Peak Prosperity - A Step-By-Step Analysis Of The Copenhaver Film

Episode Date: August 2, 2024

The incredible Copenhaver film shows Crooks running across the AGR rooftops 3 minutes before the first shot rang out. This settles some questions, but raises many others, most notably how exactly are ...we supposed to believe that that the Secret Service agent in charge of placing the sniper teams was THAT incompetent?

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Have you seen the video of crooks running across the roof that James Copenhaver took yet? If you haven't, stick around. You're going to want to see this because we're analyzing it and taking a look because it tells us a lot. Hello everyone, Dr. Chris Martinson of Peak Prosperity here, continuing a citizen's investigation. And boy, have we got a great one. This is incredible what we're going to see here today. We're going to be analyzing the James Copenhaver video of crooks running across the roof. I'm sure you've probably seen it, but if not, wow, you're getting for a surprise. We have to ask the question, did someone let this happen or did someone make it happen? Those are the two hypotheses we're trying to rule out and we're working hard. And today's video makes that just a little bit more difficult. So let's start here. This is
Starting point is 00:00:54 the James Copenhauer film. And we're just going to watch this little chunk here where you can see Crooks clearly running across the roof in that red circle. He disappears for a second. Don't worry worry we're going to analyze this almost frame by frame to make sure we understand what it's telling us and it goes to there and then just stops now really wish we had the before and you know we just need a little more if that's all he shot that's great but if there's more to this we need every single frame of this film one more time he's running across we're not sure which roof but i'm pretty sure we can tell you he's not on building six yet he disappears from view comes back up now he is on building six this is where the shots were taken from we have a lot of audio analysis to go with this as well we have a site reconstruction where i'm pretty sure we have
Starting point is 00:01:42 everything in a 3d uh cad model right now that will explain everything so we'll get there eventually now yep that's james copenhauer filming there edward baker sent me this picture that's him in the white shirt circled there that's amazing this is actually the video taken from fox news so fox news if you're watching this please please please release those extra seconds we need it i understand you maybe edited this down or just took a clip that showed what you wanted it to show but we desperately need to know if there's any other anybody else on the roof before after during how long he was up there because as we look at this well he comes across i showed you that uh still from the lady there and i'll show you that they
Starting point is 00:02:25 run to here and then they cut right just after about comes out done so that's it that's the end so that's all we have so what are we looking at here all right this is the first frame where you can clearly see he pops up so that's our first orientation of the copenhager video where we can see crooks okay and if we step through this piece by piece we start here he's got his very first appearance here and i've got the time indicated oh i'm gonna get my tool out here he starts here he runs across the roof we can clearly see him right here. He disappears for almost exactly six seconds. So he runs across from here and then appears to duck down. I think we have an explanation for that, of course.
Starting point is 00:03:13 He's running across the roof, and then there are those little, what would you call them? They're just the connectors between the buildings. I call them the causeway. But there's those connectors, and they're down a little bit and up a little bit. If you watch the video of the Beaver County helmet cam person, they had to climb down and climb back up again. That's my explanation for that disappearance. It's exactly where you would expect that causeway to show up. And then he reappears and we see four more seconds of him in frame here. And then this is roughly three minutes before any shooting starts
Starting point is 00:03:48 we'll show you the whole stitch together by milk bar tv it's astonishing did such an incredible job so we can get a complete understanding of what was actually going on i think we can account for all of it now all right frustratingly the video stops with crooks still visible again if anybody's got more frames of this we need those desperately and as well we would love to get our hands on the raw uncompressed full frame i understand it's a telephoto shot it's been zoomed in it's going to be a little grainy and blurry but if we have the raw film we have a better chance of stitching it together and making it into something a lot cleaner than what we're seeing but no matter this comports with everything else we've seen from uh the dave stewart film right which is taken just in front of
Starting point is 00:04:31 this building over here dave stewart would be about right down here with the red dots making its motions right here filming up also sees him there but only just before the shooting starts so if this film ran longer we see crooks pop his head up he goes down we'll explain why in a second and then he comes back up and pops up and we see him in the stewart film 5.3 seconds before the shooting begins so let's break this down a little bit more first um let's just watch it a couple more times just so you're really oriented so everybody knows what we're looking at there he is he runs across we see him right in front of that building he disappears we count about six seconds he's just
Starting point is 00:05:11 missing missing pops back up over there you see how he's jumped now all the way from here where he disappears and he pops back up again over here now again our explanation for that which we'll play this while we're talking so that you can just keep watching this so we're watching him disappears and he pops back up again over here now again our explanation for that which will play this while we're talking so that you can just keep watching this so we're watching him disappear and goes out of view and pops back up again that's because he's climbing down into that causeway that little down step and then back up the step and maybe i can't tell from this video maybe he's also got his backpack on as he's running. I can't tell.
