PBD Podcast - Remember the Boston Tea Party? | PBD Podcast | EP 5

Episode Date: August 19, 2020

On this episode of the podcast, Patrick Bet David, Adam Sosnick and Joshua Feuerstein sit down to discuss the speculation of a wealth tax, Michelle Obama and Mitt Romney. The Patrick Bet-David Show Po...dcast Episode 5. Download the podcasts on all your favorite platforms https://bit.ly/3kF7BT1 Apologies for the technical issues with audio and video. We will be back on Friday at 8:00AM CST   Text: PODCAST to 310.340.1132 to get added to the distribution list   The BetDavid Podcast is a podcast that discusses, current events, trending topics and politics as they relate to life and business. Stay tuned for new episodes and guest appearances.   Connect with Patrick on social media:     Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/patrickbetdavid/    Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/patrickbetdavid  Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PatrickBetDavid.Valuetainment   Follow the guests in this episode:  Joshua Feuerstein https://bit.ly/39WWyQw   Adam Sosnick https://bit.ly/2PqllTj     Share your thoughts with Patrick Bet-David about this first episode on Twitter http://www.twitter.com/patrickbetdavid    To reach the Valuetainment team you can email: info@valuetainment.com     About the host:  Patrick is a successful startup entrepreneur, CEO of PHP Agency, Inc., emerging author and Creator of Valuetainment on Youtube. As a natural critical thinker, Patrick takes complex leadership, management and entrepreneurial ideas and converts them into simple life lessons for today and tomorrow’s entrepreneurs.   Patrick is passionate about shaping the next generation of leaders by teaching thought provoking perspectives on entrepreneurship and disrupting the traditional approach to a career. --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/pbdpodcast/support

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Starting point is 00:00:00 We are live. Throw me that pen. Adam is here. Josh is here. Kai is ready to do some searches. He's saying he's improved. The crew is back and Adam, uh, you're scored away with the bathroom issue today. Yeah, okay. Any challenges? Thank you. We got a lot to cover. Let me tell you what we got. We got our brackets. We got our brackets. We got our brackets. NBA. We'll cover it today. Obviously the bucks got, uh, they lost to the magic yesterday. the Lakers lost to the Blazers
Starting point is 00:00:27 yesterday. So we'll give our brackets in a minute here. And then we're going to talk about California. Look, if there's any California politicians listening today, I tell you, turn this thing off. If there's anyone in California that is for the wealth tax, that's for raising the taxes, that's for what's going on with Uber and lift. If you're for any of that stuff, I promise you turn today's podcast off. It is not for you. Let other people tell you what these guys talked about on this podcast because California is not going to like it too much today.
Starting point is 00:01:00 We're going to talk about the DNC. I watch every single one of the speeches. We'll have opinions on and thoughts on every one of the talks That was given whether it was Michelle Obama's speech, which I believe she crushed it whether it's Clinton whether it's AOC's Speech that was given and then maybe we'll talk about some comments. Quomo made about Newsom What happened with NYPD union Trump's brother passed in a way recently What happened with NYPD union, Trump's brother passed in a way recently, USPS, what that has to do with voting, what Obama said about Biden behind closed doors. And some talks about China, some talks about Cardi B, you know, that new song that came out that's apparently number one on billboards now.
Starting point is 00:01:39 I believe in number one on billboards now. And then who knows? We'll may talk about some other stuff we got going on here as well. By the way, I am missing one of my papers. The main one with the notes at the top. I'm missing that one guy. If you can find all the other notes that they brought to you, I'm missing one of them.
Starting point is 00:01:54 So let me get yours for California. I'll give the notes that I have. Yes sir. So here's what just happened with California. Okay. Couple legislators got together. Okay, they got together and they were giving notes and they were giving ideas on what to do.
Starting point is 00:02:06 And it got to a point where this one legislation could pass in the state of California that will have a point 4% wealth tax on anybody worth 30 million or higher, which means whatever you have on a first 30 million, you don't get taxed on. But per 10 million, you're going to get taxed above the 30 million. So per 10 million, you'll be paying $40,000.
Starting point is 00:02:33 So if it's 100 million, you're paying $400,000. If it's a billion, you're paying $4 million, et cetera, et cetera. They're calling it the wealth tax. This idea was brought up before by Elizabeth Warren, and she offered 2% is what she was suggesting. California is now saying 4%. Now, I'm sorry, 0.4%. And then on top of that, get this.
Starting point is 00:02:53 Here's the other thing they're suggesting. They are suggesting to raise the regular taxes, top line revenue, which California already has. At 13.3%, if you go look at the rates on a worse state with taxes, number one is California. Number eight is New York. Best one is Tennessee. But number one, worst taxes in America is California. So, a point four percent, they're saying it will generate them an additional $7.5 billion a year in this fund. And then on top of that is 30,400 people in California that are going to be hit
Starting point is 00:03:25 by this because there's only 30,400 people that are worth 30 million plus. So a lot of people are going to be like, I don't care if you pass this tax. I'm forward. There's nothing wrong with that. And on top of that, the additional taxes they want to raise it from 13.3%, which is a top line taxes for stating California to 16.8%. Having said that, you had a couple of comments to make earlier. Adam, I want to come to you first.
Starting point is 00:03:47 What are your thoughts on what's going on with California right now? You know, it's being from Florida. I'm really genuinely not too familiar with states implementing, can I get that? State taxes. You know, and obviously coming from the financial services world, I'm very familiar with the estate tax Different concepts here. I'm not talking about I'm talking to different concepts talking state tax
Starting point is 00:04:17 The state you live in and then the estate tax when you're worth over what 25 million at this point 2020 I don't know if it's something something 2020 for all my multi-multimillionaires out there look out for something called the estate tax So taxes already do exist And then some on the wealthy with this estate tax You know come on down Florida basically is what I'm saying come on down the Texas But what what what basically it's shocking the the the the taxes that people like at what point do people just say? I can't wait a, you said something earlier, when you said the other thing,
Starting point is 00:04:46 the legislator said is the fact that they're gonna go back. Oh, somebody says screw it, I'm leaving like people on New York, what are they gonna do? They said basically they're gonna come after you for 10 years. 10 years. You made your wealth in California. You're like, yo, I can't do this anymore, I'm moving to Texas.
Starting point is 00:05:03 They're gonna come after you for 10 years, I think it like proactively, it goes 90%, 80%, 70%. Retractively. So retroactively. So basically they're saying, if I move, you're not escaping the California wealth tax buddy. I don't care where you go. You can go across the world.
Starting point is 00:05:18 We're coming for you. That's a slippery slope pad. I mean, I don't, is that even legal? It's like, what do you think about it? Are you sure you want this, Pat? Bring it. Let me go ahead and tell you what I think about it, because I think this is the most insane, stupid,
Starting point is 00:05:35 ass-knife thing in the world. And you know that I'm a proponent of the flat tax. I think that there should be one flat tax. But let me tell you the different ways that Americans are taxed, and we don't even realize it, okay? We talk about income taxes, obviously. We got our federal state taxes, our sales taxes, our excise taxes, our payroll taxes,
Starting point is 00:05:59 our property taxes, our estate taxes, our gift taxes. They tax you in fact There's one tax nobody talks about and that's inflation which means that every time the government prints money They're taxing you and you can do absolutely nothing about it. You want to know what we did We gave a bunch of flipping retards and we made them money managers every time that we vote in these politicians We take these people that love to do nothing but spend, spend, spend, spend, spend. Just we're a remind all of the viewers. There's no such thing as government money. There's no such thing as government money. There are hard working, red blooded Americans of every kind, color, ethnicity, read, race,
Starting point is 00:06:41 creed, race, sexuality, all of this, like, those are the people that make the money. But they are taxing us into freaking oblivion. How stupid is it, Pat, that you can make a bunch of money in your lifetime. You get taxed on that money. And guess what? As soon as your kids go to inherit that money, as soon as you pass it on down to them, they've already taxed a snot out of you on that money.
