on here. And I struggle to understand how serious people can do that.
Starting point is 00:27:37 I've said from day one, the trans thing is what will break wokeness, completely, because once you start messing with people's kids, and once you go to that level of like, you know, the idea that you can change your sex by incantation, by saying, you know, Abra Kadabra, Stacy. Right? That's hilarious.
Starting point is 00:27:58 Right, like that doesn't sell with the ordinary person. Exactly, right? And when they stop, what's the next thing? Because now it's on the gender situation, where if I say I'm a, and if you don't, you could get canceled, you could get all, you know, taken off on YouTube and you get strikes.
Starting point is 00:28:16 And it's like, it's insane how it's just, that's the, like, where's the goalposts got here? Let's go into the story. Let's just go into a few of the stories. I'm gonna get into that right now. Cream jump here, Where's the goalposts got here? Let's go into the story. Let's just go into a few of the stories. I'm going to get into that right now. Kareen Jumpier said dangerous to say transgender kids can hurt girls on sports. You know when logic and this is the press secretary because if she says it, you know it's right. So here's a couple of things that's going on in different states. Another state just banned transgender athletes from women's
Starting point is 00:28:43 college sports. This is a town hall story. It's on page 15 if you want to go to it. So Texas Governor Abbott signed the Save Women Sports Act which prohibits transgender women from participating in women's college sports. Governor Abbott stated women sports are being threatened. Some women are being forced to compete against biological men, Alabama, Governor Kaye. I have also signed legislation banning male-bodied athletes from competing in women's sports, emphasize fairness.
Starting point is 00:29:13 If you're biological male, you're not going to be competing in women's and girls' sports in Alabama. Republican State Representative Susan DeBose, the sponsor of the bill, highlighted the inherent advantage of being born male no amount of hormone therapy can undo all those advantages instances like transgender swimmer Leah Thomas winning against female athletes have sparked concerns about fairness and equal opportunities. Tom, you got two girls. When you read the story you're seeing what you know, Governor
Starting point is 00:29:41 Abidet, we lived in Texas for five, six years. What are your thoughts when you see the story here well first of all constant in thank you for your comments because i agree with you i believe trans is about to break a lot of uh... the the will of a lot of the resistance here is is not going away and what i've been watching with with my girls is a simple truth you can do when you just said,
Starting point is 00:30:05 abracadabra stacey, there is no time, there is no test, and there is no validation required. All I have to do on a Monday and said, I'm no longer Thomas, I'm Tamasena. I will now be playing with the girls golf. And I declare it. That's a, so in sports,
Starting point is 00:30:22 when you allow that emotional declaration of who i feel i am going back to your time out the ball is the baseman feelings i feel i'm a female now i'm allowed to go compete and we've seen the outcome of that a six foot three man still with male genitalia as was seen by all the women that were in the locker room at the i believe championships this a wait a minute they said he was a girl that there that's male genitalia hanging off this guy. And number one, and number two, he's six, three, and he had size 13 feet.
Starting point is 00:30:53 Those are much bigger flippers than the average woman is going to have picture shocking. Look at that. Exactly. That picture says a thousand words. I mean, that is the same. You like your cowboy hat? Is that what you said? Yeah. I'm more focused on the bottom left to look at the cowboy hat and her expression be glad she's not armed ladies in gelman
Starting point is 00:31:10 because that's an angry cowgirl there yeah So the first thing is you have to take out of this there's no time there's no validation there's no test It's an emotional thing and so you need to protect them. This is swimming showed the performance now the risk was showed up in October of 2022 in Cherokee County in North Carolina where the volleyball spike knocked the girl unconscious and she was having concussion systems for three weeks, Kat Skans proved it. And then what used to be a fairly liberal school board, they voted five-one and said, yeah, after we saw that volleyball spike, maybe you can't declare a Monday you're a female common sense prevails common sense prevailed because they saw what happened there right
Starting point is 00:31:50 well and I played this clip go down play the clips yeah she got a concussion here time watch watch the lower right they should highlight right girl watch this here she comes. That's that's the guy. That's a male jumping boom. She's out. She's done. That's it. But so the school board saw this and goes, how long is the girl over there? Nine weeks. Apparently she declared she was female. Nine weeks. And she's playing. And that's what Leot Thomas said. I want to win a championship. So I declare it. I support and applaud a guy that I grew up as a as a want to be middle distance runner rancross country and there is guys like John Walker of New Zealand and Steve Ovet and Sebastian co of the UK were some of my my heroes Sebastian code today is president of world athletics and said
Starting point is 00:32:41 in March of this year we need to protect women who are women in sports, and we need to have a time test, the validation test, testosterone test, genitalia. If you're gonna go do this, he said, really, we need a division for trans. He said, that's what we need. We need to protect the women here. And he was very rational about it. Common sense was prevailing. And I think what you're seeing is governors are getting hit by the mainstream media because they're coming out in favor of common sense. It says, look, you can't declare a Monday that you're a girl
Starting point is 00:33:11 and then go win a championship on Wednesday and get your medal, right? That's wrong and we need to protect the safety of women and common sense is prevailing. And I think it's great because my daughters look at it and say, so, okay, so what if once upon a time, John Daley was a high school golfer and decided he wanted to be a girl He would have won all the state championships. I said Bailey that's right. And she said how is that fair? Right and let's just be honest with each other at the end of the day because nobody has the ball
Starting point is 00:33:39 Sorry for my friends to say it's the it's the tease It's a great one of these guys that are competing in one of the They do have the balls sorry for my friends to say, it's the, it's the tees. It's a friend. Some of these guys that are competing in a woman, that they have a boyfriend. That's it. They do have the balls, but by the way, that's the problem. They have your one ring. Yeah, there it is. That's hilarious.
Starting point is 00:33:52 At the end of the day, let's just come out and be honest. It's the trans movement, hijacked the LGB, the lesbian gay and bi movement, and they completely wiped out the feminist movement because think about it. Great point. It's 100% because I know Pat, I know gay people that work here, I know gay, I have gay friends, by movement and they completely wiped out the feminist movement because think about it. Great. The point. It's 100% because I know gay people that work here, I know gay, I have gay friends, I have gay, they are not happy with this entire movement. They hijacked them.
Starting point is 00:34:13 Well, I'll see you and I'll raise you. I've probably entwined more trans people than most people. A lot of trans people are also being thrown under this bus because this is being done not on their behalf. This is being done not on their behalf. This is being done by like activists. A lot of trans people are actually quite sensible. They're like, look, I'm not comfortable in my body. I want to live in a different way. I don't need you to pretend that I am literally the opposite sex. Just don't beat me up and leave me alone. Right. And I kind of feel sorry for them, but I'll tell you a story that'll blow your mind,
Starting point is 00:34:42 which is kind of relevant to this. So my grandmother was born in a gulag. She was born in a concentration camp for political prisoners. And one of the things people don't know is once you're released from these camps, you would be, you would not be allowed to live within like a hundred miles of any big city. So you'd have to live in some kind of remote town, and they all ended up settling in these remote towns in the middle of Siberia. And the only people that lived there were the former prisoners of the camps,
Starting point is 00:35:10 a few of the local native tribes of which there were many, and the guards from the very same camps that the prisoners came from. And they would live in the same building. My grandmother's family, they lived in a landing across from another apartment, and another apartment, there was a guy who was a god. Okay? And what she told me is when Stalin died, right? And he was exposed as having committed all
Starting point is 00:35:32 these terrible atrocities and so on. There was a spate of suicides in this town because these guards, they all killed themselves because they genuinely believed they were doing the right thing when they were beating these people and torturing these people. And that's one, you know, hearing those stories from my family, that's when I really learned from early days to get people to do something terrible, but think they're good, you need ideology. And this is ideology, this isn't real, this isn't common sense, this isn't people thinking about it critically, this is ideology, and that's how you get to the point where you've got massive guys playing against little girls.
Starting point is 00:36:09 That's how you get that because it's ideology. People aren't actually examining the facts and trying to get to the right place. They're going to lose. That argument's going to remember how confident these people when they were saying, defund the police, defund the police, defund the police. Do you remember those guys? Oh yeah. And other like, we never said that.
Starting point is 00:36:25 Yeah, yeah. We never said that. And then they're house got quickly. The same feminists are gonna say, we never said that. We never said that because the true feminists, the biggest feminists this last week, protecting women,
Starting point is 00:36:37 what's Greg Abbott? And Greg Abbott is not a feminist. No, if the definition is to defend women, Greg Abbott sat there and said, wait a minute, we're not going to let men beat up on women. This is just not fair. Twenty years ago, that would have been, of course, we're not going to let that happen.
Starting point is 00:36:53 Today, that argument is losing ground because of the small nonsense that they're spewing out. No, you nailed it, Pat. They hijacked the game movement, but then they completely wiped out the feminists. Where are all those feminists? Well, I'll tell you, there are some. So in the UK, actually, the movement against this has been absolutely speared by feminists. That's great.
Starting point is 00:37:14 That's right. That's good. And you have people here like Megan Murphy and a bunch of others. But back to your point about, you know, defund the police. This is how strong ideology is. I'll give you an example that'll make you guys laugh. You know, we don't have guns in the UK, right? Now, in the summer.
Starting point is 00:37:30 A lot of knives. Yeah, a lot of knives. But we don't have guns. And this is my point, right? In the summer of 2020, BLM happens, we've got, in central London, protesters in front of police officers going, hands up, shoot in front of cops you don't have guns Right that's the power of ideology right stupidity is a great point. I'm learning a lot about you guys
Starting point is 00:37:54 Today time I'm learning your hero the runner from UK the more I spend time with you the more I'm learning about you Your favorite poet you ain't nothing but a Huchi mama Hoodrat Hoodrat Huchi mama I didn't know that I know that's where you were at but breaking news if you brap just text me You want to pull up the breaking news? Uh-uh breaking news hunter Biden to plead guilty to three federal charges This just came out 931 15 minutes ago Hunter Biden son of Joe Biden will plead guilty on three charges, the Justice Department said to stay in a court filing, the plea will have immediately reverberations
Starting point is 00:38:30 in 2024 presidential election. Hunter Biden will plead guilty to two federal tax misdemeanors and one charge tied to gun possession according to the filing in a federal court in Delaware. He will appear in court to plead guilty that he's charges at a future date, most likely a week court in Delaware, he will appear in court to plead guilty that he's charges at a future date, most likely, a week after election 24, which that last part I added to was nothing.