Starting point is 00:05:47 He would take it off, presumably, and shuck it right there after, or maybe he takes it off before he climbs up on the roof, throws it on the roof, comes up, scopes out the whole situation, takes a look, and then, in my theory, he climbs back down or crawls back down to his backpack and removes his weapon, which has been disassembled it's in two pieces and so he's got to reassemble it and we'll show you the video that i think fits with that very nicely as an idea okay so all of these first shots uh this is copenhaver oh gosh get your drawing your laser pointer this copenhaver here this is the hydraulic line that's
Starting point is 00:06:21 hit right here and sprays out um this is the railing that a shot pinged off of. And I think it actually pinged. I have a new video I'm trying to source very carefully. So into thin air, if you've got it, please let me know, because I think it bounces off the railing right between these two gentlemen. And of course, this gentleman in blue here is David Dutch, and he was also injured. So all the shots that we have that we can track are clustered right there and then if you drew lines from them up past trump's ear you know where you end up is
Starting point is 00:06:51 pretty much exactly where we see crooks so this is starting to come together pretty nicely we're getting it so let's track crooks movement because this is a lot depends on this how did he get into position so we have this awesomely convenient alignment to work with right here which is that the corner of this big old building which is actually building one in agr's terminology this is their main building the first one you would see if you're driving into the facility from the north you and you come into their main parking lot that's the big building right there we can see a lot of identifying features the vent stack up top we've got here the telephone pole with a couple of transformers on it and over here would be the parking lot where everybody is parked and running around and then this is building six which
Starting point is 00:07:35 oddly enough right beneath this is a place where we know that that we had a lot of law enforcement officers in there so first question is running on a metal roof typically makes a good amount of noise for people inside. So that should have been a clue to somebody in there. But at any rate, let's work with this corner alignment for now. We have four vent stacks here. This, I'm going to call this the one, two, this is the third vent stack over. And this corner and the corner of that bent stack line up pretty nicely. So we can start to use that.
Starting point is 00:08:06 It's not perfect because of angles and how angles can change, but the alignment of those two things, wherever we're going to, we can draw a line between them, and that line has to be roughly equivalent to this line. So we can say definitively, no matter how we orient ourselves around, that Crookes has to be on this side of the blue line, to the left side, to the west. So Crooks is over here somewhere on the west, which begins to narrow down the possibilities
Starting point is 00:08:31 for how he got on the roof and the path he took when he got there. At least the path. We don't know how he got on the roof, but the path he took begins to line up quite a bit. There's a small chance that he could be here in this red dotted circle here that we just can't see he you know we watch him run across the roof he could be there but it's not consistent with him running and then disappearing for six seconds and then reappearing um in order for him to have
Starting point is 00:08:56 disappeared for six seconds he would have had to run along here and then he would have had to just drop down which is possible but not entirely consistent with the idea of him running over here to that breezeway between the two buildings or whatever we're calling that thing um vestibule the covered walkway uh the connecting door hallway um it's most consistent with him running to here jumping down and then coming back up into this spot right here shucking his backpack is found right here and then he crawls up to here takes a look crawls back down gets himself ready assembles his weapon comes back up pops up take some shots if we're assuming he's the one who took the shots and all that again awesome imagery from spa guy who went there and filmed this with a drone from all different angles did just incredible work so thank you spa guy i'm going to use a bunch of your images here uh because it's just yes this gives us the data we needed and deserved to figure out how this is all happening
Starting point is 00:09:50 so and thank you to everybody who's curious who's been there helping to get this data together so without this image this is a much more difficult shot to put together this begins to tell the tale and as well these are really really flat roofs So is it inconceivable that Crook's running basically not hunched over, almost at full height? Is it inconceivable that we could see him running across this roof with his head silhouetted against this roof surface? The answer is no, we could see that because this is a very, very low pitch of a roof. It only rises one foot for every 12. It's about 40 feet from edge to peak. So 12 into 40, it's only like a three and a half foot rise. So somebody who's taller than three and a half feet, you're going to see their head if they're over here running above this. This one slopes down a little bit.
