Peak Prosperity - At Best The US Secret Service Is In ‘Damage Control’ Mode
Episode Date: August 9, 2024The Secret Service’s many lapses before during and after the near-assassination of Trump are gone over in detail. Acting SS Director Ronald Rowe is caught in obvious distortions of the truth that to the level of intentional lying.
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What were the Secret Service actually up to during the day of the attempted assassination on Trump?
We're going to be looking at that today.
Hello, everyone. Dr. Chris Martinson of Peak Prosperity here,
continuing with another episode of a citizen's investigation into the attempted assassination of Trump.
There's a deafening silence going on out there. And listen, if if the whole world is not interested in it at this point in time, that's just a mysterious thing to me because it's actually one of the more seminal events of our lifetime.
So let's talk now about this particular piece, which is the bizarre
inaction of the Secret Service. What were they up to now? Why wasn't Trump pulled off the stage
prior to the shots being fired? Obviously, a lot of people have asked that question. It doesn't
feel like there's a really good answer for that. And as well, even before then, we have questions
about this so-called Pac-Man security zone, right, where they just like they they just carved out that one building that just as we detailed in yesterday's episode.
If you haven't seen it, it's about the mysterious behaviors of local law enforcement with a lot of open questions about why they left their posts, abandoned their posts.
Did they? Didn't they? Who was involved? it's just a hot mess of of conflicting stories but
now we're going to focus on the secret service and ask well this is a really weird
sort of a security operation to run here and um as well uh here in yesterday's you know every time
i do one of these episodes if you're watching this out on twitter on youtube on rumble back
at we're having full-throated conversations around these things.
And so yesterday's piece was around the abandonment of the posts in the Overwatch building that
was difficult to accept.
And here, leaving their first comment for this first time, we have Mike H. saying here
some really important stuff, noting, you know, he's an avid follower of the Peak Prosperity
Thanks, Mike.
Thank you for being part of it.
And thanks for leaving this comment, which was, quote,
the Secret Service has gone all in on relying on the supposed inability
of local law enforcement agencies to communicate with the Secret Service
by radio or in a timely fashion by any other manner,
like yelling or talking,
as their final line of defense to confine this scandal to colossal failure territory,
rather than a conspiracy to allow Trump to be assassinated, which is, of course, another hypothesis.
We can't exclude that, but you can feel just the pushing, just attempting to just like throw out really silly things.
First, Kim Cheadle, then director of the Secret Service, now thankfully not in that role anymore,
said things like, oh, the roof was too slopey.
It was too hot.
Things like that.
And obviously those were all proven very, very rapidly to be false and misstatements.
So, but why even throw out all those weird
statements? That's because it's a CYA operation in action. That's a cover your A. Right. That's
what they're doing. And you can feel it. Right. And we all know when we're being BS. Right. It's
just it's it just doesn't feel good. We can tell when we're being lied to, when we have that sort
of bureaucratic administrativies language and
siliquies coming out where they say nothing and everything at the same time. What they're really
saying is, listen, we have to cover up here. It's embarrassing and we're just going to protect
ourselves. We don't care about the truth. We don't care about what's right for the nation.
We don't care about any of that. What we care about is our own paychecks, I guess. So it's a
bizarre thing. Now, carrying on, quote,
that's the excuse for not pulling Trump off the stage prior to him being shot,
writes Mike H. here. Yeah, the story from acting director Rowe now is that they had no idea that
there was a threat situation rather than simply a suspicious person situation because they were
unable to hear any radio transmissions from local law enforcement
during that final three minutes, plus before Trump was shot.
Transmissions that included reports that Crooks was being seen on the roof by police officers.
Well, the actions of the South Facing Secret Service counter-Sniper team
prior to Crooks firing destroys Rose L rose lies there is a cell phone video
clip showing the south facing team pivoting about right coming around leaving behind their area of
responsibility to face north while trump is still talking away on the stage that's interesting so
let's go turn before we show that evidence let Let's turn now. Very quick. 30 seconds. Let's hear from. Acting director Ronald Rowe of the Secret Service here. This is NBC News reporting this. It looks like August 2nd. So this incident, in the final 30 seconds, there was
clearly radio transmissions that may have happened on that local radio net that we did not have.
All right, that's just a flat out lie. And so let's talk about why that's a flat out lie. First, we know that there were two sniper teams.
Everybody's seen the one on the north.
They go by the codename Hercules 2.
This is Hercules 1.