Starting point is 00:07:04 You go to pass it down to your kids and leave a legacy, what are they going to do? They're going to tax your kids again. This is the problem. We need a revolution in America. And I want to remind you this, this country was founded upon the hatred for unfair taxation. The Boston Tea Party, we look at those people as patriots, right? The people that would go out and they would start a revolution, the big Boston Tea Party. No taxation without representation. Do you know what that tax was? That tax was three cents per pound of tea, all right?
Starting point is 00:07:35 And they said, no, we're sick and tired of it. I think that we need another revolution in America to where we tell people two things. Number one, most of all, stop freaking taxing us. I honestly think Pat, I'd love to get your take on this after we go into the intricacies of this well tax is why should we not just have a flat tax? We live in a land of equality, everyone wants equality, right? But why is that not for the guys on top two?
Starting point is 00:08:05 Why in the world are we gonna take the innovators and the guys that are actually out there providing jobs? Why in the world are we trying to handcuff these guys, punish them? Man, it's- Well, here's a challenge with the flat tax. I'm all for the flat tax. I think it makes a lot of sense to have a flat tax. And for me, the challenge with flat taxes, say I'm on for the flat tax. I think it makes a lot of sense to have a flat tax. And for me, the challenge with flat taxes,
Starting point is 00:08:26 you say I'm on the left. Okay, if I'm on the left and you're offering a flat tax, logically it makes sense. Reasonably, it makes sense. Everybody ought to pay the same amount of taxes fine. But they're gonna go back and say, hey, Republicans, your favorite president of all time was Ronald Reagan and he proposed a progressive tax.
Starting point is 00:08:43 So if he's so great, you can just pick pick and choose the stuff you'll like about him. You don't like about him because he proposed a progressive tax. And that was, you know, the more money you make, the more taxes you pay. But I'm all for flat tax. However, let me get back to a couple of things. So this guy was being interviewed by your guy on Fox News. Neocavuto. Neocavuto is interviewing Rob Bonta.
Starting point is 00:09:02 He's a fair balance. He's what fuck should be. Sure. Rob Bantel, who is the California Assemblyman. Okay. And while he's interviewing him, he says, what makes you think no one's gonna leave? He says, he says, our millionaires and billionaires
Starting point is 00:09:16 have increased in the last 10 years. And yes, some people are thinking about leaving, but this is California. And Neil says something like, well, you know, don't you think your beautiful state like California is gonna lose a lot more billionaires? Thank you for letting us know that California is beautiful.
Starting point is 00:09:30 Yes, it is beautiful. The level of being pompous, like, leave, I dare you to leave. You know, you can only have that attitude for so long until people do leave. Then what do you do when they do leave? By the way, this kind of takes it into, you know, the flat tax, enough flat tax, the well tax.
Starting point is 00:09:49 Receive other people have done this before. Elizabeth Warren wanted a 2% tax, net wealth, well tax, on people worth 50 million and up. Okay, so if you're worth 100 million, she wants 2% on that additional 50 million. And she wanted a 3% tax on billionaires. Net. You're worth the bill? It's a management fee. Like when you work at Morgan's Selio Merrill Lynch and you got your series on which is kind of
Starting point is 00:10:12 what you just talked about as a money manager, if you got a billion dollars under management, you make 1% AUM, right? As it's under management, you make 10 million a year. If you got a hundred million dollars under management, you make 1% you make a million a year. Fantastic. This is a method of saying we're officially asset managers, which Josh gave the best analogy could have possibly been given. But here's the part that they're not talking about. Wealth tax has already been tested in Europe. Okay. More than a dozen European countries have used a wealth tax.
Starting point is 00:10:43 And nearly all of these countries eventually repeal them. Austria, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, Luxembourg and Sweden. Wealth tax survive only in Norway, fricking people from Norway, guys. What is up with your people? Spain and Switzerland. Here's an interesting fact Do you know who leaves? Who do you think leaves when you have a well-tax? Who loves the wealthy the wealthy leave. Okay, so check this out. Let's transition into Uber
Starting point is 00:11:15 We've been talking about Uber the last you know a couple podcasts that we have you would Uber and live I think these two go together. Here's why So Uber I get a message yesterday from, you know how they send you a alert, the message comes out and here's what it says on my phone. From Uber, service update, ride sharing in California, maybe suspend it. Uber, okay. Lift, proposed, something to the state to see if they'll consider it is to sell a license to drivers. You're not an employee, you're not an independent contractor, by a license. So they're forcing like taxi, exactly, like taxi, right?
Starting point is 00:11:56 By a license is what you're doing. So lift is offering these guys to buy licenses from them instead of being in 1099 or instead of being W2 because they just can't afford it. Then, Lyft comes out and says, if they decide to do this, we have to shut down California and stop. Guess what percentage lifts revenue is from California? What percentage of Lyfts revenue out of all the states in America, in US? In US, what percentage of the revenue thing gets from California?
Starting point is 00:12:25 Can we do a round? Robin I'm actually curious. I'm gonna say you give a number. I'm gonna go higher low on that. I'm gonna say over under I'm gonna say 15 to 20 percent. Oh, that's high. What do you say? Kai? What do you see going 15 or 20? You know the answer You know the answer. I'm gonna say 20. What are you gonna say? 30% what are you gonna say? Wow? I'm right there, Josh has 20%. Okay, 16% that's what the number is. 16%? 16%.
Starting point is 00:12:48 16%. Okay, yeah. Do you know how much is 16%? Do you know how much is 16% of what? So, do you, that's a company doing a billion here now you're going to 160. Okay, that's what 16% is. And by the way, yesterday I saw a picture that they posted, they said in front of California at Sacramento, Uber guys, you know, they're protesting, saying,
Starting point is 00:13:07 you owe me back day, you know, $490,000. Now, first of all, who knows if that person was paid $500 for somebody, they say, go take this picture, we're going to use this for news. And it's not really a drive-off. That kind of stuff doesn't happen. Never happens, of course. But here's the other part. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:21 So let's just say Uber and Lyft eventually bow down and they say, okay, we'll stay there. You know what's gonna happen? Say your share's, your ride's gonna be 20 bucks to go from one place to the other place. It's gonna be 40 bucks. Yep. We'll do that. No problem. We'll pay health insurance.
Starting point is 00:13:35 We'll pay 401K. Oh yeah. But it's 50 dollars. You're gonna pay. You have to pass it down somewhere. So the pompous attitude of Rob Bonta, the California Assemblyman, and the pompous attitude of Newsom, because yesterday you and I were talking about this and I said, this is what they're doing, he said, Pat, does Newsom know this? What do you think would pass some like this?
Starting point is 00:13:56 It has to go through the governor. So Newsom, this has to get approved by the governor at the top, which is Newsom. To do some like this, why would business owners stay in California? No, I think I asked, well, obviously I did ask that question, but I said, isn't it the judges in the judicial branch who are passing down these, they're not laws, the mandates, what are they? Legend, new legislation. Right, okay. I'm not a legal scholar, but it is the judges decisions on
Starting point is 00:14:27 this kind of stuff. Here's my question, Pat, is in order to get into office, okay, which is I find it funny that these guys are our money managers and a lot of them have never even owned a business, nor have they do have a degree in finance or I mean, obviously they don't have a degree in finance. Okay. But they don't have a degree in finance okay but all you have to do to get into office you got to be charismatic you got to be a good marketer right you got to be able to speak well be articulate etc etc I actually think that entrepreneurs have a responsibility at some point in their life especially if they've been able to accomplish something in the business world to at some some point, go into public service.
