PBD Podcast - Ray Crockett | PBD Podcast | EP 2

Episode Date: August 6, 2020

On this episode, Patrick Bet-David sits down with Joshua Feuerstein and Ray Crockett to discuss Trump, the NFL, the NBA, New York losing its billionaires, the New York times and the Lebanon bombing. &...nbsp;  Text: PODCAST to 310.340.1132 to get added to the distribution list   The BetDavid Podcast is a podcast that discusses, current events, trending topics and politics as they relate to life and business. Stay tuned for new episodes and guest appearances.   Connect with Patrick on social media:     Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/patrickbetdavid    Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/patrickbetdavid  Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PatrickBetDavid.Valuetainment   Follow the guests in this episode:  Joshua Feuerstein https://bit.ly/39WWyQw   Ray Crockett https://bit.ly/2EYEtWJ Share your thoughts with Patrick Bet-David about this first episode on Twitter http://www.twitter.com/patrickbetdavid     To reach the Valuetainment team you can email: info@valuetainment.com     About the host:  Patrick is a successful startup entrepreneur, CEO of PHP Agency, Inc., emerging author and Creator of Valuetainment on Youtube. As a natural critical thinker, Patrick takes complex leadership, management and entrepreneurial ideas and converts them into simple life lessons for today and tomorrow’s entrepreneurs.  Patrick is passionate about shaping the next generation of leaders by teaching thought provoking perspectives on entrepreneurship and disrupting the traditional approach to a career. --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/pbdpodcast/support

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Okay, this is Patrick Betheveo host of the podcast and my guest today my co-host today Josh Fearsstein and Apparently Adam Soston could's taken a bathroom break for the entire episode the entire episode But we have a friend with us Ray Crockett to time Super Bowl champion 40 interceptions and Ray used to have you on Sean was a Fox or ESPN before Fox yeah the show on Fox before yes so I'm on. Rockets corner I had a radio TV Denver Broncos affiliate yes but you were doing
Starting point is 00:00:33 some stuff with you and John Sally before yeah you and John had a show to the best damn sports show. Best damn sports show. You've heard of the best damn sports. And this was just huge 0507 like you guys were the first ones to come with. Yeah we were we were Michael Irving was one of the first ones to host. I actually took Michael Irvin's place when he went to ESPN and started our broadcasts. Very cool.
Starting point is 00:00:51 Well, it's good. So apparently we're going to talk a lot about sports today. We're going to talk business. We're going to talk BLM. We're going to talk about his perspective. It wasn't the first time he shut down Michael Irvin, you know? Oh, I'm going to be out.
Starting point is 00:01:02 True. True. Good morning. Right there. So, so let's get right into it. By the way, shout out oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, have a, you know, named like he does by the audience, but let's get right into it. A lot of things to talk about. We got the Lebanon explosion to talk about tragic event that took place there that caused many people's lives and many are missing in thousands hospitalized, which we'll get into that. Disney took a big hit. Revenue fell 85% due to,
Starting point is 00:01:41 you know, the parks being closed. We'll talk about that. We'll talk about New York Times estimates as their digital revenue exceeds print revenue for the first time ever in the history of New York Times. This tells you kind of direction. Things are going right now. We'll talk about New York City with the Cuomo begging rich people to not leave. Please stay.
Starting point is 00:02:03 But I'll text you, but please stay. But we'll quarantine people for two weeks stay but I'll tax you but please stay but we're quarantine people for two weeks but I'm begging you just stay we'll talk about that a little bit a little bit of big tech little bit of dollar crashing I think Josh has got some nice words to say about Joe Biden which we'll get into that and then Trump's recent interview with HBO Axiom is what we'll talk about is what well let's first get right into Lebanon I think that's an issue that's pressing and everybody's talking about a few facts I'll give you then I'll get into because you have some strong
Starting point is 00:02:29 opinions to say about. So a couple of things that I have as of right now. 2,750 metric tons of ammonium nitrate that had been stored there for six years. The president was asking, why is it that it's been there for six years with no accountability? Then after that, while this took place, the explosion, there's many different videos. I'll show one of them here in a minute of what took place, nearly $3 billion of damages
Starting point is 00:02:51 as of what they know right now. It's cost 300,000 people to be homeless right now. All of this is taking place at a time where the hospitals already didn't have enough room for COVID patients that were going in on top of the explosion. All of this is going on at a time where the president had shut down the power in Lebanon to only two hours a day. They didn't have any power. So think about how bad the situation is.
Starting point is 00:03:17 Two hours a day, unemployment in Lebanon right now is 25%, 25% and their currency since September has dropped 90%. So it's not the fact that they just had this explosion. It's not as, you know, as bad as it is right now what took place on top of that, they had all these other things going on. But I think the most important question to ask that a lot of people are wondering right now is,
Starting point is 00:03:37 you know, Trump gave his speech yesterday and he called it an attack. He didn't say he was. You know, something that happened accidentally in responsibility, any of that stuff. What are your thoughts, Joshua? What happened on Lebanon? Okay. Let me first of all start by saying this. No matter what political conjecture I may give here, we do not by any stretch of the imagination. Does it represent any sort of feeling of, well, it's, you know, it's okay that people got hurt because real people
Starting point is 00:04:07 died, real people have gotten hurt. I think that it's important that we look at the geopolitical and everything that's going on there, not just today, but even going back a couple of years. Now you have to remember is that Lebanon borders Israel, okay? In just the last week, Hezbollah, which for those that maybe don't understand a lot of the stuff going on in the Middle East, Hezbollah is the next to ISIS. Hezbollah on ISIS are the two big state sponsors of terror, period. Of course, a lot of money coming in from Iran and a bunch of other countries that sponsor
Starting point is 00:04:42 this sort of terror. So Hezbollah is very active in Lebanon and even in the last week, Lebanon allowed a bunch of Hezbollah fighters to go across the Israeli border. And of course, they were met with some resistance and they chased him back. And Netanyahu even came out and said, Lebanon, you better be careful. you better get Hezbollah under control, stop sitting them across our border. Now if you go back to, I believe 2018, you'll actually see a speech that Netanyahu, the Prime Minister of Israel, gives to the United Nations. And he puts up a graph and in the graph are circled three different spots that he says they are building weapons in these areas
Starting point is 00:05:26 of Lebanon, particularly the port there in Beirut. And Hezbollah was coming out saying, we're going to destroy Israel. We have, he says this, an ammonium nitrate bomb that we are going to take out their port, period. He said it's going to be a big, beautiful explosion. So all of this two years ago. Yes, yes. So this is all. And this has been there for six years by the way. Right, yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:50 So this has all been leading up. Now, it's a whole other interesting story about how the ammonium nitrate got there from Russia, et cetera, et cetera. But fast forward to now present day, and all of a sudden out of nowhere, you have this, what, it was it two million pounds of ammonium nitrate or is it five million pounds of ammonium nitrate? What the heck do
Starting point is 00:06:13 you need five million pounds of this for? Okay. So he's saying they're building weapons here. Now, boom, there's an explosion and I think that you're going to show a video that's maybe tells a little bit of a different tell than what's being shown in the media. But now there's an explosion. Now, do I think that it was massage? Personally, I do. And I'm the most pro-Israel person that there is. Do I think it was massage?
Starting point is 00:06:38 I think it was massage. Now, do you think that Lebanon is going to admit that? No, they come out and say, no, this looks like an accident or something. Why? Because they don't want to admit that they were making weapons there. Is Israel going to admit? No, because people unfortunately are killed. And the casualties of war, unfortunately, we see in Hiroshima, Nagasaki, like the casualties
Starting point is 00:06:59 of war are usually the innocent civilians. They're usually innocent people. But to me, this is Israel saying, no, the UN has let your weapons program go far too long and they see an opportunity with COVID, the shutdown and stuff. And distractions. Yeah, basically, there's so many other distractions.
Starting point is 00:07:17 So why you being distracted, we attack. Yep, silently. That's, look, and our hearts still go out to all of the people who lost their lives, the people that were injured. But I also think that we need to look at Lebanon and say there are penalties for harboring terrorist regimes. And unfortunately, a lot of these terrorists are such cowards that they go and they hide
Starting point is 00:07:41 their weapons deposits in schools and churches and synagogues and stuff because those are the safe harbors and they know it's bad publicity for Israel to ever attack any other sports. But last thing I'll say is CIA operative, former CIA operative Robert Baer who was assigned to the Middle East, the Middle East expert. He looked at the explosion and he said, from all of my years in intelligence, I will tell you right there,
Starting point is 00:08:10 that plume of smoke, that big red plume of smoke, and that sort of explosion, that is not simply ammonium nitrate. That's weapons munitions that are being exploded. And that's the CIA operative that operated in the Middle East. And that's what they do professionally with this. Can you get that video up? If you can get that video up, meanwhile, Ray, what do you think about this?
Starting point is 00:08:32 What do you think about this whole situation here? I mean, it's tough because, like Josh said, innocent people got hurt. And that's the thing about it is that when you hear of explosions like this, the one that happened in Oklahoma City, bomb, and the one that happened in Oklahoma City, bombing the one that happened in Texas, you hear all these different explosions. What gets lost in it is that innocent lives were happening because you start to hear all the different reasons.
Starting point is 00:08:53 Are they trying to find the weapons, or are they trying to kill, stop the regimes from fighting it, but the innocent people are the ones that suffer. So that's the difficult part. But I mean, I'm listening to Josh, and I like to know when you say something like this happens and they don't want to admit it, there's two different sides.
Starting point is 00:09:13 They're one side, you say they don't want to admit it because they don't want to say that they're storing weapons. Then the other side want to admit it because they don't want to admit that they're in actually at war with each other. Why is that? Well, okay, so it's the same reason that when these guys get hacked, all right, these large corporations,
Starting point is 00:09:30 in fact, Pat just did a video on the number of corporations that are hacked every single year. All of these hackers still, all this data, they have access to all of this very sensitive data. And, but the companies do not report the hack. They end up paying the hacker off to give the data back, destroy it on their end, and disappear. The hacker is not going to admit to it
Starting point is 00:09:54 because they don't want to go to jail. And the company is not going to admit it to it because they don't want the publicity and the stock price of their company absolutely going. And embarrassment, it's embarrassing. It's okay, you were starving up the hack. Yeah. Look, look, look, what happened to Sony just what?
Starting point is 00:10:08 Five, six years ago, when, when they got hacked, when they got hacked, it turned into a huge scandal. Their stock price took a huge tumble. I mean, this, you know, so both sides don't want the PR nightmare, but I can promise you right now. From, again, I don't necessarily represent the views of value attainment. These are my own personal views. But if I were to a betting man, I would put all my money on the fact that
Starting point is 00:10:32 massage. And if you get a chance, go watch Stuxnet. If you want to know how crafty massage is, go watch Stuxnet and watch how they took out the Iranian new, uh, the nuclear plant. But let me make this one last point. The harbor that was destroyed normally would have a lot of people working at it. Okay. If you think about an explosion like this, it's actually a miracle that there hasn't been a massive, a massive amount of casualties. Right. If I were to look at it as an outsider, and I would say maybe Israel did this because they said, what can we do to inflict
Starting point is 00:11:13 the least amount of casualties during COVID? Again, only two hours a power. We're not in a room. Everybody's awake. So obviously, you know what it's like to be downtown San Francisco Oakland right right Yeah, those areas are shut down on Saturday and Sunday. It's a perfect time It's a perfect time to hit it with the least amount of casualties
Starting point is 00:11:33 But put this video on I saw this video the other day and and watch this this video was shared by my sister If you can go back a little bit go back a little bit started from the beginning. So watch this Okay If you can go back a little bit, go back a little bit, start it from the beginning, so watch this. Okay. So it's showing that there was something when you're watching a slow motion is going in. Whether that's a drone or whether that's an attack. I mean, that's explosive right there. That's not just, you've seen things before.
Starting point is 00:12:06 You don't see something like that, you know. So what, what could that drop in me? I don't know. And by the way, I don't even know if that could be Photoshop or not. All I know is that thing is going, but I'm not giving credence to it. I'm just saying I saw this and it's, I've seen this in multiple different places,
Starting point is 00:12:21 but I'm thinking the credibility of how much of this is real and how much of it is fake, how much of it is set up, how much of it is not. I think the real question we got to ask is the following is, do you think the truth of who really was behind this is ever going to come out? I think it will when they declassify it. I'm talking in the next 12 months. Right. I'm not talking about 30 years. You know, top of there, what a constant. I mean, there's consequences and repercussions to everything. What would be consequences to this then? So obviously, any sort of UN sanctions, I mean, look,
Starting point is 00:12:55 this is why Israel made its case to the UN. But notice the UN did what about it. Nothing about it. All right, but the UN does, like for all the people that think that the UN is somehow, you know, pro-world. They're not pro-world. Like, look at who fought, like,
Starting point is 00:13:16 in fact, it frustrates me that we have funded the UN for so long because we're the ones that put so much money behind the UN and the UN is anti-American. It's anti-Israel. But now, I think for the first time in a long time, the UN is gonna be anti-China, okay, and it's gonna be a great, great thing, very, great thing. But I think that Israel went, they made their case,
Starting point is 00:13:38 UN did nothing about it because it's not in their best interest to defend Israel. And I think that it because it's not in their best interest to defend Israel. And I think that Israel finally said, dude, they're getting too close to being able to do something to us. It's time for us to take preemptive action. So whenever you hear our president, and I'm not just talking about Trump,
Starting point is 00:13:59 I'm talking about all presidents in the past. Whenever they talk about something that happens over it in countries like, you think that we have some correlation of some type of, you know, response when we give a response. What does that do to the US? Because that's what people like myself want to know. What does that do to the US? Bro, the US is involved in way more when it comes to things happening in the world than
Starting point is 00:14:23 we will ever know. I mean, the CIA is used covertly in the more that you find declassified stuff coming out from the 70s, the 80s and stuff. You realize how much, you know, it's funny because all of this talk about us meddling are the Russia meddling in our elections. Right.