They're on the south barn.
And these are the ones that actually took the shot at the end of this whole thing, 15.8 seconds after the first shot.
This is the team that this whole thing 15.8 seconds after the first shot this is the team that took
the second shot i'm pretty positive it's the one closest to us out of this team of two that actually
took the shot kim cheetles called it one in a million for guys like this it's actually more
like a one in one or a one in 1.5 maybe a one in two but honestly um not that difficult a shot for
what they were facing from that particular vantage point on a clear day with very little wind.
So, well, let's just look at this and we can hear in the context of Trump's words.
I wish we had a little more. I wish we had. I need the first 30 seconds prior to this.
But this is what we have for sure.
And, you know, that's a little bit old, that chart. That chart's a couple of months old.
And if you want to really see something that said
take a look what happened those are the first three shots become the next five
all right but what you can see from this very clearly and let me just uh take the sound off
of this for a second so we don't have to listen to the sound again what we can see very clearly
is they are already swiveled north they are are on their glass, meaning they are on their scopes and they're looking north.
So they obviously, these guys are onto a threat that's significant enough that they actually left their duty of operation, which was south, abandoned it, leaving Trump exposed to anybody to the south, picked their guns up, swiveled them all the way around placed them back on their tripods glassing north before
the first shot comes so these guys knew so the question becomes well why didn't why why didn't
the actual close-in detail know like if these guys are alarmed enough to abandon their overwatch area
responsibility area and swivel all the way around to the north and glass in, why aren't the people, why hasn't Secret Service at least come up onto the stage?
Why aren't they hustling Trump off of there?
Why is any of this happening?
That's a bizarre thing that is very difficult to understand.
So again, we're missing just a little bit of this from before.
So what's already happened is, see how their guns are facing north?
They're facing north that way.
They've already, they were facing the other direction and they picked them up from facing that direction and then they faced them this way so they were facing this way and they went this
way in fact let's just look at that real quick this is what it looked like before they activated
their guns were actually not mounted on their tripods they were lying on the roof you got the
one guy over there uh on the far side on the phone talking to somebody. This guy's patrolling closer to us. He's patrolling
with his giant honking binoculars. Those things are monsters. Look at that. He's patrolling his
duty area, which is to the south, right down there. Okay. So that's how they were right before
anything happened. And then they had to take their
guns, mount them, get them on, and that's when we see them here, even before the shots happened. So
they're alarmed enough to have abandoned their actual post, picked their guns up, mounted them,
and gotten into position, so they're glassing in the time that those first three shots ring out. So
they're on it. So Secret Service has been informed.
These guys are Secret Service.
They have been informed enough to be alarmed enough to abandon their duty overwatch area and swing to the north.
So the question is, if that's the case, this isn't just a breakdown of communication between local and Secret Service.
This also, at a minimum, is a breakdown of communication within Secret Service itself.
So that much is clear.
Okay, that's just logic.
Now, what's interesting is, like, here's somebody up in the stands.
This is way before any shots are fired.
We see here clearly that, and I'm going to turn this up because you're going to want to hear this.
People in the stands are already clued in that something is wrong.
Something is off with this whole story.
So let's turn into this now and listen in.
Where are they running to?
Where are they running to?
Thank you, Trump.
Thank you, Trump. Thank you, Trump! Thank you, Trump!
This is an earlier part. This is somewhere between when we came on at 6.05 and this is before 6.08.
This is early enough on that somebody in the stands is like, where are these guys all running to?
They're already like keyed in on this so you would think that somebody is alert as secret
service plus they've got their own snipers are right up on a roof right there behind that truck
that's the north sniper team hercules two and with those are the guys who unfortunately had
the tree in the way and they're all confused and you know they can't see anything and there's
something going on but they can see all these people running. So this is just 130 yards from there to the tree line where you're going to be seeing all those other cops running around.
Remember, we showed you that there were local, state and municipal cops with guns drawn pacing around on the front of that whole thing.
So at a minimum, you got to be going something, something not cool is happening.
You would think you would key into your mic and you would tell the team down on the ground, we have a problem.
All right.
By the time random people in the stands are filming saying,
where are all these people running to?
You're thinking there's at least 15.
Well, I see there's at least 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13.
There's at least 13 secret service agents i can account
for here and there's probably some i can't because they have some um undercovers or plane clothes out
there as well but way before the shots are fired way before uh-oh uh-oh where are they running to
where are they running to yep good question now as well we know from yesterday's piece, I also pointed this out, which is that it says here that the state police at one point said, hmm, they'd gotten these texts of crooks, right?