Starting point is 00:38:52 This is nothing. That's nothing. What about everything else? No, no, no, this is nothing. But look, I mean, this is a plea deal. I'm assuming. It is bringing attention to it. It is bringing attention to it, is bringing attention to it which is a
Starting point is 00:39:05 good thing but it's nothing it's it's yeah but i mean the main the meat pad the meat of what and if you don't mind pack can i i want to just put the whole since we touched on it really really fast let's we know for a fact we don't think we know that the FBI with held a document from congress that showed that Obama to the Obama administration Biden took the ten million dollar bribe through this son hundred Biden the crackhead forcing them to fire the Ukrainian prosecutor that was investigating, right? Trump, that led to Trump, because Trump was asking them to investigate, led to his first impeachment. On his laptop, on Hunter's laptop, it shows the FBI not only knew, but they went on mainstream and they called it what, disinformation all the mainstream media said it right
Starting point is 00:39:45 So then FBI infiltrates all social media Twitter We just found out with the Twitter Twitter files censored anybody talking about it during the campaign Which is collusion and then all the while they're investigating Trump for the classified document situation at Hillary and Biden did and the whole time launching Russia gate so none he's not gonna get in trouble for nothing on the laptop. Nothing with the underage girls, nothing with barrisca, nothing with everything. This is a nothing burger. What is he gonna go to jail for this?
Starting point is 00:40:11 All I'm saying is when I said 2023 is gonna be the year of investigations, it's the year of investigations and it's not done. The more you investigate that side, the retaliations we're gonna investigate your side. This is gonna go back and forth. There's gonna be, we're not even halfway there to the year. And there's still plenty more investigations coming from both sides of the aisle.
Starting point is 00:40:32 But investigation is about any indictment, like any actual like going to jail. Is anybody going to be like, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, who's going to go in jail? Who's going to jail? Who is this son? The son? Hunter, okay, Hunter, it's Hunter going to go to jail. No. Is Biden going to get out of this. That's what I'm talking about. Hunter. It's Hunter going to go to jail.
Starting point is 00:40:47 It's Biden going to get impeached because they have audio of him saying, zero. So what's the point? So investigate what? I'm not going to jail. Biden's not going to jail. Hunter Biden. So what's the, Pat, try and see your investigations. It's going to sound like a bad poker game all year long.
Starting point is 00:41:02 I'll see your congressional hearing and I'll raise you a subpoena. It's just gonna go back and forth for the sake of the news media. Let me know when it's a year of the indictment, like people in prison, I wanna know that year, the year for accountability from Fauci to Biden to anybody. Maybe 25, 26, maybe, 25, 26. What do you think percentage wise of anybody?
Starting point is 00:41:21 10%. But it's maybe 25, 26. It's not a very high light. Let me tell you what happened here. Are you following the whole thing with Peter Hotez, with Joe Rogan? Are you following? Okay. Fantastic.
Starting point is 00:41:32 Let me kind of walk through with the audience and I'm going to come to you. You give your thoughts. So, yes, perfect. So that's the first thing. So there's a Twitter war going on over the weekend between Rogan, Hotez, RFK, Mark Cuman, and I had a of things to say as well. So Peter Hotes goes out and says, Spotify has stopped even sort of trying to stem Joe Rogan's vaccine misinformation. It's really true that Ann Merlin,
Starting point is 00:41:56 just awful and from all the online attacks I'm receiving after this absurd podcast, it's clear many actually believe this nonsense. So this is a vise article that's a Spotify stopped, even sort of trying to stem Joe Rogan's vaccine with some formation. By the way, just so everybody knows, they just took down RFK's interview with Jordan Peterson on YouTube calling it vaccine misinformation. This just happened, right?
Starting point is 00:42:20 But not Spotify. How long ago was that interview? This just happened today, or yes, oh, this is probably a two week interview. The recent interview, it could be more or less yes, no. Yes. This is probably a two week interview. Gotcha. So recent interview. It could be more or less than two weeks.
Starting point is 00:42:28 Go to the next one. So then, Rogan responds back, Peter, if you claim the RFK is st. What, RFK is in his misinformation. I'm offering a $100,000 to the charity of your choice if you're willing to debate him on my show with no limit. By the way, at this point, that $100,000, I matched $100,000. Ackman matched $150, I think, $8.5. A bunch of people put 100,
Starting point is 00:42:46 it's up to $2.6 million now, $3 million now, no word, nothing's happening. So after that, if we wanna go to the next, Elon Musk responds, maybe Peter Holtes just hates charity, and then Mark Cuban jumps in, but let me see what's okay, I'm gonna ask you very clearly, are you willing to debate? Because he responds back and says, Joe Joe if you're serious about addressing vaccines and the fact that
Starting point is 00:43:08 are 200,000 on vaccine Americans needlessly perished during the awful delta you know with covid-1 waves including 40,000 in our state of Texas because of all victims felt to vaccine is some disinformation I want to have that discussion with you again Joe wants to clarify I'm going to ask you very clearly, are you willing to debate RFK on my podcast? Go to the next one. So then, by the way, RFK, what's it called? Peter responds back, you have my information,
Starting point is 00:43:37 you have this, he keeps going back to it. The answer is no. Here's what Mark Cuban says. Way to general, go to a little bit closer so I can see it. Way to talk in general, generalities. Joe, not saying that there are a lot of F-Dup, things about pharma, that's what we created, CosPlusDrucks.com,
Starting point is 00:43:53 but to ignore that same industry has saved. Who knows how many lives this bullshit, and you know it. Plugged for himself. It's all on this respect. So let's talk about it. All the doctors, researchers, and medical professionals that dedicate their lives to saving lives, like Dr. Hoewets, the 800,000 plus doctors in a country
Starting point is 00:44:07 that believe vaccine-save lives, you aren't trying to find a ground truth on vaccines. If you were, you would bring other people, trying to bully, keyword bully. Dr. Hoewets is ridiculous, you have producers that will prepare you, same as RFK, you both do this on a daily basis. Dr. Hoewets works every day to find ways to help people.
Starting point is 00:44:24 Joe, you and Musk and Twitter are mainstream media, online media and your platforms have become everything supposedly wrong with mainstream. You are driven by self-interest. This is after he plugged in his company. Yeah, and the first line. Just like the MSM has always been accused of. And you both have earned a right.
Starting point is 00:44:39 You busted your asses to be great and do what you do or not all you accomplish but don't lie to yourselves in all of us and tell us you are different, you aren't, okay? So that's an, and then I respond back. By the way, all of these tweets get a 50,000 likes, 100,000 likes, Joe's gets 200,000 likes, millions on top of millions of views.
Starting point is 00:44:57 So this is my response to Cuban. Joe, Joe trying to bully Dr. Hotez, interesting. Let me address five issues with your tweet. Bullying, number one. Millions of Americans walk of all walks of life were bullied into taking a vaccine. Some forced, some caused some lost their jobs. Families were divided.
Starting point is 00:45:14 Late night host, two in skits and syringes. Mayor of New York City given fries. NIH director, flip flopping on masks. MSM calling those who question the vaccine, conspiracy theorists and you call Rogan a bully. Okay, number two, capitalism. What makes capitalism work? Freedom to buy, sell, try, fail, keyword is freedom.
Starting point is 00:45:31 You told me 10 years ago, Tom, you weren't doing one, we weren't Nashville when I asked him what's his favorite book. He said, at the shrug, I even gifted you a first print, first edition of the book. I think November of 2015 when I interviewed him at the American Airlines Arena. In his office? Yeah, in his office. A story of dystopian American, which private business suffers under increasingly burdensome laws and regulation. Of all the people who know
Starting point is 00:45:53 what happened the last three years, it's you. We all know who got destroyed in that book, the small business owner, the man and woman who risked it all. Okay. They were mocked, bullied, silence. How are how are laws and regulations during COVID? How many small businesses owners lost everything? You know the stats, you know the numbers, you know you're against this. I sometimes wonder what you fear. What is preventing you from using your logic and experience and common sense? And that you have a ton of to share your POV with your followers. Number three, debate.
Starting point is 00:46:20 What's wrong with debate? I kind of suggest a forum to run for 2024. And if you can go a little lower, you know, about protecting these guys, what's wrong with debate? I kind of suggest a forum to run for 2024. And if you can go a little lower, about protecting these guys, let's not disrespect these people that are doing this. Wonder benefits in America is the healthcare system. My dad, 37 years got a massive heart attack. He wasn't supposed to live past 65.
Starting point is 00:46:36 We just celebrated his 81st birthday. But just like cops, 99% of them do the right thing. The one person who don't, should we not hold them accountable. All Joe is asking for is a debate. If Dr. Holtz is right, then what's he have to lose? Is he too good for it? You sure don't free debating anyone. Why protect him?
Starting point is 00:46:51 Debating is the American way to help us get closer to the truth. And then Muskin Rogan comparing them, I talked about what happened before October when we didn't even have Twitter, you know, could only debate in private settings. Our RFK interview was taken out two years ago, content creators were walking on excels, muskies and silencing anyone who's a arguing for vaccines. He's actually creating a climate to have the debate. Just last week, by the way,
Starting point is 00:47:14 I don't know if you guys saw this clip or not, on MSNBC with Jake Tapper and Rachel Maddow, one is CNN, one is NBC, they're like, we want air to Trump's speech because we already know in advance that he's gonna tell lies. As if Joe Biden only tells the truth. That sounds like a dictator,
Starting point is 00:47:28 where the elite knows what's best for you and I, as if we can't think for ourselves. A bit arrogant and pompous, don't you think? Thank God for Twitter, Spotify and Rumble. And other pain on last but not least, I gave him a credit for plug in his company. As a market, I respect your strategy. I'm getting into the threat to promote cost drugs,
Starting point is 00:47:44 cost plus drugs. I'll listen to all small business and keep pushing the envelope, I respect your strategy. I'm getting into the threat to promote cost-trust, cost-plus-trust, a lesson to all small business, or keep pushing the envelope, we need more voices. By the way, all of this is going on, all of this is going on simultaneously. Guess what? He's not doing the debate. And he made a video saying, well, people came to my front door and I'm being harassed and have to kick people out.
Starting point is 00:48:01 And I'm doing, he made a whole, everybody's going after protecting them all this stuff, but at the same time, they're fearing the debate. What are your thoughts about this tour of war? Rob, are you able to pull up my tweets? It's much shorter, I promise you. It's like the hot take makes I call it, but look, I don't think it's good that people are turning up
Starting point is 00:48:18 to his door, whatever's going on. We don't want that in society, right? Just someone had disagreement on lines, suddenly people are showing up at your door. I think it's bad. But in terms of the discussion, I made this point in this thread that if I don't know if you can scroll down a little bit, it's like the hot mixer that I did maybe yesterday is just like keep going. Nice can. This is me with my son. It's awesome.
Starting point is 00:48:49 There we go. Part one, part two. Can you just read a lot? I do. That's a great picture. Were you in front of 10 Downing Trick with that? All right. So this is my take on it.
