Peak Prosperity - Aaron Day: “This Is The Hill To Die On”

Episode Date: July 6, 2024

If CBDC’s are broadly implemented, it’s over. There will be no more privacy, no more freedom, and our lives will be controlled by unseen people and AI programs nudging us toward thinking, saying a...nd buying only the “right things.”Click Here for Part 2

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Starting point is 00:00:00 They will use terrorism and money laundering as the justification, and they will use fear to basically push people into this thinking that if we don't move to this type of system, people won't be safe. Aaron Day, so good to see you again. Great to see you. Aaron and I know each other, I think we first met at, it was a Brownstone event. That's where I think we first sort of ran into each other, but we've known about each other for a while.
Starting point is 00:00:31 So we have a huge overlap in terms of what we do in the world is, you know, I'm out here saying things are going to change and you do a root cause analysis of what's happening in the world. And you know what you get down to? Money. You get down to money. Unsound money leads to unsound outcomes. And so one of my big concerns, Aaron, has been that we have all this worry about, like we live in a corrupt society now. It's just like deeply corrupt.
Starting point is 00:00:54 Yep. And a lot of people's diagnosis is, well, we have to elect a new person and this president or that. I think it's all BS because if you have a corrupt money system, good luck trying to put rules on top that people won't find a way to be corrupt around it, right? People are people. Yes. So tell us about what you do and how you're approaching this topic. Well, I approach this from the standpoint of, I actually think central bank digital currencies are probably the single biggest threat to human liberty.
Starting point is 00:01:23 And so I really focused on trying to understand what's going on with CBDCs and their development. But when you do that analysis, what you find is the real problem is actually fiat currency. CBDCs are just a more programmable form of fiat currency. So every fiat currency in human history has collapsed. There are zero exceptions. Most currencies only last 27 years. So the real issue is states' involvement in money. And that usually leads to printing money or debasing currency, which leads to collapse. So what I've been doing is going around the country, doing workshops, going into detail about what's going on with CBDCs globally, why they're being
Starting point is 00:02:00 pushed, who's pushing them. And then I go through and kind of terrify people about how advanced the U.S. CBDC is and then teach people how to do what I've been doing for the last five years, which is I've switched off of the dollar and have been using crypto gold and silver for day-to-day transactions. Because I think that's actually the way that we defeat this. We're not going to win at the ballot box. We elect the same people. All right. So let's back up a second because so many ways to go with that. I want to get to all of them if possible. First, central bank digital currency, CBDC. What's so bad about them? What are they? What does that even mean? Well, what it means is it's a programmable form of digital money that can be monitored and censored by third parties.
Starting point is 00:02:46 Programmable like, hey, Chris can only spend his money within five kilometers of his house? Correct. Is that what you mean? That's exactly right. You can only use your money this way and in these times. And if the government decides they want to stimulate the economy, if you don't use your money, you'll lose it. That kind of thing. And in the future, what it means is it's basically the focal point for complete digital tyranny.
Starting point is 00:03:09 So CBDCs will be tied to social credit systems, digital IDs, vaccine passports. This really is the control point for all human behavior. Yeah. Well, I've been experiencing the control form for a long time because I put out stuff that Google doesn't seem to like. So at first they did actual strikes on my YouTube channel, but then later they would just do these things where I could just feel the, I could feel the nudging, right? Because you would get less views when you talked about some things. You want to know on Twitter still what my number one suppression thing is that I can talk about now? Right. Number one, gets the fewest views,
Starting point is 00:03:42 allegedly 158,000 followers. I could get upwards of 300 views if I tweet about anything critical of the Federal Reserve. That is my most aggressive suppression algorithm. Well, that explains my account. So, you know, I have almost 40,000 followers, but it's the same thing. Yeah, I have found that to be the case. Yeah. So and it's funny because, you know, people want to talk about, oh, Biden made my rent go up threefold. Trump did, you know, all this stuff. And it's neither of those two cats. Right. If you want to know why we have inflation, it's the Federal Reserve. That's the headwaters of the Nile. So when you point that out and say, wow, not only that, but but under Bernanke and later Jerome Powell and Janet Yellen, they screwed over an entire generation of young people.
Starting point is 00:04:22 They said, we're going to reward people who already have homes by making those home prices go up, and we're going to destroy household formation. Nobody voted for this, and that's the headwaters. But when you try and point that out, I'm telling you, that is the most suppressed algorithm moment I can have, is to try and draw that dot over, which people should be outraged about. They should be outraged about. I actually, when I realized how serious the CBDC issue was, I actually ran for president to try to elevate this issue. And how did that go?