Starting point is 00:14:42 The United States meddles in every single election. It's so hypocritical for us to be calling out people when we, we, we, we, Obama meddled in Israel's election. Like very, very, I mean, we're still looking for weapons of mass destruction, right? You're true. Look at her. Hey, hey, hold on. Hey, hey, I am more than, I am more than happy to talk about Bush,
Starting point is 00:15:06 even though nothing do with an election. Right, right. But, but, but, I don't know. I'm not the biggest bush fan. Do you, I personally don't think that we should have ever been over there, I think that there was definitely some, some nefariousness to some of the people that brought, but I mean, if you're looking at me thinking
Starting point is 00:15:22 because I'm die hard conservative that I'm behind Bush. He's done some stuff that's made me question him. Let's just say this. Bush has. Yes. Okay. So going back to what you said, meddling in other elections. So if that's kind of where you're going, why don't we get right into the interview that was done with Trump and HBO's, I think is Jonathan Swan.
Starting point is 00:15:43 I've never seen this guy before. I thought he did a fantastic job. Yeah. If you ask me, I like his style. I like the fact that was done with Trump and HBO's, I think it's Jonathan Swan. I've never seen this guy before. I thought he did a fantastic job. Yeah. If you ask me, I like his style. I like the fact that he poached. He said he's an interview, Trump, two or three times before. Yeah, but I liked the way this was taken. I have not seen anything else on him in the past before.
Starting point is 00:15:55 This is the first interview I've seen him with Trump. And I went out there and watching this guy thinking, okay, let's see how it's going to take it. By the time it was done, a few comments that were made that's, being talked about, Jimmy, every comedian right now had a whole skit set up around the interview, whether it was, it is what it is comments
Starting point is 00:16:14 that he made, whether it was, I wish her nothing but the best to Jelaine Maxwell. It was a few of them that was said. I mean, it's not like this was probably not the best interview for him. And any back some of the stuff that he said, of them that was said. I mean, it's not like this was probably not the best interview for. And any back some of the stuff he said, that's what was counter crazy about it. He doubled down. I mean, it wasn't like, okay, I made a mistake.
Starting point is 00:16:35 Maybe I don't wish her the best. He actually came up with a reason for wishing her the best. Well, that's a style though. That's what makes him the guy that he is. He a double in triple that. He will. He's not the guy that comes back apologizing. Look, Trump is the only guy, and I am the biggest supporter of President Trump, okay?
Starting point is 00:16:54 No, but yeah. But Trump. And we're gonna surprise him. Anybody surprise him? Trump is a New Yorker, right? He talks like a New Yorker. He shoots from the hip, which is why people love him. And guess what?
Starting point is 00:17:08 Every once in a while, Trump's gonna say something that may not come across as being factually accurate, but he is the one guy that can say sometimes two different things in the same sentence, but somehow make it seem sense. Let me give you an example. I'm telling you, okay, that's a horrible. Lots of people say they're a very horrible person, okay? Great person. Maybe not. I don't
Starting point is 00:17:29 know. Okay. Could be good. Could be bad. But I, you know, great, great person. All right. So it could be good. Could be bad. Exactly. Right. Great person. So new New Yorkers have a tendency. There's a certain way that New Yorkers talk. And if you've spent time in New York, as I'm sure both of you have, like, like when you look at Donald Trump, you see a New Yorker, okay? And he knows how to be non-committal in a particular sentence, play both sides of it. How did he do in this interview? How do you think he did in this interview? So me, me watching it, okay? I think that, that it's confirmation bias for both sides,
Starting point is 00:18:04 okay? So I think people that hate Trump are going to look at it and they're going to look at it through the eyes of a comedian saying, look at his stupid graphs and blah, blah, blah, blah. I think that Trump supporters are going to look at it. And again, I'm admitting confirmation bias on both sides. And they're going to say, man, is the media ever going to give them a break or are they just hostile about everything? Because it used to be that even, dude, even Fox News, when they would sit down with Barack
Starting point is 00:18:31 Obama and there's no secret that the right hated Barack Obama, all right? But even when Fox News, Fox News would sit down with, yeah, like there was a level of decorum and respect that was given to the office, okay? And there was, it was not an outright attack. Like there may be a little bit of banter back and forth, but it was not like incessant attacks. They would even shake hands at the end.
Starting point is 00:18:55 There was jovialness. And behind the scenes at the White House press dinners and stuff, there would be love exchanged back and forth. That's not the way with the media when it comes to this president. Everything is vitriol. It's vitriol. Imagine Trump having to walk into every interview knowing that he is 100% on the defensive. He's 100% always having to defend like he's walking into a lion's den and not people that are actually trying to report news to the American people. I would agree with that. But what I'm asking you is, how do you think he did in this interview?
Starting point is 00:19:28 Like were there certain areas where you said, okay, that was probably, if you know, you're watching your favorite player play, let's just say someone plays against your favorite guys. Right. He got them there. Okay. He got them there. That was investment. What was his best moment for you?
Starting point is 00:19:42 Like, what made you cringe? Because I know, even though you're great support in, I know you crammed. Look, look, here's my belief, okay? Is I think the best thing he could have done was outright condemn Jolaine Maxwell. Okay, that's probably one, see, because I don't believe all lives matter.
Starting point is 00:20:02 Because I don't believe pedophiles lives matter. Just period, all right? Expassionate, yes, yeah, agree there. So she was, like, if there was one thing I could change about anything, it's Trump being able to walk back that and say, look, I probably shouldn't have said that, you know, that's the one thing. I said that a few times,
Starting point is 00:20:20 so why is he saying that a few times about her? You know, he said, he said, you know, I don't know, I don't know. You know, her boyfriend was in jail and I don't know if he died. He was killed, you know, suicide. You know, I don't know. I mean, I will find out. We'll find it's a lot of will find out versus that. That. Well, there's a lot more than just I've seen her a few times in West. By the way, like, for example, I'm not going There are relationships. There are relationships. There are relationships. There are relationships. There are relationships. There are relationships. There are relationships. There are relationships.
Starting point is 00:20:48 There are relationships. There are relationships. There are relationships. There are relationships. There are relationships. There are relationships. There are relationships. There are relationships.
Starting point is 00:20:56 There are relationships. There are relationships. There are relationships. There are relationships. There are relationships. There are relationships. There are relationships. There are relationships.
Starting point is 00:21:04 There are relationships. There are relationships. There are relationships. There are relationships. There are relationships. two African men having a mage, you know, had came and beat him up all this stuff. And they gave him a news and he was in tears interviewing with Donald Lamon and all this stuff was taking place with him. And eventually you're watching the immediate question when asked Trump, Trump said, terrible what happened. They need to be held, you know, immediately went to exactly. It's terrible.
Starting point is 00:21:21 And it wasn't a pedophile. And then that ended up being wrong, which is, it was just an act. That never happened. It was a set up. The guy gave him $3,000. The trainers came out and finally told the public what really happened. It was embarrassing, right? To just a small list.
Starting point is 00:21:33 And then similar to what happened in Bobo Wallace, why can't you just come out and say, listen, if all you have to say is, if what they're saying that she and he, if all of this is accurate, what she was involved in, that's terrible. But until it comes out, it's proof, why can't you say that? So I agree with you on what you're saying with the comments here. I wish I had a best before you. Just the same way he said, basically his phrase was proven to, you know, innocent and to proven guilt.
Starting point is 00:22:03 Sure. So, so, look, again, there's a lot of colloquialisms that in sayings that certain that you find with, with particular people and Trump has always followed up. Now, do I think it was a mistake when he said the first time 100%. I do not think he intended for it to come out of his mouth that he well wished anybody.
Starting point is 00:22:23 But here in Texas, we have a little saying like, well, she's an idiot. God bless her. Bless her little heart. Okay. Now, if Trump was to say, oh, she's a flip an idiot. Bless her little heart. Okay. The media would automatically say, he blessed her little heart. So, so, so, so, go, go to, go to a, uh, uh, go to bless her little heart. So go to go to go to what a conspiracy theories who hates Trump. Okay. How far could you go with that? Okay. Play devil's advocate. So. So let's play rate-cracketed. Yeah. Because so what I'm saying now, how do you view that? How do you process that yourself? I mean like I said, when I process it, the first thing I say was there's a little more to the story than what is being
Starting point is 00:23:05 displayed because how could you in your right mind even say something like that you know under those circumstances. But are you going to a you said oh he must have had some connection with them and something happened or no are you saying he may have gone to the island is that kind of where you're going yeah yeah that's where you're going. I'm so glad I glad to go on that. There is. Well, I'm not going to say that he necessarily went to the island, but I will say this that they definitely had a relationship more than what he said. And he's, oh, I've seen her a little bit in West, but no, you've seen a more than a little bit in West.
Starting point is 00:23:36 Little fact check, who was the one person out of New York City that went to the FBI and filed a report saying Jeffrey Epstein is a pedophile and you need to do something about it. Who was that? That was, yes, ladies and gentlemen, Donald Trump. It was Donald Trump. The only guy that cooperated with the FBI and said, hey, the more I get to know this dude, he's got some issues. Okay, but did he, did he, did he foul it all her as well? So he found it all. Watch, watch, watch, watch, watch. That's what I think. He relationship with him and him could be. He's a main guy. I mean, Jeffrey says her, she's part of it.
Starting point is 00:24:12 So because she's a girlfriend. So, but you blame wine person. That's something else. Look, West Palm Beach, West Palm Beach. We're talking about West, West Palm Beach. All right. We're talking about. Yeah. Yeah. Mara Lago Trump did what to Epstein, band Epstein from Mar-a-Lago. He banned him. Nobody wants to talk about this. What year was that? I will
Starting point is 00:24:34 find out for you. Can you pull that up? I'm actually curious. He banned him, but did he ban her? Because she's been in a lot of his rallies. He's been in a lot of his dinners and in the same place. I'm saying, I'm brave to be like I'm pushing him as much as I'm going to push you. Banning Kim is a form of banning her to me. But I'm saying she was still going to the dinners and everything. So even though you banned him, she was still showing up taking pictures and everything. Yeah, at that point, he didn't know her involvement and how, how much she was involved. She also took pictures with Elon Musk and like bro. No, I mean, I'm just saying. Right.
Starting point is 00:25:08 Let me, let me, if you ban one, I think you should ban the other. If that's where your mind said it. Pat's Instagram and YouTube famous. I'm Facebook famous. You're Denver Bronco two-time Super Bowl champion famous. Okay. So, so no, no, look, look, how many pictures have you taken with fans in your lifetime? An absolute insane amount, okay? Do you do you know their names? No, okay?
Starting point is 00:25:32 Even ones that you see multiple times and in fact, how many How many groupies are probably in your pictures somewhere girls that were around the team with some of your teammates They want a picture with you. You're Ray, lovable, crock it. You're nice to everybody. You're one of the nicest guys. You're taking pictures with people. Right. How many, like, could people come back to you later and say,
Starting point is 00:25:55 you took a picture with Jolaine Maxwell? Because maybe- But here's the difference. The difference is, they're not at my charity event, which I've done many a charity event. They're not at my charity event, buying $50,000 tables in there. That's different.
Starting point is 00:26:08 You know, you said I've taken pictures with a fan. Yeah, I've taken pictures with a fan, but somebody who's supporting or putting a hundred thousand dollars at one of my dinners at my charity event, but you would know what the difference is. You went to the same charity event. So the individual that put the same charity event, you paid money to them. They paid money to them. It's not they paid money to you to come to your charity event. That's a big difference by the way
Starting point is 00:26:28 2007 is when Epstein's account on Marlago was closed after an incident with another member's daughter So this is what trump did in 07 07 trump was you know Your fired Trump he was the imprentice Trump so it's pretty interesting to see that 13 years ago But but let me take it to a different level I'm taking it to a different angle. Why is he defending her? Okay? Why is he? I'm not thinking from his end Let me I got I'm not thinking from his end like I'm not going to oh Probably he went to the island like no, I'm not saying like Bill Clinton had 26 times that you see the name on the And all of a sudden I said that I'm just saying they had a personal relation I'm not saying I. I'm just saying they had a personal relationship. I'm not saying, I'm not defended it as saying he's meant to the island.
Starting point is 00:27:08 I'm just saying they had a more personal relationship than what he's making out to be. He's saying, oh, I've seen her a couple of times in West, but the relationship was more than that. That's what I'm saying. Pat. That's all conjecture. Trump is not defending her. You want to know who Trump's defending him? He's defending his statement, which was a misstatement. It was him mispeaking.
Starting point is 00:27:32 He's not defending her. He's defending his mis-spoken statement that in my opinion, okay, and I agree with 99.9% of the stuff that Trump does. In my opinion, that's one time that you come out and say, look, that was a slip of the tongue. That was me being New York, you know, and stuff. He's doubling down. So I'm saying something else. Here's what I'm saying. Is it fair to say that from the 1500 and 11 names
Starting point is 00:27:56 or whatever that came up from the book that Jillene Maxwell had and a lot of different names were on that list? A couple of things that happened. Yes, on value-taming, right? We got a lot of messages. You say, why'd you have Alan Dershwin? Alan Dershwin's on that list. And he's happens. Yes, son. Now you're taming. We've got a lot of messages. Hey, why'd you have Alan Dershwin? Alan Dershwin's on that list.
