Peak Prosperity - Answering These Questions May Unlock the Trump Crime Scene

Episode Date: August 24, 2024

It’s important that we get to the bottom of the Trump assassination attempt. The near-total silence from the FBI and the Secret Service about the many lines of inquiry and necessary bits of evidence... reeks of a cover-up. By answering these three basic questions, we believe the crime scene may finally give up its secrets.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 The citizens investigation into the Trump assassination attempt continues apace. We've got a great crew working on it. You have questions. We've got some answers. The following is the audio version of a video released at Visit to watch the video and to find other insightful content, such as articles, discussion forums, and exclusive subscriber-only content. Hello, everyone. Today we're going to be talking about the top three questions that we've been chewing on for the past few days about what is going on in the Trump investigation around the assassination attempt.
Starting point is 00:00:50 Well, there are three really top big questions that we're just going to have to get to here, which are just burning holes in us. So number one is, well, why did Secret Service actually leave Trump on the stage, even though sniper team Hercules 1 had already swiveled around to face a threat to the North, Hercules 2, which was on the North barn, they were busy dialing in, seeing alarms. We had alarms going off around all over the place. And we know that there were local law enforcement down in the tent area back there that were receiving things over their comms, telling them that there was a problem. So absolutely, it needs to be addressed.
Starting point is 00:01:34 What was going on with that personal security detail, the floor team, as it were, for Trump? Did nobody tell them anything? Did they have nothing going on? Need to know exactly what happened there. Second question was, well, what exactly precisely were Greg Nichols? I'm sorry, I misspelled that. That's just N-I-C-O-L-S, no H. Greg Nichols and the other sniper, what were their whereabouts from 545 to 612? Just need to know.
Starting point is 00:01:57 And we're going to look into that a little bit here today. And then finally, this is really important. Where did Crooks get his backpack from? It's quite the enduring mystery and people have been working hard to unravel it. So I think we've got some answers today. Let's take a look. First, as to question one, why did the protective detail not respond? We've covered this before, but really we just got to keep it front and center. This is very, very bizarre. We can see from the body worn camera there for officer 122104 that clearly shows the Hercules 1 on the south barn swiveling around at 6 10 11 which is 1 minute 23 seconds before the shot first shot rang out
Starting point is 00:02:34 they were facing south as you can see here right they are looking to there's their you know their coverage area was south but they picked all their gear up and went the other way and started looking north. So if they're doing that, the question then becomes, again, what happened to the protective detail and why did they not respond? This is a case of the dog that did not bark. I don't want it to seem like I'm focusing just on one area. Was it local law enforcement? Listen, there's comprehensive failures all around. So we have to talk about those.
Starting point is 00:03:08 Now, this, of course, is a must read report by Congressman Clay Higgins. And yeah, still, he has a lot of great questions in there. But one of the things I don't think he focused on quite enough, which would be for the subsequent part of the investigation, would be to look at exactly what was going on, not with local law enforcement as a block, but specifically with the two snipers, three, but one of them left at four o'clock, actually kind of left around 420. But beyond that, what exactly were they doing? We need to know a full accounting of their timeline is going to help a lot for us to understand what happened. Now, notice here we have this video that came out.
Starting point is 00:03:48 We see crooks at 426 p.m. People at peak prosperity in the citizens investigation have already calculated length of the shadow, direction of the shadow and determined that, yeah, this happened at 426. So we know something now. There was a text sent by that first sniper out of the three who left early, sent a text at 426. Now we don't know if that means he saw something at 426 or saw something and then drove somewhere and then decided to send the text. But at 426, he sent the text that said, hey, somebody else figured out our trick of parking here. We don't know where that is. Guy at the picnic table, right? He knows you're up there.