Starting point is 00:04:51 I got zero media coverage. And I've done political activism for years, and I've had coverage in a variety of different outlets. I even contacted people that have covered me in the past. No one would touch what I was saying because my number one theme was basically exit the dollar as a way to halt CBDCs, stop World War III, and end the Fed. That was literally the image that I had on my shirt. That was the thrust of my campaign. And no one would talk about it. I thought at least they'd say, hey, here's this tinfoil hat guy. Listen to this outrageous thing. They don't even want to ridicule it because they don't want to give these ideas any attention. Yeah, and the reason for that for me is, and by this, this is a uniparty thing, you would think Democrats would be about it because they're all
Starting point is 00:05:31 about the downtrodden. And of course, there is nothing more aggressive than inflation, hurts the downtrodden most. And you would think Republicans would be about it for, you know, ideological reasons, potentially. Neither of them want to touch it because they're both feasting at that same trough, right? Well, they have been. I mean, when you look at the analysis, you see these different charts of what happens when the Republicans control Congress and there's a Democrat in the White House and vice versa. And the truth of the matter is it doesn't change. Spending continues, money printing continues. There's no actual practical difference between the two when you actually look at the numbers. Yeah. All right. So programmable,
Starting point is 00:06:06 but it's programmable in all sorts of dimensions, right? Which they could use to both just overtly censor you. So this would be Canadian truckers were freezing your bank account. Sorry, you've been a bad boy or girl. You're out. Mark of the beast kind of, you can't spend your money, your money anymore, but they could also do it in other ways, right? Nudge, nudge, nudge. Like you just can't buy pizza. I'm not allowed to buy beer. Or, oh, that was a mean tweet. You know, we're going to have to take 10% off the purchase price that you negotiated for your house. I mean, where does this actually end?
Starting point is 00:06:33 Well, I think actually where it winds up is there's kind of a movement to switch from a price-based economy to an energy credit-based system. Where everything is going to be tied to kind of your carbon, your carbon output. And you can see this. There's actually a MasterCard, Doconomy MasterCard, that is co-branded with the United Nations. People voluntarily sign up for this. You have a credit card and it tracks how much carbon you're using. And if you hit a certain level, it literally cuts off. And now a word from our sponsor. Hey, that's me. Listen, you're probably finding this interview with Aaron Day just like I am to be very illuminating, enlightening, but also a little disturbing. Like, what can any of us do about any of this? I know that's the question that we're all asking. What can I do about any of this? Is there anything? Well, there is. And it begins with
Starting point is 00:07:20 understanding this, which we got to talk about this. Look, the Fed is busy telling us that they don't know anything about this. Jerome Powell says the Fed's not even remotely close, but they are close to getting a central bank digital currency. And so there are things that we all can do and I think should be doing. Look, I want you to plant a garden. I need you to get ready for what's happening in the world. This is resilience, folks. And this resilience isn't just about some stuff that you put in your basement. That's part of the story, but it's just a fragment. You need to have the emotional capital,
Starting point is 00:07:50 the social capital, the knowledge capital, the skills. This next period of time is going to take everything you have, including your local communities, full involvement, to really get through this unscathed. So that's what we're talking about back at Peak Prosperity. I have a bunch of responses to this material that Aaron is giving us. I'd like to present to you and with you, but I save this for my subscribers. And a lot of it, frankly, has to be talked about behind the privacy of our closed doors. We are a free speech platform, but we
Starting point is 00:08:18 understand that those have limits out here in the wider world where not everybody shares that view. So think about subscribing to Peak Prosperity. Come on back. We would love to have you there. And now we're going to return to our program. If the end goal is to get us to carbon-based allotments or whatever, how do you see them getting us to that point? Because you could still imagine there would be some resistance to this some right well first they got people kind of used to digital
Starting point is 00:08:48 currencies and cashless transactions and things like that take take us down the road to serfdom like how do we get there well so they're already building it so MasterCard is already working with 136 companies to track carbon so that's obviously how they're able to launch this card and so if you actually look at this these are typically wef partner obviously how they're able to launch this card. And so if you actually look at this, these are typically WEF partner companies. So they're already tracking carbon and putting it into financial terms and tracking it that way. I think the way that we get CBDCs is the same way we got the Patriot Act, the same way we got TARP, and the same way we got the CARES Act, which is going to be in an emergency. I don't think they're going to roll out CBDCs with incentives. And here,
Starting point is 00:09:23 we're going to roll it out on a gradual basis because it's actually the kind of thing you're flipping the entire monetary system. It's not something you can really do in pieces. And so who knows what the emergence is going to be. It could be any of the hundred things going on right now. It could be a cyber attack. It could be Ukraine. It could be whatever. But they will use terrorism and money laundering as the justification, and they will use fear to basically push people into this, thinking that if we don't move to this type of system, people won't be safe.
