Peak Prosperity - Because the FBI and DHS are Stonewalling the Investigation
Episode Date: September 21, 2024More than two months after the first assassination attempt against trump we still don’t know the answers to shockingly basic questions....
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Hello, everyone. I'm Dr. Chris Martinson of Peak Prosperity, and I am still continuing on with this, which is a citizen's investigation into the Trump shooting in Butler, Pennsylvania.
And the official investigations are actually going nowhere, but they've led to these absolutely unbelievable questions that we're going to have to go into. First, we're looking here at Senator Josh Hawley's whistleblower report.
It just came out on September 16th here, and it's pretty good as far as these things go.
But within that report, he's asking questions like this.
Who within the Secret Service or DHS made the decision to deny counter sniper coverage to the rooftop
from which Thomas Crooks shot former President Trump on July 13th. How is this even a question?
It's September 20th. This happened July 13th. We are more than two months and a week past that
and a U.S. senator is asking asking who was it that made the decision to not
actually cover that roof which we all know should have been covered and he's
saying here Josh Hawley says that to date Secret Service and DHS are
provided virtually no answers there remain many outstanding questions yeah
these should not be questions at this point that that's what's unbelievable these are unbelievable questions it's unbelievable that we still are asking
these questions this late in the game it's unbelievable um so excuse me phone just seems
to be going off here so hush thanks always always always silence your phone rookie mistake um and uh he's asking too when
will secret service or dhs publicly name the lead site agent for the rally and the lead agent for
the butler vision who was in charge who was in charge like oh this is like some big state secret
no no this is that's like saying who was it that ran the boat into the bridge in Baltimore?
Like, oh, yeah, we can't tell you.
Super secret.
We can let you know it was somebody with the title Captain.
We can't tell you who it was.
Of course you need to know.
You need to know who the pilots were for the plane that went down.
You need to know who it was that actually pulled
the trigger in a murder investigation i mean this is just like absolutely the most basic of possible
stuff and we are being denied the most basic possible stuff this is unacceptable full stop
completely unacceptable how is it that we've devolved so far as a nation that this is acceptable on any level to deliver this level of non-answer and for people to go, oh, well, what are you going to do?
So carrying on, here's some speculation.
So we are running the citizens investigation.
Thank you to everybody there at Peak Prosperity in the forums who just doing an absolutely spectacular job.
They have these these people have figured out pretty much everything.
If anybody really wants to know what's going on in the investigation, come on by,
and you can go to Peak Prosperity's website, you go to news and current events,
and there's all sorts of threads there.
This is a thread titled, Why Aren't Investigators Asking the Right Questions?
And Pirin put this comment down just a couple days ago.
He said, quote, either Nichols is the primary shooter, or he set up the room for the primary shooter.
So this is a speculation that is still legitimate.
You can make this speculation because the investigators have not done a proper job
of providing us with the questions that they would have asked about.
In this case, Nichols is the name, or Nichol, is it Greg Nichol?
I don't know if there's an S on the end of it.
I'm pretty sure it's just Greg Nichol.
He was one of the two counter-snipers from the locals, Beaver and Butler County, who
were in that room in the perfect position to potentially stop this whole thing.
And we don't know anything about where they were, but like, where were they?
And nobody's bothered to tell us where they were.
Why weren't they in the room?
If they were in the room, why weren't they looking out the window?
If they were looking out the window, why weren't they calling or alerting or anybody or shooting,
you know, crooks, etc.?
Lots of questions, and we have those questions because nobody, nobody yet,
has pulled these two up onto the stand and asked them questions in a public way
so we can see for ourselves what
the answers are so pierron says well speculating that nickels nickel is the primary shooter set it
up and they had everything ready to go quote it was two days before the rnc convention and trump
hadn't yet picked a running mate cnn was there to record the kill haley was at the rnc to take the
nomination after they blew Trump's head apart.
Then it wouldn't matter whether Kamala won or Haley won.
The deep state would have had their puppet in the White House.
Absolutely right.
Unfortunately for them, their man missed the shot.
Now here we are in the middle of a sloppy cover-up.
