PBD Podcast - WAP and MickeyD's | PBD Podcast | EP 3

Episode Date: August 12, 2020

Patrick Bet-David, Joshua Feuerstein and Adam Sosnick talk about a wide range of topics inlcuding, The lawsuit McDonalds filed against it's previous CEO, How Sales force made a quick $700 million, Ube...r and Lyft drivers in California becoming full time employees instead of contractors, why planes still use floppy disks, Cardi B's new song, Joe Biden picking Kamala Harris as a VP, Why China is investing $10-15 billion in Armenia and much more. Download the podcasts on all your favorite platforms https://bit.ly/3kF7BT1 Text: PODCAST to 310.340.1132 to get added to the distribution list The BetDavid Podcast is a podcast that discusses, current events, trending topics and politics as they relate to life and business. Stay tuned for new episodes and guest appearances. Connect with Patrick on social media: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/patrickbetdavid/?hl=en Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/patrickbetdavid Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PatrickBetDavid.Valuetainment Follow the guests in this episode: Joshua Feuerstein https://bit.ly/39WWyQw Adam Sosnick https://bit.ly/2PqllTj Share your thoughts with Patrick Bet-David about this first episode on Twitter http://www.twitter.com/patrickbetdavid To reach the Valuetainment team you can email: info@valuetainment.com About the host: Patrick is a successful startup entrepreneur, CEO of PHP Agency, Inc., emerging author and Creator of Valuetainment on Youtube. As a natural critical thinker, Patrick takes complex leadership, management and entrepreneurial ideas and converts them into simple life lessons for today and tomorrow’s entrepreneurs. Patrick is passionate about shaping the next generation of leaders by teaching thought provoking perspectives on entrepreneurship and disrupting the traditional approach to a career. --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/pbdpodcast/support

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Starting point is 00:00:00 okay alright so we are on by the way just so you know right before getting the podcast started and to wake up this is the song at a wakes up to every morning and i'm listening to this new song by car to be we're you know wet as possible stupid is on the world is listening to that while he comes into the meeting to the board this after he leaves the bathroom because i'm got to take his bathroom break we made sure he did that this morning anyways it's good to be back on episode number three,
Starting point is 00:00:26 I believe we had Ray Crock in last week. Today we have Adam, Sasnick back with us with Josh, Fear Stein, a lot of strong topics to go through today. By the way, I am wearing a Wongonzola's jersey. It's a gift that was given to me by a value-tainer and tone ischmaelian. I'm gonna give a shout out to him for sending
Starting point is 00:00:45 this lovely jersey to me you can tell this guy that research and it's autographed by Wang Gonzalez to me man I you know it's that's your guy that's my guy Wang Gonzalez you're my time MVP do values him listen to anything so he wapsed is soon I love that soon no no he's about to get panties sent this way after listening to people No one listens to this web song, but anyways guys a lot of topics to go through obviously the best VP Candidate ever chosen in the history of a last 12 months Kamala Harris was chosen and I know Josh You got strong opinions on that. We got some Trump's worst
Starting point is 00:01:24 campaign promise by Yahoo Finance, which we'll talk about that here in a minute. We got some Carl Iconn, how he made $1.3 billion betting against something. Well, it's going to make sense, but think about how he made $1.3 billion. And in our Salesforce just made $700 million in 14 months by making an investment into a company. We'll talk about that. And then we got a lot of other topics. Tesla split and McDonald's fired CEO November 20, 2019.
Starting point is 00:01:51 Finally, the news is coming out. Why California laws that's going to be hurting Uber and Live drivers, Boeing 747 still using floppy disks and you'd be amazed who else still uses that. Little bit of stimulus check update. Something that happened between Armenia and China that was sent by one of the value tenors that I think it's worthy of us talking about, then a way churches are getting creative which will bring that up and then a few other items. But let me just first get into what happened with Salesforce. Let's talk business first. By the way, I also have something if we have time today. We don't have, we have
Starting point is 00:02:23 90 minutes today. We put the timer up here for you guys that are watching this. We'll be going 10 minutes per topic. Obviously, some of these topics go a little longer, but we want to make sure we stay disciplined. I read a book a long time ago that talks about 44 communist goals in 1958 written by a 15-year CIA agent, Clean Scouson. And I'll read some of these two, and I want you to be thinking about how close these are on what's happening in America today. But the first topic to get into is the following. Sales force ends up investing $100 million to buy 2.8 million shares of Zoom last April. Last April they buy 2.8 million shares. This Mark Benny-Hoff and Enterprise Salesforce who also
Starting point is 00:03:08 about Time Magazine. Jack Pud. Exactly. They put a hundred million dollars into the last April of 2019. 2019. Talk about it. 2019 and then they recently sold it and they're saying they're estimating they're made anywhere between 317 million low to high of $705 million in 14 months of doing that. They also sold just so you know, 2.2 million shares of drop box of which they owned and they owned Surrey Monkey which they also sold. That's what happened here with a business update
Starting point is 00:03:39 on Salesforce. And then the other update is with billionaires out there is Carl Iconn netted $1.3 billion from betting against brick and mortar shopping malls with an investment that gained fame in 2008 and a billion of Carl Icon $1.3 billion dollars he netted a filing said that the bet was a result of positive performance of their short exposure to commercial mortgage-backed securities through credit default swap contracts of 1.3 million. One thing about Carl Icon, he's known as being a bully
Starting point is 00:04:10 of an investor. I remember when he was pressuring AIG constantly to do things and get the company to improve and eventually got the CEO fired. But this is a legit of a business guy out there. It worked probably, I don't know what his numbers. What's Carl Icon's network? I want to say, he's got to be worked between 25 to 30
Starting point is 00:04:27 billion dollars but what do you think about these two things you're one with Salesforce, one with icon. Okay don't don't you think that Salesforce was was actually looking ahead and they saw where it was going anyways the pandemic let's just be honest everything was going to zoom meetings and all that stuff. To me, the pandemic just sped the process up. So of course, they hit the jackpot, but honestly, I think they would hit the jackpot, no matter what, I think that the pandemic just exacerbated the problem and actually made them the solution to the problem a lot quicker. As far as the shopping malls, dude, guys in the e-commerce
Starting point is 00:05:07 base have been saying for a very long time, you start seeing consumers more and more buying digital. Okay, and the beautiful thing is, especially if you're an e-commerce guy, you're targeting people that already purchase digitally. So people that are on Amazon, you're running your Facebook ads and stuff to people that already have a like for Amazon. So you're seeing this audience grow and grow and grow online transactions are becoming more trustworthy. I mean, think Pat, people went from being concerned about buying something for $5 online.
Starting point is 00:05:40 Now people are purchasing cars online without even ever test driving. That's so wild. Yeah you think about that that's taking place? Vroom. Like you never see the car you order. It just comes to you. Regular people buying cars like they're just buying wives online. Yeah, just mail in a mail in fries. Just send them on. That's been going off for a while though. That's nothing. No, that you can do it online. Yeah, there's there's
Starting point is 00:06:01 reviews on it, I guess. I got three wives sitting in my house right now. Just wait. You know about that the more. I, so I actually remember doing a video that we used as an ad once in where I walked through a shopping mall and I showed, and this is in the middle of Paradise Valley where people have money, okay, where people enjoy spending. I walked through a shopping mall and I took a video during Christmas time and it was a ghost town. Normally with Christmas time, people are out walking around, sipping eggnog, Christmas carols, Santas, all this stuff, to the shopping mall was empty.
Starting point is 00:06:35 So I think that these guys, they were watching mall traffic and they knew everything to dying. So I got a question for you there. Okay. On not necessarily what happened with Salesforce, I think Salesforce, you know, good investment, Mark Benhoff to buy two, to buy 2.8 million shares and put 100 million into it.
Starting point is 00:06:54 But the question I got for you is the following. So Kai gives me some data and he says, the cruise industry takes how big of a hit did you say? 85% 90% hit, massive hit, right? No one's using cruise ships all this other stuff, right? They lost 1.3 billion. It's not a big number if you really think about it. 1,500 sailings were...
Starting point is 00:07:14 1,500 sailings have just stopped all that, so I get it. But then the article ends with what? But surprisingly, surprisingly, so many people have booked to go on a cruise in 2021 without knowing anything in advance, okay? Huh? And no market for it, right? So here's a point. This is the one thing about malls I keep trying to go to the place I've seen is there is there something where the idea of going to the mall changes meaning
Starting point is 00:07:41 Do you think some people are sitting around saying, listen, man, it's Friday night, I wanna go to be around people, people want to be around people, right? They have to have that human interaction. If malls go away, if Walmart goes away, if everything's getting delivered, then the only people I really have to eventually interact with is the four people I live with in my house.
Starting point is 00:08:01 What a boring life. So to me, the reason why I'm thinking about it from this angle is, I think the strategies got a change on what you make the mall. If I had a store and I'm selling clothes, there's no way in the world I'm doing anything with me selling clothes without adding entertainment to it. No way in the world.
Starting point is 00:08:20 There has to be a form of entertainment, right? Maybe it's a midday dancing, I don't know what it is, just add something that's a form of entertainment. The whole thing is value-taming. The reason why we name it value-taming is because I believe the hardest topic to share with people on YouTube to get views with is what? How-to's. Business. You know, how to do anything with business. People don't want to get up to their learn, they don't want to learn nonfiction, they want to learn what? Fiction, cats, girls, but entertaining stuff, right? But if you combine value with entertainment, now you have something.
Starting point is 00:08:52 If you combine malls with an element of entertainment for me to come to your store where I'm being entertained, maybe there's a business model. I just don't think, I think people are eventually gonna say, dude, I want to be around. We were a breakers this weekend, right? We've been there a couple of times on the last month. So we're in breakers Palm Beach We're hanging out around people and everybody I'm talking to all their say-n-is
Starting point is 00:09:16 Maybe we're just glad to be around people right just glad to be around people just glad to be around people So you know obviously Carl Icon knows what he's doing. He's invested against this But at the same time, I don't know if people are going to want to be away from people for too long. But the thing with malls is what's the big things that's been closing in malls. What's the big thing that's been closing in malls? The anchor stores. The anchor stores, right? The seers, the JC Penney's, the Lord and Taylors. So who's coming in and swooping those up? Have you heard? Amazon. Amazon. They're coming in. They're gonna make them fulfillment centers
Starting point is 00:09:48 But what they're also gonna do is like what Pat's saying you got to throw some entertainment in that thing throw a rollercoaster in that piece Like people want to get out you've ever been to Mall of America in Minnesota. Yeah, no, no Not Minnesota, but I've been to the mall and there's one invasion. Let me tell you something Yeah, you go to them, one billion percent, people wanna be around people. I mean, that's like social interaction. If I'm just sitting here, I'm zooming with people all day every day,
Starting point is 00:10:13 just, I mean, what a life that is. But people wanna be around people, but you said specifically, things need to change. What needs to change? Going to the mall, you know, showing up, shopping, shop to your drop, going to get some clothes, going to get some, now maybe you go to the mall, you know, showing up, shopping, shop to your drop, going to get some clothes, going to get some, now maybe you go to the mall and it has like the mall of America has in Minnesota.