Starting point is 00:09:52 All right, so one of the theories that I've thrown out there is that I did this coverage on the great taking, which is just a set of legal laws that, again, laws can be changed. They're just human constructs, but the laws have been very carefully put in place to separate us from our assets but they did it carefully right first there was this indirect ownership and disintermediation from the actual physical thing you might consider your ownership and then they put uh security entitlement as the next layer and so there's then this very careful multi-decade thing so that people are now disembodied from their their assets which means to take them is just a matter of flipping a switch at that point in time but you need the emergency so i could imagine like um you know lenin said the way you ruin a a democracy so if we imagine we wanted to like ruin this country you would do it by inflation then, and finally deflation. So that last one, that third thing is the trigger
Starting point is 00:10:47 I could imagine. Oh no, market's crashing like crazy. It's a full crash. Oh no, derivative explosion nightmare. JP Morgan is now caught. Oh no, the whole thing's going to go belly up. Good news. We're beneficent. We're going to replace 100% of your dollar value of your portfolio with CBDCs. It's either that or nothing. What would you choose? I think you're exactly right. And when I heard your talk about the great taking, I actually went on a deep exploration of that. I read David Webb's book, and I've been really kind of digging into this.
Starting point is 00:11:17 And it actually dovetails with the CBDC pilots that are actually being developed in the United States. There's one CBDC pilot called Project Hamilton, which is basically the replacement for cash. So this is the thing that when people think about CBDCs... That's out of the Boston Fed? I think I read something on this. It's out of the Boston Fed with MIT's participation and even some Bitcoin developers. So there's a common misconception people have
Starting point is 00:11:41 that we're not going to get a CBDC because the government's incompetent. It's actually the wealthiest banks funding the smartest development talent. So that's the retail CBDC. But they're going to launch it with something called Regulated Liability Network, which, you know. Well, that's a mouthful. It's a mouthful and it's a boring name because when you read the document, you'll see why. They're trying to mask what they're trying to do. Regulated Liability Network is basically one ledger that will track all CBDC transactions and all digital asset transactions. What digital assets are we talking about? Well what we're talking about is, because this is the overlap here, DTCC is one of the people involved in the development of this pilot. So
Starting point is 00:12:23 right now we have this... I'm feeling it now. You feel it now. So right now we have this system where stocks and bonds, right, are through the current system. People don't own it through custodians, but it uses centralized databases. They're going to basically tokenize our stocks and bonds and put those assets on a ledger tied to CBDCs that then multiple third parties can monitor, track, and censor. So the great taking could happen basically with the click of a mouse button when they tokenize all of these assets and put it on this ledger in this way. It'll actually make it even easier. But would they stop with that? I mean, could they tokenize my mortgage? They could tokenize anything.
Starting point is 00:13:00 The title to my car? Yes. Anything could be tokenized. Actually, this was an area that I took personal interest in from the freedom side of it. I was interested in the idea that you could tokenize any asset and trade it without third parties, right? There are freedom and tyranny aspects to all of this technology. And while that hasn't gotten adoption, they have been working on building these platforms where they're going to kind of force us to digitize all of our assets. And so it's even worse than just they can shut off force us to digitize all of our assets. And so it's even worse than just they can shut off our money. They can shut off our assets and shut off
Starting point is 00:13:30 our ability to trade basically anything that we think we own, whether we own it or not. So, hey, Chris, we would love to see your house close in order to transfer this title. Unfortunately, you have a mean tweet. You're going to have to publicly renounce that. I mean, yeah, this is social credit, right? It's that level of social credit. And if you look at what they have in China, I mean, this isn't far fetched either. I mean, they've been building these kinds of systems. I mean, China has WeChat. If you actually look at the social credit system there, they will track things down to did you cheat in a video game? So when you add AI, plus tokenization, plus surveillance, you have the ability to micromanage human behavior at an incredibly fine level of detail. Aaron, do you have a sense of like why?