Starting point is 00:10:36 So we would expect to see if he's running across this aspect right where my dot is going, we would expect to see basically from here up. And that's just rough calculations. We'll let the math wizards out there prove this even better. So here are the possible routes we can take. I knew I made this a little goofy, but let's assume he has to pass through this red circle. Number one, he can come up over back here, and I'll show you another image of this. We have a AC unit. You could have popped up on this.
Starting point is 00:11:02 He could have come across this roof line here. And then one of two things, he either ran across this connection came back here to avoid the parking lot and then looped through on this purple line or he could have come over here there's another connector breezeway whatever calling these things there's another connector architectural feature between these two buildings right here I'll show you that in just a second. Alternatively, he could have just come up on right over here behind this building here. On the backside, we'll see there's both an AC unit and then like a little cheesy craftsman
Starting point is 00:11:36 plasticky sheddy thing that he could have easily gotten to the roof there and as well come across this black line now and gotten to here there is another route which is there's a window on this side so i have to mention it it's also possible he came out the window on the second floor of the overwatch building here and ran across here but then we'd have to um that raises a lot of very awkward questions if that happened uh finally he could have i guess come across here run onto building six as we mentioned come to here and ducked, and then popped back up and been here. Less likely, but there is another causeway connector here. So those are all the possible ways.
Starting point is 00:12:13 He gets on the roof over here somewhere, most likely, runs across, probably comes across this connector, and jumps up on here. Now, this all gets fascinating, because from the Grassley materials, Senator Chuck Grassley put this out here. because from the grassley materials chuck senator chuck grassley put this out here this is the beaver county after action report we got a couple things to note first they say that right here there's a picnic table and they'd seen the suspect in this picnic table over here on the north side of the overwatch building this is where my most likely is here's the uh craftsman plasticky building in the ac unit he
Starting point is 00:12:47 would have run up here come across here jumped up here and come out here and done that so he would have gotten on either here or he could have gotten on over here and that's fascinating because they also noted on their after action report here's his bicycle and backpack that was seen at some earlier time he was also spotted at this picnic. He also had a picture taken right here on this retaining wall, so lots of hot action, like, there's something, this guy's suspicious, dudes. And there aren't that many people back here. It's not like there's a throng of thousands over here. There's a few dozen people here at most.
Starting point is 00:13:17 So he's standing out like a sore thumb, acting all suspicious, but this is really damning. They say, direction of travel of suspect they saw him leave somebody did some law enforcement officer i don't know who yet saw him leave this picnic table and go this way which leaves this ac unit over here is another way to get onto the roof so originally when i was first doing this uh a week and a half weeks ago, I thought these were all the areas I circled this is what I thought I first I'm just putting this so we can rule something out I'd said I didn't think it was likely that crooks had used any of these red X's to get up here on this parking lot side
Starting point is 00:13:54 This is crawling with leo law enforcement officers, and this is where we have that ladder. It's up in here I just don't think those are very likely So I'm pretty sure right now given his direction of travel across the roof, we can rule out all of these red Xs. So that's now green. We're going to move that until we get some other evidence that maybe he came up one of these things and then ran back. We'll drag it out of the red.
Starting point is 00:14:17 We'll put it back up into yellow for consideration. As well, we just don't think it's very likely that he tried to get up this side of the building. That's building one in the AGR terminology. Remote possibility, there's a group of three trees over here. You could scale a tree. These arborvitaes, these cedars, I don't know what they are at a distance. But anyway, pretty tricky to climb up them and then leap from a springy thing and get over. So I'm going to call that very unlikely.