Starting point is 00:48:58 And see what you guys think. Many of his, in my opinion, many of what RFC is saying about the medical stuff isn't accurate. Okay. The why stuff isn't accurate. Okay? The why not accurate? It's not accurate. The why-fired blood barrier thing, vaccines, causal autism, the maybe vaccine injuries
Starting point is 00:49:12 are a real thing. I come from a family of scientists, so my dad, my mum, they're both biochemical engineers. My dad used to make vaccines in the Soviet Union, didn't take the COVID one, but in general, he can explain it to me what's going on there. Like, it's not my opinion, and I'm not a scientist, but my random person's view is I don't think many of the things that RFK is saying are accurate, okay? But the part that wasn't mentioned in your brilliant
Starting point is 00:49:36 Twitter post is that Peter Hotez, I think he said that Rogan was part of some kind of neo-fascist thing with like other people, which I think was what Joe was. And then he took that tweet down, and Joe said, I saw that tweet, you took down, and I responded to it. That's right. So talking to, if you just go back to my thing, talking to RFK, even though I don't agree with everything you're saying, doesn't make you a bad person, and the best way to challenge misinformation
Starting point is 00:50:06 is actually good information. If you just scroll down to part two, there's also stuff about COVID, I like the vaccines were pushed on people who didn't need them with COVID, 100%, most masks don't work, and we won't allow to say this, right? And that is how the science
Starting point is 00:50:19 wrecked credibility in itself, okay? That's how we got here. So how do you fix it? Well, you got to restore faith in the science by acknowledging that mistakes were made, communicating honestly. And to me, if you're a scientist and the biggest show in the world says come and talk and look, if you think RFK is an idiot and you're a scientist, I mean, that is a slam dunk. Right? Come in, explain to people why he's wrong, challenge some of the things he's saying. I mean, RFK in the interview himself says,
Starting point is 00:50:45 well, this is beyond my level expertise, you're a scientist, you can make him look pretty silly, very easily if you know what you're talking about, right? And it's frustrating that we've lost the idea that we can have conversations if we don't agree and we can have debates. And your point as a scientist is to educate the public by coming in and saying, this is what's actually going on and engaging with people's ideas instead of just dismissing them.
Starting point is 00:51:08 So if it's not Dr. Hotez, I've never heard of him before part of this. Texas children's a chair. He's a very, very credible guy. Extremely credible guy. I'll go. And if it's not Fauci and if it's not, it's a very credible guy for the people on the left who use his mouthpiece to say, if he said it, it's not a pretty credible guy for the people on the left who use his mouthpiece to say if he said it it's 100% right. So who's next in line? Because why is an at a bait a bad word? Why is it a
Starting point is 00:51:34 bad thing? We have presidential debates. We have high school debate. We also don't have presidential debates anymore. No. RFK is not going to be debating Joe Biden. Well, we do have presidential debates. I mean, whether they get a little... We were supposed to have three last time, we only ended up having two. People are avoiding presidential debates. So this whole thing about debates, you're right. What you're trying to say is a good thing. I'm just saying, like, there's this American way. We've constantly had debates.
Starting point is 00:51:55 Why is it being shut down now? This particular subject, that's my point, is that they're eliminating these essential debates that need to occur because your post is absolutely right. You don't agree with RFK. You're basically here saying, hey, listen, I don't agree with what RFK's got going on, but I'd like to hear what he has to say, because the whole premise of a debate
Starting point is 00:52:20 is to expose the other size leaks in their argument. Right. And if you're basically saying RFK has leaks in his argument, a lot of people believe that, a lot of people believe that he's saying very accurate things. The only way to get to the truth is a debate. Right, the Bible, the definition of debate, is settling a difficulty with a neighbor or an adversary.
Starting point is 00:52:39 And that's the only way you're gonna get to this. So if it's not Fauci and it's not Dr. Ho-Tep, who's next in line? Because for every RFK out there, there's a Robert Malone, there's a Dr. Peter McCollock that we've had here. These people are willing to engage, they're willing to debate, and they could be wrong, but they're willing to at least come to the table. Who's willing to come to the table on the other side? Well, here's a part. So this is what you're asking a good question, but you also know the
Starting point is 00:53:04 answer to the question. Okay. I mean, it's question, but you also know the answer to the question. Okay, I mean, it's not like you don't know the answer to the question, we all know the answer to the question. So here's a guy named Mediasan, you know who Mediasan is? We know Mediasan. Okay, MSN. So he says noted conspiracy theories who has zero background in medicine and public health
Starting point is 00:53:21 and set COVID would be gone by April 2020. Thinks he knows more about vaccines than the world renowned award-winning scientists who helped create patent-free COVID vaccines for the poor. Mediassam is defending for RFK, a defending Peter Hottes, to not debate RFK. Does that make sense? Now, here's the crazy part. Do you know Mediassam just wrote a Medi-Hassan just wrote a book? Medi-Hassan just wrote a book, okay? That came out, I wanna say,
Starting point is 00:53:51 it's very recently that this book came up. This book just came out to give the date February 28 of 2023. The title of the book is, Winnery Art of the Bating Persuading in Public Speaking. The guy writes a book on the Bating. no wonder it didn't sell any book you write this book that you're scared shitless of Peter Holtes debating by the way so let's just say maybe if you're watching this since you're such a great debater which
Starting point is 00:54:18 you claim you are you wrote the book we don't claim we are that you're claiming you're this no problem many question for. You don't think RFK's qualified to debate him. Hey, Peter McCullough is. Probably not long is. We have a few other people that for you to have the qualification of doctors, we can get a lineup of people that would be willing to debate Peter Holtest. So that kind of hurts your argument, doesn't it? And it kind of hurts your argument to say, RFK's not a doctor. And you know what, it's pretty wild, guys like him. You know, probably who was hero was. You know, probably who was hero was, who was your favorite American president of all time?
Starting point is 00:54:50 JFK. John F. Kennedy. You know what John F. Kennedy did? He was an anti-establishment president. What do you think RFK is doing? He's an anti-establishment figurehead. To the people you admire, you now you don't like that family lineage
Starting point is 00:55:03 because they're pushing back on people like you and you just wrote a book on the Bay Dark and it's like Horrible on what you're doing man Park but you named it though. It's like why wouldn't they right? I'm just saying why wouldn't you because when you when you're there and the camera's on it's you and it's Fact versus fiction you have to be real you're're going to get exposed, and your lies and your mistakes are going to come out live, and you have to answer for yourself. Why would they want to do that, Adam?
Starting point is 00:55:29 You want to be held accountable, you want to have your foot to the fire, they can't do it, bro, because all their bullshit is going to come out. And I think one of the reasons just set aside the debate side of this, the way that censorship of this kind of conversation has been happening, particularly during COVID, it's like, I get the sense that they just don't trust the ordinary person to make their own mind up. And I think we've got away from this idea that your life is your responsibility.
Starting point is 00:55:51 Like, you're supposed to go out, take in different information, and then decide for yourself what you're supposed to do. And if you f that up, that's on you, right? And that's the way that society is supposed to function. I don't want big daddy government telling me how to live my life on every aspect of it. I want the information, I want to make my own decision. And if I get that wrong, well, that's on me and I'll suffer the consequences of that.
Starting point is 00:56:15 You hit the nail on the head. It comes down to individual decisions because what basically was plastered out there was a one size fits all basically agenda. Everyone needs to do this. Yeah. Well, it turns out, I mean, there's a big difference is we're an 85 year old woman, and a 21 year old dude. And the same treatment should not be implemented
Starting point is 00:56:32 for those types of people. But they lambasted everyone if they didn't follow the doctrine and a lot of confused people, whether it doesn't need to be politically, you're just like, I don't know about any of this stuff. These are terms I've never heard before in my life. COVID-19, social distancing is masked up. You're like, a debate would be the only way
Starting point is 00:56:52 for reasonable people to be like, you know what, all right, cool, that's a good argument right there. I didn't think of that. Yep, all right, good. That's not for me, but my mom should consider it. All right, cool. But that's the only way you get to the truth. And that's essentially the problem here.
Starting point is 00:57:03 And why is it only in this realm? If there was like a rat battle and someone wanted to, you're on a better stage, then you jade. If it was stage, step on stage, let's see what you got. And then let's see what happens here. If it's an actual boxing match, you ever see these things on YouTube where some guys talking shit online to a professional boxer, I'll whoop your ass, it's like, like find me at the gym dude shows up at the gym
Starting point is 00:57:27 Yeah, all right put on some put on some pads. Yeah, all of a sudden the guy talking shit gets a shit kicked out of him Turns out, but if you don't actually show up to the debates How do you know that your side is any validity whatsoever now? That's what I'm saying who's gonna have the balls? To use a little callback right there to To show up in at least defend your side. You're making a great point about, you know, the elite left thinks they know better than the average guy. And they do not trust the average people to make decisions. In a democracy, we have a word for average people, voter.
Starting point is 00:58:00 So, you know, and I think there's an opportunity that we have to step back from all this and let the voters, you know, vote. And stuff of the consequences of what you voted for. I mean, how many times did you see in my own family? I had grandparents that voted for Jimmy Carter and then voted for Ronald Reagan saying, well, we as, we the people got it wrong. We were so mad at Gerald Ford about Nixon, we voted for Carter. There's the economy we got. Whoops. At the first opportunity they fired Jimmy Carter. That's the way it should work.
Starting point is 00:58:31 When you have the liberalism that sits there that says, we are elite and we have predisposed knowledge and we know better than you do. That's an elitist point. And that's why the chasm that doesn't allow a lot of debates to start is coming from the conservative side that says, listen, you seem to think I'm evil. I just think you're incorrect. I think there's value in your personhood. I just wanted to debate the point. Where
Starting point is 00:58:57 is the liberal comes the other way and says, no, you are an evil person that needs to be deprived and moved off. You know, you sit back and you pull back from that and you say, who's the Nazi now? Yeah. And look, from my perspective, I just think the truth matters. Like, let me ask you guys this, where did, where did COVID come from? Wuhan, love and China that we funded. Right. 100% right. If you said that, if you said that a year or not,
Starting point is 00:59:19 right, a couple of days ago, I was racist. It was don't worry about racist. You would be shut down from your, you would be taken down. Oh, you're just like Trump who called it the China virus. You're a bad person. You have to be quiet.
Starting point is 00:59:29 And we need to know, so it doesn't happen again. If you thought the pandemic was bad, don't you want to find out how it started? Don't you want to fix the problem that caused it in the first place? And I don't want some 20-year-old in California, which is who's making these calls, deciding what we're allowed and not allowed to discuss and debate and share, right? That to me is crazy. And look, I'm not left or right, I'm kind of an independent somewhere in the middle. I just care about the truth.
Starting point is 00:59:53 Can we get to the truth? Can we find out how this happened? Can we find out what the truth was about masks? Can we have a non-us conversation? Maybe we didn't need to vaccinate five-year-olds, right? Maybe we did. And in my opinion, you know, for old people, that if I was 80 years old,
Starting point is 01:00:07 I would have taken the vacuum. 100% sure. Day one, the moment it came out. But you wanna put it on children, just so you can feel a little bit better, you wanna force people to wear a mask all day that we know it doesn't work. Like why are we doing that, it's insane.