Starting point is 00:14:13 Is this just control freaks being control freaky or is there some underlying driver you're detecting here? Is there a clock that's ticking that I don't know about? I think there's a clock that's ticking. I mean, to me, it's actually kind of in plain sight. It's UN Agenda 2030. I mean, there are 17 sustainable development goals. And when you look at those sustainable development goals, I actually went through an intellectual exercise. What if these were elements of a social credit system? What behavior would you measure? What kinds of incentives and penalties would you put in place if your goal and objective was to create a closed system based
Starting point is 00:14:45 on energy credits? And when you go through that exercise, it explains a lot of the things that are going on globally, things like trying to ban gas stoves, changes to dietary guidelines. There's this new Lancet diet where you can't eat red meat, but they're going to put in insect protein, or they're going to add sugar or other things. Seed oils. And seed oils. And so you can go on and on and on through the entire list. And the most charitable explanation that I have for this is let's give these people credit. I mean, there are all these theories of good versus evil.
Starting point is 00:15:15 This is spiritual. I'll take what I think is the least offensive version but probable, which is let's say these people actually believe in the scarcity and fear tactics that they're pushing. And they truly believe that the only way to solve these problems and to save all of humanity is to properly apply technology to the human condition. And the only way to do that is for elites to pick the best scientists and engineers. So this is one plausible way where I think you could get to this, where the intent is perhaps not an evil intent. But even if the intent isn't evil, the outcome will be disastrous because you're forcing the limited worldview of the elite on the population and leaving out all other possibilities.
Starting point is 00:16:00 Well, this is, I mean, the great battle here is between the real people who are reality-based, I think, and abstraction-based, okay? So all of this is being driven by these abstractionists. Now, here's where I'm going to have to get a little subtle. I don't disagree with their diagnosis because I'm old enough and my name was Nature Boy, and I can tell you the ecosphere, there's no insects, the oceans are stripped. Like, we have a problem. The way I would approach that in the realist side would be freedom oriented would be to tell people, this is what we're doing. We're not pouring $100 billion a year into regenerative agriculture. We're doing it to blow up Ukraine, right? So there are things we can do, but we're not doing them. And the abstractionist point of view is to say, we'll
Starting point is 00:16:37 just control everybody. And that just sounds suspiciously like Marxism, which always comes to the same place. It just doesn't work. And they said, well, we just didn't do it hard enough or good enough. What you're explaining to me sounds like we're just going to get communism right this time because we have the technology. Yes, communism plus AI and tracking. And this time we'll get it right. This time it'll work. So, yeah, I mean, I agree with you that there are certainly issues and resource constraints,
Starting point is 00:17:00 but I agree that it's the market that's going to figure it out if it's a, and the people that are actually motivating it are really corporate interests, because when you look at these groups like the Trilateral Commission and Bilderberg and Club for Rome, the people that make up those groups are largely the CEOs of Fortune 500 companies, people in academia. It's a very specific, small set of people, and they're pushing an agenda that benefits them heavily financially. Exactly. So,. But I like to parse this because we can agree on the what, but not the how. So the how they're going about it is all wrong. They're gaslighting us, lying. It's for your own good, citizen.
Starting point is 00:17:35 It's just, comrade, your carbon's a little high this month. We're going to ding you, all that. So they're going down the control freak angle. Here's my view. We live in a complex world, a complex economy, and they're going to try and crush it and control it, and it's impossible. They're going to break it, and it's going to be catastrophic, and it will end like every great communist experiment in mass atrocities. That's why I'm sitting here talking to you, because that's what I'm fighting.