Starting point is 00:15:06 And I'm going to, here's, here's, here's why a lot of your big money guys, a lot of your successful guys, they don't want to leave their businesses in order to serve public. Because a lot of times you have to surrender your, either your share in the company or you have to be a sign-up partner, you cannot actively be involved in a business. And so a lot of these guys that are even in the upper echelons of public service, they're getting paid $184,000 a year. That's the cap over, you know, say Congress. That's the cap.
Starting point is 00:15:40 Congress makes that. Yep, yep. So a lot of these guys are like, dude, I'm not taking a massive pay cut to go do this, but honestly, I think that's the problem. If we, just think, if you add an influx and an insurgents of all of these entrepreneurs that all of a sudden said, come on, man, I've built a $20 million business, $100 million business, America would be fixed.
Starting point is 00:16:04 And then it wouldn't even be a Democrat versus a Republican thing because people could disagree on social issues. You could disagree on LGBT, this or this or this, but we would at least get back to the fact that we were fiscally and financially responsible in this country. I mean, how do you debate that? You can't debate that. How do you debate that? By the way, watch this. So this whole thing with wealth taxes is going to require taxpayers to report the value financial securities, homes furniture, artwork jewelry, antiques, vehicles, boats, pension rights, family businesses,
Starting point is 00:16:31 farm assets, land, intellectual property, and much else, which means who ends up winning? Accountants end up making a ton of money because somebody has to do this work. And that's hours on top of in the last 90 days I can say I have spent somewhere around five to six hundred thousand dollars on accountants okay these are hours on top of hours on a accountants are sitting there quietly saying we'll listen don't say anything we're about to get a lot of bill next year
Starting point is 00:17:02 we gonna make some money so let me So, let me tell you one thing. I go to this meeting every year. You know, we met it now, but the insurance meeting, I go to this, that's in November typically. You can't sell it, I don't know if you know about that, but of course. There's another meeting, tell me if you've ever heard of this meeting, it's in January every year,
Starting point is 00:17:18 it's in a state planning conference called Heckerling a state planning conference, whatever. So it's all about the estate planners. And if you know nothing about the estate planning world, this is the 1% of the 1% of the 1% and my company we go there as representatives of what we do. And it's this underbelly world, not in a legal way, but kind of where it's all about avoiding a state tax
Starting point is 00:17:40 planning. It's all about legacy planning, charitable planning, state tax planning, and it's the, the advisors to the wealthiest, wealthiest, wealthiest people, they go there and they're just talking trust in a states and contract law, and it's just the wealthy have people on their payroll and their sole job is figuring out how the hell do I avoid these estate tax? But, right? But those are... What's your point though? I'm just these estate taxes? But, right? But those are-
Starting point is 00:18:05 What's your point though? I'm just saying, the wealthy have, you think the wealthy are just paying taxes willingly? They got, like you said, CPAs on file, estate tax attorneys, CPAs. The whole lot of them just getting fee after fee to have to fee to avoid these ridiculous taxes. Are you seriously alluding that California is not going to get their money in that seven and a half billion dollars from the people work more than 30 million dollars at 30,400 people I'm just saying the wealthier gonna figure out a way to okay, okay, okay, give me the simplest way they're gonna figure it out Give me the simplest way they're gonna figure it out. Who's gonna figure it out?
Starting point is 00:18:36 Give me the simplest way the wealthier gonna figure out to not pay that taxes. Oh, they're gonna pay some high prices State planners and they're just gonna figure it out. It's the simplest way. What is the simplest way to avoid having to pay those things? You're saying move saying leave. They will leave. No, obviously that's the simplest way. But then we go back to my initial point that they're gonna tax them for 10 years. I don't know how they're gonna implement that. They will leave.
Starting point is 00:18:55 Well, we've seen it already. They're leaving. And just like in New York as well, right? You know what the whole thing with the cleaners in New York? Rob said, if you want to come here to be around business, you know, the capital of business and we're the fifth largest economy and we're this and the weather and that, that, that, and the perfect living They are so convinced California is the best place to live. By the way, if you are in California because you love the beach Okay, which by the way, it's not 95% of people that live in California
Starting point is 00:19:23 It's just the people on the side. You have to realize and by the way, it's not 95% of people that live in California. It's just the people on the side. It's just people that you have to realize. And by the way, I live in California. And you know, if you're in California because of the beach, Florida is 10 times better than California. If that's the reason we're better than... Galveston is not much this, but hear me out. By a mile, Florida beats California.
Starting point is 00:19:40 If you're saying I have to have the beach life, fine. Go to Florida. The waters are warm in Florida is freezing in California. If it's business and purely business, there is only one place you got to go to if it's business. It's Texas is number one, if you want to go to business. What right next door is what people forget is Nevada. And Nevada is one of the states that doesn't take state taxes.
Starting point is 00:20:03 So it's not like it's a long drive. So I'm talking to a lot of my buddies that are running businesses that are doing 100 million to a half a million dollar your business, and they're simply going to Nevada. And by the way, you know what else they're doing? Here's a whole different conversation. Because of all the way the taxes are set up, it's forcing some people to legally get divorced. They married, but legally get divorced, to not have to pay taxes and move to another. I mean, some weird laws are making people make some
Starting point is 00:20:30 rear decisions when it comes out to their finances. But you gotta sit down and say, listen, I understand why you're doing what you're doing. So they're staying married in church, but they're being divorced in state, if that makes any sense. Sure. So a lot of weird things going on
Starting point is 00:20:40 when it comes out to that. There's two words that you use a lot. And capitalism is obviously 100% and 100%. 100%. 100%. You use a thousand percent. A hundred thousand percent.
Starting point is 00:20:52 So capitalism is one word. And bullying is another word that you use a lot. You refuse to be bullied. That's one of the major things you teach your kids. Can you just talk about that analogy right there or the metaphor with capitalism and bullying and sounds like California's doing some bullying or being pompous? Can you just talk about that analogy? Yeah, so let me let me let me
Starting point is 00:21:13 tell you what California were you gonna say something? They actually call Pat the Assyrian bull. So says the Christian Crusher. So so by the way just so you guys are right, 955 people watching right now live is the highest we've ever moved We're 45 Put a thumbs up put a thumbs up and share this and let's see how we can get today So yeah, let's start just as capitalism and bullying. Okay, capitalism bullying so you know capitalism works because you always have what Choices options, man. You don't want to go to Starbucks. No problem. Go to coffee bean. You don't want to go to Starbucks or coffee bean. Guess what? Go to 7-Eleven. Go to McDonald's. Go to Dunkin' Donuts. You got choices. Yeah. You're
Starting point is 00:21:53 not forced. It's choices. Not forced, not chose. You don't like American Airlines. Go on Delta. You don't like either one of them going United. You don't like United. Go on Virgin. I don't care. You have choices. You have a choice to go. What California is doing to put that additional 10 years of saying we're going to come back and try to get the taxes from you.
Starting point is 00:22:13 They're trying to eliminate choices. To say you don't have a choice. Now is a dictatorship. That's what that becomes. And I know this sounds kind of weird to say California is becoming a dictator. It is. They ask That's what that becomes. And I know this sounds kind of weird to say California is becoming a dictator. It is. They asked Cuomo the other day. So for me, I'm a Cuomo fan. When I say Cuomo, I don't mean by his policies.