Starting point is 00:28:07 And he's in a hot seat right now. Alan's going through some challenge and times right now. But the reason why I'm asking this son, why he's defending is a couple different things. One angle I go with is the following. Number one, I say, maybe, and again, I'm being the devil's advocate, I'm a guy. Let's just say I'm a fan that oh, but let's just I'm a fan of Biden and I really don't want this guy to get elected. What am I thinking? I'm trying to think like that person. Okay. Is it that he is defending somebody on his camp?
Starting point is 00:28:35 Is it that he's defending somebody on his camp that he doesn't want the name to come out because he's worried if he Says something toward that person behind closed versus say man, listen, I just want you know, I was kind of involved You know 22 years ago or 19 years ago. don't want you to push you out because she knows and she that's what I'm available okay so imagine your your Trump and somebody's on the camera and say do can you please not push your too hard because she has something on me and Trump's like why the hell do you put him in this corner why are you doing this to me I don't want to defend her but like if you do and I come out it's hurt me. So take the closest people that are in this camp and maybe they have some connection, right?
Starting point is 00:29:09 Let's just say it's not him. Now give it a next part. Here's the other part. The other part why I think maybe he's doing that is the following. Here's the other part, the angle that I take, is maybe he is trying to defend her because he wants to make sure she doesn't get killed
Starting point is 00:29:25 because he wants all those stories to come out. Maybe that's the angle. And maybe the angle is to say, okay, Epstein was in jail. I talked to Sam Edobo Gervano. He says it's impossible, practically impossible. He was at that same place to kill yourself and commit suicide. It's not possible. I don't know how you would do it.
Starting point is 00:29:43 Most likely, he was killed. But I don't know about suicide, right? Okay, fair enough. So if Epstein's gone, and you got a lot of people writing on politics that are worried, a lot of people writing on politics that are worried. If she's gone, it's pretty much over with. If she's gone, because all the other girls that were involved, people are like, oh yeah, well,
Starting point is 00:30:04 I don't know how well You really 17 maybe you were 18 this picture was saying how do we know this picture was taken this year You seem like you were 18. Yeah, defamation of character. You can manipulate that but you cannot manipulate her since she's got two video tapes of two politicians having sex with That color And then the other part that you have to be thinking about is the following. Okay. And by the way, if you're watching this, thank you for tuning in and put a thumbs up if
Starting point is 00:30:29 you're enjoying this and share this with others. Let's see if we can crack a thousand on a new sub channel that we started here. Put the thumbs up and share this with your peers and comment on this topic. Why do you think Trump said the comments that he said about July max? Well, I'm actually curious to know what you think about it. Maybe an angle that we haven't thought about. So here's the last thing. The last thing is, if that comes out, say everyone's,
Starting point is 00:30:51 it's Bill Clinton, Bill Clinton's video, and they have it, and Bill Clinton, and you know, by the way, right now, we're working at Homes on Palm Beach this week. When we look at a Homes on Palm Beach, guess what I'll, guess what I'll realtor send one home for sale to look at Palm Beach. Do you want to pull up the Homes on Palm Beach right now?
Starting point is 00:31:03 The number one most viewed home right now in America. The number one most viewed home right now in America that's on sale. Do you know what house it is? Go to Palm, West Palm Beach, Epstein's house is the number one most viewed home for realtors in America and people are not going there. Kai Epstein, not Epstein. Okay, it's going's gonna be alright, buddy go to it Now that's not the one go to it. It's a 21 21 million dollar house I'll let you find it while I'm going through it. The other part is this say it comes out that some happen between Clinton and a minor Say it is on video say it is say it is right who looks bad To the world who looks bad actually think about who looks bad to the world
Starting point is 00:31:48 Who loses here? I think Hillary loses no who looks bad to the world Clinton looks bad to the world of course they do but they already look bad But who really looks bad to the world? You know who looks bad to the world America looks bad Yeah, because because all of the other nations are gonna say look how dirty they're people Yeah, look how dirty so so in a way, you know again for me I go to the conversations that's being had like you know when you're on a team and you're injured You're playing football the other day we're talking about and you were telling us dad look when I played football back in a Days dude we were injured by the time season started because practice was a game Right and we had three dayers, and then practice starts and hey, hey take the shot man
Starting point is 00:32:29 Take the shot on your knee. I know it's not good for you. Take the shoot. Hush. Don't say anything. Let's keep it between us How much of that stuff happens behind closed doors, right? Oh, they so I'm talking about what is being said about the hush Hush stuff during that time. By the way, if you want to pull up the picture. This is the house right now. That's for sale That's the house in Palm Beach, that they're selling in Palm Beach right on the water. You're going to pay $21, $22 million to have this house and $22 million right now, that's on sale. You could probably get a killer deal on it. That's what I was about to say. I'm sure you can get a better deal. It's a similar thing that happened to the never, never, never what it was. Yeah, I'm like a Jackson, never, never, never, never
Starting point is 00:33:04 land. Yeah. That place was being sold for $160 million they brought it down I think they'll sell it right now for $30 million a couple thousand acres on Santa Barbara pretty much right which is prime real estate and no one still wanted to buy because that whole you know stigma being there so I don't know so I don't know okay tell me this thing just on your last one if was it, if it's because he really wants her to be alive and stay alive because he really wants the politicians or whoever the names that are on the list
Starting point is 00:33:35 to come out, then why don't you just say that? I mean, why would you have to wish? Well, I'm saying, I said, no. Wait, wait, wait, no. I'm not saying you said in that manner, like, but why don't you say something other than I wish her will? Why don't you say that? That's what I'm saying, I'm saying, no. Wait, wait, wait, no. I'm not saying you say it in that manner, like, but why don't you say something other than I wish her will. Why don't you say, that's what I'm saying. That's what I'm saying.
Starting point is 00:33:50 Do you say she needs to be protected? Or we want, you know what I'm saying? Well, I will say this, the prison that she's being held in just got a brand new warden. Right. So they're trying to ensure her safety. New warden's name Filareclin a Filaree finton Filareclin by the way Michael Michael myolo says don't forget that Trump was the only person to volunteer his time and information for Epstein's prosecution
Starting point is 00:34:16 Yeah, 100% I think he knows she's gonna cop out like Epstein So he wished her well hoping to survive to get some info But good luck, LOL, she's gone. Okay, that's Mo game Z. Okay, and you gotta, if we find out the real truth, this government is over 70% of elected people in Washington are perverts and he jail time says, Zoltan best dude. Again, you don't know this stuff.
Starting point is 00:34:38 I don't know the whole story. I don't know what's going on in this world. Both the RNC and I say this world in the political world, the political world. The number one place for sex trafficking, okay? Number one place for sex trafficking prostitution, the Super Bowl. Number two and three, the DNC and the RNC conventions, okay? Do I think there's bad dudes on both sides of the aisle?
Starting point is 00:35:01 One thousand percent. Do we need to weed them out and hang them by their necks? Dude, I am a boy. I think we're gonna say by their nuts. I'm gonna say hang them by something else. First their nuts and then their necks. Pat, that's a visual right there. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:35:17 I believe with pedophilia that we should go back to public executions and that we should drive it so far out of America. I think we ought to hang these people. Every single one of these people that they're able to convict should be hung in the middle of Washington, DC, for the entire world to see America does not mess around with pedophiles. You would fit very well in the Middle East by the way, if you were me. I mean, that's not here. So okay, so now let's go to the next part. That's one of them. Let's still stay on the interview.
Starting point is 00:35:46 What did you take from the angle of the data? Well, here's this. Well, here's that. Well, here's that. Listen, people are dying. It is what it is. It's happening. Right.
Starting point is 00:35:56 What do you think about that part? Was that just kind of like- The first thing I'll say is the graph. I think my son, five-year-old, could have did those graphs. That's the first problem. Pulling out the graph that I saw. I was like, oh, who did it? I think my son five year old could have done those graphs That's the first problem put it out the graph that I saw I was like, oh, who did that? I don't I don't know where you a graph is a graph I was just funny the way it was it was showed. I mean it looked like you're in elementary school You see this graph. We're at the bottom means we're at the top. I mean
Starting point is 00:36:22 Okay, what one one at the bottom, means we're at the top. I mean, okay. Hey, one, one, one, one quick thing to point out is that Maxwell's father, this is coming from somebody in the, I think, Jai Patel is the one that originally said this, Maxwell's father extremely connected was extremely connected in the political slash secret underworld. Everyone says, Miss Saad, everyone says this, that's CIA and stuff. So remember, her family has a ton of political connections and probably even more sensitive information outside of the pedophile island, not to bring the topic back up. But I do think that this is what I love about Value Tainers Pat.
Starting point is 00:37:09 Reading through the comments section, these guys are informed. Okay, like this is not your average podcast audience. These are smart dudes out here in the comments section. She'll shout out to all of the Value Tainers back to you, Ray. So, okay, so let's go back to it. Again, final thoughts, the interview. There was one part for me where I said the interview asked the one question that people are not asking because Trump will say things like, look, many people are saying that, you know, I should have even done this and many people are saying that they, he keeps saying, who's they? Who is they? Who is they? Who is they? And Trump's like, well, you can look them up, but who is they? You never had an answer. You never had an answer for that. That was there. That day is another double talk to kind of get your point
Starting point is 00:37:48 across when you're studying people that are experts in that part of the day. They, they, they, it's an out. That's a distraction of throwing somebody else in there without throwing somebody else in there. I think Trump underestimated the interviewer could come in with fire. And the other part I will say is the following.
Starting point is 00:38:06 Here's what I will say. Here's the part I will say. Again, I cannot tell you how much I respect this quality of Trump. I cannot tell you, Ray, how much I respect this quality of Trump. Back in high school, fight took place. You came after high school to meet somebody. You knew that guy was gonna whoop your ass. Let's just say.
Starting point is 00:38:29 But the fact that you showed up. Showed up anyway. And you say you lost the fight? People would say, I don't know what it is with that guy. Eventually, the big guys just didn't want to pick on you because you were willing to fight them and you were annoying. So eventually, you won the war, but you lost a couple fights getting
Starting point is 00:38:45 there. The part about Trump, you can't put anybody in his league when it comes out to this. Nobody. You can't put Obama. You cannot put Bush. You cannot put Clinton. You cannot put senior. You cannot put Reagan. You cannot put, you cannot put nobody in this, at the level of a, a, a Trump and in this is a level I'm talking about. You wanna do an interview? Come on down. So I go, you wanna fight? Let's go.
Starting point is 00:39:11 That's Trump's attitude. I'm not afraid of you. Bring it. That's his attitude. He sits down with adversaries that, if you're his camp, you would say, don't do this interview. I'ma do the interview.
Starting point is 00:39:23 You shouldn't do this interview. I'ma do the interview. You shouldn't do this interview. I'm gonna do the interview. He doesn't care if Ellen DeGeneres invited him to go on to chew and she said I will never have a month. If Ellen DeGeneres had him on, she would go. Okay, if you have Jimmy Kemmel invited him back or Jimmy, he would go, but he's not afraid of nobody. The interviewers are afraid of this guy when they sit with him because he's so fearless. That is one quality. If I'm sitting down myself and I'm thinking about somebody that's gonna be the leader of a country,
Starting point is 00:39:55 I'd much rather vote for a guy that's willing to come out than a guy that's willing to hide in a basement. I want the guy to come out of the basement and go to war. Not the guy that's just, you know, the guy in the basement sitting there hiding, don't say anything, don't say like, right now the campaign, the biggest criticism you're hearing of Joe Biden right now is what?
Starting point is 00:40:09 The biggest criticism, where is he? His campaign is, his campaign is, don't campaign. That is his campaign. The campaign of the DNC right now is Trump sucks, Trump sucks, Trump sucks, Trump sucks, Trump sucks, not Biden's gonna do this. Biden's gonna do that. Biden's gonna, Trump sucks, Trump sucks. Trump sucks, Trump sucks, not Biden's going to do this. Biden's going to do that. Biden's going to Trump sucks, Trump sucks.
Starting point is 00:40:27 He's a white guy. Yeah. His entire plan is to make the election a referendum on Trump and not a referendum on Biden. If Biden campaigns, he eventually gets exposed, okay, and just wait for these debates. All right. Just wait for these debates. And that's going to be the main problem for Biden.
Starting point is 00:40:45 Is that we all know that at times he seemed to be ill-equipped mentally. Yeah, sure. So that's going to be the problem. If he can just manage to somehow some way with Stan, doing those, you know, then he'll be okay, but it's going to be tough for him and we all know that. But back to Trump. Is that it? I mean, when you say he's fearless and and he'll meet anybody basically, sometimes being fearless can's a here's the part with him. He says you want to interview me ask anything. Ask anything. So for example I have guys that
Starting point is 00:41:31 come in here when I interview them right? That's I know. Give me that paper. Don't ask me this right. Right. Right. What I send it back in my head. I'll say well it's crazy. The president's willing to interview and ask anything and you're afraid of this thing. Yeah. I've had people right now that I don't So I'm so he's like ask me anything you want to ask me go for it. And by the way, here's the reality of it It's fair to say he got elected. He's the president period at this point what America wanted after Bush was Obama They didn't want Hillary after a Bush they didn't want McCain after Bush they They didn't want McCain after Bush. They wanted Obama.
Starting point is 00:42:05 America after Obama's first term, they didn't want Ramni. They wanted Obama. America after two terms of Obama, they didn't want Hillary. They wanted Trump. This is it. America's, we are voting for this guy to do what he's doing, right? They like, this is a stalas.
Starting point is 00:42:21 Not like we don't know how a stalas. The difference between Trump and Obama's the following. You know how long Obama was famous before we became a president? How long was Obama famous before we became a president? A year. No. No. No. How long was Obama famous before we became president? No. He was. No. He became president. What year? Oh, wait. When did he give the DNC speech? Oh, four. Oh, four. So four years he was famous before we became present and how long is Trump and famous? A very long time. What's a very long time? Since his 20s. Who has
Starting point is 00:42:49 ever been this famous for this long, this relevant and eventually became president? Do you realize when you're famous for that long, how much dirt is going to be on you until you eventually run? This guy is a guy that's not afraid of nobody. He's to be able to witness somebody like this today, 50 years from now, when he's no longer here, when they're writing history books about this guy, this, he is the most anomaly type of a personality. We've ever had as a president.