Starting point is 00:17:58 First, personally, you say we're further along down that path than maybe I thought. All the way at the beginning, you said this is further along than most people understand. How far along are these CBDCs? The technology has been built. So this is the part that, I mean, I stopped my entire life to do this once I realized what was going on. The United States has been working on a CBDC since 2015. And this retail CBDC can already do 1.8 million transactions per second. They've worked out all the technical difficulties. The regulated liability network they've been working on since last year. And so in the conclusion, in the white paper they put together, they said, look, you know, we figured out how to do this technically. It's now just down to marketing and legal, which to me
Starting point is 00:18:43 says they're literally waiting for a crisis to wait. Well, now you add to that, President Biden signed an executive order in March of 2022. So it's currently government policy to explore a CBDC while taking a whole of government approach to cracking down on crypto, which they've been doing. They've been arresting my friends. I have one friend, Ian Freeman, who's in federal prison for eight years. I sat in on the sentencing hearing. And then Roger Veer is another friend. And who charged with what? Charged with selling Bitcoin without a license. Selling Bitcoin without a license. That, at the end of the day, is his crime, selling Bitcoin without a license. They went after Roger Veer for tax fraud on something that's 10 years old. He left the United States. He hasn't been a United States citizen for 10 years. And he wrote
Starting point is 00:19:30 a book called Hijacking Bitcoin that explains how Bitcoin had been hijacked from being something that could be used as digital cash to now this store of value. Digital gold. You buy it through BlackRock. You never spend it. You don't use it. And so he wrote a book because he was there. He was one of the most influential people in Bitcoin in the early days. And he just absolutely nails the explanation and names names and puts all that out. Within three weeks of that book being published, I had interviewed him. And like three weeks later, he was arrested in Spain, held in the same prison that John McAfee was in when he died. So he died. Yeah he died, yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:05 So, and charged with what exactly? Tax fraud. Tax fraud. But how do you, what law particularly? Are you familiar? I mean... Well, what they're doing is they're saying that he didn't properly account for his Bitcoin holdings before he left the country.
Starting point is 00:20:21 So I guess when you leave the country, you have to sell all your assets and pay a 25% tax. And they're saying that he didn't report some of it. That's the essence of the country. So I guess when you leave the country, you have to sell all your assets and pay a 25% tax. And they're saying that he didn't report some of it. That's the essence of the claim. No statute of limitations on that? I thought there was, but clearly something's going on here. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:36 Well, I mean, we're discussing it as if laws actually matter. Julian Assange, there's no, it wasn't illegal for a journalist to, you know, receive evidence of war crime from a whistleblower. That's actually well within the journalistic rights in the First Amendment. So it doesn't matter. So we have this lawless society.
Starting point is 00:20:54 But this has always been my view is that people have been telling me, oh, but Bitcoin is the people's choice. I'm like, you don't understand how the government works. As long as they will allow it to a point, but then if they don't want to allow it, they can stop it, right? Using any tool they want is my view. They have hijacked it. So I, you know, Ian and Roger were two of the earliest people and that probably spread this message to more people. So people will say, well, you can't confiscate Bitcoin. Well, I mean, the FBI broke into his apartment, took his hardware wallets. The U.S. is one of the largest holders of cryptocurrency, of Bitcoin. They didn't buy it on the open market. They were able to confiscate it.
Starting point is 00:21:33 So they certainly are able to use a variety of different tools. What a lot of people didn't understand early with Bitcoin is they thought it was anonymous. And it turns out it's not anonymous. It's a blockchain that tracks all of your transactions and then actually stores that database, shares that database on a decentralized basis. So it's all out there. So it's all out there. And now what they're doing is they're using what's called chain analysis technology with AI. And now they're figuring out everybody's transactions. And so now in a way it's become a surveillance tool, but it's been marketed as a freedom tool. And so, so, you know, so now it's kind of a, I don't know, it's almost a psyop in a way, but interestingly,
Starting point is 00:22:11 the same people that funded the technological changes to solidify Bitcoin as digital gold, as opposed to something you can use as money, funded all three U.S. CBDC pilots. So here's my ticking clock. We're all supposed to pretend that Biden is our president. People will attempt to argue that it's somehow valid to have this senile, demented individual as leader of the free world, right? So it's just kabuki theater at this point. Obviously, he's not fit for job, right? Fit for purpose. Okay. The ticking clock in my mind is that we're also all trying to pretend as if the excessive spending of the U.S. government can sort itself out somehow, or that the way that the Federal Reserve, you know, tripled, quadrupled its balance sheet from the great financial crisis
Starting point is 00:22:56 to now, especially doubling it in just in the COVID emergency, right? That somehow we're supposed to pretend like this is normal and okay. It's not, right? We are coming to the end of this Fiat Road and they know it's gonna break that's why they talk about the great reset it's not that they want to press the reset button it's gonna happen it's just math we're over the tips of our skis where the tumbling is about to begin right so I think that's the that's what they're fighting here and so money is the core of this because
Starting point is 00:23:22 money is the means of control, and it always has been. I argue with people all the time that they're like, oh, no, I have all these funds. I'm like, fiat money is a form of slavery where you own, you are the slave owner. It's just a more advanced form. That's very true. That's how it is, right? Yeah. So now I think they want to take that to the next level because that one's breaking,
Starting point is 00:23:44 but they have to get to this next articulation. They need a more advanced form of control. I can't imagine anything more advanced control-y than a programmable digital currency. No, I can't either, which is why I say it's the single biggest threat to human liberty. And, you know, because people have their various issues. If it's a vaccine issue or this or that, none of that matters. If they can control and program your money, then they can basically control your political speech and your behavior. So this is the hill to die on, which is why I've been doing what I've been doing and and in fact in order for this to be a
Starting point is 00:24:25 viable option to CBDC's we need tools that are easier to use and that work with multiple assets we need crypto gold and silver it's not an either-or thing because when that emergency strikes we need to be able to have a combined solution that can onboard people or otherwise people will take the other thing out of fear now I want to hear about the solutions, but let's just complete the arc here. I googled how many digital currencies are being explored by central banks and my eyebrows shot up on my forehead. It's a big number, isn't it?