Starting point is 00:22:33 You mean the governor in New York? I mean, not Chris Cuomo, but his swag. I just like his swag. Andrew Cuomo and I would get along. If we went to dinner, I know for a fact, we're gonna laugh, we're gonna talk shit, we're gonna talk sports, we're gonna talk politics, we're gonna argue, we're gonna scream like a guy. It's a man's man, it's my kind of a guy we're gonna sit down to talk with nipple rings. Yeah, with nipple rings. So one guy asked me a question and said,
Starting point is 00:22:58 so what is the difference between you and California? California, you know, you got, you got Gavin Newsom and you got you, but both of you guys went up in coronavirus cases, yours is declined, you're in a better place, California's got another spike, what are you saying? And he makes this argument on what it is, right? You know, because in California, they're doing it by, you know, they're allowing the regions to do different things. In New York, we said Syracuse, upstate, Buffalo, New York city, man, it doesn't matter. We're Syriques, upstate, Buffalo, New York City, man, it doesn't matter. We're all following the following guidelines. Here's what we're doing
Starting point is 00:23:28 and a flat in it, right? Okay. But Cuomo doesn't come across as a dictator. Cuomo just comes across as, listen, man, I told the billionaires, I had a body of mind. He went to Florida. I said, you got to come back. You got to come back. He says, come back. Let me buy you a drink. I'll make you breakfast. I'll make you dinner. Just come back. You gotta come back. He says, come back. Let me buy you a drink. I'll make you breakfast. I'll make you dinner. Just come back. I want you to. But the way he sounds, you like him.
Starting point is 00:23:50 You just like, you know what? Freaking, okay, I'll come back, you know. But the approach in California is, if you don't come back, we're gonna do this to you. What are you two? They are you. So you tell my capitalism to me. A true capitalist simply wants choices.
Starting point is 00:24:07 I mean, California's eliminating choices. And what's the bullying analogy? That is bullying. That's bullying. That is a form of bullying. No options. This is your only option, buddy. You're gonna leave it.
Starting point is 00:24:17 You cannot do that. You get out of options. Speaking of options, value-tainers have an option of what they watch. And the we just hit one K for the first time. The comment section is lit. It applies to all of you. Value Taneer channel with 9,000 subs by the way, which is a pretty big deal. Well, only we're only 900 something subs away from crack in 10,000 subs on a complete separate channel, which is exciting. But keep pressing that thumbs up
Starting point is 00:24:41 button and keep sharing the content that we're having here today. So yeah, that's what I mean about bullying us what I mean about California I think California is taking a wrong approach. I think they're gonna pay price and I don't think it's gonna last too long So keyword we just learned was you got choices you need choices you got choices You need choices and I'm telling you I'm the best choice So so with that being said, let's go into the DNCS today with, not yesterday, the last two days with everything that happened with the speeches that we're given. I got notes on every single one of them. I listen to every single one of them, but I think Josh, I think it's appropriate.
Starting point is 00:25:17 We have you give us an update on what happened on DNC, day one, as well as DNC day two. Well, a lot have fair and balanced. My friend try your best try your best to be a fair and balanced. I would have rather watched the opening credits on the television at the Marriott Hotel when they welcome you with their pre-recorded commercials. This by far outside of Michelle Obama, who I still think is a horrible person, but she delivered a great speech. Okay, this was the most boring snooze fest of the has-bins and idiot former Republicans
Starting point is 00:25:54 like John K. Sitch and Cindy McCain and all of these morons. It was absolutely abysmal and trust me. I cannot wait for the RNC to take place on the side of the White House. And we already know Trump already is lining up a fireworks show that is supposedly gonna be grand. But what happened in the DNC? Well, obviously, Michelle Obama gave a pretty,
Starting point is 00:26:19 pretty tough speech. She was extremely eloquent in her delivery by far. She was the highlight. I almost wonder what it is that they're setting her up for because if you think about it, she's kind of the first time, like even with Nancy Reagan, she did her say no to drugs thing. But this is the, like Michelle's really the first president's wife that has kind of been paraded out more like a politician than a first lady. I mean, she's in her own right. She's done a great job branding herself as an actual influence because she's not an
Starting point is 00:26:50 elected official, right? But she's actually come up to where she probably holds as much, not as, but close, close to as much credence as someone like Barack Obama does. And I would actually say that she's probably becoming more of a figure than Barack Obama because she's a little bit more outspoken than him. But as far as just straight oratory and delivery, she did a phenomenal job. But man, there is something weird about this pre-recorded montage that took place at the DNC. Now, I think, and we're going to get into it. A-A-O-C. I was weird.
Starting point is 00:27:26 I got to tell you. Did you see that? Did you see what A-O-C said? What did she say? Okay, tell us what she said. Very weird. She spoke for less than two minutes, but she had two minutes of time. That's how much it gave her.
Starting point is 00:27:36 The lowest time anybody got was her, two minutes. Get her and get her out. Bro, but they know that they have to have her because she's the leader of the young new Democrats. So they got to put her up she's the leader of the young new Democrats. So they got to put her up there. So she gets up. She's the face of the squad, right? She gets up at the DNC, which is all about Joe Biden, which is all about, let's get all
Starting point is 00:27:57 of the troops behind Biden and let's go for it. And she gets up and gives this long speech. Well, long, two minutes. Yeah. This is a long, two minute speech.. Yeah. Gives this long, two minute speech. Yes, it was a very long, two minute speech. And this is how she ends. And that is why at the Democratic National Convention, I nominate the senator from Massachusetts,
Starting point is 00:28:17 or the senator from Vermont, Bernard. Are you ready for this? Sanders. She said that at the end. She nominated. By the way, can you pull it up? You just have to watch the last 30 seconds. It's a two minute. It's not like it's just pulled up. Oh, she's done. No, she's not done. She knows what she's doing. Bro, she is a hundred percent calculated by the way, minute 39 seconds. I was off by 20 seconds. Good evening. Bienvenidos. Good evening, right there.
Starting point is 00:28:45 I am when millions of people in the United States are looking for deep systemic solutions to our crises of mass evictions, unemployment and lack of health care, and at least be to the pueblo and out of love for all people. I hereby second the nomination of Senator Bernard Sanders government or president of the United States of America The DNC is dead ladies and gentlemen. The DNC is dead. She's she's done. They're not my opinion bro I don't think so in fact pet pet here. You're gonna get anything done in the DNC, in the Democratic party, you're gonna need the DNC machine behind you. But bro, she just spat in their face.
Starting point is 00:29:29 You, you, four years ago, the RNC said they would never select Trump as their face. They were forced to and the guy had to bow down and he was there for the celebration. And people behind him. He had the Republicans behind him. Do you know how many followers this girl has on track? That ain't shit, man. Are you telling you? She's telling you she's got you live in New York that are feeling her okay, but hey I don't run on an annual stage guys here might win her a little Brooklyn Dumb O And if you don't know about Dumb O that's down under the Manhattan bridge overpass or whatever it is
Starting point is 00:30:00 I'm not calling her a Dumb O are those people a Dumb O She might win that little segment, but she's not a natural player. Let me hear you. Go ahead, disagree. Go say it now. Never underestimate a socialist. So let me, hey, let me, let me underestimate a socialist. Let me explain to you why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why She's got your vote. Go ahead. A lot of people are watching the DNC that takes place at night.