We shouldn't be having these sorts of speculations.
We have them because there's a complete vacuum of information.
Because they just waltzed off and totally forgot about this investigation they're going to do
what they always do in the swamp they're going to slow roll this then they're going to put out a
really stupid sloppy report like the one remember the one from nist that said uh yeah the world
trade center seven just sort of fell down due to. Here's our model that shows it crumpling and twisting as it falls.
Like, it didn't do that.
It fell like...
Anyway, it's just how they roll.
So you smell what I smell.
This has an odor.
Very bad.
Mike Benz asking the question,
so Benny Johnson in the center breaking a Secret Service investigation
into the security breakdowns that led to the attempted assassination of Donald Trump revealed that agents
never directed local police to secure the roof of the building used by the gunman. Oh, well,
they said they did. But now they say now somebody says they didn't. We're going to have to get to
that. And we have a Chuck Grassley document asking the same questions. It shouldn't be asked this late in the game.
This is totally unacceptable.
Mike Benz speculating, they deliberately left the roof unguarded,
likely because a small compartmentalized cell inside DHS had advanced awareness
through informants in Crook's encrypted chat network that we've heard about
of his intent to go up on the roof to shoot Trump during the speech.
Again, this is just my
opinion because I've seen this movie so many times before. Obviously, I'm not reporting this as fact.
It's just my working theory that congressional investigators should assume as a default of what
happened unless evidence dispels it. Right there with you, 100%. And by the way, a hat tip to
Winston 2020, again, in one of our forum threads, surfacing these sorts of
comments and Twitter pieces and things like that. Now, Josh Hawley's report, highly critical of the
Secret Service, of DHS, FBI. His executive summary says, in part, quote, following this catastrophic
failure on July 13th, the Secret Service, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Department of Homeland Security have all tried to evade real accountability.
These agencies and their leaders have slow-walked congressional investigations,
misled the American people, and shirked responsibility.
So they've had to turn to whistleblowers, and they've gotten a variety of whistleblowers.
So this is from Josh Hawley's whistleblower report.
Now, switching over for a second, we have Grassley. Chuck Grassley's latest missive came out on September 17th. This is to Director Rowe, Ronald Rowe, acting director of the U. until July 13th. On August 19th and September 4th,
the Secret Service responded
that it would not provide responses to my request
due to other ongoing investigations and reviews.
Oh yeah, we couldn't possibly...
Because if we gave you some information
and then we have to make it up differently
and we've already given you this other information, it can information can make things complicated we got to get all our lies straight
first then well then we'll tell you what those were that's how you can interpret
this I'm not saying that's what's happening here but of course that's an
easy sort of a conclusion you could come to when you get stonewalled is because somebody's lying to you. I have a rule in life.
It goes like this.
If, say, cops are involved in a shooting, and it's a good shoot, right?
You get that video usually that day, maybe the next day, but it comes out pretty quick,
and everybody goes, well, righteous shoot right there um if it's not a good shoot because they happen
takes years to get that uh video evidence out has to be foiled somebody has to sue for it
there's court cases that they try and block it sometimes the evidence goes missing so that means
it's a bad shoot so when you get the data right away, when people are forthcoming, usually means they're in the clear.
When they're not forthcoming, usually means they're not in the clear.
So just rule of life. That's how I go. This is the equivalent of slow rolling the shooting video.
Just like now we can't get that up now. Here's Grassley Secret Service. This is really important. OK, he says here that in response to the July 30th hearing.
About whether there were explicit instructions to local law enforcement to cover the roof of the AGR building.
So this is directly to Reginald Rowe.
He was Ronald Rowe.
He was he was under oath or whatever it is.
I mean, he's he's in front.
He's given testimony.
I don't know what kind of Bible swearing they have to do for that.
But anyway, he was at the July 30th hearing. Quote, you testified that it was your understanding.
What was communicated is that the locals had a plan and that they had been there before.