Starting point is 00:43:16 We've never had somebody like this. So everybody is so diplomatic. This guy's not a diplomatic guy. So what do you think, I mean, why do you think that is? Why do you think the world was ready for someone as diplomatic? I don't say that the world was ready for it. I think the one thing, I think a big part of America,
Starting point is 00:43:33 like for example, like right now, perfect example to give you. TikTok's bullion. Okay, hey, we're gonna be able to log on to your phone and get all the data. Really? Yeah. All we can get away, Americans are stupid.
Starting point is 00:43:43 Let me tell you man, they're idiots. Just give any American a good app and give them some music. They'll give you their information. They'll give you their practicality. The Americans are so stupid. Give them entertainment. That's how China looks at Americans. Yeah, yeah, no.
Starting point is 00:43:55 We're smarter. We're brilliant. You're not. Americans are this. Okay, great. No problem. So guess what happens? TikTok tries to bully and bully and bully and bully and bully.
Starting point is 00:44:04 And bully? Eventually somebody says, ah, September 15th, you don't sell your out. So Microsoft's gonna end up buying TikTok for $10 to $20 billion. It's a steal, by the way, just so you know that. And on top of that, guess who TikTok helped? You know who TikTok helped? Instagram.
Starting point is 00:44:18 Instagram. You know who TikTok helped? TikTok could potentially help create a resurrection for Snapchat that's been dead for three years. TikTok could potentially help create a resurrection for Snapchat that's been dead for three years. TikTok could bring back Snapchat. That's how business works. So if you want to bully American people with misinformation and politics, eventually you're
Starting point is 00:44:37 bullying American people to vote for somebody like Trump. You did it to yourself. Simple as that. So let me quickly answer the original question. Why would Trump go out and why would he take interviews like this? What benefit does it have to him? Okay. So the guy's interviewing him for who? For HBO, right? Okay. He's interviewing. Now, where is that going to be played? It's going to be played on a predominantly liberal platform. Okay. There's, there's a lot of liberals there. So who HBO or the left put themselves
Starting point is 00:45:08 in a lose, lose situation when you say to Trump, hey, Trump, come away from Fox News and come over here. And why don't you talk to us for a while? Because are you gonna change any of Trump's bases mind about him? Zero. Okay, Trump supporters are Trump supporters. We're going to stink with them period unless he does something irrational, unconstitutional, et cetera, et cetera. But when I get the
Starting point is 00:45:34 opportunity to go speak over here, now I have the opportunity to show my ideas to these people and potentially win them back over here. So to me, it's a stupid idea from the left to bring Trump onto any of your programs because the only loser can be you. Sure, you may be able to dunk on him for a couple points, but you're not going to change anyone's mind, which is honestly going to the NFL. I think the NFL was in a lose, lose position with Trump
Starting point is 00:46:04 because is Trump going to lose his base over going after Colin Kaepernick? No, he's not like his base is pro flag pro America pro anthem, but does the NFL lose any of its market share? Of course, because a lot of conservative like look, Trump has 50% of the country that loves them 50% of the country that hates him, right? Okay. The NFL pretty much the the country that hates them, right? Right. Okay.
Starting point is 00:46:26 The NFL, pretty much the entire country love the NFL, right? But now there's dudes like me that flipping despise these players that are disrespecting the national anthem and disrespecting the flag. So who's then I do I need the one, but okay. Okay. But who's the loser in that situation? The NFL, it's not Trump. Trump doesn't lose any of his support, but the NFL loses some that I, I think to me, it's the same situation here. That's fine. Let me walk into an adversarial situation.
Starting point is 00:46:57 If I can take 10% of your audience and they say, maybe that guy's not all that stupid. I actually won. You can dunk on me all you want, but I won the voters. And to me, that's what Trump's going after. And Trump, to me, is doing a better job because he's going after social media while what Biden just announced that he's putting the biggest ad spend into television. Like, so I think this is Trump being relevant, going to places like bar still sports. He just did one with bar still sports going on HBO. To me, this is him making an argument for you to vote for him, you know.
Starting point is 00:47:30 And and and some of it as well, like you said, some people may come out with that thought process. And then some people may come out with the other thought process. I thought process, as you said, about New Yorkers, New Yorkers, I mean, right or wrong, they're known as major bushiders. So some people just say, yeah, he's a New Yorkers. New Yorkers, I mean, right or wrong, they're known as major bushiders. So some people just say, yeah, he's a New Yorker. He can bush it his way through anything. And he's proving it. That's, I mean, you also have that thought process. It's funny. So one of the first meetings that Pat and I had when I came to value
Starting point is 00:48:00 teaming, I won't get into it, but I drew a bunch of stuff. Sorry, can I say bullshit? No, no, you can't. I drew a bunch of stuff up on the board. And Pat looks at me and says, Josh, look, it looks good. Bob, Bob, Bob, Bob, but let's just be honest. You can be as you wait. Yeah, no, no. Through this stuff without putting any thought into it. I think Trump is obviously he's on that level to where he can.
Starting point is 00:48:25 He can walk into anything. And I think that's what makes him on to your point. I think that's what makes him fearless. But let's just say, okay, so let's just say that's the case. But I tell you one thing he has that you cannot underestimate is he's a true believer, period. This guy loves me. No, and I agree with you.
Starting point is 00:48:43 So for me, I don't, I don't, if I have a guy, okay, I'll give you, okay, then I'll ask you a simple question for you. Let's just say he's a bullshitter. So I'll give you two different things. Say you have two options for a person to lead your country. A bullshitter who's a salesman, who loves the idea. A bullshitter who really believes. No, wait a minute.
Starting point is 00:49:01 A bullshitter who loves what America's all about. He's a bullshitter, he's a great salesman. But he loves and will defend the idea of America. You ready for the other one? Here's the other one. The other one is somebody who, you know, maybe isn't as big of a bullshitter. Maybe he is not good liar,
Starting point is 00:49:19 but he really could care less about America. He just cares about his own pocket, his own legacy, his own stuff. Which one do you want to lead your nation? And he's prepared. Which one do own legacy, his own stuff. Which one do you want to lead your nation? And he's prepared. Which one do you want to lead your nation? Which one do you want to lead your nation? Of course you want somebody who really has a core.
Starting point is 00:49:31 You want somebody who's core value. So you just say, but here's a thing though, but if you have a choice, if you have a choice and that other person cares just as much, then I want that guy. Well, you don't have that person. You got the Biden guy. Well, I'm just saying. You have to show Obama a different story.
Starting point is 00:49:49 If you got, I mean, yeah, right now, I mean, right now, I will be the first to say that as far as, and I say this first and foremost, I'm not a Republican or Democrat. I'm for what is right. I'm not for a left or for right. I'm for right. And by the way, just so I'm gonna what is right. I'm not for a left or for right. I'm for right. And by the way, just so I'm going to be very careful. We sit down multiple times when we talk.
Starting point is 00:50:11 You know, a lot of people say that and they just kind of say it because it's kind of safe statement to make. He's like that. Just so you guys and I'm just telling you to say, I'm like that all the time. Like if I'm if I and I go to Westpoms, I have plenty of Republican friends. I mean, business part, whatever. And I tell them to there. If I think, and I go to West Pops, I have plenty of Republican friends. I mean, business part, whatever. And I tell them to therefore, if I think it's right, it's right. If I think it's wrong, it's wrong. So what do you think?
Starting point is 00:50:32 So I don't care who it is. But over here, I think the Democrats, we, I mean, there's a problem. There's a problem because I don't think that there was anyone over on that side that was running at this time. That doesn't have flaws, major flaws. That's better than Biden, don't you? I mean, we have a couple of few that were better candidates than Biden. No, I would say there's something that were better candidates than Biden,
Starting point is 00:50:55 but at the end of the day, there was still going to be a problem. No question about it, but okay, so to go back to it, I mean, at this point in the game, your two options are Trump and Biden. Who are you more comfortable? Who are you more comfortable knowing to lead a nation? You. I would say this.
Starting point is 00:51:09 I would have to say at this point, Trump will probably say that you're more comfortable with, but at the end of the day, I'm not comfortable with either one, to be honest. Do you have a 51-49 split rate? It's something like that. Seriously, I'm not comfortable with either one. I'm with you. Okay. So, so, so I mean, I understand your situation. If Cuomo was running against Trump, I would be I would be Cuomo. Okay. You'd be Cuomo. Okay. So now let's talk about what Cuomo just said. Okay. Did you want him to show something? Well, so the same way that you you lovingly trolled our good friend two-time Super Bowl champion
Starting point is 00:51:45 Ray Crockett. I just want to quickly, while we're on the Trump Biden subject, I want to show you, and I think you're going to appreciate this, Ray. If you go to DonaldJTrump.com, okay? Now this is Donald Trump's website, okay? Just show it. All right. His website, beautiful website. It's a hilarious. It's Trump's website, okay? Just show it, all right? His website, beautiful website.
Starting point is 00:52:05 It's a hilarious. It's a great website, okay? But I want you, as Kai is doing this, Kai normally types a bunch of gibberish, all right? So he's just gonna do what he does. And look, he's just typing a bunch of gibberish. All right, oh, you put in characters that are not allowed. Okay? If you, if you just type in characters that are not allowed. Okay.
Starting point is 00:52:25 If you, if you just type in a bunch of gibberish, on Trump's website, it says, it appears you are as lost as me. Let me tell you that it's so great. So do another one, do another one, just to kind of show to people, just anything. Yeah, you go.
Starting point is 00:52:43 Just boom. And it goes straight here. Doesn't matter what kind of show to people, just anything. Yeah, yeah, go. Just boom, and it goes straight here. This doesn't matter what kind of gibberish you type on Trump's website. If it's a broken link where most websites would say this website doesn't exist, you know, return to homepage, he's gonna troll Biden with this. To me, this is next level.
Starting point is 00:53:02 This is next, this is for you. It's been a marketer. He made it the greatest market ever run a profit. Of course, well, at the end of the day, he's a businessman. That's what he does. I mean, that's, that's, he's been in marketing on most presidents or not what he is as for as being a businessman, being in marketing, understanding market and blowing. Do you want a president that's a businessman or do you want a president
Starting point is 00:53:22 that's a lifelong politician? Which do you prefer? It'd be, I mean, it would be tough to say because I believe that all politicians has different agendas. All of them have. Right. Don't be diplomatic. I'm going to tell you, I will be I will say this. You were about to say this. I would, no, I'm gonna tell you, I will be the first to say, when Trump first started writing, I mean, I've met Trump several times
Starting point is 00:53:52 before he became president. And I liked him. I mean, I mean, I'll be the first to say, I mean, he was a good dude, cool dude. I wouldn't have, I never saw any of, like with the tweets and all this. It seems to me he became a different person when he became president. I will say that.
Starting point is 00:54:08 But as a businessman, I mean, I, I definitely want that question. Yeah. I would rather have a businessman. Okay. That does business. Correct. So now let's, let's, let's do this. This, this, this to me is, I think you nailed it.
Starting point is 00:54:21 I think that you said something. You may not have realized how brilliant what you said actually was, okay? This has been the problem with American politics for a long time, and this is why America loves Donald Trump, okay? But it's why they wanted to watch watch watch watch watch. It's because they thought it was going to change. The American system has been so jacked up for such a long time because what happens is this guy gets elected mayor. Then he has, uh, then he wants to become a congressman. Then he goes to Congress. Then he wants to be a senator. Then he goes to Senator. Then he wants to be what part? He wants to be president or vice president.
Starting point is 00:54:53 So he wants to get paid. But the problem, the, well, the, the, well, I would say it's less about getting paid. It's more about being power hungry. But, but, but what comes with power? Yeah, I know. Yes. Yeah. The issue is this way is that there's a lot of these guys that have been in the swamp for 30 years or 20 years, or even 10 years before they become president. By that time, you've had so many backroom checks cut to you and so many agencies. This is the way that the United States was set up by our founding fathers was this, is that there is a federal government, okay? But the office of the president is the office of the citizen
Starting point is 00:55:32 that oversees the federal government. This is the beauty of checks and balances. So the way that it was intended was for it not to be a politician that set up the federal government, not somebody that worked their way up through the system, but it was supposed to be a citizen that would oversee and represent you and me to make sure that the federal government never got out of control.
Starting point is 00:55:52 For a long time, we have had a system, a crony system, where people worked their way into office, and by the time they get there, they are corrupt, they have interest, except just to your point. This is the first time This is the first time in our lifetime and maybe for a very sin of foundation since George Washington That an actual citizen walked directly into the White House as a businessman and never went through the political channels and People know the guy's already worth money. He can't be bought if he wants to 70 years old
Starting point is 00:56:24 He should be sitting on a beach with his feet in the sand. There's no way you're in that job unless you love America and you want to see America do good. That's why I want Trump in there representing me to China because Joe Biden has his son has received billions of dollars. Hillary Clinton's foundation, billions of dollars from outside interest. Trump walks in. They know they can't be bought He's a little crazy because you love America doesn't make you right
Starting point is 00:56:49 I mean, you can say I mean I just because you love America doesn't mean you don't do faulty stuff Bro, nope, nope, I mean that doesn't class, you know, I'm saying that it doesn't necessarily gets you Is anybody saying that Trump's perfect? No, okay, but I would much rather a guy with good intentions. There's a reason that my wife trusts the decisions that I make, okay? It's not because they're always the right decisions. I've made some bad investments in my life, but my wife trusts me to make decisions because she knows I love her more than I love me.