Starting point is 00:04:27 We've always assumed that was Crooks, but it can't be if they both happened at 426, because at 426, Crooks is here, down in the vendor area, a long ways away from the parking lot areas at AGR 6 building area. Okay, is that his range finder? I don't know, because you remember when he was on
Starting point is 00:04:46 the roof and dead and getting rolled over, the state police guy was going through his pockets and pulled out, felt something in a pocket in his right pocket, and somebody else said, that's his range finder. Don't know how they knew that, but there is something, could be, there's something squarish in that front right pocket don't know just a question okay um part two of this report for my subscribers man we got to talk about this uh this is the loss of critical thinking on display that's going on through our political cycle right now is nothing short of alarming i think it ends in disaster i really do and uh it's all across the the spectrum we've been discussing this in terms of there seems to be a carrier wave that's influenced people. Maybe you've noticed this. Maybe you can't have like reasonable reasoned conversations anymore with friends, way, shape, or form. But there are heavy overtures showing up around this political contest that themselves are alarming,
Starting point is 00:05:49 but they also reflect something deeper going on. And by the way, I happen to think this loss of critical thinking that we're experiencing right now is not organic. It's an active program, and it's being very successful. So that's what we're going to talk about back at Peak Prosperity. I invite you to become a member because I want you to be prosperous and happy and safe, if possible. So back at Peak Prosperity, Vegas Patriot putting together a lot of great stuff here. We're going to discuss some of Vegas Patriot's work here, putting together a super detailed timeline map, which helps us finally get our arms around all the missing details about who was where when and all of that he says here quote check out my timeline map
Starting point is 00:06:31 showing the sighting without mention of a backpack followed by the very next sighting where he has it the time in between is when they lost sight of him but why he went to retrieve his backpack maybe that's why where would he be out of view of the counter snipers, namely the second story northwest window, which is where we know Greg Nichols, like, I see him. He's down there at 605. He's at a picnic table headed towards Sheetz, right, with a backpack. Well, where did that backpack come from? Because he didn't have it earlier. So that's what the question is we're trying to resolve here so um vegas patriot uh by opines that it was probably somewhere around the front of the agr complex possibly to get it out of a car
Starting point is 00:07:10 parked within the round trip walking distance so 545 to 605 you can walk a good distance you absolutely can all right so let's switch to this and i'm going to take my face off the screen for a second this is the timeline map put together by Vegas Patriot. And again, you can find all of this. This is publicly available. The citizens investigation is ongoing at Peak Prosperity. Come check it out and contribute if you're of a mind for this. So let me get my little laser pointery thing out here.
Starting point is 00:07:41 So all of this begins. So in the after action report here by Beaver County, they first note at 510 in the afternoon or in 24 hour time, 1710, first observed the suspect walking by the window. And then they took their first picture of the suspect at 514. And then there was a picture of a bike, but it turns out this was a red herring. Interesting observation, but the bike and that backpack had nothing to do with Crooks. The owner of that bike was found. We can dispense with that. And then at 532, the suspect was spotted looking at a phone, news feeds, and a range finder confirmed through binoculars or a binocular or was that binoculars i don't know i'll have to look into that and then oh no we lost sight of him and then at 605 or 602
Starting point is 00:08:32 per the radio traffic we don't know there's a discrepancy of three minutes here important minutes so we should check these out uh at approximately 1805 they said suspect at picnic tables and moving direction of sheet so i I think 602 is less approximate. I actually am going with 602 because that was time stamped on the radio transmission. 605 here came from the BC After Action Report, which was, they were just, that was close. I think the approximation is correct. And noted that he has a backpack. So that's interesting.
Starting point is 00:09:06 So we have that Jason Woods is the name of the first sniper who left at around 420. This text was sent at 426. That's number one in this whole sequence right here. We know that number two down here at 506. We have Crooks down here on the front of the building. He was caught briefly on a video camera here walking around. No backpack here. And then here, we have the John Malice video, which I'll show you more in that.