Starting point is 00:24:56 In 2020, there were 35 countries at the exploration and research stage. Really only China was piloting at that point. So 35 in 2020. 134 countries today are at various stages of this, representing 98% of the global GDP. 11 countries have already launched a CBDC. There are more CBDC accounts globally than crypto accounts. That's the part when I saw what was going on with the rate of development versus the rate of crypto adoption. That's when I'm like, even to people that I know in the crypto community, guys, you know, we can't fight over coins within this segment. We're losing broadly to this rollout of CBDCs and the technologies are, they're innovating technologies
Starting point is 00:25:41 at a very accelerated rate. So yeah, this is happening very fast. And again, three pilots. Who has been talking about the fact there have been three CBDC pilots in the United States? When you hear Jerome Powell, he'll say, well, we haven't even decided if we want to explore CBDC. And in reality, the technology is sitting on the shelf. They know they're going to pursue. I just did an episode a little while ago where all I did was go to the New York Fed. They have a job posting and they're looking for crypto analysis, senior project managers. There's job postings for this space. They're right out in public and they have been for quite a while. And I've spoken to some of the developers that
Starting point is 00:26:20 worked on this. So some of this was I researched just from public sources what's going on because all of this information that I've described is public, but then I've actually talked to some developers that worked on it after the fact and they've confirmed. I mean, they're all the way to interns. That's how far advanced it is. Yeah, yeah, no, it is a huge undertaking.
Starting point is 00:26:37 And then when you realize that they actually have Bitcoin developers involved and everything else, then you realize this is serious. This isn't a government program. This isn't the Obamacare logon website. These are the best developers in the world, and they have a specific plan. Because I mentioned this regulated liability network, but they're actually developing this in multiple countries.
Starting point is 00:26:56 So multiple countries, well, all countries actually, but Japan, Europe, Great Britain, they're developing a regulated liability network as well. And then what's going to happen is the regulated liability networks will connect to one another. And what you get at the end of that is all CBDCs and all digital assets on one centralized global platform. That's literally what they've designed. And the Bank for International Settlements is right in the middle of it all. Now, this sounds, besides dystopian, also sounds, from a risk management standpoint, reckless. Because this is single-point-of-failure stuff, right?
Starting point is 00:27:30 So if you had grid down for any reason, right? It's an EMP, it's a coronal mass ejection. You have something where you have a data loss, you know, because somehow you had some sort of a cyber attack that wormed in. If your money system goes down, your complex society ceases to function. It devolves very quickly. This doesn't sound wise to me. I would be interested in seeing an ecosystem of things where let them run a central bank digital currency, but I have the choice to use something
Starting point is 00:27:57 else. And I think we ought to have multiple things. I think we should still have physical cash, physical gold, physical silver, gold-backed The next stage up, you know, well tell us about what some of these things might be. There's a big range of things we could do. It's a range of things. So I started living off crypto exclusively in 2019. So just crypto and it's now kind of morphed to 50% gold and silver, 50% crypto. And then when I do these workshops, I, you workshops, again, I educate people about CBDCs, but then I give them crypto, I give them a gold back, and then I give them silver, and then explain how to use it.
Starting point is 00:28:32 And when you're in a room of 100 people, when you're outside of the Liberty crypto sphere, most people have no idea how to use crypto. They don't even understand that you can use it to buy and sell things. So there's a big disconnect here between the people that are already in it versus what the rest of the world thinks. And the biggest issue for adoption right now is that merchants do not have an easy way to accept multiple payment forms. So typically what's happened in the past is somebody has been an activist that's been involved in one particular coin. They've gone to a small business owner and said, hey, look at how cool this is. This is crypto.