And they're getting a little alarmed.
They're worried and got sent up the command center.
And at that point, quote, they sent a call and a text to state police.
That's the two Overwatch sniper guys.
Like, hey, what about this crooks guy?
They sent a call and a text to state police who, quote,
verbally turned right around and gave it to the Secret Service.
Oh, so it looks like there was a communication channel.
Doesn't require interoperability of radios with mission, you know, parameters or whatever.
However you put that, that other stuff.
And the warning was relayed 20 to 25 minutes before the shooting, according to Paris.
So state police, Pennsylvania, like, here you go.
We gave it to you, Secret Service.
But it implies that somewhere there was a state police person and a Secret Service person
verbally in communication right there.
So we don't need radios anymore.
So this whole idea like, oh, we just had interoperability problems.
What, you both don't speak English?
The airwaves only work for the state police that day?
Something is very wrong with the story.
And of course, we're being lied to.
And it just sucks.
But as well, remember, I pointed this out in an episode a while ago,
that the magician, that's Justice Coyote there, on Twitter said,
hey, from the Dave Stewart film, you can see this thing,
this is it earlier, before anything is going on,
you can see the quick reaction force from the locals there.
Those guys are all kitted up in the camo down there.
Let me get my little laser pointer thing.
These guys, they are standing
right below the roof here where this is sniper team the north sniper team here this is hercules
two and then hercules one would be back here you'd think if these guys are getting chatter
on their radio they could just they could just yell up hey guy hey whoa you guys hearing this
this is not good we got a guy on the roof with a rifle, right?
This would be a good thing. So remember, though, this is earlier.
This is a couple of weeks ago when Josh Hawley, Senator Josh Hawley, asked this.
Include this in the perimeter has not been relieved of duty.
What about the person who is in charge of the interoperability of radio frequencies between local law enforcement and Secret Service?
Has that person been relieved of duty?
No, Senator, because interoperability is a challenge,
is a greater challenge than just one person.
On that day, we had a counterpart system.
It failed.
We had a counterpart system.
It failed.
No, I'm pretty sure these people standing all down,
there's a way for these people to communicate.
Trust me.
You're right.
It's not just one person with radios.
That would have been cool if you all were linked up on some calm radio channels,
I guess.
I get that.
But there would be another way, obviously,
to communicate these things.
At a minimum, these guys could shout up to these guys,
and then maybe somebody could shout over to the Secret Service,
who are supposed to be getting Trump, the protectee, off the stage when threats are detected.
Happens all the time.
Threats detected, take somebody off the stage, figure out if the threat's real or not.
If the threat is real, it's been neutralized, you're pretty sure there isn't a second threat, okay.
You keep moving, put the protectee back on the stage and they can include going.
All right. Now, remember, I just love this this piece that Milk Bar TV put together because it really exposes some things for us.
Remember, as well, I'm going to combine a couple elements. Now, the top part where you see the 608 in 20 seconds.
Right. That's actually from Ron Johnson. Senator Ron Johnson released a timeline and it turns out that at 608 and 20 seconds,
a local law enforcement officer reports over their radio that there is someone on the roof of the AGR building.
We know from the FBI abate gentleman that at 606, it was detected that crooks had gotten on the roof but later
because they went to some nearby shop or store or some sort of retail establishment they pulled
their security tapes they looked at them carefully and said oh you can see him climbing on the roof
now this is a little clambering on the roof they said a little weird because i can't find an angle that would comport with that but we can talk about that in just a second so um at any rate
when you're watching this realize that it's 608 we already have local law enforcement on the other
side going hey there's a guy on the roof and at 608 32 they report that he's on the roof wearing white shorts. There's radio chatter at 20 seconds after 608.
First radio report, 12 seconds later, another one.
Hey, he's on the roof.
He's wearing white shorts.
And as we detailed yesterday, mysteriously,
there are all these plainclothes law enforcement.
I don't know if they were locals.
I don't know if they were if they were federals.
I don't know who they were, but that's the ZZ Top, the capri pants guy, plus the camo shorts guy.
I don't know, but they were all over on the side of the building that crooks could easily be seen on.
And lots of people did see him. Right. And they didn't do anything.
And we have questions about that. But even here, we're on the on the Secret Service for a moment.