Starting point is 01:00:20 You're absolutely right, by the way. When you see a percentage side politically right there. And like, to what Vinnie said, when he said 100%% 100% it came from a lab. I don't know that you don't know that you believe that we need to. What I what we what we don't know is nothing's 100% right I'm not a 100% certain it came from a lab. I'm also definitely not 100% from certain it came from a pangolin bang in a bat and a wet market like I don't. And that's the whole fucking point of a debate. But you know why I keep going to that it is? Because of the secrecy and the hype, dude,
Starting point is 01:00:52 it's how many years later, when did COVID hit? Pat? What was he in December 2019? 2019, December 2019. We are in June 2003, and we still don't know. Who's like, are you kidding me? Well, this goes to your accountability thing that we're talking about.
Starting point is 01:01:09 When is China gonna be held accountable here for this? That will do. China gets accountable for nothing. They could they could fly spy balloons and our government just goes, no, they're not even they're not taking pictures. Mind you, they're over a nuclear missile base that I was stationed at,
Starting point is 01:01:22 an Alistair Air Force base, Montana. No, no, no, China is running the show and we still to this day right now. How about this at a 99.99% that it came from there. The real question is who leaked it and why did they leak it? Let me add one more thing. Let's be real with each other. You bring up China here. Thank God. Then in America, we have the ability to use that word debate. Yeah, you think they're having debates in Communist China you think they're having debates in Russia. No with Vladimir Putin Do you think that his approval ratings are somehow magically a hundred percent for the 20 years running?
Starting point is 01:01:57 So that's the whole premise of what we do here in America is Be able to have these debates and for these in these individual realms where no, no debates here can't have debates there can't have debates with reasonable people. It's like that's the essence of the problem because the whole foundation of what we do here in America is the ability to debate. And the job of scientists is to come out and educate the public, right? To give them the information they need to make their own decisions. That's what a scientist is there to do. I would love to see a scientist run circles around RFK.
Starting point is 01:02:33 I mean, I would love to see that. And be like, holy shit, Dr. Phil in the blank name, just schooled the guy that's basically putting out all this conspiracy theory around about, uh, about, uh, proven law. Vaccines. Okay. Great. Now the whole world saw the RFK loose. All right. Great. Shining light onto the darkness over here. But if nobody's able to do that, how are we all going to learn? And we should give to some love to Joe as well, because the one thing that I think he's really established is he's a dispassionate, reasonable, you know, he's a genuine guy.
Starting point is 01:03:06 So if they were to come together and actually have the conversation, he wouldn't be like dunking on whoever was on the other side. He would actually host that properly. And so people don't need to be afraid of going in there and having the conversation as well. You made a point in the middle of all this about four minutes ago and you said, I don't want some 20-year-old in California making it decision for me. What you're talking about is the hundreds of sensors
Starting point is 01:03:31 under the guys, under the title of Content Moderation Specialists that were sitting inside Facebook, sitting inside Google, over at YouTube, and all this that were making decisions on this. And so we're all talking about the enablement to debate. What you brought up is very important is we had a whole tech sector that was prohibiting any presentation of any facts
Starting point is 01:03:52 that could become debate if they felt they came from the wrong side. So not only do we have the issue of debate, we have the issue of the tech side deciding, pre-deciding the debate, and snuffing facts and opinions to come on the other side that now they're sitting back with the classic, what's it, the classic tweet? Blah, blah, blah, blah, oh, wait. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:04:13 Dot, dot, dot. Do you guys know Jay Batacarya? Are you familiar with him? Yeah, of course. Right. Absolutely. He's absolutely. So, so the, this is some, some things that happened during COVID. I didn't make sense to me. So in the UK, we had this situation where, uh, so this is some some things that happened during coverlight didn't make sense to me so in the UK we had this Situation where So Jay was one of the great barrington guys and he was basically a really well-credentialed really sensible doctor Who was saying we're going the wrong way in terms of our response to COVID and so this is a guy who is a scientist Being censored online
Starting point is 01:04:40 by people who aren't scientists right and we're being told that this is all about the science when someone like him is not being taken seriously by people in California who just make in these decisions on a whim. And in the UK, we had an even worse situation where they were trying to get doctors, they were trying to say to doctors and nurses, if you don't take the jab, you're going to lose your job, right? And there's this amazing scene where the government minister who is not a doctor is telling a doctor to take the job. And you're going, does that make any sense to you a non medical professional trying to force a medical professional to take a vaccine that that guy doesn't want to take? How are we in the irony? And then we keep talking about the science. Where's the science on that? Where's the science?
Starting point is 01:05:22 There is none. We need these debates to be taken place. And by the way, if there's no debate taking place, it's only one sign that's a sign of fear that something could be exposed. But people have to keep pushing. Listen, we have Whitney Webb here. Whitney Webb is doing all the research
Starting point is 01:05:41 on what she was doing with Jelaine Maxwell with Epstein and Robert Maxwell, all these guys, right? Phenomenal job of what she's doing. We need people who are from the inside where they knew this stuff wasn't going to work or the side effects on all of these things. We need those whistleblowers to come out and say, look, I'm a person that was pro-vaccine. Here's what I did. At this point in the game, I am not comfortable taking this.
Starting point is 01:06:08 I can't live with myself anymore. I just want to share a minute. This is going to be a career ending. No one's ever going to hire me again. No pharmaceutical companies ever going to hire me again. Here's exactly what took place. That, that, that. We need some people like that.
Starting point is 01:06:21 That's, and by the way, I, I'm way, I firmly believe that is gonna happen. I firmly believe that's gonna happen. Except I don't know when the movie's gonna be shot. I don't know if the movie's gonna be in the next two years, three years, five years, 10 years. There is gonna be a movie made, many movies made about this period of 2020 to 2022. Many, many movies, but by the time they make it,
Starting point is 01:06:44 Fauci's to be dead. That's when these movies are going to be made. And then we're going to say that little weasel, if he did that, that little guy that did this. By the way, so will Biden, so will Trump. And that's, yeah. There's a difference though. No, there's a difference though.
Starting point is 01:07:00 The movie for the only difference between a movie for Trump versus a movie for a Biden versus a movie for Fauci is everybody had Fauci and Biden's back. No one had Trump's back. Everybody had their back. It's a different kind of a movie. I know sometimes it's politically correct to kind of throw it in there and just kind of just like this and just like that and just like this. No, the one guy was muscled. We forget. He's, he came to it. He doesn't tweet anymore. We forget he was banned from Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, as a president by a social media company. What? Do we forget this? Who else do they do this too? You mean to tell me Biden's never told lies Who else do they do this to? You mean to tell me, Biden's never told lies? When did they ban this guy? Is this the first president that's ever told a life he did tell a lie?
Starting point is 01:07:55 How about all the other guys that came before him? Have you seen what Barack Obama looks like? Did you see him on Charlemagne's podcast? I don't know if you saw the one, Charlemagne, but he does not look good. He does not look confident. He looks weak. He looks like he's having a hard time given his argument to Charlemagne.
Starting point is 01:08:12 Like he's trying to defend, but he can't. How did you go from? Well, you know, at least I will go down as a president, you know, in that whole life drop on the ballon or a camel whichever one it was. And then he's like, well, you know, and that whole life drop on the with Fallon or Kimmel, whichever one it was. And then he's like, well, you know, hey, there's a guy in here who believes, and you know, it's at the dinner. I don't know if you guys remember that whole speech. Oh, yeah. You will never be in a White House. And then boom, he gets the White House. And then,
Starting point is 01:08:37 you know, what's his name? Snoop Dogg, Rosemond says, this ain't the first time a Trump put a black man out of his house. You know, I don't know if you remember when Snoop roasted him. Yeah, yeah, yeah. He did what he did. How recent was the Obama, Charlameen last week? Last week? Really? Yeah, it was a week. You have any images of that, right?
Starting point is 01:08:51 We have just seen it. How bad was it? Oh, just go watch it. It's very, I can guarantee you, there's a reason why this thing hasn't made it out to many people. Yeah, I haven't seen any of this. There's a reason why this thing hasn't made it out. Yeah, I haven't seen any of this. There's a reason for that because Charlemagne was asking the questions a lot of people wanted to ask and Charlemagne's a Democrat, of course he is, but he did not look good on this interview. Can you imagine, by the way, here's what I want you to think about.
Starting point is 01:09:17 No, just stay right there. Look at this. Oh, no, go back to where you were at. You were fine where you were at. Where is it? Anyway, I'll try to find it to show it to you. But it's weird that it's not popping up. Why is that?
Starting point is 01:09:29 Yeah, let me see. By the way, if it's recent or if it's, if it's the one that's a couple years ago, whichever one it was, two years ago. I have to tell you, the conversation about blacks, Obama looked so weak, and he's been out there very quiet not kind of presenting himself too much not talking about anything these movies are going to be made and we're going to look back one day saying man we were
Starting point is 01:09:51 definitely manipulated during that two or three year period let me let me ask you guys a question so imagine big tech existed at the time of the American revolution is this country independent right now? I don't think so. Absolutely not. Right. No. The crown would have ensured that it was. Hey, these people are causing real world harm by by creating stirring up division. Right. We got to shut it down. Yeah, King George would have thought that thing. That ASAP is what you're saying. Because there's real world violence going on based on what these people are saying and their pamphlets and the newspaper.
Starting point is 01:10:27 It would have been called big monarchy, but no, a great point though, by the way. The big tech, if the big tech is around 1776, we aren't sitting here having this conversation. 100%. Yeah, and that's Ken's, it comes back to the basic premise I was saying that the foundation of America
Starting point is 01:10:43 is to be able to debate and to be able to basically state your beliefs without being uncombred by big tech censorship or big King George censorship, basically saying no, you can't do that. It's a great point that you're making right now because the foundation of America is being a dissident and they say, yeah, I don't think so.
Starting point is 01:11:00 This whole no-taxation without representation thing, that don't work for me, dog. That don't work for me, King George. And that's essentially essentially the premise here and we're seeing it shift from the hard right to the hard left and that's a scary thing By the way, the Mark Cuban it was seen. We're in a shirt. Have you seen the shirt he wears? Where type in Mark Cuban question Everything or something like question authority. I think is what it's called. Okay, go to question authority This is his shirt. Okay Question authority zoom in
Starting point is 01:11:31 He's there wearing a shirt question authority. Yeah, he's another question authority Hey Mr. Mark Cuban. Why aren't you questioning authority? Okay, the authority is NIH The authority is the guidelines of COVID. You talk about question authority. All right, you have the mic. You're a triple threat. You're a guy that made the billions. You're the guy that runs a sports team.
Starting point is 01:11:56 You're a guy that's had a very successful TV show for how long now? 10 years, 15 years. I don't know what the number is. It's been a long time. It's great. Now he has a drug company. He's got a lot of different things.
Starting point is 01:12:05 The point is, this is a guy that can argue on both sides. If this is part of your brand, why don't you question authority? We should question authority. You bring up such a good point about Cuban. Because since we're going revisiting history 1776, what would Big Tech be? Who would mark Cuban benign 20 years ago if you didn't have this mindset?