Starting point is 00:14:44 Much more likely is this AC unit. Here's the little craftsman shed I was just talking about, but here is another AC unit. Also really not a huge stretch to get from there to there. So it would be one of those two places. And then of course, then they run across. Now I'm going to ding this as the most likely until proven otherwise for now,
Starting point is 00:15:03 because this seems easiest because then you don't have to try and haul yourself up this whole length. You can just get up to here, then up to here. Looks pretty doable. Surprising that we had at least 40 local police in charge of guarding this facility here. I don't know how many of them were pushed off to the south, but this is a very obvious spot that you want to prevent somebody from climbing up on, whether they have a hostile or a benign intent, because even if it's benign, just some Yahoo local person, a, that person would have been exposed to potentially getting sniped. And that would have been a tragedy. So this would have been an obvious spot to have somebody actually stationed. And what's interesting is when we come back to here, we see that there were people in law enforcement spotting bicycles, spotting direction of travel, spotting him at a picnic table, seeing him down here on this retaining wall so there's there's plenty of presence back here now what must have happened is that crooks must have waited until all of those people were
Starting point is 00:16:10 somehow not in sight and weren't tracking him anymore climbed up jumped up and the rest is history so again from spa guy thank you so much for getting this awesome footage he he watched this whole thing there's the the youtube link right there here's the title so you want to just search it on google very easy to find make sure sure you subscribe to his channel because he's doing awesome work. So this would be the possible route. Jumping up here, coming across, little hop down across this first breezeway. This is the second one, but that one's exposed all the way over there. That's the one on the other side of that, the ladder. The ladder would have been tipped up against. And that side is crawling with law enforcement. So unless you're a complete dummy, and I would have taken this to minimize exposure to the parking lot. This is what I would have done. It's much more contained.
Starting point is 00:16:57 Then you have to just sort of hop up here and come across. And then once you're there, you're on that roof beyond building six and you would cross right through the red circle that we've identified in order to get over to building six so that makes a lot of sense i think this for now i'm going to call that most likely raises a lot of questions about how he was able to do all that without being spotted and our second set of questions here for today are why didn't the Secret Service snipers fire? So we know from the Grassley materials that we have Hercules 2 is the sniper team 2. That's the one everybody's sort of seen.
Starting point is 00:17:32 They're looking. They're like, what's going on? They jump when the first shots happen. And then we have Hercules 1 down here. So, yeah, Hercules 2, Hercules 1. So first question. And by the the way they have these maps as well they've identified this this is from a common map that goes between the secret service and the beaver and butler county and washington county folks right so we have washington swat way over
Starting point is 00:17:58 here we've got a butler esu allegedly another sniper on a roof here we got a lot of assets all to the south. But here on their map for both of these sniper teams, they would have had their map. If they look down like who's over there on that roof, they're looking down. They're going to see that Butler and Beaver County are supposed to be here. And really extra confusingly, there's another page of the same planning document that actually shows them that they're supposed to be on exactly the roof that crooks was on so if you're down there you're like what am i seeing over here and you flip through there's friendlies over there so now you got to do a deconflict you got to call in and like
Starting point is 00:18:35 what am i seeing you know you know there's going to be alarm at this point in time now again from the awesome spa guy video we can see this is taken exactly from Crooks' firing position or putative firing position. We can see that Hercules 2 has exactly 100% obstructed view and pretty much zero shot they can take. This is just, nobody should have ever been on that particular spot. Zero. It just doesn't make any sense whatsoever at any rate so we see that these guys can see with an obstructed view we'll get to that in a second but hercules one their zone of responsibility would have been south that you know hercules two zone of responsibilities to the north but they have this totally obstructed view we know hercules two
Starting point is 00:19:23 is supposed to be facing south because they are facing south there's both of their rifles their stance and everything um one guy's on the phone in the back there but the other guy is looking straight south so we're this is from the uh what i'll call the front of the building facing trump stage he's on his glasses right there and his his um you know his bush hat looking south okay fine uh because that's totally consistent with this and that's what you would expect right okay now again thank god spaghi so this is the view though that you would have had it's a little higher but basically you would this is the view where we saw crooks come running across from here he must have been visible for this whole period of time assuming assuming that
Starting point is 00:20:06 hercules 2 is actually looking in that direction at that time so we only saw him on the roof we only saw him for a number of seconds uh so if you weren't just exactly keyed in on that you know you might have missed it could see that the red shows that hercules 2 has an occluded view because of the tree so they could have only see assuming crooks comes from here runs across runs across here they're going to lose sight of him right about there and then he's going to be out of sight in six seconds and comes back up and comes back down so they would have had but they would have had this view they would have at least that amount of time so if they'd been there, but it's it's really a crappy spot.
Starting point is 00:20:46 We have so many questions like who would put somebody there? Hmm. Special Agent and Charge Tim Burke. Like we're really everybody's still not asking the right questions. We need to. I mean, some of some people are not going to get me wrong. Not everybody. But the right questions right now are going to be who exactly put those people there. And by the way, as I've noted, Google is heavily suppressing those search results, as I noted in yesterday's piece.