Well, vague. However, Butler County law enforcement officials interviewed by my staff have said that on July 11th, 2024,
just two days before the shooting, during a walkthrough in preparation for the July 13th
rally, they raised concerns to the Secret Service several times about securing the AGR building,
complex buildings. Those law enforcement personnel said concerns about securing the
AGR complex building were specifically flagged
for two Secret Service agents and a Secret Service counter sniper. Three people from the Secret
Service. The locals are like, dude, what are you going to do about this building complex? Kind of
looks like it's hard to defend. Like, what's the plan? Okay. Butler County law enforcement officials
here carrying on quoting from Grassley's document said they told the Secret Service counter sniper that they didn't have the manpower to cover the AGR complex buildings.
And they asked that the whole area be locked down.
And to not let people in that area, because based on their knowledge of that area, they believe people would gather there to see former president trump butler county law enforcement officials stated that at several
times during the walkthrough when they reiterated their concerns to the agents in countersniper
about securing the agr complex buildings the agents responded we will take care of it end quote
okay so this is pretty bad the The Secret Service won't tell us
who was in charge of the site. They won't tell us what decisions were made. They won't tell us
what they said. They said, oh, we communicated clearly to the locals that they were in charge
of the roof. And the locals said, nah, right. Okay. We need answers to this. This is actually
the crux of the whole thing right here. Okay. So this is bad. This is bad. Somebody is lying here.
Normal investigation. You kind of pick it apart to figure out who's doing the lying.
OK, now this is from back to Josh Hawley's report.
He said here the resulting findings are highly damaging to the credibility of Secret Service and DHS. They reveal a compounding pattern of negligence, sloppiness, and gross incompetence that goes back years,
all of which culminated in an assassination attempt that came inches from succeeding.
Chief among them are, first bullet point, the Secret Service's Counter Surveillance Division,
which performs threat assessments of event sites, did not perform a typical evaluation of the Butler site
and was not present on the day of the rally.
Now remember, early, early on, we surfaced a video from a woman
who had been to like 100, 150 Trump rallies.
She's a vendor, so she'd seen lots of different sites.
Said this site in Butler immediately had her spidey senses going off
because, in her own estimation, the lines of fire were not secure normally they would bring in large trucks
filled with sand they would position large pieces of equipment if there were any line of fire
concerns she said she couldn't believe what she was seeing complete open lines of fire out across
the road to the agr complex etc etc. So this is just normal stuff.
The Secret Service says, well, we didn't even perform one of those.
And then they, of course, declined multiple offers to use drones.
And local law enforcement said, hey, we got drones.
And they're like, nah, no, they're too complicated.
The cell phone towers can't quite handle it or something,
even though, of course, Crooks flew a drone.
And then Secret Services Office of Protective Operations Manpower told agents in charge of security for the Butler rally not to request additional security resources because they would be denied. And then on July 13th, law enforcement personnel abandoned the rooftop,
and we're still unclear about this, of the AGR Building 6,
the roof from which Thomas Crooks shot, because of hot weather.
And then they said, no, we didn't leave because of hot weather,
but it's floating back up that maybe they left because of hot weather.
The roof was hot.
It wasn't too hot for the Secret Service snipers on the other roofs,
but these guys are too hot, so they left.
Not how this works.
No, this is not how these things go.
You don't just go, you know, it's a little hot, abandon my post.
And then even if you did and you cranked open all those windows on the south side of that tall building facing Trump,
Secret Service just said, uh-uh, close those windows back down.
And even if all that happened, you still would have had people in that room.
There were two secret, two counter snipers from locals in that Overwatch building.
And they would have, could have, should have been there.
So we have questions about this.
You don't just walk off and abandon the post because it's too hot.
And then forget to look out the windows.
It's just, no.
I'm sorry.
There's really ridiculously incompetent policing. And then there's that. That's too far. It's just, no, I'm sorry. There's really ridiculously incompetent policing.
And then there's that.
That's too far.
It's a bridge too far.
Sorry, can't buy it.
And then they go with this.
The agent with specific responsibility for security
at the rally site, including line of sight concerns,
was known to be incompetent.