Starting point is 01:12:24 This guy was a trailblazer and a destructor in the NBA. This guy was getting fined. The most fined to owner in history. This guy was getting fined day after day, week after week for basically doing what? Questioning the authority of David Stern of the NBA. Hey, I don't like this rule, fine. Hey, I don't agree with this, fine.
Starting point is 01:12:42 He was getting fined left and right. You're looking at me like maybe you don't know much about basketball. I'm a huge botkin of the fine. I'm a big bad guy, I didn't know about basketball. Oh yeah, big guy was getting fined, left and right. And the fact that it's kind of him saying now, no debate, debates are off the table.
Starting point is 01:12:58 It's just a little ironic and I people have memories. It's like this is one of the reasons that you find such issue with Arnold Schwarzenegger. People have memories. It's like this is one of the reasons that, you find such issue with Arnold Schwarzenegger. And the thing that he has said, but forget you'll free them. Come with that extra. Yeah, with that extra.
Starting point is 01:13:13 Screw your freedom. It's like this is the guy who is the biggest advocate for freedom. And it's like people remember what you stood for 20 years ago and then the hypocrisy of what it stands for now. And that's it. There we go.
Starting point is 01:13:27 He was accumulated roughly four million and finds the NBA. Yeah, this was that dude. Yeah. This was the disruptor in the NBA. This was the guy calling out nonsense. This was the Trump of the NBA. And now that you've made your money, you made your billions, you've won your championship. You know, you have a lot I don't want to do that?
Starting point is 01:13:45 Well, why Mark Cuban of all people? Why is he so pushing like he even did it like we talked about Pat with Beasley, the wide receiver for the Cowboys. I was like, hold, I'm not doing like, I'll pay. I'll give you stock and why is Mark Cuban so invested in what is going in other people's bodies? At the end of the day, he doesn't give a shit about the average person. What's his, what's his incentive?
Starting point is 01:14:05 Does he have stock? And Pfizer is he bought, like, I know he has a drug company now, but I don't think. Why are you so worried? Why is he so caring? I don't think it's guys worth, I don't know what he's worth. Can you pull up his net for just about four or five billion dollars at this point?
Starting point is 01:14:19 I don't know what the number is. But why is he so pushing on this? Why is he so? Five point one billion dollars. Why is he so pro vaccine and pro, like, I don't get it. What's your motive? I'm? Why is he so? 5.1 billion dollars. Why is he so pro-vaccine and pro? Like, I don't get it. What's your motive? I'm not worried that he's pro-vaccine.
Starting point is 01:14:29 I'm worried that he's anti-debit. You could be pro whatever the hell you want, but if you're not willing to at least come to the table and say, here's why I believe in this. All right, you believe in this? Let's engage. I don't, you could be pro whatever the hell you want. If you choose Joe Rogan and Peter Holtes. if you chose Joe Rogan and Peter Hotes top between Joe Rogan and Peter Hotes
Starting point is 01:14:49 who's authority and What subject just no no no the What Joe Rogan is not an authority and in and he doesn't offer me to do the moderate so between Joe Rogan and Peter Hotes Who is the authority? Objective authority Decorated we can prove it Rogan and Peter Holtes, who is the authority? Who does objective authority decorated, we can prove it, experience, we can prove it. In this case, Mark Cuban defended the authority. He didn't question the authority.
Starting point is 01:15:12 Exactly. Exactly. Period. Simple as that. I mean, we can move on with this conversation. So a man who was a pillar for questioning authority isn't questioning the real authority. It's questioning the guy that's questioning authority. Joe Rogan is questioning authority, and't questioning the real authority. It's questioning the guy that's questioning authority.
Starting point is 01:15:25 Joe Rogan is questioning authority, and you're not defending the guy that's questioning authority that validates to shirt you always wore when you were an MBA owner. Yeah, I don't know about that. So that's where the problem comes in here, where some people are wondering and saying, what is going on over here?
Starting point is 01:15:39 So this leads me to something, okay? ESG, what is ESG? Just last week, ZeroHage did a story. I'm sure you saw this. The ESG rules continues. Page 10. Legacy tobacco companies are posting higher ESG scores than EV Maker Tesla. Here we go.
Starting point is 01:16:05 All right. Tobacco companies such as, can you pull up the tweet please, Rob? Tobacco companies such as Philip Morris and British American Tobacco have received higher ESG scores than Tesla would Philip Morris scoring 84. Yes, and British American Tobacco score 94
Starting point is 01:16:23 while Tesla only scored 37. Okay. Tobacco companies have strategically embraced corporate progressivism, focused on diversity initiatives and social justice causes while Tesla has been less engaged in these areas. Tobacco companies are gaming the system by embracing corporate progressivism, notes the report. by embracing corporate progress, progressive civism notes the report, Tesla report, Tesla's lower ESG score could make it vulnerable to socially conscious activists investors seeking board seats for CEO removal.
Starting point is 01:16:54 Elon Musk expressed frustration, questioning whether Tesla would face pressure from virtue signaling investors like those who target at Exxon. I posted this tweet and I said, so cigarettes do more good for climate than a Tesla. The hypocrisy of ESG scores. Tesla gets 37 out of 100, Philomore's 84. Who's supposed to believe this nonsense? Musk responded to this, actually, if you get lower and he said exactly, but you mean,
Starting point is 01:17:20 this is a guy that's actually helping the climate. And the other guys are not. And they're getting a better, what are your thoughts about the story? Well, this is why I said this whole world view is anti-mere, right? Because it doesn't reward people who are doing stuff or rewards people who are signaling, right? Like you take this box,
Starting point is 01:17:37 you've got this many people from this demographic work in your company. That means you're better, even if you're selling people cigarettes, right? And it creates a world of perverse incentives, and as you know, Patrick, the people respond to incentives. If you put the wrong incentives in place,
Starting point is 01:17:52 people are gonna do the wrong things. Well, you asked the initial question, the ESG, because on the surface, it seems ridiculous. So if you look at the E, the S, the G, there's basically three different, obviously, prototypes here. So E stands for environmental waste and pollution. This is how they basically score you.
Starting point is 01:18:08 If you want to learn the score goes waste and pollution, resource depletion, greenhouse, gas emission, deforestation, and climate change. So that's the environmental, right? Social, employee relations, and diversity. There's your DEI stuff right there. Working conditions, local communities, health and safety, and a conflict governance, tax strategy, executive, remuneration, remuneration, donations and political lobbying,
Starting point is 01:18:33 corruption and bribery, board diversity and structure. So it's one of those things where you could, on the surface score very high, probably on the environmental, but maybe you don't do so well on the social or the governance side of things. So that's how I get away with basically the optics of Big Tobacco, getting higher ESG scores or better ESG scores than something like a Tesla.
Starting point is 01:18:53 Well, and I just don't know if you remember when Elon was about to take over Twitter, there was this interview and they said to him, well, what are your thoughts on like, what's your policy on diversity? And he was like, I believe in a flat meritocracy. If you're good, you stay, if you're not good, you leave. Right. That's how every company in the world should be run. Okay.
Starting point is 01:19:10 And that is a nathema to these people, to them. That's a, they freak out when they hear that. Right. Because they're anti-marital. This is my point. Right. They don't want the company to be as successful as possible. They want to take all their social justice boxes.
Starting point is 01:19:22 Because that's what they believe in. Ideology. Yeah. And why does it only work in like board seats and like that? They want to tick all their social justice boxes, because that's what they believe in, ideology. Yeah, and why does it only work in like board seats and give like that? So why aren't women fighting to be more on construction sites and on deep sea fishermen, the hardest jobs in the world?
Starting point is 01:19:37 It's like, why aren't more women fighting to do that? It's because those people are there for the meritocracy, right there. Like, remember when people were up in arms, I think it was united where they basically said, we're hiring all moving forward, 50% of pilots are going to be women, okay? 50% of pilots, and they were like, yeah,
Starting point is 01:19:58 but 90% of the applicants are men. So it's like, it's on me. And I just wanna get to where I'm going from New York to Miami. Bro, I don't care if you're black, white, yellow, border, re-con Haitian Jamaican. I don't give a shit. Get me from point A to point B. I don't need being like, well, did you check off the diversity box? No, I ordered the best person for the job. Get me the pilot who's going to get me that safely. Not person checking the DEI ESG OPP score. Right, but I don't know if you can find the story in the UK.
Starting point is 01:20:28 We had this situation in the Royal Air Force where they had a diversity drive. They decided to recruit a certain number and then they basically said we're not hiring any more useless white man. Oh, God. Right. And then they just couldn't get any fucking pilots. Yeah. He will, I bet. And 160 white men. get any fucking pilot. Yeah. People like that.
Starting point is 01:20:45 168 white men. Did they actually sued the government and got paid out because they were being discriminated against because in the Air Force, these are the guys that drop bombs on our enemies. I don't care who they sleep with or what their skin color is. I just care that they're good at dropping bombs. Can we just get some guys who can do that? Yeah. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 01:21:07 I mean, what are we doing? Again, common sense is going to prevail, guys, because more and more people from all sides are going to sit there who are Democrats, who are Republicans, who are whoever, they're going to say, yeah, you know what? I don't know, man, I'm just not, I can't see this thing making any sense.
Starting point is 01:21:23 You know what, I'm done. I'm done with this. There's going to be more and more of that happening. You know what, Patrick. I'm just not, I can't see this thing making any sense. You know what, I'm done. I'm done with this. There's gonna be more and more of that happening. You know what, Patrick, I agree with you. And I think A, we gotta be optimistic. But more, there's actual evidence for this. So I get invited to speak at different places, including corporate situations, right?
Starting point is 01:21:37 And they're all very scared to hear from me about this because I show them this shit. And I'm like, this is what's going on. And they know it from the inside anyway. And very few of them will say anything publicly, privately, they all agree. They all know this, the corporate people, the people who are running things, they've been bullied into this. They're afraid to speak up, right?
Starting point is 01:21:57 We just got to give them permission to do that by seeing that it's not just the crazies who are making these points. There's some reasonable people who want people of all races to never be discriminated against, who want people to get along, right? That's what I want. If you're good, you get the job. If you're not good, you don't get the job. Constantine, you hit the nail on the head about people basically being afraid to speak
Starting point is 01:22:16 what's on their mind. So I do a show where I interview women on the street, okay, about that prostitute. No, not those. Hey, sometimes they are. We're not discriminating over that. We don't care how they identify. But I asked them a series of questions, okay? What are you looking for in a man?
Starting point is 01:22:35 What do you bring into the table? Why would you be an ideal wife? By the way, do you think men should participate in women's sports? And that's the one question that either triggers them or basically they're like, listen, I don't really want to answer this. Not what's your body count, not, you know, what makes you a good wife? It should men be competing in sports. And that's the question.