Starting point is 00:30:25 This is prime time DNC convention, right? A lot of people watch that. That is the equivalent of what I'm going to say your tender picture is or your grinder picture. Okay. Everyone's got that one picture that looks good, that that's like their public facing picture. But if you really want to get into what the future,
Starting point is 00:30:43 the Democratic Party is, let's go into what's happening at the DNC during the daytime. Okay. This is where they're having the youth panels and their youth speakers and all that stuff. There was some stuff that happened with the youth speakers that to me was like, as I'm watching this, I'm thinking holy crap, this is the future of the DNC. This is what happened in the pre-evening DNC convention. All right. They go to play for the national anthem. Now, at nighttime, they had that little zoom montage of everybody like singing them, you know, and it's very pro-American word united. During the day, though, it's an entirely different DNC. So when they get up to do this,
Starting point is 00:31:27 this particular panel, they said, now we're going to play the national anthem for those of you at home, feel free to either rise or kneel. Okay. This is the DNC, their convention and their telling people, they want to come across at night time patriotic, but the youth are saying, Hey, if you want a meal, that's just as patriotic. Then in one of the speeches, the lady actually trails for like two minutes, three minutes on why the future of the Democratic Party is fighting in the entire, she said, the entire desolation and deconstruction of capitalism.
Starting point is 00:32:07 They're letting their true colors be known. And then I own a pressley gets up in the pre DNC. This is like, this is like wake up in the morning who you really are DNC. This is no makeup DNC. This is not tender profile picture at nighttime DNC. This is like the real DNC. She gets up and praises the protesters and rioters in Portland. At night, they want to seem like they're the unifiers of America.
Starting point is 00:32:34 But during the day, they are literally praising and bringing up the, in fact, they even had a preacher on there. I don't know what, let me just look in this camera right here and say, I don't know what in the hell kind of preacher is gonna speak at the DNC You baby murdering abortion Flip an idiot you're going to hell so they get a preacher up at the DNC that tells America of course he comes up I'm here tonight to tell you that we have got to open our borders and Jesus said that if you're doing On to the least of these I'm here tonight to tell you America if we don't open our borders for immigrants our nation is going to hell
Starting point is 00:33:14 And I was sitting here like man This started to sound a little bit like Jeremiah Wright, you know when he said god damn the United States of America dude Pat I think this brings up an interesting point and we go back into this DNC thing. I think you're right. There is a new Democratic party that's, that's taken place and you can obviously see it here. There's a war, but I'm, I'm actually telling you the Republicans, as we saw here at
Starting point is 00:33:40 the DNC, the Republicans, we had John Kasich. We had a colon pow, Cindy McCain, all of these Republicans that go up on the DNC, the Republicans, we had John Kasich, we had a colon pow, Cindy McCain, all of these Republicans that go up on the DNC platform and say, we endorse Joe Biden. What we have seen, ladies and gentlemen, is the death of the Republican party. There is no more Republican party. Now there is MAGA versus everybody. Trump has done a phenomenal job in branding. Now, the mega crowd says, oh, you're a Republican, screw you, you're not a Republican.
Starting point is 00:34:11 We don't claim you. We'll never vote for you. You're out of that, like, period. It's mega versus everybody. And I think it's going to end up being a showdown between mega versus socialism. And that's, that's, that's what the future of the country is. You know, the beautiful thing about Josh is you know what he's gonna say. Also the bad thing about Josh is you know what he's gonna say.
Starting point is 00:34:30 Obviously he's gonna defend magma magma magma magma. Dude pump your brakes a little bit buddy. If you want to go MAGA versus the rest of America, well welcome that. You got what 25% of America's feeling Trump, feeling MAGA. We'll see in the election. We will see and we will see when the way it happens. What do you say? I'm just saying, obviously, you know what Josh's position, right?
Starting point is 00:34:55 No, no, I'm asking you. Obviously, you know that he's gonna hate on the DNC. Obviously, dude, let's just back up a second. I'm not even trying to be political here. Why are all these Republicans? John Kasich, who is a governor of Ohio, governor of Ohio, Republican. Cindy McCain, John McCain, the last time I checked,
Starting point is 00:35:14 frickin' ran for president, was the nominee on the Republican ticket. John McCain was a loser. A loser. That guy has done more with his life than you'll ever imagine. Help! Took a note. That guy has done more with his life than you'll ever imagine. Hell took a note. Are you kidding me?
Starting point is 00:35:27 That guy was a war hero. He was not a war hero. He was a coward. That guy is responsible for the death of Americans. He leaked intelligence. He was a sissy and they covered it up because his dad was an admirable. Did you vote for him?
Starting point is 00:35:40 Well, it was an admirable. Did you vote for him? No, I did not vote for him. I did not vote for him in 2008. I did not vote for him. So you're not a no. So you're saying that you're not, you didn for him? Well, it was an ad-roll. Did you vote for him? No, I did not vote for him. Did you vote for him? No, I did not vote for him. I did not vote for him. So you're not a vote. So you're saying that you didn't vote?
Starting point is 00:35:49 I am not a John McCain guy. And I'm gonna tell you why, bro, because I lived in Arizona. I lived in Arizona. Bro, this guy, people are glad. People are for the comedy. People are glad. Did you vote for Mitt Romney in 2012?
Starting point is 00:36:04 Yes. What are your thoughts on Mitt Romney? I think Mitt Romney has turned a tower heck bro. I was pro George Bush, but George Bush is shown as So you don't so you're not a fan of Romney. You're not a fan of McCain. You're not a fan of Bush and so you don't like any of the Republican candidates, but you're all about the Maga is that so bro what happens when Trump has exposed in a couple of months or four years? That happens. I'm so glad you said four years. Okay, because most likely a couple of months, but it could be four years. Pat and I were having a melt.
Starting point is 00:36:34 Like what happens? Who's your, who's your, what do you do then? What's the question? Like what does Josh do? Like if it's Maga. Yeah. That's Donald Trump's brand. Unless, you know, Donald Trump Jr.
Starting point is 00:36:44 Somehow magically becomes the next president. I don't see that at all. So, if you're asking me a question, I'm going to respond. My initial question is why are all these Republicans, all these Republicans, okay, then you can respond. Why are all these Republicans coming back? We're fixing the issues, ladies and gentlemen. I think we're back.
Starting point is 00:37:08 Are we not on a hard line? Yeah, but after the whole weekend said that I can work in a minute, but it hasn't been fixed. We're not on a hard line. Let us know if you guys can see us. Can you see us and hear us now? Is it all good now? Comment below and let us know if it's good now.
Starting point is 00:37:24 We didn't listen. Adam, we just wanted comment to see if it all good now? Comment below and let us know if it's good now. We didn't listen Adam. We just wanted comment to see if it's good now. Okay, well continue anyways, you were going to say you were saying. I just this is me just being a political. I'm not trying to say I'm trying to be left or trying to be right. Why are so many Republicans? Republicans who have been lifelong Republicans. Okay, remove your emotions from this question. Why are so many Republicans coming out being like, we just can't vote for this guy straight up. We cannot vote for Donald Trump. So many Republicans.
Starting point is 00:37:53 This is something that happens every single time. Every single time, you know, Trump's gonna get some people from the lab or the Republicans. This doesn't happen every time. Yes, it does. Okay, you're gonna have a whole lot. How many Democrats right now are basically saying, I cannot vote for Joe Biden. I'm sorry. I can tell you Trump has my vote. Why? I'm going to watch Democrats. I can I can tell you a huge in fact. Show me.
Starting point is 00:38:15 Watch how much is going to watch. Watch. Watch. If you remember, one's all good. One of the greatest speeches that I've that I've ever heard came from a Democrat. And I think it was in 2008 or 2006, he's passed now a rest in peace. The Democrat Senator Zell Miller. I don't know if you remember his speech at the RNC, but if you've never watched his speech at the RNC, I promise you, it is one of the greatest speeches. It will give you goosebumps the entire flipping time when he came out and he went, um, oh, oh, it was, uh, when John Kerry, it was against John Kerry. Oh, but yeah, yeah. Yeah. Okay.