Starting point is 00:21:11 Now, here's the magician. That's Justice Coyote, who I keep citing from Twitter because he keeps doing great work, says, hey, new footage completely breaks the idea that ESU and United States Secret Service being on siloed radio, siloed radio. So let's listen in. Let's remember this also came from yesterday's piece. Let me get my volume up over here so we can all listen into this from Josh Hawley's grilling of Ronald Rowe. Include this in the perimeter has not been relieved of duty. What about the person who is in charge of the interoperability of radio frequencies between local law enforcement and Secret Service? Has that person been relieved of duty?
Starting point is 00:21:51 No, Senator, because interoperability is a challenge, is a greater challenge than just one person. On that day, we had a counterpart system. It failed. We had a counterpart system. It failed. This guy's just busy trying to say, oh, the systems all failed us. We had failing systems. He's trying doing everything he can in just the weaseliest, most irresponsible, most arrogant way to suggest that nobody was actually at fault because, know bad systems but what the magician here uh justice coyote is pointing out is like well hang on from dave stewart's
Starting point is 00:22:31 amazing video right at 6 0 6 p.m right here and i think i think i have a disagreement with um dave's timing by at least a minute maybe two not positive but but somewhere around 606 when we know the shots rang out at 612 ish uh depending on how we're how we're doing all this so these guys are standing here can't they just yell up to snipe you know hercules 2 right up on the roof there can't can't they just yell up like hey guys we have interoperability like here use the vocal cords are we using different air space are we moving different molecules with our vocal cords like it's really inexplicable to say like this is bs what this guy's going through it is junk oh we had an interoperability problem as we were going for the the oh my god i really despise people who are just doing CYA activity all day long. Come on, dude.
Starting point is 00:23:25 A little truth, a little transparency, and try to be something other than a complete wanker with this stuff. That would be awesome. Okay? But anyway, that's another Secret Service lie. So many stacking up. I tell you that this, that organization has some real leadership problems on its hands. It's going to have to clean house if it wants to do better. And I know there are a lot of good people working there who want to do better.
Starting point is 00:23:47 They want to be proud and they should be proud of being the best. This isn't the best. All right. Now we're going to turn to Milk Bar TV for the absolute win. Milk Bar TV stitched all of this stuff together. It gives us gives us i think the clearest view we are going to get there they are on on twitter uh from australia um just yeah follow them this is amazing so this is stitching together the copenhaven video copenhaver video with the other videos and so now we can finally see this integrated story of what happened. This puts it all together. He's a valiant fighter.
Starting point is 00:24:28 He's a great, great gentleman. So we're going to bring him up for it. Can we bring him up for a couple of minutes later? All right, you get ready, McCormick. You get ready. I'll get you up here. The world will see a vibrant Republican party
Starting point is 00:24:41 that is bigger, stronger. Yeah, that one's on top of the roof. Look. There he is right there. Right there. See him? He's laying down. See him? Yeah, I can't see him. He's lying down. He's back to you. He's crawled back down. And to make sure we take back the White House, because if we do, we're going to make America better than ever before. We're going to make sure we take back the white house because if we do we're going to make america better than ever before we're going to make it yeah look and it's not easy because we have millions and millions of people in our country now he has an assembled rifle now he's going to
Starting point is 00:25:15 be a call back criminals we have criminals we have drug dealers we have people that should not be here. It's much tougher than if it happened to be. We have the strongest border ever. What? He's so good! If you want to really see something, just take a look at what happened. Stop! Stop!
Starting point is 00:25:42 Stop! Stop! Stop! Stop! Stop! i hope he's turning this way be careful do you hear that like that last shot oh and we had other people talking about how uh we saw crook's hair fly up at that point there was a little misting a lot of people actually saw the headshot they were all keyed in on that at that point in time his the sound of gunfire had keyed their eyes up there for sure you can hear that at the end like look out he's turning this way oh so shot nine is the hero's shot of the day because that's the shot that actually stopped him from firing so if that's crooks firing one two three four five somebody takes a shot and i
Starting point is 00:26:31 bet that was when that bullet snapped by he gets a little religion and goes oh no and uh i'm this is actually a dangerous thing i'm doing reality must have like come sparkling right back into his frame of reference so this is how i explain all of this now first crooks gets on the roof sometime before 608 38 because that's the first moment from the milk bar um stitched together 608 38 is the first frame that he appears in on the roof in the copenhaver video okay and then he runs um to the sometime before then he gets on the roof but he runs to the west side to avoid detection and that's why he passes through the red circle um then uh esu sniper greg is reported to have been the second sniper to have left that edge adjacent building uh on their after action report
Starting point is 00:27:19 they beaver county put that at 609 so no idea of how precise these times are relative to each other but there's some really awkward timing that we're going to have to dig into just a little bit more because either this is the worst possible luck in the world or somebody's not quite being truthful here or something worse has to be imagined and so this this a lot of focus has to go into this timing because it's a little sus at present. Hey, sometimes bad things happen, but that's a little sus. And then Crooks jogs up to his putative firing position, right? He scopes it out. You can see him up there, right?