Starting point is 00:57:19 And so she doesn't question decisions that I make because she's like, babe, I know that even if you make the wrong decision you did it with my best interest at you just say something that was brilliantly said and you so eloquently put it you said because she knows I love her more than I love me there we go that's the problem we think Trump loves him more than he loved us Period then why him because as as you see just like you said if if you love something else If your why is bigger than you then you are quicker to come back and say You felt it was and you wish he would have just said, okay, I was wrong, but that's not Trump because Trump loves himself more. He doesn't want to be wrong.
Starting point is 00:58:11 He's not going to admit that he's wrong. He thinks Trump loves America more than he loves himself. Oh, 100%. Why would he step, watch, why would he, no, that's some be, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. No, you don't believe that. Why would Trump step into watch, why would Trump step into an office where he knows that his net worth is going to take a huge hit If he doesn't love America pack because he loves power more no, I don't get to be the president
Starting point is 00:58:36 All three of us you all but wait, but wait, here's here's your thing You just said his net worth is going to take a hit by becoming president, but his ego is not. He loves his ego more. If he becomes president and I got let's just say myself. If I had such a huge ego and I'm all about me If I got five billion, I'm worth five billion and I'm a lose one billion. I come from a different school of thought. Here's a school of thought I come from. Let me let me tell you by the way, we have to transition to the next topic. I come from a different school of thought. Here's a school of thought I come from. Let me let me tell you, and by the way, we have to transition to the next topic. We've been on this for too long. Here's a school of thought I come from. Okay, when you get on a flight, okay, and the flight attendant starts telling you the info and they say, hey, you know, at this point, we're gonna, if a mask drops, make sure to protect who first.
Starting point is 00:59:20 You're still first before you protect who. You're kids. Why? Because you have to be okay for your kids. Yeah, by the way, a mother is a better mother to her kids if she loves herself first, okay? And a father is a better father to his kids if he loves himself first. And a husband is a better husband if he loves and takes care of himself first and then her.
Starting point is 00:59:44 But I understand what you're saying The I met your wife. I know how she's I know how much she trusts you. I know your marriage I know what you've done the decisions you made you know There's a tremendous respectful what you did the point is of course Trump loves himself more than he loves anybody else first But I don't think there's anything wrong with that. I know I I think I think it's Crattered to this a different story than love meaning America gave me such an incredible life Now I'm at a phase of my life that I may want to give back But I Pat would you 90% of Trump's life was given to Trump more than it was given to America Pat
Starting point is 01:00:16 Nothing wrong with that though. I'm not I'm not I'm not I'm not bashing it would and I know the answer This question would you die for this country a hundred percent? Okay? Are you and answer honestly? Are you die for this country? A hundred percent. Okay. Are you an... Answer honestly, are you a narcissist? Yes. All three of us are narcissists. What?
Starting point is 01:00:31 Watch, watch, watch, watch. Okay. But you're a narcissist. I'm a narcissist. You're a narcissist. You don't get to where we're at in life unless you have that level of confidence, okay? I know what you're saying.
Starting point is 01:00:41 I know what you're saying. And I know what he's saying. I know what he's saying. I know what he's saying. I know what he's saying. I know what he's saying. I know what you're saying. And I know what he's saying. I know what he's saying. I know what you're saying. I know what you're saying. I know what you're saying. I know what you're saying.
Starting point is 01:00:49 And I know what he's saying. I know what you're saying. And I know what he's saying. And I know what he's saying. And I know what he's saying. And I know what he's saying. And I know what he's saying. And I know what he's saying.
Starting point is 01:00:57 And I know what he's saying. And I know what he's saying. And I know what he's saying. And I know what he's saying. And I know what he's saying. And I know what he's saying. And I know what he's saying. And I know what he's saying. And I know what he's saying. And I know what he's saying. And I know what he's saying. And I know what he's saying. And I know what he's saying. And I know what he's saying. And I know what he's saying. And I know what he's saying. And I know what he's saying. And I know what he's saying. And I know what he's saying. And I know what he's saying. And I know what he's saying. And I know what he's saying. And I know what he's saying. And I know what he's saying. And I know what he's saying. And I know what he's saying. And I know what he's saying. And I know what he's saying. And I know what he's saying. Do you think Trump loves himself more than he loves America?
Starting point is 01:01:05 He loves himself more than he loves America. But Pat, you love America more than you love yourself, right? No, I do not. Let me explain to you. The reason why I love America is because I'm able to love myself and respect myself to the level that I do that I can give more to the country I love. But if you said you would lay, But if I didn't love myself, there's no way any capacity to get back to it. If you said that you would lay your life down
Starting point is 01:01:27 for this country, that is the greatest act in American air can ever do because you are putting the ideals of America, the freedom of your beautiful little children above your own personal interest. So the very act of laying your life, and you served in the military, you signed an oath that you would defend it with your life, which means that
Starting point is 01:01:45 you love the ideals of this country more than you love your own personal well-being. I'm saying the same. The responsibility. Yes. It's likely different. It can go on. It's the same thing with Trump. It can go many different directions. Let's transition to Cuomo. Let's transition to Cuomo. Okay. So here's a challenge that I'm seeing. And by the way, I'm so glad this has happened into Cuomo. And I'm so glad these numbers are coming out. And I'm so glad people are talking about this. And here's what it is.
Starting point is 01:02:12 New York City loses hundreds of billionaires in wealth as residents skip town begging rich people to come back to New York. Let me say this one more time. New York City loses hundreds of billions of wealth as rich residents skip town while Cuomo, his begging rich people to come back to New York. Here's some stats for you. According to a report from New World, New World, and Webster Pacific, the combined wealth and big apple fell by $336 billion in the last 12 months, ending June 30th. let me say that one more time three hundred and thirty six billion dollars new york cities total wealth was valued at two point six six
Starting point is 01:02:51 trillion dollars compared with three trillion dollars during the same period now a lot of people said well people lost money during the pandemic billionaires have gotten richer during the pandemic we know that fact it's been talked about everywhere but new york officially got poorer during the same time by $336 billion. That's like saying $336 billion airs left town. That's like saying $3,360 people worth $100 million left town. That's like saying $33,600 people who live in New York who are worth $10 million skipped out. That's not a small number. So now tax collections in New York City dropped 46% in June.
Starting point is 01:03:31 Even while revenues generate in other parts of states recovered, that decline follows a 32% drop in May. And 23% decline in April. United Man Alliance CEO Mark Rogers, told Fox Business that the majority of residents moving out of Manhattan, 61% of them are earning over $100,000. Okay, and now New York is saying, even if tourists come to New York,
Starting point is 01:03:51 they have to quarantine for two weeks. So you watch this, okay, and for myself, I'll give you a situation here. We talked about this a couple of weeks ago. We were looking at four states on where we're gonna go after this, to compete in the media market and what the plans were. We're looking at four states on where we're going to go after this to compete in the media market and what the plans were. We're looking at LA, okay.
Starting point is 01:04:09 And in January, it's LA. We're going to LA. After Christmas, Christmas was great. We had a great time with the family. We were looking at a couple nice, you know, an old mentor of mine who had his house in Newport Beach. And we asked, I used to go do speeches with at this Newport Balboa Club. His house was on sale for 65 million.
Starting point is 01:04:25 You could have probably gone for 35 million. We were looking at some opportunities there, okay? Then we looked at Greenwich. We looked at a couple of my wife grew up with horses. You know the whole idea about kids being raised around horses. They're not intimidated by men. So it's good to be around horses. We wanted to get a place in Greenwich, okay?
Starting point is 01:04:40 Then we looked at here. Then we looked at Tennessee. Then we looked at Florida, okay? There's no way in the world a creative innovator can go to a place in New York or California and constantly be bullied and stay there long term. You have to realize California has such a great platform to sell on, but they suck when it comes down to taxes. New York has a beautiful platform to sell on. It's competitive number one market in the world to compete in.
Starting point is 01:05:08 But you're starting to realize, hey, all of this BS about how amazing New York and California are, it's coming at a price now. People are leaving you. You know where they're going? Do you know what most people in New York are going? Florida. Florida.
Starting point is 01:05:20 No state taxes. Good weather, come on down. I mean, you go to New York, have to people from New York. Water, you got that. You have to people from New York. So Cuomo, if you and I are talking, I ask you a question earlier, there's a game going on right now, Ray, that we're playing you and I, okay.
Starting point is 01:05:35 I asked you earlier, I said, if you had to vote between a Trump or Biden, who would just just say I really don't know Right, then I said if you had Cuomo, then you said you'd go Cuomo, right? Then I asked if you had the choice between a lifelong politician and a businessman You said well, you know, I don't know, but let you say okay, finally businessman, right? If Cuomo were to run America like he runs New York Unfortunately people will not leave New York. They will leave America It goes goes. It's going. Yeah. So what do we do with what is he running? Is he running New York like this because it's New York or is it because of you know,
Starting point is 01:06:17 let's just say if he was somewhere else, if he was Florida, do you think he's chasing him out of where you go? Your philosophies will follow you no matter where you go. And the use of husband is gonna be an abuse of husband. And I mean, if you're a Christian and a Britain, when you leave Britain, if you, Christian come to US, you're a Christian if you go to Iran, you're a Christian. So your philosophies follow you. I get that, but in business, those, it's a different mindset.
Starting point is 01:06:42 Like if you're, I'm a Christian wherever I go, but as a businessman, don't you adapt and adjust to where you are? No way, you're philosophy. You're philosophy. It's Trump gonna be different if he's in Kansas. It's Trump, you really think Trump's gonna, his style of business is gonna be more in Kansas?
Starting point is 01:06:59 Well, John, I'm so sorry, I don't wanna push you to it. We're gonna build a wall around Kansas. I'm pushing you and calling you. But Trump was built in New York, business. So it's cool, so want to get a bill. The wall around Kansas. I'm pushing you with corn. But he was, but Trump was built in New York business. So it's cool. So that's part of it. Almost. But I'm saying that's part of, but I'm saying, I guess what I'm trying to say with both
Starting point is 01:07:13 of those guys in actuality, would they be different or would they adjust according to where they are? I think, I think they would. I think, you know, from a business stand, I don't know what I'm saying with that. Because what they went through New York, their whole lives of business, right? So that's where their philosophy was raised. And that's where you got your philosophy from about where you were. Would you not have adjusted if you weren't in New York?
Starting point is 01:07:39 His philosophies are very close to his father's philosophy, Mario, who was the governor of New York, who people were begging him to run for president, and he said he doesn't want to do it. And Chris Cuomo is begging Andrew to want to run for office, and he's saying he's not going to do it. And Andrew is more like his father than Chris is like his father, nothing against anybody. Chris used to spend more time. And by the way, here's the crazy, you want to know the crazy stink? Here's the crazy stink.
Starting point is 01:08:03 When they're together, Chris and Andrew, I love seeing these guys together. Because all I think about is I think about if one day my sons have a relationship like these two have, I will love them. When I'm no longer here. So this doesn't come as a shot to them as a family. They build a legacy as a family.
Starting point is 01:08:17 All I'm talking about is, instead of bashing billionaires, when Amazon was getting ready to bring 25,000 jobs to New York, an average salary of $150,000 and AOC goes out there and says They're gonna abuse everybody can you know what her argument was do you know what AOC's argument was AOC's argument was if Amazon brings 25,000 jobs in New York for average salary 150,000 dollars. You know what she said she said they're gonna increase the rent What do you mean they're gonna increase the rent a lot of people salaries gonna go from 80 grand to 150 grand you want that competition you want that to come the ideology of the politicians in New York is hurting the Number one financial capital in the world that they're thinking politics first They're thinking politics and taxing the right Biden's going to meetings and just saying, just so you know, my campaign is taxing you.
Starting point is 01:09:07 I want to raise taxes. The moment you elect me, so right now deals are taking place. You know how many people are trying to get all the deals taking place this year because they're worried that Biden's getting elected and taxes are going to change next year? Heck yeah. People are frightened of it. And then Megan Moonau.
Starting point is 01:09:20 As you can see, to Texas. Here's data for you. Here's data for you. Here's data for you. When Iran bully and Iranians, you know what you know what tap Iranians left Iran You know how people say how many rich persons have you met? Persians and you you go to LA most persons are what how do you guys have so much money? Yeah, why the person's not Because the entrepreneurs left you around the workers left the runner. I cannot live over here anymore. You cannot bully
Starting point is 01:09:44 Yeah, the workers left the runner. I cannot live over here anymore. You cannot bully Entrepreneurs who create jobs. You know what I love about with Stephen A. Smith said, oh my god. That's the truth Let me take with Stephen A. Smith and we're gonna transition to NFL after this as well You can give some comments on Komi here in a minute But I want to kind of combine these two together. I know you've been meaning to say something No, just just want to but I'm gonna come to you. I'm gonna come to you Okay, you guys went off on Trump for 45 minutes prior to this But let me say this part. Yeah, but if you're enjoying this put a thumbs up and share this content We're getting to the last 45 minutes of this debate before we wrap up
Starting point is 01:10:14 But here's what Stephen A said meant A media company needs to recruit Stephen A away from ESPN Hmm, and they need to pay him a decent amount of money and go to Stephen A. Say to follow him. Stephen A. You know you're done with sports. You're deeper dead sports. Right. You are done with sports. All of these guys are sports guys. You're not a sports guy. You're a revolutionary guy. Stephen A. needs to leave sports. Stop talking about sports. A hundred years from now. Ain't nobody gonna remember Stephen A. Smith. Right. Because he's talking sports. Stephen A has strong philosophies that his mother taught him that gets him to be able to reason.