Starting point is 00:38:58 Zo Miller comes out and gives a speech. And he says, I have been a Democrat my entire life. But when I look at what John Kerry wants to do, the American military. And I see that he voted and dude, he went through. Bro, oh, it was beautiful. He voted against the B something bomber. He voted against this. He voted against this. He vote. What does he want our troops to do? Protect us with spit balls and bro, the crowd goes freaking insane. But the RNC- Sounds like one of those old Democrats and Southern Democrats that carry over from 60s.
Starting point is 00:39:33 But one of the smartest things that these groups do every single time is go out and find, including Republicans. Republicans do the same exact thing they did it was so miller. Go out and find somebody that's willing to flip on the deal because now it becomes a referendum about them. And this election, that's why they have, dude, they're running a dead guy. They're literally running Joe Biden, who hides in his basement, is pretty much halfway in the castle.
Starting point is 00:40:00 I saw that guy go bike riding the other day. What do you mean, a dead guy? Bro, one, one, an electric bike. Bro, look. He's not a frickin' bicycle. What do't mean a dead guy. These are photo ops to try to convince the I was on a bike. Yeah, like you can't say he's a dead guy. Then you show me a picture in a frickin bike watch Which is he dead or is he riding a bike? Which one is it? Did you see they photoshopped him riding the bike? Did you see did you see weakened at Bernie's? Okay, bro. This is weekend at Biden's bro. You're out of your mind.
Starting point is 00:40:25 Okay, look, bro, bro, bro, bro, you do have just some credibility and then you go over the top and it's like, all right, you just broke house of cards. Look, look, you told you let's show that Lindsey Graham. Hold on, bro, hold on, Tulsi Gabbard, you had Pete Buttigieg, bro, Amy Klobuchar, you had this entire array of all of these young Democrats, right? They picked Joe Biden. Why? Because they wanted to make the election a referendum on Trump.
Starting point is 00:40:49 They knew that they didn't have anybody that was going to be able to run against him on ideas. So they, and this is smart. They probably got this idea from Ben Shapiro. Because Ben Shapiro said specifically, if you want to beat Trump Trump you got to run somebody that just hides the entire time and Will not take the fight to him and that's what they did. That's why they're running Biden That's why he's the most vanilla just yeah, so here's what I'll say I watched every single speech at the DNC so far in the first two days Okay, data wise to just kind of give you what data looks like Hollywood reported came out and this is what they said
Starting point is 00:41:26 The broadcast network suffer the biggest drops ever ABC CBS and NBC combined for about 6.7 million viewers at 10 p.m. Off by 42% Adam From the 11.6 million they had that tuned in four years ago ABC let the trio with 2.44 million followed by NBC 2.28 CBS 1.9 a meeting Nobody watched it. Okay, nobody and this is Hollywood reported. This is not Fox news. Okay, Hollywood reporters 18.7 different data. This is the data that's giving you exactly what happened here from the Hollywood report It's telling you what the numbers were right. Okay, so I watch all of them. I watched
Starting point is 00:42:07 Clinton's talk and I'll give you my take away from each one of them what they was at. Cuomo spoke, his talk was, you know, he sounded like he's given his 2024 speech, is what Cuomo sounded like he was doing. He sounded like he's given his speech to say, don't worry, wink, wink, 2024, I'm gonna run, I'll be the president in the next four years So he was kind of campaigning for Cuomo and then he gave this speech that he has to give Biden's better Bidens this Biden's dad, but keyword he called out him Trump on COVID and division, okay? Next Sanders talked about climate change
Starting point is 00:42:40 Racist call on Trump a racist pandemic Trump is rejecting science. Keep in mind, these words I'm going to share with you. Rejecting science, then he talked about stimulus, check socialism, all that other stuff, okay. And then he says Biden is going to reduce Medicare from 65, Medicare age from 65 to 60. So that's a big difference in five age. Sanders said that Biden's going to reduce the age from 65 to 60, that was part of the speech. Kase gave his talk and you know many of us can't imagine another four years going down with the path of Trump, et cetera, et cetera. All our leaders before him have tried to unite us
Starting point is 00:43:13 except for Trump. Kase gave that speech, which fine. Kase gives more a center right, guys. Not really a Republican, he's center right, totally fine. Clinton got up five minutes speech, terrible timing to have Clinton talk. After a picture comes out of him getting a backer by a girl that was at the Epstein place. I'm going to say, I'm going to say, I'm going to say, I'm going to say, I'm going to say, I'm going to say, I'm going to say, I'm going to say, I'm going to say, I'm going to say, I'm going to say, I'm going to say, I'm going to say, I'm going to say, I'm going to say, I'm going to say, I'm going to say, I'm going to say, I'm going to say, I'm going to say, I'm going to say, I'm going to say, I'm going to say, I'm going to say, I'm going to say, I'm going to say, I'm going to say, I'm going to say, I'm going to say, I'm going to say, I'm going to say, I'm going to say, I'm going to say, I'm going to say, I'm going to say, I'm going to say, I'm going to say, I'm going to say, I'm going to say, I'm going to say, I'm going to say, I'm going to say, I'm going to say, I'm going to say, I'm going to say, I'm going to say, I'm going to say, I'm going to say, I'm going to say, I'm going to say, I'm going to say, I'm going to say, I'm going to say, I'm going to say, I'm going to say, I'm going to say, I'm going to say, I'm going to say, I'm going to say, I'm going to say, I'm going to say, I'm going to say, I'm going to say, I'm going to say, I'm going to say, I'm going to say, I'm going to say, I'm going to say, I'm going to say, I'm going to say, I'm going to say, I'm going to say, I I don't know, I don't know the facts behind it, but I think it was a timing down the Republican side. If that would have come out sooner,
Starting point is 00:43:46 Clinton's probably not talking. Clinton got up, gave a five minute talk. He took a shot at Trump when he gave that HBO interview. It is what it is. He says, Trump thinks people are dying. It is what it is. COVID killing, Trump shifting blame. Obama and Biden, six years of the economy grown, job growth.
Starting point is 00:44:02 So he kind of edified Obama and Biden. This is going to be the case. Michelle Obama crushed it. And I'm sitting there listening to her talk and she says, here's a man Biden who has given his number to kids who lost a loved one to speak to them. Here's a man that knows what it is to lose a spouse, to lose a sibling, to lose a child.
Starting point is 00:44:23 He knows your pain. He knows everyone's pain versus Trump doesn't know when you're all the sudden that she took a shot at that site. Very emotion if you've now watched this 18 minute talk by Michelle, it's a powerful message that she gave. Okay, then she goes on to our last national election popular vote, Trump lost three million, but she talked about the younger audience that got to come out. Okay, and then she talked about empathy was a big word for her empathy, empathy, empathy, empathy, empathy. Again, in other words, trust science.