So there's clearly radio chatter happening here and it's coming across. Now, I haven't heard that this radio chatter would not have reached the other local law barns we know that they were scattered throughout the audience potentially in plainclothes fashion we know they were on the south end we know
that they were all around and they had these radios so i haven't heard yet that there were
multiple different radios and that somehow there was a breakdown of radio communication within the
local law enforcement always possible but getting more and more skeptical as time goes on so he's a
valiant fighter.
He's a great, great gentleman.
So we're going to bring him up for it.
Can we bring him up for a couple of minutes?
All right.
You get ready.
It's 608.
We've got crooks on the roof.
We've got people already saying, oh, and this is a 50 second.
So it's already.
And look at this.
Nine minutes.
Four minutes are peeling off, right?
Here we are a whole minute and a half later, and there's people going, dude.
Yeah, he's laying down.
You see what I'm seeing?
This guy on the roof, right there.
Right there.
And to make sure we take back the White House, because if we do, we're going to make America better than ever before.
Just mysterious, the whole thing.
So what is he doing while all these people in the stands are filming something's going on,
here they're seeing something's going on?
Was there a Secret Service person who was embedded in this compound up here?
Were they in the building underneath where Crooks was?
I get it.
That would be super embarrassing if that's how that turned out.
I get that.
Now, when you look at it all strung together, it's a very odd thing.
Now, somehow, none of these eight here were alerted to the danger.
So there's at least eight there.
When I said I could count up to 13, I can probably go higher.
But these were the Secret Service who are the close in protection detail.
They are all around the stage.
None of them somehow were alerted.
Even though we can see they all have earpieces. Nobody got the got the wind that there was a serious problem till
after eight shots had been fired. Well, the first three, at least then some started to come up on
stage now. So the questions we have, of course, is, well, why weren't Secret Service communications
recorded that day? Who decided to exclude all those Ar buildings from the pac-man security zone like who made that
decision we deserve to know right were there really no secret service agents in the agr building
before or during the shooting or if there was then why weren't they hearing the chatter over
the radios from the local law enforcement and communicating that across their radio channels. I'm interesting question.
Who decided to place both those sniper teams for the secret service right on top of each other,
where both of them both had blocked lines of sight to parts of the AGR complex, right?
You know, seek the North people totally block side.
They couldn't see where Crooks was at all.
The South team, Hercules one, they could see where Crooks was, but they couldn't see where crooks was at all the south team hercules one they could see where crooks was but they couldn't see further over to the right so there's whole
portions of that complex were blocked off from line of sight that's kind of a no-no when you're
setting up your um your sniper nest and then when exactly was secret service alerted to the threat
to the north because we know for a fact that the south team hercules one had to pick their up, swivel them, get on and were glassing even before the first shots came.
That feels like plenty of time for them to have been alerted was plenty of time for the local close in team to have been alerted to take Trump off the stage.
But they didn't do that.
Big questions.
And then how is it possible for so many untrained people to be aware of something going on?
But Secret Service was apparently completely in the dark.
It just doesn't make any sense.
A lot of questions.
I hope these get resolved.
You can feel the CYA going on.
So at any rate, that's what I have to say about the Secret Service for now.
Obviously, it's very bizarre.
And as well, I had one other thing that was super bizarre, which was at time watching them stand him up trump up and then have him walk down the stairs didn't
make any sense at the time because how could they have known there wasn't more than one
shooter or one threat you can hear somewhere in one of the radio chatters i heard like threat is
down or something like that you know shooter down so like oh good let's just stand them up and
then you get that iconic photo of trump with his fist up and the flags and everything it just
doesn't make sense to me because they can't possibly have known that there was only one
threat and you don't stand somebody up your protectee you roll them off the back you know
the stage you just roll them off and you clunk them down and now you only have to worry about
that maybe the second shooter is in that small stand of people.
Instead of standing them up, and you have to worry about everybody in the entire horizon going out hundreds of yards.
Roll them off the back, hunch them, crouch them over, and now you only have to worry about a few people,
a very, very contained threat, sneak them around the side, throw them in the armored car, and off you go.
I didn't understand why they stood them up. That didn't make sense. Now,
what's interesting in all this is these are the kinds of questions that make a thinking person go,
hmm, maybe I don't quite know what's going on here. Something doesn't smell right. I know it's not right. I know the story I have is BS. I just don't know why yet. And so what we do, and people
have asked me, what do we do back at Peak Prosperity? And
because we chew on these things all the time. So let me just give you a quick peek behind the
curtain, what's going on over there. This is our front page. Yesterday, I put out a big, long,
another 45-minute piece beyond anything else I put out that if you're out here in what we call
public view, you wouldn't have seen it. And it's called Believe Them the First Time, and this is
how the world works. It's a point of view. It went up about six o'clock last night.