Starting point is 00:09:32 Yeah, let's go to the John Malice video very quickly here first. We see here, this is, they say time is p.m., not a.m., because this says 5.04.50 a.m. So it could be off a couple minutes. So we're going to give an approximate. So we're around 5.04.50 a.m. So it could be off a couple minutes. So we're going to give an approximate. So we're around 5.04 p.m. But again, Crooks is walking from somewhere, no backpack. Now again, this is about an hour before he is actually going to be seen at the picnic table. And just about an hour from when he climbs on the roof for the first time so this
Starting point is 00:10:05 is kind of interesting now back to this real quick you can see over here this part at um he's spotted at the picnic table here and um looking at phone news he's rage finder but sometime when he gets to the picnic table here at 602 now he's got a a backpack. So where did that come from? Where is that? That would be an important thing to know. Okay. So within 10 minutes of the malice video, Crooks had already attracted attention, right? Because if this is basically at 504, well, by 514, he was first detected as a person of interest. So it's not like he shows up on scene, comes onto the AGR complex from the north, and immediately is spotted as a person of interest. Now, remember, there aren't that many people outside those sniper team windows
Starting point is 00:10:54 if they're in that second floor of the Overwatch building. What are there, 70 people down there? So Crooks is, like, going to stand out. He's pretty much one of a very few number of people. They've seen all the other people probably for an hour or more because they got there at 11 and they've been set up in that room for a long time few people maybe are coming and going but they're also going to be obviously knowing who is uh the well we'll call them plainclothes officers some people say they
Starting point is 00:11:22 were certs remember that's capri pants guy or shaggy with a beard, and then camo pants guy. And whether they were cert, as in C-E-R-T, which is more of a, it's an emergency response team, but the C is for civilians, right? So they're trained, but very typically they don't have badges, they don't have weapons. So if this is cert, it must be S-E-R-T for those two guys, which in Pennsylvania terms, I mean, these guys are carrying actual weapons and have actual badges. So at any rate, they will know that those guys are out there. They'll know that there's plainclothes officers out there. They're part of a security detail. They're snipers. So they should know that there's like 50, 60 people and there's like a bunch of actual law enforcement assets right out
Starting point is 00:12:06 there. And then again, he attracts attention at 545. They're taking the second picture this time. This is after 545. Crooks get the rain finder, you know, doing this thing. And then where you go? We don't know. At 605, he spotted or 602. I'm going to go with 602 on this one. Spotted a picnic table headed towards sheets. It said by Greg Nickel. And then at 606, according to a bait of the FBI, they have security cam footage showing that Crooks pulled himself onto the roof. Now from 606 to 608 20, what are you doing? Like there's a couple of minutes, I guess he's just sitting there, just sitting on the roof, not attracting any attention, just hanging out on this flat, low roof area. No matter where you are on But then all of a sudden, local law enforcement reports over radio someone on the roof of the AGR building. And then at 60832 even announces that the guy has white shorts. So, and I think we've got the body cam footage on that now.
Starting point is 00:13:20 Maybe, I'm not 100% positive, but it might be the one from the east side of AGR-6. Now, this is really important. We have lots of body cam footage. It's helped resolve a lot of questions. Great. Almost, well, exactly all of that footage is from the east side of the AGR complex, right? The local patrol officer with his dash cam who comes wheeling in from the radio tower, the radio tower. I'm sorry. Water tower. The water tower is to the east. He comes wheeling past that.
Starting point is 00:13:51 There's a local cop with his body cam on running around from the east. We have a lot of data from the east. What we're asking for is we need the body cam footage from the west because we want to know where was Crooks and what was local law enforcement doing over there between the moments of 545 and 605. We just need to know this because apparently Crooks is a person of interest, but he's, they lose him. How do you lose this tall, gangly, white legged kid, you know, uh, in a sea of maybe 70 people. It just something doesn't track there. Now, let's just watch this very quickly, because there were some questions about, well, you know, where did what was in Crook's backpack?
Starting point is 00:14:35 I'm positive that his gun was in there. So this is actually a DPMS Panther Arms AR-15. This was it's not the exact model potentially, but it's going to be very close to the one that crooks had right and here we can see very clearly uh that to take this thing apart here is pretty easy press one of the pins pop it out now the whole thing cracks in half here on the other side boink okay come on you can crack it. I know you can. There you go. All right. And then it's, I'm not clear if he has to do this part where he pulls out
Starting point is 00:15:18 the bolt and the upper receiver part there. I'm not positive about that. There's the bolt and the actuator there. And then you just pop this other pin. And the whole thing will just come apart in two pieces. And I think you'll be able to see these two pieces will now fit in a backpack pretty easily. Much easier than a full rifle so that's uh and obviously you could also collapse that back stock down just a little bit too if you really wanted to get it even shorter so this whole that's the whole thing that's basically how
Starting point is 00:15:55 something like this could be put in a backpack so that's why we're keyed on his backpack we just want to know what was going on there um and so if we look at this very carefully here, now we have some questions, namely really important. So we have Nichols here at one point, we have the Beaver County sniper, right? There's the third guy who's already left at this point in time, by the time this picks up the action at say 5.10 the afternoon and then Nichols apparently went to the northwest corner here sometime around um well we don't know exactly when he went to the northwest corner here but he would have gone at several points I guess to try and track this crooks character and then at some point he went all the way down here Nichols went all the way down here so from this overwatch building it is just stupid easy to see and Overwatch this entire roof area,