Starting point is 01:22:55 Like, oh, yeah, well, I think that, you know, and they'll give some sort of PC answer or they'll say an answer. And then the interview is over. I'll say, hey, thank you for the interview. Is it okay if we use this on it? And they'll say, yeah, then the interviews over I'll say hey Think of interview is it okay if we use this on and they'll say yeah But the one part about the women's sports can we maybe not use that or you know I don't like what I said or by the way, you know I would have said something a little bit different, but you know have a job And so it's like that is the one trigger point so sometimes it takes getting out on these streets
Starting point is 01:23:23 Talk to these people. That's the one thing that it won't basically get behind on camera. What you're talking about now is we living in an age where social media and mainstream media are divisions in the army of the left that will come and attack you. These didn't use to exist. A very good friend of mine passed away recently. He was quite old, but he was the ex president of LA Coke, which was the largest Coke bottler in America. In the late 80s, a gentleman named Jesse Jackson and his organization called Rainbow Push. Do you remember this?
Starting point is 01:23:57 Went into their offices when they were basically based outside of Los Angeles in a very Hispanic area called, at that time, it was Riverside. So out there in Riverside, very diverse area, and that's where LA Coke had a tremendous amount of employees and a large bottling. Jesse Jackson is his people. We'll then ask for a meeting, come to the conference room,
Starting point is 01:24:18 and they asked for a quarter million dollars to be their consultant because they need to get to, and they put this number out. It was like 25 or 30% African-Americans in management. And you're obviously discriminatory because of that. And they said, can you come back next week? Harold was a smart guy. Brought him back next week and says, okay, we need to do a press release together because
Starting point is 01:24:40 we're going to lay off 17, I think it was almost 17, Hispanic people that are in management jobs, as well as the following. And then we're going to announce that we're doing this. And we'd like you to be at the press conference when we announce this that you've come in here, you're going to be here at consultant. And these people are going to be laid off and we're going to reconstitute this racially toward your target here. When they said that, guess who left?
Starting point is 01:25:07 Jesse wanted no part of that press release. No part of that press. Well, they bluffed him. So they bluffed him right out, but they didn't have the mainstream media. They didn't have social media. So this has been going on for a while. It was a shake down,
Starting point is 01:25:21 and there was a book eventually written about the simply called Shake Down, where there's money in this, people are going for the money that are not true believers. And so we also have with all the things that are going on here and the liberal media and social media coming out there that the people you're talking about
Starting point is 01:25:35 that will say things in private are scared to death of the public backlash that happens from the other side. And that's what people are running from now. They're running from that. And you have to be able to stand up to it. And you have to stand up to it and say, it's hard to do today for a lot of people.
Starting point is 01:25:51 It's so hard. If you've got a job above you, yeah. Yeah, if you've got people above you, yeah. If you're working for, and like, it's just gonna be a weird advice I'm gonna give, this is the worst time ever to work for Fortune 500 company. Ever. This is the worst time to work for a company
Starting point is 01:26:13 that is on the stock market, that is asking money from Vanguard, State Street, and what do you call it? BlackRock, yeah. Because you have to abide by certain rules and guidelines or else, you're being silenced, the employees being silenced. You're afraid to say, like, you know, he got banned on Instagram. Okay.
Starting point is 01:26:41 For what? For Adam? Adam's not a guy that's going to go out there and say stuff to get banned. If there's anybody that is not a guy that should give, he gets banned. Okay, guess what? Is he gonna get his account back? A hundred percent is gonna get his account back. Is it gonna take a week, two weeks, three weeks, a month, two months, a year?
Starting point is 01:26:57 Of course, if you work at Instagram and you follow the content, reach out. We're already dealing with a couple, but if you do DM me, if you work at Instagram, we're sent us an email in foie.valuetimmin.com and put Adam Insta and we'd love to follow up with you because we got some guys on the inside that's working on it, but here's the part. You're going to end up getting your account back. Why am I confident he's going to get his account back? We have eyeballs, we have distribution, we have audience, we have leverage, we have ways that we're going to get, you're gonna see these good accounts gonna come back.
Starting point is 01:27:27 But how many people who don't have that, who have 1,300 followers, 1,800 followers, 2,000 followers? There is no Instagram customer service line. No. What are they gonna do? By design, those are the guys that are afraid who don't wanna to post anything. They're worried because if somebody takes them down,
Starting point is 01:27:48 they don't have that help to get somebody to get their count back. Those guys are not protected. So, no, I think it's a time where the people that want to get, like a guy calls me again, this is another guy. This is an athlete. You know who he is, he calls me, he says, I'm not happy about what's going on, we have a conversation together, that's okay. So what do you wanna do?
Starting point is 01:28:11 He says, well, I'm getting all these other offers and monies are coming in from sponsorship, by me just staying quiet, I can't stand the fact that I'm doing this. And I said, how much, I said, do you have the kind of money where you don't give a shit if you get it, any more money? He says, I do. So what do you want, he's about, I wanna get more money. I said, do you have other ways of making money without having
Starting point is 01:28:27 to rely on the machine? Not yet. What do you tell this guy? Build, you got to build your own thing. Yeah. So it's either go talk, go align to get backing, go somewhere that they're gonna deflect. For example, Rogan has a reach sane status. We have very Status. We have one of our best exchanges him and I yesterday, best ever. And he's a guy that I think he is a the most necessary voice that's causing these types of conversations and we got his back. I mean, this is a guy that's, you know,
Starting point is 01:28:59 you're fighting authority and you're questioning authority. Guess what, we defend your ability to question authority and see what's right and what's wrong. We're going to defend that. But Rogan's got St. status. He's UFC Dana White, endeavor all those guys. And you know what Dana was brand is? Here's what Dana White's brand is. Can you imagine if endeavor calls Dana White and says, a Dana, you got to kind of take it easy with this.
Starting point is 01:29:23 What do you think Dana is going to say? Kid, though, talking about, right? But because that's how he's created his brand from day one. And as well, there can be no sports in America. And UFC cannot have any fights for two years. Hell, no, we're going to freaking Dubai. We're going to Abu Dhabi.
Starting point is 01:29:42 What? Yes. And the only sport that was playing out the time was what? UFC. Guess what we watched? We watched UFC. Instead of basketball, you know, fans cardboarded face. You're watching a football game saying, what the hell is this?
Starting point is 01:29:57 Show the weakness. So meaning, Dana's brand is, say something. Right. Hey, look at Dana. He hit his wife. I did. And I'm embarrassed by it, and I have to live with this for the rest of my life. And the more people that I'm most embarrassed with
Starting point is 01:30:10 as my kids, do you realize I have to face this for you? Nobody here's going through harder times. And we're, so the brand of Dana's like, I don't give a, so this is like, for the small guy who's working out a fortune 500 S&P file. This is why Patrick, there's more responsibility for people who do have a voice and for people who do have a platform to actually step up.
Starting point is 01:30:34 That's why because they can. 100% agree. 100% agree. And so we've had videos taken down on YouTube, we kick up a fuss in the press because we can, boom, comes back. We had a bank account shut down a few weeks ago. We don't know if it was political or not, but again, big stink everywhere online. We get it back. What if you're an ordinary person?
Starting point is 01:30:54 Yeah. So that's why people who do have a platform, you athlete friend, like if you've got enough money, you got to, you got to speak up. And if you don't yet, you don't have that independent, some build it. Go out and actually get yourself to a point where you can speak. Because it's important, right? Like, if you feel so bad doing what you're doing, no millions are going to make you feel better about it. You know, you know, you know, it's crazy, though. You know what I tell these guys, they call me and they tell me the fear of losing everything. I said, listen, you know, Ali was an afraid. He stood up. XYZ wasn't afraid.
Starting point is 01:31:28 A lot of these guys weren't afraid. What kind of a guy do you want to be known for? Do you just want to be known as a guy that made a half a billion dollars or do you want to be known as a guy that your kids want to look back and say, my dad took a stand and he was not afraid to stand up and voice his opinion. You got money. That's right. You got plenty money. What are you? So, well, yeah, no, I understand what you're saying, but again, it's so easy to talk hard and you are to go.
Starting point is 01:31:53 But that guy has to make the decision and there is a fear of making that decision and there's a lot of things you lose when you make that decision. But there's something you get to. You get something which is you know. You know yourself as a real man in that decision. But there's something you get to. You get something which is you know, you know yourself as a real man in that moment. Well, look, at the end, for the longest time I create, I was creating content, people would say, Pat,
Starting point is 01:32:14 you know, Pat just talking politics about teams about to lose. There I've seen this before, it's the mistake PBD is making. He's officially talking politics. He's about to lose his entrepreneurship audience. I sat down like, you know, I don't do well with control. I don't do well with authority.
Starting point is 01:32:35 Yeah, no, listen, Mario, don't let me talk politics. And I'm talking politics. Finally, I'm like, listen man, here's what we're gonna do. We have our entertainment, business, all this stuff that we're doing, great. We have our entertainment, business, all the stuff that we're doing. Great. We have people, we have podcasts.
Starting point is 01:32:47 We're talking freely about all the issues. And I just want to talk to people about real issues and life that's going on. Let's talk shop. And you agree this agree? I'm going to be challenged. Oh, you were wrong, shit. I was wrong.
Starting point is 01:32:57 I was like, you were wrong. You were wrong. We were both right and wrong. OK, great. Let's go research this. But what is doing is the evolution of the audience grown with us as saying, I'm also kind of going through the journey with you guys, right?
Starting point is 01:33:08 But at the end of the day, the problem is gonna be by those of us that can actually have a voice, and we can push back, and we don't, because we're worried about losing a sponsor. Hey, those guys can give us money. What about this? We don't need any sponsors.
Starting point is 01:33:22 We've had a lot of weird sponsors come in. We have multiple alcohol people that will come and tell me we'll pay you, you know, $1 million, $2 million, $3 million. I'm like, I'm the worst sponsor to do alcohol. Okay? I drink the old fashioned once a month. Yeah. And I want you to take a picture every time I drink an old fashioned. From the moment they bring it to me,
Starting point is 01:33:39 to the moment I finish drinking it. It goes from this much to how much, Adam. You see it every time. Yeah, I usually finish it. So, but to put it how much, Adam, you see it every time. Yeah, I usually finish. Yeah. So, but to put it, I'm like, I can't do that, man. Hey, coffee, you guys want to do coffee sponsorship? We can't do that, but I agree with you.
Starting point is 01:33:52 We ought to be a little louder. I want to go to the story. I had a thing about the Instagram. I'll let you wrap up and then I want to go to the story with what's going on with California. Parents who don't affirm gender. Yeah, well, just to circle back, you brought up the fact that my Instagram account was taken and I really empathize with everything
Starting point is 01:34:07 that's going on with Tate because they don't give you a warning. There was no, hey, this is the reason why there was no, hey, in order to contest this, press this button, it's just gone man. And I can't tell you how it feels. As something that's worked, I only had 100,000 followers on Instagram, but I've had it for 10 years.