That incompetence led to the placement of items
like flags around the butler stage and catwalk,
impairing visibility,
and putting both the snipers on top of each other and behind a tree which blocked their view and
nobody on the most obvious place so this thing going with the incompetence they're going to try
and go with this as if it was a bug in the system what if that's the feature in the system
did somebody put somebody who was known to be incompetent specifically because they were
incompetent? That's a question we might have. So remember, any proper investigation will be asking
who exactly made the decision to let Trump take the stage before he got on? Let him stay up there.
Specifically, when these gentlemen down here were swiveling around on a threat
and dialing in and putting fingers on triggers and all of that.
And Trump was still speaking.
Who was that?
And then I'm just going to keep harping on this.
So important.
So where were those two local snipers, Nicol and Mirko?
Where were they?
The options.
They were both in place where they should have been.
But for some reason, they didn't do anything.
Or one was in place where they should have been.
The other abandoned their post.
We have questions about why did one abandon,
but then of the one who stayed in their position,
why didn't you do anything?
Both abandoned their posts.
Or either or both of them were called away by someone else.
And so those are the options.
We should know which option is correct.
No matter which option is correct, we got questions.
So, hey, who left four windows open?
This is just seconds before the shooting, right?
And apparently they left their posts.
That's the story.
But they left their posts with the windows open with sniper gear up there too many questions it's
still just 100 unbelievable implausible no no good right um and why didn't the protective detail
respond who were around trump despite all this activity they left Trump on the stage until the shooting started pretty much about a minute and a half after these two dial around and get busy.
And we just all mysterious crooks was just wandering all over the place.
He was seen by everybody spotted at least five times on video, never with a backpack.
Still have questions about that disappeared from law enforcement view between 545 and 605, at which point he gets up on the roof somehow,
and he lounged up there for a couple minutes before at 608 he's seen again,
and then he has two and a half completely unmolested minutes to get set up
and lie down on that too hot, over-slopey roof and take a shot.
Local law enforcement had three snipers in perfect position.
One of them left, and that left Greg Nickel and Murko,
and Greg apparently left that post at 6.06,
just three minutes after Trump took the stage, if you can believe that.
And we have no accounting of his whereabouts between 6.06
and when he reappears at 6.12, coming out of a building door
in the building from which Crooks had been shooting left three
windows open facing trump and no accounting of murko's whereabouts have been provided to date
zero zip none i don't know why nobody on in holly or grassley are asking these questions you need to
be asking these questions i guarantee you you'll find some stuff out and secret service you know
they had counter snipers on trump for the
first time ever just thought that would be a good idea but deployed them really stupidly instructed
local law enforcement inside building six positions to the southwest corner according to the locals
didn't meet attend meetings or suddenly can't remember attending them uh no day of briefing
with the locals didn't use local provided radios. Declined refused the drone. Didn't even communicate within themselves.
And didn't interview or debrief any law enforcement, local law enforcement as of August 9th.
I bet they still haven't done it.
Oh, we'll get to it.
When everybody's memories are completely clouded, faded, and cover stories have been properly bulletproofed.
I think.
Let everybody go home less than an hour and a half after the shooting, cleansed the crime scene, as they're known to do, released the entire crime scene by day three, even though kicking everybody else off, released Crooks' body for cremation without really notifying anybody else, and have provided very little information so far. I believe this is the best summation that we can get of the FBI's action so far from Len
Corsetti. And we have questions. All right, everybody, I am going to have to go to part
two of this is for my subscribers back at peak prosperity time for reality check. Look, war is
on the way. Lots of things are about to start really getting spicy i don't know that we
are going to make it to pass the election much without something really dynamic happening that's
a euphemism for stuff's about to get crazy so i want you to be resilient prepared that's what we
do at peak prosperity if you're interested in exploring these things with an open mind around
other really intelligent people please consider coming coming to Peak Prosperity,
becoming a member, we would love to have you there
because we need to, it's time folks,
we gotta join together, we've gotta join forces
and we're gonna be really needing community
in a big way as we go forward.
So with that, thanks very much for listening.
Remember, let's keep the pressure on this investigation.
We deserve better. And remember, it doesn't have to be this way. Until next time, I'm Chris Martinson
signing off.