Starting point is 00:10:31 You got rides, you got freaking pony rides on the side of the mall, you got, you just went on pony rides this week. Just fun for the family, interaction, games, Amazon warehouse on one side, the mall's changing but it is not dead. What's that about, if you listen to this before I go to judge, what do you think side, the mall's changing, but it is not dead. What's that about? If you listen to this before I go to Josh, what do you think is happening with
Starting point is 00:10:48 malls? You think they're permanently going away? And if they're not, what would you like to see happen in malls as a form of entertainment for you? Go ahead, Josh. Dude, I think one of our value-tainers just had a genius idea and shout out to Jason Krueger. Thanks for the comment.
Starting point is 00:11:03 Javier, 0304 said this. He said our malls in San Jose have gyms and movie theaters. Now, obviously a lot of them have movie theaters. But when you think about what an anchor store does, Pat, is it brings business. It brings foot traffic into a mall. And so. Tantanale had that as well. Tantanale had a ballies in there that everybody would go into. You had you'd have to go to the mall to go to ballies So I always brought traffic to run that ballies Not not me. It was a
Starting point is 00:11:31 Sao Not the Sao No, but but but think doing something like that to where people are constantly like you're bringing in foot traffic in a gym Is actually a great idea because that's foot traffic that you're getting three, four, five times a week. And then they're there, they're like, oh my God, I gotta pick up blow blow, you know what I'm saying? Like putting in an Amazon fulfillment center is not gonna bring foot traffic.
Starting point is 00:11:55 Yeah, but they're gonna be paying rent. And like that's basically what, you know, what's the largest mall operator, Simon, was that what it is? That's what they're most concerned about. People paying rent, because right now people aren't paying rent in these lot of these stores.
Starting point is 00:12:06 So if you have a little mixture of people that are definitely paying rent and excitement, amusement parks, we'll see. We'll see what's going to happen. I just don't think they're going away. I don't think all of these things are going away. I just think someone's going to come out with a very creative way of innovating and then people are going to say, I can't wait to go do this. This capitalism.
Starting point is 00:12:24 It's going to happen. So for example, I go to the mall every single Sunday because there is the horsey, the pony ride, that it's not even a, what do you call those things that just you can't sell. Carousel. So we go to the carousel. There's an arcade. There is a ice cream shop.
Starting point is 00:12:38 And then we go eat at cheesecake. And then there's a barns and a noblem. That gets me to go to the mall and take the kids. So there's an element that helps. And how much shopping are you doing? And afterwards, hey, I gotta get shoes, I gotta get this, I gotta get this. Well, you're not going to the mall, I'm not going to the mall, there's gotta be different model.
Starting point is 00:12:52 Yeah, it's entertainment, it's family, it's fun, and maybe you throw in some shoes. I draw probably around $700 in Fort Worth stockyards. It's out of control. This so weak. It would have been cheaper for me to have a petting zoo show up at my house. All right. But I went there because there was ponies.
Starting point is 00:13:09 There was activities for the kids. There was petting zoos. There's all this stuff. And then you got all the tourist trap places that are making a killing. Yeah. But what? It's just like you were saying, people were coming down for the experience. And then they're buying all of the bull crap.
Starting point is 00:13:22 Just. We'll see what's going to happen. I'm curious. I'm curious to know what's's gonna happen. By the way, we are at 596 people watching that we've never cracked a thousand This is a small channel with 6300 subs put a thumbs up and shared this with somebody and let's see if we can get to a thousand number here Next McDonald's seal gets fired. Let's spend a couple minutes on this. He gets fired back in November of 2019 You got to give him credit because he did double the prices, double the share prices when he was the CEO. He made people money, but at the same time he's getting a suit for his $40 million severance package.
Starting point is 00:13:54 After details coming out that he lied to the board about him giving some of the girls that he was dating, generous stock options. What are your thoughts about that? These are employees. These are employees that he was seen on the side that he gave him generous stock. He broke the Cardinal Sin, bro of business. The Cardinal Sin. What's the Cardinal Sin? You know. Don't shit where you eat, bro. You're worth billions of dollars. You gotta go bang a McDonald's employee, get a life, or go bang a Burger King's employee, something like that. Keep your fringe in your happy mail. Exactly. So, you know, he gets what he ordered. That's the happy mail. So, this is Larry Ellison, who's worth $60 billion.
Starting point is 00:14:33 Larry Ellison has been known for doing this and the entire company knows about it. And one day the bulls. This is Oracle. Oracle. And by the way, Larry Ellison, this is a guy that is in a league of his own. He's a giant, you know, he's, by the way, what's his pull up his name?
Starting point is 00:14:48 He may be an 80 billion out of guy, maybe a 70 billion out of guy. Have you seen his headquarters? Have you set up his headquarters? No, I'm not. His headquarters, he parked his yacht outside of his headquarters. He intentionally set up his headquarters in a way to park his yacht outside. He's worth 70 billion dollars. Pull up, pull up the Oracle headquarters and type in yacht next to it type oracle
Starting point is 00:15:08 Headquarters yacht. He's 75. He looks great. He looks great man. He's a Trump's got to talk to this guy's great Hand on this guy's got a great fake spray tank three. Okay, and then go to his headquarters I that's his headquarters and then show the yacht by the headquarters Okay That's his headquarters and show the yacht by the headquarters. Okay. So he parks the yacht right out there in front of his headquarters. Okay. Where's he in California somewhere? This is a Northern California.
Starting point is 00:15:33 I think it's in Northern California where it's up. But the point is he had a system. He would see pretty gross at work for the company that get an ice BMW. And there's a, you know, a relationship that goes on. And then when there's an exit, there's a payout, right? And the board finally said, this is enough because he's over there all the time and he's single by himself, not married.
Starting point is 00:15:52 He wants to have some of the ladies and some of the workforce company. I can see a lot of that happen with some of these guys that are working 24-7 at their companies alone, but when you do that in this manner and you're giving side, you know, what do you call it? Spid some of that.
Starting point is 00:16:09 Spid some of that. You cannot be doing that. You just screwed the whole thing up. And it's not gonna end up good for a guy like this. So sloppy. It's sloppy, it's stupid. It's more than that. And it's a brand that's a kid brand.
Starting point is 00:16:21 Like it's, you know, when you have a business model, you're every company, if you read the book, it's my second time going through it. Remember, Ben Horowitz, I told you, hadn't read it, I had read it, and I'm like, I've read this already. I went through a second time, it's called the, not the heartings, but heartings. I read that a long time.
Starting point is 00:16:39 You know, you read a lot of books, if you read the same book again, you're like, I know this book. This is the book, what, I never have. What you do is who you are, What she do is who you are. What she do is who you are. Ben Horowitz happens to be our buddy, David Horowitz's son, which is a very, by the way, they're politically
Starting point is 00:16:53 on the complete opposite side. A father's a hardcore conservative Republican, you know, Jewish guy, hardcore, and his son is, you know, a completely different side. But one of the things he talks about in the book is that there are different cultures and companies that are made. And you have to know that the values and principles
Starting point is 00:17:13 have to match the company's culture. For example, if you did this and you're dating somebody within the company in Zappos, it may not be a big deal. Because the culture, there's a very interaction hanging out together. Let's go drinking. Let's put parties together They put raves together. Tony. Show you stupid parties to get all the time and employees would come together If you ever read the book what's the book he wrote?
Starting point is 00:17:33 Delivering happiness. He says this is what I did I put all these parties in but McDonald's values and principles are kids What the hell are you doing? It doesn't make any sense to do this when your values and principles are around this. I think that's the biggest mistake. And obviously it's not a good idea to give those shares out. Have you ever watched the internship with Owen Wilson and Vince Vaughn? Yes. Oh my goodness. That is such a great movie. The internship something like that. Yeah. Yeah. It's hilarious. It's called the internship. And there's actually a scene where they're in there. And he's like, okay, it's hilarious. It's called the internship and there's actually a scene where they're in there and he's like, okay, let's go over some of the rules and let's see what you guys think
Starting point is 00:18:11 and they have green paddles and red paddles and he's like taking work, taking food from work and everyone's like, no, and these two guys are green, you know, dating employees green You know dating employees green What are you? Your problem and then he's you know, but what is she's yeah, oh dude that oh my god that movie That is freakin why you got to hire the right people to match the culture then and McDonald's you cannot have some like That be taking place man. You just cannot do it. You got a CEO. This is this CEO. This is not just an executive This to see you cannot be doing some like that speaking to CEOs
Starting point is 00:18:46 I just had one question. Yeah, obviously you're a big Advocate of CEOs and culture mark Benioff Most underrated CEO in America Most underrated CEO the Elon Musk. We talk about the Bezos. We obviously talk about the Warren Buffets Mark Benioff though sales force Does he get the love? I think there's a different word and underrated We talk about the Bezos, we obviously talk about the Warren Buffett's. Mark Benioff, though, Salesforce. Does he get the love they deserve? I think there's a different word than underrated.
Starting point is 00:19:08 I think he may not want to have all the attention that other people are having, but he's brilliant. He's out there in the news, though. He's not trying to be a secret. Well, he's not trying to be a secret, but he's not trying to be Elon Musk. He's not trying to be, you know, he doesn't play that card. Although he did by Time Magazine for, think $351 million giver take. And I think he's got long term aspirations. You know how the like in the senior year books, they'd have like, you know,
Starting point is 00:19:35 best looking, most athletic, you're putting Mark Bain, how about one, the best looking? No, he's a hot guy, but no. The I don't think he would compete for that. He's not going to win that. However, there was unsung hero. Yeah. That was always like the most under, like person who you like, he's not in the top 10, you would never name Mark Benioff.