Starting point is 00:44:49 Sally Yates got up, she got, spoke got down, not really big. The abiton doesn't back down from bullies, which, okay. John Kerry gave a talk as boring as it can be, it was gone. AOC took shots and endorsed Sanders. Whitmer from Michigan, Biden and Obama saved auto workers in Michigan. That was her message. And we listened to medical experts, Biden Trust
Starting point is 00:45:14 science. Colin Powell talked about the military because Biden sent a son off to military. Colin Powell spoke. He did. He spoke. Caroline Kennedy endorsed Biden. Amy, call me endorsed Biden, Amy,
Starting point is 00:45:25 come on, anyways, so you go through all these things, all these speeches that we're given. There was a very obvious conference call or a Zoom that was held with all the speakers to say, here's the three topics to touch on. One was Trump doesn't trust science, okay? So if you're going to be looking for things to be listened to the next three months, he doesn't trust science. Okay, so Fauci is going to turn, it's going to be doesn't trust science. Racism was something that was talked about by a lot of the speakers and you know, a couple things happened to do with, you know, climate change will mention, but I think it was
Starting point is 00:46:00 mainly racism and trust science. Okay, what we going with this empathy was a big one. COVID was by everybody that was brought up. Everybody. So now, if let's assume the DNC is a very strategic party, okay, if they are very strategic. It's a big assumption, but go ahead. Let's say they are very strategic. I would assume if they're setting this up that Trump did on a handle COVID, I would assume if they're setting this up that Trump did on a handle, COVID, I would assume the next 60 days are going to get worse with COVID. I would assume the next 60 days, you're going to see shutdowns,
Starting point is 00:46:34 you're going to see more fear mongering, you're going to see more strange data coming up, you're going to see more businesses going out of business, more restaurants shutting down, you're're gonna see more people losing jobs. You're gonna see a lot of that happening because if that's the card they're using, they have to make it worse than next 30, 60, 90 days for to get to a point that people are gonna say, I'm not gonna vote for this guy.
Starting point is 00:46:57 Now, last night, Tom and I, friend of mine, Tom and I are texting back here for Tom's data. Again, I love Tom. When we talk to each other, it's always last time we were watching the entire election, the election night, to four o'clock in the morning, we were on the phone together for five hours. Here's the data he sent me. Truth on national basis.
Starting point is 00:47:15 42% are locked in Republican. You can't change them. No one's going to change them to vote Democrat, right? There's about 42% of American voters that are like Josh. You're not going to change them to vote Democrat, right? There's about 42% of American voters that are like Josh. You're not going to change them. There's 44% locked in Democrats. You're not going to change them. There's 4% that are locked in green or libertarian.
Starting point is 00:47:35 4%. That's 90% locked in. Then you're dealing with the 10% that determine everything. The 10% if they go 60,40 Trump, it's 48-48. Tie. If they go 60-40 Trump. If they go 70-30, it's game over. However, here's how I process this. If they go 50-50, it goes... It's Biden. If they go 60-40, it's also Biden. It's got to go 65. It's happening to win the the independent. No, the 10% so but but here's where that goes. I will tell you something here when I saw McCain first came out going against Biden
Starting point is 00:48:12 Josh, I know you're not a McCain guy, but resume to resume who has a better resume him or by him or Obama McCain against oh, yeah, it's McCain. Yeah, of course, but the part that everybody watch when McCain came up, even with his resume, he didn't look healthy. You didn't see like he had the energy. You were kind of like, I'm worried about this guy. Don't go you. Don't think him. Don't think any one of us that we're going to vote a certain way. Don't think think about some of the people that are in the middle that are saying, I don't know about this. There is no way when I saw the ending of how Biden was
Starting point is 00:48:46 speaking at the end with his wife, Jill, the energy was just, it's embarrassing. His wife was trying to build him up. His wife was trying to protect them. The 10%ers are going to determine who's going to become president, and I think the 10%ers are going to say, listen, and I think I'm just going to risk it and go one more time with Trump for four more years.
Starting point is 00:49:05 I don't know if I'm comfortable with somebody that's nearly 80 or so to be the president who's never been coming out here talking. That's how I see this thing taking place. And it's not something where you look at Obama, you're like, okay, this guy's young, exciting. You look at Clinton against Bush senior, this guy's young, exciting. You look at, you know, you know, even thinking of the JFK Nixon fact. Yeah, it's exciting. I, he's just not exciting, exciting. You looked at, you know, you know, even thinking of the JFK Nixon fact. Yeah, it's exciting. I he's just not exciting, man. Oh, yeah, there's nothing. You're, you're missing one thing. No, the people, hey, Trump, you're missing one thing. Nobody's voting for
Starting point is 00:49:36 Joe because they're excited about him. But you have to be. No, yes, TV. It's TV. It's, it's changing. Well, six, I mean, the good news about this change in 65 like I'm voting for Biden That's no secret and Josh are probably end up voting for Biden less he loses So check this out. But you're voting for people are voting for Biden SMP has not because they're excited about the ticket But dude six months ago I said if the if the left's gonna win they have to make sure the economy stays down They have to make sure the Dow doesn't come back up. You know what's one the worst thing they Dow the economy You know what's one the worst thing the they- You know what's one of the worst things the Democrats did? They thought they were doing the right thing.
Starting point is 00:50:08 You know what's one of the worst things they did? You know what's one of the worst things they did? Strategically, you're ready for this. Are you ready for this? The stimulus package? They should have never done the stimulus package. They should have never done the $600 a week. They care too much about the people.
Starting point is 00:50:21 It's not about they care too much about the people. They want it to get people to say that you be, you know, universal basic income. We're going in that direction passing that $600 a week saved the economy. A very bad movement on the Democrat side. I woke up very well. I don't, I mean, that you're talking about strategic planning. That'd be some fucking Machiavellian strategic planning right there. What happens in politics? You think politics looks like, let's see what's best for the people. So you really think that's what they do? Let's see what the best people.
Starting point is 00:50:52 I woke up this morning and I actually heard the Dow Jones singing a little song. Can't nobody hold me down? And bro, here's the thing. Oh no. Trump. Trump came out. I think that they have given Trump his greatest rally cry and it's this. I built the greatest economy. Okay, I did it and it was big. Okay, we were going in a very good direction and then the Democrats and their plan,
Starting point is 00:51:19 Demick, but if I did it before, I'll do it once more. If I did it back then, I'll do it again. Okay. We're gonna have the greatest economy a second time and he literally said this on Twitter. He said, I'll rebuild the economy again. How in the world does the Dow? And like, it bounces back so fast. I think that's his rallying cry. Like, hey guys, you want the greatest economy?
Starting point is 00:51:42 Look at how quick I brought it back from what was the worst pandemic in the last hundred years and look what I was able to do in a matter of months. Like to me, I mean, good point. And, and to Pat's point, I think that one of the value tainers say it best, shout out to Paul Meadow, paratrooper, who said this, he said, I don't like Trump, but I hate all the other options. I think that that's the sentiment of a bunch of the guys in the middle. Is there like, look, I'm not the biggest fan of Trump and some of the stuff that he says, but I hate everybody else.
Starting point is 00:52:16 Dude, that's exactly what the other half of the country's saying. That's my point. It's like you're giving your perspective or it's a 10% percent. That's what I'm saying. 10% percent percent percent. That's a 10% man the 10% percent of everything 10% for so everything so we can everyone says the video's lagging is this the lagging or going yeah it looks like it's delayed like it's going on here so how are we looking now what are we doing are, we were all the way up to 1400 by the way active. Did you say please refresh your screen? Is that what you're telling people to do?
Starting point is 00:52:51 Okay, let's continue. I mean, we're just gonna continue and see what happens here. That's what we're gonna do. You guys tell us what you're doing. So S&P's back up, Fag, it's, US stock market benchmark on track for its biggest 100 day trading rise
Starting point is 00:53:04 since the period ending August 18, according to Dow Jones at a markets recovery and it's coming back up and Elon Musk is apparently now the fourth richest man in the world. He's worth what 88 billion. Kai what's the number now? He's worth somewhere around 84.84. $84.8 billion but who's counting and Bayzo's is nearly after getting a divorce and given up 30 some billion dollars to his ex-wife He's now about to cross 200 billion dollars in net worth with the kind of rise that they're making Do you think eventually Elon Musk again? I'm gonna ask this question. I asked this a couple months ago
Starting point is 00:53:37 Yeah, you think musk is eventually gonna pass Bayzo's a network. Yes. Yes. You're saying yes. Are you saying yes? I don't know if he's gonna pass him in net worth you think you will But I do want to change my opinion. I think you asked me like who you bet not bezos or most not even necessarily In the net worth department because at this point like you're worth a hundred billion or 120 billion like whatever But dude's going to space man whatever. But dudes go into space, man. Dude's going to space. Like, that's pretty dope. Okay. I mean, Richard Branson ain't doing it. I don't know, you know, I know your big virgin guy, but I don't know literally, but I don't know if that's,
Starting point is 00:54:16 if that's, well, you got to get it happening. But the dude's going to space. Is that again? Yeah. Yeah. There's, I. He's trying to go to space too. Yeah. Yeah. I think there's just something more attractive about Elon Musk. I don't know what it is. Physically. No, not physically attractive.