Starting point is 01:34:30 I worked my ass off, started doing basic money tips stuff, all the way to 10 years later now I'm doing interviews with PBD and Andrew Tate, like the progression. It feels like someone comes in your house, robs everything, takes it over, locks the door, and you have no ability to basically say, hey, what's going on here, guys? It's like a raping of the highest kind,
Starting point is 01:34:51 and it's ultimately what I've learned from doing this show is the first amendment in America, here in America, is the greatest thing we have. And if you silence someone, and if you muzzle someone, and you can't say what's on your mind, I'm not a crazy person, I'm not a far right conspiracy. There is not far less I'm kind of like you constantly very
Starting point is 01:35:11 Very much in the middle very much and you know What's the famous Voltaire quote like I disagree with what you're saying? But I will defend vehemently your right to say it. That's how I feel right now And it's a very weird thing and And the last thing, the famous quote, like, first, the famous poem, first they came for the Hungarians. And then I wasn't Hungarians. And I give them, they came for the labor union.
Starting point is 01:35:32 And I wasn't a labor union. So then I didn't say anything. Then they came for the Jews. And I wasn't Jewish, and it's anything. It's like, then they came for me. And there was no one left to say anything. And that's how I feel. There was like, yeah, during the January 6th,
Starting point is 01:35:44 I was like, yeah, I don't know, it's not my thing. During the COVID thing, yeah, that thing. It's like, no, no, now that it's happened to me, it's like holy shit here. It's like, if they'll get you, they can go for anybody at any given point or any reason. You're gonna get your account back. It's the hundreds of thousands of people
Starting point is 01:36:01 that will never get their accounts back, bro. Which is sad. Which is sad. Those are the people that will never get their accounts back, bro, which is sad. Which is sad. Those are the people that will never get their accounts back because they don't have a voice or backing together accounts. And that's a very sad thing. I love your confidence. I'm going to get my account back. I'm telling you right now, you're going to get your account back. There is no question about it, but it's going to take a minute until we, there's fast strategy or slow strategy. The fast strategy is tomorrow you come out and tell people that you're trans-jang.
Starting point is 01:36:28 That's I'm doing right now. I'm going to have my new trans. You'll get it out. I'm trans. Check your writing as a man right now. Or is the slow run. If you're watching right now, just my, yeah, she's going to be very high.
Starting point is 01:36:39 I love what Constantine said in that speech. Can you pull up the speech on him and his wife getting pregnant 15 months ago? Of course, this is a while back. But yeah, press that watch this part. This is my favorite part in that speech. Can you pull up the speech on him and his wife getting pregnant 15 months ago? Of course, this is a while back, but go ahead. Yeah, press that watch as part. This is my favorite part of the speech. Go ahead. 15 months ago, my wife got pregnant, not me because we're old school. I need stocks left. They have to clap. I'm going to call you. We talked about what up your old school. Your visit in Oxford, is that where this is going? Yeah, by the way, what's the environment here?
Starting point is 01:37:07 What's the essentially what's going on? So Oxford is like Harvard, right? And this is a their debating society. They've had former US presidents, prime ministers, all of that come here. And they asked me to speak at a debate about how's woke culture gone too far. And to be honest with you, I'm kind of getting tired
Starting point is 01:37:23 of talking about wokeness because I'm just like, we need to get through that to the post-work conversation because anti-woke and woke to me are both like, pretty crazy right now. You know what I mean? We just got to get through it. So I talked about that, but from a different angle,
Starting point is 01:37:37 you know, you heard it earlier, talking about climate change and so on, and just saying, you're not being effective. And my friend, Melissa Chen, I don't know if you guys know her. She tweeted something a long time ago that really stuck with me. She said, you're not being effective. And my friend, Melissa Chen, I don't know if you guys know her, she tweeted something a long time ago that really stuck with me. She said, you cannot stay woke if you build anything, whether that's muscle, whether that's a business
Starting point is 01:37:52 or whatever, because once you start getting into the real world and you start trying to do things, you understand it's not all black and white. There's trade-offs. You go this way, you're gonna lose this. You go this way, you're gonna lose that, right? And it shows you a little bit of the nuance of reality. And it forces you to confront the world as it actually is.
Starting point is 01:38:08 So Melissa Chen is great. Yeah, I love the part about you talking with John Anderson about, you know, Thomas Sold, there's no such thing as solutions, but trade offs. That whole concept you were going back and forth with, Thomas Sold, legendary mind and something else. Yeah, crazy. Okay, let's talk about California. So another state just banned.
Starting point is 01:38:24 No, no, not this one. What page California. So another state just banned. No, no, not this one. What page is that on? Pages it. Uh, pop up up up on 16. Okay, page 16. Uh, that okay, there you go. California bill could result in loss of custody for parents who don't affirm children's gender. This is an actual law they're passing. I thought it was a joke as well. gender. This is an actual law they're passing. I thought it was a joke as well. So a video in which a patent and attorney obliterated representative Wilson's backpedaling on child abuse claims and vague terminology. If you want to have that put that clip up, Rob, you got the Twitter link here. California, AB 957, known as a T.J.I.U. empowerment act, could lead to child abuse accusations against parents involving custody battles if they do not affirm their children's chosen gender identity.
Starting point is 01:39:10 The bill initiated on assembly women, Laurie Wilson aims to prioritize the parent who best affirms the child selected identity and custody disputes. However, the legislation does not explicitly define what affirmation entails to propose law considers affirming a child's gender identity as part of their health, safety, and welfare. If grants the court, it grants the court system the ability to make custody and visitation decisions based on appearance affirming of their child's gender identity. And by the way, this lady gives this talk. You don't have to play the whole thing, but play the first 30 seconds, maybe a minute,
Starting point is 01:39:47 and then we'll respond to it. I am Aaron Friday, lead of our duty and attorney and a mother of a girl who used to believe that she was a boy. AB 957 is the first bill in the nation to codify into law that a parent who does not affirm the gender identity of the child is abusive. There is no nuance in this bill. It matters not the age of the child, the absurdity of the identity,
Starting point is 01:40:10 adopted, comorbid mental health issues or persistence. Family court judges will be compelled to favor the child who will affirm the child's delusion. Parents can easily gain the system and use gender as retaliation against each other. What happens when one parent will socially affirm the child but will not agree to medicalize? Does the parent willing to do more transitioning, pavilion? AB 957 unambiguously states that the health, safety, and welfare of the child includes
Starting point is 01:40:41 a parent's affirmation of the child's gender identity. You can pause it right there. Tom, what's your reaction to this? The reaction is Laurie Wilson is pandering to the mob where she probably gets donations and things. And what she's putting is, custody is such an important thing, you know, equality of custody. And it is so important that parents both get a fair shake because kids are going through a stressful thing called the divorce.
Starting point is 01:41:11 Kids at 10 years old are being asked to take a stance against mom or dad, by mom or dad. This puts kids in incredibly stressful situations in the first place, and now you're asking a kid to put something else on the table or be manipulated on something else and then the parents go after each other. Look, divorce and custody battles in this country are flame throwers enough and now this lawyer is correctly pointing out that this bureaucrat, Laurie Wilson, is putting AB957 out there that in addition to do you support public school or private school, do you let them hang out with their friends or not?
Starting point is 01:41:46 Do you let them have a cell phone or not? All these things come up in divorce cases. Divorce cases and custodys have been flipped on what age would you allow the kid to have a phone to text their friends, and judges are going one parent or another on freedoms and disobedience. Now you're just putting another log on this great big fire, an absurd log, which she points out does not have clear definitions of what
Starting point is 01:42:10 all this affirmation is. This is, this is lunacy. And if you step back a little bit even more, Tom, it's, look, I mean, we talk about gender affirming care. I mean, we don't have that term, but you guys have here. Let me just step back a little bit and ask a simple question. Why can you not have sex with a child? It's illegal. They're under ages. But why? But why is that? Because a child can't consent to sex. A child cannot make the decision to have sex, which sex is a normal thing for human beings to do. But a child can consent to change their sex. Is that way, is that way autonomy? Correct. A child can, is capable. They're not allowed to drink,
Starting point is 01:42:49 they're not allowed to smoke, they're not allowed to take certain drugs, they're not allowed to get married, they're not, but they are a Western army. Right. But they can make this decision. Is that way autonomy? And if, if you don't, as a parent affirmed them, the government is going to take them away and give them to what? What? Did you see Bill Maher's speech on the, he sums up the speech this way,
Starting point is 01:43:11 talking exactly what you're talking about. He said, when I was young, I wanted to be a pirate. I'm so glad that my parents didn't send me out for eye removal and peg leg surgery. Right, yeah. Exactly. And I have a personal experience with this because I have three younger sisters, the middle one. When she was seven years old, this is like in the 90s back home. So like this thing wasn't around, right?
Starting point is 01:43:31 And she said to my mom, I'm a boy and she'd run around claiming she's a boy. Well, she's grown up now. She's the most feminine, beautiful young woman just got married last year and Armenia to an Armenian guy. Like, when she was seven, she thought she was a boy, okay? Kids don't know what they're doing. That's why they're kids, that's why we protect them. They have faces. They have to be protected from themselves too, right? Where does this idea come from?
Starting point is 01:43:57 That they can just suddenly decide what they are. And we've got to throw the whole way of the medical system at them to facilitate that. Yeah, I'm so glad you shared the story of your sister because when you humanize these stories, it's like, all right, there's real people with real stories and there's a beginning middle and end to these stories. I grew up with two girls that were like the two girls that played with all the boys in sports, okay?
Starting point is 01:44:21 Fast forward. They were like Tomboys. We all remember Tomboys, right? This was a thing that we're all very familiar with. Now what happened to these two girls? One, ended up growing up becoming a lesbian. She's a feminine lesbian, she's a woman, okay? The other girl, we ended up dating in high school.
Starting point is 01:44:37 She's a woman, a full on which she's now married with kids. But like these stories, when you're seven, you're 10, you're 12 and you think that you're a pirate or you think that you're a boy, you're going to evolve. Like I thought I was a dinosaur when I was seven years old. I'm not walking around, you know, on two legs over here with little arms out here, but if you don't give children the ability to grow up and evolve, and you basically castrate them or cut them off or hormonize them, you don't give them the ability to figure it out later on in life
Starting point is 01:45:05 And that is the truest crime. Well my buddy Francis so that we do trigonometry with he used to be a teacher for 12 years And he told he always tells the story says I had this kid who's about nine years old and I said to him What do you want to be when you grow up and the kid looked him went I want to be a dog? That's kids yeah Yeah, exactly. Right. That's the level they're operating at, you know? At least he didn't see cat. That's the cat.
Starting point is 01:45:32 We don't got to go there and pee or something. By the way, somebody just commented GM and said, Jeff Younger's ex-wife took his son, he gave a super chat to took his sons to Cali for that exact reason. He would be a great man to talk to. If you type in Jeff Young, X-Wife, you'll see the story.
Starting point is 01:45:47 You guys have seen this before. They get a divorce. A wife moves to California to take advantage of the law. So their son could transition. Okay, pretty wild when you think about some of these things that's taking place. But by the way, this leads to new sons media blitzitz fueling presidential talk.