Starting point is 00:29:09 And the business owner said, oh, great, I've downloaded a wallet. Now I can take crypto. And then that business shows up on a map somewhere. But at the end of the day, almost no transactions ever transpire. And that's not a solution because, you know, employees of that business can't use it. It's not a solution because employees of that business can't use it. It's not a real thing. So I'm launching an open source point of sale system that, and it has to be open source, it's a free offering not controlled by a corporate entity so that it can't be shut down, that
Starting point is 00:29:37 takes multiple forms of crypto and tokenized gold and tokenized silver. And I'm trying to work out a way where you can actually the merchant could say I want to get paid in gold so they can accept all these multiple payments that goes through a process and at the end they get tokenized gold that they could then take a card and go to a gold back ATM or could actually redeem for physical metals so to me this is the kind of solution that we need and it starts with something that is simple for the merchant because I thought that people crypto, people have crypto wallets, but they don't even know that you can use it to buy things in part because they can't currently buy things. So it's
Starting point is 00:30:13 just a speculative asset. If we take this to the next level and make it actually usable, then that could be an alternative. Well, in your example, so if I'm this merchant, I want to go redeem for gold. Would that mean there's a repository or depository in the state I live in or nearby? How would that work? There are several ways to go about doing this, and I'm open to exploring all of these. You could work with Alpine or something like that, which has a repository in Utah. That's too centralized, but it could be part of a solution. You want to work with kind of all of these options.
Starting point is 00:30:50 There are even some ideas floating around about how could we empower all of the pawn shops and gold shops across the country on a decentralized basis. Now, how do you, you know, you have an issue with trusting the issuer and all of that other stuff. And those are things that can be worked out. The thing that I found fascinating, have you seen these goldback ATMs? I've only seen pictures of them. I've never actually been to one. So they've started to, they just recently started to roll them out. So Las Vegas, North Carolina, Florida, I think it's Sawgrass Mills Mall just launched one. So I think that's a really cool idea because obviously those you could spring up all over the place. And so the idea of being able to kind of bridge the physical and the digital with ATMs, I think, is an interesting approach.
Starting point is 00:31:26 But it's an all of the above strategy. You're talking to people now. Put this out. If you could ask them to do something, what do we do? Well, this is why I do these workshops. But the gist of it is start moving out of the dollar and moving into gold, silver, and crypto. And just start experimenting and trying to use it. Go to a local merchant and see if they'll accept it.
Starting point is 00:31:51 I mean, this is going to be the thing that's going to have to grow by word of mouth and by people just kind of sharing it within their local communities. I give everybody a tip. When I tip, I tip in gold backs because people love them, and it's not technology. You don't need an account to use it. People love the designs. And then I give them a card with a QR code that takes them to a site that explains what it is and how they can use it. This is the way that we can actually start taking direct action. Where do you get your goldbacks from? I get my goldbacks from Alpine. I mean,
Starting point is 00:32:20 historically, I've actually gotten my goldbacks by selling things. And so it's only been recently that I've actually purchased gold backs. But we actually have a gold back store in New Hampshire. So I literally go to the gold back store and, you know, and pick up gold back. So I have an account through there and actually have a debit card that's backed by gold. So that's another interesting model. So I don't want to touch fiat. And frankly, crypto is pretty volatile. So in the five years I've been living off of crypto, you might ask, well, how is that going? Well, so I keep my burn rate as low as possible, right?
Starting point is 00:32:52 Because if crypto is way down, then you don't want to be selling and then, you know, I'll make my capital expenditures when the price goes up and that's not a lifestyle necessarily everybody wants to jump into. So I've been moving more into gold and silver for the stability aspect. Yeah. Well, interesting story on gold and silver right now. I'm astonished to watch how much comics continues its old shenanigans, just dumping paper silver on the markets by the boatloads, right? And it was just January, India imported more than 100% of world mine output for the month. Just India.
Starting point is 00:33:27 The scuttlebutt I've heard is that China's moving to a gold-backed currency of some kind, and that India's moving to a silver-backed one, and they're just accumulating like crazy. I talked to my friends who were tapped into that network, and it is just a hemorrhage of gold and silver leaving the West. One of my messages people is like, this is a before and after story. We're going to continue the charade as long as possible. And you can still buy gold and silver, but eventually there's a square wave function where it just jumps and becomes hideously expensive or unavailable entirely. Yep.