Starting point is 01:10:50 If you sit down with Stephen A and Stephen A talks about one time, he was growing up. And when he was growing up, he got a ticket and he did something stupid. And I don't know what it was. He tells a story on one of the interviews with me when we were together in ESPN. And he says, you know, I came home and I told my mom, it was because I'm black and it was because of this. And that, and mom says, what could you have done differently? How can you defend them? What do you do?
Starting point is 01:11:12 And she says, I don't want to hear the fact that you were black. What could you have done different? I'm sooner saying, wow, what a freaking value. And he says today, Max Kellerman and him went at it for, you know, the whole, oh, they'll beckom Jr. and Max said, I want NFO to be back because I'm a fan, but the right thing to do is to shut down the season, okay? And then Stephen, he says, no, I don't want the NFL
Starting point is 01:11:32 to come back because I'm a fan. I want NFL to come back because thousands of people are relying on a job. Exactly. I get paid because of the NFL, not even the athletes. These are regular people who have jobs. Exactly. That's why I want the NFO to come back And guess what? I don't have a problem if the owners make money
Starting point is 01:11:49 I don't have a problem if the NFL makes money because if the owners and the NFL makes money guess one makes money all the Regular and Trinkle down that can understand this and that was the one thing that I was saying about the California doesn't understand this exactly how do I understand this I agree? It's it's agree. It's insane and you want us to go You want us to just sit there and say oh, yeah, no problem rich people are bad rich people are bad rich people are bad We all grew up dreaming about what what was some of the kids main conversation? What would you do if you were a millionaire? We all asked each other this question was I broke
Starting point is 01:12:21 I asked this question all the damn time because I hated being broke. And mega millionaires. Dude, a billionaires have made so many millionaires so that I can do half the thing. How old were you Ray? When you sent with your friends and you said, dude, what are you gonna do Ray? When you go into the NFL, you get your first million dollar contract.
Starting point is 01:12:34 What are you gonna do? How old were you when you had that conversation? I'll be honest, I didn't have that conversation, but I did have conversations of running my own business. Did you have conversations of one day being rich? No doubt. No doubt. No doubt. And where you go now, I be am is what I was my own business. Did you have conversations with one they being rich? No doubt. No doubt. It's the dream.
Starting point is 01:12:45 No doubt. And where you're looking at IBM is what I was really looking at. I was like, one day, I want to work for IBM so that I can own a part of my own IBM. Were you raising a rich family? No. Were you raising in a bad part not safe where you know, yes.
Starting point is 01:13:00 Yes. OK. I was raised at a broken family mom and dad, you know, welfare kid. I'm the welfare guy that family mom and dad, you know, welfare kid I'm the welfare guy that went around on a shopping car collecting cans. We all dreamt about being rich So now we're bashing people who want to be rich. I don't know if it's a good idea, man And that's definitely not a good idea. It's not a good idea. So Josh I'm gonna turn it over to you cuz I know you got some things to say about Cuomo and all these things we're talking about just one
Starting point is 01:13:22 Here's why Cuomo would never win as president ever, ever, ever not one guy in Texas in the Midwest, not one guy that loves and respects himself is going to vote for governor Cuomo because of one issue. I don't know what it is. He has nipple rings. He has the biggest nipple rings. He would get my vote now. That's all about the fact that he has to get nipple rings. He had to get nipple rings. Because believe me, America likes to make history. The campaign would be this. You know, the campaign would be back to be real. The real ring would be this. I'm not that so for real as far as business to business. the only reason why I feel more people will vote for Cuomo now
Starting point is 01:14:07 It's because they feel he will be more of an honest business man in trough. I think most people want a business He lied though. He no Cuomo lied and said he doesn't have nipple reach. He said he doesn't have nipple reach once Look tell me this man Pulled up nice and big guy right down here Okay, the man has nipple bars Going through the man light and says a bad life. I don't have any nipple rings. You can see right here There's something there that's a bad lot
Starting point is 01:14:41 Got a lot of weird rings in different places but that's a big deal. You see a lot of people. That looks top. Private. No. Hey, Matt, yes or no, Matt, we got Matt's the ball in the house. You're one and only. There's a bunch of rings going on. One thing Matt and I have in common is Matt and I,
Starting point is 01:14:58 we, the one thing Matt and I have in common is we both married the first one when we kissed. It's the one thing we both have in common is we both married the first one when we kissed. It's the one thing we both have in common. Yeah, it's scientific. Scientifically proven. Pat, there is a question. Shut up, Toshina.
Starting point is 01:15:13 There is a question that is coming in from the audience and it's for Ray. Are you ready for this question, Ray? I'm not sure, but let's go. Look, if, look, I'm just as fearful. Fearless as Trump. Let's get it. If Patrick Bet David were a tight end, would you lock him down without a doubt?
Starting point is 01:15:34 Oh, we haven't seen my moves. Hey, you haven't seen my moves. And guess what, it doesn't matter. I've never met a tight end that could be me. Tony Gonzalez Shannon's show. Oh my highlight. Tony Gonzalez Shannon's show. I like highlight. Tony Gonzalez Shannon's show. I like, look, I like it all down. I mean, Emma Swasov.
Starting point is 01:15:50 Show them my highlights. I can't believe stadium. Look, unless he became a Hall of Fame tidy and overnight, I lock him down. Wow. And we gotta do that. And look guys, Ray Crockett, the number two, to me, the number two Denver Bronco to ever live number two greatest
Starting point is 01:16:09 Denver Bronco to ever live behind who Tim T-Bot It's Kim T-Bot the greatest I don't want to be on your list You just ruined it you just ruined it for the world. I don't want to be on your list. The magic man. So you got nothing else to say Cuomo. So we're skipping that one. All right. So that's the part. So let me just let me just close it out in your opinion. And I know how you feel about do you think Trump or Cuomo is the better business? Which one would you say honest from an honest standpoint?
Starting point is 01:16:43 Better business man. Yeah. From an honest standpoint. business man? Yeah from an honest standpoint because multiple business man No question Trump Trump is not even close from my honest standpoint though. No, I just Said honest. No, I'll give you the other part But let me tell you well. Let me tell you what I love about Koma. I will tell you this what I love about Koma You have to realize that I have I like Koma. This is what most people don't realize. I've tweeted out saying I would love to see a Andrew Kumo and Chris Kumo show together. I'd love to see these guys together. They are hilarious if you ever watch these
Starting point is 01:17:14 guys. Great relationship. And I went and watched the documentary of his father and I fell in love with the way that family was built, the challenge and the pushing, the competition. It's a very beautiful story that the Cuomo family. And Cuomo to me is very good on camera. I think the way Cuomo answers questions, I like his style of answering questions. I'm really a big fan of the way he answers questions. But there's a big difference between... He's become such a politician. And how you run a state.
Starting point is 01:17:42 You can... Listen, let me put it to you this way. So think about it this way. Think about it this way. Teams, right? You look a lot of different teams and you see what happens with certain teams. If you continue with,
Starting point is 01:17:55 we get letters at the home office all the time, complaints about people. And if they're one-offs, we just say, everybody complains about somebody. Oh, I wish I had a different bro. Grab would have well liked that. Okay, no problem. But if we get the same message from different people that are not in the same office over and over and over and over again, then the problems with the leader. The problems now with the business, the problems, not with the individual problems with the leader. Okay. The common denominator. Go to a sports
Starting point is 01:18:21 team and a coach that players haven't like to play for Okay, what what coaches have players left that have or organizations do you know any organizations people? They don't want to play for oh, yeah many of them Yeah, do you remember there was a time where Clippers were about to have a massive exit is unless if Stirling cells and he sold for 2.2 billion to a bomber. How many organizations have you seen with this? I do I'm not gonna play for the sonar. Yeah, you know that behind closed doors. Was there every team that you said, I'd never played for that team?
Starting point is 01:18:49 Yes. Can you say publicly what team it was? It's been yours. It's been yours. Bangle. Bangle. You'll never play for the bangle. OK, by the way, who is it today that the NFL behind closed
Starting point is 01:19:00 doors? I don't know if I want to play for that team or that owner. Is there any team today? Today, where it was, the Browns for a minute. But now, the Browns are coming back. I don't know if I want to play for that team or that owner. Is there any team today today? Where it was the Browns for a minute, but now you know the Browns are coming back, but not not not many teams. Okay, so so owner is a different So who are make them better? So who are a governor's players? Who are a governor's players your job creators? Job creators when you lose players, your job creators. Your job creators.
Starting point is 01:19:22 When you lose $336 billion in job creators, you maybe have a problem. And that's because you become more of a politician than you think about business, right? Is that in your opinion? It's demonizing rich people. And you know what, I'd love for politicians to come up with this campaign and say the following.
Starting point is 01:19:42 Hey, you know, a person says, you know, these rich people, we're for you, we're for the poor people, right? You know, sometimes the Democrat campaign is what, so I asked my mom, years ago, I said, mom, what are we Democrats or Republicans? And my mom said, we're Democrats. I said, why? It's just because Democrats are for the rich. Republicans, Democrats are for the poor. Republicans are for the rich. You know what I told my mom? I want to be Republican. Right, because you want to be rich. I want to be rich. That's what I want to be.
Starting point is 01:20:06 Okay, so here's the point. It wasn't the last time you saw a campaign. Somebody running a saying this, look, my goal is that if you elect me, and in the next eight years, if I have two terms with you, I want to be able to say we create a more millionaires than any other time in an eight-year period. By the time I'm done, I want to help you become financially free.
Starting point is 01:20:24 I want to help you become a millionaire. I want to help you become a millionaire. I want to help your dreams become a reality. I want to help you live in that house that you want to live in. I want, when's the last time we see that? We don't see that. That campaign today is, oh, all he cares about is rich people. Oh, he wants to, I didn't say that. I said, I want to get people off a minimum wage into making real money.
Starting point is 01:20:44 I want to get people off a minimum wage and to make in real money. I want to get people off of being paycheck to paycheck to make in real money. This message is, you rich people, you already have so much money, you should be wanting to pay more taxes. Oh, you know what, Koma, the great thing about freedom of choice is we're moving to Florida. Well, here's the thing.
Starting point is 01:20:57 Here's the thing with politicians that I never like. And this was when I was young, young enough to start to, once I went to Baylor and you know at Baylor University There's a lot of rich people a lot of politicians and all that the thing that I never like was that Politicians run campaign off of where they get votes and that's basically what you're just saying. I mean Come on, may not believe About the rich people what he's saying, but he's running off of where you there's more poor people than rich people There's more people who can see where they are and not have fate of where they can go
Starting point is 01:21:32 So I'm not gonna run my campaign off of fate. I'm gonna run my campaign off of where you are So therefore that's a sass it. It's a sass situation, but it's true. No, no, so so look this is That's a sass it. It's a sass it's a sass it's a sass it's a sass it's a sass it's a sass it's a sass it's a sass it's a sass it's a sass it's a sass it's a sass it's a sass it's a sass it's a sass it's a sass it's a sass it's a sass it's a sass it's a sass it's a sass it's a sass it's a sass it's a sass it's a sass it's a sass it's a sass it's a sass it's a sass it's a sass it's a sass it's a sass it's a sass it's a sass it's a sass it's a sass it's a sass it's a sass it's a sass it's a sass it's a sass it's a sass it's a sass it's a sass it's a sass it's a sass it's a sass it's a sass it's a sass it's a sass it's a sass it's a sass it's a sass it's a sass it's a sass it's a sass it's a sass it's a sass it's a sass it's a sass it's a s it's a sass it's a sass it's a sass it's a sass it's a sass it's a sass it's a sass it's a sass it's a sass it's a sass it's a sass it's a sass it's a sass it's a sass it's a sass it's a s it's a s it's a sass it's a sass it's a sass it's a sass it's a sass it's a s it's a s s it's a sass it's a s s it's a s s it This is, if you wanna know why I think Trump won over Hillary, it comes down to this. What was there to slogans? Hers was, I'm with her. It was a, it was a centric, Hillary-based proposition. I'm with her, all right? Trump's was what? Make America great, what?
Starting point is 01:22:21 Again, he gave them a future-based proposition. He was the better marketer. So here's the problem with that. When you don't do it, then you have this problem. Okay, but we have now. Every single info commercial starts with, here's, you know, are you tired of clogged drains? Do you ever do this or do this and they show the, you know, people fumbling around or have you ever dropped a bowl? Okay. they show the, you know, people fumbling around or have you ever dropped a bowl, okay? And so they start there and then they give you a future based proposition. This is what Trump did and this is what I feel he's delivering on.
Starting point is 01:22:55 That's a whole other conversation, but you can't run a campaign from, let me talk to you where you're at now. You always have to say, let me show you where we're gonna go. That's how you get people to buy. But no, I mean, I didn't say you talked to him about where you're at now, but I'm saying most people look at the, how do they get votes? Fair enough. I get votes, you know.
Starting point is 01:23:16 I agree with you, but I dislike it. That's the best way. No, I dislike it as well, but I'm saying that's the politicians. So let's talk about the NFL. Let's talk about the NFL. Should there be a season this year? No, you've been in the NFL for a long time. You're hearing, oh, they'll back him June, you're coming out
Starting point is 01:23:29 and say, well, the owners are really treating us like this. And they're feeling like they have an edge over us. And Steve and Ace coming out and saying, listen, I'd take the check or don't and don't play. You have the choice. You don't have to play many players that coming out and saying, I'm just not going to play. And I'm not going to get a paycheck.