Starting point is 00:19:55 He's a stat, but he might be, is my point. But he's a stat, there's no way no one's going to undermine the level of how much of a stat that guy is. So yeah, he's a quality guy when it comes on to competition. Uber and Lyft, California, let's talk about this. California wants to turn, not just once, two days ago, this came out that they're turning all their drivers
Starting point is 00:20:16 from 1099 to W2, okay? From 1099 to W2. This is Justin California. This is Justin California. Yeah, so I'll be okay here. Yeah, Justin California, which means now everything, all of those drivers that are working there, not they have to work by the laws of a W-tune employees,
Starting point is 00:20:35 not a 1099. So the benefits of 1099 goes away for the drivers. It's a complete different game now. What are things going to happen and who wins here, who loses here? I think everyone's going to be a loser here, including the state of California. Okay, because they are driving businesses out of California like never before. And then they're going to expect the federal government to bail them out. Okay. But if you, so if you actually, they did a study on, I think it was market
Starting point is 00:21:06 watch, but it's been published all over the place. They, they did a study on how much money an Uber driver actually makes. And after you take into car depreciation, gas, blah, blah, blah, it comes down to about $7 an hour, okay? Which tells me this, if you're driving Uber as a career, very bad career choice, if you're driving it to make immediate cash, then great, but just think about the wear and tear on your car, you know, and stuff. But now they're wanting to make them employees, which is going to turn them into what? A cab company, right? So I'm actually kind of interested to see
Starting point is 00:21:42 what happens here, because now are you an employee driving your own car, just like you said, the 1099 benefits are going away. So now you're not able to write off the depreciation to your car and all this stuff. Dude, they're going to lose drivers left and right, or they're going to have to turn into a cab company in California. You know who's protesting this the most? You know who's protesting this the most? Customers are sitting around saying, I have no idea what the hell happens to me. I don't know the difference. Customers are not protesting this.
Starting point is 00:22:07 Drivers are protesting this. The same people that these politicians are supposedly fighting for are saying, stop fighting for me. Leave me alone. Let me be 1099. Why are you bothering me? I don't mind being 1099. So imagine I'm your lawyer, okay?
Starting point is 00:22:27 And I work for you. You tell me what to fight for you, right? Hey, here's what I want you to do. I want to be able to get away with this. I want to be able to do this. I want to be able to, but don't worry about this party. No, no, no, I really want to fight for it. No, no, you don't have to fight for this for me.
Starting point is 00:22:41 I don't care. This one I did, leave it on, I like it the way this. No, we have to negotiate that. Leave it alone. This is a case where the attorney is the state and they're fighting on behalf of the drivers and the customers. While the drivers and the customers who the customers
Starting point is 00:22:56 are saying, stop fighting for me. You're hurting me. You're getting in the way. Don't bother me. Let me get to work, right? More and more reasons why people are starting to realize. Deep down on the way. Don't bother me. Let me get to work, right? More and more reasons why people are starting to realize deep down on the inside. Guess what everybody is? Deep down on the inside. Everybody fiscally is conservative. Everybody deep down on the inside is conservative.
Starting point is 00:23:19 Everybody deep down on the inside is a form of a libertarian. What is a form of a libertarian? Leave me alone. Dude, why are you bothering me so much? What do kids hate the most as they age? A hovering, a helicopter. Leave me alone. A helicopter, fire, or a mother, right? So I think this is gonna end up very bad for a lot of people in the state of California.
Starting point is 00:23:40 I have an interesting opinion on it. Sure, let's hear it. So I think a lot of times with these drivers, and look, I haven't had a car in 10 years, I'm lift and ubering everywhere I go. Saves me a lot of money, by the way. I've done the math on that. You know, and I have a lot of conversations
Starting point is 00:23:54 with these drivers, and I always ask them, like, so, is this what you do? Is this, like, how much money do you make? Tell me about what you're, what you're, what you're, you're a career, and, you know, half the driver is like, no, this is, this is what I do. And I'm waiting for like a, the other shoe to drop. No, like, no, this, this is my job.
Starting point is 00:24:11 Period. And then there's people that are like, yeah, you know, I'm a little side hustle thing, but I'm in school or I got another job or I'm working at a factory and this is like my side hustle. So it comes down to Pat's question is who do you want to be?
Starting point is 00:24:23 And I'll tell you what, if you have bigger aspirations and you have Goals and you have a career path that you're on 1099 might be great for you, man Because you come and go as you please you're not worried about this being your your final end stop There's people that you're like you're telling me I could just drive lift and Uber all day I'm an employee I get my benefits. I work 10 hour shifts. I go home. They're good.
Starting point is 00:24:47 Believe me. They're on. There are people. What's your point? There are people that would rather be employees. They're not all saying, I want to be 10, 99, I hate this. I'm kidding me. Are you kidding me?
Starting point is 00:24:56 No. What percentage you think would like to be employees? I don't know. We should run those numbers. What percentage of Uber drivers do you think want to be employees? Are you saying, I'm saying that, I'm saying that, I'm saying that at the end of the day, they're going to be employees? Are you saying I'm saying? I'm saying at the end of the day they're gonna be saying majority of drivers are full time. I'm saying are you saying Majority of drivers are full time pull up to see the data. I would I don't know what the majority of drivers are what 40 hours
Starting point is 00:25:16 What do you say? Are you saying majority of drivers are full time? I'm saying there's a large contingency that yes That is their full-time job. No, no, but but are you saying question for you? Do you think majority of the drivers? I think 51% are full-time. I don't know if it's that enough. What percentage do you think the whole predatory of 80-20 place? I would say, this is dude, my guess. Say it.
Starting point is 00:25:34 I would say a third of drivers are full-time drivers. If a third of drivers are full-time, can you pull up the percentage? So, but how are you qualifying full-time? They're working 40 hours. 40 hours a week, you're driving. That's full time to me. Yes.
Starting point is 00:25:47 And there's two questions you have to ask. Number one question you have to ask is, what percentage of drivers are full time? That's question number one. Let's find that. Second question after that is what? Of the people that are full time, how many of them want this thing to be converted into a W2
Starting point is 00:26:03 instead of a 1099, okay? If it's a W2 instead of a 1099, now there's additional things that the person that's paying you W2 can do to you. There's a completely different thing that a person can do to you. But there's also upside to being a W2. There is no upside. There is no upside. There is no upside. Let me explain to you why there's no upside. Here's why there's no upside. Okay. How much profit do you think Uber is making off their business model? What is their percentage of profit
Starting point is 00:26:34 that Uber's making off their business model? Percentage of profit. You tell me, I don't know. What do you think it is? You think it's 50%, you think it's 40%, or you think it's a 15 to 20% business model? Probably closer on the or you think it's a 15 to 20% business probably closer on the lower if it's a 15 to 20% business model what benefit do you get from hurting a company what benefit do you get from hurting a company
Starting point is 00:26:55 I think you're asking me whether I think Uber wants to make their own companies employees hell know they know but but but but but but but flip it who is Uber say you're running Uber and the government and makes a decision like this state California makes a decision like this. What are you doing if you're Uber? Do they forget who's in power here? Who's in charge here? Uber's in charge here. Of course. What can Uber do? Uber can say we're firing 60% of the W. Or they're gonna lower their hourly rate or the drivers are gonna get screwed. Or they're gonna lower or they're gonna increase the fees for customers.
Starting point is 00:27:26 No, this is a situation that when you sit there and you're like, okay, I wanna go W2, do you really, I remember one time, I was telling the story to you yesterday. We're in our office, I'm running an office in Northridge, California. Shout out to Diana Powers. This is not the best one,
Starting point is 00:27:38 but she'll laugh about this one here. Shout out to this lady. Diana Powers is a very good friend of mine, her and her husband Paul. One day we're having a full-timeers meeting. I keep this in mind. I had a 4777 square foot office space that I'm paying office for.
Starting point is 00:27:53 I'm paying rent for 250 square foot. And I got ACI have to pay for. I have to pay all the, I have four assistants. I've always people that I'm paying for, right? And I was the only sales office that had a full-on phone system. I said, I'm paying around $2,100 a month for the phone system. Everybody had their own line.
Starting point is 00:28:09 Front desk somebody would call you. I'd like to speak to Diana Powers. May I please place you on the note? Yes, let me transfer your line. Well, other companies are making you use your cell phone or what was it? Everybody else like use a metro PCS, your sales office, your real estate office, use your own sales office, right? But you're like, yo, I got phones for you.
Starting point is 00:28:23 I got phones for you. We're sitting there and she says, I got to tell you the other day, a transfer was dropped and I'm seeing a lot of transfers are being dropped when calls are being made. And when people call back, it doesn't go directly to my phone. We have to figure out how we fix this. And I said, then, let me, is this in a community? Yes, it is. I said, let me fix this in convenience for you. She says, what's that? As a Veronica, please take the phone system out of the office. Starting tomorrow, there are no phone systems.
Starting point is 00:28:50 Everybody's like, but we didn't complain about it, but you pay a price for one person complaining. Because I'm on the lease, not you. Do you want to pay the $2,100? No problem. So if the state of California wants to do this, the business gets to decide how they change the comp to customers and how they change the comp to the drivers.
Starting point is 00:29:10 The price will be paid tremendously by somebody like you who likes Uber and who likes Lyft and by the way, if this becomes a trend and goes to other states, people like you are screwed. You will not like this. It's gonna hurt you. The customer is gonna hurt the driver. Yes,, I'm driving with this one guy picks me up because I came back from West Palm and I'm going in. I say, how you don't have a great conversation
Starting point is 00:29:33 together, guys, 26 years old. Started dating his girl on 10, 10, 10, which is what? 10, 10, 10, is 10 years ago. Okay. Not married. He's got three kids. One's a seven-year-old, the other one's a five-year-old. Okay, and he's got one on the way's a seven year old, the other one's a five year old, okay? And he's got one on the way. And his wife's and his girls are nurse. They're not married, right? And I'm asking them all these cool ones, you're birthday, I'm a July 13th baby,
Starting point is 00:29:53 I'm a cancer, all this other stuff, okay. I said, so what else you do outside of this? I do this full time. How do you like it? I like it. What do you think about making this a W2 type of thing? We're starting having this whole conversation. People like him cannot continue doing this anymore.
Starting point is 00:30:06 They're gonna take it, because the company's just not gonna pass down the dollars down to them. It's that simple. At one of my guys at the other day, at a meeting that we were having a month ago, came up and we're very smart, and he says, Pat,
Starting point is 00:30:16 what if we change the compensation plan and add an additional 5% bonus here? What do you think about that idea? Very creative idea that he had. I said, okay, I said no problem. It's a great idea, but I said, where should we take that 5% out of? He says, what do you mean?