Starting point is 00:33:59 Right? Yeah. No. And take physical custody. Absolutely. And that's of everything, right? I mean, it's kind of like the thing with the great taking. All of a sudden we wake up and we find out we don't own our stocks, we don't own our bonds,
Starting point is 00:34:09 we don't own the money in our bank account, we don't own the crypto in our exchanges, and we don't own our data with all these big tech services. I've updated it. The phrase now is possession is ten-tenths of the law. There you go. I like that. Yeah, no, it is. I mean, the trust has been completely eroded.
Starting point is 00:34:25 I mean, this is the thing. This red pilling has been really hard for people I know who've come at it kind of late. I've been at it a while. But it's an emotional process because every story you dig into, you find out it's a scam. It's a charade. It's not how it was presented. It's a lie. Right?
Starting point is 00:34:39 But I'm watching this great awakening happening to me. And that's the other part of the ticking clock is they really need to get this story locked back down because they've just lost the vaccine narrative they've just lost uh the ukraine narrative right they're starting to lose the 911 narrative the oklahoma city like literally all of their narratives are bs and so um i feel like they have to do something before they lose the mass narrative which is that we're ruled by incompetent people and they got to go yep yeah it's not evil people or however we want to characterize that. Which is why they need to control the money. And once they control the money, they can control the behavior. This is why to me, this is an urgent issue. So I'm doing
Starting point is 00:35:15 workshops. I have a website,, and we're scheduling 17 of them across the country. So this is a way for people who want to learn more about this. Where's your next one? I think my next one that's scheduled is in New Jersey, but I know we're planning one for Nashville that will probably be before that. Okay. Either in late July or early August. And how many people come to these?
Starting point is 00:35:39 Between 100 and 300. And they're growing in size. So the first ones were really small. The last one we did was 100, and now we're kind of blowing it up. And how long does the workshop take? It's about a four hour workshop there's a 15 minute break the first two hours are really kind of explaining the situation around CBDCs and the dollar and all of that and then the last half is hands-on applications and what people can do specifically in terms of individual actions to get out
Starting point is 00:36:05 of the system. Great. Well, thank you for doing that. So, wow, 17 this year? At least. I'm not going to stop at that. We're scheduling these based on the demand that's come in from the website. And so we're finding partners and sponsors to help us coordinate the logistics.
Starting point is 00:36:19 But I'm not going to stop because truly I believe this is an existential threat. So I'll stop when when I stop yeah now do you make much of the Trump's recent statement that he would stop CBDC's does that have carry any weight with you so it was in part based on my conversations with the vague he read my book the final countdown and because he we were in I'm in New Hampshire I was running for president he's in New Hampshire I'd previously gotten 17,000 votes here. So we ended up having a number of conversations about this. And so he dropped out in Iowa. And the primary was still contested here in New Hampshire, so between Haley and Trump. And
Starting point is 00:36:55 so Vivek said, look, these people in New Hampshire and a lot of these free staters are really adamant about this issue. And I think that is explicitly what drove Trump to come out and say he's anti-CBC. But do I think he'll follow through? I mean, I have a hard time based on the track record. Last time, I'm a little gun shy on political promises. He's great on the campaign trail, as we know. Yeah, he's great on the campaign trail. But, no, somebody said,
Starting point is 00:37:20 oh, he's gonna be the sound money president. I'm like, didn't he print 50% of the dollar? You know, I struggle with some of this, but, you know, I can be hopeful. But practically speaking, I think it's down to radical noncompliance and what we can do with our own actions and behaviors. Excellent. Well, we'll be printing the link down below this, obviously, so people can follow that and click on and get to your website.
Starting point is 00:37:44 And I just want to thank you so much for what you're doing. It's really important. So thank you for everything you're doing as well. Oh, my pleasure. Great. All right, everybody, thanks for listening. And please follow Aaron Day, everything he's been doing. This is such an important issue that we have going on right now. It's literally, this is the essence of freedom. So as we know, prosperity comes from life, liberty, pursuit of happiness, which themselves come from things like private property rights, privacy, and individual agency out there in the free market.
Starting point is 00:38:13 If we don't rescue this now, our children grow up in a pretty dystopian world. So this is the hill to die on. So thank you again. All right, see you next time.

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