You can see it's had hearts and comments and all of that. And the comments are really important.
Oh, by the way, we're going to have our summit coming up this year in New Hampshire. If you are
a truth warrior, if you just don't like the BS, if you want to be around other people who really understand the world the way you do, think this way, talk this way, you just can't miss.
You're going to want to see that.
So here's what I did in that piece just to give you a flavor of how I roll.
I love this quote by Maya Angelou.
When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time.
Now, this works in politics.
It works in personal relationships
it works in business it's just so much easier you know instead of struggling with gosh maybe next
time that that person will be different than they were when someone shows you who they are
just believe them the first time right and so there's a lot of weird notes going on out there
in the world like this one caught me last year a lot. John Kerry, six houses, flying around in a private jet, lecturing everybody on climate change.
It's just kind of an odd hypocrisy moment.
But leaving that aside, he said this, and I couldn't believe he actually said this at the World Economic Forum.
He said, farmers must stop growing food to meet net zero goals for emissions.
That can't be right.
And that's John with a friend of his right there. OK, so sure enough, it says here Democratic President Joe
Biden's climate czar, John Kerry, is calling for farmers to stop growing food in order to meet the
administration's radical net zero goals for lowering emissions that can't be right it just
it just can't be but look at this here's a direct quote he told the audience that quote we can't get
to net zero we won't get this job done unless agriculture is front and center as part of the
solution kerry warned attendees that his and other world leaders' lives depend on farmers ceasing their operations.
Now, I don't know what's happening here again, but I can smell the BS.
Something's wrong with this.
Like, hello, John Kerry, if farmers don't farm, then there won't be food and people will starve.
I mean, is this really the world we're living in?
So I'm watching and I'm struggling with elites.
There's this big breakdown in elites.
And so the reason I went into this deeper with subscribers yesterday is because we have to begin to understand what the actual plan is. And so now that mysteriously Kamala
Harris has suddenly become the world's somehow just seamlessly became the darling of a lot of
people on the Democrat side, she's just jumped in with both feet. And this this is where this is
where they're starting. So so let's listen in on this. When elected with your help, I will give the United States Congress 100 days to pull their act together on this and put a bill on my desk for signature. And put in place a comprehensive background check requirement and end and ban the importation of assault weapons into our country.
And there's one point that I want to add here.
The criticism from some of my friends on the debate stage has been, well, then what happens when a Republican comes in office?
Well, you know what my response is to that?
We'll deal with that in eight years.
This bothers me a lot.
And the reason it bothers me a lot is that is that you go from somebody like Kerry saying something is inane as, you know, farmers are a threat to my life.
And those of other world leaders, because what they do, just grow food, which is, listen, John, that's not the threat.
The threat to the climate is you owning six houses and flying around in private jets and you and all
of your elite buddies flying all over the world and having mega yachts. That would be a legitimate
threat. You could start there because you could actually do something about it. Instead, we're
getting lectured and harangued. But this, that isn't the deal. The deal is to control us. And they're showing us who they are, right? And they're saying,
we're going to control you. And they think so little of us that they're just going to lie to
us all the time now. It's just reflexively. It's a matter of course. You don't deserve the answers
to this, little people. We're just going to tell you complete BS. It was the interoperability of
the platforms that allowed us to leave this pac-man security defense and then do nothing well there's a guy with a gun on a roof like how are we to know you know it's not like it's our job
and we've been doing this a long time it's just it's it's insulting is what it is and by the way
one of the first things that happens before cultures go off the rails and mass atrocities
happen is they seize guns.
So that's how I see this.
I'm a huge Second Amendment fan because I do believe that I don't believe in humans.
I have a lot of the putting your faith in humans is a bad idea.
And the Founding Fathers knew that, of course.
And so we're watching this happen now in real time.
There's a program running.
And I think we need to understand what that program is. If we want to have a chance of really a not having this thing go off the rails completely, these people are going to break the system. They're going to break it. They might break the states apart.
They're going to break our economy. They're going to make our prosperity go backwards.
They're going to end up in doing things that could easily result in what we call mass atrocities
because they're in service to an ideology that's just different.
And I don't agree with it.
So that's why I do what I do.