Starting point is 00:16:47 particularly if you're worried about a guy, you know he's going to be on the roof, yada, yada. Now listen, mistakes happen, shoddiness. This could all be that somebody's just embarrassed at how this all shook out. But the fact that we have no accounting yet for the second sniper, their name or their whereabouts, like what were they doing how is it even remotely possible that they didn't manage to see or communicate about crooks because it's almost impossible even if you said you know as we've covered before if you are in this window here and you're looking the wrong way and crooks is over here coming up here coming up here probably
Starting point is 00:17:21 running this way a little bit and coming coming on here and this is where crooks is hanging out you if you're here and you're not looking this way you are looking this way which means you see all these people standing there under the tree yelling through your open window about a guy on the roof right and if you have your radio you know there's chatter right because we've already established at 608 there's a guy on the roof right so and you can see the roof from your particular overwatch position so why you would be continuing to just sort of stare blankly this direction and all the people yelling about somebody on the roof and not swivel around and look out one of these other three open
Starting point is 00:17:56 windows on the second floor of this side potentially even this one where you can just look out and there he is yeah that's easy there's also a window pair of windows on this side on the east side of that overwatch building right there and there again very easy we would think to go there and peek out the window you know take a look and see what you can see so there's some really really tricky questions here so we have we have to ask some questions about the two local snipers for question, because it's that serious. Here are our options. They were both actually in place where they should have been, which is exactly what Richard Goldinger, the DA, said.
Starting point is 00:18:37 Their local DA. Well, or another option is one was still in place where they should have been. That would have been the butler sniper. The other abandoned their post. Another option is they both abandoned their posts. Final option is either or both were called away from their posts by someone. No abandonment whatsoever. They were ordered or called away.
Starting point is 00:18:58 But question is, why did neither of them do anything about Crooks being on the roof when he was in plain sight? I mean, plain sight. We I mean plain sight, right? We have other questions for the other local law enforcement who are all around that building, not stepping up on that little retaining wall to see for themselves. Somehow they lost track of this guy. If this guy is a person of interest, and we've got multiple law enforcement over there around the AGR building, including those two plain clothes- looking guys right how is it that out of a sea of 70 people you're not tracking this guy because he's already been identified set up to
Starting point is 00:19:31 command post hey we're a little worried about this guy it's not like you have thousands of people to track I had to make the best decision under a lot of crisis to a lot of people to track boss there was really only one person of interest that we know about on that side somehow they lost track of him on the ground and then these two we really need quite we need questions answered about what these two were up to so i mean if we add it all up which we've done before very quickly secret service we know had counter snipers on trump for the first time ever because they were worried about something but But they placed them really stupidly. They were deployed in a way where they were overlapping in their footprints.
Starting point is 00:20:10 And they both had blocked views of at least some of their coverage area, which was blocked by trees. So really dumb set up there. And then they were instructed, the Secret Service instructed local law enforcement, to be inside Building 6. The local law enforcement is saying, positions, they put them in the southwest corner, which is a really dumb spot to put a counter sniper team. Little narrow casement windows that crank open, you know, and you have these little, like, you might as well be in a castle shooting out one of those peepholes, you know. It just doesn't make sense. And then the Secret Service, of course, didn't attend meetings. They did no day of day of briefing with the locals.
Starting point is 00:20:52 They didn't use the locally provided radios. They declined or refused to drone, even though we now know that Crooks flew a drone pretty happily, didn't even communicate with themselves because we saw that that hercules one team is busy swiveling around leaving their coverage area to swivel to a more urgent threat and somehow they didn't even communicate shout down off the rooftop hey guys down there right i mean there was like mysterious this all needs to be investigated obviously and then they apparently didn't interview or debrief any of the local law enforcement officers as of August 9th. I'm still not sure if that's been done. Weird, right? And the FBI, well, they just let everybody go home less than an hour and a half
Starting point is 00:21:35 after the shooting. They cleansed the crime scene. They released the entire crime scene by day three. They released Crooks' body for cremation without notifying anybody, so we don't have a second autopsy report. In fact, where is the autopsy report? I don't know. And have provided zero press releases since July 14th that I'm aware of. And on the Crooks' side, we have some questions. Like, he wandered all over the event facility, right? He was down on the far end. He was flying drones over here he was parking over there he was wandering all over the uh event place and even yeah it flew that drone but he was spotted at least five times on video never had a backpack not once so the question is where was that backpack and how did he get how did he go from that being on that retaining wall to somehow getting back to
Starting point is 00:22:23 the picnic table with the backpack for greg Nickel looking out of the northwest window of that Overwatch building to say he's headed towards Sheetz, which was a really unfortunate way to describe that. Right. He might as well have said, you know, he's headed towards Canada. I mean, it's just that that's not a helpful description in this particular environment. So not good. But he did. He totally disappeared from LEO view or tracking between 545 and 605. Now, how did that happen? And he got on the roof at 606. And then he lounged about up there for a couple of minutes and was finally spotted by another law enforcement officer at 608 in 20 seconds. And then didn't end up taking his first shot until 6.11 and 33 seconds.