Starting point is 00:30:30 I said, well, if you want me to give you additional 5% here, I am running on a 20% EBITDA. What do you want me to remove that 5% out of? It's got to come from somewhere, because there's only 100 pennies in a dollar. Do you want to put a 5% bonus here? 5 penny bonus here? Then I got to pull 5 pennies from where? A different place.. Do you want to put a 5% bonus here? 5 penny bonus here? That means I got to pull five pennies from where? A different place.
Starting point is 00:30:48 Where do you want it to come out of? You know what he says? I didn't think about it that way. I said, do you want to pitch this? He says, no, no, no, let's keep it the way it is. So I'll get fair. So if you want to change it this way, you have to know there's going to be price to be paid.
Starting point is 00:31:00 And the price is going to be paid by customers, so drivers. Here would be my question to Adam. What would you say you spend on Uber lift like right now in an average month? In a month? Yeah, a couple hundred bucks. Okay, if that doubled, would you have a problem with that?
Starting point is 00:31:18 Well, obviously, yeah. Okay, so more than likely you would stop using it, you'd find an alternative route, you'd take the bus. It's all about making moves. Yeah, because if right now on average, they're doing about $7 an hour. Now they have to go to 15. You don't think number one, a lot of drivers
Starting point is 00:31:33 are gonna put their, they're gone. And to Pat's point, a W2, you can tell them when they have to show up and be at work at 1099. But that goes against the whole point of what Uber and Lyft is, they don't want to be told when to drive and when to show up and they want to work on their own schedule. So I think what we should do, Pat. What do we go? Here's the numbers. You got Uber's got 833,000
Starting point is 00:32:00 driver participants a year, okay. Of which 90,521 are full time. That's about a 12% to 30% number. You got, okay, 90,000 about about 833. You got 12% is exactly what the number is. 12% are full time. Not a third. One out of 10. One out of 10. Up to one out of 10. We're driving 40 hours. 40 hours a week. Equivalent of full time. If it explains to you there if you look at it what a full time worker is.
Starting point is 00:32:28 12% is full time. They do not want this thing to be convert into W2. It's gonna hurt the entire system. Kill it. And by the way, by the way, California past this, guess who's next. Guess who's next. Guess who's after New York? Illinois. Guess who's after Illinois? Or do you want to keep going? Do you know what and then eventually you know what happens? Eventually, eventually, eventually, they are forced to make it happen also in Florida and Texas. Eventually. This is how this works. So, bigger question. Yes. Bigger question. Yes. Beyond Uber and Lyft. Let's put a minute into this and we'll get into the next time. All right. As a CEO, what? You have to grab me some sparkler water, please just text. Most of the people watching, would you guess, would you assume, are not CEOs?
Starting point is 00:33:12 Most people are employees, right? But, but I, but I think most people are critical thinkers. Okay. Yeah. No doubt. Obviously, if you're watching this podcast, you've got some brains. Yeah. Yeah. You know, you're not documents. What are the overall, minute or less, benefits, pros and cons of being a W2 versus a 1099, as a CEO, speaking to employees. What are the pros and cons benefits?
Starting point is 00:33:33 So forget about lift and Uber, who gives a shut up about them? Are you talking about health insurance for one K? All the above, all the above, what are the? Health insurance for one K, predictable, secure salary that's gonna be paid every single week. Those are some of those are the upsides of being a W2.
Starting point is 00:33:46 Sure. What are the upside of being a 1099? You're you're free. I can't hold you accountable if you're 1099 and you don't you know you you want to hit a number you bonus you don't you don't there's a different kind of health insurance or benefits of 401k with a 1099. You get to decide for yourself what you do it on your own. You do it on your own. So what is company employee sponsored 401k with a 1099? You get to decide for yourself what you want. But you do it on your own. You do it on your own. So what is company employee sponsored 401k benefits?
Starting point is 00:34:08 And what is your all on your own? Okay. Right off. You're forgetting a big one that he's saying. Right off. Cell phone right off. Gas, go ahead. Cell phone, gas, dry cleaning, portion of your house payment.
Starting point is 00:34:21 So you can determine what. Office. Yeah, what I think up to 25% of your house payment so you can determine what? Office. Yeah, what I think up to 25% of your house payment can be office. You can get fancy with the taxes on a 1099. No, no, no, no. You can't get fancy with the tax. I know guys that make.
Starting point is 00:34:33 And that makes up to pay for the health insurance. Oh, a hundred. Well, like a million percent. Yeah, I think it's going to hurt people like you. This is a business model that serves people like you. My uncle, I told you, my uncle, who never thank you, my uncle who never had a car in Iran. He was like you, he hated cars.
Starting point is 00:34:52 He loved being driven everywhere. He would have been, he's not with us today rest in peace. You know, he's the reason why I'm 6'4, 6'5". Because that guy's 6'5 and the mailman was 6'6". But one of the two. And your dad is like 5'6". He's like 5'6 Yeah, but he would have loved Uber and Lyft. He would have said it's the greatest invention of all time
Starting point is 00:35:11 So funny. My dad's like 5'6, he's like 5'7, give him that additional inch. Dude, your dad's the man I don't get it. He could be 4 foot 6. I love that guy. This this comment that's the man. Not I tell you this guy It don't don't take it and by the, my dad actually likes you and Josh a lot. And, you know, for you to make, first you go after his mom. Now you go after my dad. Bro, this is for you. I never went after his mom. I went after his mom.
Starting point is 00:35:33 I'm just giving you a hand. I'm just giving you a hand. Okay. All right. Let's make sure these guys figure that. Go ahead. This comment section is lit. Okay.
Starting point is 00:35:41 And value-tainers want you to know Adam. And this is a bunch of them from Javu remassie. Say his name correctly. Everyone watching is a future CEO Adam. Stop underestimating the value tainers. Auntie Hutak Tani. Me says value tainers are intellectual community based all around the world. You know what? Value tainers I stand with you today. I know that you're some of the smartest most intellectual most awesome incredible people Ever. Yeah, no doubt obviously like that, but that doesn't mean everybody's a CEO Anna Zakosik, you're right. It was his grandma correction. She corrected me and I'm saying you are right
Starting point is 00:36:18 Okay, and shout out to Gabriel bad David. We love you. I know you do. Okay, so let's go let's go next This is this is a small load of pathetic thing. Let's spend a minute on this two minutes on this Boeing 747 still gets critical updates on a floppy disk. I mean When Josh brought this up, I'm like, what are you telling me? So apparently the drive is the 747 navigation database loader and needs to be updated every 28 days as in some poor engineer has to visit database loader and needs to be updated every 28 days as a support engineer has to visit each 747-400, a manually delivered updates or the planes wouldn't be able to fly. I don't know if this is a real story. I honestly don't know this is a real story.
Starting point is 00:36:54 Can you pull it up to give us credibility on this? And by the way, it wasn't until last you watch this one here at him. It wasn't until last you that the US military stopped using 8- inch floppy discs to help manage its nuclear weapon system. Unbelievable. What what what website is this still gets critical to the via floppy this the verge yeah yeah there you go. Very credible news very credible news site that that's that's just floppy discs. I mean do you see I would venture to guess that half our audience doesn't know what a floppy disk is. Who? If they're under 25, they got no clue. By the way, how many of you have a floppy disk
Starting point is 00:37:30 in your house right now that you kept from the past? Adam, comment below if you've got a floppy disk. Adam has a floppy disk. I'll use that joke as well. Okay. Does anybody have a floppy disk in their house? So what would any thoughts on this party with the floppy disk? disk have anything to say about this
Starting point is 00:37:47 so for me granted the air i mean look i don't like private jets personally okay really yeah i'm not a big private jet guy because again i'm a safety guy all right and when i look at private jets crashing versus airliners crashing there's a lot of them are too many times i'm almost certain No, but well love that movie so I obviously I move diamond fillers. Yeah, of course. I move from Scottsdale
Starting point is 00:38:12 We have a huge I mean private planes got in constantly and we will have crashes Okay, the crash on the sides of the mountain. So those are private jets though There's a little too too-seater, but like not full on nice private jets. No, have you been to Scottsdale Airport? Broom, bro. Scottsdale is a very, you know, it's a very, very rich area of the car. No, I'm not doubting that.
Starting point is 00:38:35 I've been to Scottsdale, but are private jets crashing or shitty little two-seater propeller planes crashing? Well, because it's like, if you ever see the news, it's like a small plane crash today. Obviously, that goes without saying. Well, I'm like, if you ever see the news, it's like a small playing crash today, obviously, that goes without saying. Well, I'm talking about private jets.
Starting point is 00:38:50 Let's see what he has to say. Let's hear it. Okay, so that's here about that floppy disk, buddy. Okay, so this made me feel a little bit more unsafe, but still when I look statistically, I'm like, I'm still good with the big airliners. Obviously, they're doing something right because they takeoff to land ratio is absolutely insane. Interestingly enough, little side note, I was talking with a guy and that happened to be a private pilot.
Starting point is 00:39:15 In fact, there was like three of them there. And they said the reason a lot of private planes crash is a lot of these private plane pilots are not vetted like obviously the big airline pilots and these guys show up to work drunk. They're fucking drunk bro, yeah of course they are. There's no protocol. They're showing up.
Starting point is 00:39:32 Living the party life. So Pat, like obviously one of your next moves is getting a private jet, okay. What protocols and processes do you put in? Do you breathalyze? Because I'll just say this, if it's my family that's hopping on a private jet, I'm breathalyzing every single guy before they stay.
Starting point is 00:39:52 Ah! All right, buddy, spread your legs. We're gonna breathalyze right now, Josh. Why would they need to spread their legs to breathalyze? Yeah, I'm just gonna pat them down. I've got no method. You know, pat them down. Pat them down.
Starting point is 00:40:03 I've never heard of that method before, bro. It's a, you know, it's a cop Pat him down. Pat him down. Pat him down. Pat him down. Pat him down. Pat him down. Pat him down. Pat him down. Pat him down.
Starting point is 00:40:11 Pat him down. Pat him down. Pat him down. Pat him down. Pat him down. Pat him down. Pat him down. Pat him down.
Starting point is 00:40:19 Pat him down. Pat him down. Pat him down. Pat him down. Pat him down. Pat him down. Pat him down. Pat him down. what you did, the whole Jessica, the whole thing. And I used to be a value team. What?