You know, maybe this meme captures it reasonably well.
Now, Truman V, writing in yesterday's thread,
so I could give you a peek behind the curtain,
he said, hey, Chris, fine summary video rounding up some of the wider perspectives, because I like to back up to big picture now and then.
A few responses to some of the points he said,
Well, Truman writes, if their vision is to be served filet mignon and lobster on some paradisical distant atoll while manipulating certain joysticks up and down,
that is indeed an empty fantasy, but we can expect such absurd, destructive,
and self-defeating ideas from people who don't know a Phillips head from a straight-edge
screwdriver. Lack of practical knowledge leads directly to lack of practical wisdom.
Perfect, right? This is the kind of conversations we're having. I think you should come and be part
of Peak Prosperity because you need to understand these perspectives.
If you see the world this way, then you at least have a chance of understanding how and
why it's unfolding the way it is.
These people have a very dangerous ideology.
They lack practical knowledge.
And they lack a sense of historical grounding.
And we're headed in a very dangerous direction as a country.
And that's why I am doing what I can to hopefully expose a chink in the armor through the Trump assassination, because it clearly shows the underbelly of something that is deeply, deeply rotten. And this idea, I'm really worried that we're being taken over by people who lack practical knowledge and therefore they lack practical wisdom. As well, another peak, Gio wrote,
I believe that first and foremost, we do not fight the battle that they want us to fight upon the
battleground of their making. In general, we can do our best to undermine their narrative of lies,
and they're setting up one group against another. Perfect. Exactly right. If you know my framing,
you know that I talk about how we are being treated like rats in a cage or ants in a jar. Right. They put us in the cage and they get us to fight with each other about things that are ultimately meaningless to the fact that while we're doing that, they are busy securing more power, you know, rigging elections, you know, lying, gaslighting, you know, all that stuff and haranguing us that that we are the carbon that needs to be reduced while they fly around in private jets.
It's just it's just a hot mess of inconsistencies and incoherent hypocrisy.
So that's why I do what I do, because we need to bring truth and integrity back into the
We need to have some sort of a moral grounding.
That's not we make it up as we go and just no cultural sense of history or anything.
C. Kessel wrote in response to Gio said, I share your action plan to Gio working within the community
to counteract the narratives as part of my daily routine, regardless of where I am or what group of people I find myself in.
Being constantly observant of the people in conversations going on around me is like having a barometer of reality planted on my face. The challenge is always trying to find a
comment or action that would lead someone to possibly change their mind about the narratives
being run on us. And that's exactly what's been happening. We're in the middle of a very powerful
narrative control machine. It can turn the dial really quickly. When it does, oops, we're in the middle of a very powerful narrative control machine it can turn the dial really
quickly when it does oops we're not even talking about the trump assassination anymore but oops
we're not even talking about what happened during covet even though some really bad things not
happen very bad things around that oops we're not talking about the fact that there is a war
against farmers going on right now oops we're not talking about the fact that inflation is just going to rip everybody's face off coming soon because of what the Federal Reserve is doing and the federal government.
Oops, we're not talking about the fact that we have a runaway fiscal train wreck going on in D.C.
Oops, we're not talking about all that stuff.
So they're going to throw out a bunch of red meat this time to get everybody fighting with each other.
And they're going to make it about guns and abortion and all the usual stuff right meanwhile the real things are happening behind
the scenes and the way we get to that is by adhering rigorously to what we know to be true
the data to the truth as much as we possibly can and that's why i do what i do so i invite you if
you want to be part of a group of people who are resisting the BS in our own ways, and we're not going to be rats in a cage, and we're not going to be anybody's patsy, and we're not going to be anybody's gentle sheep going into the good night, then come by Peak Prosperity.
Check us out.
We'd love to have you there.
That's why I do what I do.
And ultimately, it's about, hey, can we become resilient and prosperous and ignore all this nonsense
that's going on as much as possible?
But unfortunately, I don't think they want to let us.
They're not going to.
There's no ignoring it.
Unfortunately, we can't ignore it anymore because they won't allow us.
If they would just go over there and do their nonsense and we could just be over here
ignoring the nonsense, that would be one thing.
But they insist that we participate in their nonsense and they won't take no for an answer.
And that's why we need to become a tribe and get to know each other better.
All right. Well, that's all I have to say on that for now.
I'll have something to say about something else later. Count on it.
With that, thanks very much for listening. And I hope to see you at Peak Prosperity. Bye for now.