Starting point is 00:23:09 So we have two and a half minutes-ish where law enforcement knows he's up there somewhere. And we've got law enforcement everywhere, and we have two overwatch snipers who could just look out the window and say, oh, there he is. And somehow that didn't happen. So these are the questions that we need answered right away law local law enforcement did they had three snipers up there in perfect position to stop crooks one of them left at 4 20 ish greg nickel left that post at 606 according to their own timeline just three minutes after trump took stage greg nichols said you know i better just leave and go to the front of agr6 like literally under the walking under the roof that crooks is like stomping around on goes to the front door
Starting point is 00:23:53 to communicate with local law enforcement to say hey maybe you should go look at this guy that's the story and we have no clue where is greg from 606 till 6 11 and 33. Actually, we know where he shows up about 612 in this story because he comes back out of that store, but where was he? We need to know. Everybody needs to know. It's an obvious question, and it should be pursued vigorously. The second sniper still has not been identified, right? And we have no accounting of the minute-by-minute positions of either or both Nickel and the second sniper.
Starting point is 00:24:29 So, all of that leads us to have these remaining questions. First, what do the cell phone geolocation data for all the local law enforcement, all in and around AGR 6, all around the entire American Glass Research Facility, everybody, everybody everybody's north of that AGR fence line, right? We would love to see the cell phone geolocation data between 515 and 615. And in the case of Shaggy, the capri pants guy, we know he was on his phone pretty much the whole time. Every time we see him on video, he's on his phone. So we know we have cell phone data for him. Actually, we'll have it for all of them.
Starting point is 00:25:01 Everybody has a cell phone these days, right? Okay, where exactly was Crooks between 545 and 605? This is quite mysterious. Where exactly was he? It's quite a mystery that he was a person of concern, a person of interest. Pictures flied up the flagpole, and then he just wanders off at 545. Nobody has a track, like which direction is this guy going? And then he comes back, and we don't know when he came back. And finally, as noted by Greg Nickel from that northwest corner,
Starting point is 00:25:33 oh, there's a guy. We don't know. It's kind of odd. And where exactly were those two local snipers? Exactly what were they doing between 545 and 615? I'm just going to keep pounding on this. We need answers to this. Until these are resolved, this is an obvious point where we're all going to go, seems a little suspicious, doesn't it? You know? And of course, suspicion breeds in a vacuum.
Starting point is 00:25:54 We need answers to these things. And then finally, where and when did Crooks actually retrieve his backpack? So where was his car parked? Where was it? There's some guesses, some suspicionsions but we just don't actually know at this point so this is what it sounds like when normal ordinary people with good rational ability sit down and chew on a topic and come just ask logical questions here we are what is it a song 40-ish days past the uh trump assassination, we still don't have basic information.
Starting point is 00:26:26 We still don't know exactly what kind of ammunition was being used in the gun. We don't know that the gun was fired for sure. We don't have any fingerprint data to prove that this was crooks on the roof. There's a lot of basic stuff we just don't know. But the most basic of them all is going to be the answers to these questions. We should know this stuff by now. We actually really should know this stuff. So with that, I think what I'm going to do now is we're going to turn to part two for my subscribers. We got to talk about this loss of critical thinking though. So if you like this kind of critical thinking, please come on by Peak
Starting point is 00:27:00 Prosperity, invite you to sign up. It will be the best investment you've ever made because, well, I put a lot of thought into these things. I'm your information scout, and I just want you to know what's going on so you can make whatever decisions you have to make for your business, for your family, for your life. With that, thank you very much for listening. We'll be back as soon as we can or whenever it's relevant to have another episode of A Citizen's Investigation into the Trump assassination. Bye for now.

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