Starting point is 00:40:32 But what I'm saying to you is, I looked at your values before I looked at your talent. Your talent is attractive. Obviously you got a lot to bring. But your values is where to me says, okay, you guys, you know, people made this agree with you. even week one when you came and you bring a big old Trump painting to put on the wall, and what the, this guy's bringing a Trump thing to put on the wall,
Starting point is 00:40:51 but when you get to know the guy, like I actually like this guy, right, or Adam. Adam, I was turned on by his values and principles, Kai, when I talked to his mom for 45 minutes, I know sounds weird, but I talked to Kai's mom on time for 45 minutes with Kai being there by the way His whole but his whole Kai's entire family their models just so you know that he talked to Adams mom for 45 minutes. Adam's mom still thinks
Starting point is 00:41:13 beautiful lady calls Wonderful when I hit it by the way for those of you guys that the the book your next five moves comes out in six days It's gonna be at Amazon and Barnes and Noble if you you haven't yet ordered a copy, go order the copy. The challenge they're facing right now is the printing company shipped a limited amount of print. It's not a big number that they sent to the publishers. It's in the tens of thousands that they sent to the publisher. If they don't have it, the next print may take six weeks because printers are not printing
Starting point is 00:41:43 books right now the same way they did before pre-COVID so if you haven't ordered it yet go order it and if you get your books now you'll get you a chapter in advance. But yeah I mean you know so for me before I hire a pilot I'm gonna sit down and talk to this guy and get tell me about your family tell me what's going on with you tell me about you I want to know that I want everything about the guy so and then we'll go from there. Next great point let's let's talk let's talk about your. Let's talk about your new favorite song by Carter B. Call Wap. Why do you like it so much?
Starting point is 00:42:08 Adam, tell the rest of us why you like this wet ass, you know, this song so much. What is it? What is it? Well, you want the truth or do you want me to make up some? No, no, we want the truth. So the truth is I didn't hear about this song until yesterday when you brought it up.
Starting point is 00:42:22 No, I, wait a minute. I did not bring it up. You brought it up. Josh, Josh wait a minute. I did not bring it up. We brought it up. Josh, Josh loves the topic. And let's clarify. I brought it up because I think it is the absolute most degradating stupid ass-nine song in the world. So obviously Josh, let's just to put it mildly,
Starting point is 00:42:40 is not the hip-hop crowd. It's not who they're going after. No, no, no. Maybe Mace in 2001. We used to say I'm not part of the hip-hop. You're not who they're going after. No, no, no. And maybe Mace in 2000, who used to say I'm not part of the hip hop? You're not. They've already ruled against you, bro. Let's not even play that part.
Starting point is 00:42:51 You're not part of that group. Are you telling me that I can't freestyle? I'm telling you can't freestyle, actually. But you're not going to be any part of hip hop or crew any time soon. However, as a hip hop fan, not even as a, someone who's judging culture or anything or conservative voice.
Starting point is 00:43:10 This is just actual horrible song. But so if I'm Cardi B, I got maybe like a five year window for me to make all my money. She's probably on the tail end of 20s right now. She's implants everywhere. Fakus Hell, her career's not gonna be a 45 year old female rapper. That doesn't happen. Little Kim's been gone for 20 years, right?
Starting point is 00:43:29 From the scene. So Cardi B's got maybe five more years of going all in on her ass and titties and everything that she's got going on her whole brand of being a dirty asshole with a WAP. She's got five years to make, uh, these disgusting songs and make hits and, you know, get her cash and then she's out because she's not gonna, she ain't running for president anytime soon. So, so, go ahead.
Starting point is 00:43:56 Let me tell you what I hate about it. I hate the fact that Martin Luther King, the man, the myth, a legend had to stand up and give his life for what? The advancement of this, like to me, this is one of the worst things, not just to happen to music, but to happen to the African American community. With these are the people that are the role models that are perpetrated upon the young people. When this is the message, I remember Martin Luther King saying, I would that one day my four children will not be based upon the color of their skin,
Starting point is 00:44:34 but on the content of their character. When I read the lyrics to this song, what kind of character are we parading in front of kids today and particularly women? We've been talking about empowering women. How does this empower women? This literally objectifies them, sexualizes them, degrades them, demoralizes them. What is it about this? Is this something?
Starting point is 00:45:00 Now, I don't, I realize you don't have a daughter at least that you know about yet, but one day you probably will. And I'll tell you this, Adam, when you watch stuff like this, when you watch stuff like big mouth and all this other bull crap, and you realize that this is a, look, Pat, this is why value payments important. This is why people, as we start rolling out content over over the next year for kids and all this stuff, this is why people need to make sure that their kids are glued to channels like value-taming. Because if not, as a man think,
Starting point is 00:45:29 it's not just Bible, people have quote, like, as a man thinks, so is he. So when you are listening to stuff and you're plugging those iPod, those air pods into your flipping kids' ears and they're taking in all this stuff, what they hear is what they think, what they think is what they flip and become. And honestly, I think that if we want to know who's responsible for the crime rate and
Starting point is 00:45:53 all this stuff, why don't people start boycotting these idiots, the JZs. And you want them to boycott, exactly. I want them to boycott stupid music that puts the wrong values in, particularly the young. Do you want them to boycott exactly. I want them to boycott stupid music that puts the wrong values in, particularly the young. Do you want them to boycott free speech? I'm saying that's a beautiful thing about free speech, bro. Yeah. Is that free speech?
Starting point is 00:46:14 I'm not saying she doesn't have a right to say it. I'm saying that people should be smart enough to unionize as individuals. Do you think that Cardi B has a WAP? I think that Cardi B is a WAP? I think that Cardi B is a stupid idiot. Is what I think. Point is, I think she may have a WAP, but she probably has a hundred STDs. That was a second delay.
Starting point is 00:46:37 Oh my, catch up. They should- I was the red men trying to pass this. They should call the song STD, because let's be honest. That's exactly what she's full of. Yeah, she's a former stripper. I mean, listen, this is this is part for the chorus with this lady. She's a former stripper who made her money on being a hoe and she's just embracing that whole life and she's, you know, claiming that it's female empowerment. I do what I want on my body. It's all more power to you, Ho. However, the song within itself is pretty trashy, but free speech. We highly with this Kylie Jenner showed up in the video
Starting point is 00:47:12 Their market is man. Whatever they do. Just know they're looking at market Let me give my thoughts on yeah, here's what I think about this. Okay, this is this is the question I asked Jen this morning. I said Jen. what do you think about this song? 20 seconds she stops it. I said, what do you think about it? It says, I hate it. I said, when you were 18, did you listen to the song? She says, no.
Starting point is 00:47:36 I said, okay, all right, let's say she didn't listen to it. Then I went back and I said, when I was 18, did I listen to the song, okay? And I'm talking about that, because you only know the 41-year-old pad, you don't know the 22-year-old pad under 25-year-old pad, you only know the 41-year-old pad. So then I said, what songs do I know,
Starting point is 00:47:53 the lyrics off right off the top of my head? Okay, three, six months, you're a slap, I'm a nut, like going on the cup, checking with me, and into your job, late on the bed, yang, gim, yang, me a no questions as no time to beg like I can't believe I know Okay Do it do it do it ride look it good I'm like I can
Starting point is 00:48:22 I have it so you songs Josh it's in here Josh. I have it So you're gonna see what I'm gonna do Then I go back and I say one of my favorite rap songs of all time was MC light You know to me most people don't know MC light I'm keep on keep keep and on like it hold only the strong survive only the wise excels You know she talks about the whole thing. She's talking about come get it. I pick I choose yeah get them between you to she's just talking pure dirty that I pick and choose and if you do your job right I'll let you do it again and again and again and again MC like you know what MC like does today she's a pastor okay MC like MC like is a
Starting point is 00:48:57 pastor today okay so we're not going with this okay back in the days the song that started like this that became a big hit you ready we're not against rap we're not against rappers but we are against those stuff okay you know that you're still a good look on this way okay so so so so here's here's the point no, that's why you don't listen to them. I know crossroads. Okay. Yeah, that's good Of course you know something with a cross and obviously hello Let me tell you what angle I'm taking with this here's the angle I'm taking with this I sat there and I and I have this thing That I pulled up 45 communist schools, written by Clion Scalcin
Starting point is 00:49:46 on how to change the one country, that's the most powerful country in the world, that exposed everybody else to prove that capitalism works and all the other people that hate capitalism have been pissed off by it. I send a tweet the other day that ticked off a bunch of different people when I said, you know, people ask me why there's a love hate relationship
Starting point is 00:50:02 with capitalism and I respond it. Until right now, people are still commenting to it. Comments got like 7400 likes, 1800 retweets. I've never had anything that I've got a couple of things with other videos, but nothing got this kind of a traction. Capitalism works for those who work, taking initiative, and constantly look for ways to improve themselves. Capitalism sucks for those who are lazy, like initiative, and stop learning after finishing school.
Starting point is 00:50:26 And next thing you know, you are such a greedy, such a, and just went off on me. No problem. Capitalism exposes us. Very simple, right? Okay. 45 Communist goals of 1958. Watch the angle. Are we done? Are we done? Wait, it's no, I'm on it. Okay, I had a point wait. Here's where I'm going with this check this out 45 points. This is written in 1958 by Klyon Scousin a 15 year CIA agent. You ready? Here's one of them break down cultural standards of morality by promoting pornography and obscenity in books magazines Magazine's Motion Pictures, Radiance, Music and TV. Okay, no problem. So for me, when I got out of the army and I started working at Bally's, I had a foul mouth. And when I say a foul mouth, I don't mean like a foul mouth.
Starting point is 00:51:15 I had a, maybe the worst you've ever seen in your life. More than anybody else you've ever seen. I mean, I was terrible. You were talking about Will Bonn yesterday. Yeah, Will Bonn. I was terrible. I was terrible. One day a guy in Fernando also sits me down and he says, he can ask you a question. Good friend of mine, did I be you were talking my will bond yesterday. Yeah, I was terrible. I was terrible one day a guy in Fernando
Starting point is 00:51:25 Also sits me down and he says he can ask you question Good friend of mine that I've been one of my groomsman. I'm my wedding. He's an Ecuador right now He says why do you curse so much? He's a Christian guy. I said what do you mean? I said I was in a military says it's too much You're just non-se can't even help you. Do you know how much you curse? He says I want to tell you moving forward how much you curse and he starts putting the numbers Yeah, and he says you got to work on that shout out to Gary V? He says, I'm going to tell you moving forward, how much you curse. And he starts putting the numbers. Yeah. And he says, you got to work on that. Shout out to Gary Vee. He says, it's just too much. Okay. So to me, I started
Starting point is 00:51:51 kind of working on that and trying to change my language. What's the point here? Here's the point. Let me tell you, just the fact that those words are in my mind, slop, you know, I'll just, I'm like, this works. The programming works. When I sit there, Adam, and I try to work on somebody to change their lives, the first thing I work on is the identity in the middle, then I work on your language. If your language doesn't change, done. So, when I watch a couple, you know, I can name a bunch of people and I watched them go from making a 50k income to making a million dollar a year income, from running a $100,000
Starting point is 00:52:30 of your business to a $20 million of your business, what changes is the identity on the inside, the values and principles on the inside, and then the language. Totally. And then the language. Once the language changes, everything changes. So to me, yes, this kind of music can ruin an 18-year-old kids Life if it gets into them and if a person that's got big dreams and wants to shift It has to change their values and principles and these values and principles are not helping America
Starting point is 00:52:57 You want to go? I got a count of you got a hip-hop comment? Well, yeah, yeah, so what do you do in order to make that language catchy? We do it all the way from preschool. If you want to teach kids how to talk, if you want to teach them, they're in a song, ABCs, A, B, C, D, E, like you put a tune to it and you start changing their language
Starting point is 00:53:19 because they enjoy the instrumentation, the vocalization of the song, but really what they're doing is flipping programming. It is programming. Well, I think, you know, some of you that we talk about here often is the riches are in the niches, right? Okay.