Starting point is 01:46:07 Page four, he was on Hannity and a lot of people said he destroyed Hannity. A lot of people say that. It was in Hannity's best look. Newsom went in there ready and looked strong. California Governor Gavin Newsom increased media presence, has sparked speculation about his presidential ambitions with democratic strategist Steve Maviglo suggesting I buy that he supports the president, but I also think that he wants to be there in case God forbid there needs to be an alternative. If something happens to the president or somebody else mounts a challenge, Newsom's recent confrontation with Florida governors, Florida governor Ron DeSantis and his media engagement, including interviews with Fox News, Sean Hannity,
Starting point is 01:46:47 has intensified the speculation. Newsom has called DeSantis a small pathetic man and raised the possibility of pressing charges against Florida officials. Fernand, among the Democratic pollster, notes that Newsom's attacks on DeSantis have been well received by democrats in florida and nationally so what is this a
Starting point is 01:47:10 publicity stunt is this a a preparation for presidential run what what do you think is going on here with new sometime i think he's this is a run and we're just waiting for the dnc and i've been talking about this on this podcast with some factual things that have been coming up, the DNC hasn't taken a stance on certain things. The DNC has been leaking at certain times,
Starting point is 01:47:33 non-favorable Biden articles to people like the New York Times. There is a back room under current going on here that if you look at it, you do not have to be at conspiracy theorists, you look at it. He not have to be a conspiracy theorist you look at it he is saying i'm running and he is putting his group together but the dnc and the democrat machine is not fully supported that yet
Starting point is 01:47:56 and you knew some i believe is standing at the door saint come on guys wave the flag green flag here let's go racing wave the flag i think that's exactly what Newsom's doing, and he's positioning himself, he's taking advantage of not just photo ops, but places to put an opinion out that is a national political position. I think that's what's going on here.
Starting point is 01:48:17 Newsom is just waiting for the DNC to open the door and say game on. I actually disagree with Tom on this, and we'll see how this plays out. We like the bait one, go on. I this is not a jockeying for position. I think this is an insurance policy. God forbid Biden is not equipped. We all have maybe falls exactly. God forbid that Biden is not able. Right. It's an insurance policy. That's like how? Correct. Well, they're going to still prop him up and he's still gonna be the guy that he's gonna be running
Starting point is 01:48:45 in 2024. But I think whether it's the DNC doing this, whether that's his internal team that's basically saying, hey, stay ready, stay fresh. Because it's almost like an athlete saying, hey, we don't know if MJ is gonna be able to play tonight, buddy. All right, now I'm not definitely not comparing Biden
Starting point is 01:49:01 to MJ, all right, that just to be out there. But just in case he's not ready, we're gonna need you to stay ready. And MJ ain't no way to stay, right? Exactly, exactly. He's still put up 45. But just stay ready. Bloodshed, I just got hurt.
Starting point is 01:49:13 Exactly, you ready? So by the way, I think if you watched any of that stuff that he did with Hannity, he dismantled Hannity. It was not a good look for Hannity on his own show. If you were just tuning in and saw that you would thought that you would think that was the Gavin Newsom show and then Hannity was the one basically backpedaling and trying to answer questions. To his comments about the Santas, we've met the Santas. He is neither small nor pathetic, but he is, I can confirm, amen.
Starting point is 01:49:38 So that is, that is, you got to, by the way, this, this old polls is favoring Trump more and more. And the Sanctus' flatlining based on numbers that just came out, Trump cruises the Sanctus flatlines and polling even after bombshell indictment. This is political story that just came out. So the Sanctus' marketing team's got to get to work. RFK's strategy, just so you know if the Sanctus' team is listening, here's RFK's strategy. He's getting more eyeballs than the synthesis. RFK is going to podcasts, long form podcasts,
Starting point is 01:50:10 and he's sitting there in the line of fire taking questioning. Let me say that one more time, the synthesis campaign, this is our governor, the reason why we moved to Florida is because of the great phenomenal job he did, but he's got to get into the firing line and start taking the questions, go on the top 20 podcasts out there long form,
Starting point is 01:50:31 two hours and talk and sell, and debate, sell America, sell the future, sell your family, sell values and principles, and that moment will come back up because this strategy, the old school 1990s way of running for office does not work today. And RFK is at 15 points, without a single person on mainstream media
Starting point is 01:50:51 given him anything. Yeah. He's at 15 points. RFK, last story before we wrap up, Andrew. More you tell them, more you sell, baby. Andrew Tate, go to the last story here with, if you wanna pull up the story on Andrew Tate, I'm gonna just happen with him being charged this morning.
Starting point is 01:51:07 Do you have the story wrap? If you just want to go to about 10 minutes right on the cover of it, just tap and by Tim and go to the cover. Yeah, there we go. Go to vitamin.com. Rob, just go to about there you go. Perfect. I did your with our case. What are you said? What are you said at the end of the Joe Rogan podcast? He goes, I am not talking vaccines. Period from here on out like in any podcast. He goes, I said, what case said at the end of the Joe Rogan podcast was that he goes I am not talking vaccines Period from here on out like in any podcast. He goes. I said what I have to say. I'm done because he knows that They're gonna take them down
Starting point is 01:51:32 So who go and rotate Romanian officials file charges against the tape brothers the controversy continues So as social media influencer and rotate as officially been charged with rape human traffic and a forming an organized crime group To sexually exploit woman according to BBC's news and tates. A parent number one fan, writer Lucy Williamson, Andrew's brother, Tristan, is also facing the same charges. A Romanian judge now has 60 days to inspect the file. And with their case, being sent to trial, upon hearing the news, the Tate Brothers media team responded, while this news is undoubtedly
Starting point is 01:52:06 predictable, we embrace the opportunity it presents to demonstrate their innocence and vindicate their reputation, the indictment added that it allows us to present a comprehensive body of evidence diligently collected and prepared over time, which will undoubtedly substantiate the brother brothers claims of innocence. There are separate charges still under investigation, which could lead to a separate indictment, including money laundering and trafficking minors. Both brothers continue to claim their innocence. Having denied all allegations, the trial is not expected to start immediately and is predicted
Starting point is 01:52:41 to take several years. And if you want to see the interview, click below. Several years. Yeah. Well, listen, that story is out. Here's how it works. They've said it. Both brothers have said, if you have anything with us, go to the police, create a report,
Starting point is 01:52:57 come with your story. If they've done anything, the law's going to do their part. If they've not done anything and they're playing this game, Romania almost has to do something to show that, yes, we were right, the last, you know, since April of going back and forth for however long it's been 14 months, there is something there, it's been allegedly, allegedly, allegedly, now it's, we gotta convict them
Starting point is 01:53:20 because everyone's been saying, when are you gonna convict them? So those hope for 14 months, which hunt, guess what? The real job just starts now. Their lawyers can officially do their jobs now. For the last 14 months, they literally couldn't do anything because there was nothing to fight off. There's no paper to attack. Nothing. No paper to fight. Now they're going to go after them. And this thing's going to take a while before we learn anything about. Are you following the story with Tates? A little bit. But your thoughts on this?
Starting point is 01:53:49 Well, I just want to see what happens now. You said it yourself. It's allegation, allegation, denial, denial. We've got to see what the reality is. Everyone's innocent until proven guilty, but if these charges are serious, let them be investigated and we'll see what happens. Yeah, the law's going to, it's on the law now to do their part and it's on their lawyers to do their part. It's going to be, but it's going to, it's on the law now to do their part and it's on their lawyers to do their part.
Starting point is 01:54:10 It's going to be, but it's going to be a long process. I don't think we're going to get an update in a month or two. I think this thing is going to go for a while. If there's anything I've learned from, from Tate, is that the matrix is real and their matrix attacks are a real thing. One thing. And they will do whatever the hell they want to do to bring you down. They will try to finally, they will spend months years going, going through all your stuff to find anything. They will go back 10 years ago to some girl and some pub that you may or may not have met nameless faceless woman and allow her to basically give her a story and you're like, I don't have no clue who this person is but they will use that against you and they will and will basically use the system, talk about the system being weaponized and that against you and they will basically use the system. Talk about the system being weaponized and politicized. It's exactly what's going on here. And let's just remind each
Starting point is 01:54:49 other, tape predicted this. Basically said, I'm calling my shot right here. It gave the old Babe Ruth. This is what's going to happen right here. And just think about it. If you're a criminal, just in any, in any realm, we all saw good fellows. The number one rule, Laylo. Laylo. The advice was, yeah, keep your mouth shut the advice was not go start a podcast Just shoot off at the hip say everything wild that you've ever done in your life Business financials sexual social and let everybody know all your deepest darkest secrets If you have something to hide you don't do that shit Okay, it just does it. We're living in a fucking clown world right now.
Starting point is 01:55:26 And this is the tip of the spear of clown central right now. Welcome to Comedy Central. Yeah, and being a thing about, being around them for all those hours that we were and hearing him and talk to him, I don't judge people, but just the character in his eyes, Pat, and like just having those moments. I mean, he knew what was coming, but I believe that they're innocent, but I mean, he's... There's no surprise here. There's no surprise. They're in Romania, bro. There,
Starting point is 01:55:48 remember the events, I think what's it's one judge. There's no jury. Yeah. You don't speak the language. How are you supposed to even defend yourself? You know what the lawyers are thinking right now. Finally, we can get to work. Yeah. Let us do our part now. Show the evidence and get to work. At the end, either the side that can't stand these guys is going to say, I told you so. We were right. Look what they did. Here's who they are. Or the other side is going to cause them to get their voices to be 10 times bigger than it is today. It's just going to elevate if they end up coming out innocent. But one of the sides is gonna win and time's gonna tell. And by the way, thank God that there's platforms like
Starting point is 01:56:31 rumble, like those platforms like Twitter, at least he can get his voice out there. Imagine if they were nothing, none of that, and he had to rely on basically big tech censorship to get his voice out there. That is scary. You're exactly right, Adam. Two words, duke lacrosse. Took two years, but they were innocent. But look what they did to them along the way. Exactly. Yep. So, and by the way, you know, we have to give credit
Starting point is 01:56:54 what credits do. Both of their interviews are still on YouTube. As of right now, if it changes, great. Credit to YouTube, their interviews are still on Vietaiman, and they're still there for people to go listen to them. Okay. And after the indictment, the other 45 minutes that was not
Starting point is 01:57:10 released to the public will be released. If you wanna hear that 45 minutes that we have to cut, text the word Tate to 310-340-1132. And if you enjoyed our guest today as much as we enjoyed him today, click on a link below in the description Rob. Let's drive him to trigonometry and the book to stay in contact with this man because his voice is also necessary. He's not only funny, but he also knows that a reason and it's easy to listen to. It's been great having you on the podcast. I appreciate you for coming out. I appreciate you gentlemen. Thank you so much. Take care everybody. Bye bye bye.
Starting point is 01:57:41 It's been great having you on the podcast. I appreciate you for coming out. I appreciate you gentlemen. Thank you so much. Take care everybody. Bye bye bye.

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