Starting point is 01:23:41 And I command those players. Yeah. So what are your thoughts? Should there be a season this year? And is it possible to do it like the bubble that the NBA is doing or it's impossible for the NFL to do it? I think it's going to be close to impossible
Starting point is 01:23:53 because the NFL is different, especially if you're trying to do the bubble. I mean, the New Orleans Saints are trying the bubble way. They're the only team right now that are putting their players in a hotel and trying, quote quote unquote the bubble way Most other teams you go you get tested you might get tested every day or whatever now the problem with that is you get to go home To your families and back into society or whatever now when you come back
Starting point is 01:24:18 Yes, you do get tested, but here's the problem with that as far as I know There's not a test that's going to show you right away You're not that test is not going to show up in your porter until 24 hours So basically you have 24 hours to infect anybody else which we all know that can happen You know you can be infected in 24 hours So and my mind said that's what makes it difficult and it's such a physical sport You know, I'm unlike that's like the dumbest thing I heard from the NFL and you know, I've part of it,
Starting point is 01:24:49 been a player rep was to hear them say, we're gonna play a game. And afterwards we're so sadistic. What? What? I just spit on this guy, hit on this guy, sweated on this guy, and then afterwards I can't sound and Jersey with him. What? What does it matter at that? I mean, you know what I'm saying?
Starting point is 01:25:08 So that's that's the idiocy when you start to say okay, that doesn't make sense and And that's kind of where we are with with the NFL. It's gonna be so difficult. It's a physical sport It's a physical sport. You can't get around there. So, so is the better choice to just shut it down and just say let's wait to get a better understanding and shut it down until we understand. It's tough. And it's tough. And I agree now with you made a point earlier. Stephen A. Yeah. And it was the point that I that I thought even with with Trump and with some of these other people who said we're boycotting the NFL. I thought this the whole time. I'm like, who does that hurt?
Starting point is 01:25:47 If you boycotting that feel, it's not gonna hurt the players, it's not gonna hurt the, they're going to play. They're going to get paid. What is gonna hurt is gonna hurt the other people. It's gonna hate the people who come to work every day. You can say you can boycott the NFL all day. Do you think we give a shit? Seriously? Do you think I care if Josh is in the stands?
Starting point is 01:26:08 No. Because somebody's gonna take Josh's place. You boycott it and whoever else boycott is not going to take away from the 60,000 people that's gonna be 60,000 people that's gonna show up. Yeah, but we're still gonna get paid and they're gonna pay. And the TV deals are still gonna happen.
Starting point is 01:26:23 When ratings go down, pay checks go down period I mean that's that's now are people still gonna show up. Yes, but do I believe that boycotts work? So so do you honestly think the ratings are gonna really go down seriously? No, so Do I think it hurts the bottom line? Yes, but that that that's that's not even my Do I think it hurts the bottom line? Yes, but that's that's not even my let me let me just show you but that's not the point that we Here's here's here is my question. Are there even fans in the stands if they do play? No, can't be right now I mean because it's one thing that has been proven and and
Starting point is 01:27:02 With with Tulsa and all the other, you know, even with the protesting and all that as well, everything is spiked since all those mass, mass unions, things are spiked. So I don't think fans would take the chance, you know, I'm saying to even go, I even if you allow them all, they may be, now I'm gonna say,
Starting point is 01:27:24 there will be some that will take, but I think there will be spikes. And so therefore, I don't think you take that risk right now. I'm here in 10 to 15,000. And some stadiums will be the most there's already been they've given. I mean, I have multiple, multiple, multiple friends that have already got the letter saying that their season tickets will go to the next year. So I don't think that's going to happen. Okay. So let me, let me, let me ask you this because it's not often we have a player sitting in your
Starting point is 01:27:49 chair. So how would you, like, how do you think it's going to affect performance of players to play an empty stadium? Big time. Because it just gets your juices. Here's the thing. As a, we, we are known growing up, you know, you hear this all the time, you know, are you hurt? Or are you injured? You know, stuff like. So it's that barbarian thing, you know, it's, it's that old school barbarian. You run through while, you, I run through a wall from my coach and stuff like, you can't do that without
Starting point is 01:28:23 somebody watching. Right? You're in door fiends. That's what it's all about is what gets you're in door fiends up to hit the way you hit. So, and believe me, here's the reason why they're called scrimmages because there are no fans. Right. Scrimmages and games, there's only two, the only two differences is this. And scrimmages
Starting point is 01:28:45 really not fan games fans. So the reason why scrimmages never look like a game because you have no one to show off for. Well, let me ask you, are you going to play? So do you have a sequence of questions you're asking or no, you're just having a dialogue because I had a question for you. Go ahead. Is, is which of the sports do you think it can work with? Because MLB, they're saying they're going to shut it down and Rob Manfredo, my opinion, is the worst commission of all these sports.
Starting point is 01:29:11 So you think out of all the sports, the only one that it can work is basketball. I, I think so because if you look at it, the interaction is different in basketball and basketball actually sometimes, and I don't know if you guys played basketball before, but me being a basketball player and watching in smaller arenas, sometimes it looks better than in bigger rings, because you know what, guys, for whatever reason, I don't know why as a basketball player,
Starting point is 01:29:41 when it's smaller, your game gets better. So I honestly believe that because I've seen, I've really seen basketball play interesting that in a, and if you go up to the YMCA or you go up the lifetime fitness, not to give them any pub or whatever, but you go, I see a guy shoot the lights out the basketball. I didn't get in the big ring and can't hit a damn shot. I'm like, dude, what was you, was toy off a toy off a,
Starting point is 01:30:05 but in the small arena, mentally you're not thinking about it. You know what I'm saying? Distractions and all that, you just let it go. Like you seeing guys shoot the light out of the basketball lately in these small arena with no fans. The scores are high.
Starting point is 01:30:19 The scores are high in the booker. Yeah, kill it. My turn. And you see, I mean, you seeing guys just shoot the life those same guys you like Where was that at last you? That's just a lot of our pressure then because Exactly and that's what it is less pressure
Starting point is 01:30:33 So yes less pressure so when you out there, but I mean just think about this It's no difference then I used to tell people all the time this I used to say you used to say that hey So it's all sucks like they would say that guy hey, so and so sucks, like they would say, that guy sucks, and I'm like, dude, let me tell you. If that guy made it to the NFL, he doesn't suck. Because at the end of the day, wherever he was, he played on the extreme pressures to get here. If you flipping burgers, you got somebody to buy,
Starting point is 01:30:59 you say, man, that cheese need to be right. You'd be the, drop the burger. So it's the same thing, it's that cheese need to be right. You'd be the job of the burger. So it's the same thing. It's that mindset. Interesting. So I actually had second row seats for a couple of years for the Phoenix Sons. And so of course, you're right there on the floor.
Starting point is 01:31:18 And I would never really give the players a hard time. But dude, the refs. In fact, I would make so many players laugh because every like I do I would come with the script of stuff and I would tell the light bro, my favorite one in the LA Clippers DeAndre. Hopnet. I'm not hoppins. I'm going to clip. And him. George George.. He flipping almost peed his pants once because I looked to the ref and I said, it said, it ref. Are you pregnant?
Starting point is 01:31:49 You missed three periods already. And dude, it was like, but I didn't sit there and hassle the players. It was about hassling the refs for me. But I think that the crowd brings a certain energy that especially in football games. Okay. Now, obviously I grew up a 49er fan. Okay. So we didn't like you as much.
Starting point is 01:32:08 Yeah. All right. Yeah. But I remember, well, actually you would have played opposite him. Merton Hanks. Yeah. That's my guy. Yeah, there was something about Merton Hanks, the crowd would get him going.
Starting point is 01:32:19 And his neck would just start going. Bro, like the crowd, the 60,000 people going, like it brings something to the game. To me, watching, like actually to your point, people don't show up to watch you guys practice. Very, very small crowds, okay? Not a small crowd. People show up to super team, like,
Starting point is 01:32:37 you know, the Broncos were, you know, when I play, but okay, go ahead. But people show up to games because of the atmosphere, the experience. And it comes across on television and believe me, it brings it out of a player, whereas there's a lot of negative that comes out of fans at basketball. I mean, look at it. Look at the when the Indiana, Indiana players winning the stands and all you never see that hardly in a
Starting point is 01:33:03 football game. You know what I'm saying? Because there's a lot more separation between the crowd. And it's a different cheer. It's a different feeling. That cost, that cost, metal world peace. It's 0.7 million. Oh yeah. I mean, even.
Starting point is 01:33:16 It's three jacks and three point eight. And even look at Westwood. Westwood gets always in it with fans. He don't have that worry right now. So he's out there just, you know, he worried about the fans. He. He don't have that worry right now. So he's out to just you know He worried about the fan. We've got to worry about Lillard right? Okay, so sounds good. All right, so we'll see what's gonna happen there I mean, I don't know what's gonna happen. I know I saw LeBron yesterday after the interview the reporter asked him so
Starting point is 01:33:37 What do you think about the fact that Trump said that you guys are kneeling? He's not gonna watch and he starts laughing. He says you're funny You want to you want to make me laugh today, don't you? And he said something like, listen, I'm sure. And you pull that up, Kai? I'm sure the basketball community is not gonna miss his viewership. Right, and then he says, but I'm not gonna say anything else.
Starting point is 01:33:55 And then he went out, tried to kind of give a little bit more of a diplomatic answer because his position changed to hear what he says. But hold on, Pat, let me tell you the thing that disturbed me the most about it He can say what he wants about Trump. I don't give a flying flip. I want to show you here if he's got it up There was one thing that really disturbed me and get ready to hit the pause button, okay? Oh man, we need the front the front angle, okay Look have you seen his hair LeBron's hairl line. Yeah, I have. Bro, the hairline during this interview and you really only see it from the front angle was like, bro,
Starting point is 01:34:30 What are you like? How do you show up even looking like this? Just shave your head, go completely bald or do something, but when he puts his head down, it's a horseshoe right here, man. It's now, now wait a minute. I can't see it. I mean, yes, LeBron should definitely get his hair. I mean, I would give you that. I've said that years and years ago. But wait a minute, yo guy, come on now, that flying thing that Trump has, he should just take that off as well. Oh, dude. I mean, he's eating it a couple of times and you talk about a hair line. I 100% I would pay. I think we should start a fundraiser. I mean he's eaten it a couple of times and you talk about a airline. I 100% I would pay I think we should start a fundraiser If you let it all go down to one side, I mean it that's that's a
Starting point is 01:35:17 Nobody all defend his policies. I will not defend Whenever whenever you have a squirrel on your head and is moving you just not defend. Yeah, we're never whenever you have a squirrel on your head and is moving. You just I don't think that's a good idea about it. I'll Twitter later on. I'll talk about the guys here. But let's go do some business right now because I mean I think we all know where LeBron stands with that. So, wait, before we leave then, can I just commend those players though that that because you know, I've grown up in the whole time you're in NFL on a serious note. All you hear is,
Starting point is 01:35:46 they only think about the money. They're so greedy, this, that, and the other thing. And those players that are thinking about their families and whatever everybody has a reason have to do what you have to do, I commend the players that are opting out because they're missing millions and millions of dollars, but they're actually putting their families first.
Starting point is 01:36:02 And that I guarantee you a lot of fans would not have expected to see. Yeah, so I agree. I agree. I love to them. Let's talk about what is going on with New York Times. OK, so I think Josh, this is a part where you may want to kind of give us a little bit of a feedback on what's going on. New York Times tops Q2 estimates as digital revenue exceeds print for the first time ever.
Starting point is 01:36:25 Newspaper Group said it has net profits of $23.7 million or $0.14 a share in the quarter down from $25.2 million in the year earlier. Adjusted per share earnings come to $0.18. Ahead of three cents, revenues fell 7.5% to $403.8 million from $436 million, but beat the $390 million fact consensus. So when you're seeing the fact that these guys in New York Times added 493 net new subscribers to its core new product in the quarter,
Starting point is 01:36:55 and 176,000 additions to the digital products for the new net digital additions of 669,000 at the end of the quarter, it had 5.7 million digital only subscribers, and 6.5 million total subscribers at the end of the quarter, it had 5.7 million digital only subscribers and 6.5 million total subscribers said to CEO. What do you think? What do you think this says about where the direction we're going with digital media? You know what? It's not just digital media, it's journalism in a whole because this says a lot more than like it's funny Pat because these stories are tucked away in little places that people never read and they just like, oh, okay, that's, that's fine. But they don't actually hear the underlying implications of what's
Starting point is 01:37:29 being said here. Okay, here's my takeaway. Now, how many people get the New York Times just to belong to, you know, it's kind of like the members only jacket, all right? You get it just to have it lay in there because when people come in your office, you want to look smart. A long time ago, digital media was already like, it was already number one. But let me tell you why I think that there's actually a danger here. And you don't hear a lot of people talking about this. So now when it comes to news and boy, do we have some cool news coming out for you guys in the next couple of months? All right.
Starting point is 01:38:01 But when it comes to news, no, well, I'm trying not to, you know, I get it. I'm trying not to say anything yet. But when it comes to news, there is a huge issue because now everything's about speed to market, right? New York Times, Bright bar, everyone's competing for clicks. What's the one thing that I teach when it comes to virality? Everything's about speed to market. Here's the problem. When you're talking about digital media, everybody wants to be the first story. I'm going to pull a pat.
Starting point is 01:38:35 What's the problem when you're rushing a story? You could get it wrong. You could get it wrong. Yeah, contact. All right. So, the beautiful thing about print media was was is it may be tomorrow's headline, but if it happened at 10 a.m. Okay, and you're looking to tomorrow's print, you're like, okay, this goes to print at midnight, we need to get all of the facts to the story and get it in the
Starting point is 01:38:56 article before midnight. It gave you a window there that you could fact check a lot of stuff before it actually went out into print. All right. So now reporters had a deadline that they had to meet, but it wasn't a 15 minute deadline or a 10 minute deadline. It was now a 12, 13 hour window and you can make a lot of headway on a story and get it right.
Starting point is 01:39:21 Now, everybody knows I have to be the first to market. So what ends up happening is you have a lot of unfortunate situations where you end up getting a lot of fake news, all right? Or news. But just false news. Not necessarily fake news. False news. Just like you said, they just, they just rusted and f'd it up.