Starting point is 00:54:33 Personality, the way he talks. He's edgy. He's the rebel with a cause. You know, he's what? Like 20 years younger. Yeah. Not 20 years younger. I think they're like 12 years apart.
Starting point is 00:54:44 10 years apart. If they're 12 years apart younger. I think they're like 12 years apart, 10 years apart. If they're, if they're 12 years apart, then I don't know what Elon Musk is taking, but he definitely comes across. So he's 56 and Elon Musk is. 49, 70 years ago. Wow. But bro, doesn't Elon Musk come across as a lot younger?
Starting point is 00:55:00 Yeah, that's the hair thing bro. Oh, by the way, he lost it's here a long time ago just so you guys know Elon Musk. Oh, yeah, he went to space. He got a new hair transplant. He's going, actually, I want some new things. It's a new thing. Dude, your hair is out of this world. Yeah, that's the way.
Starting point is 00:55:14 So check this out. So word is out. Buffett is betting against the US for the first time ever. Buffett is betting against the US for the first time ever. He's been a long critic of gold as an investment saying it has no utility in that the magical medal is no match for the American medal until now. Berkshire Hathaway, okay, just acquired. 20 million, 21 million shares of Berwick Gold, which is worth $563 million.
Starting point is 00:55:42 He just made a half a billion dollar bet on gold while selling shares of Wells Fargo, JP Morgan Chase. Friday afternoon, by the way, he sold 1.75% shares of JP Morgan Chase. I'm sorry, of Wells Fargo, he sold 1.39% of JP Morgan Chase. Buffett is betting on gold. Do you think he's just getting a little too conservative? Or do you think he knows something the rest of us don't know? Josh, you go first on this one because I know you're a big, big, big, metal guy, really, really big metals. And it's because I like to essentially hedge my, well, bro, look, I bought a bunch when it was about 14 bucks. It got down as much as 12.
Starting point is 00:56:26 I bought a, I mean, I don't want to say how much, but I bought a lot. And I've seen a nice, healthy increase because we've went from 14 to right now, it's sitting somewhere around 28 this morning. So, and that's just been in the last few months, but there's a lot of uncertainty, right? And the beautiful thing to me about metals is this, particularly silver. When you start looking
Starting point is 00:56:53 at the fact that there's there's physical silver and then there's paper. Now, worn buffets by paper, I'm personally not a fan of paper. And it's it's your metal is not real. It's imaginary metal, right? So it could be taken away and EMP goes down, they shut down Chicago. I mean, there's a lot of stuff like, but it's kind of hard for him to buy this much gold because I don't even know that there's this much gold in flip and existence in the US right now. Even if you went to Fort Knox, I think Fort Knox is probably empty. But that being said, when you're buying paper gold, or paper silver, you're buying something that has zero backing. There is not as much silver as there is on paper
Starting point is 00:57:36 because I think they can do 100x, right, Pat? So if you're trading, you're trading on 100x, I buy physical silver because should paper silver ever go away, just look at what physical silver is gonna do. It's gonna shoot 100x, okay? But, as far as Warren Buffett goes, what's he banking on though? What's he banking on?
Starting point is 00:57:56 I'm so glad you asked that question, brother. I've been waiting the whole day! The answer to this question, I'm just kidding. So, but I did do it a little research little researcher and are we even live right now? Okay, so this is actually the the power of Google. Do you know that the ticker? You know this stock exchange the ticker for gold. Do you know what the what the symbol is? What's that? A-U-G right? It's X-A-U. It's not gold. Okay. So just a little hot tip for it. What gold is is this Barrick gold company. So that's a great come up for Barrick gold. They're GOLD.
Starting point is 00:58:35 So I did some, I'm just thinking like why after years and years and years you're thinking about legacy planning and everything he's ever said and I don't bet I don't, I bet on American metal, not this precious metal. I have a different perspective. I don't think he's necessarily buying gold. I think he's buying the company. It's like back in the day, you know who made the money in 1849 during the gold rush?
Starting point is 00:58:59 You know who actually made the money? It wasn't the company. It wasn't even the fucking- Guys selling pickaxes. The guys that sold the freaking shovels. Oh, you go, go ahead, go find that gold buddy. They're signed. The guy that sold the shovels, the guys that set up the restaurants, the guys basically who are capitalist saying, all right, good luck finding that gold. What I think Warren Buffett is doing, he's he bet on Barrett Gold. And if you look at what Barrett Gold is,
Starting point is 00:59:22 our vision is to be the world's most valued gold mining business By finding and developing and owning the best assets with the best people to deliver sustainable returns for their owners our partners So he's not buying gold. He's buying the company. He's basically saying you People go buy your gold. I'm gonna buy the company that gets all the gold in your hands So I don't think he's changing his position. I think he's basically saying you guys running around buying your gold I'm gonna go buy the company that's mining the gold and then you do what you want with your gold Because I think in this late in the game. I mean more and buffens got to be 88 hole to see 88 he's a lady's okay, and then his boy his homeboy
Starting point is 01:00:02 Charlie Munger is what 90 And then his boy, his homeboy, Charlie Munger is what? 99 and a half of me. Why are these guys still trading? That's my point. They're not doing this. They're not doing it for money. They're not, and he's not like reversing as everything he's ever set on his legacy.
Starting point is 01:00:17 And he's like, oh, you know, 96. Guys, the point is, they're investing in the shovels, not the gold. By the way, if you're watching this, can you do me a favor go on my Instagram and I want you to video record and show me exactly what this looks like So I can bring it to my to cuz on aren't it looks fine while I'm looking at it on your end it probably doesn't look good
Starting point is 01:00:39 Audio's looking good but video's bad or what is it is audio and videos bad? good but video is bad or what is it? It's audio and video is bad. Mario. The network change over the weekend. They took off power from the Wi-Fi access point that's closest to us. I don't know why. Now they're trying to give us more power. It was a very important thing. So, that can tell you why that happened or no. He's working on it now, no, he does not. We have to meet right after him, so that it's not. So, it's funny because people are saying that Adam's words do not match up with his actions. And I say, I say that every single day.
Starting point is 01:01:15 So, let me ask you, do we continue or do we stop right now? Because tell us what's going on. You're saying Louis continue or no? I think we should wrap up. OK. This time, this takes this time. Yeah. Okay. Gank, listen, this was the best one we have so far
Starting point is 01:01:27 with the most people watching, but you're saying the lag is so bad you can't even tolerate this. We're going to check to see what's going on over here and we will get back to you Friday. I mean, even if you do that right now, it's irrelevant because this is pretty annoying here that on the 13th episode we're experiencing some like this.
Starting point is 01:01:43 Mario, any final thoughts before we wrap up? We're gonna work out and improve it for the next one Okay, sounds good gang be patient with us. We'll test it on Friday to see how it goes Thank you for your loyalty. We will do it again on Friday. Take care everybody. Bye-bye

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