Starting point is 00:53:35 And it also comes down to who do you want to be, something that will always come back to something that you, yes. So I used to do stand-up comedy, and I used to do a bit, there's a two-part story here with some of comedy and some with music. I used to do stand-up comedy and I used to do a bit... There's a two-part story here with some with comedy and some with music. I used to do stand-up comedy and my two biggest inspirations were comedy were the deaf comedy jam and Jerry Seinfeld. So, I used to do a bit where I used to be like, what would it sound like if Jerry frickin Seinfeld who
Starting point is 00:53:59 doesn't curse at all went on the deaf comedy jam where it's all about cursing and he would just be like, so what's the deal with all these fucking homes? I mean, come on. So I used to do a bit like that, but Seinfeld doesn't curse one of the greatest comedians ever. Dave Chappelle and certain other comedians, curse like crazy, also one of the greatest comedians ever. So who do you want to be?
Starting point is 00:54:22 You talked about MC Light. There's another rapper that came to mind. Queen Latifa, probably even bigger than MC Light back in the day. Two of the biggest female rappers. What was her hit song back in the day? Do you remember? Which one again? Queen Latifa.
Starting point is 00:54:34 Which hit song? UNIT. UNIT. UNIT. That's a UNIT. All right, so cool. She never sang about her wet ass or being a hoe or slabbing on the nose. Her niche in the riches was all about unity and look at her now.
Starting point is 00:54:49 She's a big time actress. She's on the cover of magazines. MC Light, Pastor. So let's take it back to the, who does Cardi B want to be? Cardi B wants to be the queen of the house. Make no mistake about it. She wants to be the hoe queen. So she's playing that role. She's not trying to be a politician just like there's different rappers. Okay. Jay-Z these days is a lot different.
Starting point is 00:55:13 Like you just said, when Pat was 20 versus when he's 40, Jay-Z is a lot different now than when he when he was 20. So there's also difference. You can't just say hip-hop's bad. Rap sucks. I never said that, I'm not saying that. But I'm just saying. There's rappers like Jay Cole who are conscious rappers who are using lyrus and and and doing something that. And then you got things like Migos who are shout out to that's Cardi B's husband who are like motherfucker. There's mother. I got that. Mother. So it's who do you want to be? So it's not just one broad stroke, but. And a lot of my point.
Starting point is 00:55:46 A lot of my to respond to you and maybe a couple of the value tainers. So when I'm talking about stuff like Jay Z, okay? I'm saying this when you have guys, now I'm not saying it doesn't make incredible music. I mean, I mean, the dude's like, he's a dope rock. Were you about the flow? Were you about the flow right there?
Starting point is 00:56:04 What was that? So let the cat out the bag, buddy. I mean, dude's like he's a dope right? Where you about the flow? Where you about the flow right there? What was that? No, so let the cat out the bag, buddy. But, but I'm saying they are responsible for the messaging that they're giving the young black community, which is traditionally hip hop. Do you have a responsibility? I don't know why kids listen to hip hop.
Starting point is 00:56:20 Okay, okay, but so, so, look, if you're a cultural icon, you have a responsibility not to be talking about you know like I've got here because I slaying you know on the corner I got a sling of rock got you know like have a what do you have a cultural responsibility? According to who I'm saying is that if you're going to be a leader and we're going and we're telling kids to look up to you as a parent you should be telling a kid who's telling them that they up to you. As a parent, you should be telling a kid
Starting point is 00:56:45 who's telling them that they need to be a leader or a parent to look up to them as what I'm saying. That's what you're saying. No, I'm not saying rapper be my leader. I'm just saying make that song, dude. Okay, so what I'm saying is this, is a parent has a responsibility to monitor the messaging. You're not just a babysitter.
Starting point is 00:57:03 So you're saying if you're a parent, I'm saying 100% the parent should say, note, Jay-Z is a loser and he's making a bunch of money selling a message of sex drugs and shooting the cops. So that's not what Jay-Z is. I'm by the way, here's the thing. Charles Berkeley said it best. I'm not a role model. So he don't want to be role model. Some of these guys don't want to be role model. Some of them do. What I do think is the fact that it is hurting people. It will get into your mind. It will change your language. And it will show up in your day-to-day work. And mindset, it's that simple. It'll create range anger if you listen to it. You asked me question, what song got listened to? I work out. and I told you what song because it creates rage because I want to hit the
Starting point is 00:57:46 Wates like Mario listens to heavy metal and kind stuff I would never listen to but it works for him But I just think you have to be very worried because it is gonna affect you Let's have a call here. So some of our comol hairs. Come all hairs. Biten announces comol hairs as the VP Josh I'll go to your first thoughts. Oh my goodness number one. This was the best choice for President Trump, okay? If you want to talk about the dumbest thing like we knew Biden had dementia We knew that he was a little can't say that we know he has the bro a hundred a hundred percent
Starting point is 00:58:20 He's a hundred percent. We're coach on that. I'm not a medical doctor But I'm just end it with My grandmother had dementia, all right. She died of advanced, advanced Alzheimer's dementia, all right. I know what it looks like, because I spend a lot of time around my grandmother. That lost look that Biden has all the time. Let's just wait for the debates. But let's go back to Kamala Harris.
Starting point is 00:58:40 Kamala Harris was the dumbest decision that he could have made. Here's what I think Joe Biden should have done. If you're going to corner yourself and what we call pigeonhole yourself to where you have to pick a number one, a woman, and then a black woman, at least be smart and go with someone like Condolee Sir Rice, who is a Democrat dressed as a Republican, but has, because of her George Bush years, has enough respect amongst a bunch of the never-trumpers that you're going to get, you're going to pull a little bit of that, that Trump vote, all right? With Condoleesa, never-Trumper?
Starting point is 00:59:15 Yes. Yes. Yes. So, you respect Condoleesa, right? I'm not a huge Condoleesa rice fan. Why? But, go, well, stay on Kamala first. So as far as Kamala goes, number one, who is he wanting to go after? He's wanting to go after the black community, right?
Starting point is 00:59:33 Okay. What was Adam? What was her job? What did Kamala Harris do when she got into politics? She was, well, she was an attorney and then she was the attorney general of California. She's the law and order candidate, no? She literally started as a DA, all right, and then she became top cop. She's literally the top cop.
Starting point is 00:59:55 She is the law and order, baby. Probably about law and order here. Here is a woman that served as a police officer when we're right in the middle of all of these riots, like what kind of bad branding is it when Trump's going to go after, like, wait served as a police officer when we're right in the middle of all of these riots. Like what kind of bad branding is it when Trump's gonna go after like, wait a minute, I thought you guys wanted to defund the police and you picked a police officer as your right president. He wants to defund the police, you're saying.
Starting point is 01:00:16 I'm saying the liberal left want to defund the police. There's been all this anti-police sentiment. Why are you then? Biden said he wants to defund the police. Biden has agreed with the liberal left. Yes, he has. Yes, there's a quote out there. There's an article that he wants to defund the police.
Starting point is 01:00:30 You have that. I'm not saying that I have the exact quote, but you don't have that. Okay. Hang on, let him finish up and then we'll get to it. Go ahead, finish it up and then we'll get to it. Okay. So go ahead, go ahead. Breaking news, Josh doesn't like Kamala Harris.
Starting point is 01:00:43 Go ahead. All right. So interesting other point, Kamala Harris. Go ahead. All right. So interesting other point, Kamala Harris is in fact not African American. Everyone's making this big deal about her being black. Oh, is this news to you? Go ahead. What is she?
Starting point is 01:00:57 She's Indian and Jamaican. All right. She has an Indian father and a Jamaican mother. All right. She's Indian Jamaican mother. Indian watch. a Jamaican mother. All right. She's Indian Jamaican mother. Indian watch. Watch. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:01:08 Jamaican father. Watch. Do you win when she ran for Senate? She ran as what? An Indian. She didn't run as an African American. She ran as an Indian. That's a cool picture of Kamala Harris.
Starting point is 01:01:18 So we can see what she looks like. Yeah. Fine. So Kamala Harris. Young Kamala Harris. Kamala Harris is not in fact, African, mayor, Willie Brown, good American. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:01:31 And it's interesting you bring up Willie Brown. Yeah. A lot of stuff's going to come out of the closet there because, guess what? You want to talk about a WAP, all right? Kamala Harris, like to sleep her way to the top. Look at Kamala Harris right here. Oh my Lord. Yeah Here's a picture that's a very good picture of her and Mayor Willie Brown right there. They're the ones at the right right one more right
Starting point is 01:01:54 Yeah, you go. Okay, this is Kamala Harris and Mayor Willie Brown mayor Willie Brown was married But guess who was sleeping with him? Kamala Harris guess who got sleeping with him? Kamala Harris. Guess who got promoted by Willie Brown, Kamala Harris. I'm telling you what, she's going to have a big problem because this stuff's going to start coming out. Uh, we don't know. We don't know.
Starting point is 01:02:15 We don't know that. I know it's out there. He brought it up and he said they used to, you know, spend time together. Bro, they dated publicly. They publicly dated while he was married. They publicly dated and they've both admitted, you can correct me. If you can fact check me here, they've, they've admitted to sleeping together.