Starting point is 01:39:38 Yeah, necessarily fake. It's just false. So I think it's changing the entire industry. And obviously everyone knew that it was going digital, but I guess my big question is now, is what sort of responsibility do we have in the age of digital news to make sure to get it right? And the scary part about that is this,
Starting point is 01:39:59 as long as we continually, and I say we as a whole, I'm talking about people in general, as long as there continually, and I say we as a whole, I'm talking about people in general, as long as there's no real consequences and repercussions of getting it wrong, you're gonna get the same thing. So, so if you were to Google my name, don't, all right? But if you were to Google my name, do you know how many articles that I could go back
Starting point is 01:40:21 and sue the snot out of these guys? Again, stuff wrong. For saying stuff like I have had articles where they have said, Josh in, uh, Josh, uh, tells people to go murder abortion doctors. That's the headline to the article. I never even came close to saying that not even anywhere close. But what did you say earlier? Or you could sue them, but you don't what what what here's here is why okay? Who has more money the New York Times or me the New York Times and Exactly if they win or even if I win even if I win guess guess what it happens all they have to do is Print a little correction on the backside of a website that nobody ever sees.
Starting point is 01:41:05 Once again, the consequences and the rebucuses are not big enough. So you're going to continue to get. But I have to live with the consequences of their faulty reporting, okay? Or them saying Josh says that people should fight Black Lives Matters with guns. What? Like, so why don't you say that, though? Why would you say so? So this is the problem with digital news.
Starting point is 01:41:31 Is everybody wants a sensational headline? They want it fast and they just don't get stuff right. And I think that there's going to have to be a big conversation that we have as Americans. And I don't know, Pat, I don't know about you, but I think that someone needs a new news site that just gives fact-based stuff. But you got to understand as well with the newspapers as well. I mean, what we're going through right now. News papers are normally, I guess, goes hand in hand with, with,
Starting point is 01:42:00 activeness. You know, when you're a lot down, not many people, you buy news papers when you're walking out and you just snatch it up or you have to store, you say, well, that's, that's a problem right now. I'm not going to go out and die to get a newspaper. I take the false news right now. I take the false to pay. Can I make a little bit of an inflammatory statement? All right. I do not think if we had journalistic integrity and if we did not have people that were looking for flamboyancy and clicks and headlines and stuff, I do not think that we would have had
Starting point is 01:42:34 the George Floyd riots. I don't think we would have had the Michael Brown riots. I don't think Ferguson would have happened. I think that if we want to be honest, a lot of the problems in America come back to the media, the greedy media wanting to make money and make headlines and they end up giving this flamboyant false narrative. No doubt.
Starting point is 01:42:56 No doubt. So I think that everybody is leaning toward what they want out there instead of the truth. Okay, there you have it. Okay, next topic here before we wrap up, we got 12 minutes left, Disney. We got Disney, we got Sonos, which story do you want to hear? Sonos is kind of interesting with Bezos. Here's what happened with Sonos CEO. Sonos CEO comes out, if you don't know what Sonos is, you want to put up the Sonos
Starting point is 01:43:18 hype about a couple of these. These actually work pretty effective. I think we have it at the office as well. Do we have a few Sonos here? We have it at the gym. We have it all over the place. These sonos speakers work very well. You can set up up anywhere and they'll play and the sound is great.
Starting point is 01:43:32 And the CEO came out calling out Jeff Bezos and Amazon. Saying, Amazon selling smart speakers below cost is illegal. I got this article this morning from Steve Avetian. And it says, in the wake of his challenge to Google, sonos has finally gone after the market leader Amazon, Albert indirectly inclinied that the online giant sells its smart speakers below cost illegally, meaning they sell it to Amazon for $400, Amazon sells it to customers at $380.
Starting point is 01:44:00 That's what they're saying, that's illegal. When asked by the representative, whether Amazon price its Echo speakers below cost, BeCost, base was admitted that they did. Not its list price, he said, but it's often on promotion. And sometimes when it's on promotion, it may be Bill O'Cost, yes. The CEO, Sono says, that's predatory pricing. That's illegal.
Starting point is 01:44:19 They just take money from their monopoly business. They just subsidize, subsidized, subsidized. And then he said, we were encouraged by the hearing last week. You got to stand up to bullies, obviously the whole hearing that took place with basals and a recidigate. What do you think about this? You're Amazon, you know, you got the product
Starting point is 01:44:34 that Sonos is selling, you know, Sonos is sold to wholesale here for $400, that you say, the guy sells it for $470. He makes a $70 profit margin. But Sonos sells the same exact product that wholesale to Amazon for $400. Amazon sells it on a promotion for $370. Is that illegal?
Starting point is 01:44:51 Is that abuse? Is that a formal monopoly who was right in this argument? I mean, just being honest, if you grow up in the hood and there's a lot of people out there, then hear me and know what I'm saying. There's one thing I hear first and foremost when I hear, I hear giant, right? So that means big. I don't care where you're from, giant means big.
Starting point is 01:45:12 And growing up the way I grew up, first thing you learned, gambling, or when you go out to a place and you try, big bank take little bank. And that's not illegal, that's just the way it'll work. Big bank take little bank. Go to Vegas. Are you going to break Vegas? You may do well. But if you try to break Vegas, what's going to happen? Eventually you're going to lose. And that's that's basically what Amazon is doing. And as far as I know, I don't think that's illegal.
Starting point is 01:45:41 I mean, now is it forming a monopoly? Yeah, but that's what Bezos, he's been doing this forever. I mean, he's Big Bang. Big Bang take little bank. I say, I say that Big Bang take little bank until all of the little banks say, you know what, screw the Big Bang, we're going to get together and we're going to find a way to take him out. All right. So often does that it.
Starting point is 01:46:05 Well, here's what should happen. Okay. You should have all of the guys on Main Street, all of the small dudes get together with, I don't know, say the SBA, the small business administration and say, look, we need to come together with a message and we all need to put a little bit of money behind it because we need to take down this giant because if I'm going to bet between Goliath and David, I'm going to what's the word play bet David, okay? And this is the bet David.
Starting point is 01:46:35 David. So what happens between David and Goliath is David gets smarter. He doesn't play Goliath's game. He doesn't go to him with a sword and a shield. What does he do? He says, I'm going to use a different kind of method, a different technology, a different approach. And he says, I'm going to kill him from a distance.
Starting point is 01:46:55 All right. So he gets his slingshot, knocks out a giant. I think what happens here is that a bunch of the small businesses say, look, we're going to be playing a little bit of a different game. We're going to come together and we're going to get our messaging on point and we're going to come up with a main street message that makes Americans want to ditch Amazon and come back to us.
Starting point is 01:47:17 So you've got to find a different way to play the game. It's like when Texas, so I'm sure you've heard the slogan don't mess with Texas, right? No, don't don't mess with Texas was actually a littering campaign. It was a campaign that they came up to said, we need to find a way to message to to Texans to stop throwing their beer cans out there. And they came up with what don't mess with Texas. And every Texan said, you're right, don't mess with Texas. All right. And we live in the great. Just like that. Yes.
Starting point is 01:47:47 But, but they got together and they created a campaign that made Texans feel proud to be Texans. Okay. So we need to find a way to do the same thing. Let me also point out one, one quick thing about Amazon. A lot of people give Amazon a bad name on the flip side of the coin. And they say, well, Amazon's a big company. You gotta realize this guys,
Starting point is 01:48:08 Amazon's an eBay, okay? Now, they do have their own brands and have all this stuff, but most of what Amazon does, they sell somebody else's. They sell someone else's product. It's a collection of stores. So, you know, like, for everyone that's attacking Amazon,
Starting point is 01:48:24 yes, Amazon's a huge corporation, but really what it is, it's a huge corporation that does the marketing, created a marketplace for a bunch of smaller corporations. But here's the problem with that, is that the reason why smaller companies don't do that because most smaller companies don't have to wear with all, or the means to be able to withstand such a long period of time. Get together. I mean, I understand that you get together, but at the end of the day, even if you're
Starting point is 01:48:50 getting together, you still have different levels of resources. So that small company who has a great product, but doesn't have the resource to last a long time has to go to the big guy and say, here, I sell this product to you in bulk, because I can't afford to keep selling one off. Here's a question that's not been asked yet. Here's the other question. First of all, the criticism Sonos gets. The Sonos' products are built in China.
Starting point is 01:49:18 They're manufactured in China. So here you are bitching, yet if the story comes out that your products are built in China, you're going to get... You're going to get're going to get Exodus on a whole different level. The second part of it is the fact that when they decided to leave China, and they still produce some of their products in China, but they're saying they're going to do it in America. The prices in January went up $50 and set up like $5.99,
Starting point is 01:49:38 like $6.49, or the other product was like $3.99, $4.49. So they increase it by $50, which by the way, this whole China tariff situation, a lot of the products you're buying today is gonna go higher because it's gonna be made in America. When it's made in America, it's a little bit more expensive because you have to pay the minimum wage of 720 federal or whatever the minimum wage being in some of those states
Starting point is 01:49:58 which is 15 bucks, right? Okay. But in healthcare for most care, I'll ask that. That's right. Now here's the other problem for some hosts. You're making comments like this. What you do, fam, as John says, we're sorry it's such an inconvenient.
Starting point is 01:50:10 We're no longer going to sell your product, because it's hurting you so much. It's so frustrating, moving forward, don't worry about it. It seems like it's stressing you out. We're not going to sell some hosts anymore. Now what happens? They can do that. Yeah, and that's what I said.
Starting point is 01:50:23 And that's where the problem comes. I don't have the word with all or the resources to stay in it. I'm gonna go out of business. So it's kind of like old Jay, look, old B.J. bitching about the NFL, but you made a choice to go to work with take your check. Let me also point out since we're on the subject of Jaina, okay? Is it's right now? Let's not let me issue a little challenge to LeBron James, all right? Let me issue a little challenge to LeBron James, all right?
Starting point is 01:50:53 You're so tough to speak up against Trump. Why do you bend over and take it up the rear from Zhang Payne? Like why in the world, are you okay with the community for that? They like that kind of stuff. Same LeBron. I want to say LeBron is. So why do you China say? I want to see LeBron stand up to China and say, you know what? It's wrong.
Starting point is 01:51:15 It's wrong you guys have in sweatshops where you make my Nike sneakers that I sell for absorbing their amounts of money and you're paying them piss poor. It's wrong that you're do. You have all these human rights violations. Let's see, let's see LeBron. If he's so like full of all of these ethics and stuff and fight demand, stand up, let's see him stand up to China because every time that China comes up, they all coward in the corner like little sissy's because they're more worried
Starting point is 01:51:41 about their pocketbook than they are about real human rights. because they're more worried about their pocketbook than they are about real human rights. Nah, I mean, like once again, I feel most people have agendas and it just depends on where you agenda lies. I mean, just, just to say, I mean, if you, if you're making money like they're making, I mean, it's no different than Jordan.
Starting point is 01:52:02 Jordan wouldn't get in politics. Why? Because Republicans buy sneakers as well. like they're making my I mean it's no different in Jordan Jordan wouldn't get in politics why because republicans by Sneakers as well, so I mean that's Like the way he does it the way Jordan does is it he'll say I'm giving five million dollars to black charities And I'm giving five million dollars to the police department because when I was a player coming up I felt very self-safed with the amount of you know hard, hard work to a police department that are their bad ones out there. Yes, there is, but there was a lot of good that they did for me. I like his approach.
Starting point is 01:52:30 And that's why I say the same thing. It's for us when it comes to that as far as the police offers. I have brothers and family members that are police officers. And I know they're good, you know, good guy. So there's no way I can say one. And then because you know, you're talking about the same person So to me, but going back to the China situation I said the same thing as for as the NBA and in a whole as a whole not just LeBron the NBA
Starting point is 01:52:55 The NBA is getting that European money and they're getting big big dollars from China So yeah, everybody knew what that was about Adam silver very quickly realized You know, we may want to kind of back up a little bit with this whole protecting Exactly. And we're gonna take a hit and a lot of players came behind him and then you saw Steve Kerr kind of Defending well we're about freedom of speech and he realized maybe I got to change my content on what I'm saying about China. Okay, well Valutainers love Ray Crockett. They are saying in the comment section how much they love you. They said, yeah, you've done a great job sitting in the seat.
Starting point is 01:53:29 And the truth is, we didn't even get to some of the fun stuff that we're gonna tell you about. We should have announced that. I gotta tell you, but they do love Ray Crocket. But it's like we ran a poll, 98% of the fans watching right now say, there's no way in the world that Rape could stop pat on the football field. There's a pole going on.
Starting point is 01:53:50 Hey, 98% of those guys sell insurance. Oh, come on, give it to him right there. Wow, bro. And I'm about to be 99%. Oh, my word. That was great. We're gonna see what's gonna happen there Believe me, Pad, while I get my finish getting my license I'll let you score a couple of them Maybe maybe we ought to get on the field and and man
Starting point is 01:54:14 I show you a couple Middle Eastern tight end moves, you know There's never seen in the football before But anyways, hey gang a couple things as we're wrapping this up Plus that press that subscribe button and turn on the notification right next to it. So you get alerted. Many of you guys got the text this morning, but as we're building up this channel, be sure to put a sub and alert.
Starting point is 01:54:35 And afterwards, let us know what you like most about today's podcast. I believe the next one's going to be next Wednesday morning same time. We will not be back next Tuesday, but we will be back next Wednesday and we'll let you know we'll be the guest. It'll be a surprise for you. Press that we won't rate Crocket Bud. Yes.
Starting point is 01:54:52 I mean, have a great one everybody. Take care. Bye.

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