Starting point is 00:27:53 And then the Copenhaver video ends. I think he then heads down to his backpack. That's why when you cut over in that Milk Bar TV, you can clearly see he's got his back turned to the camera for the people on the west side. He's doing something. And then once he's done doing whatever it is now he flips over he's got a rifle and that's when the people start saying dude's got a gun so best guess i have he goes up runs up scopes everything out cool goes back down to his backpack which has probably been ditched there after he crawled across that little causeway the breezeway thing and opens it up assembles his
Starting point is 00:28:25 rifle comes back up into firing position then um i think it was in two pieces in his in his backpack that explains why other people hadn't seen it a lot of these these weapons can actually be disassembled into many many pieces but they sometimes break pretty easily into two not folding that's not like a pin where you fold it. You know, it wouldn't be like a Kel-Tec 2000 or something. Not a folding weapon, but one that you can disassemble and you can take the barrel off of the main receiver. And then it's fairly easy to screw those back on
Starting point is 00:28:57 or depending on which mechanism they have on this one. And then Crooks is seen after he's reassembled. Now he's bear crawling into firing position. People are filming. They're starting to yell about it. We have two and a half interminable minutes while now police are all around the building, weapons drawn, starting to look and somehow Secret Service isn't notified or claims they aren't notified, but they leave Trump on stage. A lot of questions about that that are going to have to be dug into. And then the shots happen. It's one, two, three, then four, five, six, seven, eight, then nine. And then 10 seconds later, we get shot 10 piling in. And my explanation is that Crooks is startled by that ECU shot, emergency services unit, sorry, ESU shot, SU, not ECU. That would be Eastern Carolina University.
Starting point is 00:29:46 Don't want to finger them in this. ESU shot, number nine. And that wakes him up. He ducks down and he crawls back some position. So people have been questioning, like, why is his body there? It's too far back from the ridge. Well, the answer is, is that he took those shots at the ridge. That's why we can see him in Daveave stewart's video with his head up
Starting point is 00:30:05 because he's right on the ridge as you would expect it's a good place to brace your rifle with a braced rifle maybe we can begin to explain why those one two three four five six seven eight are so accurate because it's actually braced then that round snaps past him i think it misses him he's like oh no bear crawls in reverse gets down about four feet thinks he's low enough but he's not he's left a little bit of his head exposed above the ridge line and so that's why when they talk about that one in a million shot i'm going to call it a one in two shot for somebody with the gear that hercules one has down there on the second sniper position that had the clear line of sight um they're hitting basically an inch
Starting point is 00:30:46 of his head or something at i don't know 600 feet i know a lot of people personally who can do that and they don't even have an accuracy international uh rifle with that particular scope set on it those things are awesome i've heard they have a quarter minute of angle quarter moa that means it's just dude you're missing by a quarter inch at 100 yards so at at 200 yard 300 yards um yeah 200 yards it's going to miss by maybe a half inch so that's not a one in a million shots a good shot don't get me wrong particularly under pressure but um that's when hercules 2 takes their one and two shot people see his hair fly up and they react to it right they give you that whole that whole thing so that's my best explanation for what we've got right now thank
Starting point is 00:31:29 you to everybody who's contributed so far this is starting to come into focus and now we have some real questions about that placement of those two sniper teams particularly hercules two up there on that building where they had a an line of vision, as well as the decision not to put somebody on that Overwatch building where you have a perfect line of sight to everything. It's difficult to explain by just mere incompetence. We have to go, I think, a little further than that. And that's the best explanation I have for now. Thanks for listening. We will see you next time as we continue a citizen's investigation into Trump's near assassination.

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