Starting point is 01:02:32 He's come out and said it and she's never denied it at the very least. So Kamala Harris horrible. Willie Brown, Willie Brown. While you, while you're going to that, let me also point out a couple of other things, Pat. Okay. Is that Kamala Harris just a couple of months ago, when Joe Biden had an accuser come forward and say that she that he had sexually assaulted her, Kamala Harris came out and said, I believe Joe Biden's accuser. How do you say that? And then a couple months later,
Starting point is 01:03:07 accept the VP nominee of a guy that you believe to be a sexual deviant. All right. Why? Why? It's 100% of political move. Kamala Harris from day number one, shout out to value trainers. We just crossed 815 for the first time ever on this channel. It's a record.
Starting point is 01:03:26 Uh, why it, why in the world would you do that? And if you guys don't remember, they had a big dust up in the debates as well, where she essentially called him racist. She blamed him for the busing that she had to endure as a kid because he was the one that was the proponent of the busing. I think this is a freaking train wreck. They handed trouble. What is Sean King from Black Lives Matter saying?
Starting point is 01:03:48 We talked about that earlier. Why don't you talk about what he's saying? Oh my goodness, Sean King, the black divist who happens to be white. Okay, I think he's about as black as Rachel Doze of L, or whatever her name is. Sean King comes out and says, are you ready for this? Oh, I'm so excited. VP Kamala Harris is the most progressive candidate. This is going to be the greatest thing in the world.
Starting point is 01:04:14 But he forgot to go back on Twitter and delete his old tweet from 2018 when he said, the two candidates I will never vote for because they have perpetrated the problem of criminal justice upon the African American community are, and he named the two people Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, the two people. So boy, you are seeing a bunch of flip flopping now. I think the Democrats have a huge problem and do. If you don't think that Trump is not going to eat their lunch over this, now Pat, I want to ask you this, okay?
Starting point is 01:04:49 He's going to have too much fun. Do you think that Trump is going to be coaching Mike Pence and saying Mike, when you go in that debate, you better say this, you better say this, because Mike Pence is vanilla. I mean, he's his, he's his vanilla. The understatement of the year, but yeah. Yeah, so he's about as vanilla as his hair is, okay. Mike, my question is this. Sean King's tweet right there.
Starting point is 01:05:14 Pull it up. Go back, go back to where you were at before. Go back to where you were at before. This is a tweet a year and a half for Go By Sean King. I'll be frank and tell you two Democrats that I'm 99% sure I won't be supporting. Primarily because their decimal history of criminal justice reform over the course of their entire career is Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. They both helped build an advanced mass incarceration.
Starting point is 01:05:37 If I'm Trump, I put that on a billboard. If I'm Trump, I rate a billboard and I put that tweet from Sean King right there on a stinking billboard and I just leave it alone. The joke writes itself. I'm sorry to do that. Okay, what are your thoughts? So, yeah, obviously, shock to hear that Josh was not a fan of Kamala Harris. I mean, clearly, I'm not even going to talk a politic politics. I'm just going to talk facts here for a second. So the Kamala Harris pick was not breaking news. She's at the top two or top three of his list for four
Starting point is 01:06:13 months now. So quite frankly, I thought that the best candidate would have been Susan Rice. I thought she's a diplomat and it would have been helpful. But the Kamala Harris picks makes sense. So why does it make sense? I'm not even talking as a Democrat right now.
Starting point is 01:06:32 Makes sense for three reasons. Number one, Joe Biden is an old white man, right? So he needed, he is full out said that he wanted to come out and pick a black female. Now, she's not just any old black female. She's pretty damn qualified. First black woman ever to appear on a major party ticket. Okay, cool.
Starting point is 01:06:51 She's gonna excite the base. Who is the base of the Democratic Party? Who is it? Who is it? I'm asking you. Who's the base? Tell us. For the most part, it's black women.
Starting point is 01:07:01 That is the base of the Democratic Party. Wait no no let him continue let him continue what percentage of black women vote Democrat eighty percent okay exactly yeah that's pretty basic but that's my keep going yeah but what's the real reason that he picked Kamala Harris what's the real reason because he said he had a great she raises fucking money she's gonna raise money that's the reason so it's
Starting point is 01:07:22 gonna come down to the green she could have picked a number of people. But she's a pony. But she's a pony raiser. She pulled that 1%. She dropped out of the race at 1% because she said what? Dude, she's not. Bro, she said I don't have the money to keep going.
Starting point is 01:07:36 She literally said that. So did every other candidate speech. So and you talk about flip flop. Like number one, I literally don't even know who Sean King is. Never heard of him. That's not a fan. Don't't even know who Sean King is. Never heard of him. That's not a fan. Don't know even know who that guy is.
Starting point is 01:07:48 But you want to talk about flip flopping. Look at what Lindsey Graham has said about Trump. Just like literally look at Lindsey Graham statements from three years ago to today and talk about flip flopping. So whatever somebody says, as you've said before, what happens in the primary is not the general. And the general and the primary, it's a- That's food fight.
Starting point is 01:08:07 That's a fair state. A fair state. That's obvious statement. I'm giving it to keep going though. So my point is there's gonna be a lot of crap thrown around in the primaries. And then in the general election, they all coalesce and they come together.
Starting point is 01:08:18 I mean, this is politics 101 stuff. So, am I a fan of Kamala Harris? No. Am I rooting for Kamala Harris? No. Let me say a couple things and then we'll go to the next topic with us. Here's where I'm at with this. Okay. Number one, let's go pure logic. Forget about emotion, logical. He made a terrible choice by saying, I have to choose a black vice president. Number one big mistake. Why? You can't say that because you're black female black female
Starting point is 01:08:46 President you can't be a VP you cannot say that because What if the candidate is better who is not a black female? What if she is the governor of Michigan? Would you need to win to help you become a president and you don't need a talk? Gritian with her which is who would have been a better better? But they couldn't have chosen because he said if he can't keep his word when he said on TV I'm gonna choose a black VP female he has to said woman of color women of color so Elizabeth Warren could have still been in the equation well they would have been in a very Trump would have loved that and they know what Trump would have done of course
Starting point is 01:09:19 So Gretchen with no would have been a better strategic move on his and you go with Kamala Harris who's in California You're already gonna win California. I don't agree with you on that. Let me continue here. I listen to you. California, you're already gonna win California. Why go with Kamala Harris? No clue.
Starting point is 01:09:32 She put more people in prison, African-American, for minor, you know, have a marijuana with them. We're not talking about two, three people. In 1900 people that she did that with. And then at the same time, while all this stuff is going through, you're trying to, you said majority of Democrat voters are black. I didn't say majority.
Starting point is 01:09:51 I said, I said, I said, I said, the base. It's a majority of the base. You said the base. I said, their base are black. Here's the thing. Here's the thing you have to realize. From 1964 till today, 88 to 98% of African Americans
Starting point is 01:10:02 are going to vote for Democrats. What's changed? Not a lot's going to change. That's the number. And I think this Americans are going to vote for Democrats. What's changed? Not a lot's going to change. That's the number. I think this year's going to drop a little bit because I don't think it's going to be 88% and it's going to be 84 to 86%. Maybe 82% this year. But going that direction, thinking strategically, is the right move to make.
Starting point is 01:10:19 Terrible move to be made to go after some angle like that to say, well, we're going to be able to get these votes. You're already getting it. Why go after customer you already have? You got to go after a base. You don say, well, we're gonna be able to get these votes. You're already getting it. Why go after customer you already have? You gotta go after base, you don't have. Go back a little bit, go back a little bit. Trump announces Mike Pence. What the hell did most of us say?
Starting point is 01:10:33 Who's this guy? Who's Mike Pence? Who's Mike Pence? Josh had his poster. Wait, no, no, Josh. By the way, most people, none of us didn't know Mike Pence. Most people forget.
Starting point is 01:10:40 Why didn't he go with Ted Cruz? Because he's already got Texas. Why didn't he go with Walker? Walker's, Walker, everybody was Walker, Walker, Walker, everybody was Walker. Scott Walker was gone. Scott Walker was at one point everybody that he's gonna be the president was 20, of course, but I'm telling you,
Starting point is 01:10:54 why didn't he go after these guys? He goes after Mike Pence. Why? Pence has military, Pence has church, Pence has a church church church, but it was a brilliant move. Brilliant move. Obama went Biden a brilliant move. Brilliant move. Obama went Biden.
Starting point is 01:11:06 Brilliant move. You go get Delaware. You go get Penn. What the hell? He made a good move. Obama made a good move. When it got somebody older than him, White is going to pull from an audience that he doesn't have.
Starting point is 01:11:16 You go look at anybody that won. Who they put McCain won with Sarah Palin. Why? Oh, because we're gonna get it. He didn't win with Sarah Palin. That's the point. What I'm trying to tell you is exactly you just validated my point. They lost because he was playing politics rather than being strategic about it. He was
Starting point is 01:11:34 saying, well, let me get pale because I'm gonna get the female board. I she had high brain. There he would have one. I was also going against Obama. No, I don't think. I don't think. No, it was the whole Hillary Clinton thing at the time because they were worried that he's going to announce as Hillary Clinton as V people potentially. But I don't think this is a good move. I think it's a bad move.
Starting point is 01:11:52 I think there were better candidates out there to choose from and would have worked that better for them. But again, we're just a podcast that we may be wrong. If he chooses Susan Rice, okay? Trump's next move, William Barr is going to launch an investigation because trust me, Obama gate is going to happen before Trump leaves office. Susan Rice is part of Obama gate, okay? tremendously.
Starting point is 01:12:15 Yeah. So the first, like he, he knows if he picks Susan Rice, he, he pigeonhole themselves. If he picks Susan Rice, he knows Trump launches that investigation, ASAP. And now you have a VP that is embroiled in the middle of an investigation, like that would be no bueno for what's Obamacate. Obamacate is the fact that he and a bunch of his constituents sanctioned the illegal surveillance and the fake dossier of the Trump-Russia deal. That dossier has been proven to be fake. How's it?
Starting point is 01:12:54 Yes. And yes, by both sides. Yes. Obama was the one that gave the go ahead on it. Obama was the one that illegally surveyed. Allegedly, right? Everything you're saying is allegedly, right? No. Like, none of this is facts.
Starting point is 01:13:07 No, this is a hundred. None of this is facts. This is a hundred percent fact. This is a hundred percent? This is a hundred percent fact. Which is... 100 percent. So if it gets disproven, we could use this quote that Josh said it was a hundred percent.
Starting point is 01:13:17 So, Obamacate happened a hundred percent. 100 percent. So, he's guilty until proven innocent. No, I'm saying that it's happened a hundred percent. We don't know if he'll be pro. I think that Trump is is going to go after him. I think bar is going to launch a huge investigation. Normally presidents leave other presidents alone because they don't want future presidents coming after them. It's kind of a mutual handshake. It's said the difference is Obama went after Trump.
Starting point is 01:13:39 Oh, he didn't go after him. So Obama should have just stayed quiet and he didn't do that. So this is a hundred percent that Obama gave us. Well, this is I didn't say this to you. What I say, believe it's a hundred percent. I think there's a lot of credence behind the game that took place on making sure that Trump doesn't get elected. Yes, I did. A hundred percent.
Starting point is 01:13:55 I didn't say a hundred percent. I said, there's credence. I'm going to let them go go at it and see what they're going to be doing. I think the bigger thing that's going to come out is going to be Epstein, which is Jolaine Maxwell is not being asked to be left alone and leaving going to civilian life. And the moment that happens, she ain't gonna live a long time because I was just in Palm Beach.
Starting point is 01:14:11 Mario, Mario Glasses. Mario came in to tell us we got 10 minutes left and it looks like a nerd or a man professor. But a couple thoughts. One thing, one thing to get away from this topic is China decided to invest $15 billion in Armenia. So, first of all, Armenia is the Silicon Valley, a smaller Silicon Valley engineers. If you hire consultants and you hire engineers, Armenia has some of the best in the world
Starting point is 01:14:39 and people are hiring them left and right. There's a lot of big firms in here that produce stuff for Skype, big apps. They hire Armenians many times more than Indians. They do today. They prefer to hire Armenians over Indians. And China put $15 billion to create a smart city that will start planning in 2021. Joint companies will be established in Armenian, Chinese, joint smart city with a population of around 15,000 people. And these companies will be engaged in scientific innovations as well as the development
Starting point is 01:15:12 of the latest technologies in particular, artificial intelligence, smart agriculture, medicine, tourism, and banking. I just don't know about the prime minister positioning himself with China. I understand Russia and China are a little bit closer than US and China are. I am very concerned about this decision to be made here. Again, look, I'll go back to this to you again. 45 Communist schools, 1958, Clion Scouson, 15 year CIA.
Starting point is 01:15:46 One of the things they talk about is provide American A to all nations regardless of communist domination. Grant recognition to red China, admission of red China to the UN. Okay, permit free trade between all nations regardless of communist affiliation and regardless of whether or not items could be used for war,
Starting point is 01:16:06 I just don't know if I'm comfortable doing business with any country that is like China today. I'm not. And for them to go into Armenia, you think they're just going for business reason? You think it's just a money maker opportunity? I don't. I think more than anything.
Starting point is 01:16:23 I think it's more than that. And I think they have to, I mean, it's already too late. It's already been done. It's a decision that they've made over a course of 15 years. They're gonna put 10 to 15 billion dollars into Armenia. And that concerns me a little bit. What I was gonna ask you is,
Starting point is 01:16:36 this is probably the one part of this podcast where literally Josh, as my opinion, is irrelevant. Because it's all about, this, yeah, you don't know about Armenia, I don't know about it. But I generally, like, don't hold back. What do you think is actually happening here with China going into Armenia? Like, you've sort of brushed over the topics a little bit, but what has really happened in here?
Starting point is 01:16:56 Desperation, you know, you got somebody that's willing to put $10 to $15 billion and it sounds exciting and sexy and, hey, let's do it. It's something that Armenia can sell to its people. Hey, we were able to get a partner like this, but the moment you position with China, if you're pro-China, you're anti-US. Okay. I'm just telling you, if you're pro-China, to me, you are anti-US. So if I am, if I was thinking about going to Armenia to visit, this concerns me a little bit. It doesn't make me feel comfortable at all because...
Starting point is 01:17:27 As a part Armenian, you're saying you wouldn't feel comfortable going to Armenia knowing that they're getting the bed with China now. I'm not comfortable with that. Could Trump reverse that by Trump coming in saying, hey, we're putting a hundred billion into Armenia. Well, Trump won't do that because Trump, the number one military in the Middle East is who? Turkey. Turkey is the number one military in the Middle East.
Starting point is 01:17:50 And U.S. has three military bases in Turkey and Erdogan, if there's one thing that's very sensitive with them, is the Armenian Assyrian genocide, that they don't want to be touching. If Trump shows any favor to Armenia, then he's gonna lose Turkey. If he loses Turkey favor to Armenia, then he's going to lose Turkey. If he loses Turkey, now he doesn't have cloud to get things he wants to get done in mill. It's a very slippery slope because dealing with Turkey is complex and Turkish
Starting point is 01:18:15 people. The Erdogan is not a fan of Armenia and of US defense. So again, it's very, very, and a part of it is probably because also Armenia is sitting there saying, what do you want us to do? if we do team up with US they don't want to team up with us because they're afraid of Turkey So we have to take the money because we have to be concerned about my people But I don't think it's a long-term smart play because long-term it's gonna hurt the people of Armenia What other countries does China have relationships with in the Middle East region China just gave a hundred and fifty billion dollars to Iran To Iran so I mean Iran is obviously not in bed with the United States.
Starting point is 01:18:47 But a friend of an enemy of an enemy is a friend and a friend of a friend of a friend is a, you know, yeah. So if Armenia is friends with China and Tehran Iran is friends with China, that means Iran and Armenia are friends. I don't know about that. I don't know about that. What's the relationship with Armenia around? I just don't think you want to have a bad relationship with US today, especially if you're going into bed with the one country that the world trust the least. The world is not gonna recover from China for a long time.
Starting point is 01:19:21 You just went to bed with them. Do you think China is the least trusted country in the world? There's not even a question. There's not even a score. Would you pull that up? Least trusted country is no, I'd like to see. There's no way to pull that and it's could be politically manipulated based on who writes that article to be able to do that if it's a,
Starting point is 01:19:38 China is a leading contender right now. After the Wuhan number one. Before Wuhan coronavirus, were they number one? Or this is a resource of that. They're still gonna be up there. I mean, China has been in trouble. They're up there, sure. Because made in China,
Starting point is 01:19:49 the games have been playing, trying to buy all this. They're not trusted. I just make a quick suggestion. Yeah. Okay, and I think our viewers would love this. I think Trump, Biden debate, we need to have a live commentary. We need to play it and go play by play with our little interjections in the debate.
Starting point is 01:20:09 I think that sounds great. When is the first debate? Whatever the first debate is, let's do podcasts around it and we'll do a live reality. Is it going to be a Zoom debate? Is my question? Is it going to be a Spock? I don't know. Is it going to be a live debate?
Starting point is 01:20:21 No, it's not. Whatever it is, we're going to do a live. If Biden's able to keep it if they do it we'll do alive and we'll get that part going. Josh Adam is there an update you got for us with the stimulus give us a quick 30 second update on what's going on with stimulus. Well, you know, the Democrats and the Republicans were fighting back and forth the heroes act versus the heels act they couldn't come to an agreement. So what the hell happened Trump stepped in and said executive order, baby.
Starting point is 01:20:45 And basically, he laid out four executive orders. Number one, unemployment. There was a debate between 200 and 600. He cut it down the middle and he said, we're going to do 400, right? Then can you do it? Give me a 400. We're going to do 400. It's there. It was. 400. Now, what he basically said is 300 is going to from federal 100's gonna come from states That's a whole debate right there number two Housing he is continued the moratorium on evictions cool. He is also Paws student loan payments till the end of the year cool and number four was
Starting point is 01:21:27 What was it? Oh, the payroll tax cut. So which basically is going to be sort of a payroll tax holiday, because it's going to be due at the end of the year or after your election season, we'll see what happens, or it's going to come from people's social security, or it's going to come from people's Medicare. It's going to come from somewhere, kind of like your analogy. If you take 5% off of somewhere, it's going to come from somewhere, it's not just going to magically evaporate. It's going to come from somewhere or be taken from somewhere.
Starting point is 01:21:52 Go ahead, sing Trump praises, go ahead. No, just think about what a brilliant strategic move it is going into the election. Now when he gets on stage, he's going to be able to say, I've done more for the student loans than any of you standing up here. Like you guys have talked about student loan, student loan, student loan. Look what I've actually accomplished for them. I'm pausing this.
Starting point is 01:22:14 And then, if you think about it, the working class, the people that go to work. How many, how many problems has this created? People not wanting to come back to work because they're making more on unemployment. Yeah, plenty. Okay. So now this actually rewards the people that work because it says, by the way, you're not going to have to pay a payroll tax. Brilliant.
Starting point is 01:22:33 Let me tell you, it is genius and they're calling that Trump's worst campaign promise. This is Trump's, according to Yahoo Finance, President Trump hasn't said a lot about his agenda for second to bring us lead out perplexing goal, ending the payroll tax that fund Social Security and Medicare. So the angle Yahoo Finance is taken is the fact that payroll tax is going to hurt Social Security and Medicare. So they're trying to get that audience to vote against Trump. And typically the older audience is more conservative. So they're trying to kind of spin it from that angle. So it's going to be interesting. But to me, if you're a worker, you officially have an additional 7.65% of deduction that
Starting point is 01:23:08 you get to keep if this gets passed. And that's a lot of money we're talking about. That's not a little bit of money we're talking about. So we're at the end of it. I got a conference call on a minute. I want to give a shout out to Phil Heat. He is running for Mr. Olympia for his eight month, which will time with Lee Haney and now hold this again. He's 40 years old. Olympia for his eight-one, which will time with Lee Haney and now,
Starting point is 01:23:25 right home again. He's 40 years old. 40 years old, good, good. He's a strong man. And we've been talking about the decision for a long time. I'm very excited about what the future looks like. I'm trying to look like you feel heath. Okay, so what do we got right now?
Starting point is 01:23:37 We're gonna have a Josh way in next show. We're gonna do what Josh way in. When is the next one? Tell us when the next one is. Friday. Friday is gonna be the next one the same time By the way for some of you guys that are watching this put a thumbs up share this subscribe click on the alert and Go to Spotify iTunes. We need you to do this
Starting point is 01:23:53 We need your help because it is a new podcast go to iTunes go to Spotify put the links below Kai so they can do that subscribe to the podcast as well on any of those platforms that you use put a review What you take in a way? What you like we want to be able to get a few hundred reviews on podcast as well on any of those platforms that you use. Put a review, what you take in a way, what you like. We want to be able to get a few hundred reviews on there as well for the podcast that's live on iTunes Spotify and any other place they can find it. Having said that, we will do this again Friday, same time, 8 a.m. Central Standard Time. Much love to all of you. A lot of good commentary, 90 minutes. Take care everybody. Bye-bye. Bye-bye. Much love to all of you. A lot of good commentary 90 minutes. Take care everybody. Bye-bye. Bye-bye.

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